,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/pdaba134.pdf,635-0250) final eva,.jation report dr. clyde e....


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Page 1: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT




Dr Clyde E Stauffer

12 May 1984




Dr Clyde E Stauffer

12 May 1984


210 Lincoln Street 02111Boston Massachusetts











This mid-term evaluatin of the Millet Transr-rma-~n -cj=-c 3 0iSOrO)

addresses technical and marketi aspects of the ezfrt eping in mind thar

the final product of -he project s easibilitv An-a-s -1 he zr nt1-rDsemanufacturingriarketin financ- -sect 6ie-aseC

inesor sch an eneroriieThe customer for the analysis is I ia

The bias of the evaluator is that of a technical person (hD in

Biochemistry) with over 20 years experience in executing and managing food

product development projects in major US companies His outlook is o get

a) well b) without wasting resources ) on ime the job done


A Input - Output Assumptions Availability of USAID and GOS and Title

and retain satisfactory personnelIII funding Ability of ITA to attract

Funding has not -n any Dar-iular hi rr-le_there were some shy

the source of runds for specific areas these have beenmisunderstandings about

resolved and no delays have been experienced due to funding iTA has had

a) red-tape delaying hiring b) reluctance ofpersonnel problems due to

people to accept limited-term employment c) relatively low pay d) limited

pool of technically-qualified people from whom to draw

Scudy -nd =__cal) methodologies are3) Out-ut-uruose AssumDtions e -er O e -Duadequate -hi raczers rcrm n

communications and manage ___ ski- s) have wcr- is

in applying available technologies

Market potential is realizable anC) Purccse - Goal-Assumptions Not assessable at this point but these entrepreneur will implement the plan

assumptions rest on ne qualizy of the market test and on he abiliv of he

Feasibility Study (a quality-dependent factor) to convince an entrepreneur to

invest money in a millet-based food enterprise


at roughly the May-July 1983 milestonesA At this point the project is

envisioned in the work plan elaborated shortly after the Resident Advisor began

his tenure

B Delays were experienced in certain aspects of input acquisition

to carry out studies Tenotably in getting technicall-competent contractors

poorly executed and will have to be redone TheMillet Supply study was Research Study contraczr was -z mished nselection of a comDetent arke-

months behind _cheduie

__ a _ ) t h e r L-n u s C 1 4- _ a ee-ate_

- e c - - n est ar-In ooDi na ec n - deLavec

-- --s n e areas )f etaid a- - n


S e-o planni ratioenal-ize -=u Tae

zes now o scar he rest o ne inout sci s ne- -r ne pr ec e e r- e f he e-i2- and -si- 7

in-erms 7 ne -


in ter-is of rb n euccassful aqnmen cf nis projects-- Stc a cbabili ra one r--cn

s--czass and hree trcdus dae-r - 7t na -nilet flour Is- 1 i=5 successvi

the other orduczs in orosress are udced is hvinz LOw Trbabilities ofAl ac2 snifican -ribions z A -nincin Fi2-2 Anagtsis within

- _ m-e n sa nsshy

success If twohe overall oroec is seen as having a medium zhance of

or three of the products achieve a successful test market the technical goal

will be met If the studies envisioned (millet supply market test previous

studies plant location and financial analysis) are properly monitored andcase well executed the Feasibility Analysis should be of high quality The ability

grinn e nd rrad -nvestr e--4 ---------------------------------------rr _ -----------S _~-~5~


Redo the iaLt S3pp y stuay

2 institue a case study on previous attempts -c -mmerciaiiie millet

in Senegal arid reasons for failuretransformation products

3 Begin the process immediately of selecting contractors for all studies

still to be done to ensure completion before the scheduled end date of the


B Planning

1 Apply ERT netork piInnig to The e-hiad execution of the market

-2st Develoo detailed wrien a~reemens w ne market test contractor

- r~az r- n ~ -- zn ~~ n

e i-elt-e - s h r- -- - i

for the the Resident Acvisor and present technical personnel


-r se it -A tho equiptmen tther-- c-uo Entoiet)ri

- e oresent rect


r t iniee he uroses

in n- withr -A and -n -i- te re cu It-

x_een- uInc - zover the recommenced extension or time

T 2 -

~ --xie=se-_- -- f r - - - D e s

I An estmazin Df the )rDbabiiit of success for each state of the e n i icz a DPLsume r m-a r e t ts and )ve ral

the future zonduc- f the Droject to bring mncin re$z-rding

- ms t e that-e i se outined

the PIOT (1) all the points listed in the Scope7e f reference ofterms

- i e-L e


h ---- - iv r ~ in - i _ his cln i Z- ef shy

u~s - -e _es~nfli ofl - 23j e- n - - z-Ir5~

3 ie OI s etrom one stec to inerth rogress

- - bull

~j~ca ssis-alc

USAID le XII millet sorzhum

pro je- advisors and services

LP -30 Title III funds

for local costs Assumotions OS Droductorocess development

acilitie s and -ersonnel at ITA Avaa lit- )f SAID and GOS nd Title 7- uning

Ability of 17A o attract and

retain satisfactory personnel

o ri-s nd attitudes study

rouctrocess leveloment moreprogram generating one or

transformed millet products validation of consumer acceptability

Marketing and distribution study

Millet supply study -n cation study AssumDtions

7T Ficv

metnodologies are acequate to

provide reasonably significantPurDose results in admittedly difficult

and uncertain areasacceptabilityEstablish a) cultural

b) technical feasibility

c) economic viability

for production and sale of transformed

millet foods Develop a manutacturingmarketing

financial plan to help attract Assumptionsinvestment capital which will suppot

a venture to make ane sell The market potential is transformed millet foods

substantial and realizable

Annual volume wil be ca

50000 tons by 1995-2005Goal

An entrepreneur or public

hnat Senegals balance of enterprise will uccessfullyemons rate

-he olan 7avren3 n -ereal 2roducon -an be imDlement

imoroved b oarial (ca 1O

- ac eme - bull Dearrs


rS rL e- - Dar c 0a -

e t a cr a t - oe~ - m~t o ns re r - - t h e

= - -nnci-7 r= -in nc--ern o f Se mum

nc -ee

- o r shy-st= a n rcas carntrac3 have eeni Driaed with a minimrti ela

tie the - --- men 7he _- i f _zncs far

-shy- C S- 7e~~~-

Advisor s oca support ack -r 1rama porovi ar the oresent itle l1

caused deiavs in execution at theD0) these have notneratln budet bu

v0L reOu raa

e the Project Paper the agreement~e eeaur the pranec s ner 2) and

in rI S a

hnn had -ms rcr-ti-eg sattszt1Vh- yr tecnnil ersonnel far tIe raiect

a e__T ra_ nr]an ehirig -rcpoundess aln -Lt- ]D tO--i

onths ece-arova to hire an approDriate person or a rcsiion

) eople with adequate training and experience are reluctant to accept

ie lacking promise for long-termpositions with a lin7tez duration project

stability of employment

relatively Iaw-Daving leading to morale - Positions at ITA he Ieen as

s -- caressei a-reczent Zcvernmentai ratment ree--

A In general the pool of technical human resources is relatively

-o rapid turnover f ersonnei -n theAll a ehese factor3 nave led

project as ell less-than-optimun manning of vaDie positions As an - as

the original Pioject Coordinator proved to be unsatisfactor after a -anple removed because no technicallshy

-aw months n the job but he could not be

iualified replacement was available until recently The change was made 1


a whole does not support efficient utilization of inputsThe system as

Delegation of authority downwards is not encouraged Management practices at

but this requires a re-orientaton --- _4i z TA could be mproved (12)

the - - S everyone concerned (from the Minister of MERST down to

a-vis responsibility and authority Presently every decision a an

consequence requires the concurrence an- signature of Dr Dusmaaea -ne-e

Direotor of the institute Then he i ot available because

tctSa t gte raeca impLmentati n zcr-a i

A- - -- 2 2r V27

5CeeT-- bull gt


- - - -



n- c n e a


a S S UMDn m - _- uz r e Z2e Csu Ot-5tS--er -- [ _


t - -rDc3 e S-L t- aac

-D - f a -- eSE -yh ssumptian -e s n s CI-a--c- s I -i- -= en

nl~~ ~~- e2 Io 7 r -e~~rrlt- ri 1) --n d4


r tahe projecte riurose-ti d -

anisestartsnl someinstanfces et e nav e-n -a e )ee-n - n-er o xer =C f IcG a and

l no-T2hes - af nirma Lenc flannt P - l

- bullTe nz-Anne D o a su ed th ed d a ona t ei rc shyl- - ---shyle o n r s5 t e -c - -- -efi5 p l on o i c

- pro es d lDen c at-work WOe tak uic was a

in tc- ututoisUiLti e vas s en bull i mens

f the newproducrtductaC-n to the requie o

ie2ozITirneltve_--ini t

-n l g shy-2s -

r-tc-e--f-h-me e s

n no--t-e

() andfrom Exkerice Inc 6 1a The 7echnical Poloosal

and Annex D thenssumed oinror the progtoct (s6) both

reast ime-scaled oITA equintJnedea oue takeoLace at nment work tta ohange in projectdoveo oJ suoortduct process o foreign institutional---- en should maximizeprojectdesin that D or re a ht a- - a g s weac o tinao c tIDe=-oro T-- e is -shyk n h --in m

h e itw- o uld see -_2 --- - - -D- - - --- - -T shyt -- - -- - - - ----- - shy

a uoor imit af-hange veud he hie

-r=c rs in --r~fuch a r - a aoe a m


e fr cri~a-ner ee - _ bull e shy

ste oanel 7-_e - -7C 3 i -__-ain

the in making the decision to change

seem thateverthe~ss it would the new product77ento the requirements of hnical canabilities of ITA relative

The level of knowledge of

elooment projects planned were overestimated producttne specific newthe leader or

real technoiegy required of t~e equipment needed to as the 3 0 pr~istication of

andas wellelcnneint oroects he personneliuite high and csiities ts bull gtit tae arei itecas

tne project plan weretime trame orII wihn ne

e equipment avaiiable ta

af the new orodrctr-cess eveiopments enrvsioned

he iemandst t t--

- 2 D e _ _ shy

--- r r

e e _ gs e n xim r-= ent5 c_-h e -6 so-e2cs l~ e5 5 - - -- -e hi -7 _ t i f r7e

_ s i Jz_-_- i-t-_r---r- - ---

if i -

bull_ -- shy

t tG rc 2v -

7 Ke e erza~rt r - i t -


e r e s Ln f rin t i ntudv

n-w~ en~ r a S~i n 1-5-Z 3-s - e -i L-e- e 2- r- s p-n

-- -e - _tsfleT isF s te 1 et rsQItDrm3 t

t i 15hetnr ]j1 cae lopt e ---- e rtnc ~ 1S rcna

fIrfpe - Pet baseoditora - - n ii t i

- mar ducni a7 ouIienes dThe proposal rom CEGR 3 n cessr r eotance eItcc ss

develop the required inforation iS to price sta-d)o~rin -ishich wi foods from both qu1itv andproposed miilet-basec

r interest 1o an otential investor as market test data which will be of

t 22

I~ u ~ ~- t c -i iaA a~~

fo tn ranzahelSstanbewe

o7 A e2) S e n 17nTe tirt d n

ne_ le s uc

4= P2 nn p e -a CTAnd -2 5 L-estinc ee c 3

-1-tees1ehiav r raenM L n u n

e - n _ -- - n - l = - z

22- _ _ ~~~~~~~~~1 U - - -

rjc -_i n utdvlpmrcommunicaions etltn heffectiv fd he a recompletio n nd r~IlAb-uto beoh-orniecompleted nd h arke t ri -f -It= n F enetc

re po ty o - 1 a r esi il ech in z Cwi be necessary o - esu -4ceffectiverlose 1oa

1 - r an -Y n S

- - - - o- - e - ch - an

-ITS-3- ---- I-




5 a 9 t awis - s suoOr-e a9Own shyf -- 4-rviue-_-rit--s 2neaged in sucn -- r

-cnsumerD has as


v Ineest s r - m r s t 5C eshy

3 n~ - I ns -Lo ressecn s n7

a more omple-esellprodct to a more convincingngs o- nre which ontri)ut_hnow the f actors shybe made sIiowin- Such a frank ases should [hepresent projectf These have been overcome in

_ - - 4- i n- -isiness will enhance the

r - 1ater ] ed r e ct

marne est will-ruereSiltit- nSon Sbi y nemp1r3c rbull e

seC9- 11 -tore L 1 -1D

-222-n-~32~ rI yhn n n forstnnMenSe jor te _ eo

e tappedis availaia to product-h miarket f the proectis th-- the qualitypaper assumptionto be aeded1eDoj_ casssthon needsa-ronse to to induce a potential investor

wi11 be high enougn -- ow nali1 -ng ofin soalso reachIethe

tap the market and tor Senegaltie necessaryf_s nd

4 or to dsef-sffciency

Sc j -- r-3

bull 77- -bull-

~ tes~o e ra gt inGZ-$ -~

n r the irae7o ~~~~ c-z e_~~~~~~cz

m 7te-

-issig the projectr nThese W4-L gie brief asr er s -n -e e o u s _i ins-er sn

A r -4r e s s - gt

I s e e t-d i h s d r r ers r s J rwctee -f7

Z r i S-s a=u7 L~ DO -VSOr -i pound 2

- - 1 ie abcut ten c t-weive months - r d-o u z h -3to

the h acin s na sin ne e n -I n

n1 rod S7 1 e-21opmenSna at

to rice andflour with stabiltty equalrin andof the decorticated -ii]le 33)

heat flour i Mav 33) Stability testing in chosen packages (June

md high relative

temperaturetile stIDLLt testing iinder highContinuation of

umidizv (July 3)

_-_-7 -_e e~d -gtfl-1 lZ -_ Y i z- - _ hn tn ne

- artr li -- it tn - r n e

hat in plastic bagsand arlae leels suchITA reduced xmsecEntolet r at

life the fr gt~ ie keen-ne v 33n ibenc a ef

t iDnThetoheav g -AZD re- flD] - - mLr-- -r

these products

new productsInstant zauscous - weaning food shy2 Product development shy

Testing the quality of millet and development of prototypes (April 33)

(May 83) Product Products development and organoleptic evaluation

improvement based on results of evaluation (June 83) Stability testing of

chosen products in chosen oackages July 33)

an tne aoratar been maceprototes naveA u2er _ new 7r aduct butter nc peanut

These include instant couscous Weaning food powderscale food of mied

irink ( MBoun MBourake (a snack r r-es aoutter e i

4 l anese ongty tne - uIno oeinuts and s-ar n n i aretzeC Ot


Dv - - e2 i nS ausc us hdi aeen t a a

tr e -_D n -7 --

t D]--e lnt c_

- -asarIenIornerssnuvn to s-me in osi akacks ~--te _stant ouscous as neen stabiit tested

li 3 5 -u~~~~ 1Z l rlS- r a shy- 4 o e -7

d i_ C Th _ei_O n a

- S D o i

i 7

- r crn rcduc

n SS 2 ctaofnls nas

t~~ f -nput from c tractor for the

not - b-e q se-se si lcr s with snec ric rarios or

-e es arI-et -owever - e r

-- shou d o c r o

h irm t do --he studvo 0

n ta _n t - tests with tilerm

S r Be o-een n or h es- Mv

5 e -n --nL 7 hC d ere me tioned-rd h - e -Zu r1r s n m

tgtEStSro- -s 3rn -- tr Ze Ce -

-and astent couscousn e te prcdcuctsLsrun wt Iashes se-aete now appears toplacement -ests

The first larger scale consumer testing for its beginning

be celaved until September or O-tber -

planned and executedfar seem to be wellThe focus group tests run thus

ained will be of rien te f r 7e Dr

r in Ars M2 - s 7 orooc

3 and Mr RogernBGI tled-- e er- mar ts Sys i- e1 market infor ation if it isive the desired r (] nsultant houla

- - eins tar -o )nlv the personnc of CEGIR but also c-

A a e o take trear pains to fulfill bullheir parts of theh-i

and commitment wil beCommunicationst a I

One as receivedSupply Study Final report (May 33)

5 millet This will have to be redone but fortunately its

uselessOctober 33 which is

execution (or lack thereof) does not hold up any other project stages except

thL final feasibility study

test market and 6 Process Engineerin atudy Produce products for the

Ma 33 Prepare preiminary process flow delivery to distribution out3ets

Df equipment for producton (January 3)of products ano choice

oroiect headiuig has vet been one of the wor Cnvisaed -nder m-is

r aertain equipment ae 2LL0iin I sense acquisitin renuller satCgtaczmolisned test mar-ret ri~o~on O~enIet2 retdr-nla DroGcA[t or

f tne Process eniuieerd aeni1- 1L h rearn- s

- -- - ] ~ l

f J lt- - - 1-- l_ 7-e a


itF al 2 t ra e o= i e at tpoundC 2 l 12ff1 - reoao[ t otisnec

is reso1ed nc re aenchmark av

- - - - - - - -

_ _ e ccvr seci -li - S f~ i e r as

Z1 r4 nf~5~~shy-~

or nt t e-he DeS t LZ


-_s rsf -- oZt hih- iivorkz rtherthn

ur-a de]ays have come in three reas input andzrausings ect orebleD uni2 De-tehia and fanacement-typerobie-s

s oneGOS procrement esint e se o

1 2t1r ane-It -vTs ned tar re)

Mp bull -uoried

nd~ f aru S e r eXu inte toacmsrEAl i-e~ 4 reuctant toa t

- CFAkc and farmers ereSa ane armate criae

-n - I iiLLL e in ar i -C h r a o

ne_ e _ fi-i +

a FA bua VA as a zern ent at tKe Tar con zhe en re

en s i ed t iiaL channels anl turOhase triCC

EquipmentAnother delav w7as experienced in dealing with GOS customs

project was exempted from customs Yet even ordered from overseas for the

once it had arrived there was often a several weeks wait before the customs -=izer~~ terd ~~Ue Dhc~e Dor raeasin1itrt -

t m-rP15 = s -_ s s

an o5- as thst each and everyr-nistie - ne cr ane conseuencCs

uraase Drcer must be approved bv the GOS Finance Office before it can be

-e tnouan money In-s TA s approvec budget he deavs due to even te

IERST the MMinistry over 77A) is ar-na t get tne reci-tape are aavious

z so that the s tts hance to an industrial and zemmercial -aenc

and -A can Tcve Torebe after-the-factFinance Office control will

day-to-day requirementsexpeditiousy in meeting its

go throughstudoies USAIDiITA mustfor the variousFor finding contractors After approval process which has caused difficulties

and delays a two-level

and receiving of proposals the judgements the initial public anlnnouncements

Comite de Selection This are taken before the GOS

of the project managers types The4 to 2 financial vs technical

committee as weighted about

to spend as little money as possibie ith little regard majority concern is

the conctract for the technical competence of the competitors tor

to the technicaldehich is satisfactarce moooaen acf a choice tacs CA -u e provebcontingent of Th2

a se S aweenE He7 r2Commission ataonaie cid must be- d Ie ewS osthst Lrnthe aesire far -he

n - 2-cer~ -_2 emer

- ne

ac Uzsitztn were Tcnt -nea r-- r


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 2: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT




Dr Clyde E Stauffer

12 May 1984


210 Lincoln Street 02111Boston Massachusetts











This mid-term evaluatin of the Millet Transr-rma-~n -cj=-c 3 0iSOrO)

addresses technical and marketi aspects of the ezfrt eping in mind thar

the final product of -he project s easibilitv An-a-s -1 he zr nt1-rDsemanufacturingriarketin financ- -sect 6ie-aseC

inesor sch an eneroriieThe customer for the analysis is I ia

The bias of the evaluator is that of a technical person (hD in

Biochemistry) with over 20 years experience in executing and managing food

product development projects in major US companies His outlook is o get

a) well b) without wasting resources ) on ime the job done


A Input - Output Assumptions Availability of USAID and GOS and Title

and retain satisfactory personnelIII funding Ability of ITA to attract

Funding has not -n any Dar-iular hi rr-le_there were some shy

the source of runds for specific areas these have beenmisunderstandings about

resolved and no delays have been experienced due to funding iTA has had

a) red-tape delaying hiring b) reluctance ofpersonnel problems due to

people to accept limited-term employment c) relatively low pay d) limited

pool of technically-qualified people from whom to draw

Scudy -nd =__cal) methodologies are3) Out-ut-uruose AssumDtions e -er O e -Duadequate -hi raczers rcrm n

communications and manage ___ ski- s) have wcr- is

in applying available technologies

Market potential is realizable anC) Purccse - Goal-Assumptions Not assessable at this point but these entrepreneur will implement the plan

assumptions rest on ne qualizy of the market test and on he abiliv of he

Feasibility Study (a quality-dependent factor) to convince an entrepreneur to

invest money in a millet-based food enterprise


at roughly the May-July 1983 milestonesA At this point the project is

envisioned in the work plan elaborated shortly after the Resident Advisor began

his tenure

B Delays were experienced in certain aspects of input acquisition

to carry out studies Tenotably in getting technicall-competent contractors

poorly executed and will have to be redone TheMillet Supply study was Research Study contraczr was -z mished nselection of a comDetent arke-

months behind _cheduie

__ a _ ) t h e r L-n u s C 1 4- _ a ee-ate_

- e c - - n est ar-In ooDi na ec n - deLavec

-- --s n e areas )f etaid a- - n


S e-o planni ratioenal-ize -=u Tae

zes now o scar he rest o ne inout sci s ne- -r ne pr ec e e r- e f he e-i2- and -si- 7

in-erms 7 ne -


in ter-is of rb n euccassful aqnmen cf nis projects-- Stc a cbabili ra one r--cn

s--czass and hree trcdus dae-r - 7t na -nilet flour Is- 1 i=5 successvi

the other orduczs in orosress are udced is hvinz LOw Trbabilities ofAl ac2 snifican -ribions z A -nincin Fi2-2 Anagtsis within

- _ m-e n sa nsshy

success If twohe overall oroec is seen as having a medium zhance of

or three of the products achieve a successful test market the technical goal

will be met If the studies envisioned (millet supply market test previous

studies plant location and financial analysis) are properly monitored andcase well executed the Feasibility Analysis should be of high quality The ability

grinn e nd rrad -nvestr e--4 ---------------------------------------rr _ -----------S _~-~5~


Redo the iaLt S3pp y stuay

2 institue a case study on previous attempts -c -mmerciaiiie millet

in Senegal arid reasons for failuretransformation products

3 Begin the process immediately of selecting contractors for all studies

still to be done to ensure completion before the scheduled end date of the


B Planning

1 Apply ERT netork piInnig to The e-hiad execution of the market

-2st Develoo detailed wrien a~reemens w ne market test contractor

- r~az r- n ~ -- zn ~~ n

e i-elt-e - s h r- -- - i

for the the Resident Acvisor and present technical personnel


-r se it -A tho equiptmen tther-- c-uo Entoiet)ri

- e oresent rect


r t iniee he uroses

in n- withr -A and -n -i- te re cu It-

x_een- uInc - zover the recommenced extension or time

T 2 -

~ --xie=se-_- -- f r - - - D e s

I An estmazin Df the )rDbabiiit of success for each state of the e n i icz a DPLsume r m-a r e t ts and )ve ral

the future zonduc- f the Droject to bring mncin re$z-rding

- ms t e that-e i se outined

the PIOT (1) all the points listed in the Scope7e f reference ofterms

- i e-L e


h ---- - iv r ~ in - i _ his cln i Z- ef shy

u~s - -e _es~nfli ofl - 23j e- n - - z-Ir5~

3 ie OI s etrom one stec to inerth rogress

- - bull

~j~ca ssis-alc

USAID le XII millet sorzhum

pro je- advisors and services

LP -30 Title III funds

for local costs Assumotions OS Droductorocess development

acilitie s and -ersonnel at ITA Avaa lit- )f SAID and GOS nd Title 7- uning

Ability of 17A o attract and

retain satisfactory personnel

o ri-s nd attitudes study

rouctrocess leveloment moreprogram generating one or

transformed millet products validation of consumer acceptability

Marketing and distribution study

Millet supply study -n cation study AssumDtions

7T Ficv

metnodologies are acequate to

provide reasonably significantPurDose results in admittedly difficult

and uncertain areasacceptabilityEstablish a) cultural

b) technical feasibility

c) economic viability

for production and sale of transformed

millet foods Develop a manutacturingmarketing

financial plan to help attract Assumptionsinvestment capital which will suppot

a venture to make ane sell The market potential is transformed millet foods

substantial and realizable

Annual volume wil be ca

50000 tons by 1995-2005Goal

An entrepreneur or public

hnat Senegals balance of enterprise will uccessfullyemons rate

-he olan 7avren3 n -ereal 2roducon -an be imDlement

imoroved b oarial (ca 1O

- ac eme - bull Dearrs


rS rL e- - Dar c 0a -

e t a cr a t - oe~ - m~t o ns re r - - t h e

= - -nnci-7 r= -in nc--ern o f Se mum

nc -ee

- o r shy-st= a n rcas carntrac3 have eeni Driaed with a minimrti ela

tie the - --- men 7he _- i f _zncs far

-shy- C S- 7e~~~-

Advisor s oca support ack -r 1rama porovi ar the oresent itle l1

caused deiavs in execution at theD0) these have notneratln budet bu

v0L reOu raa

e the Project Paper the agreement~e eeaur the pranec s ner 2) and

in rI S a

hnn had -ms rcr-ti-eg sattszt1Vh- yr tecnnil ersonnel far tIe raiect

a e__T ra_ nr]an ehirig -rcpoundess aln -Lt- ]D tO--i

onths ece-arova to hire an approDriate person or a rcsiion

) eople with adequate training and experience are reluctant to accept

ie lacking promise for long-termpositions with a lin7tez duration project

stability of employment

relatively Iaw-Daving leading to morale - Positions at ITA he Ieen as

s -- caressei a-reczent Zcvernmentai ratment ree--

A In general the pool of technical human resources is relatively

-o rapid turnover f ersonnei -n theAll a ehese factor3 nave led

project as ell less-than-optimun manning of vaDie positions As an - as

the original Pioject Coordinator proved to be unsatisfactor after a -anple removed because no technicallshy

-aw months n the job but he could not be

iualified replacement was available until recently The change was made 1


a whole does not support efficient utilization of inputsThe system as

Delegation of authority downwards is not encouraged Management practices at

but this requires a re-orientaton --- _4i z TA could be mproved (12)

the - - S everyone concerned (from the Minister of MERST down to

a-vis responsibility and authority Presently every decision a an

consequence requires the concurrence an- signature of Dr Dusmaaea -ne-e

Direotor of the institute Then he i ot available because

tctSa t gte raeca impLmentati n zcr-a i

A- - -- 2 2r V27

5CeeT-- bull gt


- - - -



n- c n e a


a S S UMDn m - _- uz r e Z2e Csu Ot-5tS--er -- [ _


t - -rDc3 e S-L t- aac

-D - f a -- eSE -yh ssumptian -e s n s CI-a--c- s I -i- -= en

nl~~ ~~- e2 Io 7 r -e~~rrlt- ri 1) --n d4


r tahe projecte riurose-ti d -

anisestartsnl someinstanfces et e nav e-n -a e )ee-n - n-er o xer =C f IcG a and

l no-T2hes - af nirma Lenc flannt P - l

- bullTe nz-Anne D o a su ed th ed d a ona t ei rc shyl- - ---shyle o n r s5 t e -c - -- -efi5 p l on o i c

