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THE FOUNDATION: CLEAN EATING Clean eating is a practical and mindful way of eating a diet rich in whole foods. When you are eating clean, you avoid all processed foods. Clean eating will help you lose weight, but more importantly it will create a much healthier you. Clean eating takes the junk out of your diet and fills you with REAL, nutrient dense foods. You will find yourself more full, more energetic and more alive when you eat clean. Your body will function more properly and you will improve your general health. There are a few tenants of clean eating:

1. Eat a ton of fresh fruits and veggies. Fruits and veggies are filled with complex carbohydrates, fiber and protein. Most veggies are very low in calories. So you can get huge bang for your buck here. Eat a ton of volume for very few calories AND feel full. Perfection! Always choose fruits and veggies in their most natural form. Fruits over juices, fresh veggies over canned. Frozen veggies are okay in a pinch. READ LABELS. Any fruits or veggies that come packaged should have all recognizable ingredients. If you look at packaged corn, for example, and you see there is added sugar or salt, it is not a clean food.

2. Keep a healthy balance between carbs and protein. I tell people to have

some protein with EVERY snack/meal, as it will keep you fuller for longer. Choose carbs carefully. Protein can come from meat, dairy, nuts, legumes. Remember from above that there are carbs in fruits and most veggies, so you don’t need a heaping plate of rice/potatoes/pasta with your meals if you have a couple veggies on your plate. Choose whole grains over anything white (white rice, white pasta, white bread, potatoes). Excellent whole grains are quinoa, millet, kasha, brown rice, quinoa pasta, sprouted breads.

As for meats/proteins, choose organic or grass fed when at all possible. Yes, there is a difference in price, but the difference in quality is invaluable. You have likely read my blog information on choosing organic meats. What you ingest when you choose non-organic meats is abhorrent. The hormones, drugs, and grime that you consume messes with your endocrine functions (possibly damaging your thyroid) and your metabolic function (possibly interfering with your ability to lose weight.) It’s simply not worth the savings in cost to eat cheap meat.

3. Cut out all sugar drinks. This means bye-bye soda, sports drinks, flavored

coffee drinks. Drink water or tea. You can juice your own fruits and veggies. This will give you true fruit juice without added sugar and preservatives. The best part of cutting out sugary drinks is the amount of calories you can cut here. Some Starbucks drinks have as many calories

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as an entire meal. So, just think about how much more food you can eat if you cut out these drinks.

4. Eat fat! Yes, really!. You want to eat good fats. Good fats help keep you

full and have a host of health benefits. Good fats do not make you fat. Bad fats make you fat. Bad fats are saturated fats that are present in many frozen meals, fast food, high fat meats/processed meats (bye bye bacon!), oils (vegetable oil/shortening, palm kernel oil) Healthy fats = lean meats, nuts, fatty fish (wild salmon), avocados, olive oil, canola oil.

5. Eat small meals throughout the day. This is hard for families. We are

very conditioned to eating a couple big meals a day. Especially when it comes to family dinners. Really try to plan 5-6 meals/snacks a day, each 300 calories or so. This spreads out your caloric intake throughout the day so your blood sugar stays stable, rather than fluctuating between highs and lows as with our traditional 2-3 meal a day way of eating. I am providing you with a bunch of recipes already measured out at 300 calories per meal, so it should be pretty easy for you to eat accordingly. Just bear in mind it will take some planning and adjusting. But once you start to see the weight fall off and you feel energized all the time you’ll see just how worth it clean eating is.

I want you to start thinking of meal planning and food preparation as a means of turning food into fuel. Food shouldn’t be a mindless afterthought in your daily life. Mindless eating and lack of food planning will set you up for surefire failure. So, I’m asking you to dedicate 6 weeks to mindful meal planning and mindful eating. It is only the first week or so that is challenging and a little more time consuming. Once you have a few tips in your pocket, you’ll find it’s easy to stick to this meal plan. 6 weeks is enough time to make really dramatic changes in your diet and make lifelong changes in the way you fuel your body. But you must be attentive and disciplined. Ready? Here we go . . .

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RULES (Yes, there are a few.)

CUT THE CRAP: Over the next six week I want you to get in the habit of rejecting all processed foods. Initially, this may take great planning and preparation. Sadly, in a world of all things processed it is not easy to eat clean without some serious prep work. However, once you build new habits, it’s quite easy to have clean foods on hand at all times. I’m asking you to take TOTAL RESPONSIBILTY for your diet of the next 6 weeks. Not only is that very challenging, it is scary and frustrating and requires a great deal of planning initially. Before beginning this program, go clean out your pantry. Go, now! Get rid of the junk you know will tempt you. Think about getting rid of your kid’s junk food too. I find it appalling the changes we’re willing to make in our diets, yet our kids keep eating Velveeta and drinking Capri Sun. Not okay. Do you you’re your kids to develop a burned out metabolism and malfunctioning thyroid?! (BTW, I’m pretty sure nothing in Velveeta qualifies as real food.) JOURNAL: If it goes in your mouth, it goes on paper. Period. You will write down every morsel that you eat for the next 6 weeks. This is hugely important. First, there is a ton of research to support food journals. If you have to write it down, you WILL be more successful, bottom line. Not only will you be more successful over the next 6 weeks, you will be more likely to continue to be successful after these 6 weeks are up. So, even if you have a terrible, rotten, guilt ridden day of indulgence, YOU WILL WRITE IT DOWN and take responsibility for it!! Got it??? CALORIES: Don’t be scared. I’m going to make this really easy for you. I’m going to help you determine a calorie range that’s appropriate for you. From there, I’m going to give you a ton of meals and snacks with predetermined calorie counts. I promise to make it quick and easy for you to incorporate calories counting into your day. This is primarily to give yourself a means to track what you consume. Some of you over eat everyday. A lot of my moms find they are eating almost twice as much as they should be once they start tracking calories. Once I get them started on this program, they find they can barely get in the required calories, as I choose very nutrient dense foods. High nutrients/high protein/lower calorie foods are magical for your metabolism. On the other hand, some of you under eat everyday. This only damages your metabolism. So, clearly it is very important to have a sense of where your calories are on a daily basis relative to where they should be. After a week or two it will become pretty easy for you to eyeball and ballpark calories, so it’s really only the first couple weeks that you need to “calorie count”. To determine how many calories you should intake each day we will use a basal metabolic calculator to figure out your most Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Here is the formula to use:

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655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years) Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is how many calories you burn if you sit and do NOTHING ALL DAY. This will give you the MINIMUM amount of calories you should consume each day. This is how many calories you need to survive and not send your metabolism into starvation mode. On days when you workout, you should add 200-300 calories, based on the intensity of your workout. If you are active at home/work (not sitting all day), you may need to add even more calories. If you find you’re starving al the time, you’re either not eating enough or not eating the right foods at the right time. Please ask me for help with this if you need it. **Nursing Note: If you are breastfeeding, you want to eat an additional 20 calories per ounce of milk per day. I know you typically aren’t measuring your milk, unless you’re pumping. The average woman who nurses exclusively burns an addition 400-500 calories a day. So, use that as your guide. Add 300-500 calories a day if you’re breastfeeding. This means an additional small meal for you. NOTE: Breastfeeding is NOT a free pass to eat anything your want. But it is an opportunity to feed and fuel your baby with the highest quality food/vitamins/minerals/nutrients. So, take advantage of this opportunity to eat the highest quality nutrient dense foods. If you find that nursing makes you a ravenous cow who cannot stop grazing, be sure you are getting a decent amount of protein with every meal/snack. Be sure you’re getting all your good fats and a lot of fiber. Fats, fiber and protein will make you feel full and sustain you for much longer than high carb meals. MEALS: For the next 6 weeks you must be hyper vigilant about getting your meals in. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, wrecks havoc on your metabolism. While it may create a short term calorie deficit, in the long run, the result of skipped meals is a metabolism that becomes sluggish and stubborn. You will pay dearly for skipping meals on a regular basis. You will eat 4-6 meals a day at around 300 calories per meal. BREAKFAST: If you’re not a breakfast eater, you’re going to become one. There is a ton of research to support the positive impact of breakfast on your metabolism, weight loss, weight maintenance, general health and daily productivity. If the thought of eating breakfast makes you feel nauseous, start small. You can ease your way into a full breakfast as you progress over the first week. Also, if breakfast foods turn you off, choose something else. There’s nothing wrong with kicking off your day with chicken and broccoli or cottage cheese and fruit. WATER: Most women don’t drink enough water. If you’re dehydrated you’re going to feel more hungry. My weight loss clients consistently tell me the more

