649 leadership quotes timeless truths from 2013 conferences 1 copy

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  • 7/30/2019 649 Leadership Quotes Timeless Truths From 2013 Conferences 1 Copy


    649 Leadership Quotes

    Timeless Truths From The 2013 Passion,Exponential, Orange And Chick-Fil-A Leadercast


    Brian Dodd


  • 7/30/2019 649 Leadership Quotes Timeless Truths From 2013 Conferences 1 Copy



    649 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From The 2013 Passion, Exponential,

    Orange, Chick-Fil-A Leadercast Conferences

    God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown himas you have helped his people and continue to help them. Hebrews 6:10 (NIV)As a member ofThe Rocket Company, I have the privilege of attending some of thegreatest Christian conferences possible. During the first half of 2013, four events inparticular stood out.

    Passion 2013 was a historic event as 60,000 students descended upon the Georgia Domefor an amazing time of worship and to bring attention to the 27 million trapped in slaveryaround the globe.

    Exponential 13 took place in Orlando during the month of April. The focus of thisconference was DiscipleShift. While you may be unfamiliar with word, this group of

    church planters has a deep desire to see churches more effective at making and releasingdisciples.

    Orangeis a Childrens Ministry Conference that every adult should attend. While there,I made it a point to attend as many Pastors Tracks as possible. A little previewthePastors Lunch is the best session I have attended this year. Dont miss that chapter.

    Chick-Fil-A Leadercastwas a great way to conclude the years first half. A quality mixof business and Christian leaders convened to address a subject desperately needed in theleadership communitysimplicity. As you read the comments provided, make note thatgenius is making complicated things simple, not simple things complicated.

    These events featured many incredible leaders such as Andy Stanley, Francis Chan,Louie Giglio, Condoleezza Rice, John Maxwell, and others. Their insights have beencaptured and provided for you throughout this Ebook.

    I have also provided two bonus sessions for you. Jeff Henderson, Campus Pastor atGwinnett Church of North Point Ministries, came to The Rocket Company offices tospeak into the lives of our staff. His thoughts were recorded for you as well as a sessionCrawford Loritts conducted at Fellowship Bible Church on effective preaching andteaching. His 101 insights are a highlight of this Ebook.

    If you learn from and apply the lessons provided by these experts of their craft, you willbe a better leader.

    Thanks for reading. I look forward to bringing you more key learnings from additionalChristian leadership events throughout the year.

    Brian Doddwww.BrianDoddOnLeadership.com

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    Table Of Contents

    Passion Page Number

    Louie Giglio 3

    Francis Chan 4


    Jim Putman 5

    Francis Chan 5

    Ed Stetzers Interview With Francis Chan 6

    Ed Stetzer 6

    Alan and Debra Hirsch 6

    Tim Keller 7

    Brandon Hatmaker 7


    Brian White 8

    Michael Lukaszewski 10

    Carey Nieuwhof 11

    Andy Stanley 13

    Jon Acuff 15

    Bob Goff 17

    Pastors Lunch with Perry Noble, Jeff Henderson, and Carey Nieuwhof 18

    *Bonus - Rocket Company Training with Jeff Henderson 20

    *Bonus101 Lessons On Becoming A Better Preacher 22

    Chick-Fil-A Leadercast

    Andy Stanley 27

    Henry Cloud 28

    John Maxwell 29

    Condoleezza Rice 30

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    Passion 2013

    Louie Giglio

    1. This is really happening.

    2. Everything thing were doing is coming out of the living Word of God.3. We believe in the God who does immeasurably more.4. God had a heartbeat for 18-25 years oldthe vast majority of whom dont have

    a clue why they are on this planet.5. I am the God of immeasurably more. - what God said to Louie after seeing a

    clip of 60,000 college students gathered in Seoul, Korea in 1996.6. Im looking at another stadium of 60,000 people and I believe God is a God of

    immeasurably more.7. When we are foolish God intervenes.8. We get into captivity because of our foolishness and we are more foolish that we

    want to admit.

    9. It is because of our foolishness that we forget who God is.10.When God breathes He breathes on hard-hearted people.11.I like that about God. He is always leaning in with tricky questionsHe is

    gauging our understanding of Him.12.Whenever God asks you a question, its always a wise answer to say, Our

    sovereign Lord, only You know.13.Things can be going crazy and Jesus has an amazing ability to focus in that

    momentIt doesnt matter whats going on in the Metro Atlanta right now. Jesuscan be focused on whats going on in your world.

    14.Your life may be messed and your foolishness may have put you into captivitybut Jesus can do the whatever it is that is immeasurably more in your life.

    15.Ezekiels Lord was big.16.Jesus is great! He glows like fire! He is radiant in His glory!..Jesus is unrivaled

    in His glory!..He is asking the question, Do you believe I can do exceedinglymore in your life and your generation?

    17.The Word of God spoke into the dry bones. His breath filled them, put tendons(repair), and put skin onThen you will know I am GodWhen Jesus comesthat will happen.

    18.The bound aregoing to go free because Jesus is in this Dome.19.I got high when I went to Passion 2012 but Ive been sober ever since.20.Somebodys got their drugs with you in here at this eventwhen Jesus comes in

    the bound will go free.

    21.This conference is not aboutreligionThis conference is about the fact that sindid not make us bad. Sin made us deadWhen Christ comes, the dead will cometo life.

    22.Youre going to think we had an eye clinic here because at the end of thisconference youre going to be able to seesome for the very first time.

    23.Jesus makes the lame walkThe poor are going to be lifted.24.God always gets the glory when Jesus comes.25.If Jesus is here we are going to walk out of this place to live our lives to the

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    glory of God the Father.

    Francis Chan

    1. Im going let them nail me to a cross for everything he did wrongIll suffer

    what Ill need to but Ill save him. Francis thinking about what Jesus did forhim.2. God, I dont want to look relaxed at the next PassionI want to fight. I want to

    know Im battling and doing something with my life.3. If you really want to experience Him, then go and make disciples.4. One of the biggest struggles of my life is walking up to a stranger and telling him

    about Christ.5. For those who say I dont experience Jesus. I say Are you making

    disciples?6. Yes!!! I finally freak people out!7. Gods promises, the things He writes in this book (Bible), can be trustedEvery

    year I am more and more sure of the words in this book.8. Every year in my life I trust fewer peopleI dont really trust people.9. There are a ton of people in this room people who were supposed to protect

    you, abused you.10.If I die with God I will also live with HimIts not that big a deal.11.My wife Lisa has been faithful to me for 19 years.12.If youre faithless Im still faithful. Thats just who I am. God13.If we cant put up with things on the earth, we are going to reign with Him.14.Life is difficult but you got to endure it.15.Im not making a definitive statement but I am giving a warning right

    nowWhen I read passages about perseverance, if there is a pattern in your life

    when you get no real joy from the cross, and there is this ongoing pattern ofselfishness where you would think about hurting others by killing yourself, itwould be wise to consider you are not secure in Christ.

    16.My fear is that you thinking you are escaping pain (by suicide), that was not painand you are in a deeper pain for all of eternity.