- pro es d lDen c at-work WOe tak uic was a

in tc- ututoisUiLti e vas s en bull i mens

f the newproducrtductaC-n to the requie o

ie2ozITirneltve_--ini t

-n l g shy-2s -

r-tc-e--f-h-me e s

n no--t-e

() andfrom Exkerice Inc 6 1a The 7echnical Poloosal

and Annex D thenssumed oinror the progtoct (s6) both

reast ime-scaled oITA equintJnedea oue takeoLace at nment work tta ohange in projectdoveo oJ suoortduct process o foreign institutional---- en should maximizeprojectdesin that D or re a ht a- - a g s weac o tinao c tIDe=-oro T-- e is -shyk n h --in m

h e itw- o uld see -_2 --- - - -D- - - --- - -T shyt -- - -- - - - ----- - shy

a uoor imit af-hange veud he hie

-r=c rs in --r~fuch a r - a aoe a m


e fr cri~a-ner ee - _ bull e shy

ste oanel 7-_e - -7C 3 i -__-ain

the in making the decision to change

seem thateverthe~ss it would the new product77ento the requirements of hnical canabilities of ITA relative

The level of knowledge of

elooment projects planned were overestimated producttne specific newthe leader or

real technoiegy required of t~e equipment needed to as the 3 0 pr~istication of

andas wellelcnneint oroects he personneliuite high and csiities ts bull gtit tae arei itecas

tne project plan weretime trame orII wihn ne

e equipment avaiiable ta

af the new orodrctr-cess eveiopments enrvsioned

he iemandst t t--

- 2 D e _ _ shy

--- r r

e e _ gs e n xim r-= ent5 c_-h e -6 so-e2cs l~ e5 5 - - -- -e hi -7 _ t i f r7e

_ s i Jz_-_- i-t-_r---r- - ---

if i -

bull_ -- shy

t tG rc 2v -

7 Ke e erza~rt r - i t -


e r e s Ln f rin t i ntudv

n-w~ en~ r a S~i n 1-5-Z 3-s - e -i L-e- e 2- r- s p-n

-- -e - _tsfleT isF s te 1 et rsQItDrm3 t

t i 15hetnr ]j1 cae lopt e ---- e rtnc ~ 1S rcna

fIrfpe - Pet baseoditora - - n ii t i

- mar ducni a7 ouIienes dThe proposal rom CEGR 3 n cessr r eotance eItcc ss

develop the required inforation iS to price sta-d)o~rin -ishich wi foods from both qu1itv andproposed miilet-basec

r interest 1o an otential investor as market test data which will be of

t 22

I~ u ~ ~- t c -i iaA a~~

fo tn ranzahelSstanbewe

o7 A e2) S e n 17nTe tirt d n

ne_ le s uc

4= P2 nn p e -a CTAnd -2 5 L-estinc ee c 3

-1-tees1ehiav r raenM L n u n

e - n _ -- - n - l = - z

22- _ _ ~~~~~~~~~1 U - - -

rjc -_i n utdvlpmrcommunicaions etltn heffectiv fd he a recompletio n nd r~IlAb-uto beoh-orniecompleted nd h arke t ri -f -It= n F enetc

re po ty o - 1 a r esi il ech in z Cwi be necessary o - esu -4ceffectiverlose 1oa

1 - r an -Y n S

- - - - o- - e - ch - an

-ITS-3- ---- I-




5 a 9 t awis - s suoOr-e a9Own shyf -- 4-rviue-_-rit--s 2neaged in sucn -- r

-cnsumerD has as


v Ineest s r - m r s t 5C eshy

3 n~ - I ns -Lo ressecn s n7

a more omple-esellprodct to a more convincingngs o- nre which ontri)ut_hnow the f actors shybe made sIiowin- Such a frank ases should [hepresent projectf These have been overcome in

_ - - 4- i n- -isiness will enhance the

r - 1ater ] ed r e ct

marne est will-ruereSiltit- nSon Sbi y nemp1r3c rbull e

seC9- 11 -tore L 1 -1D

-222-n-~32~ rI yhn n n forstnnMenSe jor te _ eo

e tappedis availaia to product-h miarket f the proectis th-- the qualitypaper assumptionto be aeded1eDoj_ casssthon needsa-ronse to to induce a potential investor

wi11 be high enougn -- ow nali1 -ng ofin soalso reachIethe

tap the market and tor Senegaltie necessaryf_s nd

4 or to dsef-sffciency

Sc j -- r-3

bull 77- -bull-

~ tes~o e ra gt inGZ-$ -~

n r the irae7o ~~~~ c-z e_~~~~~~cz

m 7te-

-issig the projectr nThese W4-L gie brief asr er s -n -e e o u s _i ins-er sn

A r -4r e s s - gt

I s e e t-d i h s d r r ers r s J rwctee -f7

Z r i S-s a=u7 L~ DO -VSOr -i pound 2

- - 1 ie abcut ten c t-weive months - r d-o u z h -3to

the h acin s na sin ne e n -I n

n1 rod S7 1 e-21opmenSna at

to rice andflour with stabiltty equalrin andof the decorticated -ii]le 33)

heat flour i Mav 33) Stability testing in chosen packages (June

md high relative

temperaturetile stIDLLt testing iinder highContinuation of

umidizv (July 3)

_-_-7 -_e e~d -gtfl-1 lZ -_ Y i z- - _ hn tn ne

- artr li -- it tn - r n e

hat in plastic bagsand arlae leels suchITA reduced xmsecEntolet r at

life the fr gt~ ie keen-ne v 33n ibenc a ef

t iDnThetoheav g -AZD re- flD] - - mLr-- -r

these products

new productsInstant zauscous - weaning food shy2 Product development shy

Testing the quality of millet and development of prototypes (April 33)

(May 83) Product Products development and organoleptic evaluation

improvement based on results of evaluation (June 83) Stability testing of

chosen products in chosen oackages July 33)

an tne aoratar been maceprototes naveA u2er _ new 7r aduct butter nc peanut

These include instant couscous Weaning food powderscale food of mied

irink ( MBoun MBourake (a snack r r-es aoutter e i

4 l anese ongty tne - uIno oeinuts and s-ar n n i aretzeC Ot


Dv - - e2 i nS ausc us hdi aeen t a a

tr e -_D n -7 --

t D]--e lnt c_

- -asarIenIornerssnuvn to s-me in osi akacks ~--te _stant ouscous as neen stabiit tested

li 3 5 -u~~~~ 1Z l rlS- r a shy- 4 o e -7

d i_ C Th _ei_O n a

- S D o i

i 7

- r crn rcduc

n SS 2 ctaofnls nas

t~~ f -nput from c tractor for the

not - b-e q se-se si lcr s with snec ric rarios or

-e es arI-et -owever - e r

-- shou d o c r o

h irm t do --he studvo 0

n ta _n t - tests with tilerm

S r Be o-een n or h es- Mv

5 e -n --nL 7 hC d ere me tioned-rd h - e -Zu r1r s n m

tgtEStSro- -s 3rn -- tr Ze Ce -

-and astent couscousn e te prcdcuctsLsrun wt Iashes se-aete now appears toplacement -ests

The first larger scale consumer testing for its beginning

be celaved until September or O-tber -

planned and executedfar seem to be wellThe focus group tests run thus

ained will be of rien te f r 7e Dr

r in Ars M2 - s 7 orooc

3 and Mr RogernBGI tled-- e er- mar ts Sys i- e1 market infor ation if it isive the desired r (] nsultant houla

- - eins tar -o )nlv the personnc of CEGIR but also c-

A a e o take trear pains to fulfill bullheir parts of theh-i

and commitment wil beCommunicationst a I

One as receivedSupply Study Final report (May 33)

5 millet This will have to be redone but fortunately its

uselessOctober 33 which is

execution (or lack thereof) does not hold up any other project stages except

thL final feasibility study

test market and 6 Process Engineerin atudy Produce products for the

Ma 33 Prepare preiminary process flow delivery to distribution out3ets

Df equipment for producton (January 3)of products ano choice

oroiect headiuig has vet been one of the wor Cnvisaed -nder m-is

r aertain equipment ae 2LL0iin I sense acquisitin renuller satCgtaczmolisned test mar-ret ri~o~on O~enIet2 retdr-nla DroGcA[t or

f tne Process eniuieerd aeni1- 1L h rearn- s

- -- - ] ~ l

f J lt- - - 1-- l_ 7-e a


itF al 2 t ra e o= i e at tpoundC 2 l 12ff1 - reoao[ t otisnec

is reso1ed nc re aenchmark av

- - - - - - - -

_ _ e ccvr seci -li - S f~ i e r as

Z1 r4 nf~5~~shy-~

or nt t e-he DeS t LZ


-_s rsf -- oZt hih- iivorkz rtherthn

ur-a de]ays have come in three reas input andzrausings ect orebleD uni2 De-tehia and fanacement-typerobie-s

s oneGOS procrement esint e se o

1 2t1r ane-It -vTs ned tar re)

Mp bull -uoried

nd~ f aru S e r eXu inte toacmsrEAl i-e~ 4 reuctant toa t

- CFAkc and farmers ereSa ane armate criae

-n - I iiLLL e in ar i -C h r a o

ne_ e _ fi-i +

a FA bua VA as a zern ent at tKe Tar con zhe en re

en s i ed t iiaL channels anl turOhase triCC

EquipmentAnother delav w7as experienced in dealing with GOS customs

project was exempted from customs Yet even ordered from overseas for the

once it had arrived there was often a several weeks wait before the customs -=izer~~ terd ~~Ue Dhc~e Dor raeasin1itrt -

t m-rP15 = s -_ s s

an o5- as thst each and everyr-nistie - ne cr ane conseuencCs

uraase Drcer must be approved bv the GOS Finance Office before it can be

-e tnouan money In-s TA s approvec budget he deavs due to even te

IERST the MMinistry over 77A) is ar-na t get tne reci-tape are aavious

z so that the s tts hance to an industrial and zemmercial -aenc

and -A can Tcve Torebe after-the-factFinance Office control will

day-to-day requirementsexpeditiousy in meeting its

go throughstudoies USAIDiITA mustfor the variousFor finding contractors After approval process which has caused difficulties

and delays a two-level

and receiving of proposals the judgements the initial public anlnnouncements

Comite de Selection This are taken before the GOS

of the project managers types The4 to 2 financial vs technical

committee as weighted about

to spend as little money as possibie ith little regard majority concern is

the conctract for the technical competence of the competitors tor

to the technicaldehich is satisfactarce moooaen acf a choice tacs CA -u e provebcontingent of Th2

a se S aweenE He7 r2Commission ataonaie cid must be- d Ie ewS osthst Lrnthe aesire far -he

n - 2-cer~ -_2 emer

- ne

ac Uzsitztn were Tcnt -nea r-- r


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 3: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT










This mid-term evaluatin of the Millet Transr-rma-~n -cj=-c 3 0iSOrO)

addresses technical and marketi aspects of the ezfrt eping in mind thar

the final product of -he project s easibilitv An-a-s -1 he zr nt1-rDsemanufacturingriarketin financ- -sect 6ie-aseC

inesor sch an eneroriieThe customer for the analysis is I ia

The bias of the evaluator is that of a technical person (hD in

Biochemistry) with over 20 years experience in executing and managing food

product development projects in major US companies His outlook is o get

a) well b) without wasting resources ) on ime the job done


A Input - Output Assumptions Availability of USAID and GOS and Title

and retain satisfactory personnelIII funding Ability of ITA to attract

Funding has not -n any Dar-iular hi rr-le_there were some shy

the source of runds for specific areas these have beenmisunderstandings about

resolved and no delays have been experienced due to funding iTA has had

a) red-tape delaying hiring b) reluctance ofpersonnel problems due to

people to accept limited-term employment c) relatively low pay d) limited

pool of technically-qualified people from whom to draw

Scudy -nd =__cal) methodologies are3) Out-ut-uruose AssumDtions e -er O e -Duadequate -hi raczers rcrm n

communications and manage ___ ski- s) have wcr- is

in applying available technologies

Market potential is realizable anC) Purccse - Goal-Assumptions Not assessable at this point but these entrepreneur will implement the plan

assumptions rest on ne qualizy of the market test and on he abiliv of he

Feasibility Study (a quality-dependent factor) to convince an entrepreneur to

invest money in a millet-based food enterprise


at roughly the May-July 1983 milestonesA At this point the project is

envisioned in the work plan elaborated shortly after the Resident Advisor began

his tenure

B Delays were experienced in certain aspects of input acquisition

to carry out studies Tenotably in getting technicall-competent contractors

poorly executed and will have to be redone TheMillet Supply study was Research Study contraczr was -z mished nselection of a comDetent arke-

months behind _cheduie

__ a _ ) t h e r L-n u s C 1 4- _ a ee-ate_

- e c - - n est ar-In ooDi na ec n - deLavec

-- --s n e areas )f etaid a- - n


S e-o planni ratioenal-ize -=u Tae

zes now o scar he rest o ne inout sci s ne- -r ne pr ec e e r- e f he e-i2- and -si- 7

in-erms 7 ne -


in ter-is of rb n euccassful aqnmen cf nis projects-- Stc a cbabili ra one r--cn

s--czass and hree trcdus dae-r - 7t na -nilet flour Is- 1 i=5 successvi

the other orduczs in orosress are udced is hvinz LOw Trbabilities ofAl ac2 snifican -ribions z A -nincin Fi2-2 Anagtsis within

- _ m-e n sa nsshy

success If twohe overall oroec is seen as having a medium zhance of

or three of the products achieve a successful test market the technical goal

will be met If the studies envisioned (millet supply market test previous

studies plant location and financial analysis) are properly monitored andcase well executed the Feasibility Analysis should be of high quality The ability

grinn e nd rrad -nvestr e--4 ---------------------------------------rr _ -----------S _~-~5~


Redo the iaLt S3pp y stuay

2 institue a case study on previous attempts -c -mmerciaiiie millet

in Senegal arid reasons for failuretransformation products

3 Begin the process immediately of selecting contractors for all studies

still to be done to ensure completion before the scheduled end date of the


B Planning

1 Apply ERT netork piInnig to The e-hiad execution of the market

-2st Develoo detailed wrien a~reemens w ne market test contractor

- r~az r- n ~ -- zn ~~ n

e i-elt-e - s h r- -- - i

for the the Resident Acvisor and present technical personnel


-r se it -A tho equiptmen tther-- c-uo Entoiet)ri

- e oresent rect


r t iniee he uroses

in n- withr -A and -n -i- te re cu It-

x_een- uInc - zover the recommenced extension or time

T 2 -

~ --xie=se-_- -- f r - - - D e s

I An estmazin Df the )rDbabiiit of success for each state of the e n i icz a DPLsume r m-a r e t ts and )ve ral

the future zonduc- f the Droject to bring mncin re$z-rding

- ms t e that-e i se outined

the PIOT (1) all the points listed in the Scope7e f reference ofterms

- i e-L e


h ---- - iv r ~ in - i _ his cln i Z- ef shy

u~s - -e _es~nfli ofl - 23j e- n - - z-Ir5~

3 ie OI s etrom one stec to inerth rogress

- - bull

~j~ca ssis-alc

USAID le XII millet sorzhum

pro je- advisors and services

LP -30 Title III funds

for local costs Assumotions OS Droductorocess development

acilitie s and -ersonnel at ITA Avaa lit- )f SAID and GOS nd Title 7- uning

Ability of 17A o attract and

retain satisfactory personnel

o ri-s nd attitudes study

rouctrocess leveloment moreprogram generating one or

transformed millet products validation of consumer acceptability

Marketing and distribution study

Millet supply study -n cation study AssumDtions

7T Ficv

metnodologies are acequate to

provide reasonably significantPurDose results in admittedly difficult

and uncertain areasacceptabilityEstablish a) cultural

b) technical feasibility

c) economic viability

for production and sale of transformed

millet foods Develop a manutacturingmarketing

financial plan to help attract Assumptionsinvestment capital which will suppot

a venture to make ane sell The market potential is transformed millet foods

substantial and realizable

Annual volume wil be ca

50000 tons by 1995-2005Goal

An entrepreneur or public

hnat Senegals balance of enterprise will uccessfullyemons rate

-he olan 7avren3 n -ereal 2roducon -an be imDlement

imoroved b oarial (ca 1O

- ac eme - bull Dearrs


rS rL e- - Dar c 0a -

e t a cr a t - oe~ - m~t o ns re r - - t h e

= - -nnci-7 r= -in nc--ern o f Se mum

nc -ee

- o r shy-st= a n rcas carntrac3 have eeni Driaed with a minimrti ela

tie the - --- men 7he _- i f _zncs far

-shy- C S- 7e~~~-

Advisor s oca support ack -r 1rama porovi ar the oresent itle l1

caused deiavs in execution at theD0) these have notneratln budet bu

v0L reOu raa

e the Project Paper the agreement~e eeaur the pranec s ner 2) and

in rI S a

hnn had -ms rcr-ti-eg sattszt1Vh- yr tecnnil ersonnel far tIe raiect

a e__T ra_ nr]an ehirig -rcpoundess aln -Lt- ]D tO--i

onths ece-arova to hire an approDriate person or a rcsiion

) eople with adequate training and experience are reluctant to accept

ie lacking promise for long-termpositions with a lin7tez duration project

stability of employment

relatively Iaw-Daving leading to morale - Positions at ITA he Ieen as

s -- caressei a-reczent Zcvernmentai ratment ree--

A In general the pool of technical human resources is relatively

-o rapid turnover f ersonnei -n theAll a ehese factor3 nave led

project as ell less-than-optimun manning of vaDie positions As an - as

the original Pioject Coordinator proved to be unsatisfactor after a -anple removed because no technicallshy

-aw months n the job but he could not be

iualified replacement was available until recently The change was made 1


a whole does not support efficient utilization of inputsThe system as

Delegation of authority downwards is not encouraged Management practices at

but this requires a re-orientaton --- _4i z TA could be mproved (12)

the - - S everyone concerned (from the Minister of MERST down to

a-vis responsibility and authority Presently every decision a an

consequence requires the concurrence an- signature of Dr Dusmaaea -ne-e

Direotor of the institute Then he i ot available because

tctSa t gte raeca impLmentati n zcr-a i

A- - -- 2 2r V27

5CeeT-- bull gt


- - - -



n- c n e a


a S S UMDn m - _- uz r e Z2e Csu Ot-5tS--er -- [ _


t - -rDc3 e S-L t- aac

-D - f a -- eSE -yh ssumptian -e s n s CI-a--c- s I -i- -= en

nl~~ ~~- e2 Io 7 r -e~~rrlt- ri 1) --n d4


r tahe projecte riurose-ti d -

anisestartsnl someinstanfces et e nav e-n -a e )ee-n - n-er o xer =C f IcG a and

l no-T2hes - af nirma Lenc flannt P - l

- bullTe nz-Anne D o a su ed th ed d a ona t ei rc shyl- - ---shyle o n r s5 t e -c - -- -efi5 p l on o i c

- pro es d lDen c at-work WOe tak uic was a

in tc- ututoisUiLti e vas s en bull i mens

f the newproducrtductaC-n to the requie o

ie2ozITirneltve_--ini t

-n l g shy-2s -

r-tc-e--f-h-me e s

n no--t-e

() andfrom Exkerice Inc 6 1a The 7echnical Poloosal

and Annex D thenssumed oinror the progtoct (s6) both

reast ime-scaled oITA equintJnedea oue takeoLace at nment work tta ohange in projectdoveo oJ suoortduct process o foreign institutional---- en should maximizeprojectdesin that D or re a ht a- - a g s weac o tinao c tIDe=-oro T-- e is -shyk n h --in m

h e itw- o uld see -_2 --- - - -D- - - --- - -T shyt -- - -- - - - ----- - shy

a uoor imit af-hange veud he hie

-r=c rs in --r~fuch a r - a aoe a m


e fr cri~a-ner ee - _ bull e shy

ste oanel 7-_e - -7C 3 i -__-ain

the in making the decision to change

seem thateverthe~ss it would the new product77ento the requirements of hnical canabilities of ITA relative

The level of knowledge of

elooment projects planned were overestimated producttne specific newthe leader or

real technoiegy required of t~e equipment needed to as the 3 0 pr~istication of

andas wellelcnneint oroects he personneliuite high and csiities ts bull gtit tae arei itecas

tne project plan weretime trame orII wihn ne

e equipment avaiiable ta

af the new orodrctr-cess eveiopments enrvsioned

he iemandst t t--

- 2 D e _ _ shy

--- r r

e e _ gs e n xim r-= ent5 c_-h e -6 so-e2cs l~ e5 5 - - -- -e hi -7 _ t i f r7e

_ s i Jz_-_- i-t-_r---r- - ---

if i -

bull_ -- shy

t tG rc 2v -

7 Ke e erza~rt r - i t -


e r e s Ln f rin t i ntudv

n-w~ en~ r a S~i n 1-5-Z 3-s - e -i L-e- e 2- r- s p-n

-- -e - _tsfleT isF s te 1 et rsQItDrm3 t

t i 15hetnr ]j1 cae lopt e ---- e rtnc ~ 1S rcna

fIrfpe - Pet baseoditora - - n ii t i

- mar ducni a7 ouIienes dThe proposal rom CEGR 3 n cessr r eotance eItcc ss

develop the required inforation iS to price sta-d)o~rin -ishich wi foods from both qu1itv andproposed miilet-basec

r interest 1o an otential investor as market test data which will be of

t 22

I~ u ~ ~- t c -i iaA a~~

fo tn ranzahelSstanbewe

o7 A e2) S e n 17nTe tirt d n

ne_ le s uc

4= P2 nn p e -a CTAnd -2 5 L-estinc ee c 3

-1-tees1ehiav r raenM L n u n

e - n _ -- - n - l = - z

22- _ _ ~~~~~~~~~1 U - - -

rjc -_i n utdvlpmrcommunicaions etltn heffectiv fd he a recompletio n nd r~IlAb-uto beoh-orniecompleted nd h arke t ri -f -It= n F enetc

re po ty o - 1 a r esi il ech in z Cwi be necessary o - esu -4ceffectiverlose 1oa

1 - r an -Y n S

- - - - o- - e - ch - an

-ITS-3- ---- I-




5 a 9 t awis - s suoOr-e a9Own shyf -- 4-rviue-_-rit--s 2neaged in sucn -- r

-cnsumerD has as


v Ineest s r - m r s t 5C eshy

3 n~ - I ns -Lo ressecn s n7

a more omple-esellprodct to a more convincingngs o- nre which ontri)ut_hnow the f actors shybe made sIiowin- Such a frank ases should [hepresent projectf These have been overcome in

_ - - 4- i n- -isiness will enhance the

r - 1ater ] ed r e ct

marne est will-ruereSiltit- nSon Sbi y nemp1r3c rbull e

seC9- 11 -tore L 1 -1D

-222-n-~32~ rI yhn n n forstnnMenSe jor te _ eo

e tappedis availaia to product-h miarket f the proectis th-- the qualitypaper assumptionto be aeded1eDoj_ casssthon needsa-ronse to to induce a potential investor

wi11 be high enougn -- ow nali1 -ng ofin soalso reachIethe

tap the market and tor Senegaltie necessaryf_s nd

4 or to dsef-sffciency

Sc j -- r-3

bull 77- -bull-

~ tes~o e ra gt inGZ-$ -~

n r the irae7o ~~~~ c-z e_~~~~~~cz

m 7te-

-issig the projectr nThese W4-L gie brief asr er s -n -e e o u s _i ins-er sn

A r -4r e s s - gt

I s e e t-d i h s d r r ers r s J rwctee -f7

Z r i S-s a=u7 L~ DO -VSOr -i pound 2

- - 1 ie abcut ten c t-weive months - r d-o u z h -3to

the h acin s na sin ne e n -I n

n1 rod S7 1 e-21opmenSna at

to rice andflour with stabiltty equalrin andof the decorticated -ii]le 33)

heat flour i Mav 33) Stability testing in chosen packages (June

md high relative

temperaturetile stIDLLt testing iinder highContinuation of

umidizv (July 3)

_-_-7 -_e e~d -gtfl-1 lZ -_ Y i z- - _ hn tn ne

- artr li -- it tn - r n e

hat in plastic bagsand arlae leels suchITA reduced xmsecEntolet r at

life the fr gt~ ie keen-ne v 33n ibenc a ef

t iDnThetoheav g -AZD re- flD] - - mLr-- -r

these products

new productsInstant zauscous - weaning food shy2 Product development shy

Testing the quality of millet and development of prototypes (April 33)

(May 83) Product Products development and organoleptic evaluation

improvement based on results of evaluation (June 83) Stability testing of

chosen products in chosen oackages July 33)

an tne aoratar been maceprototes naveA u2er _ new 7r aduct butter nc peanut

These include instant couscous Weaning food powderscale food of mied

irink ( MBoun MBourake (a snack r r-es aoutter e i

4 l anese ongty tne - uIno oeinuts and s-ar n n i aretzeC Ot


Dv - - e2 i nS ausc us hdi aeen t a a

tr e -_D n -7 --

t D]--e lnt c_

- -asarIenIornerssnuvn to s-me in osi akacks ~--te _stant ouscous as neen stabiit tested

li 3 5 -u~~~~ 1Z l rlS- r a shy- 4 o e -7

d i_ C Th _ei_O n a

- S D o i

i 7

- r crn rcduc

n SS 2 ctaofnls nas

t~~ f -nput from c tractor for the

not - b-e q se-se si lcr s with snec ric rarios or

-e es arI-et -owever - e r

-- shou d o c r o

h irm t do --he studvo 0

n ta _n t - tests with tilerm

S r Be o-een n or h es- Mv

5 e -n --nL 7 hC d ere me tioned-rd h - e -Zu r1r s n m

tgtEStSro- -s 3rn -- tr Ze Ce -

-and astent couscousn e te prcdcuctsLsrun wt Iashes se-aete now appears toplacement -ests

The first larger scale consumer testing for its beginning

be celaved until September or O-tber -

planned and executedfar seem to be wellThe focus group tests run thus

ained will be of rien te f r 7e Dr

r in Ars M2 - s 7 orooc

3 and Mr RogernBGI tled-- e er- mar ts Sys i- e1 market infor ation if it isive the desired r (] nsultant houla

- - eins tar -o )nlv the personnc of CEGIR but also c-

A a e o take trear pains to fulfill bullheir parts of theh-i

and commitment wil beCommunicationst a I

One as receivedSupply Study Final report (May 33)

