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  • 8/3/2019 7 Steps to Becoming an Engaging Leader_1


    7 Ways to Become anEngaging Leader

    A key challenge facing aspiring leaders is to learn how to

    have others willingly follow them and then apply these lessons

    James McNamara, 2009.

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    James McNamara, 2011. All rights reserved Page | i

    About James McNamara

    James McNamara's mission is to "inspire and educate people to become contributing

    leaders". James achieves this by working with managers and business owners to improve

    their leadership effectiveness.

    James is an experienced group facilitator, keynote presenter and one on one coach. He hasa detailed working knowledge of the leadership and communication skills which will

    influence people to follow your lead willingly. Whether it's leading a team, selling a

    product or service or managing a difficult behaviour, James provides unique and practical

    insights on how to improve your results. Heres what others say...

    Fantastic presentation! A must for leaders! Exceeded expectations!Great for any leader in any organisation! Debra Campbell, Queensland Police Service

    Great learning experience. Should be a great help with my relationship and my work.

    Mark Seedhouse, Cairns Regional Council

    Well presented with excellent information.Anastasios Geongas

    Excellent presenter. Very practical and valuable session. Howard Kemp, Queensland

    Police Service

    Great, energetic and full of useful material great!Peter Sith

    Book him for at least 1 day. 1-2 hours was too short. One of the best session of the course.

    Chris Cove.

    Fantastic workshop following massive change. Creates reassurance and the ability tobelieve there is hope in bringing others/team along on the journey.Nikki Clements.

    Hes fab brilliant great and inspiring! Worldwide Online Printing

    Worth its weight in gold. Paul Strother, Cairns Regional Council

    Excellent presentation! James was knowledgeable and gave relevant examples and tips.

    Amy Ross-Reid

    Connect to James McNamara and Impact Factory

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    James McNamara, 2011. All rights reserved Page | ii

    Legal Notice

    While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication,the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary

    interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons,

    peoples, or organisations are unintentional.

    In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees success.

    Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their individual

    circumstances and to act accordingly.

    Copyright The Impact Factory

    The copyright of and title to this document belongs to James McNamara and

    The Impact Factory.

    This product may not be sold individually or as part of a package. This product may

    not be rebranded.

    You may pass this product onto anybody who you think would enjoy it and gain valuefrom it.

    [email protected] for further enquiries.

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    James McNamara, 2011. All rights reserved Page | iii

    Table of Contents

    About James McNamara .................................................................................. iLegal Notice ..................................................................................................... iiIntroduction ...................................................................................................... 41. Lead With Purpose .................................................................................. 5


    Be Proactive and Exercise Your Power to Act......................................... 5

    3. Know Your People ................................................................................... 64. Trust is a Doing Word .............................................................................. 75. Listening is The Most Powerful Influencing Skill of All ............................. 86. Speak up Authentically ............................................................................ 87. Be an Enabler .......................................................................................... 9Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 10Bibliography ................................................................................................... 11Now You Can Bring the 7 Steps to Becoming an Engaging Leader

    into Your Organisation ........................................................................... 12

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    James McNamara, 2011. All rights reserved Page | 4


    There are innumerable definitions of leadership, you dont need another one. This e-book

    will focus on a key aspect of leadership success engaging others.

    History will show that the greatest leaders of the 21st Century werent the stereotypical

    super-human business gurus. Instead, the great leaders of this century will be those who

    align people to a common purpose and harness the collective genius of their whole


    Management science in now evolving at a snails pace (Hamel)... when just about everything

    else is evolving at the speed of light. It is time for a new breed of leaders. This new breed of

    leaders will be influencers, collaborators and innovators not lone rangers. Their power will

    come from purpose rather than from command and control. Most importantly, these leaders

    will have willing followers!

    If youd like to zero in on the essential principles that will help you to become a new breed of

    leader who is purpose driven, a collaborator, an influencer and an innovator, then this

    document holds some unique insight for you.