    17.God is going to fight it (the pain of life) for you.18.While you trust His promises of blessings but you dont trust His threats of

    punishment.19.Some of us have a hard time believing in Gods faithfulness because of how we

    have behavedDo you think you did something that changed His character.20.Even though you were faithless, I am faithful. I want you back. Ill buy you

    back right now. God21.You dont want to get your hopes. God doesnt want us living that way.22.Christ really is going to return. Get excited.

    For more from Louie Giglio and Francis Chan click the following:

    17 Inspirational Leadership Quotes By Francis Chan From Passion 20129 Reasons Why Passion City Church, Louie Giglio, And Chris Tomlin Are A ContagiousEpidemic

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    Exponential 2013

    Jim Putman

    1. My fear is people will give credit to the wrong things and reproduce the wrongthings.

    2. My dad, despite the shame I brought upon him, kept lovingTheir life was thereal deal.

    3. Atheism takes you to a place where you think youre God. And no one wants tolive with someone who thinks theyre God.

    4. I remember the night I gave my life to the Lord. I just felt new.5. Asking me to be a pastor was like asking me to be part of a losing team.6. 90% of Christians will die without ever sharing their faith.7. What is winning to the church? What should we be measuring?8. As I look at the church in America, we see our influence waning.

    9. Christians cant answer basic Bible questions.10.Its His (Jesus) church if its under His authority. We have too many people

    wondering what the people want.11.His mission is NOT to make converts and it never has been. His mission is to

    make disciples.12.A disciple is following Jesusbeing made into something elseis committed to

    the mission of Jesus.13.The saddest thing about Christians is they are the loneliest people in the world.14.AA took everything out of the church that was supposed to be in the church.15.The sad part of Christianity is that weve built a Christianity that doesnt satisfy


    16.We define Christianity in a way that does not work.17.Jesus is the greatest disciple maker in history. He discipled 12.18.Why would every pastor want what every teacher hates? Only 20% of people

    have an auratory learning style.19.Our people are being converted and then invited to come and watch.20.Im not against church services. We have them every week. Im just against

    church services only.

    Francis Chan

    1. The problem is getting people to make disciples is I question how many of them

    are really believers.2. How many people who attend our church on Sunday are going to hell?3. Paul chose to sound dumber than he really wasIm not going to know anything

    except Christ crucified.4. Im betting it all on the gospel and that it is going to change people.5. When have you been part of a church where an unbeliever would walk in and

    say, Thats impossible?6. God wants to build a church thats like a family.

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    7. Our kids arent going to survive the way things are right nowFun nights andpizza nights are not going to sustain us.

    8. This is the first generation who doesnt believe the future is going to bebrighter.

    9. More soldiers died by suicide last year than in combat.

    10.We got to talk serious about where the world is going.11.Strengthen what remains and is about to die.12.I bet there is some of you who would say, I used to love Jesus more.

    Francis Chan Interview With Ed Stetzer

    1. What frustrates me is when I look at Scripture is I want to be that man. To putme as an extremist is destructive. Radical Christian living is sustainable.

    2. My own sin keeps me (perceived radical Christian living) from beingsustainable.

    3. I in no way believe everyone to sell everything they have and move overseas.

    4. Of course there are moments when you want to leave (the pastorate) but I dontleave during those moments.5. The discipleship process is an open life process. The challenge is do you want to

    open yourself up that much.6. I see myself as a bi-vocational pastor. I dont make my money by discipling

    people.7. Im encouraging people who are already working jobs to become shepherds.8. I tell them (small group leaders) you are their shepherd.

    Ed Stetzer

    1. Discipleship is long obedience is the same direction.2. Discipleship is lived out in relationship with others.3. The Gospel is not you do, the Gospel is Jesus did.4. Attendance is a skewed measurement of success.5. How every attractive your strategy, its helpful to occasionally look at the

    results.Winston Churchill6. It is more valuable for me to disciple two people rather than write a book or

    speak at a conference.7. Pastors think the #1 way to disciple people is through their preaching. The

    people think the #1 way to disciple is with other people.8. I dont want behavioral modification. I want biblical-based living.9. What is not a fad is people following Jesus with radical devotion.

    Alan and Debra Hirsch

    1. You cannot teach what you do not know. You cannot lead where you will notgo.

    2. A leader never stops being a follower of Jesus.3. Being a leader doesnt mean we get to point the way. As leaders, we lead the

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    way.4. You dont just get to be a leader and rest.5. If you are a leader, you must be more radical now. Not less.6. A leader must have current stories. Not old ones.7. A leader who is a disciple looks as Jesus looked.

    8. Leaders who follow Jesus need to embody holiness. Not moralism.9. Jesuss style of leadership was humble and servant-like.10.All truth equals subjective changeIf something is true, it must change you.11.We teach with our lives.

    Tim Keller

    1. One of the problems with discipleship is you cant hideYou have to be aGodly person.

    2. Natural temperament always has a dark side because it participates in youridols.

    3. Unless youre really a Godly person, discipleship will not work because peoplearent going to believe you.4. You cant them where you are not yourself.

    Brandon Hatmaker

    1. What was once a place built on community (the original Starbucks in Seattle)had become so efficient that people were being herded in and out likecattle. They gave the people what they wanted. This is what the church becomeswithout community. A tour stop for consumers.

    2. Community just didnt fill a need in their lives to get plugged in. It gave thempurpose.

    3. Discipleshift occurs when we as leaders move people from programs to movingthem to live on mission.

    4. Community without mission is not biblical community.5. The first a missionary will want to do is engage their culture.6. They engage culture by identifying their needs and engaging the needs of that

    culture.7. Church is what church does. We are what we doIt organizes what it does. If

    we dont get create the structure that mirrors the vision, well never do it.8. When people are confused or distracted, the first thing you will lose is mission.9. If we say we are going to do something (mission) instead of that (another good

    idea), it communicates the value of the mission.

    For additional Christian content click the following:Just 10 Of The Reasons Why Jesus Is The Greatest Leader EverThe 25 Greatest Leadership Quotes On Cross-Cultural, Multi-Racial, Multi-GenerationalMinistry Ive Ever Heard8 Things Nike Can Teach Pastors And Church Leaders About CreativityThe Top 10 Christian Women Bloggers You Should Be ReadingThis list includes Brandonswife Jen.

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    Orange Conference

    Disney Executive Brian White

    I had the privilege of attending a session for senior Christian leaders by Brian White,elder ofDiscovery Churchin Simi Valley, CA and employee ofDisney. I wanted toshare his thoughts with you on one of the worlds greatest companies.

    Disney Thinks Orange.

    1. Walt Disney was a man with big ideas. He noticed most parents were bored andthe children did not want to be there.

    2. He was 50 yrs. old when he came up with the big idea of parents and childrenhaving fun together.

    3. EVERY family member should enjoy church.4. Each person who attends church should get something out of it.

    Honor The Past Without Living In It

    1. If Disney made it all about nostalgia, the world would pass them by.2. Walt Disney wasnt really a nostalgic person. We can ill afford to rest on our

    laurels, even in times to retrospect. Times and conditions change so rapidly wemust keep our aim constantly on the future.

