7 무름i(속죄론의 형성)

- 1 - 그리스도의 무름(satisfactio Christi) I: 개혁주의 속죄론의 형성 1)  문병호 (총신대학교 신학대학원 조직신학) 1. 무름: 속죄의 실체 속죄론은 중보자 예수 그리스도의 대속적 공로가 성도에게 전가되는 과정과 과로서의 구원의 가치와 의의를 다룬다. 2)  속죄론이 기독교 신앙의 핵심으로서 인구 회자되어 것은 교리가 객관적 구속사(historia salvifica)주관적 개인 구원론(doctrina salutis)접점이자 전이점에 놓여 있으며 그리스도의 인격 자체 (persona in se)자신의 우리를 위한 사역(officium ipsius ad nos)동시에 파악하기 때문이다. 속죄론은 기독론과 구원론의 연결 교리(nexus)로서 작용한다. 기독론에서는 중보자 예수 그리스도의 고난과 죽으심의 순종이 부활과 승천과 재위 영광으로 나아가는 대속의 실체를, 구원론에서는 그렇게 이루신 공로가 보혜 성령의 임재로 우리의 의로서 교제되며(칭의의 의의 전가) 교통되는(성화의 의의 전가) 대속의 실제를 다룬다. 속죄론은 구원의 필연성(그렇게 되어야 , ratio)구원의 성취(그렇게 되었음, res)함유한다. 그러므로 오직 기독론적 구원론에 잡은 신학만이 속죄론을 합당하게 논할 있다. 속죄론의 의의는 예수 그리스도의 대속 사역의 공로의 가치와 적용을 살펴보는데 있다. 속죄론은 중보자 예수 그리스도께서 이루신 자체나 보좌 우편에 재위하심 으로 행하시는 전가 자체가 아니라, 의의 전가-가치를 다룬다. 그리스도께서 제사 장으로서 제물이 되셔서 단번에 영원한 제사를 드리심은 자신이 아니라 우리를 하심이다. 속죄론은 제물 자체나 제사 자체가 아니라 제사의 대상인 제물의 가치 1) 본제에 대한 필자의 논고는 4부로 구성된다. I. 개혁주의 속죄론의 형성; II. 뚤레틴과 C. 홧지; III. 바빙크와 위필드; IV. 메이첸 이후의 개혁주의 신학자들. 2) 속죄론에 대한 제반 이론들을 개관하기 위해서 다음 책들을 참조하라. George Smeaton, Christ’s Doctrine of Atonement , originally in 1870 (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1991); J. McLeod Campbell, The Nature of the Atonement , originally in 1856 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996); Thomas Hywel Hughes, The Atonement: Modern Theories of the Doctrine  (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1949); Archibald Alexander Hodge, The Atonement (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1953); Gustaf Aulén, Christus Victor: An Historical Study of the Three Main Types of the Idea of the Atonement  (New York: Macmillan, 1969); Colin Gunton, The Actuality of Atonement: A Study of Metaphor, Rationality and the Christian Tradition  (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1988); Charles E. Hill and Frank A. James III, ed., The Glory of Atonement: Biblical, Historical & Practical Perspectives , ed. (Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2004).

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  • 7/27/2019 7 I( )


    - 1 -

    (satisfactio Christi) I: 1)

    ( )

    1. :


    (historia salvifica)

    (doctrina salutis)

    (persona in se) (officium ipsius ad nos)

    . (nexus) .


    ( ) (

    ) . ( , ratio)

    ( , res) .



    , - .


    1) 4 . I. ; II. C. ; III.

    ; IV. .2) . George Smeaton, Christs Doctrine

    of Atonement, originally in 1870 (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1991); J. McLeod Campbell, The

    Nature of the Atonement, originally in 1856 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996); Thomas Hywel

    Hughes, The Atonement: Modern Theories of the Doctrine (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1949);

    Archibald Alexander Hodge, The Atonement (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1953); Gustaf Auln, Christus

    Victor: An Historical Study of the Three Main Types of the Idea of the Atonement (New York:

    Macmillan, 1969); Colin Gunton, The Actuality of Atonement: A Study of Metaphor, Rationality and

    the Christian Tradition (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1988); Charles E. Hill and Frank A. James III, ed.,

    The Glory of Atonement: Biblical, Historical & Practical Perspectives, ed. (Downers Grove, IL: IVP,


  • 7/27/2019 7 I( )


    - 2 -

    - (scopus) .3)



    . ,


    - .


