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Coordonator: Candidat:

Asist. univ. drd. Liliana M Luncau Elena Diana



1. PSIHOLOGIA EDUCAIEI.......................................................................2

1.1. Fi de caracterizare psihopedagogic.................................................3

1.2. Fi de observaie.................................................................................5

2. PEDAGOGIE................................................................................................8

A. Fundamentele Pedagogiei. Teoria i metodologia curriculum-ului.....9

2. A. 1. Fi aplicativ: Formularea unui set de obiective operaionale la o lecie de specialitate.....................................................................10

B. Teoria i metodologia instruirii. Teoria i metodologia evalurii........12

2. B. 1. Aplicarea unor metode la o lecie de specialitate...........................13

2. B. 2. Elaborarea unui test docimologic..................................................



3. 1. Elaborarea unui opional.....................................................................23


4. 1. Anchet Les parents ou les amis?..............................................27

5 TEHNOLOGII INFORMATICE DE COMUNICARE............................31

5. 1. Soft educaional..................................................................................


6. PRACTICA PREDAGOGIC...................................................................44

6. 1. Proiect de lecie susinut la practica pedagogic Englez...............45

6. 2. Proiect de lecie susinut la practica pedagogic Francez..............




1.1. Fi de caracterizare psihopedagogic Modelul Tahiform -

Numele: Prenumele: D A

Date personale

Locul i data naterii: 7.08.1996

Domiciliul actual: Str. Calea Republicii, nr.1, sc. A, ap. 15, Bacu

Date familiale

Numele i prenumele tatlui: V INumele i prenumele mamei: H M

Nivelul de studii al tatlui: Nespecificat

Nivelul de studii al mamei: Nespecificat

Prinii salariai/omeri

Tata: Nespecificat

Mama: plecat n AngliaComponena familiei: Nespecificat

Climatul familial: Armonie


Rangul sanogenic

Dezvoltare fizic normal: nlime: 1.55m, greutate: 70kg

Deficiene: Elevul nu prezint deficieneTemperamentul









Propuntor: Luncau Elena Diana

Numele copilului observat: S.G. Clasa: a VII-a

coala: Nr. 29 Nicolae Iorga



9.05.2009Limba francez

LImparfait valeurs demploi- tema pentru acas este corect realizat i integral;- dei cunoate formele verbale, nu tie s le foloseasc n propoziii dezvoltate;- este atent la nceputul orei, dup aceea este nerbdtar s vin pauza;- uneori nu se conformeaz ritmului de lucru al clasei;- deduce cu uurin sensul expresiilor fixe, care au n componena lor verbe la timpul imperfect;

- fiind pus de doamna profesoar nu reuete s citeasc corect i cursiv.- nu prea manifest interes pentru limba francez;- lucreaz acas ns nu foarte contiincios iar n clas se plictisee repede dac nu este pus s rspund, s ias la tabl pentru a conjuga verbele

- nu are suficiente cunotine de vocabular pentru a se expima liber

- este o fire extrovertit, foarte deschis, uneori chiar incit ceilali elevi la alte activiti n clas (vorbit, mancat chiar)- pentru meinerea ritmului de lucru i interesului, precum i n vederea atingerii performanelor colare, elevul va primi sarcini suplimentare: lecturi n limba francez i redactri libere pentru fixarea ortografiei;- trebuie s i se dea mai mult mai mult de lucru: mici compuneri n care s comunice liber, diferite activiti pe care le face zilnic n vederea dezvoltrii vocabularului



29.11.2005Educaie fizic- este foarte extrovertit i se joac cu ceilali colegi ai si fotbal;- nu are probleme cu integrarea ntr-un grup de colegi.- manifest prea mult interes pentru educaie fizic. - nu necesit msuri de ameliorare.




