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Follow the Dharmic Path undertaken by our AncestorsPeople are classified as Astikas and Nastikas. An Astika has faith in the existence of God, Dharma, reincarnation, and in the Vedas. One who is devoid of such faith is classified a Nastika.

A Nastika cannot be easily taught. Even a man who is completely ignorant can be taught. One who is bestowed with good intellect can be taught with greater ease. But a man with half-baked knowledge cannot be taught. A Nastika falls into the last category.

De%e: megKeceejeO³e: megKelejceejeO³eles efJeMes<e%e:~

%eeveueJeogefJe&oieOeb ye´ïeeefHe leb vejb ve j_pe³eefle~~

We belong to the category of Astikas since time immemorial. The Shruti (Veda) says – HegC³ees n Jew HegC³e: keÀce&Cee YeJeefle HeeHe: HeeHesve~ – one attains joy by performing Punya and falls by sinning. It is our Dharma Shastras that decide what constitutes Punyam and what constitutes Papam.

In the Mahabharata, Duryodhana tried to cause trouble to the Pandavas even after sending them to exile. But he himself was caught in trouble as he was captured by Gandharvas. At this juncture, Yudhishthira sent Arjuna and Bhima to help Duryodhana. Though his brothers were reluctant, Yudhishthira persuaded them to help their cousin, Duryodhana inspite of what he had done to them. It is natural to help those who have helped others, however the tendency to help even those who have caused us harm is the quality of a Mahatma. Mahatmas such as Yudhishthira are our ideal.

Mahatmas would be ready to sacrifice anything for Dharma, but never sacrifice Dharma. Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada in His Bhashya writes thus about a Mahatma – ³ees efn Fäeefoue#eCeb keÀce& Dee®ejefle, lecee®e#eles ueeskeÀe: Oece¥ ®ejl³e³eb cenelcee – People call him who adheres to the path of Dharma as a Mahatma.

It is not sufficient to say our ancestors were such people. While they lived such dharmic lives and fulfilled their life's purpose, it is our duty to reflect if we are following in their footsteps, rather than merely take pride in our lineage.

May everyone reflect thus, strengthen their resolve to follow Dharma, act accordingly and attain Shreyas.

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... Astrology

Weather Forecasting


Venus Transits the



5Jyotisha Chinta Nidhi





Cover Story

The MayanApocalypse


Fifth House

Progeny and

CreativityPanchanga for the Month





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Chief Editor and Publisher

Bangalore Niranjan Babu

[email protected]

The Astrological eMagazine appears the

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Niranjan Babu Bangalore

101C, Sarathy Apartments,

48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram,

Bangalore-560 003

Tel : +91-80-2336 6864

[email protected]


HeÀueeefve ûen®eejsCe met®e³eefvle ceveeref<eCe: ~keÀes JeÊeÀe leejlec³em³e leceskeÀb JesOemeb efJevee ~~

Those who know Astrology can only indicate

in a way what will take place in future.

Who else, except the Creator Brahma,

can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?


... Astrology & Weather Forecasting 3


Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi 5

Benedictory Message for “Sanskrit Through Ramayana” Series 7


Family Astrologer Tradition 8


Venus Transits the SUN 9


Sanskrit through Ramayana 15


The Mayan Apocalypse A Vedic View 17


Nakshatra Paddathi 21


Partial Lunar Eclipse 4th June 2012 25


Fifth House Progeny and Creativity 27

The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for June 2012 29


This Month for You June 2012 32

Sunrise and Sunset Timings for June 2012 38

Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka 39

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Lead Article



WHEN YOU NOTE WINDS blowing from the north-

east in the evening (Sandhya) of the Full Moon day

of Ashadha (July-August) month, then there will be

downpour and consequent luxuriant vegetable life during

the ensuing year. When it rains on the 4th lunar day of the

dark half of Ashadha and on the day ruled by

Poorvabhadra in the same month, there will be luxuriant

vegetation during the year ahead. When the 5th lunar day

of the bright half of the lunar month falls on a Sunday (in

Ashadha), there will be a little rain. If it is on a Monday,

there will be a down pour. If it is a Tuesday rains will be

fierce ; Wednesday would bring in a storm ; Thursday—

general prosperity ; Friday —ruin and loss; Saturday—

there will be misery everywhere. If the constellation of

Rohini coincides with the 10th lunar day (in the month of

Ashadha) there will be terrible rains.

Sun occupies 21/4 nakshatras every month beginning from

Aswini, making up 12 months from Mesha. He occupies

Poorvashadha in the month of Dhanus and stays there

for 13 days and 20 ghatikas (13 degrees and 20 minutes).

If during the 1st day, all the sky including the Sun is found

to be completely covered by dark clouds, there will be

rain during the month of Mithuna when the Sun occupies

Ardra. Similarly, if during the 2nd day all the heavens are

found to be dark by clouds, there will be rain during the

latter part of Mithuna and the first part of Kataka, when

the Sun will occupy the asterism of Punarvasu. Similarly

in the 3rd day, 4th day, 5th day, 6th day and so on till the

14th day, if the same conditions prevail, there will be rains

during the succeeding months when the Sun will be in

Pushyami, Aslesha, Makha, Pubba, till Moola in regular

succession. The above information is useful in giving long-

range forecasts which appear to have been a specialty

with our ancient meteorologists. If the heavens are clear,

then there will be no rains.

Rains can be expected in the following periods:—

(a) When the combustion period of the various planets

begin and end. (b) When Moon conjoins with other planets,

... Astrology

Weather Forecasting

(c) Full Moon and New Moon days, (d) When the Sun

transits Cancer and Capricon signs. (e) When the Sun

occupies the Aridra nakshatra. (f) When Mercury conjoins

with Jupiter or Venus or when Jupiter joins with Venus

there will be rain. When Mars and Saturn join together

without any aspect or association of good planets, then

danger from fire, lightning and storm can be expected.

We are also enabled to determine the very day of the

occurrence of rain from a knowledge of the nature of the

clouds during the day. When clouds surrounded by a

radiance resembling that of the Moon, white as nectar,

with a blue-black spot in the centre, and pouring layers of

water pass from West to East or East to West, we can

predict that there will be a very heavy shower before


If in the rainy season, the sunrise is observed to have a

‘halo’ in the East, and the Noon— (midday) is marked

by the intense heat of the Sun’s rays, we can make

sure that there will be rain that day. Apart from

atmospheric factors, the ancient meteorologists took

note of the behaviour of certain animals as indicating

immediate rainfall such as...

Cows hasten home to meet their calves. Cats scratch

the ground with their claws. Hills shine at a distance

and seem to have a blue coloring. The disc of the Moon

has a circular red line, the color being that of the eyes

of the hen. Chameleons climb up trees and stare

stupidly at the sky. Cows too seem to stare upwards.

Cocks crow in the day looking up. Flashes of lightning

are marked in the North East. The Moon is observed

to have the color of honey or of the eyes of parrots or

doves. The disc of the Moon though enveloped in

clouds, seems to emanate a radiance—round in shape

Prathi Chandra (mock moon).

We are asked to predict that there will be rains

immediately if the following are observed :—

Pearls of thunder crash in the night time, deep red flashes

of lightning are observed during day time; cold winds blowContinued from the May 2012 issue

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from the East; young sprouting leaves raise their heads

high, birds freely bathe in water or in dust, serpents bark

in the sunsine lying on grass; clouds assume the color of a

peacock, parrot, wild crow, or chathaka bird and seem to

have the shape of waves, hills, tortoise, pigs and fishes.

A rising bundle of Sun’s rays shoot forth just like hills,

clouds come closer to the earth, with thunder and lightning.

Water becomes tasteless, the sky gets the color of the

cow’s eyes—a glow in the 8 Diks—salt melts— the

heavens get a glow just like that of crow’s eggs—winds

come to a standstill—frogs croak, fishes spring up above

water. Evidently, the ancient meteorologists were keen

students of nature as they have taken into consideration

every kind of phenomenon which indicates a change in

the weather.

If the Lagna rising at the time of Aries ingress happens to be

a watery sign and is aspected by watery planets there will be

proper rains. If the Rasi is a fiery one and is associated or

aspected by fiery planets, there will be no rain.

When Aries ingress happens to fall on Rohini, Anuradha,

Jyeshta, Uttarashada, Abhijit, Sravana, Dhanishta, the year

is known as ‘ Indra Mandala ‘. The year will be happy

and prosperous. When the Sankramana falls on Bharani,

Krithika, Pushyami, Makha, Pubba, Visakha and

Poorvabhadra, the year is known as’Agni Mandala’. The

effect will be, fear from fire, poverty everywhere, crops

fail. Autumn crops are destroyed. When the ingress

happens to be Aswini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Uttara,

Hastha, Chitta, Swathi, then the year has ‘Vayu Mandala’.

Fear from kings, storms and scarcity of rains, will be the

result. When the ingress happens to be Aridra, Aslesha,

Mula, Poorvashada, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadra and Revati

then the year has ‘Varuna Mandala’. Good rains and

general prosperity will ensue.

Apart from the astro-meteorological methods, horary

astrology is also employed to predict rains, etc.

* If a watery planet occupies a non-watery Rasi there

will be rain soon. If non-watery planet occupies a watery

Rasi, there will be rain after some delay. Watery planet in

a watery Rasi brings in regular rains. Non-watery planet

in a non-watery Rasi brings in no rain. In the bright half

of the (lunar) month, if benefics occupy 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8

bhavas in watery signs or Moon stands in an aquatic sign,

there will be rain.

If at the time of prasna, the 2nd or the third bhava happens

to be a watery sign, then within 20 days the rains will be

so heavy that floods will rise up in rivers. If the question

is made in the Varsha Ritu, the situation of Saturn in the

7th house from Sun or Moon, or in the 4th or 8th from

ascendant, or in the 2nd or 3rd from ascendant, brings in

copious rains. In Varsha Ritu, Moon in a watery sign and

ascendant, or in Sukla Paksha, Moon in quadrant, bring in

rain all on a sudden. If a benefic aspects the Moon, rains

will be very heavy. If a malefic aspects the Moon, the

rains will be very scarce. In the place of Moon, insert

‘Venus’ and predict the same results.

In a query regarding ‘ Floods’, Moon or Mercury, or Jupiter

and Venus aspected by benefics and occupying 4, 7 and

10, brings in high floods. In the 4th floods result from

springs and wells and in the 7th floods are to be seen in

rivers and in the 10th floods are due to very heavy rains.

Though the above mentioned signs and yogas indicate

heavy rains, if the ascendant has the association or aspect

or Navamsa or drekkana of Mercury, there will be no

rains, being disturbed by winds.

If Mars, Mercury, Saturn or Rahu occupy quadrants, rains

will be quickly dissipated by adverse storms and cyclones.

If Udaya ascendant is an aquatic sign and Venus and Moon

occupy the same or if Arudha aspected by Venus and

Moon happens to be a watery sign, predict that there will

be rains.

If Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Rahu occupy quadrants,

there will be no rains being disturbed by adverse winds. If

they are associated by benefics, there will be some rain.

If Rahu and Saturn occupy watery signs, the rains will be

enjoyable. If these are aspected by Moon and Venus, rains

will be very heavy causing harm.

The above methods may look somewhat fantastic to us,

educated as we are, according to Western methods, but

having due regard for the wisdom of the sages, it would

be well to test the truth of their statements. An appeal to

facts, if conducted fairly and extended day by day over a

sufficient length of time—for a casual observation now

and again is not sufficient—is sure to convince the

observer that certain planetary positions do actually

accompany definite changes in the weather and that this

occurs too frequently to dismiss as chance-coincidence.

Modern astronomers and meteorologists would find it more

useful and more instructive to watch for and study such

coincidences than to confine their observations of

conjunctions of Mars and Saturn to the delightful

amusement of “ testing photometrically and also

photographically the lustre of the conjoined planets”.

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... Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi


p³eesefLe<e ef®evlee efveefOe

Continued from the May 2012 issue


note of Vaidhruthi and Vyatipata. Liberally

translated, Vydhruti may mean concealing or inescapable

and Vyatipata falling from standards. As mentioned earlier,

these are the two important of the nine forbidden Yogas

eschewed for the conduct of auspicious functions.

Vaidhruthi pervades from 346º 40’ to 360º and Vyatipata

from 213º 20’ to 226º 40’ of the sum of the longitudes of

the Sun and the Moon. Vaidhruthi and Vyatipata

punyakaala are observed on the day when the yogas

prevail for 1½ hours or more, when Sraddhas are

performed by the astute. These form part of the

shannavati - 96 - Sraddhas ordained for a householder.

Considering the astronomical implications, the Sayana

Vaidhruthi and Vyatipata days are also indicated in most

of the calendars. With added ayanamsa, for both the

longitudes of the Sun and the Moon, the Sayana

Vaidhruthi and Vyatipata will occur, a couple of days

ahead of the Nirayana computations.

We have most of our religious observances pegged on to

tithis. Chandradarisana, Chaturthivrata, Shastivrata,

Ekadasivrata, Harivasara, Pradosha and

Pournamipooja are specially mentioned in most of our

panchangas. Chandradarisana is observed on the

evening on the day when the crescent Moon appears for

the first time in the west after the Amavasya. The months

of the Islamic calendar begin only on the sunset times on

that day. Chaturthivrata, every month, is observed on

the day when the Sukla Chaturthi Tithi is prevalent. This

is called Ganesha Chaturthi. By faith and custom, the

seeing the Moon, still a crescent, is avoided on that day.

It is on this day of the month of Bhadrapada, the annual

event of Ganesha or Vinaayaka Chaturthi is celebrated

all over the country. Apart from its religious importance,

it is now celebrated as a National festival, thanks to the

movement initiated by Lokamanya Balagangadhara Tilak.

It gains special significance when it falls on a Sunday or

Tuesday. Likewise, on Magha Sukla Chaturthi, called

Tila Chaturthi, Kunda or Varada Chaturthi, Ganesha

Pooja is performed in Bengal.

The Chaturthi of the Krishnapaksha or Bahula

Chaturthi of every month is known as

Sankataharachaturthi. After observing Vrata or fasting

for the full day, it is the practice to break it and take food

only after observing the abhisheka for Ganapathi or seeing

the Moon rising in the east. The purpose of this Vrata is

to get rid of sankashtas or problems and difficulties.

