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Bridging business strategy and government policy.

contentsDirector’s Report

Meet the Lawrence Centre

Student Advisory Council



Advisory Council

Annual Report

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Bridging business strategy and government policy.

“If we could really achieve more cooperationbetween government and business,

we would see a quantum leap ineconomic performance and productivity.”

Jack LawrenceFounder

Lawrence National Centre For Policy and Management

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director’s reportDear Colleagues,

As many of you may know, I am retiring as Director of the Lawrence National Centre for Policy and Management at the RichardIvey School of Business, Western University, effective September 30, 2012. I am taking this opportunity to thank you sincerely foryour support and collaboration over the past eight years.

Annual Report 2012


Bridging business strategy and government policy.

Message from the Director

I have enjoyed working with so manycommitted colleagues from business,academia and all levels of government.It has been a time of opportunity andsatisfaction. From our first workshopaddressing paths to a low carbonsociety, to symposiums ontransportation, green energy, food andhealth, and water, we have partneredwith many important and influentiallocal, regional and nationalorganizations and agencies: The City ofLondon, Fanshawe College and TrojanTechnologies; the Ontario Federation ofAgriculture, Ontario Agri-FoodTechnologies, Ontario Centres ofExcellence, the Southwestern EconomicAlliance, Sustainable DevelopmentTechnology Canada; and the OntarioMinistries of Agriculture, Food and RuralAffairs (OMAFRA) , EconomicDevelopment and Trade (MEDT), Energyand Infrastructure, and Transportationamong others. We have collaboratedwith several Federal Ministries, includingAgriculture and Agri-Food, Environment,Natural Resources, and TransportCanada and have benefited from thesupport and input of Manulife Financial,the National Roundtable on theEnvironment and the Economy, as well

as many Ontario Universities, including:Brock, Carleton, Guelph, McGill,McMaster, Queen's, and Waterloo.We have shared so many memorableexperiences as we worked togethertoward developing sound public policyfor Ontario and Canada.

Thomas d'Aquino, Chair of ourLawrence Centre Advisory Council, ourCouncil members and Dean CarolStephenson have assisted us in focusingon timely and relevant public policy.They have been instrumental inencouraging our involvement inLeaders’ Symposiums on the G20,Canada-China relations, and Canada-U.S. Regulatory Cooperation, as well assupporting our six Annual Thomasd'Aquino Distinguished Lectures onLeadership. All of this in support of anenriched experience for our students!And finally, thanks to our StudentAdvisory Council members, who overthe years have assisted in the research,organization, writing and disseminationof our many reports and publications -led by our dedicated, committed andtalented staff, more recently MelissaHarris and Leslie Coates. We have hadgreat teams and motivated students

who have gone on to importantpositions in both private and publicsectors. I hope that we have made agood start on what Jack Lawrenceintended, "If we could really achievemore cooperation between governmentand business, we would see a quantumleap in economic performance andproductivity in Canada."

Effective September 1, 2012 Dr. PaulBoothe, former Deputy Minister,Environment Canada, will assume therole of Director of the Lawrence Centre.I know he will continue withcommitment and expertise in theimportant work of the Lawrence Centre.

In closing, I would like to thank you foryour support and guidance. I lookforward to keeping in touch with youand collaborating in new and excitingways in the future.


Dianne Cunningham

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Annual Report 2012


Bridging business strategy and government policy.

highlightsAchievements and Events, November 2011 - September 2012

� On November 9th, 2011, the Lawrence Centre held a Forum at the IveyING Centre in Toronto, in concert with the Toronto Board of Trade,entitled “Streamlining Canada - U.S. Regulations: How can businesshelp?” Mr. Bob Hamilton, Senior Associate Secretary, Treasury Board ofCanada Secretariat, provided an update on the activities of theRegulatory Cooperation Council. Lawrence Centre Director, DianneCunningham and David Sparling, Chair of Agri-Food Innovation andRegulation at Ivey, chaired panels on Regulatory Coordination inAgriculture and Food, and Transportation. Over 50 representatives ofindustry, business and government were in attendance.