Ecuaia de gradul II- rezolv cu uurin, att tema de acas, ct i exerciiile date de doamna profesoar in clas;- iese la tabl numai daca este pus;- are formate deprinderi de calcul oral i n scris i de rezolvare a problemelor;- nu este suficient de motivat pentru a iei la tabl, nu are ncredere n propriile forele;- gradul de rezolvare a ecuaiilor cu uurin este suficient de mare.- manifest un uor interes pentru matematic;- dei tie s rezolve cu uurin ecuaiile, nu prea iese la tabl dect dac este pus, de team c nu va tii, c va lua not mic;- in schimb nu prea este atent la explicaii;- nu este apreciat deoarece vorbete nentrebat i incit elevii s deranjeze ora de matematic.- Un ajutor i-ar putea veni din partea profesorului, care l-ar putea scoate mai des la tabl. - Pentru meninerea ritmului de lucru i interesului, precum i n vedera atingerii performanelor colare, elevul trebuie s ias mai des la tabl, s comunice ct mai mult cu ceilali colegi i cu profesorul, n cazul n care nu nelege ceva.


2. A. Fundamentele Pedagogiei. Teoria i metodologia curriculum-ului2. A. 1. Formularea unui set de obiective operaionale la o lecie de specialitate

Data: 18 noiembrie 2008

Clasa: a IV-a

coala: coala 19, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Bacu

Profesor-propuntor: Luncau Elena Diana

Disciplina: Limba i literatura romn

Subiectul leciei: Basmul Prslea cel voinic i merele de aur

Tipul leciei: Comunicare de noi cunotine

Durata: 50 minute

Obiective operaionaleA. Cognitive:OC1: S identifice dou trsturi ale basmului cu ajutorul manualului;

OC2: S evidenieze trsturile pozitive ale eroului principal din basmul Prslea cel voinic i merele de aur;

OC3: S defineasc in mod complet conceptul-cheie cu ajutorul manualului;

OC4: S identifice doua momente ale aciunii basmului, cu ajutorul fielor de lucru;

OC5: S compare trsturile basmului cu celelalte opere literare studiate, cu ajutorul fielor de lucru.

B. Afective:

OA1: Vor exprima ideile personale n tehnica Bula dubl;OA2: Vor manifesta interes pentru completarea schemelor i a fielor de lucru.C. Psihomotorii:

OPM1: S reprezinte grafic un tabel pentru a compara trsturile basmului cu trsturile celorlalte opere studiate.2. B. Teoria i metodologia instruirii.

Teoria i metodologia evalurii2. B. 1. Aplicarea unor metode la o lecie de specialitateData: 18 noiembrie 2008

Clasa: a V-a

coala: coala 19, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Bacu

Profesor-propuntor: Luncau Elena Diana

Disciplina: Limba i literatura romn

Subiectul leciei: Legenda Drago Vod

Tipul leciei: Comunicare de noi cunotine

Durata: 50 minutePentru ora de romn, lecia Legenda Drago Vod, sunt folosite urmtoarele metode pentru obinerea obiectivelor operaionale:

Expunerea, Povestirea;

Conversaia, Conversaia euristic;

Exerciii: de vocabular, morfologie i sintax, de exprimare, etc. Lucrul cu manualul;

Metoda jocurilor: tehnica termenilor cheie n avans, organizatorul grafic de tip secvenial, brainstorming, etc.Metodele pe care profesorul propuntor a optat la folosirea lor pe parcursul orei, a fost deoarece acestea faciliteaz procesul instruirii, dar mai ales procesul asimilrii informaiilor de ctre elevi, i nu n ultimul rnd, metoda jocurilor este aceea care face ca ora s decurg ct mai uor i pe placul elevilor.

Expunerea - cu ajutorul expunerii am menionat, la nceputul orei, ce anume se va urmri n lecie i am prezentat pe scurt ntr-o form narativ legenda Drago Vod.Conversaia cu ajutorul conversaiei, am invitat elevii la o discuie pe tema legendei (prietenia dintre un cine i stpnul lui), i, sub forma unor serii de ntrebri, am reuit s fac elevii s realizeze c tiau deja c i legenda este o creaie popular la fel ca basmul.Folosind metoda exerciiului, elevii au pus n practic cunotinele despre vocabular, morfologie i sintax, rezolvnd exerciiile propuse de manual..Folosind metoda jocului, elevii pun n practic cunotinele asimilate n timpul leciei, rezolvnd exerciiile propuse de profesor.

ExpunereaPrezentarea obectivelor: Astzi vom nva ceva nou, o nou poveste despre un domnitor care i-a iubit cinele cel credincios.