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water they drink, the less hungry they feel. The more water your drink the more junk you flush out of your system. The more junk you flush out, the happier your body will be. So start guzzling and flushing now! Over the next 6 weeks you will track your water intake to make sure you’re getting enough. If you are dehydrated your body is more likely to hold fluid and be bloated (bloated baby belly = cranky Mommy!) Your water consumption should be far greater than your consumption of any other liquid. Plus, water is free calories – drink up! How much to drink each day? You should consume ½ your body weight in ounces, MINIMUM. So if you weight 150 pounds, you’ll drink at least 75 ounces daily. On workout days, add another 20 ounces. Yup, initially you’re going to spend a lot of time on the potty. When you think you cannot drink any more water, remember hydration helps keep your metabolism speedy!! Feel free to add lemon/lime/orange/cucumber wedges to your water for some flavor. I recommend getting a large water bottle (32 ounces or so). Fill it in the morning and be sure to drink half your daily requirement by lunch. Fill it at lunch and finish off your daily requirement by dinner. If you have a hard time remembering to drink, set your phone or computer to remind you every half hour or so. Also, TRACK DAILY WATER INTAKE in food journal!! *Tip: If you feel hungry between meals/snacks, drink 10-20 ounces of water and before grabbing food. You may just be thirsty. ALCOHOL: Here’s the tough part for a lot of people. Alcohol is full of calories and causes dehydration. Dehydration slows your metabolism. We cannot have that in that happening!! In addition, alcohol decreases inhibitions, so you’re way more likely to splurge on less healthy foods when under the influence. Lastly, alcohol causes estrogen to release into the blood stream. Increased estrogen in the blood promoted fat storage and inhibits muscle development. On this program you are encouraged to give up alcohol completely for maximal results. If you find you must indulge, you are limited to 2 drinks a week. This is non-negotiable. This is the rule. Don’t break it. I promise you’ll be a better person for it in 6 weeks! If you choose to have a drink or two a week, they must be counted in your daily calories. Keep your drink choices as low calorie and low sugar as possible. Here are some options: Wine = 90 calories per 5 ounces Beer = about 150 calories (many microbrews are more!) Light Beer = about 110 calories Sara’s Fave Cocktail: Vodka + Club Soda + Fresh Lime = 65 calories (Note: always mix with club soda. Club soda = 0 calories per serving, tonic = 126 calories per serving.) *Tip: Avoid drinks with high calorie mixers such as pop, juice, tonic.

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POP: GET IT OUT OF YOUR LIFE NOW! It’s full of chemicals, has no nutrients and is more likely to give you cancer then quench your thirst. That said, I have had a life long love affair with Diet Coke, so I know it’s not easy to give up. The chemicals in pop (regular and diet) mess with your metabolism and your insulin levels and everything else that will help you lose weight. So get off it as best you can. I have found seltzer water to make a great replacement. This gives you the bubbles without the other chemicals. Be sure to find ones that are not artificially sweetened. My fave is Lemon Lime Canada Dry or just old fashioned club soda with a lime. COFFEE: YES, you can!! Coffee and tea may be consumed in moderation over the next 6 weeks. There is more and more research coming out linking a little caffeine to good health and metabolic benefits. That said, if you don’t already drink it, no need to start now. But if you are a coffee drinker, feel free to continue to consume in moderation (no more than two cups a day.) I don’t want you to overdo caffeine and interfere with your sleep or ability to get substantial, restorative rest. Know that larger doses of caffeine over stimulates your adrenal system. This creates a disaster for your metabolism/thyroid/endocrine system. Also, please beware of how you “dress” your coffee. Many coffee drinks pack the caloric punch of a full meal. So if you’re doing to drink coffee over the next 6 weeks, you must know how many calories you’re consuming and count it in your daily total. The Starbucks website has a great grid showing the calorie content of all coffee drinks. Be sure you enter the correct size and type of milk (nonfat, of course!) Your best bets for low calorie coffee drinks are: drip coffee, americanos or cappuccinos/lattes with nonfat milk. If at all possible, eliminate the syrup flavorings. Beware that soy milk has more calories/sugar/fat than nonfat milk and should only be used if you cannot tolerate dairy. SWEETENERS: We live in a world where a packet full of chemicals is preferred to a packet full of sugar. A teaspoon of sugar has a mere 15 calories. For heaven’s sake, put a little sugar in your coffee instead of a pack of chemicals that will interfere with metabolic and endocrine function. Artificial sweeteners that you should remove permanently from your life starting today: Equal, Nutra Sweet, Aspartame, Sweet & Low and Splenda - YES, SPLENDA, throw it away now! Stevia is a naturally derived sweetener that may be used. You can find it at health food stores. SOY: If you are a vegetarian who has struggled to lose weight, you may want to look closely at how much soy you’re consuming. Soy is one of the top 8 most allergenic foods. Allergenic foods can cause weight gain and bloating. All the fake meat products out there are a soy disaster. Soy is one of the most highly processed and most frequently genetically modified foods (91% of soy beans are genetically modified.) Additionally, may forms of soy meat alternatives are super salty and provide little to no nutritional value. Also, soy can interfere with proper thyroid function. Yes, a troubled thyroid is a weight loss DISASTER! I’m not

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saying you need to eliminate soy, just be aware of how much you’re consuming. Many vegetarians consume a ton of it and find they cannot lose weight. There could be a link there . . . If you choose to consume soy always buy organic forms. SALT: Sea Salt/Kosher Salt vs Table Salt . . . Please get rid of your table salt. It’s chemically treated, gross! Sea salt (or kosher salt) is salt in its natural form. Plus, it’s a little stronger, so you don’t use as much. Also, it has less sodium than table salt. Salt can cause bloating, so you want to be cautious about how much you use each day. Because you won’t be eating any processed foods over the next 6 weeks, your sodium intake will likely drop dramatically, which is great. Just be aware of not pouring on a ton of salt because you’re used to everything being over salted. PROTEIN: I am not a fan of really low carb/high protein diets. However, protein is essential for fat loss, building lean muscle mass, muscle recovery after workouts, keeping you full, keeping you satisfied, keeping your metabolism working at even pace and even aids in regulating your blood sugar. I cannot overstate the importance of protein. You want to aim for .6 - .8 grams of protein for every pound of body weight. For a 150 pound women that is 90 – 120 grams of protein a day. That may be much more than you are used to. So spend the next couple weeks working to increase the amount of protein in your diet if necessary. You don’t have to jump right into this amount if it is much more than you’re used to consuming. You should have some protein with EVERY meal and snack. So if you’re going to have a piece of fruit, you should also have a serving of nuts or a piece of string cheese. Combining protein with carbs helps you burn the carbs slower. If you have a snack that is all carbs you will burn through it very quickly and then be hungry again. It takes much longer for your body to digest protein. So it helps keep you fuller, therefore making you are more likely to eat less throughout the day. Awesome, right?! All the meals in this manual have a decent amount of protein in them. I have also given you a snack guide that allows you to mix and match protein & carbs for snack options. HOW OFTEN TO EAT: Often!! You should not go more than four hours without food. You should find that you’re eating 4-6 times a day. If you’re accustomed to eating three meals, be sure to add snacks in if your meals are more than 4 hours apart. I’ve included a ton of 300(ish) calorie recipes in here. Use these to eat smaller meals more frequently. Try to divide your calories somewhat evenly throughout the day. EATING BEFORE WORKOUTS: Do not workout on a completely empty stomach. You will feel miserable and not be able to work as hard (or burn as many calories!) If you can’t tolerate much food before you exercise, try ½ a

