8. biochem - straight up uw aswers - part 1

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  • 8/16/2019 8. Biochem - Straight Up Uw Aswers - Part 1


    BIOCHEMISTRY STRAIGHT UP UW ANSWERS Bchem. Part 1– UW -Out of Time to Organize


    • M !hr""m P"#!"$#$%: & GI L#'erLab increased AST, ALT. Most likely inhibited by toxinA! Me!!e$%er RNA

    "Amatoxin inhibits RNA P"()mera!e * # sto$s mRNA !)$the!#! %

    • RNA Pr#mer!&racil is only in RNA "'hich enzyme in(ol(ed in )*A synthesis catalyzesformation of +*A strands% in rokaryote )*A +e$lication. PRIMASE "+*A

    rimase% makes Sh"rt RNA Pr#mer

    Pr#ma!e is )*A de$endent +*A olymerase that incor$orates Short +*A$rimers into +e$licating )*A

    mRNA Pr"ce!!#$% + Re% (at#"$: -m+*A inalizing! / ca$$ing, oly A-Tail add, 0ntron s$lice1. /c)t" (a!m hasI$teract#"$ 0#thP&BO IES for m+*A translation regulation and m+*A degradation

    NA Re (#cat#"$: Lea2#$% a$2 La%%#$% Stra$2!: $2 .)*A rimase 3 )*A Ligase 3"#$! NA 4ra%me$t! 5) L#%a!e

    ")*A +e$lication is 67 t" 87 2#rect#"$ . Lead Strand # 4ontinuous Synthesis.Lag Strand # )iscontinuous S5O+T RNA Pr#mer stretches. 3 *67Synthesized )*A Segments 8Okazaki ragments9. Lag Strand Synthesisre:uires re$etiti(e action of )*A rimase and )*A Ligase%

    • E 9ar)"t#c Ce(( NA Re (#cat#"$:6urkaryotic 4ells ha(e +e$lication more (olume, ast )*A re$lication bc of!A! M (t# (e Or#%#$! " Re (#cat#"$

    • ;er"2erma P#%me$t"! m: $.2;Rec rre$t !9#$ (e!#"$! , face, limbs. 7hich enzymes likely $"$ $ct#"$a(<A! . E$2"$ c(ea!e f/d

  • 8/16/2019 8. Biochem - Straight Up Uw Aswers - Part 1


    "&?-6ndonuclease +6MO?6S Th)m#$e T=T 2#mer! PYRIMI INES. CUT %@*icks/"6ndonuclease do *OT +6MO?6 urines A-B%. "Then olymerase, Ligase+e$laces )*A%

    H"me"5"> Ge$e!:

    5omeobox codes 'hich $rotein ty$esA! Tra$!cr# t#"$ Re% (at"r! "alters gene ex$ression%

    Ra2#at#"$ a$2 Ce(( eath:0rri-Ra2#at#"$ for Metastatic Testicular 4ancer. +etro$eritonealnodes1.decreased size. Cest eDect of treatmentA! " 5(e Stra$2e2 NA Brea9!

    " or +a$id )i(iding 4ells E B0, E Skin.%"+adiation NA ama%e (ia 2! NA 4ract re! # orms +66 +A)04ALS%"(s. )*A )amage from ! $ U? ra2#at#"$ P)r#m#2#$e&P)r#m#2#$e

    IMERS Th)m#$e )m er! T=T, C=C, U=U@. CUT

    R#5"!"me Str ct re – rRNA: $.2Frokaryote ribosomes ha(e G ty$es r+*A. 7hich best ex$lains function of

    1-S rRNA in rokaryotic +ibosomesA! C"$ta#$! N c(e"t#2e Se e$ce C"m (eme$tar) t" a$ mRNA!e e$ce 1

    "1.to initiate rotein Translation # Shine-)algarno on m+*A%

    O9a a9# 4ra%me$t!:1> 2a %hter !tra$2! "rme2 . )aughter strand synthesized in o$$ositedirection of gro'ing fork uni:ueA! S)$the!#! " MULTIPLE SHORT NA 4ra%me$t!

    • S#(e$c#$% RNACurkitt Lym$homa, 7estern blot. &ntreated cells! Cig blot. Treated cells! Thinblot. See on gel.7hich r"ce!! (#9e() #$terr te2<

    A! mRNA Tra$!(at#"$• tRNA W"55(e: D

    t+*A molecule 'ith &4& anticodon can eDecti(ely bind COT5 ABA and ABBm+*A codons. The Hnding is called! WOBBLE

    "Means! More codons 2< than AA->I. 6ach t+*A molecule is S 640 04 for a


  • 8/16/2019 8. Biochem - Straight Up Uw Aswers - Part 1


    single AA. MA*J t+*A anticodons can bind to a fe' )iDerent codons1.codingthe SAM6 AA%

    • tRNA D :+es$onsible for amino acid binding - t+*A Structure.A! /87 e$2

    • St" C"2"$!:5emolytic Anemia defecti(e enzyme < 2 AA instead of 1'hich follo'ing m+*A code changes likely occurA! UCA UGA

    "Sto$ 4odons! UGA, UAG, UAA %

    "(s! &AA &AB1'on/t change $rotein structure COT5 A+6 STO 4O*)O*Sthus Silent Mutation

    • HC?:5e$ 4. Lacks roof reading in 87 t" 67 e>"$ c(ea!e act#'#t) in its +*A)e$endent +*A olymerase # causes 0nstability in 5e$ 4 (irus.

