5th semester electronic and communication engineering (2013-june) question papers

't, I USN Time: 3 hrs. 10Ar-51 Max. Marks:.lQ0 Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting ot leost TLI/O questions .from each part. Fifth Semester B.E, Degree Examination, June/July 2013 Management and EntrepreneurshiP E q 39 8g -iD 'IA dg arro U: -i c.i E E la. b. t^ b. c. 3a. b. C. 4a. b. c. PART-A Define management. Write various characteristics of management. I Write various roles of a manager. Explain any two important modern management approaches. . Write differencesrbetween strategic planning and tactical phnning. Explain various types of decisions. Explain various steps ofplanning. r.. Write advantages and disadvantages of line and.Staff organization. Write various principles of Write differences between coordination.irnd cooperation. (05 Marks) (05 Marks) (10 Marks) (05 Marks) (05 Marks) (10 Marks) (05 Marks) (05 Marks) (10 Marks) (05 Marks) (10 Mark!) . (05 Marks) (05 Marks) (10 Marks) Write differences among autocr.atic; participatiyg and Free-Rein Leadership styles. (05 Marks) Explain various methods ofestabiiShing control. (10 Marks) PART _ B 5 a. Write differences anion! Intrapreneur, Entrepreneur and N.{a4ager. (05 Marks) b. Write imponant qualities of an entreprencur. (05 Marks) c. Explain various stages in entrepreneurial process. (10 Marks) 6 a. Write v.arious characteristics of SSIs. (05 Marks) b. Write.functions of WTO. (05 Marks) c. Explain various steps to start a SSI. (10 Marks) 7 a. Write functions oITECSOK. (05 Marks) b. Write functions of SIDBI. (05 Marks) c. Write objectives, functions and single window concept of District Industries Centre. ;.1 8 a. Write various points to be considered for project identification. ,.:. ... b. Write differences between PERT and CPM. 6 / c. Explain various aspects ofproject feasibility studies. .'i_.i :lEi '",+l' ,k{,+*{. 11.1'

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Page 1: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers



Time: 3 hrs.


Max. Marks:.lQ0Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting

ot leost TLI/O questions .from each part.

Fifth Semester B.E, Degree Examination, June/July 2013Management and EntrepreneurshiP








-i c.i









Define management. Write various characteristics of management. I

Write various roles of a manager.Explain any two important modern management approaches.


Write differencesrbetween strategic planning and tactical phnning.Explain various types of decisions.Explain various steps ofplanning. r..

Write advantages and disadvantages of line and.Staff organization.Write various principles of

Write differences between coordination.irnd cooperation.

(05 Marks)(05 Marks)(10 Marks)

(05 Marks)(05 Marks)(10 Marks)

(05 Marks)(05 Marks)(10 Marks)

(05 Marks)

(10 Mark!) .

(05 Marks)(05 Marks)(10 Marks)

Write differences among autocr.atic; participatiyg and Free-Rein Leadership styles. (05 Marks)Explain various methods ofestabiiShing control. (10 Marks)


5 a. Write differences anion! Intrapreneur, Entrepreneur and N.{a4ager. (05 Marks)

b. Write imponant qualities of an entreprencur. (05 Marks)

c. Explain various stages in entrepreneurial process. (10 Marks)

6 a. Write v.arious characteristics of SSIs. (05 Marks)b. Write.functions of WTO. (05 Marks)c. Explain various steps to start a SSI. (10 Marks)

7 a. Write functions oITECSOK. (05 Marks)b. Write functions of SIDBI. (05 Marks)c. Write objectives, functions and single window concept of District Industries Centre. ;.1

8 a. Write various points to be considered for project identification. ,.:. ...

b. Write differences between PERT and CPM. 6 /c. Explain various aspects ofproject feasibility studies. .'i_.i:lEi'",+l'

,k{,+*{. 11.1'

Page 2: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers



Time: 3 hrs.

iv) llx(n)1'?


(05 Marks)

(12 Marks)

Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2013Digital Signal Processing








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-o :!