� On November 22nd, the Lawrence Centre hosted the Sixth Annual Thomasd’Aquino Distinguished Lecture on Leadership with keynote speaker, TheHonourable Michael Wilson, Chairman, Barclays Capital Canada Inc. and formerAmbassador of Canada to the U.S. A morning lecture was held at Ivey for morethan 300 students, faculty and staff. More than 80 distinguished guests attendedthe evening dinner and speech in Toronto.

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Annual Report 2012


Bridging business strategy and government policy.

highlightsAchievements and Events CONTINUED

� November 29th, Tom d’Aquino hosted the “Leaders’Symposium: Engaging China in a Dynamic Asia” with theLawrence Centre, Manulife, and the Norman Paterson Schoolof International Affairs. A distinguished group of more than50 senior Canadian leaders from business, government anduniversities, in the company of special Chinese guests met inToronto to discuss a competitive pan-Canadian approach tonew opportunities in China. See attached for a Summary ofthe Proceedings. This timely event was followed by anadditional session on February 28th to discuss the need forstrategy, focus and leadership to recognize potential forCanada in key emerging markets.

� On January 17th, 2012 the Lawrence Centre hosted an Ivey Idea Forum with The Bloom Centre for Sustainability (BLOOM), atthe ING Centre in Toronto, entitled “Water and Agri-Food Innovation: Does our future profitability depend on it?”Lawrence Centre Director, Dianne Cunningham, David Sparling, Chair of Agri-Food Innovation and Regulation at Ivey andKevin Jones, President and CEO of BLOOM, shared findings from their recent forums with leaders from industry, governmentand academia on priorities for enhancing innovation and competitiveness in Ontario’s agri-food sector. Helmi Ansari, MBA ’02,Director Sustainability and Productivity, PepsiCo Foods Canada, shared his insights on how water innovation and sustainabilitypractices implemented at FritoLay have improved his company’s bottom-line.

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Annual Report 2012


Bridging business strategy and government policy.

highlightsAchievements and Events CONTINUED

� On February 16th, Lawrence Centre students attended a speech by Ambassador David Jacobson on “Canada and the UnitedStates: Making the Strongest Bilateral Relationship in the World Even Stronger.” Ambassador Jacobson discussed RegulatoryCooperation Council initiatives and their implications to cross borderbusinesses.

� On March 16th, Director, Dianne Cunningham, met with Energy Minister ChrisBentley to brief him on the Lawrence Centre’s Green Energy Report and discussupdates on the Green Energy file as well as Ontario’s Feed-In Tariff program.

� On May 23rd, Policy Advisor, Leslie Coates attended the Ivey Idea Forum,‘Border Barriers: Reducing Red Tape Along the 49th Parallel’. A new Canada-U.S. border deal aims to smooth trade between Canada and the U.S. bymaking travel to cross-border business easier and cut the red tapethe Canadian government estimates costs the economy $16billion a year. Simon Kennedy, senior Associate Deputy Ministerfor Industry Canada, who led the negotiation of the border actionplan, discussed how border changes are being implemented andwill bring about savings for businesses and consumers.

� On May 29th, the Lawrence Centre hosted a stakeholder’sworkshop in partnership with Bob Hamilton, Senior AssociateSecretary, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, and leadCanadian on the Canada-U.S. Regulatory Cooperation Council(RCC). As follow-up to the November 9th, 2011 forum on RCCJoint Action Plan initiatives, Dianne Cunningham and David Sparling, Chairof Agri-Food Innovation and Regulation at Ivey, chaired panels onRegulatory Coordination in Agriculture and Food and Transportation. Over50 representatives of industry, business and government were inattendance. The summary report, "Streamlining Canada-U.S. Regulations:How can business help" was disseminated to workshop participants and thebroader community of stakeholders.

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Bridging business strategy and government policy.

� On June 27th, Lawrence Centre staff travelled to Red Deer, Alberta,where they toured Inventys, a carbon capture processing plant, withhost and NRTEE Member, Bob Mills. Inventys has connected a carbondioxide capture and storage system to Nova Chemical Corp’s naturalgas-fired boiler. Inventys removes approximately 90 per cent of theCO2 from the petrochemical plant boiler’s flue gas stream, with thegreenhouse gas to be used for enhanced oil recovery in the area.

highlightsAchievements and Events CONTINUED

Annual Report 2012

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Annual Report 2012


Bridging business strategy and government policy.

highlightsAchievements and Events CONTINUED

� On June 28th, Director, DianneCunningham and Lawrence Centrestaff participated in the CanadianWater Summit, hosted in Calgary,Alberta. The Summit presentedopportunities for Canada to show itsleadership within and across theenergy, agricultural and municipalsectors and for the Lawrence Centreto discuss outcomes from its WaterInnovation Forum Report. As accessto affordable and reliable supplies ofwater becomes a growing concernfor the Canadian economy, theSummit provided a window intoinnovation and smart watermanagement opportunities thatcould drive competitiveness.