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piece of fruit or a small glass of 100% natural fruit juice (yes, count this in your calories!) This is the only juice you’re allowed. A little sugar is easy to digest while exercising. Lay low on fats and proteins right before a workout, as they cannot digest while you exercise and you will feel like you’re slogging around with a brick in your belly. EATING AFTER WORKOUTS: This is the time when your metabolism is all pumped up and begging for fuel. FEED IT!! You should eat within 30-60 minutes of every workout. If you wait more than 60 minutes to eat after a workout, your metabolism will start to slow down, counteracting all the help you just gave it in your sweatfest. Post workout meals should include a decent amount of calories, so try to schedule a meal after each workout. Also, be sure you have some protein (to repair your damaged muscles and help them recover quickly for your next workout) and carbs (to replenish your glycogen stores so your brain and body feel happy) after every workout. DO NOT DO THIS: eat a half of a banana, do a 6 am workout, not eat until lunch at noon. I will fire you! DO THIS: eat a half of a banana, go to 6 am workout, eat egg white omelet and toast within 30 minutes, have a snack three hours later. Eat lunch at noon. . . SLEEP: Moms run, run, run all day long. Sleep is low on your list of priorities. Over the next 6 weeks I want you to document how much sleep you’re getting and make an effort to get as much as possible with your little one. I cannot stress how important it is for you to rest and restore each night. The metabolic impact of sleep deprivation is huge. The research on people who work night shifts shows that people who do not get adequate sleep are way more likely to be overweight, have metabolic disorders, have impaired endocrine function and therefore be more susceptible to chronic illnesses such as diabetes, insulin resistance, cancer and general poor health. So, while you might not be up all night working, know that long-term lack of adequate rest can hugely impact your health. Also, when you don’t get adequate rest, your levels of a hormone called cortisol go up, telling your body it needs to keep charging ahead and pushing in spite of fatigue. When your cortisol levels get out of whack, your metabolism becomes a bear to manage. Many overweight people have cortisol levels indicating their body is in constant fight or flight mode – never resting. This is very challenging to reverse. Of course, I realize that sleep is hard to come by with a little one and many times it is very much out of your control. Here are some suggestions on sleep strategies:

1. Do your best to get a big block of sleep when your baby gets his/her biggest block of sleep. That may mean that you go to bed at 8pm and sleep until 1am and that is your longest stretch of sleep all day. But that is better than staying up until 10pm, sleeping for just a few hours and then only getting little sleep spurts all throughout the night. You have to find

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whatever works for you. If your baby does not have any long stretches of sleep yet, then be sure you get multiple naps with your baby, so you are getting a combined 6+ hours of sleep.

2. Partner feeding: Have your partner take over one of the nighttime feedings, so you can get a longer block of sleep. This may mean you need to pump ahead of time, if you’re nursing. But it will be well worth it if you can get a longer block of sleep.

3. Co-sleep: Depending on how comfortable you are with having the baby in bed with you, you may want to co-sleep for a certain block of sleep. Some women find this allows them to nurse while they sleep. It can be a little tricky, but if you can master it, you’re golden. That said, be careful about always co-sleeping, as you may have a hard time breaking your baby of that habit down the road.

4. Nighttime Formula Top Off: This little trick can help you stretch nighttime sleeping. After your last feeding (if you’re nursing), give your little one some formula to top off the belly. This will keep him/her fuller longer, allowing everyone a bit more sleep – yahoo!

CHEAT MEALS: You may have two cheats meal each week. That is not two whole days of cheating, though. TWO MEALS ONLY. For your cheat meals, indulge in something you’ve been craving, but don’t feel like you should go crazy on the calories. First, it will only make you feel like crap. Second, you’re working really hard to be successful over these 6 weeks, so why derail yourself with a meal that is going to make you feel bad? Please, plan in advance when your cheat meals will be – like a night you know you’ll be eating out with friends. No, cheat meals cannot be extra alcoholic drinks – nice try. I get that question all the time. Ok, now the fun part. Follow these steps:

1. Plan 2. Shop 3. Prep 4. EAT!

It sounds simple, right?! It IS simple. You just have to do it. You have to do EACH step in the right order. Let me elaborate a bit.

� Plan: Use our Calendar template to design a monthly menu for you and the fam. This way you know what you’re eating ahead of time. If you plan in advance your chances of sticking to a program are significantly higher. {INSERT CALENDAR TEMPLATE}

� Shop: Always make a list, based on your upcoming menu. Double check your list. If you’re anything like me, you’ll always forget at least one thing. So annoying…. DO NOT buy junk that is not on the list. Stick to the list

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and go to the store with a full belly. Shopping while hungry will set you up for disaster!

� Prep: Soon after you get home, prep as much food as you can. Chop veggies, cook protein to have on hand, create snack portions of nuts/crackers and the like, so you’re never eating from the box/bag. Use small glass or Tupperware or snack size baggies for this.

� Eat: You know how to do this, right?! But remember to be mindful about your eating. Designate meals/snacks in advance. Make a plan and stick with it. From there, enjoy your food. Enjoy chewing and eating. Choose foods you like. It’s really important that you find a few items that excite you. Try to recipes at least once a week. Don’t let yourself get too bored with your food or you’ll end up ordering pizza – mark my words!

EATING SCHEDULE: I’ve already touched on this, but just to be clear, I want you to eat very regularly. You have two ways to stimulate your metabolism – eating and exercising. Skipping meals/snacks or having more than 4 hours between meals slows down you metabolism. Why would you do that to yourself?! Begin to think of food as fuel and fuel yourself regularly! So, I want you to eat every 3-4 hours. Each meal/snack should be about 300-400 calories. If you are accustomed to eating bigger meals less frequently, you can ease your way into this by reducing meals to about 400 calories and having snacks that are about 200 calories. Many of my moms find this is an easier way to get accustomed to eating many times a day. Here are two schedules you may want to try: Meal Plan 1: 6am Breakfast 400 calories 9am Snack 200 calories 12pm Lunch 400 calories 3pm Snack 200 calories 6pm Dinner 300 calories 9pm Snack/Tea 100 calories TOTAL CALORIES 1600 calories

Meal Plan 2: 6am Breakfast 300 calories 9am Snack 300 calories 12pm Lunch 300 calories 3pm Snack 300 calories 6pm Dinner 300 calories TOTAL CALORIES 1500 calories

NOTE: Try to keep dinner on the lighter side. If you prefer to have one bigger meal each day, make it breakfast or lunch. If you do an evening snack it should be low in calories and have little to no sugar. Tea is great as it’s low in calories, but the heat makes you feel full. Add some nuts or a string cheese (protein!!) if you need to actually munch on something late in the evening. Dinner and evening snacking is where people are most likely to blow their calories for the day, so be very aware of your habits in the evening. It may take some practice to make these lifestyle adjustments. If you’re well fueled all day, you’ll be less likely to be “munchy hungry” all night. Ok, on to the fun stuff, menu planning, grocery shopping and recipes!

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RECIPES I’ve included bunches of recipes for you. They are divided by meal. Each recipe includes calorie count and nutritional information. Please use that to document calories in your Food Journal. Let the recipes be a guide for you. Change and alter them to your liking. Just be sure to make changes to the calorie count if you change the recipe content. I’ve also included ways to add calories to meals. Look for notes on “How to add 100 calories”. Many of these meals are 300-400 calories. Great websites with recipes that include calorie/protein/carb/fat counts: www.CookingLight.com www.CleanEatingOnline.com www.CleanEatingMag.com www.Livestrong.com/thedailyplate

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BREAKFAST Protein Shake (Vegetarian): *about 300 calories/23 g protein/41 g carbs/2 g fat * ½ cup ice ½ cup nonfat milk or plain So Delicious Coconut Milk ½ cup water 1 scoop whey protein powder* ½ cup berries (fresh or frozen) ½ banana 2 cups raw spinach (I promise you won’t even taste it!) Combine all ingredients in blender. Blend to desired smoothness. *If you can’t do dairy, Rainbow Light rice protein is a great dairy free protein powder.