    (imputatio iustitiae) (iustitia imputata)


    . ,


    , .


    . , .

    (mediator foederis)



    . ,


    ( 53:10; 2:14; 1:4; 1:19-20).

    3) - . -


    4) elevatio (Karl Barth)

    (Karl Rhaner) (deificatio) . (qeopoihsij)


    . Cf. Frances Young, From Nicaea to Chalcedon: A Guide to the

    Literature and Its Background (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1983), 73-76, 82.

    5) Cf. (Heinrich Heppe)

    ( ) () ( )

    ( ) . Reformed Dogmatics: Set out and Illustrated from

    the Sources, rev. and ed. Ernst Bizer, tr. G. T. Thomson (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1950),

    458-459, 463. . Die Dogmatik der

    evangelisch-reformirten Kirche (Elberfeld: Verlag von R. L. Friderichs, 1861).

  • 7/27/2019 7 I( )


    - 3 -

    (moving cause) .

    (pactum salutis) .


    .6) ( 3:16)

    ( 3:26) . (expiatio) (propitiatio)

    (reconciliatio) (redemptio).

    2. ()

    (atonement, at-one-ment)

    . satisfacere satisfactio

    . satisfacere satis()+facere()


    . satisfactio

    , , , .7)

    , [] []

    . .

    -() -() .

    , .

    6) . . . nam Christus non nisi ex Dei beneplacito quidquam mereri potuit. Institutio christianaereligionis, in libros quatuor nunc primum digesta, certisque distincta capitibus, ad aptissimam

    methodum: aucta etiam tam magna accessione ut propemodum opus novum haberi possit, 1559,2.17.1, CO 2.387. . Institutes of the Christian Religion, ed.

    John T. McNeill, tr. Ford Lewis Battles, Library of Christian Classics, vols. 20-21 (Philadelphia:

    Westminster Press, 1960). Inst. .. . Ioannis Calvini opera quae supersunt

    omnia CO . (voluntas Dei) (meritum

    Christi) . Cf. Responsio ad aliquot Laelii

    Socini senensis quaestiones, CO 10/1.160. David Willis, "The Influence of Laelius Socinus on Calvins

    Doctrines of the Merits of Christ and the Assurance of Faith," in Italian Reformation Studies in

    Honor of Laelius Socinus, ed. John A. Tedeschi (Firenze: F. Le Monnier, 1965), 235.

    7) Charlton T. Lewis, A Latin Dictionary, Founded on Andrews' Edition of Freunds Latin Dictionary,

    Revised, Enlarged, and in Great Part Rewritten (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998), 1634.

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    - 4 -


    satisfacere, satisfactio , (laG)

    , .8)

    (atonement) (satisfactio)


    (Francis Turretin, 1623-1687)

    . ,

    (necessity), (truth), (perfection), (matter), (object)



    (obedientia activa)

    (obedientia passiva) .


    (Charles Hodge)

    (ordo docendi) .

    ?(For Whom did Christ die?)


    (satisfactio) .

    satisfaction atonement

    A. A.

    (Atonment) .

    atonement satisfaction

    8) satisfactio , , .

    . .9) Francis Turretin, Institutes of Elenctic Theology, vol. 2, Eleventh through Seventeenth Topics, tr.

    George Musgrave Giger, ed. James T. Denniso, Jr. (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed

    Publishing, 1992), 417-482.

    10) Heppe, Reformed Dogmatics, 458-479, 459.

    11) Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology, vol. 2, rep. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995), 480-591.

    (munus mediatori) .

    , , .

    (intercession) .

    (Institutes of Elenctic Theology, 2.375-500).

    (Ibid., 455-609).

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    - 5 -

    . atonement

    satisfaction .


    (pecuniary) (penal) .

    satisfaction (ipso facto)

    , (, substitution)

    (vicarious) (expiation) (propitiation) .12)

    B. B. .


    (atonement) . , , , .

    ( 5:11, )

    . (reconciliation)

    , katallag .

    (propitiation) kipper,

    kippurim .


    A. A. atonement


    . (Robert L. Dabney) satisfaction

    (a vicarious atonement) .14)

    12) A. A. Hodge, The Atonement, 33-41. (Thomas Aquinas) meritum satisfactio

    penal obedience, holy obedience . Ibid., 43-44.

