5373n n1n9 k3y fram35

5373n N1n9 K3y Fr4m35 Se7en Nine Key Frames (Translated by Bing) Supported by JD and Coke AKA ‘The’ Jack Donovan

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Post on 07-Jan-2017




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5373n N1n9 K3y Fr4m35

Se7en Nine Key Frames (Translated by Bing) Supported by JD and Coke AKA ‘The’ Jack Donovan

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The Production company is featured at the forefront of the sequence as they are the most vital and important in the piece. Their funding created the film.

New Line Cinema is famous for allowing their companies name to be inducted into the sequence in a way that fits the film its producing

Here the New Line name is presented in a font used throughout the sequence, a construed and unbalanced font. Unnatural and incongruous to the viewer

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The theme of incongruity and the thriller genre have a symbiotic relationship. As is most evident in this frame.

This frame gives the name of the director who again is pivotal to the production. But this is not the directed credit. As the director commonly appears twice in the sequence. Almost to solidify their importance.

This frame is the giveaway as to the genre of which the film is part of. The disfigured images are a motif of the sequence.

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The title of the film is given subsequent to the director and production company as they are the creators.

The title is shown in a similar distortion as the rest of the sequence, suggesting that perception is symbolic for the film.

The title itself is a symbol of the film and the blur alludes to the mystery that is central to the film.

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This frame alludes to psychopathy and a certain order the faceless character has for his memorabilia.

The frame suggests order among disorder. Suggesting how a perturbed mind can see order in such chaos.

Even among squalor the frame portrays insanity in an artistic way. Exposition as to the nature of the film but still mystery.

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Blurring the lines between intelligence and insanity is the forefront of the modern thriller genre. Often times insanity coming from too much intelligence leading to extreme empathy and a want to help them stop living a bad life.

This is almost a secret service level of censorship suggesting secrets and mystery to the story

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The casting crew are placed in the sequence following the leads (Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman.) This follows a logical hierarchy of importance and tradition.

The imagery behind the casting is symbolic of an erasing. The cast losing their character and themselves, being consumed by the film.

The title of sequence of Se7en has little to do with the narrative, it is entirely just an immersion as to how the film is going to be portrayed

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Incongruity is synonymous with the thriller genre, often using films as expeditions into the depth of which they can take the genre

This frame shows that the thriller genre is not made to please the audience. It’s made to test them, an examination of their moral boundaries and what is acceptable in contemporary media.

This frame is designed to disgust the viewer. As to many this title sequence makes for uneasy watching. It places the viewer on edge and causes them to tenuously watch the remainder of the film.

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Returning to the former point on thrillers being a test of the audience, one phobia common among many people is needles. So the mere appearance of razors, dead skin and needles in this title sequence is no coincidence it’s genius on the part of David Fincher

While discomfort while viewing may seem illogical to a filmmaker it invokes curiosity; causing the viewer to question what could possibly be next? Making them watch the film further, making people talk about it

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Finally the religious connotation, because nothing has more ties to unwarranted bloodshed and violence.

It has become close to cliché in the genre that religious justification for murder is the antagonists primary directive.

The fact ‘God’ is being removed in this frame suggests an abandonment of God felt through the film