Egg Sandwich: *about 300 calories/23 g protein/29 g carbs/11 g fat* 1 whole egg 2 egg whites 1 whole grain English muffin 2 slices turkey bacon Sliced tomato to taste 1. Scramble eggs and egg white in non stick pan coated with cooking spray. 2. Prepare turkey bacon according to package directions. 3. Pile cooked eggs onto toasted muffin. Top with turkey bacon and tomato.

Chicken Scramble: *about 330 calories/49 g protein/16 g carbs/6 g fat * 6 egg whites 3 oz chicken breast, cooked and diced 2 cups fresh spinach ¼ cup part-skim mozzarella cheese 1 tablespoon fresh basil, chopped 1. Coat non stick pan with cooking spray. Place over medium heat. Lightly sauté spinach. 2. Beat egg whites, add to pan. Stir until halfway cooked. Add diced chicken and cook through. Add salt, pepper and basil to taste.

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Breakfast (continued)

Cheese Scramble (Vegetarian): *about 350 calories/40 g protein/8 g carbs/7 g fat * 6 egg whites 2 cups spinach 3 tablespoons nonfat milk 1/3 cup part-skim mozzarella cheese 1. In a bowl, beat egg whites and nonfat milk together. 2. Lightly sauté spinach in non stick pan coated with organic cooking spray. 3. Add egg mixture to pan. When slightly cooked add cheese and cook to desired firmness.

Spinach/Tomato Scramble (Vegetarian): *about 240 calories/29g protein/9 g carbs/9 g fat* 6 egg whites ½ cup tomato, diced 1 cup spinach 1/3 cup feta cheese, crumbled 1 tablespoon fresh basil, chopped 1. Lightly sauté spinach and tomatoes in non stick pan coated with organic cooking spray. 2. Beat egg whites in a bowl. Add to pan. Stir until almost set. Add cheese and basil. Cook to desired firmness.

Proatmeal (Vegetarian): *about 310 calories/26 g protein/34 g carbs/9 g fat* 2/3 cups cooked oatmeal, prepared with water 1 scoop whey protein powder* ½ cup berries (fresh or frozen) 1 ½ tablespoons chopped walnuts ¼ cup nonfat milk or plain (non-dairy) So Delicious Coconut Milk Combine all ingredients. *If you can’t do dairy, Rainbow Light rice protein is a great high fiber, dairy free, protein powder.

Fruit and Cottage Cheese (Vegetarian): *about 300 calories/30 g protein/36 g carbs/6 g fat* 1 cup 1% milk fat cottage cheese 1 cup fruit ½ cup whole grain cereal (i.e. Bran Flakes, etc) Combine all ingredients.

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Breakfast (continued)

Bagel/Lox/Grapefruit: *about 300 calories/23 g protein/35 g carbs/8 g fat* ½ Whole Wheat Bagel 1 tablespoon whipped cream cheese 2 oz smoked salmon 2 slices tomato ½ large grapefruit 1. Toast bagel half. Scoop out bagel innards and fill bagel with ingredients. 2. Serve with grapefruit on the side.

PB&J + Cottage Cheese (Vegetarian): *about 300 calories/22 g protein/28 g carbs/11 g fat* 1 slice whole grain toast 1 tablespoon peanut butter 1 teaspoon all fruit preserves or thinly sliced banana/sliced strawberries ½ cup 1% milk fat cottage cheese 1. Spread PB&J on toast. Serve with cottage cheese on the side.

To add 100 calories to your breakfast:

1. Add 2 tablespoons of ground flax seed 2. Add a slice of whole grain toast 3. Add 1 small banana 4. Add 1 tablespoon peanut butter 5. Add 2/3 cup nonfat yogurt 6. Add 1 ½ tablespoons walnuts 7. Add 1 cup nonfat milk

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LUNCH Turkey BLT: *about 300 calories/13 g protein/46 g carbs/9 g fat* 2 slices light whole wheat bread or Sandwich Thins 3 slices turkey bacon Sliced tomato Lettuce Serve with one piece of fruit

Deli “Sandwich”: *about 300 calories/26 g protein/38 g carbs/7 g fat* ½ whole wheat bagel or 1 slice light whole wheat toast or Sandwich Thin 2 oz deli turkey 1 slice reduced fat cheese Sliced tomato Serve with 1 serving of vegetables Scoop out bagel and toast and fill with ingredients. Alternatively, use bread to toast.

Grilled Chicken Salad: *about 400 calories/30 g protein/25 g carbs/8.5 fat* 3 oz grilled chicken breast 3 cups mixed greens ½ apple, chopped 1 tablespoon pecans, chopped Sliced cucumber (1/4-1/2 of cuke) 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar Combine all ingredients in a bowl and toss.

Black Bean Soup and Half Sandwich: *about 300 calories/20 g protein/41 g carbs/6 g fat* 1 cup black bean soup (canned or carton) 1 slice light whole grain bread or sandwich thin 2 oz deli turkey 2 thin avocado slices Mustard to taste

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Lunch (continued)

Teriyaki Grilled Tuna/Spinach/Brown Rice: *about 300 calories/36 g protein/25 g carbs/7 g fat* 4 oz tuna steak 2 tablespoons teriyaki sauce (low sodium) 3 cups fresh spinach 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 small garlic clove 1/3 cup brown rice Marinate tuna in teriyaki sauce (brush sauce on tuna and wrap in plastic wrap) for 30-60 minutes. Grill, broil or sear tuna as desired. Prepare rice as desired (Trader Joe’s has great 3 minute brown rice.) Saute spinach in olive oil and garlic.

Chicken Wrap/Hummus Veggies: *about 400 calories/32 g protein/37 g carbs/16 g fat* 1 6 inch whole grain tortilla 3 oz chicken breast or nitrate free deli turkey Sliced tomato Lettuce 1/3 avocado, sliced ½ Red bell pepper, sliced 3 Celery sticks 2 tablespoons hummus Fill tortilla with meat, tomato, lettuce, avocado and about 1/2 tablespoon hummus. Use remaining hummus for dipping peppers/celery. To save 130 calories, use a lettuce or cabbage leaf instead of tortilla.

Whole Wheat Veggie Pasta (Vegetarian): *about 300 calories/17 g protein/37 g carbs/11 g fat* ¾ cup whole wheat pasta or quinoa pasta (quinoa is gluten free!) 2 cups steamed veggies 1/3 cup feta cheese, crumbled Pepper to taste Optional: add 3 oz diced chicken breast for 100 additional calories. Cook pasta according to directions. Combine remaining ingredients.

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Lunch (continued)

Salmon Nicoise Salad: *about 400 calories/34 g protein/31 g carbs/13 g fat* 3 oz salmon 3 cups mixed greens 1 cup green beans, steamed 1 small red potato, steamed 1 large egg, hard boiled, sliced 5 black olives Lemon and pepper to taste, a pinch of salt Grill, poach, bake or broil salmon. I bake at 350 until salmon is flaky (15-25 minutes depending on thickness of fillet.) Serve all ingredients over bed of greens. Season with lemon, salt and pepper.