    Begin by considering how to get others to willingly follow your lead. Further considerwho

    you need to be and what do you need to do that others will follow you willingly. To

    successfully resolve these questions requires a new way of thinking that replace judgment

    with curiosity, competition with collaboration, inference with innovation and telling with


    7 Ways to Become an Engaging Leader is a unique grass roots leadership paradigm that

    has been developed from experience with hundreds of Australian managers in both the

    private and public sectors. It provides practical and sustainable solutions to age old problems

    faced by managers such as

    fostering innovation with fresh and creative ideas

    building solidarity through shared purpose, vision and values

    using different leadership styles in different situations

    leading team members to achieve their full potential

    turning around poor performance and unacceptable behaviour

    being clear and confident in your leadership strategy and decision making

    communicating with influence and achieving results

    cultivating productive working relationships

    and more

    This approach dovetails with the five capabilities of the QPSC Capability and Leadership

    Frameworkand has already been proven during 2010 with various Queensland GovernmentAgencies as well as private sector organisations. The seven ways to becoming an engaging

    leader are

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    James McNamara, 2011. All rights reserved Page | 6

    achieve and make its contribution. People are more likely to follow a leader who is building

    a legacy and showing others how to be part of that journey.

    So being proactive is acting on purpose. This means operating at a level that is well above

    the game of interpersonal skirmish played by so many in todays organisations. Leaders who

    act on purpose and help others to do the same will experience less conflict, apathy, sabotage,

    low morale, poor performance and unacceptable behaviour than leaders who dont.

    Proactive people value responsibility, accountability and ownership. Equally proactive

    people avoid blame, denial and excuses. Proactive leaders inspire and compel their followers

    to adopt a similar approach to the task at hand.

    When being proactive, leaders must remember to balance the courage to take action with

    consideration for the needs of others.

    3. Know Your People

    We dont see the world as it is, we see the world as we are! Anais Nin

    Our own view represents just one way of looking at things just one paradigm. The ideas,

    behaviours and personalities of other people represent a multitude of different ways of

    looking at things.

    These differences present a fascinating paradox. On the one hand many people find

    differences confronting and difficult to work with. Yet on the other hand differences can

    provide new and fresh insight. When embraced, difference can show us where our own

    vision is incomplete.

    To embrace change and discover new insights into old problems different thinking choices

    are required. The first choice needed is to explore differences instead of judging them as

    good or bad. When people are committed to a purpose and are proactive, they find it much

    easier to suspend judgement and step outside of the limits of the right/wrong paradigm.

    The second key is to understand and rationalise how people differ to us. Models of

    personality and behavioural styles provide refreshing insight when trying to understand the

    behaviour of others. It is important that the model chosen to study is robust enough to

    provide useful insight, while being simple enough to draw on when conversing with another

    person. DISC is one such model that provides powerful insight while being simple enough to

    use on the run.

    When a person can understand the behaviour of another, they are in a better position to

    respond proactively, non-judgementally and non-blamefully to the behaviour. Onceunderstanding is achieved, leaders and their teams can work to each others strengths instead

    of being frustrated by their differences.

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    James McNamara, 2011. All rights reserved Page | 7

    4. Trust is a Doing Word

    People dont leave organisations... they leave bosses. Anonymous

    Trust is central to healthy relationships, performance and engagement at work. While trust is

    often hard to define, it is easy to see when trust is absent. Trust is more than a reassuring

    feeling. Trust is a doing word... trust is built on trustworthiness.

    A person is judged by others as being trustworthy (or not) based on their behaviour. A

    persons behaviour gives great insight into their character and their ability to achieve results.

    When it comes to assessing trustworthiness people not only want evidence of honesty

    integrity and truthfulness, they also want evidence of ones ability to achieve results.

    Maintaining trust in a relationship is like maintaining any asset. If you look after the asset

    with regular maintenance it will continue working well and be there when you need it most.

