77-52 web programming

Web Programming Q1. Explain the two main ways that HTTP protocol to send information to a web server. Ans.GET method: The foundation of HTTP/0.9 (the first implementation of the HTTP protocol) was the definition of the GET method that was used by a web browser to request a specific document. POST method: The POST method allows web browsers to send an unlimited amount of data to a web server by allowing them to tag it on to an HTTP request after the request headers as the message body. Q2. How are JSPs better than servlets? Ans. Java programming knowledge is needed to develop and maintain all aspects of the application, since the processing code and the HTML elements are lumped together. b) Changing the look and feel of the application, or adding support for a new type of client, requires the servlet code to be updated and recompiled. c) It’s hard to take advantage of web-page development tools when designing the application interface. If such tools are used to develop the web page layout, the generated HTML must then be manually embedded into the servlet code, a process which is time consuming, error prone, and extremely boring. Adding JSP to the puzzle we solve these problems.So JSPs better than servlets Q3. Explain GET and POST method. Ans: When a client sends a request to the server, the clients can also additional information with the URL to describe what exactly is required as output from the server by using the GET method. The additional sequence of characters that are appended to URL is called a query string. However, the length of the query string is limited to 240 characters. Moreover, the query string is visible on the browser and can therefore be a security risk. to overcome these disadvantages, the POST method can be used. The POST method sends the data as packets through a separate socket connection. The complete transaction is invisible because to the client. The disadvantage of POST method is that it is slower compared to the GET method because data is sent to the server as separate packets. Q4. What is HTML? What is the use of HTML? Ans. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is simply a markup language, which is used to describe the logical structure of a document. Q5. Describe the role of deployment descriptors. Ans: This is an XML file describing the servlet and other components that make up your application, along with any initialization parameters and container-managed security constraints that we want the server to enforce for us. The ejb-jar.xml

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Page 1: 77-52 Web Programming

Web ProgrammingQ1. Explain the two main ways that HTTP protocol to send information to a web server.Ans.GET method: The foundation of HTTP/0.9 (the first implementation of the HTTP protocol) was the definition of the GET method that was used by a web browser to request a specific document.POST method: The POST method allows web browsers to send an unlimited amount of data to a webserver by allowing them to tag it on to an HTTP request after the request headers as the message body.

Q2. How are JSPs better than servlets?Ans. Java programming knowledge is needed to develop and maintain all aspects of the application, since theprocessing code and the HTML elements are lumped together. b) Changing the look and feel of the application,or adding support for a new type of client, requires the servlet code to be updated and recompiled. c) It’s hard to take advantage of web-page development tools when designing the application interface. If such tools are used to develop the web page layout, the generated HTML must then be manually embedded into the servlet code, a process which is time consuming, error prone, and extremely boring. Adding JSP to the puzzle we solvethese problems.So JSPs better than servlets

Q3. Explain GET and POST method.Ans: When a client sends a request to the server, the clients can also additional information with the URL to describe what exactly is required as output from the server by using the GET method. The additional sequence of characters that are appended to URL is called a query string. However, the length of the query string is limited to 240 characters. Moreover, the query string is visible on the browser and can therefore be a security risk. to overcome these disadvantages, the POST method can be used. The POST method sends the data as packetsthrough a separate socket connection. The complete transaction is invisible because to the client. The disadvantageof POST method is that it is slower compared to the GET method because data is sent to the server as separate packets.

Q4. What is HTML? What is the use of HTML?

Ans. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is simply a markup language, which is used to describe the logical structureof a document.

Q5. Describe the role of deployment descriptors.Ans: This is an XML file describing the servlet and other components that make up your application, along with any initialization parameters and container-managed security constraints that we want the server to enforce for us. The ejb-jar.xml or application.xml file is used as deployment descriptor.

Q6. Explain document object model.Ans: The Document Object Model, or DOM, is the interface that allows programmatically accessing and manipulating the contents of a web page or document. It provides a structured, object-oriented representation of the individual elements and content in a page with methods for retrieving and setting the properties of those objects. It also provides methods for adding and removing such objects, allowing us to create dynamic content The DOM also provides an interface for dealing with events, allowing to capture and respond to user or browser actions. The Document Object Model is the real core of dynamic HTML. It makes HTML changeable. The DOM is the hierarchy of elements that are present in the browser at any given time. DOM.

