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Lackland Elementary First Grade


September 9, 2009

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Welcome Parents!

First grade is one of the most excitingyears of your child’s educational

experience. It is filled with new andwonderful learning experiences, and youwill see a tremendous amount of growth

in his/her educational knowledge andawareness.

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Meet The First Grade Team

• Mrs. Isasmendi 357-5022 [email protected]

• Mrs. Massey [email protected]

• Ms. McCaskill 357-5156 [email protected]

• Ms. Nelms 357-5018 [email protected]• Mrs. Rodgers 357-5071

[email protected]

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Our Goals For Parent Orientation

– To help parents understand the work their child will be doing throughout the school year.

– To explain student expectations.– To share information about how

parents can support their child’s learning.

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School Policies

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School Hours

• We will pick up students outside the classroom at 7:45.

• Students are to go straight to the gym every Monday for morning assembly.

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Student Drop Off

Please keep all children safe at school.The student drop-off area for first grade is at

the front circle near the flagpole (Kenly Ave).Students riding the bus to school in the

morning will also be dropped off at this area.

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Student Pick UpParents are asked to pick up their child at the

kinder circle near the back playground and first grade building. Please do not drop your child off at

this location. Prekindergarten and kindergartenstudents arrive at the same time, but are dismissed

at 2:30, so there shouldn’t be a problem withtraffic. Please make arrangements with older

siblings if picking up their younger siblings. Siblingsare asked to pick up their younger sibling at the

kinder circle. Please stress the importance ofnotifying the teacher before walking away with

their younger sibling.

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Students are tardy at 7:50 and must have a pass from the main office to be admitted to

class. It is extremely important that your child

arrives to school on time. Students are released promptly at 8:00 for SFA.

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Students who are not ill are expected to be atschool each day and on time. Texas Education

Code 25.09a states that students who areabsent 10% or more of school days may notpass to the next grade level, even if he/she

obtains passing grades. Please bring a doctor’s

note or a parent note after any absence.Absences of 3 days or more need special

permission from the school principal.

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Unexcused Absences

Policy on making up unexcused work is stated in the Lackland Elementary handbook as:

• Work for unexcused absences will be sent home. Students have the same number of days to complete the work as they were absent. Work that is not completed in the designated amount of time, must be completed in C.A.R.E.

• C.A.R.E stands for Completing Assignments and Reaching Expectations. Your child’s teacher will notify you when your child will be staying after school to complete their assignments. Arrangements will be made during this time as to how your child will be getting home. C.A.R.E is located in room 406 and is Monday-Friday from 3:15-4:25.

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Excused Absences

If a student has an excused absence, or an unusual circumstance, he/she may make up

missed work with no penalties. Please bring adoctor’s note or a parent note after any

absence. Absences of 3 days or more needspecial permission from the school principal.

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School Expectations• We will act and talk in ways that allow

everyone to feel safe and respected.• We will treat others the way we want them to

treat us.• If we see something that is hurtful or

dangerous, we will tell an adult immediately.• We will act and talk in ways that allow

everyone to learn.• We will come to school on time and do our

best because we believe school is important.

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Love & Logic

Love allows children to grow through their mistakes.

Logic allows children to learn the consequences of their choices.

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Guidelines for Student

Behavior • You may engage in any behavior, which does

not create a problem for you or anyone else. • If you cause a problem, I will ask you to solve it.

If you can’t solve the problem, or choose not to, equal amounts of empathy and consequences will be applied.

• If you feel something is unfair, whisper to me, “I’m not sure that’s fair,” and we will talk.

• I will treat you with respect, so you will know how to treat others and me with respect. Unkind words and actions will not be tolerated.

• We come to school on time and do our best because we believe school is important.

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Purple Behavior Folders

• Behavior folders will be sent home daily. Please review and initial each day accordingly. This lets me know you have seen it.

• What Does Each Color Mean?Green – Your child had an awesome day!

Yellow – Warning! Orange – Recovery or Consequence

Red – Teacher’s Choice

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Citizenship Grades

Students will be receiving a citizenship grade on their report card each nine weeks based on the number of behavior marks in their purple Behavior Connection folder.

0 – 4 Folder Marks = E5 – 9 Folder Marks = S10 – 14 Folder Marks = N15+ Folder Marks = U Automatic ISS

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Knights of the Guild

Lackland Elementary students participate in aschool-wide character building program calledKnights of the Guild. First grade students that

show exemplary behavior are chosen to representtheir class as Pages. Criteria includes receiving no

folder marks,having no tardies, 100% reading in SFA,as well as demonstrating the different charactertraits that are being targeted. Letters will be sent

home explaining the character trait studentsare learning about and demonstrating each


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The CodeThe Code is the academic curriculum of the Knights of

the Guild Character Education Program. The Codeteaches certain virtues, presents definitions of the

virtues, age appropriate lessons, excellent literature,questions for discussions and exciting projects andactivities for school and home.The curriculum is framed by the exciting themes of knighthood andchivalry and is reinforced by dramatic, live action

elements presented by the Knights of the Guild. Medieval knights lived accordingly to an

unwritten code of chivalry. The curriculum encouragesstudents to live according to a modern code of


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Virtues• Tolerance

• Responsibility• Discipline

• Perseverance • Respect• Honesty

• Compassion • Confidence

• Service

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Class Information

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Daily Schedule7:45 Pick Up Students in Hallway/ Students Arrive

7:45-8:00 Morning Activities (Pledge, National Anthem) 8:00-9:30 Success For All Reading (SFA) 9:35-9:55 Calendar 9:55-10:20 Handwriting/ Spelling 10:20-11:00 Specials 11:00-11:30 Language Arts/ J ournal Writing 11:30-12:00 Lunch 12:00-12:30 Recess 12:30-1:35 Math 1:35-2:20 Physical Education 2:20-3:05 Science/ Social Studies 3:05-3:15 Closure/ Prepare f or Dismissal

3:15 Dismissal

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Signing Out Students

Please send a note or notify your child’steacher ahead of time if you have

scheduled an appointment for your childduring school hours or if your child mustleave school early. It is very difficult tostop instruction to gather work for your

child on short notice.