Povestirea: Pornind ntr-o vntoare alturi de Molda, aceasta se avnt n lupta cu vnatul i moare. Pentru aceasta, domnitorul nostru ucide bourul i numete valea unde s-au ntmplat acestea dup ceaua lui credincioas.

Conversaia(Dup citirea textului)

V-a plcut povestea?

Ce credei despre Molda?

i-a iubit stpnul?

A fost ceaua curajoas?

Conversaia euristic:

De cine credei c este scris legenda? De ce?

Ce v facei s credei c este scirs de un autor anume?

V mai aducei aminte de basmul Prslea cel voinic?

De cine era el scris? Credei c i legenda Drago Vod este tot culeas de culegtorii de folclor?

Meoda exerciiuluiLucrul cu manualul: 1. Observarea textului: Vocabular (Inidcai forma corect a urmtoarlor cuvinte din text: s ucig, asvrli, isbi, isbnd); Morfologie i sintax (Indicai forma literar a verbului i dete); Exprimare (Artai prin ce difer alturarea cuvintelor din exemplele de mai jos de exprimarea literar: fr ca s se opreasc; intuit cu cuie de fier)2. Explorarea textului: Timpul i spaiul ntmplrii (Credei c urmrirea bourului a durat ntr-adevr o zi io noapte?); Personajele (Care sunt personajele din legend? Numii-le n ordinea apariiei lor.); Aciunea (Notai n caiete etapele nsraiunii)


Clasa: a- X -a

Disciplina: Limba EnglezUnitatea de nvare: Colegiul Naional Gh. Vrnceanu, Bacu

Obiective operaionale:

La sfritul orei, elevii for fi capabili:

O1: s identifice construciile timpului verbal Present Perfect Simple;

O2: s identifice activitile i locurile ce pot fi vizitate ntr-o excursie n Anglia;

O3: s recunoasc termenii folosii n textul din manual;

O4: s i exprime liber punctul de vedere cu privire la subiect predat;

O5: s ncadreze construciile timpului verbal n fraze coerente i logice.Obiec-tive


ite-muluiConinutul itemuluiRezolvare Punctaj





De tip comple-tareCompletai spaiile punctate cu cuvintele corespunztoare

Complete the empty spaces with the appropriate words:

1. The piece of paper which gives you information or advertises something is _____.

2. When you make a journey without taking too many heavy things with you, means you are _____.3. _____ is when you are noy working or doing any duties.4. When you are visiting sights of interest during holidays, you are _____. 5. The _____ is the person who leads others on a tour.

6. Mary asked Peter to _____ a room, before she gets the baggage out of the car.1.leaflet2.travelling light3.leisure4.seight seeing5. tourist guide

6. to bookPentru fiecare rspuns corect primete 0, 25 puncte.1, 25




Cu rspuns scurt1.Enumerate two uses of the Present Perfect Simple.

2. Enumerate two uses of the Present Perfect Continuous.

3. Write down five time words or expressions often used with Present Perfect Simple.

4.Build up two sentences in which to use the verb `to read` in the Present Perfect Simple and Perfect Present Continuous. Explain the difference.1. Uses of the Present Perfect Simple:

- for actions or situations that began in the past and continue in the present;

- for recent actions or events in the past that have a result in the present, or a relevance to the present.

2. Uses of the Present Perfect Continuous:

- to indicate that an action is unfinished;

- to emphasieze how long an action has been in present

3. Time words or expressions:

- for;

- since;

- just;

- already;

- in the last few days.

4. Present Perfect Simple: I have read War and Peace.

Present Perfect Continuous: I have been reading Peace and War since 8 oclock

The difference is that in the second sentence the action is not finished, while in the first one is the action is completed and has a result in the present.Pentru fiecare raspuns corect primeste

0, 50 poncte2





ncercuii litera A, dac enunul este adevrat i litera F dac enunul este falsTick A if the sentence is correct and F if it is false:

1 If the Queen is in Windsor Castel, then the tour guide will lead you to visit Queens Marys Dolls House. A-F

2 Windsor Castel, dedicated to St. Mary and founded in 1220, has a beautiful spire which dominates the surrounding counryside. A-F

3 The most famous museum in England is the British Museum. A-F

4 Most of the entertainment avalible in London is in the West Est or just over Waterloo Bridge in the South Bank Arts Centre. A-F

5 The West End is where you can listen to good disco music. A-FA




FPentru fiecare raspuns corect primeste 0, 25 puncte1, 25


O4IV obiectivncercuii litera corespunztoare rspunsului corect:

Mark the letter corresponding to the correct answer:

A: Hi, John. Havent seen you for ages. What have you been up to?