Grilled Eggplant Pita (Vegetarian): *about 310 calories/13 g protein/50 g carbs/8 g fat* 1 (1-pound) eggplant, cut crosswise into 1/2-inch-thick slices 3 1/4 teaspoons kosher salt, divided 1/4 cup plain reduced-fat Greek-style yogurt (Fage or Chobani are best brands) 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon chopped fresh oregano leaves Dash of black pepper 1 small garlic clove, minced 1/2 small red onion, cut into 1/2-inch-thick slices 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil Cooking spray 2 (6-inch) pitas, cut in half 1 cup arugula or spinach 1. Place eggplant slices in a colander; sprinkle with 1 tablespoon salt. Toss well. Drain 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly; pat dry with paper towels. 2. Combine remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt, yogurt, and next 4 ingredients (through garlic) in a small bowl. 3. Preheat grill to medium-high heat. 4. Brush eggplant and onion slices with oil. Place eggplant and onion slices on grill rack coated with cooking spray; grill 5 minutes on each side or until vegetables are tender and lightly browned. 5. Fill each pita half with 1 1/2 tablespoons yogurt mixture, one quarter of eggplant slices, one quarter of onion slices, and 1/4 cup arugula. (Adapted from CookingLight.com) _________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Lunch (continued)

Grilled Portobello/Bell Pepper/Goat Cheese Sandwich (Vegetarian): *about 300 calories/14 g protein/42 g carbs/11 g fat* 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1 garlic clove, minced 1 red bell pepper, cut in half and seeded 1 yellow bell pepper, cut in half and seeded 4 (4-inch) portabella mushroom caps

Cooking spray 1/3 cup chopped fresh basil 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 4 (2-ounce) Whole Wheat Bun or Rolls 1/2 cup (4 ounces) soft goat cheese

Note: Cut 70 calories in this recipe by using a Sandwich Thin instead of a bun/roll. 1. Prepare grill to medium-high heat. 2. Combine balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and garlic in a large bowl. Add bell peppers and portabella mushrooms; toss gently to coat. Remove vegetables from vinegar mixture, and discard vinegar mixture. 3. Place bell peppers and mushrooms on a grill rack coated with cooking spray; grill 4 minutes on each side. Remove vegetables from grill; cool slightly. Cut bell peppers into thin strips. Combine bell peppers, basil, salt, and black pepper in a small bowl. 4. Cut rolls in half horizontally; spread cheese evenly over cut sides of rolls. Arrange 1 mushroom cap on bottom half of each roll; top each serving with about 1/3 cup bell pepper mixture and top half of roll. 5. Place sandwiches on grill rack coated with cooking spray. Place a cast-iron or other heavy skillet on top of sandwiches; press gently to flatten. Grill 3 minutes on each side or until bread is toasted (leave cast-iron skillet on sandwiches while they cook). (Adapted from CookingLight.com) _____________________________________________________________________________________ To add 100 calories to your lunch: *Add 2 oz turkey or chicken *Add 1 slice light whole wheat bread *Add 1/3 of a small avocado *Do not scoop out bagel *1/2 cup brown rice *Add a large hard boiled egg *Add a piece of fruit *Add 2 cups veggies (raw or steamed)

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SINGLE SERVING DINNERS: Mini Protein Pizza: *about 300 calories/31 g protein/33 g carbs/8 g fat* 1 Oroweat Sandwich Thin or whole grain English muffin ¼ cup tomato sauce ¼ cup part-skim mozzarella cheese 2 oz grilled chicken breast, sliced 1 cup broccoli or other non-starch veggie, steamed Top Sandwich Thin or muffin with sauce, cheese and chicken. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes. Serve with steamed broccoli. ________________________________________________________________ Rotisserie Chicken Salad: *about 400 calories/38 g protein/20 g carbs/10 g fat* 1 4 oz skinless rotisserie chicken breast, bought pre-cooked 3-4 cups mixed greens 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil 1 Granny smith apple, diced ¼ nuts of choice, chopped Fresh squeezed lemon to taste Shred or dice chicken. Combine all ingredients with greens and toss. ________________________________________________________________ Roast Beef Wrap/Thin: *about 300 calories/28 g protein/40 g carbs/8 g fat* 4 oz lean roast beef 2 thin avocado slices Sliced tomato 1 6 inch whole grain tortilla or Sandwich Thin Mustard to taste 1 cup fresh berries Roll beef, avocado and tomato in tortilla or place on Thin. Serve with a side of fruit.

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Single Serving Dinners (continued)

Breaded Baked Cod and Steamed Veggies *about 300 calories/27 g protein/28 g carbs/6 g fat* 4 oz cod fillet (can sub salmon as well) 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons seasoned bread crumbs Sea salt and pepper to taste 1 cup steamed veggie of choice: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower Coat cod with olive oil, bread crumbs and a pinch of salt and pepper. Bake cod at 375 for 12-15 minutes, until it flakes easily. Serve with 1 cup of steamed veggies.

________________________________________________________________ Steak and Broccoli:

*about 400 calories/35 g protein/33 g carbs/9 g fat* 5-6 oz flank steak, filet mignon, or sirloin Extra virgin olive oil sea salt and pepper to taste 1 small baked potato Dijon mustard 1 cup steamed broccoli Lemon juice to taste Brush steak lightly with olive oil. Sprinkle lightly with sea salt and as much pepper as desired. Grill or broil steak on both sides for 5-7 minutes or until desired doneness. Serve with small baked potato topped with mustard and broccoli topped with lemon juice.


Chicken Meatballs and Pasta: *about 400 calories/40 g protein/50 g carbs/4 g fat* 5 oz ground chicken 1 egg white 1 tablespoon seasoned bread crumbs 2/3 cups whole wheat pasta or quinoa pasta (gluten free) ½ cup pre-made organic marinara sauce 1 cup green beans, steamed Mix ground chicken with egg white and bread crumbs. Form mixture into small balls and bake on baking sheet at 375 for 15-20 minutes, or until cooked through. Serve meatballs over pasta tossed with tomato sauce. Serve with steamed beans.


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Single Serving Dinners (continued)

Grilled salmon and Asparagus: *about 350 calories/30 g protein/25 g carbs/9 g fat* 4 oz salmon fillet (or sub halibut, tilapia, cod) 1 tsp honey mustard 10-15 asparagus spears 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 garlic clove, crushed ½ teaspoon balsamic vinegar ½ cup brown rice, cooked Coat salmon with honey mustard and grill or broil for about 12-15 minutes or until desired doneness. Saute asparagus in olive oil, garlic and balsamic. Serve salmon and asparagus with brown rice.


Chicken Stir Fry: *about 400 calories/35 g protein/40 g carbs/9 g fat* 5 oz boneless, skinless chicken breast, cubed 1 cup broccoli florets ½ cup sliced mushrooms ½ cup snow peas 2 teaspoons reduced sodium soy sauce or teriyaki sauce 2 tablespoons organic chicken broth 1 teaspoon sesame oil (sub toasted sesame oil) 2/3 cup brown rice cooking spray In large skillet coated with cooking spray, cook chicken breast pieces over medium heat until cooked through, about 7-10 minutes. Remove chicken from pan and add broccoli, mushrooms, snow peas to same pan. When veggies begin to soften (about 6-8 minutes), add chicken back to pan. Add soy sauce, broth and oil. Serve over rice.

To add 100 calories to your dinner: *Add 2 oz turkey or chicken *Add 1 slice whole wheat bread or one Oroweat Sandwich Thin *Add 1/3 of a small avocado *Add a ½ a baked potato or yam *1/2 cup brown rice *Add a large hard boiled egg *Add ½ cup 1% milk fat cottage cheese *Add a piece of fruit *Add 2 cups veggies (raw or steamed)

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MULTIPLE SERVING DINNERS: Caribbean Turkey Burgers: *about 400 calories/24 g protein/48 g carbs/10.5 g fat per burger* **Recipe makes 4servings** Caribbean Rub: 1/3 cup freeze dried chives 1 tablespoon onion powder 1 tablespoon dried onion flakes 1 tablespoon garlic powder 1 tablespoon ginger 1 tablespoon dried thyme 1 tablespoon light brown sugar 1 tablespoon ground red pepper 2 teaspoons ground coriander 2 teaspoons ground allspice 2 teaspoons black pepper 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon nutmeg ½ teaspoon ground cloves

Salsa: 2/3 cup mango, diced ¼ cup red bell pepper, finely chopped ¼ cup red onion, finely chopped 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped ½ teaspoon grated lime zest 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice Burgers: 1 cup red onion, finely chopped ¼ cup low sodium sweet & sour sauce ¼ cup red bell pepper, finely chopped 1 tablespoon Caribbean Rub 1 large egg white 1 pound ground turkey olive oil cooking spray 4 hamburger buns (Ezekiel brand or Sandwich Thins)