Q7. What is JSP? What is the use of JSP? OR What are the advantages of JSP?Ans. JSP is stands for Java server Page. JSP is a technology for developing web page that include dynamic content.JSP is use for changeQ. What are the advantages of JSP?Ans: 1) JSP supports both scripting- and element-based dynamic content and allows programmers to develop custom tag libraries to satisfy application-specific needs. 2) JSP pages are compiled for efficient server processing.3) JSP pages can be used in combination with servlets that handle the business logic, the model supported by Javaservlet template engines.

Q9. Explain entity beans and session beans.Ans: There are two kinds of Enterprise Java Beans, “Entity Beans” and “Session Beans”. Entity Bean: An entity bean is an object with special properties: a) It is permanent: an entity bean stays around until it is deleted. A program can create an entity bean then the program can be stopped and restarted. b) It is

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network based: an entity bean can be used by any program on the network. It is executed remotely: an entity bean run on a “server” machine. It is identified by a primary key: The primary key is unique; each entity bean is uniquely identified by its primary key. Session Beans: Session beans are different from of entity beans in that they are not permanent objects. Session beans can be used to distribute and isolate processing tasks. Session bean can be used to performa certain task on behalf of its client. The tasks can be distributed on different machines. Session bean may perform a task of remote location. Session beans do not have a primary key.

Q10. Explain the methods to access nodes in a document tree.Ans: methods for accessing and creating other nodes in the document tree. Some methods are: getElementById(), getElementsByTagName(), createElement(), createAttribute(), createTextNode().All of the above methods (except getElementsByTagName()) can only be used against the documentobject, i.e., using the syntax : document.methodName().

Q11. What is the difference between internet & intranet?Ans. Internet -: Internet is global network of networks. Internet is a tool for collaborating academic research,and it has become a medium for exchanging and distributing information of all kinds. It is an interconnectionbetween several computers of different types belonging to various networks all over global.Intranet -: Intranet is not global. It is a mini web that is limited to user machines and software program of particulars organization or company.

Q12. What are the different between session and application?Ans: Sessions —Sessions are something the server offers us to support user tracking, and they’re great, although they can take up a lot of resources on the server. Sessions preserve data between accesses to a Web page by the same user.Applications—Applications are much like sessions, as we’ll see, but they’re more general—we can share data between all the JSP pages in a site using applications. In other words, unlike sessions, applications can be used to track multiple users at the same time.

Q13. What is the difference between web server and application server?

Ans: Web server: Web server is the software responsible for accepting browser requests, retrieving its content & returning its content. By default, Web browsers use port 80 for their requests. Web servers are often called httpd, using a UNIX convention in which daemons are named with the name of the servicefollowed by the letter “d”. Web servers first retrieve the request using Berkeley sockets. Most web servers on Internet today run on UNIX machines.Application server: An application server commonly includes a web server so perhaps we can see anapplication server as an extension of a web server. In application server you can deploy a java components ranging from simple java application to server side business components. Usually when we want to deployEJBs we will go for App servers like web-logic or web-sphere. In application server, ejb-jar.xml or application.xml file is used as deployment descriptor.

Q14. Differentiate between Java & Java scripts.Java -:Java Programming language,is an OOP Language and development environment, application environment, deployment environment. It is standalone programming Language that do not require a web browser to execute. Java script: It is a contained in the HTML source of webpage. It controls document appearance and content.It also manipulates embedded images and it also interacts with Applets. Its advantage is that it is simplified,it doesn’t have to be compiled and the source code resides within our HTML document.

Q15. What is the difference between HTML and DHTML?Ans: HTML: HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a language. HTML can’t be done after the page loads. HTML can be or not used with JavaScript.DHTML: DHTML stands for Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language. DHTML isn’t really a language or a “thing” in itself it’s just a mix of those technologies. Dynamic HTML is simply HTMLthat can change even after a page has been loaded into a browser. DHTML can be used with JavaScript.

Q16. Discuss the difference between static and dynamic web pages.Ans: a) The great numbers of web pages on the internet are static HTML pages but visitors find dynamically

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generated web pages because they are provide instant access to highly relevant information. b) Static pages are easily read by search engine spider, Dynamic sites are also easy to update. c) Static web pages are simple text files that are displayed by your browser upon request, Dynamic Web pages, contain little actual text. They are created each time they are requested, retrieving information from a database.