B: I (1)_____(work) quite hard as usual. How about you?

A: Great. I (2) _____(look) around for a new flat, but I (3) _____ (not/find) one yet.

B: Whats wrong with your old one?

A: Its OK, but I (4) _____ (just/get) a new job and its on the other side of the town

1 a) am working; b) have worked; c) have been working.

2. a) look; b) have been looking; c) am looking.

3. a) havent found; b) didnt find; c) havent been found;

4. a) just got; b) just been getting; c) have just got. 1. c) have been working;

2. b) have been looking;

3. a) havent found;

4. c) have just got.Pentru fiecare raspuns corect primeste 0, 50 puncte2


O5V obiectivStabilii corespondena ntre elementele din coloana A i cele din coloana B:

Match the clauses in list A with the clauses in list B to form sentences in the past simple or present perfect simple:


1. A lot of cinemas have closed

2. He published a new novel

3. People started to watch TV

4. Millions of people have seen the play The Mousetrap5. I have seenher in a new film

6. Television programmes have got worse


a. since it opened in 1962

b. twice already

c. since the arrival of video

d. since they allowed private channels

e. about 50 years ago

f. but it hasnt opened yet;

g. last year1. - a

2. - g3. - e4. - c

5. - b6. - dPentru fiecare raspuns corect primeste 0, 25 puncte1, 5


O6VI subiectivWrite a ten lines composition expressing your opinion about

` Life in London`0, 40 puncte pentru fiecare utilizare corect a timpului verbal

0, 30 puncte pentru afirmaii logice

0, 30

Pentru spellin

g corect1 puncte

Punctaj din oficiu1


Punc-taj total10 puncte


1. Titlul opionalului: Cultura i societatea

2. Tipul opionalului: Integrat

3. Clasa: a X-a

4. Argument/Not de prezentare:Literatura, n general, este o form de cunoatere prin intermediul imaginii artistice. ntr-o epoc dominat de televiziune, am apelat la disciplina Cultura i societatea, din mai multe motive:

Perminte elevilor trirea emoional, reflexiv a cuvntului operei i a unui film prin instruirea i contientizarea mesajului etic i estetic al acestora;

Conduce la precizarea vocabularului, nsuirea unor cuvinte i expresii cu sens propriu i figurat, care contribuie la realizarea unei exprimri corecte, ceoerente i expresive, elevii avnd ca model permanent operele literare ndrgite din repertoriul naional i universal;

Aprecierea frumosului artistic se realizeaz prin continu solicitare a sensibilitii, gndirii, memorii afective, ateniei voluntare i mai ales a imaginaiei creatoare.

Opiunea pentru aceast disciplin n mediul rural se justific cu att mai mult, cu ct aici exist un numr relativ mare de elevi care nu dispun de dotare tehnic pentru vizionarea unor filme, i nici de galerii de art.

Se vor sesiza relaii dintre literatur i alte limbaje artistice preluate din pictur, sculptur, muzic i vestimentaie.

5. Competene specifice:

5.1. Observarea/contientizarea componentelor de a ilustra trsturi ale artei locale, n paralel cu literatura.

5.2. Prezentarea adecvat a termenilor din domeniul cultural i a sensurilor unui mesaj transmis prin diferite texte.

5.3. Alctuirea unui discurs argumentativ, folosind termenii noi.

5.4. Argumentarea n scris a opiniilor pe baz, a ceea ce au citit i vizionat.

5.5. Compararea unor argumente diferite pentru formularea judecilor proprii.

6. Valori i atitudini:

6.1. Cultivarea interesului pentru lectur i art, a gustului estetic n domeniul literaturii prin intermediul artei;

6.2. Stimularea gndirii autonome, reflexive n raport cu diferitele mesaje receptate;

6.3. Cultivarea unei atitudini pozitive fa de art i receptarea artei ca necesitate pentru societate;

6.4. Dezvoltarea interesului fa de comunicare inter-cultural prin literatur i art.

7. Coninuturi:

7.1. Definirea conceptelor: art, pictur, sculptur, cinematografie, creaii artistice

7.2. Se recomand studiul unor creaii literare cinematografice, n vederea sesizrii relaiilor dintre literatur i alte limbaje artistice.

