6. 2 .. 6.0· .. , 6··. · .-.. ra ·.d wile-tells~-~ · alumni city clubs alumni~do not forget...

, . '. -,. ' Not Forget to: ALUMNI CITY CLUBS MEET. AT 1 O'CLOCK IN 101 MAIN BUILDING TO- DAY.' re a me ail Register ·in the Alumni Of- ·· ·fice 'in 101· Main Building.:. ·· . f VOL .2. NO. liS UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAlvfE, NOTRE DAME. INDIANA, SUND. AY:JUNE 15,19i.4 . . . . . ' . . 6 . . ···t·· _·: 2 .. 6 . 0 · .. , 6 ··. · .- .. ·.d MAJoR. .. . . . 0 . 0 .. ·· ·· · ·· ... ra S ALUMNlABOUT HIS . HON. W. N._ .FE .. RRIS, Tom LOielb .·d. ' . ymptc. ecor . MICH. IGAN SENATOR,·: Cambridge, 14; Tom . Lieb, the· . famous discuss :.To. 'GIVE·· ADDRE·SS. thrower of Notre Dame, ing the I. A. C; · here, broke the · ' · ·- ' · · Olympic· record. with a toss of 153 . feet and 6 inches. This heave .in ; :·President W ·Wilr · the ;fimii preliminary placed the Officers of '24 Held Session· .·. 'LIFE;.AT _CAPITOL: Rockne and Fr. Wah;Jj: .. . Latld ALUMNI P_RESII)ENT . :AS -,: .: .. ,,· · COMMENDED· .. ·) .' .. t R · ·d A· ·· · ' · · · · .Irish star .ahead of Pope, Lieb's :_: ea . nnu'al Report teammate. . - . I . . Led in "their. enthusiasm:· by such: ' · . . Gene Oberest, Notre speakers· ·Major·. Frederic Wil:.• .-.·CEREMONY .TO _B,E Dame,.placed. pfth-in·his.try this lianLWile, .of the ·class···of ft 'th th · · ·1· It · . R. eading ·:fro.m .left to. right ·are: d. eclared. Total ex. p.endittire·s· . ·for Knute.: K.· .Rockne: of . the: class .. ,. "MOST., IMP_ RESSIVE- a ernoon WI e Jave m. · ts . . . cei:tain that Lieb \vill make the trip Donald. Gallagher, president; Joseph the year were $4,600. '14, Rev. Matthew --. ·· · . the .porid \vhen the Olympic R. Rich- .Donald Gallagher paid a high of"the-·Uiifversity- aT,Ld member· of· · ···. : ---. - : winners sail. Monday,.'but it ·is 'ard F. Gibbons,· secretary,· and tribute to o,veii ·Desmond and 'to '03; arid--Johri-P; .. Mur:. , The· eightieth ·ann!lal cmnmence- certain whether Oberest will go. . James R. Corbett, t.reasurer. Walter Moran for their services and phy of the .class of '12, more than: . ment.of:the University of.,Notre; . ' . . ,At the fina !senior class rriee.ting co-operation _with the class, making 500 Notre·Daine alumni and grad- Dame take place ori the main · held ·Thursday noon ·in the library- possible a $27 ball for $20. . · uates dined-last night in the j'!lnior quadrangle of the·'Sacred IR.ISH. S'L'U . . .. a: report.of..the Senior. ball \vas The,cla'ss "was. unanimously in refectory ori .. the·campus.' ... ·! ·' . . ·Heart stalue. this .. afternoon at .5 ·, GGERS·.· made, and a:.hala!lce._of $_62.50 was year. '·It v,ras the occasion.of the an:itUal 1 o'clock· So.ine 260 degrees' :will.'be banquet _of .. the ·Alumni· association,; 1. :: ... <.. . . ;; •·· .•..•... 1 '' ,., .• ·. 1 , . . .. '.'·; C.!. ,. , . :' ' :< •j .:; ;. : ··. •·: ·: , .• • . ; . Playing 'a cro,;d: of FLA'G:.BLESSED' AFTER FLOCK . BAC·K: ,. "1-o I commencement _visitors and.,alumni, PONTIFICAL· MASS.· • II'{. "SA·. SHARE HAPPINESS "OF-. SUC-·. • Jthe·.N,otre Da:me baseball te.am cele- · · · . ciu:o.· HEART CHAPEL. ·. . CESS ·WITH ALMA'. MATER.·. bra ted · the .. last.· appearance on the . · . .. · · · . . .·. · ' ·. · _1924 schedule -by 'virtning -, . ..· · . · ' --·- ' Michigan Aggies, 8 to 2, on, . This · the . faculty, · the · The. eightieth annual commence:: l field· yesterday afternoon. . · clergy,· · and the graduates will ment · which concludes . today with j : :.The. game, slow and marred ,vifh 1 march .:in. academic pr'ocession to the the conferrfng of:· the degrees and r:.7·. .. little·. squabbling.· .. over de:! church ',whei·e -a' solemn P9iltifical the address by Ron: .,,v ... N.· F_erris,'' .... . . . .. . ·. cisions,. was the last 'appearance of :v{ill be' celebrated. at nine was the gr'eatest in the. history ·of . 1 including eight· .Master Captain Bill· Sheehan,. Hugh o'clock" by Rt> Rev. ' Hugh Boyle, the· University.:<Names: of graduates ·follo'-':.ing the Magevney and.: George· Vergara. D. D.,· .·of ·pfttsburgh.· Rev: ·walter· from eiasses dating_: back-to the_be.- '"'.P. ... · .. f .... th. e .. These .three ·men featured .their last ·.c._ S, · c, (Litt. B. '06) gimii11g :of ·J?anie -are f<?ufld· c. dent,' Rev. Matthew Walsh, C. S ... game :with some of . the best ·ball rind Rev: .. ·WiJiiam Qt,tnnin'gJ:lam ·(A. . th()se_. :,o!l:. :the. . ,,,.m. make: the ai1iirial' playing they '.have': been.· credited B .. '07) will as' an(! docket.. The IS a ·L·:Jtori. ·woodb:ridge.N: .. Fer:ris, L. L: withthis year.' Captain. Sheehan in. deacq:ri of niass.· Rev. ·Joseph. hst. who had re.gtstered be- D., :united. .se':nafor .from ·: , • ·/·f·.:·-• .. ............ ,. i-:--:,1 ·.. . • .Galhighei·; 'C. S .. C., and Rev. John: 6 o la,st '·'M'ht"gan·\'llgt'v'e· tll··e·a·'ddre·ss ·.· .• ··• .. _..1 "' B··1· d·c·s:c ·1·1·b· 'd · f WalterL.Sh!lts, 22./ · . lC , ;vt. . · . . ; ·. · r; _.::: . . . · 0 an.· . :': .·· .. ; . ·.1 .. · . e .. e.ac?ns 0. :William J .. Jf·• '23.' ·.Among those ··who v{ill' , · ll '/:f; ··'.',:j . · h. onor .. R:e.v .. Jos.e.ph.!3ur.ke.' C_. _S .. C __ ;,_ .Henry F •. Barnhart,_ 2,3. · · l . . . . . . . .. .. . . , Von 1\lerveldt 22 . MaJ." or F .•. w .. _W_ile : .. .. .. the ... degr.ees are:.': . . .·... · · .. ·-:: .' : ... ,,. " '04 · 'VIll be asststant prtest. The .. ' . - 1. •. ··• :·. ·' '. , . •• . '" . . . ·. . . · . , • . . . J. Paul Loosen, 20. . . .... ·. ·,. l . \The . , .. ;.:;, .. .l ... ·. · .. ::.. :....... baccalaureate \VIII .. be .. de- . ;.J. H. G,allagan, c.· s. c., ',os. · . a'nd...-was marked by the attendance · p·h.··y' ·,Vi.ll.· be." co.nferred. ·'.on:.;···:.· .. ,':· .. ·.' 1:·-.··- .. .,_, 1' .. db ·Rt ... R ... J ·· .. h. ·c.. J. H. ODonnell, C. 8 C.,. 16 o( ·alumnL;,from .. ·every. section. ofi: . 1 . . ·· . Vi. . IVere ·· ev. osep_ •, c_m- . Devers, c.·s. c.; 'll.· . . . · . , · · 'Rev. · Peter· E:·' E;eber.t/ ·.of. ·the. . .. .. 1 .•. . . roy, . D.· D.; of :John .J. ·2a.-·_ . ·; . . the i , United · States; including :: · · . ... co .. ng.regati.on .. : of .·.H. o.'Iy. ·.·.c.ro.s-_s,.·.··N. otr_e . ,. . rY ' New York '. . G. W. c. s. c., 14 '. . : Father Sp.illard ofthe·:ciass of '64,·.j - _ .. -,·:· 1 •• •· ·· .,M. L. · · · ·.. . .·- J Dame, ·' ... : ·. I ,.. . At of the .F. c. Blp.sms, ,22. oldest living, gradl.late of the Uni:-. JJ; . !r.onf.: the' F,ath,'ers . ' . · .<' fica!· mass the flag, \vhich -\vas· ·; ' 14 •· ·' A! Cartier, Rt .. i ·.With ,Commentary and Notes." :. . . l't sented on" \vashington's birthday to ... Albert F. Gushurst, '09. . . Boyle, .bishop of Pittsburgh, Pat::.:•' L : R. e:..: •. '·N'a1.ter. •_J.-·O.'Dodr' .·.e.ll,.·of. th. e. . . . . ... •.·. b . . . . . Dillop. J. Patterson, ' 20 rick. J. Sullivan and Hugh. O'Don-:;. I . . . . the umverstty y_'th'e semor 1 class, · D. J. Spillard, '64,. c. s. c. · · ·· . . · · · · l' Corigregatiofr;of -:Holy. ross;· ·Notre :' . will be.carried to the sanctuary by Raymond M. Galla'gher,. '23. nell .. 'All Of 'these" .men \vereo intro- : l . Dame," Indiana' ·,·..:.:...Dissertation: ·"A ·h. · 1 · ·m· · · b b. 1 d b Vincent D.· Cavanaugh, ' 23 duced. in.· the course. of the·.·.ev .. e·n.ing. i .. · . , t c ass o cers to . e .. esse . y G. Henley,· '93. · Basis for the. The6ry · · 1 · · : · •· · Edward J. Schmitt, '22. John J. Neeson· of the class j of Latin Prose Style." . ·... . . . .... · .. on P,ng< 8 ); (Continued on Page 5 ) president o.f. the .. . Bill ·. . ' · - . · · . r , _ Herman·.·H{mry Wenzke;· Celin.a, . · · · . , ·· · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · ... · . · . toastmaster. He also . paid high·; · L.· :.§ix··.fro .. .. · L"l* Phenols." ' .. ; . . . •.. . gara,m·left field: repeated .'hiS per..; . . . . Granted, Honorary De rees· Here; ]j d .. _tt_on.; . ·.·.; ·, · .. ::. -: . . T. Degree 'of· .Master 'of .. Arts formance 'of .the ·wisconsin., game, · . · .......... --- :·- · ·. · .. ;·, g.: , . ·: . : , .. O ay Talkmg··on ''·The. Um:-:.· I .,vill he ..•. . \ . sc<>oping' in'Aggie' flies:· • ,.: .. t?day; candtdate_ :and; said:.· versiiy'.'' ::: .·, H.enry Bar'nhar( . 1\:+agevnei. ··on the mound for W! 11 , .. :"The' Degree: of. Doctor o'f Laws Matthew \v alsh. said ·tn:•part:: ':· ; 1 ' ; ; : ... . · ·ohio·;-Dissertation: > "Seie· ct i v e ·.;Notre·· ·Daine, was :pitching· in mid- ·.- erred :. ; ... _. , • . · : •· :. ,.;,, · · "The' only• J)y .;Poets. cern-: I seas'on style and. his.' s?-pple- work, . • . JOUrnalist. of mt_ernattonal re- possible the success of: the : .. l!lg .. .. a 9f. the I men ted ·qy support ,tit the _and .. when nown, whose fortune .lt ·has been to in l;ecent years is 'the' enthusi;..· .Pomts. of .Each .Article.":. field kept .the Aggtes ..well ·m ·.the le8:ders. .'viii be g'o . from. ··-U.niversit! ·to scenes asm'. and (;£ the' . .. :Mc'Cal:ie; ,Nqrth ·background .. during the. ·j)m- awarded . ho,n,ora.ry .degree.s. of .doc- power and all·of. us The idea, that. universities use: th'e.> · ings ... ·pitching 'rival tor laws:.·,· . .. ...... · . und.erstan,d_..ibetter. b.ecause of· his ·alumnifol;_finariciat'support oniy is: "J:: ., ·. T!le.: from Lansing experienced; ·a bad t'he }vtll: _be by havmg. :the.ni: · foreign··· to Gypsy;"· .. . . .. . . . ' 0 iifternci(niagainst.:the' Irish Rev. 'Yalsh, FrederiC \\tie, of \yashmg- nus :who.·has thts Idea 'lS'.a traitor·· . Rev. Paul·J; ·Miller·; .'of :the Con- and after giving' nine·hits·and seven J!lS'C befo?-"e.bache;: C. . · .>,.. . , . to the .to: the' .. runs,.·coach Walker jerked him in lor ·Will be awarded-the ·\An ...... : .·:··. .. ·:> Dame,· ·Indiana;· .. .Diss(n;tation: th'C sixth in.favor· of Wakefield. c;lass of 24 · · · .. :. ·· · .. · of a\rehgtous commumty, whose Knute .'Rockne ·was then irltro-: · "The Essemtials ·of :Latiri Gi·ain- The .second hurler enjoyed better . Tho:c J?erit_ is be rec?g;- the duced, and in speaking to :. mar .. ··.·:· ·--;-, :.1 . success t'\vith.the 1 Notre.·Dame.·bat- mclude Adam Bo_ston; tcan-boy has taughthu_n the enn-: alumriisaid:· . . • · :: ·- · · ... joseph. Schmitt,- Sioux ters; .auo,vihg .th:ree hits ·o'ne .L· ... .. for .. , ".J .. d.ity; .' :·· . "The· run. · · · . · · · · · .. , Wilham 1 t:l :w}'lose. hands ·to thank. the. ,alumni all· over, the·.> Epistemologi_cal the :Notre Dame'ro<leidle in the fit;st :!Yashmgton, '?· q.; or. the most1mp_ortant United-States for the · ciple of Causality. with.Reference to frame;while: the visitors: earned one br!dge Nathan ;Ferns, Etg Rap;ds, movement.yet-maugurated .. ·support:·.of"our·.teams, whether in·.: the of.a First .Cause.'' hitori McMillen's two bagger .. With ,Mtc;ll.;. ·.Albert Rl1sseJl, .. sa,lvage of youth. of great c1tles, New York· or ·.in Los. Angeles· .in: · ; · The Degree: Master of. Scie:ilce' two out 'in the second,- Wenner hit South Bend, and -Rt. Joseph. H. Brother. Barnabas, .F. S; · C:, -To:- Minneapolis or in Atlanta. L think, will be · .. ·- ·. . a long one into field and Conroy,_D. D:? N_ •. Y .. . .. . · we will have -a· fast next fa·ll, · . .' .Walter;L .. 'Shilts,. q·olumbia City, \vas ·Called out at· holl1e trying ·'to ,_In. announcmg ·the yester:- :: A: dtstmgmshed a;ch1tect, prob_- but it. :will be light. I ·don't ·think ' ·· , . (Continued 1 on 8) · (Continued on Pag·e' 8) ·. , day, Father. ·walsh pa1d trtbute to . . (Continued on Page 5) · (Conti'!-.ued on. Pnge_5) · · ;l . . .·· •, . ·/ , .. ':. . . . ...... ' .. " .. ·-.-·---·-. -.-. J ·• l, ·' \ ',.