    However if you neglect the asset, it will run down and eventually fail... permanently! Its

    funny to think that many people and organisations will put more time and attention to

    maintaining the company car then they doing into maintaining trusting relationships at work.

    As such, building trust is not a one off event. Trust building is a consistent style of behaviour

    that includes;

    Taking the time and attention to understand the other person

    Keeping the promises that you make

    Honouring those not present

    Communicating openly and frequently

    Caring enough to have those difficult conversations when needed

    Going back and cleaning things up when promises are broken and feelings are hurt

    Extending trust to others

    Clarifying expectations

    Being accountable and achieving results

    I have found that by trusting people until they prove themselves

    unworthy of that trust, a lot more happens.

    Jim Burke, Former CEO Johnson and Johnson

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    James McNamara, 2011. All rights reserved Page | 8

    5. Listening is The Most Powerful

    Influencing Skill of All

    You cant dig a new hole by trying to dig the same hole deeper. De Bono

    Communication inside organisations often turns out to be a competitive exercise in which the

    first person to draw breath is declared the listener. This competitive battle serves to justify

    current thinking, reduces trust, leads to inflexible responses and maintains the same linear

    style of thinking that caused the problem in the first place.

    The need to be right (or fear of being wrong) reduces peoples willingness to consider others

    ideas and opinions. A compelling purpose takes the focus of individual rightness and onto

    common contribution.

    At this point it is important to consider another fundamental human need the need to be

    understood and accepted. A persons use of quality active listening fulfils this need in others.Once the other person believes that you understand their situation and that you accept them,

    they will be much more likely to listen to you. Conversely if you take the competitive (i.e. I

    am right!) approach, you are more likely to experience resistance which if maintained over

    time can even develop into resentment and disengagement.

    Active listening builds trust because it is trustworthy behaviour. By listening and genuinely

    trying to understand the other person you are being trustworthy with their thoughts, ideas,

    vulnerabilities and plans. Additionally you give yourself the best chance to create new

    insight and ideas by understanding how the other person sees the world. This approach

    allows both parties to unfreeze their position/opinion and consider new alternatives while

    preserving the relationship.

    The challenge with listening is that it takes time. The reality is that most other approaches to

    solving interpersonal difficulties take longer!

    6. Speak up Authentically"The way we communicate with others and with ourselves

    ultimately determines the quality of our lives." Anthony Robbins

    If active listening is the yin of communication then speaking up authentically is the yang.

    Managers need to be able to do both well. In terms of speaking up, managers must be able to

    inspire and educate people towards the organisations purpose, give feedback, address

    unacceptable behaviour, coach, delegate, direct and so on.

    Authentic leaders speak up for what they believe in particularly the organisations purpose,

    values, goals, policies and procedures. Authentic leaders own what they say and signify this

    by using I language. They communicate non-blamefully and non-judgementally. And most

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    James McNamara, 2011. All rights reserved Page | 9

    importantly, they dont back away from having the difficult conversations associated with a

    persons poor performance or unacceptable behaviour. Equally they are prepared to

    respectfully challenge a policy or procedure when they see that it does not align with the

    organisations purpose.

    In particular, authentic leaders have mastered seven key messages;

    self expression saying no asking for help addressing unacceptable behaviour giving feedback delegating apologising and saying thankyou

    Finally, authentic leaders know how to change gears (from speaking up to listening) as a

    way of facilitating quality dialogue.

    7. Be an Enabler

    A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires

    people to have confidence in themselves. Anonymous

    Leaders should set out to make their team members as successful as they can be. The

    strategy here is to be an enabler to lead the person in theirbest way, to clear blockages and

    provide resources. All of these things allow a follower to be and do their best at work.

    For a leader to be an enabler they must firstly meet the follower where they are, then take

    them forward. To do this effectively leaders need use more than one leadership style

    depending on the skills, engagement level and confidence of the individual follower.

