a book about a book


Upload: emma-ridgway

Post on 26-Mar-2016




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My presentaion on how I'm making a book about a book.


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Page 2: A Book about a Book

PhotograPhyI have always been Interested In photography and desIgn books. I enjoy books that are more lIke dIsplays and allow an audIence to look at the Images and admIre them, wIthout beIng dIstracted by Intense amounts of text.

I therefore wanted to expand on thIs Interest by creatIng a book whIch has been sIgnIfIcantly Influenced by my enjoyment of photography and desIgn books.

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ProcessusIng the Influences from other photography books I have decIded that my Idea Is to create a book whIch shows only one photograph throughout the entIre book.

I wIll choose a hIgh qualIty photograph whIch I have taken and splIt It Into a grId. each grIdded sectIon of thIs Image would then be used as a double page spread In my book wIthIn my book.

the Idea Is that the entIre Image wIll be wIthIn the book, however It wIll fragmented throughout It In order to create an IllusIon of a puzzle. It also means that the audIence wIll only see part of the Image at a tIme, almost lIke lookIng through a vIew fInder.

each IndIvIdual page wIll be approxImately the sIze of a matchbox. the sIze of the book wIll be very small In order to keep the qualIty of the Image hIgh and wIll add to the dIsposItIon In whIch the audIence Is placed.

another InspIratIon for the Idea behInd my book came when I was lookIng at futurIsts. theIr use of fragmented Images gave me the Idea to break up my photograph.

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the photo I plan on usIng Is an urban landscape, I chose thIs because the Idea behInd

the book came from lookIng at futurIsm and the fact that futurIsts are fascInated by the

growth and expansIons of urban envIronments.

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the photo I plan on usIng Is an urban landscape, I chose thIs because the Idea behInd

the book came from lookIng at futurIsm and the fact that futurIsts are fascInated by the

growth and expansIons of urban envIronments.

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