826 gryphon squadron · 2020. 3. 1. · cadets, royal canadian army cadets and royal canadian air...


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Page 1: 826 GRYPHON SQUADRON · 2020. 3. 1. · Cadets, Royal Canadian Army Cadets and Royal Canadian Air Cadets. All three “elements”, as we call them, are supported by the Department






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Commanding Officer’s Welcome

On behalf of the Staff and Senior Cadets of 826 Gryphon Squadron (Hamilton), it is my pleasure to welcome you to the Royal Canadian Air Cadets.

By joining the Cadets Canada program you are embarking on a journey that will impact your life in ways you can’t yet imagine. You’ll meet new friends and develop as a leader. You’ll be challenged in exciting ways as you learn valuable skills. You’ll have opportunities to travel, to take part in competitions, to earn school credits and to be a part of an organization filled with people who will become like family to you.

Being a Cadet, wearing the Cadet uniform and taking part in Cadet activities is a unique experience. The highly qualified team of adult and youth leaders here at 826 Gryphon Squadron is dedicated to making you’re experience an incredible one. Being called a Cadet is a special privilege. As we work hard to deliver a quality program, we expect commitment from you as well. We expect you to attend training, to take part in activities and to put your best foot forward. After all, the more you put into the Cadet program, the more you will get out of it.

I hope you enjoy your experience with 826 Gryphon Squadron and the Canadian Cadet Organizations. I encourage you to strive to achieve greatness, and I promise we will help you every step along the way.

This guide has been prepared for you to provide some basic information to help you as you get started in the Cadet program. It will serve as a valuable reference, but if you have questions, please speak with a senior Cadet who will be happy to help you learn and grow as a Cadet.

Captain S.D.S. Sinkia-Cox, CD Commanding Officer 826 Gryphon Squadron (Hamilton) Royal Canadian Air Cadets

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Royal Canadian Air Cadets

The Air Cadets is part of a larger organization called the Canadian Cadet Organizations, (or CCO). The CCO is made up of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets, Royal Canadian Army Cadets and Royal Canadian Air Cadets. All three “elements”, as we call them, are supported by the Department of National Defence, the Canadian Armed Forces and the Navy League of Canada, Army Cadet League of Canada and Air Cadet League of Canada, respectively.

Our Squadron

The official name of our Squadron is 826 Gryphon Squadron. Our Squadron was officially formed on January 1, 1973, and are currently celebrating our 45th anniversary.

We parade (conduct our mandatory training) on Monday evenings at the John Foote, VC Armoury at 200 James Street North, in downtown Hamilton.

Optional training may take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, with occasional weekend events.

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What is an Air Cadet and what do Air Cadets do?

Youth ages 12-18 can join the Royal Canadian Air Cadets. The uniform is provided on loan for free. The only financial obligation is an annual Air Cadet League participation fee of $60 and that Cadets assist with fundraising to cover costs of activities and other expenses not covered by the Government of Canada.

Are Air Cadets members of the military?

Cadets are not members of the Canadian Armed Forces and are not expected to join the Forces. (Although they’re welcome to apply!) The Royal Canadian Air Cadet program is sponsored by the Air Cadet League of Canada and by the Department of National Defence. All of the Officers who work at the Squadron are members of the Canadian Armed Forces. They are reserve Officers who are members of a branch called the Cadet Instructors Cadre. This means their specific job, as part-time members of the Canadian Armed Forces, is to train Cadets and administer the Cadet program.

What do Air Cadets learn?

Royal Canadian Air Cadets participate in a variety of fun and challenging activities. There is something for everyone – no matter what their personal interests may be. The outdoor enthusiast will appreciate learning survival skills for flight crew. The athlete will appreciate physical education and recreation, including a variety of sporting activities like biathlon and Olympic-style marksmanship. The artists will find their niche in the music program.

The curious will appreciate the hands-on activities such as building model aircraft. The scholarly will appreciate an introduction to the various tools and technologies linked to aviation. The dreamers will appreciate the evolution of technology and the advancements of the aerospace era, including the importance of Canadian participation.