1. For Caribbean Rub, combine all ingredients in blender or grinder. Process until well ground

and blended. 2. For salsa, combine all ingredients. Let stand for at least 30-60 minutes. 3. Warm grill to medium heat. 4. For burgers, combine first 5 ingredients. Add turkey and hand mix. Divide turkey mixture into

4 equal patties. Cover and refrigerate for 20 minutes. 5. Coat patties with cooking spray. Coat grill with cooking spray. Place patties on grill. Grill 7

minutes on each side or until done. 6. Warm buns on grill. Place a patty and ½ cup salsa on each bun. ________________________________________________________________

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Multiple Serving Dinners (continued)

Avocado & Shrimp Cocktail: *about 200 calories per serving/13 g protein/1 g carbs/9 g fat* **Recipe makes 4 appetizer servings. Eat 2 servings as a meal.** 1 ½ cups salsa 1/3 cup tequila 3 tablespoons lime juice 1/3 cup onion, finely chopped 1/3 cup fresh cilantro, chopped 2-3 teaspoons fresh jalapeno, minced 2 ripe avocados, cubed ¾ pound WILD shrimp, shelled/rinsed/cooked a pinch of salt lime wedges

1. In a bowl, mix together salsa, tequila, lime juice, onion, cilantro and jalapeno. 2. Add avocado, salt and shrimp to bowl. Mix gently. 3. Divide mix into four servings. Garnish with lime wedge.

________________________________________________________________ Balsamic Glazed Chicken and Bell Pepper Sandwiches: *about 350 calories/35 g protein/45 g carbs/9 g fat* **Recipe serves 4** 4 teaspoons olive oil, divided in half 2 large or 4 small chicken breasts ½ cup balsamic vinegar, divided in half 2 medium red bell peppers, cut in strips 1 medium onion, sliced vertically 4 Oroweat Sandwich Thins 4 thin slices mozzarella or reduced fat provolone cheese fresh ground black pepper to taste 1. Heat 2 teaspoons oil in large nonstick skillet over med-high heat. Add chicken to pan. Cook 1

minute on each side or until lightly browned. Add ¼ cup vinegar. Cook 2 minutes or until chicken is done and vinegar is syrupy. Remove chicken from pan and cover to keep warm. Wipe pan clean.

2. Return pan to med-high heat. Add remaining 2 teaspoons oil. Add bell pepper and onion. Saute 7 minutes or until tender. Stir in remaining ¼ cup vinegar. Cook 1 minute or until vinegar is syrupy.

3. Make sandwiches with chicken on Sandwich Thin, pepper/onion mix on chicken, cheese on pepper/onion mix, sprinkled pepper and top Sandwich Thin. ________________________________________________________________

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Multiple Serving Dinners (continued) Chicken Salad with Avocado and Mango: *about 200 calories/8 protein/24 g carbs/8 g fat* **Recipe serves 4. Serving size = 1 chicken breast + 2 cups salad** 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 2 tablespoons mango chutney 1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce ¾ teaspoon fresh ginger, peeled and grated

4 (4 ounce) boneless, skinless organic chicken breast halves Cooking spray (olive or canola oil) 8 cups mixed salad greens 1 cup mango, peeled and diced 1 cup avocado, peeled and diced

1. Preheat grill to med-high heat. 2. Combine oil, juice, chutney, soy sauce, and ginger in a small bowl. Place chicken on a plate and

spoon 2 tablespoons of oil mixture over chicken. Save rest of oil mix for salad. Fully coat chicken and let stand for 5 minutes.

3. Place chicken on grill coated with cooking spray. Grill 4 minutes on each side of until chicken is done. Brush leftover oil from plate on second side of chicken before turning.

4. Remove cooked chicken from grill and slice into strips. 5. Divide greens, avocado and mango into four plated servings. Put chicken over salad and drizzle

remaining oil mixture over salad. ________________________________________________________________

Caribbean Seafood Salad: *about 250 calories/24 g protein/19 g carbs/16 g fat* **Recipe serves 4** 8 ounces wild shrimp, rinsed/shelled/deveined 8 ounces wild bay scallops, rinsed 1 ripe mango, peeled/cubed 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil ¼ cup lime juice ¼ cup white wine vinegar ½ teaspoon cumin

½ teaspoon ground ginger ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 garlic clove, peeled ½ teaspoon hot sauce 1 ripe avocado, peeled/cubed 12 ounce salad greens

1. In a large pan, boil 3 quarts water. Add shrimp and cook for one minute. Add scallops, cover

tightly and remove pan from heat. Let stand until shrimp and scallops are barely opaque (about 2-3 minutes). Drain and rinse in cold water until cool.

2. In a blender or food processor, blend ½ cup of the cubed mango, oil, lime juice, vinegar, cumin, ginger, cinnamon and garlic until smooth. Add hot sauce to taste.

3. In a large bowl, gently mix shrimp, scallops, mango dressing, salad greens, avocado, and remaining mango. ________________________________________________________________

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Multiple Serving Dinners (continued)

Cumin-Coriander Turkey Meatballs: *about 65 calories/6 g protein/.5g carbs/5 g fat* **Recipe makes 10 servings** ***Serve with a baked yam or potato for an additional 140-160 calories, depending on size*** 3 tablespoons fresh cilantro, minced 3 tablespoons fresh dill, chopped 3 tablespoons fresh parsley, minced 12 ounces lean ground turkey 1 cup onion, minced 1 ½ teaspoons ground cumin

1 ½ teaspoons ground coriander seeds ¾ teaspoons ground allspice ¼ teaspoon fresh ground pepper 2 large egg whites 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1. Preheat oven to 400. 2. Combine cilantro, dill, and parsley in a small bowl. Combine 4 ½ tablespoons of this herb

mixture, turkey and next 7 ingredients (onion through garlic) into a large bowl. Shape into 46 one inch meatballs.

3. Spread olive oil over the bottom of a jelly roll pan. Arrange meatballs in a single layer and turn to lightly coat. Bake 15 minutes or until done, turning once. While hot, sprinkle with remaining herbs. ________________________________________________________________

Flank Steak Wraps: *about 330 calories/22 g protein/5 g carbs/13 g fat* **Recipe makes 8 servings** 2 tablespoons garlic, chopped ½ cup green onions, chopped 2 tablespoons fresh jalapenos, minced 1 teaspoon cumin 2 tablespoons fresh oregano or 1 teaspoon dried 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1 beef flank steak (1½ - 1¾ pounds) 1 large red onion 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil 8 small sprouted corn 8 tablespoons low fat sour cream (optional) fresh tomatillos/tomatoes, thinly sliced (optional)

1. Preheat grill to high. 2. In a blender or food processor, combine garlic, green onions, jalapeno, cumin, oregano, and

vinegar until coarsely pureed. 3. Rinse flank steak and pat dry. Rub garlic mixture over meat. 4. Peel and cut onion into ½ inch slices. Rub lightly with olive oil. 5. Lay steak and onion slices on grill on solid bed of very hot coals or high heat on gas grill. Close

lid on grill. Cook meat, turning to brown evenly until done as desired (about 12-15 minutes for rare, about 20 minutes for medium.) Grill onion, turning with a wide spatula, until lightly browned (about 13 minutes.) Transfer meat and onion to a carving board.

6. Warm tortillas (I wrap them in wet paper towels and microwave them briefly.) 7. Cut beef into thin slices. Add meat and onions to tortillas. Add 1 tablespoon sour cream and

tomatillo slices if desired.

