5omeone - a book of love

5omeone a book about love by mykel dixon

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5omeonea book about love

by mykel dixon

In late 2015 I began a project called 5omeone.

My intent was to publicly acknowledge a person in my life as a way to bring them closer to me.

Everyday for 50 days I would choose 5omeone I knew, write about them why I loved them and share it on my social channels.

I liked the irony of using social media as it’s generally been viewed as a major cause of our disconnect.

There was no prearranged list. It was spontaneous and emergent in nature. I’d just write about whoever found their way into my head or

heart that day.

As simple as that sounds it was far from easy.

Many times I’d be up past midnight on account of a busy day of work. But the process of getting present to 5omeone; of carving out the time to

capture and share their essence was a deeply enriching experience.

Pretty soon the gratitude I felt extended beyond the people I knew. I began to see magic in everyone. Even myself.

As you read through my 5omeones I invite you to think of your own. Get present to their uniqueness. The stuff that makes them

so special to you. Feel it deeply.

Then write it down and share it, With them and with us,

Because the little things like this, Just mean so much.

To Kate,

I've never met anyone like you.

Every day, in every way, you make me happy.

You listen to me like everything I have to say is worth hearing. You laugh with me when anyone else would stop caring. You love me and aren't

afraid to wear it every day of the week.

I'm beyond lucky to have you in my life.

I love you because when I'm with you, I get to be all of me, all of the time.

Thank you.


1Kate Stubbings

To Dave,

There is no-one on the planet I could think of that would make a better brother. If the world burns

tonight I truly hope you're close by cause we'd find the fun in the flames.

It's never easy coming second, especially to an ego like mine. And although I might be bigger in

size, you've always been bigger in life.

The change I hope to make, you've already made. And the gift you've been to the world is but a scratch compared to what you've given me.

When you tell me what I made is good and when you tell me who I am is great, I believe you.

Thanks dude. I love you.


2Dave Dixon

Dear Tim,

From the very beginning, I've been wrapped and carried by the love you are. When I'm with you, I remember everything I promise myself never to

forget. You make the space for me to see and be the stuff that matters.

I love you, but I'm on to you.

You're not really like us. I'm pretty sure the universe just smashed a bunch of light together,

threw dreads on your head, orange pants on your legs and said, 'They'll call you Tim, go do your

thing, they need you now more than ever.'

So thank you and whatever made you. I couldn't do this stuff without you.


3Tim Bennet

Dear Henry,

Not everyone was lucky enough to find a best mate growing up. The kind that lived up the road, that shared the same sunburnt nose, that learned the way the world

works, together.

But I was.

You were the backbone to my beginning. The cause of all my grinning. The reason I felt safe to make mistakes.

Because whatever they said and whatever it meant, I always had Hen to come home to.

Sure we live in different states, promise to call more than we do, but even now when I'm asked who my best buddy

is, I tell them, without doubt, that it's you.

I love you mate.


4Henry White

Dear Kerrie,

We've never met and yet we've already shared an epic adventure together.

Who knew that you would be the first to follow the same soft call for salvation that I heard too. Between

the busy lines of life, we carved out space to do #5omething we loved every day for 50 days, together.

That you would join me, a stranger from a southern land, on a quest to express our deepest selves, says

everything about who you are.

So we haven't shared a wine or even a 3D vibe, I already know everything I need to know to love you.

Thank you for validating my dreams.


5Kerrie Hurrell

Dear Jason,

These words, however beautiful and usually useful, are simply not enough.

The deep appreciation I have for who you are and how generously you share yourself with me, barely makes the cut.

The frustration that I live with, cause there is no way that I'll give back to you anything close to what you've given me, is


You are my guiding light, my inspiration, my white knight, my pirate buddy who's not ready for the endless and unruly sea of me.

Whether you like it or loathe it, you're looking down the barrel of a life sentence of my love.

I fucking adore you amigo!

Thank you for the life I'm about to live.


6Jason Fox

Dear Brendan,

I think you know I always wanted an older brother. Someone to follow, someone to mirror, someone to

edge me to my edges, defend me while my defences were being built.

I think you know that someone was you.

But these days are different. These days people tell me of the way you talk about me. Revealing that my

hero is in fact my biggest fan.

What overwhelming joy it is to learn, that the love I have for you is not just received, it is returned.