7.3. Profesorii vizioneaz mpreun cu elevii spectacole de teatru, pot folosi nregistrri video i casete video, vor merge la galerii de art (picturi i sculpturi), n excursii, astfel nct elevii s neleag i s diferenieze elementele specifice artei cinematografice, spectacolului, picturilor i sculpturilor fa de lectura propriu-zis a unei opere.

7.4. Forme de evaluare: dup fiecare unitate de nvare, elevii vor realiza o lucrare practic, cu titlul (la alegere):

- Literatura i arta cinematografiei:

- suport text literar: The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare

Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte

Robison Crusoe Daniel Defoe

Moby Dick Herman Melville

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man James Joyce

Waiting for Godot Samuel Beckett

- suport: filme Romeo & Juliet (1996) Leonardo DiCaprio, Claire Danes

Jane Eyre (1996) Anna Paquin, Nic Knight

Cast Away (2000) Tom Hanks

Moby Dick (1998) Henry Thomas, Patrick Stewart A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1977) Bosco Hogan, TP McKenna

Waiting for Godot (2001) Barry McGovern, Johnny Murphy

- Pictura local ntre prezent i trecut n literatura englez

- Focalizarea ateniei n art (eseu, referat)

- Corelarea cinematografiei cu arta (tem final)


Luncau Elena DianaPavel Alina Florina

Sandu Lavinia Paula

TEMA: PRINI SAU PRIETENI?/Les parents ou les amis?

Vrsta: 9-10 ani

Acest chestionar nu este o prob de dezvoltare intelectual. Nu exist rspunsuri corecte sau incorecte, valoroase sau nevaloroase, ci doar rspunsuri sincere sau nesincere. V rugm rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri.

1. Ai completat vreodat un chestionar?

a) Da

b) Nu

c) Nu, dar mi-ar plcea

2. Ce fel de persoan v considerai?

a) nchis, retrasb) Deschis, comunicativc) Foarte deschis3. Avei o relaie apropiat cu prinii/printele dumneavoastr?

a) Nu

b) Da

c) Da, chiar foarte apropiat4. Cea mai recent ieire n aer liber cu prinii, a fost?

a) Acum cteva zile

b) Acum cteva sptmni

c) Nu-mi mai amintesc, a fost demult

5. Ct de mult se implic prinii n activitatea voastr colar?

a) Foarte mult

b) Cnd i cnd

c) Deloc

6. Suntei sinceri cu prinii n legtur cu situaia voasrt colar?

a) Da

b) Nu tot timpul

c) Niciodat7. Avei prieteni/amici?

a) Da, unul

b) Da, chiar mai muli

c) Nu, nici unul

8. Avei prieteni adevrai crora s v putei confesa?

a) Nu

b) Nu ncc) Da

9. Cui te duci s-i spui dac ai ceva pe suflet?

a) Prinilor

b) Prietenilor

c) Nu spun nimnui, in doar pentru mine

10. Ce preferai s facei ntr-o zi nsorit de duminic?

a) Stau n cas la TV

b) Ies cu prietenii n orac) O petrec alturi de familie





10-16 pct: Eti o fire nchis, nu prea comunicativ, preferi s stai mai mult singur(), lsnd la o parte prinii i chiar prietenii. Consideri c i-e mai bine de unul/ una singrur(), c nu ai nevoie de ajutorul nimnui. Nu te confesezi nimnui i-i rezolvi singur() problemele.

17-25 pct: Eti o fire deschis, comunicativ, i place s te confesezi mai ales prietenilor apropiai, s te distrezi cu ei. Dar nu uii nici de prini, sunt i ei importani mai ales dac nici ei nu au uitat de tine.

26-30 pct: Eti o fire foarte deschis, oricnd dispus() s asculi problemele altora. Relaia cu prietenii i cu prinii este important dar mai presus de toate sunt prinii, familia. i place s fii alturi de ei dar nu-i abandonezi nici prietenii.