    (Augustus H. Strong) (atonement) (satisfaction) , (substitution) . Systematic Theology, A

    Compendium Designed for the Use of Theological Students, Three volumes in one (Old Tappan, NJ:

    Fleming H. Revell, 1907), 713-771.

    (archetype) (representative) (identification)

    (Ethical Monism)

    (James Oliver Buswell) . A Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion, vol. 2 (Grand

    Rapids: Zondervan, 1963), 97-102.

    13) Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, Atonement, in Studies in Theology, rep. (Grand Rapids: Baker,

    2003), 261.

    14) Robert L. Dabney, Lectures in Systematic Theology, rep. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1980),

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    - 6 -

    (William G. T. Shedd) atonement satisfaction

    .15) (John Murray)



    (Herman Bavinck) (atonement) (reconciliation,

    kattalagh) , (i,lasthrion, 3:25) (i,lasmoj,

    2:2; 4:10)

    ( 5:9-10; 5:18-19; 3:13) .

    (rpk, 1:3; 6:7; 10:17; 15:15,

    30; 19:22; 15:28; 31:50) ( 8:19; 16:46)

    (i`laskesqai) .17)

    (Louis Berkhof)

    (atonement) . (substitution)

    -(vicarious-penal) .18)

    (Wayne Grudem) (atonement)


    (Robert L. Reymond)



    3. (pro nobis):


    15) William G. T. Shedd, Dogmatic Theology, 3rd ed. ed. Alan W. Gomes (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterianand Reformed Publishing, 2003), 690-760.

    16) John Murray, Redemption Accoomplished and Applied (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1955), 9-78.

    17) Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics, vol. 2, Sin and Salvation in Christ, ed. John Bolt, tr. John

    Vriend (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2003), 447-451.

    18) Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology, New Edition containing the full text of Systematic Theology

    and the original Introductory Volume to Systematic Theology (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996),


    19) Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology (Leicester, UK: IVP, 1994), 568. ,

    20) Robert L. Reymond, A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith (Nashville: Thomas Nelson,

    1998), 623-669.

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    - 7 -

    . (regula fidei)

    (symbolum) .

    , .




    (div h`maj touj a,nqrwpouj kai dia thn h`meteran swterian, propter nos homines etpropter nostram salutem) (u`per h`mwn, pro

    nobis) .21)

    (formula, monogenh,( e,k duo fusewn( a,sugcutwj(

    a,treptwj( a,diairetwj( a,cwristwj) (div

    h`maj touj a,nqrwpouj kai dia thn h`meteran swterian).22)

    (Symbolum Quicunque)

    (passus est pro nostra salute)



    , , , , ,

    . (regula veritatis)


    (pedagogical) (credal).

    (u`per thj h`meteraj swthriaj)


    21) Philip Schaff, The Creeds of Christendom: With a History and Critical Notes, vol. 2, The Greek and

    Latin Creeds, originally 1931 (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1983), 57-59.

    22) Ibid., 2.62.

    23) Ibid., 2.69.

    24) . Regula quidem fidei una omnino est, sola, immobilis, et

    irreformabilis, credendi scilicet. Ibid., 2.17.

    25) Ibid., 2.13.

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    - 8 -

    (propter eminentissimam erga figmentum suum

    dilectionem) .

    (expitiatio) (propitiatio)



    ( 3),27)


    3).28) (satisfactio) (imputatio) ( 21-23).29) (



    , (

    ) ()



    4. , :

    satisfactio ()

    26) Ibid., 2.15.

    27) Philip Schaff, The Creeds of Christendom: With a History and Critical Notes, vol. 3, The

    Evangelical Protestant Creeds, originally in 1931 (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1983), 9. Confessio

    Augustana, 1.3. . . . ut reconciliaret nobis Patrem, et hostia esset non tantum pro culpa originis,

    sed etiam pro omnibus actualibus hominum peccatis.28) Ibid., 3.115. Formula Concordiae. . . . Christus vere sit nostra iustitia . . . in sola videlicet

    obedientia sua, quam Patri ad mortem usque absolutissimam Deus et homo praestitit, eaque nobis

    peccatorum omnium remissionem et vitam aeternam promeruit.

