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  • Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilordin Romnia

    The Guide to Museums and Collectionsin Romania


  • Cartea a aprut cu sprijinul Ministerului Culturii i Cultelor, prin Administraia FonduluiCultural Naional.The Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, through the Administration of the NationalCultural Fund, financed the printing of this book.

    Redactori / Managing Editors: Irina Oberlnder-Trnoveanu, Aurelia Duu

    Traducere n limba englez / English Translation: Anca Doina Cornaciu

    Procesare informatic / Digital Processing: Cosmin Miu

    Hri / Cartography: Ionu andric

    Tehnoredactare / Layout: Vasile Andrei

    Fotografiile provin din arhiva digital de imagini de la cIMeC.The pictures are from the digital image archive of cIMeC.

    Copyright: cIMeC Institutul de Memorie Cultural 2006

    cIMeC Institutul de Memorie Cultural[Institute for Cultural Memory]Piaa Presei Libere 1, C.P. 33-90, 013701 Bucureti, RomniaTel: +40(0)21 317.90.72, Fax: +40(0)21 317.90.64e-mail: [email protected], www.cimec.ro

    Coperta fa: Muzeul Aurului din Brad; Muzeul de Istorie Naional i Arheologie dinConstana; Muzeul din CernavodaCoperta spate: Tradiii vii: trei generaii n Complexul Muzeal ASTRA din Sibiu(Foto: Irina Oberlnder-Trnoveanu)

    Front cover: Gold Museum in Brad; National History and Archaeology Museum in Constana;Museum of CernavodaBack cover: Living traditions: three generations in the ASTRA National Museum Complex inSibiu (Photos: Irina Oberlnder-Trnoveanu)

    ISBN: ISBN 10 973-87004-5-0ISBN 13 978-973-87004-5-1

    Editura DAIM www.daimph.ro

    Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei

    Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia. -Bucureti:

    Daim, 2006ISBN (10) 973-87004-5-0;ISBN (13) 978-973-87004-5-1



  • Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilordin Romnia

    The Guide to Museums and Collections inRomania

    Editat de / Edited byIrina Oberlnder-Trnoveanu i / and Aurelia Duu

    cIMeC Institutul de Memorie CulturalBucureti, 2006


  • 4 Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia

    Un Cicerone contemporan / AContemporary Cicerone 6Introducere / Introduction 8BUCURETI / BUCHAREST 11BANAT / THE BANAT 53Arad 54

    Arad, Beliu, Birchi, Bodrogu Nou, Buteni,Lipova, Mini, Svrin, iria, Temeeti,Zbrani

    Cara Severin 59Bile Herculane, Bnia, Caransebe,Gornea, Ildia, Jupa, Mehadica, Ocna deFier, Oravia, Reia

    Timi 64Buzia, Cenad, Ciacova, Deta, Jimbolia,Lenauheim, Lugoj, Snnicolau Mare,Teremia Mare, Timioara, Traian Vuia

    CRIANA 73Beiu, Chicu, Holod, Meziad, Oradea,Scueni, Salonta, Vadu Criului

    DOBROGEA / DOBRUDJA 81Constana 82

    Adamclisi, Cernavod, Constana, Hrova,Istria, Limanu, Mangalia, Medgidia, Topalu

    Tulcea 94Babadag, Cerna, Enisala, Niculiel, Pota,Sulina, Tulcea

    MARAMURE 105Maramure 106

    Baia Mare, Bia, Bseti, Coltu, Lpu,Moisei, Rohia, Spna, Sighetu Marmaiei,ieti, Vieu de Sus

    Satu Mare 114Ady Endre, Apa, Bogdand, Carei, Mriu,Negreti - Oa, Petreti, Satu Mare,Scrioara Nou, Tnad, Valea Vinului

    MOLDOVA/MOLDAVIA 121Bacu 122

    Bacu, Borzeti, Brad, Buhui, Comneti,Hemeiui, Lipova, Mgura, Oneti, Perchiu,Poiana Srat, Prjeti, Rcciuni, Racova,Trgu-Ocna, Tescani,

    Botoani 130Botoani, Dorohoi, Ipoteti, Liveni,Mihileni, Sveni, tefneti

    Galai 136Bereti, Buciumeni, Costache Negri,Galai, Rocani, Tecuci, Tudor Vladimirescu

    Iai 143Corneti, Cotnari, Cucuteni, Hrlu, Iai,Lunca Prutului, Mirceti, Ruginoasa

    Neam 162Agapia, Bicaz, Bistria, Grumzeti,Humuleti, Mnstirea Neam, Piatra -Neam, Roman, Trgu Neam, Trpeti,Vratec, Vntori - Neam

    Suceava 172Bilca, Botoana, Broteni,Cmpulung Moldovenesc, CiprianPorumbescu, Flticeni, Gura Humorului,Mlini, Mitocu Dragomirnei, Putna,Rdui, Siret, Solca, Suceava, Sucevia,Udeti, Vatra Dornei, Vatra Moldoviei

    Vaslui 185Brlad, Emil Racovi, Grumezoaia, Hui,Tcuta, Vaslui, Vutcani

    Vrancea 188Adjud, Cmpuri, Crligele, Colacu,Coteti, Dragosloveni, Focani, Gugeti,Jilite, Mreti, Mrti, Odobeti,Paltin, Petreti, Vulcneasa

    MUNTENIA 197Arge 198

    Berevoieti, Cpnenii Pmnteni,Cmpulung, Curtea De Arge,Dmbovicioara, Domneti, Goleti,Leordeni, Muteti, Piteti, tefneti,Teiu

    Brila 205Baldovineti, Brila, Trlele Filiu

    Buzu 209Buzu, Coli, Cotorca, Prscov, Rteti,Rmnicu Srat, Tisu

    Clrai 213Clrai, Mnstirea, Oltenia

    Dmbovia 215Aninoasa, Bezdead, Costetii Din Vale, I. L.Caragiale, Malu Cu Flori, Moreni, Moroeni,Moieni, Pietroia, Potlogi, Pucheni,Pucioasa, Rzvad, Ru Alb, Trgovite,Vleni, Viforta, Viioara, Vulcana Pandele


  • Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia 5

    Giurgiu 222Frteti, Giurgiu, Herti

    Ialomia 224Maia, Ograda, Slobozia

    Ilfov 227Cernica, Ciolpani, Moara Vlsiei,Mogooaia, Pasrea, Peri

    Prahova 231Brebu, Bucov, Buteni, Cmpina, Cheia,Cornu, Ghighiu, Mnstirea Suzana,Ploieti, Posada, Sngeru, Sinaia, SlnicPrahova, Trgoru Vechi, Urlai, Vlenii deMunte, Zamfira

    Teleorman 248Alexandria, Bogdana, Dideti, Drcani,Roiorii de Vede, Salcia, Silitea Gumeti,Stejaru, Turnu Mgurele

    OLTENIA 253Dolj 254

    Bileti, Bechet, Calafat, Celaru,Cernteti, Craiova, Padea, ValeaStanciului

    Gorj 259Arcani, Baia de Fier, Bumbeti - Jiu,Curtioara, Hobia, Leleti, Polovragi,Rdineti, Trgu Jiu, Tismana, Vladimir,Voiteti

    Mehedini 264Balta, Butoieti, Cernei, Drobeta Turnu -Severin, Gura Motrului, Strehaia

    Olt 268Bal, Brncoveni, Caracal, Chilia, Corabia,Drgneti - Olt, Nicolae Titulescu, Orlea,Piatra Olt, Slatina

    Vlcea 275Bile Govora, Bistria, Bujoreni, Cciulata,Costeti, Dezrobii, Drgani, Govora,Horezu, Mldreti, Rmnicu Vlcea,Romanii de Jos, Rotrti, tefneti


    Aiud, Alba Iulia, Avram Iancu, Blaj,Lancrm, Lupa, Rme, Rimetea, RoiaMontan, Scrioara, Sebe, Zlatna

    Bistria Nsud 294Bistria, Cobuc, Livezile, Maieru, Nsud,Reteag, Sngeorz - Bi

    Braov 297Bran, Braov, Breaza, Buneti, Comana DeJos, Cuciulata, Fgra, Mateia, Palo,Rnov, Rotbav, Rucr, Rupea, Scele,Smbta De Sus, irnea, Trlugeni, Vldeni

    Cluj 305Ciucea, Cluj-Napoca, Dej, Floreti, Gherla,Iclod, Nicula, Turda

    Covasna 318Araci, Baraolt, Cainu Mic, Cernat, SfntuGheorghe, Trgu Secuiesc

    Harghita 321Atid, Bisericani, Ciumani, Corund, CristuruSecuiesc, Dneti, Gheorghieni, Jigodin-Bi, Joseni, Lunca De Jos, Lunca De Sus,Lupeni, Mereti, Miercurea - Ciuc, Ocland,Odorheiu Secuiesc, Plieii De Jos, Praid,Remetea, Rugneti, Sncrieni,Sndominic, Subcetate, Suseni, Toplia,Tulghe, Volbeni, Zetea

    Hunedoara 327Aurel Vlaicu, Brad, Crian, Deva,Hunedoara, Ortie, Petroani,Sarmizegetusa, Simeria

    Mure 332Albeti, Reghin, Sighioara, Trgu Mure,Trnveni

    Slaj 336Zalu

    Sibiu 337Agnita, Avrig, Biertan, Crioara,Cisndie, Cisndioara, Municipiul Cisndie,Cristian, Fntnele, Gale, Gura Rului,Media, Movile, Noul Romn, PoianaSibiului, Rinari, Rod, Sadu, Sibiel, Sibiu,Tlmaciu, Turnu Rou

    Lista imaginilor din plane / List ofimages in the plates 353


  • 6 Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia

    Un Cicerone contemporan

    Secolul trecut a fost cel n care a devenit evident c omenirea se afl ntr-o criz a administrrii informaiilor. Chiar i manualele dedicategestionrii informaiilor au devenit prea numeroase pentru a mai putea fi uor reinute. Traversm o perioad de suprasaturare cu informaii.La ce bun, atunci, o nou carte care s adune, laolalt, date sintetice despre un domeniu anume n acest caz, al muzeelor? Pe de o parte,rspunsul st ntr-o fireasc dorin de cunoatere exhaustiv i enciclopedic a realitii. Pe de alt parte, informaia are un ciclu de via dince n ce mai scurt, ceea ce face ca oamenii s nu mai aib rbdare pentru actualizarea la intervale de timp mai mari de un an. Un ghid almuzeelor (chiar i din Romnia) de acum trei sau patru decenii nu mai poate fi utilizat cu folos astzi, fiind de interes doar pentru istoriciimuzeelor. Deocamdat, poate i din raiuni practice, ghidurile anuale rmn populare, poate, nu doar din obinuin. Pe de alt parte, va veni,probabil, vremea cnd informaia din asemenea ghiduri va avea nevoie de actualizri chiar mai dese.

    n cazul de fa, Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia reprezint ceva mai mult dect o simpl actualizare a unor date administrate(i inute la zi) pe o pagin de Internet. Este o carte de referin, pentru oricare profesionist al muzeelor, ca i pentru cei care le sunt, pur isimplu, apropiai. Ghidul reprezint un moment de analiz a ceea ce au obinut muzeografii romni, la 17 ani de la rsturnarea regimuluicomunist. Momentul reprezint, nc, unul care marcheaz nceputul unei noi etape de dezvoltare. Expoziiile permanente nu pot fi schimbateatt de uor. Pentru multe muzee din Romnia, problema nnoirii expoziiilor permanente a fost una legat nu doar de eliberarea de bariereleideologice, ci i de posibilitatea alegerii unor maniere de expunere mai apropiate de public (cele audiovizuale, n primul rnd), de posibilitateautilizrii unor materiale mai performante i de conexarea expoziiilor cu celelalte mijloace de expresie muzeal (prin conferine, lecii etc.).Cel puin primii ase apte ani, dup 1989, au nsemnat ani de acumulri, de studii, de schimburi de experien, de reaezare a ideilor i,totodat, de schimb de generaii. Apoi, de prin 1997, structurile organizaionale ale muzeelor au nceput s se schimbe. Corespunztor, acestlucru a nceput s se vad n activitatea muzeelor i chiar n modul de etalare a expoziiilor temporare i permanente. Acum, la sfritul lui2006, putem spune c majoritatea muzeelor romneti au atins un grad de maturitate suficient de nalt, nct s ne permit s facem oevaluare: ncotro s-au dezvoltat muzeele din Romnia, ce modele au urmat, ce direcii i propun.

    Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia ne ofer o oglind destul de exact a situaiei muzeelor din Romnia. Este o oglind cu dou fee:pe de o parte, fiecare muzeu este prezentat cu o scurt fi istoric; pe de alt parte, prezentarea expoziiilor curente poate sugeradezvoltarea viitoare a muzeelor.

    Despre primul voleu al oglinzii se cunosc, deja, multe lucruri. Ghidul insist nu doar asupra coleciilor, ci i asupra cldirilor. Multe dintreele sunt monumente istorice sau, n orice caz, cldiri cu valoare istoric. Viitorul, n mod firesc, prezint multe incertitudini i, desigur, nutoate sunt evidente. Muzeele se confrunt cu o dramatic lips de spaiu. Foarte puine sunt cele care au reuit s dobndeasc, dup 1989,spaii mai potrivite pentru funciunile muzeale. Restituirile de proprieti au dus, deja, n unele cazuri, la evacuarea muzeelor, iar alte situaiisunt de nregistrat n scurt vreme. Din pcate, autoritile nu au reuit s pregteasc, n toate cazurile, noi spaii de expunere. Patrimoniula crescut considerabil, n ultima jumtate de secol, dar suprafeele desfurate ale muzeelor au rmas, cel mai adesea, aceleai. De aici, olips acut de spaii, mai ales, pentru depozite, laboratoare i activiti cu publicul. Procesul de reorganizare a expoziiilor permanente se afl(raportat la scara ntregii ri) n plin desfurare. Paradoxal, muzeele care au reuit s i schimbe expoziiile n primii doi trei ani, dup1989, se gsesc, acum, n faa aceleiai probleme ca i muzeele care au rmas cu expoziiile nemodificate: este necesar nlocuirea lor; dedata aceasta, nu din motive de uzur moral, ci din cauza expunerii, realizate cu mijloace muzeotehnice foarte modeste i bazate de modalitide exprimare expoziionale demodate.

    Pe de alt parte, ceva s-a schimbat fundamental n activitatea muzeelor din Romnia, i acest lucru trebuie spus, cu att mai mult cu ctGhidul nu are cum s l fac remarcat: muzeele nu au fost niciodat att de aproape de publicul lor, ca acum. Desigur, mai sunt extrem demulte lucruri de fcut, dar este esenial c managerii muzeelor (mai ales, cei din tnra generaie) au neles c, dac vor s aib succes nactivitatea lor, sunt obligai s se dedice mai mult publicului i acest lucru se va reflecta, mai devreme sau mai trziu, n felul n care suntpercepute instituiile muzeale i colectivele manageriale ale acestora, att de ctre autoriti i pres (din ce n ce mai important, ca factorde formare a opiniei publice), ct i de ctre public, n sensul restrns al termenului. Bineneles, n spatele acestei schimbri stau mariacumulri n direcia schimbrii, adesea, invizibile pentru public: muzeele s-au dotat cu mijloace tehnice moderne (mai ales, n domeniultehnologiei informaionale), i-au trimis specialitii la programe de pregtire profesional n ar i n strintate, au angajat personal nspecialiti noi (marketing, web design, relaii cu presa etc.), au legat relaii stabile de colaborare cu muzee din strintate (att din rile


  • Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia 7

    vecine, ct i din Vestul Europei), i-au dezvoltat bazele de date, au mbuntit condiiile de conservare a patrimoniului .a.m.d.. AderareaRomniei la Uniunea European va grbi, cu siguran, acest proces de schimbare. Tocmai de aceea, este de dorit ca Ghidul de fa s vad onou ediie, la un an dup aderare, nregistrnd schimbrile fa de situaia actual. Din aceast perspectiv, Ciceronele muzeelor romnetitrebuie s rmn la fel de atent la rapidul proces de nnoire muzeal, atrgnd atenia asupra formelor recente de exprimare expoziionali a celor stabile de comunicare cu publicul, prin activiti educaionale. Cu alte cuvinte, un Cicerone nelinitit de misiunea pe care o are ide importana cultural deosebit a demersului su.

    Dr. Virgil tefan Niulescu

    Preedintele Comitetului Naional ICOM

    A Contemporary Cicerone

    In the last century it became only clear the fact that humanity is hardly able to manage all information. Even the number of informationmanagement guides baffles our retentive memory. We are overwhelmed by data of all kinds. What is the good of a new comprehensive bookon another domain - in our case, the museum world? On the one hand, the answer rests on a natural desire for knowing reality in an exhaustive,all-encompassing way. On the other hand, the information is more and more short-lived, entailing a yearlong validity for any given informationby most standards. A guide to the museums (be they even Romanian) dating to three or four decades ago can be of no use now, as it seemsrelevant only to museum historians. For the time being, maybe out of practical reasons, the annual guides remain popular, and that might notcome only from routine. On the other hand, updating could become necessary even more often.

    In the present case, the Guide to the Museums and Collections in Romania is more than a mere updating of data managed (and updated)on an Internet page. It is a reference book, for any museum professional, and for those keen on museums. The Guide is a landmark for theachievements of the Romanian curators, seventeen years after the upheaval that put an end to the communist regime. This landmark is alsosymbolic for a new development stage. The permanent exhibitions cannot be changed that easily. For many museums in Romania, the issue ofrenewing the permanent exhibitions relates not only to the emancipation from ideological constraints, but also an opportunity to choosefriendlier display designs (first of all, audiovisual ones), a possibility to use more efficient material and to connect the exhibitions to the othermeans of presentation (conferences, lectures, etc.). At least for six, seven years after 1989, we gathered information and undertook studies;we exchanged experience, reconsidered out ideas and let the new generation settle in. Then, since 1997, the organisational structures of themuseums have undergone changes. Those have become apparent in the activity of the museums and even in the display of the temporary andpermanent exhibitions. Currently, at the end of 2006, we can say that most Romanian museums are mature enough to allow an evaluation:the development pattern the Romanian museums adopted, and followed, and their trends.

    The Guide to the Museums and Collections in Romania mirrors the situation of the Romanian museums. We can look both ways: on the onehand, each museum is presented in a short "historical" file; on the other hand, the presentation of the current exhibitions might suggest thesubsequent development of the museums.

    The first image in the "mirror" takes shape in front of our eyes. The Guide emphasises both the collections and the buildings. Most of themare historic monuments or, at any rate, historic buildings. Naturally, the future has in store many uncertainties, and, surely, not all areobvious. The museums face dramatic space shortage. After 1989, very few of them succeeded in obtaining adequate premises for museumactivities. The property retrocessions have already led to some of the museums being evacuated, and there is more to come. Unfortunately,the authorities failed to establish new locations for all the museums. The heritage grew considerably over the last fifty years, but the museumroom stayed the same in most cases. Hence, an acute space shortage, especially for storerooms, laboratories, and public relations. Thepermanent exhibition reorganisation process is under way (across the country). Paradoxically, the museums that succeeded to change theirexhibitions during the first two or three years, after 1989, are now facing the same problems as the museums that have their exhibitionsunchanged: it is necessary to replace them; this time, not because they are obsolete, but because the display carried out by very modestmuseum technology means, following old fashioned exhibition outlooks.

    On the other hand, something has fundamentally changed in the activity of the Romanian museums, and that should be emphasised, somuch more as the Guide cannot reveal it: the museums have never been as close to their public as now. Of course, there are still very manythings to do, but it is crucial for the museum managers (especially the young ones) to understand that, if they want to succeed in their activity,


  • 8 Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia

    they are obliged to dedicate themselves more to the public - and that will sooner or later reflect in the way the museum institutions and theirmanagerial staff are perceived, both by the authorities and the press (an important factor for public opinion), and by the public, in the narrowsense. Of course, this change reflects the steps towards the change, that the public cannot see: the museums are endowed with moderntechnical means (especially information technology tools), sent their specialists to training programmes in this country and abroad, employedpersonnel for "new" jobs (marketing, web design, press relations, etc.), established stable relations with foreign museums (both fromneighbouring countries and from Western Europe), developed the databases, improved the heritage conservation conditions, a.s.o. Romania'sEU accession will certainly speed up the changing process. That is why the present Guide should have a new edition, a year after the accession,so that the possible changes should be put down. Considering that, the Cicerone of the Romanian museums should keep up the museum renewalprocess, emphasise the recent display patterns, and boost communication with the public by educational activities. In other words, a Ciceronein "turmoil" due to its mission and to its outstanding cultural importance.

    Dr. Virgil tefan NiulescuPresident of the ICOM National Committee


    Ghidul de fa ofer informaii despre 740 de muzee i colecii de interes public din Romnia, aflate n 410 localiti: muzee, secii muzeale,muzee n aer liber, case memoriale, colecii steti, muzee bisericeti, expoziii permanente i galerii de art, parcuri arheologice, grdinizoologice i botanice, peteri amenajate pentru vizitare.

    Ghidul este organizat pe regiuni istorice, pe judee i pe localiti, n ordine alfabetic, ncepnd cu Bucureti, capitala rii i oraul cucele mai multe muzee (peste 57). Ne-am gndit c n acest fel mbinm cel mai bine perspectiva geografic i sugestia unor trasee turistice iculturale regionale cu nevoia unei organizri clare, n care cititorul s identifice ct mai uor zona i muzeele care l intereseaz. Cuprinsulamnunit al ghidului ine loc i de indice geografic.

    Fiecare regiune este precedat de o hart care marcheaz localitile n care exist muzee i colecii. Regiunea, la rndul ei, esteidentificat pe harta rii ntr-un medalion. Pentru Bucureti dm att imaginea general a planului oraului ct i un detaliu al zonei centrale,unde se gsesc cele mai multe muzee. Pentru detalii geografice putei consulta harta on-line a Romniei realizat la CIMEC(http://map.cimec.ro), pe care putei selecta diverse teme de patrimoniu cultural (muzee i colecii, situri arheologice, lcauri de cult etc.),putei naviga i detalia zona de interes (deocamdat pn la scara 1:100.000 i fr hri de orae). Harta digital este legat direct cu bazelenoastre de date, de unde putei afla informaii la zi despre obiectivele dintr-o localitate sau alta.