When such a day falls on a Tuesday, it is called Angaraka

Chaturthi. By convention, this Vrata is to commence

with the Sravana Krishna Chaturthi and continued to be

observed every month, at least for one year. Some

continue it for 21 years or even for life. Lord Siva is

supposed to have observed this Vrata when he wanted to

vanquish the demon Taaraka!

Shastivrata, dedicated to lord Subrahmanya is observed on

the sixth lunar day of the Shuklapaksha. Kartika Sukla Shasti

is observed as Subrahmanya Shasti or Skanda Shasti when

Soorasamhara is enacted and celebrated in Tamil Nadu in a

grand scale especially at Palani and Tiruchendur.

Ekadasi is observed twice in every lunar month, one in

Krishnapaksha and the other in Shuklapaksha. Each

of the Ekadasi has a special name and different favourable

results are attributed for observing the Vrata on such days.

However, the Vrata is observed during the Harivasara

timings. Harivasara starts with the last quarter of the

Ekadasi and exists up to the end of the first quarter of

Dwadasi. This period is furnished in moat of the

panchangas, especially in Kerala. The name of the

Ekadasi and the special results attributed for those

observing the Vrata are also mentioned by some.

Pradosha is the time of 6 ghatikas or 2h. 24m., after the

sunset of a day. It has some other connotations as well.

The first three hours of Chaturthi, 4½ hours of Saptami

and 6 hours of Trayodasi go under the name. The most

important ones are those of the evenings of Sukla and

Krishna Trayodasi days that are specially observed as

Pradosha Vrata days, which are the times of worship of

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Siva and Parvati in extremely propitious mood. When it

happens on a Saturday, it is called Sanipradosha and if

on Monday Somapradosha and both are special.

Pournamipooja is done in the evenings on days the full

Moon is prevalent.

The Amavasya day, Pitrudina is devoted to manes and

offerings are made to them through Tarpana. Thirteen

Amavasya days of the lunar year are included in the

shannavati -96- Sraddhas. A discussion of various other

special Tithis is deferred, as our present aim is to examine

some of the special Yogas. These Yogas are numerous

and only some select ones find a place in the daily guide.

By permutation and combination, the Vara, Nakshatra and

Tithi can generate too many groupings. We have Vara-

Tara-Yogas with the combination of weekdays and

Nakshatras. The Tithi-Vara Yogas are the combination

of those with Tithi and weekdays. Tithi-Vara-Tara Yogas

are those with the combinations of all the three. Let us

try to examine them one by one.

The combination of specific Tithi on a specific weekday

is called the Tithi-Vara yoga. Dwadasi on a Sunday, Ekadasi

on Monday, Dasami on Wednesday, Navami on Thursday,

Ashtami on Friday and Saptami on Saturday create

Krakachadosha. This can be spotted out easily. It will

be present when the sum of the Tithi and the weekday

add up to 13. It must remembered that, in our panchangas,

the reckoning a day by its name, is done from one sunrise

to the next. Krakachadosha yoga is generally not

recommended for auspicious events. Tithis Trayodasi,

Chaturdasi, Pournami, Amavasya and Prathama to

Panchami cannot create this Dosha. Krakacha means a

saw and like it is capable of cutting the beneficial effects

of the time selected.

As there are divergent views in the constitution of some

of the Tithi Vara Yogas according to different authorities,

we shall confine only to those, mostly accepted and discuss

them hereafter. (to be continued)


Raman & Rajeshwari

Research Foundation, Regd.

Bangalore India


Birth Centenary Year

C e l e b r a t i o n s

on 5th August 2012

Event news updates on www.astrologicalmagazine.com

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The significance of Sri Ramayana cannot be described in words. The impact of Sri Rama’s character hascaptivated the Indian psyche. The magnanimity of his virtues, perseverance to adhere to the principles ofDharma in the face of intense adversity; catapults the phenomenon of Sri Rama, into the supreme uniqueleague.

However, Sage Valmiki has simply enlisted the benefits of Ramayana. This story

����� Decimates the sins of listeners/ readers, as it encourages and inspires them to adhere to the path of


����� Sets the polity on the path of virtues and merit.

����� Increases their health and life span, to lead life of chastity and virtue coupled with prosperity.

����� Elevates them to the greatest plane of spirituality.

Thus, Ramayana parayana has become an integral part of Indian Society. It has branched out to many formsof humanity, such as an enactment of drama, literature, songs, ballet, simple prose, poetry, analysis and otherforms of folk art.

In this electronic age, medium of internet has been crucial to spread the awareness about Ramayana. Hence,Ramayana’s 1st Chapter called Sankshepa (Shatashloki Ramayana) is presented in video form, attractingthousands of viewers across the globe. Its frequent viewership has even helped to lessen the impact of calamities.

This great chapter is now presented in a series of articles in THE ASTROLOGICAL EMAGAZINE for the benefit of itsreaders.

Samskruta Bhasha

As we speak of Ramayana, it would be our inherent duty to mention the classic language deployed by the poetsage Valmiki.

What is so great in it?

The work is known as the first and foremost work in classic Sanskrit Literature. Thus, it retains its pre-eminence in literary pursuit.

Hence, it will be beneficial to start learning Sanskrit and the nuances of usage through Ramayana.The relevance of each word and its deployment are great source of inspiration, for and all. Let uslook forward to learn the language and adopt the values espoused thru the medium to acquireumpteen chances of reform in life. Jaya Guru Datta!

Sanskrit through Ramayana(Series by Dr. Vamshi Krishna Ghanapathi begins on page ...)

Benedictory Message of Sadguru

Parama Pujya Avadhoota Datta Peethadhipati

Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji

Typewritten text
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ALMOST FIVE DECADEs back as a young boy I

accompanied my uncle to a traditional vedic pandit

cum family astrologer for consultation on his nephews’

horoscopes. The astrologer after thoroughly scanning

the horoscopes, put them on the table and disapprovingly

nodded his head. My uncle was a bit worried but the

astrologer hastened to reassure him nothing to worry about

their longevity, but both will leave their mother land and

settle down abroad. Those days going abroad was still

considered to be a taboo and hence according to him it

was not a good horoscope. But today’s modern astrologer

considers going abroad is a great achievement and makes

his client jump with joy. My uncle was in for another

surprise when the astrologer said that one of them will

marry outside the caste. He also suggested some

pariharam (appeasing the planets to overcome the

negative indications in the horoscope). I am not sure

whether my uncle followed the astrologer’s advice but

both his sons went abroad and one even married a foreigner.

The tradition of family astrologer was prevalent from

time immemorial and as far as my memory goes it

continued till 1980s. Such family astrologers were not

merely professional but an integral part of the larger

families, sharing happy and not so happy moments with

their clients and stood by them like a solid rock in times

of need. Since they knew each family member’s

horoscope so well , they were able to provide holistic

advice considering various aspects before the family took

major decisions. Since people those days had faith, both

on astrology and the astrologer, his advices were

respected. He was a kind of assurance to the family,

especially when things did not go well. In other words, he

was a friend in need. As reciprocation family astrologers

also felt morally responsible to their clients since their

words were taken seriously and acted upon. Thus there

existed a healthy and respectful relationship on both sides.

However, 1980s started seeing the drift from the family

astrologer tradition, thanks to increase in literacy levels.

Moreover, the employment opportunities started taking the

younger generation to far away destinations from their

Family Astrologer


joint family unit and this paved way for ‘nuclear family’

system. The younger generation started living away from

even their parents after marriage, either on their own or

due to vocational compulsions. Thus, what used to be

daily meetings between the family members culminated

into social gatherings, hardly any time was spent on

discussing matters related to traditions, customs etc., and

easily one could see the traditions losing its fabric. The

worst aspect was that traditional practices were subject to

mockery by other so called progressive minded members of

the family and the practitioner was almost ridiculed.

Thanks to exposure to other worldly developments,

youngsters started questioning everything before

acceptance and when they did not get convincing answers,

such traditions were discarded without batting an eyelid.

The main reason for this dichotomy was due to elders

themselves moving away from the joint family system

in their quest for greener pasture and along with this

tradition also lost its course. Their moral authority to

address queries from youngsters on customs, traditions

suffered from conviction and this resulted in non-adherence

to time tested practices. And one of the victims of this

change was astrological practices.

I must mention here the role of electronic/print media which

can not be totally ignored for its role in making Astrology an

ordinary TRP/readership tool in their hands. Beginning from

yearly, monthly and daily predictions, giving generic forecastes

became a fashion. In the fast food era, this captured the

imagination of the youth for its speed of delivery and they

totally ignored the traditional astrologers. While some of them

continue to provide consultation to members of one family,

we could never consider them any way closer to the

traditional family astrologer who advised larger family units

comprising of many members. On the other hand the new

trend left knowledgeable and experienced astrologers

frustrated and the traditional family astrologer started

disappearing over a period of time.

For the benefit of community at large, let us seek the

blessings of the higher energies for the resurgence of

family astrologer tradition soon.


Mr. Nithyanandan is a qualified

Chartered Accountant having held

senior positions in various

organisations and is currently

associated with a globally reputed

company in Bangalore. A true believer

in tradition and culture, his study of

astrology began in the mid 1970s.

Provides astrological services too. His

son is currently doing his Ph.D and

lives in USA with his wife.

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(This special article is dividied into three parts – The event, the

astrological significance and the astronomical aspect. Every

student of astrology and astronomy will greatly benefit by going

through this very well designed, content rich article by a vedic

scholar par excellence.– Editor, The AeM)Part A

AS A SECOND RARE EVENT of this century we will be

witnessing a “Transit of Venus across the disc of the Sun”

on June 6, 2012. Some of our readers may remember the

one such transit occurred on the 8th of June 2004. That was a most

interesting celestial event that was eagerly awaited then, after a lapse

of 121 years, when almost one generation who died before that date

was denied the opportunity to witness such a rare celestial sight.

On the 8th June 2004 we, in India, could see the planet Venus moving

across the face of the Sun for nearly six hours.

Venus Transits the


V S Kalyanraman, a

mathematician and amateur

astronomer by training, a

bureaucrat by profession and a

student of astrology by passion,

had his traditional training in

astrology in his teens, under a

couple of illustrious masters in

Kerala and took a vow not to

turn a professional astrologer. A

journalist from his student days

he commenced his career as a

teacher and ended it as a senior

officer of the Government of

India. Turning his attention to

serious studies, from story

writing, in the fifties, to Saiva

Siddhanta, Philosophy,

Psychology, Vedic Mathematics,

Bharateeya Ganitha Sastra,

Jyothisha (astronomy), the

various astrological systems,

Vastu Sastra, Vedic Numerology

and allied disciplines, under

various masters of repute, he was

actively associated in astrological

journalism, over decades and

more intensively after his

retirement for over two decades,

under the guise of various

pseudonyms and has been the

recipient of many awards. He, as

a senior contributor is with THE


inception. He is not available for

any private consultations.

2004 transit as seen from

Bangalore at 07:41 UTC,

about two hours into the

transit. The image is inverted

compared to the diagram,

so Venus is seen near the

top of the Sun’s disc

A similar event will happen this year on the 6th June 2012. Here is

a warning. No one must try to see the Sun with naked eyes. No

optical aid, telescope or binoculars, as we usually watch the night

sky, must be used to observe this phenomenon. Even filters will not

be safe. Any such attempt can damage the eyes and cause permanent

blindness. The safe method will be to project the image of the Sun

on a white screen and observe the event on the screen.

What Is this All About?

After-all what is this “Transit of Venus across the disc of the Sun”?

The orbits of the planets Mercury and Venus lie inside the orbit of

the Earth, around the Sun. Therefore only these two planets can

pass between the Earth and the Sun and trigger such transits.

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Mercury and Venus are far away from the earth, towards

the Sun. Therefore during such transits, they will be seen

as small black dots, slowly moving across the bright face

of the Sun. On the 6th June 2012 Venus can be seen as

a black dot moving across the disc of the Sun. Those who

could witness such a similar celestial drama in 2004, if

are lucky to live to see the next one on the 6th June 2012,

will be most fortunate, for having seen two such transits

during their lifetime, as the facility of seeing even one is

denied to almost many.

Pattern of Occurrence

These transits of Venus occur in pairs with eight years

separating two such events. The pairs recur at intervals

of 121.5 and 105.5 years. In other words, these transits

of Venus have a curious 243 year repeating pattern. Two

transits occur in December, around the 8th, in an eight

years gap. Then, there is a wait of 121½ years for the

next pair to occur. Then, another two transits occur in

June, around the 7th, in another eight year gap. The next

one will occur only after 105½ years. This pattern repeats.

In any pair, the first transit of Venus will be followed by a

second one, eight years later. This is because the orbital

period of 224.701 days of Venus and of 365.256 days of

the Earth, are in an eight year or 2922 days resonance

with each other. In other words, during the period the

Earth goes round the Sun, eight times, Venus completes

almost exactly thirteen such revolutions around the Sun.

As a result, Venus and Earth line up in the same positions

with respect to the Sun once in eight years. These two

orbital periods of the earth and Venus are not quite

matching with each other, always. After the first eight

year gap, Venus will arrive at starting point in the next

eight year rendezvous, about 22 hours earlier than the

Earth. That is why no transit occurs in the second eight-

year tryst, as Venus arrives too early for a transit to occur.

The next transit season occurs either 105.5 years or 121.5

years later at the opposite node of the orbit of Venus. An

example of this pattern can be seen in the transit pairs of

1631- 1639; 1761-1769; 1874-1882, 2004 and now in 2012.

History of Observation

Since the invention of the telescope only six such events

of transits of Venus that occurred in the years 1631, 1639,

1761, 1769, 1874, 1882 and 2004 have so far been


The ensuing transit of Venus, across the disc of the Sun,

due to occur next on the 6th June 2012 is the next one of

the pair, of 2004-2012. It can be remembered that the

earlier one of the present pair occurred on the 8th June,


The Process and Progress of the Transit

Such transits have four stages.

1. First is the instant when the outer rim of the planet

touches that of the Sun.

2. The second stage is when the entire disc of the Venus

gets inside the disc of the Sun. After this, during the

next several hours, Venus gradually will traverse the

solar disc, at a speed of about 4-arc-min/hr.

Dont Watch the transit with naked eyes.

It can damage your eyes and even

cause permanent blindness.