Interpretare psihopedagogic:

Tema: Prini sau prieteni?

Majoritatea rspunsurilor au fost sincere, punctajul fiind 26-30. relaia cu prinii i cu prietenia este foarte important. i plac s fie alturi de ei, dar nu-i abandoneaz nici prietenia, lor confesndu-le cel mai des. Se distreaz cu prietenii ntotdeauna, firi deschise i comunicative.


2 elevi din 15 au 10-16 pct

7 elevi din 15 au 17-25 pct

6 elevi din 15 au 26-30 pct

Conform rezultatelor obinute, majoritatea adolescenilor sunt firi deschise, comunicative, le place s se confeseze mai ales prietenilor apropiai, s se distreze cu ei, ns nu uit nici de prini, sunt i eu importani


Vezi i CD-ul ataat


6.1. Proiect de lecie

Limbai Literatura Englez

- Lesson Plan - Teacher:

Luncau Elena Diana


18th November 2008


4th Grade



I must help

Text book:

Way AheadTime:

50 min

Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:


to describe the activities around the house (chores);

to use the verbs must and must not/mustnt correctly in sentences; to talk about what they must do or must not do in different situations: when you have the flu, in the class, at home; to speak orally using the new vocabulary;


to create interest in the topic of chores to stimulate their imagination to be confident in themselves when speaking a foreign languageApproaches:Communicative Approach, the Direct Method,

Techniques:Conversation, Explanation, Dialogues

Materials:Text book, Hand-outs, Blackboard.

Stage of lessonTeachers activityStudents activityInteractionSkillTimePurpose

I. Warm-up1. The teacher greets the students and checks the attendance

2. The teacher asks students to fill in the word C






by writing down an animal that starts with each letter.- students answer

- students answerT-SsT-SsSpeakingSpeaking3 min- to check if all students are present

- to create a pleasant atmosphere- to connect the new topic with the old topic

II. Checking homework1. The teacher checks homework- students read it out loudT-SsSpeaking5 min- to make sure that students understood the previous material

III. Feed-back1. The teacher offers feed-back- students listenT-SsListening2 min- to let students know how well they performed


Introducing the new topic1. The teacher comes back at the word chores and starts a conversation about the topic.

2. The teacher invites students to come to the blackboard and complete the Mind Map (to write down as many chores as possible).

3. The teacher elicits knowledge about the topic by asking questions:

- What do you think is the most fun chore to do?

- What do you think is the least pleasant?

- Do you have any pets? Usually does your mother ask you to look after your pet? (Introducing the new vocabulary). Meanwhile the teacher writes down on the blackboard the new words

4. The teacher asks students to open their textbooks at page 26, reads out loud and then the children repeat after him.

5. The teacher asks a series of questions in order the students understand the new words.

- What do you think mother asked Andy? Yes, but she said please- Why do you think she asked Andy to make his bed? Please, look at the picture.

6. The teacher asks students to build up two sentences with words from the blackboard.

7. The teacher goes back to the textbook and finishes the exercise, introducing the problem of must.8. The teacher asks students to do the second exercise using the word must.

9. The teacher continues with the first exercise from page 27, he reads the sentences and asks students to repeat after him.

10. The teacher starts a conversation about things that must be done and mustnt be done in the classroom.

11. The teacher elicits answers from students concerning the second exercise on page 27, and invites students to the blackboard to write down what you must and mustnt do when you have the flu.

12. The teacher summarizes what has been done in the classroom, at the end of the session- students answer

- students write the answers on the board

- students answer

- students repeat

- students answer

- students write the answers

- students listen

- students answer

- students repeat

- students participate at the conversation

- students write the answers at the blackboard

- students listenT-Ss
























Listening33 min- to provide o context for the topic

- to activate students background knowledge

- to activate students imagination

- to make students interact and share thoughts

- to make sure that students have the correct pronunciation

-to make sure that the students understood the new words

- to fix the new words

- to let students know what must implies (obligation and necessity)

- to make sure that the students understood the problem of must- to make sure that students have the correct pronunciation

- to fix the new words must and mustnt- to fix the new words must and mustnt

- to make sure that every student understood the new topic and the meanings of the words must and must not

Stage of lessonTeachers activityStudents activityInteractionSkillTimePurpose

V. Feed-backThe teacher offers feed-back- students listenT-SsListening2 min-to let students know how well they performed

VI. Homework1. The teacher gives students their homework and explains them what they have to do for the next time, giving examples:

You must write three sentences beginning with I must related to school

E.g. I must listen to my teacher.