    3. Walt was fine with Mickey Mouse changing his appearance over the years.4. Disney bought Marvel for guys in their 20-somethings.5. We must never forget it was all started by a mouse.6. The decision to go into movies (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) established

    the next 60 years of the company.7. If the church ignores technology, we will pay a price.8. Our church is 110% interested in reaching the next generation.

    Being A Good Brand Steward

    1. We own one thingintellectual property. A white t-shirt costs $10. Throw amouse on it and it costs $25.

    2. A brand is like a bank account. Everything you do puts value in or takes valueout of that brand.

    3. The cheap and safe model makes money but takes value away from the brand.4. We invented Swampy and the other brands started calling us. We added value to

    the bank account by creating a character.5. Jesus Christ, the gospel message, is the most important brand that has ever

    existed. Everything I do, every time I share the gospel, every time I start aministry I affect the brand.

    6. Am I cheapening peoples perception of the gospel or am I cheapening thebrand?

    7. Sometimes improving the brand is getting out-of-the-way of the next person witha great idea.

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    Dont Even Try To Please Everybody

    1. We dont try to please the demanding fan and the hater. The demanding fan hassuch a high opinion of your company that they have a narrow view of it. A hater

    hates you. They dont believe what you believe. They dont have the samevalues.2. We care about making the best products we can make knowing some people will

    think we lost our way.3. Some people want their FREE back. How do you please someone like that?4. Becoming obsessed with what people think is the quickest way to forget what

    God thinks. Craig Groeschel

    The Ideation Process Is Critical

    1. If you have a bad ideation process, you will never have good ideas.

    2. In Blue Sky Meetings, there are no bad ideas.3. What if we build a theme park where no one knows the name Disney? TokyoDisneyland is now the most profitable of all the parks.

    4. Art is a team sport. There is no way for one person to do a piece of artanymore.

    5. Any idea that comes forth can be a great idea even if it is not from a person youexpect.

    6. For churches, the visionaries need to be setting direction but you need anideation process to make the ideas come at.

    7. Crazy ideas needs to be entertained.

    Concentrate On Psychographics, Not Demographics

    1. Psychographics is getting into the mind of your customer, the person walkingthrough your door.

    2. Think like a compassNeedsWantsStereotypes (Positive, Negative)Emotions.

    3. We want lines to be there (Disneyland). Its a sign that things are successful.4. Someone comes to church on a Sunday morning, what is their need? What is

    their want? What are their stereotypes (positive, negative)? What are theemotions feel as people come in?

    Great Staff Members Require Three Yeses

    1. What do I get to do?2. Who do I get to work with?3. Am I a valued contributor?

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    Synergy + Focus = Synchronized Energy

    1. Creativity + Innovation is the #1 thing.2. You might have a lot of siloed ministries. Is anyone looking at all of it seeing

    how it connects?

    3. Scrum is when a whole bunch of people go down the field together hoping toscore. We manage scrum principles to managing projects.4. In my 15 year career at Disney, there is nothing that has made more progress in

    my career than implementing a Scrum Board.5. No one is an enemy anymore, because everyone is in a scrum together.

    Michael Lukaszewski

    Michael Lukaszewski ofThe Rocket Company(and oh by the way my boss) gave a greatmessage on helping pastors and church leaders better connect with their audience.

    1. If you can speak to a room full of teenagers, that takes some skill. I tell pastors

    if they want to improve to speak to teenagers. They wont put up with stuff.2. I improved my communication by speaking to a room full of people who didnt

    want to be there.3. Most presentations fall flatPeople endure it.4. The missing ingredient is connectivity. Connectivity is the art of connecting

    your message to your audience by capturing their attention in order to engagetheir hands and hearts.

    5. Connection, not information, makes a difference.6. When you connect with your congregation, that is when they pay attention. That

    is when the Holy Spirit gets through.7. If you cant answer the question of what is the single most persuasive idea (in

    your sermon), then know no one in your audience will know either.8. People remember stories. People remember statements.9. Remembering statements dont happen because we preach. They happen

    because they were crafted.10.At the 10 minute mark, the brain starts wondering when this will be over.11.Steve Jobs comes out with something new and interesting every 10 minutes.12.A great communicator does not give the brain time to get bored.13.Formulas create freedom.14.Turn ideas into word pictures so everyone can understand it.15.We remember things even if theyre wrong because theyre wrong.16.Political writers use echo all the time. An echo is a word or phrase and repeating

    it in the 2nd half of your sentence.17.Forgiven people forgive.18.Proverbs is almost all contrast. The righteous do this. The wicked do

    that. Would you rather die from something or for something.19.A hook is repeating it over and over and over again.20.Information is life-changing but it is how it is packaged that causes the audience

    to lean in.21.Your sermon preparation should start with the scripture. I dont think your

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    sermon should. You start your sermon with where your congregation is. Jesusdid this.

    22.The people attending your church on Sunday already believe something aboutwhat youre talking about.

    23.If you start with where people are, they will lean it and you can take them on a

    journey.24.Having a topic is not the same as having a point.25.People used to come in with an automatic Im going to listen to the

    pastor. They dont do that anymore.26.If people like you, they will listen to you.27.One of the most important things you can do in the first five minutes of the

    message, is to do something to make people like you.28.People dont always like to listen to the experts. Sometimes they like to listen to

    a fellow struggler.29.Likability is the single most important quality of a pastor. Vance Havner30.Assume the worst. Assume that your congregation or audience could care less

    about what you have to say. If you do that, you will do the hard work it takes toconnect.31.You have to go through the process to get a product.32.What God has called you to is important.

    Carey Nieuwhof

    This morning I had the privilege of attending a session for senior Christian leaders by myfriendCarey Nieuwhof, Senior Pastor ofConnexus Community Churchin Toronto on thesubject of change.

    In my opinion, Carey has the best leadership blog on the internet. To get additional

    thoughts from this incredible leader, you can check it out his blog by clickinghere.

    1. Leadership can sometimes be lonely.2. If you look at where the church is going, change is going to be on the agenda.3. The longer I lead the less I trust myself.4. There is a difference between whether you are doing something or are you doing

    it well.5. Change is exhausting.6. I will be letting a younger generation make more and more calls as I move into

    my 50s. They have a better pulse on todays culture.7. Many churches have frozen into a particular year. Some are in the 50s. Some

    are in the 60s. Some contemporary churches are frozen in the 90s. They arentcontemporary anymore.

    8. Sometimes you have to say, Youre a praying person. Im a prayingperson. We both love Jesus. Now lets talk about strategy.

    9. Spiritual leadership can become a mask for conflict.

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    5 Shifts That Help Create An Appetite For Change

    Shift OneUnderstand Why People Resist Change

    1. People crave what they already like.

    2. Our cravings form behavioral patterns. People who attend your church love itthe way it is. That is why they are there. The people who dont attend yourchurch dont.

    3. People change when the pain associated with the status quo is greater than thepain associated with change.

    4. Leaders have a greater appetite for change than those who follow. This createstension in your church. You behave one way as a leader and another way as afollower.