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Annual Report 2012


Bridging business strategy and government policy.

highlightsAchievements and Events CONTINUED

� On September 7th, a Retirement Party was heldfor Lawrence Centre Director, DianneCunningham, hosted by Ivey Business School,Dean, Carol Stephenson. Incoming Director,Paul Boothe, was in attendance to meet themany colleagues and associates of theLawrence Centre, from government, businessand academia.

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Annual Report 2012


Bridging business strategy and government policy.

Paul Boothe was appointedProfessor and Director of theLawrence National Centre for Policyand Management at the Richard IveySchool of Business, WesternUniversity in September 2012. Hisvaried career has included universityresearch and teaching, acting as anindependent consultant to Canadianand international organizations, and

serving at the deputy minister level in provincial and federalgovernments.

Dr. Boothe was trained in economics at Western (Hons BA)and UBC (PhD). He was appointed to the faculty of theUniversity of Alberta in 1984. He has authored more than 70publications in the areas of macroeconomics, internationalfinance, debt management and public finance.

As an independent consultant, Dr. Boothe has worked with awide range of Canadian and international clients in the areasof monetary and fiscal policy as well as public sectormanagement. Key clients have included the FederalDepartment of Finance and the Auditor General of Canadaon debt management, and the Government of Alberta ondeficit reduction and business planning and performancemanagement. Internationally, he has worked with theGovernment of Nigeria on debt management issues, with theUN on fiscal issues in Iraq, and with the CanadianDepartment of Foreign Affairs and the World Bank onmanagement training for government officials in Russia,Pakistan, and numerous African countries.

Dr. Boothe began his public service career at the Bank ofCanada where he worked as an economist in the SpecialStudies Division of the International Department from 1981-1984. After his time at the Bank and 15 years as a university

professor, he was recruited in 1999 to become DeputyMinister of Finance and Secretary of Treasury Board forSaskatchewan. During his two-year assignment as DM hefocused on improving the financial health of the province.Notable achievements included two balanced budgets andthree credit rating upgrades for the province and theintroduction of fundamental personal tax reform.

In 2004, Dr. Boothe joined the federal public service asAssociate Deputy Minister of Finance and G7 and G20Deputy for Canada. He held primary responsibility for theInternational and Federal-Provincial Relations and SocialPolicy branches of the department. He represented Canada inmeetings of the G7, G20, IMF, OECD and the FinancialStability Forum and served on the board of directors ofExport Development Canada.

Dr. Boothe was appointed Senior Associate Deputy Ministerof Industry in 2007. As Director of Investments for theInvestment Canada Act (ICA), he was responsible for theadministration of the ICA and for advice to the Minister ofIndustry related to ICA decisions. In addition to his regulardeputy ministerial responsibilities, Dr. Boothe acted asCanada’s lead negotiator on the restructuring of Chrysler,General Motors and Air Canada. He also represented theGovernment of Canada in negotiations related to theMackenzie Gas Pipeline.

In 2010, Dr. Boothe was named Deputy Minister of theEnvironment where he provided management and policyoversight of the department of more than 6,000 staff locatedin 100 communities across Canada. He co-chaired the DMCommittee on Energy and the Environment, and was amember of the Continuing Committee of Deputy Ministersthat provides policy advice to the Clerk of the Privy Council.He retired from the federal public service in 2012.

meetthe Lawrence Centre

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Melissa Harris is the Research and ProjectManager and has been with the LawrenceCentre since March 2009. Prior to this,Melissa worked as a researcher for renownedclimate scientist Gordon McBean, studyingthe security implications of climate changefor Canadians. From 2004 to 2008 Melissawas an editor and office manager for theCanadian Poetry Press. Melissa has an HBA inPolitical Science and English and a Masters in

International Relations, with a focus on Global Environmental Policy fromThe University of Western Ontario. In addition to her work with theLawrence Centre, Melissa is a research correspondent for the UnitedNations climate change negotiations, and has participated in internationalmeetings in Denmark, Germany, China, Mexico and Panama.