Write three sentences beginning with I mustnt related to home.

E.g. I mustnt play with electrical appliances. - students do the homeworkT-SsListening 5 min- to consolidate students knowledge about the new vocabulary

I must help!

Write as many chores as possible:


. ......

....................... . ....

Write activities that you MUST and MUST NOT/MUSTNT do

a) When you have the flu;

b) When you are in school;

c) When you are at home.

Cartonaele profesorului

6.2. Proiect de lecie Limbai Literatura FrancezPROJET DIDACTIQUE

Professeur: Luncau Elena DianaDate: le 4 Mai 2009Ecole: Nicolae Iorga, Bacu

Classe: la VIIe CNumro des tudiants: Niveau: dbutant

Manuel: Cavallioti (manual de limba francez pentru clasa a VII-a, Limba Modern 2)

Unit:6 Leon: Ce sont les comdiens, ce sont les magiciens!

Le sujet: Une pice de thtreLe but: - enrichir le vocabulaire

- faciliter lexpression orale


I. Objectifs gnraux: - le dveloppement de la capacit de rception du message orale;

pratiquer le nouveau vocabulaire;

associer les mots-clefs pour en former des phrases;

crer des habilets et des habitudes de communiquer;

dvelopper la collaborationentre les lves;

le dveloppement de la capacit de lexpression orale;

le dveloppement de la capacit rception du message crit;

le dveloppement de la capacit de lexpression crite;

II. Objectifs oprationnels:

A. Informatifs:

reconnatre les personnes qui travaillent dans le thtre et les activits significatives que se passent dans une pice de thtre;

prsenter des structures utilisant le nouveau vocabulaire;

B. Formatifs:

reconnatre les activits significatives que se passent dans un thtre; rpondre oralement aux questions poses;

utiliser le nouveau vocabulaire dans des propositions;

employer le nouveau vocabulaire dans la conversation;

C. Affectifs:

apprcier lutilit pratique des nouvelles informations acquises;

participer avec intrt et plaisir au droulement de la leon;

Stratgie didactique:I. Mthodes et procds: la prise de notes;


la conversation;

le contrle du devoir;

la mise en question;

le jeu;

II. Moyens et matriel: le manuel;

le tableau noir;

le fiche de travail;

III. Forme dorganisation: travail collectif;

travail individuel;

IV. Formes de travaille: frontale;


Evaluation:- dialoguedirige ;

- prsentation orale;

Le type de leon: - mixte (vrification, acquisition de connaissances de vocabulaire, formation dhabilets et dhabitudes);

Lieu de travaille: la salle de classe;

Dure: 50 min


Classe VIIe C (L2)


Crt. Les squences de

la leonActivit du professeurActivit des lvesObjectifsMthodes/

Organisation du travailDureObservations

1.Mise en train-je note les noms des absents et je fais une conversation situationnelle-llve de service donne les noms des absents- vrifier la prsence des tudiantsLa conversation1 min-le professeur veille ce que cet change se passe en franais

2.Vrification du devoir- le professeur demande aux tudiants de lire leur devoir- les tudiants lisent leur devoir- vrifier la comprhension des items apprisLa conversation

Le dialogue

Le contrle du devoir4 min- on corrige les fautes sil y en a

- on donne encore des explications

3.Introduction de la nouvelle leon - le moment de lveil de lattention des lves: - le professeur prsente aux lves le titre de la nouveau leon et commence une conversation le thme du thtre;- je propose un jeu pour vrifie les connaissances antrieures sur les pronoms complment dobjet direct

- jcris sur le tableau noir X et O et jexplique les rgles du jeu

- je divise la classe entre deux quipes et je donne un exemple de proposition:

Maman met les verres sur la table.

Maman les met sur la table.










