a beginner's guide to magick for the self taught

A Beginner's Guide to Magick for the Self Taught Essential Understandings for Healthy Advancement A Beginner's Guide to Magick for the Self Taught Essential Understandings for Healthy Advancement By: Timothy R. Waggener Page 1: Index Page 2: Dedication Page 3: Terminology Page 4: Introduction Page 5: The First Rule of Magick Page 17: The Second Rule of Magick Page 27: The Third Rule of Magick Page 36: Conclusion A AB ABR ABRA ABRAC ABRACA ABRACAD ABRACADA ABRACADAB ABRACADABR ABRACADABRA L.V.X. Copyright Timothy R. Waggener 2012 Page 1 Visit our website at: godgamesproject.com This document may be redistributed, but may not be sold.

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A brief guide on how to advance in magick for the self taught mage of any craft, including guides on how to avoid those who are simply bogus and will waste your time, and how to recognize them.


Page 1: A Beginner's Guide to Magick for the Self Taught

A Beginner's Guide to Magick for the Self TaughtEssential Understandings for Healthy Advancement

A Beginner's Guide to Magick for the Self TaughtEssential Understandings for Healthy Advancement

By: Timothy R. Waggener

Page 1: IndexPage 2: Dedication

Page 3: TerminologyPage 4: Introduction

Page 5: The First Rule of MagickPage 17: The Second Rule of MagickPage 27: The Third Rule of Magick

Page 36: Conclusion








Copyright Timothy R. Waggener 2012 Page 1 Visit our website at: godgamesproject.comThis document may be redistributed, but may not be sold.

Page 2: A Beginner's Guide to Magick for the Self Taught

A Beginner's Guide to Magick for the Self TaughtEssential Understandings for Healthy Advancement


This document is dedicated to my brother, best friend, and most valued spiritual ally:David J Waggener

This document is also dedicated to the many friends, allies, and spiritual nut jobs who the universe has brought to me, without whom I would be unable to compile this information and present it to others or reached the level of spiritual attainment in my life that brought me to this point and motivated me focus on helping others. While there are too far many people of this nature to mention, and some of different religious and spiritual paths would prefer not to be mentioned I would like to especially point out some

major contributors to my life related to leading up to this document including:

Yogi Christopher Brooks Prabhu Emanuel

Frater Daniel Goldsmith His Infernal Reverend Jake Nicholson Master Mason Dyllan M. Carignan

and the infamous “Bob Dobbs ” of Facebook.

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Page 3: A Beginner's Guide to Magick for the Self Taught

A Beginner's Guide to Magick for the Self TaughtEssential Understandings for Healthy Advancement

Terms used in this document:

1. Magick – I spell magick with a k to differentiate between stage magic performed by a magician which relies on illusion and trickery, and spiritual magick performed by a magic user. If everyone used this term it would make searching for data through all medium on the internet much easier. Even if a person does not believe in magick, I would advise them to use this system as magic and magick have different meanings. Believing a unicorn is not real doesn't mean you should call it a horse, because this discourages clear communication and education about a topic. Likewise believing magick is not real does not mean you should discourage people from attempting to spell magick differently from magic, because you do not believe it is real as this also discourages people from communicating clearly.

2. Mage – A Mage is a generic word for a magick user. I do not use the term magician as, like magic, it tends to denote a stage presence for illusionary tricks, and I do not like to associate this word with magickal or psychic practices.

3. Adept – An Adept refers to a person, either self taught or trained, who has attained a level of skill in magick which allows them to perform magick at a rate which is acknowledged to be real and effective and which contains either no false understandings of magick or very few false understandings. Adept is also the second rank in the Order of the Golden Dawn of the Eastern Star. An Adept is basically a person who is reasonably skilled at magick or psychic ability and understands what they are talking about. A person can be Adept and also be more advanced than an Adept, and the term Adept is not a limitation of how powerful you are, but is rather an acknowledgment that you are “at least” powerful enough to be skilled in your particular magickal or psychic art and have a basic understanding of what you are doing. Being called an Adept should always be considered a compliment.

4. Rule – The Spiritual Government (of god_Games) has “rules” and “laws.” Rules can be broken in exchange for risks which are accompanied from breaking them, because they are there for your protection. All consequences you suffer from breaking a rule are natural. When laws are broken The Spiritual Government will act as a result of this action using magick. Laws are enforced by The Spiritual Government solely for self defense and preservation or members or to prevent contribution of efforts of The Spiritual Government from being used for evil.

5. &tc – This is commonly spelled “etc.” I just like to go old school with it, and use the original spelling of the term as I am more comfortable doing so.

6. Abracadabra – This word, found in the beginning of the document is originally a magick (not magic) word used in older spells. By spelling it one letter at a time and forming the shape of a triangle, one can create a talisman through which something written on the bottom of the triangle is invoked into whoever looks at it.

7. L.V.X. - This is occult (meaning hidden) knowledge, but to explain briefly I use it to create things and restore balance to unbalanced situations and karma. My intent in placing it under the title page is to inspire you by planting a “seed” into everyone who reads this document which is intended to allow you to more clearly understand this document and use its knowledge for self empowerment and to make you a better mage. You are welcome.

Copyright Timothy R. Waggener 2012 Page 3 Visit our website at: godgamesproject.comThis document may be redistributed, but may not be sold.

Page 4: A Beginner's Guide to Magick for the Self Taught

A Beginner's Guide to Magick for the Self TaughtEssential Understandings for Healthy Advancement

IntroductionAmoung those of us who are self taught mages, and who have not been taught in schools or by

organizations, and in certain cases amoung those who are taught magick in illegitimate schools or organizations, there are many commonly made mistakes which are proper to avoid, and there is often a lack of good guidance in general on how to proceed. It is my hope that by reading this document any person who is new to magick, and perhaps some people who are already at Adept level, can learn some very valuable information to build a proper and healthy foundation through which to learn to advance their magickal craft and become a more capable and knowledgeable mage. This is not a guide on how to proceed and what to learn, as these things vary from mage to mage for there are actually many paths to becoming a powerful mage. However in this guide I will discuss the three rules of magick all people should be aware through which they can obtain the guidance of the universe (or "God" if you will) and learn to avoid many of the trappings and false concepts and teachings many people encounter in magick that slow down the path of advancement. This document can be summed up in the three foundational rules of magick:

1. Doubt everything, and always be ready to take a leap of faith.2. Follow your heart.2. Timing is everything.

In the following documentation I will examine these rules, one rule at a time, pointing out various concepts about them and several examples of these concepts so that you can understand the rules more clearly. Much additional information shall be added in for your own learning to become a more powerful mage, and this information shall be placed within the context of the rules where it is most relevant.

It is truly my hope that through this document you can learn many things that I have come to understand in the trade of a self taught mage which will prepare you, the mage, for your journey or possibly help you continue onward in your journey, armed with the knowledge of the arcane, basic human psychology, and my experience from the school of hard knocks. I wish I had run across a document like this when I first started out as a mage, and I have tried to include everything I can think of, relative to these three rules, which will help you avoid pitfalls and trappings, gain arcane understandings, and learn to advance your craft in a manner which is more efficient, effective, and inspired.

I have attempted to make this document as generic as possible so that people of any school of magick will be able to understand this document. Although this document does contain examples which reference specific forms of magick, and also a guide on when to cast spells for maximum efficiency, this document is not a guide on how to do magick, but rather is a guidebook for the self taught mage on how to advance in any form of magick. This document contains my own beliefs on Christianity, and my own beliefs on how the spiritual world works. As this document will tell you (going quite into detail on the topic) one must always be skeptical of another's beliefs, and learn to forge their own understandings on such things. I am no exception to thus rule!

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A Beginner's Guide to Magick for the Self TaughtEssential Understandings for Healthy Advancement

Rule 1: Doubt everything, andalways be ready to take a leap of faith.

Part 1: Introducing the RuleTo many, even some who are already at Adept level, the first rule may seem to be a little 'odd' or

even detrimental to proper advancement as a mage, so allow me to start with this rule, which helps a new mage learn to protect themselves from the charlatans out there who can waste your time and wreak havoc in your life, and also help one avoid being trapped inside their own illusion of the reality of magick which can lead to discouragement or, much worse, becoming a victim of your own false beliefs. Hopefully explaining this rule will simultaneously enable such said mage to advance in a clear and grounded manner unhindered by false guidance or beliefs preventing them from being caught in the trappings and misunderstandings of magick that disgrace the great art of magick without even realizing it.

The first point to understand about this rule is that the wording is very carefully constructed. For example, the rule does not read “always be willing to take a leap of faith,” but rather it reads “always be ready to take a leap of faith.” One must remember not to be willing to take a leap of faith when such a leap is not necessary

Many might wonder why I would advise a person who is starting out to “doubt everything.” It is important in the practice of magick to always be logical and to be your own worst critic. What happens to many mages is that in the practice of magick they begin to trust themselves based on things others say or simply based on input which may be internal. This can manifest as being friends with people who are partially psychic, and clever enough to get some things right, but not clever enough to get the real understanding of a situation or to not realize they do not have the real understanding of a situation on an external level. This can also manifest internally if a person believes they have communication with spiritual beings or higher understandings where the same thing takes place.

There are several examples of such things, which I will go into great depth to analyze and help you prepare for. It should be understood that the following examples are not all possible examples of what causes a mage to stumble and break this rule, and that one must learn to recognize other examples as well. It is my hope that these examples cover the basic understandings of how this rule works and why it is in place to set a proper framework to understand the concluding section of this rule. These examples include:

1. Partial Psychic Perception2. Group Delusion3. Some Confirmation leading to Blind Faith

Part 2: Examples of Not Following the Rule

Example 1: Partial Psychic PerceptionThis example is something many people encounter when they are first learning magick and are

associated with other people who are self taught or taught by groups that seem credible, and they claim to have extraordinary gifts which they often believe themselves to have. In many cases what a person

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has is a partial psychic perception. They may be able to perceive things with some level of accuracy, and it is important to learn to recognize these people as their partial perception can make them seem very credible, but they may be convincing other people of things (which they may or may not actually believe) which are entirely untrue. These people can be very dangerous, as believing what they have to say usually requires “taking a leap of faith.”

Such a person may be able to see into your past and tell you things that you have not ever told anyone and that they could not possibly know without some type of actual gift. They may be able to present to you a potential future and, on a continual basis, these futures they talk about may take place with a level of accuracy which goes beyond mere chance.

The important thing to remember is that when someone demonstrates a gift of this nature (including but not limited the examples above) that it is very rare to find a case where psychic understanding is an exact art. Psychics will often speak vaguely as it is difficult to gain a full and complete understanding of a situation. Regardless, once someone has demonstrated a psychic gift that person becomes, in the mind, very credible. At this point, because a person has a gift or two they may claim that they have more of such said gifts or make additional claims which may or may not be true, and which that person may or may not actually realize are untrue when this is the case. It is important to look for warning signs, which should register in your mind as a 'red flag' when you see them. I have not included every possible example of these red flags, but hopefully with a bit of common sense, you can come up with your own 'red flags' to detect such people.