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Page 1: 6. 2 .. 6.0· .. , 6··. · .-.. ra ·.d WILE-TELLs~-~ · ALUMNI CITY CLUBS ALUMNI~Do Not Forget to: MEET. AT 1 O'CLOCK IN 101 MAIN BUILDING TO DAY.' re a me ail Register ·in

, ~ . '. -,. '

ALUMNI~Do Not Forget to: ALUMNI CITY CLUBS MEET. AT 1 O'CLOCK IN 101 MAIN BUILDING TO­DAY.' re a me ail Register ·in the Alumni Of- ··

·fice 'in 101· Main Building.:. ·· . f


. . . . . ' .

. 6. . ···t·· _·:2 .. 6.0· .. , 6··. · .- .. ·.d MAJoR. WILE-TELLs~-~ .. . . . 0 . 0 .. ·· ·· • · ·· ... ra S ALUMNlABOUT HIS

.HON. W. N._ .FE .. RRIS, Tom LOielb 'Br~_akRs. .·d. ' . ymptc. ecor .

MICH. IGAN SENATOR,·: Cambridge, Ma~s-.;J.une 14; ~24-,--: Tom . Lieb, the· . famous discuss :.To. 'GIVE·· ADDRE·SS. thrower of Notre Dame, repres~nt-ing the I. A. C; · here, broke the

· ~··· ' · ·- ' · · Olympic· record. with a toss of 153 . feet and 6 inches. This heave .in

; :·President W ~Ish ·Wilr · the ;fimii preliminary placed the

Officers of '24 Held C~st Session· .·. 'LIFE;.AT _CAPITOL:

Rockne and Fr. Wah;Jj: .. . Latld Work.of·Gr~ds.~


~QA~TM~S~E~; R~.A_N·:I~:- -,: .: .. ,,· · ~ COMMENDED· .. ·) .' .. t

R · ·d A· · · · ' · · · · .Irish star .ahead of Pope, Lieb's :_: '· ea . nnu'al Report teammate. . - . I . . Led in "their. enthusiasm:· by such: ' · . . Gene Oberest, rep·r~senting Notre speakers· ~as ·Major·. Frederic ~ Wil:.•

.-.·CEREMONY PROMISE~ .TO _B,E Dame,.placed. pfth-in·his.try this lianLWile, .of the ·class···of ._,_91~; ft 'th th · · ·1· It · . R. eading ·:fro.m .left to. right ·are: d. eclared. Total ex. p.endittire·s· . ·for Knute.: K.· .Rockne: of . the: class .. Qf~ ,. "MOST., IMP_ RESSIVE- a ernoon WI e Jave m. · ts . . .

cei:tain that Lieb \vill make the trip Donald. Gallagher, president; Joseph the year were $4,600. '14, Rev. Matthew \Y~I~h!_P!.~.~~~'I!t_ --. · · ·EY~~T· · . acros~ the .porid \vhen the Olympic R. B~rgman, vice~president;·· Rich- .Donald Gallagher paid a high of"the-·Uiifversity-aT,Ld member· of·

· ···. : ---. - : winners sail. Monday,.'but it ·is un~ 'ard F. Gibbons,· secretary,· and tribute to o,veii ·Desmond and 'to the:·class~or '03; arid--Johri-P; .. Mur:. , The· eightieth ·ann!lal cmnmence- certain whether Oberest will go. . James R. Corbett, t.reasurer. Walter Moran for their services and phy of the .class of '12, more than:

. ment.of:the University of.,Notre; . ' . . ,At the fina !senior class rriee.ting co-operation _with the class, making 500 Notre·Daine alumni and grad-Dame .w~ll take place ori the main · held ·Thursday noon ·in the library- possible a $27 ball for $20. . · uates dined-last night in the j'!lnior quadrangle ·in~frorit of the·'Sacred IR.ISH. S'L'U . . .. a: report.of..the Senior. ball \vas The,cla'ss "was. unanimously in refectory ori .. the·campus.' ... ·! ·' .

. ·Heart stalue. this .. afternoon at .5 ·, .· GGERS·.· made, and a:.hala!lce._of $_62.50 was favo~ of~ Dail~for ~ext year. '·It v,ras the occasion.of the an:itUal 1 o'clock· So.ine 260 degrees' :will.'be banquet _of .. the ·Alumni· association,;

1. :: ... <.. . . ;; •·· .•..•... SHEE~B~~~~E~~~~~:~~:s~~i;.ti~ll;~c!Rr'·~~~k~~P~iw··, 1'' ,., • • .·~ .• ,.;9 \fER~::::;~~!:.eASrcr·~G~DUATIONIWffiK '!o~FCAMFUS:?AGAIN ·. 1 , . . .. '.'·; C.!. ,. , . :' ' :< •j .:; .· ;. : ··. •·: • ~·' ·: , . • • . ; ~j . Playing -~~fo;~ 'a la;~~ cro,;d: of SENI~R FLA'G:.BLESSED' AFTER AL~MNI FLOCK . BAC·K: ,. "1-o

I commencement _visitors and.,alumni, PONTIFICAL· MASS.· • II'{. "SA·. • SHARE HAPPINESS "OF-. SUC-·. • Jthe·.N,otre Da:me baseball te.am cele- · · · . ciu:o.· HEART CHAPEL. ·. . CESS ·WITH ALMA'. MATER.·.

bra ted · the .. last.· appearance on the . · . .. · · · . . .·. · ' ·. · _1924 schedule -by 'virtning ·Qv·er·.th~· -, . ..· · . · ' --·-

' Michigan Aggies, 8 to 2, on, Carti~r . This · mo~ning. the . faculty, · the · The. eightieth annual commence:: l field· yesterday afternoon. . · clergy,· · and the graduates will ment · which concludes . today with j : :.The. game, slow and marred ,vifh1 march .:in. academic pr'ocession to the the conferrfng of:· the degrees and r:.7·. ~orne .. little·. squabbling.· .. over de:! church ',whei·e -a' solemn P9iltifical the address by Ron: .,,v ... N.· F_erris,'' ··~~· .... ,· . . . .. . ·. cisions,. was the last 'appearance of n1ass~ :v{ill be' celebrated. at nine was the gr'eatest in the. history ·of . 1 :~a-\varded,~· including eight· .Master Captain Bill· Sheehan,. Hugh ~'Red" o'clock" by Rt> Rev. ' Hugh Boyle, the· University.:<Names: of graduates ·.~t.~Degfees:-Immed1ately ·follo'-':.ing the Magevney and.: George· Vergara. D. D.,· .·of ·pfttsburgh.· Rev: ·walter· from eiasses dating_: back-to the_be.-

'"'.P. ~esen ... tati~ri. · .. o· f .... dipl?~·as; th. e .. ··yre~si-. These .three ·men featured .their last O~Dorinell, ·.c._ S, · c, (Litt. B. '06) gimii11g :of Notr~ ·J?anie -are f<?ufld· c. dent,' Rev. Matthew J~ Walsh, C. S ... game :with some of . the best ·ball rind Rev: .. ·WiJiiam Qt,tnnin'gJ:lam ·(A. amon~ . th()se_. ·regts~ered· :,o!l:. :the.

d:c::-~ . ,,,.m. make: the ai1iirial' r~p(n~t. playing they '.have': been.· credited B .. '07) will ~icf as' de~con an(! 's~b:. ~lumm docket.. The foll~\VIng, IS a ·L·:Jtori. ·woodb:ridge.N: .. Fer:ris, L. L: withthis year.' Captain. Sheehan in. deacq:ri of th~ niass.· Rev. ·Joseph. hst. of.t~ose who had re.gtstered be-

D., a· :united. -State~· .se':nafor .from ·: , • ·/·f·.:·-• .. ~;,.1 ,_.,. ............ ,. i-:--:,1 ·.. . • .Galhighei·; 'C. S .. C., and Rev. John: f~re 6 o cloc~ la,st ev~nmg: '·'M'ht"gan·\'llgt'v'e· tll··e·a·'ddre·ss ·.· .• ··• ~ .. _..1 "' B··1· d·c·s:c ·1·1·b· 'd · f WalterL.Sh!lts, 22./ ·

. lC , ;vt. . · . . ; ·. · r; ~ _.::: ;-:..~;_:·.. ::~ . . . · 0 an.· . :': .·· .. ; . ·.1 .. · ~VI. . e .. e.ac?ns 0. :William J .. Conley~ Jf·• '23.' ·.Among those ··who v{ill' receiy~ , · ll ._.:,~ '/:f; ~··· ··'.',:j . · h. onor .. R:e.v .. Jos.e.ph.!3ur.ke.' C_. _S .. C __ ;,_ .Henry F •. Barnhart,_ 2,3. · ·

l . . . . . . . . . .. . . , E~:on Von 1\lerveldt 22 . MaJ." or F .•. w .. _W_ile : .. • ..

.. the ... degr.ees are:.': . . .·... · · . . ·-:: .' : ... ,,. " '04 · 'VIll be asststant prtest. The .. • • ' . -1. • •. ··• :·. ·' ~ '. , . •• . '" . . . ·. . . · • . , • . . . J. Paul Loosen, 20. . . . ... ·. ·,.

l . \The Degree·:a~;DoCtor···of.Philos.o- . , f~ .. ;.:;, .. .l ... ·. · .. ::.. ~· :....... baccalaureate ~er.mon. \VIII .. be .. de- . ;.J. H. G,allagan, c.· s. c., ',os. · . a'nd...-was marked by the attendance · p·h.··y' ·,Vi.ll.· be." co.nferred. ·'.on:.;···:.· .. ,':· .. ·.' 1:·-.··- .. ·~ .,_, 1' .. db ·Rt ... R ... J ·· .. h. H· ·c.. J. H. ODonnell, C. 8 • C.,. 16• o( ·alumnL;,from .. ·every. section. ofi: .1

. . ·· ·~::::-:.IS/ . Vi. . IVere y· ·· ev. osep_ •, c_m- . John·A~ Devers, c.·s. c.; 'll.· . . . · . , · · 'Rev. · Peter· E:·' E;eber.t/ ·.of. ·the. . .· .. h:~.~·<::f'6f.': .. 1.•. . .~<:~~.'.~·-'.~'.·- . roy, . D.· D.; ~ishop of Ogd.~~sbu:r:g, :John .J. Reddi.n~:ton,. ·2a.-·_ . ·; . . the i , United · States; including :: · · .

... j· co .. ng.regati.on .. : of .·.H. o.'Iy. ·.·.c.ro.s-_s,.·.··N. otr_e . ,. -~··>;'·. . rY ' New York '. . G. W. Alb~rtson,,. c. s. c., 14• '. . : Father Sp.illard ofthe·:ciass of '64,·.j - _ • .. -,·:·1 •• •· ·· • • • • .,M. L. Mot:l~rty,;-IO;· • · · · ·.. . .·-

J Dame, Indtana;~Dlssertatton.:·.·'-'Se- ·' ... : ·. I ,.. . • • At ~the. con:~lu·~~n: of the ponti~. .F. c. Blp.sms, ,22. oldest living, gradl.late of the Uni:-. JJ; le~tions,· . !r.onf.: the' La~iii'. F,ath,'ers . ' . · .· .<' fica!· mass the flag, \vhich -\vas· pre~ ·; b~e~' !kelfy~s~nst; '14

•· ·' versity,~,Wirren A! Cartier, Rt .. Rev~ i ·.With ,Commentary and Notes." :. . . l't sented on" \vashington's birthday to ... Albert F. Gushurst, '09. . . Boyle, .bishop of Pittsburgh, Pat::.:•' L : R. e:..: •. • '·N'a1.ter. •_J.-·O.'Dodr' .·.e.ll,.·of. th. e. . . . . ... •.·. b . . . . . Dillop. J. Patterson, '20• rick. J. Sullivan and Hugh. O'Don-:;. I . . . . the umverstty y_'th'e semor 1 class, · D. J. Spillard, '64,. c. s. c. · · ·· . . · · · · l' Corigregatiofr;of -:Holy. ross;· ·Notre :' . will be.carried to the sanctuary by Raymond M. Galla'gher,. '23. nell .. 'All Of 'these" .men \vereo intro- :

l. Dame," Indiana' ·,·..:.:...Dissertation: ·"A ·h. · 1 · ·m· · · b b. 1 d b Vincent D.· Cavanaugh, '23 • duced. in.· the course. of the·.·.ev .. e·n.ing. i .. · . , t e· c ass o cers to . e .. esse . y .Tam~s G. Henley,· '93. · Philosophic~! Basis for the. The6ry · · 1 • · • · : • • • • · •· · Edward J. Schmitt, '22. John J. Neeson· of the class o£'03,~·,

j of Latin Prose Style." . ·... . . . .... · (C~ntinued .. on P,ng<8 ); (Continued on Page 5) president o.f. the a.·ssociation;:a.cted''as~ ..

. Bill Sh~eh~n • ·. . ' · - . · · . r , _ Herman·.·H{mry Wenzke;· Celin.a, . · · · . , ·· · · · · · · .· · · ·· · · · · · · ... · . · . toastmaster. He also . paid high·; ·

\f4 _g~~Jen~~~t~t~~1~·~~r~;le~~~~~it~. ;~:.;~;r.~o~~~~~n,~;:;r~;r0f~~i~~f:r~ L.· eacler~· i~ :.§ix··.fro fe~.~ i.o~-·~_'.~i,~-~,B~::>,::.:·-.: .. :\j1 f;.~~~-~~~~~-o~~ .. \v.~}~7:~~a.·;.~::S.~.ico.s:n.c~;z:l · L"l* Phenols." ' .. ; . . . •.. . gara,m·left field: repeated .'hiS per..; . . . . Granted, Honorary De rees· Here; ]j d .. _tt_on.; . ·.·.; ·, · .. ::. -: '-.~;.''·';: . ·~ . T. -~.·: ·;~:;The. Degree 'of· .Master 'of .. Arts formance 'of .the ·wisconsin., game, · . · .......... --- :·- ·.:-~ · ·. · .. ;·, g.: , . ·: . : , .. O ay Talkmg··on ,the:·top~c, ''·The. Um:-:.·

I .,vill he .conferreCi''on:~: ..•. . \ . sc<>oping' in'Aggie' flies:· • ,.: ~.Notre ,.-~arne .l!~.tv~rstt? .. t?day; e~ch candtdate_ :and; said:.· ~-.I versiiy'.'' and·~:-tl1e\·.:'.Atumni;·".·>::Rev.:; ::: .·, H.enry ~':Fahey Bar'nhar( ~fario~i . 1\:+agevnei. ··on the mound for W!11, l~~~o,gn~.ze. con~plCUOt_IS :a~}u~ve- .. :"The' Degree: of. Doctor o'f Laws Matthew \v alsh. said ·tn:•part:: ':· ; 1' ; ; : ...