Q17. What is an application server?Ans: An application server commonly includes a web server so perhaps we can see an application server as an extension of a web server. In application server we can deploy a java components ranging from simple java application to server side business components like EJBs

Q18. Explain briefly about cascading style sheets (CSS).Ans: CSS stands for Cascading style sheets. CSS is the part of DHTML that controls the look and placement of the elements on a page. With CSS we can basically set any style property of any element on a HTML page. One of the biggest advantages with CSS instead of the regular way of changing the look of elements is that we split content from design. If we want to change like the font size of our main text we just change it in the CSS file and all pages are updated. In CSS program always place the style tag inside the head of document. The syntax for CSS code is: <style type=”text/css”> Element{property1:value;property:value2} </style>

Q19. What are the advantages and disadvantages of EJBs?Ans: Advantage of EJB: a) Many vendor application servers conform to the J2EE specification allowing one to select a best-of-breed solution. b) To handle fluctuations in resource demand server-side resources can easily be scaled by adding or removing servers. c) Application servers provide access to complex services, namely transaction and security management, resource pooling, JNDI, component lifecycle management, etc. Disadvantage of EJB: a) EJB has a large and complicated specification. b) EJBs take longer to develop. Also, they can be more difficult to debug. c) No sooner have we deployed our EJB application than we see a new specification coming down the pipe with newer features, rendering our application obsolete. This situation, however, is unavoidable with cutting-edge technologies.

Q20. What is CGI? Give example of CGI applications and explain anyone of them. Ans: CGI or “Common Gateway Interface” is a specification which allows web users to run programs from their computer. CGI is the part of the Web server that can communicate with other programs running on the server. The Web server can call up a program, while passing user-specific data to the program. The program then processes that data and the server passes the program’s response back to the Web browser. Some of the possible applications of CGI are:1) Forms: - One of the most prominent uses of CGI is in processing forms are subsets of HTML that allow the user to supply information forms. The forms interface makes Web browsing an interactive process for the user and the provider.2) Gateways: - CGI provides a solution to the problem in the form of a gateway. We can use a language such as oraperl or a DBI extension to Perl to form SQL queries to read the information contained within the database. Once we have the information, we can format and send it to the client. In this case, the CGI program servers as a gateway to the Oracle database. 3) Virtual Documents: - Virtual, or dynamic, document creation is at the heart of CGI. They are created on the fly in response to a user’s information request. We can create virtual HTML, plain text, image, and even audio documents.b) In brief explain two types of PEARL variables.

Q21. What is SSL? Why do you require SSL?Ans: SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. SSL is a protocol. It is developed by Netscape, has become the universal standard on the Web for authenticating Web sites to Web browser users, and for encrypting communications between browser users and Web servers.We required SSL is to provide security for Web traffic. Security includes confidentiality, message integrity, and authentication. SSL is built into all major browsers and Web servers, simply installing a digital certificate, or Server ID, enables SSL capabilities.

Q22. Explain how HTTP is used in client/server system. Further, Justify “HTML is a language of the web”.Ans: HTTP is a “request-response” type protocol that specifies that a client will open a connection to a server then send a request using a very specific format. HTTP is a language spoken between our web

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browser (client s/w) and a web server (server software) so that they can communicate with each other and exchange files. Client/server system is a very eager way of distributing information across information systems like LAN, WAN, or the Internet. A client/server system works something like this: A server sits in some office somewhere with a bunch of files that people might want access to. This computer runs a software package that listens all day long to requests over the wires. The “server software” will then accesses the server hardware, find the requested file, send it back over the wires to the “client” who requested it, and then wait for another request from the same or another client. HTML is a simply markup language used to define a logic structure rather than computer. The beauty of HTML of route is that it is generic enough that it can be read and interpreted by a web browser running on any machine or o/s. It only focuses on describing is responsible for adding style. So that HTML is the language of the web.