5 millet This will have to be redone but fortunately its

uselessOctober 33 which is

execution (or lack thereof) does not hold up any other project stages except

thL final feasibility study

test market and 6 Process Engineerin atudy Produce products for the

Ma 33 Prepare preiminary process flow delivery to distribution out3ets

Df equipment for producton (January 3)of products ano choice

oroiect headiuig has vet been one of the wor Cnvisaed -nder m-is

r aertain equipment ae 2LL0iin I sense acquisitin renuller satCgtaczmolisned test mar-ret ri~o~on O~enIet2 retdr-nla DroGcA[t or

f tne Process eniuieerd aeni1- 1L h rearn- s

- -- - ] ~ l

f J lt- - - 1-- l_ 7-e a


itF al 2 t ra e o= i e at tpoundC 2 l 12ff1 - reoao[ t otisnec

is reso1ed nc re aenchmark av

- - - - - - - -

_ _ e ccvr seci -li - S f~ i e r as

Z1 r4 nf~5~~shy-~

or nt t e-he DeS t LZ


-_s rsf -- oZt hih- iivorkz rtherthn

ur-a de]ays have come in three reas input andzrausings ect orebleD uni2 De-tehia and fanacement-typerobie-s

s oneGOS procrement esint e se o

1 2t1r ane-It -vTs ned tar re)

Mp bull -uoried

nd~ f aru S e r eXu inte toacmsrEAl i-e~ 4 reuctant toa t

- CFAkc and farmers ereSa ane armate criae

-n - I iiLLL e in ar i -C h r a o

ne_ e _ fi-i +

a FA bua VA as a zern ent at tKe Tar con zhe en re

en s i ed t iiaL channels anl turOhase triCC

EquipmentAnother delav w7as experienced in dealing with GOS customs

project was exempted from customs Yet even ordered from overseas for the

once it had arrived there was often a several weeks wait before the customs -=izer~~ terd ~~Ue Dhc~e Dor raeasin1itrt -

t m-rP15 = s -_ s s

an o5- as thst each and everyr-nistie - ne cr ane conseuencCs

uraase Drcer must be approved bv the GOS Finance Office before it can be

-e tnouan money In-s TA s approvec budget he deavs due to even te

IERST the MMinistry over 77A) is ar-na t get tne reci-tape are aavious

z so that the s tts hance to an industrial and zemmercial -aenc

and -A can Tcve Torebe after-the-factFinance Office control will

day-to-day requirementsexpeditiousy in meeting its

go throughstudoies USAIDiITA mustfor the variousFor finding contractors After approval process which has caused difficulties

and delays a two-level

and receiving of proposals the judgements the initial public anlnnouncements

Comite de Selection This are taken before the GOS

of the project managers types The4 to 2 financial vs technical

committee as weighted about

to spend as little money as possibie ith little regard majority concern is

the conctract for the technical competence of the competitors tor

to the technicaldehich is satisfactarce moooaen acf a choice tacs CA -u e provebcontingent of Th2

a se S aweenE He7 r2Commission ataonaie cid must be- d Ie ewS osthst Lrnthe aesire far -he

n - 2-cer~ -_2 emer

- ne

ac Uzsitztn were Tcnt -nea r-- r


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 4: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT

This mid-term evaluatin of the Millet Transr-rma-~n -cj=-c 3 0iSOrO)

addresses technical and marketi aspects of the ezfrt eping in mind thar

the final product of -he project s easibilitv An-a-s -1 he zr nt1-rDsemanufacturingriarketin financ- -sect 6ie-aseC

inesor sch an eneroriieThe customer for the analysis is I ia

The bias of the evaluator is that of a technical person (hD in

Biochemistry) with over 20 years experience in executing and managing food

product development projects in major US companies His outlook is o get

a) well b) without wasting resources ) on ime the job done


A Input - Output Assumptions Availability of USAID and GOS and Title

and retain satisfactory personnelIII funding Ability of ITA to attract

Funding has not -n any Dar-iular hi rr-le_there were some shy

the source of runds for specific areas these have beenmisunderstandings about

resolved and no delays have been experienced due to funding iTA has had

a) red-tape delaying hiring b) reluctance ofpersonnel problems due to

people to accept limited-term employment c) relatively low pay d) limited

pool of technically-qualified people from whom to draw

Scudy -nd =__cal) methodologies are3) Out-ut-uruose AssumDtions e -er O e -Duadequate -hi raczers rcrm n

communications and manage ___ ski- s) have wcr- is

in applying available technologies

Market potential is realizable anC) Purccse - Goal-Assumptions Not assessable at this point but these entrepreneur will implement the plan

assumptions rest on ne qualizy of the market test and on he abiliv of he

Feasibility Study (a quality-dependent factor) to convince an entrepreneur to

invest money in a millet-based food enterprise


at roughly the May-July 1983 milestonesA At this point the project is

envisioned in the work plan elaborated shortly after the Resident Advisor began

his tenure

B Delays were experienced in certain aspects of input acquisition

to carry out studies Tenotably in getting technicall-competent contractors

poorly executed and will have to be redone TheMillet Supply study was Research Study contraczr was -z mished nselection of a comDetent arke-

months behind _cheduie

__ a _ ) t h e r L-n u s C 1 4- _ a ee-ate_

- e c - - n est ar-In ooDi na ec n - deLavec

-- --s n e areas )f etaid a- - n


S e-o planni ratioenal-ize -=u Tae

zes now o scar he rest o ne inout sci s ne- -r ne pr ec e e r- e f he e-i2- and -si- 7

in-erms 7 ne -


in ter-is of rb n euccassful aqnmen cf nis projects-- Stc a cbabili ra one r--cn

s--czass and hree trcdus dae-r - 7t na -nilet flour Is- 1 i=5 successvi

the other orduczs in orosress are udced is hvinz LOw Trbabilities ofAl ac2 snifican -ribions z A -nincin Fi2-2 Anagtsis within

- _ m-e n sa nsshy

success If twohe overall oroec is seen as having a medium zhance of

or three of the products achieve a successful test market the technical goal

will be met If the studies envisioned (millet supply market test previous

studies plant location and financial analysis) are properly monitored andcase well executed the Feasibility Analysis should be of high quality The ability

grinn e nd rrad -nvestr e--4 ---------------------------------------rr _ -----------S _~-~5~


Redo the iaLt S3pp y stuay

2 institue a case study on previous attempts -c -mmerciaiiie millet

in Senegal arid reasons for failuretransformation products

3 Begin the process immediately of selecting contractors for all studies

still to be done to ensure completion before the scheduled end date of the


B Planning

1 Apply ERT netork piInnig to The e-hiad execution of the market

-2st Develoo detailed wrien a~reemens w ne market test contractor

- r~az r- n ~ -- zn ~~ n

e i-elt-e - s h r- -- - i

for the the Resident Acvisor and present technical personnel


-r se it -A tho equiptmen tther-- c-uo Entoiet)ri

- e oresent rect


r t iniee he uroses

in n- withr -A and -n -i- te re cu It-

x_een- uInc - zover the recommenced extension or time

T 2 -

~ --xie=se-_- -- f r - - - D e s

I An estmazin Df the )rDbabiiit of success for each state of the e n i icz a DPLsume r m-a r e t ts and )ve ral

the future zonduc- f the Droject to bring mncin re$z-rding

- ms t e that-e i se outined

the PIOT (1) all the points listed in the Scope7e f reference ofterms

- i e-L e


h ---- - iv r ~ in - i _ his cln i Z- ef shy

u~s - -e _es~nfli ofl - 23j e- n - - z-Ir5~

3 ie OI s etrom one stec to inerth rogress

- - bull

~j~ca ssis-alc

USAID le XII millet sorzhum

pro je- advisors and services

LP -30 Title III funds

for local costs Assumotions OS Droductorocess development

acilitie s and -ersonnel at ITA Avaa lit- )f SAID and GOS nd Title 7- uning

Ability of 17A o attract and

retain satisfactory personnel

o ri-s nd attitudes study

rouctrocess leveloment moreprogram generating one or

transformed millet products validation of consumer acceptability

Marketing and distribution study

Millet supply study -n cation study AssumDtions

7T Ficv

metnodologies are acequate to

provide reasonably significantPurDose results in admittedly difficult

and uncertain areasacceptabilityEstablish a) cultural

b) technical feasibility

c) economic viability

for production and sale of transformed

millet foods Develop a manutacturingmarketing

financial plan to help attract Assumptionsinvestment capital which will suppot

a venture to make ane sell The market potential is transformed millet foods

substantial and realizable

Annual volume wil be ca

50000 tons by 1995-2005Goal

An entrepreneur or public

hnat Senegals balance of enterprise will uccessfullyemons rate

-he olan 7avren3 n -ereal 2roducon -an be imDlement

imoroved b oarial (ca 1O

- ac eme - bull Dearrs


rS rL e- - Dar c 0a -

e t a cr a t - oe~ - m~t o ns re r - - t h e

= - -nnci-7 r= -in nc--ern o f Se mum

nc -ee

- o r shy-st= a n rcas carntrac3 have eeni Driaed with a minimrti ela

tie the - --- men 7he _- i f _zncs far

-shy- C S- 7e~~~-

Advisor s oca support ack -r 1rama porovi ar the oresent itle l1

caused deiavs in execution at theD0) these have notneratln budet bu

v0L reOu raa

e the Project Paper the agreement~e eeaur the pranec s ner 2) and

in rI S a

hnn had -ms rcr-ti-eg sattszt1Vh- yr tecnnil ersonnel far tIe raiect

a e__T ra_ nr]an ehirig -rcpoundess aln -Lt- ]D tO--i

onths ece-arova to hire an approDriate person or a rcsiion

) eople with adequate training and experience are reluctant to accept

ie lacking promise for long-termpositions with a lin7tez duration project

stability of employment

relatively Iaw-Daving leading to morale - Positions at ITA he Ieen as

s -- caressei a-reczent Zcvernmentai ratment ree--

A In general the pool of technical human resources is relatively

-o rapid turnover f ersonnei -n theAll a ehese factor3 nave led

project as ell less-than-optimun manning of vaDie positions As an - as

the original Pioject Coordinator proved to be unsatisfactor after a -anple removed because no technicallshy

-aw months n the job but he could not be

iualified replacement was available until recently The change was made 1


a whole does not support efficient utilization of inputsThe system as

Delegation of authority downwards is not encouraged Management practices at

but this requires a re-orientaton --- _4i z TA could be mproved (12)

the - - S everyone concerned (from the Minister of MERST down to

a-vis responsibility and authority Presently every decision a an

consequence requires the concurrence an- signature of Dr Dusmaaea -ne-e

Direotor of the institute Then he i ot available because

tctSa t gte raeca impLmentati n zcr-a i

A- - -- 2 2r V27

5CeeT-- bull gt


- - - -



n- c n e a


a S S UMDn m - _- uz r e Z2e Csu Ot-5tS--er -- [ _


t - -rDc3 e S-L t- aac

-D - f a -- eSE -yh ssumptian -e s n s CI-a--c- s I -i- -= en

nl~~ ~~- e2 Io 7 r -e~~rrlt- ri 1) --n d4


r tahe projecte riurose-ti d -

anisestartsnl someinstanfces et e nav e-n -a e )ee-n - n-er o xer =C f IcG a and

l no-T2hes - af nirma Lenc flannt P - l

- bullTe nz-Anne D o a su ed th ed d a ona t ei rc shyl- - ---shyle o n r s5 t e -c - -- -efi5 p l on o i c

- pro es d lDen c at-work WOe tak uic was a

in tc- ututoisUiLti e vas s en bull i mens

f the newproducrtductaC-n to the requie o

ie2ozITirneltve_--ini t

-n l g shy-2s -

r-tc-e--f-h-me e s

n no--t-e

() andfrom Exkerice Inc 6 1a The 7echnical Poloosal

and Annex D thenssumed oinror the progtoct (s6) both

reast ime-scaled oITA equintJnedea oue takeoLace at nment work tta ohange in projectdoveo oJ suoortduct process o foreign institutional---- en should maximizeprojectdesin that D or re a ht a- - a g s weac o tinao c tIDe=-oro T-- e is -shyk n h --in m

h e itw- o uld see -_2 --- - - -D- - - --- - -T shyt -- - -- - - - ----- - shy

a uoor imit af-hange veud he hie

-r=c rs in --r~fuch a r - a aoe a m


e fr cri~a-ner ee - _ bull e shy

ste oanel 7-_e - -7C 3 i -__-ain

the in making the decision to change

seem thateverthe~ss it would the new product77ento the requirements of hnical canabilities of ITA relative

The level of knowledge of

elooment projects planned were overestimated producttne specific newthe leader or

real technoiegy required of t~e equipment needed to as the 3 0 pr~istication of

andas wellelcnneint oroects he personneliuite high and csiities ts bull gtit tae arei itecas

tne project plan weretime trame orII wihn ne

e equipment avaiiable ta

af the new orodrctr-cess eveiopments enrvsioned

he iemandst t t--

- 2 D e _ _ shy

--- r r

e e _ gs e n xim r-= ent5 c_-h e -6 so-e2cs l~ e5 5 - - -- -e hi -7 _ t i f r7e

_ s i Jz_-_- i-t-_r---r- - ---

if i -

bull_ -- shy

t tG rc 2v -

7 Ke e erza~rt r - i t -


e r e s Ln f rin t i ntudv

n-w~ en~ r a S~i n 1-5-Z 3-s - e -i L-e- e 2- r- s p-n

-- -e - _tsfleT isF s te 1 et rsQItDrm3 t

t i 15hetnr ]j1 cae lopt e ---- e rtnc ~ 1S rcna

fIrfpe - Pet baseoditora - - n ii t i

- mar ducni a7 ouIienes dThe proposal rom CEGR 3 n cessr r eotance eItcc ss

develop the required inforation iS to price sta-d)o~rin -ishich wi foods from both qu1itv andproposed miilet-basec

r interest 1o an otential investor as market test data which will be of

t 22

I~ u ~ ~- t c -i iaA a~~

fo tn ranzahelSstanbewe

o7 A e2) S e n 17nTe tirt d n

ne_ le s uc

4= P2 nn p e -a CTAnd -2 5 L-estinc ee c 3

-1-tees1ehiav r raenM L n u n

e - n _ -- - n - l = - z

22- _ _ ~~~~~~~~~1 U - - -

rjc -_i n utdvlpmrcommunicaions etltn heffectiv fd he a recompletio n nd r~IlAb-uto beoh-orniecompleted nd h arke t ri -f -It= n F enetc

re po ty o - 1 a r esi il ech in z Cwi be necessary o - esu -4ceffectiverlose 1oa

1 - r an -Y n S

- - - - o- - e - ch - an

-ITS-3- ---- I-




5 a 9 t awis - s suoOr-e a9Own shyf -- 4-rviue-_-rit--s 2neaged in sucn -- r

-cnsumerD has as


v Ineest s r - m r s t 5C eshy

3 n~ - I ns -Lo ressecn s n7

a more omple-esellprodct to a more convincingngs o- nre which ontri)ut_hnow the f actors shybe made sIiowin- Such a frank ases should [hepresent projectf These have been overcome in

_ - - 4- i n- -isiness will enhance the

r - 1ater ] ed r e ct

marne est will-ruereSiltit- nSon Sbi y nemp1r3c rbull e

seC9- 11 -tore L 1 -1D

-222-n-~32~ rI yhn n n forstnnMenSe jor te _ eo

e tappedis availaia to product-h miarket f the proectis th-- the qualitypaper assumptionto be aeded1eDoj_ casssthon needsa-ronse to to induce a potential investor

wi11 be high enougn -- ow nali1 -ng ofin soalso reachIethe

tap the market and tor Senegaltie necessaryf_s nd

4 or to dsef-sffciency

Sc j -- r-3

bull 77- -bull-

~ tes~o e ra gt inGZ-$ -~

n r the irae7o ~~~~ c-z e_~~~~~~cz

m 7te-

-issig the projectr nThese W4-L gie brief asr er s -n -e e o u s _i ins-er sn

A r -4r e s s - gt

I s e e t-d i h s d r r ers r s J rwctee -f7

Z r i S-s a=u7 L~ DO -VSOr -i pound 2

- - 1 ie abcut ten c t-weive months - r d-o u z h -3to

the h acin s na sin ne e n -I n

n1 rod S7 1 e-21opmenSna at

to rice andflour with stabiltty equalrin andof the decorticated -ii]le 33)

heat flour i Mav 33) Stability testing in chosen packages (June

md high relative

temperaturetile stIDLLt testing iinder highContinuation of

umidizv (July 3)

_-_-7 -_e e~d -gtfl-1 lZ -_ Y i z- - _ hn tn ne

- artr li -- it tn - r n e

hat in plastic bagsand arlae leels suchITA reduced xmsecEntolet r at

life the fr gt~ ie keen-ne v 33n ibenc a ef

t iDnThetoheav g -AZD re- flD] - - mLr-- -r

these products

new productsInstant zauscous - weaning food shy2 Product development shy

Testing the quality of millet and development of prototypes (April 33)

(May 83) Product Products development and organoleptic evaluation

improvement based on results of evaluation (June 83) Stability testing of

chosen products in chosen oackages July 33)

an tne aoratar been maceprototes naveA u2er _ new 7r aduct butter nc peanut

These include instant couscous Weaning food powderscale food of mied

irink ( MBoun MBourake (a snack r r-es aoutter e i

4 l anese ongty tne - uIno oeinuts and s-ar n n i aretzeC Ot


Dv - - e2 i nS ausc us hdi aeen t a a

tr e -_D n -7 --

t D]--e lnt c_

- -asarIenIornerssnuvn to s-me in osi akacks ~--te _stant ouscous as neen stabiit tested

li 3 5 -u~~~~ 1Z l rlS- r a shy- 4 o e -7

d i_ C Th _ei_O n a

- S D o i

i 7

- r crn rcduc

n SS 2 ctaofnls nas

t~~ f -nput from c tractor for the

not - b-e q se-se si lcr s with snec ric rarios or

-e es arI-et -owever - e r

-- shou d o c r o

h irm t do --he studvo 0

n ta _n t - tests with tilerm

S r Be o-een n or h es- Mv

5 e -n --nL 7 hC d ere me tioned-rd h - e -Zu r1r s n m

tgtEStSro- -s 3rn -- tr Ze Ce -

-and astent couscousn e te prcdcuctsLsrun wt Iashes se-aete now appears toplacement -ests

The first larger scale consumer testing for its beginning

be celaved until September or O-tber -

planned and executedfar seem to be wellThe focus group tests run thus

ained will be of rien te f r 7e Dr

r in Ars M2 - s 7 orooc

3 and Mr RogernBGI tled-- e er- mar ts Sys i- e1 market infor ation if it isive the desired r (] nsultant houla

- - eins tar -o )nlv the personnc of CEGIR but also c-

A a e o take trear pains to fulfill bullheir parts of theh-i

and commitment wil beCommunicationst a I

One as receivedSupply Study Final report (May 33)

5 millet This will have to be redone but fortunately its

uselessOctober 33 which is

execution (or lack thereof) does not hold up any other project stages except

thL final feasibility study

test market and 6 Process Engineerin atudy Produce products for the

Ma 33 Prepare preiminary process flow delivery to distribution out3ets

Df equipment for producton (January 3)of products ano choice

oroiect headiuig has vet been one of the wor Cnvisaed -nder m-is

r aertain equipment ae 2LL0iin I sense acquisitin renuller satCgtaczmolisned test mar-ret ri~o~on O~enIet2 retdr-nla DroGcA[t or

f tne Process eniuieerd aeni1- 1L h rearn- s

- -- - ] ~ l

f J lt- - - 1-- l_ 7-e a


itF al 2 t ra e o= i e at tpoundC 2 l 12ff1 - reoao[ t otisnec

is reso1ed nc re aenchmark av

- - - - - - - -

_ _ e ccvr seci -li - S f~ i e r as

Z1 r4 nf~5~~shy-~

or nt t e-he DeS t LZ


-_s rsf -- oZt hih- iivorkz rtherthn

ur-a de]ays have come in three reas input andzrausings ect orebleD uni2 De-tehia and fanacement-typerobie-s

s oneGOS procrement esint e se o

1 2t1r ane-It -vTs ned tar re)

Mp bull -uoried

nd~ f aru S e r eXu inte toacmsrEAl i-e~ 4 reuctant toa t

- CFAkc and farmers ereSa ane armate criae

-n - I iiLLL e in ar i -C h r a o

ne_ e _ fi-i +

a FA bua VA as a zern ent at tKe Tar con zhe en re

en s i ed t iiaL channels anl turOhase triCC

EquipmentAnother delav w7as experienced in dealing with GOS customs

project was exempted from customs Yet even ordered from overseas for the

once it had arrived there was often a several weeks wait before the customs -=izer~~ terd ~~Ue Dhc~e Dor raeasin1itrt -

t m-rP15 = s -_ s s

an o5- as thst each and everyr-nistie - ne cr ane conseuencCs

uraase Drcer must be approved bv the GOS Finance Office before it can be

-e tnouan money In-s TA s approvec budget he deavs due to even te

IERST the MMinistry over 77A) is ar-na t get tne reci-tape are aavious

z so that the s tts hance to an industrial and zemmercial -aenc

and -A can Tcve Torebe after-the-factFinance Office control will

day-to-day requirementsexpeditiousy in meeting its

go throughstudoies USAIDiITA mustfor the variousFor finding contractors After approval process which has caused difficulties

and delays a two-level

and receiving of proposals the judgements the initial public anlnnouncements

Comite de Selection This are taken before the GOS

of the project managers types The4 to 2 financial vs technical

committee as weighted about

to spend as little money as possibie ith little regard majority concern is

the conctract for the technical competence of the competitors tor

to the technicaldehich is satisfactarce moooaen acf a choice tacs CA -u e provebcontingent of Th2

a se S aweenE He7 r2Commission ataonaie cid must be- d Ie ewS osthst Lrnthe aesire far -he

n - 2-cer~ -_2 emer

- ne

ac Uzsitztn were Tcnt -nea r-- r


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 5: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT

-- --s n e areas )f etaid a- - n


S e-o planni ratioenal-ize -=u Tae

zes now o scar he rest o ne inout sci s ne- -r ne pr ec e e r- e f he e-i2- and -si- 7

in-erms 7 ne -


in ter-is of rb n euccassful aqnmen cf nis projects-- Stc a cbabili ra one r--cn

s--czass and hree trcdus dae-r - 7t na -nilet flour Is- 1 i=5 successvi

the other orduczs in orosress are udced is hvinz LOw Trbabilities ofAl ac2 snifican -ribions z A -nincin Fi2-2 Anagtsis within

- _ m-e n sa nsshy

success If twohe overall oroec is seen as having a medium zhance of

or three of the products achieve a successful test market the technical goal

will be met If the studies envisioned (millet supply market test previous

studies plant location and financial analysis) are properly monitored andcase well executed the Feasibility Analysis should be of high quality The ability

grinn e nd rrad -nvestr e--4 ---------------------------------------rr _ -----------S _~-~5~


Redo the iaLt S3pp y stuay

2 institue a case study on previous attempts -c -mmerciaiiie millet

in Senegal arid reasons for failuretransformation products

3 Begin the process immediately of selecting contractors for all studies

still to be done to ensure completion before the scheduled end date of the


B Planning

1 Apply ERT netork piInnig to The e-hiad execution of the market

-2st Develoo detailed wrien a~reemens w ne market test contractor

- r~az r- n ~ -- zn ~~ n

e i-elt-e - s h r- -- - i

for the the Resident Acvisor and present technical personnel


-r se it -A tho equiptmen tther-- c-uo Entoiet)ri

- e oresent rect


r t iniee he uroses

in n- withr -A and -n -i- te re cu It-

x_een- uInc - zover the recommenced extension or time

T 2 -

~ --xie=se-_- -- f r - - - D e s

I An estmazin Df the )rDbabiiit of success for each state of the e n i icz a DPLsume r m-a r e t ts and )ve ral

the future zonduc- f the Droject to bring mncin re$z-rding

- ms t e that-e i se outined

the PIOT (1) all the points listed in the Scope7e f reference ofterms

- i e-L e


h ---- - iv r ~ in - i _ his cln i Z- ef shy

u~s - -e _es~nfli ofl - 23j e- n - - z-Ir5~

3 ie OI s etrom one stec to inerth rogress

- - bull

~j~ca ssis-alc

USAID le XII millet sorzhum

pro je- advisors and services

LP -30 Title III funds

for local costs Assumotions OS Droductorocess development

acilitie s and -ersonnel at ITA Avaa lit- )f SAID and GOS nd Title 7- uning

Ability of 17A o attract and

retain satisfactory personnel

o ri-s nd attitudes study

rouctrocess leveloment moreprogram generating one or

transformed millet products validation of consumer acceptability

Marketing and distribution study

Millet supply study -n cation study AssumDtions

7T Ficv

metnodologies are acequate to

provide reasonably significantPurDose results in admittedly difficult

and uncertain areasacceptabilityEstablish a) cultural

b) technical feasibility

c) economic viability

for production and sale of transformed

millet foods Develop a manutacturingmarketing

financial plan to help attract Assumptionsinvestment capital which will suppot

a venture to make ane sell The market potential is transformed millet foods

substantial and realizable

Annual volume wil be ca

50000 tons by 1995-2005Goal

An entrepreneur or public

hnat Senegals balance of enterprise will uccessfullyemons rate

-he olan 7avren3 n -ereal 2roducon -an be imDlement

imoroved b oarial (ca 1O

- ac eme - bull Dearrs


rS rL e- - Dar c 0a -

e t a cr a t - oe~ - m~t o ns re r - - t h e

= - -nnci-7 r= -in nc--ern o f Se mum

nc -ee

- o r shy-st= a n rcas carntrac3 have eeni Driaed with a minimrti ela

tie the - --- men 7he _- i f _zncs far

-shy- C S- 7e~~~-

Advisor s oca support ack -r 1rama porovi ar the oresent itle l1

caused deiavs in execution at theD0) these have notneratln budet bu

v0L reOu raa

e the Project Paper the agreement~e eeaur the pranec s ner 2) and

in rI S a

hnn had -ms rcr-ti-eg sattszt1Vh- yr tecnnil ersonnel far tIe raiect

a e__T ra_ nr]an ehirig -rcpoundess aln -Lt- ]D tO--i

onths ece-arova to hire an approDriate person or a rcsiion

) eople with adequate training and experience are reluctant to accept

ie lacking promise for long-termpositions with a lin7tez duration project

stability of employment

relatively Iaw-Daving leading to morale - Positions at ITA he Ieen as

s -- caressei a-reczent Zcvernmentai ratment ree--

A In general the pool of technical human resources is relatively

-o rapid turnover f ersonnei -n theAll a ehese factor3 nave led

project as ell less-than-optimun manning of vaDie positions As an - as

the original Pioject Coordinator proved to be unsatisfactor after a -anple removed because no technicallshy

-aw months n the job but he could not be

iualified replacement was available until recently The change was made 1


a whole does not support efficient utilization of inputsThe system as

Delegation of authority downwards is not encouraged Management practices at

but this requires a re-orientaton --- _4i z TA could be mproved (12)

the - - S everyone concerned (from the Minister of MERST down to

a-vis responsibility and authority Presently every decision a an

consequence requires the concurrence an- signature of Dr Dusmaaea -ne-e

Direotor of the institute Then he i ot available because

tctSa t gte raeca impLmentati n zcr-a i

A- - -- 2 2r V27

5CeeT-- bull gt


- - - -



n- c n e a


a S S UMDn m - _- uz r e Z2e Csu Ot-5tS--er -- [ _


t - -rDc3 e S-L t- aac

-D - f a -- eSE -yh ssumptian -e s n s CI-a--c- s I -i- -= en

nl~~ ~~- e2 Io 7 r -e~~rrlt- ri 1) --n d4


r tahe projecte riurose-ti d -

anisestartsnl someinstanfces et e nav e-n -a e )ee-n - n-er o xer =C f IcG a and

l no-T2hes - af nirma Lenc flannt P - l

- bullTe nz-Anne D o a su ed th ed d a ona t ei rc shyl- - ---shyle o n r s5 t e -c - -- -efi5 p l on o i c