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Multiple Serving Dinners (continued)

Tuna and Green Bean Pasta Salad: *about 300 calories/27 g protein/48 g carbs/10 g fat* **Recipe serves 4** 2 cups green beans 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon garlic, minced ¼ cup fresh lemon juice 2 tablespoons water ¼ teaspoon fresh ground pepper 4 cups cooked whole wheat farfalle or penne pasta (about 2 cups uncooked) ¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped 1½ tablespoons capers 2 cans albacore tuna in water, drained and flaked 1. Trim ends from beans and cut them in half, length wise, slicing through the seam. 2. Heat oil and garlic in large skillet. Add beans and cook for about 5 minutes or until lightly

browned, stirring frequently. 3. Cut beans into 1 inch pieces. Combine pan drippings with lemon juice, water and black pepper in

a large bowl. Stir well with a whisk. 4. Add pasta and remaining ingredients. Toss and serve. ________________________________________________________________   Bombay Curried Shrimp: *about 400 calories/23 g protein/61 g carbs/6 g fat* **Serves 6 (Serving size is 1 cup shrimp mixture/1 cup rice/1 ½ teaspoons coconut.)** 1 ½ pounds large wild shrimp, peeled/deveined 1 tablespoon all purpose flour 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil ½ cup shallots, minced 1 tablespoon curry powder 1 cup red bell pepper, diced 1 ½ cups tomato, diced ½ cup light coconut milk

¼ cup chopped fresh basil (or 4 teaspoons dries basil) 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon raw brown sugar 1 (10 ounce) can low salt organic chicken broth 6 cups brown rice, cooked 3 tablespoons flaked coconut, toasted

1. Combine shrimp and flour in a bowl. Toss well and set aside. 2. Heat oil in large skillet over med-high heat. Add shallots and curry powder. Saute 1 minute. Add

bell pepper and sauté 1 minute. Add tomato and next 5 ingredients (coconut milk through broth). Bring to a simmer and cook 2 minutes.

3. Add shrimp mixture. Simmer 4 minutes or until shrimp is done, stirring occasionally. Spoon shrimp mixture over rice and sprinkle with coconut.

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Multiple Serving Dinners (continued) Spinach and Ricotta Chicken Roll Ups: *about 265 calories/40 g protein/5 g carbs/7 g fat* **Recipe serves 6 (serving size is 1 stuffed chicken breast and 3 tablespoons wine mixture)** Filling: 1 cup part-skim ricotta cheese 1/3 cup reduced fat parmesan cheese ¼ teaspoon garlic powder ¼ teaspoon fresh ground pepper 1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed/drained/squeezed dry 1 large egg Chicken: 6 (6 ounce) skinless, boneless chicken breast halves ½ cup dry white wine 1. Preheat oven to 350. 2. Prepare filling by combining all filling ingredients 3. To prepare chicken, place each breast between 2 sheets heavy duty plastic wrap. Pound to ¼

inch thickness using meat mallet or rolling pin. Divide and spread filling evenly over chicken breasts. Roll up jelly roll fashion. Tuck in sides. Place chicken, seam down, in a 13x9 in a baking dish. . Pour wine over chicken. Cover dish with foil.

4. Bake for 30 minutes, basting chicken with wine very 10 minutes. Uncover and bake for an additional 15 minutes or until chicken is done. ________________________________________________________________

3 Bean Chili (Vegetarian): *about 343 calories/18 g protein/70 g carbs/8 g fat* **Serving size = 2 cups** 1 cup Red Bell Peppers 1 Whole Yellow Bell Pepper 1 cup Orange Bell Pepper 1 1/2 cups Organic Black Beans 1 1/2 cups Organic Pinto Beans 1 1/2 cups Organic Kidney Beans 1 cup refried beans, canned 1 cup Organic Vegetable Stock 2 cups Onions 1 Garlic Clove

1/2 cup Sliced Jalapeño Peppers 2 tbsp Coriander Spice 1 tbsp Red Pepper, Crushed 1 tsp Pepper, Black 1 tsp Sea Salt 1 tsp Ground Cumin 1 tbsp Chili Powder 1 1/2 cups Corn 2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1. Add 2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil to a large pot over medium heat. 2. Add diced onion, garlic, and jalapeño/bell peppers and sauté for about 5 minutes. 3. Add 1 cup of vegetable stock and heat and stir for about 2 minutes. 4. Add rinsed beans, corn, and spices to taste. 5. Cover and reduce to medium low heat for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. (This recipe was adapted from Livestrong.com/Recipes)

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Multiple Serving Dinners (continued)

Sweet Potato/Lentil Soup (Vegetarian): *about 380 calories/19 g protein/45 g carbs/14 g fat* **4 main course servings** 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon sesame oil 2 large red onions, diced 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 ½ teaspoons dried thyme 10 cups low sodium vegetable broth

1 ¼ cups green, brown or red lentils 5 stalks celery, sliced ½ cup minced fresh parsley, divided 2 medium sweet potatoes or yams, peeled and sliced ½ teaspoon sea salt Fresh ground pepper to taste

1. Warm oils over med-high heat. Add onion. Sauté while stirring lightly until onions are

soft (5-7 minutes). 2. Add garlic and thyme. Cook for 2-3 minutes. 3. Raise heat to high. Stir in stock, lentils, celery and ¼ cup parsley. 4. Bring mixture to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer. 5. Cook, uncovered for 30 minutes. 6. Add potatoes/yams and cook 30 more minutes or until potatoes are tender. 7. Remove 2 cups of soup and place in blender. Carefully blend until thick and smooth.

CAUTION: Let heat escape from blender every few minutes so lid doesn’t blow off from steam.

8. Return blended soup to the main pot and add remaining parsley. Stir to blend. 9. Add pepper to taste.

(This recipe was adapted from Mary Purdy of Nourishing Balance) Sara’s Quinoa Salad (Vegetarian): *about 285 calories* **Serves 4** 1 cup quinoa, rinsed, uncooked 1 medium red bell pepper, diced 1 medium cucumber, diced 2 Tablespoons olive oil 1 Tablespoon brown rice vinegar 1/2 container goat's feta cheese, crumbled 1/4 cup cilantro, chopped 1 garlic clove, crushed Salt/Pepper to taste

1. Prepare quinoa according to package. 2. Combine red bell pepper, cucumber, cilantro, garlic, olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper in

a large mixing bowl and toss. 3. Add warm quinoa and goat cheese and mix well. Serve warm or cold. 4. Optionally add 4 oz chicken breast (130 cal) and/or ¼ cup nuts (170 cal). 5. Note: divide into 6 servings to use as a side rather than a main dish. With 6 servings

each serving = 190 cal.

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Multiple Serving Dinners (continued)

Mexi Bowl (Vegetarian): *about 300 calories/9 g protein/39 g carbs/1 g fat* **Serves 12** Salad: 3 cups quinoa, rinsed and drained 1 15 oz can or 2 cups cooked black beans 1 pint cherry or grape tomatoes, halved 1 cup fresh cilantro, chopped 2 avocados, pitted, peeled, cubed Fresh lemon juice (to prevent avocado from browning) Salt/Pepper to taste

Juice 4 limes Zest 1 lime Dressing: ¼ cup EVOO ¼ cup white vinegar 2-3 cloves garlic, minced Salt/Pepper to taste

1. Prepare quinoa according to package directions 2. Add beans, tomatoes, cilantro to large mixing bowl and toss. 3. Dice avocado, drizzle with lime juice, set aside. 4. Add all dressing ingredients to food processor or mini chopper. Pulse until garlic is

blended and dressing appears creamy. Set aside in fridge. 5. Add quinoa to bean mixture. Season with salt, pepper, lime juice and zest. Serve in

bowls topped with avocado and dressing, dividing evenly. 6. Serving size = 1 cup


Crock Pot Spinach Tofu Lasagna (Vegetarian): *about 284 calories/20 g protein/9 g carbs/1 g fat* **Serves 6** 1 container soft (silken) organic tofu 1 container firm or extra firm organic tofu 1/4 cup organic soy milk 1/2 tsp garlic powder 2 tbsp lemon juice 3 tbsp fresh basil, chopped

1 tsp salt 2 10 ounce packages frozen spinach, thawed and patted dry 4 cups organic marinara sauce 1 box lasagna noodles