. · ·ohio·;-Dissertation: > "Seie· ct i v e ·.;Notre·· ·Daine, was :pitching· in mid- ~e~t '1~ ~rchttecture, ·.-JO~rna~tsm, ~~:.~on~ erred ~n :. ; ... _. , ~'····. • . · : •· :. ,.;,, · · "The' only• thing:,th:a~':."ha!:r~··itiacleJ. :· ~~rticl~s ~\vJ;itt,eJ:l J)y .;Poets. Co~ cern-: I seas'on style and. his.' w~rk s?-pple- "elf~re work, . ~~-~~~~~anshtp, n~~q- • . ~ JOUrnalist. of mt_ernattonal re- possible the success of: the Uriiver~ :

.. l!lg .. ~oetry;)Vlth .. a ·S:u~marr 9f. the I men ted ·qy excellen~ support ,tit the c~n 1!ld?s~ry. _and .. ~he c~er&'y, when nown, whose fortune .lt ·has been to sit~ in l;ecent years is 'the' enthusi;..· ~:Salient .Pomts. of .Each .Article.":. field kept .the Aggtes .. well ·m ·.the le8:ders. i~; ~he.~e· pr?f~ssion: .'viii be g'o . from. ~his ··-U.niversit! ·to scenes asm'. and co-op,eratio~ (;£ the' illuiuni~": . ~·~·John· ~·Nicholas .. :Mc'Cal:ie; ,Nqrth ·background .. during the. n~ne. ·j)m- awarded . ho,n,ora.ry .degree.s. of .doc- 0~ power and .bat~le .whtc~. all·of. us The idea, that. universities use: th'e.> ~latte, · Nebra·ska.·;~'Dis~~rtatjon': ings ... Magevn~y's ·pitching 'rival tor 0~ laws:.·,· . .. ...... · . und.erstan,d_..ibetter. b.ecause of· his ·alumnifol;_finariciat'support oniy is: "J:: ., M~ ·. Synge~·~ T!le.: ~e~~nchq~y from Lansing experienced; ·a bad t'he ho~ors. }vtll: _be con~~rred: by havmg. wrt~t~n·: ~bf.ut :the.ni: · :Mr~ foreign··· to Notr~."~aine.: ~n al~m-;1 Gypsy;"·.. . . .· .. -'.~ . . . :· ' 0 • iifternci(niagainst.:the' Irish slugge~s Rev. M~tth~~v 'Yalsh, ,pr~stdent. 0~ FrederiC Wtlh~m \\tie, of \yashmg- nus :who.·has thts Idea 'lS'.a traitor··

. Rev. Paul·J; ·Miller·; .'of :the Con- and after giving' nine·hits·and seven th.~ Umv~rslty,. J!lS'C befo?-"e.bache;: tQ.~,:D. C. . · .>,.. . , . to the universit~r,''and .to: the' ·uni~: .. ·gr.egation.~·af ·I!oiy''.Cross,<:Notr~ runs,.·coach Walker jerked him in lor degr~es ·Will be awarded-the ·\An u~t!ring and·gift~d·meinber versityid~a.'~ ...... : .·:··. ~ .. ·:>

Dame,· ·Indiana;· .. ~ .Diss(n;tation: th'C sixth in.favor· of Wakefield. c;lass of 24· · · .. :. ·· · .. · of a\rehgtous commumty, whose Knute .'Rockne ·was then irltro-: · "The Essemtials ·of :Latiri Gi·ain- The .second hurler enjoyed better . Tho:c :whos~ J?erit_ is :~o be rec?g;- !ifelon~. expe~ie~ce \vit~ the ,Anie~:- duced, and in speaking to ·~the :.

mar .. "· ··.·:· '· ·--;-, :.1 . success t'\vith.the 1Notre.·Dame.·bat- ~tzed mclude Adam C~am, Bo_ston; tcan-boy has taughthu_n the enn-: alumriisaid:· . . • · :: ·- · · ... Ed'\~ard' joseph. Schmitt,- Sioux ters; .auo,vihg .th:ree hits ~arid ·o'ne Brotl~er Barna~~s, .L· ~··:·'Q.;, ?'~~ :n~e~t yal_~.e. ... ~t.~~~~~~·?k .. for .. £~tu~e·. , ".J .. ";ant-to~~bike·t~is' opport~nity.~

d.ity; .' )ow:~·;~Dis.ser,t~tiori: :·· . "The· run. · · · . · · · · · ro.~t9•. G.a~~da, .. Fre~:-:-rt_c , Wilham ctttze~~litp, an~ 1t:l :w}'lose. hands ~s ·to thank. the. ,alumni all· over, the·.> Epistemologi_cal Basi~~·6f· the Pri~- :Notre Dame'ro<leidle in the fit;st ~~le, :!Yashmgton, '?· q.; Wo.od~ th~ .gmda~ce or. the most1mp_ortant United-States for the fine·~ndlo~~aL.

· ciple of Causality. with.Reference to frame;while: the visitors: earned one br!dge Nathan ;Ferns, Etg Rap;ds, movement.yet-maugurated .. fo~--~he ·support:·.of"our·.teams, whether in·.: the Existen<~e of.a First .Cause.'' hitori McMillen's two bagger .. With ,Mtc;ll.;. ·.Albert Rl1sseJl, .. Ers~me, sa,lvage of t~e youth. of great c1tles, New York· or ·.in Los. Angeles· .in:

· ; · The Degree: of~ Master of. Scie:ilce' two out 'in the second,- Wenner hit South Bend, and -Rt. Rev~ Joseph. H. Brother. Barnabas, .F. S; · C:, -To:- Minneapolis or in Atlanta. L think, will be con'fel~red'(n1.:~ · .. ·- ·. . a long one into crmte1~ field and Conroy,_D. D:? ~gd~nsburg! N_ •. Y .. ro~,to, ~a~_ada.. . .. ~· . · we will have -a· fast tea~1 next fa·ll, · . .' .Walter;L .. 'Shilts,. q·olumbia City, \vas ·Called out at· holl1e trying ·'to ,_In. announcmg ·the .h?nor~ yester:- :: A: dtstmgmshed a;ch1tect, prob_- but it. :will be light. I ·don't ·think '

f· ·· , . (Continued 1on -P.~ge 8) · (Continued on Pag·e' 8) ·. , day, Father. ·walsh pa1d trtbute to . . (Continued on Page 5) · (Conti'!-.ued on. Pnge_5) ~ · ·

;l . . .·· •, . ·/ --··~ , .. ':. . . . ...... ' .. " .. ·-.-·---·-. -.-.

J ·• l, ·' \


Page 2: 6. 2 .. 6.0· .. , 6··. · .-.. ra ·.d WILE-TELLs~-~ · ALUMNI CITY CLUBS ALUMNI~Do Not Forget to: MEET. AT 1 O'CLOCK IN 101 MAIN BUILDING TO DAY.' re a me ail Register ·in



N.D. Band B~st and.Latgest Ever at Comm~ncement



. Seniors and . .' ' . . ...

·Aiulllfti!~-1 : .• ·... • . - .• "

.... '. 1 (.: ' •• ~~- ... ~-·!:_..;;.,-..~~~-...,~--:-~:.~ ~;::?--~~ .. ~-~,~;..~,:~ ... -- !-. :.::: .. ~ ~: .. -~. ---=--.....:..-:..: ~ ~-·:.:.::-,-:.--!.

-J.(eep. in :tol1ch.w~th.life·:'~·r,-: ·: . . .. " . . . I •- .

. :Notre. Dame· through . --~he ·pages .of the );0 AlLY. · ·.

' - ~ • -. • ' • • • • • • < • • • • ' ' ~ •

Ail the ·worid · .. ·"'· . . .

! '

. ·will kriow nextJali what -,~R~ck". and:­his ·ffien;' ~are doing· on·SatU1;days;. 'but

.. _-.;you'll. want.:~(). kno~ _just_ wh~t. theY. are· doing the other six'days of the-week ·

'-·· • • ' • ! '

·._ '

-~~~.The DAILY'S · -. ~~f:l~t._-Page ~-_ ·

. . . . ' . ~ ' ; ::- .

_ ,_ . .,.;_.,.: ~. \\giye~ ·a._. c~:n11ple_te a:cco:unt ·of. al~ . th~t · . _ ·· goes· .on 1n the. college ·athletic world·.: .

. ·:-:· .. of which Notre Dame is the ce~ter~ · ·. : ' ~ ~ . ' . . . . . "

. l_ ... ·\ _"·:Fiii_·c;ut' -th.e \.

_J3Ia~~·/···. _ · .·· . , . . ·. . .. ' .· ~. : .. ·. and . assure yourself. of all the'~' ¢lope". .

·_.' :: ·_:· ._ .. :- .. Leave:ifat-the Alumni~.office. dr·mail:; .· ;:~ ::_:'> ... it: t:o The DAILY' :·Notre·· Dame·· hid:· :·. :_'.·.··.:_.:::_:_·.: ·. 1•:::_.· ·_·:.·.- ':: .. · .. ::,~·.· ~- .. • ..

~.~. ~ :.....__-~..;.. ~ ~-....:. ~~~ ~ '~-• • ' • • 1 ' • • • • ~.. • .. • :. ••• .'. ·~J :

<·:: ~ ... . ::· ,,

->Ntit:re ·.p~rtle.J:)iiiJY·:.··.· ::··. ''I.h~~~b~1f:·s~s~~ib~:. {~-~ 'th·~- NO~Ri DAlviE·: iitiit:i.-:·, . ·'far· the jjear Bej)t~mb~~~ ·~924~J~me,:)~2~~ :~ · .... · .,

... · §ub~~~iptf.~n· ·$1,;50- ~, .:_, · ·· · · . · ' . . i; ·. . : ·.: . ( ' . ' . ,. ' 1 '•.; _:, .'.

' ! ~ • "• \ ' ' ' ' < t ~ O 0 o ., • t , ' f ',. ~

.:: -~ N a~e. · -~~~:;:.:;~~~--"'"j·~-:--~"~-,~:--·-~~---~-~:-~:·~-~-::.~~--~-: __ : __ _-___ ~---~;····-~·:~.:::~: ·:· • • ' • ~ 1 •• • •• •• !~ -' '" • • • ' ' ' c •

. :•. A~d~~ss · .. · -;--:;::·:;-;·:·-~-.,: ...... ;··:·:.:., .. ~~; .. :,: .. ::------:·:·:::···;~:~~ · .. ---:,Keep:in· t~uch wit_h·~qtre pan:e,:through ~il{e D{l.ILYf:;" ·-: ·~-.··:.~::. ·.:. ''." J"·.·'}• .. ," •· .. _ •.• ••· .•• ···/~-; 't' • . .. ~~~·,,,,

.. ~·.·· .-,·~· ·•,.·


·· ... · :/ :--- : :.~

Szwda,y~ .June 15, 19;!31,.




... · ··;:'' .. ~ '··.' . ·· .. '

., .:.· . l.:


Page 3: 6. 2 .. 6.0· .. , 6··. · .-.. ra ·.d WILE-TELLs~-~ · ALUMNI CITY CLUBS ALUMNI~Do Not Forget to: MEET. AT 1 O'CLOCK IN 101 MAIN BUILDING TO DAY.' re a me ail Register ·in


I Sunda,11, June 15, 10~4·


Mark E. Nolan, LL. B., orator of the woi~Id's greatest Republic.: the class of '24, delivered the Com- When we read the story of this mencement · Oration, "American · Fundamentals," in Washirigto_·n nation, we.' find that our people

at . different periodf:l have been Hall,- yesterday morning. The ora- the victims ofi a hysteria which tion follows: has been as various in its

The existence of· this great. Uni- forms ·as destructive in its ·nature. versity, 'vhich is our Alma Mater, While our governme_nt was yet. an depends . upon a . charter from . the

infant, this hysteria took. the· form government ,Of the State; that gov- of distrust· in the Federal govern­ernment in turn rests · upon the

,, Constitution of the Stat'e of In.:. ment. The fires of ·suspicion which '~ere kept burning by even such no­

, diana, and the ·foundation of all is ble men as Thomas Jefferson and the Constitution of the United

. States. We must r_ealize that Ameri- Luther;_Martin, came near destroy~ ing a _nation when 1 that nation was

·can· education, industrialism, pros- s.carcely .b.orn .. Most often this po!. perity and greatness were made pos- pular hysteria has taken the form

j\ sible. by the existence of· -certain of. intolerance and bigotry. Recall fundamentals in the American sys-

1. tern· of government. . Our constitu- the terrible .. days· of Knownothing-: I ism when~ intolerance manifested by ·· tional system rests upon the belief legislative ena:ctment,' corruption in l . that· ever~ man is .born with cert~in the courts, riot and . massacre, rock­l natural rights wh1c~ ~ay be. sum- ed the very foundations. of the j med up as_ those of hfe:, liberty American Republic.· In several


1. · .. ·_ · states, legislators attempted to abro­. gate constitutional liberties; even

the lives of the' little children ·were J ·. made miserable by the hoots of the 1 mob and the actions of the school-1 masters. Thus throughout our· his~ l tory one. may find indication!'! of _1. ··: this same hysteria, always. destruc­

tive, ever a menace. to (the funda­mental principles of the ·American

·jl, ~a~~nt~e y1·es~nt htip1e t~isdc~funhtry IS . Witnessmg a not er pe:rw o ys-

1 teria, when well:-meaning but dan-1 gerous reformers, -\vhen intolerant l and unAmerican 01:ganization, when. ·J' radical • and · dissatisf!ed _political

groups· are working 'vith alLinten-1 . J sity to realize their aims. One group .J ·and p·t·operty. These rights are not strives .for the. curtailment of indi­l vidual·Iiberty. and· freedom of . con-

1, 'given to man hy the state,, though science· by ·shackling the Amei·ican

.the- StatE7 may. protect t?em; they people ,\rith' laws so numerous, so

.·1. • ~re. n.ot consesswns of so~Iety to .~he irritably . burdensome that 1 lack of

.•.. l; . Individual but t~ey ar_.e rights which respect :for all'la'v is the result. A

even the State I~~elf cannot pr~per- se'cond group· actuated. by prinCipals .I~ reny .. These r1ghts are enmy~r.at- of 'intolerance and religious hate is ·ed a~d ~rotected _by th~ F.~d~ral destroying the spirit of :cooperation

l c:onstitut~on an_d by the _consti~u-: and. brotherly love in . every ,com-1 . _.t1ons of t~e several·. stat~.s, .. '. W~lCh 1'!.1,t~n!ty. · .Last~Y .. l11~n ..,.lvhm~e_ . ~.f!es!res, I .' rest .. upon. the ad!llltte.~:.,prmclple hav-e·-ueeri-'defeatecr by~the·-c;ouits, . ~ that sover1egnty re~ts''m the peo- would destroy the foundations of'tlie

ple. . '- American judicial· system .arid leave . · , Thanks · to our form of go':er~- our constitutions the ·playthings of ment we possess freedom of reh- · · · 1 • h' ·d · · · ... , ' . . . . .. . . . . . .. . popu ar.w Im_an .. pa~swn. .

