7th marine regiment - 3rd battalion - historical diary

7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - HISTORICAL DIARY - JUNE 1951 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-2387 CD: 23 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Records Group: RG 127 Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org

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Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-2387

CD: 23

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Records Group: RG 127

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190



Korean War Project USMC-08700109DECLASSIFIED


R"mt..z eM A-J2 Ser: ..,_,_~ 'W' 15 Jlll\9111 .

FIRST ENDORSHMENT on CO 3rd lin, 7thMar itr ot 7 July 1951

To: Via!


Commanding Offiovr. 7th Marinaa Commandant of the Marine Corpe ( l'l t1ol!lli1An~ in"' i"..,neraL Hit MArine Db·iaion (Rein!) JMF (2) Oo;~di~ G;~~~al: Fl~et-Ma;in~ Force, ~acifio

Historical Diary for Month of June 1951 '

l. Readdressed and forwarded.



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Korean War Project USMC-08700110DECLASSIFIED

' •

' Bladquarte:ra,

3d Batte.lioa, 7th llar1aee, lat llar1ae Divie iea (ReiDt), I'MF 1

C/O Flen Poet ottico, SU rruoioco, Cal,

rna a 'loa Y:l.ac

Comanding otticer Oolllllll\nd.irlg 0.M:ral1 .let Jlariae DiTilliea

Co~~~~~andina Otticor 1 7th Jlarilloe

SUbJc Historical Dial'J' tw llonth ot Juu 1951

1, lllt.rgdwrl;iOA I . a. 'fM pUrpHO o! t.hill :;;ep•rt :1.1 w r..b=it a ch.."'9n•bs1oal biato17 ot

~o 34 Battalion, 7th 11ar1aee, let llariae D1Tieion, during the period 1•30

J'uae 1951, bvth date: inclUift e

b, 'rhia battalion wae ass1111ed the tollnirlg ai88iOM durillg the period

oe'!'@r.d# (l) To protect ri&ht tl&Jlk ot the let llarillo DiYiiiHii ., no et actio:

aJid to be prepared to cowaterattack o•a.r 1rl the lat IIU'iae Dirlaioa 10M

et action. (2) To attack aJIMI 18118 •• eonw tiu.l pft'tioa ot Jr.uees LiD* ia

let HerinG Division s=a =t ac'tio!l;; (3) 'fo occu,w aJIMI c1otoJIMI 7th ,Marine Hotel' on the lett t~llk ot

the lot .!IAriM DiTisioa .. ctor ot the Kauae Lillo, prepared to a~rt

ccUDterattact by other battalioM ot the 7th llariJiee ,

c, During thie period 'the battalioa ilitlicted an eeti•ted 362 caeualtiea

en 8MJQ' toroe1. AIL UDdet.el'lliDeci uum'-•.r ~ 9ilG1,. G&~~lti,ee re~....l'Md f~lll

air, artillery, alld other woapou nppoii'U*a thU" battalion~ ·

2. Blkj AEppjpjip1 . On 30 .T®e 1951, the taak orpllisation et the 34 Battalion, 7th llarirlea

included the fctUnirlaa

3d Battalion,

H&SC. •G•C. •gnee "I8Co WpaeC.



LtCwl. B. f. nr.r.y

Lt. B.. H. S'fAIIIl Capt. w. c • Am'BE"'f Capt, R, 'f, mG Lt. '1'. W. PRFS10111 Maj. J. J. ·aarr




Korean War Project USMC-08700111


2/liJ /47 I~


3. During the period conred ap8rational. plallllilll was collduoted 811 a da7 te dB7 basis. Missiona were assiped this ba-ttalion b:r •us of regi.•Dtal u4 diTiaiou tras-ntaZ7 ordel'l.

4• ~:r;:;e;:~ed'~~'!itf m:i=~WIOtion with 2/7 oontinuirJg the

attack against e. well clue. in a!ld etubberDJ:' re-eie"i!ll ene!Q' hol"" ne t-he 'hip sround to the eaat et the Hwaohon Reaerveir.

1 Junes "I1 Compan:r attacked te seise hip Jl'Clll1lll4 'rio:lait.T 'l'Al317H. · 1I• eccupied 'l;hU objectiYe with DG 81111117 eppositioa, the 81*17 ha'f'iq w1thdre.• dur1ag the nipt. bel platoou of fi(ill CoJIPan:r suppe~ b7 jltc:ine8ra and •ca COJIPBJ17 ranb patrolled to TAlllS, aiiCl r1dp rwming DGrt.h troll that Yicinit;r. Patrol raturaed, -- ----- AAM··-· ~p, AA~ea1~A-+aA ~-'---~-- ftA!II~~~-" 'W'~A~R4~W ~~A- •• ,~,~ ·~ - VI;Ai/1'-.r ""'"~""""'""'U· ,, r VVNOiii'V--UV ... ...., __ ..__.~If'-... ·-- •----'!""•# ••- ._..,_,_ -

l415L. No &IlCIIQ' contact duriag the periGd.

2 JUDis 7th Marines baYing been relined b7 the lst llariaes, IIOYed te reg118Dtal assembly area vicinity Lui Dong, Borth Korea, in let Marine Divieion reeerve. 3!1 DIOV8d into re~l asseabq area 'ricillit7 'fAlllJl•

'2..-K T··-• "lfr'l --.c ... ..A. <I• -m-... +•1 ••-M1w .,.... W'4A'-i'n .. +.w 'l'.l111'n" 4• 1•+ . ..,-., .,......_. ;f • .. .., __ - ..... --.. .... -- - ... --...., -·- ·---., ____ ,_ - ---

Marine Division reserYe.

6 June: 3/7 moved to a .. embl;r area vicinit.T TA2917B and ca• UDder eperatieul control o£ 1st Marine Division.

7-12 June: 3/7 rel8ined in let llar1De D1Tidon reeerve at TA2917B, and cotlducted routine t..."""aiiiiq; and ncvnaaia;anca at rcu.taa and pcaiticu fer pca;;iblo a:plej= •nt.

13 Junes 3/7 JDOTed to new aseellbl;r area vicillit7 'f.A.3ll9G and continued in let Marine Division reeerYe.

14·17 Junes 3/7 in let Iarine DiTieien reaern at TA3ll9G conducted routia. Vaillinc and reoozmai••liO• ef .:rouWe aP4 po11~oa. tv P*iilibl• i•pl•1~~~&a.\ 1ii a counterattack.

l8 JUDis 3/7 moved Tia 110tor oelUIIII to aseellbl;r area Tic:laiQ' 'Ul525J. Upon arriftl 3/7 reverted to 7tb.J111~1nell control and IIOTed to eccup:r def'e1111ive position vicinity TAl82911 ~~""J': Near oleee ot the period, lilld ot 3/7 received 50 rounds of 76mm art.ille17 tin trea Tioirl1t7 'l'.A.183211.




Korean War Project USMC-08700112DECLASSIFIED

• • •n• ,. ___ ,.. __ •-'~--..il .,.._ .... _ ... _A,.t,. .41,,..., .,.., ..... _ ....... ~ •a-IIUI a'h ............ 11 l'P..l1ft21.11) .... _&_ti,

v wuw~..y "'"'\,l,g"'v""' uw- ~ ... -- .,. __ .,.,.._,_"'-~. ----- --tt~--·-·-- , _____ ,.,. _ thia point, 2/7 on lett waa enpgilla ene~~T en eb;lecti'n 101 at TA1731Q, and tbe XJil Re~t en the ript were reperted adftllOiq n1twal'll alene the r14p liM tr0111 objective 22 at T.l2232tJ, 'f•~·-· B7 U30 •(Ill CempaJl1 bad reached a position approxiata~ lOO •tare south et ebjeoti.,. u withOut drawi.Jii tire aJJ4 iDmediateJ.:r prepared to aeeault it. .ld'n.noina fl'OII thie point, =a= C.mp&Jl1 waa atruok by tire tna the trent and tlaDka alld was forced to withdraw ta the point from which tbei had launched the aaaault. •x• Co:p&Q' a: thea erdered to e.dT&nce direc~ to the aorth to 110unt the ridp line. betweea ebjectiftl U and 22 1-.Mht.lT M!!t of t.h• pau at ebjeoti.,. 23 at T11932L, lllkiag contact with alld paaainS through the IJil Reli-t wbe were reported ill that vic1111t,' at the time. Due to a failure ot radio comunication a!ld ertre•l7 difficult tarraill which led the assault platatt.ll\te teUew a north eastarl:r courae, •Iii CellpaJl1 did not pt inte poaition te atteck westward alons the r14p li11e UJitil 1930. lrleellWbile •G• Cc.napa1J7 aasaulted ubjeetin ll three &re tiaes •ithv.&t rwcess, and recaind a ceunterattack attar ita fourth a811aul1o. 'fhe eu~ waa repulsed alld •G• prepared tor ane+..her !U!eault. .!t 1930, launohed it!! :fifth «tMult et objective ll, 1n caordinatien with the attack et •I• Cemp&llir tr011 the weBt aleq '\he ridp 11M. The •llelll7 wu detelldiZII the pua at ebjectin 231 :l.a atreJ11th aDd alned the adnMe of •I" Ccllpa!V' to auch an extent thet it was u.nable to ateriall7 aaailt •a• Compa!V' 1n ite tilth aaaault on objective 11. At th18 point both coapaJliee were oftJlterattaokeG but beld i;heir p-euai. =a= C.iiip&Jq', f'oroed to withdraw- tor the fifth time, dua ill ter the aigbt at a point. •• 200 ,arda fro• the creat et eb:ectin ll. •I• conaolidatec!,.~_tor the "":ht alen:1:he gdd1e :rmm:lftl ••t trow ebjective ll to objective 23, ~Tina ,ained pea ... eioa et the paae at tll932L. Throughout the period 3/7 illtllcted an estiated 60 m•s aJJ4 llO WIA'• on the e~ -while suti'erins 13 Marines KIA, aJJ4 ~ m. 20 Ju.naa Ataoo:»JO, •x• CoiiPaJ:I7 attacked te Mise objective ll, "ricird:li7 f.llS32ii 111 conjunction 111 th •(Ill. •I• occupied their ebjectin with ao ep,,ositioa, the .. --.. ---\.. .. _. __ _.._"'A-- A .... .c.,. ..._\.,,.. •""""'"'- WT. t" ... -.a-. ... oi--A<fa+.a1• 4M11'1'1'\a,. n:¥1" .,.'l"'fto_ ~ ....... o1o4.1.5 ft·WM.4o6-WM ........ -. -~ -..... - ¥ .. ..,..-., -----., fi-T-- -- ----