Thanks for looking out for me buddy.

I love you dearly.


7Brendan Lake

Dear Eddie,

I hope you never have to feel the love I feel when I'm with you. You couldn't take it. You're so quick to love

deeply that you'd drown in your own beauty.

If you ever really knew, the pure magnificence of you, you'd surely break under the weight of all that truth.

I've always been in awe, of you and just how raw you live your life. With you I spend the whole day with the


Thank you for being so generous with your journey.

I love you man.


8Eddie Harran

Dear Kym,

Without you I would not have made a life in music. And for that, there is nothing I could write that could capture my


To live with music is to breathe underwater. It is beyond bliss. And I have you and you alone to thank for throwing me in.

But more than that it is your spirit that moves me most. You’re reckless abandon for the status quo has given me

reason to endlessly follow the whispering call of my creative self.

My life is because of yours.

From the very beginning I was marked by your choice to be all of who you are. The heat of your light forever did scar my

young heart.

Wherever you are…

I love you.


9Kym Purling

Dear Oli,

Your gift isn't your talent. It's the way you make me feel that lingers long after the lens has gone.

It's the way you draw me in, you open me up by listening. You give me more than I deserve, more than I have earned, more than I am used to being given by the


Knowing you is something I and all who do are tremendously proud of. We flash our friendship far too

freely with the people who'd give nearly all they have for just an afternoon with you.

It's a badge of honour to be someone in your life. And no one I know takes it lightly.

Thank you for being beyond radical.

I love you mate.


10Oli Sansom

Dear Calder,

It's the horizon that reminds me of you most.

Although I'd trade an open sky for just a touch more of your time I can't compete. You belong to the world

and always did.

The trail you blaze burns through the ways the rest of us stay safe. And I fear we'll never hear your wildest,

craziest stories because you're busy writing more.

Wherever you are, I bet whoever you're with is smiling. Cause you're good for people just like you're

good for me, just like soaking in salt water and vitamin D. You make moments of the moments in

between. And they're some of the best I've ever seen.

Thanks for rocking my world Woody!

I love ya guts and miss your pretty face.


11Calder Woodgate

Dear Bec,

I see the way you see the world. You look for sparkly eyes to match your own.

You need to know that there are others on this road. But there are.

Between an afternoon of things, you’ve always got one ear listening, out for opportunities for you to give.

And it’s remarkable. And it’s rare. Don’t ever question that you care. It’s a gift to give a shit, and far too few are

making it any kind of real priority. So keep going!

And thank you for spoiling me rotten. Your sweet intent will not be forgotten. You’re a gem and I wish for you

everything twice.

Sending buckets of love..


12Bec Geyer

Dear Craig,

Somehow you've managed to grow up without giving up.

Retaining your youthful edge while staying committed to whatever cause was yours at that time. Playing music with

a muppet like me, always the professional working graciously, when you coulda been anywhere playing

anything with just about anyone.

It's deeply inspiring. From paradiddles to handmade cymbals, publishing deals to trainer wheels you've packed

a whole lot into your whole life.

And I'm ever so grateful for the organic times, filled with tunes, filled with booze, filled with every bit of you.

Thanks for being the guy that we all love to love.

Love ya guts.


13Craig lauritson

Dear Jez,

I know I lean on you a lot. I know you like to fly alone. I know you’re happy when your life looks like your home and not mine but damn, you're a hard habit to break.

Even when you’re far away, I fool myself into believing that you’re just around the corner, that you’re on your way over, that we’re still on track to conquering the


It’s my favourite fabrication, helps me deal with situations that I not yet strong enough to be facing. So I’m sorry but

if I’m honest, I’ll probably keep it up for a while.

I just love you man.

Thanks for putting up with more of me than anyone else.


14Jeremy Kirk

Dear Danny,

You’re the best kind of buddy.

Whatever’s yours is always mine, whenever I call you make the time, you laugh the loudest for the longest at my jokes.

You know exactly how to make me feel like home.

Thank you for keeping me close, despite the miles, despite the months, despite the turns, despite the bumps. Despite the stuff that fills our days now that we're big kids on our


No matter how long between drinks, I feel how real your love is.

And I’m sending it back times infinity +11, full stop no returns, force field.

Sucked in. I win.


15Danny Connery

Dear Trig,

There’s a long list of things I love in you. But I think what gets me most is that I got to share the part of you that dared.