- pro es d lDen c at-work WOe tak uic was a

in tc- ututoisUiLti e vas s en bull i mens

f the newproducrtductaC-n to the requie o

ie2ozITirneltve_--ini t

-n l g shy-2s -

r-tc-e--f-h-me e s

n no--t-e

() andfrom Exkerice Inc 6 1a The 7echnical Poloosal

and Annex D thenssumed oinror the progtoct (s6) both

reast ime-scaled oITA equintJnedea oue takeoLace at nment work tta ohange in projectdoveo oJ suoortduct process o foreign institutional---- en should maximizeprojectdesin that D or re a ht a- - a g s weac o tinao c tIDe=-oro T-- e is -shyk n h --in m

h e itw- o uld see -_2 --- - - -D- - - --- - -T shyt -- - -- - - - ----- - shy

a uoor imit af-hange veud he hie

-r=c rs in --r~fuch a r - a aoe a m


e fr cri~a-ner ee - _ bull e shy

ste oanel 7-_e - -7C 3 i -__-ain

the in making the decision to change

seem thateverthe~ss it would the new product77ento the requirements of hnical canabilities of ITA relative

The level of knowledge of

elooment projects planned were overestimated producttne specific newthe leader or

real technoiegy required of t~e equipment needed to as the 3 0 pr~istication of

andas wellelcnneint oroects he personneliuite high and csiities ts bull gtit tae arei itecas

tne project plan weretime trame orII wihn ne

e equipment avaiiable ta

af the new orodrctr-cess eveiopments enrvsioned

he iemandst t t--

- 2 D e _ _ shy

--- r r

e e _ gs e n xim r-= ent5 c_-h e -6 so-e2cs l~ e5 5 - - -- -e hi -7 _ t i f r7e

_ s i Jz_-_- i-t-_r---r- - ---

if i -

bull_ -- shy

t tG rc 2v -

7 Ke e erza~rt r - i t -


e r e s Ln f rin t i ntudv

n-w~ en~ r a S~i n 1-5-Z 3-s - e -i L-e- e 2- r- s p-n

-- -e - _tsfleT isF s te 1 et rsQItDrm3 t

t i 15hetnr ]j1 cae lopt e ---- e rtnc ~ 1S rcna

fIrfpe - Pet baseoditora - - n ii t i

- mar ducni a7 ouIienes dThe proposal rom CEGR 3 n cessr r eotance eItcc ss

develop the required inforation iS to price sta-d)o~rin -ishich wi foods from both qu1itv andproposed miilet-basec

r interest 1o an otential investor as market test data which will be of

t 22

I~ u ~ ~- t c -i iaA a~~

fo tn ranzahelSstanbewe

o7 A e2) S e n 17nTe tirt d n

ne_ le s uc

4= P2 nn p e -a CTAnd -2 5 L-estinc ee c 3

-1-tees1ehiav r raenM L n u n

e - n _ -- - n - l = - z

22- _ _ ~~~~~~~~~1 U - - -

rjc -_i n utdvlpmrcommunicaions etltn heffectiv fd he a recompletio n nd r~IlAb-uto beoh-orniecompleted nd h arke t ri -f -It= n F enetc

re po ty o - 1 a r esi il ech in z Cwi be necessary o - esu -4ceffectiverlose 1oa

1 - r an -Y n S

- - - - o- - e - ch - an

-ITS-3- ---- I-




5 a 9 t awis - s suoOr-e a9Own shyf -- 4-rviue-_-rit--s 2neaged in sucn -- r

-cnsumerD has as


v Ineest s r - m r s t 5C eshy

3 n~ - I ns -Lo ressecn s n7

a more omple-esellprodct to a more convincingngs o- nre which ontri)ut_hnow the f actors shybe made sIiowin- Such a frank ases should [hepresent projectf These have been overcome in

_ - - 4- i n- -isiness will enhance the

r - 1ater ] ed r e ct

marne est will-ruereSiltit- nSon Sbi y nemp1r3c rbull e

seC9- 11 -tore L 1 -1D

-222-n-~32~ rI yhn n n forstnnMenSe jor te _ eo

e tappedis availaia to product-h miarket f the proectis th-- the qualitypaper assumptionto be aeded1eDoj_ casssthon needsa-ronse to to induce a potential investor

wi11 be high enougn -- ow nali1 -ng ofin soalso reachIethe

tap the market and tor Senegaltie necessaryf_s nd

4 or to dsef-sffciency

Sc j -- r-3

bull 77- -bull-

~ tes~o e ra gt inGZ-$ -~

n r the irae7o ~~~~ c-z e_~~~~~~cz

m 7te-

-issig the projectr nThese W4-L gie brief asr er s -n -e e o u s _i ins-er sn

A r -4r e s s - gt

I s e e t-d i h s d r r ers r s J rwctee -f7

Z r i S-s a=u7 L~ DO -VSOr -i pound 2

- - 1 ie abcut ten c t-weive months - r d-o u z h -3to

the h acin s na sin ne e n -I n

n1 rod S7 1 e-21opmenSna at

to rice andflour with stabiltty equalrin andof the decorticated -ii]le 33)

heat flour i Mav 33) Stability testing in chosen packages (June

md high relative

temperaturetile stIDLLt testing iinder highContinuation of

umidizv (July 3)

_-_-7 -_e e~d -gtfl-1 lZ -_ Y i z- - _ hn tn ne

- artr li -- it tn - r n e

hat in plastic bagsand arlae leels suchITA reduced xmsecEntolet r at

life the fr gt~ ie keen-ne v 33n ibenc a ef

t iDnThetoheav g -AZD re- flD] - - mLr-- -r

these products

new productsInstant zauscous - weaning food shy2 Product development shy

Testing the quality of millet and development of prototypes (April 33)

(May 83) Product Products development and organoleptic evaluation

improvement based on results of evaluation (June 83) Stability testing of

chosen products in chosen oackages July 33)

an tne aoratar been maceprototes naveA u2er _ new 7r aduct butter nc peanut

These include instant couscous Weaning food powderscale food of mied

irink ( MBoun MBourake (a snack r r-es aoutter e i

4 l anese ongty tne - uIno oeinuts and s-ar n n i aretzeC Ot


Dv - - e2 i nS ausc us hdi aeen t a a

tr e -_D n -7 --

t D]--e lnt c_

- -asarIenIornerssnuvn to s-me in osi akacks ~--te _stant ouscous as neen stabiit tested

li 3 5 -u~~~~ 1Z l rlS- r a shy- 4 o e -7

d i_ C Th _ei_O n a

- S D o i

i 7

- r crn rcduc

n SS 2 ctaofnls nas

t~~ f -nput from c tractor for the

not - b-e q se-se si lcr s with snec ric rarios or

-e es arI-et -owever - e r

-- shou d o c r o

h irm t do --he studvo 0

n ta _n t - tests with tilerm

S r Be o-een n or h es- Mv

5 e -n --nL 7 hC d ere me tioned-rd h - e -Zu r1r s n m

tgtEStSro- -s 3rn -- tr Ze Ce -

-and astent couscousn e te prcdcuctsLsrun wt Iashes se-aete now appears toplacement -ests

The first larger scale consumer testing for its beginning

be celaved until September or O-tber -

planned and executedfar seem to be wellThe focus group tests run thus

ained will be of rien te f r 7e Dr

r in Ars M2 - s 7 orooc

3 and Mr RogernBGI tled-- e er- mar ts Sys i- e1 market infor ation if it isive the desired r (] nsultant houla

- - eins tar -o )nlv the personnc of CEGIR but also c-

A a e o take trear pains to fulfill bullheir parts of theh-i

and commitment wil beCommunicationst a I

One as receivedSupply Study Final report (May 33)

5 millet This will have to be redone but fortunately its

uselessOctober 33 which is

execution (or lack thereof) does not hold up any other project stages except

thL final feasibility study

test market and 6 Process Engineerin atudy Produce products for the

Ma 33 Prepare preiminary process flow delivery to distribution out3ets

Df equipment for producton (January 3)of products ano choice

oroiect headiuig has vet been one of the wor Cnvisaed -nder m-is

r aertain equipment ae 2LL0iin I sense acquisitin renuller satCgtaczmolisned test mar-ret ri~o~on O~enIet2 retdr-nla DroGcA[t or

f tne Process eniuieerd aeni1- 1L h rearn- s

- -- - ] ~ l

f J lt- - - 1-- l_ 7-e a


itF al 2 t ra e o= i e at tpoundC 2 l 12ff1 - reoao[ t otisnec

is reso1ed nc re aenchmark av

- - - - - - - -

_ _ e ccvr seci -li - S f~ i e r as

Z1 r4 nf~5~~shy-~

or nt t e-he DeS t LZ


-_s rsf -- oZt hih- iivorkz rtherthn

ur-a de]ays have come in three reas input andzrausings ect orebleD uni2 De-tehia and fanacement-typerobie-s

s oneGOS procrement esint e se o

1 2t1r ane-It -vTs ned tar re)

Mp bull -uoried

nd~ f aru S e r eXu inte toacmsrEAl i-e~ 4 reuctant toa t

- CFAkc and farmers ereSa ane armate criae

-n - I iiLLL e in ar i -C h r a o

ne_ e _ fi-i +

a FA bua VA as a zern ent at tKe Tar con zhe en re

en s i ed t iiaL channels anl turOhase triCC

EquipmentAnother delav w7as experienced in dealing with GOS customs

project was exempted from customs Yet even ordered from overseas for the

once it had arrived there was often a several weeks wait before the customs -=izer~~ terd ~~Ue Dhc~e Dor raeasin1itrt -

t m-rP15 = s -_ s s

an o5- as thst each and everyr-nistie - ne cr ane conseuencCs

uraase Drcer must be approved bv the GOS Finance Office before it can be

-e tnouan money In-s TA s approvec budget he deavs due to even te

IERST the MMinistry over 77A) is ar-na t get tne reci-tape are aavious

z so that the s tts hance to an industrial and zemmercial -aenc

and -A can Tcve Torebe after-the-factFinance Office control will

day-to-day requirementsexpeditiousy in meeting its

go throughstudoies USAIDiITA mustfor the variousFor finding contractors After approval process which has caused difficulties

and delays a two-level

and receiving of proposals the judgements the initial public anlnnouncements

Comite de Selection This are taken before the GOS

of the project managers types The4 to 2 financial vs technical

committee as weighted about

to spend as little money as possibie ith little regard majority concern is

the conctract for the technical competence of the competitors tor

to the technicaldehich is satisfactarce moooaen acf a choice tacs CA -u e provebcontingent of Th2

a se S aweenE He7 r2Commission ataonaie cid must be- d Ie ewS osthst Lrnthe aesire far -he

n - 2-cer~ -_2 emer

- ne

ac Uzsitztn were Tcnt -nea r-- r


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 6: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT

e i-elt-e - s h r- -- - i

for the the Resident Acvisor and present technical personnel


-r se it -A tho equiptmen tther-- c-uo Entoiet)ri

- e oresent rect


r t iniee he uroses

in n- withr -A and -n -i- te re cu It-

x_een- uInc - zover the recommenced extension or time

T 2 -

~ --xie=se-_- -- f r - - - D e s

I An estmazin Df the )rDbabiiit of success for each state of the e n i icz a DPLsume r m-a r e t ts and )ve ral

the future zonduc- f the Droject to bring mncin re$z-rding

- ms t e that-e i se outined

the PIOT (1) all the points listed in the Scope7e f reference ofterms

- i e-L e


h ---- - iv r ~ in - i _ his cln i Z- ef shy

u~s - -e _es~nfli ofl - 23j e- n - - z-Ir5~

3 ie OI s etrom one stec to inerth rogress

- - bull

~j~ca ssis-alc

USAID le XII millet sorzhum

pro je- advisors and services

LP -30 Title III funds

for local costs Assumotions OS Droductorocess development

acilitie s and -ersonnel at ITA Avaa lit- )f SAID and GOS nd Title 7- uning

Ability of 17A o attract and

retain satisfactory personnel

o ri-s nd attitudes study

rouctrocess leveloment moreprogram generating one or

transformed millet products validation of consumer acceptability

Marketing and distribution study

Millet supply study -n cation study AssumDtions

7T Ficv

metnodologies are acequate to

provide reasonably significantPurDose results in admittedly difficult

and uncertain areasacceptabilityEstablish a) cultural

b) technical feasibility

c) economic viability

for production and sale of transformed

millet foods Develop a manutacturingmarketing

financial plan to help attract Assumptionsinvestment capital which will suppot

a venture to make ane sell The market potential is transformed millet foods

substantial and realizable

Annual volume wil be ca

50000 tons by 1995-2005Goal

An entrepreneur or public

hnat Senegals balance of enterprise will uccessfullyemons rate

-he olan 7avren3 n -ereal 2roducon -an be imDlement

imoroved b oarial (ca 1O

- ac eme - bull Dearrs


rS rL e- - Dar c 0a -

e t a cr a t - oe~ - m~t o ns re r - - t h e

= - -nnci-7 r= -in nc--ern o f Se mum

nc -ee

- o r shy-st= a n rcas carntrac3 have eeni Driaed with a minimrti ela

tie the - --- men 7he _- i f _zncs far

-shy- C S- 7e~~~-

Advisor s oca support ack -r 1rama porovi ar the oresent itle l1

caused deiavs in execution at theD0) these have notneratln budet bu

v0L reOu raa

e the Project Paper the agreement~e eeaur the pranec s ner 2) and

in rI S a

hnn had -ms rcr-ti-eg sattszt1Vh- yr tecnnil ersonnel far tIe raiect

a e__T ra_ nr]an ehirig -rcpoundess aln -Lt- ]D tO--i

onths ece-arova to hire an approDriate person or a rcsiion

) eople with adequate training and experience are reluctant to accept

ie lacking promise for long-termpositions with a lin7tez duration project

stability of employment

relatively Iaw-Daving leading to morale - Positions at ITA he Ieen as

s -- caressei a-reczent Zcvernmentai ratment ree--

A In general the pool of technical human resources is relatively

-o rapid turnover f ersonnei -n theAll a ehese factor3 nave led

project as ell less-than-optimun manning of vaDie positions As an - as

the original Pioject Coordinator proved to be unsatisfactor after a -anple removed because no technicallshy

-aw months n the job but he could not be

iualified replacement was available until recently The change was made 1


a whole does not support efficient utilization of inputsThe system as

Delegation of authority downwards is not encouraged Management practices at

but this requires a re-orientaton --- _4i z TA could be mproved (12)

the - - S everyone concerned (from the Minister of MERST down to

a-vis responsibility and authority Presently every decision a an

consequence requires the concurrence an- signature of Dr Dusmaaea -ne-e

Direotor of the institute Then he i ot available because

tctSa t gte raeca impLmentati n zcr-a i

A- - -- 2 2r V27

5CeeT-- bull gt


- - - -



n- c n e a


a S S UMDn m - _- uz r e Z2e Csu Ot-5tS--er -- [ _


t - -rDc3 e S-L t- aac

-D - f a -- eSE -yh ssumptian -e s n s CI-a--c- s I -i- -= en

nl~~ ~~- e2 Io 7 r -e~~rrlt- ri 1) --n d4


r tahe projecte riurose-ti d -

anisestartsnl someinstanfces et e nav e-n -a e )ee-n - n-er o xer =C f IcG a and

l no-T2hes - af nirma Lenc flannt P - l

- bullTe nz-Anne D o a su ed th ed d a ona t ei rc shyl- - ---shyle o n r s5 t e -c - -- -efi5 p l on o i c

- pro es d lDen c at-work WOe tak uic was a

in tc- ututoisUiLti e vas s en bull i mens

f the newproducrtductaC-n to the requie o

ie2ozITirneltve_--ini t

-n l g shy-2s -

r-tc-e--f-h-me e s

n no--t-e

() andfrom Exkerice Inc 6 1a The 7echnical Poloosal

and Annex D thenssumed oinror the progtoct (s6) both

reast ime-scaled oITA equintJnedea oue takeoLace at nment work tta ohange in projectdoveo oJ suoortduct process o foreign institutional---- en should maximizeprojectdesin that D or re a ht a- - a g s weac o tinao c tIDe=-oro T-- e is -shyk n h --in m

h e itw- o uld see -_2 --- - - -D- - - --- - -T shyt -- - -- - - - ----- - shy

a uoor imit af-hange veud he hie

-r=c rs in --r~fuch a r - a aoe a m


e fr cri~a-ner ee - _ bull e shy

ste oanel 7-_e - -7C 3 i -__-ain

the in making the decision to change

seem thateverthe~ss it would the new product77ento the requirements of hnical canabilities of ITA relative

The level of knowledge of

elooment projects planned were overestimated producttne specific newthe leader or

real technoiegy required of t~e equipment needed to as the 3 0 pr~istication of

andas wellelcnneint oroects he personneliuite high and csiities ts bull gtit tae arei itecas

tne project plan weretime trame orII wihn ne

e equipment avaiiable ta

af the new orodrctr-cess eveiopments enrvsioned

he iemandst t t--

- 2 D e _ _ shy

--- r r

e e _ gs e n xim r-= ent5 c_-h e -6 so-e2cs l~ e5 5 - - -- -e hi -7 _ t i f r7e

_ s i Jz_-_- i-t-_r---r- - ---

if i -

bull_ -- shy

t tG rc 2v -

7 Ke e erza~rt r - i t -


e r e s Ln f rin t i ntudv

n-w~ en~ r a S~i n 1-5-Z 3-s - e -i L-e- e 2- r- s p-n

-- -e - _tsfleT isF s te 1 et rsQItDrm3 t

t i 15hetnr ]j1 cae lopt e ---- e rtnc ~ 1S rcna

fIrfpe - Pet baseoditora - - n ii t i

- mar ducni a7 ouIienes dThe proposal rom CEGR 3 n cessr r eotance eItcc ss

develop the required inforation iS to price sta-d)o~rin -ishich wi foods from both qu1itv andproposed miilet-basec

r interest 1o an otential investor as market test data which will be of

t 22

I~ u ~ ~- t c -i iaA a~~

fo tn ranzahelSstanbewe

o7 A e2) S e n 17nTe tirt d n

ne_ le s uc

4= P2 nn p e -a CTAnd -2 5 L-estinc ee c 3

-1-tees1ehiav r raenM L n u n

e - n _ -- - n - l = - z

22- _ _ ~~~~~~~~~1 U - - -

rjc -_i n utdvlpmrcommunicaions etltn heffectiv fd he a recompletio n nd r~IlAb-uto beoh-orniecompleted nd h arke t ri -f -It= n F enetc

re po ty o - 1 a r esi il ech in z Cwi be necessary o - esu -4ceffectiverlose 1oa

1 - r an -Y n S

- - - - o- - e - ch - an

-ITS-3- ---- I-




5 a 9 t awis - s suoOr-e a9Own shyf -- 4-rviue-_-rit--s 2neaged in sucn -- r

-cnsumerD has as


v Ineest s r - m r s t 5C eshy

3 n~ - I ns -Lo ressecn s n7

a more omple-esellprodct to a more convincingngs o- nre which ontri)ut_hnow the f actors shybe made sIiowin- Such a frank ases should [hepresent projectf These have been overcome in

_ - - 4- i n- -isiness will enhance the

r - 1ater ] ed r e ct

marne est will-ruereSiltit- nSon Sbi y nemp1r3c rbull e

seC9- 11 -tore L 1 -1D

-222-n-~32~ rI yhn n n forstnnMenSe jor te _ eo

e tappedis availaia to product-h miarket f the proectis th-- the qualitypaper assumptionto be aeded1eDoj_ casssthon needsa-ronse to to induce a potential investor

wi11 be high enougn -- ow nali1 -ng ofin soalso reachIethe

tap the market and tor Senegaltie necessaryf_s nd

4 or to dsef-sffciency

Sc j -- r-3

bull 77- -bull-

~ tes~o e ra gt inGZ-$ -~

n r the irae7o ~~~~ c-z e_~~~~~~cz

m 7te-

-issig the projectr nThese W4-L gie brief asr er s -n -e e o u s _i ins-er sn

A r -4r e s s - gt

I s e e t-d i h s d r r ers r s J rwctee -f7

Z r i S-s a=u7 L~ DO -VSOr -i pound 2

- - 1 ie abcut ten c t-weive months - r d-o u z h -3to

the h acin s na sin ne e n -I n

n1 rod S7 1 e-21opmenSna at

to rice andflour with stabiltty equalrin andof the decorticated -ii]le 33)

heat flour i Mav 33) Stability testing in chosen packages (June

md high relative

temperaturetile stIDLLt testing iinder highContinuation of

umidizv (July 3)

_-_-7 -_e e~d -gtfl-1 lZ -_ Y i z- - _ hn tn ne

- artr li -- it tn - r n e

hat in plastic bagsand arlae leels suchITA reduced xmsecEntolet r at

life the fr gt~ ie keen-ne v 33n ibenc a ef

t iDnThetoheav g -AZD re- flD] - - mLr-- -r

these products

new productsInstant zauscous - weaning food shy2 Product development shy

Testing the quality of millet and development of prototypes (April 33)

(May 83) Product Products development and organoleptic evaluation

improvement based on results of evaluation (June 83) Stability testing of

chosen products in chosen oackages July 33)

an tne aoratar been maceprototes naveA u2er _ new 7r aduct butter nc peanut

These include instant couscous Weaning food powderscale food of mied

irink ( MBoun MBourake (a snack r r-es aoutter e i

4 l anese ongty tne - uIno oeinuts and s-ar n n i aretzeC Ot


Dv - - e2 i nS ausc us hdi aeen t a a

tr e -_D n -7 --

t D]--e lnt c_

- -asarIenIornerssnuvn to s-me in osi akacks ~--te _stant ouscous as neen stabiit tested

li 3 5 -u~~~~ 1Z l rlS- r a shy- 4 o e -7

d i_ C Th _ei_O n a

- S D o i

i 7

- r crn rcduc

n SS 2 ctaofnls nas

t~~ f -nput from c tractor for the

not - b-e q se-se si lcr s with snec ric rarios or

-e es arI-et -owever - e r

-- shou d o c r o

h irm t do --he studvo 0

n ta _n t - tests with tilerm

S r Be o-een n or h es- Mv

5 e -n --nL 7 hC d ere me tioned-rd h - e -Zu r1r s n m

tgtEStSro- -s 3rn -- tr Ze Ce -

-and astent couscousn e te prcdcuctsLsrun wt Iashes se-aete now appears toplacement -ests

The first larger scale consumer testing for its beginning

be celaved until September or O-tber -

planned and executedfar seem to be wellThe focus group tests run thus

ained will be of rien te f r 7e Dr

r in Ars M2 - s 7 orooc

3 and Mr RogernBGI tled-- e er- mar ts Sys i- e1 market infor ation if it isive the desired r (] nsultant houla

- - eins tar -o )nlv the personnc of CEGIR but also c-

A a e o take trear pains to fulfill bullheir parts of theh-i

and commitment wil beCommunicationst a I

One as receivedSupply Study Final report (May 33)

5 millet This will have to be redone but fortunately its

uselessOctober 33 which is

execution (or lack thereof) does not hold up any other project stages except

thL final feasibility study

test market and 6 Process Engineerin atudy Produce products for the

Ma 33 Prepare preiminary process flow delivery to distribution out3ets

Df equipment for producton (January 3)of products ano choice

oroiect headiuig has vet been one of the wor Cnvisaed -nder m-is

r aertain equipment ae 2LL0iin I sense acquisitin renuller satCgtaczmolisned test mar-ret ri~o~on O~enIet2 retdr-nla DroGcA[t or

f tne Process eniuieerd aeni1- 1L h rearn- s

- -- - ] ~ l

f J lt- - - 1-- l_ 7-e a


itF al 2 t ra e o= i e at tpoundC 2 l 12ff1 - reoao[ t otisnec

is reso1ed nc re aenchmark av

- - - - - - - -

_ _ e ccvr seci -li - S f~ i e r as

Z1 r4 nf~5~~shy-~

or nt t e-he DeS t LZ


-_s rsf -- oZt hih- iivorkz rtherthn

ur-a de]ays have come in three reas input andzrausings ect orebleD uni2 De-tehia and fanacement-typerobie-s

s oneGOS procrement esint e se o

1 2t1r ane-It -vTs ned tar re)

Mp bull -uoried

nd~ f aru S e r eXu inte toacmsrEAl i-e~ 4 reuctant toa t

- CFAkc and farmers ereSa ane armate criae

-n - I iiLLL e in ar i -C h r a o

ne_ e _ fi-i +

a FA bua VA as a zern ent at tKe Tar con zhe en re

en s i ed t iiaL channels anl turOhase triCC

EquipmentAnother delav w7as experienced in dealing with GOS customs

project was exempted from customs Yet even ordered from overseas for the

once it had arrived there was often a several weeks wait before the customs -=izer~~ terd ~~Ue Dhc~e Dor raeasin1itrt -

t m-rP15 = s -_ s s

an o5- as thst each and everyr-nistie - ne cr ane conseuencCs

uraase Drcer must be approved bv the GOS Finance Office before it can be

-e tnouan money In-s TA s approvec budget he deavs due to even te

IERST the MMinistry over 77A) is ar-na t get tne reci-tape are aavious

z so that the s tts hance to an industrial and zemmercial -aenc

and -A can Tcve Torebe after-the-factFinance Office control will

day-to-day requirementsexpeditiousy in meeting its

go throughstudoies USAIDiITA mustfor the variousFor finding contractors After approval process which has caused difficulties

and delays a two-level

and receiving of proposals the judgements the initial public anlnnouncements

Comite de Selection This are taken before the GOS

of the project managers types The4 to 2 financial vs technical

committee as weighted about

to spend as little money as possibie ith little regard majority concern is

the conctract for the technical competence of the competitors tor

to the technicaldehich is satisfactarce moooaen acf a choice tacs CA -u e provebcontingent of Th2

a se S aweenE He7 r2Commission ataonaie cid must be- d Ie ewS osthst Lrnthe aesire far -he

n - 2-cer~ -_2 emer

- ne

ac Uzsitztn were Tcnt -nea r-- r


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 7: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT

T 2 -

~ --xie=se-_- -- f r - - - D e s

I An estmazin Df the )rDbabiiit of success for each state of the e n i icz a DPLsume r m-a r e t ts and )ve ral

the future zonduc- f the Droject to bring mncin re$z-rding

- ms t e that-e i se outined

the PIOT (1) all the points listed in the Scope7e f reference ofterms

- i e-L e


h ---- - iv r ~ in - i _ his cln i Z- ef shy

u~s - -e _es~nfli ofl - 23j e- n - - z-Ir5~

3 ie OI s etrom one stec to inerth rogress

- - bull

~j~ca ssis-alc

USAID le XII millet sorzhum

pro je- advisors and services

LP -30 Title III funds

for local costs Assumotions OS Droductorocess development

acilitie s and -ersonnel at ITA Avaa lit- )f SAID and GOS nd Title 7- uning

Ability of 17A o attract and

retain satisfactory personnel

o ri-s nd attitudes study

rouctrocess leveloment moreprogram generating one or

transformed millet products validation of consumer acceptability

Marketing and distribution study

Millet supply study -n cation study AssumDtions

7T Ficv

metnodologies are acequate to

provide reasonably significantPurDose results in admittedly difficult

and uncertain areasacceptabilityEstablish a) cultural

b) technical feasibility

c) economic viability

for production and sale of transformed

millet foods Develop a manutacturingmarketing

financial plan to help attract Assumptionsinvestment capital which will suppot

a venture to make ane sell The market potential is transformed millet foods

substantial and realizable

Annual volume wil be ca

50000 tons by 1995-2005Goal

An entrepreneur or public

hnat Senegals balance of enterprise will uccessfullyemons rate

-he olan 7avren3 n -ereal 2roducon -an be imDlement

imoroved b oarial (ca 1O

- ac eme - bull Dearrs


rS rL e- - Dar c 0a -

e t a cr a t - oe~ - m~t o ns re r - - t h e

= - -nnci-7 r= -in nc--ern o f Se mum

nc -ee

- o r shy-st= a n rcas carntrac3 have eeni Driaed with a minimrti ela

tie the - --- men 7he _- i f _zncs far

-shy- C S- 7e~~~-

Advisor s oca support ack -r 1rama porovi ar the oresent itle l1

caused deiavs in execution at theD0) these have notneratln budet bu

v0L reOu raa

e the Project Paper the agreement~e eeaur the pranec s ner 2) and

in rI S a

hnn had -ms rcr-ti-eg sattszt1Vh- yr tecnnil ersonnel far tIe raiect

a e__T ra_ nr]an ehirig -rcpoundess aln -Lt- ]D tO--i

onths ece-arova to hire an approDriate person or a rcsiion

) eople with adequate training and experience are reluctant to accept

ie lacking promise for long-termpositions with a lin7tez duration project

stability of employment

relatively Iaw-Daving leading to morale - Positions at ITA he Ieen as

s -- caressei a-reczent Zcvernmentai ratment ree--

A In general the pool of technical human resources is relatively

-o rapid turnover f ersonnei -n theAll a ehese factor3 nave led

project as ell less-than-optimun manning of vaDie positions As an - as

the original Pioject Coordinator proved to be unsatisfactor after a -anple removed because no technicallshy

-aw months n the job but he could not be

iualified replacement was available until recently The change was made 1


a whole does not support efficient utilization of inputsThe system as

Delegation of authority downwards is not encouraged Management practices at

but this requires a re-orientaton --- _4i z TA could be mproved (12)

the - - S everyone concerned (from the Minister of MERST down to

a-vis responsibility and authority Presently every decision a an

consequence requires the concurrence an- signature of Dr Dusmaaea -ne-e

Direotor of the institute Then he i ot available because

tctSa t gte raeca impLmentati n zcr-a i

A- - -- 2 2r V27

5CeeT-- bull gt


- - - -



n- c n e a


a S S UMDn m - _- uz r e Z2e Csu Ot-5tS--er -- [ _


t - -rDc3 e S-L t- aac

-D - f a -- eSE -yh ssumptian -e s n s CI-a--c- s I -i- -= en

nl~~ ~~- e2 Io 7 r -e~~rrlt- ri 1) --n d4


r tahe projecte riurose-ti d -

anisestartsnl someinstanfces et e nav e-n -a e )ee-n - n-er o xer =C f IcG a and

l no-T2hes - af nirma Lenc flannt P - l

- bullTe nz-Anne D o a su ed th ed d a ona t ei rc shyl- - ---shyle o n r s5 t e -c - -- -efi5 p l on o i c

- pro es d lDen c at-work WOe tak uic was a

in tc- ututoisUiLti e vas s en bull i mens

f the newproducrtductaC-n to the requie o

ie2ozITirneltve_--ini t

-n l g shy-2s -

r-tc-e--f-h-me e s

n no--t-e

() andfrom Exkerice Inc 6 1a The 7echnical Poloosal

and Annex D thenssumed oinror the progtoct (s6) both

reast ime-scaled oITA equintJnedea oue takeoLace at nment work tta ohange in projectdoveo oJ suoortduct process o foreign institutional---- en should maximizeprojectdesin that D or re a ht a- - a g s weac o tinao c tIDe=-oro T-- e is -shyk n h --in m

h e itw- o uld see -_2 --- - - -D- - - --- - -T shyt -- - -- - - - ----- - shy

a uoor imit af-hange veud he hie

-r=c rs in --r~fuch a r - a aoe a m


e fr cri~a-ner ee - _ bull e shy

ste oanel 7-_e - -7C 3 i -__-ain

the in making the decision to change

seem thateverthe~ss it would the new product77ento the requirements of hnical canabilities of ITA relative

The level of knowledge of

elooment projects planned were overestimated producttne specific newthe leader or

real technoiegy required of t~e equipment needed to as the 3 0 pr~istication of

andas wellelcnneint oroects he personneliuite high and csiities ts bull gtit tae arei itecas

tne project plan weretime trame orII wihn ne

e equipment avaiiable ta

af the new orodrctr-cess eveiopments enrvsioned

he iemandst t t--

- 2 D e _ _ shy

--- r r

e e _ gs e n xim r-= ent5 c_-h e -6 so-e2cs l~ e5 5 - - -- -e hi -7 _ t i f r7e

_ s i Jz_-_- i-t-_r---r- - ---

if i -

bull_ -- shy

t tG rc 2v -

7 Ke e erza~rt r - i t -


e r e s Ln f rin t i ntudv

n-w~ en~ r a S~i n 1-5-Z 3-s - e -i L-e- e 2- r- s p-n

-- -e - _tsfleT isF s te 1 et rsQItDrm3 t

t i 15hetnr ]j1 cae lopt e ---- e rtnc ~ 1S rcna

fIrfpe - Pet baseoditora - - n ii t i

- mar ducni a7 ouIienes dThe proposal rom CEGR 3 n cessr r eotance eItcc ss

develop the required inforation iS to price sta-d)o~rin -ishich wi foods from both qu1itv andproposed miilet-basec

r interest 1o an otential investor as market test data which will be of

t 22

I~ u ~ ~- t c -i iaA a~~

fo tn ranzahelSstanbewe

o7 A e2) S e n 17nTe tirt d n

ne_ le s uc

4= P2 nn p e -a CTAnd -2 5 L-estinc ee c 3

-1-tees1ehiav r raenM L n u n

e - n _ -- - n - l = - z

22- _ _ ~~~~~~~~~1 U - - -

rjc -_i n utdvlpmrcommunicaions etltn heffectiv fd he a recompletio n nd r~IlAb-uto beoh-orniecompleted nd h arke t ri -f -It= n F enetc

re po ty o - 1 a r esi il ech in z Cwi be necessary o - esu -4ceffectiverlose 1oa

1 - r an -Y n S

- - - - o- - e - ch - an

-ITS-3- ---- I-




5 a 9 t awis - s suoOr-e a9Own shyf -- 4-rviue-_-rit--s 2neaged in sucn -- r

-cnsumerD has as


v Ineest s r - m r s t 5C eshy

3 n~ - I ns -Lo ressecn s n7

a more omple-esellprodct to a more convincingngs o- nre which ontri)ut_hnow the f actors shybe made sIiowin- Such a frank ases should [hepresent projectf These have been overcome in

_ - - 4- i n- -isiness will enhance the

r - 1ater ] ed r e ct

marne est will-ruereSiltit- nSon Sbi y nemp1r3c rbull e

seC9- 11 -tore L 1 -1D

-222-n-~32~ rI yhn n n forstnnMenSe jor te _ eo

e tappedis availaia to product-h miarket f the proectis th-- the qualitypaper assumptionto be aeded1eDoj_ casssthon needsa-ronse to to induce a potential investor

wi11 be high enougn -- ow nali1 -ng ofin soalso reachIethe

tap the market and tor Senegaltie necessaryf_s nd

4 or to dsef-sffciency

Sc j -- r-3

bull 77- -bull-

~ tes~o e ra gt inGZ-$ -~

n r the irae7o ~~~~ c-z e_~~~~~~cz

m 7te-

-issig the projectr nThese W4-L gie brief asr er s -n -e e o u s _i ins-er sn

A r -4r e s s - gt

I s e e t-d i h s d r r ers r s J rwctee -f7

Z r i S-s a=u7 L~ DO -VSOr -i pound 2

- - 1 ie abcut ten c t-weive months - r d-o u z h -3to

the h acin s na sin ne e n -I n

n1 rod S7 1 e-21opmenSna at

to rice andflour with stabiltty equalrin andof the decorticated -ii]le 33)

heat flour i Mav 33) Stability testing in chosen packages (June

md high relative

temperaturetile stIDLLt testing iinder highContinuation of

umidizv (July 3)

_-_-7 -_e e~d -gtfl-1 lZ -_ Y i z- - _ hn tn ne

- artr li -- it tn - r n e

hat in plastic bagsand arlae leels suchITA reduced xmsecEntolet r at

life the fr gt~ ie keen-ne v 33n ibenc a ef

t iDnThetoheav g -AZD re- flD] - - mLr-- -r

these products

new productsInstant zauscous - weaning food shy2 Product development shy

Testing the quality of millet and development of prototypes (April 33)

(May 83) Product Products development and organoleptic evaluation

improvement based on results of evaluation (June 83) Stability testing of

chosen products in chosen oackages July 33)

an tne aoratar been maceprototes naveA u2er _ new 7r aduct butter nc peanut

These include instant couscous Weaning food powderscale food of mied

irink ( MBoun MBourake (a snack r r-es aoutter e i

4 l anese ongty tne - uIno oeinuts and s-ar n n i aretzeC Ot


Dv - - e2 i nS ausc us hdi aeen t a a

tr e -_D n -7 --

t D]--e lnt c_

- -asarIenIornerssnuvn to s-me in osi akacks ~--te _stant ouscous as neen stabiit tested

li 3 5 -u~~~~ 1Z l rlS- r a shy- 4 o e -7

d i_ C Th _ei_O n a

- S D o i

i 7

- r crn rcduc

n SS 2 ctaofnls nas

t~~ f -nput from c tractor for the

not - b-e q se-se si lcr s with snec ric rarios or

-e es arI-et -owever - e r

-- shou d o c r o

h irm t do --he studvo 0

n ta _n t - tests with tilerm

S r Be o-een n or h es- Mv

5 e -n --nL 7 hC d ere me tioned-rd h - e -Zu r1r s n m

tgtEStSro- -s 3rn -- tr Ze Ce -

-and astent couscousn e te prcdcuctsLsrun wt Iashes se-aete now appears toplacement -ests

The first larger scale consumer testing for its beginning

be celaved until September or O-tber -

planned and executedfar seem to be wellThe focus group tests run thus

ained will be of rien te f r 7e Dr

r in Ars M2 - s 7 orooc

3 and Mr RogernBGI tled-- e er- mar ts Sys i- e1 market infor ation if it isive the desired r (] nsultant houla

- - eins tar -o )nlv the personnc of CEGIR but also c-

A a e o take trear pains to fulfill bullheir parts of theh-i

and commitment wil beCommunicationst a I

One as receivedSupply Study Final report (May 33)

5 millet This will have to be redone but fortunately its

uselessOctober 33 which is

execution (or lack thereof) does not hold up any other project stages except

thL final feasibility study

test market and 6 Process Engineerin atudy Produce products for the

Ma 33 Prepare preiminary process flow delivery to distribution out3ets

Df equipment for producton (January 3)of products ano choice

oroiect headiuig has vet been one of the wor Cnvisaed -nder m-is

r aertain equipment ae 2LL0iin I sense acquisitin renuller satCgtaczmolisned test mar-ret ri~o~on O~enIet2 retdr-nla DroGcA[t or

f tne Process eniuieerd aeni1- 1L h rearn- s

- -- - ] ~ l

f J lt- - - 1-- l_ 7-e a


itF al 2 t ra e o= i e at tpoundC 2 l 12ff1 - reoao[ t otisnec

is reso1ed nc re aenchmark av

- - - - - - - -

_ _ e ccvr seci -li - S f~ i e r as

Z1 r4 nf~5~~shy-~

or nt t e-he DeS t LZ


-_s rsf -- oZt hih- iivorkz rtherthn

ur-a de]ays have come in three reas input andzrausings ect orebleD uni2 De-tehia and fanacement-typerobie-s

s oneGOS procrement esint e se o

1 2t1r ane-It -vTs ned tar re)

Mp bull -uoried

nd~ f aru S e r eXu inte toacmsrEAl i-e~ 4 reuctant toa t

- CFAkc and farmers ereSa ane armate criae

-n - I iiLLL e in ar i -C h r a o

ne_ e _ fi-i +

a FA bua VA as a zern ent at tKe Tar con zhe en re

en s i ed t iiaL channels anl turOhase triCC

EquipmentAnother delav w7as experienced in dealing with GOS customs

project was exempted from customs Yet even ordered from overseas for the

once it had arrived there was often a several weeks wait before the customs -=izer~~ terd ~~Ue Dhc~e Dor raeasin1itrt -

t m-rP15 = s -_ s s

an o5- as thst each and everyr-nistie - ne cr ane conseuencCs

uraase Drcer must be approved bv the GOS Finance Office before it can be

-e tnouan money In-s TA s approvec budget he deavs due to even te

IERST the MMinistry over 77A) is ar-na t get tne reci-tape are aavious

z so that the s tts hance to an industrial and zemmercial -aenc

and -A can Tcve Torebe after-the-factFinance Office control will

day-to-day requirementsexpeditiousy in meeting its

go throughstudoies USAIDiITA mustfor the variousFor finding contractors After approval process which has caused difficulties

and delays a two-level

and receiving of proposals the judgements the initial public anlnnouncements

Comite de Selection This are taken before the GOS

of the project managers types The4 to 2 financial vs technical

committee as weighted about

to spend as little money as possibie ith little regard majority concern is

the conctract for the technical competence of the competitors tor

to the technicaldehich is satisfactarce moooaen acf a choice tacs CA -u e provebcontingent of Th2

a se S aweenE He7 r2Commission ataonaie cid must be- d Ie ewS osthst Lrnthe aesire far -he

n - 2-cer~ -_2 emer

- ne

ac Uzsitztn were Tcnt -nea r-- r


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 8: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT


h ---- - iv r ~ in - i _ his cln i Z- ef shy

u~s - -e _es~nfli ofl - 23j e- n - - z-Ir5~

3 ie OI s etrom one stec to inerth rogress

- - bull

~j~ca ssis-alc

USAID le XII millet sorzhum

pro je- advisors and services

LP -30 Title III funds

for local costs Assumotions OS Droductorocess development

acilitie s and -ersonnel at ITA Avaa lit- )f SAID and GOS nd Title 7- uning

Ability of 17A o attract and

retain satisfactory personnel

o ri-s nd attitudes study

rouctrocess leveloment moreprogram generating one or

transformed millet products validation of consumer acceptability

Marketing and distribution study

Millet supply study -n cation study AssumDtions

7T Ficv

metnodologies are acequate to

provide reasonably significantPurDose results in admittedly difficult

and uncertain areasacceptabilityEstablish a) cultural

b) technical feasibility

c) economic viability

for production and sale of transformed

millet foods Develop a manutacturingmarketing

financial plan to help attract Assumptionsinvestment capital which will suppot

a venture to make ane sell The market potential is transformed millet foods

substantial and realizable

Annual volume wil be ca

50000 tons by 1995-2005Goal

An entrepreneur or public

hnat Senegals balance of enterprise will uccessfullyemons rate

-he olan 7avren3 n -ereal 2roducon -an be imDlement

imoroved b oarial (ca 1O

- ac eme - bull Dearrs


rS rL e- - Dar c 0a -

e t a cr a t - oe~ - m~t o ns re r - - t h e

= - -nnci-7 r= -in nc--ern o f Se mum

nc -ee

- o r shy-st= a n rcas carntrac3 have eeni Driaed with a minimrti ela

tie the - --- men 7he _- i f _zncs far

-shy- C S- 7e~~~-

Advisor s oca support ack -r 1rama porovi ar the oresent itle l1

caused deiavs in execution at theD0) these have notneratln budet bu

v0L reOu raa

e the Project Paper the agreement~e eeaur the pranec s ner 2) and

in rI S a

hnn had -ms rcr-ti-eg sattszt1Vh- yr tecnnil ersonnel far tIe raiect

a e__T ra_ nr]an ehirig -rcpoundess aln -Lt- ]D tO--i

onths ece-arova to hire an approDriate person or a rcsiion

) eople with adequate training and experience are reluctant to accept

ie lacking promise for long-termpositions with a lin7tez duration project

stability of employment

relatively Iaw-Daving leading to morale - Positions at ITA he Ieen as

s -- caressei a-reczent Zcvernmentai ratment ree--

A In general the pool of technical human resources is relatively

-o rapid turnover f ersonnei -n theAll a ehese factor3 nave led

project as ell less-than-optimun manning of vaDie positions As an - as

the original Pioject Coordinator proved to be unsatisfactor after a -anple removed because no technicallshy

-aw months n the job but he could not be

iualified replacement was available until recently The change was made 1


a whole does not support efficient utilization of inputsThe system as

Delegation of authority downwards is not encouraged Management practices at

but this requires a re-orientaton --- _4i z TA could be mproved (12)

the - - S everyone concerned (from the Minister of MERST down to

a-vis responsibility and authority Presently every decision a an

consequence requires the concurrence an- signature of Dr Dusmaaea -ne-e

Direotor of the institute Then he i ot available because

tctSa t gte raeca impLmentati n zcr-a i

A- - -- 2 2r V27

5CeeT-- bull gt


- - - -



n- c n e a


a S S UMDn m - _- uz r e Z2e Csu Ot-5tS--er -- [ _


t - -rDc3 e S-L t- aac

-D - f a -- eSE -yh ssumptian -e s n s CI-a--c- s I -i- -= en

nl~~ ~~- e2 Io 7 r -e~~rrlt- ri 1) --n d4


r tahe projecte riurose-ti d -

anisestartsnl someinstanfces et e nav e-n -a e )ee-n - n-er o xer =C f IcG a and

l no-T2hes - af nirma Lenc flannt P - l

- bullTe nz-Anne D o a su ed th ed d a ona t ei rc shyl- - ---shyle o n r s5 t e -c - -- -efi5 p l on o i c

- pro es d lDen c at-work WOe tak uic was a

in tc- ututoisUiLti e vas s en bull i mens

f the newproducrtductaC-n to the requie o

ie2ozITirneltve_--ini t

-n l g shy-2s -

r-tc-e--f-h-me e s

n no--t-e

() andfrom Exkerice Inc 6 1a The 7echnical Poloosal

and Annex D thenssumed oinror the progtoct (s6) both

reast ime-scaled oITA equintJnedea oue takeoLace at nment work tta ohange in projectdoveo oJ suoortduct process o foreign institutional---- en should maximizeprojectdesin that D or re a ht a- - a g s weac o tinao c tIDe=-oro T-- e is -shyk n h --in m

h e itw- o uld see -_2 --- - - -D- - - --- - -T shyt -- - -- - - - ----- - shy

a uoor imit af-hange veud he hie

-r=c rs in --r~fuch a r - a aoe a m


e fr cri~a-ner ee - _ bull e shy

ste oanel 7-_e - -7C 3 i -__-ain

the in making the decision to change

seem thateverthe~ss it would the new product77ento the requirements of hnical canabilities of ITA relative

The level of knowledge of

elooment projects planned were overestimated producttne specific newthe leader or

real technoiegy required of t~e equipment needed to as the 3 0 pr~istication of

andas wellelcnneint oroects he personneliuite high and csiities ts bull gtit tae arei itecas

tne project plan weretime trame orII wihn ne

e equipment avaiiable ta

af the new orodrctr-cess eveiopments enrvsioned

he iemandst t t--

- 2 D e _ _ shy

--- r r

e e _ gs e n xim r-= ent5 c_-h e -6 so-e2cs l~ e5 5 - - -- -e hi -7 _ t i f r7e

_ s i Jz_-_- i-t-_r---r- - ---

if i -

bull_ -- shy

t tG rc 2v -

7 Ke e erza~rt r - i t -


e r e s Ln f rin t i ntudv

n-w~ en~ r a S~i n 1-5-Z 3-s - e -i L-e- e 2- r- s p-n

-- -e - _tsfleT isF s te 1 et rsQItDrm3 t

t i 15hetnr ]j1 cae lopt e ---- e rtnc ~ 1S rcna

fIrfpe - Pet baseoditora - - n ii t i

- mar ducni a7 ouIienes dThe proposal rom CEGR 3 n cessr r eotance eItcc ss

develop the required inforation iS to price sta-d)o~rin -ishich wi foods from both qu1itv andproposed miilet-basec

r interest 1o an otential investor as market test data which will be of

t 22

I~ u ~ ~- t c -i iaA a~~

fo tn ranzahelSstanbewe

o7 A e2) S e n 17nTe tirt d n

ne_ le s uc

4= P2 nn p e -a CTAnd -2 5 L-estinc ee c 3

-1-tees1ehiav r raenM L n u n

e - n _ -- - n - l = - z

22- _ _ ~~~~~~~~~1 U - - -

rjc -_i n utdvlpmrcommunicaions etltn heffectiv fd he a recompletio n nd r~IlAb-uto beoh-orniecompleted nd h arke t ri -f -It= n F enetc

re po ty o - 1 a r esi il ech in z Cwi be necessary o - esu -4ceffectiverlose 1oa

1 - r an -Y n S

- - - - o- - e - ch - an

-ITS-3- ---- I-




5 a 9 t awis - s suoOr-e a9Own shyf -- 4-rviue-_-rit--s 2neaged in sucn -- r

-cnsumerD has as


v Ineest s r - m r s t 5C eshy

3 n~ - I ns -Lo ressecn s n7

a more omple-esellprodct to a more convincingngs o- nre which ontri)ut_hnow the f actors shybe made sIiowin- Such a frank ases should [hepresent projectf These have been overcome in

_ - - 4- i n- -isiness will enhance the

r - 1ater ] ed r e ct

marne est will-ruereSiltit- nSon Sbi y nemp1r3c rbull e

seC9- 11 -tore L 1 -1D

-222-n-~32~ rI yhn n n forstnnMenSe jor te _ eo

e tappedis availaia to product-h miarket f the proectis th-- the qualitypaper assumptionto be aeded1eDoj_ casssthon needsa-ronse to to induce a potential investor

wi11 be high enougn -- ow nali1 -ng ofin soalso reachIethe

tap the market and tor Senegaltie necessaryf_s nd

4 or to dsef-sffciency

Sc j -- r-3

bull 77- -bull-

~ tes~o e ra gt inGZ-$ -~

n r the irae7o ~~~~ c-z e_~~~~~~cz

m 7te-

-issig the projectr nThese W4-L gie brief asr er s -n -e e o u s _i ins-er sn

A r -4r e s s - gt

I s e e t-d i h s d r r ers r s J rwctee -f7

Z r i S-s a=u7 L~ DO -VSOr -i pound 2

- - 1 ie abcut ten c t-weive months - r d-o u z h -3to

the h acin s na sin ne e n -I n

n1 rod S7 1 e-21opmenSna at

to rice andflour with stabiltty equalrin andof the decorticated -ii]le 33)

heat flour i Mav 33) Stability testing in chosen packages (June

md high relative

temperaturetile stIDLLt testing iinder highContinuation of

umidizv (July 3)

_-_-7 -_e e~d -gtfl-1 lZ -_ Y i z- - _ hn tn ne

- artr li -- it tn - r n e

hat in plastic bagsand arlae leels suchITA reduced xmsecEntolet r at

life the fr gt~ ie keen-ne v 33n ibenc a ef

t iDnThetoheav g -AZD re- flD] - - mLr-- -r

these products

new productsInstant zauscous - weaning food shy2 Product development shy

Testing the quality of millet and development of prototypes (April 33)

(May 83) Product Products development and organoleptic evaluation

improvement based on results of evaluation (June 83) Stability testing of

chosen products in chosen oackages July 33)

an tne aoratar been maceprototes naveA u2er _ new 7r aduct butter nc peanut

These include instant couscous Weaning food powderscale food of mied

irink ( MBoun MBourake (a snack r r-es aoutter e i

4 l anese ongty tne - uIno oeinuts and s-ar n n i aretzeC Ot


Dv - - e2 i nS ausc us hdi aeen t a a

tr e -_D n -7 --

t D]--e lnt c_

- -asarIenIornerssnuvn to s-me in osi akacks ~--te _stant ouscous as neen stabiit tested

li 3 5 -u~~~~ 1Z l rlS- r a shy- 4 o e -7

d i_ C Th _ei_O n a

- S D o i

i 7

- r crn rcduc

n SS 2 ctaofnls nas

t~~ f -nput from c tractor for the

not - b-e q se-se si lcr s with snec ric rarios or

-e es arI-et -owever - e r

-- shou d o c r o

h irm t do --he studvo 0

n ta _n t - tests with tilerm

S r Be o-een n or h es- Mv

5 e -n --nL 7 hC d ere me tioned-rd h - e -Zu r1r s n m

tgtEStSro- -s 3rn -- tr Ze Ce -

-and astent couscousn e te prcdcuctsLsrun wt Iashes se-aete now appears toplacement -ests

The first larger scale consumer testing for its beginning

be celaved until September or O-tber -

planned and executedfar seem to be wellThe focus group tests run thus

ained will be of rien te f r 7e Dr

r in Ars M2 - s 7 orooc

3 and Mr RogernBGI tled-- e er- mar ts Sys i- e1 market infor ation if it isive the desired r (] nsultant houla

- - eins tar -o )nlv the personnc of CEGIR but also c-

A a e o take trear pains to fulfill bullheir parts of theh-i

and commitment wil beCommunicationst a I

One as receivedSupply Study Final report (May 33)

5 millet This will have to be redone but fortunately its

uselessOctober 33 which is

execution (or lack thereof) does not hold up any other project stages except

thL final feasibility study

test market and 6 Process Engineerin atudy Produce products for the

Ma 33 Prepare preiminary process flow delivery to distribution out3ets

Df equipment for producton (January 3)of products ano choice

oroiect headiuig has vet been one of the wor Cnvisaed -nder m-is

r aertain equipment ae 2LL0iin I sense acquisitin renuller satCgtaczmolisned test mar-ret ri~o~on O~enIet2 retdr-nla DroGcA[t or

f tne Process eniuieerd aeni1- 1L h rearn- s

- -- - ] ~ l

f J lt- - - 1-- l_ 7-e a


itF al 2 t ra e o= i e at tpoundC 2 l 12ff1 - reoao[ t otisnec

is reso1ed nc re aenchmark av

- - - - - - - -

_ _ e ccvr seci -li - S f~ i e r as

Z1 r4 nf~5~~shy-~

or nt t e-he DeS t LZ


-_s rsf -- oZt hih- iivorkz rtherthn

ur-a de]ays have come in three reas input andzrausings ect orebleD uni2 De-tehia and fanacement-typerobie-s

s oneGOS procrement esint e se o

1 2t1r ane-It -vTs ned tar re)