Q23. What is EJB and give the advantage of EJB.Ans: An EJB is a server-side component that executes specific business logic. EJBs run on a server and are invoked by local or remote clients. Advantage of EJB: a) Many vendor application servers conform to the J2EE specification allowing one to select a best-of-breed solution. b) To handle fluctuations in resource demand server-side resources can easily be scaled by adding or removing servers. c) Application servers provide access to complex services, namely transaction and security management, resource pooling, JNDI(Java Naming and Directory Interface), component lifecycle management, etc.

Q24. Explain the several ways of tracking users.Ans: The several Ways of tracking users are followings:Hidden text: It is easier way to associating information which is not directly associated to user. Cookies: - This is probably the most common way of tracking users on the Internet. We can store information in a user’s computer using cookies, and retrieve it when we need it. We can also specify how long the cookie should exist before being deleted by the browser.Sessions: - Sessions are something the server offers us to support user tracking, and they’re great, although theycan take up a lot of resources on the server. Preserve data between accesses to a Web page by the same user. Application:- Data can be shard using application can be used to track multiple users at same time.

Q25. Briefly explain role played by CGI programming in web programming. Ans: CGI stands for Common Gateway Interface. CGI is the part of the Web server that can communicate with other programs running on the server. CGI provides a “gateway” between a human user with unexpected and complex needs, and a powerful, command/logic oriented server. All CGI applications must translate the needs of clients into server requests, and translate server replies into meaningful well-presented “answers”. The CGI script will be responsible for processing the form data, which is filled by user and responding to the client in the form of dynamically generated HTML. With CGI, the Web server can call up a program, while passing user-specific data to the program (such as what host the user is connecting from, or input the user has supplied using HTML form syntax). The program then processes that data and the server passes the program’s response back to the Web browser.

Q26. How do you create a Cookie? Explain with an example.Ans: Cookies is the way to store information in user’s computer and retrieve it when we need it. Cookies are small text file that used by a webserver to keep tracking of users. A cookie has value in the form of key-value pair. They are created by user and sent to the client with the HTTP response headers. The client saves the cookies in the local disk and sends them along with the HTTP request headers to the server. To create the cookies, we use the cookies class, constructor, packing it the name of the cookie and test in the cookie. We can also set length of timethe cookie will exits on the user’s computer with set MaxAge method. We pass value in second to make the cookie last for a day we can pass a value of 24*60*60 in this way.<HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>Setting a Cookie</TITLE> </HEAD><BODY><H1>Hello Cookie</H1> <% Cookie cookie1 = new Cookie("message", "Hello!"); cookie1.setMaxAge(24 * 60 * 60); response.addCookie(cookie1); %> </BODY> </HTML>

Q27. What is XML? Explain in brief.Ans: Extensible markup language is a text-based markup language that enables to store data in a structured format

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by using meaningful tags. XML is a cross-platform, h/w & s/w independent markup language. XML allows computers to store data in a format that can be interpreted by any other computer system. XML can be used to transfer structured data between various systems. Xml is used as a common data interchanges format in a number of applications. XML is extremely simple. XML represents information as text using tags to add structure. A tag begins with a name sandwiched between less-than (<) and greater-than (>) characters.Advantages of XML: a) it provides a way of creating domain-specific vocabulary.b) It enables smart searches. c) It provides user-selected view of data. d) it allows granular updates. XMl Document- <?xml version=”1.0" encoding=”UTF-8"?><MyDocument></MyDocument>e.g.: <? xml version=”1.0”?> <authors><author><firstname>raj</firstname><lastname><kumar</lastname></author></authers>

Q28. What is Java script? What is the use of Java script and what are its disadvantages?Ans: JavaScript is a scripting language (like a simple programming language). JavaScript is a language that can be used for client-side scripting. JavaScript is only used inside of HTML documents. With JavaScript, we can make text scroll across the screen like ticker tape. The uses of JavaScript are: i) Control Document Appearance and Content ii) Control the Browseriii) Interact with Document Control iv) Interact with User v) Read and Write Client State with Cookiesvi) Interact with Applets vii) JavaScript is only used inside of HTML documents.Disadvantages: i) JavaScript do not have any graphics capabilities. ii) For security reasons, client-side JavaScript does not allow the reading or writing of files. iii) JavaScript does not support any kind of networking. iv) JavaScript doesn’t have any multithreading capabilities.