objective 11 to aeise aDd oocuw ebjeotiTe 12 'ricinit,' TA17321. •r• Compalll,f ecOUDi.ed ob:lectin 12 with no ltllPeBition. "G•. •I• alld. •H• CoJJi>allies occupied defensive positions tr0111 ebjectiTe 12 throuib il and ertendinl te TA1932111 astride objectives. At 3>1330 3/7 relieTed on liM 117 4th Batttllea, lJil Rel1-nt, -d to regiDintal asaellblJ area 'rioinit," TAUJ.iiS, ia let llariJie DiTiaioa reaerve.

23 Ju..t!e! 3/7 -d t. occup,- d.tenein ~aitiou en llaille Line ot lleliatance troa TA102S'l' to TA1127T. •H• ar.d 1 I• occupied a two collpaJl1 front tieiq in with lit lfarinee on right flank alld 3d lOX• a en the lett. J.t 1600 3/7 reliend ele..ta et let llarines. No eu~ contaot during the period.

24 June: 3/7 continued to oonaulid&te d.t•M19ii peai:tio~ wn rGii=nt:.l !!a laJing fence, single aDd double apron, and concerti~~&, l.ayiq ainea, constructing :aDd bagM bu.nkere, and eon!!t..,.w.rtiJ~B rMdib' acce!l!lible routes ot approach ta the battalion. Two comcanies from battalion conduoted local patrolling.



'·' , .... 'i·~



Korean War Project USMC-08700113DECLASSIFIED

• • 2; June: =r= Com~ re1iitc.ru~ platoon patrellad to TA1029P. Pat.-cl rctu.'"=c!, u eii8111J' contact. 3/1 continued to lay 111118s, barbed rire, construct aand bagged 'bn-Dkers a%!!1 !!!prove rout.es of !!.pprMch to the battalion front. Battalion con• ducted local patrollina.

26 Jlu:Jes •a• CDlllp&lfl' reillltorced plateen patrolled. to TJ.ll29A. Patrol receind tin roundll ot 82m1 .. rtar tire alld retunled with ne eneJ111 ccmtaot. •G• Compaq reiiend =r= on line, •ith •I• moTiiii to .ra:&el""'i'& Gv~~&pazy area Ticinitj TA 1 '24.,T. Battalion continued to conduct leoal partellins, la7 llil!ea, and barbed rire, cc=t~.1ct ea%!!1 ba!,.aoed 'btml<er!! and :!.!!!pr•"'• 1"8Utea ot appreacb to the battalloaa tront.

'it1 JUlie: •G• Comp&JQ' reinf'orclld plateon patrelled to TAlO)OW. Patrel returned, negative 8118110' contact. Battalien continued to collduct lecal patrol, la7 lliDea aDd barbed wire, c0118truct eaiil bagp4 lrdiikeri aDd i&pr-..,. rcr.t-va; at appr-G&ch to battallona front. •I• bepn oenatruction of dotenain inatallatioM ot a pre­posed d.eteneive eect~ in <t:.he ennt. ot an·~ break thr•ush .t trieldl.7 toraee on the batteliona loft flank. •I• bepn laJing barbed wire and construotiq bunkers in this sector.

2S JUII81 •H• reint'orced plato.~~ patrelled to TA103QS. Patrol ebaernd 3 81181117

enteriq houe at TAlO:;Gii, called arli1lleq tire en ho-&18&1 reaultiq ira. deatr.~e= tion ot house and 88tiated 3 .. 1117 W 1 a. Patrel retul"DDd with u further ocn+..;ct. Battalion cont-t .. ned to oonduot l.aal patJ:"Oll: la7 Ilia• arxl barbed wire, and ooMtruot aand l:agpd buDDrs en battal1011 fJ:"Ont, and propoaed deteMive aeotor.

:8 June 1 •G• reinf'oroed platoen patrelled to TA1031V. While prooeedina up Hill 537 vicinity f.Al03lV patnl receiTed -n Vmi a.iid i.u.-tvmt1o ii'&apona fin. Pat..-ol diaengaged killina 0118 enei!J and talr1aa oDI POW. While witlldrawin& patrol received artillsrr and mer+..ar tire. Pat.,_.l called artllle17 ott aUIIJ 111 well dug in bunkers on Hill !i37. Patnl returned haYina suttered no casualties. Battalion oo~tinued to conduct local patrela. lay 1111188 and barbed wire, and construct aand '!Je,gpd bunkers on battalionS trent- and- prepesed detenain sector. ColllJIIUJiication

11118& laid to tho preposed detenain sector. Sporadic lO!imll artUleey tire tell

throughclut the night in the YicinitJ ef =G= CempaJ~T1 1 poii1t1on.

;o Ju.rae1 !!B" reinf'eroed plat.on patrolled to !.A.1030S. Patrol reoeind ~J»er&dio nall arDIII, auto•tic weapoM and artilloey fire from YicinitJ or Hill !i37, TA 1031\0. Air strih e.!ld artillery concentretiona were called on Hill !i37 resultin& in •DY secondaey expleeiona. Petrel retuned havina suffered no casualties. Battalion continued to conduct lecal patrela, la7 llines, and barbed wire, and conatruot aalld bagged bwlkers on battalion fnnt and propoHd deteilii11'e ;;ector.

5. a. EN¥1! llape:

(i-30.Tun5l} Inje, Sheet No. 6828IJI, Scala ls!io,ooo !!ar-'lae-!ti., She•t lo. 6128IV, Soa,. ls!i01000 lfllnlllong-11, Sheet No. 6728I1 Scale 11501000

A. pm qrptTIOli§ At the ba&iDD.iDg or the peried, 1 June 19511 the 3d Battalion was in the

attack. At 0915 111" cemparJ7 aeieed the hill in the Yioimv ef i'Al.3l'ili, with nep.tiYe 81'181117 contact. •a• CollpaiiJ sellt two plateau aupporwd b7 J:niiaeers aM u---- n1--.L....,-,.-.. - .,. ...... ft!!M f'--=-•• r.-rrr .... ......,.--'-• .. _ ... """"'- -.c ... 4-.4"'- IP.l111Ct'! •n.• I'!,.._._ ~+ ..... 1 - ~- - --r-- "'"'• .,..,...,.,_.J ·--• .,.... - ...... ..,..-~ ,--.. .. -




Korean War Project USMC-08700114DECLASSIFIED

• • ~--qy·pr·:

retu.."!!ed at l800, !!D@I!!!Y contact wae ~gat.in, •H• c.-u seut a reilitorced platoon patrol to ebjective Y#, ill. the rioinitJ.ot Tll)lS alld the ridp liB• I'IWiiD& north from tbat peiJI.t, 11H11 c-..;r patrel nt111'1184 at 1800, eMJII1' centact waa neptive,

Ou 2 .Tl.iiiii 1951, t.t"• 34 Battalion =.a rol:!.=nd e.l'ld went inte let !!eriae Didsion reael'V'e at 'rAlll3U, 011 6 .TWII 19Sl, the 34 Battalion IHftld inte all aeeeml>l,y. area a.t TA30l9U. The. 3d Battalion reained in lat Marine DiYisioa reaern urrtil 18 .TWill 19Sl. At 19.30 on We date, the Jt Battal1o11 .wed into doten81ve poaitiou in rlcinit7 'fA1829JI, Durill& the hours ot 1930 te 2200 tri~ treeps recaived 6S rOWida .r 70.. art:i.ller,. fire. 'fbere was 1:10 pb;yeical contact with the ... ..,. durill& the Jlipt, At OSOO ell 19 J't~~~e, •G• CoJ~*%~7 moved into tbi attack and &.CU.lid abjaotin •!P !.!.1830-VBC 'tt'i\b. !!eg&tin

... .., contact. The ene.;r brou&ht 6011111 aad 8~ •rtarSire en trielldl7 treopa epe:re.di~l,y thro\1,£hout the 4a;r. 'fba •11811Y tire tell to the northeast ot triel:ldl:y troopll with ne oti'ecw, The peay alae tired lOS• artillery ill.

batte17 using till84 ruse, Thia artiller,. tire prill(li!'!'~_t•~-~~-!AlJJJlf~ •I• Compaey receirllll sporadic •rtar tiH aooured Ja.J.J. 'JTJ, 'l'A.L•oa, r1f • •a• Compan7 belllt.lll the attack on obJective ll, !1183211 at 1130 •• 19 .Juae, the ene1117 allewad =a= Capuq· tv adT•W• withiii 100 ,a..-da .t the top of t;~

ebjective before delinriq a hoaYJ voluma or aall ana, auteatio napou, end hand gr-..=de t:!.re e!! f'rie!!dly t!'!t!!p!l. D• to the ditf'ioult torrain 11G11