    This means balancing the level of specific instruction with the amount of two waycommunication used. Hersey and Blanchard describe four leadership styles which can be

    derived from such afollower centredapproach directing, coaching, mentoring and


    As a persons levels of skill, confidence and engagement increase so too does their readiness

    to follow their leader. This means that over time the leader can adjust their style away from

    the time intensive interventions of directing and coaching to the less time intensive styles of

    mentoring and delegating.

    In addition to using different leadership styles the enabling leader clears the way for their

    subordinates to succeed. This may include activities such as; ensuring plans are aligned to

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    James McNamara, 2011. All rights reserved Page | 10

    organisational purpose, supporting with stakeholder management, connecting with key

    influencers, providing resources, being a sounding board and mentor, and assisting the

    individual to grow and develop.

    ConclusionWho do you have to become in order for people to willingly follow your lead?

    James McNamara

    To arrest the declining engagement levels in todays organisations, the next generation of

    leaders will need to lead on purpose, influence the thinking and behavior of others,

    collaborate and innovate. These leaders will realise that allocating time to the human side of

    their business is a must they will know that being too busy to pay attention to the human

    needs within their organisation will burn infinitely more of their time in the long run.

    The 7 Ways to Becoming an Engaging Leader provide the key conditions for empowerment

    in the workplace, including;

    Alignment of daily activities to overall organisational purpose

    Acceptance and understanding of individual differences and style

    Building trust from trustworthy behaviour

    Effective communication

    Leadership style matching the followers individuals needs

    Listening to gain genuine understanding The courage to speak up and effectively address performance and conduct issues

    It takes courage to be an engaging leader. By following these strategies leaders can develop

    new levels of performance and harmony at work go ahead, get started and let the results

    speak for themselves.

    James McNamara

    Founder The Impact Factory


    [email protected]

    1300 790 150 | 0408762 584

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    James McNamara, 2011. All rights reserved Page | 11


    Queensland Public Service Commission, QPS Capability and Leadership Framework, The

    State of Queensland (Public Service Commission) 2008., http://www.psc.qld.gov.au

    The Human Givens Institute, The Human Givens Approach online post,


    J. Gallop, Q12 Meta-Analysis: The Relationship Between Engagement at Work and

    Organizational Outcomes, Gallop Inc, www.gallup.com/consulting/126806/q12-meta-


    P. Hersey, K. Blanchard, D. Johnson, Management of Organizational Behaviour Leading

    Human Resources, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001

    G. Hamel, Management MUST Be Reinvented, online post,


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    James McNamara, 2011. All rights reserved Page | 12

    Now You Can Bring the

    7 Steps to Becoming an Engaging Leader

    into Your Organisation

    Keynote Presentation

    The powerful and inspiring overview of the 7 steps and can be delivered in 90-120 minutes to

    audiences of all sizes. This is ideal for a conference breakfast session or to add real punch to

    your after lunch conference agenda. Heres what others have said about this presentation.

    Excellent presenter. Very practical and valuable session.

    Howard Kemp, Manager Executive Development Unit, Qld Police Academy.

    Book him for at least 1 day. 1-2 hours was too short. One of the best session of the course.

    Chris Cove, Participant in local government conference.

    Half Day Workshop

    This provides a more in depth overview with participants being about to interact and more time

    allowed for points to be discussed. This session is ideal for up to 20 people.

    "The facilitator's energy was the best thing."

    "Great session! Very enjoyable, very useful. Thanks!"Participants from Qld Treasurys Professional Excellence Program.

    Full Day Workshop

    This session looks at each of the 7 steps in greater detail with participants being able to discuss,

    reflect and work in groups as they explore this leadership material (see flyer on the next page).

    Heres what others have said about the full day workshop...

    All managers and supervisors should do this course. If you get these skills right the rest is easy.