Mp bull -uoried

nd~ f aru S e r eXu inte toacmsrEAl i-e~ 4 reuctant toa t

- CFAkc and farmers ereSa ane armate criae

-n - I iiLLL e in ar i -C h r a o

ne_ e _ fi-i +

a FA bua VA as a zern ent at tKe Tar con zhe en re

en s i ed t iiaL channels anl turOhase triCC

EquipmentAnother delav w7as experienced in dealing with GOS customs

project was exempted from customs Yet even ordered from overseas for the

once it had arrived there was often a several weeks wait before the customs -=izer~~ terd ~~Ue Dhc~e Dor raeasin1itrt -

t m-rP15 = s -_ s s

an o5- as thst each and everyr-nistie - ne cr ane conseuencCs

uraase Drcer must be approved bv the GOS Finance Office before it can be

-e tnouan money In-s TA s approvec budget he deavs due to even te

IERST the MMinistry over 77A) is ar-na t get tne reci-tape are aavious

z so that the s tts hance to an industrial and zemmercial -aenc

and -A can Tcve Torebe after-the-factFinance Office control will

day-to-day requirementsexpeditiousy in meeting its

go throughstudoies USAIDiITA mustfor the variousFor finding contractors After approval process which has caused difficulties

and delays a two-level

and receiving of proposals the judgements the initial public anlnnouncements

Comite de Selection This are taken before the GOS

of the project managers types The4 to 2 financial vs technical

committee as weighted about

to spend as little money as possibie ith little regard majority concern is

the conctract for the technical competence of the competitors tor

to the technicaldehich is satisfactarce moooaen acf a choice tacs CA -u e provebcontingent of Th2

a se S aweenE He7 r2Commission ataonaie cid must be- d Ie ewS osthst Lrnthe aesire far -he

n - 2-cer~ -_2 emer

- ne

ac Uzsitztn were Tcnt -nea r-- r


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 9: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT


rS rL e- - Dar c 0a -

e t a cr a t - oe~ - m~t o ns re r - - t h e

= - -nnci-7 r= -in nc--ern o f Se mum

nc -ee

- o r shy-st= a n rcas carntrac3 have eeni Driaed with a minimrti ela

tie the - --- men 7he _- i f _zncs far

-shy- C S- 7e~~~-

Advisor s oca support ack -r 1rama porovi ar the oresent itle l1

caused deiavs in execution at theD0) these have notneratln budet bu

v0L reOu raa

e the Project Paper the agreement~e eeaur the pranec s ner 2) and

in rI S a

hnn had -ms rcr-ti-eg sattszt1Vh- yr tecnnil ersonnel far tIe raiect

a e__T ra_ nr]an ehirig -rcpoundess aln -Lt- ]D tO--i

onths ece-arova to hire an approDriate person or a rcsiion

) eople with adequate training and experience are reluctant to accept

ie lacking promise for long-termpositions with a lin7tez duration project

stability of employment

relatively Iaw-Daving leading to morale - Positions at ITA he Ieen as

s -- caressei a-reczent Zcvernmentai ratment ree--

A In general the pool of technical human resources is relatively

-o rapid turnover f ersonnei -n theAll a ehese factor3 nave led

project as ell less-than-optimun manning of vaDie positions As an - as

the original Pioject Coordinator proved to be unsatisfactor after a -anple removed because no technicallshy

-aw months n the job but he could not be

iualified replacement was available until recently The change was made 1


a whole does not support efficient utilization of inputsThe system as

Delegation of authority downwards is not encouraged Management practices at

but this requires a re-orientaton --- _4i z TA could be mproved (12)

the - - S everyone concerned (from the Minister of MERST down to

a-vis responsibility and authority Presently every decision a an

consequence requires the concurrence an- signature of Dr Dusmaaea -ne-e

Direotor of the institute Then he i ot available because

tctSa t gte raeca impLmentati n zcr-a i

A- - -- 2 2r V27

5CeeT-- bull gt


- - - -



n- c n e a


a S S UMDn m - _- uz r e Z2e Csu Ot-5tS--er -- [ _


t - -rDc3 e S-L t- aac

-D - f a -- eSE -yh ssumptian -e s n s CI-a--c- s I -i- -= en

nl~~ ~~- e2 Io 7 r -e~~rrlt- ri 1) --n d4


r tahe projecte riurose-ti d -

anisestartsnl someinstanfces et e nav e-n -a e )ee-n - n-er o xer =C f IcG a and

l no-T2hes - af nirma Lenc flannt P - l

- bullTe nz-Anne D o a su ed th ed d a ona t ei rc shyl- - ---shyle o n r s5 t e -c - -- -efi5 p l on o i c

- pro es d lDen c at-work WOe tak uic was a

in tc- ututoisUiLti e vas s en bull i mens

f the newproducrtductaC-n to the requie o

ie2ozITirneltve_--ini t

-n l g shy-2s -

r-tc-e--f-h-me e s

n no--t-e

() andfrom Exkerice Inc 6 1a The 7echnical Poloosal

and Annex D thenssumed oinror the progtoct (s6) both

reast ime-scaled oITA equintJnedea oue takeoLace at nment work tta ohange in projectdoveo oJ suoortduct process o foreign institutional---- en should maximizeprojectdesin that D or re a ht a- - a g s weac o tinao c tIDe=-oro T-- e is -shyk n h --in m

h e itw- o uld see -_2 --- - - -D- - - --- - -T shyt -- - -- - - - ----- - shy

a uoor imit af-hange veud he hie

-r=c rs in --r~fuch a r - a aoe a m


e fr cri~a-ner ee - _ bull e shy

ste oanel 7-_e - -7C 3 i -__-ain

the in making the decision to change

seem thateverthe~ss it would the new product77ento the requirements of hnical canabilities of ITA relative

The level of knowledge of

elooment projects planned were overestimated producttne specific newthe leader or

real technoiegy required of t~e equipment needed to as the 3 0 pr~istication of

andas wellelcnneint oroects he personneliuite high and csiities ts bull gtit tae arei itecas

tne project plan weretime trame orII wihn ne

e equipment avaiiable ta

af the new orodrctr-cess eveiopments enrvsioned

he iemandst t t--

- 2 D e _ _ shy

--- r r

e e _ gs e n xim r-= ent5 c_-h e -6 so-e2cs l~ e5 5 - - -- -e hi -7 _ t i f r7e

_ s i Jz_-_- i-t-_r---r- - ---

if i -

bull_ -- shy

t tG rc 2v -

7 Ke e erza~rt r - i t -


e r e s Ln f rin t i ntudv

n-w~ en~ r a S~i n 1-5-Z 3-s - e -i L-e- e 2- r- s p-n

-- -e - _tsfleT isF s te 1 et rsQItDrm3 t

t i 15hetnr ]j1 cae lopt e ---- e rtnc ~ 1S rcna

fIrfpe - Pet baseoditora - - n ii t i

- mar ducni a7 ouIienes dThe proposal rom CEGR 3 n cessr r eotance eItcc ss

develop the required inforation iS to price sta-d)o~rin -ishich wi foods from both qu1itv andproposed miilet-basec

r interest 1o an otential investor as market test data which will be of

t 22

I~ u ~ ~- t c -i iaA a~~

fo tn ranzahelSstanbewe

o7 A e2) S e n 17nTe tirt d n

ne_ le s uc

4= P2 nn p e -a CTAnd -2 5 L-estinc ee c 3

-1-tees1ehiav r raenM L n u n

e - n _ -- - n - l = - z

22- _ _ ~~~~~~~~~1 U - - -

rjc -_i n utdvlpmrcommunicaions etltn heffectiv fd he a recompletio n nd r~IlAb-uto beoh-orniecompleted nd h arke t ri -f -It= n F enetc

re po ty o - 1 a r esi il ech in z Cwi be necessary o - esu -4ceffectiverlose 1oa

1 - r an -Y n S

- - - - o- - e - ch - an

-ITS-3- ---- I-




5 a 9 t awis - s suoOr-e a9Own shyf -- 4-rviue-_-rit--s 2neaged in sucn -- r

-cnsumerD has as


v Ineest s r - m r s t 5C eshy

3 n~ - I ns -Lo ressecn s n7

a more omple-esellprodct to a more convincingngs o- nre which ontri)ut_hnow the f actors shybe made sIiowin- Such a frank ases should [hepresent projectf These have been overcome in

_ - - 4- i n- -isiness will enhance the

r - 1ater ] ed r e ct

marne est will-ruereSiltit- nSon Sbi y nemp1r3c rbull e

seC9- 11 -tore L 1 -1D

-222-n-~32~ rI yhn n n forstnnMenSe jor te _ eo

e tappedis availaia to product-h miarket f the proectis th-- the qualitypaper assumptionto be aeded1eDoj_ casssthon needsa-ronse to to induce a potential investor

wi11 be high enougn -- ow nali1 -ng ofin soalso reachIethe

tap the market and tor Senegaltie necessaryf_s nd

4 or to dsef-sffciency

Sc j -- r-3

bull 77- -bull-

~ tes~o e ra gt inGZ-$ -~

n r the irae7o ~~~~ c-z e_~~~~~~cz

m 7te-

-issig the projectr nThese W4-L gie brief asr er s -n -e e o u s _i ins-er sn

A r -4r e s s - gt

I s e e t-d i h s d r r ers r s J rwctee -f7

Z r i S-s a=u7 L~ DO -VSOr -i pound 2

- - 1 ie abcut ten c t-weive months - r d-o u z h -3to

the h acin s na sin ne e n -I n

n1 rod S7 1 e-21opmenSna at

to rice andflour with stabiltty equalrin andof the decorticated -ii]le 33)

heat flour i Mav 33) Stability testing in chosen packages (June

md high relative

temperaturetile stIDLLt testing iinder highContinuation of

umidizv (July 3)

_-_-7 -_e e~d -gtfl-1 lZ -_ Y i z- - _ hn tn ne

- artr li -- it tn - r n e

hat in plastic bagsand arlae leels suchITA reduced xmsecEntolet r at

life the fr gt~ ie keen-ne v 33n ibenc a ef

t iDnThetoheav g -AZD re- flD] - - mLr-- -r

these products

new productsInstant zauscous - weaning food shy2 Product development shy

Testing the quality of millet and development of prototypes (April 33)

(May 83) Product Products development and organoleptic evaluation

improvement based on results of evaluation (June 83) Stability testing of

chosen products in chosen oackages July 33)

an tne aoratar been maceprototes naveA u2er _ new 7r aduct butter nc peanut

These include instant couscous Weaning food powderscale food of mied

irink ( MBoun MBourake (a snack r r-es aoutter e i

4 l anese ongty tne - uIno oeinuts and s-ar n n i aretzeC Ot


Dv - - e2 i nS ausc us hdi aeen t a a

tr e -_D n -7 --

t D]--e lnt c_

- -asarIenIornerssnuvn to s-me in osi akacks ~--te _stant ouscous as neen stabiit tested

li 3 5 -u~~~~ 1Z l rlS- r a shy- 4 o e -7

d i_ C Th _ei_O n a

- S D o i

i 7

- r crn rcduc

n SS 2 ctaofnls nas

t~~ f -nput from c tractor for the

not - b-e q se-se si lcr s with snec ric rarios or

-e es arI-et -owever - e r

-- shou d o c r o

h irm t do --he studvo 0

n ta _n t - tests with tilerm

S r Be o-een n or h es- Mv

5 e -n --nL 7 hC d ere me tioned-rd h - e -Zu r1r s n m

tgtEStSro- -s 3rn -- tr Ze Ce -

-and astent couscousn e te prcdcuctsLsrun wt Iashes se-aete now appears toplacement -ests

The first larger scale consumer testing for its beginning

be celaved until September or O-tber -

planned and executedfar seem to be wellThe focus group tests run thus

ained will be of rien te f r 7e Dr

r in Ars M2 - s 7 orooc

3 and Mr RogernBGI tled-- e er- mar ts Sys i- e1 market infor ation if it isive the desired r (] nsultant houla

- - eins tar -o )nlv the personnc of CEGIR but also c-

A a e o take trear pains to fulfill bullheir parts of theh-i

and commitment wil beCommunicationst a I

One as receivedSupply Study Final report (May 33)

5 millet This will have to be redone but fortunately its

uselessOctober 33 which is

execution (or lack thereof) does not hold up any other project stages except

thL final feasibility study

test market and 6 Process Engineerin atudy Produce products for the

Ma 33 Prepare preiminary process flow delivery to distribution out3ets

Df equipment for producton (January 3)of products ano choice

oroiect headiuig has vet been one of the wor Cnvisaed -nder m-is

r aertain equipment ae 2LL0iin I sense acquisitin renuller satCgtaczmolisned test mar-ret ri~o~on O~enIet2 retdr-nla DroGcA[t or

f tne Process eniuieerd aeni1- 1L h rearn- s

- -- - ] ~ l

f J lt- - - 1-- l_ 7-e a


itF al 2 t ra e o= i e at tpoundC 2 l 12ff1 - reoao[ t otisnec

is reso1ed nc re aenchmark av

- - - - - - - -

_ _ e ccvr seci -li - S f~ i e r as

Z1 r4 nf~5~~shy-~

or nt t e-he DeS t LZ


-_s rsf -- oZt hih- iivorkz rtherthn

ur-a de]ays have come in three reas input andzrausings ect orebleD uni2 De-tehia and fanacement-typerobie-s

s oneGOS procrement esint e se o

1 2t1r ane-It -vTs ned tar re)

Mp bull -uoried

nd~ f aru S e r eXu inte toacmsrEAl i-e~ 4 reuctant toa t

- CFAkc and farmers ereSa ane armate criae

-n - I iiLLL e in ar i -C h r a o

ne_ e _ fi-i +

a FA bua VA as a zern ent at tKe Tar con zhe en re

en s i ed t iiaL channels anl turOhase triCC

EquipmentAnother delav w7as experienced in dealing with GOS customs

project was exempted from customs Yet even ordered from overseas for the

once it had arrived there was often a several weeks wait before the customs -=izer~~ terd ~~Ue Dhc~e Dor raeasin1itrt -

t m-rP15 = s -_ s s

an o5- as thst each and everyr-nistie - ne cr ane conseuencCs

uraase Drcer must be approved bv the GOS Finance Office before it can be

-e tnouan money In-s TA s approvec budget he deavs due to even te

IERST the MMinistry over 77A) is ar-na t get tne reci-tape are aavious

z so that the s tts hance to an industrial and zemmercial -aenc

and -A can Tcve Torebe after-the-factFinance Office control will

day-to-day requirementsexpeditiousy in meeting its

go throughstudoies USAIDiITA mustfor the variousFor finding contractors After approval process which has caused difficulties

and delays a two-level

and receiving of proposals the judgements the initial public anlnnouncements

Comite de Selection This are taken before the GOS

of the project managers types The4 to 2 financial vs technical

committee as weighted about

to spend as little money as possibie ith little regard majority concern is

the conctract for the technical competence of the competitors tor

to the technicaldehich is satisfactarce moooaen acf a choice tacs CA -u e provebcontingent of Th2

a se S aweenE He7 r2Commission ataonaie cid must be- d Ie ewS osthst Lrnthe aesire far -he

n - 2-cer~ -_2 emer

- ne

ac Uzsitztn were Tcnt -nea r-- r


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 10: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT


- - - -



n- c n e a


a S S UMDn m - _- uz r e Z2e Csu Ot-5tS--er -- [ _


t - -rDc3 e S-L t- aac

-D - f a -- eSE -yh ssumptian -e s n s CI-a--c- s I -i- -= en

nl~~ ~~- e2 Io 7 r -e~~rrlt- ri 1) --n d4


r tahe projecte riurose-ti d -

anisestartsnl someinstanfces et e nav e-n -a e )ee-n - n-er o xer =C f IcG a and

l no-T2hes - af nirma Lenc flannt P - l

- bullTe nz-Anne D o a su ed th ed d a ona t ei rc shyl- - ---shyle o n r s5 t e -c - -- -efi5 p l on o i c

- pro es d lDen c at-work WOe tak uic was a

in tc- ututoisUiLti e vas s en bull i mens

f the newproducrtductaC-n to the requie o

ie2ozITirneltve_--ini t

-n l g shy-2s -

r-tc-e--f-h-me e s

n no--t-e

() andfrom Exkerice Inc 6 1a The 7echnical Poloosal

and Annex D thenssumed oinror the progtoct (s6) both

reast ime-scaled oITA equintJnedea oue takeoLace at nment work tta ohange in projectdoveo oJ suoortduct process o foreign institutional---- en should maximizeprojectdesin that D or re a ht a- - a g s weac o tinao c tIDe=-oro T-- e is -shyk n h --in m

h e itw- o uld see -_2 --- - - -D- - - --- - -T shyt -- - -- - - - ----- - shy

a uoor imit af-hange veud he hie

-r=c rs in --r~fuch a r - a aoe a m


e fr cri~a-ner ee - _ bull e shy

ste oanel 7-_e - -7C 3 i -__-ain

the in making the decision to change

seem thateverthe~ss it would the new product77ento the requirements of hnical canabilities of ITA relative

The level of knowledge of

elooment projects planned were overestimated producttne specific newthe leader or

real technoiegy required of t~e equipment needed to as the 3 0 pr~istication of

andas wellelcnneint oroects he personneliuite high and csiities ts bull gtit tae arei itecas

tne project plan weretime trame orII wihn ne

e equipment avaiiable ta

af the new orodrctr-cess eveiopments enrvsioned

he iemandst t t--

- 2 D e _ _ shy

--- r r

e e _ gs e n xim r-= ent5 c_-h e -6 so-e2cs l~ e5 5 - - -- -e hi -7 _ t i f r7e

_ s i Jz_-_- i-t-_r---r- - ---

if i -

bull_ -- shy

t tG rc 2v -

7 Ke e erza~rt r - i t -


e r e s Ln f rin t i ntudv

n-w~ en~ r a S~i n 1-5-Z 3-s - e -i L-e- e 2- r- s p-n

-- -e - _tsfleT isF s te 1 et rsQItDrm3 t

t i 15hetnr ]j1 cae lopt e ---- e rtnc ~ 1S rcna

fIrfpe - Pet baseoditora - - n ii t i

- mar ducni a7 ouIienes dThe proposal rom CEGR 3 n cessr r eotance eItcc ss

develop the required inforation iS to price sta-d)o~rin -ishich wi foods from both qu1itv andproposed miilet-basec

r interest 1o an otential investor as market test data which will be of

t 22

I~ u ~ ~- t c -i iaA a~~

fo tn ranzahelSstanbewe

o7 A e2) S e n 17nTe tirt d n

ne_ le s uc

4= P2 nn p e -a CTAnd -2 5 L-estinc ee c 3

-1-tees1ehiav r raenM L n u n

e - n _ -- - n - l = - z

22- _ _ ~~~~~~~~~1 U - - -

rjc -_i n utdvlpmrcommunicaions etltn heffectiv fd he a recompletio n nd r~IlAb-uto beoh-orniecompleted nd h arke t ri -f -It= n F enetc

re po ty o - 1 a r esi il ech in z Cwi be necessary o - esu -4ceffectiverlose 1oa

1 - r an -Y n S

- - - - o- - e - ch - an

-ITS-3- ---- I-




5 a 9 t awis - s suoOr-e a9Own shyf -- 4-rviue-_-rit--s 2neaged in sucn -- r

-cnsumerD has as


v Ineest s r - m r s t 5C eshy

3 n~ - I ns -Lo ressecn s n7

a more omple-esellprodct to a more convincingngs o- nre which ontri)ut_hnow the f actors shybe made sIiowin- Such a frank ases should [hepresent projectf These have been overcome in

_ - - 4- i n- -isiness will enhance the

r - 1ater ] ed r e ct

marne est will-ruereSiltit- nSon Sbi y nemp1r3c rbull e

seC9- 11 -tore L 1 -1D

-222-n-~32~ rI yhn n n forstnnMenSe jor te _ eo

e tappedis availaia to product-h miarket f the proectis th-- the qualitypaper assumptionto be aeded1eDoj_ casssthon needsa-ronse to to induce a potential investor

wi11 be high enougn -- ow nali1 -ng ofin soalso reachIethe

tap the market and tor Senegaltie necessaryf_s nd

4 or to dsef-sffciency

Sc j -- r-3

bull 77- -bull-

~ tes~o e ra gt inGZ-$ -~

n r the irae7o ~~~~ c-z e_~~~~~~cz

m 7te-

-issig the projectr nThese W4-L gie brief asr er s -n -e e o u s _i ins-er sn

A r -4r e s s - gt

I s e e t-d i h s d r r ers r s J rwctee -f7

Z r i S-s a=u7 L~ DO -VSOr -i pound 2

- - 1 ie abcut ten c t-weive months - r d-o u z h -3to

the h acin s na sin ne e n -I n

n1 rod S7 1 e-21opmenSna at

to rice andflour with stabiltty equalrin andof the decorticated -ii]le 33)

heat flour i Mav 33) Stability testing in chosen packages (June

md high relative

temperaturetile stIDLLt testing iinder highContinuation of

umidizv (July 3)

_-_-7 -_e e~d -gtfl-1 lZ -_ Y i z- - _ hn tn ne

- artr li -- it tn - r n e

hat in plastic bagsand arlae leels suchITA reduced xmsecEntolet r at

life the fr gt~ ie keen-ne v 33n ibenc a ef

t iDnThetoheav g -AZD re- flD] - - mLr-- -r

these products

new productsInstant zauscous - weaning food shy2 Product development shy

Testing the quality of millet and development of prototypes (April 33)

(May 83) Product Products development and organoleptic evaluation

improvement based on results of evaluation (June 83) Stability testing of

chosen products in chosen oackages July 33)

an tne aoratar been maceprototes naveA u2er _ new 7r aduct butter nc peanut

These include instant couscous Weaning food powderscale food of mied

irink ( MBoun MBourake (a snack r r-es aoutter e i

4 l anese ongty tne - uIno oeinuts and s-ar n n i aretzeC Ot


Dv - - e2 i nS ausc us hdi aeen t a a

tr e -_D n -7 --

t D]--e lnt c_

- -asarIenIornerssnuvn to s-me in osi akacks ~--te _stant ouscous as neen stabiit tested

li 3 5 -u~~~~ 1Z l rlS- r a shy- 4 o e -7

d i_ C Th _ei_O n a

- S D o i

i 7

- r crn rcduc

n SS 2 ctaofnls nas

t~~ f -nput from c tractor for the

not - b-e q se-se si lcr s with snec ric rarios or

-e es arI-et -owever - e r

-- shou d o c r o

h irm t do --he studvo 0

n ta _n t - tests with tilerm

S r Be o-een n or h es- Mv

5 e -n --nL 7 hC d ere me tioned-rd h - e -Zu r1r s n m

tgtEStSro- -s 3rn -- tr Ze Ce -

-and astent couscousn e te prcdcuctsLsrun wt Iashes se-aete now appears toplacement -ests

The first larger scale consumer testing for its beginning

be celaved until September or O-tber -

planned and executedfar seem to be wellThe focus group tests run thus

ained will be of rien te f r 7e Dr

r in Ars M2 - s 7 orooc

3 and Mr RogernBGI tled-- e er- mar ts Sys i- e1 market infor ation if it isive the desired r (] nsultant houla

- - eins tar -o )nlv the personnc of CEGIR but also c-

A a e o take trear pains to fulfill bullheir parts of theh-i

and commitment wil beCommunicationst a I

One as receivedSupply Study Final report (May 33)

5 millet This will have to be redone but fortunately its

uselessOctober 33 which is

execution (or lack thereof) does not hold up any other project stages except

thL final feasibility study

test market and 6 Process Engineerin atudy Produce products for the

Ma 33 Prepare preiminary process flow delivery to distribution out3ets

Df equipment for producton (January 3)of products ano choice

oroiect headiuig has vet been one of the wor Cnvisaed -nder m-is

r aertain equipment ae 2LL0iin I sense acquisitin renuller satCgtaczmolisned test mar-ret ri~o~on O~enIet2 retdr-nla DroGcA[t or

f tne Process eniuieerd aeni1- 1L h rearn- s

- -- - ] ~ l

f J lt- - - 1-- l_ 7-e a


itF al 2 t ra e o= i e at tpoundC 2 l 12ff1 - reoao[ t otisnec

is reso1ed nc re aenchmark av

- - - - - - - -

_ _ e ccvr seci -li - S f~ i e r as

Z1 r4 nf~5~~shy-~

or nt t e-he DeS t LZ


-_s rsf -- oZt hih- iivorkz rtherthn

ur-a de]ays have come in three reas input andzrausings ect orebleD uni2 De-tehia and fanacement-typerobie-s

s oneGOS procrement esint e se o

1 2t1r ane-It -vTs ned tar re)

Mp bull -uoried

nd~ f aru S e r eXu inte toacmsrEAl i-e~ 4 reuctant toa t

- CFAkc and farmers ereSa ane armate criae

-n - I iiLLL e in ar i -C h r a o

ne_ e _ fi-i +

a FA bua VA as a zern ent at tKe Tar con zhe en re

en s i ed t iiaL channels anl turOhase triCC

EquipmentAnother delav w7as experienced in dealing with GOS customs

project was exempted from customs Yet even ordered from overseas for the

once it had arrived there was often a several weeks wait before the customs -=izer~~ terd ~~Ue Dhc~e Dor raeasin1itrt -

t m-rP15 = s -_ s s

an o5- as thst each and everyr-nistie - ne cr ane conseuencCs

uraase Drcer must be approved bv the GOS Finance Office before it can be

-e tnouan money In-s TA s approvec budget he deavs due to even te

IERST the MMinistry over 77A) is ar-na t get tne reci-tape are aavious

z so that the s tts hance to an industrial and zemmercial -aenc

and -A can Tcve Torebe after-the-factFinance Office control will

day-to-day requirementsexpeditiousy in meeting its

go throughstudoies USAIDiITA mustfor the variousFor finding contractors After approval process which has caused difficulties

and delays a two-level

and receiving of proposals the judgements the initial public anlnnouncements

Comite de Selection This are taken before the GOS

of the project managers types The4 to 2 financial vs technical

committee as weighted about

to spend as little money as possibie ith little regard majority concern is

the conctract for the technical competence of the competitors tor

to the technicaldehich is satisfactarce moooaen acf a choice tacs CA -u e provebcontingent of Th2

a se S aweenE He7 r2Commission ataonaie cid must be- d Ie ewS osthst Lrnthe aesire far -he

n - 2-cer~ -_2 emer

- ne

ac Uzsitztn were Tcnt -nea r-- r


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 11: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT

if i -

bull_ -- shy

t tG rc 2v -

7 Ke e erza~rt r - i t -


e r e s Ln f rin t i ntudv

n-w~ en~ r a S~i n 1-5-Z 3-s - e -i L-e- e 2- r- s p-n

-- -e - _tsfleT isF s te 1 et rsQItDrm3 t

t i 15hetnr ]j1 cae lopt e ---- e rtnc ~ 1S rcna

fIrfpe - Pet baseoditora - - n ii t i

- mar ducni a7 ouIienes dThe proposal rom CEGR 3 n cessr r eotance eItcc ss

develop the required inforation iS to price sta-d)o~rin -ishich wi foods from both qu1itv andproposed miilet-basec

r interest 1o an otential investor as market test data which will be of

t 22

I~ u ~ ~- t c -i iaA a~~

fo tn ranzahelSstanbewe

o7 A e2) S e n 17nTe tirt d n

ne_ le s uc

4= P2 nn p e -a CTAnd -2 5 L-estinc ee c 3

-1-tees1ehiav r raenM L n u n

e - n _ -- - n - l = - z

22- _ _ ~~~~~~~~~1 U - - -

rjc -_i n utdvlpmrcommunicaions etltn heffectiv fd he a recompletio n nd r~IlAb-uto beoh-orniecompleted nd h arke t ri -f -It= n F enetc

re po ty o - 1 a r esi il ech in z Cwi be necessary o - esu -4ceffectiverlose 1oa