    29) Ibid., 3.406-410. Nous croyons que Jsus-Christ . . . sest prsent en notre nom devant son

    Pre, pour apaiser sa colre avec pleine satisfaction . . .(406). . . . qui[homme] Dieu alloue

    justice sans oevres(409).

    30) [] (: , 1992), 282. Schaff, Ibid., 3.621: Dominus Jesus obedientia sua

    perfecta, suique ipsius sacrificio; quod per aeternum Spiritum Deo semel obtulit, justitiae Patris plene

    satisfecit, ac omnibus ei a Patre datis non modo reconciliationem; verum etiam aeternum

    haereditatem in regno caelorum acquisivit.

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    - 9 -



    (opus alienum)

    (opus proprium) .


    (communicatio idiomatum)



    (a hypostatic communication) (a real exchange)33)


    (Deus [manifestatus] in

    carne) .


    . ,


    31) Cf. Gerhard O. Forde, The Work of Christ, in Christian Dogmatics, ed. Carl E. Braaten etc. vol. 2

    (Philadelphia: Fortess Press, 1984), 47-99; Walter von Loewenich, Luthers Theology of the Cross,

    tr. Herbert J. A. Bouman (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1976), 17-24; Timothy George,The Atonment in Martin Luthers Theology, in The Glory of Atonement: Biblical, Historical &

    Practical Perspectives, ed. Charles E. Hill and Frank A. James III (Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2004),


    32) Schaff, Ibid., 3.10, Confessio Augustana, 1.4. . . . sed gratis justificentur propter Christum per

    fidem, cum credunt se in gratiam recipi, et peccatu remitti propter Christum, qui sua morte pro

    nostris peccatis satisfecit.

    33) Forde, The Work of Christ, 53.

    34) Cf. Robert A. Peterson, Calvins Doctrine of Atonement (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and

    Reformed Publishing, 1983), 11-26; Henri Blocher, The Atonement in John Calvins Theology, in

    The Glory of Atonement: Biblical, Historical & Practical Perspectives, 279-303.

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    - 10 -


    , , .


    . ,




    (Inst. 2.12.3. CO 2.341-342).35)

    (satisfactionis pretium iusto Dei

    iudicio) . .36)

    . :

    , ,

    , , ;

    !(Inst. 2.13.4. CO


    35) Prodiit ergo verus homo, Dominus noster, Adae personam induit, nomen assumpsit, ut eius vices

    subiret patri obediendo, ut carnem nostrum in satisfactionis pretium iusto Dei iudicio sisteret; ac in

    eadem carne poenam quam meriti eramus persolveret. Quum denique mortem nec solus Deus sentire,

    nec solus homo superare posset, humanam naturam cum divina sociavit, ut atrerius imbecillitatem

    morti subiiceret, ad expianda, peccata alterius virtute luctam cum morte suscipiens nobis victoriam

    acquireret. . Anselm, Cur Deus

    Homo, 1.11: Nec sufficit solummodo reddere quod ablatum est, sed pro contumelia illata plus debet

    reddere quam abstulit. . . . Sic ergo debet omnis qui peccat, honorem deo quem rapuit solvere; et

    haec est , quam omnis peccator deo debet facere. 2.6: . . . satisfaction, quam nec

    potest facere nisi deus nec debet nisi homo; necesse est ut eam faciat deus-homo. fms . Jasper Hopkins, A

    Comparison to the Study of St. Anselm (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1972), 187-212.

    De Incarnatione Verbi Dei .

    - ,


    . On the Incarnation of the Word in St. Athanasius: Select Works and Letters, Nicene and

    Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. IV, rep. (Edinburgh: T & T Clark,

    1991), 36-67.

    36) Cf. Philip Walker Butin, Revelation, Redemption, & Response: Calvins Trinitarian Understanding of

    the Divine-Human Relationship (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995), 62-75.

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    - 11 -

    (the so-called extra

    Calvinisticum) ,38)

    (cosmic) .39)


    (Inst. 2.12.1, CO 2.340).41)


    (Inst. 2.12.2, CO

    2.341).42) (quod

    proprium ipse) (quod proprium nobis) !

    . (vicar)

    37) . . . quia, etsi in unam personam coaluit immense verbi essentia cum natura hominis, nullam tamen

    inclusionem fingimus. Mirabiliter enim e coelo descendit filius Dei, ut coelum tamen non relinqueret;

    mirabiliter in utero virginis gestari, in terris versari, et in cruce pendere voluit, ut simper mundum

    impleret, sicut ab initio.