These planetary passages, in front of the Sun, can also be

considered as a peculiar kind of eclipses of the Sun.

Eclipses of the Sun happen when actually the Moon moves

in front of the Sun and blocks its light. Then, because of

the nearness of the Moon to us, on the earth, the Moon

can cover either fully or even partially the disc of the Sun,

for the observers on the earth. However, in the case of

Venus and Mercury, they can obstruct only a tiny portion

of the big disc of the luminous Sun, because they are very

far away from the earth, unlike the Moon, which

comparatively is too near to us.

Such transits of these two planets are rarer than the usual

eclipses of the Sun that we see quite often, caused by the

Moon. This is because such transits can happen only if

the planets are in inferior conjunction with the Sun and

also cross the ecliptic at that moment of time.

More Details

The planet Mercury goes round the Sun more quickly

because its orbit is nearer to the Sun than Venus. Such

transits of Mercury therefore happen more frequently.

They happen about 13 or 14 times in each century. These

transits of Mercury can happen in the months of May or

November. The last three transits of Mercury across the

disc of the Sun occurred in 1999, 2003 and 2006. However,

the transit of 2006 could be witnessed only for a few

minutes and that too in some places of the North Eastern

parts of India and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands

because it was night time in India. The next transit of

Mercury will occur only on the 9th May 2016.

The transits of Venus are much rarer because its orbit is

considerably larger than that of Mercury. These transits

of Venus are possible only during the early December

and early June. Only then the orbital nodes Venus pass

across the Sun and when the planet will be on an inferior

conjunction at that time.

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3. At the third stage the planet will reach the opposite

limb. Then it will become once again internally

tangential with the outer rim of the Sun.

4. The transit ends at the final fourth stage when the

outer rim of the planet touches that of the Sun, just to

get out of it.

The first two contacts of the phase are called ingresses.

The last two are called egresses. Greatest transit is the

instant of minimum angular separation between Venus and

the Sun as seen from Earth's geo-centre.

Where is the transit Seen ?

The entire transit of 5th/6th June 2012 (all four contacts)

will be visible from its beginning to end in most of eastern

China, northern Asia, Japan, Korea, Philippines, east

Australia, New Zealand, east Russia, Alaska, north-

western North America, Hawaii and the western Pacific.

Only part of the transit will be visible from most of North

America, the Caribbean, and northwest South America,

until the sun sets while the transit is still in progress on

Fig 2

Fig 3

Diagrammatic Charts and Maps

June 5th. In the Middle East and most of south Asia,

Europe, eastern Africa, Israel, east Africa, the transit will

be visible immediately on the sunrise of the 6th June

(when the transit will already be in its middle course).

However, those in most of the Atlantic Ocean, Portugal,

southern Spain, western Africa, and the south-eastern two

thirds of South America and West Africa, will not see the

transit at all!

In India

From any part of India the beginning of the transit will

not be visible as the event will be in progress before

sunrise. However we can see Venus on the disc of the

Sun from sunrise to 10h.12m., till its final egress at


Diagrammatic patterns of the positions of the Sun, Venus

and the earth in their orbits are given Figures 1, 2 and 3.

Map 1 shows the transit pattern across the disc of the

Sun for both the events of 2004 and 2012. Map 2 shows

the areas of visibility, full and partial, for different regions

in the word, for event of 2012.

Fig 1

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Map 1

(MAP Source: NASA and other astronomical bulletins)

Map 2

Visibility map of the 2012 Venus Transit

2004 and 2012 Transits of Venus


in Progress

at SunsetNo Transit



in Progress

at Sunrise




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Concluding it must be remembered that, prior to 2004, it

was on December 6, 1882, such an event was witnessed

on the earth. None of those who could have seen that

event, in the 19th century, would have survived till 2004,

much less to watch this transit of June 2012. However,

some who were lucky to see the transit of 2004, like this

scribe, if can also be alive on the 6th June 2012, to see the

next one, can feel proud of having witnessed both these

rare events of this century. Then, after 2012, the present

generation cannot witness the next pair of such transits,

because they can occur only after over a century from

now, on the 11th December 2117 and then on 8th

December 2125.

Part B

FFFFFor Students of Astror Students of Astror Students of Astror Students of Astror Students of Astrologyologyologyologyology

The students of astrology can note that the terrestrial

impacts of such rare celestial events could be experienced

months ahead or later to such events, depending upon the

location of visibility, time and other allied factors. The

recorded history has nothing much to correlate such transits

of Venus or Mercury with major terrestrial happenings.

However, there are some recorded incidents that can

kindle the curiosity of the assiduous students of astrology

and make them rummage around for possible links of such

causes and effects.

An annihilation of a massive 16000 inhabitants of Venice,

due to plague happened on November 30, 1630. This was

just prior to the transit of Venus in 1631. Just after this

transit, in December 1631, Mount Vesuvius erupted,

destroying six villages, killing thousands of people.

Perhaps Italy had to take the burn for the transit event of

1631. In March 1760 much of Boston was destroyed by

a raging fire. This was prior to the transit of 1761. The

largest volcanic eruption ever recorded was Krakatau in

Indonesia, in 1883, just after the 1882 transit of Venus.

The blast was stated to have been heard 4635 kilometres

away and the collapse of the volcano caused 150 meters

high waves in the nearby Sunda Strait. Ash from the

eruption hung in the upper atmosphere causing global

temperature drop by an average of 1.2º C, over the next

twelve months. Quite recently, can we not take the great

forest fire that raged America in November 2003 as a

precursor to the transit of 2004?

Can anyone forget the great Indian Ocean earthquake

and tsunami that occurred on the 26th December 2004,

which caused major losses in many parts of the world,

including India and caused an estimated death of 227,898

people? It is worthy of mention that some such catastrophe

was predicted astrologically while discussing the transit

of 2004, elsewhere. The catastrophe was caused after

the transit of Venus in June 2004. It will not be out of

place to foresee some such disasters in the near future,

as the aftermath of the impending transit of Venus, for

which the recent strong earthquake that hit Indonesia of

a magnitude of 8.7 on the afternoon of Wednesday, April

11, 2012, could be perhaps an indication. Of course those

parts of the world exposed fully to the transit visibility

could be more susceptible for some such natural havoc,

in the perceptible future.

What our Astrological Texts Say

Brihat Samhita mentions that when Venus becomes

visible before the Sun sets, panic will rule the land and if

seen throughout the day, famine and diseases will break


The situation on the 6th June 2012 is that Venus will be

seen during daytime not as a bright object but as a darkened

spot moving across the face of the Sun, for about four

hours during daytime. However, Venus does not over-shine

the Sun. Prior to the moment of the entering and the

moment it goes out of the rim of the Sun, the planet will

not visible, as it will be lost in the glory of the Sun. On

that day the Sun will be in Rohini along with Venus, which

is retrograde. Venus is in Gajavithi, in the north avenue,

in the first mandala and becomes conjunct with the Sun

on the 6th and with Mercury on the 2nd. An exact

conjunction of Saturn and Mars that occurs on 15th August

causing an Agnimarutayoga in Libra bereft of any benefic

aspect or association is worthy of note, as it happens on

our next Independence day. As this happens at the 4th

place from the natal Moon of the Indian Independence

chart, a volatile situation can open up just before or after

that moment.

Stock markets can

tumble and totter

for a while

Stock markets can tumble and totter for a while. Saturn

in Virgo can bring a lot of confusion and misunderstanding

amongst the political partners of the ruling coalition and

troubles for women and writers. A state of turbulence

can sway the tribal regions causing many killings. An

explosive situation in some of the Arab countries cannot

be ruled out.

What Further is in Store

However, Saturn has its favourable strength as well. It

can favour the downtrodden masses of the country.

Governments both at the centre and states will be

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compelled to take steps to improve their status. Saturn is

a planet for democracy. Non democratic countries like

some of those in the Middle East and rest of the world

can see revolutions cropping up making the masses to

have the final say. It was after the earlier sojourn of

Saturn in Libra, India experienced some shocking and

surprising political changes. Saturn perhaps can help to

see the emergence of a leader of strong mettle and

manners, to take the country to new heights. True to his

name, Manda, the process can be a bit slow but steady.

Part C

Some Astronomical DetailsSome Astronomical DetailsSome Astronomical DetailsSome Astronomical DetailsSome Astronomical Details

Students of astronomy will find the following information

interesting. During the present period in Earth's history,

the orbit of Venus crosses the orbital plane of the Earth in

early June and early December, each year. If Venus is

passing between the Earth and Sun at that time, a transit

will be seen. During the six millennium period 2000 BCE

to 4000 CE, the earth would experience 81 transits of

Venus across the Sun. These events can be organized

into two groups:

June (Descending Node) = 44

December (Ascending Node) = 37

Occasionally, one of the eight year "double-transits" may

not happen because one of them may become a near miss.

The due transit in 1388 missed and the next one in 3097

also will not happen.

Transits of Venus for an 800 year period from 1601 to

2400 are as noted below.

Saturn can see the emergence of

a leader of strong mettle and manners,

to take the country to new heights.

The impending conglomeration of five planets in Taurus

around the 3rd June 2012, just three days prior to the transit

of Venus, will be worthy of watch. Five planets in Taurus,

along with Mars from Leo and Saturn from Virgo, will be

aspecting the neecha Full Moon, eclipsed by Rahu, in

Scorpio, causing somewhat a simulated ‘navagraha’ tangle

on Scorpio, which accidently happens to be the ascendant

of the swearing in of the present ruling ministry at the

Centre, according to Chaitrapaksha Ayanamsa. With the

twin eclipses on 20th May (Annular Solar Eclipse) and

4th June (Partial Lunar Eclipse), the Nation can get ready

to face drastic changes in the centre, demise or demotion

of a couple of popular personalities and to receive a strong

and popular leader some months ahead or at least sometime

after June this year.












Chart for Ingress

Time at New Delhi








Aries will be rising at New Delhi at the time of ingress,

with Sun, Jupiter, retrograde Venus and Ketu in the second,

with retrograde Saturn in Virgo and Mars in the fifth,

without any beneficial aspects. This can surely trigger

some political turmoil, mostly by a lady politician. Demise

of a very popular person in the fine-arts field, prior to or

after this event of June 6, 2012, is possible.

1631 Dec 07

1639 Dec 04

1761 Jun 06

1769 Jun 03

1874 Dec 09

A useful way to organize the transits is by grouping them

into series where each member of a series is separated

by 88,756 days or 243 years (sum of 8 + 105.5 + 8 +

121.5 years). Thus, the transits of 1518, 1761 and 2004

would belong to one series, while the transits of 1639,

1882 and 2125 would belong to another series. Such transit

series are quite long-lived and may last 5,000 years or

more. For example, the series of December at Ascending

Node began in -1763 (1764 BCE) and will run till 2854 (a

grazing transit) for a total of 20 transits spanning 4617

years. These transit families are quite analogous to the

Saros series for solar and lunar eclipses.

The positions of the orbital nodes of Venus with respect

to Earth are slowly changing with time. Five thousand

years ago, transits occurred around May 21 and November

19. At present, the transits occur within a day of June 7

and December 9. In about 1500 years, the transits will

occur during Earth's solstices, i.e., June 21 and December

22. Over a period of approximately eighty thousand years,

the transit dates will migrate forward one complete cycle

through the seasons.

1882 Dec 06

2004 Jun 08

2012 Jun 06

2117 Dec 11

2125 Dec 08

2247 Jun 11

2255 Jun 09

2360 Dec 13

2368 Dec 10

This space for you @ `̀̀̀̀ 900

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Episode ... 1

Þeer ieCesMee³e vece: ùrè gaïäùáya namaç

Þeer mejmJel³ew vece: ùrè sarasvatyai namaç

ÞeerHeeoJeuueYe vejeEmen mejmJeleer Þeerieg© oÊee$es³ee³e vece:ùrèpádavallabha narasinha sarasvatè

ùrèguru dattáträyáya namaç

MegkeÌueecyejOejb efJe<Cegb MeefMeJeCe¥ ®elegYeg&peced ~ÒemeVeJeoveb O³ee³esled meJe&efJeIveesHeMeevle³es~Ùuklámbaradharam Vishnum ÙaùivarnamCaturbhujam |Prasannavadanam Dhyáyät Sarvavighnôpaùántayä ||

Meejoe MeejoecYeespe Jeovee Jeoveecyegpes~meJe&oe meJe&oemceekebÀ meefVeefOemmeefVeeEOe ef¬eÀ³eeled~Ùáradá Ùáradámbhôja Vadaná Vadanámbujä |Sarvadá Sarvadásmákam Sannidhi S’sannidhimKriyát ||

DeKeC[ ceC[ueekeÀejb J³eeHleb ³esve ®eje®ejced~lelHeob oefMe&leb ³esve lemcew Þeer iegjJes vece:~Akhanda Mandalákáram Vyáptam Yäna Carácaram |Tatpadam Darùitam Yäna Tasmai Ùrè GuraväNamaha ||

ketÀpevleb jecejecesefle ceOegjb ceOegje#ejced~Dee©¿e keÀefJeleeMeeKeeb Jevos JeeuceerefkeÀ keÀesefkeÀueced~Küjantam Rámarámäti Madhuram Madhuráksharam |

Áruhya Kavitáùákhám Vandä Válmèkikôkilam ||

Debpeveevoveb Jeerjb peevekeÀer MeeskeÀveeMeveced~keÀHeerMece#envleejb Jevos uebkeÀeYe³ebkeÀjced~

AnJanándanam Vèram Jánakè Ùôkanáùanam |Kapèùamakshahantáram Vandä Lankábhayamkaram ||

JesoJesÐes Hejs Hegbefme peeles oMejLeelcepes~Jeso: Òee®eslemeeoerled mee#eeêecee³eCeelcevee~Vädavädyä Parä Pumsi Játä Daùarathátmajä |

Vädaha Prácätasádèt Sákshádrámáyanátmaná |

jecee³e jeceYeêe³e jece®evêe³e JesOemes~jIegveeLee³e veeLee³e meerlee³ee: Hele³es vece:~Rámáya Rámabhadráya Rámacandráya Vädhasä |

Raghunátháya Nátháya Sètáyáha Patayä Namaha ||

DeLe jecee³eCe meb#esHe:Now Brief of Ramayana starts:

leHe mmJeeO³ee³e efvejleb leHemJeer JeeefiJeoeb Jejced~veejob HeefjHeÒe®í JeeuceerefkeÀ ceg&efveHegbieJeced~ 1

Tapa S’svádhyáya Niratam TapasvèVágvidám Varam |

Náradam ParipapracchaVálmèkirmunipungavam || 1

A thoughtful-meditator, an eternally studious sage in scriptures

about the Truth and Untruth, a sagacious thinker, and a sublime

enunciator among all expert enunciators is Narada, and with

such a Divine Sage Narada, the Sage-Poet Valmiki is

inquisitively enquiring about a man who is a composite for all

merited endowments in his form and calibre.