CoapaD:f was tmable to alleuver and waa forced to aaaaul.t the obJective traa• talLy. •a• OompaJQ' attacked ebject:!.Ye 11 tiYe tme, but wae forced te wit.h· draw each t1Jie because ~t the heaYJ oae111 tiH, BetwMn the forth and fifth attacke the ene1117 launched a oounterattaok w•ieh tailet te dialedp •Gil Oel!lplliiT. The fifth attack b7 •Gii Celipa1117 taek plau at 2030 allli 11hortly t.hereai'wr the

ene111 apill countorattacked but were rapuleed b7 2120, At 3>30 •I• Oellp&JV

'bepii u attack t:roii 1'.1l932f w&atr..rd to=.r! •bjectin 11 :!.sa eee!'d:!.natio!L rith •a• CcJIIl&ey frontal aaaault. •I• COIIJI&D;J" advance wae alewed b7 autoatic '!!'e&pon!! and ~ !!!Ort.a~ tiro f'roa ebjective 11, aDd f'~o• ene1117 bullken slightlJ to the eaat of' objeoti"R 11, 'f!1832I. In th1a advance •I• Compau;y overran two well conetructod bUJilr.en guarding the pas• al'lll killed an Ullbon number ot eno111, However, the vol~ ot •118111 tin f'rea ebjective ll continued to IIIOUI1t and at 2100 8 I" Ooapaey1a forward move•nt waa :t.lted, hth Co~~paniH wore ooUilter­att.acked. b:r the enw.., at a.pproximatelJ 21.00. tba ccr.mt=rettact: were repulsed. •a• and 11I 11 Oompaniee were thea ordered te coneolidate their pollitiou fer the night near the f'nrt..lle!!t ~:!.J!t .t adYanoo. !here wu ne ene117 coatact during the night, the one1117 withdrawill& Ullder cover et darknoas. !he tollowiJI.g 11101'n1q1

a> June, 11" OoliP&JI7 j1111ped ott in the attack at 0530. B7 0600 ebJective 11 wae secured, and 0800 objective 12, 'Ul732I, waa lecured with neptive 81181117 contact tor both objectives. A PO\V 11tated that ebjectivea 11 and 12 were dateMed 'b7 let Battalion, 4l•t iesJ.•at, 12th Diviaioa, tli. Corp:. !h= on:m)" had dug in on the reverse slope or objective ll, IIO'f'ed up to the crest to fire small an., automatic weapou, and hand srenadet at trial!Mily troops. !he ••liT poaitioM on the crest ot the ebjeot.in were or a shallow t1Jie, while thoae on the renne slope were well dug in and relatively Ulltoucbad b7 friendly artiller,. and air atrikaa, DurinJ the eperatioll the onell!1' waa well supplied with s•ll ar•, automatic weapone, artiller:y and 110rtara. DU1'1q the detenee et ebjectivos 11 aDi 12, the enelll' expended a large amuu.nt Gf all t.,-psa ct e.:=rmtion. the e!leiO'






Korean War Project USMC-08700115DECLASSIFIED

' ' SE!Njf

110rale appeared u:cellent a11 fllnn 117· hia determiaed deten11e et the ebjective. However. the tenacity ef their deteaee and the tereoi't7 et their c6unteratt&w are believed to be an att8111p1; te batU. flpr tt.e. Jteal11ln1 the iae'ri .. ble tbe7 were holding out until dar bien could ceTer the wi tl1dran.l. The _..,. abe lad an excellent Jcnowledp of the friend.l7 iii1tuat1on 4u• to t.J:de. ae~Gni .vf th& high groUlld to the front and flankli. ·

On 20 J\PI& the 3d Battal1o11 weat Ute let JfariJie Diviaid re11erre at TAl5l8S. On 23 .June the 3d Battalion took up detenain pel1t1one en the lilt JlariJie Division lett tlalllr: ••• of action. at TAl025S oa the lett te the 1'icilllit7 'Ull2?'r on the right. The battalion patrolled te the troat to the vicin1't7 et Hill 573, TAl03lQ. On 24 ard. 25 Jtme all 1ntorut1on rc;p.rdin& tha ana=j' waa negative in the 3d Battalion so~~e.et actioa. Howenr, triendl.y unitll oil the right had received l:!.snt prebn.g a~cl<a 11:~ !!poJ"&clie 76. and 105• artlllerr tire. On 26 June a 11H" Compa1J1 patrol IIOY~ te T.lll291 and received three roundll ef 82-. mortar fire. The patrol oonti:aued te 'fAU291 aDd reoeived &II addit10Ml two rounds of 82a mortar tire. The patrol bad M p~Ual o.eataot with the . ene111 thi11 date, 011 :r-1 June •G'I C8JIP&DT 11eat a patrol te T.U03()U, The patrel had DO physical contact with W• ••liT•. bonftr, did .~bi&i'i"8 a f:r1eadl7 patrG"l in a fire tight at TAOS29G. fbe 3d Battlllio11 contirnled te ·patrol ea 28 June;. A •E• Ccmpe.Jl7 platoon pet...PGl !!Ovtd te !!10301! aM .-bte!"ftt4 thn• eJUm7 U • house at 'Ul03<11. Frielldl;r artilleey wae brouih\ to bear alld the three e~ were killed. On 119 JUlie a •Gil COIIP&JV' plateea patrel at TAl0.3lR fellll4 two 81181111 a11laep in a well oameutlaged peeitie11. TbJ patrol took one POW aDd killed the other ene~ when be attempted to epen fire oa the patrol leader. Tha. eDeiiiJ' 1a the lle&r vicinity ope11ed tire on the patrol with a•l.l.ar• allli illlwliiii.Uo wiiopoilii. The friendl;r patrol withdrew and brou~ artilleey fire to bear en TA103li with go&d result;. fba pat..-cl re~j.ved eiabt re'!!mf!e ef 821!!1 aer+...ar tire. e.M tiflte•n ro1lllds ef 105m artillery fin. Thill tire feU te the rear et the triell417 "D&trol and oa\Uied u oa~tualtiee. The POW takea b7 tbJ patrel 11t&tad that appru:illlatel;r tortr 8J1811;Y treep11 were 11:1 the deteue U.~ the vicillit:r ef TAl03lR. Their mission is that of a read bleok and te ebaene the read rumliag weat and south. It is e11tiEted that 25 en&IIJ1' were killed by •G• C.IIIJilaey1e obeor-ncl artillery fire. · .tpproxiatel;r 100 rand• et· 7~ and lOS• a:l:'tllleey tire tell iA the ar-ea u: "G" CGmp&llj" dcto::o lbc: at !!!126 te !!1127 fre!! 291AOO t. mEoO~

Tba f'rie!ldb "D&trel ell 30 June adnnced te TJ.U294 a!ld received tin reuJide ef -l05ma artiherr tire. :rrea thiJ poeitiell the patrel observed an unde­termined number of eneiiiJ' o11 8111 S37, f.A.l031Q. .A.a 01 working with the patrol ob11erved three pen1ble 105D art:l.lleey pellitioDII at 'fill3'i04. 'lbe UI alae ebserved an estiated eae., platoo11 in balllcere at TJ.l031Q. The triaDdl;r patrel brought artilleq fire to bear on the poait:!c:= with peel reeW.te.. Seoon4!!r: explesione re11ultins f%'0111 thi11 fire are believed to have beea a ••ll eneii;Y ammn-nition d~~

b. During tha peried covered the eulllf tactics were of a delaJ'i».s nature. The ene111 depended etubbornlf· 1JI\1l heaY7 preuure wa11 exerted on hie posi tione and it became evideat that th6f would fall ahertl;r. Be would thaD execute one or more limited OQ~i\iin.ttacb :IJi &.ii attvrt tv tiiibl.&. h1a iiii!iin forces tG with­draw under cover ot darklleee.

His detenaee continued to empbasize boldiq alld orgalliaillc 1lbe hip gro1llld particularly on the ridp l1JI8. Ene111 obllonation waa excellellt alld tbe m.tural

-6- S!!jQlWI'



Korean War Project USMC-08700116DECLASSIFIED

' ' gquST

strength or the terraia was a'QPintld b7 wideiJiread use ef buaker11 trenehes and fexholes. He utilised anti-p.,sellJiel llliDes to channelin the adnnce or attlckinc troops, and covered the lanes .with auteatic weapOJII fin, .4.nt1-W.IIk llinee were extenaiwly empl07ed on roads,

Er.amillatioa or enemy dotenoos indicated thet durillc our air and artill01'7 bcmbard-nte he opt the bn11t ·Af hi!! t:r.~!! undo:r cov.r in well constructed OJ!Placements on tbll reverse slopes, uaillc a lllinilllllll number cr troops as securiV on the ridge tops am tol'l'i'ard ·positiona. Replaco1110nt ot aa1ualtiea on tonard poaitioDB was made trom tl!eopa ill the reYe1'10. slope eaplaceaients,

Characterilltic ef this. perie4 na a great inc:reaae iii eilii~ artlllw.~.-1 ·tire, including ba.ttll"J tire and timed tire.· Tbll latter waa pne:ral17 inettec­tiva. ,..._.a::; e.ri'.J.lle:,r peeitie!le were well cOncealed and difit.~nlt. to detect troa the ground or air. Heavy concentratioDB or unobserTOd aertar and artilleey tire on pre:l'llgiat.ftd poilltl ~re alao noted.