- les tudiants rpondent aux questions du professeur et crivent dans leurs cahiers;

- travaillent en quipe;

- ils passent au tableau noir et crivent les rponses;-introduction de la nouvelle leon;

La conversation

La prise de notes;

- lexercice 10 min-sil est ncessaire, le professeur aide les tudiants;

- vrification des connaissances antrieures;

4.Annonce de la nouvelle leon et des objectifs- le professeur annonce le sujet de la nouvelle leon et elle crit le titre au tableau noir: Ce sont des comdiens, ce sont des magiciens!- le professeur communique aux lves les objectifs de la nouvelle leon- les tudiants notent le titre de la leon dans leurs cahiers et se prparent pour la nouvelle leon - annoncer la nouvelle leonLexpos

La prise de notes

Le dialogue

1 min- si lon est besoin, on fait la traduction

5.Rvision des items dj connus

Activit 1- le professeur commence une conversation et demande aux lves des questions pour faire la liaison avec le texte;- les lves rpondent- rviser les connaissances

dj existanteLa conversation 4 min- si besoin, on fait la traduction

- si besoin, on corrige les fautes

6.Communication des nouvelles connaissances

Activit 2- le professeur lit le texte en haute voix pour que les lves coutent et attendent le texte nouveau;

- le professeur demande aux lves sils ont attendu tous les mots et relire le texte;

- les tudiants rpondent en franais sils savent sinon ils peuvent rpondre en roumain

- les tudiants notent les mots dans leurs cahiers- introduire le nouveau vocabulaireLa conversation La prise de notes


10 min- si besoin, on fait la traduction

- si besoin on corrige les fautes

7. Fixation du matriel nouvellement enseign

Activit 3- le professeur demande aux tudiants de lire le texte silencieux et aprs invite plusieurs volontaires de lire le texte devant de la classe (le jeu de rle)

- le professeur et les lves traduisent le texte ensemble.- les lves traduisent le texte;- fixer le nouveau vocabulaireLa lectureLe jeu de rle 10 min- si besoin on fait la traduction

- si besoin, on corrige les fautes

8.Fixation du matriel nouvellement enseign

Activit 4- le professeur invite les lves de faire lexercice numro 3 page 77;

- le professeur vrifie lexercice et invite quelques lves dcrire les rponses au tableau noir;

- le professeur invite les lves de faire lexercice numro 4 page 77 et puis vrifie les rponses pendant que les lves les crivent au tableau noir;- les tudiants rsolvent les exercices;

-approfondir les connaissances nouvellement apprisesLa conversation La mise en cause 10

min- si besoin, on fait la traduction

- si besoin, on corrige les fautes

9.Fixation du matriel nouvellement enseign

Activit 5

- le professeur divise des fiches de travail aux tudiants et ensemble rsolvent les exercices;- les tudiants passent au tableau noir dcrire les rponses;- fixer les connaissances nouvellement apprises

La conversation2 min- si besoin, on corrige les fautes

10.Evaluation de la performance- le professeur value lactivit des lves;- valuer lactivit des lvesLvaluation1 min- pour voir si tous les tudiants entendaient le nouveau vocabulaire;

11.Lindication du devoir- le professeur crit au tableau noir le devoir:I Rsolvez lexercice numro 2 en trouvant des synonymes pour les mots indiques;

II. Compltez le schma en crivant toutes les mots qui appartiennent le mot THEATRE;

III. crivez seulement 4 propositions avec les mots dans la petite bote.- les tudiants notent leur devoir- tablir et approfondir les connaissances nouvellement enseignes2 min

Fiche de travail

I. Rponds par Oui ou Non:

. Les enfants recevront des invits au muse.

. Claire suggre ses copains de mettre en scne une pice de thtre.

. Les comdiens ont cre un autre monde.

. Le matre de tous les comdiens orchestre tout le spectacle.

. Les changements de dcor sont faits par le scnographe.

II. Trouve des synonymes pour les mots suivants:

merveille =

scnographe =

dguisement =

scnario =

orchestre =

III. Compltez le schma:

IV. La petite bote des mots:

Formez 4 propositions avec les mots si bas:

To mop the floors.


dcor comdie rabat-joie amateur musique

personnage troupe de thtre la Francophonie

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