Leslie Coates joined the Lawrence Centreas Policy Advisor in September 2010. Prior tothis she worked as Research Coordinator toArcticNet providing direction to scientistsstudying climate change in the coastalCanadian Arctic. Leslie has served as PolicyAnalyst for CIDA, implementing and advisingon Risk Management, and has conductedmonitoring and evaluation of policy on arange of issues in South-East Asia, including

environmental regulatory regimes in India. She has served additionally asERP (SAP) Business Analyst for the financial, pharmaceutical and telecomindustries. Leslie holds an HBA in Political Science from Queen's University,and a Master's degree in Political Science, specializing in InternationalDevelopment, from the University of Guelph.

Contributing Faculty

Paul Beamish Director, Asian Management Institute RICHARD IVEY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS

Craig Dunbar Associate Professor of Finance RICHARD IVEY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS

Jeffrey Gandz Professor, Managing Director, Program Design - Executive Development, Program Director RICHARD IVEY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS

Robert Klassen Professor of Operations Management RICHARD IVEY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS

Gordon McBean Professor, Departments of Geography and Political Science THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO

Colette Southam Assistant Professor RICHARD IVEY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS

Gordon Southam Director of the Centre for Environment and Sustainability THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO

David Sparling Professor, Chair of Agri-food Innovation and Regulation RICHARD IVEY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS

Rod White Associate Dean, Faculty Research and Development RICHARD IVEY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS

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Annual Report 2012


Bridging business strategy and government policy.

lawrenceNational Centre Student Advisory Council

The Lawrence Centre staff and students meet on a bi-weekly basis to research and discuss public policy issues that affect business,and engage directly with the business leaders and policymakers who grapple with those issues. The Council assists in the researchof public policy issues and coordination of events hosted by the Lawrence Centre, such as Regulatory Coordination in Agricultureand Food and Transportation, and the Sixth Annual Thomas d'Aquino Lecture on Leadership.

Meet the 2011-2012 Student Advisory Council

Cole Atlin just completedher Masters in the Study ofLaw. Previously shecompleted a Masters ofGlobal EnvironmentalGovernance at the Universityof Waterloo. Much of herresearch has focused on thelinkages betweenglobalization and invasivespecies. In the future, shehopes to pursue a PhD andcontinue her interdisciplinaryresearch.

Andrew Brennan iscompleting his final year as aconcurrent ChemicalEngineering and Ivey HBAstudent. Andrew has beeninvolved in the research andanalysis of methadonemaintenance treatment withthe goal of identifyingopportunities for policy-makers and physicians toimprove treatment outcomes.

Anisha Chotalia is in theHonours BusinessAdministration program atIvey. She is part of the IveyLEADER Project. This isAnisha's second year on theStudent Advisory Council.

Shivani Chotalia is athird year Green ProcessEngineering student. Sheplans on pursuing a dualdegree with the Ivey HBAprogram. This is Shivani’ssecond year on the StudentAdvisory Council.

Brendan Clements isreturning for his third yearwith the Student AdvisoryCouncil. After completing hisB.A. in Political Science,Brendan is starting a Master'sprogram in Canadian-American Relations throughthe Centre for AmericanStudies.

Jon Dietrich is completinghis final year as a ConcurrentChemical Engineering andIvey HBA student. Jon spenthis summer in Hangzhou,China working on drug andgene delivery systemsresearch at ZhejiangUniversity. Jon continues toprovide input through anewly created exchangeprogram between theChemical EngineeringDepartment at ZhejiangUniversity and Faculty ofEngineering at the Universityof Western Ontario.

Dustin Hughes iscompleting his final year as aconcurrent ChemicalEngineering and Ivey HBAstudent. Dustin's interests liein resource management,having gained experiencethrough past research onwater treatment and whileworking in the energy sectorthis past summer. This isDustin’s second year on theStudent Advisory Council.

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Bridging business strategy and government policy.

