7omkeb i pposes i new york is indicted on...

Fair tonight slightly warmer Thursday r I T ACT FnfTION 7OMKEB 6251 WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 17 1909 1- 1r r PTtIg7 ONEOENJ L L SEALEVEL CANAL WOULD BE FOLLY SAYS ROOSEVELT President Sends Engineers Report With a Message- to Congress GATUN DAM SOLID EXPERTS DECLARE Pof at Out Reasons Why Lock Type I Better Plan Than Any Others Effect of Report By JOHN SXTJJW it would be an inexcusable feiy to change from the proposed lodk canal to a sea level canal is the statement of President Roosevelt in transmitting to Congress today the report of the engineers who vis- ited Panama with Presidentelect Taft More than this the President de- clares to Congress that the report not only determines definitely the type of canal but makes it evident that hereafter attacks on the jock type are in reality attacks upon the policy of building any canal at all In this emphatic fashion does President Roosevelt seek to spike the guns of Senators Kittredge For aker and others who are bent on making a desperate assault on the lock type of canal before the session closes and their terms in Congress end How far the report of the ginecrs will go to silence these critics and others remains to be seen Ho Clisnce for binge It to at least certain that it less beery e out oC the ousfl- th lock vpe of canal to be chopped sMfrst fat this Congress or at tm near future It is given as the Judgment of rtends of tbe lock canal in both houses that this sport of the eminent engineers who aoootnpanied Mr Taft It Ir that the lode canal will be constructed and that nothing short of a great disaster to the look canal at some time in the future can accomplish a shifting to the tealevel jpiaa Ia their report the ay they given special consideration to the of the Gatun dam and the feaatbUitr of constructing and main- taining a for retain water at 86 feet above sea level Their verdict is an unqualified and un- ettutTOcal declaration that Oatun dam is feasible Meet Approval of AU The type of dam now under eon sCruction is one which meets with our unanimous approval say the engineers in their report It is declared the dam as proposed not only will be sufficient- ly stable but goes far beyond the limits of what would regarded as safe in say leas Important structure The engineers hold that the Gatun dos can safety be reduced in height ay Jl feet This would make the 115 feet or 30 feet above the normal level of the water against the Mot least striking feature of the repeat of the engineers is that they pre- dict the completion of the canal by January declare a some- what earlier completion Is probable if all well Various in the plan of the final are sanctioned which are In detail in the report the chief being the moving of locks on the of the canal from La Boca on the shore of Panama bay to Mira flores about four miles inland Give Military JUamni- MOttary reasons are the principal eoes for this change The subject of increased width of the canal is dealt lift la the report The of the canal forces iff highly commended The engineers Continued on Page Twelve WEATHER REPORT- It is considerably colder in tbe South Atlantic and the greater portion of the middle Atlantic States low tem- peratures continue in the Gulf States valley The weather will be generally fair Thursday in New and the northern portion of the middle Atlantic States departing today for have brisk westerly diminishing Wednesday night with generally fair weather to the Grand FORECAST FOR THE DISTRICT Fair tonight temperature about tt degrees fair slightly wanner light westerly winds becoia TEMPERATURE- S a m- P a ro 1 p tn- U n m 81 81SI asM sUN TABLE fun rise i60- t in seW 53- TZOB TABLE Te a tide ltt a m ief p tideT 1182 a tJ4 id ft m M 9 j w tide 13 a mi 124 p m eta y tae anytime dIe settles haft bet tIM and Thursday the Eaat and with higher j I r mH EHHHHH I JAw IlL 1 111 I That s r viably engineers y height dsatrr Pa a to- night n tempera- tures i Euro- pean a m m non 1 i dL ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > Prominent Reading Man and Woman Shot to Death in Vehicle READING Pa Feb 17 A c- has all earmarks of a murder and suicide took place in A taxicab early this morning when the lives of Miss Stella Rocktassel a wellknown young woman and George H Knaut were taken Knaut called for a taxicab at the Arcade Hotel shortly before 2 oclock and directed the chauffeur to drive them to Miss Rocktassers home When with in a square of the residence a shot rang out aii3 a bullet past the chauf- feur A moment later the driver Knaut shouted to him to drive to the hospital The cab was rushed to Reading Hos- pital but just as it reached that Insti- tution a second shot was heard When the door was opened the woman was found dead her covered with blood and with a bullet wound in the right side of her head The man was also dead having been shut through the heart who was a I Mephone inspector a revolver yssterday saying he wanted it for a masquerade balL Both Knaut and Miss Rocktassel are welt connected CRITICISM HEAPED UPON ARCHITECT Ralph Says Taylors Once Is Too Slow With Work Sarcastic criticism Is heaped upon the head of the Supervising Architect of the Director Ralph of the Bureau of Engraving Printing ac- cording to the testimony given by the director before sundry civil of the Souse Committee oa Appro- priations Director Ralph is impatient at the delay in setting the new structure under way Congress has appropriated 12000 000 for that purpose but apparently the matter is held up in the architect office It supervising architect will take hold of this matter with some vim said Mr Ralph there is no reason in the world that building should not be completed in fifteen or sixteen months It is a simple proposition a structure with no of gingerbread on it The Chinese gov- ernment will a new bureau of en graving and printing before we will GUILT HAND POINTS TO DEPOSED VIZIER Failure to Defend Against Charges Taken as Admission CONSTANTINOPLE Feb Mtaad of publishing m todays papers his de Turks as he bad promised to do form- er Grand Visier Klamil Pasha told tbe newspaper men that he would wait until public opinion had calmed down His failure to make a statement has injured his standing greatly as the Young Turks are charging him with being unable to refute their accusation that he was plotting to reestablish des- potism Hilml Pasha the new grand vizier has made representation to the diplo matic corps that he will do everything- in his power to bring about a accord between Turkey and Aus- tria and between Turkey and Bulgaria He said that as soon as possible he would resign the ministry of the Interi or DEWEY NOT GOING Admiral George Dewey president of the general board of the navy called on the President and the Secretary of the Navy today to personally express his regret at not being able to accept the invitation to accompany them to Hamp- ton Roads for the review of the Atlantic fleet next Monday Admiral has been suffering from sciatic rheumatism all winter and this was his first visit to either the White House or Navy De partment in several months SPEEDER FORFEITS 5 Clinton William charged with vio- lating the speed law forfeited S In Police Court this morning He was ar- rested on Pennsylvania avenue by Po- liceman Conners DEEP CRIME SEEN IN CAB MYSTERY the dew de- clares and the i7 the charges of the tat borrowed subcommit- tee Reform- ers fence against Young com- plete ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Technicality Discovered