. _.giOUS . W?rS~lp, gf speech ~nd, of · Qrganizations· of re.forlll are im­press; the r1ght to fiS~emble _,peace- posing upon. otir .citizens .hteir con7

:ll _; ·ably,. to .be secure _agau~st unreason..: ceptions. of· private · morai:ity and -~ble searohe.s and · seizures. :· Our virtue by legislature dec~ee. Groups !· pro~erty rights are .prote~ted :would give their fello'v .Citizims no

l, :·~gamst _the_ encoachments 9~ .. oth.er.s chance to. be urivirtuous by·Ie~ving J .. · ~~nd .of the St~~e. .'Vl. e ~re m. crim- the~r ·conscience no. choice in the J. ·.mal prosecutuo~s : e?tltled _ _';to. a matter. ·Daily, ipdividual)iberities r~ .· -~pee?y ~n? . pu bhc trial by al} 'lm- are being destroyed .as minorities. i~ l ,.Parbal 1JUI,Y ~f our. peers. We_ are the ,name of .morality. are. f01~cmg ! ·:protected agamst _ex ·post facto-laws their. mandates upon the· . people.


W ·_:_E--· -L---··,·, .. c·· .. ··O····· ····M··· .. ··.· ····E· ' ... ··. . . . . . .

'I . . . . . ,·. ! • •

. '

Alma··Mater ··Alumni, ·Friends

_;.__·and to ·the-_--'--

Senio'r -Class of '24 ·'·


.:we wish you every·• bit of. .. · ·_ .. \'

Healtlt.,--~-l-lappin.e~$ ~--Success I ., •. . .. ·· .· . . . , . . . ..

. I.

Sarii'l SpirQ & :HCo • : ' . . ... /.

. The 'Home· of ll~rJ.Sclzaffner~andMarx Stylish Clothes

.· ~ .• '· \'

} . r·

·.and .. bills·· of .·attainder. '\'(e ar.e There.is a_:tend.ency manifested by!!\:==::=:=:=:===::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~~~=====~=~========$:=:=:=:=~=======~ (g~ven ~he poli.~ical privileges': of t~e laws, mqi·~ :laws 'anci the multi plica~

',.ballot. and of. holdm~ .. office .. .It 1; tion of Iavis, to resorfto legislation Americanisni then' a spirit of~ love ~.f-th~ S_upreme co'Urt.·during the 'scho~l- and home.; We.·cannot· de-·' '· . UnneCeSSary to mention· .more .. 0 aS; a :pan'acea 'for . the 'VrOllgS and and :heipfulrieSS . i~ . CCHllJnUllity life pa_ St Oll~. ·_hund. red . apd' thir_ty : fiVe feat nigh~-;iding organizati~nS ', Of · .. ·, ... I

~:;':these. civil m~·d poFti~al righ~s, :but evils of l~:f:. from. the· 'most s~rfous · · -> suffice to say that m no other coun- to the tr1vml. And the result of is ~11.'\Vl~ong; then lib~rty of speech, years we conclude· that it is Con.:. intolera'nce arid ~<terror. by· adopting · ··.·try are .they_ :more. numerous;' more this. ·reforrii. l~gislatiori, .. this denial· press: ·and_ reiigious. worship. shou,ld gi:ess ._that .. has be(m- .. tyrannica~ the .same ·tactics.' .Rather- m~st· our · .. · .·

. . : liberal; than in -the United S~a~es~ of personaJliberty. and freedon1.of be stricken from ·our. constitutional on occasions and not the Supreme battle against these organization be {:. · ·i: In less than a century_and a Half conscience: is Ja,vlessness.·We' can":' guarantees;· If these Klansmen are Court, ithas. been ··popular· will c~rried'.ori in the spirit. of justice; :'. ·._,_this nation_ ·has grown from_ ma_n in- n_o't ·me_e.t ._this :menace. by. eloquent g6 od .. Am_ · e_r.icans. then· w __ e_ s_I_·n.· g lying 'vhich has b'een: repugnant to'. :tlle . · . . . · · . · . ,

' C .. t ·· f. th' U 't d · St t . f·air. 'play· . _a_ nd_ tolerance~. W._ e_,inus_t. ·secure confederacy· composed. of ~md.numerous dem~mds·forlaw-and eulogies to Washington and Jeffer- ons utwn o: e · me ' a es :.thirteen states ·huddled. together on order:_,. In .. a·_·democracy obedi~nce son; and Lincoln· '\vas·: false to the and' not that' group • o.f judge~ ··ap-· strive·. to. m~ke\Amerlcan .ideals ·~nd~ ..

··!· .... a 'hrip .'.'of·. the. Atlantic ' shor.e' .. to to ,• ,Ia~ A.eperids .; upon .. respect. for doctrines . of. our forefathers .. when pointe'd to :prQte(!t our.. sup_?:eme' law. principles liVing things ~iid ~hi~ .c~n ' .the World's 'greatest' power of·_ for- law,' an·d if a law is not the expres- we·safdi "with malice;tp\vard none;·· .. Yet there are men .today ·_wh9 be:: done .onlY. _by carrying these

'l· ty~eight .. · :'constitutent .· common,- ~io~.:9'f_'the ~6pular 'Yill, ~{it i~ the with :charity,for all." · ... If the. Ku would n'uilif§·the:powers of the su:. ideals and prin.ciples into our. re­:.: ,v_ealths~ _ In .. the. center .. of. a. con- tyranmcai··mandate ·.,of .a . misled Klux.<Klan is · .. ·American theri ."our .preme Court;. men who would make hitions .with·, o·ur··neighbors and not . j: .. ti.ne~t that· a few centuries ag0:~~vas ~il~ority, ~f it• is ·a cur~ailm~nt of in- God. should not'be the .God of mercy. congress. the· judge of th~ consti.tu- by' high sounding ,verbiage on )ib-

1, :.,;vtrgm·,fore.st;untouched m~untams, dn':l~u.al hbeJ.;ty and right, that law ofjustice and of love-btlt .we shol7ld' tionality· of its o\vn· ace; men -who erty' patriotism and justice .... · ' ·.· ., .


._ ... -.P3;thl·e.ss plains,.wild prair.ies and __ 'si- cannot possib·l·y· 'have the respe.·c. t. of burn incense·to the brtitaldeity of 'vould ti:anfer ·sovereignty: .from , .One of the foundation ·stones of . · lent. 1 streams, which· . had~ . never the·. people. · The natural and. in- destructive:· hate. · · · · ·- ·_ the people ~o · our le_gislative · halls the American system\ is the theory

l···.kno\vn tne: sight of civilized mal'i; evitab.le consequehce must .be-law~ .Another danger to .th~.American and -.de_str~y· !)Ur Co~stit?tional _sy~- that-powers .of·governinenfar~ 1 less>· · · . :•::t;h~~':es ~ n~tion of_·teeming-indus- lessn,ess ... _\Ve. niust;stl~ive; then:not constituti9nal system ~s. t~e attac~ tern to ~am th~ reah~~ti~~ ?f th~Ir abused wnen ;l separted, . that· the< : ·~; Jrmhsm, ,prosperous: 'people,·, con- to -. .'enforce 'law~ by makmg more by the 'forces .of radiCalism upon· own desires. · judicial,.: executive· ·and legislative· ' : . tented citie·s' and :happy. ;firesides·: laws; by. ir;1cre~sing .. .'the. forces ol' the courts: . For. the, p_urposes of: . But 'Yhat has an· .this to do with 'departments . :may act as ch~cks · .·. · :

. ·~'During ~.this_'pedod ~of deve~o~Jl~ent law 'executio~. R,ather:~mu_st :we go gu~rdil1g.-our .. Co~~tit1,1tion, t~e~third colleg,e men;_~ Notre Dame .and ·,the_ uppn: each ·other. :,We must guard' ~the_-nation.•has-often been d.~srupted deeperand have-all_l~':Vs be·the ex- at;ti(!le of.t~~t -mst~Ull).~nt. ,_esta~- Class _.of· Nm~tee.n ~wenty-:F~~r~: the courts which are._the bulwarks ' :by, bitter Internal dissension 'arid a~~ pression:, 'of :popular .. se'ntiffi.ent, ·for lished the Supreme. Col:lrt atjd cloth-: Vf e ha:re ·be_en reared Ill. the . Ch~I~_':' of. constitutional liberites and guar~

. ':fli.ct~d by . de~tru.cti.ve . fo~s.. fr~m th'e people -,~n~ ··.op .. ey: a law whic.h. ~d:-i~:.withj~risdiction~ o'ver ·a~l:.c::~es}I~n faltliand 'educated ·lll·Jhe_;fun- ante.es.· . We,· m.u:>t prese;ve the in-. . ... Without; .. u!l~atn_obc, 'forces' .of ;n.:. they ··h:;tve Wil.lmgly·.·~assed; ' It lS ariSI~g ... under~; the .• ' Constituti?n.· damentals .. · of .' our.·' . gov~rnme,nt. tegrity of the American ' judicial ". : ;to~el:'fince,. ~1scord ·'_and · revol~tion not_ the_ Amer1c~~- c1bzen~,s. respect W!ten,Congress _passed _a h~~-~vh1c.h_ ~hen: !ve :. consider _t~e · :Igh~~---.a~ system; for· history ·has ·taught men . . ··.'~ave more ~han_.· ?nee_. .. ~hreaten_e.~ f~~· .. ~aw l~~d :.government', ~~at ·h~s. ~y~~r~~ug~ntto·.?.ur Consti~utwn_It hsted .· m ·_our c~nstmt~I~ns. ·-:W~ tha~ no tyranny is. more · sev~re, /·the .foundatiOns; upon wh1ch our m- failed·~ut It Is th~.laws w41ch· have ha~ -b.ee~ ~he duty!o~. tl~e Oo'\lrt to find that :hese ~r_e ~hes~m efunda more· intolerant and unjustly bitter . · · ~ti~tion~ ~es~.' :: .~ut ;A1p.erica ·. af~e1: failed:;·: · ... · ~- : .. _· .. ; .. . . . . . . . . . . . '; ·. <le?lare·; 'the':· ,law ·:ovid:_., In._. times. mental ' :t'Igh~s . :~f · hf~ ·.libertY:· ~~d than< the 'tyran~y of · a ·'legislative .· . :weath~rm_g~ the. 'viol~nt. ·storms of . But thiS fana~ICls.m. of re~orm ·~s 0~. Pl1l>h~ .. eXCl~~m~nt, ·,when. ~·Con- propert.y which: . (J~thohc'. doctrme_ assembly . or. a popular. majority. :. :the; ;Years~~~;_sa~ls:·, .the~- -~~as : of on.ly on:.:of ,the In~m~estations -of gress w1t~ over~z.ealops.dc.slr~ for t:achesus ar~ mahenable ~nd.Gpd: ·The hope ~n the Amer~ca of the fu::- ·

;political, . destmy~ ·1 un?onque.1·e~ th~s 'P«?htical. hystel:'I~. !,ntolerance somcJa:w, ~~rg?t 1ts hmit~tlo~s. and gi~en.';· A~tuated by · ~?nslp~mtwn ture lies in·respe~t foi· fundamen- ,· •· ·by ·the' .. waves .. of·· dissolution, who's ba~ners · are carried ·by. the passed. legislation contrary to t~e fo~.:,Pn~c~ples of ~n_ler~can.Is~ and_ tals ·of. freedom· as written into our . 1 ·

.. apd · ·:Iooms' · as -co,Iossal ~g~re ''Invisible ··Empire"· has: bm~ied i~s. Consti~ution, it was· the, S?prei_Ue by a ~pmt of. C.h~Istia~_Ity· ~t IS our, Constitutions. When these·. funda- .;. · .. .. ;on ~he. i~te~riatio.~al· hor.izon;. ·~n· en- roo~s ·deep i~t~ ,o~r:.s?cial structu~·~; .Cou;·t:~vhich· p~:eser~ed, ~u~ ~I})e~·_ties ,dut~, to· ~o conduc.t · our l~ves~: to mentais are destroyed, -w~en · these .. ', . · ·I ·durmg monument to .th~ WISdom, ha~e. and.' preJUdice. today tea,r. '.at and· safeguar~~d · 0\lr, y1sbtut10nS. SO us: wratev;er, .m~U~~C~ -'.Ye · ~.ay inalienable rights of men are: denied . :.":the·patien.ce/th(unstinted sac~ifice the hearts of· our citizens .. ~Ien Ther~ l1ave beE;!~ :oc~~~ions..whenth~ ha,ve m our respective commumt~~~ by ~egislature, _state · Ol'. society,,· .' .. l

,_ hnd purnnig ze~l .. of the: Nat10n!s a_ctu~ted. b.y mercenary and politiCal Supreme. :C:om:t .. has_. dEl~eated · an t?.at :the~.e; ~t~.a~ks l:IPOn t~e : p~m. then. ,vm· the people ··,~£ A~erJca ~~ ·• ;}-''a_thers.:. ~s we ·nie~itate upon ~he ~on~1der~t10ns·t?.o~gh loudly s~o.ut- over,vhel~m~ PO];>Ular · law~ ·:t~~r~ mple~ ~f ou_r g:ov~rn~:en~ ':'1ll,fml_ .. ~. prove to the world' that- democra·cy · · · ..

. -~ .-.· .. g. rand .. eu_r __ of. th.is_n.'e::-v ~v. orld ·dem: o- I~g. t.he.Ir: .Pab.·Io.tism .. ·~re.· .so,vmg ~av~_ .. ~ .. een ..... t .. _Im ... es .w., hen_.P._u __ . bl.Ic.~_~P·)-~- · :v __ ·.e kn~w .. t .. hatref. ~rm. ~nth. e.mat_ .e. v_ en dn. the•.m. o.s.t .. ·healthy:·_atmp.s-­; .'· cracr, 'VC ·must teel thankf~l tha~ a see,ds .of disc_o_rd. and .Vl~lence;. at~ I~n .. condemned·. our. SUp~eme .JUdl- tel. 0~ pnvate COnS_CH:~ce_;all:d _COll. phere of the·. neW WO~ld is a diSI_nal . . graciOus providence. guided ··the temptmg to make. pr~Jud1ce syno~- cml body_._ as· _a tyrant;. yes,. the1:~ q.uct mu.st ·come. f~om Withm. and failure and that. even the tyranny

•_:1· .···_··.h. an.d. s· ... of. t.he ·Nati_on's • builde. r.s·. 'a. s·· .. ymo_u. s: wit.h:· An;~i·icanis?_1_ .•. ~~id l .. o·y .. ~.h. av~ :b.~e_n times __ wh. en ':t-hat.·: g·.re. a. t. cll:.n ._be .broug.ht .ab.ou~ ~.nly ~Y-. th.~. of ·a. Nero .or•· a. Chai·h~s··the,·lst; :·is, . . :·they fashioned out. of the unweildy alty. ,But If .. the .hooded orgamza- body ,of .men ·has committed error.• mmi9teis of ~od, the. teachets, the · · l• •. cOJ~~ies the·. s:Ur~y foUndntio~S o~' ~ion i's · symb~Iic ·of' .. ,10 yalty' c and Brit no\v after re_viewing t~e work·' parent, the. mfluence o~ •. church,' . < Contino• d on p,.., lil .....