This is an example of a 'red flag:' A person claims to have an extraordinary ability to remove a significant problem, (i.e. spiritual oppression or curses) and continues to work on these things for you, yet constantly is unable to solve these problems, and suddenly their psychic intuition is telling them that the fault is not with their technique, but rather that you are doing something wrong then this is a possible reality. However if this person is constantly claiming that the fault for their inability lies within other people, and that their 'psychic' ability is confirming this, then it is likely that their so called 'psychic' ability, which may be in some sense real, is hindered by their own inability to accept that they are not able to perform the abilities they think they can perform.

In many cases a curse can manifest internally causing a person to actually be at fault for the problems in their life without realizing it, so one should not assume that blaming another person for their own behavior if they are cursed is always inaccurate, so one should remember to apply this rule careful and in context. If the person is constantly blaming a majority or unusually large percentage of people for the curse making claims that the curse is there because of these people's attitudes, or the curse is there because of these people's inability to believe in him or her, or the curse is there because these people are subconsciously exhibiting the same or different behavior making the curse happen, or attracting evil spirits to them, and is thus at fault, then this person has no skill in removing curses, but more likely has removed a 'curse' from someone who was not even cursed, with a clever bit if psychology or hypnosis which was not a curse at all, but rather a person's own inability to function well. Such said mage may or may not be aware of this themselves, and may or may not actually believe in their own ability to be real.

Another example of a red flag would be if a person removes 'curses' from someone, and then several weeks or several months later they have been 'cursed' again. Again it is entirely possible for this to happen, especially amoung people who have acquired spiritual enemies, but if the same claim is made again and again for a variety of people it is likely the 'extraordinary' psychic is either unable to

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remove curses, or lacks the psychic ability to differentiate between a person who is cursed, and a person who is simply bringing bad karma upon themselves through their own actions.

As you might guess, when both of these situations combine themselves together, and a person is unable to remove a curse or stop spiritual beings from attacking people it is often difficult for a person with an inflated ego to accept the problem is with them. There are often several reasons why a person cannot do this, and it all revolves around not following rule number one of magick.

Other common examples you should be wary of include people having psychic “visions” of events which can't realistically be verified and sound a little extreme, especially if these occur on a constant basis such as saying a person was possessed and therefore doesn't remember doing something, or claiming that your psychic powers make you aware that someone is secretly jealous of you, yet refuses to admit it to themselves, or anything else which people will deny when confronted. While in some cases they may be accurate, if these things tend to occur with unusual frequency this is a strong indicator of partial psychic perception.

This examples applies in many other forms not mentioned, of course. If instead of removing curses, a person claims to be able to manifest winning lottery numbers which never win, claims to be able to curse people who never suffer, claims to be able to miraculously heal people of sickness who only get better temporarily and resort to the same state, or possibly a worse state. The problem here is that the faith in their ability is blind, and is not evaluated based on result, but rather on something which is often intangible often called 'spiritual' such as visions, revelations, or telepathic conversations which cannot be verified or dis-proven by anyone or which are constantly challenged if they can. In many cases the mage will claim their abilities have been “verified” when the system of verification is not really very logical or depends on psychic conformation rather than physical evidence a majority of the time. This brings us to our next example, which is often connected to this type of person.

Example 2: Group DelusionIn mental health terms a delusion is to believe something which has no real basis in reality. In

the case of mental illness a delusion is to believe in something for illogical reasons or for no reason at all. This is different from a spiritual delusion in that a belief may consist of something like “my neighbor is an alien” and then a reason why may consist of something like “he doesn't brush his teeth everyday.” It is important to keep in mind the difference between a spiritual delusion and a mental health delusion as spiritual delusions can be rationally based, but illogical to an outsider.

In the spiritual world having a delusion is to believe in something for reasons which, to the uninitiated or untrained sometimes seems reasonable, but in reality have an explanation that a mage or group of mages have not thought of. It is important to remember that many people who practice magick will have a very real spiritual reality through which they can confirm very real facts in the real world. In addition to those people are those who have no real spiritual reality, but have enough power to convince others, and even themselves that this is not the case. As you might imagine you are more likely to meet a person who thinks they have a real spiritual reality than a person who has a real spiritual reality as there are far more people who think they do than there are who do.

This often takes place when many people are on what I like to call the same “frequency.” A frequency refers to a connected mind link in which people are telepathically connected. A frequency can be defined by a deity such as Adonai, or a number representing that deity, such as 91, or a concept centered around a deity such as ruling or lordship. Also frequencies can be connected to concepts, such

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as war, planets, such as mars, or numerical understandings such as 666. This telepathic connection can be conscious or subconscious It can cause people to believe in the same things and alter their perception so that they believe the same things.

One must always be wary of false confirmations of such groups of people who are often not aware they are sharing a frequency. Many people who are new at magick, or self declared master adepts, can deceive others, and even themselves with a few 'pawn tricks' which they may or may not be aware are just pawn tricks.

Let's say for example that someone believes they have the power to cast a wicked powerful spell to strangle a person using psychic ability over a long distance range. Let's say this is combined with example one where a person can't believe they can get rid of a curse and simply believes this person is cursing a person constantly and that therefore the person must be dealt with. Since it is impossible to find or stop this person one must rely on a theoretical technique to strangle them over long distance. Obviously sane people will not believe that a new member of the group is capable of doing this without some kind of evidence to convince them us such. However let's say the new member of the group has incredible psychic ability. As he is imagining the person being strangled he creates a thought, embedded into a psychic energy of an attack on this person. Because this thought is created and filled with energy it becomes very strong and powerful and dominates the spiritual frequencies with such intensity that any person who perceives this thought can perceive it as if it is actually happening. As a result several other members of the group who are 'watching' (many of whom may have credible psychic ability) see that person's perception. Because some members of the group have validated psychic ability to perceive magick it is assumed that what they are seeing is real, because they are unable to differentiate between a highly graphic vision this new member of the group has unintentionally created, and a real event taking place. However in this example the reality of the situation is that they are merely seeing the thought projected through the group frequency and confusing it with a tangible reality.

Now proving psychic ability is as simple as proving telepathy. Let's say this same group has performed an experiment in the past. If everyone in a group is told to visualize a person that only one group member has seen, and the person who has seen this person telepathically sends that visualization to others, and everyone in the group can describe that person's hair colour, facial shape, eye colour, skin colour, &tc without any physical prompting or information directly given to them through non-psychic means then these people know their psychic ability is real. An important point to understand here is that because the psychic ability has been confirmed once, a similar conformation of these same people, such as in the example above, may also be considered “confirmed” because everyone has seen the same thing again.

In this example, there appears to be no variance, because nobody in the group is aware that a psychic vision subconsciously created by the alleged mage trying to strangle someone is so powerful it creates the appearance of the reality when in fact all the mage has done is project a thought on a powerful level. The important point to understand here is that, from an inside perspective, it really seems like all the proper verification techniques have take place, based on previous verification techniques which have been effective in the past leading to overconfidence in the mage's abilities. Thus, if this person, and several other people see the same thing without any information or prompting to tell them what they are supposed to see all members of the group may believe that they have “confirmed” the reality.

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That this point a group delusion is started where everyone believes that, because several credible psychics have seen the same thing, the evil mage cursing the new member has been psychically strangled. Now let's say in this situation there actually was someone cursing these people. During the new member's attempt to psychically 'strangle' this person he sent an enormous level of hate filled malevolent energy at this person connected to the concept of death by murder. The person recognized the power involved, closed his eyes as the spell made him dizzy and had a vision of being strangled to death by a mighty demon. As a result this mage assumed that this was a vision of the future showing him that if he didn't stop cursing those people a demon would slay him, and he decided to stop cursing these people out of fear of his “vision” because he was just some teenager who picked up a voo doo doll and doesn't understand how magick really works.

At this point the delusion is self supported. Nobody can sense any evil or malevolent energy. Everyone “witnessed” the strangling. So everyone believes that the new member is capable of strangling someone to death with psychic energy. For all they know the person is dead, because the magick has stopped, and nobody knows who this person is and it is impossible to disprove this claim.

It sounds silly that people would “jump to the conclusion” that the mage was strangled and is dead, but if everyone is on the same frequency, and the new very powerful psychic mage really wants people to believe this, and another person on the frequency really cares about the mage and wants him to be proud their energy can overwhelm the group frequency and cause others to believe this unquestioningly.

Nobody intentionally set up this misunderstanding, but now everyone in the group thinks that he can strangle people with magick or psychic ability. Thus, when it comes down to trying to do this to people who can be verified and nothing happens everyone assumes that person is some amazingly powerful mage who can stop the new mage's godlike ability when, for all we know the person who cast the first curse could have merely been some guy who bought a voo-doo doll at a store and had enough psychic perception to understand he was dealing with people more powerful than him, and the new guy attacker to be strangled might understand a simple ritual to banish negative energy, and be able to deflect 'negative thoughts' and be immune to the attack.

The worst part of this spiritual delusion is that if the original person who was not strangled comes to the mage who thinks he strangled him a few years down the road and apologizes for using a voo-doo doll on that person the mage's self confidence is shattered. In reality he may be a strong mage to be able to cause such a powerful expression of will and create such a powerful visualization and control a person's mind with fear. But because he realizes the technique was not real as he perceived it this mage may loose all faith in his ability. Even more dangerous is the fact that this mage may go around threatening powerful people who practice magick and get all ballsy then be unable to defend himself and be left with the crippling effects of curses from serious magick practitioners.

Now this is merely an example, and a rather extreme one, but it should be noted that it is based off of very real experiences from people who are actually logical and rational people. Magick does not make people nuts. It is a simple act of not understanding the first rule of magick that makes people seem a little nuts and causes them to have beliefs which are not truly founded in reality. Many people who are self taught, or taught by organizations or cults which are not as credible as many people think they are, suffer from minor 'delusions' of this nature which are not caused by mental illness but by not following this first, and very important, rule of magick.

Usually such delusions are not this extreme, and, to a insider of a spiritual community, may

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seem logical at the time. It is important to avoid groups who have these problems and also to avoid becoming such a person yourself.

Again it all comes back to the rule of not doubting enough. The leap of faith is not blind. The delusion is something a rational person could come to believe. But because nobody ever bothered to validate the technique in the real world, and everyone relied on 'psychics' for confirmation they group delusion exists and is dangerous as these people think they are really bad ass, when in fact they have misunderstood entirely what really happened. This brings us to example 3, some of which we have already begun to touch upon.

Example 3: Some confirmation leading to blind faith.Many people in America who practice magick have come out of Christian upbringing. Even

after rejecting Christian theology there is often much 'brain damage' present. This is not literal damage to the brain so much as psychosocial training which creates belief which is measured unrealistically. Christianity is the most common religion in the United States. Ideas such as “if a majority believes in it, then it must be true” are placed into the human mind when in fact a majority of human beings believing something is true proves nothing except that human beings are very gullible, especially concerning intangible and spiritual things.

Another damaging concept which comes from Christianity is teaching people “what to think” instead of “how to think.” In Christianity a sort of “tribe mentality” is created through which people value the idea of being right, and of supporting the beliefs of their peers, rather than valuing your logic and rational consideration which create your beliefs. In Christianity people are proud of their faith in a belief or an ideal, not of their intellect and their ability to determine things that lead up to a belief or an idea.