Q29. Explain two different types of PEARL variables.Ans: Perl has three types of variables: scalars, arrays, and hashes. Scalars: A scalar variable stores a single (scalar) value. Perl scalar names are prefixed with a dollar sign ($),

so for example, $username, and $url are all examples of scalar variable names. A scalar can hold data of any type, be it a string, a number, or whatnot. We can also use scalars in double-quoted strings: my $fnord = 23;my $blee = “The magic number is $fnord.”; Now if you print $blee, we will get “The magic number is 23.” Perl interpolates the variables in the string, replacing the variable name with the value of that variable. Arrays: An array stores an ordered list of values. While a scalar variable can only store one value, an array can store many. Perl array names are prefixed with a @-sign. e.g.: my @colors = (“red”,”green”,”blue”); foreach my $i (@colors) { print “$i\n”; }

Q30. What are the advantages of using servlet?Ans: the servlet to take advantage of HTTP “connection keep alive”. If content length can not be set in advance, the performance penalties associated with not using keep alive will sometimes be avoided if the response entity fits in an internal buffer. Servlet has all the advantages like platform and vendor independence, integration, efficiency, scalability, robustness, and security.

Q31. Explain in brief the building block of web.Ans: There are two most important building blocks of web: 1) HTML and 2) HTTP.HTML: - HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is a very simple language used to “describe” the logical structure of a document. Actually, HTML is often called programming language it is really not. Programming languages are “Turing-complete”, or “computable”. That is, programming languages can be used to compute something such as the square root of pi or some other such task. Typically programming languages use conditional branches and loops and operate on data contained in abstract data structures. HTML is much easier than all of that. HTML is simply a ‘markup language’ used to define a logical structure rather than compute anything. HTTP: - HTTP is a “request-response” type protocol. It is a language spoken between web browser (client software) and a web server (server software) so that can communicate with each other and exchange files. Now let us

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understand how client/server system works using HTTP. A client/server system works something like this: A big piece of computer (called a server) sits in some office somewhere with a bunch of files that people might want access to. This computer runs a software package that listens all day long to requests over the wires.

Q32. What is CGI? Give example of CGI applications and explain anyone of them. Ans: CGI or “Common Gateway Interface” is a specification which allows web users to run programs from their computer. CGI is the part of the Web server that can communicate with other programs running on the server. The Web server can call up a program, while passing user-specific data to the program. The program then processes that data and the server passes the program’s response back to the Web browser. Some of the possible applications of CGI are: 1) Forms: - One of the most prominent uses of CGI is in processing forms are subsets of HTML that allow the user to supply information forms. The forms interface makes Web browsing an interactive process for the user and the provider.2) Gateways: - CGI provides a solution to the problem in the form of a gateway. We can use a language such as oraperl or a DBI extension to Perl to form SQL queries to read the information contained within the database. Once we have the information, we can format and send it to the client. In this case, the CGI program servers as a gateway to the Oracle database. 3) Virtual Documents: - Virtual, or dynamic, document creation is at the heart of CGI. They are created on the fly in response to a user’s information request. We can create virtual HTML, plain text, image, and even audio documents.

Q33. What is JSP? How it is different from CGI programming? Ans: JSP stands for Java Server Pages. It is a technology for developing web pages that include dynamic content. A JSP page can change its content based on any number of variable items, including the identity of the user, the user’s browser type, information provided by the user, and selections made by the user. A JSP page contains

standard markup language elements, such as HTML tags, just like a regular web page. JSP also contains special JSP elements that allow the server to insert dynamic content in the page. JSP elements can be used for a variety of purposes, such as retrieving information from a database or registering user preferences. JSP defines a number of standard elements that are useful for any web application.

Q34. What are the disadvantages of hidden controls?Ans: Storing data in hidden controls works, it is not very secure, and the data stored in those controls is visible if the user views the page’s HTML source. We can’t store data between sessions.

Q35. Explain briefly the uses of Java Scripts.Ans: JavaScript is a Client - Side Scripting. JavaScript changes the font size or any other CSS property on an element. So JavaScript plays a really big role in DHTML.