Page 4: 6. 2 .. 6.0· .. , 6··. · .-.. ra ·.d WILE-TELLs~-~ · ALUMNI CITY CLUBS ALUMNI~Do Not Forget to: MEET. AT 1 O'CLOCK IN 101 MAIN BUILDING TO DAY.' re a me ail Register ·in

4 NOTRE .·DAME DAILY Sunda.1JJ June 15, 192.~.

' .



Unh•erait:r of Notre Dame offici•! daily paper, J!ublislied ever:r mor'ninli except: .Konda)", Wedneada:r and Fr.ida:r durinc t~e academic:. :rear b:r the No~• Dame D~i.7 Compan:r. Notre Dame, Indiana.

RnterN aa second c:laJ!s matter at the poat ot!ic:e of Notre Dame, lnd.

·Subscription rate. $4.00 per_ J"•ar: bJ' mall, $4.50. · Sincle copies, 'four· cents. Da:r office, Walsh HalL. • .Main t218 Ni~ht office, 436 E •. LaSalle Ave ..... Lincoln 1670


I. . Alumni Briefs . ·1 Pi·esident Matthew J. Walsh, C.

S. C., '03, expressed. his~ apprecia:­tion of- the splendid turnout· of old gt:ads . dating. back . to the class :of '44 '59, and '64, in· which Rev. Th~mas Vagnier, ·:Rev. Timothy Maher .and Rev. Dan· ,Spillard were ·prominent figu1:es. . . -

. * * . * -Mr .. Patrick· Sullivan of Chicago · · · Editor-in-Chief.

1 • . , .. • . ;: : , ·

Ray Cun~ingham .............................................. : ........ : .................... : ..... L. ............................ 25, and inember of the· '74 class re;. . . . . . . Assistant Editors. . · · .. ; 6 turns to · the University today to

i. ~~I~l~~~;~h~~~~~-~:~~:~;:~~~:;~::~~~:::~~~~~!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;~~ j~~~f::te_ his golden grad u tai:o·n . Gerald Lyons ........................................................................................................................ ,25 * * *-

t ~~-~i~~~~~=~~ : Reporters ~ .. , .. _.o •


Hurley; '25; Thomas Ahearn, '24; -Charles McGonagle, '24, and · George Monseigneur Brady, from' New Bischoff,_'25. York City is tl}e guest of Rey.

Business Staff Chades O'Donnell, C. S. C., the " .::rohn Stanton ............... , ....................................... : ................................................................ ;24 provt, 'ncial of the Holy Cross order_.

: . .Corbin Patrick (business. manager-elect '25 Daily) ..................... ~ ..................................... 26 * * * ..

To The.Men-of-·'24-· l\Ien of '2·1·, you hrive mild~ Alri1a :Mater proud of you;~ A gem,

equalling the· others- in its . brilli::mt _luster,· has. been added to Notre Dame's, radi:u'it crown. You have placed it_. there 'iri parting. May its glistening rays be the guiding light of your lives. ' ' The- parting with school and friends- is hard. During four years friendship has crept delicately and gently ·to its height. The most powerful and lasting friendship~_ have b_een made 'in' thi_s -ead~r season of your lives .. Let them be infimte and Immortn), _for. friendship, after all, is the serum that keeps hearts pounding and ideal_s polished; it is the shadow of ·the evening which strengthens with the. setting sun of college days. · - . . · . . . . ·

l\Iay you, of the '2,1< class, grasp. the chances before you, and make ;the ·desires ·of your fondest- dreams, realities. To be the, learned and · leading nien of this generation is~ at once, your privilege and your

' inheritance. Alma -~later'~ firial and only recompense is the satisfaction · of self-sacrificing service to direct the lives of. her sons into the most lmppy and fruitful paths.' , - . : . ,. ·•. :Men o£ '24, you have the finest wishes of those you are leaving behind, and the blessing of ~ otre Dame on your conquest of the future.

John H. Neeson, '03, head of. the Bureau, of Highways· in· Philadel-



phia; has never been too officiate as ·the president Al~inni association;

. ' * * * Coninien~ement Under the_ Dome ·.Rev.· Thomas. Vagn.ier, c. s. C;, · . . ·· . · · 1 '44, and Rev. Timothy. Maher are

The Golden Dome looks down. upon a changed . and interesting 1 eceiving friends lin their quartt:!rs campus during.;Coimm!ricemerif. The ~boi~terous under-elas~m~n have in -the· Community· house, and· are gone; the ·~o_ld_ boys," s,earching ~ager1y for. familiar fn~es,-and t~o rem:in,iscing on the gi·adliatiol!s of often ~n ·vain,-stand in little, quiet groups, or seek out their boyho~d·s years. ago. Rev. . Vagnier recalls

. ,.

And now 'tC!e have com~ ai last To the. end. , :. .. J.lfemories alone, ·of da,IJS ?lOW ]JaSt ; . . Shall-bind our thoughts forever to this dear ]Jlace. No more it is oitr store · · : - · To~ greet here, face Jo. face,

. B.1J these familiar walls . . · · . ·Those friend.Y abozit roho~n, ev~n nore~J Dim,. recollection:. falls . . This'dd.IJ, there is. no shame zn tears! Out; hearts, ioith .. laden · jo,1Js Of dream-szjent ,years. Nor~ z)ast, Apj)roach; downcast~ _.· ·

. . i ' . . ~


This time of ·parti1ig and farewell. We ·rvho 'toere boys· jlfust 'lwil this· liour as men. And ·when, . · To this 1zistoric;liall, , In age-old cere11ZOnialJ ·- ' ., ,.. . I . . • • .

TV e: come to gath'er ·up the threads of dremhs, · Ours be' a heart that fro in the· past redeems · · Each, hoz~1· mul. JJlace-each memor.1J and. friend;

' And with !.:incl, retrospective tlwztght, · · .. :Witli, wo~~n dreams, .be. wrought· · · ···. . . . Tl;is_partingJ·and this clasp which·1neans the end • .. · .. · .... :. . . '. ' . . .

! .

. familiar haunts by "gym/' or lake or' grotto.; parents· o£ -gra~yates,- when ~is. parents se~tled. ·on. the -God bless them all-with sometimes an'other son or· a ·daughter, stroll present site of_ Notre D~~e m :·a -~~b.~ut _th&,b_t!ild.ings~av.il_o:v_~r.::thy~dappl~d )a~yns7 · w:ith)idmiring:glances. _little!_ cap_ip:..:~Ionl?!side, t.??. _f~!llo.us -for:·e~acii slpgle<be:;~.:uty· of the can1pus;~ and 'Yitli friendly. ones even .for l~g -~tructure ,_,vhic~ m_a~ks the be-

;--:---+f:-~Wiio7ia:v"" ii'of,-'t6atclzea :_ e~clry~Tr-i-e-cliii-Fng--Sziiing, ,_,_..,;:. ----~ ·- -: the-:;'aried_.Jace~-.-of:'~he ''pr.ofs'.'·;._the 'Jacrilty, 1 -\vhat is'jJresent of it, is gmnmg of this Umv;rsity. ,

. ·safely ensconced, ll:S ·the COUntry· journl}Jist .~ays, wi~hin the. balustrades . *. * I I d .·Rev.' Hugh 'O'Donnell, 'lG, luis . of the Main Building. porch; .and -_the gradu?_tes, '~ Iy, tie gra ues are

. . been as active as ever during these the Commencement _itself. . .... ·. · : ~. · - · .past fenv da_ys, _arid a great _deal of . · ,: · Ti1e- modest senior. is·-·on. these- days· frequently ·to be seen in cap ·and _go,;Ii. :: H~::delivet:s. orations,:·Iearne~-·or~ti~ns~ __ ·c31mly · a~d ·with c()nfiderice;. he' reads the class-:-poeip, ._,vhich 'interprets. at. orice the heart of' his fello~\;~ and tlie- spirit of his. Alma . :Mater{-he, moves in rqnks,

.. with dignity, and forrri_:illy for_ the last. time, into the chapel. Ther~ _he

·~ \. '

prays, ·for ~tlu~ ·:last time :with alf his fellows, .the in en of_; 'vell/s:iy '24; ~·he. C'arries 't~e :flag into the sanctuary, where the priest"bhisses it, and then }I~ follow:s it to the flagpole and sees.it hoistea··to the ~Umi_?i~, the flag of 'the class: of '24, the flag of ~lie Tifri.ited J?tates··of America; and then. in the du.sk one fello:w spca.,ks :'.!h~_:: cl~s~·~"}_aledictory; and· then, ~t--th~~c~fF of·:·iiis ~a-lite, 'Ii~:-\~hlks out- hefore''the-·-great assembli and .tip' on a_ c~nspicuous pl~tform, :where' sit his~four-years·· teachers,_ and -receives his· diploma: ··Somehow, ~he- does no_t feel so learned now, nor ·even· so big and ·strong:· The- -'·'old hoys": are· \v~tclling. liim, .and so ·.are the.fellows and the -"profs," 'but niost.:.o£ all heifeels the eyes that .neve:r_-l!;!av.c:IJim, the~ eye~: ofone:Jittle:,voinim's" graying~ comely head,

'/ .. · .. . the, prettiest -head 'in . all that ·crowd.: Then the thing is over. 'Vithin --a,, day, the campus ·iS. deserted, hotels.:ind "stations resume. their normal .,

.. ··• ·. •:

. ·· course .. 'Is it-all 'vorth !vl1ile? Emphatically, yes, thinks. the Unive:rsity, the credit for the success· 0£ this an_d'_hi~s.a~ :'velcome~ ~ow a:na _nex~ ~?wnienc~tpe~~' az1d tlle one after. ' graduation ~ust be given to him ..

•• ~··; ..... :.. ; ••. ···_:··,~- •• ... t ·.* *".* . ' -- · · · · · · ·· - · · · · v . Ray Gallagher,· :'23, his class' ·', :·N.1l .. :M_e~or~al~r,~pl~~~d:./f'Qr. Commencement; orator: and .the :Breen :Medal ,Vin~

,., ;, - · ... · c:.-- · · · · · ·· · · · ·· · · rier, js building up. an~appetite for:

. -: ... ·

the· big ;Debate·rs': banquet t'o· be given this .. noon.'· , Ray · has been teaching ·.public·. speaking, at· St. Thomas .College iri ·st:·Paul, .Minn., while at' the.same 'time. he has.-been

Light-footed, garlanded, apzH·oach; . ., · · And the1: a swift, elusive thing, ' ·

· Sjm~n'ing. our vain endeavoring;. . . ·· · ·: · . Speed ·onJ and leave. us to the Winter of Reproach? To-d~.IJ, :roe tread. the verdant~ sm~ling _fielr;ls- . ·

• Our Sjiriizg - . · · · · · ' · > · That g'oes and comes 1w more. The fr.uit it yields These jo,ys shall. bring ·. : . . -But -once. Tomorrow, deserted hill~ and ·gray, Shall meet bur ~.IJeS~ · ·. Laclci?zg t[ze_l1istre of tluit holy light TVhich renders bright -This·d,a/1·· · · ..... ·-.·'·· _ }VIz at· pledge have 'll,)eJ this. prize;·.·: .·· 'So d,early bought; 'tiJith lo!zfi ejzdt;avor : And fast, 'firm heart, shall n,ever: .· :_-_-

. F_rom ·our now . quiclcened spirits: ' · Draw apart'? j I . • -

\ ..... • • • • . J

: ~ .. E;riendship; Lo,yalt;IJ, -p.nd Love;· ; These b'e our pledge! . . .....

· _ • ··.'Through . them_,, trimnphant,- fro,?ri a~ov~ . . . Has_ come our heritage; . .' . ·; -,: ~·-,_ :': ::- : .. ,-·

.Their valor must·not_die! ::~·-·.: ·--~ .·;:·_;.·.: f!nd~r. ~h:is.·: haj}zJ.Y ·S(c.1J. · ···' ·~: .. ·.: 1 ~-•• ~·;.~.· ~~""· •

· Blesie4 by the_ cal·nt. uitfalter.ing- iJ,a'z_'e .. : · ·Of Her; whose name· we pra~~e; . < .,-; ;They ·have grown. str'ong w~th:.'age::::.: .Love; Friendship; Loyalty, ' : ·

'~ '.

·Tb~'e'se ·thTee,.'.= .·· .. · · . :· .·: r·.

And',howso'ev~r dim ou; futures; the,y cannot'· . Be all·forgbt. · / · ·

~ ..

- . -~· ... : .: .. \

; : . takipg:·.a la\v. ·course: ; He ·is also· ·; . . : ... · _ _..Our- iru~t :it is.·ihat thes-e · coaching· "deb'ating. · ·· ·- - · · · . F.oreru1;~zers _of ou-r destinies·: · ·

';', .... ·, ... :.


... . · ~~: ~··.: ..... -· ~ .... :_. ·~··-:4 · .....

., ..

' ..... ··. " .. :--.::.·-- .·-

r.., ....

C. C. Kolars, '85, is vi~iting 'at _Be_lcept unstained. ·.. · ·· :·· ~~-the-University.' He is accompanied. 'No~·hoiiors.giz_ined . :. ·. ... . ~ .. . . .

. ·by. Mrs .• Kola~s~ ·.He- sees a· great · r .At their: great sac_rifice ·can ever long .e1idure~· : ·change .at·. the s'cl1ool; since· his day, . The: 'pu.rchase ·]Jrice of laurels. . :::.- .

. , : but·-sayidt~s' the same· old school. - ,Must leave our}zearts secure.· .. " { * * . ·* ,·. I

''· .

i . t ... , 'Go· then~ ~nd 'z~i ?JOur. pa-rt~ be n:obl,1/ pl~.yed ~-.:

· Be iz'ot'disma.yed · . · · ·. · . . :. . '.


. Ma~y ·of- the gra-duates ,ari·d .~s,.: itors on the· campus were on 'their way back from the Repuqlican con­vention ·in Cleveland, and· they 'stopped -,off to· talk thi_ngs ov_er with . their ·Democrat· friends who might' he en'route to the big convention' in. Ne,v York Citt ~- ·. *> : ; · ·..-.