Yet another damaging concept is the concept that some credibility should lead to full belief. Many people who are Christians believe in their god because their prayers are answered at a rate which outshines faith, or because their belief in a god gave them the strength to overcome obstacles. Based on this belief a Christian will take an entire religion and assume that, because some spiritual reality clearly exists that the entire religion that comes with it must be real. This is a very dangerous concept to believe in, and again it centers around not having a healthy sense of doubt.

My personal belief on Christianity is that it is a religion which centers around eggregores. An eggregore is a spiritual entity, which can pose as a deity, capable of performing tasks. Anyone who connects to its frequency can tap into the benefits of its ability. An eggregore is created either by groups of people who believe in it, (often created unintentionally) or by a mage who has intentionally created it for some purpose. In some cases an eggregore can be created by a mage and then become stronger through belief and interaction from its followers. An example of an eggregore is “Lumin Yfel” used in the god_Games Project. He was created by me, and is empowered and becomes stronger every time someone connects to him to participate in the taxing process. Free Masons are big fans of eggregores, and often create them to watch over a Lodge and empower their members.

Depending on it's construct, an eggregore can respond to prayers, cast magickal spells such as protection, creating happiness and prosperity for those connected to it, focus on primary tasks, which in Christianity include controlling members through faith, influencing their morals, and other forms of mind control, and &tc. Whenever a group of Christians get together believing in a false god, it is my belief that they usually connect to an eggregore of their own creation or which has been created

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previously for them. Based on my beliefs these eggregores can, in some instances, answer prayers, create spiritual blessings, &tc through magickal application. Eggregores also often employ pawn tricks such as controlling a person so that they will pray for things which are going to happen anyway which creates the appearance the eggregore is more powerful than it actually is.

Let's say, for the sake of example, that I am correct in my understanding about Christianity. In this case many Christians see that their prayers are often answered and attend church on Sunday, connecting to the eggregore's energy, feeding it power and strength by showing it love, worship, and faith. If this is true then Christians are worshiping a god literally made in the image of men, constructed in form based off of that particular group of people's interpretation of the Bible.

This explains why many Christians do not have their prayers answered any differently than by chance, and why others do have very real answers to prayers which cannot be explained through probability. One will note these two different categories of Christians are always linked together through a Church as different Churches have different eggregores which promote different beliefs and understandings of the Bible and possess different methods and levels of power and manifestation, and some Churches have no eggregores at all.

If I am correct in my belief then this means that a person can receive some level of credibility of the existence of a spiritual being and then believe in the full reality, being trained to have “faith.” This allows them to overlook the failures of an eggregore's ability to manifest things saying “It's not part of the divine plan.”

This mentality and teaching brought through Christianity creates many dangerous concepts, many of which are subconscious, which a mage who is coming out of Christianity often takes with him or her into his spiritual work.

For this reason I strongly recommend that anyone coming out of Christianity who is serious about magick perform some form of ritual of “blasphemy” to disconnect themselves from Christian “frequencies” and to empower themselves to learn how to think rather than what to think. I strongly recommend rituals which emphasize physical pain over those which emphasize sexual deviance, although for some people both is probably a good idea. The psychological effect of pain, and it's metaphysical manifestation is very powerful in purifying and removing dogmatic methods of thinking which are unhealthy to our development as rational human beings, but a large part of the process is psychological and involved in making acquaintance with others. (I strongly recommend making friends with atheists as well.)

Examples of this occur outside of the confines of Christianity or people who come out of Christianity as well which are less ludicrous and more understandable. For example when a person works very hard on magick which is quite questionable but sees indications of results manifesting what sometimes happens is that 'spiritual obserbers' visit who view the information a person has and sees the problem, and make a habit of acting on that information to influence others.

If the magick is sketchy and based on things that can't be confirmed in full because of limited access to information it may appear to a person who has observed such a technique that what is causing these things is the magick a particular person is performing. However it can simply be the silent spiritual obserbers who are taking your work seriously and acting on your behalf. This is especially more likely for people who have extreme spiritual power or past lives affiliated with spiritual or divine power or as a good leader, and may be an indication of a past life of extreme power either spiritually or politically which motivates spirits to help out. This can also be because a person is focused on a highly

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honourable or just cause, especially if the person is devout and works directly with deities, and spirits are moved with compassion to assist as it is clear the intent is for the greater good. In this instance the “mage” is doing nothing, but spirits or gods are assisting anyway often out of love, compassion, or a desire to help the 'mage' attain justice. In many cases this may also manifest as it discussed in examples 1 and 2.

On another level a very similar thing can take place, but without the spiritual obserbers or deities. A person can have a certain level of psychic skill which can create the idea of a result. Many of these people will know that what they are not doing is real, but there are some cases where they will not. Situations where people claim to have “special healing powers” may be situations where a person can sometimes heal and other times suppress an illness or disease not doing anything, but either can't see for themselves or can but won't tell you the difference between those cases. In other cases all they can do is suppress a disease or illness and, long after your money is gone you can't find the alleged “mage.”

This can also be done with hypnosis by people who have no understanding of magick yet claim to, and people who use hypnosis without telling you are people you should be very cautious and suspicious of, especially if they do not know they are using hypnosis as these people believe themselves to have power but truly only have the power to convince themselves and others they can or have healed others. Hypnosis can be used in addition to magick to heal things, especially of a psychological nature, but if only hypnosis is being used then having the belief you are healed of aliments of a non-psychological nature and several “signs” of the healing may create the impression of such, but is not usually genuine. It is also extremely dangerous to work with psychological healing from a hypnotist who does not know what he or she is doing.

Part 3: An in Depth Understanding of this Rule

Now that we have listed three of the most common methods of seriously screwing up your magickal development, let's talk about the rule itself, which is clearly broken in every one of these

previous examples. Again the rule reads:Rule 1: Doubt everything, and always be willing to take a leap of faith.

To understand faith we must understand the difference between faith and blind faith. To have faith is to believe in something based on results which are verifiable and rationally considered. To have blind faith is to believe in something with lack of such evidence. It is important to remember that during a “leap of faith” you must live in the anticipation of the result before it's manifestation and the evidence of such has occurred and live temporarily in this manner until conformation is received.

Faith is a very important aspect to the art of magick. If you merely doubt yourself and your own ability, or the abilities of your teachers then you are sure to fail at magick as, especially when you first start out. Believing in the possibility of magick is very important.

What many people starting out at magick do not realize is that believing in your magick has a very subtle but strong effect on magick, but doubting your ability has a much stronger, and much more direct and damaging effect on your magick.

Magick affects a mage as follows:1. Believing you can do something you can't do will not make you able to do it.

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2. Believing you can do something you can do will make it easier to do it or create a technique to do it, but only slightly so.

3. Doubting you can do something you cannot do will not change whether or not you can do it.4. Doubting you can do something you can do will decrease your chance of being able to do it by

about 40% - 90% on average, depending on various factors.

Therefore we see from this example that doubt is important to avoiding illusion, but that a leap of faith is important to preventing doubt to cause you to fail. The most important factor is not having unfounded belief. Having too much belief doesn't change the manifestation of magick, only your perspective of what has manifested. Having too much doubt will cause a spell to fail entirely. This is why the doubting process should take place after a reasonable amount of time has passed to evaluate the progress of the spell.

When you are first starting out it is advisable to not tell large numbers of people about your magick and what you are trying to do. The reason for this is twofold.

1. Many people in a Christian/Muslim dominated society are opposed to magick.2. Other's negativity will hinder your magick's ability, even if it does not affect you, and

even more so if it does affect you.

Many people, especially in a Christian dominated society, will not understand, and will try to stop your magick from working either consciously or subconsciously by focusing on the idea of a spell, and hoping it does not come to manifest. In other situations, they may externally even come into your environment to try to prevent your magick from functioning by creating rules and restrictions, which is mostly relevant in Countries where magick is illegal or frowned upon or if you live in an restrictive environment, such as a Christian home, a Christian run shelter, a a highly prejudice area where freedom of religion is not tolerated. While many Christians will do either of these things in what they believe is in your “best interest” it is important to note that when you are first starting out (and only when you are first starting out) other people's negative thoughts and beliefs about your magick, whether they are thinking magick is not real, or whether they are thinking magick is immoral or bad for you, will have a huge effect of stopping your spells from working.

This problem becomes magnified when they pray to an eggregore to convince you to stop, which can result in destructive magick being used against you by that eggregore, or simply interference designed to stop your magick from functioning to discourage you. Some Christian eggregores are very powerful, and since Christian eggregores work based off of feeding off of the energy of their followers it should be noted than anytime a follower tries to leave Christianity the eggregore will put up a big fight for you, especially if you are doing anything that might help you understand that it is your power and the power of the worshipers of that religion that empower the eggregore and learn you can do everything the eggregore can yourself, because it is an issue of loosing an energy source and magickal catalyst.

So we can see that even the doubt of other people will hinder your magickal ability when you are first starting. Thus, as you might imagine, your own doubt will hinder your magick even more! Therefore it is important to “take a leap of faith.” During this leap of faith a mage should be careful to have no, or as a few as possible, doubts about how successful their magick will be. Ideally a mage

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should even blind their mind temporarily from the idea that their magick will not work. A mage should always start with magick which can be verified at some point in the future and include a time line for manifestation of the spell into the spell itself. Until that time line is reached, no doubt should be in your mind as you are taking “a leap of faith” during which you do not think any negative thoughts or ideas about your magick, nor allow others the opportunity to think them.

Once a realistic amount of time has passed and the spell has not manifested it is important to strongly doubt the manifestation of the spell, to question it, and to consider the possibility that it may simply not be going to work. Doing this is very important, not only early on, but also as you continue to develop your craft in your magickal ability, as it allows you to critique your work and analyze what you did wrong, what power you do not yet have and may have thought you did that prevented the spell from working, what was wrong with the execution of your technique, and other possible flaws in your methods.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of beginning with spells which are easy to cast, and which are more likely to work as well as the importance of trying to create a reality which is generic and not specific with earth spells (spells designed to change karma and events.) In doing so you will be able to gain confidence in your ability. The most important thing to a starting mage is confidence that is well founded. Once you have confidence in magick which is founded in reality your magick will begin to rapidly increase in it's potential for true power. Also, if you have confidence in things which are not real your magick will slowly progress and be filled with illusions and delusions of things which do not exist. Once you have strong reality based confidence in magick doubt will not affect your work at all when it comes from other people, and will hardly affect you when it comes from yourself.

When casting spells it is important to focus on results which are vague, but can be measured. A money spell is successful if it makes you money in a manner which does not account for probability and chance such as lottery wins, errors in your you stock share payments, someone adding you into their will after you cast the spell not before and then dying, &tc. A money spell to win at the lottery may fail as it is more difficult. Being vague and allowing an opportunity for spells without restriction as to how they manifest is very important.

