9 .dr. tahira basharat...

The world is surrounded by terrestrial and heavenly calamities and this variation is caused by human actions and deeds. As a result of innovation and technological advancement, man has started encroaching upon the routine system of nature. Man,s increasing intrusion in nature would result in a great illusion that would basically a mirage. This artificial reality that is actually an illusion would prevaricate the man to an extant that man would increasingly ensnarled in it and would presume it as divine. The person having such qualities based on extra rational innovations and semi jinni believes, would be a superman and he would be called as “Dajjal”. The arrival of dajjal is that reality which is proved of by all Abrahamic religions. It,s called armilus in Judaism, antichrist in Christianity and dajjal in Islam. There are differences of opinion regarding identity of dajjal.It is surprising that the one who is called dajjal in Islam is considered the ultimate savior in Judaism. In the same way, the symbols of dajjal described by Christianity is similar to that of in Islam. In this article I is attempted to depict the correct picture of that tiring and enigmatic personality. Similar concepts of dajjal are in the air i.e. whether it would be a name of a person or a super power or a political power and in the same way his being a single eyed entity resulted in a different kind of interpretation and predictions by different thinkers and scholars. Different confusing interpretation of dajjal have increased the importance of this issue to the extant that it has become necessary to present a factual conception of dajjal in front of the people at large. 143 ... An evaluation version of novaPDF was used to create this PDF file. Purchase a license to generate PDF files without this notice.

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Page 1: 9 .Dr. Tahira Basharat Tazkar-i-Dajaliri.aiou.edu.pk/indexing/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/9-tazkar-dijale.pdf · The world is surrounded by terrestrial and heavenly calamities and

The world is surrounded by terrestrial and heavenly calamities and thisvariation is caused by human actions and deeds. As a result ofinnovation and technological advancement, man has started encroachingupon the routine system of nature. Man,s increasing intrusion in naturewould result in a great illusion that would basically a mirage. Thisartificial reality that is actually an illusion would prevaricate the manto an extant that man would increasingly ensnarled in it and wouldpresume it as divine. The person having such qualities based on extrarational innovations and semi jinni believes, would be a superman andhe would be called as “Dajjal”. The arrival of dajjal is that realitywhich is proved of by all Abrahamic religions. It,s called armilus inJudaism, antichrist in Christianity and dajjal in Islam. There aredifferences of opinion regarding identity of dajjal.It is surprising thatthe one who is called dajjal in Islam is considered the ultimate saviorin Judaism. In the same way, the symbols of dajjal described byChristianity is similar to that of in Islam. In this article I isattempted to depict the correct picture of that tiring and enigmaticpersonality. Similar concepts of dajjal are in the air i.e. whether itwould be a name of a person or a super power or a political power andin the same way his being a single eyed entity resulted in a differentkind of interpretation and predictions by different thinkers andscholars. Different confusing interpretation of dajjal have increasedthe importance of this issue to the extant that it has becomenecessary to present a factual conception of dajjal in front of thepeople at large.

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Moshiach Messiah Messiah


"Pangs of Messiah"

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New world order

The washington Post

Jackson Dichl Sea of Galili becoming dangrously dry (Chicago Suntimes)

sea of Galile slips to a record low. Israel's

2008 30

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(Amazone forest)


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Tesla Technology Death Nicola Tesla


Veri 1987-92 Bio Chip Chip

Archo Power tecnologies incorporated

Ionic Sphere Haarp

(High Frequency Active Auroral research Project) Haarp

Haarp Tomography

1995 10 Haarp


Haarp 2001



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Department of Anthropology International University

Steven Mizrachs

ionosphereAtmosphere Haarp

Aural latitudesAlaska Haarp Narrow beam

High frequency High Power

MoscowNorway Alaska US Uk rain Russia Nizhny Novgorod

beam steering agility Powerful Frequency Haarp

Ionospheric Research Instrument

John Heckscher Documents Naval Freedom of Information act


C. Zickuhr


Haarp Seriously

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(Schumman Cavity Resorance)

7(Hertz) 7.8 1899

Awakening to Zero Point (Gragg Braden) Zero 13

Zero Point

(Chili) Heiti 8.8 (Nasa) 1.26 8

7 2004


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(Human Genetic Code)

Hasidist Zoinists Heredi


Paramid type

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(Cells) 100 100


(Free messnaries)



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Texe Marrs Hichcock

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Sea of Galili


Tree of Souls Schwartz


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Armilus (Messiah)

Jewish Encyclopedia

Armilus Kaufmann

942892 Saadia


Saadia Midrashim Saadia


Through sexual intercourse of evil men, or even of satanhimself, with this statue a terrible creature in human form wasproduced, whose dimensions as well as shape were equally

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Bring your torah and acknowledge that I am God.



(Jewish Eschatology) (Moshiach) (Masshiach) (Mashiah)

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Encyclopedia of world religions

Role model


Howard Schwartz

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The spirit of Yahwah shall alight upon him.

Schwartz Menahem

Yinon, Mishlie, Midrash, Tzemah, Tzidkeun

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Tzaddik ha-Dor

Pangs of Encyclopedia Messiah


Pangs of Messiah

(Safirah Malkhut)


Kan Zippor

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Schwartz (Rabbi) Bird's nest

Bird's nest


Gog & Magog Gog and Magog

Rabbinin (Reform Judaism)


(1810-1874) (Ibranhim Geiger)


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"Ani Maamia"

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Tree of Souls


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Tesla Tesla Technology Haarp

1985Nicola Tesla

www.uforeview.tripod.crin/emweapons.html Haarp


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