When Salary Bill Is Brought In SHERLEY THROWS BOMB INTO CAMP Exposes Fact That Special Act Gives No SaJtry at All to The Secretary- The complicated situation which has ever presented itself in the history of the Government has been precipitated by passage of th Knox enabling The effects of that bill came to light in the House today amid the wild- est disorder and the greatest dismay of the Republican forces and those op- posed to the measure Briefly the situation is After having reduced the salary of the Secretary of State back to 18000 both houses axe now called upon to agree to the con- ference report on the legislative execu- tive and judicial bill which Increases the same salary again On December 10 the legislative execu- tive and judicial bill was reported to the House It vas without the increases in salaries of December 1L The Senate received the bill on January 14 and after Increasing the salary pass- ed the bill on January 22 The bill then came back to Ue House for conference Obstacle Discovered While this was on the obstacle in the way of Knox serving was discovered and on February 15 the enabling meas- ure was passed fixing the salary of the Secretary of State at I8C90 Today the House was called upon to agree to the conference report on the legislative executive and judicial bill It was then discovered that this bill Makes the salary of the Secretary of State 12000 Since this action succeeds that of the enabling bill if passed It Kould have the effect of nXcoc 1200 and again involving the carne obstacle anJnst appointment as Secretary of By the puculiar irony of tate it seems absolutely necessary that t bill be provision and then amended another enabling act before Senator Knox could be made eligible Cannot dung It By the rules of Congress it is for the conferees themselves to change the salaries This would be new legislation and such must be voted upon in both houses it is understood Since the bill passed both houses just what will be done to the matter Is a problem over which the Republican leaders will probably spend heartrendering hours and ex haust every parliamentary expedent The Legislative Executive and Ju- diciad appropriation bill of course makes appropriation orJy for one year If it is passed in its present form the Secretary of State he may be will draw that amount for twelve- months when in the ordinary course of events if Congress did act then vote to continue th 12 00 the enabling act would take effect and the salary be automatically reduced to No two parliamentarians of the House agree as to what can be done to cor rect the most complicated balled up situation ever encountered in the It is likely that th only way out of the matter is to send the bill back to both houses and then repeal the Secre tary of State salary provision send it back to conference and finally agree to itCYCLISTS COLLIDE MAN BADLY HURT Suffering from conriiftsion of the bran WiMam English twentyeight years old of 716 A street northeast is a at En Hospita English was riding a bicycle at New Jersey and avenues and collid ed with another cyclist Both men were thrown from wheels FRAT MEN TO DINE- In honor of the fiftyseventh anniver- sary of the founding of the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity the Washington alumni association of that organization will celebrate the event on Friday evening with a dinner at the Normandie HoteL KNOX ONCE MORE INELIGIBLE TO ACT AS TAFTS PREMIER meas- Ure the lit al- ready wL ever OOO Houa y passed state b im- passible cor- rect ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CHILD LABOR BILLS WHIPPED BY LOBBY North Carolina Legislature Dominated by Cotton Mill and Remedial Measure Permitted to Pass Only After Being Purged of Chief Items I RALEIGH N C Feb 17 Jhnd labor has the complete approval of the North Carolina Legislature Despite ap tiona of the humanitarian societies and hundreds of men and women the Legis lature today at the behest of the Sato Cotton Manufacturers Association practically emasculated the bill which was designed to an end to the em ployment of boys and of thirteen and under in the mills TIle measure was reached en order of final reading today Up to th last It was expected that It would as framed and would raise the age limit to fifteen yeas and throw such safeguards about the employment of minors that it would lw tor the ppala of the MYeral womens orpnlz8 girls 4 put mo- ment yaw poet lble ¬ ¬ children to secure at least a smattering of an education before being thrown on- to the world to earn a living The Merest lobby in the history of the State however was not to be denied Representatives of the Sop textile mills in the Commonwealth to town yes- terday and all that day throughout last night and today labored with the legislators Appeals and threats were used and when the Legislature met it was plain that the lobby had won All drastic sections of the bill were eliminated by vote The age limit was left as at thirteen the prohibiting minors male and fe- male at is amended to include only females under fifteen boys under fourteen while the employ- ment of children twelve years over to aid their parents or other rela I i came nlht tivu Ja madel resent sec- tion p d ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Senates Action Only a Scheme to Hit Presidents Says Iowan When the Senate met at 11 oclock this morning the fight over tile naval apPropriation bill which has been on for the last two days was promptly resumed Senator Hale was eager to press the bill to passage and the insurgents were still up in arms and not disposed to let the bill be disposed of without thresh- ing over Its provisions further Senator Cummins of Iowa the suc- cessor to Senator Allison got the floor at the outset and made the point of no quorum A call for a quorum followed Senator Cummins then addressed the Senate at ength In support of the or- der of President Roosevelt to remove the marines from the warships The Iowa commended Senator Hale for his patience in the protracted discussion of the naval bill and eulogized President Roosevelt Senator Cummins said that in his State the people loved Roosevelt and were not In sympathy with the criticism against him Halt rebukes Kim Senator Cummins references to the Presidents order removing Che marines from the warships led Senator Hate sharply to defend the committee and himself against any charge of criticising the president and he rebuked Senator Cummins for his words Senator Hale took the ground that In putting in an amendment to the bill to restore the marines the committee wu not been seeking to criticise the Pr dent but had intended to assert the right of Congress in the mater In his argument Senator Cummins quoted from the testimony of Rear Ad miral Evans before the Committee on Naval Affairs wd also from Admiral Dewey snowing that each of these emi mcnt commanders is in favor of the order issued by the President He said this opinion seemed to be coincided in by practically every mss who must fight the battleships in case of a contingency The Senator from Iowa then entered into an argument to that the amendment proposed by the committee was not only bad as a matter of policy but that it was actually in contraven- tion of the Constitution He asked if any Bens would at tempt to say that the President the con- stitutional OommanderinChief could not issue any direction for the army and navy providing Congresii issued a pro hibition against it Makes Strong He ofejeeW strongly s r attempts to say by indirecttou in air a pprt4ma lion bill