    Fa de ediia precedent a ghidului, publicat n anul 2000, volumul de fa este mai bogat att cantitativ (740 de instituii repertoriatefa de 690, cu toate c nu apar cele peste 60 de muzee desfiinate n aceast perioad), ct mai ales calitativ. Cea mai mare parte ainformaiilor a fost actualizat i mbogit, adugndu-se, ca noutate, adresele de contact prin e-mail (peste 200) i adresele siturilor webale muzeelor sau ale paginilor web n care acestea sunt prezentate de ctre ali parteneri (peste 230 de adrese). De asemenea, sunt semnalatemuzeele care dein bunuri culturale clasate n Tezaurul patrimoniului cultural naional pn la data finalizrii textului pentru ghid. Pentrufiecare obiectiv gsii adrese complete, inclusiv adresa de coresponden, numere de telefon i fax, adrese e-mail i de situri web, program devizitare, data nfiinrii, subordonare, date despre colecii i exponate deosebite, istoria instituiilor i a cldirilor care le adpostesc. Pentruechilibrul lucrrii i din cauza restriciilor de spaiu, unele descrieri de colecii au fost reduse, chiar dac n versiunea on-line acestea sunt maiample. O alt noutate este traducerea n limba englez a denumirilor i descrierii muzeelor i coleciilor, ceea ce face ghidul accesibil i celorcare nu cunosc limba romn. Din economie de spaiu, nu am mai tradus i adresa sau programul de vizitare, acestea fiind informaii uor deneles i de ctre strini.

    Datele provin din baza naional de date realizat i ntreinut la CIMEC Institutul de Memorie Cultural ncepnd din anul 1993, cusprijinul financiar al Ministerului Culturii i Cultelor. Baza de date, accesibil i ntr-o versiune on-line permanent actualizat (www.cimec.ro),a pornit de la datele existente la CIMEC i la Ministerul Culturii i Cultelor, fiind actualizat, corectat i mbogit de-al lungul anilor pe bazarspunsurilor la chestionarele trimise la muzee i la direcii judeene pentru cultur, culte i patrimoniul cultural naional, dar i pe bazainformaiilor culese din reviste i alte publicaii de specialitate, ca i a celor obinute de noi direct prin zeci de telefoane, e-mailuri sau contactepersonale cu cei care lucreaz n aceste instituii. Prin eforturile noastre constante i cu sprijinul colegilor din muzee s-a constituit astfel cea


  • Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia 9

    mai complet i la zi surs de informaii privind instituiile muzeale din Romnia.Aceasta nu nseamn c realitatea dinamic pe care o trim nu ne joac feste: cu toat dorina noastr de a avea date exhaustive i corecte,

    nu aflm ntotdeauna la vreme despre nfiinarea sau desfiinarea unor muzee, despre schimbarea adreselor sau a numerelor de telefon, despremodificri n programul de vizitare i aa mai departe. Vei gsi n acest ghid datele pe care le-am avut la dispoziie pn la 1 septembrie 2006.Ne cerem scuze fa de toi cei care se vor simi ofensai c nu i-am menionat, dup cum ne cerem scuze pentru eventualele neconcordaneinvoluntare cu realitatea, spernd ca acestea s fie ct mai puine. Baza de date on-line va fi permanent actualizat pe msur ce ne veitrimite observaii, corecii i date suplimentare.

    Mulumim tuturor instituiilor muzeale i colegilor care ne-au trimis informaii i imagini pentru baza naional de date. Ghidul va fi, sperm,un instrument util pentru toi amatorii de mrturii ale trecutului, de lucruri frumoase i interesante, de cltorii, de planificat vizite i excursii.Muzeele i coleciile, mari sau mici, v ateapt s le descoperii.

    Irina Oberlnder-TrnoveanuDirector adjunct al CIMEC

    Bucureti, noiembrie 2006


    This guide provides information on 740 public museums and collections located in 410 Romanian localities: museums, museum departments,open air museums, memorial houses, village collections, church museums, permanent exhibitions and art galleries, archaeological parks,zoological and botanic gardens, and tourist caves. The structure of the guide follows the historical regions, counties, and localities, inalphabetical order, starting with Bucharest, the capital of this country, and the city with the highest number of museums (57). We thoughtthat in this way we make the best of the geographical perspective, while suggesting cultural regions and tourist attractions to readerssearching for a clear organised view upon the museums and their locations. The detailed contents of the guide can serve also as a geographicalindex.

    A map marking the localities with museums and collections precedes each region. In its turn, the region is identified on the map of thecountry in a medallion. For Bucharest, we give both the general image of the city plan and a detail of the central area, where most museumscan be found. For geographical details you can look into the on-line digital map of Romania made at CIMEC (http://map.cimec.ro), on whichyou can select various cultural heritage themes (museums and collections, archaeological sites, places of worship, etc.), navigate and zoom inthe relevant area (for the time being at the scale 1:100,000, and no city maps). The digital map is directly linked to our databases, where youcan find updated information on the sites in a locality or another.

    As compared with the previous edition of the guide, published in 2000, the present volume is richer quantitatively (740 recordedinstitutions as compared with 690, without taking into consideration the over 60 museums that ceased to exist during that period), and aboveall qualitatively. Most data have been updated and enriched, and completed with the contact e-mail (over 200) and web site addresses of themuseums or of the web pages where other partners present these (over 230 addresses). Meanwhile, we point to the museums that holdproperty listed in the National Cultural Heritage Treasure until the date we completed the text of the guide.

    Each site is provided with full addresses, including the mail address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and web site addresses, openinghours, foundation date, subordination, data on special collections and exhibits, the history of the institutions and the buildings shelteringthem. For reasons of fair balance and space saving, we shortened some collection descriptions even if in the on-line version they are keptlonger. Another novelty is the translation into the English language of the names and descriptions of the museums and collections, which makesthe guide accessible also to those who do not know the Romanian language. We did not translate the addresses and opening hours, as foreignerscan easily understand these data in Romanian.

    The text comes from the national database carried out and maintained by CIMEC - the Institute for Cultural Memory since 1993, with thefinancial support of the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs. The database, accessible in a permanently updated on-line version(www.cimec.ro), started from the data available at CIMEC and at the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs. Over the years, we haveupdated, corrected, and enriched the content by considering the answers to the questionnaires we sent to museums and county authoritiesfor culture, religions, and the national cultural heritage. We also gathered data from reviews and other relevant publications, and directly


  • 10 Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia

    contacted institutions and authorities through tens of telephone calls, e-mails or personal contacts with people who work in these institutions.Thus, due to our constant endeavours, and the kind support of our colleagues, we could build up the most complex updated information sourceon the museum institutions in Romania.

    That does not mean that the dynamic reality we are living in fails to play tricks on us: in spite of our desire for exhaustive accurate data,we do not always learn on time about the founding or the dismantling of certain museums, about the change in the addresses or telephonenumbers, about the changes in the opening hours, and others. The guide will provide you with data available to us up to the 1st of September2006. We apologise to all those who might feel offended for not having been mentioned. We also apologise for the possible accidentalinconsistencies, few as they might be. The on-line database will be updated on a permanent basis, as you are going to send us observations,corrections, and further data.

    Acknowledgements are due to all the museum institutions and colleagues who sent us information and pictures for the national database.We hope that the guide will prove a useful tool for all those who are keen on testimonies of the past, on beautiful and interesting things,travel, visit, and trip planning. The large or small museums and collections are waiting for you to discover them.

    Irina Oberlnder-TrnoveanuDeputy Director of CIMEC

    Bucharest, November 2006




  • 12 Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia, Bucureti

    1. Muzeul ranului Romn2. Muzeul Naional de Istorie Natural "Grigore Antipa"3. Muzeul Naional de Art al Romniei4. Muzeul Militar Naional5. Muzeul Naional "George Enescu"6. Casa Memorial "Constantin Joja"7. Casa Memorial "George i Agatha Bacovia" - BUCURETI8. Casa Memorial "Ion Minulescu"9. Casa Memorial "Liviu Rebreanu - Fanny Rebreanu"10. Casa Memorial "Tudor Arghezi"11. Colecia "Maria i Dr. George Severeanu"12. Colecia de Antichiti a Institutului de Arheologie "VasilePrvan"13. Colecia de Art "Ligia i Pompiliu Macovei"14. Colecia de Art Plastic "Fr. i Cecilia Cuescu Storck"15. Colecia Memorial "Maria Filotti"16. Colecia muzeal a Episcopiei Armeano-Gregoriene17. Curtea Veche - Palatul Voievodal18. Grdina Botanic19. Muzeul "Dr. Ioan i Nicolae Kalinderu"20. Muzeul "K. H. Zambaccian"21. Muzeul "Mitropolit Antim Ivireanul"22. Muzeul "Theodor Pallady"23. Muzeul Aviaiei24. Muzeul Bncii Naionale a Romniei25. Muzeul Cilor Ferate Romne26. Muzeul Naional al Satului "Dimitrie Gusti"27. Muzeul Memorial "George Clinescu"28. Muzeul Memorial "Dr. Victor Babe"29. Grdina Zoologic

    30. Muzeul "Cornel Medrea"31. Muzeul "Theodor Aman"32. Muzeul Coleciilor de Art33. Muzeul Costumelor Populare din Romnia34. Muzeul de Art "Vasile Grigore - pictor i colecionar"35. Muzeul de Art Popular "Prof. Dr. Nicolae Minovici"36. Muzeul de Art Veche Apusean "ing. Dumitru Minovici"37. Muzeul Universitii Bucureti38. Observatorul Astronomic Municipal "Amiral Vasile Urseanu"39. Muzeul Naional Tehnic "Prof. ing. Dimitrie Leonida"40. Muzeul Teatrului Naional "I.L.Caragiale"41. Muzeul Sportului din Romnia42. Muzeul Sportului din Romnia43. Muzeul Universitii Politehnica44. Muzeul Operei Naionale din Bucureti45. Muzeul Naional Filatelic46. Muzeul Naional de Istorie a Romniei47. Muzeul Naional de Art Contemporan al Romniei48. Muzeul Naional Cotroceni49. Muzeul Naional al Pompierilor50. Muzeul Naional al Literaturii Romne51. Muzeul Naional al Hrilor i Crii Vechi52. Muzeul Municipiului Bucureti53. Muzeul Memorial "Gh. M. Tattarescu"54. Muzeul Memorial "Dr. Gheorghe Marinescu"55. Muzeul Memorial "Dimitrie i Aurelia Ghia"56. Muzeul Memorial "C.I. i C.C. Nottara"57. Muzeul de Istorie a Evreilor din Romnia "Dr. Moses Rosen"58. Muzeul Naional Geologic


  • Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia, Bucureti 13

    Muzeul de Istorie a Evreilor dinRomnia "Dr. Moses Rosen""Dr. Moses Rosen" History Museum ofthe Jews in RomaniaBUCURETI 030771, Str. Mmulari nr. 3,sector 3, jud. BucuretiTel.: 021/311.08.70; Fax: 021/315.10.45An nfiinare: 1978Program: luni, miercuri, duminic: 9:00 -13:00; joi: 9:00 - 12:30, 15:00 - 18:00

    Muzeul este adpostit ntr-o fost sinagog, construit n 1910, sinagoga "Unirea Sfnt",fost Sinagoga Croitorilor, care a funcionat ca lca de cult pn n 1968, iar din 15 ianuarie1978 a devenit muzeu. Muzeul a fost nfiinat la iniiativa rabinului ef dr. Moses Rosen, dectre un colectiv de istorici i prezint istoria evreilor pe teritoriul romnesc, din secolul al II-lea i pn astzi. Colecia conine obiecte de cult, picturi realizate de pictori evrei, machetede sinagogi din ar, obiecte reprezentative pentru creaia i cultura evreilor romni i ateatrului n limba idi.

    The museum is housed in a former synagogue, built in 1910. The synagogue of the "HolyUnion", the former Taylors Synagogue, functioned as a place of worship until 1968, and onthe 15th of January 1978 turned into a museum. The museum was established upon theinitiative of the chief rabbi Dr. Moses Rosen, by a team of Jewish historians. It presents thehistory of the Jews on Romanian territory, from the 2nd century until today. It comprisesreligious artefacts, paintings by Jewish painters, scale models synagogues from around thecountry, collections representative for the history of the Jews on the Romanian territory,objects illustrating the creation and culture of the Romanian Jews and the history of theYiddish theatre.