Q36.Summarize salient features of HTTP protocol.Ans: HTTP is a protocol that is defined in several RFC´s located at the Internic. HTTP is a“request-response” type protocol that specifies that a client will open a connection to a server then send a request using a very specific format. HTTP is a language spoken between our

web browser (client s/w) and a web server (server software) so that they can communicate with each other and exchange files. Client/server system is a very keen way of distributing information across information systems like a local area network (LAN), a wide area network (WAN), or the Internet. A client/server system works something like this: A big hunk of computer (called a server) sits in some office somewhere with a bunch of files that people might want access to. This computer runs a software package that listens all day long to requests over the wires. The “server software” will then accesses the server hardware, find the requested file, send it back over the wires to the “client” who requested it, and then wait for another request from the same or another client. The client software however, deals with all the underlying client/server protocol stuff and then displays the document. Web programming is a game of getting user input, processing that input, and returning a dynamic response.

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Q37.With syntax explain the five TYPE attribute that INPUT tag defines.Ans: The INPUT tag defines a form element that can receive user input. The TYPE attribute determines the specific sort of form element to be created. TYPE can be one of the following:1) INPUT TYPE=”BUTTON”: A button appears in the form. We must specify JavaScriptcode as the value of the ONCLICK attribute to determine what happens when the user clicks the button.Syntax :< INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" -NAME="buttonName" -VALUE=" buttonText" ONCLICK=" JScode"> 2) INPUT TYPE=”CHECKBOX”: A checkbox is a toggle that the user can select (switch on) or deselect (switch off.) Syntax : <INPUT TYPE=”CHECKBOX” -CHECKED NAME=”name” -ONCLICK=”JScode” -VALUE=”checkboxValue”> 3) INPUT TYPE=”FILE”: This places an element on an HTML form that lets the usersupply a file as input. When the form is submitted, the content of the specified file is sent tothe server as the value portion of the name/value pair for this input element. Syntax :< INPUTTYPE="FILE" -NAME=" name" -VALUE=" filename" >4) INPUT TYPE=”HIDDEN”: A hidden input element is an invisible element whose main purpose is to contain data that the user does not enter. This data gets sent to the invoked CGI program when the form is submitted. Syntax : <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" -NAME=" name" -VALUE=" value" >5) INPUT TYPE=”SUBMIT”: When a user clicks a submit button, the form is submitted,which means that the ACTION specified for the form is invoked. Syntax: <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" -NAME=" name" -VALUE=" value" > 6) INPUT TYPE=”PASSWORD”: A password

element is a text input field in which eachcharacter typed is displayed as a character such as * or a black dot to conceal the actual value.

Syntax: <INPUT TYPE="PASSWORD" -MAXLENGTH="maxChar” -NAME="name" -ONSELECT="JScode "-SIZE="charLength" -VALUE="textValue” >

Q38.Explain in brief ordered list tags.Ans: The OL tag displays an ordered, or numbered, list. The default numberingstyle is determined by the browser, but we can use the tag’s TYPE attributes tochange the numbering sequence and numbering style. Use the LI tag to designate the individual list items. Syntax : <OL -START="value"- TYPE= "A"|"a"|"I"|"i"|"1" -CLASS= "styleClass” -ID="namedPlaceOrStyle" –LANG=”ISO” -STYLE=”style” > </OL> Example: The following exampleuses the LI tag to define three list elements in an ordered list. The numbers areshown as roman numerals and the first item has the number three.<P>The following steps outline how to create HTML files :</P> <OL START="3" TYPE="I"><LI> Use a text editor or Netscape Composer to create our HTML file.<LI> Put the HTML fileson a web server.<LI> Test the files by viewing them in a web browser.</OL>

Q39.Explain CGI - Pm module with an exampleAns: Perl offers a powerful feature to programmers: add-on modules. These are collectionsof pre-written code that can use to do all kinds of tasks. We can save the time and trouble of reinventing the wheel by using these modules. Some modules are included as part of the Perl distribution; these are called standard library modules and don’t have to be installed. We’re not doing use CGI.pm but rather use CGI. The .pm is implied in the use statement.The qw(:standard) part of this line indicates that we are importing the “standard” set of function from CGI.pm.#!/usr/bin/perl –wT -use CGI qw(:standard);-print header;-print start_html(“Hello World”);-print “<h2>Hello,

world!</h2>\n”;-print end_html; CGI.pm also has a number of functions that serve as HTML shortcuts.