    Shift TwoPlot Trajectory To Determine Whats At Stake

    1. Unimplemented change eventually becomes relief or regret.2. As a leader you must decide if you want your story to be about relief or regret.3. Incremental change ushers in incremental results.4. 60% of those who attend Connexus have no church background.5. The Kingdom of God really, really demands our best.6. Radical change has the potential power to usher in radical results.7. (Regarding change) the last 10% is the hardest. Because the people who resist

    change still have something to hold on to and now youre taking that away.8. Change can happen in five years. Transformation takes seven.9. Four Sundays a month is disappearing. Regular attendance in now 2-3 Sundays

    a month.10.Plot out where you will be if you dont change. Plot out where you could be if

    you do change.11.Your job as a leader is paint a picture of the future and call people to it.12.The greatest enemy of our future success is your current success.

    Shift ThreeRaise The Level Of Discontent

    1. Create discontent in a good way.2. Out of discontent great things get birthed.3. Create discontent out of the potential of your mission, the progress of your

    mission, the gap in your mission of what is and what could be, the urgency ofyour mission.

    4. As leaders, you are dreamers. You see great things of what could be.5. Transfer the tension that comes with the appetite for change from the leader to

    the community.6. When you cast vision, focus twice as much as why you do what do rather than

    what and how. Why unites, while what and how divide.7. The only leadership question that unites people is Why?8. Only the most selfish people say I dont care about the rest of the world. They

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    can go to hell.9. Communicate the need for change in concentric circles. Dialogue with the

    core. Get input from committed people. Give information to thecongregation. Give vision to the crowd. And finally, give an invitation to thecommunity.

    10.Getting input from 100s and 1000s of people in your church can kill change.11.Dont look for consensus. Consensus kills courage. Change never happenswhen everyone has a say.

    12.You will never get consensus.13.You are a leader because you will do things other people dont do.14.Reserve decisions exclusively for the body that must make decisions.

    Shift FourPrepare For Drama

    1. We are attracted to the drama in other peoples lives but resist it in our own.2. We pay for drama.

    3. Most Christians would forbid their children to participate in the Bible stories weread to them.4. Most Christians pray for a changed outcome and then pray against any drama

    necessary to bring the outcome about.5. There is no story without drama. You want the right kind of drama in your

    drama.6. To lead effectively introduces the drama necessary for the outcomes to change.

    Shift FiveNever Arrive

    1. Focus on where you are going, not when youll arrive.2. When you stop changing, you die.3. Value experimentation.4. I dont know where the church is going the next 10 years, but it is going to

    require a lot of experimentation.5. Embrace failure as a step toward progress.6. Celebrate the progress you make.7. A lasting appetite for change develops naturally in people and organizations who

    truly embrace their mission.

    Andy Stanley

    Andy Stanleydestroyed many of our assumptions about how to effectively

    communicate to students and young people.

    Reggie Joiner

    1. Words matter and what you do every week matters.

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    Ken Coleman

    1. Words are strategically used in questions.2. Good questions inform. Great questions transform.3. By the time we reach the 8th grade, the average person is only asking 2-3

    questions a day.4. Our education system is driving out curiosity. Were training them to answerquestions.

    5. Great leaders are always asking questions.6. The most successful people are continually asking questions.7. We can become so obsessed with whats next that we miss the now. And by

    missing the now, we often miss whats next.8. At some point life happens.

    Andy Stanley

    1. We have for generations, Evangelicals perceived ourselves as being themajority. Anytime that happens, they speak with an element of authority whetherthey have that authority or not.

    2. Were not the majority anymoreWe keep talking like were the majority andwe look foolish.

    3. In the first century they knew they werent the majority. They were lion food.4. Once upon a time a handful of people believe Jesus raised from the dead. 2000

    years later a third of world believes that. Its going to be OK.5. Whenever youre in the majority, you outreach your authority.6. Approach determines peoples response to what we have to say.7. We must adapt our approaches to connect with our target audiences.

    8. How do you win as many as people as possible? I change my approach.9. My goal isnt to be right. My goal isnt to make a point. My goal is to win thoseunder the law.

    10.My goal isnt for people who agree with me to agree with me.11.I adjust my approach depending on my audience.12.There is a goal and an approach. When you prioritize the approach over the

    goal, youre out of business.13.You have inherited an approach that assumes consensus among biblical

    authority.14.Engaging people with the text has more to do with your approach than the

    scripture.15.We live in a world that does not view the scriptures and Bible the same way you

    do.16.Anytime you choose a passage and stay there, this is a win in a biblically

    illiterate culture.17.A Bible story is a terrible word. Its better than a story. We think it actually

    happened. Its not a story. Its history.18.Bring your energy to the text.19.Nobody reads anything because its inspired. You read things because you want

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    to read it and discover its true.20.Give people permission not to believe or obey the scriptures. I Cor 5:12-

    13 When you give the permission not to believe or obey, they are more likely tobelieve or obey.

    21.When you give non-Christians an out, they begin to lean in.

    22.The attraction of the church is looking at all of those one-anothers one-anothering one-another. They will want to be a part of that.23.The attraction of the early church was looking at how they love one another.24.We dont believe Jesus is the Son of God because the Scripture is inerrant. We

    believe Jesus is the Son of God because Jesus rose from the dead.25.The foundation of our faith is not the Bible. The foundation of our faith is an

    event in history.26.Weve got to teach in a way that always ties things back to Jesus.27.Our approach that weve used has set our children up for disaster in college.28.The foundation of your faith is not historical Adam and Eve. The foundation of

    your faith is that people who expected to find a body did not find a body.

    29.Dont refer to the Bible as a book. The Bibles not a book. Its way better than abook.30.Cite authors, not the Bible.31.Every single time you say something about the author you tie that author to

    history.32.We shouldnt expect rationale people to think Jesus raised from the dead because

    the Bible says so.33.Dont ever use the phrase biblical marriage again ever. Can you even think of a

    good biblical marriage? Use the term Christian marriageJust go home for aday, you dont even need to believe this, and submit to one another.

    34.I submit to Sandra out of reverence of what Jesus did for me.35.Acknowledge the odd as odd. There are some odd things in the Bible. Dont be

    afraid of that.36.You believe the Old Testament is true because Jesus believed the Old Testament

    is true.37.Dont create the impression that one must choose between faith and science.38.Science is the search for natural explanations.39.Just say, Oh, so thats how God did it.40.We want people to find natural causes. We want people to find out the reasons

    why things work the way they work.41.It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles

    who are turning to God.Acts 15:18 NIV

    Jon Acuff on Social Media

    1. Its easy to go viral. Its difficult to go vital.2. The best way to make sure something doesnt viral is to try to make something

    go viral.3. Social media has leveled the playing field.4. Now is a great time to be a leader.5. There are encore careers. There are 55 yr. olds who are starting their career

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    again.6. Anyone can play. The internet can level the playing field.7. The internet is still swallowing up industries.8. The internet is still giving a lot of people a lot of opportunities.9. Hope is boss. Hope is the new currency for this generation.