Select top senior Cadets may even earn the chance to represent Canada on the world stage by participating in an international exchange.

Most importantly, Air Cadets aids in developing knowledge of Canadian history and democracy. The Cadet Program focuses on social development, decision-making and leadership. As Cadets acquire skills and knowledge, they pass it along to younger Cadets.

Every Cadet will have the chance to participate in flight activities, and some top senior Cadets may even earn a scholarship to obtain their private pilot’s licence. Whether earning a glider pilot licence or private pilot licence, these Cadets wear their wings with a pride rarely found in today’s youth.

What’s the commitment required?

Our Squadron holds our parade nights on most Monday evenings from September through June. These, and occasional weekend activities are considered “mandatory training”, which means all Cadets are expected to attend. Cadets must meet a minimum attendance requirement to advance through the training levels, which are required to advance in rank. Some other mandatory training activities include the Remembrance Day ceremony, assisting with the Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Campaign and certain fundraising activities.

We also conduct optional training activities that you’re invited to join in on, such as band training and competitive marksmanship.

The summer training program is optional and all Cadets are welcome to apply, but not all Cadets are selected each year.

What are the rules?

The Cadet program is governed by a large number of Cadet Administration and Training Orders (CATOs) and Qualification Standards & Plans (QSPs) as well as various other government and military directives.

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The Air Cadet Uniform

As an Air Cadet, you will be issued a uniform that is worn for regular training, special activities and ceremonies. The Department of National Defence approves and issues the uniform, on loan to Air Cadets. The care and custody of all items of clothing issued are the responsibility of individual Cadets and their parents or guardians during the Cadet’s time with the organization.

All parts of the uniform except some next-to-skin items (such as socks and t-shirts) must be returned upon leaving the organization.

The dress and appearance of Air Cadets in or out of uniform must on all occasions reflect good credit to the Squadron and the Royal Canadian Air Cadets. The uniform is to be worn only when authorized by the Unit Commanding Officer. When Cadets appear in uniform in public, is their duty to ensure the uniform is properly maintained and correctly worn.

Civilian clothing may not be worn with your uniform, and parts of your uniform may not be worn when dressed in civilian clothing.

General Dress and Deportment

When you are in uniform, you should always strive to present a professional and respectful appearance. Here are a few guidelines:

• Cadets in uniform shall be well groomed with footwear cleaned and shone.

• Their uniform shall be clean and properly pressed at all times. In particular, buttons, fasteners and zippers shall be kept closed. Pockets shall not be bulged; items such as eyeglasses, sunglasses, glasses cases, pens, pencils, key-rings or paper shall not be visibly extended nor protrude from pockets or be suspended from belts or pockets.

• Avoid slouching, sauntering, skipping, chewing gum and placing hands in pockets. Do not eat while walking.

• No walking arm-in-arm with other Cadets. No holding hands or engaging in any public displays of affection while in uniform or at any Cadet function.

• Cadets are not permitted to smoke (this includes vaping) while in uniform or at any Cadet function.

When wearing civilian clothing during a Cadet activity, professionalism in dress and deportment remains important.

• Clothing should be clean and neat in appearance, free of holes or frayed ends. Clothing must not contain any words or images that may be deemed vulgar, offensive or otherwise inappropriate.

• Waistbands are to be worn at the waist, and shirts either tucked in or long enough to cover the midriff when arms are elevated over the head.

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Hair on the head shall be neatly groomed and conservatively styled. The length, bulk and style of hair shall not preclude the proper wearing of headdress. Headdress shall be able to be removed and when removed the hair shall maintain a neat and styled appearance. In particular, style and colour shall not be bizarre, exaggerated or have an unusual appearance (such as: multicoloured highlighting / stripes or cuts that vary dramatically in length). Unusual colours such as green, bright red, orange, purple, etc. are not permitted. Hair must be secured or styled back to reveal the face and any accessories used to secure or control hairstyles shall be as unobtrusive as possible. Hair ornaments shall not be worn, except for female Cadets who may wear conservative barrettes that blend with the hair colour.