Young, inspired and green, we chased a jazzy rocky dream, we traded time for an inspired, creative life. And it was radical.

You saw me at my worse, at my descent and my rebirth. You looked for me when I was lost, defended me despite the cost,

you held me close for so much longer than I’d hoped.

And here we are. 17 years on. Still jamming, still hanging, still solving the worlds problems, still proclaiming that we know more

than we do.

Where on earth would I be without you?

You keep me honest, keep me focused, keep me reaching for the best shape of myself. Thanks for making me earn it. I’m

better because of you.

Love ya guts.


16Tristan Courtney

Dear Sam,

With you, life is a beautiful ride.

An evolving landscape of colour and light. A playful dance between earth and sky. You shape the space for me to

stand and face this moment, right here, with these people.

And I’m pretty sure you have no idea you’re doing it. Which makes it and you even more special.

I hope I’m around the day that you get to feel the magic you bring to me and all those around you. Cause I think

you’ll quite enjoy it.

Thanks for always showing up as you and making it safe for me to do the same.

I love you buddy.


17Sam Studd

Dear Clarebear,

Right from day one we clicked like bubbles and gum. The world we saw was more than just a place to work and

whinge, it was a cubby house of fun, a bouncy castle in the sun.

My tummy still hurts from all the giggles that you give me.

Every time I return from an international sojourn you'll be there. With open arms, an open fridge, the best spot on the

couch. You make coming home the best adventure yet.

But now we've traded places, you've rocked a random twist of fate and now you're living a life that so few could ever

hope to understand. It is so courageous, so inspiring and so perfectly you.

I love that we do crazy. Cause we're good at it.

Sending you buckets of love


18Clare brownlow

Dear Mel,

The world I've seen has all kinds of plans for you.

Technicolor dreams of untold meaning, bountiful quests through truth and feeling. It's hard to imagine

life will be soon be richer than its been.

But it will. And with every joyful beat of your heart a thousand smiles erupt across a thousand miles from

where you might be standing.

I'll be wearing one of them. As will every one who knows you. Cause the only thing we want this year

for Xmas, is a happy, safe and liberated Mel.

Love you like the red earth loves the rain.

Now go do your thang!


19Melina Chan

Dear Freda,

Of everyone I know, it is you that reminds me most of what a mysterious gift life is.

Through the many twists and turns, bruises, scars and burns, there is always something greater on the other side of change.

A bigger plan, a better game, beyond our comprehension. And it's safer just to trust in the messy swirl of us.

How could we have known that one day we'd be more than passing humans, even more than friends. We'd be family from

that moment until the very end.

Of all the possible people I could call my other mum, I couldn't think of a better one.

I love you.


20Freda Bouras

Dear Dave,

Just like jazz, I reckon most people misunderstand the art of you.

They see the maverick, the cavalier, the fool, the playful, restless rebel who can't go a day without a way of breaking

all the rules.

But there's so much more to you than that. There's a deeper intent that links the games you invent,

that holds the dreams and schemes you call us all to follow and believe.

However unorthodox, however unique, you are a leader my friend. Just remember that the world needs you more

than people know how to tell you. Just as you are.

Someone has to edge the edges. And no one does it better than you.

Love you mate.


21Dave Allen

Dear Matt,

What could I possibly say to you that hasn't already been said. By the thousands of people you've moved, inspired,

awakened, empowered and led. Whatev's. I'm not afraid of you but I might've been once.

Your mastery over your artistry is unparalleled. The symphony of difference that you make everyday from when you wake until you rest is so intense. It could capsize the full desire of

anyone who seeks to follow suit.

But you're different. You're way more invitation than inspiration. Where others teach you reach right in to the cavity that holds my wildest dreams and demand I hear the heartbeat

of what drives me.

Make a deal with what inspires me. Commit to doing whatever it takes to shift the space inside myself so I can better serve

the people that I love.

You're just a deadset ledge and Im thrilled beyond measure to call you a mate and a mentor for many, many years to come.

I love you buddy.


22Matt Church

Dear Adam,

I’ll be honest.

I’ve surrendered all hope of ever finding a bespoke, authentic way to say how much you mean to me.

I’ve been searching everywhere but nowhere are there words or sounds or shapes that can articulate the feeling that I feel when

I’m with you.