    10.If we get the principles right, the technology is just a means.11.Honesty is the most important thing in social media.12.The people you are trying to reach have been exposed to more talent than anyone

    in history.13.There is not a person in this room who would say we have gotten more honest in

    the last 20 years.14.Getting caught doesnt make you honest. It makes you exposed.15.The next generation grew up around Marketing and they can spot it.16.You can only control the starting line. You have no control over the finish line.17.As leaders, its our job to go first.18.When you go first, you give everyone else the gift of going second.

    19.If you wont admit weakness, they wont trust anything else you say.20.What fear fears is community.21.With social media, you have the tools to create a space where someone can say,

    Me too.22.Dont engage with haters.23.Hate only gets loud when youre doing something that matters. No one throws

    rocks at someone laying down.24.Leaders dont know how to take a compliment or an insult.25.Critics Math1 insult + 1000 compliments = 1 insult.26.Were here to herd sheep, not take care of goats.27.Churches spend too much time trying to get people who don t like them to like

    them rather than getting people to love Jesus.28.We are the first generation in the history of mankind who has to have a digital

    footprint conversation with their children.29.Its not about keeping up with technology. Its about maintaining truth.30.Random parents dont show up for sleepovers. That is what we need to do with

    Facebook.31.Go to where your crowd already is. It is just a question of if you will be part of

    the conversation.32.If you have a big event coming up in a month, you need to designate a Twitter

    intern. Someone at your church is already an expert on social media.33.When a new platform gets out, sprint there and get a spot. But dont spend a lot

    of time there if it doesnt take off.34.I go to Vine a lot.35.People who visit your site dont care about your flash site. They care what times

    your service is.36.The human brain hates new ideas. It is very active and the brain must retrain

    itself to accept new ideas.37.If you lose someone at the beginning of an interaction, they dont come back to

    the middle.

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    38.Christians confess safe sins.39.You should survey your church to see what platform theyre on.40.Shock closes ears. Surprise opens hearts.41.Churches should put your Hashtag feed on your site.42.Do a promo vs. content ratio.

    43.Schedule your tweets. Life is fun.44.My wife has never said, Enough about me. What about Twitter.45.If I say Yes to everyone who wants to have coffee, I would never be the guy

    everyone wants to have coffee with. Andy Stanley46.Social media will empty pastors out if youre not careful.47.The first lie is the phone will give you more free time.

    Bob Goff

    The morning session kick off with best-selling authorBob Goffand an interview withJeff Shinabargeron the subject of generosity and what is really enough.

    The comments below are from Bob unless otherwise noted.

    1. If you want to know where people who follow Jesus have been, follow the wettennis shoes marks. We should leak Jesus.

    2. Some of you are weird. You are. Thats just how you were wired to be.3. Were posing. Were just faking it. Were afraid of who God made us to be.4. Who are you? What do you want? Those are two great questions to ask.5. Jesus, as time went by got more and more available.6. Every time I answer the phone, every time you do an act a kindness, you answer

    the question Is it really true?7. Were called to lift up the hurting.

    8. We lift each other up. You dont let go until we have five strong people holdingyou up.

    9. Jesus just held everybody close. We have people running around holding peopleaccountable when they just need to hold them close.

    10.Dont have any expectations. Are you kidding me? We are kids of the King!11.Every single Thursday I quit something.12.What if were picky about what we see?13.What does my wife want? She wants me home. Must be present to win.14.Lets keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. You get that part right. You get everything

    right.15.Whats the word you hate most Cant.

    16.What are you made to do? Not what you are able to do. What are you made todo?

    17.If you change the world and your marriage fails, you lose.Jeff18.Influence isnt about the numbers. Its about influencing one individual person.

    Jeff19.We all want generosity in our lives but weve never drawn a line about what is


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    Carey Nieuwhof, Jeff Henderson and Perry Noble Pastors Lunch

    Brian with Perry Noble and Carey NieuwhofThere are perks to leadership and there is a price to leadership. I got to experience

    one of the perks! In an effort to help churches succeed,The RocketCompanydispatched me to theOrange Conferencein Atlanta, GA to gather leadershiplessons and insights to pass on to you.

    I just attended a special lunch for pastors only that was highlighted by a Q & A

    betweenCarey Nieuwhof,Jeff Henderson,andPerry Noble. In a wordUNBELIEVABLE!!! This is one of the BEST events I have ever attended!!!

    Perry Noble

    1. In 2000, we were planting a church and I was broke.2. A dynamic Childrens Ministry is essential for a thriving churchWe want them

    in environments where they can have fun and learn about Jesus on their level.3. If youre doing church right, you offend someone every week.4. I dont believe in fundraisers for youth and childrens group. The pastor should

    be the chief fundraiser for them. It is a sin to put them in front of Wal-Mart. Our

    kids have gotten everything they have ever needed.5. Disney is spending money on them. Hollywood is spending money on

    them. But the church screams if they need $500 and then sends them to Wal-Mart.

    6. Staff that doesnt have unity on the staff will never have unity in thechurch. You will not have vision. You will have division.

    7. Parent only care about three things when they bring their kids tochurch. Clean. Safe. Fun.

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    8. I hear people say, Fun aint the goal. Well, Heaven is going to suck for you.9. We never told our daughter never to do something because it would look bad on

    the church or daddy.10.Im not obsessed with what people think because I want to be a great husband

    and father.

    11.Love always assumes the best. Ive got her (daughters) back far more than theopinion of others.12.My wifes ministry in the church is to me. She can do things for me no one else

    in the church can do for me.13.Opportunity does not equal obligation.14.Jesus did not play to the expectations of people. He did what His Heavenly

    Father called Him to do.15.If you dont control your schedule, youre not leading yourself or your family.16.Deep in most church settings means confusing. A non-Christian has never asked

    me about going deep.17.Time, not content, produces spiritual growth.

    18.Every spiritual growth metaphor in the Bible is agricultural, nottechnological. Agriculture takes time.19.In most discipleship classes in churches, the burden is not easy and the yoke is

    not light.20.Were a church where change takes place.21.The only organization that resisted change the most is the church. Its also

    important that the population in America is increasing while church attendance isdecreasing.

    22.Were willing to answer the questions people are asking. Nobody coming toyour church Sunday cares about Calvinism.

    23.Nobody wants to hear you speak for 45 minutes.24.When we meet them where they are, answer their questions, they are more open

    to what the Bible says.25.Were going to go after people I have a heart for.26.Too many churches are over-programmed.27.When you have to manufacture energy for something, its time to kill it.28.When Gods done with you in ministry, hell kill you.

    Jeff Henderson

    1. The male population serving in family ministry continues to decline.2. There are boys in our church and community who have no idea what a positive

    male Christian role model looks like.3. I know what my role issenior pastor, fundraiser, hire the right people and get

    out of the way.4. Kids are an easier sale than the adultsEven the worst parents in the world will

    take their kids to church if they want to go to church.5. For the family ministry I dont have a customer(child) in, I pay them especial

    attention.6. Every year I have five goals I want to accomplish in five areas of my life.