Tbl'oughout the period the ODOJIIl' ahowed greater tlnaoit,-1 a more liberal use of ammuzd tioa allli greater ceordination at a'9'll.ilable liiei.iJii :l.ii the u:'"wliiiion or his defensive plana.

c • Units cont.acW: 1-2 June, 3dBn. 476thRagt, 6thDiY, VliK Cerps l.S-20, Juite, latBn, 41atieit1 12thD1Y~ VIK Corps . 2.3-.30 Juno, .3dBn1 5thllogt, 6thDiY, VB Cerpa

6. EJ+1mt,ad Reaplj pt OparajigMl a. Own casualties:

b. E§rsgnnal Jpipast.1

c. Morale& Ex:cellent.


m llW& .uu .3{41 Of~


5~ ~

d. fQi.!.i: During the period coYered 1•110 JUliO 1951, lO I?OW'a were captured.


t. Qpunted !ifav ped 1 During tho period 1~ e11t117 ded wore couated. In each contact the efM!IIT

had an opportunit7 to re110Ye er bUl"J their dead.

g. KaY L9QitiOM TrJsena 1. Objective: 23 in KMr, zone o! action;·& pa11 through r1dsel1ne at !119JZL.

Taken b7 "I1 Compaa:r 19 JUDe 1951. 2. Obiecti'n 11 at TA1832M. the I'P))l'llloh to objectiYo 12. Taken liT •I• and

"G" Co.nie; on 20 JUne 1951. ~ . - ~ .. 7. SIQRIT




Korean War Project USMC-08700117DECLASSIFIED

• • SECRE'l'

3. Objectin 12 at TA1732I, known ae Hill 872. Thie was the ke7 to the e:uw.., defensaa on the regim&nti.l f'r-unt aiid 4uii1na~d all approach&& trvm the aouth. Taken b;y •I• Compa~ en ao JWI8 1951.

h. The combat etficieDOJT et thie •elllfie~ oraaniaation waa condderad pod at the begillllina or the period, aa a result or lo~~g arduoua Mrohu and a moderate to hea'YJ" tightina du.ri.Dg the laet weeks or the preTious period. B7 the middle et the period. the combat ettiolencr had rieu to coellellt attar about two weeb in a r~se.&.""76 atatua. At the olw&w ut th& period the oviibat, eft:Lc1eDG¥ .: th1ii orplliaation wae ooneide:red ezoellen.

1. St41;,ua gt Sppply •pi Zpupqrt.atipaa

1. GENfflAL. . During the action 1-2 June, Yioini 1".7 TA1513', ne particular logietical

problems ii&re poaed; thii waa. alae tv-• for the period 3-18 J\i.iiil 1 which thii battalion epenlt in resern. Puring thia latter period the battalioa was, rer the moat part, a consid•l'll.ble 4Utl.n.ce trom reJ111!11!\#c Qoll84Ml11Antl7, ArrM.pme~tW ware made tor items requiri.Dg continuous reevppJ.T (Claee II, etc,) 1 to be drawn directl.T trom let Sernoe BatW.liea. x-clequaq et oiiiDliiUilioatioa naceseiW.tod cloee peraonal liaieon batw .. a battalion and division dumpe, Duriq the period the battalion waa in attack 19-3) June, lack ot read nate and ene11,1 llildq aoti'rlties resulted in n:tetldei •uwlf:rvutea eYer rugei terraiil. Duriq tb1a periad carpdorea were utili•d to a •r'•111 desree, and terwa:ra dwape were o:te.bllehed. !ar tc the trent et e13ppl:y pcin+..e. !Yen ee, both reeuppl:' e.D! anouation were elow, siDOa the number or carpdoree was lew, pod reutee were Dltn-ex:istent. and terrain wae detticult. Mlzi- use et helioopters tor encua­tioa was made. Upon completioa ot tlw two da7 epera'\ion, all auppliee (Clase V) in forward dUIIP were turned onr te the Kll: 1a whe reliend the battalion. During the period 23-30 June the battalion wae on line in a deliiferata defenae. Althouib read nata were poor, new reads ware cut duriag thil tae to illproft oiroulatioa and raaupplj. Tho mo:t :ipi!!cant were We rca!:, =~ bet.ee: !Al324U2 ud TA1123Sl (route to battalion lett tlanlt in oYent or ceoution .r oountorattaok: olan}, the other between TA122Qll and TA1225V2 (1'0ll'k toward oompaniee on MI.& ta i'aoriitate reeuppl.7 to ro:rward d1111p1). Init1all7 out b7 b\1ll deler, tiniehed work on these roade wae acco11plished b;r labor or the 1034 lorean llational Guard Battalion, attached to 3i'l on 24 JUJ18, other aeoomplisO.nte ef the lO:;d iiiQiin iDCluded the COI!lltruotion or field tertiticatiOI!ll and geDeral impronMat ef read D&t& atd fords. ~ arwa.t amount ct fort!f!catio: =t=rial == d.."'c !u.-i=c; thie period., all used to ped adY&Iltap in buildiq up a deliberate defense. The battalion forward Ullllunition dUDD wae eeW.blishad at TA1226S5. in alternate dUIIIP tor uee in cecution et the oeunterettack plan wae eetabliebtd at TA1223'1'2, but ~ wae DOt stocked. Water was reoeind troa let Marinee water paint. On 30 JUJI8 the regimental shower unit reperted tar uee b;r 3/7. On 28 June a 110bile plleJT waa raceived trom Divieion, and eat up in the reeern ooDpallY area.

2. OLQTHIIG, RouotmnlY 111' utilitv clathinll' bath trom RSO and throllllh the shower unit -----.-,...- -- ----- -.. ---- - - - . -

wa& adequate. SUppl;r or &IIOka wae adequate, and .shoo were in pneral, in ade­tuate resuppl.7 except tor certain Iisee. Shoe repair tacili!'iN were an~la~le dur:Lng the period. So• clothine re&uppl.7 rer orpnio oarpdera was reoe1ftd, but inadequancie& still ciet.





Korean War Project USMC-08700118DECLASSIFIED

• • Jo !JlJlNAQ,

.bau;rr'tion r::uppq ft8 e.deqn•te 1 And ftl k•pt JIOVinC b7 the uee et carpdorea alld Jterean National Guard. Forward alliii1Uiition -· (aea para 1 GltNIRAL) ware 11ade SOP baoauu et rugged terrain and peer reutea Gt euppl)-.

Durinl the period 23-30 Juno, the amount at aJIIIIUDitioa waa increaaed to three

baeic load• · to in8un adequat. 1111PP17 in the eTelll'li ot eae111 attack, Durine th18 partod all weapona tunotianod properq. i'ilreo DOW 81• Mrtara we:nt rece1Ted om an ex:obanp b .. io, and the battalion waa aupple~~onted b7 eight i4d1t1or-J.&l LMGi for uea un ~ li=a. !cceipt e! the mr.r !!ert'.Al'e R! nlua.ble;

a111Co the old onoe wore ebnille wear due to the larp a•unt. ot alllllllll1i tion tired.

I+.au i" short •11PP17' accoasoriee and spare parte, all woapona.

4, INDffiWAI. E9tJIPMM• Suppl7, iaeue, and roeuppl7 or :i.ndiTidul equip1111Jri'. durin' tile 110ntli

ot J..- were no~. Canteen, ~lltooa oenr, and oanteaa cup iasuea wore 111-cr-.aed to a T/1& ~ tr. ~r 1ad! .. ..d=.l. Durinl the per:led..e et actiTe •!11&1!•-' (4 dqs), equip•llt loaa was not u:coaai1'8. (See atock atatu report ot Juno 1951).

Repleni!!hment !14 ite!ll!!l loat waa normal with the ex:ception ot helmets, a~l, and


5. AMIMUTION, See paragraph 3, orcbaaJlCo.

6, RATIONS, Sgppl7 et J:"&tiona waa normal. Durin!r the period in reaerTo 3-18 June,

auppl)- waa direct from lat SerTice Battalioa. J.. and B ratione, with one da7 per

wook ot 1 51nl8 , wore ae:rTed dUZ'illl all period& in roa0%'1'8, C ratiou were iasued dUZ'ing perioc!ll in attack. In deliberate doio!lao 2;;-:;o J'Wl8, A, B, aii4 C ratiou

were served in the folLwwina .. thed: two companies on the front line were issued

C rations, delivered dai]J by varp.dore;; !15 Compe.n,-1 'lfe!pon. C-omp&J17 w1th attach­

_.ta (less the Sllllm 14ort.r Plateon) 1 and the roae%'1'0 rifle compai!IJ were ted ! and B ratio!!!!, !l!! reoej.Yed, in the •in galley areaa. Tho SJ.mm Mortar Platooa

was f'ed A and B ratione delivered dail7 ill inaulated contaiJiere b7 carpdoroa. J. mobile galley, receind 28 June, was aot up in tho reserTO eomp~ area, and

during the period it bas boon Wlod, baa pro1'8d a:tromol7 aucc .. atul. Iee cream

waa received twice during the peried and waa proved an excellent aupple•nt ill thia hot weather. Some aceesiii.ry item& aw.oh •= ==lt and eugar we~ ~-"- !!otlttde

auppl)-. Soap ia atill a short item. Lack of augar preclndod, on ma,. occaaiona, tho pr;paration e! eool n~inka~

7. lDIL. Reauppl7 ot fuel durillg the period waa adeqll&te. Fuel c!ra'Wil and oouwaod

dvilllg June was as follows:

'""' ' 'i'.l ···~


G&.eoli.no, 80 eot&no - 5995 gallona , Diesel fuel • 220 pllona ~~, aav ~ - ~~ ~11an• """.L' -- ;w - ,, -----

Gasoline, unloaded, waa unobtainable.

8. mGANIZATIOHAL ECIUifA. With the ex:coptiou ot tho arsenic pllo7, aup.lomented b7 the 110bile

plleJ' (see para 6), very little orpn1ii.t1onal equip;;;nt naa carr1;d. Tcnt=go



Korean War Project USMC-08700119DECLASSIFIED

• • wae kept to lllin1Jiua CP requireaate. MHt et the oft ice par wae kept ill. the ~:r du.ps. Cot., cbaire, etoola, ch111te, and other ilnpedillenta wae kept at a lliJdiiUII.