    Grdina Zoologic din Bucureti a luat fiin n 1955 sub forma unor "coluri zoologice"situate n principalele parcuri ale capitalei i pdurea Bneasa. ntre anii 1955 - 1959 efectivelede animale s-au concentrat progresiv la Colul zoologic Bneasa, care s-a deschis la 1 mai 1959i a devenit n 1962 Grdina Zoologic Bucureti. Aceasta se ntinde pe o suprafa de 5,85 hai deine n coleciile sale peste 100 de specii i subspecii, cu un numr total de peste 800 deexemplare din clasele de animale vertebrate: reptile, psri i mamifere.

    The Zoological Garden in Bucharest emerged in 1955 as "zoological corners" located in themain parks of the capital and Bneasa forest. Between 1955 and 1959 the animal stockgradually concentrated in Bneasa Zoological Corner, that opened on the 1st of May 1959 andbecame, in 1962, Bucharest Zoological Garden. It spans 5.85 ha and its collections hold over100 forms (species and subspecies) with a total number of over 800 specimens belonging tothree classes of vertebrate animals: reptiles, birds and mammals.

    Muzeul i are nceputul n hotrrea Consiliului Comunal al Primriei Bucuretilor, de lasfritul lunii iunie 1921, prin care s-a propus nfiinarea unui muzeu comunal. Donaia lui D.A. Rosetti din iulie 1929 a constituit nucleul de baz al seciei preistorice. n februarie 1930muzeul primete Casa Moruzzi, monument istoric, situat n Calea Victoriei 117, iar n 22noiembrie 1931 este inaugurat expoziia muzeului. Dr. George Severeanu a fost timp de peste8 ani director al Muzeului Municipal, sub ndrumarea lui muzeul cunoscnd o remarcabildezvoltare.

    S-au nfiinat secii noi: numismatic, medalistic, documente, istoria breslelor,urbanistic, s-a dezvoltat seciunea artistic. n iulie 1933 a luat fiin, pe lng muzeu,Pinacoteca municipiului, adpostit n casa amiralului Vasile Urseanu, din bulevardul LascrCatargiu. Patrimoniul muzeal a crescut prin cercetri de teren, donaii i achiziii. n martie1941, dup mai multe peregrinri, muzeului i se atribuie casa Cesianu, din Calea Victoriei 151,unde a fost adus ntregul patrimoniu. Consecinele rzboiului au fost resimite din plin de

    Muzeul Municipiului BucuretiBucharest City MuseumBUCURETI 030174, B-dul I. C. Brtianu nr.2, sector 3, Bucureti; Tel.: 021/310.25.62;021/315.68.58; Fax: 021/310.25.62www.muzeulbucurestiului.ro; E-mail:[email protected];[email protected] nfiinare: 1921; Program: 9:00 - 18:00;luni: nchis; mari: intrare liber


    Grdina ZoologicZoological GardenBUCURETI, Pdurea Bneasa,sector 1, jud. BucuretiTel.: 021/230.45.10www.ici.ro/romania/ro/bucuresti/bu_zoo.html


  • 14 Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia, Bucureti

    muzeu, casa Cesianu fiind rechiziionat pentru spital, iar coleciile mpachetate i strnse ncteva camere. Piesele cele mai valoroase ale muzeului au fost evacuate n 1944 n comunaRasnic-Dolj, unde au rmas, parte din ele, pn n octombrie 1948. Dup ce n 1948 muzeul vafi mutat temporar n localul Muzeului de Art Naional din oseaua Kiseleff nr. 3, n 10decembrie 1956 muzeului i este atribuit Palatul uu, iar pe 23 ianuarie 1959 are locredeschiderea pentru public a Muzeului de Istorie a Oraului Bucureti. Palatul uu estemonument istoric, datnd din 1834, oper a arhitecilor Johann Veit i Conrad Schwink, careau ridicat un palat n stil neogotic, cu patru turnulee poligonale i cupol, pe ruinele unorconstrucii mai vechi. Holul central a fost finisat n 1862 de artistul Karl Storck i a fostmontat o uria oglind de Murano. Dup moartea primului proprietar, Costache Grigore uu,palatul rmne n posesia fiului acestuia, Grigore uu (1819 - 1893). Cldirea a avut diferitedestinaii publice n prima jumtate a secolului al XX-lea. A fost restaurat ntre anii 1957 -1958, redndu-i-se n bun parte nfiarea iniial. Colecia de arheologie cuprinde piesencepnd din paleolitic, neolitic, epoca bronzului (culturile Glina III i Tei), geto-dacice (de laFundeni, Snagov, Popeti-Novaci, Dealul Piscului). Cea mai mare parte a coleciei dateaz dinperioada medieval: vase ceramice, podoabe, tezaure monetare etc. Colecia de numismatic,medalistic i sigilografie cuprinde: tezaure monetare otomane, austriece, ruseti, sigiliievocnd marile familii boiereti, medalii, plachete, insigne i decoraii. Colecia de documenteconine: hrisoave, cele mai vechi datnd din 1488 - 1582, fondul Manuc (n limba armean cucaractere turceti), documente medievale, moderne i contemporane. Colecia de hri iplanuri are cu aproape 1.000 de piese privitoare la istoria oraului Bucureti, la PeninsulaBalcanic, cursul Dunrii, precum i la unele moii ale boierilor. Colecia de art plastic estealctuit din tablouri, desene, pietre funerare, steme. Colecia de stampe, gravuri i litografiiconine imagini de localiti din ar i de peste hotare, personaliti, tipuri sociale, scene delupt, trguri etc. Muzeul mai deine colecia de mobilier istoric i obiecte de uz casnic,colecia de arme, uniforme, steaguri, colecia de costume i obiecte textile (piese dembrcminte, eantioane de esturi datnd din secolele XVI - XIX, podoabe, covoare, perne,perdele, brie, unele descoperite n cursul spturilor arheologice), colecia de obiecte de cult(icoane, tripticuri, cruci din secolele XVII - XIX), precum i o bibliotec cu peste 45.000 deexemplare, aproape n ntregime literatura privitoare la Bucureti. Muzeul este deintorulunei valoroase colecii de fotografii cu aspecte de la cercetrile arheologice, lucrrile desistematizare ale oraului, cldiri (executate n 1856 de Angerer), aspecte din viaa oraului.

    The museum was founded following the decision of the City Council of Bucharest fromJune 1921. C. A. Rosetti's donation from 1929 was the core of the stock. The museumfunctioned first in 115 Calea Moilor, then in 117 Calea Victoriei, and the exhibition wasinaugurated in November 1931. Dr. Severeanu was for eight years the manager of the museum.New departments were opened (numismatics, documents, city planning) and the museumheritage grew continuously. In March 1941 the museum collection was moved to 151 CaleaVictoriei. In 1944 part of the collection was hidden away to the commune of Rasnic-Dolj,where a part of them remained until October 1948. The museum moved temporarily toSoseaua Kiseleff, then on the 10th of December 1956 the museum was located in uu Palace,and on the 23rd of January 1959 the History Museum of Bucharest City reopened to the public.uu Palace is a historic monument, dating from 1834, designed by the architects Johann Veitand Conrad Schwink, who built a Neo-Gothic palace, with four polygonal turrets and a cupola,on the ruins of an earlier construction. The central hall was finished in 1862 by the artist KarlStorck and a huge Murano mirror was set in. Upon the death of the first owner, CostacheGrigore uu, the palace remained in the possession of his son, Grigore uu (1819 - 1893). The


  • Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia, Bucureti 15

    building had various public functions during the first half of the 20th century. It was restoredbetween 1957 and 1958, and its original aspect was regained. The archaeology collectioncomprises pieces from the Paleolithic, Neolithic, the Bronze Age (the Glina II and Teicultures), Geto-Dacian ones (from Fundeni, Snagov, Popeti-Novaci, Dealul Piscului). Thelargest part of the collection dates from the Middle Ages: pottery, ornaments, hoards, etc.The coin, medal and seal collection includes Ottoman, Austrian, Russian hoards, seals evokinggreat Boyar families, medals, plaques, badges and decorations. The document collectionincludes documents, the earliest dating from 1488 - 1582, the Manuc stock (in the Armenianlanguage with Turkish characters), mediaeval, modern and contemporary documents. The mapand plan collection includes almost 1,000 pieces on the history of Bucharest City, on theBalkan Peninsula, the Danube course, as well as on some boyar estates. The fine art collectionincludes pictures, drawings, tombstones, coats of arms. The print, etching and lithographcollection includes pictures of localities from this country and abroad, of personalities, socialtypes, battle scenes, fairs. The museum holds a historical furniture collection and householdsobjects, a weapon collection, uniforms, flags, costume collection and textile objects (clothes,fabric samples dating from the 16th - 19th centuries, ornaments, carpets, pillows, curtains,belts, some of them discovered during archaeological excavations), the religious collection(icons, triptychs, crosses from the 17th - 19th centuries), as well as a library with 45,000items, almost entirely literature on Bucharest. The museum holds a valuable photographcollection with archaeological excavations spots, town planning works, buildings (executed byAngerer in 1856), aspects of city life.

    Colecia a fost donat Muzeului de Istorie a Municipiului Bucureti ca urmare a dorineiexprimate de cunoscutul medic radiolog i pasionat colecionar numismat dr. GeorgeSevereanu, nainte de dispariia sa prematur, la 20 septembrie 1939. Prima donaie a fostfcut de Maria Severeanu n 1939. Donaia a fost ntregit n 1949 i a fost deschis publiculuin 1956. Este una dintre cele mai valoroase colecii, rod al unei activiti muzeografice depeste 30 de ani.

    Cuprinde peste 11.000 de piese: arheologie preistoric (tezaurul de la Ostrovul Mare, dinepoca bronzului, depozitul de seceri de bronz de la Guteria, piese de harnaament din epocafierului) i greco-roman (ceramic greceasc pictat, amfore tampilate, statuete tipTanagra, sticlrie roman); numismatic antic, medieval, modern i contemporan,medalii, din care se remarc o bogat colecie de monede medievale romneti; art (gravurivechi, picturi de Anton Chladek, Theodor Aman, Arthur Verona); istorie.

    The collection was donated to the History Museum of the city of Bucharest as a result ofthe desire of the well known radiologist dr. George Severeanu before his premature death in1939. The first donation was made by Maria Severeanu in 1939. The collection was completedin 1949 and opened for the public in 1956.

    It is one of the most precious collection of antiquities (11,000 pieces) includingarchaeological items: (prehistoric, Greek, Roman); ancient, mediaeval, modern andcontemporary numismatics, (medals, coins) art; history and paintings by Anton Chladek,Theodor Aman, and Arthur Verona.

    Colecia "Maria i Dr. GeorgeSevereanu""Maria and Dr. George Severeanu"CollectionSubordonare: secie,Muzeul Municipiului BucuretiBUCURETI 010668, Str. Henry Coand nr.26, sector 1, jud. BucuretiTel.: 021/650.34.20An nfiinare: 1956Program: nchis temporar pentru restaurare


  • 16 Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia, Bucureti

    Muzeul este adpostit n fosta locuin a sculptorului Frederic Storck i a soiei acestuia,pictoria Cecilia Cuescu-Storck. Cldirea, conceput n stil anglo-normand, este opera arh. A.Clavel i a fost construit n 1913. Faada principal este decorat cu motive ornamentale npiatr (bruri, ancadramente, basoreliefuri) realizate de Frederic Storck. Interiorul se distingeprin mai multe picturi murale n encaustic, purtnd semntura Ceciliei Cuescu-Storck.