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    7. (To have balance) You have to say, No.8. My most important ministry is with my family, not the church.9. Our spiritual growth strategy is for you to do what were doing.10.If youre not giving financially, there is something wrong with your heart.11.Im a starter. Thats what I do.

    12.If you want to feel like a celebrity, go to NewSpring and turn on your flashers asa first-time guest.13.The sermon starts in the parking lot.14.The key to the church growing is the enthusiasm of the person in the parking

    lot.15.When my family ministry says we have enough men, only then will I start a

    mens ministry. I want them serving.16.Job security is tied to killing ministry. When someone says, Something isnt

    working. I want to kill it. Thats good leadership. They are more interested inthe vision than the ministry. Thats the person I want to keep.

    Carey Nieuwhof

    1. There is power ofanother voice in a childs life.2. Family ministry is a value, not a program.3. One of the effectiveness of an Orange Church is that the senior pastor owns the

    vision for family ministry.4. My wife and family would do what they would normally do because their

    Christians, not because Im the pastor.5. Without a filter, everything sounds compelling.

    Jeff Henderson From The Rocket Company Training Meetings

    In an effort to help churches succeed, the leadership ofThe Rocket Companyispulling back the curtain and show you how we train our team members.

    Jeff HendersonofGwinnett Church,one of theNorth Point Community Churchcampuses, provided some invaluable coaching for our team. We felt the content was sorich that we wanted to share it with all church leaders.

    1. In every marriage there is the Wow and the How.2. Ifyou dont execute, a dream is just a nap.3. Our dreams should outstretch us. Where people get overwhelmed is the dreams

    get stuck.

    4. Five Life GoalsFamily, Spouse, Financial, Career/Work, Health. If Jesusdoesnt show up in these, I have failed. Jesus doesnt need to be a separatecategory.

    5. My wife and kids are separated. I didnt marry my kids. Many times when theygo away to college, the marriage suffers.

    6. I break down how Im doing on my goals on a quarterly basis.7. You have a 30-day review, a quarterly review, and an annual review. But the

    most important is looking at it weekly because it helps me execute.

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    8. Life will lead you or you will lead your life.9. I hire great people and get out of the way.10.I cast vision, I raise money, and I encourage the staff.11.What are the three things Ive got to do this week?12.A lot of people have big dreams. They get impatient and then they walk away.

    13.First, reflect on your last week.14.What fuels things is how I feel. If I dont feel good, it affects how I am as ahusband and how I am as a dad.

    15.Second, look at your weekly goals. This helps focus on strategic relationships.16.I have a goal of writing three thank-you notes a week.17.Third is tools. This ultimately leads to three goals, things I want to accomplish

    this week. The secret is looking at this for two minutes a day.18.I have a reading goal every week.19.The best thing about this is it lets me know when Im behind.20.The goal is not perfection. The goal is progressI believe in steadyplodding.21.Only 3% of Americans have goals. Only 1% write them down. But that 1%

    exponentially achieves their goals over others.22.There are curriculum goals and measurable goals.23.Prepare your spouse to be a widow. The people that didnt have life insurance

    are the ones who needed it.24.If I get wins early in the week, it gets me going for the rest of the week.25.The most difficult person I lead is me.26.There is humility and there is false humility.27.For creative people, every canvas has a border. Songs are three minutes on the

    radio. Every great painting has a frame.28.Steve Jobs says, Real artists ship the product.29.In the church world, Im relying on the Holy Spiritis code for I havent done

    the work.30.Stephen Kings goal is to write a 1000 words-a-day six-days-a-week.

    BonusFrustration is when you are this close to figuring out something you dontknow.Casey Graham

    For additional posts regarding Casey and other great Christian leaders click the


    33 Lessons On Tribal Leadership I Learned From Casey Graham10 Posts Expressing Love, Support, and Prayers For Rick Warren And His Family7 Websites Every Christian Should Read On A Daily BasisThe Type Of Leader God Uses To Grow A ChurchPart 1 Of My Interview With IkeReighard22 Leadership Quotes From Brad Lomenicks Interview With Worship Leader ChrisTomlin23 Facts About Courageous PastorsA Profile Of Dr. Robert Jeffress Of First BaptistChurch Dallas, TX12 Unique Characteristics Of A Church That Has No Limitations

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    101 Lessons On Becoming A Better Preacher And Teacher

    On April 13th,Crawford Loritts, Senior Pastor ofFellowship Bible Churchin Roswell,GA, conducted an incredible seminar on effective preaching and teaching. All who werein attendance went to another level as communicators.

    One thing you will notice as you read Crawfords words is hisincredible use of languageand desire to invest in the next generation of pastors and Christian leaders.

    1. The gifts of the Bible are not gender specificPositions are gender specific butnot the gifting.

    2. What I say about preaching is also true about teaching.3. Preaching is important because it is the God-ordained method.4. Preaching has fallen on hard times because is has to be transferable, accepted by

    the audience, and demands response.5. We now define preaching based upon communication models.6. God delights in doing nonsensical things to show His glory.7. We are so concerned with how people respond that we have neutered the

    messageStop trying to make it make sense.8. Biblical preaching is not mired in a transactional communication model.9. Your ministry is defined by proclamation of the Word of God, not strategy.10.Preaching and teaching does not mean everything in your ministry. But

    preaching and teaching starts all the fires in your ministry.11.Preaching does not depend on how you feel.12.You will always have trends that break with transcendence. The human heart

    has a need to be affirmed, not directed. Therefore, good preaching must bedirective.

    13.When you stand in front of people your primary motivation is not to do wellItis not to experience self-actualization. The only reason why you preach and teachis to be a vehicle for transformationYouve got to settle that piece.

    14.Dont ever stand in front of a group of people with a Bible in your hand and notexpect changeThat book youre holding is

    THEVERYLIVINGWORDOFGOD. You must expect God is goingto use youI expect lives will be changed.

    15.Over time the effectiveness as a preacher/teacher will explode from the holinessof your personal life.

    16.Over time, hypocrisy always causes us to collapse. The greatest preachers of all-time were passionate about being Godly. You are the visible representation of the

    truth you are declaringYou dont separate the gift from who you are.17.Holiness and godliness bring power to what you are doing.18.The pleasure of God will always eclipse the gifts of God.19.When you preach or teach you always reveal far more about yourself than you

    intend to. You are always auto-biographical.20.Preaching is both a gift and a calling.21.Preaching is a very lonely calling because some people are not going to like what

    you say.

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    22.You dont preach because you want to do it. You have to do it. Yourecompelled to do it.

    23.Preaching is a message from God for the people at a moment in history.24.Gods messages are not necessarily initiated by a committee.25.You can not separate intimacy with God with Gods voice through you.

    26.One of the most humbling things about preaching is you learn you are notomniscient.27.You should be just as fervent with 5 people as you are with 50,000. You learn to

    be faithful. God aint going to trust you with a platform if you cant handlethis. Those 5 people are valuable.