9. +RANSPCRtAtlOI. a. Motor Transport: At the and of the period the folln:lng •tor

transpG.r""liA tion was orpnie "too the batte.liol':s 2l trucb, 4r4, i t.a, with ~ trailere, i ten 1 ambulance. :t ten, 1+1:4 · 1 ambulance; 3/4 ton 2 weapollll carriere, 3/4 ton 3 trucka, 2i ton, 6x6

It has bean aat=.bli;ha! that, to moTe thil battalion, at least 66

trucks, 2t ton, 61:6, ara required. Ae reco-nded in the prertous {May 1951) Hi!!Wr104!.l Diary, JOeplacemant of trailere, wat.r, were •daJ incl'llded 1a the

replace~~~~nt was one 250 pllea trailerJ as specitied in detail in the report of

May 1951, these are far euperier to the 300 gallon trailers.

b. INDIQJlfOW !,@(1. l. C.rpdyfiii 1

The 1110re rusged the t.rraia becell8s1 the more the 'ftluable the cargadoree beoo!!!!t. ~ shorlafe of theae people becue acute during tho moath of

JUlie due to eickneaa and supple1110ata had te be •do troa the other bettalioa, The cauae of the aickaesa fttl beliaYed to be iDadaquate ratio1111. Ratione drawn

fe:r theee laborere generally oouiste of a 1181n ataple of rico wi. th a supple•nt

et aquid or some other aea product, Occaaiona1ly thia ill auppleaented b7 peas

er ao• other vegetable. 1"-uii diet is considered i:=dcqt=to for people wr.e carr,y great weight OYer long routea t. ll88rly inaccoaaibla places, lloll8timlll ae

often as e:!.% ti!!!ee in a 24 hour period. s- attel;lt at allaYiatiJli thie problea was •de by creating aide diehes from lett overa trOll the galley, This reduced

the aick to so11111 extent and increaaad the Dllllber of effeoti'le oargadorN. Malingering was at a lllinillllllJ the morale and loJalty of thoae people was in

aeneral exoellent.

2. KerMp lla.t.ipmt ~rd These !ere!!M :3T !!!!!!:!) prOYOd Yer'f nluable in laber en field

fertificatiou and other rlte1 illltallationa euch ae roadl, bridges, etc, Soae

ditficulv was experienced 1a obtaining preper ratiou tor theae ••· Illitially, the ROit rations waa directed, but the eupply prend undependable, Ccnaequenti-7,

the eame ration obtained fer the cargadoree was increased to inolude the National


10 • QAPTTlD'II!n !:HEM! !Q!l!fJ"'S!F ~ None.

ll, RECOLQU)A,TIQNS J!AUQ !JPQN ACTIJUVfl (I illlll 1951. 1. The experiaental uea of the •bile tield. galle;y prond highl;y

euccessful. It ill recoiiiiiiOIIded that furtber st'lldioe be ade ooncerllina the pes•

asibility oi the adoption vr tli1a p.ller as l-egule.r ite: ef equip•nt. 2, Tbat the number at oargaderu per battalion be kept &• a lliJdm~~~



Korean War Project USMC-08700120DECLASSIFIED

• • nv:r.al laT&l of 300 =n. l::r:e.lua.ble !11. beth the att.aok awl dJens•, '\:Mae peop~ provide an answer to a preble• that would be u:t.reMl7 difficult it they wen not , ayailable tc mintain conetarrt reeupply.

3. That a etud7 be •de or- the '-nan labo:rere ration problem, with a view te illlpro'I'1J1i tbair let. 'fheir health anil welfare ehould be a atter o£ a pri• concern. ..i. autrituoua and adequate et..ple Bbould be iliide ii'tandard, suitable tor •n engaged in bard peyeieal labor, and tba 1uppl7 thereof should be ade readilj a:va.Uablc. Sn..ite.ble teebeer et thee~ pMple •Mtlld alao ~ -d• aftU­able, it at all ''·P•eeible. So11111 footwear reoein~d f r tbair use wae Wlllniteble both in eise and cODditictn.

!3.T . I - } B. T. DLLI .

Appendices I. Nonet Directine recei'l'ed coneieted pri•ril7 of daily tra~ntar)' ordere. II. None. Directive• ieeuad coneieted priarily et dailr trapentaey ordere. III. Overle7J1 ot each cbanpd eitw.tien. IV. Intelligence report. eublli i:.ted. V. Operation reports eubllli tted.



Korean War Project USMC-08700121DECLASSIFIED

• -. • -. Appendix IV


Map: Inje, SheetNo 6828III, 1:50,000

1. EneJ:lY a. u~~ in contact -

Artillery Regiment, 20th CCF Corps 13th Regiment, 6th Division,. 6th HK Corps 15th Regiment, 6th Division, 5th NK Corps lst Regil!lent, 12th Division, 5th IlK Corps 2nd Regir;lent, 12th Division, 5th }JK Corps

From: l.OOO 2ti>lay5l TO: 1800 2Jun5l Isouing Unit: s-2, J/7 Place of !sS""~e: TA lll.3Y Hour and Date of Issue: lEOO 2 June 1951

Jrd Rogime.nt, 12th Division, 5th NK Corps Artiller-.r Regiment, 12th Division, 5th NK Corps

b. En~ reserves that can ef'f'ect our situation: 7th Divioion, 5th IlK Cor-ps, is known to be located in the lst Hnrine Division zone of action, exact location unknown. '

c. EnE£:JY contact negative until 29 Hay 1951 at ~rhich til!le the battalion

attacl:ecl objective 34 and J4A TA 1612, These two objectives. ~rore de:C'ended by

elements of one regiment of the 12th NK Divlsion. The enemy was well entrench­

ed in e.."<:celle.ntly camoUJ..-'J.aeed bt.1.rJ:er-s o.nd enplaccrn.ents 1 employed small e....""r!ls 1

automatic 'lrcupons, grenades,_ 6omm, S2mm, l20mm morta;rs, and 7Emn artillery to

defend. The enemy foueht s~lbbOrnly and offered considerable resistance against

friendly forces, The ene:ny alloued friendly troops to advance to within gre-­

nade range before firing small arms and thrO'I·ri.ng grenades. Prior to that

tine arti'-lery and mortars had been used. Enemy survivors withdrew to the

north after delaying friendly troops throughout the &y,. On 30 !·lay 1951, the

enemy amployed 76mm artillery and 10~ artillery agsinat friendly troops.

Ho physical contact with the enemy .for that day. On Jllllly5l, the battalion

resumed t!le attack ae;aip.st bill 4$3 TA 1317X~- The l;lnertty again used 76mn and

l05rmn artillery in battery against frienill.y troops also mployed well obser-

ved 60mm1 S.:aom and 120nnn mortars, T'ne objective hill 4SJ was taken with neg­

ligable resistance, but ~:hen friencUy troops continued the attack toward the

objective at TA l.317Q, the enemy defendod uith smaJ.l =s, and automatic

,.reapons fire and at the same time maneuvered and attacked from a westerly

direction hoJ. ting friendly troops, Friendly troops uere forced to wi thdrmr

to hill i$3 and set up a .perimeter of defense.. The enemy then counte:r-atto.cked from objective·Bal::er with approximately 50 men attCillptinr; to over-

:r-.. m frie.n,:'ly defenses. The attack was repulsed and the enemy withdrew· to

the northeast under cover of darlmess.



Korean War Project USMC-08700122


• -. d, El~aents of 2 divisions were encountered during the period covered.

llso elements of the 34th Artillery Regilllent, 20th CCF Corps., The enemy was well supplied, ha-v'"ir.lfi a-uple amn11 a.rms 11 a.utor.w..tio waapona, mortars,. artillery and ammunition. Large supply dumps were overrun by this battalion during the nm•iod of' ono,.ations. Tho onemv was well trained and i'ou.zht in a stubborn ~~~~z." ~d-~a; --~;il ~rg~zed.--Enemy morale excellent, The enemy's pro-bable knoulodge of our situation is excellent due to the nature of_ the terrain.

e. 1. .tinemy can continue a delaying action 1.-thile prepa1•ing a. main

line oi' resistance to the north. 2. Enemy c.e.."l defend present location 'rhile reinforci n..g from. the

north, 3, Enemy can counter-attack by reinforcing w1 th reserves, 4, Enemy can ini'iltrate in small groups and disrupt friendly

sup:oly lines,





Korean War Project USMC-08700123



Maps: Inje Sheet, No 6828III, Scale 1:50,000

1. Enemy a. Nsgativo, 3/7 in.reserve.

• -. · F.rom: 1800 2Jun51 'l'o: 1800 9Jun51 Issu:ibg Unit: s-2,. 3/7 Plaee of Iss-ae; TA 2917E Hour and Date of Issue: 1800 9 June 1951

b. llone at present tilv.e, however enem;v reserves to the 1st llarine Division front consists of 2d and 5th NK Corps and the 27th CCF Corps.

c. Enemy contact during period covered negative due to the fact that J/7 Ilas in reserve status. Dl:lring period covered, however,_ reports indicate that the ener!lY cont:L.-ru.es to otf'ar stiff rasiata.n.cs to front line uni ta. Tha enemy is using considerable 60mm and 82mm mortars: and 76mm artillery to defend present defensive lines.

d •. !Jegati ve.

e. Tho enomy oan ei'feat the present status oi' 3/7 by infiltrating t:hrough i'ront line unite and nw.!dtlg night attacks upon :f'ri~udly positions.