how the marines should be used If any effort were made to dic- tate the marines should be used it should be done by a separate meas- ure The Senate Senator Cummins held was not proceed ag fairly and openly in this matter Senators Fulton McLaurln Tinman and others joined in the argument In opposition to the views of Senator In the course of the discussion Senator Tillman that Marine Corps meant that the corps was to be used at sea that the word marine had refer ence to the sea It is delightful to learn from the Senator from South Carolina said Senator Cummins that the word has some relation to the Borah Upholds Rim Senator Borah of Idaho followed Cummins with a constitutional ar- gument upholding President Roosevelts order to t emove the marines from the battleships A for a quorom was made Just before Senator Borah be Georgia took exception to a number o Senator Borates statements and ques- tioned him repeatedly After Senator speech the Senate voted on the amendment to the marines to the battleships The amendment was retained in the bill by 51 to li t Size Is XHscusMo The question of the sc at the battle- ships was then taken ap When the bUt was up last night an amendment by Senator was fixing the df the battleships at 21000 tons in of 26000 This amendment was rjrrifd in Committee of the Whole Senator Lodge reserved a separate vote on this feature of the bill In the Senate After the disposition of the question of the marines tile battleship provision was taken up ai 1 Senator Lodge spoke In favor of the 26OUOton ships WEALTHY YOUNG MAN GIVES UP SOCIALISM Joseph Medill Patterson Returns to the Chicago Tribune Fold CUMMINS PPOSES RETURNING MARINES t Senator tab CUm- mins Senator Cummins wu reminded Sen- ator can gan senator Bacon of- I i ad I I I go- ing show r e hog b ma- rine sea re- store i t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < CHICAGO Feb 17 Joseph Medill Patterson has renounced socialism and proriiaed to be good Mr Patterson grandson of the late Joseph Medill four renounced his to the Republican party and supported Edward F Dunne the Democratic for mayor He severed all connection the news paper founded by his grandfather and built up his father R W Patterson Later n publicly enounced himself to be a Socialist he has returred to the Chicago Tribune fold Patterson served as commissioner of public works under Mayor Dunne edited- a socialist newspaper and made a ven ture into literary his mbet recent work A Little Brother of the Rich which attracted considerable at cow SMASH S SLEIGH ALLENTOWN Pa i i Slate dale has a cow that cbj ivito her own reflection She belongs t J Charles Kern who bought a new sleigh and left it standing where bossy cor id see herself in the surface She took exception to the reflection and butted to pieces WIDOW GETS ESTATE M1NEOLA L I Feb RAdele Town end wMAw of th late liookinan- TV i l Wtll niov rll sUT- TllV tit tli i IT us i i will ft tojuj c taU i i i w tenUon eh I tJ fit I 11111 1- 1tI roo Till ItJ 0 o < I till wrr w ¬ > Employe of Terminal Com- pany Walk Out in a Body NEW WAGE SCALE CAUSE OF TROUBLE Livery T B Are Used to Carry Its Contracts at Union Station With all the formality and decorum of a deliberate assemblage chauf- feurs employed by the Terminal Taxicab Company today went on strike Within a few hours the company had pressed forty single and double livery teams in- to service and was endeavoring to car- ry on its contract with the Terminal Company to transport passengers and baggage about the city The taxi drivers appeared at the of- fices of the company at fJO this the usual hour for reporting They literally walked right in turned around and walked right out again only to place a written resignation upon the desk of Superintendent Marshall The resignations were on printed forms supplied by the grievance committee which could not effect a compromise with General Manager Tickling Cause of Strike The men are striking because of a new wage scale put into operation last Monday under which the men receive 90 per cent of their collections and their own gasolene instead of 20 cents an hour and gasolene free under thj old scale They declare that they cannot make a living under the new wage scale The company assert that the men who want to work can make a good living and the only ones who will lose are those who spend their time Joyrtttog- Ho Excitement strike was the roost quiet order- ly and peaceaLle laying off that has ever been seen in the city There was not even a murmur of excitement and the garage even yet is cast in the deep est gloom and quiet The chauffeurs walked in this morn- ing in the usual manner and turned in their resignations as they each morn- ing previously had turned in their time Then they dispersed going to Us sir homes or going out looking a fob In A few minutes the garage was For the first time in many months of the machines disturb tie stillness of the early morning In twos and threes the men strolled around to the companys offices at 1101 Vermont avenue in their storm coats and badges bade farewell to the office tOMe there and departed Ifo Trouble Expected The men say today that they have no intention of interfering with the company or of obstructing its businesn We have no particular interest in the matter said one of the as we have simply terminated our connection with the company If there is any man who can support him- self much less a family on the new wa e scale offered by the company he can certainly feel that he hi at perfect liberty to take our places so far as we are concerned Our union although newly organised numbers in its mem- bership all the chauffeurs in the city except those in private employ sand the company can get no competent- to take our places even if they should Increase the wage offered us i was declared by company today that the new wage Sri per cent of all collections the men to pay for their own gasolene was made neces- sary the conduct of some of the men whom the company found it impossible to control It was said that in paying them f fiat rate of cents an hour settle in operation until two day ago tho company had to men white they were skylarking and riding The practice could not be controlled and the company could not keep tab The new was adopter a merit system Cant Earn Living On the other hand the men maintain that it is impossible to earn a living working on the 20 per cent basis They say that frequently they have to stand hour after hour without getting a fare but that the company has tab on them every minute they are out of the garage There is a ticket check system by which the time is kept The men were represented in their ne- gotiations with the company by a of four of which John H Bell is chairman The other members were Clarence E Bullman Thomas W Mat tingly and Albert A Boas At 30 oclock the committee called upon Man- ager Pickling and asked him if the company stood pat upon the new scale They were given an answer in the affirmative and left Later the committee distributed among the men the resignation form which bad had printed The resignations were made out turned in this morning The form is as follows Jere FicklinT General Manager Terminal Taxicab Company Dear Sir I hereby resign post tion as chauffeuf with the Terminal Taxicab Company to take effect from this date February 17 1909 Signature Officials cheerful General Manager J Pickling when Been at tI companys garage this morning seemed to accept the situa- tion philosophically and to regard the future as cheerful The Terminal Taxicab Company he said will