    28.I can always tell when a dude is tired and just mailing it in.29.Be fearless in your preaching. Not obnoxious. There is a difference between

    holy boldness and obnoxiousness.30.People pleasing will kill your effectiveness as a preacher. Most with public

    ministries struggle with this. It will inject embalming fluid into youreffectivenessYou will one day wake up feeling like you were afraid to tell the

    truth.31.Commitment to truth will cost you relationships. Youre going to pay a price.32.You cant handle hot truth coolly.33.Godliness, not desire, is the prerequisite for God to do great things in human

    history.34.The most important thing you can ever do in yourlife is to pray Gods

    will. What do You want to do in my life?35.Preaching is like cutting the grass. You dare not admire it because you have to

    do it again next week.36.There is a difference between fruitfulness and immediate response.37.For some people, fruitfulness for you will be multiplied in the next generation.38.Every time you open your Bible in front of people, you have an appointment

    with God and God has an appointment with people. The preaching and teachingmoment is a celebration of the work and power of the Spirit of God.

    39.Tomorrow (Sunday) morning the spotlight is being put on Jesus and Truth isbeing made clear in their lives. You are not giving a speech. You are not giving atalk. You are a vessel that the Spirit of God is speaking through.

    40.You cannot separate the Word of God, the proclaimer, the Spirit of God, andaudience. The preacher is like a great symphony conductor. For me to beeffective, I must become the music Im conducting. I am the seamless instrumentbetween the music that is to be performed and the audience who will enjoyit. You stand there not in Gods way. Youre not just delivering content butworshipping the God who gave it to you.

    41.Dont make apologies for being spiritual when you preach. Who are you tryingto be? Jay Leno?

    42.When you stand to preach you are not there to impress them with how smart youare.

    43.Filling of the Spirit is normativefilling, walking, dont quench, dontgrieve. Anointing is occasional. Empowering for a specific task.

    44.God will bless His Word but can also spank you.

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    45.No one ever truly compartmentalizes. We manage certain things but we areholistic. God wants to use a transparent vessel. Barriers being down is aprerequisite for being filled with the Spirit. Dont ask God to use you if youarent willing to run from sin.

    46.Holy passion is intellectual and emotional believability.

    47.There are some pastors who dont know the difference between hip-hop andBach.48.Our cuteness can take away from divine relevance.49.You got to know how to use PowerPoint and visuals. The anointing of God is on

    you, not the technology. It is there to simply help you. The message has beengiven to you.

    50.The greatest deficiency in most exposition is powerlessness.51.As a preacher you must make a life-long commitment to two things: Diligent,

    serious study of the scriptures. Moment by moment dependence on the HolySpirit.

    52.You dont want to ever be in a situation where God takes His hand off of you.

    53.Effective ministry always advances from human weakness, not human strength.54.God uses us because we are inadequate.55.When you are used of God, it is the celebration of the supernatural. Not of your

    gifts. You must separate your giftedness from how you are used.56.The strength is not in the gift. The strength is in the Giver.57.Accept the compliments. Dont be falsely humble. Say Thank You.58.There are times you dont know when God is using you. Youre just preaching

    through a storm.59.There are times when youre preaching in the Holy Spirit that youre a spectator

    into what God is doing.60.Great preachers are good communicators. But great communicators are not

    necessarily even preachers.61.Communicators makes speeches. Preachers deliver messages.62.Communicators tend to be audience-centered and they want the content to be

    embraced.63.Every message in the Bible, there is a clear action statement or it is strongly

    implied. When you preach, people must do something or you havent preached.64.Preaching requires people to walk away from where they are and to where God

    wants them to be.65.God wants His Word to be believed and acted upon.66.Truth is core to preaching or you have nothing to say.67.God speaks through who you are. Dont try to change yourself. Dont adopt

    someone elses identity. Dont be a C-minus replication of Tim Keller.68.Dont chase diamonds in someone elses yard when you have gold in yours.69.You will not preach any better than your personal growth.70.Guard the deposit and stir up the gift. Look at whats been given to

    you. Youve got your own Ground Zero.71.Learn from others but preach like yourself. Do not have a favorite preacher that

    you listen to all the time. You will become a C-minus clone. Do not have twofavorite preachers or you will get confused. Listen to about four or five that you

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    rotate.72.Find your own voice and find your own rhythm.73.Some of the reasons messages are terrible is that we are not readers. We have to

    be learners.74.Too much preaching is emotive. You are missing people who are thinkers. You

    have to read and write.75.Write a page in your journal every day and you will be amazed at how it helpsyour preaching. It forces you to think organizationally.

    76.The biggest mistake most of us make is that we dont quiet our souls before wespeak.

    77.I need to know more than just what I am going to say. It has to coalesce in mysoul.

    78.We dont spend enough time soaking in the implications of what weresaying. Prepare enough ahead of time so that you can soak.

    79.A lot of messages lack seasoning.80.The people are not an audience you deliver content to. You have to love the

    people you are speaking to and they need to feel the love coming through you.81.Biblical exposition is not a running commentary. The reason most pastors dontdo good Biblical exposition is that it takes a lot of work.

    82.Exposition just means a passionate explanation of the text.83.Dont jump to interpretation before you have done observation. Dont assume

    observation. Know what is being said (in the text).84.I need tobe informed by the authors intent (not mine) and centered on the

    (texts) main idea.85.It makes no difference how you (the preacher) understand it (the text). It matters

    if they understand it. Stubborn people make terrible communicators. It is theclarity you want to give your audience.

    86.Some of us are random and our messages sound like it. Some of us should notbecome victims to our emotions but to use them. Submit your emotions to thepassage.

    87.Organization is the biggest problem with younger preachers because we view itas an enemy.

    88.I submit myself to an outline to protect myself from becoming random.89.The goal of preaching is for people to remember what you said and act on

    it. The goal is transformation and transference.90.The modeling of discipleship is what preaching is all about. If a person cannot

    pick up their Bible and walk through your passage and remember what you said,you failed.

    91.If you are a Christian speaker, unchurchedpeople are assuming youre aChristian speaker and are going to say something about God.

    92.In your introduction, dont sell more than you can deliver.93.Big idea preaching that lacks points has a problem in that sometimes people

    dont know how you came to that idea from the text.94.The more points you have, the more repetition you need in order for it to be

    remembered.95.Illustrations serve the truth. They are not a corollary truth. The illustration

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    sheds light on the truth. It does not replace the truth.96.Great preachers are like great batters in baseball. Great batters can hit the

    ball wherever its pitched. Great preachers preach the way the text ispresented. They preach wherever the text is going.

    97.The way you grow as a preacher is what does the text say, how did the author

    present it, and how can I give it clarity the way the author meant it.98.Great preachers repeat themselves an awful lot. You cant repeat yourselfenough.

    99.Dont confuse the dining room with the kitchen. Exegesis is the details and thecontent. Thats the kitchen. Exposition is putting the cake in the dining room.

    100. When youre preaching, youre not there to let everyone know everythingyou know about the passage. Youre there to deliver a message. Your outlineserves the message. It is not the message. Dont confuse rhetoric with themessage.