    "+*A olymerase de$ends on +*A%

    PATHWAYS S#%$a( Tra$!2 ct#"$ Path0a)!:

    • RAS&MAP F#$a!e Path0a):

    +as $rotein stays A4T0?6 (ia! GTP -+as

    PI8F A9t Mt"r:B B -+ 0 G hos$ho0nositide-GNinase O* rotein Ninase C O* mTOR TRANSLOCATION t" N c(e ! a$2 Ge$e Tra$!cr# t#"$

    "#4ell Bro'th, roliferation, Anti-A$o$tosis1. # 4ancer athogenesis.%"Mutation in B -+, N-C, mTO+1 causes cancer%

    Te(m"era!e $2 !

    4ell has high re(erse transcri$tase acti(ityA! E #2erma( Ba!a( Ce((! "skin %

    "Telomerase has +e(erse Transcri$tase acti(ity! NA P"()mera!e thatde$ends on +*A%1 adds TTABBB re$eats to G/end. &ses AA&444becomes TTABBB ss+*A1. Te("mera!e !e! !!RNA as tem$late thenMAN6S !! NA %


  • 8/16/2019 8. Biochem - Straight Up Uw Aswers - Part 1


    E. C"(# – Lac O er"$ C"$ce t:

    • E. C"(# – Lac O er"$ $22!A22 G( c"!e Cug sto$s fermenting Lactose. Cc Blucose 0nhibits LacO$eron bc it )e$letes cAM . 4ausing!A! ca !e LOW cAMP

    "Add G( c"!e 0nhibits LA4 O$erone1.bc uses u$ cAM %

    • E. C"(# – Lac O er"$ $22.!M tate2 OPERATOR L"c ! on Lac o$eron no' re$ressor rotein can/tbind it to sto$ lac o$eron # increased lac o$eron function

    • Lac O er"$ -- !

    Cacteria m+*A 6. 4oli has "()c#!tr"$#c m+*A "#can code se(eral $roteins%.6. 4oli can u$regulate Ceta-galactosidase and galactoside $ermease. Cestex$lains synchronous $roduction of both enzymesA! There #! ONE mRNA c"2#$% "r BOTH e$ )me!


    • HNPCC C"("$ Ca$cer & M#!match Re a#r: & GI# N c(e"t#2e M#!match that e!ca e! Re a#r

    • 4a5r) #!ea!e .11 !Skin Lesions. ibroblasts a#( t" meta5"(# e Ceram#2e Tr#he>"!#2e . This $tis at risk for de(elo$ing!A! Re$a( 4a#( re

    • A(9a t"$ r#a:Clack helix ear, Clack urine. Cro'n s$ots in sclera. 6nzyme deHcientA! H"m"%e$t#!#c Ac#2 O>#2a!e

    • L)!#$e O>#2a!e: $.;; Lung"Al$ha )(a!e # 4ross-links e!m"!#$e&L)!#$e # E(a!t#$ 4#5er! 1stretch al(eolar 'all-inhaleP+ecoild-6xhale. ro$erty is ex$lained by!A! I$tercha#$ CROSS&LINFS #$'"('e! LYSINE


  • 8/16/2019 8. Biochem - Straight Up Uw Aswers - Part 1


    • 4#5r#((#$ A$2 Mar a$ S2.:# 6lastin-associated glyco$rotein lots in zona Hbers of lens, $eriosteum,aortic media


    • S" ther$ B("tt#$%:# )etects NA M tat#"$!

    • 4rame!h# t M tat#"$:)eletion or additions of Case airs *OT a multi$le of G # 4RAMESHI4T mutation occurred.

    "Sibling 2 b$. atient Q b$. 7hat/s res$onsible 4RAME&Sh# tM tat#"$ 1.here is >b$ deleted%

    We!ter$ B("t:Co(ine ex$osure case. Pr#"$ #!ea!e 1.antibody-$rotein com$lex. 7hichbest describes testA! We!ter$ B("t Test roteins

    RAN OM

    M)e(" r"(# erat#'e #!"r2er!: 3AF* M tat#"$:allor, fatigue, Lost 'eight. 6! 5e$atomegaly, s$lenomegaly. Tyrosinehos$horylation acti(ity. Acti(ation of STAT Pr"te#$! "Signal Transducers

    and Acti(ators of Transcri$tion%t likely suDers from

    A! M)e(" 5r"!#!

    "4hronic Myelo$roliferati(e )isorders! -?era itchP0ncreased +C4. 6ssential Thrombocytosis # 0ncreased ThrombosisP6asy bruise, MyeloHbrosis#CM

    ibrosisPdecreased 5emato$oiesisPTear )ro$ 4ells%"These ha(e mutation in CYTOPLASM T)r"!#$e F#$a!e, 3a$ ! F#$a!e *

    3AF*J 1.results in TJ+OS0*6 Ninase Acti(ity1.cytokine 0nde$endent

    acti(ation of STAT Transcri$tion factors%

    • Ra!5 r#ca!e: .-K )LC4 Lym$homa# !e Lar%e B&Ce(( L)m h"ma . 4hemo. )ecreased &rine Out$ut.

    0ncreased C&*, T 'a(es. 7hich Med +6?6*TS this $t/s +6*AL 0m$airmentA! Ra!5 r#ca!e

    "*OT robenecid%

  • 8/16/2019 8. Biochem - Straight Up Uw Aswers - Part 1


    "TUMOR LYSIS S2 . BO&T $ath'ay% see action of Ra!5 r#ca!e@.#$h#5#t!URATE O;I ASE 1 "sto$$ing con(ersion " Ur#c Ac#2 to Allantoin excretionto urine1.STO S BO&T%