-i .i



Max. Marks:100Note:1. Answer FIVE full questions, selecting

ot least TWO questions from each part.2, Use of Normalized /ilter tables not permitted

PART.ADefine DFT. Derive the relationship of DFT to the z-transform.1a.

b. An analog signal is sampled at 10 kHz and the DFT of 512 samples is computed. Determinethe liequency spacing between the spectral samples ofDtrI. (03 Marks)

c. Consider the finite lenglh sequence x(n) = 5(n) - 26(n - 5) '

Find i) The 10 point DFT of x(n) i0 The sequence y(n) that has a DFTi.]n,

y(K) = e 'o x(K) where X(K) is the l0 point DFT of x(n) iii) The 10 point sequence y(n)

that has a DFT Y(K):X(K)W(K) where X(K) is the 10 point DFT of x(n) and W(K) is the

10 point DFT ofu(n) - u(n-6). (12 Marks)

2 a. Determine the circular convolution of the sequences x(n): { 1, 2, 3, 1\ and h(n)= [a, 3, 2, 2 ]using DFT and IDFT equations. (08 Marks)

b. Let X(K) be a 14 point DFT of a length 14 real sequence x(n). The first 8 samples of X(K)are given by: x(0) : 12, X(1) : -1 + J3, x(2) - 3 + j4, x(3) : 1-J5, x(4) : -2+12,x(s) : 6+J3, x(6) : -2 - J3, x(7) = 10.

Determine the remaining samples of X(K). Also evaluate the following functions withoutcomputing the IDFT.

i) x(0) ii) x(7) iii) )x(n)n=0

3 a. Consider a FIR filter with impulse response, h(n) : {3, 2, l, 1}. If the input isx(n): {1,2,3,3,2, 1,-1,-2,-3,5,6, 1,2, 1}, using the overlap save met}od and 8 pointcircular convolution. (10 Marks)

b. What are FFT algorithms? Prove the i) Symmetry and ii) Periodicity property of thetwiddle factor WN. (06 Marks)

c. How many complex multiplications and additions are required for computing 256 point DFTusing FFT algorithms? (04 Marks)

(la. Find rhe DFT olthe sequence x(n) - t. using the decimation in irequency

FFT algorithm and draw the signal flow graph. Show the outputs for each stage. ( l0 Marks)b. Givenx(n): {1,0, I , 0 } , find x(2) using the Goertzel algorithm.-. , (0s Marks)c. Write a note on chirp z transform algorithm. .,.'i . (05 Marks)

lof 2 'r': ,,

Page 3: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers


PART - B5 a. Given thar

lH(e?o)I'? =


determine the analog Butterworth low pass filter transfer

function. (06 Marks)b' Design an analog Chebyshev filter with a maximum passband attenuation of 2.5 dB atQn = 20radlsec and the stopband attenuation of30 dB at O, = 50 radlsec. (t0 Marks)

c. Compare Butterworth and Chebyshev filters. (04 Marks)

6 a. What are the conditions to be satisfied while transforming an analog filter to a digital IIR'' filter? Explain how this is achieved in Bilinear transformation technique. (05 Marks)

b. Design a Butterworth filter using the impulse invariance method for the following

c. Determine H(2) for the given analog system function H(s) =


7 a. A z-plane pole-zero plot for a certain digital filter shown

specifications: Take T = 1 sec,0.s <lH(ei*)l < 1 0 < w < 0.2n

lHt. ' rl s 0.2 o.6n<w<n(10 Marks)

by using Matched

(05 Marks)


parameters ar, br, bz, c;, d; and dz. Sketch the direct form IIsystem.

in Fig. Q7 (a). Determine the

giving the numerical values lor

and Cascade realizations of the(10 Marks)

system function in the H(z)- (l +a z'II +b'z'+b:z'(1 + c, z-' 11 +d,z'+d,z'


b. A FIR filter is given by,



with a desired frequency

3@ee z=-l


y(n) : x(n) * 24n-rl*Jx(n-2)+1x(n-3). Draw the direct form I


Design a FIR filter (low pass)

H,(er')-a-r:u -3n a.a 3z

44-3n=U; -<kr:l

<n4 "Use Hamming window with M = 7. Also obtain the frequency response.Design a linear phase low pass FIR filter with 7 taps and cutoff lrequency of <o.

using the frequency sampling -",rod; * * * *2 of2

and lattice

(10 Marks)


(10 Marks)

= 0.3r rad,

(10 Marks)

Fig. Q7 1a.)