Basics of Sanskrit


Sentences of any language have three important parts.

1.Kartaa - Subject; 2. Karma - Object; 3. Kriyaa - Verb



Dr. Vamshi Krishna Ghanapathi is an

academic of Indology, deeply interested in

philosophy, music, literature and linguistics.

He is associated with Sri Ganapati

Sachchidananda Swamiji, a great spiritual

leader of our times for the past 3 decades. He

was awared a doctorate in Sanskrit by the

Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University,

Hyderabad for his thesis “Philosophical and

Pragmatic Critique on Rituals”

[As this is a Sanskrit Learning series, Devanagari Text is given for reference, apart from the

transliteration and meaning along with bilingual questions and answers. – Editor, The AeM.]



Page 18: 98387736 the Astrological EMagazine



Sanskrit learners should start the exercise by identifying

the verb first in every sentence. Next, the subject, followed

by the object should be found in the same order.

To sum up the theme?

1. What is the act (activity) described? - (Kriyaa/Verb)

2. Who did/ does it? (Kartaa/Subject)

3. Who is affected by the act? (Or the object of the

action)? (Karma/ Object)

In the first stanza, let us make out the simple sentence.

JeeuceerefkeÀ: veejob HeefjHeÒe®í~Valmiki asked Narada


Positions of Kartaa, Karma & Kriyaa

Basic difference between Sanskrit and English

Sequence of Kartaa (Subject), Karma (Object) and Kriyaa


� Sanskrit Language and its derivative languages, start

with the Subject/Kartaa. English also has the same


� However, Sanskrit does have the Verb/Kriyaa as the

last part in every sentence, in the normal course. In

English, the verb follows the subject.

� Object/Karma is placed after the subject/ Kartaa in

Sanskrit. English has object in the last part.

Illustration 1

JeeuceerefkeÀ: veejob HeefjHeÒe®í~(Valmiki asked Narada)

Moving onto the next set of information, after the basic

three parts of the sentence, we need to analyse the subject

or object by its qualities/ properties. These are

distinguished by a special word. This is called

efJeMes<eCe Viùäúaïa or Adjective

What are the qualities of these basic three?

These qualifiers are called as efJeMes<eCe Viùäúaïa or

Adjective. (We learn more about this later.)1 Normally,

there precede the Kartaa/ Karma.

� Viseshana is to distinguish. Make it distinct from


� The word distinguishing the subject/ object is called


� The distinguished subject/ object is called Viseshaya.

First stanza is complete with many adjectives for both

Kartaa and Karma.

Let us arrange the words for easy understanding.

� Kartaa/Subject - leHemJeer (adj) JeeuceerefkeÀ: (Subj)

Tapasvè, Válmèki

� Karma/ Object - leHe mmJeeO³ee³e efvejleb (Adj), JeeefieJeoebJejb (Adj), ceg&efveHegbieJeb (Adj), veejob (Obj) TapaS’svádhyáya Niratatam, Vágvidám Varam,munipungavam, Náradam

� Kriyaa/Verb - HeefjHeÒe®í~ Paripapraccha 1


Anvaya Krama Order of words in Prose and Poetry

Arrangement in this manner is called Anvaya Krama. The

order of understanding a sentence.

Usually, the order of Kartaa, Karma and Kriyaa remains

unaltered in Prose (Gadya/ Vaakya). Whereas, Poetry has

its emphasis on metre. Hence, the order gets changed to

suit the metre deployed by the poet. Therefore, to

understand every stanza Anvaya Krama (Sequential

arrangement of words in each stanza) is written separately

for clarity, especially in the case of beginners.

To suit the context, beauty of letters/ words the adjectives

are also often mingled with other words. Hence, each word

has to be examined and understood for this arrangement.


1. What is Kartaa?

2. What is Karma?

3. What is Kriyaa?

4. What is the order of deploying Kartaa, Karma &

Kriyaa in Indian languages?

5. What is the difference between Indian Languages

and English?

6. What is Anvaya Krama?

7. What is the position of Adjective?

8. What is the difference of order in Poetry and Prose?

JeeuceerefkeÀ: veejob HeefjHeÒe®í~

Válmèkih náradam paripapraccha |Valmiki asked Narada

1. What was the gist of their discussion?

2. What were qualifiers to the questioner and replier?

3. What is the significance?

We will analyse this in the next episode. Subham!

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calendar that the world would come to an end on 21st

December 2012 has done enough rounds around the world.

This prediction is different from the prophecies of the

Nostradamus kind, because the Mayans had based their

predictions on a repetitive calendar system of astronomical

position of planets. This background of the predictions

naturally arouses the interest of astrologers like us who

have been introduced to traditional astrology given by the

Vedic seers. Of particular interest is the importance given

to Venus in the Mayan calendar. The origin of the Mayan

calendar coming from regions closer to the southern

hemisphere raises our curiosity as to whether the system

of Venus, known as Shukramana was the basis for the

Mayan calendar. In this article, an attempt is made to

bring out the salient features of the Shukramana, taking

cue from Brihat Samhita and interfacing with Mayan

revelations and the probable interpretation of the Mayan

prediction of 21st December, 2012.

Before going into the details, let us remind ourselves of

the Mayan connection to our traditional astrology. The

name Maya comes as a Vastu specialist and also as an

astrologer who received the wisdom of Surya

Siddhantha. In both these contexts Maya is either

referred to as a Danava or an Asura. Surya Siddhantha

recognises him as an Asura only. We should recall that

the region to the south of the equator was peopled with

Asuras according to Puranic narrations. The Asuras of

the south and the Devas who inhabited the Northern

hemisphere were guided by their respective preceptors

namely Shukra (Venus) and Brihaspathi (Jupiter)

respectively. For the astrologer, the important information

is that the cycle of Jupiter, known as Brihaspatya mana

was in vogue in the Northern hemisphere. This gives a

presumption that the cycle of Venus called as Shukra

mana must have been popular in the southern hemisphere.

Although not much is known about Shukra mana, the

traditional opinion is that such a system of time

measurement did exist as part of different systems of

mana or measurement of time. Interestingly Mayasura

The Mayan Apocalypse

A Vedic View

received the knowledge of nine systems of mana

according to the narration in the Surya Siddhantha. They

are Brahma-mana, Prajapatya-mana, Deva-mana,

Pitru-mana, Saura-mana, Chandra-mana, Savana-

mana, Nakshatra-mana and Brihaspatya-mana. The

Brihaspathya mana is based on Jupiter and was followed

by the Devas or the people of the northern hemisphere.

But an Asura receiving that knowledge precludes that he

later deduced the mana for the Asuras or the inhabitants

of the southern hemisphere. There does exist in some

compilations that a mana known as Asura mana was in

vogue in times of past but was lost due to dis-use in the

region where we live, namely the northern hemisphere.

An analysis of the past does reveal that a system of

astrology propagated by Maya and applicable to the

southerners did exist in the past. From Vedic texts we

come to know that a common ancestry of seers known as

Bhrugvangiras got divided into Bhrugu and Angiras.

Bhrugu’s disciple was Shukra, who became teacher for

Asuras (demons). And from Angiras came Brihaspathi

who became the teacher for Devas. The sage Bhrugu

and the teacher of Shukra are grouped along with Maya

in Matsya Purana as sages who were proficient in Vastu

sastra. Thus we find a connection between Maya and

Shukra and Asuras, the people of southern regions. This

background information gives credence to the Bhrugu or

Shukra mana (Asura-mana) system of time measurement

as the origin of the Mayan belief system that is found in

the Mesoamerican regions including Mexico and in regions

just north and south of the Equator. The importance given

to Venus in their systems also lends credence to its origin

in Asura-mana or Shukra-mana.

The Mayan Calendar of Time

Mayans followed 3 types of calculation of time. One is

the long count which is similar to Yuga cycles running

into thousands of years. One such long cycle is going

to end on 21st December 2012. The second one is a

Divine calendar (Tzolkin) running to a duration of 260

days. This resembles our Lunar calendar which we use

for religious purposes. Mayans have 13 rounds of 20 days

With a Masters degree in astrology, she

is a practitioner of astrology (and

palmistry) for twenty years. She is

currently doing Research in astrology.

While her teacher was maternal grand

father, Kaazhiyur Bashyam Iyengar, she

says she owes her knowledge largely to 

Dr B.V. Raman whose books enriched

her perception of astrology.JAYASREE SARANATHAN

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each, making up 260 days of the divine calendar. Many

theories are floating to justify this number. One theory of

importance to astrologers is that 260 is the number of

days between two consecutive zeniths for the Sun at

the place where Mayans once lived. This place was known

as Izapa and now they call it Chiapas Mexico which lies

at 15 degrees N. Gnomons used for observing the path of

the Sun have been unearthed in this place giving credence

to this notion. The third one is the Civil calendar (Haab)

which is equal to the Solar year. The Maya count it as 18

rounds of 20 days each and an extra 5 days. The last five

days are considered to be dangerous and evil. These two

(divine and civil calendar) are used in everyday life by

the Mayans and they repeat every 52 years. In other

words the Mayans had 52 year cycle that is similar to the

60 year cycle of the Brihaspatya mana.

Apart from this, the Mayans had a short count of 13 rounds

of 20 years for which they had written predictions. An

important feature of this count is that the 12th round of

the present series is also coming to an end on 21st

December 2012. These dates indicate the end of a cycle

which is being variously interpreted as a doomsday


A cursory look at the prediction for the 12th cycle spanning

for 20 years from 1993 to 2012 will reveal what the

Mayans thought. It runs as follows:

“There will be scarcities of corn and squash during

this katun (20 year period) and this will lead to great

mortality. This was the katun during which the

settlement of Chichen Itza (a place where Mayans

lived and built a temple) occurred, when the man-

god Kukulcan (Quetzalcoatl) arrived. It is the katun

of remembering and recording knowledge.”

Apparently this period shows a regional scarcity in food

production. It also says a date in the past when people

had settled in the area. According to this short count, it

would come to an end on 21st December 2012, when the

last and the 13th count of the current short series would

begin. The 13th count will run for 20 years and end in

2032. By a coincidence the long count and the 12th round

of the short count are coming to an end on 21st December

this year. There is absolutely no prediction of an

apocalypse for this date given in the Mayan books.

Venus as the Basis of Mayan System

The system of long and short count looks similar to 12

rounds of Jupiter’s cycle with small round of 5 years each,

with one count getting fit into another count. The Jupiter

cycle is known as Brihaspatya mana which is based on

the movement of Jupiter around the zodiac with its starting

point occurring in the constellation of Dhanishta in the

month of Magha, with its reappearance from a conjunction

with the Sun after Jupiter has crossed its sign of debility.

In fact, our astrological predictions for all the planets

except Saturn and the nodes are based on the re-

appearance after a conjunction (asthang) with Sun. The

counting of the lunar month starts the day after conjunction

of Moon with the Sun. For Mars, its point of retrogression

after reappearance from conjunction with Sun is taken

into consideration for different types of predictions. For

Mercury, its reappearance after a conjunction with Sun is

noted for making predictions according to Varahamihira.

Similarly, for Venus too, its reappearance after a

conjunction with Sun is taken into consideration for making

predictions. This system explained in Brihat Samhita is

also found in the Mayan book of Chilam Balam. (note

this name Chilam Balam of the Maya sounds like

Chidambaram, the abode of Nataraja, which was actually

called as Chelambaram or Chelambalam until 200 years

ago as per the records of the colonial travellers.)

The Chilam Balam tells about a Venus cycle of 584 days

and the tracking of the heliacal rising of Venus as the

morning and evening star accompanied with predictions

for these. Many dates have been given in this context

with prediction of war or loss or growth of crop or failure

of crop etc. This is significant because 584 is the number

of days that Venus takes to come closer to earth (called

as inferior conjunction) before it changes as evening or

morning star. Of this 236 is the number of days that Venus

is in the eastern sky as the morning star. For 90 days

Venus is in upper conjunction (on the other side of Sun)

when it will become invisible to earth. In the next 250

days Venus is the western sky as the evening star. Then

for 8 days, Venus is in inferior conjunction by coming in

between the earth and the Sun. On the day that I am

writing this article, Venus is in inferior conjunction –

crossing the disc of the Sun!

The Mayan dates reveal the above position of Venus. For

example one of the dates was January 27, in the year

727. On that day Venus made the reappearance in

Dhanishta as the morning star after an inferior conjunction.

Another date is September 17, 915 AD. That was also

the day of reappearance in the east as morning star after

an inferior conjunction. Venus reappeared in

Uttaraphalguni on that day. Like this many dates coincide

with the heliacal rising of Venus and they are mentioned

along with a prediction. If we look at Varahamihira’s

version, he has also given prediction for the heliacal rising

of Venus for all 27 stars.

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For example when Venus reappears in Dhanishta, the

heretics will suffer. When it reappears in Uttaraphalguni,

Varahamihira says that the people of Kuru, Panchala and

Jangala would perish and there would be good rains. It is

here we can see how the prediction is localised. This

prediction has no relevance to Mayan lands but only to

India. But the fact that the Mayans observed the

reappearance and based a prediction on it shows that the

methodology was same or derived from a common source

or a parental source, perhaps from the Vedic

Shukracharya. But predictions were made after

observing Nature and mankind for very many years. The

Mayan prediction is different but applicable to the region

where it is used. This is the basic feature that we must

see before taking the Mayan prediction of 21st December


Scientists have said that the Mayan dates coinciding with

the heliacal rising come with a minor error, which is

inevitable in direct observation. They also have said that

the observation is applicable to the landscape of Mayan

presence where the predictions were originally written.