Of great importance is to remember that just because a spell didn't work, this doesn't mean you are incapable of magick. Everyone is capable of magick. Some have more starting potential than others, but anyone is capable with the right training. The most common reasons for a spell not working with someone starting out with others usually involve lack of proper information on performing the spell or using a spell given to you by someone or some group that simply doesn't work.

Doubting that a spell works when it clearly doesn't is important. Doubting that magick will work at all or that it may not work for you is throwing away easier attainment of every other goal and dream you have. This is another reason why it's important not to be misled by con artists or those of spiritual delusion, as a bad experience may convince you not to be part of the wonderful world of magick.

This brings us to another important rule, which should be obvious. Never depend solely on magick to save you from a bad situation, regardless of your level of skill. If you are poor and firmly convinced your money spell is going to work it doesn't hurt to apply for food stamps, welfare, or that disability check even if you absolutely know that it is going to be canceled soon. With magick, much like life, one should hope for the best, but live in perpetration of the worst.

Another important lesson to remember is that becoming a powerful mage revolves around

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developing your own personal power. Before even casting any kind of spell I recommend participating in some form of magickal empowerment, such as the LBRP, the taxation videos, the chakra charging exercises, meditation, energy charging techniques, mantras, and many other things some of which can be found on this website. If you don't want to work with techniques from this website there are a lot of other great empowerment techniques out there. When doing these things the 'leap of faith' has a much longer duration, and allows you to develop your own personal energy which makes your magick more likely to succeed when you get started on actual spells. In doing this you have nothing to challenge your 'faith' and when you are training a technique. Then when you cast a spell the likelihood it will work is increased which means that you are less likely to fail at magick, and thus less likely to give up completely on the craft and thus less likely to miss out on all the wonderful aspects of the world of magick!

And again the most important thing to following this rule is that when you first start out with magick you should verify everything with results found in the real world, rather than results which are found through spiritual means. Once you have a clear and rational understanding that indicates your magick is truly working I strongly recommend learning the three tools every mage should have.

1. A tarot deck2. A pendulum3. A Scrying Mirror

These are great tools which can be used to help you confirm your spiritual abilities. I am not going to go in depth on how to use these tools, but I would like to place a warning on their usage. Do not use these tools to verify whether or not your magick is real and can work when you are first starting out. It is also important that when you start using these tools you do not use them in situations where you desperately need the answers. All of them take time and training to learn, and one should assume errors will be present until they have mastered the psychic facilities required to use these tools.

Tarot cards can be misinterpreted. A pendulum is only as honest as the person, entity, or god-form you are channeling. A scrying mirror relies on your own psychic ability. Once you have validated the reality of your abilities using real evidence in the real world which you have either gathered yourself, or had someone gather on your behalf whom you trust not to lie to you, you can begin using these tools.

It is impossible for tarot cards to lie or present reality in a misleading manner. What is possible is for a person to misread or misunderstand the meaning behind tarot cards. What is also possible, and also rare, is for random cards to enter a reading which have nothing to do with anything you are trying to determine. This occasionally happens to even the most skilled psychics, and sometimes happens to people in general on a constant basis, although this is even more rare and is usually related to disbelief. A skilled psychic uses the tarot cards not only to determine reality, but as a “starting point” to confirm their intuition and then tells more than what the cards indicate. Learning to use tarot cards will enhance your psychic intuition automatically.

A pendulum is commonly considered a “divining” tool, but I personally believe it is a useful method of channeling, and that all answers come from beings with consciousness. Not all people would agree with me on that. I would never recommend an Ouija board to anyone except an enemy whom I want to suffer as they are dangerous, but a Pendulum is a good way of contacting spiritual beings, or even tuning into your subconscious or higher self for answers. It is important to remember

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that the person you think you are communicating with on the pendulum is not always the person you are communicating with, and to recognize the tell-tale signs of your subconscious mind manipulating the pendulum such as small and slight jerks of the hand which change it to an answer, moving of the hand to change the angle at which you are holding the pendulum, or changing the angle of the wrist which also causes the pendulum to move in another direction even if the hand itself is perfectly still. If you use any of these methods, or are talking to a spirit which uses these methods through your body you fall under a huge risk of learning the pendulum wrong and gaining false answers which come from your subconscious desire for an answer in the future. The pendulum should be moving on it's own without these things happening, and your hand, wrist, and arm should be perfectly still.

The scrying mirror is something I have not yet had the opportunity to work with myself, but it is helpful for inducing visions or communicating with astral entities and opening your telepathic channels. Scrying mirrors (also called “black mirrors”) are created out of a special rock called obsidian. They are more expensive than regular mirrors, and you can make them yourself or buy one (which is much easier.) A scryring mirror will not work at all unless it is made out of obsidian. I am told there is a method to create a special fluid for magick mirrors placed inside a glass tube on the mirror's base which makes it more powerful, and have never been able to find a mirror for sale online or in stores with this fluid, so if you want to go all out I suggest getting a book on scrying mirrors which includes instructions on how to make one.

The scrying mirror creates a contained forced hallucination within the mind of the mage which takes place in the mirror and, depending on your psychic ability and/or the frequencies of others you are spiritually connected to, both mortal and spiritual, can see many things such as the past, present, and likely future, or a metaphoric understanding of things of a spiritual or mundane nature, and can also provide you with valuable information such as sigils you may not already have.

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Rule 2: Follow Your HeartThe first thing to understand about this rule is that it comes second. It should be applied only

after the first rule has been applied for it to be healthy.

There are several examples of why following your heart is important in life, and especially in the life of the mage. These reasons include:

1. Following your heart brings you true happiness.2. Following your heart leads to power.3. Following your heart affects your karma.4. Following your heart can bring you the power of the gods.

1. Following your heart brings you true happiness.In America we learn to pursue happiness (it is a right the Government is not allowed to take

away from us according to the Constitution.) Yet many of us fail to understand what true happiness is. Instead we pursue things like money, and many people when they get it find themselves miserable. You might be surprised to hear that many lottery winners commit suicide, often because when you have spent your whole life in the pursuit of money you discover that once you have a certain amount that you run out of things to buy. At this point, if you have devoted your whole life and personal identity around the idea of acquiring money, and that goal is no longer present, true depression sets in. A better understanding of money is that it is a tool through which you can more easily obtain forms of happiness that you desire. Money does not buy happiness. Not directly, at least, but if money is not the goal, and is merely a means to an end of acquiring happiness than having a lot of it is not depressing in the long run, but fulfilling. Money, like any tool, can be used to more easily obtain forms of happiness.

Many people in America are also focused on sex and sensual gratification, or happiness brought on by drugs. Any psychiatrist or therapist can explain to you that these things are not going to bring you true happiness. The root reason for this is that they are merely temporary pleasures brought on by desires in the brain. The human brain is interesting in that there is what we call the “reptilian brain,” which is the part of the brain which responds to and desires stimulation, and then there is the “cerebral cortex” which contains what we commonly call “the mind” and “the heart.” Acting from the “reptilian brain” and responding to stimulus is a fun and enjoyable process, but if it is your primary action such a thing will not bring you true happiness.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with pursing sex or drugs which, like everything else, must be taken in moderation. I don't recommend going outside the law for such pursuits, and would strongly urge people to avoid highly addictive or dangerously harmful drugs, but really the point I am making is that indulging in the sensory input of the brain and achieving material gratification through things like sex, chemically induced states of mind, meditation, and such is a normal and healthy part of life. For those who are unaware, some meditations release dopamine in the brain that literally get you “high.” Such things can be used for pleasure or for spiritual advancement. However, it is when we as human

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beings base our ideals of happiness on these things that we stop understanding what real happiness is.True happiness in humanity is found in the brain, because as humans we are physical flesh and

blood beings. However, true happiness which people find fulfilling is not based off of sensory gratification. It is based off of a sense of achievement towards a goal we have passion and motivation for and acquiring that goal, experiencing the process, and taking time to enjoy the reward. When a person finds this form of happiness they find real fulfillment and purpose.

The important thing is choosing the right goal. Having lots of money is a good one that keeps you distracted, and you can live your whole life pursuing it, but if it is your final goal, you may die unhappy and feeling you've wasted your life. On the other hand if you have followed your heart through the whole ordeal you may die quite happy indeed if you have lived that goal doing work that you truly enjoy.

As we see here, the two main points to understand are that true happiness comes from having some form of goal or ambition, and following your heart in pursuing it. Often the harder you work, the more you enjoy the process and the experience of attaining that goal, and the more you follow the leading of your heart, the more you will enjoy the process which results in a conclusion where, when you complete that goal, you have an amazing and wonderful, lasting sense of achievement. Once your goal is completed these happy feelings of true happiness and fulfillment should be motivation to start on something new so you can enjoy the process again. This is as simple as understanding how the human brain works.

It is important not to become obsessed with a goal and to remember life is about the experience. Being obsessed does not mean spending large amounts of time on something, being very passionate about something, or devoting your life to something. This is a common misuse of the word. An obsession is something which is unhealthy, meaning that it will not bring you true happiness. Things such as sensory gratification, having a healthy sex life, having real and meaningful friendships and relationships with people, and learning to enjoy the little things of life as well are always critically important. If you follow these rules, and follow your heart, especially with magick, then you will truly learn to enjoy life and learn to find real and lasting fulfillment

If you follow a pursuit of an ideal and sacrifice these things, allowing you goal to to become an obsession, or simply doing things when your heart is not in it, then these things will not truly bring you real and lasting happiness. The experience is as important as the reward or, to put it in more familiar words, the path is as important as the destination, often even more so. If you want to really enjoy succeeding at a goal, you must enjoy the process of attaining it by following your heart. If you do not do this then when you attain your goal you will feel cold and unhappy inside. Learn this secret well.

An important rule to understand when following your heart is that this does not mean being ruled by your emotions. Decisions should be made logically, and should be carefully thought out if you want to be successful in achieving any purpose. Research and information is readily available in this modern age of information, and one should always act logically and rationally if they truly have an ambition, a desire, or a path which brings them fulfillment

It should be noted in following your heart that sometimes the mind and the heart are in disagreement on something. There can be several reasons for this. In some cases it can come from a lack of information. In others it can come from being misinformed. There can also be a variety of reasons for this contradiction within oneself and if it is one of these two reasons the best thing to do is research. In any case where your mind and your heart are leading you to make contradicting decisions

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it is very important to discover what the contradiction is and bring these two forces to unity before acting. However there are situations where there is simply not enough time or resources available to do such a thing and we are forced to make judgment calls to the best of our ability.

One rule I have for myself when I follow my heart is that if I feel guilty before doing something I simply will not do it. Sometimes when I do not feel guilty, but my mind possess information that morally tells me something is wrong I will also not do that thing. Anytime I feel guilty about doing something after I have done it is therefore always based on a lack of information and understanding. I do this because in my self identity I consider myself a highly ethical and moral person. My ethics are quite different from most people in American society, but I take them very seriously. In this example of following my heart I do this solely because holding myself to the highest possible standards of honour is a goal, a pursuit, which brings me great joy and fulfillment In following your heart it is important to remember that sometimes it is appropriate to change your moral code, and to remember that morals themselves should be based on logic and understanding, not on believing something blindly because others around you believe it or you read it in a book unless the book or person has clearly explained why it is immoral and you agree with them.