    Patrimoniul muzeului cuprinde lucrri de grafic, pictur i sculptur aparinnd artitilorfamiliei - Karl, Carol, Frederic Storck i Cecilia Cuescu-Storck. Karl Storck (1826 - 1887),primul profesor de sculptur al Academiei de Belle Arte din Bucureti, ntemeietorul dinastieiartistice cu acelai nume, este prezent prin lucrri i machete pentru monumente de forpublic. Carol Storck (1854 - 1926), fiul cel mare al artistului, este la rndul su reprezentatprin cteva portrete i lucrri de plastic mic. Bogata selecie de opere aparinnd luiFrederic Storck (1872 - 1942), mezinul familiei, cuprinde o varietate de portrete, nuduri,capete de expresie n bronz i marmur, medalii, plachete i piese cu valoare numismatic.Creaia Ceciliei Cuescu-Storck este, de asemenea, amplu prezentat prin numeroase desene,uleiuri, panouri pentru decoraie mural.

    The museum is housed in the former residence of the sculptor Frederic Storck and of hiswife, the painter Cecilia Cuescu-Storck. The building, designed in Anglo-Norman style is thework of the architect A. Clavel, and it was built in 1913. The main faade is decorated withstone ornamental motifs (belts, frames, bas-reliefs) by Frederic Storck.

    The interior holds several mural paintings by Cecilia Cuescu-Storck. The collectionsinclude graphics, paintings and sculptures by Karl, Carol, Frederic Storck and Cecilia CuescuStorck. Karl Storck (1826 - 1887), the first professor of sculpture of the Fine Arts Academy inBucharest, the founder of the artistic dynasty by the same name, is represented by works andscale-models for public forum monuments. Carol Storck (1854 - 1926), the eldest son of theartist, is, in his turn, represented by several portraits, nudes, bronze and marble heads,medals, plaques and numismatic items. The rich selection of works by Frederic Storck (1872 -1924), the youngest son of the family, comprises a wide range of portraits, nudes, bronze andmarble heads, medals, plaques, and numismatic items. Cecilia Cuescu-Storck's creation isalso richly illustrated by many drawings, oils and mural decoration panels.

    Prima Curte Domneasc din Bucureti s-aconstruit din porunca lui Vlad epe. Lamijlocul secolului al XVI-lea, Mircea Ciobanulangajeaz meteri pentru refacerea curiidomneti pe vechile temelii. Ars de turci ncursul luptelor din 1595, reedinadomneasc va fi complet rezidit de MateiBasarab la mijlocul secolului al XVII-lea.Venit la scaunul rii Romneti, ConstantinBrncoveanu construiete casa domneasc,numit "cea mare", odi de zid pentru gardadomneasc, precum i baia domneasc.Poarta principal de intrare era prevzut cu turn de paz. Elegant, "Casa cea mare"impresioneaz pe muli strini venii la curte. Prjolit de incendii, distrus de cutremure,cuprins de paragin n urma rzboiului austro-ruso-turc dintre 1768 - 1774, aceast reedindomneasc ajunge de nelocuit. Astfel, Alexandru Ipsilanti este obligat s-i cldeasc n 1775o nou curte domneasc n Dealul Spirii: Curtea Nou. Dup construirea acesteia, cldirile

    Colecia de Art Plastic "Fr. Storck iCecilia Cuescu Storck""Fr. Storck and Cecilia Cuescu Storck"Fine Art CollectionSubordonare: secie,Muzeul Municipiului BucuretiBUCURETI 010639,Str. Vasile Alecsandri nr. 16, sector 1,BucuretiTel.: 021/317.38.89An nfiinare: 1951Program: 9:00 - 17:00; luni, mari: nchis

    Curtea Veche - Palatul VoievodalThe Old Court Princely PalaceSubordonare: secie, Muzeul MunicipiuluiBucureti; BUCURETI 030103, Str. Franceznr. 25 - 31, sector 2, Bucureti;Tel.: 021/614.03.75; E-mail:[email protected] nfiinare: 1972; Program: 9:00 - 17:00


  • Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia, Bucureti 17

    Muzeul "Cornel Medrea""Cornel Medrea" MuseumSubordonare: secie,Muzeul Municipiului BucuretiBUCURETI 010775, Str. General Buditeanunr. 16, sector 1, BucuretiTel.: 021/659.25.97; An nfiinare: 1957Program: nchis (n curs de mutare)

    vechii curi, ajunse n stare de ruin, au fost cunoscute sub numele de Curtea Veche.Arheologii au scos la lumin n ultimii ani multe mrturii privitoare la Curtea Veche.

    Edificiul poart pecetea domniilor lui Grigore Ghica, erban Cantacuzino, ConstantinBrncoveanu. Frumosul su portal dateaz din timpul lui tefan Vod Cantacuzino. Din vecheapictur (realizat la cerina fiilor lui Mircea Ciobanul i, mai trziu, a lui erban Cantacuzino)nu au mai rmas dect fragmente. n prezent, complexul arhitectural Curtea Veche este nrestaurare. Se pot vizita beciurile spectaculoase.

    Prince Vlad epe ordered the construction of the first Princely Court in Bucharest by themiddle of the 15th century. By the middle of the 16th century, Prince Mircea Ciobanulemployed craftsmen to rebuild the princely court on its old foundations. Burned by the Turksduring the battles of 1595, the princely residence was entirely rebuilt by Matei Basarab. Uponhis accession to the throne of Wallachia, Prince Constantine Brncovan built the princelymansion, named "the Large", masonry rooms for the princely guards, as well as the princelybath. The main entrance gate was fitted with a watch tower. The elegant palace impressedmany foreigners arrived at the court. Damaged by fire, destroyed by earthquakes, left in ruinfollowing the Austrian-Russian-Turkish war from 1768 - 1774, this princely residence was nolonger inhabitable. Thus, Alexander Ipsilanti had to build a new princely court in Dealul Spirii- the New Court, in 1775. After it was built, the buildings of the previous residence, found inruin, became known under the name of the Old Court.

    Lately the archaeologists had uncovered many evidence on the Old Court. The edificebears the seal of the reigns of Grigore Ghica, erban Cantacuzino, and Constantine Brncovan.Its beautiful portal dates to the time of Prince tefan Cantacuzino. Only fragments remainedfrom the old painting (Mircea Ciobanul's sons, and, later erban Cantacuzino's sons hadordered its execution). Currently, the Old House Architectural Complex is under restoration.

    Muzeul a fost adpostit ntr-o cas bucuretean de la sfritul secolului al XIX-lea -nceputul secolului al XX-lea, construit n stil neoclasic, cunoscut iniial sub numele de CasaAppel. ntre alii, imobilul a aparinut i regentului Gheorghe Buzdugan, preedinte al Curii deCasaie n anii '30. Dup 1947 casa a fost naionalizat, iar n 1957 i-a fost repartizat lui CornelMedrea deoarece era amplasat n apropierea Academiei de Arte Frumoase, unde acesta eraprofesor (pn la aceast dat operele fuseser depozitate la Palatul Mogooaia). Dei nu alocuit niciodat n imobil, totui i-a adus unele nesemnificative modificri.

    Colecia, mbogit de-a lungul anilor prin donaii succesive, cuprinde actualmente circa300 de piese. Unele piese sculpturale sunt expuse n mica grdin din faa casei. Muzeul a fostnfiinat n momentul cnd artistul a donat statului primele 130 de sculpturi i 40 de desene,care fcuser obiectul unei expoziii personale organizat la Sala Dalles, n 1947, fiind primaexpoziie dedicat n ntregime sculpturii. n totalitatea sa, colecia cuprinde lucrri originaledin toate etapele creaiei sculptorului, proiecte, machete i numeroase busturi ale unorpersonaliti. Cornel Medrea (1889 - 1964), figur proeminent a artei romneti, a fostmembru corespondent al Academiei Romne, distins cu titlurile de "profesor emerit" i de"artist al poporului".

    The museum was housed in a Bucharest neoclassical building from the end of the 19thcentury the beginning of the 20th century, at first known as Appel House. One of the ownerswas Gheorghe Buzdugan, president of the Court of Cassation in the 30s. After 1947, the housewas nationalized, and in 1957 Cornel Medrea moved in, as it was located close to the Academyof Fine Arts, where he used to be a professor. (Until then, the works had been stored at


  • 18 Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia, Bucureti

    Mogooaia Palace). The artist never lived in the building, yet he made some insignificantchanges. The collection, enriched over the years with successive donations, at presentcomprises about 300 items. Some sculptures are on display in the small garden in front of thehouse. The museum was founded when the artist donated to the state the first 130 sculpturesand 40 etchings, gathered in a 1947 exhibition at Dalles Hall, being the first collectiondedicated entirely to sculpture. On the whole, the exhibition includes original works from allthe stages of the sculptors creation, designs, scale-models, and many busts of somepersonalities. Cornel Medrea (1889 1964), an outstanding representative of Romanian art,was a correspondent member of the Romanian Academy, awarded the titles of "professoremeritus", and "artist of the people".

    Cldirea, n stil neoclasic, dateaz din 1869 i a fost realizat de ctre arh. Fr. Schellerdup planurile artistului. Theodor Aman (1831 - 1891) a imaginat i realizat n bun partedecoraia sculptat, basoreliefurile i medalioanele faadei, decoraia uilor, sculptura unorpiese de mobilier (dulapul neo-gotic, masa) i pictura mural a celor dou scene cu subiectistoric care flancheaz holul de la intrare. Colecia cuprinde numeroase uleiuri, desene,acuarele, gravuri, sculptur aparinnd fondului original donat de Ana Aman (n 1904), la cares-au adugat lucrri provenite din achiziii ulterioare, precum i documente, scrisori,cataloage de expoziii, albume de fotografii, cri, arme vechi, mti, costume, uneltele ivioloncelul pictorului. Alturi de pnze reprezentative (mari compoziii istorice, autoportrete,imagini de atelier, scene de gen, peisaje), muzeul posed o ampl colecie de gravuri nacvaforte, tehnic pe care Theodor Aman a experimentat-o ctre sfritul vieii, plcioriginale, precum i presa de imprimare.

    The neoclassical building dates from 1869, and it was designed by the architect Fr. Schellerafter the artist's plans. Theodor Aman (1831 - 1891) designed and carried out a large part ofthe carved decoration, bas-reliefs, and medallions of the faade, the adornment of the doors,the carvings of some pieces of furniture (the neo-Gothic wardrobe, the table), and the muralpainting of the two historical scenes on both sides of the entrance hall. The collectioncomprises many oil paintings, drawings, watercolours, engravings, sculptures from theoriginal items donated by Ana Aman (in 1904), as well as prints, etchings, documents, letters,exhibition catalogues, old weapons, masks, costumes, the painter's tools and violoncello. Nextto representative canvases (great historical compositions, self-portraits, workshop images,landscapes), the museum has a large collection of aqua forte etchings.

    Cldirea muzeului a fost construit n 1905, n stilul unei cule olteneti, de arhitectulCristofi Cerchez, dup indicaiile prof. Minovici. Casa, mpreun cu obiectele ce formeazcolecia, au fost deschise spre vizitare nc din 1914, dar abia n 1936 acestea au fost donateoraului Bucureti, cu clauza expres de a deveni muzeu de art popular. Colecia - rod alpasiunii prof. dr. Nicolae Minovici (1868 - 1941) - cuprinde obiecte de art popular romneascdin toate zonele etnografice ale rii: esturi, obiecte de lemn, mobilier rnesc, ceramic,icoane, ou ncondeiate, instrumente muzicale tradiionale, obiecte utilitare, recrendinterioarele caselor rneti, precum i un fond documentar legat de activitatea dr. Minovici.