    38) .

    (communicatio idiomatum) () (extra

    Calvinisticum) .


    etiam extra carnem( ) (spiritualis sed

    realis) . Cf. , Byung-Ho Moon,

    Christ the Mediator of the Law: Calvins Christological Understanding of the Law as the Rule of

    Living and Life-Giving (Carlisle, UK: Paternoster Press, 2006), 105-111.

    39) . (

    9:5; 5:20; 20:28; 20:28; 2:13) ( 1:3; 1:16) ( 11:36).

    (avllV h`mi/n ei-j qeo.j o path.r evx ou- ta. pa,nta kai.

    h mei/j eivj auvto,n( kai. ei-j ku,rioj VIhsou/j Cristo.j diV ou- ta. pa,nta kai. h mei/j diV auvtou/)( 8:6).

    . ,

    ( 1:7, 10, 22).

    (kai. diV auvtou/ avpokatalla,xai ta. pa,nta eivjauvto,n( eivrhnopoih,saj dia. tou/ ai[matoj tou/ staurou/ auvtou/( diV auvtou/ ei;te ta. evpi. th/j gh/j ei;te ta. evn toi/j ouvranoi/j)

    ( 1:20).


    . Cf. Richard A. Muller, Fides and Cognitio in Relation

    to the Problem of Intellect and Will in the Theology of John Calvin, Calvin Theological Journal 25/2

    (1990), 215-216.

    41) Ita filium Dei fieri nobis Immanuel oportuit, id est nobiscum Deum: et hac quidem lege, ut nutua

    coniuctione eius divinitas et hominum natura inter se coalescerent.

    42) Quod nobis proprium erat suscipere gravatus non est, ut vicissim ad nos pertineret quod proprium ipse habebat;

    atque ita in commune ipse nobiscum et filius Dei esset et filius hominis.

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    - 12 -


    ( 8:17; 3:6). (infusa

    qualitatis) (sun, cum)



    . (musthrion)

    !(Inst. 4.14.22, CO 2.958



    . (sacerdos) (sacrificium, hostia)

    (ira) (implere) (favor)

    (conciliare) (munus) .

    (pro nobis)

    (satisfecit) (piaculum) .

    (satisfactio) .

    (aeterna reconciliationis lege)

    . (in societatem)

    (Inst. 2.15.6, CO 2.366-368).46)

    (Inst. 2.16.1, CO 2.377-368).

    43) () ,


    (transformatio) .

    . ,

    . John Calvin, Sermons on the Epistle to

    the Ephesians, tr. Arthur Golding (London, 1577), rev. tr. Leslie Rawlinson and S. M. Houghton(Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1973), Eph. 4:10 (353-360, CO 51.546-554). Serm. .


    44) (communio ecclesiae) (consensio sanae

    doctrinae et fraterna caratias) (in Christo

    vel secundum Christum) (Inst. 4.2.5, CO 2.771-772).

    45) Sublime istud mysterium praeclare nobis in Christi cruce ostensum est, quum aqua et sanguis

    effluxerunt ex sacro eius latere(Ioann. 19, 34).

    46) . . . diversa et nova in Christo fuit ratio, ut idem esset hostia qui sacerdos. Quia nex alia pro

    peccatis idonea satisfactio reperiri poterat . . . Iam sacerdotis personam sustinet Christus, non modo

    ut aeterna reconciliationis lege patrem asciscat in societatem tanti honoris (Apoc. 1, 6) (CO 2.368).

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    - 13 -

    , .

    , .

    , (placandi modus)

    (satisfactio)(Inst. 2.16.1, CO 2.368).

    (satisfactoriam peccati hostiam, ~Xa) ( 53:10)

    (imputatio) (triumphum)

    , , (a,polutrwsin kai a,ntilutron kai i`lasthrion) .47)

    (ad litationem)

    (lacacri) .

    () (

    ) (Inst. 2.16.6, CO 2.374).48)

    . (ordinatio Dei)

    . (meritum)

    (beneplacitum) (misercordia Dei) (Inst. 2.17.1,

    CO 2.386-7).

    , (causa formalis) (dilectio

    gratuita), (materialis) (obedientia), (formalis) (fides), (finalis)

    (bonitas) (gloria) (Inst. 3.14.17, 21 (CO

    2.575, 578).49) (ineffabili quodam

    modo) .