    101. The greatest thing you can do is bring people into the presence of GodsWord and get out-of-the-way.

    For more from Crawford and other great leaders click the following links:

    15 Multi-Ethnic Pastors That Caucasian Pastors And Christian Leaders Should Listen To8 Signs You Are Leading A Spirit Filled Church8 Ways To Raise A Spoiled And Entitled ChildThe Biggest Mistake Church Leaders Make14 Habits Of Highly Successful Motivational Leaders10 Habits Of Highly Effective Stewardship Pastors10 Things I Want To Say To A Departing Friend And Leader7 Leadership Lessons From Beth Moore Preaching At Passion City Church

    20 Habits Of Highly Inspirational Leaders3 Lessons Every Pastor And Church Leader Should Know About Evangelizing SeniorAdults11 Practices Of The Most Effective Volunteer Your Church Could Ever HaveWhat Improvisation, Art, and Music Can Teach Us About Delivering Great SermonsI Was Wrong About Saving Seats At Church10 Signs Your Christianity Has Become Too ComfortableWhat Sport Clips Teaches Us About Men And Church Attendance

    Is It OK To Thank God For Your Smokin Hot Wife

    18 Practices Of Highly Effective Churches Who Partner With Their Local SchoolsWhat Adults Are Thinking When They Start Going To Church Again

    10 Things Pastors Should Know About Thanking Wealthy PeopleA Weekly Social Media Strategy For Pastors12 Ways Pastors And Church Leaders Can Create A Generosity Mob In Their Church10 Leadership Practices Of The Future Passion City ChurchWhat I Learned Sitting Beside A Muslim On An Airplane For Two Hours23 Lessons Coffee Taught Me About Reaching The Unchurched

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    The Chick-Fil-A Leadercast

    Andy Stanley

    The first speaker wasAndy Stanley, the great pastor of North Point Community Churchin Atlanta, GA. There is no better communicator of leadership than Andy.

    1. The only way I know how to succeed is to focus on where I add value.Michael Hyatt

    2. Im never the smartest person in the world. Im just the leader.3. We always know there are smarter people in the room.4. The only way for me to move forward was to take complicated things and make

    them simple.5. All the smart people taught themselves not to try things.6. One of the most important things you can do is surround yourself with smarter

    people.7. Level 5 leaders have the humility to aspire to be the dumbest person in the

    room. Jim Collins8. If you are in a growing organization, whether there is growth or expansion

    comes complexity. It is unavoidable.9. Complexity is the enemy of clarity.10.Clarity is the most important thing.11.We knew we were going to be a big church because if you have the only hot dog

    stand in town, your hot dogs dont have to be that good.12.As a leader in a complex organization, you need a place you can retreat to.13.What are we doing? Why are we doing it? Where do I fit in?14.There is extraordinary power when you can reduce the organization down to

    answering what is the one thing we are doing?

    15.You are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen.Ritz Carlton16.The mist in your mind will become a fog in an organization is you are not able to

    communicate your mission with clarity.17.If you dont know exactly what youre doing, you are going to have a hard time

    doing it.18.Once upon a time your company didnt exist. Once upon a time your company

    was an ideaWhy are doing this? Why are you willing to waste your capital todo this?

    19.Somewhere in the midst of all the complexity is the reason you why are doingthis.

    20.There is a reason you are harnessing the hearts of people as to why you are doing

    this.21.People who can answer this feel like team members. If you dont, they feel like

    employees.22.What is your unique contribution? What are you doing that if you dont do it, it

    doesnt get done.23.You need to create for you and for your direct reports a one-sentence job

    description.24.In my industry if you cant keep people awake for 35 minutes, they put you in

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    charge.25.To inspire our staff and congregations to remain fully engaged in our mission

    and strategy.Andys job description26.To keep Andys path clear of nonessential tasks and decisions so that he can do

    what only he can do.Andys Administrative Assistance one sentence-job

    description27.Youre a leader so things are going to grow. Growth createscomplexity. Complexity requires simplicity.

    28.We create churches unchurched people love to attend.

    Henry Cloud

    1. Simplicity, from a neuro-science and practical standpoint, is one of the mostimportant things you can do to get the people to work the plan.

    2. The real work is to get the people to work the plan.

    3. Create Necessary EndingsThis is when the worst thing a leader can do is thinkthere is hope in a situation.4. The experts prune a rose bush in three contextsA rose bush creates more buds

    than it can sustain. Which of the buds are the best and prune the rest. The bestbuds need the resources of the vine. Some branches are sick and not going to getwell. And there is the dead stuff.

    5. The life of the company was in about 20% of its activities. The best buds needthe resources.

    6. It is during the leadership pruning that we need courage.7. There is a point when you have to realize as a leader that you are attached to, and

    everything you have done is not going to change anything. They are resistant to

    change, sick, and not going to get well. Their season has passed.8. Sometimes leaders get so invested in something. That season has passed and itsover.

    9. Why did it take a bankruptcy judge to shut down Pontiac?The hardest one iswhen a person is involved.

    10.Sometimes it is not best for anybody, or the investment that has been made,because of the logjam they have caused.

    11.Hoarders by definition are in denial.12.A co-dependent is someone who has another persons life flash before them right

    before they die.13.There is a hoarder pattern in business. They have been taught they have to be

    the source for everything.14.How many cultures and teams are stuck in when we did this or when we did

    that. Yesterday is gone. Throw away the prom dress.15.Focused AttentionYou can have a lot of projects going at once, your brain can

    only focus at one time.16.Great leaders lead people in ways that their brains can actually follow them.17.They create for people focused attention where peoples brains can follow


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    18.The brain must 1. Attend to what is relevant. 2. Inhibit everythingelse. 3. Create a working memory. Great leaders do these three things in amultitude of ways.

    19.If everything is important, nothing is important.20.Goals are primarily met not because of desire. It is what gets prioritized.

    21.Your brains work on oxygen, glucose, and the simplicity of relationship.22.In trauma states they can sue you, take assets ways, or go across the street.23.Whats it like for you? Whats it like for you clients?24.Sometimes the heat of what is going on in bad situations, the brain begins to

    break down and change.25.Create structures where you team gets encouragement from the people and the

    people with you.

    John Maxwell

    1. The business schools reward complexbehavior. But its the simple behavior that

    make you successful in life. Warren Buffet2. Educator takes something simple and makes it complicated. A communicatortakes something complicated and makes it simple.

    3. We take a subject like leadership and add to it. Connectors do the difficult workof keeping it simple.

    4. It isnt easy to be simple. But its effective.5. Its easy to be simplistic. But its not easy to be simple.6. Simplistic is shallow and fast.7. Complex is deep and slow.8. Experience is not the best teacher. We all know people who are getting older but

    not better.

    9. Complexity requires questioning.10.Complexity says that simplistic is a half-truth.11.Simple is deep and fast. Deep and fast is what you want in your leadership.12.Leadership is influence. Nothing more. Nothing less.13.How do we simply leadAdd value to people everyday.14.When you add value there is a respect and appreciation.15.Subtract your leadership landmines. We all have certain parts of our leadership

    that can destroy us.16.Have you tried to make everyone happy? It doesnt work. Im a leader, not a

    clown.17.Put people first. Add value to people. Theyll come back and add value to

    you. Serve people. Theyll come back and serve you.18.Multiply your strength