1 - r an -Y n S

- - - - o- - e - ch - an

-ITS-3- ---- I-




5 a 9 t awis - s suoOr-e a9Own shyf -- 4-rviue-_-rit--s 2neaged in sucn -- r

-cnsumerD has as


v Ineest s r - m r s t 5C eshy

3 n~ - I ns -Lo ressecn s n7

a more omple-esellprodct to a more convincingngs o- nre which ontri)ut_hnow the f actors shybe made sIiowin- Such a frank ases should [hepresent projectf These have been overcome in

_ - - 4- i n- -isiness will enhance the

r - 1ater ] ed r e ct

marne est will-ruereSiltit- nSon Sbi y nemp1r3c rbull e

seC9- 11 -tore L 1 -1D

-222-n-~32~ rI yhn n n forstnnMenSe jor te _ eo

e tappedis availaia to product-h miarket f the proectis th-- the qualitypaper assumptionto be aeded1eDoj_ casssthon needsa-ronse to to induce a potential investor

wi11 be high enougn -- ow nali1 -ng ofin soalso reachIethe

tap the market and tor Senegaltie necessaryf_s nd

4 or to dsef-sffciency

Sc j -- r-3

bull 77- -bull-

~ tes~o e ra gt inGZ-$ -~

n r the irae7o ~~~~ c-z e_~~~~~~cz

m 7te-

-issig the projectr nThese W4-L gie brief asr er s -n -e e o u s _i ins-er sn

A r -4r e s s - gt

I s e e t-d i h s d r r ers r s J rwctee -f7

Z r i S-s a=u7 L~ DO -VSOr -i pound 2

- - 1 ie abcut ten c t-weive months - r d-o u z h -3to

the h acin s na sin ne e n -I n

n1 rod S7 1 e-21opmenSna at

to rice andflour with stabiltty equalrin andof the decorticated -ii]le 33)

heat flour i Mav 33) Stability testing in chosen packages (June

md high relative

temperaturetile stIDLLt testing iinder highContinuation of

umidizv (July 3)

_-_-7 -_e e~d -gtfl-1 lZ -_ Y i z- - _ hn tn ne

- artr li -- it tn - r n e

hat in plastic bagsand arlae leels suchITA reduced xmsecEntolet r at

life the fr gt~ ie keen-ne v 33n ibenc a ef

t iDnThetoheav g -AZD re- flD] - - mLr-- -r

these products

new productsInstant zauscous - weaning food shy2 Product development shy

Testing the quality of millet and development of prototypes (April 33)

(May 83) Product Products development and organoleptic evaluation

improvement based on results of evaluation (June 83) Stability testing of

chosen products in chosen oackages July 33)

an tne aoratar been maceprototes naveA u2er _ new 7r aduct butter nc peanut

These include instant couscous Weaning food powderscale food of mied

irink ( MBoun MBourake (a snack r r-es aoutter e i

4 l anese ongty tne - uIno oeinuts and s-ar n n i aretzeC Ot


Dv - - e2 i nS ausc us hdi aeen t a a

tr e -_D n -7 --

t D]--e lnt c_

- -asarIenIornerssnuvn to s-me in osi akacks ~--te _stant ouscous as neen stabiit tested

li 3 5 -u~~~~ 1Z l rlS- r a shy- 4 o e -7

d i_ C Th _ei_O n a

- S D o i

i 7

- r crn rcduc

n SS 2 ctaofnls nas

t~~ f -nput from c tractor for the

not - b-e q se-se si lcr s with snec ric rarios or

-e es arI-et -owever - e r

-- shou d o c r o

h irm t do --he studvo 0

n ta _n t - tests with tilerm

S r Be o-een n or h es- Mv

5 e -n --nL 7 hC d ere me tioned-rd h - e -Zu r1r s n m

tgtEStSro- -s 3rn -- tr Ze Ce -

-and astent couscousn e te prcdcuctsLsrun wt Iashes se-aete now appears toplacement -ests

The first larger scale consumer testing for its beginning

be celaved until September or O-tber -

planned and executedfar seem to be wellThe focus group tests run thus

ained will be of rien te f r 7e Dr

r in Ars M2 - s 7 orooc

3 and Mr RogernBGI tled-- e er- mar ts Sys i- e1 market infor ation if it isive the desired r (] nsultant houla

- - eins tar -o )nlv the personnc of CEGIR but also c-

A a e o take trear pains to fulfill bullheir parts of theh-i

and commitment wil beCommunicationst a I

One as receivedSupply Study Final report (May 33)

5 millet This will have to be redone but fortunately its

uselessOctober 33 which is

execution (or lack thereof) does not hold up any other project stages except

thL final feasibility study

test market and 6 Process Engineerin atudy Produce products for the

Ma 33 Prepare preiminary process flow delivery to distribution out3ets

Df equipment for producton (January 3)of products ano choice

oroiect headiuig has vet been one of the wor Cnvisaed -nder m-is

r aertain equipment ae 2LL0iin I sense acquisitin renuller satCgtaczmolisned test mar-ret ri~o~on O~enIet2 retdr-nla DroGcA[t or

f tne Process eniuieerd aeni1- 1L h rearn- s

- -- - ] ~ l

f J lt- - - 1-- l_ 7-e a


itF al 2 t ra e o= i e at tpoundC 2 l 12ff1 - reoao[ t otisnec

is reso1ed nc re aenchmark av

- - - - - - - -

_ _ e ccvr seci -li - S f~ i e r as

Z1 r4 nf~5~~shy-~

or nt t e-he DeS t LZ


-_s rsf -- oZt hih- iivorkz rtherthn

ur-a de]ays have come in three reas input andzrausings ect orebleD uni2 De-tehia and fanacement-typerobie-s

s oneGOS procrement esint e se o

1 2t1r ane-It -vTs ned tar re)

Mp bull -uoried

nd~ f aru S e r eXu inte toacmsrEAl i-e~ 4 reuctant toa t

- CFAkc and farmers ereSa ane armate criae

-n - I iiLLL e in ar i -C h r a o

ne_ e _ fi-i +

a FA bua VA as a zern ent at tKe Tar con zhe en re

en s i ed t iiaL channels anl turOhase triCC

EquipmentAnother delav w7as experienced in dealing with GOS customs

project was exempted from customs Yet even ordered from overseas for the

once it had arrived there was often a several weeks wait before the customs -=izer~~ terd ~~Ue Dhc~e Dor raeasin1itrt -

t m-rP15 = s -_ s s

an o5- as thst each and everyr-nistie - ne cr ane conseuencCs

uraase Drcer must be approved bv the GOS Finance Office before it can be

-e tnouan money In-s TA s approvec budget he deavs due to even te

IERST the MMinistry over 77A) is ar-na t get tne reci-tape are aavious

z so that the s tts hance to an industrial and zemmercial -aenc

and -A can Tcve Torebe after-the-factFinance Office control will

day-to-day requirementsexpeditiousy in meeting its

go throughstudoies USAIDiITA mustfor the variousFor finding contractors After approval process which has caused difficulties

and delays a two-level

and receiving of proposals the judgements the initial public anlnnouncements

Comite de Selection This are taken before the GOS

of the project managers types The4 to 2 financial vs technical

committee as weighted about

to spend as little money as possibie ith little regard majority concern is

the conctract for the technical competence of the competitors tor

to the technicaldehich is satisfactarce moooaen acf a choice tacs CA -u e provebcontingent of Th2

a se S aweenE He7 r2Commission ataonaie cid must be- d Ie ewS osthst Lrnthe aesire far -he

n - 2-cer~ -_2 emer

- ne

ac Uzsitztn were Tcnt -nea r-- r


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 12: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT




5 a 9 t awis - s suoOr-e a9Own shyf -- 4-rviue-_-rit--s 2neaged in sucn -- r

-cnsumerD has as


v Ineest s r - m r s t 5C eshy

3 n~ - I ns -Lo ressecn s n7

a more omple-esellprodct to a more convincingngs o- nre which ontri)ut_hnow the f actors shybe made sIiowin- Such a frank ases should [hepresent projectf These have been overcome in

_ - - 4- i n- -isiness will enhance the

r - 1ater ] ed r e ct

marne est will-ruereSiltit- nSon Sbi y nemp1r3c rbull e

seC9- 11 -tore L 1 -1D

-222-n-~32~ rI yhn n n forstnnMenSe jor te _ eo

e tappedis availaia to product-h miarket f the proectis th-- the qualitypaper assumptionto be aeded1eDoj_ casssthon needsa-ronse to to induce a potential investor

wi11 be high enougn -- ow nali1 -ng ofin soalso reachIethe

tap the market and tor Senegaltie necessaryf_s nd

4 or to dsef-sffciency

Sc j -- r-3

bull 77- -bull-

~ tes~o e ra gt inGZ-$ -~

n r the irae7o ~~~~ c-z e_~~~~~~cz

m 7te-

-issig the projectr nThese W4-L gie brief asr er s -n -e e o u s _i ins-er sn

A r -4r e s s - gt

I s e e t-d i h s d r r ers r s J rwctee -f7

Z r i S-s a=u7 L~ DO -VSOr -i pound 2

- - 1 ie abcut ten c t-weive months - r d-o u z h -3to

the h acin s na sin ne e n -I n

n1 rod S7 1 e-21opmenSna at

to rice andflour with stabiltty equalrin andof the decorticated -ii]le 33)

heat flour i Mav 33) Stability testing in chosen packages (June

md high relative

temperaturetile stIDLLt testing iinder highContinuation of

umidizv (July 3)

_-_-7 -_e e~d -gtfl-1 lZ -_ Y i z- - _ hn tn ne

- artr li -- it tn - r n e

hat in plastic bagsand arlae leels suchITA reduced xmsecEntolet r at

life the fr gt~ ie keen-ne v 33n ibenc a ef

t iDnThetoheav g -AZD re- flD] - - mLr-- -r

these products

new productsInstant zauscous - weaning food shy2 Product development shy

Testing the quality of millet and development of prototypes (April 33)

(May 83) Product Products development and organoleptic evaluation

improvement based on results of evaluation (June 83) Stability testing of

chosen products in chosen oackages July 33)

an tne aoratar been maceprototes naveA u2er _ new 7r aduct butter nc peanut

These include instant couscous Weaning food powderscale food of mied

irink ( MBoun MBourake (a snack r r-es aoutter e i

4 l anese ongty tne - uIno oeinuts and s-ar n n i aretzeC Ot


Dv - - e2 i nS ausc us hdi aeen t a a

tr e -_D n -7 --

t D]--e lnt c_

- -asarIenIornerssnuvn to s-me in osi akacks ~--te _stant ouscous as neen stabiit tested

li 3 5 -u~~~~ 1Z l rlS- r a shy- 4 o e -7

d i_ C Th _ei_O n a

- S D o i

i 7

- r crn rcduc

n SS 2 ctaofnls nas

t~~ f -nput from c tractor for the

not - b-e q se-se si lcr s with snec ric rarios or

-e es arI-et -owever - e r

-- shou d o c r o

h irm t do --he studvo 0

n ta _n t - tests with tilerm

S r Be o-een n or h es- Mv

5 e -n --nL 7 hC d ere me tioned-rd h - e -Zu r1r s n m

tgtEStSro- -s 3rn -- tr Ze Ce -

-and astent couscousn e te prcdcuctsLsrun wt Iashes se-aete now appears toplacement -ests

The first larger scale consumer testing for its beginning

be celaved until September or O-tber -

planned and executedfar seem to be wellThe focus group tests run thus

ained will be of rien te f r 7e Dr

r in Ars M2 - s 7 orooc

3 and Mr RogernBGI tled-- e er- mar ts Sys i- e1 market infor ation if it isive the desired r (] nsultant houla

- - eins tar -o )nlv the personnc of CEGIR but also c-

A a e o take trear pains to fulfill bullheir parts of theh-i

and commitment wil beCommunicationst a I

One as receivedSupply Study Final report (May 33)

5 millet This will have to be redone but fortunately its

uselessOctober 33 which is

execution (or lack thereof) does not hold up any other project stages except

thL final feasibility study

test market and 6 Process Engineerin atudy Produce products for the

Ma 33 Prepare preiminary process flow delivery to distribution out3ets

Df equipment for producton (January 3)of products ano choice

oroiect headiuig has vet been one of the wor Cnvisaed -nder m-is

r aertain equipment ae 2LL0iin I sense acquisitin renuller satCgtaczmolisned test mar-ret ri~o~on O~enIet2 retdr-nla DroGcA[t or

f tne Process eniuieerd aeni1- 1L h rearn- s

- -- - ] ~ l

f J lt- - - 1-- l_ 7-e a


itF al 2 t ra e o= i e at tpoundC 2 l 12ff1 - reoao[ t otisnec

is reso1ed nc re aenchmark av

- - - - - - - -

_ _ e ccvr seci -li - S f~ i e r as

Z1 r4 nf~5~~shy-~

or nt t e-he DeS t LZ


-_s rsf -- oZt hih- iivorkz rtherthn

ur-a de]ays have come in three reas input andzrausings ect orebleD uni2 De-tehia and fanacement-typerobie-s

s oneGOS procrement esint e se o

1 2t1r ane-It -vTs ned tar re)

Mp bull -uoried

nd~ f aru S e r eXu inte toacmsrEAl i-e~ 4 reuctant toa t

- CFAkc and farmers ereSa ane armate criae

-n - I iiLLL e in ar i -C h r a o

ne_ e _ fi-i +

a FA bua VA as a zern ent at tKe Tar con zhe en re

en s i ed t iiaL channels anl turOhase triCC

EquipmentAnother delav w7as experienced in dealing with GOS customs

project was exempted from customs Yet even ordered from overseas for the

once it had arrived there was often a several weeks wait before the customs -=izer~~ terd ~~Ue Dhc~e Dor raeasin1itrt -

t m-rP15 = s -_ s s

an o5- as thst each and everyr-nistie - ne cr ane conseuencCs

uraase Drcer must be approved bv the GOS Finance Office before it can be

-e tnouan money In-s TA s approvec budget he deavs due to even te

IERST the MMinistry over 77A) is ar-na t get tne reci-tape are aavious

z so that the s tts hance to an industrial and zemmercial -aenc

and -A can Tcve Torebe after-the-factFinance Office control will

day-to-day requirementsexpeditiousy in meeting its

go throughstudoies USAIDiITA mustfor the variousFor finding contractors After approval process which has caused difficulties

and delays a two-level

and receiving of proposals the judgements the initial public anlnnouncements

Comite de Selection This are taken before the GOS

of the project managers types The4 to 2 financial vs technical

committee as weighted about

to spend as little money as possibie ith little regard majority concern is

the conctract for the technical competence of the competitors tor

to the technicaldehich is satisfactarce moooaen acf a choice tacs CA -u e provebcontingent of Th2

a se S aweenE He7 r2Commission ataonaie cid must be- d Ie ewS osthst Lrnthe aesire far -he

n - 2-cer~ -_2 emer

- ne

ac Uzsitztn were Tcnt -nea r-- r


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 13: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT

bull 77- -bull-

~ tes~o e ra gt inGZ-$ -~

n r the irae7o ~~~~ c-z e_~~~~~~cz

m 7te-

-issig the projectr nThese W4-L gie brief asr er s -n -e e o u s _i ins-er sn

A r -4r e s s - gt

I s e e t-d i h s d r r ers r s J rwctee -f7

Z r i S-s a=u7 L~ DO -VSOr -i pound 2

- - 1 ie abcut ten c t-weive months - r d-o u z h -3to

the h acin s na sin ne e n -I n

n1 rod S7 1 e-21opmenSna at

to rice andflour with stabiltty equalrin andof the decorticated -ii]le 33)

heat flour i Mav 33) Stability testing in chosen packages (June

md high relative

temperaturetile stIDLLt testing iinder highContinuation of

umidizv (July 3)

_-_-7 -_e e~d -gtfl-1 lZ -_ Y i z- - _ hn tn ne

- artr li -- it tn - r n e

hat in plastic bagsand arlae leels suchITA reduced xmsecEntolet r at

life the fr gt~ ie keen-ne v 33n ibenc a ef

t iDnThetoheav g -AZD re- flD] - - mLr-- -r

these products

new productsInstant zauscous - weaning food shy2 Product development shy

Testing the quality of millet and development of prototypes (April 33)

(May 83) Product Products development and organoleptic evaluation

improvement based on results of evaluation (June 83) Stability testing of

chosen products in chosen oackages July 33)

an tne aoratar been maceprototes naveA u2er _ new 7r aduct butter nc peanut

These include instant couscous Weaning food powderscale food of mied

irink ( MBoun MBourake (a snack r r-es aoutter e i

4 l anese ongty tne - uIno oeinuts and s-ar n n i aretzeC Ot


Dv - - e2 i nS ausc us hdi aeen t a a

tr e -_D n -7 --

t D]--e lnt c_

- -asarIenIornerssnuvn to s-me in osi akacks ~--te _stant ouscous as neen stabiit tested

li 3 5 -u~~~~ 1Z l rlS- r a shy- 4 o e -7

d i_ C Th _ei_O n a

- S D o i

i 7

- r crn rcduc

n SS 2 ctaofnls nas

t~~ f -nput from c tractor for the

not - b-e q se-se si lcr s with snec ric rarios or

-e es arI-et -owever - e r

-- shou d o c r o

h irm t do --he studvo 0

n ta _n t - tests with tilerm

S r Be o-een n or h es- Mv

5 e -n --nL 7 hC d ere me tioned-rd h - e -Zu r1r s n m

tgtEStSro- -s 3rn -- tr Ze Ce -

-and astent couscousn e te prcdcuctsLsrun wt Iashes se-aete now appears toplacement -ests

The first larger scale consumer testing for its beginning

be celaved until September or O-tber -

planned and executedfar seem to be wellThe focus group tests run thus

ained will be of rien te f r 7e Dr

r in Ars M2 - s 7 orooc

3 and Mr RogernBGI tled-- e er- mar ts Sys i- e1 market infor ation if it isive the desired r (] nsultant houla

- - eins tar -o )nlv the personnc of CEGIR but also c-

A a e o take trear pains to fulfill bullheir parts of theh-i

and commitment wil beCommunicationst a I

One as receivedSupply Study Final report (May 33)

5 millet This will have to be redone but fortunately its

uselessOctober 33 which is

execution (or lack thereof) does not hold up any other project stages except

thL final feasibility study

test market and 6 Process Engineerin atudy Produce products for the

Ma 33 Prepare preiminary process flow delivery to distribution out3ets

Df equipment for producton (January 3)of products ano choice

oroiect headiuig has vet been one of the wor Cnvisaed -nder m-is

r aertain equipment ae 2LL0iin I sense acquisitin renuller satCgtaczmolisned test mar-ret ri~o~on O~enIet2 retdr-nla DroGcA[t or

f tne Process eniuieerd aeni1- 1L h rearn- s

- -- - ] ~ l

f J lt- - - 1-- l_ 7-e a


itF al 2 t ra e o= i e at tpoundC 2 l 12ff1 - reoao[ t otisnec

is reso1ed nc re aenchmark av

- - - - - - - -

_ _ e ccvr seci -li - S f~ i e r as

Z1 r4 nf~5~~shy-~

or nt t e-he DeS t LZ


-_s rsf -- oZt hih- iivorkz rtherthn

ur-a de]ays have come in three reas input andzrausings ect orebleD uni2 De-tehia and fanacement-typerobie-s

s oneGOS procrement esint e se o

1 2t1r ane-It -vTs ned tar re)

Mp bull -uoried

nd~ f aru S e r eXu inte toacmsrEAl i-e~ 4 reuctant toa t

- CFAkc and farmers ereSa ane armate criae

-n - I iiLLL e in ar i -C h r a o

ne_ e _ fi-i +

a FA bua VA as a zern ent at tKe Tar con zhe en re

en s i ed t iiaL channels anl turOhase triCC

EquipmentAnother delav w7as experienced in dealing with GOS customs

project was exempted from customs Yet even ordered from overseas for the

once it had arrived there was often a several weeks wait before the customs -=izer~~ terd ~~Ue Dhc~e Dor raeasin1itrt -

t m-rP15 = s -_ s s

an o5- as thst each and everyr-nistie - ne cr ane conseuencCs

uraase Drcer must be approved bv the GOS Finance Office before it can be

-e tnouan money In-s TA s approvec budget he deavs due to even te

IERST the MMinistry over 77A) is ar-na t get tne reci-tape are aavious

z so that the s tts hance to an industrial and zemmercial -aenc

and -A can Tcve Torebe after-the-factFinance Office control will

day-to-day requirementsexpeditiousy in meeting its

go throughstudoies USAIDiITA mustfor the variousFor finding contractors After approval process which has caused difficulties

and delays a two-level

and receiving of proposals the judgements the initial public anlnnouncements

Comite de Selection This are taken before the GOS

of the project managers types The4 to 2 financial vs technical

committee as weighted about

to spend as little money as possibie ith little regard majority concern is

the conctract for the technical competence of the competitors tor

to the technicaldehich is satisfactarce moooaen acf a choice tacs CA -u e provebcontingent of Th2

a se S aweenE He7 r2Commission ataonaie cid must be- d Ie ewS osthst Lrnthe aesire far -he

n - 2-cer~ -_2 emer

- ne

ac Uzsitztn were Tcnt -nea r-- r


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 14: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT

d i_ C Th _ei_O n a

- S D o i

i 7

- r crn rcduc

n SS 2 ctaofnls nas

t~~ f -nput from c tractor for the

not - b-e q se-se si lcr s with snec ric rarios or

-e es arI-et -owever - e r

-- shou d o c r o

h irm t do --he studvo 0

n ta _n t - tests with tilerm

S r Be o-een n or h es- Mv

5 e -n --nL 7 hC d ere me tioned-rd h - e -Zu r1r s n m

tgtEStSro- -s 3rn -- tr Ze Ce -

-and astent couscousn e te prcdcuctsLsrun wt Iashes se-aete now appears toplacement -ests

The first larger scale consumer testing for its beginning

be celaved until September or O-tber -

planned and executedfar seem to be wellThe focus group tests run thus

ained will be of rien te f r 7e Dr

r in Ars M2 - s 7 orooc

3 and Mr RogernBGI tled-- e er- mar ts Sys i- e1 market infor ation if it isive the desired r (] nsultant houla

- - eins tar -o )nlv the personnc of CEGIR but also c-

A a e o take trear pains to fulfill bullheir parts of theh-i

and commitment wil beCommunicationst a I

One as receivedSupply Study Final report (May 33)

5 millet This will have to be redone but fortunately its

uselessOctober 33 which is

execution (or lack thereof) does not hold up any other project stages except

thL final feasibility study

test market and 6 Process Engineerin atudy Produce products for the

Ma 33 Prepare preiminary process flow delivery to distribution out3ets

Df equipment for producton (January 3)of products ano choice

oroiect headiuig has vet been one of the wor Cnvisaed -nder m-is

r aertain equipment ae 2LL0iin I sense acquisitin renuller satCgtaczmolisned test mar-ret ri~o~on O~enIet2 retdr-nla DroGcA[t or

f tne Process eniuieerd aeni1- 1L h rearn- s

- -- - ] ~ l

f J lt- - - 1-- l_ 7-e a


itF al 2 t ra e o= i e at tpoundC 2 l 12ff1 - reoao[ t otisnec

is reso1ed nc re aenchmark av

- - - - - - - -

_ _ e ccvr seci -li - S f~ i e r as

Z1 r4 nf~5~~shy-~

or nt t e-he DeS t LZ


-_s rsf -- oZt hih- iivorkz rtherthn

ur-a de]ays have come in three reas input andzrausings ect orebleD uni2 De-tehia and fanacement-typerobie-s

s oneGOS procrement esint e se o

1 2t1r ane-It -vTs ned tar re)

Mp bull -uoried

nd~ f aru S e r eXu inte toacmsrEAl i-e~ 4 reuctant toa t

- CFAkc and farmers ereSa ane armate criae

-n - I iiLLL e in ar i -C h r a o

ne_ e _ fi-i +

a FA bua VA as a zern ent at tKe Tar con zhe en re

en s i ed t iiaL channels anl turOhase triCC

EquipmentAnother delav w7as experienced in dealing with GOS customs

project was exempted from customs Yet even ordered from overseas for the

once it had arrived there was often a several weeks wait before the customs -=izer~~ terd ~~Ue Dhc~e Dor raeasin1itrt -

t m-rP15 = s -_ s s

an o5- as thst each and everyr-nistie - ne cr ane conseuencCs

uraase Drcer must be approved bv the GOS Finance Office before it can be

-e tnouan money In-s TA s approvec budget he deavs due to even te

IERST the MMinistry over 77A) is ar-na t get tne reci-tape are aavious

z so that the s tts hance to an industrial and zemmercial -aenc

and -A can Tcve Torebe after-the-factFinance Office control will

day-to-day requirementsexpeditiousy in meeting its

go throughstudoies USAIDiITA mustfor the variousFor finding contractors After approval process which has caused difficulties

and delays a two-level

and receiving of proposals the judgements the initial public anlnnouncements

Comite de Selection This are taken before the GOS

of the project managers types The4 to 2 financial vs technical

committee as weighted about

to spend as little money as possibie ith little regard majority concern is

the conctract for the technical competence of the competitors tor

to the technicaldehich is satisfactarce moooaen acf a choice tacs CA -u e provebcontingent of Th2

a se S aweenE He7 r2Commission ataonaie cid must be- d Ie ewS osthst Lrnthe aesire far -he

n - 2-cer~ -_2 emer

- ne

ac Uzsitztn were Tcnt -nea r-- r


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 15: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT

- - - - - - - -

_ _ e ccvr seci -li - S f~ i e r as

Z1 r4 nf~5~~shy-~

or nt t e-he DeS t LZ


-_s rsf -- oZt hih- iivorkz rtherthn

ur-a de]ays have come in three reas input andzrausings ect orebleD uni2 De-tehia and fanacement-typerobie-s

s oneGOS procrement esint e se o

1 2t1r ane-It -vTs ned tar re)

