6 pillars of influence

The Six Pillars Of Persuasion Every One Should Know Check Out This Special Offer “How to Be an Expert In Persuasion in 20 Days” http://bit.ly/8Fl8MP or check out my website www.custom-hypnosis.com

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Page 1: 6 Pillars Of Influence

The Six Pillars Of Persuasion Every One Should Know

Check Out This Special Offer“How to Be an Expert In Persuasion in 20 Days”


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Page 2: 6 Pillars Of Influence

We are conditioned us all to be vulnerable to six specific highly effective, deeply ingrained weapons of persuasion.

These tactics, comprehensively analyzed by Dr. Robert Cialdini in his landmark book Influence – The New Psychology Of Modern Persuasion, can make us unwittingly switch from objection to acceptance to compliance regardless of our intent.

Get the Book From Amazon – Click Below Influence : The New Psychology of Modern Persuasion

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These Behaviors Occur In Both Nature And Society.

These mechanical patterns of action or fixed action patterns, commonly seen in mating rituals, are found in many different species.

The common thread is the activation of a trigger feature – a particular specific attribute that compels a reaction, like a color pattern or direct eye engagement.

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These Behaviors Occur In Both Nature And Society.

In one experiment, mother turkeys cuddle fake tom-cats, bared fangs and all, simply because of the baby “cheep-cheep” sound emitting from the fake model cats.

This distress call overrides all other reactions by the mother.

Even in the face of this danger, the turkeys have been programmed with this strong instinct for the species survival.

This automatic and stereotypical behavior is useful because in most cases it is the most efficient form of behaving in a complex environment.

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These Behaviors Occur In Both Nature And Society.

Having to decipher every observation is impractical – a sort of paralysis by analysis.

We need shortcuts in the form of rules-of-thumb and stereotypes to advance through each day.

And when we encounter these, we respond accordingly and these socially expected behaviors work out well for us.

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These Behaviors Occur In Both Nature And Society.

Unfortunately humans. like turkeys, are susceptible to having these triggers activated by “compliance professionals” even though we don’t intend or want the triggers activated.

So it’s a good idea to be aware of the six triggers that compel us to react in a predictable manner.

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The rule of reciprocity states that we should try to repay what another has provided us and that we are obligated to a future repayment of these favors, gifts, invitations, and so on.

It was crucial to progress and civility as it meant one could provide a resource to another without fear of giving it away for nothing as this would not be very sustainable.

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On a related note the origination of the phrase “much obliged” was derived as a natural alternative to “thank you”.

Studies have shown there is no human society that does not adhere to this rule. Besides, who wants to be known as a moocher or an ingrate?

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A famous example was that of the Hare Krishna religious sect.

After failing to raise adequate contributions on street corners and in airport terminals, they adopted the Rule of Reciprocity by first the offering a flower as a gift they simply refused to take back, and only then asking for a donation.

This approach tacitly overcame the distrust and dislike for the Krishnas and their donations skyrocketed soon after adopting it

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Commitment and Consistency

This constitutes our desire to be (or appear to be) consistent with what we have already done or said.

Once we have made a choice, or taken a stand on something, we will assume various pressures to behave consistently with our commitment that causes us to respond in ways that justify our earlier decisions.

This is why we commonly make decisions based on emotion then rationalize it later with logic.

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Commitment and Consistency

This reaction is captured in the behavior of the bettors at race tracks and casinos.

Before laying down a bet, there is often much hand-wringing about whether the proper choice has been made.

After the deed has been finalized and there’s no turning back, the need for consistency brings the bettor in line with their prior decision making.

They now find themselves more comfortable and confident that they’ve made the right choice.

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Commitment and Consistency

We fool ourselves now and then to keep our thoughts and beliefs consistent with what we’ve already done.

Besides, who wants to be seen as inconsistent and wishy-washy?

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Social Proof

This describes the manner in which we determine what other people think is correct, especially the way we decide what constitutes correct behavior.

We view a behavior as more correct in a given situation to the degree that we see others performing it.

The reason for this is we will generally make fewer mistakes by acting in accord with social evidence than against it.

In most circumstances when many people are doing something it is the right thing to do.

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Social Proof

A continuously occurring example is the canned laughter used on every sit-com since the first one despite a stated dislike for it by the watching public.

This is because the research says that audiences laugh longer and deeper when this assistance is employed, when for sub-standard material.

It affects consumer behavior and the bottom line. So they use it.

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We most prefer to say yes to those we know and like so this is used in many ways by complete strangers to get us to comply with their requests.

Tupperware parties are a prime example of this tactic in action.

While Tupperware employs all the persuasion triggers, it really leverages Liking.

Party goers know that their “hostess friend” is in on the action should they decide to buy an offering.

However, they feel better about this purchase decision because they are buying from a friend, and not just the presenter whom they don’t personally know.

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Or they may establish a friendly relationship in a concerted effort to get you to like them.

One car dealer used this tactic, plus a fair price, to average five vehicles sold per day and become the “world greatest salesman” according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

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The Authority trigger signals the extreme willingness of humans to go to nearly any length when submitting to commands from authoritative figures and the sheer strength of authority pressure in controlling our behavior.

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As usual it has advantages when complied with in general society.

A widely accepted system of authority allows the development of sophisticated social structures for essential items such as resource production, trade, defense, expansion, and social control that would otherwise be very hard to achieve.

Because their positions speak to greater access to information and power, it makes sense to comply with the wishes of selected authorities.

Therefore, we are trained from birth that obedience to proper authority is the right thing to do and disobedience is not encouraged.

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A famous study serves as an example. Subjects were told by an authoritative figure wearing a lab

coat to steadily implement increasingly painful shocks to a study “participant”.

Unbeknownst to the subject, no shocks were actually administered to the complicit victim.

But that didn’t stop them from shocking further and further under orders from the experimenter in charge, even though their decisions were causing what they perceived as agonizing pain.

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This trigger holds that an offering that holds a certain degree of appeal based on its merits will hold more after it’s framed as being limited in supply or unavailable after some defined period of time.

Simply put, anything that is becoming less available, has an imposed deadline, or is rare to begin with will be perceived as more valuable.

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This is plainly seen in the ubiquitous time-sensitive offerings used in marketing. Fake clocks count to nowhere but compel the unaware to make that purchase before it’s too late. One day sales and the never-ending going out-of-business sales are further occurrences of this method in action.

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Get The Book

It’s easy to see from just a few examples that Dr. Robert Cialdini’s epic study is required reading for those who want to either leverage or counter the persuasion tactics used to bend people to certain behaviors throughout all aspects of society - cultural, commercial, political, and personal.

Or to simply avoid trading clean carpet for expensive vacuum cleaners.

Get the book From Amazon – Click Below Influence : The New Psychology of Modern Persuasion