Despite this hopeless quest to express my gratitude, I will continue.

You are an earthquake of heightened experience. You shake the very DNA with which I'm made. You pack more light into each

moment than I know what I could do with.

It’s astounding just how magnificent you are.

Thank you for just doing you. It’s such a gift to watch, to know, to be close to.

From then, through now until forever, I love you man.


23Adam Page

Dear Thommy,

You have a gift for making the best times better.

If the bus broke down and the bass amp blew, if the stage was all wet and the crowd too few, if the menu at the venue was clearly

last updated back in '82'...

There is no one I could think of that I'd rather share a drink with there but you.

You bring the Rock when others Roll.

You keep the beat long after the last song is sung. You create atmospheric landscapes that allow for and encourage my whole

self...to simply dance.

Because I can.

You bring the best things out of everything my man.

Thanks for being so radical.

I flipping love you.


24Thom Mann

Dear Anna,

I know the world speaks to you.

I know it asks that you step forward, that you stand for something more, that you lead us all in ways you’re still not

sure about.

I know for you the line is blurred between what is and what could be. I know the passion that engulfs you, can so easily

overwhelm you, when the love you have to give is held captive between the breaths of your sweet heart.

I know that everyone who meets you is spellbound by your relationship with now. They almost cannot deal with just how real you are in life. Once they’ve had a taste of you nothing

compares to who they thought they once could be.

They want the freedom that you have in spades.

And so do I.

Thank you for lifting me higher than I ever thought I’d be brave enough to climb.

I love your cotton socks.


25Anna McCracken

Dear Hickey,

You exude that old school quality that is scarcely seen in friendships made these days.

With you, I always feel welcome, feel included, like I'm worth it. You give me evidence that as I am, I am enough.

For all the playful banter, you'll always make room at the table, share what's left in the bottle, do the little things that make the

biggest difference.

And it doesn't go unnoticed. For anyone that knows you, knows the time they spend around you is the best time that

they'll hope to have that day.

I'm not sure you fully appreciate how loved you are, nor how loved you make us feel, but I'm telling you bud, the gift you've

got is real.

Thanks for all you do, for all of us.

Love ya guts


26Andrew hickey

Dear Bucko,

We knew each other well, long before we knew ourselves. From kids to teens to adolescent fiends who always found

ways to find fun.

We spent all our days chasing waves, misbehaving, soaked in sunshine, good times and sea water.

We pushed every limit as we stretched to define the blurred edges of who we might be.

But you were always the Leo, the lion hearted leader who would carry the weight of the tribe. You'd stay up all night, just

to hang when required, even if your next shift starts at six.

What a gift.

So many eager eyes look to you for the guidance they need to be who they are. You make it easy for people to believe

that what they have to give is not only welcome but needed.

Thanks for being the mountain we all search for and return to.

I love you mate.


27Josh Hooper

Dear Gibbo,

There was, is and never will be anyone just like you.

You are the wind and the flame, working in tandem, to light and heat the lives of those who know you.

We all know you cannot contain the restless pulse that dances beneath your skin. And we're moved by it.

Your obsession with connection is magnetic. Your ability to make moments with the moments we've been given is divine.

I don't know anyone who gets as lost in love than you. And I'm just so blessed that when you do, I'm around to see it, feel it

and hear about it.

Thank you for loving me like you love your family.

It and you mean the world to me.

Love you buddy.


28Gibran Maher

Dear Dusty,

This post is not enough to capture just how much I love your pretty face.

Of all the magic that emerged on my last voyage round the world it was you that cut right through the core of me.

For the best part of two years you were glued to my right leg, we shared a motorbike, a bed, we shared the sand,

the sea, the moon, my tea and countless perfect moments in between.

No one really got us but us. And that's what made our time together so real, so special, so ours.

I still think of you every day and love you with every heart of every life I'll live.

Miss you buddy.



Dear Billie,

I miss you most when it rains.

That was when you'd leave your post, jump on the bed and curl up close, to me.

All the softness you'd hide while protecting our tribe would become you. For as long as water fell you'd be nothing more than my gorgeous little girl. Breathing, still and perfect in every way.

How blessed I was to find you. To know you. To love you. To watch you learn and grow, discover, claim, reveal and keep so many


I am just so grateful that you chose me to watch over, to look out for and love.