    M. Kerl, QLD Transport.

    The most beneficial training I have done in the past 10 years. Perfectly related and specific to

    my current role and situation. A genuine eye opener.

    Scott Gettings.

    Fantastic workshop following massive change. Creates reassurance and the ability to believe

    there is hope in bringing others/team along on the journey.

    Nikki Clements.

    Contact James McNamara: 1300 790 150 | 0408 762 584 | [email protected]

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    Workshop Details

    For in-house workshops call 1300 790 150

    For public workshop dates visit www impactfactory com au/events

    7 Steps to Becomingan Engaging Leader

    All managers and supervisors should do this course. If you getthese skills right, the rest is easy. M. Kerl, QLD Transport

    Imagine if you could read people, picktheir particular personality type andunderstand how to instantly lead, influenceand motivate them. Instead of being

    frustrated or frustrated by the behaviour ofothers, youll actually know how torespond predict what people will do andsay in a variety of situations with uncannyaccuracy.

    By having excellent leadership skillsyou would be in the enviable position ofbeing able to know...

    How to get people to willingly

    follow you

    How to be recognised for career

    advancement opportunities

    How to project a confident and

    professional self image

    How to proactively work withdifficult people instead of feeling

    frustrated and stressed by them How to influence people to accept

    your ideas

    How to use more than one leadership

    style to achieve better results

    How to say No and address othersunacceptable behaviour

    Excellent leadership skillscan be learned

    You can learn to be an exceptionalleader, even if you dont see yourself asa natural people person. What wouldit mean to your career if you could workexceptionally well with all kinds ofpeople, eliminate conflicts and help

    your team perform better? Youd be inhot demand by your organisation!

    I certainly picked up ideas which couldbe used in different situationsK Smith.

    Hes Fab. Brilliant!Eytan Jacobs.

    Worth its weight in gold. P Strother

    Engaging Leadership

    This superb workshop is a treasurechest of effective techniques that youcan use immediately.

    Youll master the essential people skillsfor building positive and productive

    relationships including An amazing leadership formula that

    makes it remarkably simple toachieve sensational results

    4 little known assertiveness secrets toprevent conflicts & unnecessaryproblems before they occur

    Insider secrets on how to handle the10 most difficult types of people

    Understanding yourself better andgain new insights into effectivecommunication strategies

    A sure-fire system to understand othersand achieve new levels of cooperation

    Cope more effectively with whateverbehaviour is thrown at you

    Easy ways to stop others fromdumping their problems onto you

    How to recognise and avoid the 12things people inadvertently do thatactually cause communication


    Be more confident and have more funworking with people

    Heres what past participants said

    Very well presented, easy tounderstand and relevant, practical toolwhich can be easily implemented in anywork environment. Janelle Kaye.

    This workshop would be of greatuse to middle management. The flowand building of concepts was clear andmatched together well. Anon.

    7 Great Reasons to Book Today!

    This one day workshop will bring

    improvements to all of your personaland professional relationships. Byattending youll enjoy these benefits

    1.Youll learn the effective assertivenessskills that make you a powerful leader

    2.Youll learn practical proventechniques for effectively leading all

    types of people

    3.Youll be able to deal with difficultpeople and achieve positive outcomes eliminating much interpersonalstress

    4.This workshop receives a 94.5%approval rating based on writtenfeedback from actual participants

    5.Youll be seen as a problem solverwho can work through any challengeto achieve results

    6.Youll be able to defuse conflicts and

    bring about win-win agreements7.Youll be certain and confident in your

    approach to leadership andcommunication

    Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed

    In this workshop youll identifyyourcurrent biggest communication andleadership challenges. Youll be able toapply the content specifically to yoursituation. And youll identifybreakthrough strategies that you canbegin implementing straight away!

    Special Offer

    Youll receive a FREEBehaviouralStyles Profile in this workshop valuedat $29. By completing this profile youll

    discover your predominant style andgain valuable insight into working moreeffectively with others.