Vivian Li is currently in hersecond year of the HBAprogram at the Richard IveySchool of Business. She isinterested in Law, HumanResources and OrganizationalBehaviour. She hopes to workin the non-profit sector in thefuture. This is Vivian’s secondyear on the Student AdvisoryCouncil.

J.P. Mackay has recentlyjoined the Student AdvisoryCouncil. J.P. has a B.A. inPolitical Science from theUniversity of BritishColumbia. Prior to enrollingin the MBA program at theRichard Ivey School ofBusiness, J.P. was a portfoliomanager at RioCan RealEstate Investment Trust.

CatherineMcCorquodale is asecond year law student. Shehas a Master’s degree in dairygenetics. This will be Cate’ssecond year on the AdvisoryCouncil. In the future shehopes to pursue a career thatwill allow her to combineboth agriculture and law.

Kyle Murphy isgraduating this year from theRichard Ivey School ofBusiness. Prior to this, Kyleworked as an aid to severalof the Prime Minister'ssenior advisors, conductingpolicy research, assisting incrisis management, andproviding support throughoutthe development of the 2011National ConservativePlatform. This is his secondyear on the Student AdvisoryCouncil. In the future, Kylehopes to pursue either eitherprivate sector businessdevelopment or public sectorpolicy development.

Chris Scott is completingthe Honors BusinessAdministration program atIvey. This is his fourth year onthe Student Advisory Council.Chris is looking forward toconducting research for theLawrence Centre’sforthcoming transportationworkshop.

Monica Tran iscompleting a combined IveyHonours BusinessAdministration and HealthSciences degree. This will bethe fourth year she isinvolved with the StudentAdvisory Council. Upongraduation, Monica hopes towork in the public service.

Mandy van Waes is afourth year political sciencestudent. This is her secondyear with the AdvisoryCouncil. With a volunteerand employment backgroundin politics, she hopes toobtain a Masters degree inPublic Policy.

Christopher Yeretsianis completing his final year ofthe HBA Program at Ivey.Prior to studying at Ivey,Christopher studied in thePolitical Science Departmentat Western, specializing inbusiness and governmentrelations, political theory, andinternational relations. This isChristopher’s first year on theAdvisory Council.

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Media Coverage

Lewington, Jennifer. “The Globe’s Weekly Business School Round up.” Special to The Globe and Mai. 20 July, 2012.This article discusses Paul Boothe’s appointment as new Director of the Lawrence Centre.

Public Affairs. “Michael Wilson cites the benefits of being a triathlete.” Inside@Ivey. 24 November, 2011.Highlights are discussed from Michael Wilson’s keynote address at the Lawrence Centre’s Sixth Annual Thomas d’Aquino Lecture on Leadership.

Williams, Greg. “Water Innovation Forum” Water Canada. March 2012.Dianne Cunningham discusses the importance of water conservation and the Lawrence Centre’s new Water Innovation Report.

Annual Report 2012


Bridging business strategy and government policy.


"The Lawrence Centre continues its effortsin bridging the gap between government,

business and academiawhile focusing on the development

of sound public policy."

Dianne CunninghamDirector


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McBean, Gordon et al.The Security of Canada and Canadians: Implications of Climate Change.London: Lawrence National Centre for Policy and Management, 2012.

Wilson, Michael.The Tri-Athlete: The Importance of Private, Public and Not-for-Profit Sector Involvement.Eds. Dianne Cunningham and Melissa Harris. London: Lawrence National Centre for Policy and Management, 2011.

Streamlining Canada – U.S. Regulations: How can Business help?Eds. Leslie Coates and Dianne Cunningham. London: Lawrence National Centre for Policy and Management, 2012.

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Bridging business strategy and government policy.


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Annual Report 2012


Bridging business strategy and government policy.

lawrenceNational Centre Advisory Council

Thomas d’AquinoChairman & CEOINTERCOUNSEL LTD.


Donald W. CampbellGroup PresidentCAE CORP



Anthony FerrariSenior AdvisorFORUM EQUITY PARTNERS

Blake GoldringChairman & CEOAGF MANAGEMENT LTD

Carolyn LawrencePresident and CEOWOMEN OF INFLUENCE INC.

Jeffrey SimpsonColumnistTHE GLOBE AND MAIL


Vic YoungCorporate DirectorBCE

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