    (miro et divino modo) .


    47) A. A. i`lascesqai (expiation) (propiation)

    . i`lasthrion . The Atonement,39-40.

    48) litatio satisfactio satisfaction .

    satisfactoria hostia" satisfactio .

    litatio satisfactio .

    49) , Comm. Rom. 3:24(75, CO 49.61), 5:19(117-118, CO 49.101-102).

    Comm. . . The Commentaries of John Calvin, 46

    vols., Calvin Translation Society Edition (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1948-1950) (vols.1-15).

    John Calvin, New Testament Commentaries, ed., D. W. Torrance and T. F. Torrance

    (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1960-1972) .

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    - 14 -

    (Inst. 2.16.4, CO 2.370).

    (Inst. 2.16.3, CO 2.506).50)



    (i`lasmoj, katalaggh) ?

    ( 2:2; 4:10). (mysterium ineffabile)


    (infensus) .

    (reconciliatus est).


    ( 5:21).51) (favor)

    (iustitia Dei)( 1:4-6;

    5:19; 1:19-20).

    (meritum) .

    . (Inst.

    2.17.2, CO 2.387-8). .

    , (substantia vitae)

    (materia) .

    ( 1:14).


    (pretium redemptionis) ( 6:20;

    1:18-19; 3:24-25). (a,ntilutron)

    ( 2:15-16). (a`pax) (dia thj qusiaj)

    (ai,wnian lutrwsij) ( 9:12, 28).

    , , 53)

    54) (Inst.

    50) Proinde sua dilectione praevenit ac antevertit Deus pater nostram in Christo reconciliationem.

    51) Quare principium amoris est iustitia, qualis a Paulo describitur (2 Cor. 5, 21), eum qui peccatum

    non fecerat, pro nobis peccatum fecit, ut essemus iustitia Dei in ipso.

    52) Ideo idem apostolus redemptionem in sanguine Christi definit remissioem peccatorum (Col. 1, 14),

    ac si diceret, iustificari nos vel absolvi coram Deo, quia sanquis ille in satisfactionem respondet.

    absolvere a,fihmi .

    53) . . . si pro peccatis nostris Christus satisfecit, si poenam nobis debitam persolvit, si obedientia sua

    Deum placavit . . .

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    - 15 -

    2.17.3-5, CO 2.388-90).

    (Inst. 3.11.21-23, CO

    2.550-2). .

    (Inst. 2.16.5, CO 2.370-1).


    (communio) (communicatio)



    (Inst. 3.14.1-6, 9-11, CO

    2.564-8, 570-2).

    (membra) (caput) (Inst. 2.17.1, CO 2.386).

    (Inst. 2.17.2,

    CO 2.387).55)






    (duplex imputatio) ()(Inst. 3.17.3, 10,

    CO 2.591-2, 597-8).56)

    54) . . . nimis extenuari Christi gratiam nisi eius sacrificio vim expiandi, placandi et satisfacien

    concedimus . . .

    55) . . . quoties Dei caritati adiungitur Christi gratia, unde sequitur, eum de suo quod acquisivit, nobis

    largiri; quia non aliter quadraret seorsum a patre ei adscribi hanc laudem, quod gratia eius sit, et ab

    ipso proveniat.

    56) (iustificatio) (imputatio iustitiae Christi) (Inst. 3.11.2, CO 2.534). (communio)

    (vestitus) (Inst. 3.17.8, CO 2.596).


    ) . (Catechismus) (Catechismus, sive

    christianae religionis institutio . . ., CO 5.336-337), 1535


    (CO 1.53). 1543

    (sola fide non tantum nos, sed opera etiam nostra iustificari)

    (1543 Inst. 10.70, CO 1.787, Inst 3.17.10, CO 2.598).

    . ,

  • 7/27/2019 7 I( )


    - 16 -




    () (mutila fide)


    (Inst. 3.11.20, CO 20.550).58)

    (Inst. 3.16.1, CO 2.586).59)


    () (Inst. 3.15.7, CO 2.586).61)

    (Inst. 2.16.14,

    CO 2.382).

    , ,

    . , Comm. Rom.

    4:6-8(85-87, CO 49.71-73), 5:16(116, CO 49.99), 5:17(116-117, CO 49.99-100), 6:14(130-131, CO


    57) (ordo salutis)

    . Comm. Rom. 3:22 (73, CO 49.60); Rom. 8:13 (167, CO 49.147).

