7 faqs about prenuptial agreements


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Page 2: 7 FAQs About Prenuptial Agreements

What is a Prenuptial Agreement?

A prenuptial agreement, or “prenup,” is a written agreement entered into before marriage. It establishes what would happen to the assets of both partners in the event of a divorce. This contract may also lay down the rights to financial support in case the marriage ends by death or divorce.

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What Does a Prenup Usually Include?

• Division and ownership of property

• Division and ownership of liabilities

• Spousal support

• Inheritance of property

A prenuptial agreement will typically include the following:

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Should I Have a Prenuptial Agreement?

• Already have substantial property or financial assets.

• Own or co-own a business.

• Own your own practice.

• Have a partner with a huge difference in income.

• Are taking property from a previous marriage and wish to keep it separate for the children from that marriage.

The signing of a prenup is recommended if you:

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We Do Not Own Much, Should We Still Sign a Prenup?

• Could receive a large inheritance some point in time.

• Expect a significant increase in your income in later years.

• Plan to support your spouse financially through post-secondary education.

• Have parents whose financial future you need to secure.

• Have children from a previous marriage.

• Do not want the courts to decide the distribution of property and money in case the marriage ends.

Even if you and your partner do not currently own much, a prenuptial agreement is recommended if you:

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What Makes a Valid Prenuptial Agreement?

• It is called an “agreement” because it requires both parties to voluntarily sign the contract.

• The agreement must be in writing.

• It must be signed by both parties .

• It must be signed by witnesses.

• It should spell out all assets and liabilities, which requires both parties to provide full disclosure.

Here is what makes a valid prenuptial agreement:

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What is Not Included in a Prenuptial Agreement?

• Determination of child custody, child visitation rights, or child support payments.

• Any provision that is beyond the distribution of property, financial assets and liabilities.

• Any demands from a spouse in terms of non-monetary responsibility.

A prenuptial agreement should not include:

The courts will not recognize these things, even if they are included. Moreover, you run the risk of the courts invalidating your prenuptial agreement.

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What Are the Steps to Follow for Making a Prenuptial Agreement?

• Let your partner know that you are considering a premarital agreement.

• Make a list of all your assets, including real estate, savings, shares and collectables.

• Make a list of all the sources of income.

• Get an idea of what you are trying to achieve.

• Request for your partner to make similar lists.

• Meet an attorney to ensure that you understand your rights and obtain legal advice on the prenuptial agreement you are considering.

• Encourage your partner to hire a lawyer as well.

Here are the steps to follow in case you are about to get married:

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Can’t I Make the Prenup Without Consulting an Attorney?

• You need to understand your rights

• You need to know what to include or leave out from the agreement

• You would want the agreement to be held valid by a court and legally enforceable

• Courts are more likely to uphold the terms of a prenup that has been signed by both parties after understanding their legal rights.

Yes, you can. But it is not recommended.

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Seeking an Experienced Attorney with a Personal Approach to Prenuptial Agreements?

Visit: www.ruvololaw.com


Call: 973-993-9960