Now let us discuss an example of someone who can find true fulfillment and happiness in life. When a terrorist blows up the world trade center with an airplane, he finds true happiness and fulfillment You may not want to hear this. You may think it is unpatriotic to say this, but if you focus on these things you are missing the point I am trying to make.

Following your heart to find true happiness is all about pursuing a goal. This goal should be centered around things which are important to you as a person. Neglecting the first rule of magick, which is to doubt everything, but to always be ready to take a leap of faith is what leads to making irrational decisions, such as believing that when you die God will reward you for killing massive numbers of innocent people, many of whom may actually have supported your belief system, and there will be 72 virgins waiting for you in heaven when there is no credible evidence of such a thing. As I said before, neglecting this rule is dangerous.

However on the other hand in the few brief years through which the terrorist has undergone training and lived the experiences of preparing for this moment he has lives a full and amazing life. He has dedicated himself to a purpose which is important to him, and learned to live a life which he believed had a special meaning, and worked very hard to get to the point where he would sacrifice himself for what he perceived as an ultimate reward, and got to realize the manifestation of achieving that dream for one brief instant before he died.

In short, he has gone through all of the experiences necessary to find true happiness in his brain as a human being. He has worked very hard on his goal, and he has achieved it. His life was very exciting and very intense, and he has enjoyed the experience. However he missed out on the most fulfilling part of the experience and the process as a human being, which is to realize and enjoy the reward in the same lifetime.

This brings us to our next point, which is that one should always be wary of people offering some secret spiritual path to true happiness. When following one's heart one should know that you can be taken advantage of. Hopefully the first rule is enough to prepare you to understand such things, but at the risk of sounding redundant, the key to true happiness is being able to enjoy and experience the reward you desire. If your goal is to make the world a better place, seeing your influences on the world

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may be that reward for you. If your goal is to have a spouse and kids and grow a family, the experience of raising those children and sharing your love with your spouse is that reward. Life is all about the experience, and one should never live it on a hope or dream of some reward in an afterlife. One should live their life on a path that they can truly enjoy and experience, for the life of a mage is all about the experiences.

2. Following your heart leads to power.Now to truly understand these things we must understand them in the context of the life of a

mage. Whether or not they like to publicly announce it, and whether or not they have yet realized it, deep down inside every mage wants one thing, and this is power.

Like money, power is merely another tool to help you acquire your true happiness. Living a life in pursuit of power as your ideal or goal is a dangerous way to live your life, but it can be quite a fun filled experience if you follow the rules. If you pursued magick to help people you are going to help them with magickal power. If you pursued magick for the sake of the experience, it will give you the power to have and enjoy those experiences. If you pursued magick for some noble cause it gives you the power to be a big part of that cause and help you fulfill your noble ambition. Even if you pursued magick because of having a bad life, magick gives you the power to make that life better.

An important thing to understand during your pursuit of power is how to put “the universe” on your side. In my particular belief I perceive God as, quite literally, the universe. The universe is the body of God, the Most High, and we are all aspects of Him. Therefore anything that happens in this universe (or any other) is an act of God.

I am going to give some examples of how magick works in a manner that is more related to politics and war. It is important that you focus on the point of this example rather than being distracted by the examples themselves. These examples contain controversial information about world events which, while clearly documented and likely proven, many people may not be aware of. It should be noted that included into this controversial events is an additional theory of mages who have contributed to how these events unfold.

The accounts of the mages in this example are either fictional or based on psychic perception. Personally I believe the description of magick users to more likely be fictional, but that there is a possibility I have perceived this information accurately, as this example came to me during meditation. If you know for a fact the accounts of mages are real, feel free to contact me, the author of this document, to explain to me why you believe this.

The accounts of world events are conclusions I have come to believe are real based on logic and documentation. If you are interested in more details on political and military events listed in this example you may find a play list of information and documentation concerning these examples here:http://www.godgamesproject.com/nwo

The following is an example of using magick to manipulate world events the grave repercussions of using magick recklessly, and a hypothetical example of how powerful magick can be in war and politics:

When a mage casts spells to create hate against the Muslim faith, and 9/11 happened, this is an act of God. When a terrorist blows up the world trade center this is an act of God. When a powerful

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Rosicrucian casts a spell, and Christians in America do not hate Muslims which prevents world war three, this is an act of God. When a terrorist in the Government plants plastic explosives in the world trade center, this is an act of God. When a mage casts spells to cause people to fear the 'danger' of Christianity karma changes, and Christians who support the founding fathers are monitored by the US Government as terrorists, this is an act of God. Without realizing it, a simple spell, cast with enough power, can have huge influences, preventing or causing the tides of war itself to change, and this is a big responsibility. When Many people are not aware of these political events, but they are easy to find on the Internet. (There is a link on the website with details.) For the sake of argument, let's say these things have happened, because my point is that everything which happens, everything which takes place is an act of God. And the more of the power of God (by which I mean “The Universe”) is inside of you, the more power you have with your spells.

To explain more clearly, let's throw a another hypothetical in there. First a person who hates Muslims may cast a spell which causes hate against Muslims. In addition to other contributing factors, this causes 9/11 to happen so Americans will hate Muslims. Combined with other people's actions, this manifests in the only way it possible could. Since before 9/11 it was virtually impossible for terrorists to attack America someone inside the Government had to be there during the 9/11 to ensure this attack took place. The attack took place (by some amazing “coincidence”) during a “training session” where the US Government was training for what to do if terrorists crashed a plane into US buildings. Somehow they figured out what was actually happening very quickly and “called it in.” They were told to stand down and not send in the jets which were on constant standby to shoot down any airplanes or ships, and to simply let the plane crash into the world trade center. (There is footage of this on the play list) Throw that in with evidence of plastic explosives, evidence that the famous “Osama Bin Laden” was not even actually in the video presented as “proof” for a reason to attack Iran, that there were no weapons of mass destruction in the country we attacked, and that president George Bush literally tried to set up executives of his family's oil company as well as large stockholders as the new rulers of Iraq after we bombed it, and there are a ton of questions which begin to rise up in the minds of others. Combine this with the fact that George Bush continues to state “God” told him to attack Iran, and you have hate for Christians coming from Muslims.

So this leads to a rise in people who are Christians claiming that this is all part of the Bible, and these things really looking like the Bible in some interesting ways, and their understanding of the Founding Fathers (which the US Government is training law enforcement were 'Terrorists' and that anyone who is too researched on their ideas may be terrorists too.) People who believe this is biblical are not explaining why to people on the Internet and are being very secretive and holding meetings about how the end of the world is coming in Church, and secretive cults who do not share their evidence of their beliefs with the world out of paranoia tend to be very dangerous. Eventually the CIA is even authorized to wiretap people who are Christians and strongly in support of the ideals of the founding fathers and place them on “terrorist watch lists” And while many believe it's all some grand conspiracy and exaggerating things quite extensively (see rule 1) the reality is anyone who understands cult psychology knows that inevitably terror cells amoung Christians are going to rise up and do something violent. While everyone accuses the government of being far more evil and corrupt than it is, the ones monitoring the Christians are simply quietly living in terror looking for those terror cells and paying little attention to claims of corruption and signs of patriotism, and rather looking for anyone dangerous.

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And the thing to understand in all of information (documented on my play list) is not that there is some great “conspiracy” to take over the world. (Frankly there is not much evidence of that.) Rather the point to understand here is that in the midst off all these things happening someone's spell to make Americans hate Muslims failed, and someone's spell to make people terrorized and hateful of Christians succeeded.

Now let's say someone hated Muslims and Christians, and cast a spell to create hate and fear of them. Didn't it play out nicely? Didn't it happen well? And if it hadn't been for people casting spells for love and peace for the world, wouldn't it have been the end of the United States of America? While we were all sitting comfortably in our homes unaware of reality, many non-American news companies (such as B.B.C.) were talking about the possibility of World War Three.

If Muslim hate in America and Christian hate in other places went to far, do you think we all would have died? Do you think there are mages who are associated with certain things like this? mages who have this much influence on the world? There are. And you can be one of them. You can have this level of power too, and on that path you can learn to have this level of influence over entire populations of people. The events which take place in the world are often results of mages on the earth struggling for power, and struggling to control of others on this earth. Many who know this wouldn't phrase it that way, and may others would never realize exactly how damaging their destructive magick really is and the dangers they put people in from feeling hate.

And the idea behind this is whether you are pursing power to control others, or pursing power to help others, or pursing power to become a damned rock star, magick can make it happen. Magick can make any dream come true.

Every mage who pursues power and obtains it has two things in common. First, they follow their heart, being motivated on a dream, ambition, or an ideal leading to true happiness, and not on some raw emotion and desire for instant gratification distracting them from their purpose And second, they had “the universe” on their side. (More on this in the next section.)

Another important lesson here is that Countries should pay serious attention to which magick users, and which religions to piss off, as the universe works through others and those who practice magick have the ability to manipulate the universe, and it's inhabitants, to bring about their desires with quite less effort, and quite more efficiency than those who do not practice magick, and the more approval you have from the universe, the more power of the universe is inside of you. This means your power will increase greatly if the dominant forces of the universe (mages, gods, entities, or whatever you wish to call them) throughout the universe look down on you and give you their favor. There is no faster way to learn magick than to have approval from 'the universe' and its system of control, and to learn to tap into the universe, and become a co creator of the will of God (AKA 'The Universe.)

3. Following your heart affects your karma.What is karma? Quite simply karma has less to do with “right and wrong” and more to do with

how events unfold and how well you deal with them, and on a spiritual level it is mostly about other people's impressions on you. There are numerous forces of control in this universe, and the type of life you live dictates what kinds of forces will be attracted to you, and how those forces will change your life. There are other factors involved in karma, and understanding karma is really more about logic, knowledge, and system analysis than it is about meditating and hanging out with stupid new age

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hippies who use the word karma and have no idea how it really works.Karma is part of “the universe.” And understanding the “universe” is about understanding

magick. And magick is about power. And the most important thing to understand here is how 'karma' works, and to understand that you must understand what the Akkashik records are:

The Akkashik records are records of your entire life, as well as past lives. People who have access to the Akkashik records can see anything in the past or present and the most likely future. By being connected to entities or ascended masters or having past or present life affiliations and initiation a person walking the earth may have direct or indirect access to the Akkashik records. The Akkashik records can be trickled down into the human mind as subconscious or conscious thought, or perceived directly through visions, dreams, and through the use of a scrying mirror.

This means to someone who has full access to the Akkashik records all lies and truths you have ever told, all things you are likely to do on your current path, all the deeds, good or bad, of the past and present, and all of your greatest secrets of failures and triumphs are documented and can be seen as easily as watching them on a DVD player by some people.

Obtaining full access to the Akkashik records is very rare for flesh and blood humans walking this earth. More frequently mortal beings who have access to these records to so through affiliation with spiritual beings, which is most easily accomplished by joining an appropriate school of magick or secret society. In these cases their access is restricted by what they are allowed to see which is often determined through tests of worth which can be officially run through flesh and blood beings and also officially run through spiritual beings able to manipulate karma. In the case of a school or society of magick the process is usually a combination of both.