The only thing I miss as much as you is your brother. Sending you cargo ships full of the good stuff.

I love you.




Dear Franks,

Man do I miss my little man.

What the hell am I supposed to do now without you? Who on earth will show me how to love like you do?

Your effect on everyone was immediate. I've never known anyone who could steal the attention of others with such

velocity and open hearts with such precision.

Life just got better after 2.8 seconds with you.

Your unbreakable commitment to play, your relentless conviction to make an ordinary day something we'd

remember. Forever.

To greet every face with limitless licks, to bounce through each day just for laughs, just for kicks, to crawl into spaces not built

for your shape just so you could be closer to me.

I'll never forget any of it.

I love you mate and miss every bit.



Dear Ry,

You big beautiful bunch of brilliance.

Like spring you arrived overnight, unannounced and full of promise. You were the rainbow that marked the end of one

chapter and the beginning of another.

And all you did was give. Selflessly, endlessly, effortlessly.

You are so overwhelmingly generous you've redefined what it means be of service.

Truth be told, most of what you give is unnecessary. It's not expected nor required. But that's why we need it so much. It's the

stuff that we all long for, that we're starved of, the stuff that we remember, the stuff that makes the biggest difference.

But don't be fooled. That's not why we love you. We love you because you love us. Wholly, deeply and unconditionally. And

we're not used to that.

Thank you for loving, nurturing and taking care of me and everyone else you meet. You are one in 7 billion mate.

I love you.


32Ryan Green

Dear Darius,

Most of us find it hard to wear our scars. We take less risks, we shorten the distance between what we want and what

we think we're worth. We make life much too serious much of the time.

But not you. With you life is a joyful, rebellious game to be played, to be savoured. With you my world shifts from why, to why not. With you I am free to do, say or be whoever I


And in a world obsessed with suppressing it's expression you are beyond priceless.

For all your swagger, charm and wit it is the freedom you give yourself to always be all of yourself that I find most


Don't ever underestimate the value that you bring, to each and every situation that you find yourself in. We need you

more than we probably tell you. Exactly as you are.

I love you buddy.


33Darius Mendoza

Dear Deb,

I've led a charmed life.

Never once did I go wanting. Never once was I left hoping that the world was not awaiting my arrival. Never once was I told I'd have to fold away my dreams and give up who I felt I came down here to be.

Whether consciously or not, whether intentionally or not, whether you meant to, hoped to, tried to, lied to, cried to get me through, you

did. And then some.

You gave me the best start, taught me how to live with heart, showed me that the most important thing is knowing, accepting and

growing oneself.

And as a result and as it stands, I love who I am and that would not be possible if it weren't for you and the influence you've had on my


There truly is no greater gift.

Thank you for everything I'll never know you surrendered so that I might one day triumph.

I love you, mum.

Happy Birthday.


34Deb Lange

Dear Steve,

Hanging with you is like summer holidays. I forget all the ways I'm spose to behave and just sink into

feeling what is.

You remind me just how sacred real connection is. Time or distance makes no difference to a good ol

fashioned friendship.

You remember the details I always forget. You walk without worrying for remorse or regret. You take

whatever fate wants to throw in your face and make something that serves your whole self.

Nothing you've endured has softened your intent or hardened your heart and I'm so grateful for every

square inch of you.

Love you long time Stevo!


35Steve Tam-Brown

Dear Jane,

I think you think you might have a vague idea of how wonderful you are, how selfless you are, how loved you


But you don't. You couldn't. People like you never really get how much better the world is with them in it. You're

just too busy bringing life to life.

It's a full time gig to give and you're working overtime so that each and every one of us can get ahead.

It's working. We're better because of you. In all kinds of ways you weren't intending.

Thank you for being just the nicest, loveliest, warmest, sweetest most generous girl on the block.

I love you.


36Jane Anderson

Dear Em,

It's only ever a week or two that someone I meet has been moved by you.

The landscape of love that you have cultivated is as wide as it is deep. As rich as it is raw. As needed as it is wanted by so many

hearts in search of themselves.

Your strength is your untamed desire to know, accept and express every cell of your dynamic and evolving self.

You illuminate our dark places, make our naked selves feel safer, take the stuff we use to justify the simple truth 'we're

terrified' and make it all okay.

All of it.