Page 4: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers

I]SN 06EC52

(06 Marks)

(08 Marks)

(10 Marks)

(12 Marks)

(08 Marks)

Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2013












-i 6i



Digital Signal Processing

Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100Note:. Answer FIVE full questions, selecting

at least TWO questions from each part.


1 a. Consider two periodic sequences x(n) and y(n). x(n) and y(n) has the period N and Mrespectively. The sequence w(n) : x(n) + y(n). (i) Show that w(n) is periodic withperiod MN. (ii) Also show that w(k) represents MN point DFT of an MN pointsequence w(n). (06 Marks)

b. Find the 4 point DFT ofthe sequence x(n): cos(nnl4).

c. Obtain rhe relationship bel\ een (i) DFT and DTFT (ii) DFT and DFS.

2 a. Let x(k) denote the N point DFT ofthe N point sequence x(n).(i) Show that ifx(n) satisfies the relation x(n): - x(N-1-n), then x(0):0(ii) Show that when N even and if x(n) : x(N- 1-n), then x(N/2) = Q.

b. Compute the circular convolution using DFT and IDFT for the lollowing sequence

x1(n): {2, 3, l, 1} and xr(n): {1,3, 5,3} (10 Marks)

3 a. g(n) and h(n) are two sequences of length 6. They have 6 point DFTS G(k) and H(k)respectively. Let g(n) : {4.1, 3.5, 1.2,5,2,3.3}. The DTFS G(k) and H(k) are related by thecircular frequency shift as H(k) - G((k 3))6. Determine h(n) without computing DFT and

4 a. Compute DFT of two real sequences using FFT algorithms.

b. Explain Geortzal algorithm. (08 Marks)

c. Discuss memory requirement and Inplace computation related to DIT and DIF FFTs.

b. Convert the following low pass digital filter ol cutoff liequen cy 0.2n into high pass fllter ofcutolf liequency 0.3n radians

0.245(1+ z-t)


b. Determine 8-point DFT of x(n): {1,

(08 Marks)

0, 1,2, 1,1, 0, 2) using radix 2 DIT FFT algorithm.

H(z):1 - 0.5092-r


(08 Marks)

Page 5: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers


6 a. What are the properties of FIR filters? State their importance.

b. What is Gibbs phenomenon? How it can be reduced?

(04 Mrrks)

(04 Marks)

I a. Develop the lattice runa.. u*"rLffi,gHl, *,rn o,*..nce equation

y(n)+]v(n-r)*|vt,-pffiz"tr-rt (r0Marks)

f1) + 3x(n)Lf{6^(n - 1) + 0.6x(n - 2) , obtain direct form: pole-zero iqH,stem. (10 Marks)




\ratL., \,-/^.,J

,\r." r'i-{Y'-'. :,/,



2 of2

Page 6: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers

USN 06EC6s

Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June / Jily 2Ol3






JoiD=o. :'i



lnformation Theory and Coding

.:'Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: I00

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting alleast TWO question from each part.

PART. AI a. Discuss the reasons lor using logarithmic function for measuring the amount of information.

(04 Marks)b. The Intemational Morse code uses a sequence of dots and dashes to transmit letters of

English alphabet. The dash is represented by a current pulse that has a duration of 3 unitsand the dot has:a- duration of 1 unit. The probability of occurrence ofa dash is 1/3 of theprobabitity ofoccurrence ofa dot. i) ,calculate the information conlent ofa dot and a dash.ii) Calculate the average inlormation in the dot - dash code iii) Assume that the dotlasts for 1 msec, which is the same time interval as the pause between symbols. Find theaverage rate of information transmission. (06 Marks)

c. For the Markoff source shown in fig. Ql(c). find i) Source Entropy ii) G, , G: and G:.(10 Marks)

Fig.Q1(c) A z+

' Fie.Q2(b) ' ".-


A source emits an independent ,"qi"n"" ol symbols from an alphabet consisting of 5

symbols A, B, C, D and E with probabilities P : {0.4, 0.2,0.2,0.1, 0.1}. DetermineHuf'fman code by i) Shifting the combined symbol as high as possible ii) Shifting thecombined symbol as low as possible iii) Find coding efficiency and variance of both thecodes. (10 Marks)A binary symmetric channel has the lollowing noise matrix with source probabitities of