not be at all damaged by the toss of its former chauffeurs Already we have seven of our thirty six cars in operation and we expect- to get the rest of th a on the street within a few days In the meanwhile we are today operating about forty single and double livery teams and to- morrow we shall likely double this mi m her The only m which our crippled is that we- n t answering any calls except jLCuttUmis OR Ascend Pftl TAXICAB DRIVERS I DECLARE A STRIKE Tile commit- teemen officials 20 tl ou com- mittee t j i l- w 4 fiftytour Washing- ton moor- ing stop- ping sup- ply get- ting slip chug mist s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ > NEW YORK WORLD OWNER IS INDICTED ON LIBEL Pulitzer of New York arid Develan Smith of Indianapolis News Must Answer for Comments Made Concerning Men Who Acted in Pur- chase of Panama Canal Rights BENCH WARRANTS ARE ISSUED BY JUDGE Papers Will Be Forwarded to Gotham and Defendants Will Have Hearing Before Employes of the Two Papers Also Involved Indictments for criminal libel the first step in what promises to be one of the biggest Ifljgal ijroeeedings ever in stituted in the United States we3 returned today by the United States grand jury for the District of Columbia against Joseph Pulitzer owner of the New York World Delavan Smith and Charles R Williams proprietors of the Indianapolis News and Editors Caleb M Van Bttren and Robert H Lyman of the World staff The Press Publishing Company publishers of the World was also indicted Bench warrants were issued this afternoon by Justice Gould of the Supreme Court for the arrest of the indicted men The indictments are an outcome of the inquiry set on foot foil owing a special Presidential to Congress denouncing the newspapers involved eau of statements published by them alleging corruption in euiuiaction with the disbursement of the 40000000 paid by the for the properties of the French Panama Canal Com T r tig CHARGEJo- seph CommissionerSeveral age Govern- ment i ¬ of Suit In the articles complained of fee names o Charles P Taft brother of the Presidentelect and Douglas brotberralaw of presieVsn were prominently malloa ws that part of the tnlllton paid by the Government had founds its speculators Wttlfaun Nelson Cromwell counsel for the Trench company raise occupied conspicuous place in the aUegsdJan The inquiry wfctah resulted m the in- dictments have been expected since the Inception of the investigation of the charges exactly one month ago At that time Mr Roosevelt declared that steps would be taken to bring to STORIES SAYS CROMWELL Declares Publication Was Threatened During Campaign William Nelson Cromwell in 4 state- ment issued this afternoon declares the charges upon which the i ndlctments against the New York World and In- dianapolis News editors were belled were instigated by blackmailers but says the World did not know of that fact The statement follows Cromwells Statement While the grand juhy had this under investigation I could not with proporlety make any public statement But now that that body after long and full investigation into every feature of the ease has found all the published allegations la connection with the OL the canal property to be wholly false and have indicted some of the parties responsible for the circulation of these feel that I am free to to say in the most positive manner that the stories respecting the Panama canal purchase by the New York the Indianapolis yews and other papers and for which these editors are Indicted were not le- gitimate newspaper were and premeditated were made with foreknowledge of infamous source and after specific warning by me of their falsity Stories Concocted The stories thus published were con- cocted over two and a half years ago by unscrupulous parties in New York some of whom have criminal records in an attempt to blackmail me At that time these parties made a demand upon me to pay them a large sum of money with a threat that if I did not comply the stories would be published I in- stantly and indignantly denqucced the stories as false in every respect re- fused to entertain their demands and dismissed the miscreants This attempt- to blackmail me was temporarily drop but was renewed again and August last when 1 was active in the political campaign At that time some of the same people with their enlarged again attempted to blackmail me and aagin nut before me the al- ternative of paying them 125800 for the suppression of the stories or having them Refused Demands- In answer to my indignant refusal they stated that even if they could substantiate the stories and overt if Continued on Pi Thirteen Bet Tka into the poAtets of a BLACKMAIL I I j j I set J Baas see Bossvelt mseniEfned Iu war back Ailoetloan boa raly r mat- ter pur- chase speak group ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Justice the charges ttsse it was thought the Guy for USA Inves- lia Mfptoon Cromwell or Douglas Rob- inson have been behind it The accused men have maintained that the saline proceedings was a flagrant effort to oreetide eosjstttotionally guaranteed right of freedom of the TIle maximum penalty for the offence with which they are charged is a line of UM or five years in prison or boiii The Frees Publishing Company Pulit ser and his editors are Indicted in five counts Smith and Williams are Indict ed ht six counts Jvry Present BIlL John T Devtee foreman of the grand jury followed by twentytwo other grand Jurors entered Jostle Gould s- court at 12JI oclock and presented the true bill The court received the indictments studied them for three or tour minutes and then handed them to Clerk Hawkins District Attorney Baker then asked tile eourt to issm bench warrants for the arrest of th natural defendants and summonses the corporate defendants Attorney Henry B Davis who ha acted as counsel for tIM New York newspaper men was present and upon Mr Bakers request declared he did not believe the issuance of the war- rants necessary After conferring with him however the District Attorney re peated his request to tne Justice who ordered the warrants A certified copy of encit ixl tot men t accompanied by the beech warrant win be sent to New York tonight where a- hearing will soon be held before tfnltiM States Commissioner John JL Shields to the removal of the defendant to this jurisdiction for trial Koottreits llama The name of President Roosevelt ap- pears in the fourth and fifth counts the indictment The first count charg s libel against Charles P Taft Robinson and CromwelL The second charge libel against Charles P Taft Cromwtu and JtPierpont Morgan THhe third recites alleged lihoi against Charles P Taft Robinson Cromwell RooseveltH is the In the fourth eotmt and libel aleg i against him is etted together with of tenses against Presidentelect Tar Charles P Taft Robinson and Cronv welL In the fifth count the President name again leads the Hs and is fol- lowed by those of XUhu Root eon Charles P sad Cromwell Attorney Henry B Davis will leav this city for New York tomorrow whet he will coafer with members of tt Press Mr Davis fired the fir gun on the fendants side when he stated this that his clients will fight again removal of the case to the District Counts of Indictments The first count of the indictmer against th World reads And the grand Jurors aforesaid ucon Continued ov BMP Thirteen for the Ter tMaar there repeat tII W il cud t press o an game flit Rob Taft r A seen races ble i a was r i ept4se sso kagll i bav b for beWv may 1 CeereJrixacy a t i ear fuiy i against i Con Lpaby ii after- noon ¬ ¬ < ¬