    The collection - gathered by Professor Nicolae Minovici (1868 - 1941) - comprises Romanianfolk art artefacts from all the ethnographic areas of the country: textiles, wooden artefacts,

    Muzeul "Theodor Aman""Theodor Aman" MuseumSubordonare: secie,Muzeul Municipiului BucuretiBUCURETI 010283, Str. C.A. Rosetti nr. 8,sector 1, BucuretiTel.: 021/314.58.12; 021/313.85.15http://museum.ici.roAn nfiinare: 1908Program: nchis pentru restaurare

    Muzeul de Art Popular "Prof. Dr.Nicolae Minovici""Prof. Dr. Nicolae Minovici" Folk ArtMuseumSubordonare: secie, Muzeul MunicipiuluiBucureti; BUCURETI 013712, Str. Dr.Nicolae Minovici nr. 1. sector 1, BucuretiTel.: 021/222.48.66; An nfiinare: 1915Program: nchis temporar pentru restaurare


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    Muzeul Memorial "Dr. GheorgheMarinescu""Dr. Gheorghe Marinescu" MemorialMuseumSubordonare: secie, Muzeul MunicipiuluiBucureti; BUCURETI 020984, Str. ThomasMasarik; nr. 27, sector 2, Bucureti;Tel.: 021/211.76.13;

    Muzeul Memorial "C.I. i C.C. Nottara""C.I. and C.C. Nottara" MemorialMuseumSubordonare: secie, Muzeul MunicipiuluiBucuretiBUCURETI 010406, B-dul Dacianr. 105, sector 2, BucuretiTel.: 021/210.38.23; 021/613.85.15An nfiinare: 1956Program: 9:00 - 17:00; luni: nchis

    folk furniture, pottery, icons, painted eggs, traditional musical instruments, ustensils,recreating the interior of peasant houses, as well as documents on dr. Minovici. The museumbuilding was designed in 1905 by the architect Cristofi Cerchez after the recommendations ofProfessor Minovici. The house, together with the collection items, became available to thepublic in 1914, but only in 1936 were they donated to the city of Bucharest, in order to forma folk art museum.

    Muzeul este organizat n cldirea n care au trit marele actor C. I. Nottara i fiul su,compozitorul C. C. Nottara, avnd la baz donaiile fcute de Ana C. Nottara. n apartamentulde la parterul imobilului este ilustrat, prin documente i obiecte, viaa i activitatea lui C. I.Nottara ca actor, regizor, director de scen, profesor: fotografii de familie i din cele peste 800de roluri pe care le-a interpretat n lunga sa carier, masa de machiaj, vitrine cu cri, tablouricu portretele profesorilor si: tefan Velescu, Mihail Pascaly, Matei Millo, portretele prinilor,realizate de Corneliu Baba, medalii, afie de spectacole, obiecte personale, cri de valoarecumprate de la Pascaly i de la un alt mare actor, De Max, societar al Comediei Franceze.Printr-o scar interioar se ajunge la etaj, unde este prezentat compozitorul C. C. Nottara. Sepstreaz n mare msur cadrul interior i ambiana existent n perioada cnd locuia aicicunoscutul muzician: biroul cu biblioteca desfurat pe trei perei, cu partituri muzicale,volume de literatur muzical i art, holul cu pianul i una din viorile compozitorului,sufrageria cu frumoase piese de mobilier, tablouri, statuete, bibelouri - o incursiune n istoriateatrului i a muzicii romneti din prima jumtate a secolului al XX-lea.

    The museum can be found in the building where the great actor C. I. Nottara and his sonC. C. Nottara lived. Its foundation was laid by the donation from Ana C. Nottara. In the flaton the ground floor of the building there are documents and various items illustrating the lifeand activity of C. I. Nottara as an actor, stage director, and teacher: family photographs andimages from the 800 parts he played in his long career, the make-up table, a library, picturesof his masters: tefan Velescu, Mihail Pascaly, and Matei Millo, the parents' portraits byCorneliu Baba, medals, posters, personal belongings, valuable books purchased from Pascalyand from another great actor, De Max, a member of the French Comedy. On the upper floorthe composer C. C. Nottara is presented. The original interior and period atmosphere havebeen preserved to a large extent, due to the display of some of the musician's property: hisstudy with a large library, music scores, music and art books, the hall with the piano and oneof his violins, the dining-room with beautiful pieces of furniture, pictures, statuettes, smalldecorative objects, illustrating the history of Romanian drama and music from the first halfof the 20th century.

    Muzeul a fost organizat n anul 1954, n urma donaiei fcute de fiul i fiica savantului, ncasa unde a trit i a lucrat, ntre anii 1910 - 1938, marele neurolog, dr. Gheorghe Marinescu.

    Colecia cuprinde obiecte originale care evoc viaa i activitatea savantului, figur ilustra medicinii romneti: manuscrise tiinifice, obiecte personale, mobilier, documente ifotografii de familie, coresponden cu mari savani din lume, decoraii, diplome, articole dinziarele timpului privind ecoul internaional al cercetrilor savantului romn, documenteprivind activitatea la spitalele Pantelimon (dup ntoarcerea de la studii din Frana, n 1897)i Colentina, din 1919. Mai sunt expuse un aparat de filmat i proiecie cinematografic(achiziionat n Frana, n 1900) pentru cercetri tiinifice, cu o scrisoare a lui Auguste


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    An nfiinare: 1954Program: 10:00 - 16:00; luni: nchis

    Lumire. Interesante sunt i albumele evocnd cltoriile n Argentina, n anii 1928 - 1930,unde a inut mai multe prelegeri i conferine. Pe pereii biroului de lucru pot fi vzutediplome care arat preuirea mondial de care s-a bucurat, fiind ales membru a apte academiii a 26 de societi tiinifice din lume.

    The museum was organized in 1954, following the donation made by the son and daughterof the scholar, in the house where the great neurologist, dr. Gheorghe Marinescu, livedbetween 1910 and 1938.

    The collection comprises original objects illustrating the life and activity of the scholarGheorghe Marinescu, an outstanding personality of Romanian medicine: scientificmanuscripts, personal belongings furniture, documents and family photographs,correspondence with great scholars worldwide, decorations, diplomas, articles from thenewspapers of the time regarding the international echo of the Romanian scholar'sresearches, documents relating to the activity of the hospitals Pantelimon (after his returnfrom his studies in France, in 1897) and Colentina, from 1919. The exhibits include a cameraand cinema projection device (purchased in France, in 1900) for scientific researches, with aletter from Auguste Lumire. Relevant are also the albums evoking his travels to Argentina,between 1928 and 1930, where he gave several lectures and held conferences. On the wallsof the study one can see diplomas proving the world recognition he enjoyed, as he joinedseven academies and 26 scientific societies worldwide.

    Muzeul a luat fiin n anul 1954, pe bazadonaiei fcute de Mircea V. Babe i a fostinaugurat n 1955 n frumoasa vil din stradaAndrei Mureianu. Colecia evocpersonalitatea marelui savant Victor Babe(1854 - 1926), ale crui realizri l-au nscrisn istoria universal a medicinei, cu meritespeciale n domeniile bacteriologiei iseroterapiei. Sunt expuse: manuscrisetiinifice, fotografii, cri scrise de Babe,obiecte personale, biblioteca savantului,piese de mobilier, colecia de pictur (OctavBncil, Corneliu Baba), statuete, coleciade lucrri muzicale. Exponatele evoc perioada copilriei savantului, marile descoperiritiinifice (peste 50 de microbi, virusuri i parazii patogeni, Babe fiind i autor al primei crimedicale despre acetia, expus n muzeu). Victor Babe este creatorul Institutului deBacteriologie din Bucureti, care i poart numele, la activitatea tiinific adugndu-se obogat prestaie didactic.

    The museum was established in 1954, starting from the donation made by Mircea V. Babe.It was inaugurated in 1955, in the beautiful villa in Andrei Mureianu Street. The collectionevokes the personality of the great scholar Victor Babe (1854 - 1926), who had greatachievements in the fields of bacteriology and serotherapy. The museum displays: scientificmanuscripts, photographs, books written by Babe, personal belongings, the scholar's library,pieces of furniture, the painting collection (O. Bncil, C. Baba), statuettes, the collection ofmusical works. The exhibits illustrate the scholar's childhood, his great scientific discoveries(over 50 microbes, viruses and pathogenic parasites). Victor Babe is the author of the firstmedical book about them and the creator of the Institute of Bacteriology in Bucharest.

    Muzeul Memorial "Dr. Victor Babe""Dr. Victor Babe" Memorial MuseumSubordonare: secie, Muzeul MunicipiuluiBucuretiBUCURETI 011843, Str. Andrei Mureanunr. 14 A, sector 1, BucuretiTel.: 021/230.23.02http://museum.ici.roAn nfiinare: 1955Program: 10:00 - 16:00; luni: nchis


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    Muzeul Bncii Naionale a RomnieiMuseum of the National Bank ofRomania

    Observatorul Astronomic MunicipalBucureti"Amiral Vasile Urseanu""Admiral Vasile Urseanu" Observatoryof Bucharest CitySubordonare: secie,Muzeul Municipiului BucuretiBUCURETI 010662, B-dul Lascr Catargiu nr.21, sector 1, BucuretiTel.: 021/212.96.44www.astro-urseanu.roE-mail: [email protected] nfiinare: 1956Program: 10:00 - 18:00; luni, mari: nchis

    Muzeul este organizat n vechea cas bucuretean n care a locuit artistul vreme deaproape 40 de ani, ntre 1855 - 1894, i a luat fiin n urma donaiei Georgetei Wertheimer,nepoata pictorului. La 25 mai 1855 Gheorghe Tattarescu (1820 - 1894) cumprase la mezatcasele i locul din ulia Belvedere, azi str. Domnia Blaa nr. 7. Colecia cuprinde un bogatpatrimoniu de pictur, grafic (compoziii, portrete, desene), pictur mural n stil neo-pompeian, mobilier de epoc, obiecte personale, precum i un bogat fond documentar. La etaja fost reamenajat atelierul artistului. Sunt expuse marile pnze istorice i galeria de portretecare l-au consacrat pe artist n contiina contemporanilor si.

    De asemenea pot fi vzute schie, tablouri, cri valoroase aduse de pictor din Italia, doubuletine oficiale din timpul Revoluiei de la 1848, o schi pentru cortina Teatrului Naional ialte numeroase exponate care evoc activitatea de pictor i pedagog a lui Tattarescu.

    The museum was organized in the house, considered to be a historic monument, where thepainter lived between 1855 and 1894, on the basis of the donation made by his successors. Thecollection comprises a rich heritage of paintings, graphics (compositions, portraits, drawings),mural paintings in a neo-Pompeian style, period furniture, personal belongings, anddocuments. On the first floor there is the artist workshop. There are on display greathistorical canvases, and the gallery of portraits that consecrated the artist in the conscienceof his contemporaries. At the same time, there are sketches, pictures, precious books broughtby the painter from Italy, two official bulletins from the Revolution of 1848, a sketch for thecurtain of the National Theatre, and many exhibits evoking Tattarescu's activity of painter andpedagogue.

    Observatorul astronomic funcioneaz n cldireaaflat iniial n proprietatea Amiralului VasileUrseanu. n 1933, aici a fost primul sediu alPinacotecii Municipiului. Muzeul adpostete oexpoziie privitoare la istoria astronomiei romneti.Colecia cuprinde documente, cri i manuscrise,obiecte de epoc, telescopul originar, cadrane solareantice, instrumente astronomice vechi, panouri cufenomene astronomice rare observate la noi n ar,alturi de aparatura observatorului propriu-zis,printre care se afl i o lunet ecuatorial cudiametrul obiectivului de 150 mm.

