800 bulletin issue 16-21 20121120

Rotary Club of Magill Sunrise Page | 1 President Greg again dipped into the well of Past Presidents by asking me to sub in for him at last Tuesday’s meeting, when his work took him to Newcastle. Megan Weber was the club’s guest speaker. Megan is a marketing executive with CanDo4Kids. This organisation is a family centred service providing quality specialist programs to children and young people who are blind/ vision impaired, deaf/hearing impaired and their families across South Australia Many recalled that CanDo4Kids was the major beneficiary of the Club’s Quiz Night in August, where Megan briefly spoke to us. Megan is a living testimony to the programs, as she was born with little hearing and can now present to gatherings such as our own. Megan’s problems were identified at 10 months of age, but now no baby will leave the maternity wing without sight and hearing issues being identified. CanDo4Kids can provide support and guidance for the family and their child, and, as he or she grows and enters the world of social interaction through play groups, kindergarten and school etc. There is access to professional staff and advice on the wide array of technology that is available to make life easier. Tuesday was the first chance that our diaries weren’t clashing and the only opportunity that Megan could do her presentation and accept the Club’s cheque since the Quiz Night. Those present recognised that our gesture will help meet a real need and that the organization certainly has a strong claim for ongoing support. Ian’s Thought for the Day: ICE Nature’s best thermometer, perhaps its most sensitive and unambiguous indicator of climate change, is ice. Ice asks no questions, presents no arguments, reads no newspapers, listens to no debates. It is not burdened by ideology and carries no political baggage as it crosses the threshold from solid to liquid. It just melts. Henry N Pollack; Professor of Geophysics, University of Michigan Editor’s Note: Ice is also an important additive for a good scotch.

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Magill Rotary Bulletin


Page 1: 800 Bulletin Issue 16-21 20121120

Rotary Club of Magill Sunrise Page | 1

President Greg again dipped into the well of Past Presidents by asking me to sub in for him at last Tuesday’s

meeting, when his work took him to Newcastle.

Megan Weber was the club’s guest speaker. Megan is a marketing executive with CanDo4Kids. This

organisation is a family centred service providing quality specialist programs to children and young people

who are blind/ vision impaired, deaf/hearing impaired and their families across South Australia

Many recalled that CanDo4Kids was the major beneficiary of the Club’s Quiz Night in August, where Megan

briefly spoke to us. Megan is a living testimony to the programs, as she was born with little hearing and can

now present to gatherings such as our own.

Megan’s problems were identified at 10 months of age, but now no baby will leave the maternity wing

without sight and hearing issues being identified. CanDo4Kids can provide support and guidance for the

family and their child, and, as he or she grows and enters the world of social interaction through play groups,

kindergarten and school etc. There is access to professional staff and advice on the wide array of technology

that is available to make life easier.

Tuesday was the first chance that our diaries weren’t clashing and the only opportunity that Megan could do

her presentation and accept the Club’s cheque since the Quiz Night. Those present recognised that our

gesture will help meet a real need and that the organization certainly has a strong claim for ongoing support.

Ian’s Thought for the Day: ICE

Nature’s best thermometer, perhaps its most sensitive and unambiguous indicator of climate change, is ice.

Ice asks no questions, presents no arguments, reads no newspapers, listens to no debates. It is not burdened

by ideology and carries no political baggage as it crosses the threshold from solid to liquid. It just melts.

Henry N Pollack; Professor of Geophysics, University of Michigan

Editor’s Note: Ice is also an important additive for a good scotch.

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Ian Carman & Megan Weber

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Hi all from the city of Newcastle. I t seems that I am finding myself in a different city every month

at the moment, this month working at Hunter Stadium, home of the Newcastle Knights Rugby

League Club and the Newcastle Jets A-League Club. I thought I had better do the right thing while

away so looked up clubs I could do a makeup at and found the only Sunrise Rotary Club in

Newcastle, oddly enough called Newcastle Sunrise. This club meets every Wednesday morning

between 7.30am and 8.30am which suited me just fine. They are a club of 20 members who

operate similarly to ours although they had no formalities at all which seemed a little odd but works

for them.