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Fair tonight slightly

warmer Thursday











President Sends EngineersReport With a Message-

to Congress


Pofat Out Reasons Why Lock Type

I Better Plan Than Any Others

Effect of Report


it would be an inexcusable

feiy to change from the proposed

lodk canal to a sea level canal is

the statement of President Rooseveltin transmitting to Congress todaythe report of the engineers who vis-

ited Panama with PresidentelectTaft

More than this the President de-

clares to Congress that the reportnot only determines definitely thetype of canal but makes it evidentthat hereafter attacks on the jocktype are in reality attacks upon thepolicy of building any canal at all

In this emphatic fashion doesPresident Roosevelt seek to spikethe guns of Senators Kittredge Foraker and others who are bent onmaking a desperate assault on thelock type of canal before the sessioncloses and their terms in Congressend How far the report of theginecrs will go to silence these criticsand others remains to be seen

Ho Clisnce for bingeIt to at least certain that it less beery

e out oC the ousfl-th lock vpe of canal to be choppedsMfrst fat this Congress or attm near future

It is given as the Judgment of rtendsof tbe lock canal in both houses thatthis sport of the eminent engineerswho aoootnpanied Mr Taft It Ir

that the lode canal will beconstructed and that nothing short ofa great disaster to the look canal atsome time in the future can accomplisha shifting to the tealevel jpiaa

Ia their report the ay theygiven special consideration to the

of the Gatun dam and thefeaatbUitr of constructing and main-taining a for retain

water at 86 feet above sea levelTheir verdict is an unqualified and un-ettutTOcal declaration that Oatundam is feasible

Meet Approval of AU

The type of dam now under eonsCruction is one which meets with ourunanimous approval say the engineersin their report It is declared the damas proposed not only will be sufficient-ly stable but goes far beyond the limitsof what would regarded as safe insay leas Important structure

The engineers hold that the Gatundos can safety be reduced in heightay Jl feet This would make the

115 feet or 30 feet above thenormal level of the water against the

Mot least striking feature of therepeat of the engineers is that they pre-dict the completion of the canal byJanuary declare a some-what earlier completion Is probable ifall well

Various in the plan of thefinal are sanctioned which areIn detail in the report the chief beingthe moving of locks on the

of the canal from La Bocaon the shore of Panama bay to Miraflores about four miles inland

Give Military JUamni-MOttary reasons are the principal

eoes for this change The subject ofincreased width of the canal is dealtlift la the report

The of the canal forcesiff highly commended The engineers

Continued on Page Twelve


It is considerably colder in tbe SouthAtlantic and the greater portion of themiddle Atlantic States low tem-peratures continue in the Gulf States

valleyThe weather will be generally fair

Thursday in Newand the northern portion of the middleAtlantic States

departing today forhave brisk westerly

diminishing Wednesday nightwith generally fair weather to theGrand

FORECAST FOR THE DISTRICTFair tonight temperature about tt

degrees fair slightlywanner light westerly winds becoia


1 p tn-U n m



sUN TABLEfun rise i60-t in seW 53-

TZOB TABLETe a tide ltt a m ief p

tideT 1182 atJ4 id ft m M

9 j w tide 13 a mi 124 p m


y tae






and Thursday the Eaat andwith higher




JAw IlL1 111



r viably







to-night n



a mm










Prominent Reading Manand Woman Shot to

Death in Vehicle

READING Pa Feb 17 A c-

has all earmarks of a murder andsuicide took place in A taxicab earlythis morning when the lives of MissStella Rocktassel a wellknown youngwoman and George H Knaut weretaken

Knaut called for a taxicab at theArcade Hotel shortly before 2 oclockand directed the chauffeur to drive themto Miss Rocktassers home When within a square of the residence a shot rangout aii3 a bullet past the chauf-feur A moment later the driver

Knaut shouted to him to driveto the hospital

The cab was rushed to Reading Hos-pital but just as it reached that Insti-tution a second shot was heard Whenthe door was opened the woman wasfound dead her covered withblood and with a bullet wound in theright side of her head The man wasalso dead having been shut through theheart

who was a I Mephone inspectora revolver yssterday saying he

wanted it for a masquerade balL BothKnaut and Miss Rocktassel are weltconnected



Ralph Says Taylors Once Is

Too Slow With

WorkSarcastic criticism Is heaped upon

the head of the Supervising Architect ofthe Director Ralph of theBureau of Engraving Printing ac-

cording to the testimony given by thedirector before sundry civil

of the Souse Committee oa Appro-priations

Director Ralph is impatient at thedelay in setting the new structure underway Congress has appropriated 12000000 for that purpose but apparently thematter is held up in the architectoffice

It supervising architect will takehold of this matter with some vimsaid Mr Ralph there is no reason inthe world that building should notbe completed in fifteen or sixteenmonths It is a simple proposition a

structure with noof gingerbread on it The Chinese gov-ernment will a new bureau of engraving and printing before we will


Failure to Defend Against

Charges Taken as


of publishing m todays papers his de

Turks as he bad promised to do form-er Grand Visier Klamil Pasha told tbenewspaper men that he would waituntil public opinion had calmed down

His failure to make a statement hasinjured his standing greatly as theYoung Turks are charging him withbeing unable to refute their accusationthat he was plotting to reestablish des-potism

Hilml Pasha the new grand vizierhas made representation to the diplomatic corps that he will do everything-in his power to bring about a

accord between Turkey and Aus-tria and between Turkey and BulgariaHe said that as soon as possible hewould resign the ministry of the Interior

DEWEY NOT GOINGAdmiral George Dewey president of

the general board of the navy called onthe President and the Secretary of theNavy today to personally express hisregret at not being able to accept theinvitation to accompany them to Hamp-ton Roads for the review of the Atlanticfleet next Monday Admiral hasbeen suffering from sciatic rheumatismall winter and this was his first visitto either the White House or Navy Department in several months