Male Cadets

Hair shall be taper-trimmed at the back, sides, and above the ears to blend with the hair-style; be no more than 15 cm (6 in.) in length and sufficiently short that, when the hair is groomed and headdress is removed, no hair shall touch the ears or fall below the top of the eyebrows; be no more than 4 cm (1-1/2 in.) in bulk at the top of the head, gradually decreasing to blend with the taper-trimmed sides and back; and be kept free from the neck to a distance of 2.5 cm (1 in.) above the shirt collar. Taper-trimmed square back styles and shaving of all the hair on the head are permitted.

Sideburns shall not extend below a line horizontally bisecting the ear, and shall be squared off horizontally at the bottom edge and taper-trimmed to conform to the overall hair style.

When moustaches are worn alone, the unshaven portion of the face shall not extend outwards beyond the corners of the mouth. Moustaches shall be kept neatly trimmed; not be greater than 2 cm (3/4 in.) in bulk; not extend below the corners of the mouth and not protrude beyond the width of the mouth.

Only Cadets adherent of the Sikh religion or Cadets experiencing recognized medical problems preventing them from shaving may wear the beard. In the latter case, a note from a medical practitioner is required.

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Female Cadets

The following additional details apply to female Cadets. Hair shall not extend below the lower edge of the shirt collar. Exaggerated styles, including those with excessive fullness or extreme height, are not authorized. Braids, if worn, shall be styled conservatively and tied tightly; secured at the end by a knot or a small-unadorned fastener. A single braid shall be worn in the centre of the back. Double braids shall be worn behind the shoulders. Hair shall be a maximum length when gathered behind the head and braided which does not extend below the top of the armpit. Multiple braids and/or cornrows shall be directed toward the back of the head, pulled tight to the head and secured at the end by a knot or a small-unadorned fastener. Multiple braids extending below the lower edge of the collar are to be gathered in a bun. With the permission of the Squadron Commanding Officer, a reasonable period may be authorized in order to transition from short to long hairstyles during which time hair may extend below the lower edge of the shirt collar.


Female Cadets are authorized to wear a minimal amount of make-up. When in uniform, make-up may be applied but only in a conservative fashion. This precludes the use of false eyelashes, heavy eyeliner, brightly coloured eye shadow or lipstick, coloured nail polish, and excessive facial make-up.


The only jewellery that may be worn in uniform shall be a wristwatch, a medical alert bracelet and a maximum of two rings, which are not of a costume jewellery nature. In addition, female Cadets in uniform may wear a single pair of plain gold, silver stud or white pearl earrings in pierced ears. The single stud earring, worn in the centre of each earlobe, shall be spherical in shape and not exceed 0.6 cm in diameter. No other type of earring shall be worn except for a gold or silver-healing device of similar shape and size, which may be worn while ears are healing after piercing. Only a single earring or healing device, worn in the centre of each ear lobe, may be worn at a time. Male Cadets are not authorized to wear an earring or earrings.

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Tattoos and Body Piercing

Cadets shall not acquire visible tattoos that could be deemed to be offensive (e.g. pornographic, blasphemous, racist, etc.) or otherwise reflect discredit on the Canadian Cadet Organization. Cadets in uniform shall not wear visible body piercing adornments (tongue included), with the exception of female Cadets earrings. Covering the unauthorized piercing with an adhesive bandage (band-aid™) is not acceptable.


Undergarments, including brassiere for female Cadets, shall be worn under all orders of dress and shall be of an appropriate colour so as not to be visible through uniform items of clothing.


Eyeglasses and sunglasses shall be conservative in design and colour. Sunglasses with photo chromic or mirrored lenses are not authorized for wear.