At. failitre, or_::··tJie blacb{ess of that night which lies _ ._, alL'ead.:·- ·_;. : • · _' ~- · .. . · ·. ': ·;~ ...... -•.

'· · ':- ~- ]l.e · ifour! the. c~.P,rage th~at' shall lead and· 1~ot be led;, ·Be .1Jours. the faith that.gre~ts _the·_ darkest. dawn


r .

-··. : · Ralph· ·.Adams Cram, ·the: well known .. architect and·.· author of

" ~ ~H ' ,_ ~ ' . . • . r :· J ~ BOst.O~;':' 'Viii· receiVe' 'hiS·: hoilo~arY <<:A Notre Dame Memorial to'· tlio.se 'men who i~st their lives. i~: th~. degree ·this. afte1:no'ori,_ along·· with

, .. Wo:dd.War .has ·been,·erected .through. 'the .. efforts 'of. the Notre Dame 'J~tothe~'Barnabas,·-F; :s. (}., Mr. A.· .:·Post. o(th~ Veterans of Foreign ~W_ars,:an9 , th_e :. Uni:ve!sitr:·, I.t .~·has' R .. ,~r~ki_n~, '!I9n .. 'W_ood_bridge'_ · N:

. :·.found expression in-a porch for the south, transept., of .the ,Church· of Fer~·1s,·:Rt. Re~~ · Joseph:·H. ,Conroy . ; ·- · ;',t11~ -8a~re4)Ieart;· Its design, -and -const_ructio:n has been under the;.di_-_ o'f ~Og~e~.sburg, ,~ ~-.- :y.,, ·.and·;·M~~


· Unflinching-ga..zing ever upwards, ever. 01i! . . . Be !fOU-rs. the)zearts that shall: !mow' love· and, peace·

· :c.In_ fullest. 1neasure as the years ·inc_rease.- : f · ' ' • ~. ., 4 '

· ~ . Go· thti.n; and tliough we journe,y ·to far lands,. . · 1'o. that S·weet Mothe.r'of the-outstreched, blessing 'lzands,

We give our hea_rts .. Pray that our eyes _ma,y see . : ·The· splen~of ;of ·J;er Spri1~gtime .i1i Et~rni_tyf:G_.'

I ,_ .. · · ~: ·· . :: · · : ·· · . ·, 1 • • • :· , •

-' ..

. ~' :




-:; '.· i:-:' 'orection. of Messrs .. Kervick and Fagan of the University. Architectural FrederickW. Wile; of Washington,_ . . - ,:.:·;. I' ' ' ·"-. ::-: .... ' •. ' ~:.;·' _l· ....... :·

if~,~:~=~~~i;j~z~~.2~~~~JJ~tz,!;~,~-~-~-~~.·~-~ w~ ~=~~~/=.=~=~~=~=~====~~~~=~===~==~ , • ' . ~. l , ; .~I'. - j: t· . .. .. : - . . :~.

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i --:--..

Page 5: 6. 2 .. 6.0· .. , 6··. · .-.. ra ·.d WILE-TELLs~-~ · ALUMNI CITY CLUBS ALUMNI~Do Not Forget to: MEET. AT 1 O'CLOCK IN 101 MAIN BUILDING TO DAY.' re a me ail Register ·in

l 1 l l


: Sund'a,tJ, June 16, 1924,. NOTRE: DAME . DAILY

RYAN KEPT. BUSY Old time Deba.ters Wili.ForJ!l . . .



-~-:-f ·~.: ·! ~· I

The. N ot~e :::D~m~ · · A.lrininus;·. th~ official Alumni -magazine, has just

. completed· its" tPOst .successful year, under the edito1;sliip _of '.Alfl.·ed~ ·c. Ryan of the·.: Ciass ~· o'f: -~20~. · This niagazine/ \vliicli ,c'ombines news . of . " Notre Dame· . ."·\vith .'riews. of' the .. ac­tivities of the Alumni;· is· fast ·uEl-

•. • .• • •• • •I _1,' • l


Association at Noon Luncheon

Rev. George ·E. ·Gormley, _·~o4. E. K. Savord, · '12 ... · .. Geor,ge: 'A •.. P:htersorri, .. .'23 .... Joe Pliska, '15. · Tom. Shaughnessy, '15. . Chnr!es L. Doremus, C. S. C., '06. H. G!ueckert. C. S. C .. '16. · William .'J. Furey, '23. · G .. T. Finnigan, C. S. C;

·P ... :J'. Sullivan •.. .'74 •. - ,. Charles Kolars, '85.. ·

. ; Paul.J. Foi!< •• c.:s; c .. ;o7. ·. : Paul Miller, C. S. C., 08 ..

· Jaines Mr.Elhome, c. S. ·C., '11; ·· ·Andrew Schryer.: C.· S. C.,. '14: · .. John Margraf, C. S. C., '15. ·. ·

Michael Early, C. S. C., '17.· ·. · William McNamara, C. S. C., '17. Kerndt M: Healy, • s. c., .'15.

·J. B. Bertcling, M. D., '80. ; F. M. Gassensmith. C. S.· C., · '10 •

'J. J •.. Stack, c. s. c .. '13, J. F> Donaldson; ·•23. · J. X. Bell, '23. . F. W. Thomas, '24:

, James· A. Curry, '14. Thomas B.· Curry,, '14 • .: · Walter L. Clements,' '14. -Warren A. Smith, '16.· Stanle:r B. Cofall, '17. A.· R. Abrams, ''21. · Louis J. Herman,: '14. F: J .. Kasper,. '04. Paul Castner; '23. n:ck. Barnhart, '21.

·---·The·-Varsity Debaters' Club, the first year on the debating' t~am .. No ~· J~·r~~~fa~~:dz~t4.'•23:. · · · ... newest of Notre . Dame :.:.organiza- recognition. was· . given :·.for-· more B. c .. McGarry, '19.

Will B. Meuser, '16; . ·

~ coming ·popular with graduates. ·The succe'ss of "Universal Notre .Dame Night," fostered ·by· th'e

tions, will form . officially and dine than . one year's work. It is the in.;, Walter I.· Raub, '23. today '. i.n the University' re.fectory tention of the 'club to devise . a· John J. Mcintyre, -'S4. Sherwood Dixon, '20. at 11 :45.· means of honoring the two; three · Jl.lark • M. Foote, '73. ·· .

Rev. Wm. Bolger; who ha.s been ·and four-year men. Emory s, Roth, '23. · · 1

John D. Quinn, '04.. · coaching the· University teams for . Besides Mark N olari, Oscar John M. Montague, '23. many years, will act' as toastmaster Lavery, 'John -~-Stanton, Edward Clem .. D. Haggerty,. ' 22• . . · H. C. Dauyan, '17 .. for the first gathering. Professor L_indeman, 'Lmvrence Graner, David .: A:· s: Bergman, ,'19. · George · N. · · Shuster, who . als. _o Sta.nt.o. n, Williain Coyne, Paul Har- · Mark· A8 · FGoote, '22• 8 1 M. J. t. eorge, '0 • coached one of' the de.batfng teams rington,': Seyrnour. :)Veisberger, Vic- Edward L. Figel, '11.

· · · · · B b ,.. · l ' .Tames P. Cunningham, '07. this, year, will givea short farewell tor Lemmer, arna as ::>ears, Pau · William A.· Moloney, c.· s. c., '90. talk, as ~e will· not be connected Breeni .Philip ·.Moore, Ben Piser~ Ray T. Miller,- '14. ·

with the University ·faculty. next Sydney Eder; .'and· Ray Cunning- ~~:n~is ~: ~~hi;J~a;~~. '04: year. · Rev. Paul Foik, the libJ,"arian. ,ham, who \Vere the Tepresentatives Frank X. Cull, '08. '

· · Rev. Stanislaus Woywod; '23. of the Un.iversity, will be an· hoi1- of' this yem;'s teams. Byron V. Anthony T. Bray; '21. . or.ary guest. of the occasiclll. Kanely, James .. Ct:tnningha:q1, Ray Michael C.' J •. Shea (Rev.), '04.

·Some official means of· recogni- Gallagher, Rev. Peter Hebert; Rev: ~~~~g:·l~~~k;1·~-~~ tlon f.or vai:sity debaters· 'will be Hugh O'.Domiell, Rev. Francis. Win-· Eugene M. Hines, '23.

Edward W. Gotild, '23. decided upon at this. meeting. ·-In niger, Rev .. Donahue, Tim Galvin, John Cavanaugh, c. s. c., '90 • past years it has been . the' .custom and other members. of past de bat:.. Roger . J. Kiley, '23.

· · · · , · Raymond J. Kears, '22. to give. a pin to· the men. after their ing teams will be present w .. A.· Mclnern:Y;,!·.•ot.

. ··- . .. ~ . · tl; W. 1\lclne .. nv, ~n~.

IN.DIA. NAPOt·I· s: ·. M. . .AN b. . .l'f. d . d .. P. J_. Schwertley, '22. . een exemp 1 .e m .many an mag.,.

nific~nt ways: ·Mr. Albert Russell Erskine; South .Bend, Indiana.


. .. ·I. Chick Bader, '22. · · ..• · .Michael A. Mulcaire, C.· S .. c .. Frank :f. Powers,. 111 •• p.; · '~4; Martin· ·McGrath, '12. Fred L; Steers, ~1.1; F. M. Hogan, '14. ·. J. :M. Haley, '99. . . · . · · ,Joseph . P •. Costello, '12. ·. · .. , .... , Jas. C. McGinnis,· .'19.

. C. L •. Stueckle. • . . .. ' E. A. Costello,. •1o: · . ·' . J. c. McGinn, c.'s .. c;, -~06 .

· J; w: Mierriier, ·~19. · · F. ri: Mendez; '12 •. n. J~ Voll, '17. Thomas F. O'Neill, '13. Arthur C. KeenP.l; '22.: E. J. Meehan, '20.

· J. Neeson, '03. · :t-1. C • .Barry, '21.


'17 •

Welcoines·.~Alumn·i .· · ·( Contin~ed fro in P~ge '1) : . .·· .

it will be a team that"iuiy· .alumnus ne~d be ash~med. of,·. ·,Vin :or lose/'

In bringing the compliments. of many . prominent- "alumni. 'now. lo­cated ·in and· near ·washingto~, D. C., and voicing his· th3;nks ·for the honorary degree :which \viii be· .con­ferred· upon··· him · today, · Major Frederick '\Villia:in Wile. brought his speech to .. the topic. a~nl.ounced, ''The Govei·nment at ·washington Still Lives." - · : · · · · ·

"There . were citizens · .wno de­plored the house clean'i_ng: t~at took place. in . W ashingi?n,;.' , he ·said in the course ot his talR, ~'but now I think we may . congratulate our­selves :that they· have. brought the

' corruption tJ view. · For otit of the muck at Washington there stands one thing-:-th~t-. corruption in. our government is· the~ exception rather than· the1 r~le.

"May Notre Dame. continue to. turn 'out high-minded young ·men capable of meeting the problems which rise up in this country. If so, the government at . Washington will continue . to live, one and in­diyisible;''

·wi.LL' HEA. n· s· "A: c . "A kindly' and brilliant member · .. : • · • • of the Catholic hierarchy hi this

. Alumni, and made· successful through the efforts of the Alumnus and ~yan is evidence of this ·popu­larity. The increase in number of old students .returning to this 80th Commencement is also due· to the influence of the . Alumnus in the various cities and clubs.. In every· w:ay, this magazine is a credit to the Alumni association, 'and to the man who is. editing it, ·.

At the annual. S. A.~ C.- election which was held last Monday, June 9, in the ·Brownson ·.room of the

"' library, George A. Bischoff, '25, Glee 'Club Sang. (),.·::_A·· .... :.·. ·c·. I··: ... · ·k: .. ,._ · .• .· .. ·. · ar s . . . . . I . I ., .

Last Con~ert, Friday

country, whose. priestly duties have not been permitted to interfere with a zealous regard for religious edu-' cation .. in a great · diocese, and whose. accomplishment in the diffi­·cult enterprise of building schools and 'developing. ·scholarship is an

1 ~ic .. ·l ; . ..


I 1 l


; ,.

Th~ . l!n_~yet·~-i~Y. _ G!~~.~~-c_lub, __ Qf_ 192.3-:1924; s-ang :its last ··concert

· . Friday evening, in Washington hall, under the direction. of Dr. J. ·

.. Lewis 'Browne, weU.:.kno\vh Chicago composer and conductor 'of . the

·club. · · . Miss Sarah McCabe, the possf\s~ 'sor· of a coloHul- soprano voice~ v:as '·the assisting soloist of -the ~vening.

The University orchestra,. · ah:o : under the tutelage of D1'. Browne . this year, pr~sented several 'num­: bers as ~ts part or the progr.ap:t. A

outstanding con,tribute to American . , . .. . ... culture_;..:.The.:..Right~.Re.verend. Joseph · --:=--:-:--~:- -:H~ponroy;:·.·. D.·· D.; ·Ogdensburg,·

.... \. .. "·.~~

N.Y." -

.G~~ds Play Big Parts · . (Co.ntinued from'. Page 1) . . E:-nest .A .. Davis,' C. S. C., '04. William H. :Molony, C. S. C., '07.

· Dominic K. O'Malley, C. S. C., '03. Ph. B. in .. · Co.mmer.·ce, ·of I~di;;_ _P. J. Hagj!erty, c. S. c .. '09.

G. J. McNamara, ·c. · S .. C., '04.· apolis, \Vas elected president. John · Walter J. O.'Donnell. C.· S. C., '06. T'.Yohy,_ a.n. d R. alph. He.ger, were Geo.· L. Ifolderith, .c. s. c .. '18. Emiel DeWulf, C. S. C., '03. elected secretary; arid treasui·er, re- Dominic J. Cannon, C. S. C;, '07 •

t' 1 · · · · · · · · John C. Kelley, C. S. C., '13. spec lVe y. . . I . . ; . Thomas A. Steiner, c .. s. c .. '99 ..

At the· Class gatherings,· thirteen Peter E. Hebert, c. S. c .. '10. new men '':ere elected to the Coun- 'l'homas P. Irving, c. s. c .. '0 4• . ·K. K. Rockne, '14. · cil. arid five me1nbers of the present Daniel Nolan, '23. . Council. \vill. serv.e , their ... second B. J: 111• c. s .. c ... ,87 •· . W. ~- Lavin, C. S .. C., '10. term .. The rostei· of the 1924-'25. allix E. Ill iller, '21. ·. Council is as follo\vs: John . R. .: E. :J: R: ·McCarthY. '22. ·

.T. ·.w. Flannigan, '94. ·' Moran, Tulsa,· Okla.; Donald. C. 'Geo;·L. Slaine;· '21 ... · · M'll D fi 0 · J. A' B h .Jos .. c. Smith; '14. . · 1 er, e ance; .; .• os. . • ac , . r.~o~ D. Donahue, '16. Chisholm, Minn., John· W. Scallan, Edwin c. McHugh, '12.