Korean War Project USMC-08700124


l. Encny



• ' From: 1800 9 June 1951 To: lSOO 16 June:~951 Issuing Unit: s-2, 3/7 ~ace of Isouo: TA 13l9G Hour and Date of Issue: 1800 16 June 1951

a. ·.L.'ne battalion hari remained in reser-ve f'or- the period covered a11d as a result has had no physical contact with the enemy.. Thro1J€h reports it :ts learned that mem1..--crs of the 2d and 5th l!C Corps ere deployed in defense across tho division's zone of action.

b, The 3d and 7th llK Corps are reported to be the relief corps for present cor~s on line.

c, Tho battalion had .no contact with the enemy for the period covorcd.

d. llcgative.

e. The enemy cru1 infiltrate through friendly lines and conduct guerrilla operations against battalion positions and disrupt traffic along the nain su;lp1y l·outc,




Korean War Project USMC-08700125




• -. FTOUl: lSOO 16Jun51 To: lSOO 2,3Jun51 Issuit"l..g Unit: S-21 3/? Place oi' Issue: TA 122l,D Hour and Da.to of Issuo: 1800 23 June 1951

Napa, Korea; H.tUIDAE-R.I, Ifo 6S28IV Scale 1:50,000

1, Enaray a. lst Battalion, /,J.st Regiment, 12th Division, 5th lJK Corps

3l•d Battalion, /,J.st Regiment, 12th Division, 5th NK Corps 2nd Regiment, 12th Division, 5th l'IK Corps

Sig~1al Battalion, 3rd Regiment, 12th Division, 5th NK Corpo Stretch.cl-; Bea:t~er Battalion, 3r-d Regiment, 12th Division, 5th ln\ Corps

b. Other elements of tho 12th Division,. 5th llK Corps across the lst J.1arine Division zone of action. Tho 3d, and 7th NK Corps arc in reserve 1d th the 27th CC~' Corps to the rear of the ~lK Corps.

c. l'or 1;;ne .IJ..r.s~ 1:.-wo daye of' the :pox~iod covered, 3/7 was in reserve. On the 18th of June the battalion moved into defensive positions approximately 1930 in vicinity of TA 1$2']!1 during tho hours of' 1930 to 2200. Friendly troops received 65 rounds of 76nm artillery fire, There \laS no physical contact during the night. At 0500 the following morning, "G" Company moved into tho attack, the first objective Hike TA 18300C being talcen \dth no physical enemy contact, The enemy fired 60mm and 82mm mortars sporadically dru•in::; the dny but it appeared non-ei'i'ecti ve as the rounds landed to the north east of friendly troops. Tho enemy also fired 105nml arUllery throughout .the day firin.:: bY battery o...'"ld us4 ng ti.'lle f'!..tze.. Tl'..is artilla~J hitting prinCipa.lly in TA 19301. "I" Company assaulted hill 573 TA 1930R, ;Tllich they oecured by llOO. "G" Company began the attack on objective 11 TA 1832K and got uithin 50 yvds of tc1e top of their objecUve \/hen they met heavy small arms,. automatic ;reapons fire and grenade fire. "G" Company was unable to maneuver, had to assault fron~illy and upon 5 occasions attacl,ed and wore unable to tru:e the objective because of heavy anomy fire, The last attack took place at 2030 aJid ... l-...-.. ... .,J..1 ,..,. ·J.h,..._,.....,~"'--o,.._ +t....-.. ..,....,.,...,.,.,.,. n,....,1...., .... __ .,.++,.,,..1rhr1 'h.1+_ <t.ro.,..r.. .,..o"!'"\'lt1 e!oA !!::1+ ?1 ?(\ ftTR WO.J.VJ.. \I.J-,j U~.i.V.l. VUolo \/V.I. Vllo.._. ....... ,~ ......... '4<\ .. V.._. ... -'-"UUI.IoV.I. .. 'w' ..... ~u.u OT""•""" ... ...,J:"'_..,....,_ UV ,..._,_._... .....

Company bccn.n an attack on objective 11 at appro:dl:m.tely 1430, moving from __ hill 573 and n.ttacldng from tho northwest. By 1900 tho COlli'Pany was pinned d01m by o.utoue.tic weapons fire and 6ornm mortar fire, fire )?eing received from objective ll and from bunkers slightly to the northeast of objective 11, Both companies set up positions nea.r the furthest point of advu.nce, houever had no no enCT.ly contact throUGhout tho night, the enemy 1d thdra\dng to tho north under .................................. ~ .-1 ........ ~--..-..~... rm ....... ~ ...... 11 ...... ..;.,...,.,. ........ .._..-t_,.. 1-v-..f-1.~ .... h.~n .... -1-.f ... a.,., 11 ....... ~ ,.., 11111. 1r"J~")t.r ..... ..., 'II V.l. V.._ U.C.L.I. -~lJ.V.;:JoOI. ,J, .. I.J.V .I.V.I...I..VIFII..&.1.1.(;1 lUV.L ~.U.GI """"'~~~.._ '-''""..} ........ V~ ~ .... 1-> ..._..._ CA.I-1.'-4. .J..~, .J.A ..io 1 J""".OJ,.

\/ore tol:cn 1rith necdive en01ny contact, The enemy had dug in on tho reverse slope oi' oi:Jjective ll, moved up on the crest to ·~m"Ow their grenades and fire weapons u;wu attacked by "G" Com?a.llY. The poai tiona on tho crest \Tore of a shol2.ou no.t:u·c ;rhi2.c t:1ose on the reverse slope uore very ucll prepared and





Korean War Project USMC-08700126DECLASSIFIED

• • SF£HET

quite inprc::;no.b1o to friendly artillery and nil' strU:os •• Objectives 11 and 1:2 'rorc C.ctonclcd by one battalion of enemy. The battalion was relieved and ·•o:ctt :t·.:to cc:.vision rc3o1•vc 2011,00. Tho battalion moved into defensive posit.­ionn in t:>c vicinity of J:A 1125 and 1126, 2316001. vrith negative enemy contact.

d. :c: co anon~· \!an entrenched on objectives 11 and 12 in estimated bat.­taliot'l ntrcn~;th 'hrith an n.d!.-itiou.!ll bo..tt!llion on the high eround to the north in re3orvo. ?he enemy ;ms uell su;oplied vrith small arms, automatic ueapons, artillcr-.r o.nd r.1ortars, During the defense of objectives 11 and 12, he OA-pand­ed a lar::;e ornount of all ty;,es of ammunition. Enemy morale is good vrith the e::ception of a few "llho m·e disgruntled and uould lil:e to surrender, bu.t are forced to f"icht by ·Cheir officers and non-commissioned officers. !lis probable !:n01;lecic;e of our situation is excellent due to his command of the high ground


e. 1. To con:t;inuc fighting a dela:ying action uhile reorganizing his

forces to the north. 2. To defend pre0ent ground and bring up reserves from the north to

reinforce present pooitions. 3. To launch limited counter-attacks ~~th present forces. 4. To infiltrate friendly"lines to conduct guerilla activities.





Korean War Project USMC-08700127DECLASSIFIED



I:S.ps: l!une Dong-ni, Sheet l'o. 6728!, Scale 1:501000 Han Dae-ri, Sheet No. 6828IV, Scale 1:501 000

1. Lna.~

• From: 1800 23Jun51 T-o: lSOO .30Jun51 Issuing Unit: s-2, 3/7 Place of Issue: T..4. 12?AD Hour and Date of Issue: 1800 30 June 1951

a. 9th Company, 3d Battalion, 5th Regiment, 6th Division, 5th NK Corps

b. Other elements of the 6th and 12th Divisions, 5th llK Corps across the lst l·indne Division zone of action. The Jd and 7th IlK Corps are in reserve

ui th the 27th CCF Corps to the rear of the i'lK Corps.

c. Tlle battalion moved into defensive positions at the beginning of the period, sending out daily patrols to the front in the battalion zone of action. On 21..-25 June all information regarding the enemy was negative, however units

on the richt has received light probing attacks and also received sporadic 76zun and 105mm nrtillery fire. On 26 June a nun Company patrol moved to TA

1129A and received 3 rounds of 82mm mortar fire. The patrol continued to TA 1129B and received 2 additional rounds of mortar fire. The patrol had no phyaico.l contact. On 27 Ju.ne,. nan Company sent a patrol to TA l030U,. bJld no physical contact 1r.Lth enemy, however, did observe a friendly patrol in a. fire

fight at TA 0829G. The batt~1ion continued to patrol on 28 June. A "H" Company platoon patrol moved to TA 1030S, observed 3 bnPmy at 1030B, brought

friendly nrtillery to bear and estimated 3 enemy KIA. A "G" Company platoon patrol at TA 1031R, on 29 June, found 2 enemy asleep in a,well camouflaged position. They \{ere able to take 1 :row, however, killed the other enemy when

he attEml~)ted to open .f"irc on the patrol. The enemy in the rear vi.ciui ty fired

small arms and automatic weapons at the patrol, and the patrol begin to with­dr-aw. Friw"'ldly patrol called a.rtille~J on TJ. l031'Ft with good results~ The

friendly patrol received 8 rounds 82mm mortar and 15 rounds 105mm artillery fire. however. this fire was to the rear and caused no casualties. From the

POW :it 1;as lcro.nod that approximately /,0 enemy troops were set in a defense in

the vicinity of TA 1031R; their mission was that of a road block and to observe

the road running west and south. It is estimated that "G" Company patrol Jdlled 25 enemy uith off'cctive artillery fire. Appro:rlmately 100 rounds of

76nm o.nd l05r:El artillery fire fell in the area of nan Company defensive line-s at TA ll26 to 1127, from 291800 to 300600. The patrol on 30 June advanced to

TA 1129A at which tL~e they received 5 rounds of 105mm artillery fire. From this position they observed an undetermined number of enemy on hill 537, T1 1031Q. An OY working '1i th the patrol spotted I. possible 105mm artillery positions at TA 1137EL, and 6 possible 105mm artillery positions at 113704. The OY also observed an estimated enemy platoon in bur.Ucers at l031Q. Friendly

patrol broU;;o;ht artillery and air to bear on the posi tiona with excellent results. Sec011dary explosion resulting from this fire are believed to have been n m:J.~.ll enemy emmuni t:l.on dnmp~




Korean War Project USMC-08700128DECLASSIFIED


d. It is estirillated that there is one enemy battalion in 3/7 zone of action. The enemy is well supplied uith small~ and automatic weapons and ammunition. The enemy has a lilnited supply of artillery and mortars. Enemy morale is good. His probable knowledge of our situation is good due to his patrolling and observation of friendly front lines ..

l. To conti.nue fighting a delaying action while reorganizing his forces to the north.