This is substantiated by the predictions for helical rising

for Venus differing from Varahamihira’s predictions. It

shows that the methodology is same but the predictive

part differs from region to region. Many of the Chilam

Balam dates also tally with the dates of heliacal rising of

Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

The Beginning of Mayan Cycle

Basically the Brahaspatya mana starts after Jupiter

moves out of its sign of debility and emerges out of a

conjunction with the Sun. It is logical to expect a similar

rationale for Shukra mana also. And we are in for a

surprise because the long count of the Maya shows

such a rise for Venus. The current long count started

on August 11, 3114 BC. The skymap shows that Venus

has come out of its debility and also reappeared from a

conjunction with Sun. This cycle is going to come to an

end on 21st December this year which many people

think is predicted as the day of Cataclysm. This end

date also has Venus coming out of debility and

disappearing in conjunction with the Sun. However

some people question the exactness of this date. But

going by the logic reappearance with beginning of a

cycle and disappearance with the end of the cycle, I

think the more apt date would be 13th December 2012

and not 21st December. On 13th December, 2012, Venus

disappears from our sight due to conjunction with the

Sun and had also emerged out of its debility.

The skymaps on the beginning and end of the cycle are

shown in figures 1 and 2. An interesting feature is that

Saturn is in exaltation during these two occasions. Perhaps

the cycle of Venus has exalted Saturn as a main

companion in its movement.

Figure 2

August 11,

3114 BCMars





RahuJupiter (R)


December 21,

2001 ADMars





Jupiter (R)




Figure 1

The end of the cycle as shown on figure 2 is publicised as

the end of the world. The Mayan prediction reading does

not say that the world would end on that day. However

the 6-month period culminating in December has the

astrological combination for natural calamities such as

earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. (Refer my

2-part article on “Predicting earthquakes” published

in January and May 2010 issues of this Magazine.)

The location is the Americas. It is pertinent to note here

that a volcano became active about a month ago in Mexico.

Whatever prediction is made in Mayan books, it is

applicable to the Mayan regions (Mesoamerica) and not

for the world over.

Comparison ofMayan System with Vedic Astrology

There are two parallels between Mayan and

Varahamihiran astrology. Varahamihira tells about 9

veedhis in which Venus travels. He attributes different

Figure 3

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versions of this veedhi concept to different sources in

the past, but the core concept centres around 9 veedhis

or 9 streets in the sky. They are identified by the stars in

the sky. The appearance or reappearance of Venus (after

conjunction with Sun) in these veedhis is connected with

specific predictions. A parallel is seen in Mayan calendar

of 9 lords of night or 9 underworlds of Chichen Itza.

Figure 3 shows the image of this building (called as

Chichen Itza) which was measured by the famous

sculptor of India, Sri Ganapathi Sthapathi who found the

structure to be perfectly Vastu complaint as per the text


Figure 4 gives the close up feature of the 9 steps, which

the Mayan called as 9 underworlds.

This structure built about 1000 years ago is variously

explained by researchers, but an analysis of the location

of Venus in the sky in the backdrop of the steps in this

structure might throw interesting results, for, the steps

remind us of the 9 veedhis in which Venus travels. Seen

from the ground level, the rise and decline of Venus in the

sky could well match with the steps of this structure.

Yet another concept that resonates with Brihat Samhita

is that of Venus travelling in 6 mandalas. The sky is

divided into 6 mandalas and the reappearance of Venus

(after conjunction with Sun) in a mandala is noted with

specific predictions. In the Mayan system, the lunation is

seen in a series of 6. That is, the sky is divided into 6

segments and Moon’s transit is recorded in each of these

with specific predictions. Instead of Venus they see

Moon’s transit in these 6 mandalas.

The Mayans have a system of 13 rounds of 20 days or 20

years each. This is in contrast to the 12 rounds (yugas)

of 5 years each of Jupiter in the Brihaspatya mana. The

Figure 4

Mayan number 13 could mean the 13 lunar months. The

number 20 also comes along with Moon’s transit as they

count only the days when the Moon is seen before it

disappears and after it reappears. This is known from the

fact that they use a specific glyph to denote lunation for

19 days and another one from 20 to 30 days of lunation.

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The Venus cycle of Maya has 52 years – the rationale

behind which is not yet deciphered. But the number 13

has relevance in this cycle as 4 times 13 is 52. There will

be 8 rounds of 584 cycle of inferior conjunction in 52 years.

Like this, different categories of movement of Venus are

incorporated in the Mayan calendar making us think that

it could be based on the forgotten Shukra mana. The

detailed analysis of the Mayan system might perhaps

enable us to retrieve the forgotten Shukra mana.

Page 23: 98387736 the Astrological EMagazine




traditional system followed by a majority of the

practitioners of astrology in India.

Stellar system of astrology, though not so well known,

is a very effective tool for accurate prediction. Its

emphasis on the situation of planets on a nakshatra, as

distinct from a rasi or bhava, makes for more precise

prediction. With the stellar position of planets in mind one

can even make snapshot prediction on different facets

of a person’s life with amazing accuracy. Stellar system

with limited number of rules for prediction makes for

simplicity and clarity in prediction. It also rules out the

need to study many divisional charts except navamsa in


Readers who desire to take up the study of stellar system

of astrology should have a fairly good knowledge of

Parasari system of astrology, vimshothari dasa - bhukti

technique and the method of casting horoscope of a

person for a given birth data.

Parasari and stellar systems of astrology in the

analysis and judgement of a horoscope take into

account the nine planets of the solar system viz. Sun,

Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the

two shadowy planets Rahu and Ketu. Besides, they

reckon also the twenty seven nakshatras and the

twelve bhavas of a horoscope.

Many of the basic principles of Parasari system of

astrology hold good in the stellar system too. The

characteristics of planets and rasis, the lordship of

rasis, the karakatwas (significations) of planets and

bhavas, the influences exerted by planets by their

aspects, etc. are common for both the systems.

However, the similarities end here.

In stellar astrology the nine planets have been classified

into three groups viz. satwik, rajasik and thamasik on

the basis of their guna, inherent quality. Three

nakshatras ruled by each planet also come under

this classification. Details of planets and nakshatras

Mr. C.A. Padmanabhan is actively

associated with the activities of

The Institute of Astrological

Studies, Chennai since 1979. He has

been a regular contributor to The

Astrological Magazine Is now working

on his book on Stellar Astrology.

Mr. Padmanabhan retired as the Chief

Commercial Inspector of Southern




under each group as also the rules governing the

nature of phala (results) the planets would confer

under various circumstances, as, for instance, when a

satwik planet occupies a tamasik nakshatra or rajasik

nakshatra, etc. are shown in next page.

Stellar astrology considers not only the situation of a

planet in any particular rasi, or bhava, but also

takes note of the nakshatra on which the planet is

situated and the lord of the nakshatra. Guna of the

lord of the nakshatra, his situation in the horoscope

and the influences bearing on him by association,

aspects, etc. are also specially taken into account, as

these have a definite bearing on the nature of

phala (results) conferred by the planet.

Further, the bhavas owned by the lord of the nakshatra

have to be specially noted, because, if the lord of

the nakshatra were to own a dusthana like 4th, 8th or

the 12th bhava, the planet will not be able to confer

favourable results, and often the phala (results) will

be very unfavourable.

To illustrate how important and decisive is the role of

the stellar lord i.e. the lord of the nakshatra occupied

by the planet, in determining the nature of the result

a planet would confer, an illustrative horoscope is

discussed below. (Chart 1)

In Chart 1 ascendant is

Pisces. Ascendant lord

Jupiter is also the lord of

10th bhava signifying

profession, and is benefic.

He occupies 5th bhava,

a thrikona in Cancer

sign in exaltation. He is

also in a kendra from

Moon giving rise to

gajakesari yoga. One would expect this well -

placed and powerful Jupiter to confer favourable

results to the native in his dasa / bhukti. But this will


Chart 1






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not be the case always; this depends on the nakshatra

occupied by Jupiter in Cancer.

Cancer has the 4th pada of Punarvasu ruled by Jupiter

himself, a satwik planet, Pushyami ruled by Saturn, a

tamasik planet, and Aslesha ruled by Mercury, a

satwik planet. If Jupiter occupying Cancer is on the

4th pada of Punarvasu ruled by himself or on any

of the four padas of Aslesha ruled by Mercury, he

will bestow beneficial results, because these two

nakshatras are satwik. On the other hand, if Jupiter

was to occupy Pushyami ruled by tamasik planet

Saturn, he would confer only unfavourable results.

Of course, there are many more factors to be noted

such as lordship of the nakshatra lord, i.e. whether

he is lord of a benefic bhava such as kendra or a

trikona or whether his lordship is that of a dusthana

like 6th or 8th or 12th bhava, and what influences

are bearing on him by association or aspect, and

his strength, etc.

It will be noticed that the technique of delineating

bhava phala and dasa - bhukti phala in stellar system

of astrology is quite different from the methods

adopted in Parasari system of astrology.


The nine planets and the 27 nakshatras have been

classified under three groups – satwik, rajasik and

thamasik and the nakshatras ruled by each planet –

as shown in the next column.

Rules governing the nature of results that planets

would confer depending on (a) the nakshatra occupied

by it, (b) the guna of the nakshatra, (c) lord of the

nakshatra occupied by the planet and (d) situation of

the nakshatra lord in the horoscope are given below

1. All planets, irrespective of their nature - satwik,

rajasik or tamasik – occupying a satwik nakshatra

will bestow good results.

2. Satwik planets Jupiter and Mercury occupying

thamasic nakshatras will give only bad results.

3. Rajasik planets Sun, Moon and Venus occupying

rajasik nakshatras will give good results.

4. Thamasik planets occupying thamasic nakshatras

generally confer good results.

5. Satwik planets occupying rajasik nakshatras would

confer moderately good results.

6. Thamasik planets occupying rajasik nakshatras

will give weak results.

Guna Nakshatra Ruler

Punarvasu (Punarpoosam) Jupiter (Satwik)

Vishakha (Vishakam)

Satwik Poorvabhadra (Poorattathi)

Aslesha (Ayilyam) Mercury (Satwik)

Jyeshta (Kettai)

Revati (Revati)

Krittika (Karthikai) Sun (Rajasik)

Uttaraphalguni (Uthiram)

Uttarashada (Uthradam)

Rohini (Rohini) Moon (Rajasik)

Rajasik Hasta (Hastam)

Sravana (Tiruvonam)

Bharani (Bharani) Venus (Rajasik)

Purva Phalguni (Pubba, Pooram)

Purvashada (Pooradam)

Aswini (Aswini) Ketu (Thamasik)

Makha (Makham)

Moola (Moolam)

Aridra (Tiruvathirai) Rahu (Thamasik)

Swati (Swati)

Thamasik Satabhisha (Chathayam)

Pushyami (Poosam) Saturn (Thamasik)

Anuradha (Anusham)

Uttarabhadrapada (Uthirattathi)

Mrigashira (Mrigasheersham) Mars (Thamasik)

Chitta (Chittirai)

Dhanishta (Avittam)

7. Satwik planets will give good results, when they

remain pure, uninfluenced by rajasika or tamasika

planets. rajasik and thamasic planets also give

their results, when they are pure in their gunas.

8. If satwik and rajasik planets attain rajasik and

satwik guna respectively, they will not prove

very unfavourable. But they should never attain

thamasik guna.

9. Thamasik planets should not get rajasik guna, if

they are to give any favourable results.

Jeeva and Sareera

Another unique feature of stellar astrology is the

concept of Jeeva and Sareera (soul and body) for

each bhava. which determines largely the nature of

the results of a bhava (bhava phala). How to determine

Jeeva and Sareera of each bhava is explained


In Chart 2 ascendant is Sagittarius. 7th bhava is

Gemini. Lord of 7th bhava, Mercury, occupies

Capricorn, Sravana nakshatra ruled by Moon. Therefore,

Moon becomes Jeeva of 7th bhava. He is situated in

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Aries, Bharani nakshatra ruled by Venus. Venus thus

becomes Sareera of 7th bhava.

In Chart 3, ascendant is Sagittarius. 7th bhava is

Gemini. 7th lord Mercury occupies Capricorn, Sravana

nakshatra ruled by Moon. But Moon does not become

bhavas. If Jeeva and Sareera are inimically disposed,

the results of the bhava will not be favourable.

If Jeeva and Sareera occupy their own or exaltation

or friendly rasis, and they are exclusively under

benefic influences by association or aspect, the results

of the bhava will be very favourable.

Let us now take more horoscopes for analysis and

judgement of 7th bhava by applying principles of

judgement of stellar astrology.

Moonon Krittika



Chart 2














Chart 3


Jeeva of 7th bhava. The reason is because of the rule

that if Jeeva planet is in conjunction with one or

more planets, the stronger of the planets in the group

becomes the Jeeva. Here Mars is stronger than

Moon, as he occupies his own sign (swakshetra).

Therefore Mars becomes Jeeva of 7th bhava who is

situated on Krittika Nakshatra ruled by Sun. Hence

Sun becomes the Sareera of 7th bhava.

In Chart 4 ascendant is Sagittarius. Lord of 7th bhava

Mercury occupies Scorpio, Jyeshta Nakshatra ruled


Chart 4











Chart 5


by Mercury himself. Here Mercury himself becomes

Jeeva of 7th bhava. In such cases the lord of the

rasi occupied by Jeeva becomes Sareera. Hence

Mars becomes Sareera.

In Chart 5 ascendant is Virgo. Lord of 7th bhava

Jupiter is situated in Pisces, Poorvabhadrapada, own

nakshatra. Jupiter becomes Jeeva of 7th bhava. Since

he occupies his own sign, Jupiter becomes Sareera too.

The same planet can become both Jeeva and Sareera

of a bhava.

For a bhava to confer beneficial results Jeeva and

Sareera of the bhava should occupy benefic

The ascendant signifies the physical and mental

characteristics, etc. of the native. In chart 6

ascendant is Virgo and is occupied by the lord of the 11th

bhava Moon. Ascendant and Moon are afflicted by

Rahu, a thamasic planet by 9th aspect. Ascendant

lord Mercury occupies 10th bhava Gemini in conjunction

with 12th bhava lord Sun, a rajasik planet.

7th bhava signifying marriage, married life, partner–

in–life , etc. is in Pisces and is aspected by Moon and

retrograde Jupiter and afflicted by Ketu, a tamasik

planet by 9th aspect. Lord of 7th bhava retrograde

Jupiter occupies 3rd bhava Scorpio. He is afflicted by

Saturn, lord of 5th and 6th bhava (dusthana) and a tamasik

by aspect. Jupiter is situated on Anuradha nakshatra

ruled by Saturn.