/ S th C I b 0 . R l h. w· . :Thomas D. Mott, ·Jr., '18. OU . 0 um US,. . ., a p . . .· John E.· Koehler; '98. ·.

i' Heger, ~vansville, Ind., .. Bernard G. Ernest E. :Hammer, '04.

. · ., · Les' Zgodzinski. '"14. ·. Kesting, Toledo, 0_., Paul A. ·Rahe, Frank F. ,Duquette, .'Q?~. · Madison, 'I rid;·,;; Elmer.· F~- 'Layden;· .. ''Warren· Cartier·,- '87.

Davenport, Io,va, · George A. Bisch-off, Indianapolis, _.- Ind~, . Mark E. Mooney, Indianapolis, Ind., Edwa'rd T .. O'Neill, Holyoke, Mass., John 0. Twohy, Oak Park, Ill., .John: Pur-

)'.;:.. · cell, • East Orange,' N. · J.; Daniel · J.

~ particularly appreciative · Com., · ·mencement ·audience· cro,vded the

Brady, Fort Dodge, fowa,. John. J. Reidy;. ~L~kew:ood, ,· 0.; _Thomas F. Green; Houston, .Texas,. and :Wm: L. Daily,, Wil~insb.t~rg, Pa. · .halt- · . , · . . . . ...

'The program presented · by the · · · · · · . ·Glee club was substantially the . flonoraiy Degrees

same as that presented so success- (Continuedfrom Page 1) · ·fully throughout the . year. The ably th~ foremost exemplar of his :most enjoyable number was "Drink profession ·'in the United· States to-> To Me' Only With Thine Eyes/' with day, whose successful,. interpreta:

. ·solos of Vernon Rickard; tenor, and tion of ·the spirit of Catholic' build­. George Koch, baritone,. contrasted ing art is visible in the n~merous : with the musical- ·background fur- structures he has erect_ed as .well as. :nished :by the .·remainder· . 'of the in the lisf of profound and inspir-:­. club .. · Both singers possess v.oices ing books which have him foi· their of umisuar merit' and brilliancy~ author:. ·Mr .. Adams' Cram, _of Bo~-

Other groups on the program in-: t01~: Massac?¥se.t~s~ ... ·, . . , .,: :eluded . several ··ancient. classical i An unfimchmg and.· far-sxghted • numbe~s· . ;\Vritten : by Palestrina .. Ameri~an statesman, .. \Vhose defense "Junetime" by D1;,, B1~owne,' ·was of American principle has bee'ri no. .well recei~ed~ · The rendition of the less· resolute than' his· appreciation

· numbers. showed ·· ori the 'vhoie ·ar- of the· dign!ty; of American liberal­tistry and talent that is extraordi~ ism, and. :whose :qame -is representa-' nary. among . college. glee ch] bs. tive of'. t.he. highest :political·. integ-

' ·.Miss McCabe 'charmed her ·audi- rity and educational )dc:als: •· The ence with. her personality and her Honorable Woodbridge ,Nathan.Fer~

·, tonal te~hnique. '.She has. ·b~~ome ris:, Big. Rapids,. Mi~hig~n: ... : . ·: popular with .Notre Dame audwnces A yery _successful· man ·of bust­th.is year through the efforts o'f. Dr. ness, whose foresight in ·private ~n- · Bowne,. under \vhom she . is study~ terprise has gone han'd in hand with

:·Co_OI·'and ·Ag-ree'·. \abte· · Foo.4s. Ex'celleritly. ba.l.· .:. anced wa~ .. weath .. .er dinn~r.s;<_properly.

·~-.served. ' .. · ! . .

· .. Correct Salai/s · . \ -'ttnd !pes ·

·was·hi~tg"~!on ;·cz_afeter.~a an·d

:Restaurant c•r. Main o~d· w oahinl%to'o St;~eta: : ·.

' . . . . . ... ~ ing. Th'e 'dulcet tones. ·of·her lYt"iri a ·splendid· regard· for the pub,liC; soprano voice·: pre'dict great artistic weal,' and' whose interest):n the pro-:

... :~ s11ccgss.; ;:-.::. -~. ~ ... ·' .. · ... -: . . . .. . .. :motion·~-of ~ducatiorial"' work. ·has ·. ~ .. '


·S.outh·.· Ben{l;Jnd~

. .. ,' •\ . -;-

Good.'a't ~lt. Up~:roUfn_·:L~ocation.s· ' ~ " . . .. :~ ... · . .- . : ". . - . : : ' . .. , . . . . . ~

104-:106 North Michig~n Stree~ 206 South Michigan Street .:~3i..339 SouthMichiganStreet

<:.':~·~fi:i West ·washingto.n Ave~ue '··:~ :···'119~121 \Vest]eff~rson Blvd~ ·

I ,

.·. ~-107 East Washil)gton A~enue ·. 321 West South, Street ·


. ~Notre Da~e Cafeteria on Campus .

· Clark's Lunch Room . . ~ . ~ .

IS to 19 w. 6th st. , . GARY, IND.

\ ' ..


Page 6: 6. 2 .. 6.0· .. , 6··. · .-.. ra ·.d WILE-TELLs~-~ · ALUMNI CITY CLUBS ALUMNI~Do Not Forget to: MEET. AT 1 O'CLOCK IN 101 MAIN BUILDING TO DAY.' re a me ail Register ·in


·: CLASS .SORRY ·To LEAVE NOTRE DAME . . . . . . .


Donald :s. ·Gallagher, · Litt. : B:; That ~ve Jove this school is evident president and valedic~orian of the and our affection is· emphasized by ciass of '24, delivered the valedic- the sorrow we feel today. We are tory at th~ Class Day exercises, not ashamed of this sorrow; we are held in Washington Hall yesterday proud of it, and the mother who morning. The valedictory ,follows: has guided us is . proud, for she is

. ·We· the members of the Class .. of sending_ us out· animated with the · 1924 'assemble· to bid a united fare- spirit of- brotherly love. · '·well to our· Alma. Mater. For four At this moment of., parting, we •years we have l~oked ·ahead with are· by no means un~indful of glad expectancy to the time of our those who have made our . success ·graduation~· . This day has s~eined to possible. First, 1Ve lift our hearts ·us as an open gate through 'vhich in thanksgiving to ·God,. whose pro-

·. we . were to pass from 'a period of vidence has given' us this priceless work and· study to an active · life gift. Our dear parents, who have in· the world:. In. our. freshman watched over· us from infancy· and

. year this 'gate seemed far distant, shielded 'us from. ·harm with. sym-


Presentation of Gold ~~~~."of Notre .Dame,

Watch Made to 'Ro.ck'

June 14, for the award of appreciation are: the S. A. C., the Monogram club, the Toledo club, the Senior. class

In appreciation~ of. the loyalty manifested to Notre· Dame in sign­ing ~ ten-year athletic director con­tract, Coach K. K. Rockne was pre­sented with a handsome gold watch last evening at the Monogram Ab­surdities. performan~e in Washing­ton. Halt Donald Gallagher, presi­dent of the Senior class, made ·the presentation and he emphasized the . motives of gratitude which prompted . the various organizations of the student body to honor Coach Rockne in this manner. , ..

On the ~atch is· eniraved ''these few words: "To' Coach K. K. Rockne, · from the undergraduate . . .

~~-t-:··~ ; ·.~.:

tr:l~:~~~~~~.:s;,;:)~J~:.·~. ~~1 ·'·~''*'-'~'-t•:~iill'\;·."~'l,,.:.:·~rJ.:·~ ))

'"''"'·" ... , ., ")

·.~ mamit~~l:m~m

and the Knights of Columbus. '

Monogram Club . ·. Admits 24 Men

The Monogram Club held their initiation arid banquet. on June 1st! The following. men, re,ceived ·their Monograms: Hunsinger, Bach, Nop­penberger, · Murphy, Ward, Mil-· bauer, Rigney,. Gebhard, Harring­ton,· Cooper, .· ··O'Hare, Sheehan, Eaton, De Hooge, Hamling, Silver, Dunne, McGrath, Farrell, . Quinlan, Crowley,. Prendergast, Walsh . and Swift. · . ' .

Besides the . stu'dent body the It' pays to advertise in The Notre clubs which ~re direc_;tly responsible D~me ·Daily.

but in time· we found ourselves ap- pathetic- care, mrike 'by their pres-1.:.... _ __:_'----:--~-------:--:---:----:;__-~----:---'----.,---.;._--:---------__,.---. ___ .......;. __ · proaching it all too speedily. This ence 'here· today another manifes-lr.:============================~=================n ; mornipg; we. are gathered . at the t~on of th'~ir' love and their. am~i-

gateway but it is with a sentiment tion for our success.· We tu:r:n I.n 1 ·of 'reluctance that we consider the gratitude to the kfnd Priests; .Broth­. life .before us. I ers, and Professors, whose hves of . ·. . . It seems only a few short months sacrifice to . duty have exh~usted ·.since we bade good-bye to relatives' every. energy to help us. from the

and . frlend~ ·on setting . fo~-tJt to. aimlessness of youth to: the goal of · College. At first our hearts were higher ·education. . · ·

filied with . misgivings: .we found . Men' of the ·Class of '24, our las~ · ourselves in ·a new·• and . strange days at Notre Dame .. have .~been '·.. · · · · · marked for us by a sentiment· of

sorrow which can ' be .understood only· by· 'tliose who kncnv the affec~ tion that binds us, to Notre Dame. Fellows, we must.· say . good-bye. Some · of us '\Vill meet again to re­view fondly' the: memories of. our' college _days, but never again.' shall we be ieunited as a complete class.

. ·,·

.. Henceforth the friendly smile, the

!.: ..

· familiar ~voices · and· the . hearty hand-clasp of ·dear- friends can he

.. ... but memories. ,-It is sad; this our last greeting to· each' other. But we

. shall• treasure unto the end the . ·sacred memories of our years to'­

gether at Notre Dame .. We shall al­ways remember the ·laughter' of No­tre Dame;. arid, ~ft~r- today,· the

-. world a~id str~ng .. er~·; . But_ a qi_uck tears~ . . ·. ·. ~.. . . · : - ... · • • Dear olq School; we · are not

· · acquaintance '\vith the spi~it of No- ashamed, of' our sadness for .· we



ClaUer's Stock I

~ ) : 1 f - '

'Re-duction .I

•· ..

. \

S·al.e 1.

\.. t· .• •

\ ''t

·, . j

_ tre -I? arne· followed: and ~ve were at know that. you. unde~stan.d, Mother , home.:· We prepared to mcorp.orate of Ours .. ·It is the end of our Col­

_· )n .om~. liyes th.e _Ie~so~~ a?d exam- lege< iife' and the beginning ·of' a : --pi~s- ·of -~rue . m_an.hoo~·- :vJ:nch. Notre ·rutui~e "in··· the .·1vorld:Notre-:Dame;· , Dame gives ... to her> .children. . .We_ fai·ewell. · ·

. · made· new· fnends and found pleas- .... · . . 1.

. . . ant associations in campus life; we . ~. ·. . . . ! ' ' • " .

·were happy and ·Notre ~~me,· Our Nolan· Flays Forces.· , . · : ¥other,~. saw. th~t .we we~e. content ,- : ·.Th.cit Bridle :·Liberties

f:' !..~ .. , ,' -:-:--,, _-;: \ ..


;- ·---·;--:-........ -.,...._ ~---. -----:~,- .. -~~-~--~~-

-~- 'l • . ., i

.. ,:and she.:was pleased.· A ·new Class . · ':. ha·d been .entrusted· to her and;· she' .. -~:'::assumed·the burdei{-\vith' gladness: .. '(C~ntinu-~ii from •Page s> ·, ._·. _ ; . Having ·as~ -\ve .:}uive a·· deep lov'e preferrable to ··the wm .o-r the ·peo-

. for this school; and a tender regard _P1~f· there;:·is .any ho~e ~n ·popular . ; for . everything com1ected. ,Vith' hei: government, if th~re . is any 'salva-

·: nain'e,' we have- no '\Voi"ds capable of · · tion for· democracy;. that ·hope .. and expressing. our devotion to' Notre .. · . · · . · h .

· D · It. · ' •th. · d - · · · f salvatiOn rest -m college men, . w o -. arne.• Is. Wl a · E!.3p ··sense o . . · . · . · · ::· ' " t• td. t:h t · · - 't ·f · · are educated .m the precepts

. gra. m e a we, go ou ·. r~m our Americanism and'· . 'principles -Class rooms to face the problems of . . . . .. . th · ld t· fi ht th b ·ttl f Christlamty. .Let .us. go fc;>rth .1;nto . , ,. e wor o g e . a e o · . •t• · · · 't

. · ; life in th; company of those \Vho our respective · ~otn~um Ies; · ·.1-p o .· . h. · · · b f . -· . . . · the m~ny states of this great umon ·.·· avN~·tgonDe/ ~ oretuhs! .. :.£ d t·· .. · and·J·oin·the'ranks oftho.se'enlight-

.. o re . arne, a er oun a Ion, • . . · . . , - ·· .- . , · . '~ '




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· · · · · · d b · · Bl · d M th · ... ened men who are workmg Wit~? all .·· .•W?-t~mspire t ,Y .. opr e~~~- h ~b. e~, the intensity .of their nature to. save .-..: Wlt_ . ·. ta gtrheat . purp~se. d .et. allst• _een tlie prinCiples ·Upon. which this re­. • '.rue o a purpose .an a .a _Imes . ,. . h · b b · ·It: · t · th · : ·:.we'have· received<froni. her the· in-' Pl_lO!I~ as ee11; m. ' · 0 save . e , . ::. · ·· t• : 'th ·. t · · · . - · · ht · . D · · · Amenca we cherish, for us /and our

: ·~ . .·: ·.·:

.. ; :Spira IOn. a We1 SOUg • _ . Urmg . children . . . ' . ,. <four years we. have' sat at her feet, . . ...

1 ::'listE:ining to her words. and. a'cceptink .": "R ... ,·:·d: · .-.t . .,.h.--:"· ..,.,. ~.,..-.· ..,.. ... -.~-:T-h·. .Notre · · 'th ·1· · · · b ', · 1 · .· • ·• · f · · ea e . news 1n e .. ' :. e essons t_ at·on y th~·.spmt o a· D" · ~D ·.1 .. · · ..... :.

· J Mother· can inspir~. As . a. true arne a I y. " · . '·\ ··,:Mother she bas care'd for:us foridly. · . . ... ',/a~-d h_er hand·has ·a~'vays be·e~ ready ;; ... · •• ~· .... -............... -..-..-,_.-______

6 ~- '>'to ~point out the proper path and to : : ;~stnhigthen ·us, '\vith so.und ~eligion, ~ -~~:that' we might carry' on \vith true I I • ··T·H· E' .· .-·. :_-:: Christia~ ' . courage. · How unsatis- · " .