PGr) = ? and PQrr;: 1.33[r r]P(YiX): ; ; . i) Determine H(X), H(Y), H(X, Y), H(Y/X) and HQ{/Y) ii) Find the

IJl.a q

channel capacity. (10 Marks)I of2

Page 7: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers



a. Define mutual information. Describe the four properties of mutual information. (10 Marks)b. State Shannon - Hartley law. Derive an expression for the upper limit of the channel

capacity. (06 Marks)c. AVoice grade channel ofthe telephone network has a bandwidth of 3.4 kHz.

i) Calculate the channel capacity ofthe telephone network for a signal - to - noise ratio of30dB.

ii) Calculate the minimum signal to - noise ratio required to support inf,ormation. transmission tlrough the telephone channel at the rate of4800 bits/sec. (04 Marks)

PART - Ba. What'.is. error control coding? Explain-If,ffi-nctional blocks that .accomplish error control

coding. ' '. (06 Marks)b. For a (6, 3)'rystgmatic linear block code the parity check bits are generated by Ca = d r + d3 ,

Cs : dr + d2 + tb , C6: d1 + d2. i) Write the generator matrix ii) Construct alt possiblecode vectors iifl Suppose the ieceived code word- is 0l01ll. decode this word by

a. What is a binary cyclic d6de? Explain with neat diagrams, the implementation of encodingand decoding operations ofa binary cyclic code. (t0 Marks)

b. A (15.5) binary,cyclic code has a generator polynomialg(x): I I x+x--x',+x +x8 | xlo.i) Draw the block diagram of encoder and syndrome calculator.ii) Find the code polynomia^l lor.message D(x) - | + x2 F x4 in systematic lorm.iii) Is V(x) = 1+xa+ru+r* + xla a code polynomial? (10Marks)

Explain the following error control codes : .': ''a. RS codes.b. Golay codes.c. Shortenedcyclic..crides.d. Burst and rardoinerror correcting codes.

For a (3, | 2) convolutional_ code with impulse responses g(r) - ft!,g11):i) Drawthe encoder block diagram.iil Find the senerator matrix and the convolutional code for the messase se,ii) Find the generator matrix and the convolutional code for the message sequence lll01-' rrcino tinla inmqi. "^^'^"^h

' using time domain approach.ii) using transfer domain approach. :'' (12 Marks)iii) Verify code vector found in

(20 Marks)

101 , go): 111.

b. For a (2, 1, 1) convolutional code with impulse responses g(r ) - I 1 , g,', 10.i) Draw the block diagram ofthe encoder.ii) Find the constraint length and rate efficiency ofthe encoder.iii) Find the generator matrix and the convolutional code for the message sequence 1 101 .

(08 Marks)

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Page 8: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers


USN 06EC53

Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2013

Analog GommunicationTime: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100

Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selectingat least TWO questions from eoch part.

PART-A1 a. Derive the equations on the random experiment to find:

i) Statistical average ii) correlation function iii) co-variance function. (10 Marks)b. Explain the properties ofautocomelation function and power spectral density. (10 Marks)

2 a. with the help of time domain and liequency domain diagrams, explain the AM process.Also derive the AM equation for the instantaneous amplitude ofthe modulated voltage.

6. A sinusoidal carrier voltage is amplitude modulated as:Vc: (1000 + 700 cos 6000 rt) cos 2000 Knt.

(14 Marks)

Find the unmodulated carrier voltage, modulating voltage, modulation index, LSB and USBfrequencies and band width of the AM wave. (06 Marks)

3 a. Explain the advantages ofSSB communication and calculate the power saving ofa carrierwhich is modulated to 50%. (08 Marks)

b. Write the circuit diagram and explain the phase discrimination method of generating SSBwave. (12 Marks)

4 a. With the help of diagrams, describe the concepts of vestigial sideband modulation anddemodulation.












b. Give the comparison of amplitude modulation techniques.


(12 Marks)(08 Marks)

(09 Marks)(07 Marks)

- (04 Marks)

(08 Marks)(12 Marks)

(10 Marks)(10 Marks)

5 a. Define the terms: i) Modulation index, ii) Band width and iii) Frequency deviation, in the

_ case of frequency modulation. (04 Marks)b. A 90 MHz canier is liequency modulated by a sinusoidal AF modulating signal. The highestcarrier frequency reached is 90.05 MHz. Calculate: i) Frequency deviation, ii) Carrier swingand (iii) Lowest liequency reached. (06 Marks)c. Write the diagram and explain the indirect method of generating wideband FM. (t0 Marks)

6 a. with the help of circuit diagram, explain the balanced slope detection of the FM wave.

b. Write the circuit diagram and explain the phase locked loop working.c. Compare AM and FM systems.