Q40. What is a webserver? Explain.Ans: The Web server is software. It is responsible for accepting browser requests,

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retrieving the specified file, and returning its contents. Web servers first retrieve the request using Berkeley sockets. The Web server listens for requests on a particular port on the server machine. Once the server receives the request, it locates the document being requested. It looks for the file under the document root directory. The server sends the contents of the file back to the client. By default web browsers use port no. 80 for their requests. Once the server receives the request, it locates the document being requested. It looks for the file under the document root directory. For example, if the document root is /usr/local/httpd/htdocs, and the client requests the document /staff/matthew.html, then the server retrieves /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/staff/ matthew.html.The server sends the contents of the file back to the client, along with some HTTP response headers. Among the data in the response headers is the media type (also known as a content type or MIME type), i.e., the format that the file is in.

Q41.Explain JSP error handling.Ans: Like all development methods, JSPs need a dynamic mechanism for handling errors. The JSP architecture provides an error-handling solution through the use of JSPs that are written exclusively to handle JSP errors. The errors that occur most frequently are runtime errors that can arise either in the body of the JSP page or in some other object that is called from the body of the JSP page. Request-time errors that result in an exception being thrown can be caught and handled in the body of the calling JSP, which signals the end of the error. Exceptions that are not handled in the calling JSP result in the forwarding of the client request, including the uncaught exception, to an error page specified by the offending JSP. Here we see how an error page works, let’s create a simple JSP that throws an uncaught exception. The JSP shown here uses the error page created in the previous section.<%@ page errorPage=”errorpage.jsp” %><%if ( true ) { throw new Exception(“An uncaught Exception”);}%> In this listing that the first line of code sets errorPage equal to errorpage.jsp, which is the name of the error page. To make a JSP aware of an error page,we simply need to add theerrorPage attribute to the page directive and set its value equal to the location of our JSP error page.

Q42. Explain any three method of the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession interface.Ans. a) void addCookie(Cookie cookie): -Adds the specified cookie to the response object b) java.util.Enumeration getAttributeNames(): -Returns Java Enumeration of String objects containing the names of all the objects in this session. c) long getCreationTime(): -Returns the time when this session was created (measured in milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT). d) long getLastAccessedTime(): -Returns the last time the client sent a request in with this session, as the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT. e) int getMaxInactiveInterval(): - Returns the maximum time, in seconds, which the server will keep this session open between client accesses. f) void removeAttribute(java.lang.String name): -Removes the object with the specified name from this session.

Q43. What do you mean by scriptlets in JSP?Ans: Scriptlets are the JSP components that bring all the JSP elements together. They can contain almost any coding statements that are valid for the language referenced in the language directive. They are executed at request time, and they can make use of all the JSP components. The syntax for a scriptlet is as follows:<% scriptlet source %>

Q44.What is SSL? What is the necessity of it? Explain the working of SSL.

Ans: SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. SSL is a protocol. It is developed by

Netscape, has become the universal standard on the Web for authenticating Web sites to Web browser users, and for encrypting communications between browser users and Web servers. The main role of SSL is to provide security for Web traffic. Security includes onfidentiality, message integrity, and authentication. The working of SSL is: SSL has two distinct entities, server and client. The client is the entity that initiates the transaction, whereas the

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server is the entity that responds to the client and negotiates which cipher suites are used for encryption. In SSL, the Web browser is the client and the Web-site server is the server. Three protocols lie within SSL, the Handshake Protocol, the Record Protocol, and the Alert Protocol. The client authenticates the server during the Handshake Protocol. When the session is initiated and the handshake is complete, the data transfer is encrypted during the Record Protocol phase. If there are any alarms at any point during the session, the alert is attached to the questionable packet and handled according to the Alert Protocol.

Q45. Write a JavaScript program to pop up an alert message.Ans: <HTML> <HEAD> <Script language=”Java Script”> alert (“This is an alert message for java script”)</SCRIPT></HEAD><BODY></BODY></HTML>

Q46.Explain in brief how to use hidden controls in a web page. Give an example. Further, list the advantages and disadvantages of hidden controls.Ans: Using HTML hidden control is an easy way to store data in a webpage. The user set the text to store in a hidden control in a text field. The code stores the text, the user type in the hidden control. Advantages: A hidden control in a Web page is the easiest way of associating some information with the user that’s not directly accessible to him. Hidden controls to store data in the Web page sent to the browser and then sent back to the server Disadvantages: Storing data in hidden controls is not very secure. The data stored in those controls is visible if the user views the page’s HTML source. We can’t store data between sessions.