Mp bull -uoried

nd~ f aru S e r eXu inte toacmsrEAl i-e~ 4 reuctant toa t

- CFAkc and farmers ereSa ane armate criae

-n - I iiLLL e in ar i -C h r a o

ne_ e _ fi-i +

a FA bua VA as a zern ent at tKe Tar con zhe en re

en s i ed t iiaL channels anl turOhase triCC

EquipmentAnother delav w7as experienced in dealing with GOS customs

project was exempted from customs Yet even ordered from overseas for the

once it had arrived there was often a several weeks wait before the customs -=izer~~ terd ~~Ue Dhc~e Dor raeasin1itrt -

t m-rP15 = s -_ s s

an o5- as thst each and everyr-nistie - ne cr ane conseuencCs

uraase Drcer must be approved bv the GOS Finance Office before it can be

-e tnouan money In-s TA s approvec budget he deavs due to even te

IERST the MMinistry over 77A) is ar-na t get tne reci-tape are aavious

z so that the s tts hance to an industrial and zemmercial -aenc

and -A can Tcve Torebe after-the-factFinance Office control will

day-to-day requirementsexpeditiousy in meeting its

go throughstudoies USAIDiITA mustfor the variousFor finding contractors After approval process which has caused difficulties

and delays a two-level

and receiving of proposals the judgements the initial public anlnnouncements

Comite de Selection This are taken before the GOS

of the project managers types The4 to 2 financial vs technical

committee as weighted about

to spend as little money as possibie ith little regard majority concern is

the conctract for the technical competence of the competitors tor

to the technicaldehich is satisfactarce moooaen acf a choice tacs CA -u e provebcontingent of Th2

a se S aweenE He7 r2Commission ataonaie cid must be- d Ie ewS osthst Lrnthe aesire far -he

n - 2-cer~ -_2 emer

- ne

ac Uzsitztn were Tcnt -nea r-- r


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 16: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT


Delavs in tecnicalJnv operation an -re norma i rot ro

eersonnel e eiowea

-= 1 zer neen two -i Zfn2-d~ ]e vs tl

-- - r -4 c- - cka -na- irc a Ce 2= 1 a-n-nn 17 -_-

the projecbull

entepse in 5enegal is niot Li fortunate A fooc orocuc amp2 ioomen-

1- cozen r more vendors eae t work with Dosition trreacri -c- rweror xne 3 zrzcuc --ev e r a

7 nG-csring P~ zest -_i_ainzhenintesti 7Oe of oiasti2 5a0s ror

-DA iose~m to oruucec2Clocal vendor gooc ~ilit to protect commOaitv-rcuctS L7 Stora-e

food dmpies showed iStS

i- is necessarv to speciify Sizes For the homne olacement and market tests

-or each oroauct-se instructions)rdu identification -rineIna the iet test

m --u t en noosrin --he test market contractor ana that

nderwa r pctan the sec icatio sew -ritten and ven er forwil ze iuscule gtJO3 kasuantities orrierecmanuacter -i-cth

each --u c mer 30200 2ks is a norman ordert t2e execution _7 t1e

v Ke some t71e he seem to e - i -n these ooDrer-out res or smal runs mav~-_e _-iffiaul t tit hi regur uct =cles

or thiefinding reclosabie protective PacaagilgAnother delay was in Metal canisters (used by Nestle) are too expensive The

weaning food cardboard cartons with an overwrap (Bledine) do not give

adequate protection not recosablePlastic sacks are

in the estimation of project personnel ignored A local pharmaceutical house uses plasticInquiries in France were

- - - s - - ---t eArUS I m

el t O De- performed 1

7 7-iet air-riusI f Dr-uc n _i t-ns

The other tecnnical probe _ria-ei 1a-t Otbera -forms czracked semolina -and

u anar sen -dua-enen he millet ine aSENTEIAC- 7as -2 u roemthe company expressed its willingness to cooperate The te-i

stood idle for years sa Misshycleaning the equipment which had

oe done ov ne artr A) communications and assumption about how this would

When were not shared by the other party and resulted in a six-monta niatus

tons of grain throughfinally resolved by an agreement to run 20the issue was

(use for animal feed) the question of purchasing the the line and discard it

This has finall beena month-long delaysacrificial grain again caused take placeresolve6 so that the rcuctinn of millet flours bv SENTENAC will

e from Maythe in-n6me market soon t e= t20 start of anning by CEGIR) to September or Later

in tie pliai(as seen

have caused delays I3ici eor4t-- - i-s

n te Section -ussed in some eai


)n proec Z

sx~---- bull 7

- - -shy

- - - u -ii- f t _2e~~s)nne - - 227 2- ~7 s -q -

[ - m

S eI]C e r n

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 17: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT

- - -

0 -he utout shyi ation shyatOl obullbe~r bL ems _ - v- e ie-m-znu~

C- - t 37-- - i - n - - -- z -- -7 - lSSl- n S-

ere- = _---shy

ears r

wcen -_-d- es zn nt-ur =C shy

e sshy

e mre r aoid 1 r-af I 3 th a e-n - r t as recgnihen reLn

a n-n in n r nt e-- -urinz D Dr 17e

- e e - un r g- for ver mug r

in 5 rain Thehino1- r r e oact aaaflttinnaie fore

rndflour g En t tr

cone na ne result-ant --711Oax e r 7t nZtnfleIn25 n a

- Dn a -- - -a1bull shyeh l 5inain The S -2 w f se-Dc s inoortet Theformula -er-ainfested nutrttona ueun

rstss on to I S -r _n4 rn -h rssults trom a ratshysenie7Aooeas atIU--

- re asmallna az1o sn n ae to-4-rhighes elour

rCn-oney t1o ttas-i d reatzrat--rEeding study at ORA -

n thave no siniicance for that of rice and wheatmillet PER versus l -i i s u ma

- Feasibilitye en cone r the final- ill make no itrto the present project they -

Analysis rieduc eina o-r -- e markiet tests

4 n s

estst-aerr D udt nes e

A al s Ana-lysise

th F a ib l tv

aS re_rcs incer rsrobems rak alongside death and

taxes illetu t -tre

et andiesewhere) lessns er_rst Ce ths a

avodane t- from E will mentionruture problems

may Ioe drawn and applie which wul a-meliorate2 these comments will

ruE consideration and judicious application of severalmo aunitems ahose test

hasten the attainment of the project goals

of the product of this project is consumerL Remember the Customer The (along with other il s ths

the potential investori who

t et make or have -ade)millet-based foodsiifor a in dec

such NTENACwill probably not be aA sill as

to tne Senegalese consumer I sunojier of materials for the

the mal -_11 be raw octntilustomer

-r nIeiI5ntO 71-- ssonOmer tchicas turs de -r s Savoidaot a ern - shyi n e p tainm---- the jhasten-

--- - -- - 2lt _2Z

-r - shy3-- shy

- he-7 ur- --

---- L-rt nemsshy ---- the -anes

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 18: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT

i - - f - ~ - s - -


n - nc ~ ~s s zDr- - c- raz z P cr

- - r----- - _- -shy

5 2l --

r~n z - ir_ -no a e _ s i - -- r -Te i e eu

For an or-the-sflelf iMDUlseshyhave not vet been througna rocus -oup testing

wel-desi nedn eve-a nizC righrepes - r r -sbu item such s O4 -cccs two months toschedule ssi ns ackace is a necessi Thei - - market test

e -ne not team would take six to twelve months n e this a horoduct

- n s t u u-us i-i gN oZ and


- - -- - - O=-- V I- c t to - eo S--rorzanenot even 2e se

- inid right eine nome unaitesis Don- re eso placementses srs

One practice which I found veyuseful in icetailed management of

3 Program Eval1ationtenwu nd Review Technique)

Product development is the RT r 1 aZ - t t mee d p t or

ar ~-

Sn eFnec4r 7Coiy is n e m ~ _d tq [ e e _ ID - hom

toteMsplacemennc~r r t ofueu nd ie aaee73 n prriewihIfud

n- - _-uscousne c 1Se - r tn i e



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 19: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT



bull - on-mend -- X n - z - -r e Maret--

-==- --19 - =nisaes - t - --- -

De s scbull

W -n n r 2 zn e o tns rarr ocisshou~e

oz et4-onof he studies Basec -n ne sC -- a

at has l on-hs 3houl bea1te for tex- e

er -et a ity producterSa the-ol hn_ n t)nso~~icita~~~i~n sdiBa c=t~nrDetozh forth - i 0o it ii r[ onthIs shol emcl lotet

-R -is

su e theoworc e=erences are ent fors_r egtrM c e ss 7as ou r-ar17 t n2 r

e i wa JS bureaucratic requirements) givener e o-2rrect tnese srcrtcomin-s

v -rnzlt rcnZa - n-em - -he gtDS electiznt pound- -2-ri tli = R A V-r 2r -r z~ o a shy

c) Go through the rest of the process but now with much stronger support

for choosin - competent contractor rather than just the cheapestechnicailv

location study should be based on two possible scenarios bothThe plant o be near ce source of raw material supply

e-e con -h enter f the area - -- zenter r ftar ined -rdcs

-i~ezltlt- in - -lt -- altlt-growcentnc ec r aket

nf lnvestor ior a processor depending on SENTENAC forthe I be strictly n -he CapDertuni f n fteriis then the oa nt vculd be locatec

-he finc sud-to should encomnass both variations and include

tne cost of a miLet pricessing line niversion (a)

Another major factor in the financial study is present and probable future

GOS policies vis-a-vis foodstuffs tax breaks import subsidies andor

It will be more difficult to monitor the progress of thisrestrictions etc

the others but also more important to do sostudy than any of

Any product development project I have ever seen - Follow-on projects

also 2eveloep s eas for furtner work This one is no exception But one must

take care to differentiate between further interesting and valuable work and

achievin -The goals of he project in hand

rc e 3 leonstrate tne consimer accentaD--jurnose thisgte _ --s---=-L)iv -n1 7 i-

been met 7na ran- tur n2 z1- t n1 ecnIm aro-ucts the niler inodc nha _ern the auracse has

--- l S a -T-T_ e- - 25 pound- r

_ln evooment

-lcw-on vcr bull nvD- azuimeint ac2uisltion tar aracess dovelo nt nor some D the other Draductsr an Linstan susc nsntnao-i-ncino

ea Z0tuaurng -ne or tns vor mav ne ustf4d However those1e U scope arcects scouii enne resenr-ti -rincec an their on terms _s

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 20: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT

c t e - - shy

bull -tiT- -FC --

r _ane o 2 A DqI-2 nn e

i 7h e _ r _ e 4-) n 7i - - us -arnt t sn z n-SAID-vnrL

conr n smv a The ra ionerl hiesoin the1 te

---e 1 irst -t b ee T - - - -ni nr c o

- )ther -ian 9t(u rh ca - -w oservarions on [his oinIryrvate cot orns mk

t r 2i~ Sn s 7e~n n UeI r ~ LD 2 - ir-ianother i4 --

USAD suoor A number a reviousnow winCuttr~obaJ no _a -KInz ace have De~fn mae ra i ed No prite ocrcern is otivated_- mmeri-a ep

-inko nonea- s cr rOcu- eveomen2t it

in tha t el4ctilV w rar 1is rez e Da- L r2_-abl

)f good market research for successfui procuctrecognizes tne Dioortance would hope the example would not be lost on future enterprisesdeveloDment i

The project has shown Lhe technical capabilities of developing good

rocessinz ~ - gt-t7is o LIein a-reasoecificationsi 7i for the millet grain inproductse includingtechncgtigood ure

some orxam la ooFinalit -xID inoivemenlt has aCpefuil7 iv-aen =

Tile the erfeat this s not evaiataO in any givenmanaaement oractices or

cime nooe that the lesscns )f erreccaveP ect et a oeriod t )ne wcuil

ol=n~ Z =2Mmi-71ent a i eeswuctk ot D nri -e - t la



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 21: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT



2aeSSr aeavrr cee ein anag4g-nJne usefu I oi This- projectDructof each successthe orobabilitperiodically

estimate 7ade b- -echnicaly competent ersonnel assessment is an informed hile results are sometmes given as Dercentages I think that ives a-false

se -iahh ei n n ow Eense - uanti accurcyya-ces r

the product Ieveooment Drocess nade fSr each staae ofs7he assessment of variousi procedures

to the developmentmarketThe stages vary according

use four stagesI willIn the oresent context atscompanies methods ror irototype a satistactory

1) Technical Development of

cnoice of packaging storage stabilityManufacture

focus group approval home placement tests Taste panelsm Consumer consumer acceptancetest markets level of

3) Marke Sales in seected te time and other constraints Ability or the product withinDveral a high

a successful Droject product ie

contribute to of this project to

oual - Feasibility Analysis

Successrooabilt- of Product

OverallMarketConsumerTechnical MediumMediumHighHighCracked Grain

MediumMediumHighHighSemolina High

1rna Hiogh High-Migh

LowLowLowMediumWeaning Food

LowMediumHighLowInstant Couscous

LowLowHighMediumDrink MediumLowMediumHighCookies Pastries


Grain (rain brise sanxal)A Cracked toproduce this material the

SENTENAC can The production line at ITA gives a producttreatment at specifications developeQ

at Superior in quality to

ITA Entoletor

with good storage stability in the packaging selected

the price can be kept the market this should sell well if

now onmaterial down

_emouS emc--e zrsse

- rs are tne same as for 3 Semo-ina

anufactur- e nar (atrades-_ - zranoui- inma factor

iLn i3 -- mc---4A

marke success teste


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 22: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT


--in ie ]~ orin

9rdtiS 0] _sor h OOtgttS -- r na -i th2


-a-aet o renzal - a -X1- a C z-rve


ut s zos-ol-1- mi waer

ment de sevraZpD~ ~ ooaiz0

the hIousevaIr c-isperseThe 7ouct ricuires that hegroup tests are stz nee-Ed minutes before feeding All aiti- water i - m

instant te in the market (Neste ledine etc are

otser rocucts bowl 1 stirs briefly and f eeds Drjcocetarm t zaene in a

housewif e auds - reclosabie ackages nas acKa1ng sL t a orobiem A oossile spplier of

Dac (age- t nave teenn r shyuSte treen resentT~fCtZtason~tC-oicustr4a -racess ri

nst zed -- duct a z re ann t e Ce w t leniaie Foo gt

nst-ntane)e)shynstant iusjuScouS a

rs 1 romtee aprtvaI - -- - - rrootoe- - - - - - -borator-scaI- - mace inc

e-aes sa n__slt - asoeenA iln - e - A-o inutra in rdu

-o - n~c-r n ins~n- an 1f actirnge no -or - -ire -iot problems A m

forusmusei _n -A i and stabilitygroups ack-a-Jn7focus is not now available and oroabl will the eilot-dant scaleprocess even at

test market ThiA product not be even by the schedul t e for beginning the

process development is successfullyhcould have a major market itact nce time necssary to accomplish that is probably much

completed The length of roject hence instantt-e -ost-raints ofr this

-onzerthan av-iable wihin

Drink ilIMou)

as a sourcebe made using ile reare number or drinks wn -nould

contwould use otnerDr stan or ho The -rt ind ofbva e(asis tene maret or tneceziear now largeflavor It is not

of millet in theAlso the oercentasze content to soda beer etc)compared this nnmarKetA beverage manufacturer interestedlow nds)product would be

farina available as-he high-qualitsegment would undoubtedly be interested in

but the prouct itself is not compatible with the rest

a result of this project product line being prepared for the test market

of the

Pastries (biscottes patisseries)G Cookies

give unique desirable character45t to-Z be used toMillet flour can mu therom soft wheat frgoods (ones normally madecertain kinds of baked

these products hnave been mace int n e tome approaches to bakers of

the idea is outside the tes4hilebeen exoressedinterest as e 3V sct o id not 7ae --ense -to -run a -ar2ettetv n-ai

eel(and prob6able u-se Lvl 7-A) a sound assessment orf toe nterest

-z t toe et UL - r

n e 3esr1u 1n r r s ti r

s an tne esh r oncet ter e ng-ranu oo)os ro omaeeet o etc) o te oDertoe )ce souca ilessn h


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 23: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT


i wou-ave to be a he u -sne--chieved the concept D e i h rsoii to te _Sene zalese z nsumer u -e timeshyff olis e

r S z0at 7

e n -wi- he-sks uc tct ia i-c fs n

ur rae 7 U

i- -tepr duzts most ei to To summarize - eLrs a- shy

the threetantiai investor are ive market test results 2uhin iinerest a

the use of Millet ncnocommodity items (cracked

lour 4 _aosseet

cz s as o r the are or tns It sncuiG be rememDr t

ecuiment maker who manufacturesshould-A 1ocate anevaluation if tomorrcw a means uscous or they find a mking zod cuallne instant iir

rocability assessmentseani fod then to for manuzactuinlg instanized

But until an sucn events c ur tne assessment table presented above change

t _e tne most ie- stateseems


tue 20Le uaments are ao1iei to nCdiCuai millet-based products

e roject ieoverall 7- --

miez fod marketDrocessednin inveu - - enter 7ethe zhanoes in Senega-

1) The first stage set out in the first part of the project paper purpose

the technical stage cf PLoduct development is to Establish

and comparable to

cultural acceptability technical feasibilityk and economic viability for

The probability of sale of some) transformed millet foodsnreduaiund

to overail c-d thers zate c 7eoim as - du -- ----- o -ree

least 1o or these will proveprobailitv fucess seems certain that at

-o e zult zhnizai and economic inners

3e ID -arturposemanuftur - teng finanaI t4n atract investment capitalD shy

-Dthe consumer testing itageThis is e

the inputssuccess depends grea-J on the quality of

Aczomplishment of raw material availability plant location market potentialthe studies on Of two such inputs

factors orevious pitfalls avoided and financial analysis

in hand )ne (millet supply) is a waste and must be redone while the other learned

to be well thought out Hopefully the lessons (market research) seems for these two studieshoosiun fthe tontractorsfrom the tocess and results

ther studies are being selected In be applied when contractors Zor tuewill

success in arrivina at a product (the my opinion -he probabiitV of

res _s mediLumi S c v wnc il interest tctent-

easibi it is M iicit in ea--t

ince rate tr4-e to investthe g and assumDtion r r n rgoal er c shy

-a cnr12tfiC e

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 24: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT

n menn ce~

M~Aca~e~t n c

r 1aK en n assessmet e it to

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 25: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT

- S C tr S

orioe has been a r-ctor in ai est - shy

ze~abie7n-a 7arketing processed millet foods The potential_te ail a= ~-

e d reliable inrormation on this ocint Seek a or S - -=I firm to oeoeat tine stuc

In the itereSCS Dr netailed ttemOts aaoae _]_ vouldIn- -us -nhis nalsis nust be av -- bull

oob In s so t od-ai- ]e _-somer tio a gosd sool should- be ablenana~ement _r -_a eri--9--in ltill~~~~------------------------_nt

7n~n n Zm rn inancian cin-~ -- -_ienS-k

thesethnat te ProcessS- Dinrngshynai I S tron iy recommene

34 Given the experience with orevious later than Julystudies begin no the this might vield the desired output in time to make them part of

studies feasibilitv analysis

arZ -Ianaaerial lanningt ~E~ ~ ~n wnrnenn ~ ~

n Z1reMn-r -

This wii bring into focus or heMarket est planntrcraw D a at - ities anresponsibi li ies of all personnel involved

e olans for t--market zest t

oints for each roduct (iewill be the decison- win- t -o drop it completely Dr to reformulateaore-_

--4 et r to zontinue with the product applied at each decision

and try again) and what specific criteria will be

mnonths before to be reached during the next three point This agreement needs

the home placement tests start

3) Establish now with the management of CEGIR what kinds of information

t market testfinal reoort Look at me l be recuired in their n ae

from thne viewpoint of the Feasibility Analysis (and the customer) and consider

Doing this in advance ensures test data will be requiredsort of market not lostwhat es to acquire the relevant data are t oorunJthe

TA withDirector General of - - -- nera and the ssiszant or tne-- work Out methods by which more

the hel or thne Resident Advisor must ener-l -D his

- bull-Z- -7-

-vntcentihote i=7 =

-- - - - - - - - - - -n-ga - - - - - -shy

- -


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 26: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT


T nomn - e re e d -

- -L ---bull --

e - - -- - shy

Ma _-i ------r czna ne zarh _s-_ee _- e Eher e ae ts resort nc u11 in o e

7 r- cential h 2 -r

The present zacre including he Resident Advisor should 2) Personnel period TIe technicalontpersonnel notnuinhbe ret-ained for the additional inaL22 mon produod

continuing sroduct data anaivs s n report precaratCl could be reportnvove w4iti be useful in buttressing te final

development work which would n fnal roeor urhase

2eomteluiohe T recommenw er the -no aireat there - cltuc c m e

2fshelf-life stabilitthis nachine is ior ant fc rof the imiliet flours wich

one were to brea down wnile samples were beingne procucz the present Df S6000Dr~narec amp-n2nwould come to a halt At n pprcximate cost

tis is zneap isurance

this projectachieve the purpose ofNo other equipment is needed to

within the time constraints of the market test plan

Numerous factors enter into determining the exact amount of

4) Funding to be made available Unilateral tentative proposals have additinal funds -e mountshit -AiD nezottte -

and UAID - recommend-T-Ashy

- i s shy-me-n-eIu fi eiti~na -ilt anancd itte I na are required z) salaries supportand beyond original plansstudies above v agreed upon in the process of _an be rotadilother requirementsnersonnel and

setting the detailed budget




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 27: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT




t reezressed1i - -- n-- i

z d tare bull sn rz inta iscirectiY_s~-

d3ressec v e project nie -i toz-emDt5 relieve two constraints the lack of notivaticn -or farmers row rillet as a cash crop s nanstar rket mn he necessity to


r 1 c s 3

L ie 5 J pound 3~

relieve this constraint It usesthe projet promote to What technology did

technology cereaLs processing techniques and market research

modern cereal ethodolo Ytoidentify viable millet-baseC Lcod oroducts

- t a re~iace It replaces the tedious bull -

cc=55inl or ml _e Dresentsectv In Se

Why did the project plnners believe -e anrended beneficiaries would - more urbanizedAs me uDeccmesnrooosectIL 2r There is still aadoo the ood raar onesenvenece an-I -cod-r

S aod u an indisposition with regard uZui isncsition towar4s -7i4

to the traditional tedious eCO

5 What characteristics did the intended beneficiaries exhibit that had

their adopting the proposed technology The housewife presently

relevance to amounts of processed millet-based foods

in the market in spite purchases some the food chain thethe other end of of admittedly low quality in general At

their excessI v--ernmea s Dromise to buy all e -te farmers t meres-ori 7ato raise millet as a cash crop_- - sows

if -e atet ror at seems assurec

6 What adoption rate has this project achieved in transferring the proposed

tezhnology A

forces in Totion that will induce further exploration of

7 Has te project set overcomethe technical package proposed to the constraint and improvements to

The Institut de Technologie Alimentaire is considering a pilot plant

it Yes to continue exploitation and seeking changes in its charter which

will allow it

of this technology after the termination of the present project

incentive to examine the constraintan8 Do private input suppliers have up with a solution Yes - profit

addressed bhy the project and to come to manufacture

Several attempts have been made in the past by private concerns

The reasons for their failures have been taken and market millet-based foods

the present projectinto account in the design of

9 What deliverv system did the project employ to transfer technology to

The proect wii oraduce a Feasibilit7 Analysis whica intended aenera-iaries- to implement the technology ancwill be a 1a4 factor in convincing investors

eveiJS ahe eaerva- t a-s shy _-nn

woringTA -meesiaent Adsor InU snort-trm fnsu-tants - a ii

sstem in tecnno-Osy ianning techniques ind

aerain nf

projec management merhocoiogies anem

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 28: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT

i har effect dia the -ransferred tenoz have upon those -fezzed by T



OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 29: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT


OCn TSv3sUL -shy-

Februaryiiet Transformation ProjectPiOiT - mid-term Evaluation DfL) 1984

e c t- Pazerille- Transfsrnaion Prw o 6-


USAID November 1980 Design and Evauazon of AID-Assisted Projects3)

DLilement tne Sene al Miiet -Transformation To~nisal Prc-sal erience nc pril 1982 = Q 51- 3__-oPr c

at~ PrMe-

for Mialet Transformationonnr for Eiaes 7 perience -ncll Project 635-02_fu i Aug-ust 1962

2 Dr Alfred LackmanProgress Report6) Millet Transformation Project

March 1981

Dr Alfrad Lacnmanon -he Prduc Devewpment- Constnt Resorts

the Marketing Study Market Development Laurence 3) Consultants Report on

Black 19 irh - Aoril 1983

Commercialisation Resume du Rapport du Consultant sur lEtude de la

9) par C-GIR Roger Bognar Experience Inc 3 February - 22

realisee February 1984

January 1984L A30 Transformation du Mil 10) Project de Budget de Projet

(Dr Kanes request for extension

11) Grant Agreement etween the Government of the Republic of Sevegal and the

22 Seqtemoer4i~ll Uzansformation Projectof AmerL-a frUnited StatS 981

-- de Ua-sCC Q- in-iu


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 30: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT


gt Les Lacales et arc e- I-Iude iu S-susCeD1i1 es -_siuruirain]mi cie eurs Derives


es du Sahelne L ians 1es as Techno1ozies aes Cereales Tr-dii Scat

AGRI April 1982

anuar -5-rip Report - Dakar - SDAICD shyaul

February 1983

ransformation Project_ ork lan o implement the Senegal Millet

11 November 192 -er enCe Inc

c-Dec 1982 Jan-Dr M Hamd- esiien AdvisorQuarterl Reports 1933 Jan-March933u-SeMc-2ecMarch L93 April-June 1982

les sens e but at las caracteristiues de IEtude sur 13) Introduction sur

1approvisionnement en mil Soumission par Cheick Mba-e Directeur

Afrique Audit January 1983

-met Ar e Audit 1 - -3i Z7 bulltie -r - iq c A fzu bulli

e Rapport rovisoire Etude sur Note de Svnthese des Observations sur20) oar Afrique Audit 1984lApprovisiiefemt du 11ii fait

t e sit at i -t Froposiion Action gt La FiIiera rea1iere Note AK

Sidibe et R Schilling July 1983

FY 1986 Update Senegal22) Country Development Strategy Statement

USAID March 1984

23) Proposition Etude du Deveioppement in Marcne de Produits Alimentaires

du Mil CEGIR 26 September 19832

- - mier Rapoort ciEtaoe Etude s-r e Developpement run Marche de

r-- entaires is e e - i 7GGR ri 193shy

( 7 - _zs r -

gtde ies a -- -eme-- JCS shy

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i

Page 31: ,635-0250)pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDABA134.pdf,635-0250) FINAL EVA,.JATION REPORT Dr. Clyde E. Stauffer 12 May 1984 MILLET TRANSFORMATION PROJECT (60'-0250) FINAL EVALUATION REPORT

- - ---

z1r r 1 Z Z-

-r h n~~-sssa


a en e rA -Dr 2usmane Ka ne rcr

-Dr 3 Ndove Assisant Director General

-Dr MHokh-ar Hamdv Resi entA-dvsor

AT GuirD PrDect Leader gte- -Dr

Dial F~rer rJa ri2- -[B

e- - e e 3asse n -a L I r

AAncien Directeur General de

-Mr Jack Diedonbeck Directeur Technique SENTENAC

Directeur dEtudes -ONEPI-Mr Ibrahima Ba eur de I dustrie-Mr Sidv Lamine Ba Direc

Ministere du Developpement Industriel -i -- - er ii eeiooment

H-r I e - an

- -- - - r B n-Hr-m I azeie -r-i