All of me, you, us and them, as we are, as we'll be and as we were back then.

Beautiful, delicate, abundant beings, dancing, romancing and playing with things.

Thank you for rocking the transformational change game HARD!

I love you.


37Emeli Paulo

Dear Sean,

You’re one of those right time, right place kinda guys.You make a difference just by listening, hold the space that I’m

resisting, let me grow through all my woes in my own way, at my own pace.

That can’t be easy. For someone so obsessed with progress your ability to be with every shady side of me must take some grit.

But I get it. Your love is just infinite.

No boundaries, no conditions, no expectations. From the sporting elite, to the man on the street, your intention remains the same.

That we are whole, complete and perfect in every single way.

Thank you for your relentless conviction that all of us have gifts that must be given.

We couldn’t do it without you mate.

Love ya guts.


38Sean Richardson

Dear Marky Mark,

It’s hard not to feel like a VIP when your giving your time and your heart to me.

You’re charming and disarming and the way you amplify the vibe of every tribe you walk through is magnetic.

But what i love most is how you squared up to your shadows and dug deep to find the burning light within.

It’s by far the very best thing that you’ve ever done for me, is to let your whole self be seen.

Thank you for evolving out loud.

I love you mate.


39Mark John

Dear David,

Thanks Mate, I love you


40David Bowie

Dear Anelia,

There’s a beautiful, simple truth that permeates everything that you do.

And innocence wrapped in your presence that draw me effortlessly toward you. You’re a joyful, curious starlight that

always put the softer side of me at ease.

And it’s delightful.

I’ve seen enough to know the stuff you’re hiding up your sleeve is worth waiting for. You give so much by just showing up and I’m

ever so grateful to have seen and been part of your continuing unfurling.

It’s hard to start over in a new land but you’ve got this. On behalf of all who now know you, in a country far from your roots, we all

couldn’t imagine a world without you in it.

Thanks for taking a risk on us.

I love you


41Anelia Heese

Dear Mason,

You are the living embodiment of everything that is wonderful in this world.

A walking, talking, shining, blinding example of what is possible when we listen for, engage with and act upon the

curious whisper that dwells in our deepest selves.

A whisper that is not our own. A collective, universal and divine calling to return to, integrate with and express the

richness of our being.

Through you I learn that honouring myself, is the first, most powerful and most precious step to honouring the world. The world that birthed me, that holds me and that I am.

Thank you for showing up as the cheeky, vibrant, abundant sage with a bag full of shrooms and torch to light the way.

I love you.


42Mason Taylor

Dear Marc,

You're an old Skool breed. The kind that bleeds, and sweats through dreams that met you long before you

had the grit to carry them.

But you did. Through all kinds of crazy shit. And yet, you never stopped, nor slowed, nor dimmed the glow

of fire that kept you burning to create.

If there is air in your lungs, there'll be a melody on your tongue and I along with so many more will keep

on dancing.

Thanks for holding the music so high it never touches the ground and making a good time so consistently

available for us all.

I love you mate.


43Marc Lucchesi

Dear Jac,

You make the best forever friend. Someone I can miss and reminisce about when sharing tales of then.

You're the kind that never minds what state I'm in, nor where I've been, nor whom I'm with or how long I intend

to stay.

You keep the light on. Always. And it's a rare rare thing these days.

Thank you for showing me a home within myself.

I love you.


42Jacqui Johnson

Dear Janine,

For all your success, all the people that you've led, all the hearts that you've inspired to give up hiding from

the light that is their birthright...you're just like us.

Which is why we all love you so much.

You wear without care what it takes to make it. You're as real as you are angelic, as humble as you are

magnetic, as selfless as you are an example of how to serve ourselves.

I am so grateful to have met you and felt your love rest easy on my soul.

Thank you for believing in me.

I love you.


45Janie Garner

Dear Reng, Nait and Onim,

There is no way I could have known, that your hearts would be my home, on that empty stretch of beach so far

from my own.

What a beautiful, happy accident it was to live and work together. To make memories worth remembering. To fill

all our days finding creative ways to keep going.

You will never know the difference you made to me by sharing yourselves so authentically. I was blessed

beyond measure to meet you and cannot wait to get back there to squeeze you.

Thank you for looking after us and being brave enough to step further than friends into family.

I love you and miss you dearly.