:'-\'fac'toi·y::it·7";woiild:.:]je :.t()'. attempt·;fo .. ::,-:_-· ·::: ·: : .. -: .. . ·.. --:::"::::,-·.":;:.. ..

':;;,e:~!if~!.~~;fjJ~~!¥~ ~ __ ,r, __ ._~·~~~N·.A·_::g_~~R.:-_.·_ .• y.' ·_._ .-. .. =;;has'given us her alhind has'spared • tn:u •.LJ

;;no.sacrifice·that·our success in life '· -~~_j:~ay ,be .assured.: Her last request J.·h~· Siu·dents'. ~a~ndr.1f for-

~·,.·:·is. that we·:b'e honest·:·.a~d ppright .. ,._.>~~·:._ .. :::·.· __ :E .. ,igh.·~ Yea_ ·r_s __ ·- . ·'>.'· :iHer 'fina.I· -re\vard;:Win·· be' in;·· the ·· ·' .~. ·: .. >)rno.w~eage <that. w~, .. h'er': : child~en~: : ~ :: ' ,' \ ... :: . ~ : ... . ... :.:c:aitVe': live~ up to the lessons slie·lias e: .... -.•. -.... -. --.-... -: •• ---.-. --------oO /. ~:taught us.'~. With .:these' .. tho.tigli:ts· ~in : .. ~:. I;:: : ;:-·:·;.:·min~~'-:.w_e ~o:Pe._to :do.·, _service~.~: i9 -=:::=: .. =_..=_., =:=:;..=: .=_ -==_.= ... =. = __ =.:=_;_:= .. ======== ; :.:~country, honor our University and· 1i ·r::::· :::;::=·=· =· ==·===;:::;::=====.-11

>+:ft?::*~·:!~~ ~;;~~~:~~~~~!n · ~l~~;~: . : > rrow':that weighs upon :our hearts Is ; ·~?-·::alleViated ·only by ·the: hope:t:iiat"'.in .).i:?our :future ;endeavors ''\ve' may. re:.. : ... ,,'!:fiect\credit ·on :Aima/:Mater.~ ·Notre. ··X~-:~ ~name 'Vished our success: She prays . :', .. ;~that'. her' soris'.may• be.r'ewardedhi

~!\((:!t~t:~!~!~.a~:;?g~~ri;~t~e,a~~;:~ >.·.': ·Jtion: of. all.· :Our education here ·has ::· ;.r ;:not~ been ~-.a. merely mechanical ·af-:~>.<:J:fri~~~.;T~is.fact 'is -~lear. to· u~ -~n·t~~

/. ,'', ·:.

-:lc;e. :~re~~;· .. qa~d:r : : · · and Lun~hes·." ·


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Page 7: 6. 2 .. 6.0· .. , 6··. · .-.. ra ·.d WILE-TELLs~-~ · ALUMNI CITY CLUBS ALUMNI~Do Not Forget to: MEET. AT 1 O'CLOCK IN 101 MAIN BUILDING TO DAY.' re a me ail Register ·in

' Suncla.lf, June 15,' 1924. NOTRE D.~.ME ·DAILY 7



'25 TRACK.·CAPTAIN Trackmen Closed Season with {nvitation .Meet Yesterday DIAMOND MEN ELECT





. , William ·"Bud" Barr, ·Chalmers, . Roger Nolan,. Davenport, Iowa, a Indiana, a junior in the Law school junior i!l engin·eering was elected was elected captain of 'the Notre captain' of the ~otre Dame base-·. Dame track team at the last meet- ' ball team for the season· of ·1925 ing of the' Irish tracksters ·for the at a. meeting· of the letter .. men· last .. 1924 season. Barr, is .a sprinter, week. Nolan has covered. the first quartermiler and is· a ·member· of ·sack for • Notre Dame in admirable' · the Notre Dame relay· teain. fashion for the past two years and ·.·Barr succeeds Paul· Kennedy of is rated as one.:' of ·Notre.· Dame's

. T~mpleton;· Indiana, 'Notre ·Dame's leading hitters. Nolan succeeds gr!-'9.t '.miler 'who led the Blue and bptain Bill Sheehan of Chicago. Gold track?ters to the tenth conse- Prospects .for a \vhirlwind. base-cutive Indiana conference track and ball ~club. for next 'year are_ remark-field ·title which was ·won by the ably good considering that the ma-P.ockinen in the annual state .meet . ,The Notre Dame outdoor track was to Harry Gill~s'. c~ack' Illinois only Notre· Dame. -inan to take a jority 'of the men on ~this year's


·held at Cartier field' May 24; . · · team, ·.led by Captain Paul Ken~ squad; 'which won the Big Ten first .in this meet; Bu:tler,seriously , 'Graduation is. 1:ather lenient on nedy, yesterday afterno~n ended a championship. · · · threatened Notre , Dame's suprem-the track t th• t k. . acy in the state meet, bu.t the im-. earn IS year, a mg on- · successful sea. son. This yea. r The opening meet was :with D~ ly Kennedy, .miler; Oberst, -javelin; · , . expected victory of Harrington in Luke Walsh, quarter miler; Cooper agam, Notre·· Dame· :tracksters. Pati,v; and re~ulted in an easy vic~ the pole vault over Jones of De .two miler; .Joe Sheehari, :miler; Ray coppe~ the state track title, hav~ng tory featured by the performance Pauw. gave it to Notre Dame, by a Brarly, broad jum'pcr; Mike Haih- ~one 1t for the tenth consecutive of· Oberst, who threw the javelin score. of. 53 3-4 to 45 .. Harrington ,. k , I,\

. mill,' pole vaulter, Russel .O'Hare, time. . . . . . . 195 feet, 7 inches. Oberst was also and Oberst established new state · "'"', '\ two miler and Tom' ·Barber, half . DePauw and. the. MIChlg~n Ag- the star' of the Illinois. meet, de- records. The meet. \Vith the Aggies rr·. "7 . ~

. :iniler. Rock will }~ave a large co·- g1es were ·.also.· defeated m dual feath1g Angier, the national inter- was taken by. a score .of .911-2 to terie of veterans to .woi~k with next meets. The only loss of the season collegiate champion.: .He was. the 3411-2~ · ' . ~

. . Ad/:,m Walsh Returns I :Year Ma~ks Pass.ing . ·. · Oberst, George Vergara, John Nop- · ~_$&j,:._:__s . , · · · · · penberger> 'Robert Reagan, Joe team.'are sophom~res ~nd are hold.;

with. Brother "Tillie'·' ' ! .of Ma.ny Irish Stars B~rgman, Willie Maher" andl Tim ing dow'nregular berths .. Although .. · · · ' · · · · · , · ·. . . , ·· · · ·Murphy. · Frqm ····the · basketball their' work· this year in no way for-" Adam Walsh: .captai~~eiect of the · The 'close of the 1923-'24 school squad, G(me May!· and· Toni Rear- tifies them. against the competition Notl:e .:Dame football team for the year marks the passing of men 'and 'don .. \vill · be· graduated. ; Coach that •vill· be. uncovered· next year, season' of 1924 returned .to. school achievements · which hav~ · figured Rockne wil~ lose Captain Paul Ken.:. .the ·fact' that they have· gained. a · last \veek fro~ ·his home in Cali- prominently in , ·Notre · Dame's nedy; Gene· Oberst, , Joe .·Sheehan, huge 'slice of experience: on the No~ foi·nia where he went ·la~t winter' ascendency to the ,athletic throne. Ray~ Brady,.· Charley' .Co.oper, Luke tre ;'Daine team this· fall assures ·

· · · · · ' · Football and track will suffer grad-. Walsh,. Russell O'Hare, Mike. Ham- Coach. Keogan of · tried · material · uation's greatest toll while basket- mill ·and · Tom Barber from the. for next spring. : . . . : ·· .. · . . ball and baseball .\vill hav_e . the ~1;ack s·quad. Capb1in Bill Sheehan, Ari. ~innovation in ·Notre 1• Dame. good fortune to_retain m.osfof·the George. V:argara, Frank :McGrath baseball.will be diamond practices men wh~ made up .the personnel of and · . Hugh :. Magevney, wore. th~ a fe\V days· a week during the fall 1923-'24. . , . .·. Notre Diurie ·baseball uniform for months.• It is the hope of the coach

. <

. ·With Harvey·. Bro\vn; football .the last. time against the Michiga:O: that such a practice \vilt eliminate ,~Ft~;-:.:::..:.::-c.t_l:ll.J:!.L.iOI.lll.,.,.--g~J.t::;-,-\.;tenlL.M~yl,~ene. Aggies._·_. -, _ ... _. ·-.-·.-· ·-·- ::~.-'~~.':-;' ~· ; - :.:..--:. -._;,-:(Contin~ed-on-.Page_ 8)-; ·-:-:-

ll. . ' y'ear, among. '\vh~~ will be Lil~d~~. . . • . . I Barr and DeHodge hi. the sprints;

l . · McTiernan, Hamling· and· Eaton in j' the· quarter mile; Cox;, Cdnliri . and

l~ Wagner in the half mile; Bidwell, : ·.·. ·Keats. and WEmdiand in the 'distance

1 :· runs; Livergood. ·and Cu-nningham

,. in .the broad jump;. l\Hlbauer. and


.. 'Rigney in the shot.·put; Gebhardt; ; Rigney and. Uhl .in the- discus ·and · ·

, . ·javelin;. Harrington· arid . Garey iri •

1 the pole · vault; Bro,;vri,' Headdy , c

and J onnsori' ·in the·. high jump' imd · ··· :casey arid Johnson· in the :hurdles .

. i Prospects for ·a bigger ·track 'year t~. u~dei;go t~ehtnient ·f~r an .i~jtiry . next . season . than ·.ever . before' are suffered in' football. . . . . . . . ·· : "-~b-oomhig .with a. promising squad of . Adam ·brought back with him his

· freshman stars- coming .up ~o varsi~ brother, "Tillie,,,.: who promises to .ty ranks~. Daslj: men ··and. distance: be -~11-:'American · materiaL . ·men as well~a~ field P.erformers·are ·=·~· ~··~~-~--~~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~

. · abundimf in the Fi·o'sh ·Class. of this r: · · year. : Preparations. to center. great­

~ .er .attention 6n .the cinder ::.sport · next year are now. being planned by

Coach Rockne: .Each year, the In., . . diana ,colleges give Notre Da.me: 'a

fast· run for 'the title in the : state ... meet 1and. Rockne· :·wh~se name ·is ; -::synonymous' .',With ·,.,great ... football

. . . achievements thinks enough . of the . . :'state. track crown to covet the title

. :. . . next ' year for the i eleventh"' conse': . • cutive: tiine; . .• ·.· ... ' c··.:. ·.

·: ' While Notre Dame· did not attain

.. . . . , I

· ··We·.carry ·a·.·comp.; .,. ,:· ~ lete~line .of . 'Bas~:Btill.GI~v~. :'.{ ·.' ~s, .aat~ and . · · ... · · · .. Mits··· .

'.any notable distinction~ in track cir- \ ' ; ... · ' des .outside of the state. for the past . . · ~ . ·. Ask- to, &ee. the.

. .. f:eason, ·se·veral ·of the·.·wearers of :.:"JOE. CLAFFEY'" · , the · Blue ·and . Gold . distinguished . ··: r , ani. . . , :/ ' ·

-.. 'themselves: by their admirable per- "BILL ·noAK'~-·r:•' · forriuinces:-. ·Captain Kennedy regis- · · · · ·.. · · · · .. · GLOVES ·. · !' · 'ter a: win in the inile against Wis.:. · , . · ·cousin ·on the indoor track in 4:21'; .... · ·! . BATS .· .

. . .. The 1-{otre Dame· university. medley ::Spalding and Louis;nlle · ·i:elay.teain .won the two inile· relay · · · • • • · 1 • ., ., ••• •• •• -Sl.ug· ge .. r·· · race•at·the Illhiois,carnival; last' \vin~-

. ·., ... ' ' ter .. · Oberst . estbalished new.' field I .. CAitRY. A c<:)MPLETE· . re_cords'·. at'.'the.:Karisas·_i·elays and ·.. . . ·:LINE OF:... . . ·: ··,.

Penn. games :.with' ~:the javelin. , · RADiO GOODS · '1

q}?erst· has~·ion~::.frO'm· -~o.tre···name · -~ · "... · ,: : to'. c.omplete' in. the . Boston. Olympic B' .. ·.: . . . ' ·.. ./ .. : . ' . .. trials; . Iii the 'state•meet,-Harring~ . . . e.rman • S ·: ton 'b'roke the state n1arkin 'the pole

vault 'vith 1.a Jeap of 12 feet, ·.7 1.:.2 inches; ; · · · · · . .' · ·: .·· ... ·,·. · .. ':~Tiding ·. civ~r .'the . s~tisfaction of

•the past. season to: the beginning of the. track season ;next /year,~the ,out-

.SpO.rt ·. (}oods · ·. · · ··StQre .. · ··

look.-.is .mor.e·.inViting:·than·:ithas ':126.-~~or.~~ 1Jfic,}Jiga~,.St •. :-: ' been. for· the past. few ·yea1;s.' ' ·

I ' . •: ' . . .. .' . ,' · .... ·, ~ . . ·..... '.

'•· . '

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The Seniors . \ ...

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.. ··w· .: · __ E:: OFFER an-.. exp're~sion··_of ·: .. . ·. 'gratitlid~· ·a.hd: ~ppreciation ' .. ·, · :_ > jo~·:. yqur·. ~oy~l ·:patronage· . with us,· and you· have: our sincere .. ·;

.. wishes for a brilliant 'and successful .' ·. '·fub.ire' iri .. life;'· so~iClt--~rid'. b~sine~~· ·. undertakings;·_ .. ·.~: · J:"o th~' Alumni· · ·· ~\ve ·cextend. our·.hearty' welcome~; .... ,. •, .. .... fuight' wepe of s~cyice to ~:you :w.h~le -.-.irr:.o~t.:,city? ' , ·····

l ' . \ • ' ~

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·Jol-109-!S. Micliigan.··st.· ..... ·Ioa·· West .Wa~ltington ·Ave.:

.. ·. .· ... · \ I -~·

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I .

Page 8: 6. 2 .. 6.0· .. , 6··. · .-.. ra ·.d WILE-TELLs~-~ · ALUMNI CITY CLUBS ALUMNI~Do Not Forget to: MEET. AT 1 O'CLOCK IN 101 MAIN BUILDING TO DAY.' re a me ail Register ·in

. • ~·: !


Su.nda,y, 'Jzme · 1, .JD24

with Stang·e; McGrath, Dawes and .Dwyer in reserve; the Irish mentor: swept through ·the conference los­ing but six games in eighteen starts .. ·- ·Graduation: will -take ·Magevney, ·· Vergara, · ·McGrath and- Captain Sheehan. from this year's squad~ but combining 'the veterans of this year :With the present freshmen he­coming eligible .next year, baseball at Notre Dame should experience a ne\V era of championship . t~ams."·

·;Services· ·Sunday

,y--: -_.

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