53455846 2 color paracord survival bracelet[1]

Paracord SUTviival Bracelet

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Paracord SUTvi iva l Bracelet

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Pa'r'aco'rd, Bracele't I:nstru'ction's

How' to Make 2 color Survival Bracelets

Each bracelet is in effect a t miniature survival kit,

holding l 0 feet of 55'0 paracord.

Use : m t to construct an emergency shelter.': ~.

or repair YOlIT rucksack with the yarns in , the central core.

P a r ' I_ > Q " c · · · · ·'[ 'd ' l l i ~ iS s t r ' o. . 'n . .g..... n , 4 - " " 4 - " "_ rn. . ., . . ~ ,.;. ~lLU,l,.'." . -

Itwas used in , the suspension l ines. of U 'S parachu tes in , ''''VII.The 1~550cord" typically ' used in,paracord bracelets

has a minimum breaking s t rength , of 5 5 0 ' m b (250k,g).

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Paraeord Bracelet Materials

• . . 5 teet (I '.Sm) of paracord in, one color

• 5 : , · ,e · e , · , · ' tI S m ). . . •o f p a r . a c o r d in a n o. .nhe..' r ' c o " ' l li io , '. ', · , r '*. , . . . . " ' . ' ' ,. , " , " . " " ' . L . i [ . 1 . 1 ! . . ' " , ' . ..IlL. ,U '.,', .... . ". '.,.

• 2 1 /2 feet (75cm) of paracord inwhatever COmOI '

• Scissors

• Lighter

• Optional: needle and thread

'*Ifyoujust 1 r j . V , a n t a sinele-color paracord bracelet.1 , " 6" •

then ' '' J . . '' ', .. ' .,.,'t' f-: ,,',·.....d . .: lit feet .., y r · . . 'c, ....c:.·,.· ..·, d . . . .· , ' ~ ' : " " , , ' ' . ' , . " · · · . .· , · · 1 : : . ' · · , ·.[,i, , en J O'UI.JU~,t nee·.· , , '.v. ee, 0J 'P ,G r,acor· ;,tn Q,ne cotor

instead of in/va ,5-foot lengths.

The most popular cord :forparacord bracelets : m sc a n e d I n l 5 5 0 cord".

It!s ab011t 1 /5 I~( 5 'nun) in diameter.

The Kerf, COI1(i in the Bracelet i s . a Smm Cllmblng ROlJe ,rated to 1000 Ih -,almost twice as strong as 550 Paracord.

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Pa:raco.rd ,B'r,R.celet Inst:rnctioDsStep 1 _,Set Bracelet Size

Double over theZ l 1 . 2 foot length of paracord,and tie a simple overhand knot1inch or . 2 from the Ioose ends .

Check , the size of th e bracelet

by putting the ]001'1 over the knot like below, ,,' ",,' , ·,b " '. " ' " , "'r" ',", ,"', . "",I, , ,, ' ", "' ,

TIlls w ill be th e size of the bracelet :

It's best to make the bracelet slightly loose.

The band will becam e fa tte r and fit more tightly once it's finished.

Don't worry too much about getting the size exactly right at this stage,

because you'll 'have a chance to fine-tune it later,

O ,,'I', I " , , ·11 ., 1 1 rona Il.

For a sharper look' and more SeC1IT'e closure,

L L S e a Lanvard Knot'I

instead of a simple overhand knot.

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S~ t· . 2 ,_ J ' . . . . . . L I' o p.1..... , .:T···,' . th ,~ep , .rnm r on,g leces" egemer

Note: Sllip this stepifyou 're making

Q: single-color paracord bracelet... 0• •• I ..• , " . \ ..•.•.....•.. I. I .•

J.,..,..t · · , · , · , c r : · . . ,.th......., : ' h · · . . 2 '" ~ I I · : · , . . , . . . . . . , . , . " " " " " ' : : " . . " " ifu. '" '1:''' .e - . . . : d, om ogetr ,er ie , ionger pieces 0 .paracor "

PII t:

on e c..ord in..no····he·····,ther and burn it t0 : '

join them. . . . , ' , ' . ' . . . . ' , . , i l l . . " . ' . . . . . . . ' . u.· , .., .,.;." .....IIL" ','." .,

Don't worry if yourjoin isn't the neatest,

because it will 'be hidden on the inside of the bracelet.

JlLStmake sure that Vall 'melt down a l l y " scratchy edges .... , ". . .". . ',}. ,'. ". ,.. . ,., , . ': . . .., ':' . . '.:, .,

because the join will lie directly against your wrist,

Reinforce the join with a few stitches through itW 'i th ..r . .· ,· · . .dle 'L idth "-ad H " . , ,,I,,, m !I:,,'~. the , t ' 1 ' . ade ..·,_ " . , i l l n ,ee,lIle an ,:. " re: ., . ..,ere s aJoln, ""a", rnau,e.,

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St 3 C""b Stlt h,ep ,. '. ,. " ,0 " ra , '," J r 'c "

Arrange the paracord pieces in , a nTI~I,

with the long, joined piece behind the short piece.