There are also mages who have ascended, and mages who have remained in the material (aka physical) world for whatever reasons, usually involved in helping others, who work with these things. A powerful mage is often considered a god by many religions, especially if they specialize in specific types of magick involving controlling others.

You should live your life as if you are under constant surveillance, for you are! All deeds are recorded, and a sudden change in behavior after reading this document indicates something about you. It indicates you want to please powerful entities and spiritual people, and it indicates whether or not you are just playing a role, or being honest with yourself and with those watching you. If you follow your heart, and live your life as if it is your own, pursuing your dreams, then you will quickly understand that those with access to the Akkashik records know humans have faults and of those that like to waste time working with humans many will like you if you act with some code of honour (even if it is different from the views of society) regardless of your faults, and if they see potential in you that they will show you the spiritual world and the help it can give you through the power of the universe is quite different than many religions paint it to be.

The best thing for a mage is when spiritual entities decide to help you with tasks. Many new mages do not notice them, but we often acquire spiritual guides, anonymous helpers, and other helpful spirits when it is clear on the Akkashik records we have an intent to do good for others. The kinds of spiritual help you will attract from doing good (whether your good is dark and sinister but moral, or benevolent and loving but moral) is infinity more powerful and useful to those who wish to obtain true happiness as humans, than the kind of spiritual help you will attract from doing evil and malevolent deeds.

An important thing to understand here is that there are many different kinds of secret societies

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of people with powerful magickal abilities. They are capable of observing and testing you from a distance, and those societies connected to the Akkashik records are capable of learning about you and seeing if you are interested in joining. These societies exist in both earthly planes and metaphysical and spiritual planes. You never have a need to seek out these people, for they can find you quite easily based on your deeds on the earth. It is not at all uncommon for a person to develop more quickly in magick based on nothing other than being observed by powerful beings who have respect for their path. Nor it is uncommon for these beings to want nothing in return except for you to continue on the path you are currently on.

It is important to understand that simply being yourself, following your heart, and using magick in a way which influences those around you is a surefire way of catching the attention of powerful beings, good or evil, and that those with access to the Akkashik records can reward you with power for nothing short of doing things they like, having a fun style, or having a personality which appeals to them, or simply showing potential and desire to influence the world in a manner which they appreciate.

The idea that following the moral code of a religion is important if you are part of that religion. Spiritual beings who work through that religion (which may or may not actually have anything to do with the religion's claims of who runs the “spiritual government” of that religion) appreciate your ability to have a moral system. However the important thing in the world of magick to understand is that those who hold the most power, or at least the most power centered around self-empowerment with their assistance, care less about your beliefs and your religion, and more about your own moral code and if you are true to it. If you follow a moral code that leads you to happiness through following your heart then these people have an understanding that you are on a path from which you are not likely to change, and that therefore you are a “safe” person to invest power in.

It is important to understand that if you are truly acting with intent to be an honourable person, that your sense of honour and how you view it will determine which spiritual entities and which spiritual governments are going to help you. If your moral code is unique, and you are a good person, but people on this earth lack the enlightenment to understand your moral code then “the universe” (as manifested through spiritual beings and governments) will bring you tests and rewards on a constant basis. Many spirits may even feel it is appropriate to hide parts of the Akkashik records from other human beings to protect you from their own ignorance and inability to perceive your wisdom. However if you think your moral code is unique, but that people on this earth lack the enlightenment to understand your moral code, but the reality of the situation is that your moral code is immoral and perpetrated through your own weakness and ignorance, then you will notice that the more powerful forces of the universe do not support you, and that few people with access to the Akkashik records will help you. The universe shall send you signs of these things, through the spiritual people who work on this earth, and it is up to you as a mage to learn to recognize these signs, and hopefully use the tools of tarot cards, the pendulum, and a scrying mirror to figure out what you are doing wrong. I also advise meditation and mantras for extra support on this issue.

4. Following your heart can bring you the power of the gods.There are different types of gods, (AKA Master mages) many of whom have control of different

things, and the ones who are really worth dealing with usually have access to the Akkashik records.Obtaining the favor of the gods is one of the fastest paths to power, and magick is all about

power. Obtaining the favor of the gods is as simple as stating an intent and asking for assistance.

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Showing a desire to serve a deity (dark or light, good or evil) by performing some form of task is a fast way to acquire power. When working with deities of good, light, and helpful functions it is important to live a life on the Akkashik records where a deity can see two things:

1. That you have lived a life appropriate to a task, and that you have the capability of doing it.

2. That your heart is in it, and that the act of this tasks means you are following your heart.Your actions will make it clear whether or not this is something that is in your best interest and

personal happiness to do, and any deity that would ask you to do something that is not in your best interest, and which will not lead to your personal happiness does not have a high level of influence over the universe, is therefore not a wise pursuit to power, and ultimately will leave you unsatisfied thus wasting your time.

If you are looking for the favor of darker deities your karma must properly be aligned, and your actions consistent If you are looking for the favor of benevolent deities the same law is true. One person's good karma is another person's bad karma, and it is appropriate to ask for 'the favor of the gods' which can be based on the life you have morally, your desire to do the will of a deity or perform some task for a deity, or simply personal affiliation with a deity who has befriended you.

Many people who come from Christian, Judaic, or Muslim upbringing are under the impression that to obtain a goal without some great sacrifice or life of great piety, &tc, that one must rely on dark or satanic gods. They are under the impression that “real” gods won't help people will 'petty' human ambitions. This is far from the truth. It is often true in cases of mere prayer. However in cases of magick one can easily work with benevolent deities and then start their carer as a satanic Gothic rock band where they bite the heads off bats and go home and thank Sri Vishnu or Arch Angel Uri'el while burning him some incense. (Arch Angels are quite different in reality then they are portrayed in the fiction book of The Bible.)

You may think that your life is simple and there is no way to obtain the favor of the gods, but it never hurts to ask. I strongly recommend Hindu and Egyptian deities and Kabbalistic Angels, as they are quite good at making things happen, but the point is not to join a Religion. The act cat be as simple as entering a temple and praying or opening a gate through a sigil and talking into it. It never hurts to ask, and it's always important not to waste people's time. As should go without saying, since everything is recorded on the Akkashik Records, being in a Temple and praying to a deity (even if the entire Religion of people are not actually connected to that deity, or are ignorant of that deity's true will and desires) is a quick way to get noticed on the Akkashik records as spiritual people “scroll through them” and will pass on the message if you present it well.

The best favor for a mage serious about magick to ask for from any deity is that they will infuse you with the power of magick in exchange for whatever you are offering. Sometimes you can ask for this in advance, stating you will use the power to fulfill the task, and it is often wise to allow that deity a small amount of control of your free will to ensure you do so. This helps avoid making mistakes in the future by not doing what you promised, which can have very harmful results or simply have an enormous loss of power later in life. For a mage being infused with the power of a deity directly is the ultimate prize, for with it you can become a co-creator of the will of that deity. And the more you follow your heart and live a life appropriate to the deity, the more magick is likely to be infused into you. This is the greatest gift of power a deity can give to someone who is a mage, because with magick you can accomplish any goal or dream, whether mundane or spiritual, and having the power of a deity

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inside of you means you can learn to do it faster, and with more manifestation that will make you happier. If you aren't following your heart, then it will never work to your advantage.

To sum things up, the point of being a mage is having the power to reach our ambitions. If you follow your heart while pursing the path of magick it will lead to your own greater happiness, and help you obtain the ability to enjoy your experiences. If you do this “the universe” will support your actions, regardless of what others on this earth say about them. To speed up this process you can ask for a favor from the gods. If you wish to seek the favor of the gods, it is recommend you first align yourself with proper actions and behavior to show your worthiness of that deity. It is equally important when doing this to follow your heart, and use this technique to choose an appropriate deity.

At that point you can request something in exchange for a task, based on your moral status, or based on a desire to serve that deity. Joining a religion is one path to attainment of power, but limitations occur between you and the deity through the deity's followers. It is often wise to approach the god directly through your own magick or through prayer at a sacred location instead. Followers of deities who lack magickal ability often tend to slow the process down. Followers of deities who have legitimate magickal skill tend to speed the process up.

Many mages work with deities, and it is nothing to be ashamed of. A mage must start somewhere, and working with a deity is often a great way to start, as it allows a person to experience a level of ability and manifestation they would often not achieve on their own. Choose wisely whose favor you ask, for being infused with the power of a god is a life changing experience.

Many people coming from Judaism, Christianity, or Islam are under the false impression that things like money, power, fame, and such are things which can only be acquired from demonic beings. This is entirely untrue, and in reality it is often easier (and much safer) for most people who have a code of honour to obtain these things from non-demonic beings. It is important that in attaining these things one pursues them through magick, and there are many books on the subject.

If you do choose to obtain things from demonic deities I strongly recommend not using the Key of Solomon in a literal fashion. The book describes many techniques intentionally designed to harm people of the Christian faith by employing temporary bindings to control and “command” demons and also giving instructions to burn a demon's sigil if he or she refuses to cooperate. Doing this can be compared to beating rats to death with a snake. You may kill the rats, but once you let go of the snake it is going to bite you. Pissing off demonic gods who specialize in dark magick is a mistake which you can suffer from for literally hundreds of lifetimes. Many demonic entities will even harm a person simply for annoying them, offending them, or wasting their time on a constant basis.

Threatening to burn an entity's sigil is stating you are trying to attack them, and is basically the equivalent of holding a gun to the head of an atheist mob boss and telling him that in the name of the Jesus who protects you that he must give in to your demands or you will shoot him. The mob boss is not going to believe Jesus will protect you from him, and in like manner, Jesus will not protect your from him, and the instant you put down the gun or leave the room you must spend your entire life dealing with the karma you have created and protecting yourself from the entire mob, and it is likely he won't keep any promises he made to you.

Also, the bindings in the Key of Solomon only last as long as the duration of the spell, and can often be broken during the spell through things such as a lapse in concentration, a brief moment of disbelief in the bindings, or simply not possessing enough willpower to bind the demonic deity.

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Rule 3: Timing is EverythingThis is an important rule for every mage, which many of them neglect. There are two specific

ways to understand this rule. 1. The first is that when performing magick it is important to cast these spells with proper timing.2. The second is learning to time your life and your ambitions in the proper order to achieve the

best result.

Part 1: The First Meaning of The RuleThis meaning of the rule is based on the concept found in the Kabbalah and numerous other

spiritual arts is “As Above, So Below” that has numerous spiritual meanings. Amoung them is the concept that “The Universe” moves in phases. Since The Universe is God's body moving “in phase” with the universe is a great way of getting things done. By this I first mean to act in alignment with the stars, pursuing actions based on their locations. For example when Mars or Mercury are visible in the sky this is a good time to cast spells which use concepts based on Hermetic understandings of what each planet represents. Doing so will mean that your spells are “in phase” with the universe.

There are many spiritual and metaphoric ways of understanding this concept, but what it boils down to is that “The Universe” has timing. Every night on the first night of the full moon violent crime, pregnancies, and car accidents increase very dramatically then on the second night of the full moon these events return to normal. I know this, because I had contacts who worked in hospitals who have informed me this is true.