7 a. Explain the following noise types and give mathematical expressions:i) Shot noise ii) Thermal noise iii) White noisJ

b. Derive the expressions for:i) Noise figure ii) Equivalent noise temperature iii) Noise equivalent bandwidth.

Discuss the noise in AM and FM systems.Describe the pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in the FM.


Page 9: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers


USN 06EC54

Microwaves and Radar

Max. Marks: 100Notet Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting

at least TWO questions from each part.

( l0 Marks)

(04 Marks)

Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2013

T'ime: 3 hrs.








?; -9,


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PART-ADerive equation for voltage and current at any point on a transmission line.


A telephone line has R:6 ohms/km, L:2.2 rrUkm, C = 0.005 pF/km and

G: 0.05 pmhoikm. Determine Zn, a, B al 1 kHz. If the line length is 100 km, determine theattenuation and phase shift ofthe signal. Calculate the phase velocity ofthe signal. (06 Marks)Define reflection co-elficient and derive relationship between SWR and reflection











Briefly explain the working of precision rotary phase shifter with the help ofdiagram and Efield components. (07 Marks)Derive electric and magnetic field eqmtions in rectangular waveguides for TE.,n

loohrru,An air filled rectangular waveguide of inside dimension a- 7 cm, b:3.5 cm operates in thedominant TE;6 mode.i) Find the cut otfhequency.ii) Determine phase velocity of the wave in the guide at a liequency of 3.5 GHz.iii) Determine the guide wavelength at the same ftequency. (06 Marks)

With the help of drift velocity graph and current wave.form, explain the constructionalfeatures and working of n-type GaAs diode. (08 Marks)An IMPATT diode operates 150 V delivering 1A of current at 8% efficiency. Calculate theoutput power and duty cycle if the device is operated in pulsed mode at 20 GHz with thepulse width of 0.5 Ps. (08 Marks)Define reflection loss and attenuation loss in transmission lines. (04 Marks)

Starling from the impedance matrix equation, prove the symmetry property of a reciprocalnetwork. (08 Marks)Two transmission lines of characteristic impedanc e Zr and Zt are joined at plane PPr express'S' parameters in terms of impedances. (Assume the circuit diagram).,, - . ... . (08 Marks)Explain S matrix representation of 'n' pofi network. ..:; il\{

,..r\(04 Marks)

t..../ \'t"l ) \

PART-B ,:.:Explain the characteristics o f magic tee with diagram. ,kfstr obtain the 'S' matrixrepresentation ofthe magic tee. ' tj,.' (08 Marks)With schematic diagram, explain Bethe Hole directional coupler. : ,. t08 Marks)Define coupling factor and directivity ofdirectional coupler. 104 Marks)

I of2

Page 10: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers



6 a. Explain the construction and field pattem for microstripline. (08 Marks).b. With necessary equations, explain radiation loss and dielectric loss. (06 Marks)c. A shielded strip line has the following parameters dielectric constant of the insulator

t E,:2.56, strip width, W = 25 mils. strip thickness, t : 14 mils and shield depth d = 70 mik.ry,. Calculate: i) The K frctor

;5\a" (Or ii) The Fringe capacitance

"O4 . ili rr,..turu"t.ristic impedance of the line. Sul.r.l-*' "'{,z u.fuiu. an expression for the basic Radar equation. p1U ior r""*1

b. Wtfo'neat block diagrarn explain the pulse Doppler Radar. Ci )" (08 Marks)c. Naifftortant applications of Radar.

^t " (04 Marks)

vtTI Radar. rqFt (lo Marks)b. Write explanaV,frIotes on: -O.t\ "

D fvforingfu.dQA"t""to,' -,$-ii) Delay line cancl$. \O\ (lo Marks)</6 ***** @'Sr- .(\r'4r+- ou'

'sbAY an-@r\ (Y

. bo" "-€*.+ -€_...$'xo- u/.t

-'. 1. !i L.ll(\v - {1($- nv,^cl tt-,

ru Yt\ i;.