SPEEDER FORFEITS 5Clinton William charged with vio-

lating the speed law forfeited S InPolice Court this morning He was ar-rested on Pennsylvania avenue by Po-liceman Conners









the charges of the






fence against Young



















Technicality DiscoveredWhen Salary Bill Is

Brought In


Exposes Fact That Special Act

Gives No SaJtry at All to



The complicated situation whichhas ever presented itself in the historyof the Government has been precipitatedby passage of th Knox enabling

The effects of that bill came tolight in the House today amid the wild-est disorder and the greatest dismayof the Republican forces and those op-posed to the measure

Briefly the situation is After havingreduced the salary of the Secretary ofState back to 18000 both houses axenow called upon to agree to the con-ference report on the legislative execu-tive and judicial bill which Increasesthe same salary again

On December 10 the legislative execu-tive and judicial bill was reported tothe House It vas without theincreases in salaries of December 1LThe Senate received the bill on January14 and after Increasing the salary pass-ed the bill on January 22 The bill thencame back to Ue House for conference

Obstacle DiscoveredWhile this was on the obstacle in the

way of Knox serving was discoveredand on February 15 the enabling meas-ure was passed fixing the salary of theSecretary of State at I8C90

Today the House was called upon toagree to the conference report on thelegislative executive and judicial billIt was then discovered that this billMakes the salary of the Secretary ofState 12000

Since this action succeeds that of theenabling bill if passed It Kould havethe effect of nXcoc 1200 andagain involving the carne obstacleanJnst appointment as Secretary of

By the puculiar irony of tate itseems absolutely necessary that tbill be provisionand then amended another enablingact before Senator Knox could be madeeligible

Cannot dung ItBy the rules of Congress it is

for the conferees themselvesto change the salaries This would benew legislation and such must be votedupon in both houses it is understood

Since the bill passed both housesjust what will be done to

the matter Is a problem over whichthe Republican leaders will probablyspend heartrendering hours and exhaust every parliamentary expedent

The Legislative Executive and Ju-diciad appropriation bill of coursemakes appropriation orJy for one yearIf it is passed in its present form theSecretary of State he may bewill draw that amount for twelve-months when in the ordinary courseof events if Congress did act then voteto continue th 12 00 the enabling actwould take effect and the salary beautomatically reduced to

No two parliamentarians of the Houseagree as to what can be done to correct the most complicated balled upsituation ever encountered in the

It is likely that th only way out ofthe matter is to send the bill back toboth houses and then repeal the Secretary of State salary provision send itback to conference and finally agree to


MAN BADLY HURTSuffering from conriiftsion of the

bran WiMam English twentyeightyears old of 716 A street northeast isa at En Hospita

English was riding a bicycle at NewJersey and avenues and collided with another cyclist Both menwere thrown from wheels

FRAT MEN TO DINE-In honor of the fiftyseventh anniver-

sary of the founding of the Phi KappaPsi Fraternity the Washington alumniassociation of that organization willcelebrate the event on Friday eveningwith a dinner at the Normandie HoteL





the lit


wL ever





















North Carolina Legislature Dominated by Cotton Mill

and Remedial Measure Permitted to Pass OnlyAfter Being Purged of Chief Items


RALEIGH N C Feb 17 Jhndlabor has the complete approval of theNorth Carolina Legislature Despite ap

tiona of the humanitarian societies andhundreds of men and women the Legislature today at the behest of the SatoCotton Manufacturers Associationpractically emasculated the bill whichwas designed to an end to the employment of boys and of thirteenand under in the mills

TIle measure was reached en order offinal reading today Up to th last

It was expected that It wouldas framed and would raise the age

limit to fifteen yeas and throw suchsafeguards about the employment ofminors that it would lw tor the

ppala of the MYeral womens orpnlz8






poet lble



children to secure at least a smatteringof an education before being thrown on-to the world to earn a living

The Merest lobby in the history of theState however was not to be deniedRepresentatives of the Sop textile millsin the Commonwealth to town yes-terday and all that day throughoutlast night and today labored with thelegislators Appeals and threats wereused and when the Legislature met itwas plain that the lobby had won

All drastic sections of the bill wereeliminated by vote The age limit wasleft as at thirteen the

prohibiting minors male and fe-male at is amended toinclude only females under fifteenboys under fourteen while the employ-ment of children twelve yearsover to aid their parents or other rela





tivu Ja madel

resent sec-tion








Senates Action Only aScheme to Hit Presidents

Says Iowan

When the Senate met at 11 oclockthis morning the fight over tile navalapPropriation bill which has been

on for the last two days waspromptly resumed

Senator Hale was eager to press thebill to passage and the insurgents werestill up in arms and not disposed to letthe bill be disposed of without thresh-ing over Its provisions further

Senator Cummins of Iowa the suc-cessor to Senator Allison got the floorat the outset and made the point of noquorum A call for a quorum followedSenator Cummins then addressed theSenate at ength In support of the or-der of President Roosevelt to removethe marines from the warships

The Iowa commended SenatorHale for his patience in the protracteddiscussion of the naval bill and eulogizedPresident Roosevelt Senator Cumminssaid that in his State the people lovedRoosevelt and were not In sympathywith the criticism against him

Halt rebukes KimSenator Cummins references to the

Presidents order removing Che marinesfrom the warships led Senator Hatesharply to defend the committee andhimself against any charge of criticisingthe president and he rebuked SenatorCummins for his words

Senator Hale took the ground that Inputting in an amendment to the bill torestore the marines the committee wunot been seeking to criticise the Prdent but had intended to assert theright of Congress in the mater

In his argument Senator Cumminsquoted from the testimony of Rear Admiral Evans before the Committee onNaval Affairs wd also from AdmiralDewey snowing that each of these emimcnt commanders is in favor of theorder issued by the President He saidthis opinion seemed to be coincided inby practically every mss who must fightthe battleships in case of a contingency

The Senator from Iowa then enteredinto an argument to that theamendment proposed by the committeewas not only bad as a matter of policybut that it was actually in contraven-tion of the Constitution

He asked if any Bens would attempt to say that the President the con-stitutional OommanderinChief couldnot issue any direction for the army andnavy providing Congresii issued a prohibition against it