    58) . . . quia in communicationem iustitiae Christi nos inducit.59)

    (communionis cum morte Christi) . Comm. Rom. 6:7 (126, CO

    49.108). Cf. Comm. Rom. 6:3 (122, CO 49.105).

    (mutua similitude respondeat) . Comm. Rom. 6:10 (127,

    CO49.109). (qualitatem) ,

    . Comm. Rom. 5:17 (117, CO 49.100). (infusa, transfusa)

    (gratia imputata) (Inst. 3.11.5, 10, CO 2.536-537, 540-541); Contra Osiandrum (CO



    (communicatio) .

    . Cf. Comm. Rom. 6:1 (121, CO 49.103):

    . (communicatur) . Comm. Rom. 1:17 (28, CO 49.20); Rom.

    3:21 (70, CO 49.57); Rom. 3:22 (73, CO 49.60).

    , (iustitia)

    (qualitatem) (proprium) . Comm. Rom.

    5:19 (118, CO49.101).

    . Comm. Rom. 6:22-23 (136, CO 49.118).

    . Cf. Joel R. Beeke, Calvin on Piety, in The Cambridge

    Companion to John Calvin, ed. Donad K. McKim (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004),


    61) . . . iustificationem fidei, quae pietatis est totius summa . . .

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    - 17 -



    (Inst. 2.16.16, CO 2.383): ,

    ( 14:3); ,

    ( 7:25; 9:11-12; 8:34)

    ; ,

    (Inst. 2.16.16; CO

    2.383). (sessio)


    , ,

    .63) 52 53


    (la satisfaction) 52:13-53:11

    (lintercession) 53:12 .


    . ~va

    ( 53:10) ,


    65) .66)


    . Cf. Inst. 1.13.7, 2.7.2, 2.8.57, 3.1.2 (CO 2.94-95,

    254, 307, 394-395); Comm. Jn. 14:16 (2.82, CO 47.329); Rom.1:4 (16-17, CO 49.10-11); II Cor. 3:6

    (41-43, CO 50.39-41).

    63) John Calvins Sermons on the Deity of Christ, tr. Leroy Nixon (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1950), 2


    ed. (Audubon, N. J.: Old Paths Publications, 1997), Matt. 26:36-39(51, CO 46.833).

    . Ibid., Acts 1:9-11 (232-242, CO 48.613-622).

    64) John Calvins Sermons on Isaiahs Prophecy of the Death and Passion of Jesus Christ, tr. T. H. L.

    Parker (London: James Clarke, 1956), 53:4-6 (69, 74, CO 35.623, 627), 53:9-10 (110, 112, CO

    35.654, 656), 53:11 (122, 132, CO 35.664, 673).

    65) Ibid., 53:4-6(83, CO ). , Ibid., 53:12 (137-152, CO


    66) Ibid., 53:11 (134, CO 35.674): . . . que maintenant il fait encores office de Mediateur: et quil

    nous veut faire tellement participans de sa iustice . . .

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    - 18 -



    ( 5:19) (Inst, 2.17.3, CO 2.388).

    (diaqhkhj kainhj mesithj) ( 9:15),





    , .


    . .

    (culmen salutis) .

    68) C. .


    ( 4:12).

    . ,

    ( 1:30). ,

    . ,

    ; , ; ,

    . (

    2:17) . ,

    ; () , ;

    67) Comm. Heb. 8:10 (110-112, CO 55.103): Hic fructus est foederis, quod nos Deus in populum

    cooptat, seque salutis nostrae fore praesidem asserit.

    68) Heppe, Reformed Dogmatics, 457-481.

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    - 19 -

    , ( 3:13); ,

    ; , ; 69) ,

    ; , ; ,

    ; , ; ,

    ; , , ,

    ; , .

    , , ,

    (Inst. 2.16.19, CO 2.385-6).

    (laG) (klhronomoj)

    -(sunklhronomoj) ( 1:2; 8:17).70)

    . , (si satisfactio, in eius

    sacrificio)! (*)

    (Soli Deo Gloria in Aeternum)!

    69) (descensus ad inferos) ,

    ( 2:24) ( Inst.

    2.16.10, CO 2.376-377). .

    70) klhronomoj , .