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All About Assignments

Communication between home and school is vitalto your child’s success in the classroom. To

keep you informed of what we are doing, I willsend home an assignment sheet every Monday in

your child’s homework folder. Notifications ofupcoming events, notes from myself or the

school, and weekly homework assignments canbe found on the weekly assignment sheet.

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Grading Policy SFA

20% Daily Read and Response20% Words Out Loud/Vocabulary

20% Oral Expression/Fluency20% SOLO (Level 1-3) Story Test (Level 4)

20% Participation/Active Listening

Language Arts40% Classwork

40% Test10% Homework

10% Participation/Active Listening 

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Grading PolicyMath

40% Classwork40% Test

10% Homework10% Participation/Active Listening

Science/Social Studies90% Classwork & Test

10% Participation/Active Listening

Special Classes - Not Graded

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• Homework is assigned every Monday, in the form of a packet, and is due every Friday.

• Late homework is strongly discouraged.• Please do not allow your child to work ahead

in their homework packet. • Homework folders, along with SFA folders

and behavior folders, are to be returned daily.

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Progress Reports & Parent/Teacher Conferences• Progress Reports are sent after the 3rd and

6th week of the nine-week grading period.• Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled

two times throughout the year.o October 29th and 30th o April 8th and April 9th

• Scheduled Conferences and Early Release Days are at 1:00 p.m.

• Buses will run on these days. Please make arrangements if your child is picked up.

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Report Cards

• Report cards for the first and third nine weeks will be handed out during Parent/Teacher conferences.

• Reports cards for the second & fourth nine weeks will be sent home. Please make sure you sign a copy of the report card and return to school.

Grading PeriodsFirst Nine WeeksAugust 24 – October 23

Second Nine WeeksOctober 26 – January 14 Third Nine Weeks

January 19 – April 1

Fourth Nine WeeksApril 5 – June 4

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Additional Information

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Incoming Telephone Calls

The ringer in our classroom will be turned off or kept on a low ring during the day. We maynot answer your call when it comes in. Please

contact the main office at 357-5053 if youshould have an emergency or urgent message that needs to be passed along to us that day.

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VisitorsAll visitors must check in at the main office. Please keep

class distractions and interruptions to a minimum. Please give us the courtesy of coming into the classroom quietly as learning is taking place. If you

wish to conference with me about your child’s progress,please leave a phone message or email me and I will getback with you during my conference period. In all fairness

to you and your child, please try not to conference withme during drop off or pick-up times. These are usually

hectic times when too many things are happening at onceand my focus may be interrupted or rushed. Your child’s

status must be kept confidential at all times. Please schedule a conference with me or we can conference

over the telephone as needed. 

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Physical Education

Appropriate clothing and shoes are required for gym class. This helps prevent injury to your

child. Please send a pair of gym shoes in yourchild’s backpack if they come to school wearing sandals or dress shoes. Please make sure that

girls are wearing shorts under their dresses.  

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Note From The Nurses

• Contact information and student health information must stay current. Remember to supply them and their teacher with updated phone numbers and student health needs throughout the school year.

• Please provide a change of clothing in your child’s backpack in case of emergencies. The nurse will not provide clothing at school.

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Success For All (SFA)School-Wide Reading


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Success For All (SFA)Lackland Elementary is an SFA (Success For

All) School. SFA is our school-wide reading program. Every eight weeks, students are

assessed and placed in a reading class based on their reading level. The idea

behind this program is that no student will “fall between the cracks” in reading. This

program also encourages cooperative teamwork. Parent support at home is crucial

to student success at school. Please help him or her develop responsible behavior for

his or her assignments on a daily basis.

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SFA begins on the third week of school. Students are assessed during the first twoweeks of school to determine their readinglevel and placement into their SFA classes.

It isalso determined during this time if your

child iseligible for reading tutoring.  

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SFA Tutoring

If it is determined that your child will benefit from reading tutoring, our lead tutor will

contact you for permission to enroll your childinto the tutoring program. We try to schedule

tutoring during the school day wheneverpossible, but do have to ask some of our students to attend after school tutoring inorder to be able to accommodate as many

students as possible.

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SFA Tutoring

After school tutoring is 3:30-4:20 p.m. and there is a late bus available that leaves our

school at 4:30 to provide transportation homefor these students. All students will be

reassessed every eight weeks and new tutoring schedules will be determined based on their

test results and SFA teacher recommendations.

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SFA HomeworkStudents are assigned 20 minutes of reading that is due the following morning. Students

should bring their SFA folder with their signed Read and Response form and their current

Shared Story to class every morning. Parents, please remember to sign your child’s Read and

Response form daily, as a grade cannot be given

if is not signed. Your child may attend Breakfast Club in the mornings if they were not able to read for 20 minutes the previous night.

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We Love Our Volunteers

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Getting Involved

There are severalopportunities and ways for you to

become involved atLackland Elementary.Please contact yourchild’s teacher if youinteresting in lending

a helping hand.PTSO