Kalatrakaraka (signifying marriage) is Venus, and

he occupies 9th bhava, Taurus. He too is afflicted by

Saturn, by conjunction. Venus is situated on Mrigashira

nakshatra ruled by Mars, a tamasika planet and

lord of 3rd and 8th bhavas, the latter a dusthana. 2nd

bhava signifies Kutumba (family)and is Libra. Its lord

Venus occupies Taurus and is afflicted by Saturn by

conjunction. Thus lord of 7th bhava Jupiter, lord of 2nd

bhava Venus are under serious affliction and has

resulted in divorce of the married couple.

According to stellar system of astrology, if the

lord of 7th bhava and lord of 2nd bhava occupy any

of the nakshatras ruled by the lords of 3rd, 6th, 8th,

Male born 30-6-1971











30 - 06 - 1971

Chart 6












Page 26: 98387736 the Astrological EMagazine



11th or 12th bhavas, there will be abnormal delay in

marriage, or married life will be marred by

disharmony, unhappiness, ill-health to self or spouse,

in extreme cases premature death of married

partner or separation of the couple. These

unfortunate and adverse portents of stellar system

of astrology have been largely fulfilled in the case

of the horoscope under discussion.

Chart 7 is from How to Judge a Horoscope – Vol. II

by Dr. B. V. Raman (Page 53 to 55). The horoscope

is discussed below applying rules of stellar system

of astrology.

Born 16-3-1937 at 6-45 p.m. (I.S.T.) at 28 N 51, 78 E 49










Chart 7













Ascendant is Virgo and afflicted by Saturn’s (lord of

5 and 6) aspect and by Sun, lord of the 12th bhava.

Navamsa ascendant is also afflicted by aspect by

Ketu, a thamasic planet. Ascendant is also aspected

by Jupiter, lord of 4th and 7th bhavas. Jupiter in debilitation

has neechabhanga. Ascendant lord Mercury in 6th bhava

in Aquarius is afflicted by Mars, lord of 3rd and 8th bhavas,

by aspect. 7th being Pisces is afflicted by Saturn and Sun,

12th lord by occupation. 7th lord Jupiter occupies 5th bhava

Capricorn and afflicted by Ketu by 9th aspect. Jupiter also

occupies Uttarashada nakshatra ruled by Sun, lord of 12th

bhava. Venus occupies 8th bhava, a dusthana in conjunction

with Moon. Venus, being hemmed in between Saturn and

Ketu, malefic and tamasic planets, is under Papakarthari

Yoga. He occupies Aswini nakshatra ruled by Ketu, a

thamasic planet.

Consequences of serious affliction to lords of 7th bhava,

2nd bhava and kalathrakaraka Venus are – there

will be abnormal delay in marriage, or married

life will be marred by disharmony and unhappiness,

or ill-health to self or partner, and in extreme

cases of affliction, even premature death of self or spouse,

etc. Same nakshatra (Uttarabhadrapada) ruled by Saturn

has given rise to Shatru Yoga. There was premature death

of the lady’s husband.


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CLOSE TO THE FIRST of the three remarkable

astronomical events of 2012, the earlier one being

the annular solar eclipse that occurred on May 20/21, 2012,

the second eclipse of the year 2012, a partial lunar eclipse

will occur on June 4, 2012. This will be followed by the

transit of Venus on June 6, 2012, a rare celestial event

and then a total solar eclipse, on November 13, 2012.

The partial eclipse will begin at 15h.29m., IST and end

just over 2 hours 7 minutes later at 17h.37m., IST, with

the moment of greatest eclipse at 16h. 33m., IST. The

penumbral phases of the eclipse will begin at 14h.17m.

IST and end at 18:50m.IST. These, though can be visible

over a slightly larger area will be relatively hard to see

with naked eyes. This partial eclipse can be viewed fully

from New Zealand, central and eastern Australia, and

islands of the Pacific Ocean, including Hawaii.

Observers in western United States and Canada can also

follow most of the event, and will have the best views

with moonset occurring sometime after mid-eclipse. New

England and eastern Canada will miss the entire eclipse

since the event begins after moonset in those regions. At

the maximum moment of the eclipse, the Moon will be

covered by the Earth’s umbral shadow, about one third of

Partial Lunar Eclipse

4th June 2012BHARADWAAJA

its disc. Then the moon will be at its highest point above

the earth in the sky, or at the zenith, for observers in the

South Pacific. At that point, the maximum umbral

magnitude will be 0.38.

This eclipse is the one of five thousand lunar eclipses in a

short-lived series. The lunar year series repeats after 12

lunations or 354000 days (shifting back about 9000 days

in sequential years). The first partial lunar eclipse of 2012

occurs at the ascending node of the Moon in the southern

Ophiuchus, about 6° northeast of the star Antares,

Most of America and Australiacome under this category andhence there could be largescale devastations in thosecountries, due to heavy rainsand floods, especially in theregions where the eclipsecould be seen

Map courtesy F. Espenak NASA’s GSFC continued on 28

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The Astrological eMagazine has an international readership extending even to non-English-speaking

countries. Several readers complain that they are not able to follow correctly the Sanskrit astrological

terminology employed in the articles. Therefore, to enable such readers who are not quite conversant with

Sanskrit astrological words, to understand the articles published in The Astrological eMagazine, we give

below English meanings of the essential terms.

Zodiacal SignsRasi-sign, Mesha-Aries, Vrishabha -Taurus, Mithuna-Gemini, Kataka or Karkataka-Cancer, Simha-Leo, Kanya -Virgo, Thula-

Libra, Vrishchika -Scorpio, Dhanus-Sagittarius, Makara-Capricorn, Kumbha-Aquarius and Meena-Pisces.

PlanetsRavi or Surya-the Sun, Chandra-the Moon, Kuja or Angaraka-Mars, Budha-Mercury, Guru or Brihaspati -Jupiter, Sukra-

Venus, Sani or Manda -Saturn, Rahu-the Moon's ascending Node or Caput or Dragon's- Head, and Ketu-the Moon's

descending Node or Cauda or Dragon's Tail.

Mandi, Gulika, Indrachapa, Dhooma, Paridhi and Patha are called secondary planets but are, in fact, only mathematical points.

Planetary States or AvasthasDeepta-exaltation, Swasta-own house, Mudita -friendly house, Santa-auspicious sub-division, Vakra-retrogression, Peedya-

occupying last quarter of a sign, Deena-in an inimical sign, Vikala-in combustion, Khala-in debilitation, Ahita-in acceleration.

Different Vargas

Dasavargas or ten kinds of divisions of a sign are Rasi (30° or full sign), Hora 15° or 1/2 sign), Drekanna (10° or 1/

3 sign),

Saptamsa (4 2/7° or 1/

7 sign), Navamsa (3 1/

3° or 1/

9 sign), Dasamsa (3° or 1/

10 sign), Dwadasamsa (21/

2° or 1/

12 sign), Trimsamsa

(1° or 1/30

sign) and Shashtyamsa (1/2° or 1/

60 sign). For details see A Manual of Hindu Astrology.

Other Details

Kendra-quadrant; Trikona-trine, Samasaptaka -opposition or 180° from each other; Panaparas -2nd, 5th and 8th houses;

Apoklimas-3rd, 6th and 9th; Shashta-shtaka-6th and 8th from each other; Triteeya-Ekadasa-3rd and 11th from each other;

Dwirdwadasa-2nd and 12th from each other; Uchcha-exaltation; Neecha-debilitation; Swakshetra -own house; Satru-enemy;

Mitra-friend; Sama Neutral; Adhi-extreme; e.g., Adhi Mitra-bosom friend; Adhi Satru-Bitter enemy; Upachayas-3rd, 6th, 10th

and 11th places; Neechabhanga cancellation of debility; Uchchabhanga-cancellation of exaltation; Yoga-a certain typical

combination; Oja-odd; Yugma -even; Rasi-sign of the Zodiac; Nakshatra-constellation or star group; Karma-action also

doctrine of re-incarnation; Graha Yuddha -planetary fight; Ghati-24 minutes of time; Vighati -24 seconds of time; Rasimana-

duration of a Zodiacal sign; Subhas-benefic planets; Kruras or Asubhas-cruel or malefic planets; Sama-neutral; Ayana-

course, e.g., Sun's northernly course; Bhava -house; Bhava -Madhya - mid-point of a house; Bhava-Sandhi - junction of two

houses; Chara Rasis-moveable signs; Sthira Rasis-fixed signs; Shadbalas-six sources of strength; Digbala -directional strength;

Kalabala -temporal strength; Chestabala-motional strength; Naisargikabala -natural strength; Dikbala-aspect strength; Ishtabla

-positive strength; and Kashtabla-negative strength.

The twelve houses or Bhavas are Lagna or Thanu-Ascendant or first house, Dwiteeya or Dhana -2nd house or wealth,

Triteeya or Bhratru -3rd or brothers, Chaturtha or Matru-4th or mother, Panchama or Putra - 5th or children, Shastha or Roga

- 6th or disease, Saptama or Kalatra-7th or wife (or husband), Ashtama or Ayus-8th or longevity, Navamsa or Pitru-9th or

father, Dasa or Karma -10th or occupation, Labha or 11th-gain; and Vyaya or Moksha-12th or loss.

Dasa (Planetary Periods)

The 27 stars are grouped as follows and the planet against each group is the Dasa lord -Aswini, Makha, Moola-Ketu 7 years;

Bharani, Pubba, Poorvashada-Venus 20; Krittika, Uttara, Uttarshada -Sun 6; Rohini, Hasta, Sravana-Moon 10; Mrigasira,

Chitta, Dhanishta-Mars 7; Aridra, Swati, Satabhisha-Rahu 18; Punarvasu, Visakha, Poorvabhadra-Jupiter 16; Pushyami;

Anuradha, Uttarabhadra-Saturn 19; Aslesha, Jyeshta, Revati-Mercury 17. Total 120 years.

The ruling constellation determines the ruling Dasa. For details, see Hindu Predictive Astrology.

Bhukti-sub-period; Antara-inter period; Sukshma -sub-inter-period; Prana-sub-inter-inter-period also life-breath; Gochara -

planetary transits; Varsha-year; Masa - month; Dina-day; Akasha-sky or ether; Vayu-air; Agni-fire; Apa-water; Prithvi-earth;

and Karaka-indicator.

For your Guidance

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THE FIFTH HOUSE in astrology is the house of

progeny or children. It is also the house of creativity

and intelligence. Chilren are a source of joy and pleasure

in one’s life, Human creativity is reflected by the way

parents bring up their children. Children, creativity and

intelligence - these are the three things that are strongly

related to one another. Intelligence of an individual controls

his creativity. Progeny or children are also a manifestation

of one’s creativity. Fifth house is also considered

auspicious as it is one of the trine houses which reflects

one’s karma from past life.

Miscarriages and Infertility

We will discuss problems related to the fifth house. There

has been a rise in the number of miscarriages which are

sometimes accidental, at times unavoidable and at times

even done after determining the sex. There is an increase

in the number of twin births - which happen naturally or

after an infertility treatment like the in-vitro-fertilisation

or IVF.

In today’s fast paced life, and unlike our earlier generations

women too work hard towards their career and family.

The number of increased miscarriages and infertility

treatments are sometimes attributed to the fact that

couples are too stressed to space out time for starting a

family. This leads to delay in conceiving, miscarriages and

at times infertility. Astrology has a different explanation

to these problems. Dealing with the influence of stars and

planets in one’s life, astrology insists that there is a right

time for things to happen. If a chart supports a good

progeny house there will be no worry to the native

regarding progeny. In such cases even under extreme

stress and work pressure , the native will easily conceive

and have progeny.

On the other hand, in a horoscope chart if there is a malefic

planet in the fifth house, it indicates problems regarding

progeny. Planets like Rahu, Saturn and Ketu delay

childbirth. When benefic planets like Jupiter is placed in

the fifth house but is aspected or is hemmed between

malefic planets , even then there is considerable delay in

Fifth House

Progeny and CreativitySURANJANA BISWAS

having progeny. There are other factors like the strength

of the fifth house, its lord, Jupiter (signifactor for male

child) and Venus (signifactor for female child). When the

fifth house or its lord in a female’s horoscope is afflicted

by Mars or Ketu, it indicates medical intervention during

delivery. Caesarean birth is caused due to the influence

of Mars or Ketu on the fifth house or its lord. In a male

horoscope, Venus is the significator for progeny. If Venus

is combust or afflicted in the chart with Saturn or Rahu,

progeny is delayed.

Let us consider the chart of a native who has been married

for a long time but is without any children

Chart 1

Female born on 25th May 1979 at 3.10 pm in Bolangir

Suranjana is a Vedic astrologer by

profession. Apart from the passion and

deep knowledge in the subject - her stellar

academic background in mathematics and

professional experience as a computer

programmer and faculty trainer helps her

to be successful in this profession. She is

married with two teenage daughters.








MaaRasiMay 25, 1979

03.10.00 pm













In the native’s chart fifth house lord Saturn is placed in

the twelfth (house of loss). In the twelfth house Saturn is

conjunct with Rahu which is not supportive of conception.

Benefic Jupiter (putrakaraka) aspects the 5th house

from the 11th house but is hemmed in between malefics

Saturn, Rahu and Sun. The native had to go for an abortion

due to certain complications in the pregnancy. She is going

through the unfavorable Rahu dasa and Venus bhukti with

Venus being weak. The major period of Jupiter can be


Chart 2

Male born on 3rd June 1952 at 7.02 am in Agra

The fifth house has a malefic planet Mars. Its lord Venus

is weak and is placed in the house of loss, twelfth. This

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implies delay and difficulties in child bearing. Jupiter is

well placed in the house of gains, eleventh but hemmed

between malefics Rahu and Sun. Rahu aspects the fifth

house indicative of difficulty in having children. The native

does not have a progeny.

Birth of Twins

Today when we look around we find that birth of twins is

quite frequent. According to a study and for reasons not

fully known it is seen that older women have a greater

chance of having twins naturally. The average age of

marriages have gone up and so has the age of conception.