42Reng, Nait & Onim Young

Dear Paco,

I know you can't really read yet, and I can't quite make out whether the sound from your mouth is a

word that I get... but I just had to tell you...

You were the undisputed highlight of Xmas this year. Truthfully, I really had no idea. That someone so

young could be something so fun.

For the first time in my life, I thought about it. For the first time the thought of that stuff, felt alright.

Thank you for destroying a long held belief, that maybe, just maybe, I no longer need.

You are just so rad.

I love you


47Fransisco Foran

Dear Ian,

I know that living with me could quite often be far from easy street. I know that all the rebellion and reckless abandon caused

you many a night without sleep.

I know that choices I made, as I barrelled my way, through adolescence to adulthood, were never really that good. And most of the time, your mostly unwelcome advice, of course

turned out to be right.

But such is the sum of father and son. A generation to find equilibrium.

And I'm just so blessed that I found it before I lost it.

Because right now I stand tall, proud that who I am is all, but a reflection and expression of you.

I am so confident with my future and so grateful for my past and both are due in no small part to you.

Thank you for guiding me, providing for me, and stepping aside for me so that I could find my own way back to you.

I love you dad.


48Ian Dixon

Dear you,

The one whose eyes are moving left to right to read these shapes. How often do you hear about the difference that you make? How many

times a day do you get told that you're magnificent in every single way?

Probably not enough. But that's okay. Because it's tough to let the people in our lives know just how much they touch our soul.

So on behalf of everyone that's ever crossed your path...

Thank you. And I love you.

For everything you are, and everything you do.For getting up each day and stepping through whatever stands up in

the way. We could not do this without you.

Just take a moment to be with that. To be with all of you. Breathe. Drink it in. All of your infinite brilliance. And if you still can't feel it listen

close, I have the perfect antidote.

Call, write or cuddle up close, to 5omeone you love and let them know just how much they mean to you. Believe me, you'll begin to see the

beauty you seek begin to rise in you.

And with every soul you touch and let them know how much they're loved, your life will change in ways you could not have imagined.

Enjoy it.



Dear Myke,

Here we are again. Another round of finding out exactly who I am. Another quest to find connection out there in the world, has drawn us in back in circles, now I stand

before myself.

So in this somewhat familiar space, that we return to every day, it’s time to tell you what I think you need to hear.

I love you.

I really do. And from now on I will never stop from ever telling you. Every morning, every night, in the soft moments of quiet in between the messy rush of modern life. I will whisper, draw and sing of how my love for you is blossoming with every new

adventure you take on.

We can do it now. All those dreams we dreamt together.You no longer have to wait until the playground feels safer. You don’t need to ask permission, nor should you ever question if the dream you have is worthy of your


Cause you deserve it. And by pushing through the fear of no one ever loving you, you’ll make a bunch of stuff that matters that nobody else could make, but you.

So be all of yourself, all of the time.

And if they shit on you, and call you names, remember that we’re all trying to overcome the fear of never being 5omeone to 5omeone.

Keep it up buddy.


50Mykel Dixon

Everyone wants to be 5omeone to someone.

Let em know.

About The AuthorMykel Dixon is an Expert in the emerging fields of Artisan Thinking and Cultural Architecture and author of ‘Just Do 5omething - A guidebook for turning dreamers into makers’.

He works with leading edge organisations around Australia to unlock effortless creativity and design collaborative cultures that foster true innovation.

When not singing for his supper or owning beach bars in Cambodia he maintains his artistic practice through a series of creative projects like 5ongs, 5poken & 5omething.

To find out more information check out www.mykeldixon.com

Follow on the socials Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and sign up to his newsletter www.mykeldixon.com/signup

Just Do 5omething A guidebook for turning dreamers into makers

Creative work can be a dangerous place. Fraught with fear and self-sabotage. To make art means to not only touch but to reveal the most vulnerable parts of ourselves to an often cold and indifferent world.

Too many would be artisans, makers and innovators fall victim to the blasphemy of self doubt that surround their self expression. Every time a vision goes unfinished the creator, the company and the cause are robbed of beauty, possibility and profit.

Just do 5omething is a practical, relevant & elegant guide for recovering Artisans looking to unlock their capacity for creativity and unleash their impulse for innovation.

The gift that keeps on giving. grab your copy now by heading to;


written by mykel dixon

© 2016