When the universe changes, energies change. In many pantheons of mythology sacred occasions take place during times of specific alignments For example, in Egyptian mythology, the Sun God is supposed to be born every time three stars line up in the sky. On that sunrise the sun is perfectly aligned with these three stars. On this occasion, we shift from one age in the horoscope system to the next. For example the Age of Pieces began around the time that Jesus was allegedly born, and also around the time of another historical figure who very much resembled Jesus's traits, and also is verified to have actually existed by history. Either one of these people could have been The Sun God. The next birth of the Sun God supposedly will take place in the year 2050 AD at which point the solar system enters a new phase known as “The Age of Aquarius.” At this point, another incarnation of The Sun God is supposed to take form.

Many other examples of such mythologies exist. The idea behind them is that during special alignments, specific types of events will take place. These events often manifest on this earth. Whether it is the supposed birth of the sun god, a shift in consciousness, or just the Mayan year 2012 in December, a change is supposed to take place into a new “phase” of the universe. As we see from how moon phases affect people there is clearly some truth to these sayings, whether or not they are usually as dramatic as people try to tell us they are in their alleged histories of how these things took place.

The idea is also that if a person truly is an incarnation of a deity that works through “the universe” then they are very in tune with the universe, directly connected to the universe, (or God) as one might say. This means that during different phases of the universe and different celestial events, such a person will manifest something automatically, even if they are not trained to, because they are part of The Universe, and a direct part of that system of control. This is the mark of proof of a deity

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directly connected to “The Universe” or “The Most High” or “God.” (Whichever you prefer to call it.)For this reason holidays in reference to specific divine beings often correlate with astrological

changes in the universe. If they don't, then such a person may be a deity in some way, but they are not connected to The Universe Itself, making them Gods who have become so in their own right, rather than Officials under The Most High (if you consider The Most High to be an expression directly correlating to the Universe itself.)

So since the Universe moves in phases, learning to catch into those phases, and move in union with them means that you are learning to tap into the power of “The Universe.” This means that your magick will be stronger if your timing for casting it is appropriate.

Many special holidays found in many religions took place during a specific alignment For example some claim Krishna's birth also happened on the day and year of the Sun God. Since this expression of the Sun of God (if you will pardon the term) came down and physically manifested on this earth, this means that this special day is imprinted with His energy. Now the entire day has extra energy which now manifests even without the particular alignment.. If you tune into it properly.

For example, a great time to have a sexual tantric yoga session designed to improve your spiritual power through love magick might be on Krishna's birthday. Sure any orthodox Hindu is not going to like it, but one can't deny that timing your spells on significant dates, and adding in an offer of incense to a deity (or deities) associated with such an event is a great way of reaping power. Especially if you make the event in honour to that deity, praise them or use one of their mantras, and leave an offering of some sort for that deity (such as food, or in some cases animal sacrifices are appropriate.) For some deities it doesn't even matter if you work with their people, or even within the sphere of their influence. They're just glad to be noticed, and these are great days to do magickal spells or better yet empowerment techniques.

If you constantly work with a deity and His or Her energy these days can be the perfect time to perform certain tasks if you are on good terms with such said deity. For example, the birth of your deity's incarnation on this earth is a good time to “give birth” to new prospects in life, and is the perfect day to mention to the boss that big promotion, make that engagement to your fiance, or try to join that new social club. If you are unable to do the spell to make this happen on the same day, make sure to pray to the deity on that day and to have done the spell recently before attempting such a thing. If possible, the same day of the week during the proper time of day one week before.

Understanding which days of the week correlate with which planet is very important. Each day of the week correlates with a specific planet. During that day the power linked to different kinds of spells becomes stronger, and any spells connected to the energy of such said planet done on that day will have a stronger effect. If possible doing it on a specific hour of the day is important. Each day has 12 hours, and each night has 12 hours. While the twelve hours of the day and night are the same every day, the planet associated with that hour is different on different days. Learning which day and hour on which to cast a spell, (or which night and hour for different effects) is a great way of dramatically improving the power of a spell.

If you use a clock to measure the 12 hours of the day, and the 12 hours of the night you will be unable to calculate them. The sun actually rises at different times every day, and is in the phase of different spiritual hours at different times based on clocks. Since the spin of the earth is constant this means that our measurement of time using clocks is not as accurate for understanding the motion of the universe as measuring time based on the sun. For whatever reason clocks always work out to 24 hours

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for every turn of the sun, yet somehow the sun always rises at a different time. However spiritual hours are different every day, because somehow in between the measurement of clocks (which you would think would be constant) is different from the measurement of the passage of time throughout the universe. However, if you don't use a sundial in the modern world, you may want to calculate the hours yourself.

It is possible to calculate the spiritual hours of the day and the night using this program:http://www.astrology.com.tr/planetary-hours.asp

By determining the time of sunrise on the day you are looking for, you can determine when the measurement of time, based off of the sun, determines the real spiritual hours of the day and night are. The time of sunrise for any day, past, present, or future, can be found on NASA's website, but I do not know how to calculate them manually.

Notation: For those who attempt the path of Apotheosis the secret is simple: Gods of the Universe are Forces of Manifestation more than they are people, and when a position is opening up a new person can become a God of the Universe. This means a soul can become like a God, as a God, and finally, A God, through learning the secrets of timing. It is not your spiritual identity that deifies you, or obtaining a new soul (although this is another method.) Rather it is the process that gives you the legitimate title from The Universe that proves you are who you have become. It is a difficult path with difficult tests rarely done on this earth in a single lifetime, but therein is A Secret of The Ages. ;-)

Part 2: The Second Meaning of The Rule

The second meaning of “Timing is everything” is that in addition to tuning in with the universe's timing, it is often appropriate to time things in your progression as a mage appropriately which is related less to clocks and more to sequence of events and the speed at which you progress.

This is a matter of constant thought, effort, and calculation. If you have a plan of action you should do what most successful people in this world do, and plan it out. As a mage this rule is the same. Plans can be modified and changed, but you should time your progression in magick, choose your battles and when to have them wisely, and take everything in stages.

Some examples of bad timing include:1. Being unprepared2. Learning out of order3. Moving too quickly4. Moving too slowly5. Being out of synch

Example 1: Being unpreparedSay you cast a spell that has zero effect at all. This is often the result of bad timing. Timing

means not only doing things at specific times, but also doing things in appropriate order of progression. For example, before talking a deity about a person favor, work with that deity's energy, understand it's

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will, and allow that energy to influence you so that you are more appealing to that deity. If you try to do it the other way around, and are lucky enough to get the message sent to the deity directly, and your appeal is nowhere near that of an appropriate person to whom that deity will give you the blessing of its power, then your timing is off, because you did not do things in order. This means the deity may be less likely to pay attention to it the second time.

When sending messages directly to a deity it is very very important not to waste their time. Doing so decreases their respect for you, and can have dire consequences if the deity is offended. I no longer have the ability to astral travel and communicate directly to Ganesha anymore because I offended Him once over an issue of not being properly prepared for the encounter, and this is a mistake that is not wise to make, and which will hurt your progression as a mage.

Still in Ganesha's mercy I have learned more about removing obstacles simply by being in His presence for that brief instant of time in which I left my body and returned (far less than a nanosecond.). It is important to work with deities who have your best self interest in mind. In this example, my timing was far off, because I was not ready and mature enough to have the proper respect for, and understanding of Ganesha, before I visited Him directly, and this was an extremely irresponsible use of this rare ability, which caused me to lose it.

Thus, sometimes timing is much more about learning from your environment, and learning to do things in a proper manner. For example, should you desire to work with dark and malevolent spirits, it is often wise to first embrace the light. Without proper teaching and guidance, entering into the world of “The Dark side” one will quickly learn that ignorance and weakness are not tolerated and will ensure much suffering. The learning curve is much steeper for those who are successful in this area, and if you don't learn from your suffering people are only going to get annoyed quickly, and annoying people on the dark side can be a fatal or life destroying mistake. Researching things with available information is helpful before setting out on such a task, and failing to do so will have consequences. So will researching without an open mind.

There are many other examples of being unprepared, which may be common sense to some, and which may not be so obvious to others. Proper timing also means doing things in an appropriate order.

Example 2: Learning Out of OrderAnother example of bad timing for a mage is to time things out of order. Learning takes place

in stages. For example, when learning the GBRP (or Greater Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram) some people may say to themselves that as a skilled mage, an incarnation of a great deity, or reincarnation of a powerful mage who has practiced Kabbalistic Magick in a past life that they do not need to start with the LBRP (Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram) then proceed to the BRP (Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram) before proceeding to the GBRP (Great Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.) This would be a big mistake which will slow their progress. The Banishing Rituals of the Pentagram are taught in a specific order. Moving from one to the next too quickly means that you will become less powerful in a large span of time as opposed to becoming more powerful in a much smaller span of time. It is important to learn that things must be approached in order. Skipping the first two entirely will not benefit you by doing the “Greater” one first, but rather will make in ineffective altogether.

Often learning to build some of the most powerful techniques is based on learning in order. For example if you work with psychic ability it is a good idea to do aura empowerment techniques, such as the LBRP or the demonic LBRP found on the website, or using techniques to infuse your chakras with

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energy, which is taught in the Psychopian Training Videos. Learning the gate opening techniques is also helpful. After doing this one can learn to open a gate into an object and push metaphysical energy into it. In the complete Psychopian Training Playlist there is an introduction which explains the order in which you are to learn things. Learning foundational techniques which you can add into your magickal systems is required and practical to making the Psychopian spells themselves work. If you try to use the spells in the wrong order, skipping the training exercises which teach the techniques the spell calls upon the system will not work for you. This is another example.

Taking this same understanding one should understand that creating a new technique is all about building off of the shoulders of others, learning from their techniques, and then advancing on them using your occult knowledge to make them stronger. Attempting to learn or create a technique of any sort requires going through the same steps everyone else did. Being a powerful mage does not change the fact that things must be done in order to achieve good results. Even if you can obtain results by doing things out of order, the results will manifest much better if things are done in order, and if you have been doing things out of order then it is often a good idea to start from scratch, relearning things properly.

Sometimes intentionally doing things out of order in order to change the manifestation of a spell or system of spells is an appropriate method of learning. To an Adept mage a spell can be manipulated with subtle changes so that parts of a spell can be intentionally done in different order than it is supposed to. These subtle changes can be applied to a technique in order to make it more effective for forms of magick the technique is not normally used for. For example, one can do the LBRP at the end of a spell instead of the beginning after incorporating into the spell the ability to use the LBRP ritual to increase the power and manifestation of the spell. Using the LBRP as a power source is more effective if you do the spell first, and at the end of the spell declare the LBRP to be the source of power (or one of many sources of power) which will fuel and empower the spell if you make slight modifications to the LBRP.

