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Post on 18-Oct-2015




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This is an essay collections from various sources by Sor Sivaluk on Democracy and the Monarchy in Thailand.


  • 1


    1 PDF . (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/legalcode) 2550 ... .. 2484 28 .. 2550 2550 : 1 1. http://www.sulak-sivaraksa.org/th/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=229&Itemid=1 2. 31 2 2549 ( ) 3. : http://www.prachatai.com/05web/th/home/page2.php?mod=mod_ptcms&ContentID=3498&SystemModuleKey=HilightNews&System_Session_Language=Thai 4. : http://www.sulak-sivaraksa.org/th/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=267&Itemid=3 5. . http://www.sulak-sivaraksa.org/th/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=260&Itemid=25 6. http://midnightuniv.org/midnight2544/0009999788.html : : http://www.semsikkha.org/review/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=201&Itemid=15

  • - - () () ( ) cui brono () mystery myth . () ( ) . . myths God cui bono

  • Manufacturing Consent () ( ) myth ( assassinated) ( ) ( ) .

  • - - () cui brono ( myth ) ( ) ( ) Gross National Happiness Gross National Products

  • ( , )

    : ( )

    cui brono - -

  • ( .. ) ( ) () ( ) () () () ( ) () () Gross National Happiness () (monoculture)

  • . : 5 ... 28 2549 - 1 .. .. 1 .. Modern Thai Monarchy and Cultural Politics edited by David Streckfuss (1996)

  • () (.. ) 2 () .. ( .. ) () The Rise and Decline of Thai Absolutism The End of the Absolute Monarchy in Siam (OUP Singapore 1984) 2 (.. )

  • (Restoration) () () 3 ) ) ) ) ( .. .. ) ( . .. )

    3 Hirohito by Herbert P. Bix (Harper Perenial) 2001 (.. )

  • 4

    . .. () () () () () God King and Country

    4 ()

  • 5 6 () The Devils Discus by Rayne Kruger (1964) () The Revolutionary King by William Stevenson (1999) () The King Never Smiles by Paul M. Handley (2006) ..

    5 King Bhumibol: Strength of the Land .. .. 6 Asian Human Rights Commission, Publisher charged with lese majeste, 10 April 2006 (www.ahrchk.net/ua/mainfule.php/2006/1651)

  • 7 8

    7 () 8 ()

  • . : - - ( ) 9 9

  • .. Constitutional Monarchy ) ) )

  • () ( ) ( ) - - (.)

  • () () ( ) () () ( ) () () () () ()

  • ) ) ) () () ( ) ) ( ) ) ) ( ) () ) 10 ( ) 11 12 Mindful Politics: A Buddhist Guide to Making The World A Better Place Ghaffar Khan: Nonviolent Badshely of the Pakhtuns () Eqbal Ahmad Noam Chomsky Islam and Politics The Asian Future by Prahca Hutanuwatr and Ramu Manivannan Gross National Products Gross National Happiness - 13 10 .. 11 .. 12 .. 13

  • - - ) .. ) ) ) ) )

  • . . () : . . . . , . 11 [2549] . ... 26-27 .

  • .... . . . - . . . . : : http://www.thaitownusa.com/frontnews/frmNews_View.aspx?NewsNo=0610000194

  • ' ' ( ) '' (.) 23 2534 Asia Wall Street Journal " 3 6 " . 1 '' 22 2534 . . . . (.) . . . "6 . " . 100 25 2534 Time

  • . . 4 2534-35 2549 - 2550 2534 60 The Great Su Big Su 60 2490 Big Su 75 21 2549 19 2549 4-5 2 ..2538 28 2549 . '' Coup d'etat 7 2490 20 2501

  • 6 2490 20 2501 24 2475 5 " '' '' ( ) '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' " 19 2549 20 2501 5

  • '' '' 2475 5 ..103 7 '' Revolution Evolution '' () () ()

  • . ..2475. () Gross National Happiness 60 . ( ) 19 2549 2540

  • (1) (2) (3) ' 2006 ' 72 15 2516 2519 2535 6 ( ) 2 7 . . 19 2549

  • The King is Dead, Long Live the King ""

  • () () 2 . : . "" .. . "" ( ) . "" ""

  • . - : . "" () "" "" "... " " ..." "" "" .. - - .. .. (Kezang Wangmo) ( )

  • . " " (Je Khenpo) () - - ()

  • Civic Society () (Gross National Happiness -GNH) "" ""

  • Gross National Happiness ... Gross National Happiness ... Gross National Happiness Gross National Happiness - "" ()

  • Gross National Happiness think tank think tank ""

  • Democracy Polity Democracy Democracy Polity Monarchy Polis .