Makes StrongHe ofejeeW strongly s r attempts

to say by indirecttou in air apprt4malion bill how the marines should beused If any effort were made to dic-tate the marines should be usedit should be done by a separate meas-ure The Senate Senator Cumminsheld was not proceed ag fairly andopenly in this matter

Senators Fulton McLaurln Tinmanand others joined in the argument Inopposition to the views of Senator

In the course of the discussion

Senator Tillman that Marine Corpsmeant that the corps was to be used atsea that the word marine had reference to the sea

It is delightful to learn from theSenator from South Carolina saidSenator Cummins that the word

has some relation to theBorah Upholds Rim

Senator Borah of Idaho followedCummins with a constitutional ar-

gument upholding President Rooseveltsorder to t emove the marines from thebattleships A for a quorom wasmade Just before Senator Borah be

Georgia took exception to a number oSenator Borates statements and ques-tioned him repeatedly

After Senator speech theSenate voted on the amendment to

the marines to the battleshipsThe amendment was retained in thebill by 51 to li t

Size Is XHscusMoThe question of the sc at the battle-

ships was then taken ap When the bUtwas up last night an amendment bySenator was fixing the

df the battleships at 21000 tons inof 26000 This amendment was

rjrrifd in Committee of the WholeSenator Lodge reserved a separate voteon this feature of the bill In the SenateAfter the disposition of the question ofthe marines tile battleship provisionwas taken up ai 1 Senator Lodge spokeIn favor of the 26OUOton ships



Joseph Medill Patterson Returnsto the Chicago Tribune







CUm-minsSenator Cummins wu reminded



gan senator Bacon of-


i ad










ma-rine sea
















CHICAGO Feb 17 Joseph MedillPatterson has renounced socialism andproriiaed to be good

Mr Patterson grandson of the lateJoseph Medill four renouncedhis to the Republican partyand supported Edward F Dunne theDemocratic for mayor Hesevered all connection the newspaper founded by his grandfather andbuilt up his father R W PattersonLater n publicly enounced himself tobe a Socialist he has returred tothe Chicago Tribune fold

Patterson served as commissioner ofpublic works under Mayor Dunne edited-a socialist newspaper and made a venture into literary his mbet recentwork A Little Brother of theRich which attracted considerable at


dale has a cow that cbj ivito her ownreflection She belongs t J Charles Kernwho bought a new sleigh and left itstanding where bossy cor id see herselfin the surface

She took exception to the reflectionand butted to pieces


Town end wMAw of th late liookinan-TV i l Wtll niov rll sUT-TllV tit

tli i IT us i i will fttojuj c taU i i i




I tJ fitI 11111 1-

1tI roo TillItJ




I tillwrr w



Employe of Terminal Com-

pany Walk Out in aBody


Livery T B Are Used to CarryIts Contracts at Union


With all the formality and decorum ofa deliberate assemblage chauf-feurs employed by the Terminal TaxicabCompany today went on strike Withina few hours the company had pressedforty single and double livery teams in-

to service and was endeavoring to car-ry on its contract with the

Terminal Company to transportpassengers and baggage about the city

The taxi drivers appeared at the of-

fices of the company at fJO thisthe usual hour for reporting They

literally walked right in turned aroundand walked right out again only

to place a written resignation uponthe desk of Superintendent MarshallThe resignations were on printed formssupplied by the grievance committeewhich could not effect a compromisewith General Manager Tickling

Cause of StrikeThe men are striking because of a

new wage scale put into operation lastMonday under which the men receive90 per cent of their collections and

their own gasolene instead of20 cents an hour and gasolene free

under thj old scaleThey declare that they cannot make

a living under the new wage scale Thecompany assert that the men who wantto work can make a good living andthe only ones who will lose are thosewho spend their time Joyrtttog-

Ho Excitementstrike was the roost quiet order-

ly and peaceaLle laying off that hasever been seen in the city There wasnot even a murmur of excitement andthe garage even yet is cast in the deepest gloom and quiet

The chauffeurs walked in this morn-ing in the usual manner and turnedin their resignations as they each morn-ing previously had turned in their time

Then they dispersed going to Us sirhomes or going out looking a fobIn A few minutes the garage wasFor the first time in many months

of the machines disturb tiestillness of the early morning In twosand threes the men strolled around tothe companys offices at 1101 Vermontavenue in their storm coatsand badges bade farewell to the officetOMe there and departed

Ifo Trouble ExpectedThe men say today that they have

no intention of interfering with thecompany or of obstructing its businesn

We have no particular interest inthe matter said one of the

as we have simply terminatedour connection with the company Ifthere is any man who can support him-self much less a family on the newwa e scale offered by the company hecan certainly feel that he hi at perfectliberty to take our places so far as weare concerned Our union althoughnewly organised numbers in its mem-bership all the chauffeurs in the cityexcept those in private employ sandthe company can get no competent-to take our places even if they shouldIncrease the wage offered us

i was declared by companytoday that the new wage Sri percent of all collections the men to payfor their own gasolene was made neces-sary the conduct of some of the menwhom the company found it impossibleto control It was said that in payingthem f fiat rate of cents anhour settle in operation until twoday ago tho company had to menwhite they were skylarking and

riding The practice could notbe controlled and the company couldnot keep tab The new wasadopter a merit system

Cant Earn LivingOn the other hand the men maintain

that it is impossible to earn a livingworking on the 20 per cent basis Theysay that frequently they have to standhour after hour without getting a farebut that the company has tab on themevery minute they are out of thegarage There is a ticket check systemby which the time is kept

The men were represented in their ne-gotiations with the company by a

of four of which John H Bellis chairman The other members wereClarence E Bullman Thomas W Mattingly and Albert A Boas At 30

oclock the committee called upon Man-ager Pickling and asked him if thecompany stood pat upon the newscale They were given an answer inthe affirmative and left Later thecommittee distributed among the menthe resignation form which badhad printed The resignations weremade out turned in this morningThe form is as followsJere FicklinT

General ManagerTerminal Taxicab Company

Dear Sir I hereby resign posttion as chauffeuf with the TerminalTaxicab Company to take effect fromthis date February 17 1909

SignatureOfficials cheerful

General Manager J Pickling whenBeen at tI companys garage thismorning seemed to accept the situa-tion philosophically and to regard thefuture as cheerful

