
1 Name: ................................................................. Class:............................ LATIH TUBI 15: CRO Pahang 2010 1. Diagram 4.1 shows a deflecting cathode ray tube Diagram 4.1 (a) The function of the filament is to heat the cathode and release electrons on its surface. (i) Name the process mention in (a) ..................................................................................................................................[1mark] (ii) Explain why a very high voltage of 3000V is used in Diagram 4.1 .................................................................................................................................[1mark] (b) State the change of energy that takes place in the electrons when they strike the flouresent screen. .................................................................................................................................[1mark] (c) A student uses the CRO to study the output voltage from a bicycle dynamo. Diagram 4.2 shows the trace on the screen and the setting of the CRO. (i) State the type of current produced by the dynamo? ....................................................................................................................................... [1mark] (ii) Determine the frequency,ƒ of the output voltage of the dynamo? [2mark] (d) Sketch the new trace in diagram 4.3 if the time base setting is now set at 0.001 s/div QUEST. MARKS 1/07 2/07 3/07 4/20 TOTAL/41

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Name: ................................................................. Class:............................ LATIH TUBI 15: CRO Pahang 2010 1. Diagram 4.1 shows a deflecting cathode ray tube

Diagram 4.1

(a) The function of the filament is to heat the cathode and release electrons on its surface. (i) Name the process mention in (a)


(ii) Explain why a very high voltage of 3000V is used in Diagram 4.1 .................................................................................................................................[1mark]

(b) State the change of energy that takes place in the electrons when they strike the flouresent screen.


(c) A student uses the CRO to study the output voltage from a bicycle dynamo. Diagram 4.2 shows the trace on the screen and the setting of the CRO.

(i) State the type of current produced by the dynamo? .......................................................................................................................................


(ii) Determine the frequency,ƒ of the output voltage of the dynamo?

[2mark] (d) Sketch the new trace in diagram 4.3 if the time base setting is

now set at 0.001 s/div








[1mark] Mrsm 2008 2 (a) Diagram 6.1 shows a waveform on the screen of a cathode ray oscilloscope that is

connected across R. Diagram 6.2 shows how an electric component Q is connected to the circuit.

(i) Tick (√ ) the correct answer in the box provided. The input power supply in Diagram 6.1 is

connected to


(ii) What is the function of component Q in Diagram 6.2?

…………………………….....................................................................................................[1mark] (iii) Draw the waveform produced on the screen in Diagram 6.2.

[2marks] (iv) Compare the waveforms in Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2. Name the process involved in

Diagram 6.2.



(b) Name the component Q in Diagram 6.2. …………………………….....................................................................................................[1mark] (c) Component Q is made from a semiconductor material. One type of semiconductor is the n-type. Explain how the n-type semiconductor is produced? ……………………………................................................................................................................. …………………………….....................................................................................................[2mark] Melaka 2009 3. Diagram 4.1 shows a deflecting cathode rays tube (a) The function of the filament is to heat the cathode and releases electrons on its surface (i) Name the process mention in (a) …………………………….....................................................................................................[1mark] (ii) Explain why a very high voltage of 3000 V is used in Diagram 4.1 …………………………….....................................................................................................[1mark] (iii) State the energy changes experience by the electrons from anode to the screen …………………………….....................................................................................................[1mark] (b) The voltage between the cathode and anode is 3000 V. The charge of an electron is 1.6 x 10-19 C. Calculate the kinetic energy possesses by an electron as it reaches the anode.

[2 marks] (c) (i) 1000 V power supply is connected to the top and lower plates. The top plate is connected to the positive terminal and the lower plate is connected to the negative terminal. Sketch the path of the cathode rays in Diagram 4.2. [1mark]


(ii) From the answer in (c)(i), state one characteristic of cathode rays. …………………………….................................................................................................................

[1mark] Terengganu 2009 4.Diagram 10.1 and 10.2 show the deflection of a cathode ray in a deflection tube. (a) What is the meaning of cathode ray? [1 mark] (b) Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2,

(i) state the charge of the cathode ray, [1 mark] (ii) compare the voltage of EHT connected to the metal plate and the deflection of the

cathode ray [2 marks]

(c) State the relationship between (i) the voltage of EHT and the strength of the electric field between the metalplates,

[1 mark] (ii) the strength of the electric field between the metal plates and the deflection of

the cathode ray [1 mark]

(d) Diagram 10.3 shows a shadow is formed on fluorescent screen of the Maltase cross tube. Explain how the shadow is formed on the fluorescent screen ? [4 marks] (e) Maltase cross tube in Diagram 10.3 is not suitable for measuring the frequency of the sound waves. Suggest modifications that can be made to the Maltase cross tube in Diagram 10.3 to transform it into Cathode Ray Oscilloscope that can measure the frequency of the sound waves. In your suggestions, state the components that are used and their functions based on the following aspects: - the electron gun - the deflection system

[10 marks]


1 Melaka 2009 Marks

(a)(i) Thermionic emission 1

(ii) To accelerate the electrons 1

(b) Kinetic energy to heat and light 1

(c)(i) Alternating current 1

(ii) Period, T = 3x 0.02s = 0.06 s F=1/T = 1/0.06s = 16.67 Hz




4 Ganu09

(a) State the meaning of cathode ray correctly Cathode ray is a narrow beam of a fast electrons moving in a vacuum.


(b)(i) State the charge of the cathode ray correctly. Negative/ (-)



Give the correct comparison about the voltage EHT and the deflection of the cathode ray correctly Voltage of EHT in diagram 10.2> 10.1 The deflection in diagram 10.2>10.1

1 1


State the relationship correctly Voltage of EHT increases, the strength of electric field increases


(c)(ii) State the relationship correctly The strength of electric field increases , the deflection of the cathode ray increases


(d) Give the explanation for forming the shadow correctly The cathode is heated emits electrons The electron is accelerated by very high voltage Cathode rays travel in a straight line. Cathode rays is blocked by maltase cross Cathode rays carry kinetic energy and converts to light energy when they hit the screen.

1 1 1 1 1 Max: 4 marks


(e) Component Function

Filament To heat up the cathode 2

Cathode Emits electrons 2

Control Grid Controls the number ofelectrons// control the brightness of the image on the screen


Focusing anode Focuses the electrons into a beam


Accelerating anode To accelerate electrons to towards the screen 2

Y-plates To deflect the electron beam vertically 2

X-plates To deflect the electron beam horizontally 2 Max 10

2 Mrsm 2008

a (i) Alternating current

(ii) Allow current flow in one direction only// Change Ac to DC


(iv) The waveform 6.1 is sinusoidal , 6.2 half rectified Half wave rectification

b Semiconductor diode

(c) Doped with pentavalent atom Majority charge carrier is electron

1 1

3 Melaka 2009

a(i) Thermionic emission 1

(ii) To accelerate electrons 1

b eV = ½ mv2

eV =1.6 X 10-19 X 3000 = 4.8 x 10-16 J v = √2eV/m = √(1.6 X 10-19 X 3000)/9.1x10-31

= 3.25x107 ms-1

1 1

c (i)


Deflect in electric field // negatively charge 1



Question 4 Answer Note (a)(i) 1 (a)(ii) 1

(c)(i) 1 Alternating current/ AC (c)(ii) 1 1 Period, T = 3 0.02s = 0.06 s F=1/T = 1/0.06s = 16.67 Hz