- A\- ' .-,\\Y "!tt

\' '{.f

2 of2

Page 11: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers

tUSN 068C54

(10 Marks)

'S'matrix(08 Marks)(08 Marks)(04 Marks)

Time: 3 hrs.

Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2013

Microwaves and Radar

Max.Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting

dt least TWO questions from each part

PART - ADerive equation for voltage and current at any point on a transmission line.








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A telephone line has R = 6 ohms/km, L:2.2 n-h/km, C = 0.005 prF/km andG : 0.05 pmho/km. Determine Zo, a, p at 1 kHz. Ilthe line length is 100 km, determine theattenuation and phase shift ofthe signal. Calculate the phase velocity ofthe signal. (06 Marks)Detine reflection co-efficient and derive relationship between SWR and reflectioncoefficient. (04 Marks)

2 a. Briefly explain the working of precision rotary phase shifter with the help of diagram and Elield components. (07 Marks)


Derive electric and magnetic field equations in rectangular waveguides for TEn.,n mode.(07 Marks)

An air filled rectangular waveguide of inside dimension a:7 cm, b: 3.5 cm operates in thedominant TEro mode.i) Find the cut offfrequency.ii) Determine phase velocity of the wave in the guide at a liequency of 3.5 GHz.iii) Determine the guide wavelength at the same fiequency. (06 Marks)

With the help of drift velocity graph and current waveform, explain the constructionalleatures and working of ntype GaAs diode. (08 Marks)An IMPATT diode operates 150 V delivering 1A of current at 8% efficiency. Calculate theoutput power and duty cycle if the device is operated in pulsed mode at 20 GHz with thepulse width of 0.5 Ps. (08 Marks)Define reflection loss and attenuation loss in transmission lines. (04 Marks)

Starting from the impedance matrix equation, prove the symmetry property of a reciprocalnetwork. (08 Marks)

b. Two transmission lines of characteristic impedance Zt and Zz are joined at plane PPr express

PART _ B5 a. Explain the characteristics of magic tee with diagram. Also.

representation ofthe magic tee.b. With schematic diagram, explain Bethe Hole directional coupler.c. Define coupling factor and directivity ofdirectional coupler.

1 of 2

obtain. the

Page 12: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers

6 a. Explain the construction and field pattem for microstripline.b. With necessary equations, explain radiation loss and dielectric loss.


(08 Marks)(06 Marks)

c. A shielded strip line has the following parameters dielectric constant of the insulator,t E,= 2.56, strip widttr, W = 25 mils, strip thickness, t = 14 mils and shield depth, d = 70 mil$.ry.. Calculate: i) The K factor \*\-{Ol ii) The Fringe capacitance V---'rO iii) The characteristic impedance ofthe line.

.rsvtl*"tz u.fuir. an expression for the basic Radar equation. ftE tor rr"*l

b. V'$g'neat block diagrarn, explain the pulse Doppler Radar. Oi :" (08 Marks). ^re:,applicatiomofRadar. ,d} " (o4Marks)

8 a. Withth"t{Spsa"utblockdiagrarqexplainMTlRadar. \Q>i (t0Marks)b. Write explanalfy -notes on: -Q.$

-i) Moving Tar{Qf,etector -\Q7"ii) Delay line cancl@;. _ \Ot (10 Marks)'(/a ***** @

'O. (\r"O,, _ UJ''s,$\-Ar -;gn

-\) - -4.2/ -"xv U*

^a$ "{,

-..)$- ' @ -{r- Af* "-Q,-s

i9- {r't-,o\' "/

Jstbt d,g^

%,r:i\*$'' -(r

+'q- *b

2 ofZ

Page 13: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers

USN 06EC56

I r-;-Eo. IE DAD'r.E r.,,r.,.. PART-A . a\d . ::.li - .!n{ !},


Q t a. Explain briefp the nMOS enhancement mode transistor actio4..ugftllneat sketches. (06 Marks)

. ij b. With the helffipcross-sectional schematic, explain the .reriqSi steps involved in n-well$3 CMOS fabricati6ryBr"..r.. , \'l t.

