5kl giraffes


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Post on 18-May-2015




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About The AuthorHi my name isChristian. I like playingkickball and football. Ibuild Lego cars whenI’m bored and fix them.I play Runescape whenI have time. I likeplaying sports andracing games. I wrotethis book because Ithink giraffes are coolanimals.

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Who Am IThe giraffe is thetallest mammal. Themale wt 2,420-4,250lb, top of the hornsis 18 ft. The femalewt 1,540-2,600.Giraffes have horns.The male’s hornsare thick and thefemale’s are thin.

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The Early YearsThe calf is about 150pounds at birth. Ayoung calf is over sixfeet tall. By the thirdday the calf can jump.Until about 10 monthsold, the calf drinks milkfrom it’s mother.Between two and threemonths the calf startsnibbling on bushes andshrubs.

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Habitat Sweet HabitatThe giraffe lives ingrasslands. Theylike living near talltrees and rivers.The giraffe’s habitatis in the AfricanSavannah and theAcacia Woodlands,which is south of theSahara. They alsolive in East Africa.

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What’s on the MenuThe giraffe likes to eatacacia trees if they’reclose. They eat mimosatrees if they’re close by.They also eatdeciduous trees. Theyalso like seedpods,flowers, fruit, climbingplants, thorns, apricottrees, leaves, andtwigs.

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Making TracksThe giraffes tackscan be a foot long!You can find giraffetracks in SouthAfrica, CentralAfrica, SouthernEthiopia, andNorthern Kenya.Thetrack looks like amango with a cracktrough it.

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Simply IrresistibleThe tongue of agiraffe can be 21inches. A giraffesleeps only 5-30minutes in a 24 hourperiod. No twogiraffe spot patternis the same.

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Where in the WorldThe giraffe lives inCentral Africa andSouth Africa. Youcan also find a lot ofgiraffes in SouthernEthiopia andNorthern Kenya.

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Fun Facts About GiraffesDid you knowA giraffe’s heart is 2feet long.A giraffe can live upto 27 years.

Fun Fact!A giraffe has thelongest tail that liveson land.A large male caneat 100lb a day.

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Resource List

http://img6.travelblog.org/Photos/48523/245107/f/1974117-Jenny-Loves-Giraffes-2.jpg picture on slide 1http://www.giraffes.org/giraffe.jpg picture on slide 3http://www.lemonlight.org/photos/uncategorized/giraffe.jpg picture on slide 4http://piclib.nhm.ac.uk/piclib/webimages/0/37000/900/37958_med.jpg picture onslide 5http://lh5.ggpht.com/_cY8h3U0HMPQ/R4i_oaYHq_I/AAAAAAAACss/3Tlpz9D1vWU/SA251070.JPG picture on slide 6http://www.marico-safaris.com/USERIMAGES/thumb_GIRAFFE TRACKS.JPGpicture on slide 7http://www.raskraska.ru/book/img/giraffe_01.jpg picture on slide 8http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/44/Giraffe_range_map.PNGpicture on slide 9http://www.africanwildlifevacations.com/aboutgiraffes.html information throughthe whole book“The safari companion”by Richard Estes information through the whole bookhttp://www.plsd.k12.pa.us/final_projects/oldvaughnessa/fun%20facys.htminformation on slides 8 and 10