This perhaps justifies the fact that more twins are born










RasiJune 3, 1952

07.02.00 am














When two or more planets are present in the eleventh

house aspecting or having a connection with the fifth house,

there is an indication of twin births.

In Vitro Fertilisation

Infertility among couples of this generation is also on the

rise. A study has shown that infertility affects almost one

out of six couples today. As a result, more and more

couples are opting for an infertility treatment like the invitro

fertilisation or even using fertility drugs.

In-vitro-fertilisation as a treatment requires considerable

amount of time and money for a couple. The success

rate is good even though it fails on certain occasions.

It is for this reason, one needs to take the assistance of

an experienced astrologer. An astrologer can predict

the right time to go for such treatment. Certain planets

favour the native and so trying the treatment when the

time is favourable increases the chance of a successful


People often wonder whether going for treatments like

the IVF is like playing against the wishes of God... I would

say no because then God wouldn’t have made the option

available for us!

The portion of the Moon, within the penumbral shadow

will be significantly dimmed. The portion of the moon inside

the umbral shadow will be illuminated by the sunlight

refracted through the atmosphere of the earth, thus making

it much dimmer, having a reddish hue.

This eclipse will not be visible in India. Though, in India,

the lunar eclipses are given importance for their effects

on individuals born in the Nakshatras on which they occur

and where the eclipse becomes visible, their mundane

effects are taken only on a lesser scale when they are

not total. Brihat Samhita says that when the luminaries

rise or set being eclipsed where would be danger to crops

as also for the rulers. Most of America and Australia

come under this category and hence there could be large

scale devastations in those countries, due to heavy rains

and floods, especially in the regions where the eclipse

could be seen. As Pacific Ocean is exposed fully to this

eclipse, some of the isolated islands can be submerged

due to oceanic disturbances, more so as the Moon

represents water. India will not be affected much by the

effects of this eclipse, as it will not be visible here.

However, as these two solar and lunar eclipses occur

within the same lunar month, the places where both the

eclipses are seen can see some changes in their

governments and also army revolts. Eruption of some

bloody battles is also possible in some of these areas,

according to Brihat Samhita. Parts of America, Japan

and China with the Pacific regions are some of the places

exposed to such perils. The following map shows the

regions of visibility of the eclipse.

Partial Lunar Eclipse 4th June 2012

(continued from 25)

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June 2012

The Astrological eMagazine

First column gives the English dates and next to it the names of the regional months and dates. The ending moments of

Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana are given in the 24 hour clock extending to 30 hours.

Of the Nityayogas, Vishkumbha, Parigha, Vyatipata, Vajra, Vyaghata, Vaidhruthi, Sula, Ganda and Atiganda are generallyspurned for auspicious events and they are marked in red in the Panchanga. Vydhruti pervades from 346º40’ to 360º andVyatipata from 213º20’ to 226º40’ of the sum of the Nirayana longitudes of the Sun and the Moon. Vydhruti and Vyatipata

punyakaala are observed on the day when the yogas prevail for 1½ hours or more, when Sraddha is performed by theastute. These two belong to the shannavati -96- Sraddhas ordained for a householder. Considering the astronomicalimplications, the Sayana Vydhruti and Vyatipata days are also indicated in the Panchanga. The auspicious Amritayoga and

Siddhayoga and inauspicious Maranayoga and Prabalarishtayoga come under Amirtaadiyoga scheme and are differentfrom the Nityayogas.

The Karana is the half of the Tithi. They are mainly classified as Sthira - fixed or immovable and Chara or moveable. The

Chara Karanas are seven in number and the Sthira are only four. The fixed ones are inauspicious. They are Sakuni,Chatushpada, Naga and Kimsatugna. The seven movable Karanas are in their order, Bava, Baalava, Kaulava, Taitila, Gara,Vanija and Vishti (or Bhadra.) Among the movable Karanas Vishti or Bhadra is considered to be of dreadful. The

forbidden Karanas are marked in red for easy identification.

We have most of our religious observances pegged on to the Tithis. Pournamipooja Chandradarisana,

Sankataharachaturthi Vrata, Shastivrata, Ekadasi Vrata and Pradosha are specially mentioned in the Panchanga.

Pournamipooja is done in the evenings on days the full Moon is prevalent. Chandradarisana is observed on the evening

on the day when the crescent Moon appears for the first time in the west after the Amavasya. Chaturthi of the Krishnapaksha

or Bahula Chaturthi of every month is known as Sankataharachaturthi. The evenings of Sukla and Krishna Trayodasi

days are specially observed as Pradosha Vrata days.

Moon in Kanya enters:

Thula on 1st at 08h.19m; Vruschika on 3rd at 08h.33m; Dhanus on 5th at 08h.23m; Makara on 7th at

09h.40m; Kumbha on 09th at 14h.00m; Meena on 11th at 22h.14m; Mesha on 14th at 09h.47m; Vrishabha

on 16th at 22h.47m; Mithuna on 19th at 11h.14m; Kataka on 21st at 21h.53m; Simha on 24th at 06h.17m;

Kanya on 26th at 12h.18m; Thula on 28th at 16h.00m; Vruschika on 30th at 17h.49m.

The Sun in Rohini enters: Mrigasira Nakshatra on 7th at 23h.21m;

Aridra Nakshatra on 21st at 22h.18m.; The Sun enters Mithuna rasi on 14th at 22h.45m.

The important dates and festivals for May 2012 are as follows:

1. Fri - Champaka Dwadasi, Ekadasi (Vaishnava and Vidhava), Trisprisha Mahadwadasi, Nirjala Ekadasi;

2. Sat - Sani Pradosa; 4. Mon - Lunar Eclipse (Partial) Not Visible in India, Vatasavitri Vrata (Pournima Paksha),

Deva Snana Pournima, Pournamipooja, Kanchi Mahaperiyaval Jayanti; 6. Wed - Sayana Vaidhruthi, Venus passes

over the Solar disc - Visible in India; 7. Thu - Sankataharachaturthi; 8. Fri - Sravanavrata; 9. Sat - Shastivrata;

10. Sun - Banu Saptami; 11. Mon - Kalashtami; 15. Fri - Yogini / Apara Ekadasi; 16. Sat - Sani Pradosa;

17. Sun - Krittikavrata, Maasasivaratri; 19. Tue - Sayana Vyatipata, Sarva Amavasya; 21. Thu - Rathayatra ,

Dakshinaayana Day, Chandradarisana; 23. Sat - Masa Chaturthi; 25. Mon - Kumara Shasti Vrata, Shastivrata;

26. Tue - Vivasvat Saptami, Sri Nataraja Abhishekam; 27. Wed - Durga Ashtami, Budha Ashtami;

29. Fri - Punaryatra; 30. Sat - Harisayana Ekadasi, Gopadma Vrata.

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MESHA (Aries)

Aswini, Bharani and Krittika 1

The Sun is favourable in the latter half, Jupiter and Venus

favour you. You can get some benefits out of Saturn.

In general this is a fairly good picture. In the official

career your turn has come. You manage to overthrow

the toads who have been playing second fiddle to the people

at the helm of affairs now. You will be moderately

successful if you belong to the field of technology. In

other cases also though your success is less pronounced

you find that the tendency to sideline you has subsided

and your vantage position even incites the jealousy of the

antagonists. You get good income and the money lent by

you is now returned with interest.

The conjugal life will be happy and you do many acts to

satisfy your consort. Newly weds feel immensely happy

and acquire fashion goods to make their life cheerful.

There will be some matter of concern regarding a loan

raised by you years ago. But it can be easily solved. You

find that many enemies are now cowed down. There will

be favour from authorities and independent businessmen

find that the odds against them gradually vanish.

Aswini: There may be injuries. There will be several

favourable currents that cheer you up. There may be

problems of health.

Bharani: There may be unfavourable currents. There

will be gains through disputes. There may by income from


Krittika 1: There will be favourable currents and gains

through them. There may be injuries. There may be

some problems of health.


Krittika 2, 3, 4, Rohini and

Mrigasira 1, 2

Venus and Saturn help you. Others do not.

This offers a meagre supply of good results. You succeed

in some matters and get a good settlement on the paternal

wealth. Even in profession there may be success partially.

But dislocation, loss of wealth and the implacable nature

of your superiors put you to hardship. Those who are

connected with technology particularly automobiles do

fairly well. Despite the difficulties that you face you find

that you get your dues. No man steals a march over you

to the extent of causing disappointment. You acquire costly

commodities either as gifts or by purchases. You appear

smart by apparel and behaviour and have clear edge over

your rivals. But the real cause for dismay is that many,

including even relations on whom you have relied for many

matters let you down. This may end up with losses and

goes against your wish. Several things will be in disarray.

The things sought after, namely peace of mind will be at a


Krittika 2, 3, 4: There will be problems of health. Those

with chronic illness should be careful. Many favourable

currents cheer you up. You may undergo injuries.

Rohini: There will be many favourable currents and gains.

There will be gains from disputes. There will be gains

from ancestral property.

Mrigasira 1, 2: There will be favourable currents. There

will be gains from disputes. Problems of health torment


This Month for You


The Sun enters Gemini on 14th June. Mars enters Virgo on 21st June. Mercury enters Gemini on 4th June

and Cancer on 21st June. Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu stay in Taurus, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio

and Taurus respectively.

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MITHUNA (Gemini)

Mrigasira 3, 4, Aridra andPunarvasu 1, 2, 3

Mars in the major part, Mercury towards

the close and Venus are beneficial. Others

are not. The prativedha check of Jupiter in the end and

the vedha check for Mars modify the results.

This does offer a good picture. You may win your case in

a lower court. But it may be delayed in a higher court.

The fact is that even when you are entitled for financial

gains you get frustrated by the delay in getting it. You

wield power and influence. But your higher ups interfere

in your matters and reduce you to a non-entity. In this

way the days move with disappointment. But there may

be changes towards the close. Even the higher court

may view your matter sympathetically. The earlier curbs

on your problems gradually vanish. Though nor

completely satisfactory, a temporary relief is obtained.

Your acquaintances and relations keep a distance in the

beginning. In the close they also change and you have

financial gains. Newly weds feel quite happy. You also

may acquire some useful goods and the financial help is

easily obtained. On the whole, a mediocre period.

Mrigasira 3, 4: There will be problems of health. You

win in disputes. There will be favourable currents.

Aridra: There may be injuries. There will be gains from

investments. There will be favourable currents and

consequent gains.

Punarvasu 1, 2, 3: There will be success in disputes.

There will be unfavourable currents causing dissatisfaction.

There will be gains from investments.


Punarvasu 4, Pushya and Aslesha

The Sun in the early half, Mars towards the close, Mercury,

Jupiter, and Rahu help you. Saturn favours a bit. Others

do not help.

This offers a god picture. First of all, many things planned

reach completion. In official career you reach the position

aspired for. There may be some opposition. It can be

quelled and you emerge victoriously. Proposals for

marriage and attempts for childbirth easily click. You enjoy

normal health. There will be flow of income. You get

importance in social circles. There will be happiness in

the family and you may undergo picnics with the members

of the family and have enjoyment. Your ingenious actions

prove successful in general. There will be rare occasions

on which even your silence proves futile. These are rare

and in general all your ventures succeed. These will be

unexpected success in investment. Some disputes continue

to trouble you though in the end they conclude amicably.

With many a happy event newly weds may not feel

cheerful, partly because of the unnecessary intrusion of

others to subvert the plans. But in general this will be a

good period.

Punarvasu 4: There will be success in disputes. There

will be gains through investments. There will be some

unfavourable currents.

Pushya: There may be injuries. There will be problems

of health. There will be favourable currents.

Aslesha: There will be success in disputes. You gain

through investments. There may be unfavourable



(Makha, Poorvaphalguni and

Uttaraphalguni 1)

The Sun in the latter half and Mercury are helpful. Others

are not.

This is not a good picture. It is true that some matters

that have been haunting you for a long time may gradually

vanish by the end of the month. It gives a temporary

relief. Otherwise you do not feel quite comfortable. Your

expenses mount high and the position aspired for is not

within your reach. If your are technically qualified you

may get some position giving you satisfaction, but not equal

to the one cherished by you. Your technical knowledge

helps you and fetch you some recognition, but it may be

no better than a consolation package.

In the matters relating to your activities you get a mixed

reaction. It may be evaluated well, but there may not be

any immediate rewards. You have to wait for some time.

Newly weds suffer a bit during honeymoon. There may

be some shortcomings. There will be income, but expenses

are also high. Those with chronic illness may have some

problems connected with that.On the whole, a mediocre


Makha: There will be favourable currents. There may

be injuries. There may be problems of health.

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Poorvaphalguni: There will be success in disputes.

There may be income from investments. There will be

some unfavourable currents.

Uttaraphalguni 1: There may be injuries or surgical

treatment. Problems of health may give concern. There

will be some favourable currents which cheer you up.

KANYA (Virgo)

Uttaraphalguni 2, 3, 4, Hasta and

Chitta 1, 2

The Sun in the latter half, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and

Rahu are helpful. Others are not. The vedha check

restrains Jupiter to some extent.

This offers a fairly good picture. First of all many of your

ambitions may get fulfilled. Though conditions are

favourable the people concerned show some indifference.

They are shrewd and know how to manipulate. Ultimately

you are the victim of your own folly. Still you correct

yourself in the end, when you find the hurdles get gradually

removed and you achieve your ends. In the case of

properties connected with family you have to put up a

fight at times. Even your cousins may stake their claims.

Though a final decision is not immediate things move in

your favour. You vanquish the enemies easily and earn

wealth through different means. Your efficiency brings

you fame. Marriage proposals and efforts for childbirth

click after some delay. There may be misunderstandings

caused by some common friends which block the progress.

But towards the close you succeed. Newly weds enjoy

themselves and their travels prove very exciting. On the

whole a good period, but for some minor setbacks.

Uttaraphalguni 2, 3, 4: There may be bodily injuries.

Problems of health disturb you. There will be favourable

currents which cheer you up.

Hasta: There will be some unfavourable currents. There

will be success in disputes. You get money through

investments or ancestral sources.

Chitta 1, 2: There will be injuries. Many favourable

currents make you happy and there will be consequent

gains. You will win disputes and earn wealth.

TULA (Libra)

Chitta 3,4, Swati and

Visakha 1, 2, 3

Mars in the major part of the month and Venus help you.

Others do not. Jupiter in pradhiveda check helps partially.