This pattern exists in many places. For example if you read “The Book of the Law” or many other works by Crowley starting at the end of each chapter, and then reading them one verse at a time from end to beginning you can learn some incredible things, which are sometimes actually true, and incorporate this into your understanding. In some cases of people consciously or subconsciously filled with certain energies reading their words one paragraph at a time from end to beginning can tell you a lot about a person once you learn how to understand the system. If the message actually makes sense in this manner then it is not the intended message, but sometimes also has spiritual knowledge to be obtained. A clever mage will do this on purpose. A not so clever mage will reveal secrets about themselves or those they despise subconsciously through writing what I like to call “back-words” which can be read through this method.

Therefore one must understand that doing things out of order is a bad habit. However as an Adept level mage, a person can do things out of order intentionally in magick (using slight changes) or can even learn to analyze the words of others out of order, and learn hidden things.

Example 3: Moving too QuicklyAnother example in the art magick is a person who buys a complete guidebook on a magick

system and rushes through it when the book specifically says to pace yourself. Such a person will not see the results which the book promises to bring only if they proceed with proper timing, because in

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magickal arts where one skills stacks upon another, building a bad foundation of ability is like building a bad foundation for an actual building. It creates many problems later on which become much harder to fix as a result.

The same example is true for a person using the god_Games system. In the Psychopian Training Videos, how to proceed is explained in the system, and moving through the techniques in a smaller span of time, or trying to rush through them is not going to make them work better, but instead will make them work worse. While ambition and drive is something to be desired it should never distract your mind and bring out subconscious weakness which drives you to move too quickly out of excitement, and thus causes you build a weak foundation leading to weak magickal power.

Example 4: Moving too SlowlyThe important thing to understand here is that moving too slowly is caused by several things.

Choosing a school of magick that simply teaches slowly, or does not have as much to offer as they say they do (and more often than not believe they do) are primary examples. Often the act of moving too slowly is related to finding people who will waste your time, even if they are friends with good intent. But most of all it is about you not taking the time to study, meditate, and practice practice practice like it's a test you're going to be graded on and not taking it as seriously as a college course you are paying thousands of dollars to attend.

Many organizations and spiritual training facilities move at a very slow pace. A common complaint that you hear about The Order of The Golden Dawn of The Eastern Star is that members are “spoon fed” so that they can continually keep you in class, and continue to take your monthly dues. I do not know if this is the real motivation for spoon feeding members, but the fact remains that simply buying a decent book one can learn a large portion of what is taught by this society much faster and perform on the same, or close to the same level, as an Adept ranking member of this society in a smaller amount of time. However joining this organization means obtaining many secrets and tips that are not included in such books for the spells themselves explained in the books, and also means learning a lot of things not included in the book based on this organization's perception of you and consideration of your worth as a human being (which the person writing the book may not even have been aware was part of the organization's teachings.)

Nonetheless The Order of the Golden Dawn of The Eastern Star is the most advanced and prestigious school of magick in the USA and possibly the entire Western Hemisphere with a public face and enrollment open to the general public. Therefore one must consider that if such a grand and exalted institution of this magnitude teaches many of it's members more slowly than is necessary that perhaps other organizations which are not as good may also be following the same pattern.

Being part of a religion, even a real one based on real deities, is another good way to move slowly. Often these people have views which are tainted by dogma which they often do not understand as well as they think they do. Because of this many people become arrogant, sometimes emotionally, but more commonly on an intellectual level. By this I mean that they over-estimate their wisdom and guidance and may put you through very inefficient training when in fact the same lessons could be learned much more quickly, and in many cases, with much less erroneous teaching and brainwashing. This is especially true with small cults, and for this reason it is good to avoid cults with teachers who have strong emotional reactions when their methods or teachings are challenged.

In the world of the self taught mage similar problems occur, and far more frequently. When you

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are first starting out it is very wise to find someone skilled in magick to become your teacher, and your friend. However, one should be warned about taking on teachers they do not know well in person, such as someone you have met over the internet or only talked to over the phone briefly. Reasons for this are touched on in rule one, but the basic idea here is that people can put on a certain face, but to truly learn from them it is important to know them personally, know their friends, and put them through a friendly but efficient evaluation before accepting someone as a teacher.

Many friends who wish to teach you magick may not have much to offer, may have exaggerated their ability in their own minds, and may have faulty techniques which they believe are real. One should be very careful in personally learning from someone, and keep in mind rule one. A leap of faith is a necessary step in finding such a teacher, as is doubt. In doing so, one can find a good teacher either by using efficiency to figure out who is the best teacher for them, or by using their brain to learn from a past teacher or set of teachers who were not worthy to be called their teachers and creating “red flags” to recognize such people in the future and avoid them.

It is commonly said in many places that the best way to determine the strength of their skill is not based on some kind of psychic test or special spiritual procedure, but by examining their life and their friends. A good mage should always be in control of his or her environment If their life is in shambles and they are living with their parents or addicted to hardcore drugs, this is a pretty good indicator that they are not going to be a good teacher. However if a mage has a lot of money or a great job that they love, a loving family, a high rank in a legitimate spiritual institution, or a combination of these things, and seems to have their life pretty much in order and credits their magick for having created this reality then such a person understands Western Magick quite well.

There are also gems hidden in the rough, however. Occasionally you will meet someone who is powerful, talented, or naturally gifted. This person may not have a glamorous life at all, they may have disagreements with their natural parents and brothers or sisters, or possibly even problems with a wife or husband, or be unmarried. These things generically indicate problems with the person themselves, but in many cases, especially if these things are caused by other's resistance to their path these may actually be indicators of outside resistance to magick.

As a self taught mage you should start with learning magick from some sort of book. While it is tragic that knowledge which was once occult, meaning secret, is now publicly out on display, it is also an opportunity for anyone with an ambition to learn magick. Most people who use magick destructively and irresponsibly will not research much using books, and will not learn some of the more advanced knowledge, because they lack the discipline and patience to do so. Because of this some of the greatest books out there will be outlines of techniques and practices you can use to build up your spiritual system. If you have simple discipline and ambition you can learn quickly and rapidly. If you lack the discipline you may not even finish a book and will miss out on the fact that many of the good books will underplay the level of power they offer just to see who is studious enough to go through with them.

It is a little known fact amoung self taught mages that the best and most powerful mages here in the west are not those who love role playing games, slacking off, and dreamed about magick when they were kids. The best mages in the western world are usually those who are disciplined, study hard, and treat a book like a college course, taking notes and milking it for all it is worth. They are often people who didn't used to believe in magick until it was proven for them and didn't have their head in the clouds, but rather their nose to a book when they were young.

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I recommend using psychic intuition to figure out which books are for you. Head into a bookstore, and see which book catches your eye. Skim through the introduction, or read the introduction fully, and if it's a good book write it down and the head over to the Internet and buy it used at a better price. A $100 new book in a bookstore may be found for $30 online. For higher efficiency I recommend focusing on bookstores of a spiritual nature or anything you are driving past that seems to “call out to you.”

Example 5: Timing out of synchAnother important aspect of your spiritual work is being “in synch” with your environment

This is important both in life and in magick. When you are well attuned to spiritual frequencies you are able to know when it is appropriate to do certain things. If your spiritual beliefs have questionable activities linked to them, such as animal sacrifices, drug use, burning incense in a graveyard with blood mixed in so you can recruit your ghosts, or just sleeping in a graveyard to meet Azra'el in a dream, it it is important to be able to “vibe out” appropriate times and places to do things. If your intuition is out of synch you might do an animal sacrifice at an inappropriate time or place and when the neighborhood Christians find you, not understanding your purpose, they might object and cause legal, social, or karmetic problems. The same example applies to drug use or visiting graveyards. If something is against the law, or frowned upon by society in general it is important to do things in a manner that is in synch with other people.

This example is not limited to behavior frowned upon by all of society either. For example if you're performing the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and invoking Angelic beings and names of God (both of which are connected to Christianity) and you live in a Christian home with your parents, or are do not have your own place and rent out under Christians, have a Christian room mate, &tc it might be appropriate to ensure they are out of earshot when you say “around me flames the pentagram” or to say it more quietly than the rest of the words. It's also appropriate to make sure that they are not able to physically see you tracing the pentagram. Despite the fact the entire ritual is an invocation of angelic and divine beings (and most names of which are found in the Bible itself) it is important to remember people are afraid of things they do not understand, and a magician must always work to control their environment with timing.

It's also important to make steps to ensure your timing is not interrupted If you have a specific spell to do on a specific time of day make sure that nobody can interrupt you by telling them in advance that you should not be interrupted For peak performance you have between half an hour and an hour and a half at any given time to do a spell on the appropriate day and planet, and being interrupted during magick is just horrible for the casting. Locking the door, and making sure you are completely alone and have privacy is very important.

There are also other preventive measures which you can do to ensure your environment is in synch with your magick. If you are in a financial bind and need a room mate make absolutely sure that the room mate is okay with your spiritual practices. If you are not on the lease this can protect you, and even if you are on the lease it can avoid unnecessary problems such as being short on rent when your room mate moves out, because his pastor convinced him you were a minion of the devil.

Making your home a safe place in which to do magick should be more important to a mage than saving a couple hundred dollars in rent, even if it means cutting into half or more than half of your spending money. After all, learning magick can lead to anything, including becoming wealthy, so any

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intelligent mage makes magick and their ability to function with it a priority.If your intuition is not developed it helps to not be stupid. If you are doing an animal sacrifice it

might be a good idea to ensure your have the right to be on the property in which you are doing the sacrifice. Sacrificing an animal in a graveyard, while completely pointless and disrespectful to the dead not only serves no purpose, but is an example of taking ludicrous risks and shows that your thinking and timing are out of synch with your environment

If your magick requires chemical input than woe is you for using drugs of any kind (caffeine included) is a crutch which weaken your true potential. However, when properly blessed and consecrated they are also powerful tools as long as you do not absolutely rely on them, and all spells which use drugs should ideally be used for empowerment and created in a manner that allows you to not require the use of chemical input in the future.

I do not encourage people to use illegal drugs, because I think a mage should try to act in accordance with the law whenever possible. Nonetheless if the substances you work with are critical for a spell and are not legal it is important to take precautions when gathering them. Being in synch and having a “cop radar” of psychic ability is helpful. Paying extra money to have someone else get them for you instead of heading out on the street looking for them if you don't have a “cop radar” is a helpful step of protecting yourself. Calling off the whole thing when it's not feeling safe is helpful as well.

These are just examples of course which apply to many different paths of magick, and in these examples we can clearly see that the act of doing magick, especially for many in a Christian dominated society, is all about being in synch. Step out of synch for a moment and forces may come into play which will prevent you from continuing your craft.

The most important thing to understand about being in synch with your environment is that there is a time and place for everything, regardless of what society thinks of it, and what risks it may present. Find that time, find that place, and synchronize with it so that it is compatible with what needs to be done to make your magick work.

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It is my hope that through reading this document you have learned, not only from its examples, knowledge, and teachings, but also that these things have inspired you with a specific mentality on how to proceed in your spiritual life as a mage. If you liked what you read in this document and are not reading it from the god_Games Project website, you may visit our website at:http://www.godgamesproject.com

I hereby thank you for reading this document, and through the will of The Universe whose power flows through me, I express my most sincere hope that forces and patterns of ignorance,

foolishness, weakness, and confusion be banished from your karma and your consciousness.


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