2. To defend present ground bringing up reserves i'rora tho north to reinforce present positions.

3. To launch limited counter-attacks \tlth present forces. 4. To infiltrate friendly lines to conduct guerilla activities.


·~. :, ·­·;~· ::·~,·~ ;>~




Korean War Project USMC-08700129DECLASSIFIED

• ~RET


• From: J.SOO 2Jun51 TO: 1800 9Jun51 Issuing Unit: B-3, 3/7 Hour and Date of Issue& 1800 9 June 1951

Place of IsS'I.le! TA 2917£;

2.a. 021800.- 031800 "G", 11H11

1 "I" TA lll3X"i

(1{,1 >!(I() - (1'71 ~(\()

s;;;;;-~8 o6ieoo-

03)$90 - OftiSOO Sallle.as.031 00.

O'?'I.AOO - 081$00 Same as o6i800 . ·

OLJ,$00 - 021800 Same as 031800 .

081800 - 091800 Same as 061800.

05l8oo - o618oo nan' "H"' nn .. "'"- I)Q, . .,t"!n ... A .. ~.J .. fV~

b.o21goo -031800 0318oo -04J.800 04J.Soo - 051800 051800 - o6J.80o Plate at TA lll3Y Plate at TA.lll3Y Plate at.TA.lll3Y Plate.at TA.2917E

061800 - 071800 071800 - 081800 081800 - 091800 Plate at TA 2917E Plate at TA 29l7E Plate at .TA 2917E

Boundaries as prescribed Qy reeimenta.l operations orders and fragmentary orders.

c.021800 - 031800 3d Battalion.in 1st Marine Division reserve at TA lll)XY throughout

the period. 031800 - 0£800 Jd Battalion remained in 1st Harine Division reserve at TA lll3XY

throughout the period. OllSOO - 05l.SOO 3d Battalion . remained in 1st !wine Division reserve at TA lll3JU

throughout the period. 0 51800 - 06:i.SOO 3d Battalion.ramained in 1st Marine Division reserve at TA lll3XY

until 060S30. At, 0608,30 .3d Be.tt-"1 ion d:tsplaoed moving to TA 291'7E,.. At 061500 3d Battalion was established in new reserve area under operational control of 1st lwine Division and r~ so throughout the period.

061800 - 071800 3d Battalion remained in 1st Y~ine Division reserve at TA 2917CDE

throughout tho period. 071800 - 081800 3d Battalion remained in 1st Harine Division res@X'Ve at:. TA 2917CDE

throughout tho period. 081800 -091800 3d Battalion remained in 1st Marine Division reserve at; TA 29l7CDE

throughout the period.





Korean War Project USMC-08700130DECLASSIFIED

• • d.Battalion under operational control of 7th l~·ines throughout

061500. At 061500 batta.llon came under operational control of lst Harine Divioion and remained so throughout the period •.


f.Battalion romained in lst Narine Division reserve throughout the period.





Korean War Project USMC-08700131

2,a,091800 - 101800 nun, ~~Hn, iiiii

TA 2917CD

131800 - 141800 Same as 131800 .

b.Q91800 - 101800 Plate TA 2917E

l31SOO - liJ..SOO Plate TA 3119G



1~~- ~ 1!1~00 11ll" 1 A"HnJ "lu Same as 101800

ll.lSQQ - 151800 Same as 131800

1QI8QO - 111800 Plate TA 2917E

1&1800 - 151800 Plate TA .3119G

• From: 1800 9Jun51 ro: 1800 16Jun51 Issung Unit: B-.3• 3/7 Place of Issue: TA 3019G Hour and Date of Issue: IBOO 16 June 1951

lll800 - 121800 fiGii' •Hii I "Iii . Same as.l01800

l5J.SOO - 161800 Sam.e as 131800

11 1800 - 121800 l'la te TA 2917E

"'l"'.,,.,.I"V"\ ., L~·d-1"\1"1. •z.Lovv - .Lu.a..ovv.

Plate TA .3119G

121800 - 131800 "G" 1 "Hn, nyn TA.3ll9GLB.

121800 - 131800 Plate TA .3ll9G

Beou.~daries as prescribed by reg;menta1 operations orders ~nd fragm~ntA~Y orders.

c.091SOO - 101800 3d Battalion in let ~Iarine Division reserve at TA 29l7CDE throughout

one perJ.Oa, Routine training conducted during the day, 101800- 1118QQ. 3d Battalion r~a~~ed in lst ~~ine Di\~sion reserve at TA 2917CDE

throughout the period. Routine training conducted during the day, lll800- 121800. 3d Battalion remained in 1st Marine Division reserve at TA 2917CDE

through the period, Routine training conducted during the day. 121800 - 131800 3d Battalion remained in 1st Marine Division reserve at TA 2917CDE

~~til 131000. At 131000 3d Battalion displaced mov~ng to TA 3ll9GLB. At 131200 3d Battalion llll.S established in new reserve area and remained in 1st l.farine Division reserve th.roughout the period~

131800 - J /, J 800 3d Battalion remained in 1st Marine Division reserve throughout the

period at TA 3119GLB. Routine training condiloted during the day, lp.SOO - 151800 3d Battalion remained in 1st ~Larine Division reserve at !A 3ll9GLB

throughout the period, Routine training conducted during the day, 151800 - 161800 3d Battalion remained in let Marine Division reserve at TA 3ll9GLB

th.roU!',hout the period. Routine training conducted during the day.

d,Battalion under operational control of 1st Marine Division throughout the period,


f'.HAttRlinn .,...,.,dnArl in .,..,..,rve throughout t.he neriod. DECLASSIFIED

' ""''

:·'~ ,::; 'I{;


Korean War Project USMC-08700132


2.a.l61800 - 1?l800 "G tl I "H" I "I" TA 3119GLB

,.,I'\ "t dol"\~ ..,'! , Oo"'\1"\ 1-":.V~OUV - ~.J.OVU

"G", "H", "I" TA 1518SRW

b.l618oo - 1718oo Plate TA 3ll9G

201800 - 211800 Sc.."1le as 2018oo



171800 - 181800 11G" T.l\ .l929J- to

TA 1929H "H" TA 1929K to

TA 1829R "I" TA 1929H to

TA l929K

1"), , Onn. ..,.,, Onn ~uvv - 41W~IUV\J

"G&, "H", "I" s-e as 201800

171800 - 181800 Plate TA 16270

• From: 1800 16Jun51 To i lSOO· 23Jun51 Issuing Unit: s-3, 3/:7 Place of' Issue: TA 1224D Hour and Date of' Issue: 1800 23 June 1951

181800 - 191800 "G" TA 1832PQVR

"H" TA 1830FABC

"In TA l832ST to l'A 13:32l'Q

.,'l, do tV\ _ '>"l1 a:nn ~vvv - #.<-<.a....,...,...,

IIG" TA 1224.1

191800 - 201800 nan. nun. "I" - , - , ·-


~H~ TA 1025F to TA ll26V "I~ TA 1126V to ll27T

181800 - 191800 Same as 181800

191800 - @1800 Plate TA 1518S .

211800 - 221800 221800 - 231800 Same as.201800 Plate.TA-1224D

Boundaries as prescribed.by regimental opera~ons order and fragmentary orders.

c.l61800 - 171800 . 3d Battalion remained in 1st Marine Division reserve at TA 3119GLB

thrcrughoMu.t the period. Routine trair~ng conducted during the day. 171800 - 181800 3d Battalion r~n~ned in 1st Marine Division reserve at TA 3ll9GLB

throughout the night. At 180800 3d Battalion displaced moving via motor column to assembly area in vicinity TA 1625F. At 181400 3d Battalion arrived in assembly area and reverted to 7th Marines control. At 181500 3d Battalion dis­placed f1·om assembly area moving to occupy following defensive positions, "G• Company: l'A 1929J to TA l929H; ttr-r= CO]Jpany: TA 1929K to TA lS29R; "I" Comparyi TA 1929H to 19291\, 3d Battalion plate at TA 16270. At 181600 3d Battalion plate established., .At 181800 3d Batt~1ion continued move to occupy defensive positions.

181800 - 19.1800 At 182110 3d Battalion in position. Negative enemy contact through­

out the night. At 190500 "G" Company attacked to seize objective 11 vicinity TA 1832H. At 191057 enemy resisted "G" Company advance with 76:cm artillery and 82mm mortar fire. Air strikes, rockets, artillery, SJ.mm mortar, 75mm rifle and heavJ{ machine 6~ fira vare called on objective 11 tbrougP~ut the day. At 191200, "G" Company received small arms and 82mm mortar fire from objective 11. At.l91800 "G" Company had unseccessful1y assaulted objective ll, 4 times haveing been forced to withdraw by mnall arms and automatic 1.1eapons fire and hand grenades. At 190800 "I'' Company attacked to seize hill 573 in vicinity TA 1931S. At 1910 "I" Company secured hill 573 with negative enemy contact havinc: received 4 rounds enemy 60mm. and 82mm mortar fire. At 191330, "I" Comuany attacked to seize ground east of objective ll in vicinity T1



Korean War Project USMC-08700133DECLASSIFIED

• • ......