    The astronomical observatory functions in the building owned at first by Admiral VasileUrseanu. In 1933, the City Art Gallery made of the place its first location. The museumshelters an exhibition on the history of Romanian astronomy. The collection includesdocuments, books and manuscripts, period items, original telescope, ancient sun disks, oldastronomical tools, panels with rare astronomical phenomena noticed in our country, next tothe equipment of the observatory itself, including an equatorial telescope with an objective150 mm in diameter.

    Monument istoric, Palatul Bncii Naionale a Romniei a fost construit ntre 1884 i 1890,dup proiectul arhitecilor Cassien Bernard i Albert Galeron, lucrrile fiind supravegheate dearhitecii Grigore Cerchez i E. Bicoianu. Ultima restaurare dateaz din perioada 1992 - 1994.Printr-o hotrre a Consiliului General al B.N.R. din 1914 s-a dispus nfiinarea muzeului.

    Muzeul Memorial "Gh. M. Tattarescu""Gh. M. Tattarescu" Memorial MuseumSubordonare: secie, Muzeul MunicipiuluiBucuretiBUCURETI 050034, Str. Domnia Anastasianr. 17, sector 5, BucuretiTel.: 021/314.10.06; Fax: 021/310.25.62E-mail: [email protected] nfiinare: 1953Program: nchis temporar pentru restaurare


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    BUCURETI 030031, Str. Lipscani nr. 25,sector 3, Bucureti

    Tel.: 021/313.04.10 (int. 4342, 4949);021/314.23.70; Fax: 021/312.07.87www.bnro.roAn nfiinare: 1943

    Colecia Memorial "Maria Filotti""Maria Filotti" Memorial CollectionBUCURETI 010216,Str. Vasile Prvan nr. 12, sector 1, BucuretiTel.: 021/613.72.72

    Muzeul a fost organizat ncepnd din 1933, prima expoziie fiind vernisat n iulie 1943.Colecia este apoi mutat i redeschis, n 1949, n blocul Rosenthal de pe Calea Victoriei. ntoamna anului 1952 se amenajeaz spaiul de la parterul imobilului pentru a adposti ntreagacolecie, dar ocuparea spaiului de ctre Ministerul Finanelor i oblig pe organizatori scedeze piesele Academiei Romne, unde au rmas pn n preajma inaugurrii muzeului, la 3mai 1997. Sunt expuse seriile numismatice emise de Banca Naional a Romniei, alte piese deimportan major, nsemne bancare, precum i o galerie de portrete ale guvernatorilorbncii. Deine bunuri culturale clasate n Tezaurul patrimoniului cultural naional.

    A historic monument, the Palace of the National Bank of Romania was built between 1884and 1890. The designers were architects Cassien Bernard and Albert Galeron; builders:architects N. Cerchez and E. Baicoianu. The building was restored between 1992 and 1994. TheBoard of the Bank decided in 1914 to organize the museum. The action started in 1933 andthe first exhibition was organized in 1943. It reopened in 1949 in the Rosenthal block on theCalea Victoriei. In the autumn of 1952 the ground floor of the old bank palace was arrangedfor the exhibition. In January 1953 the museum stock was moved to the Romanian Academy.The museum was reorganized and inaugurated on the 3rd of May 1997. It contains thenumismatic collection of the National Bank of Romania; other pieces of great importance andthe collection "Portraits of Governors". The museum owns goods listed in the National CulturalHeritage Treasure.

    Locuina actriei Maria Filotti (1883 - 1956) a fost deschis publicului n 1965. Se pstreazintact atmosfera din timpul vieii artistei i se prezint momente din viaa i creaiileactoriceti ale Mariei Filotti, de la debutul su ieean pn spre trecerea ei n nefiin.Deosebit de valoroase sunt colecia de obiecte personale, tablorile i fotografiiledocumentare.

    The home of actress Maria Filotti (1883 - 1956) opened to the public in 1965, and havepreserved the atmosphere from the time when the artist lived, depicting moments and greatstage performances of Maria Filotti, from her debut in Jassy to her death in Bucharest.Remarkable are the collection of personal belongings, the pictures and documentaryphotographs.

    Muzeul Naional de Istorie a Romniei, ca instituie reprezentativ pentru culturaromneasc, depozitar al celor mai valoroase obiecte ale patrimoniului istoric, a fost inauguratn anul 1972. n 1834, n cadrul Colegiului "Sf. Sava" din Bucureti s-a nfiinat Muzeul Naionalde Antichiti, prin donarea de ctre vornicul Mihail Ghica a coleciei sale de antichiti. Treidecenii mai trziu, printr-un decret al domnitorului Alexandru Ioan Cuza, lua natere muzeul.Pentru sediul muzeului a fost ales Palatul Potelor, unul dintre cele mai remarcabilemonumente arhitecturale ale capitalei, realizat la sfritul secolului trecut n stil neoclasic dectre arhitectul Alexandru Svulescu. Muzeul este n curs de restaurare.

    Coleciile muzeului cuprind 690.099 de obiecte, printre care arheologie - 79.280 obiecte,istorie - 191.114 obiecte, numismatic - 338.711, cri vechi - 755 volume, filatelie - 80.239timbre. Coleciile muzeului se mbogesc n permanen prin donaii, achiziii i noidescoperiri arheologice. Coleciile importante sunt cele de arheologie, istorie (documente itiprituri, arme, bijuterii i obiecte ale Casei Regale), carte veche, numismatic, filatelie.

    Reprezentative sub acest aspect sunt: podoabele de aur din secolul al XI-lea descoperite la

    Muzeul Naional de Istorie a RomnieiNational History Museum of RomaniaBUCURETI 030026, Calea Victorieinr. 12, sector 3, BucuretiTel.: 021/315.82.07; 021/315.70.56; Fax:021/315.70.56; 021/311.33.56www.mnir.ro;E-mail: [email protected] nfiinare: 1970Program: 10:00 - 18:00 (vara);9:00 - 17:00 (iarna); luni, mari: nchis


  • Ghidul muzeelor i coleciilor din Romnia, Bucureti 23

    Dinogeia-Garvn (jud. Tulcea); diademele de la Cotnari (jud. Iai) i Goranu (jud. Vlcea),secolele XIII - XIV; obiectele de podoab din necropola voievodal de la Curtea de Arge (jud.Arge), secolul al XIV-lea; tezaurul de la Suceava (jud. Suceava), datnd din secolul al XV-lea,din vremea domnitorului tefan cel Mare; garniturile princiare transilvnene din secolele XVII- XVIII; obiectele de art brncoveneasc, ndeosebi piesele de cult din aur i pietre preioase,datnd din prima jumtate a veacului al XVIII-lea. Colecia de obiecte din metal i pietrepreioase sau semipreioase din epoca modern a istoriei Romniei reflect adeseori preferinei gusturi noi, orientri preponderente ctre stiluri i maniere decorative occidentale. Pieseleexpuse sunt marcate n primul rnd de valoarea lor istoric, de legtura lor nemijlocit cuevenimente i personaliti proeminente ale vieii politice, statale romneti. Sunt prezentateastfel: obiecte personale i nsemne de autoritate ale lui Alexandru Ioan Cuza i ale regeluiCarol I; coroanele reginelor Elisabeta i Maria; sceptrul purtat de regele Ferdinand, noctombrie 1922, la ceremonia ncoronrii ca suveran al Romniei rentregite; buzduganulregelui Carol al II-lea; bijuterii din aur i platin, cu pietre preioase i semipreioase, din adoua jumtate a secolului al XIX-lea i prima jumtate a secolului al XX-lea.

    ntr-un corp de cldire nou construit se afl secia Lapidarium ce cuprinde, pe dou nivele,monumente greceti, romane i medievale. Primul nivel este rezervat, n exclusivitate, copieiColumnei lui Traian, realizat la scara 1:1 dup originalul aflat la Roma. Replica este operaunor meteri de la Vatican i a fost fcut n anii 1939 - 1943, fiind adus la Bucureti n 1967.Monumentul este o istorie, n piatr, a rzboaielor dacice ale lui Traian, purtate ntre anii 101- 102 i 105 - 106 p.Chr. Sunt prezentate 2.500 de figuri pe o friz desfurat pe o lungime decirca 200 m, grupate n 155 de scene. Soclul Columnei a adpostit urna cu cenu a mpratuluiTraian i a mprtesei Plotina. Nivelul superior al acestei construcii adpostete diverseexponate: monumente onorifice, funerare, votive, statui, precum i piese de arhitecturelenistice, romane i medievale. Deine bunuri culturale clasate n Tezaurul patrimoniuluicultural naional.

    The National History Museum of Romania, a representative Romanian cultural institution,a repository of the most valuable historical heritage artefacts, opened in 1972. In 1834, theNational Museum of Natural History and Antiquities emerged as part of the Sabba Academy inBucharest, due to the donation from the Justice of Peace Mihail Ghica representing hisantiquities collection. Three decades later, Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza gave a decree layingdown the foundation of the Museum. The museum was established in the Post Palace, one ofthe most remarkable monuments of architecture in the capital, built in the neoclassical styleby the architect Alexandru Svulescu during the 19th century and restored between 1969 and1970.

    The museum collections have 690,099 artefacts, including archaeological finds - 79,280artefacts, history items - 191,114, coins - 338.711, rare books - 755 and 80,239 stamps. Themuseum collections constantly grow due to donations, acquisitions and new archaeologicalfinds.

    The collection of metal and precious or semiprecious stones collection from the modernage of the history of Romania often reflects new preferences and tastes, prevailing trends ofwestern decorative styles and manners. The exhibits reveal above all the historic value, theirdirect link to events and outstanding personalities of Romanian political life, including:personal belongings and authority tokens of Alexandru Ioan Cuza and King Charles I; thecrowns of Queens Elisabeth and Mary; the sceptre worn by King Ferdinand, in October 1922,when he was crowned as sovereign of Greater Romania; the sceptre of King Charles II; the goldand platinum jewels with precious and semiprecious stones from the second half of the 19th


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    century and the first half of the 20th century. In a newly built building body there is theLapidarium, comprising, on two levels, Greek, Roman and mediaeval monuments. The firstlevel is reserved exclusively to the cast copy of Trajans Column, achieved at the scale 1:1after the original Column in Rome. The cast copies are the work of Vatican craftsmen and wasmade between 1939 and 1943, and brought to Bucharest in 1967. The monument depicts thehistory of Trajans Dacian wars, waged between 101 - 102 and 105 - 106 AD. There are 2,500figures on a frieze spanning about 200 m, grouped into 155 scenes. The socle of the Columnsheltered the urn of Emperor Trajan and Empress Plotina. The upper level of this constructionshelters various exhibits: honorific, funerary, juridical and votive monuments, statues as wellas Hellenistic, Roman and mediaeval architectural pieces. The contemporary historydepartment is under restoration, spanning five halls on the second floor of the museum. Themuseum owns goods listed in the National Cultural Heritage Treasure.

    Muzeul Naional de Art al Romniei are trei galerii de art i o istorie regal. Galeria deArt European, Galeria de Art Veche Romneasc Galeria de Art Romneasc Modernnsumeaz opere expuse ntr-o manier atractiv i modern, orice vizit fiind un mod agreabili instructiv de a petrece timpul.