(0E Marks)

-:= c. Defure noise margir(|alculate the noise margins fs1 th& transfer characteristic of typical

E B inverter. shown in FiCQ.]tg]. ';.' (06 Marks)"..t;r:= $ vor'eu 5l-\S_

y:=.-,E;Pi E

* 1 \ (o."rtY gorn P*"t s['oPc= -!

;I Yqr 'l \gE 'r ,l \i -i

'[ u-vr*za'gv;5 'IE;gE vo.=ov -[=nb , t, a 5 .r I 2

E + Vt" '+ v;'r- vo'{rJ --+i

E ; i\ -' Di^.r r/^\ ' S1;;E! ."rib- Fig.e.l(c) '{['.-,-A [ ,s\*- '{;;}E g Z a. fxpfaip.!)efly the circuit operation of a basic differential inverteii&.q Tristate inverter.i.= '-**- (06 Marks)

; S b. p&fr the circuit diagram, mono chrome stick diagram and mask layout$.#p;well CMOS

! ; frverter. -_ . {08 Marks)

d F o, Distinguish burried and butting contacts with suitable diagrams. .'(06 Marks)>.qooolo0E * :. 3

" i. Draw the circuit diagram and monochrome stick diagram for two input CMOS NOd ga1e.qbiF ; (06 Mai{s): ; b. What do you mean by pre-charge and evaluate modes in CMOS dynamic logic? Explain.o i (06 Marks)'': "i c' What are single rail and dual rail networks? Explain how cascade voltage switch logic€ (CVSL) may be used to obtain dual-rail logic gates. ../-:--^-.-. .(08 Marks)z - z1^..o9_{*;^E I a. Calculate the area capacitance values associated wirh the r"U##gt mr.-'r}". having

$ aifferent layers as shorm h Fig.Q.4(a) (relative 'C' value lor/ff$rif\"i+1o-sJbstrate I= 0.1 pfx l0a/pm2andmelal l-to-substrate=0.075p|x fOalUm'?l.\g\ t,.r., (06Marks)

Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2013Fundamental of CMOS VLS!

3 hrs. Max. Mark*d$d-{"'. N ote: l. Answer FIVE full questions, selecting \" '.

ai" ^ :t-!"":, TWO questionsfrom each pate .;.

7),:\\*-*:lji1,,, , - '

Page 14: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers

l+-..- loo.\


(06 Marks)(06 Marks)(08 Marks)


.;. NJ pot,,s,,rr.' 'zI :,--"/,.-.

. Fig.Q'a(a)'/ i{ ::..-

prove @,&e aehy associated with CMOS inverter pair is independerrt of input transitions.' -, : :-:..; (06 Marks)

Write the scdle hctors for the following parameters:i) cate capiiitaoee (Ce) .,.'. , .


iii) Current density (J)i,r) Power speed produe.t{Pr. (08 Marks)

5a. Discuss the architectural issues in of VLSI sub system.switches.b. Implement a 4-way multiplexer usi

c. Explain structured design generator.

6 a. Realize a 4 x 4 barrel shiftea:ijsiilg MOS switci;& explain in brief its salient fearues.

b. Explain the various stef'ihvolved in designing a 4-bit adder. [3:ilffi]c. Discuss on a serial4spllel multiplier approach used in adder. (06 Marks)r: t ' 'r-:7 a. What are the ry.stEm timing considerations? Explain. : , . (06 Marks)

b. Explain tl}.Q({rtuit operation of a three-traffistor dynamic RAMiplL - (07 Marks)c. Show thd'&iirctioning ofa pseudo-static memory cell. (07 Marks)

8 lpiteshort notes on the following:a. .t4fr)t output pads. "l' .-.,

[." Controllability and observability. '' '-:. c.- Boundary scan test (BST).

-.,..;:' d. Builrin-self-test (BIST). (20 rvlarks)

. .;---..,.- ,r***+ ,

ffim.u WT,m- f .1

ffio;11r,t.', . .No- T





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Page 15: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers

USN 06EC65

Max. Marks:100

Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June / July 2013lnformation Theory and Coding



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Time: 3 hrs.

Notpl Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting atleast TWO questionfrom each part.

.: .. PART - Aa. Discuss rhe reasons for using logurithrn-i. fu*ti* for measuring the amount ol'inlormalion.