The join , in , the long piece

should sit directly beneath the short piece.

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Now comes a Knot called Cobra Stitch,

or ,SOIO,I,'I10ll Bar or Portuguese Sinnet.

Ist YOlI take the right ann of the "T"

and throw it over to the left ,_,n my case,that's the red strand.

,2nd feed the left (black) strand

th r h th m d the ri hhrougr the oop marie on the ng it,'!!:lIS' th , ' o-r'~ e '· " " ' 0 ' a r r ' I ' ' 0 · · ' ' '' ' '' ~ : j s · · · · h , .- , O · . , - , :~ 1 S , " . he· · ' r 'e , · . " . ,iU!. '.' . '. 5,J. '!i,.i.., . _ -- , .. -. V~ ",.' .. \~V '., '.. '. .,

Here's a series of photos to make it clearer.When YOlI tighten the knot,

~......'.. bout ']u .(.2 " ) ~ ' . , . ) . . . ofI"". the t - . ' . .. , '. I" . . . . , '. '. , " . ' ' . . " . ', ' . ', ' . . , . . " . - ' , - ' . 'eave a. ,Oll. , ...'.,. em:, 0 " oop a .'.e,op.,

Make y'OlIT' knots firm, but not too tight.

(Too tight and the bracelet will be stiff and inflexible.)

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You can, bunch the stitches closer together

by , holdinz onto the overhand knot at the bottom of the bracelet, ' " , , , " b " , ' , ' " , " , " , " , _ L ' , ' " . , ' , . ' , ' " " " " " ' ,' , , , ' , ' , " " " " " ,

d hi th br rit h t d , hel t , th t, ' .. '. l"·· ," i " "...... ,",. ," ". '[ [ . ' ," "',i 'I . .. ....••• ' '7 s : ' : . , < " : ' , " . " , , " , . ' , ' . "t' I, ," . r , " , ' : "an ,PlIS mg n e co, a S J,e es up towar , e oop a " , e top,

Put something through the loop Ist (e.g, a ruler),

h _ h 1 1 1 1 ~ i l l " . , h £ = 1 - ' " hto stop t 'e stitc res sliding right 0 ., 1 tl e top.

K " " : " ' : : " ' , " ' ", '" ddi""I", ' C " ;, " b '" til" S n t c h ', 's .eep a t , " , mg t.0 11 a " ,I,.C t28

until YOlI get to within about ll2U (Icm)

of the granny knot at the bottom.

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O · · t · III' · , , ' 1 ·1 1 . mna ..Use needle and thread to fasten

h d bra-sf h (·R d )'' , ,,. ," ,"

t "e e:n -most co .. · ·-s titc r • ....e ....

to the central core of paracord (Black),

a t th e ,po siti o n, o f the green arrow ,

This stops the cobra-stitchesfrom sliding along the centra l core,

and makes sure thatthe '] . ' ~ Iloop at the end.'.'". ·t.....,.' '.... .......smys the correc t size.

Put the bracelet around your 'W ris t a nd check the fit,Ad i . th ~ :' f th ha dk .djust the positron 0 ,u e o'veT .". . .n· cnot

to make the bracelet tighter or looser ..

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S 'te 'p 4 - Tid ,y U 'p L oose ' 'E n ,d .s

After checking that YOlIT bracelet is the r ight size,.,I·! .! ff 11 1 ' ~ I I -h ' ~ I I . . . . 1 ' ' ' ' ;it s time to snrp 0 ,1 all tr e roose enos,

You'll have ,2loose ends from the overhand knot,and ,2 ,loose ends fromthe Cobra S tich .

PI' k ] 1 ' T I l l d -" hC" , JIlo o s,een ; to s ta rt wit -..

C 1 1 t it short,

to le ave abou t ]l41' (,5 mm) P okin a ou t of"the 'bracelet7 ". ", _ ". . • .• "" . " ", . " '.. .: ", ..... ., .~) . " • " . " .• ~ . .• ..". ", .,.

M 1 1 t.,.~: d wi h ' ~ I I " hlt this en ,witl a ng .-'er,

and press on,the molten end with a wet finger.'r l " " , , ! ; . ' f ". .luS stops It ' . ray~l l ing"

B y : ' pressina 011 the end,.._..

h it i f h haou Sql18S" it mto a sort 0 , lULlS rroom s :.,'pe,

which stops itworking loose.

Repeat for the other loose ends.