I was made feel most welcome by all members, which is to be expected and their president, Greg

Valentine ran the meeting to a strict deadline as you have to do with these meetings. Breakfast was

a full buffet at $20/head and they break twice for food and coffee during the course of the hour.

Their speaker this week was Jodi Hughes who works for Hunter Volunteer Centre and is setting up

a NSW Government run pilot project in the district called Time Banking. It is an interesting concept

where any time spent volunteering will earn you credits you can use yourself. For example, you

may work as a volunteer on a BBQ for 1 hour, register that time and later get an hours Italian

tutoring in exchange for your hour of volunteering. The concept has merit, but it is only a pilot

program; time will tell if Time Banking will work (please forgive the pun). More information on

Time Banking can be found at www.timebanking.com.au.

Well I must be off, I won’t be in again next week so I hope you all enjoy our guest speaker and I will

see you all the following Tuesday Dec 4th.

Greg Schutze

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Lindsay, for waxing lyrical on the fact that we were celebrating the club’s 800th

Meeting and his

endless tenuous links to this number.

Lindsay again, for sending a half descent photo of himself and Carol for publication in the Gazette

while the rest were dodgy.

Graham, for starting a conversation with ‘I’m not real bright……….. Something else followed these

words, however, were not recorded.

Siony, for giving a customer the run around at the Sunday Market, all over a piece of bread.

Bronny, for considering taking on signing for the deaf, when it should be compulsory for her.

Mina, for trebling the usual size of the Sergeant’s fines at last week’s partners meeting, and

showing up others that follow.

Myself, for my gag on a cure ‘male selective hearing’ with our guest speaker from CanDo4Kids.

Mark M, for leaving early.

Rita, for leaving early.

Sue and anyone else who thought that Kurt Tippett was a good guy.

Happy Bucks – Thanks Bronny, Trevor and others.

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Rotary District 9520 Conference 2013 **Barossa Valley**Rotary District 9520 Conference 2013 **Barossa Valley**Rotary District 9520 Conference 2013 **Barossa Valley**Rotary District 9520 Conference 2013 **Barossa Valley**

Conference 25 – 28 April 2013

The Rotary District Conference is a great opportunity to:

� Listen to great guest speakers on topical subjects

� Learn more about Rotary and the clubs in our district

� Catch up with old friends and make new ones

� Spend time with your fellow club members in a more social setting

� Get inspired to do great things!

We are very lucky that the 2013 Conference will be held relatively close by and I encourage all club members

to attend. Accommodation in the Barossa will be in great demand and short supply, so will need to be

booked quickly.

I will be booking accommodation for our club and if you would like to be included please let me know as

soon as possible.

See attachment with your email.

Thank you

Carol McKenzie

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Greg Schuetze

Licaria Scheepers

Tuesday 6.50 for 7.00am

Hectorville Sporting Club, Fisher Street, Magill

[email protected]




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6.30pm Campbelltown Athelstone Football Club 150 George St, Paradise

1.00pm Norwood Norwood Town Hall George Street, Norwood 6.15pm St Peter’s Kensington Hotel 23 Regent St, Kensington 6.30pm Kent Town The Royal Hotel 2 North Tce, Kent Town 6.30pm Unley Unley Sports Club 39 Oxford Tce, Unley

7.15am Eastwood Royal Coach Motor Inn 24 Dequetteville Tce, Kent Town 6.15pm Hyde Park Hyde Park Tavern Park St & King William Rd, Hyde Park 6.30pm Burnside The Feathers Hotel Glynburn Road, Burnside 6.30pm Mitcham Edinburgh Hotel High Street, Mitcham 6.30pm Morialta The Rezz Hotel 20 Hamilton Tce, Newton

No Meetings

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of a worthy enterprise and in particular to encourage and foster

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The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.

High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by every Rotarian of their occupation as an opportunity to serve


The application of the ideal service by every Rotarian to their personal, business and community life.

The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional people united in the ideal of service.

The Four Way Test of the things we think, say or do:

Is it the truth? Is it Fair to all concerned?

Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

For good food, good fellowship And the opportunity to serve through Rotary

…we give thanks.