.,., (04 Marks)b. The International Morse code uses a sequence of dots and dashei. to transmit letters of

English alpla.bet. The dash is represented by a current pulse that has a duration of 3 unitsand the dot'hgs.-a duration of 1 unit. The probability of occurri:nce ofa dash is 1/3 of theprobability of itdcurrence ofa dot. i) palculate the information content ofa dot and a dash.ii) Calculate theiaverage information in the dot - dash code iii) Assume that the dotlasts for 1 msec, whigh. is the same time interval 4q the pause between symbols. Find theaverage rate of informdiiq! transmission. (06 Marks)

c. For the Markoff source sllown in fig. Ql(c), find i) Source Entropy iD G, , Gz and G:.(10 Marks)

Fig.Ql(c) A

a. Explain the steps in the Shannon's encoding algorithm for generating binary code. Designan encoder using Shannon encoding algorithm for a source having 5 symbols and

probability statistics f = [. I . 3 .1.1]. nind the coding efficiency and redundancy.le'to'ro,r'tJ

' -":' " (to Marks)

b. Show that the caiiidity ofa discrete channel shown in frg. Q2(b) is C : logz [16r*,llUi

rlr"",Lp l

where B:2q *6 , : -t pl":,j.llljr.1:"-. *;,'_:_:,10f,",,.*"1 (r0 Marks)

... _,. * -*_______.7.__--_* * o1,=,'=p


-=-, - =

Q.. a: A source emits an independent sequence of symbols from an alphabet consistirig. of 5

''.:' symbols A, B, C, D and E with probabilities P : {0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1}. Determine' Huffrnan code by i) Shifting the combined symbol as high as possible ii) Shifting thecombined symbol as low as possible iii) Find coding efficiency and variance of both thecodes. (10 Marks)

b. A binary symmetric channel has the following noise matrix with sourcep-to-b.gbilities of

P(X,): 2 and P(X21 : 1.1



channel capacity.I of2

Page 16: 5th Semester Electronic and Communication Engineering (2013-June) Question Papers


a. Define mutual information. Describe the four properties of mutual information. (10 Marks)b. State Shannon Hartley law. Derive an expression for the upper limit of the channel

capacity. (06 Marks)c. A Voice - grade channel of the telephone network has a bandwidth of 3.4 kHz.

i) Calculate the channel capacity ofthe telephone network for a signal - to - noise ratio of30d8.

ii) Calculate the minimum signal - to - noise ratio requ ed to support ihformationtransmission tkough the telephone channel at the tate of4800 bits/sec. '-i (04 Marks)

b. For a (6, 3) systematic linear block code the parity check bits are generated by Ca: d1 + d3 ,Cs : dr + dz + d: , Co: dr + dz. i) Write the generator rnatrii ii) Construct all possiblecode vectors ii, Suppose the received code word is 010111, decode this word by

PART - Ba. What'is.'trror control coding? Explain-the functional blocks


computing the syndrome vector.

Explain the lollowing error control codes :

a. RS codes.b. Golay codes. :c. Shortenedcyclic.,codes.d. Burst and random error correcting codes.

that aeiomplish error control(06 Marks)

(14 Marks)

(20 Marks)

(12 Marks)

a. What is a binary cyclic code? Explain with neat diagrams, the implementation of encodingand decoding operations ofa binary cyclic code. (10 Marks)

b. A ( 15.5) binary cyclic code has a generator polynomialg(x) : 1 + x + x2 + x4 + xt+ x8 + x',o,.,.,,,.i) Draw the block diagram of encodet and syndrome calculator.ii) Find the code polynomia^l for_message D(x): I - *'+ xo in systematic form.iii) IsV(x):1+x4+*6 + *8 + xla a code polynomial? (t0Marks)

a. For a (3, 1,2) convolutional code with impulse responses g(r' : 110, g12): 101 . g'3' : 111.i) Draw the encoder block diagram.ii) Iiitii the generator matrix and the convolutional code for the message sequence I 1 101

' . using time domain approach.iii) Verifr code vector found in ii) using transfer domain approach.

b. For a (2, 1, 1) convolutional code with impulse responses g(r) : 11 , g(') 10.i) Draw the block diagram ofthe encoder.ii) Find the constraint length and rate effrciency ofthe encoder.iii) Find the generator matdx and the convolutional code for the message sequence I 101 .

(08 Marks)

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