With this meagre supply of good results you pass through

a difficult period. It is true that you face many setbacks

and your travel plans end as a fiasco. In any matter the

disillusionment you face deters you from going ahead with

the task. With all these some force helps you partially.

Some of your cousins or wife’s relatives in a vantage

position help you to circumvent the problems. Those with

chronic illness should be careful. But proper treatment

or surgery solves the problems.

You will be able to concentrate on the expansion of the

house and in some cases despite several odds against you,

marriage may take place. There will be income you need

though the additional income or loan you need may not be

within your reach. Some ventures started may get impeded

because of the non-compliance of some associates, who

promised to promote it earlier. With the piecemeal disposal

of your plans you are not certainly cheerful. Newly weds

however feel happy. Though they face some problems in

the travels, they feel happy in general.

Chitta 3, 4: There will be problems of health. You win in

disputes. There will be favourable currents.

Swati: There may be injuries or surgical treatment. There

will be gains through investments. There will be favourable


Visakha 1, 2, 3: You will win in disputes. You will gain

from investments. There may be some unfavourable



Visakha 4, Anuradha and Jyestha

Mars, Mercury and Jupiter help you. Saturn also generally

proves beneficial. Others do not.

These things offer a good picture. After a period of

isolation and humiliation you now emerge with charisma.

In the official circles you are elevated. Your conjugal life

becomes very cheerful. There will be flow of income.

Those connected with academic field win accolades and

Are you planning a Residential Layout?

Business School? Hotel Complex?

shows you the wayVastu


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get fame. Those engaged in social activities get pre-

eminence in the field. Your children bring fame to the

family. Your ingenious methods and efficiency give you a

boost. Proposals for marriage click and attempts for

childbirth show signs of success. You will overthrow the

enemies and your enemies try to make overtures with

you, because of your success. Your kinsmen also throng

themselves to you. With all good results you find that

there will be hindrance caused by women. This may give

you occasional dissatisfaction. Your assistants help you.

Newly weds have a good time. But they find that travels

do not succeed as they expect. On the whole, a good

period but for some minor setbacks.

Visakha 4: There will be success in disputes. You get

wealth from investments. There will be unfavourable


Anuradha: There may be injuries. Problems of health

give concern. There will be favourable currents leading

you to success.

Jyestha: There will be success in disputes leading to your

welfare. You get money from investments. Still, some

unfavourable currents cause dissatisfaction.

DHANUS (Sagittarius)

Moola, Poorvashada and

Uttarashada 1

The Sun in the early half and Mars by the close help you.

Saturn favours you in general. Others do not.

This offers a grim picture. In general, you face much

opposition. In the office, society or other groups with

which you are connected, you are practically isolated. The

reason is that you are straightforward and your methods

do not appeal to people with indirect methods of work.

Being frustrated you also become lethargic at times. The

absence of timely action also contributes to your setbacks.

In the beginning you get some governmental favours and

the help of people wielding power. Later on it dwindles.

Your health also may create problems. In things relating

to financial matters you are likely to be misled. Despite

the enthusiasm and systematic approach you are forced

to procrastinate matters. Your soft-pedalling at times leads

to failure. By the end of the month you get some success,

and you are able to overthrow the opposition you have

been facing. The income you get will be really good, but

you feel that it could have been better. Many important

ventures get impeded and those nearing completion get

blocked due to the non-cooperation of your associates.

This is on the whole not an interesting period.

Moola: There will be injuries. There may be problems

of health. There will be favourable currents which cheer

you up.

Poorvashadha: You may win in disputes. You also get

wealth from investments or ancestral property. There

will be unfavourable currents.

Uttarashadha 1: There may be injuries. Problems of

health trouble you. There will be favourable currents

leading you to financial gains.

MAKARA (Capricorn)

Uttarashada 2, 3 4, Sravana and

Dhanistha 1, 2

The Sun in the latter half, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus and

Rahu are favourable. The vedha of Mercury checks the

results to some extent.

These give an encouraging picture. First of all, you succeed

in official matters. Those who have been indifferent to

your matter now support your cause whether it is

promotion, deputation or position of privilege. You get

them as you wish. You acquire costly goods, improve

your residence and purchase new vehicles. Proposal for

marriage succeed. If you aspire for children you advance

in that direction. But you find some impediments in your

attempts to win public favour or achieve some unique

position. It is caused by your own seniors who cannot

tolerate your rise. Still certain things are interesting. You

have enjoyment with the friends and relatives. You may

undertake picnics with them and spend the time happily.

Newly weds find this period quite enjoyable. They have

a memorable honeymoon. In matters relating to properties

you may find that things are not in your favour and your

opponent uses strong forces to stake his claim. Ultimately

you may win, but the troubles undergone for that is no

doubt enormous.

Uttarashadha 2, 3, 4: There may be injuries or surgical

treatment. Problems of health disturb you. There will be

favourable currents which cheer you up.

Sravana: There will be many impediments. There will

be success in disputes. There will be income from


Dhanistha 1, 2: There will be favourable currents.

Problems of health cause difficulties. You will win in


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KUMBHA (Aquarius)

Dhanistha 3, 4, Satabhisha, and

Poorvabhadrapada 1, 2, 3

Mercury towards the close, Venus and Rahu are helpful.

Others are not. The prativedha check of Jupiter partially


This offers a grim picture. The real problem is that despite

your great efforts, industry and capacity for executing

work with sagacity, you go practically unheeded. The

people at the helm of affairs are prejudiced and are misled

by the distortion and misrepresentation of facts

concerning you, by your opponents. Even in social circles

you do not get the position aspired for. But with some

difficulty you reach your goal. Even in a good position

you do not enjoy the office completely. Domestic

problems and other unexpected activities and unwarranted

intrusion of your associates into you matters, you are put

to hardship. Because of your skill you do well. You also

acquire power and wield influence with the limitation

imposed on you. Newly weds enjoy themselves though

they face problems from the family.

Problems of health, particularly those relating to eyes and

stomach perturb you. Your daily life also undergo some

changes, but not to your satisfaction. On the whole, the

period is not good.

Dhanistha 3, 4: You will win in disputes. There will be

problems of health. There will be favourable currents.

Satabhisha: There will be injuries or surgical treatment.

You will gain from investments. There will be favourable

currents which cheer you up.

Poorvabhadra 1, 2, 3: You will win in disputes and

lawsuits. You may gain from ancestral properties and

investments. There will be unfavourable currents which

cause great mental worries to you.

MEENA (Pisces):

Poorvabhadrapada 4,

Uttarabhadrapada and Revati

The Sun in the early half, Mars, Mercury, Venus ad Ketu

help you. Others do not. Jupiter’s prativedha check

towards the close helps you a lot.

This is not a satisfactory configuration. You face much

opposition and you find despite great effort and the

enthusiasm evinced by you, your implacable superiors

show a step-motherly treatment, by disregarding your

claims and favouring those who play second fiddle to them

without exerting themselves. There will be some

favourable results too. In many disputes you win. In

property disputes you gain though not to your expectations.

Though childbirth is delayed you get favourable signs. You

may be blessed with a son or grandson. Your circle of

friends increases and the development of the house also

takes place though not as desired by you. Even in the

midst of troubles and turmoils you wield power and

influence in a limited sphere. You enjoy some favours

from the government and management despite the

disappointing experiences that torment you. Newly weds

enjoy themselves, though their travels do not give the

expected cheer. There is flow of income and the

investments prove successful. Though not a good period,

the occasional smear of good results give you cheer.

Poorvabhadra 4: You will win in disputes. You gain through

investments. There will be unfavourable currents causing


Uttarabhadra: There may be injuries or surgical treatment.

You may have problems of health causing concern. There

will be favourable currents.

Revati: Some unfavourable currents disturb you. You will

win in disputes. You gain from investments.

Muhurtha (Electional Astrology)


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All times are in local time for the respective cities

Sunrise and Sunset Timings for June 2012

Date Bengaluru Chennai Hyderabad Mumbai New Delhi Thiruvananthapuram

1 5:52 18:43 5:41 18:32 5:41 18:47 6:01 19:13 5:24 19:15 6:02 18:38

2 5:52 18:43 5:41 18:32 5:41 18:48 6:01 19:13 5:23 19:15 6:03 18:38

3 5:52 18:43 5:41 18:33 5:41 18:48 6:01 19:13 5:23 19:16 6:03 18:38

4 5:53 18:44 5:41 18:33 5:41 18:48 6:01 19:14 5:23 19:16 6:03 18:38

5 5:53 18:44 5:41 18:33 5:41 18:49 6:00 19:14 5:23 19:17 6:03 18:39

6 5:53 18:44 5:41 18:34 5:41 18:49 6:01 19:14 5:23 19:17 6:03 18:39

7 5:53 18:45 5:42 18:34 5:41 18:49 6:01 19:15 5:23 19:17 6:03 18:39

8 5:53 18:45 5:42 18:34 5:41 18:50 6:01 19:15 5:23 19:18 6:03 18:39

9 5:53 18:45 5:42 18:34 5:41 18:50 6:01 19:15 5:23 19:18 6:03 18:40

10 5:53 18:46 5:42 18:35 5:41 18:50 6:01 19:16 5:23 19:19 6:03 18:40

11 5:53 18:46 5:42 18:35 5:41 18:51 6:01 19:16 5:23 19:19 6:04 18:40

12 5:53 18:46 5:42 18:35 5:42 18:51 6:01 19:16 5:23 19:19 6:04 18:40

13 5:53 18:46 5:42 18:36 5:42 18:51 6:01 19:17 5:23 19:20 6:04 18:41

14 5:54 18:47 5:42 18:36 5:42 18:51 6:01 19:17 5:23 19:20 6:04 18:41

15 5:54 18:47 5:43 18:36 5:42 18:52 6:01 19:17 5:23 19:20 6:04 18:41

16 5:54 18:47 5:43 18:36 5:42 18:52 6:01 19:18 5:23 19:21 6:04 18:41

17 5:54 18:47 5:43 18:37 5:42 18:52 6:02 19:18 5:23 19:21 6:05 18:42

18 5:54 18:48 5:43 18:37 5:42 18:52 6:02 19:18 5:23 19:21 6:05 18:42

19 5:54 18:48 5:43 18:37 5:43 18:53 6:02 19:18 5:24 19:22 6:05 18:42

20 5:55 18:48 5:43 18:37 5:43 18:53 6:02 19:19 5:24 19:22 6:05 18:42

21 5:55 18:48 5:44 18:38 5:43 18:53 6:02 19:19 5:24 19:22 6:05 18:43

22 5:55 18:49 5:44 18:38 5:43 18:53 6:03 19:19 5:24 19:22 6:06 18:43

23 5:55 18:49 5:44 18:38 5:43 18:54 6:03 19:19 5:24 19:22 6:06 18:43

24 5:56 18:49 5:44 18:38 5:44 18:54 6:03 19:19 5:25 19:23 6:06 18:43

25 5:56 18:49 5:45 18:38 5:44 18:54 6:03 19:19 5:25 19:23 6:06 18:43

26 5:56 18:49 5:45 18:39 5:44 18:54 6:04 19:20 5:25 19:23 6:07 18:44

27 5:56 18:49 5:45 18:39 5:45 18:54 6:04 19:20 5:26 19:23 6:07 18:44

28 5:57 18:50 5:45 18:39 5:45 18:54 6:04 19:20 5:26 19:23 6:07 18:44

29 5:57 18:50 5:46 18:39 5:45 18:54 6:04 19:20 5:26 19:23 6:07 18:44

30 5:57 18:50 5:46 18:39 5:45 18:55 6:05 19:20 5:27 19:23 6:08 18:44


Sunrise Sunsetlocal time

Sunrise Sunsetlocal time

Sunrise Sunsetlocal time

Sunrise Sunsetlocal time

Sunrise Sunsetlocal time

Sunrise Sunsetlocal time



The book takes you through a systematic course of Yoga in a graduated form. Contains 10 photo blocks and 30 line drawings.

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12 hours of the day and 12 hours of

the night are divided into 8 sections

each having duration of 90 minutes

or 1½ hours each. The seven

Upagrahas kaala, paridhi, dhooma,

ardhaprahara, yamakantaka,

indrachaapa and Maandi take over by

turns their ruler-ship of the seven

sections, each day, leaving one to

Rahu. The period ruled by Rahu is

called Raahukala which is generally

considered inauspicious. The timings

of the ruler-ship of Raahukala for the

seven weekdays are furnished in the

table below.

The timings given are for days when

the sunrise is 06.00 AM and sunset

06.00 PM. For calculating the exact

duration of the period of Raahukalam,

on any day, the duration of the

daytime must be ascertained first and

that has to be divided by 8. The result

arrived will denote the duration of the

Timings for

Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka

each of the 8 sections for the day.

For example take a Sunday having the

sunrise at 06.20 AM and sunset at

05.40 PM. The duration of the

daytime will then be only 11h.20m..,

or 680minutes. Divided by 8 the

sectional value will be only 85 minutes.

Raahukala generally for Sunday is

from 16.30 to 18 hrs. In this case

Raahukala must therefore be only for

Weekday Rahukala Gulikakala Yamakantaka

Sunday 16.30 to 18.00 15.00 to 16.30 12.00 to 13.30

Monday 07.30 to 09.00 13.30 to 15.00 10.30 to 12.00

Tuesday 15.00 to 16.30 12.00 to 13.30 09.00 to 10.30

Wednesday 12.00 to 13.30 10.30 to 12.00 07.30 to 09.00

Thursday 13.30 to 15.00 09.00 to 10.30 06.00 to 07.30

Friday 10.30 to 12.00 07.30 to 09.00 15.00 to 16.30

Saturday 09.00 to 10.30 06.00 to 07.30 13.30 to 15.00

85 minutes. It would commence 85

minutes before the actual unset of the

day namely, 05.40 AM. Therefore the

Raahukala for the day will be from

16h.15m, to 17h.40m. It has to be

worked out accordingly for the

periods of other Upagrahas also.

Gulikakala is considered auspicious.

Regarding Yamakantaka, popularly

considered inauspicious, opinions

however, differ.

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40 JUNE 2012 THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINEEdited and Published by Bangalore Niranjan Babu at 101 C, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore 560003

and Printed by him at Sharadh Enterprises, # 51, Car Street, Halasuru, Bangalore 560008. Ph: 25556015.

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