    Istoria pe care cldirea o poart cu sine face din aceast vizit o cltorie n timp, cci pelocul unde astzi se afl aripa Kretzulescu, boierul Dinicu Golescu ridic, ntre anii 1812 - 1820,o cas de proporii impresionante pentru contemporani. n vremea lui Alexandru Ioan Cuzacldirea devine locuina domneasc, iar n timpul lui Carol I, palat de iarn. Decorndu-l dupgustul su, regele este preocupat i de constituirea unei colecii de pictur, astzi nucleulGaleriei de Art European. Palatul parcurge o etap de modificri n timpul lui Ferdinand ial lui Carol al II-lea, destinaia fiind schimbat n 1948, cnd se hotrte deschiderea n acestespaii a unui muzeu de art, iar slile de recepie ale corpului central sunt atribuite Consiliuluide Stat. n timpul evenimentelor din decembrie 1989, cldirea este avariat n proporie de80%, peste 1.000 de lucrri de art fiind degradate sau distruse. Din anul 1990 cldirea situatn Piaa Revoluiei va deveni Muzeul Naional de Art al Romniei.

    Galeria de Art European, adpostit n aripa Kretzulescu, reflect, prin felul cum suntdistribuite cele 300 de opere, principalele coli artistice ale Europei ntre secolele XIV - XIX.ncepnd cu goticul trziu i Renaterea, continund cu manierismul i caravagismul, pn laformulele barocului i rococoului, pictur italian este reprezentat de operele maetrilorDomenico Veneziano, Jacopo Bassano, Bronzino, Jacopo Tintoretto, Luca Giordano, OrazioGentileschi, Jacopo Amigoni. Ilustrnd versiunea german a goticului internaional ori formulaRenaterii nordice, colecia de art german se remarc prin opere de Bartholomus Zeitblom,Lucas Cranach cel Btrn i Hans von Aachen. Fervoarea religioas i temperamentul arztorcaracterizeaz pictura spaniol, de remarcat n pnze semnate de El Greco, FranciscoZurbarn, Alonso Cano, Antonio Pereda. Realismul i misterul dat de clarobscur sau depitorescul epic al scenelor de gen se regsesc n operele artitilor flamanzi (BartholomusSpranger, Pieter Brueghel cel Tnr, Pieter Paul Rubens, David Ryckaert III) i olandezi(Rembrandt Harmensz, Van Rijn, Jan Davidsz, De Heem). n slile de art francez coexistopere din secolele XVI - XIX. Dintre artitii importani numim pe: J.B. Oudry, Nicolas deLargillire, Gaspar Dughet, Joseph Parrocel alturi de Claude Monet, Paul Signac, Alfred Sisley.Din colecia de sculptur, remarcabile sunt exemplarele din creaiile lui Auguste Rodin,Antoine Bourdelle, Jules Dalou i Camille Claudel.

    Galeria de Art Veche Romneasc ofer prin, cele 900 de piese expuse, o imagine unitarasupra vieii culturale din provinciile istorice: ara Romneasc, Moldova i Transilvania din

    Muzeul Naional de Art al RomnieiNational Museum of Art of RomaniaBUCURETI 010063, Calea Victorieinr. 49 - 53, sector 1, BucuretiTel.: 021/313.30.30; 021/314.81.19; Fax:021/312.43.27; http://art.museum.rowww.mnar.arts.roE-mail: [email protected] nfiinare: 1948;Program: 11:00 - 19:00 (vara);10:00 - 18:00 (iarna); luni, mari: nchis


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    secolele XIV - XVIII. Printre acestea se evideniaz fragmente de fresce (cele de la Curtea deArge - 1526) i icoane (Plngerea Domnului, secolele XV - XVI; Sfinii Simeon i Sava,1522 -1523, ambele de la mnstirea Curtea de Arge, Maica Domnului cu Pruncul ncadrat deprofei - a doua jumtate a secolului al XVI-lea, mnstirea Pngrai), broderii (Epitafurile dela Mnstirea Cozia, 1395 -1396 i de la Mnstirea Neam, 1437; Aerul de la Biserica "Sf.Nicolae din Rdui", circa 1493; Epitrahilele de la Mnstirea Tismana, nceputul secoluluiXVI), manuscrise miniate (Tetraevanghelia realizat ntr-un atelier bizantin, al crei textdateaz din secolul al XII-lea, Tetraevanghelia lui Gavril Uric, 1436 - 1437; Tetraevangheliaclugrului Dimitrie Gramaticul, 1512), orfevrrie (cdelnia de la Tismana, 1508 - 1512;chivotul de la mnstirea Hurezi,1691 -1692; panaghiarul de la mnstirea Precista din Bacu,1491 - 1492; crucea de procesiune de la mnstirea Slatina - 1558), sculptura n lemn i piatr(uile mprteti de la biserica din Crligul - Bacu, nceputul secolului al XVI-lea; nervura custema Moldovei de la biserica "Trei Ierarhi" din Iai, 1637 - 1638). Galeria cuprinde i un Tezaur,cruia i sunt dedicate trei sli, n care sunt expuse piese laice i de cult din metale i pietrepreioase, bijuterii i accesorii de costum din secolele XIV - XIX.

    Galeria de Art Romneasc Modern reconstituie, prin cele 700 de picturi i sculpturi,traseul artei romneti de la nceputul secolului al XIX-lea - ilustrat prin desprinderea de artreligioas de sorginte bizantin - la epoca marilor clasici ai artei romneti. Cele dou veacuride art, marcate de numeroase curente i tendine artistice, sunt reprezentate att de numecelebre, de referin pentru ntreaga cultur romneasc, ct i de artiti valoroi mai puincunoscui inclui pentru prima dat n expunerea permanent a Galeriei Naionale. Tradiiaportretistic i formalismul "zugravilor de subire" sunt ilustrate n Galerie prin opere de AntonChladek, Giovanni Schiavoni, Iosef August Schoefft, pe cnd picturile lui Theodor Aman iGheorghe Tattarescu arat felul n care aceti doi artiti au dat picturii romneti o nouinterpretare a academismului i neoclasicismului. Alturi de figuri centrale ale artei naionaleca Nicolae Grigorescu, Ioan Andreescu, tefan Luchian, Nicolae Tonitza, Theodor Pallady,Gheorghe Petracu, Constantin Brncui, Dimitrie Paciurea, Corneliu Baba, AlexandruCiucurencu, Ion uculescu, nenumrai ali artiti ntregesc configuraia de ansamblu aperioadei reprezentate, dintre acetia amintim pe: Iosif Iser, Camil Ressu, Francisc irato,tefan Dumitrescu, Ion Jalea, Jean Al. Steriadi, Nicolae Drscu, Samuel Mtzner, PetreIorgulescu-Yor, Dimitrie Ghea, Rudolf Schweitzer-Cumpna, Lucian Grigorescu etc. Tendinade racordare la curentele manifeste pe plan european, constant a culturii romne, estemarcat n expunerea de art romneasc modern prin operele de avangard ale lui VictorBrauner, Marcel Iancu, Hans Mattis-Teutsch, M. H. Maxy, Arthur Segal.

    Una dintre slile galeriei este dedicat n exclusivitate sculptorului Constantin Brncui ireunete opere de tineree i de maturitate ca: Supliciu, Cap de copil, Somnul, Prometeu,Rugciunea, Danaida, Cuminenia pmntului.

    The National Museum of Art of Romania has three art galleries and a royal history. TheEuropean Art Gallery, Romanian Old Art Gallery, Romanian Modern Art Gallery sum up worksdisplayed in an attractive modern manner, and any visit is a pleasant, interesting way to spendtime.

    The history borne by the building makes the visit a travel in time, as on the place wherethe Kretzulescu wings stands today, the boyar Dinicu Golescu raised, between 1812 and 1820,a house of impressive size for the contemporaries. During the time of Alexandru Ioan Cuza thebuilding turned into a princely lodging, and during the time of Charles I, a winter palace. Theking adorned it after his taste and was also involved with developing a painting collection,today the core of the European Art Gallery. The palace underwent a stage of modifications


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    during the time of Ferdinand and Charles II, and its changed in 1948, when it was decided toopen here a museum of art and the reception halls of the central body were assigned to theState Council. During the events of December 1989, eighty per cent of the building wasdamaged, and over 1,000 works of art were deteriorated or destroyed. In 1990 the building inRevolution Square turned into the National Museum of Art of Romania.

    The European Art Gallery, sheltered in the Kretzulescu wing, reflects, due to thedistribution of the 300 works, the main art schools of Europe between the 14th and 19thcenturies. From the late Gothic and the Renaissance, continuing with Mannerism andCaravagism, up to the Baroque and Rococo patterns, Italian painting is represented by worksof the masters Domenico Veneziano, Jacopo Bassano, Bronzino, Jacopo Tintoretto, LucaGiordano, Orazio Gentileschi, Jacopo Amigoni. The German art collection illustrates theGerman version of the international Gothic or the north Renaissance pattern due toremarkable works by Bartholomus Zeitblom, Lucas Cranach the Elder and Hans von Aachen.Religious fervour and burning temperament characterize the Spanish paintings by El Greco,Francisco Zurbarn, Alonso Cano, Antonio Pereda. Realism, the mystery of the light and shadeor the epic picturesque of the scenes can be found in the works of Flemish artists(Bartholomus Spranger, Pieter Brueghel the Younger, Pieter Paul Rubens, David Ryckaert III)and Dutch artists (Rembrandt Harmensz, Van Rijn, Jan Davidsz, De Heem). The French arthalls are spanned by works from the 16th - 19th centuries. Important artists include: J.B.Oudry, Nicolas de Largillire, Gaspar Dughet, Joseph Parrocel, next to Claude Monet, PaulSignac, Alfred Sisley. The sculpture collection includes remarkable creations by Auguste Rodin,Antoine Bourdelle, Jules Dalou and Camille Claudel.

    The Romanian Old Art Gallery includes 900 pieces offering a unitary image upon thecultural life in the historical provinces: Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania from the 14th -18th centuries. Remarkable are the fresco fragments (those from Curtea de Arge [ArgeCourt] - 1526) and the icons (Wailing the Lord) - the 15th 16th centuries, Saints Simeon andSava - 1522 - 1523, both from the monastery of Curtea de Arges, the Virgin with Childsurrounded by prophets - the second half of the 16th century, Pngrai monastery),embroideries (Epitaphs of Cozia Monastery 1395 -1396 and of Neam Monastery - 1437, theAir of "St. Nicholas of Rdui" Church about 1493, the Stoles of Tismana Monastery early16th century), manuscripts (the Four Gospels, achieved in a Byzantine workshop, whose textdates from the 12th century, the Four Gospels of Gavril Uric - 1436 - 1437, the Four Gospelsof monk Dimitrie Gramaticul - 1512), gold and silver items (the censer from Tismana - 1508 -1512, the shrine from Hurezi - 1691 -1692, the precious metal vessel with artistic incrustationsfrom Precista Monastery in Bacu 1491 - 1496, the procession cross from Slatina Monastery- 1558), wooden and stone sculptures (the imperial doors from the church in Crligul (Bacu)- early 16th century, the rib with the coats of arms of Moldavia from "Three Hierachs" in Jassy,1637 - 1638). The gallery includes a Treasure to which three halls are dedicated, where onecan see secular and religious items out of precious metals and stones, jewels and costumeaccessories from the 14th - 19th centuries.

    The Romanian Modern Art Gallery reconstructs, due to the 700 paintings and sculptures,the path of Romanian art from early 19th century - illustrated by the departure from thereligious art of Byzantine inspiration - to the age of the great classics of Romanian art. Thetwo centuries of art, revealed by numerous artistic trends and tendencies, are representedboth by famous names, relevant for the entire Romanian culture, and by les