The Terminal Taxicab Companyhe said will not be at all damagedby the toss of its former chauffeursAlready we have seven of our thirtysix cars in operation and we expect-to get the rest of th a on the streetwithin a few days In the meanwhilewe are today operating about fortysingle and double livery teams and to-morrow we shall likely double thismi m her The only m which our

crippled is that we-n t answering any calls except

jLCuttUmis OR Ascend Pftl










t j i








sup-ply get-ting



















ON LIBELPulitzer of New York arid Develan Smith of

Indianapolis News Must Answer for Comments

Made Concerning Men Who Acted in Pur-

chase of Panama Canal Rights


Papers Will Be Forwarded to Gotham and Defendants

Will Have Hearing Before

Employes of the Two Papers Also Involved

Indictments for criminal libel the first step in whatpromises to be one of the biggest Ifljgal ijroeeedings ever instituted in the United States we3 returned today by theUnited States grand jury for the District of Columbiaagainst Joseph Pulitzer owner of the New York WorldDelavan Smith and Charles R Williams proprietors of theIndianapolis News and Editors Caleb M Van Bttren andRobert H Lyman of the World staff

The Press Publishing Company publishers of theWorld was also indicted

Bench warrants were issued this afternoon by JusticeGould of the Supreme Court for the arrest of the indictedmen

The indictments are an outcome of the inquiry set onfoot foil owing a special Presidential to Congressdenouncing the newspapers involved eau of statementspublished by them alleging corruption in euiuiaction withthe disbursement of the 40000000 paid by the

for the properties of the French Panama Canal Com










of SuitIn the articles complained of fee

names o Charles P Taft brother of thePresidentelect and Douglasbrotberralaw of presieVsnwere prominentlymalloa ws that part of the tnllltonpaid by the Government had founds its

speculatorsWttlfaun Nelson Cromwell counsel for

the Trench company raise occupiedconspicuous place in the aUegsdJan

The inquiry wfctah resulted m the in-

dictments have been expectedsince the Inception of the investigationof the charges exactly one month ago

At that time Mr Roosevelt declaredthat steps would be taken to bring to



Declares Publication WasThreatened During


William Nelson Cromwell in 4 state-ment issued this afternoon declares thecharges upon which the i ndlctmentsagainst the New York World and In-

dianapolis News editors were belled wereinstigated by blackmailers but saysthe World did not know of that fact

The statement followsCromwells Statement

While the grand juhy had thisunder investigation I could not with

proporlety make any public statementBut now that that body after long andfull investigation into every feature ofthe ease has found all the publishedallegations la connection with the

OL the canal property to be whollyfalse and have indicted some of theparties responsible for the circulation ofthese feel that I am freeto

to say in the most positivemanner that the stories respecting thePanama canal purchase bythe New York the Indianapolisyews and other papers and for whichthese editors are Indicted were not le-

gitimate newspaperwere and premeditatedwere made with foreknowledge ofinfamous source and after specificwarning by me of their falsity

Stories ConcoctedThe stories thus published were con-

cocted over two and a half years agoby unscrupulous parties in New Yorksome of whom have criminal recordsin an attempt to blackmail me At thattime these parties made a demand uponme to pay them a large sum of moneywith a threat that if I did not complythe stories would be published I in-

stantly and indignantly denqucced thestories as false in every respect re-

fused to entertain their demands anddismissed the miscreants This attempt-to blackmail me was temporarily drop

but was renewed again andAugust last when 1 was active in thepolitical campaign At that time someof the same people with theirenlarged again attempted to blackmailme and aagin nut before me the al-ternative of paying them 125800 for thesuppression of the stories or havingthem

Refused Demands-In answer to my indignant refusal

they stated that even if they couldsubstantiate the stories and overt if

Continued on Pi Thirteen



into the poAtets of







I set




mseniEfned Iu

war back Ailoetloan

boa raly















Justice thecharges

ttsse it was thought the Guyfor USA Inves-

lia Mfptoon Cromwell or Douglas Rob-inson have been behind it

The accused men have maintained thatthe saline proceedings was a flagranteffort to oreetide eosjstttotionallyguaranteed right of freedom of the

TIle maximum penalty for the offencewith which they are charged is a lineof UM or five years in prison or boiii

The Frees Publishing Company Pulitser and his editors are Indicted in fivecounts Smith and Williams are Indicted ht six counts

Jvry Present BIlLJohn T Devtee foreman of the grand

jury followed by twentytwo othergrand Jurors entered Jostle Gould s-

court at 12JI oclock and presented thetrue bill

The court received the indictmentsstudied them for three ortour minutes and then handed themto Clerk Hawkins District AttorneyBaker then asked tile eourt to issmbench warrants for the arrest of thnatural defendants and summonses

the corporate defendantsAttorney Henry B Davis who ha

acted as counsel for tIM New Yorknewspaper men was present and uponMr Bakers request declared he didnot believe the issuance of the war-

rants necessary After conferring withhim however the District Attorney repeated his request to tne Justice whoordered the warrants

A certified copy of encit ixl tot men t

accompanied by the beech warrant winbe sent to New York tonight where a-

hearing will soon be held before tfnltiMStates Commissioner John JL Shields tothe removal of the defendant to thisjurisdiction for trial

Koottreits llamaThe name of President Roosevelt ap-

pears in the fourth and fifth countsthe indictment The first count charg s

libel against Charles P Taft Robinsonand CromwelL The second chargelibel against Charles P Taft Cromwtuand JtPierpont Morgan

THhe third recites alleged lihoi

against Charles P Taft RobinsonCromwell RooseveltH is theIn the fourth eotmt and libel aleg i

against him is etted together with oftenses against Presidentelect TarCharles P Taft Robinson and Cronv

welL In the fifth count the Presidentname again leads the Hs and is fol-

lowed by those of XUhu Rooteon Charles P sad Cromwell

Attorney Henry B Davis will leavthis city for New York tomorrow whethe will coafer with members of ttPress

Mr Davis fired the fir gun on thefendants side when he stated this

that his clients will fight againremoval of the case to the District

Counts of IndictmentsThe first count of the indictmer

against th World readsAnd the grand Jurors aforesaid ucon

Continued ov BMP Thirteen

for the


tMaar thererepeat tII W il





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