Q47.Explain the ordered lists and unordered lists.Ans: Ordered lists: The OL tag displays an ordered, or numbered, list. The default numbering style is determined by the browser, but you can use the tag’s TYPE attributes to change the numbering sequence and numbering style. Use the LI tag to designate the individual list items. Syntax: <OL -START="value"- TYPE= "A" |"a"| "I" |"I "|"1" -CLASS= "styleClass” –

ID="namedPlaceOrStyle" –LANG=”ISO” -STYLE=”style” > </OL>. Unordered list: The UL tag displays a bulleted list. You can use the tag’s TYPE attribute to change the bullet style. Use the LI tag to designate the individual list items in the list.Syntax: <UL TYPE="CIRCLE"|"DISC"|"SQUARE" -CLASS="styleClass" –ID="namedPlaceOrStyle"—LANG= “ISO” -STYLE=”style” > </UL>.

Q48.Write HTML script to display “Hello world, welcome to the world of HTML”, the title as “world of HTML”.Ans: <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>world of HTML</TITLE><Script language=”Java Script”>Hello world, welcome to the world of HTML</SCRIPT></HEAD><BODY></BODY> </HTML>

Q49.Write a JSP program which displays different message to the user based on the time of day.Ans: <%@ taglib prefix=”c” uri=”http://java.sun.com/jstl/core” %> <html> <body bgcolor=”white”><jsp:useBean id=”clock” class=”java.util.Date” /> <c:choose><c:when test=”${clock.hours < 12}”><h1>Good morning!</h1></c:when><c:when test=”${clock.hours < 18}”><h1>Good day!</h1></c:when><c:otherwise><h1>Good evening!</h1></c:otherwise></c:choose>Welcome to our site, open 24 hours a day.</body></html>.

Q50.With diagram explain the life-cycle of Servlet in briefly.Ans: The lifecycle of a Servlet consists of the following fundamental stages:

Instantiation - The web server creates an instance of a servlet. This based on a request or a container startup

Initialization - The web server creates the instance’s init() method. When web server loads a web application, it also loads the initialization parameters associated with the application.

Service - This is the third state in the servlet lifecycle. In this state the servlets service() method is called which generates response.

i) Setting the content type of the response. The receiving application (browser) uses this information to know how to treat the response data.

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ii) Print Writer is a class from java.io package that extends the java.io.writer abstract class.

iii) We can use meta tags in the HTML generated to indicate browser not to cache page and some of the similar tasks.

Destroy - This is the final stage in a servlet lifecycle. In this stage destroy() method is called before shutting down the servlet.

Q51.What is servlets? Give the Basic servlet structure.Ans: Servlets are programs that run on a Web server and build Web pages. The outline of a basic servlet that handles GET

requests. GET requests, are requests made by browsers when the user types in a URL on the address line, follows a link from a Web page, or

makes an HTML form that does not specify a METHOD. Servlets can also very easily handle POST requests, which are generated when someone creates an HTML form that specifies METHOD=”POST”. A class should extend HttpServlet and override doGet or doPost, depending on whether the data is being sent by GET or by POST. These methods take two arguments: HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse. HttpServletRequest has methods that find out about incoming information such as FORM data, HTTP request headers. HttpServletResponse has methods that specify the HTTP response line response, PrintWriter used to headers and most importantly, obtain a send output back to the client. For simple servlets, most of the effort is spent in println statements that generate the desired page. We have to import classes in java.io , javax.servlet , and javax.servlet.http. DoGet and doPost are called by the service method, and sometimes we want to override service directly.

Q52.Explain the tags that use to design table.Ans: The TABLE tag defines a table. Inside the TABLE tag,use the TR tag to define rows in the table, use the TH tag to define row or column headings, and use the TD tag to define table cells. The TABLE tag can also contain a CAPTION tag, which specifies the

caption for the table. We can use the CELLSPACING attribute to specify the distance between cells in the table and the CELLPADDING attribute to specify the distance between the border and content of every cell.