1832ST and suppo~t "G" Compan~ in assault of objective 11. At 191800 "I" Company continuing attack to seize ground in vicinity ~ 1832ST. At 191800 •!!• Company occupied hill 573 in vicinity TA 1931S. 3d Battalion pia te remained the same as 181800.

12,1800 - 201800 At 192000 "G" .Compa.ny repulsed counter-attack and assaulted objective

11 for the 5th time, which assault was again repulsed by a stubborn resisting en~~~ At 19?120i "G" C~mp~ rep1lsed seeond ene.my oounter-att,ek and consolidated dGfensive positions at T1 1832PQVR. At 192040 "I" Company repul­sed enemy counter-attack. At 192130 "I" Company consolidated defensive posit­ions in TA 1832ST to TA 1932PQ. At 192000 •H" Company occupied defemsive positio.ns in TA 18.30FABC. As a result of the days actions 3d Battalion su.f-- - - - --- • - - _ _.. •- • • • • ~ • - o ' o ' o ' " .., ...... _ .. I •

1·erect .!4 l~lA • s anrl ?1:5 WlA • s wru.Le l.JU.Ll.cung an es1M.Illa-.;eu J."/U ca.SUB..Lvl.es on the enemy and taking 3 FOW•s. Negative enemy contact throughout the night. At 200530, nrn Colnpany attacked to seize objective 11 in vicinity l8.32M. At 2006oo "I" Company secured objective ll v.Lth negativG ensny contact. At 2006o5, "I" Company attacked to seize objective 12 in vicinity TA 1732N. At 200800 "I'' Company secured objective 12 v.Lth negative enemy contact. At 200830 °:111 n.nd "11" Companies occupied positions extending from objective 11 to objective 12.-with "G" Company taking 4 POW•s. At 201.330, 3d Battalion rel­ieved by 4th Battalion KHC 1s. At 201500 3d B11ttalion displaced moving to TA 1518SR'W in lst Harine Div'"ision reserve. At 201eoc 3d Battalion continued move to assembly n.rea,

201800 - 2111'\00 At 202030; 3d Battalion established in assac~bly area. 3d Bat~alion

in 1st J.larine Division re:::e"e at TA 1518SRW throughout the remainder of the ;:>oriod.

2ll800 - 221800 3d .uatto.lion in 1st lifu.rine Division reserve at TA 1518SRW thr-oughout

the period • .,.,, ·~n~ _ ")'l1 Qf"'t"\ '-o<-...,.~,VVV - ,...,( .......... V""

3d Battalion in 1st Marine Division reserve thl·oueh 230930. At 210910 1d Battalion displaced moviUR to the following defensive positional nan Cmpanj•; TA 12243, itTin Company;. TA l025F to TA 1126V, "I'' Company; TA 1126V to 1127T, 3d Battalion plate at TA 12240. 3d Battalion in position on J.iao nt ~6J.6oO. At 231800 3d Battalion continued to consolidate,

d.Dattc-J.ion under oporntiono.l c::mtrcl of lst }~arine Divisior:. t!1.rough 181400. Battalion under operational control of 7th Marines for remainder of period~

' e.Excellent.

f.Battalion in lst ~Iarine Division reserve at beginning of period. A'tl:.acked and ituJ.icted heavy losses on the a.neny. Rat'!ol.a.-nad to lst Harine Division reserve. Took up positions on line at close of pe~iod,





Korean War Project USMC-08700134DECLASSIFIED



• Frcmu 1800 2;3Jun5l To: 1800 .3QJun51 Issuing Unit: s-3, 3/7 Place of Issue: TA 122/,l) Hour and Date or Issue: 1800 30 Jtme 1951

2.a.231800 - ytl.SOO 0 G0 TA 1224J -0·:

21.1800 - 25J&QQ "G". 11H0 • "I" Same as 24J.800

251800 - 261800 "G" TA 1126V . to

TA 1127-T "H" TA l025T to

TA ll26V "I" TA 122.4J

261800 - 271800 "G'!, "HI!, "I" Same as _ 261800 "R'' TA 1025T to

TA 1126V "I" TA 1126V to

TA 1127ll

271800 - 281800 11r1.n n::rn ttT11

.... ' .u J .....

Same as 261800

b.231800 - 2LJ800 Plate TA 1224D

271800 - 281800 ,, ... + ....... ti"'A , ..,.., tn .1. ,...,.U, l.oV .&.A .,.,.-..-

281800 - 291800

::~ :.:·~6~0 [email protected] - 251SOO l'la te TA 122/.D

291800 - 301800

;;;;~ . :;" 2~~0

251800 - 261800 Plate TA 122/,l)

291800 - 301800 Plate TA l224D

Bounn~~ies as prescribed by regimental operations orders orders.

c.231800 - 241800

261800 - 271800 Plate TA 122/,l)

..... •...

3d Battalion occupied following defensive positions: "G" Company; TA J. "'""'··• n:·ru f"''"rn~p-Ai'lVj- Tl "tJ.~u?~'r .a.....,- 11 ?Lv~v """ ..... "------~ mt. , , ..,~,., ~A 1::1!-.a..._ ... , • --

,.,. ............. , -~ ~ ---v - _,., -- I .. V\AUI.,PQ.U,JJ ~ ~l'•r ,;~u.,.ua.uwcw..~ov.u.

plate at TA 12240. Battalion consolidated defensive positions and conducted local patrolli~~~

[email protected] - 251800 3d Battalion occupied same defensive positions as 241$00. At 250600

•In Company reinforced platoon patroled to TA l029P. At 251600 111" Company patrol returwod with negative enemy contact. J.emainder of 3d Battalion con­ducted local patrolling and continued to improve defensive installations.

251800 - 261800 "l,l n ... .J..J. ... 1..f.-.¥> ,..,..n'l,,....-fo.A o~mn ne:..,.onc:~.;'ftn nn_ct-1+.-l'nn!~:! ~~ ?J.1d-l"\l"'t .6.+: ,.J...., ~a.~o~v~v•,.. ..,..,._..,...!:-',.....,_ .,..._.. .... _._...,.....a..., ......... 1:',.....,_ ..,_.,...,.....,. _..,__ ~~"-'V~ -..:

260680 11 !111 Cor.~pany patroled with reinforced platoon to TA ll29A. At 261045, 11 H11 Company patrol observed 5 rounds of 82mm mortar fire in vicinity TA ll29A. At 261723, "H" Company patrol returned with negative enemy contact. At 261.500 "G" Company relieved "I" Company on line occupyi:ng position s in TA 1126V to ll27T. At 261723 "!".Company occupied company reserve ar0a in vicinity TA l224J. Remainder o! 3d. Battalion conducted local patrolling and continued to improve defensive installations.

261800 - 271800 3d Battnlion occupied defensive positions. At 270800~ 0 G11 Company

reiniorced platoon patroled to TA l030U. At 271055 patrol observed fire fight bet1;een unknown eloments at TA 0829G. At 2715451 "G" Company patrol returned with negative enttUy contact. Remainder o:f 3d Battalion conducted local patrol­ling and continued to improve defensive installations.





Korean War Project USMC-08700135DECLASSIFIED

• • 271.$00 - 281.$00 3d Battalion.occupied same defensive positions as 261800. At

290800, "II" Company reinforced platoo.n patroled to 'l'A. l028L then to T.A. 1029Q

then to U 1030S. At 2Sl4L,51 "H" Company patrol observed 3 J;nemy entering

hC?use at TA 103QN. Artillery w.s called on house destroying it with est1mated

3 enerny KIA. At 281800 "H" Company patrol 250 yards from hill 86o returning

to positions. Rwainder- .. of 3d Battalion ccn~.Jcted local patrols and continued to improve defensive installations.

2$1$00 - 2QlElOO 3d Battalion occupied same defensive positions as 2618oO. At 290700,

"G" Company reinforced platoon patroled to TA 1031V. At 29ll35 patrol, while

proceeding up hill 537 in TA. l031V, received small arms and automatic \Teapona

fire. Patrol disengaged taking 1 POW and killing J:. enemy.. After withdrawing,

patrol received 8 rounds of S2mm mortar and 15 rounds of 105mm a.,.-tillery fire

in their vicinity. Patrol had no casualties. 300 rounds of artillery fire

liaS called on hill 5P ir.£liating e.n esti.l'!lated 2.5 casualties on the enemy. At

261630 patrol returned. 291800 - 301800 3d Battalion occupied same defensive positions as 261.800. Approx­

imately l::JO rounds oi' l05mm artillery fell sporadically throughout the night

in vicinity c;f "G" Company position. At :3007.30, 11H" Company reiuforeed

platoon patroled to TA 103QS. At 3010101 5 rounds oi' l05mm artillery i'ell in

vicinity of patrol. At 301.030 1 . patrol placed artillery" on enem.y observ'ed on

hill 537 in vicinity oi' TA 1031Q. Oy search of estimated eo:w:"ce of enemy

artillery n1 sclosed 9 large camouflaged positions at T.lll37EIO, OY conducted

8 inch fire on positions reporting excellent results •. Silenced artillery from

that sector, Patrol received sporadic amall arms and automatic weapons fire

from hill 537. At 301215, air strike was conducted on hill 53'7 result:i.n.g in

many secondary explosions. At 3018001 patrol returning to position. Remain­

der of 3d Battalion conduct£-d local pat.-ols &.'"ld continu.ed t.o ~-prove de£e.nsive


d.Be.ttalion under operational control oi' 7th l.farines

e. Excellent

f,Bat'balion Occupied and consolidated defensive positions on main line oi'

resistance. Conducted aggressive patrolling. Continued to consolidate and patrol on main line of resistance at

close of period.