1. In a food processor or blender, combine the silken tofu, firm or extra-firm tofu, soy milk, garlic powder, lemon juice, basil, and salt and process until smooth. Add the spinach to this mixture. 2. Place about a cup of the tomato sauce in the bottom of the crock pot or slow cooker. Then place 1/3 of the noodles on top of the sauce, and 1/3 of the tofu and spinach mixture on top of the noodles. Repeat these layers, being sure to end with sauce on top. 3. Cook on low for 6 to 8 hours, or until noodles are soft. (This recipe was adapted from About.com: Vegetarian Food)

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Veggie Sides

Brussels Sprouts with Browned Garlic: *about 90 calories/5 g protein/14 g carbs/3 g fat* **Recipe serves 6** 6 cups (about 2 lbs) Brussels sprouts, trimmed/halved 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, divided 1/8 teaspoon fresh ground pepper cooking spray 3 garlic cloves, thinly sliced 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1. Preheat oven to 425. 2. Combine Brussels sprouts, 1 ½ teaspoons oil and pepper. Place in 13x9 baking dish coated with

cooking spray. Bake for 25 minutes or until sprouts are crisp/tender. 3. Heat 1 ½ teaspoons oil in small skillet over med-low heat. Add garlic and cook for 3 minutes or

until golden brown, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat, stir in lemon juice. Add to sprouts and toss well. ________________________________________________________________

Garlic Broccoli: *about 60 calories/4 g protein/10 g carbs/2 g fat* **Recipe serves 4 (serving size is 1 cup)** 5 cups (about 1 pound) broccoli florets 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil 14 garlic cloves, minced (about 3 tablespoons) 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon rice vinegar Optional: 2 teaspoons jalapeno, seeded/minced 1. Steam broccoli, covered, for 4 minutes. 2. Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over med-high heat. Add jalapenos and garlic and sauté 2

minutes. Remove from heat. Add broccoli, lemon juice and vinegar. Toss well. ________________________________________________________________

Garlic Green Beans: *about 50 calories/2 g protein/6 g carbs/2 g fat* **Recipe serves 6 (serving size = ¾ cup)** 1 ½ pounds green beans 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon garlic, minced ¼ cup water 1/8 teaspoon fresh ground pepper 1 ½ tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1. Trim ends from beans. Cut beans in half length wise along the seam. 2. Heat oil and garlic in large skillet over med-high heat. Add beans and cook 5 minutes or until

lightly browned, stirring frequently. Reduce heat to medium and gradually add water and pepper. Cook 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Add lemon juice. ________________________________________________________________

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Veggie Sides (continued)

Roasted Carrots: *about 40 calories/2 g protein/9 g carbs/1 g fat* **Serves 3** 1 pound carrots 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon fresh cilantro, chopped 1 teaspoon fresh mint, chopped 1 teaspoon fresh parsley, chopped Cooking spray (olive oil or canola oil) Pinch of salt 1. Preheat oven to 400. 2. Wash and peel carrots and cut off ends. Blanch carrots for 2 minutes until crisp-tender. 3. Mix all herbs together and sprinkle over carrots. Place carrots on cooking sheet. Coat sheet and

carrots lightly in cooking spray. Bake for 25 minutes.


Sesame Broccoli, Red Pepper and Spinach: *about 60 calories/3 g protein/2 g carbs/3 g fat* **Serves 6** 1 tablespoon sesame seeds 2 teaspoons sesame oil 1 bunch broccoli cut into 1 inch florets, stems cut into 2 x ¼ inch strips 1 red bell pepper, cut into thin strips 1 garlic clove, pressed 1 (10 ounce) bag spinach 1 small hot red chile or jalapeno pepper, seeded/finely chopped 1 tablespoon low sodium soy sauce 1. Toast sesame seeds in large nonstick skillet over medium heat, stirring until golden brown and

fragrant. Transfer to a small bowl. 2. Heat oil over medium heat in same skillet. Add broccoli and red pepper. Cook until broccoli is

crisp-tender, about 5 minutes. Add garlic, spinach, jalapeno (or chile pepper), and soy sauce. Mix well.

3. Cover and cook until spinach is wilted, about 2 minutes. Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.


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Veggie Sides (continued)

Spinach Parmesan Stuffed Mushrooms: *about 170 calories/10 g protein/12 g carbs/12 g fat* **Serves 2 (4 mushrooms per serving)** 1 (10 ounce) package frozen spinach 8 large mushrooms, washed 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 teaspoon garlic, minced 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese

1. In medium saucepan, bring water to a boil. Cover and cook, according to package directions. 2. Remove stems from mushrooms and chop up. Heat EVOO in large skillet. Add chopped

mushroom stems and sauté until golden, about 3 minutes. Remove from pan and set aside. Add mushroom caps to skillet and sauté for 4 minutes. Remove and set aside.

3. Drain spinach, carefully squeezing out extra water. Stir in chopped mushroom stems, garlic and cheese. Spoon spinach mixture into mushroom caps and serve.


To add 100 calories to your dinner: *Add 2 oz turkey or chicken *Add 1 slice whole wheat bread or one Oroweat Sandwich Thin *Add 1/3 of a small avocado *Add a ½ a baked potato or yam *1/2 cup brown rice *Add a large hard boiled egg *Add ½ cup 1% milk fat cottage cheese *Add a piece of fruit *Add 2 cups veggies (raw or steamed)

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SNACKS Mix and match snack options to your taste, depending on how many calories you need. Fruits: 1 Medium Apple = 75 calories 1 Medium Pear = 125 calories 2 Medium Plums = 70 calories 2 Kiwis = 90 calories 1 Medium Peach = 70 calories ¼ Cup Raisins = 125 calories 1 Cup Strawberries = 50 calories

Veggies: 14 Baby Carrots = 35 calories ½ Cucumber = 25 calories 3 Celery Stalks = 30 calories 10 Cherry Tomatoes = 30 calories *Add ¼ cup hummus dip for an additional 120 calories*

Nuts: ¼ Cup Peanuts = 185 calories ¼ Cup Almonds = 170 calories ¼ cup Walnuts (10-11 halves) = 180 calories

Bars: Zing Bar = 210 calories (www.zingbars.com) LaraBar = 230 calories

Dairy: 1 Cup Milk (full fat) = 150 calories 1 Cup Milk (nonfat) = 70 calories 1 Cup Chocolate Milk = 220 calories Protein Shake (Protein Powder + 1 cup Nonfat Milk) = about 200 calories 1 Cup Yogurt (nonfat) = 100 calories Other: 1 Hard Boiled Egg = 78 calories String Cheese = 80 calories Rice Cake + 1 Tablespoon Peanut/Almond Butter = 135 calories 17 Mini Pretzels +1 Tablespoon Peanut/Almond Butter = 200 calories 1 cup Non Fat Yogurt + 2 tablespoons Grape Nuts = 200 calories Turkey Wrap = 30 calories (recipe below) ¼ cup Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Covered Raisins = 190 calories Protein Shake (Protein Powder + 1 cup Nonfat Milk) = about 200 calories Turkey Wrap: *30 Calories* 1 Large green lettuce leaf ¼ teaspoon mustard 1-2 small slices deli turkey 2 slices tomato Pepper to taste Spread mustard on lettuce. Lay turkey and tomato on lettuce. Add pepper and roll up tightly.

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Just to give you an idea . . . Portion: Looks Like: 3 ounces of meat Child’s palm or 1 deck of cards 5 ounces of meat Adult’s palm or 2 decks of cards ½ cup pasta/grain ½ a baseball (not softball!) 1 teaspoon butter/oil 1 fingertip or 1 die 1 tablespoon peanut butter/ salad dressing ½ of a ping pong 1 medium fruit A fist or a baseball 1 ounce of cheese 4 dice 1 cup of veggies A fist or a baseball 1 bagel A hockey puck 1 slice of bread a cassette tape 1 cup of cereal A fist or a baseball 1 pancake 1 compact disc