Cadets, who normally wear eyeglasses, may wear either conventionally framed prescription sunglasses or conservatively styled clip-on sunglasses when conditions and circumstances dictate. Other Cadets may wear conservatively styled sunglasses, which do not detract from the overall appearance of the uniform when conditions and circumstances dictate. Sunglasses shall not be worn on parade unless authorized by the Commanding Officer in special circumstances.

Cultural and Religious Accommodation

The different religious and spiritual requirements of various groups should be respected, especially during periods

of religious expression. These requirements have their own policy and procedure and will be discussed if required.

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Chain of Command

The Chain of Command exists to ensure an efficient flow of communication between leaders and their followers.

When you have a question or idea, make sure you pass it up the chain of command. You don’t have to wait until you arrive at a Cadet activity to ask a question or pass along information. Know who your Flight Commander is and how to reach them by phone, text message, Facebook message or however works best for you to communicate with them, and for them to communicate with you.

You should receive a message to you or your parents/guardians no later than Friday evening to give you information about the upcoming regular training night, such as the order of dress and anything special you should bring. This is also your chance to pass information up the chain of command, such as if you expect to be absent or late, or if you need to exchange a part of your uniform. This message may come to you via our Squadron Facebook page, an email, or on special occasions, by phone.

Not all questions need to go up the chain of command. Your peers may have answers for you too. Avoid jumping the chain of command whenever possible. Your parents may contact the Squadron Commanding Officer directly about any concerns or questions they have, but as a Cadet it is your responsibility to obtain basic information about training and activities.

Organization Structure

Here’s the Organization Structure of our Squadron, which depicts the Chain of Command:

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On the left you’ll find a chart of the Royal Canadian

Air Cadet ranks.


The Officers of 826 wear ranks that look like this:

Addressing Higher Ranks and Paying Compliments

Always address more senior Cadets by their rank and last name. You can do the same for the Officers

(the adults) in the unit, or simply refer to them as ma’am or sir. Stand at attention when speaking with

anyone of a higher rank. You’ll learn early on as a Cadet how and when to salute. For example, you

never salute another Cadet, but always salute an Officer at the rank of Second Lieutenant or higher. You

never give a salute when you’re not wearing a headdress. Saluting is also referred to as “paying


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Summer Training

Informally known as “Cadet Camp”, Summer Training provides opportunities for cadets to travel to

Cadet Training Centres for additional training (and a whole lot of fun) during the summer weeks. There

are Cadet Training Centres located across Canada, but most 826 Gryphon Cadets will attend a Cadet

Training Centre within Central Region.

The two training centres you are most likely to attend are:

• Trenton Air Cadet Training Centre, Canadian Forces Base (8 Wing) Trenton, Trenton, Ontario

• Blackdown Cadet Training Centre, Canadian Forces Base Borden, Borden, Ontario

However, you may also be selected to attend the following training centres depending on your course:

• Connaught Cadet Training Centre, Canadian Forces Base Connaught, Nepean, Ontario

• Mountainview Cadet Flying Centre, Prince Edward, Ontario

• Canadore Air Cadet Training Centre, North Bay, Ontario

Courses are two, three and six weeks in duration.

There is no cost to attend summer training; however, only a limited number of Cadets are selected to

attend each summer. Selections are made at the regional level and the Unit Commanding Officer will

notify selected cadets. Detailed information about summer training opportunities will be provided prior

to submitting applications and an information session will be held with parents at the end of the regular

training year before Cadets head off to summer training.

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Contact Information

My Flight Commander’s Name Is:

__________ ____________________________________________

Rank Last name

How I Contact my Flight Commander:


Command Staff and Squadron Contacts

Commanding Officer: Captain Sinkia-Cox


[email protected]

[email protected]

Deputy Commanding Officer: Captain Scott


[email protected]

[email protected]

Squadron Phone Number: 905-528-5647

Answered only on Monday and Tuesday nights when at the Armoury.

Messages can be left on the voicemail. Please leave a detailed message.

Squadron Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1185914071425309/

You will have access once your request to join this private group

has been approved.

Squadron Address: John Weir Foote VC Armoury 200 James Street North Hamilton, Ontario L8R 2L1