a brief lesson plan - integrating multiple intelligences

A Brief Lesson Plan Integrating Multiple Intelligences I. Objectives: At the end of the class, at least 8! of the students should be a ble to: a."identif# the verbs of present tense in the song$ b." %rite a re &ection paper about the 'essage of the song using ve rbs$ and c." interpret the song using vari eties of pr esentations. II. (ubject Matter: A.) opic: a." Main ) opic: *erbs +Present )ense" B. eference: -nglish for a Better orld II /. Materi al s used: 0 Art 'aterials 0 /assette1 /2 pla# er 0 /opies of t he song )he (ong: ) op of the orl d b# ichard /arpenter and 3ohn Bettis III. Learning Activities: A. Motivation  )he teacher lets the st udents listen to the song via /2 pla#er or /assette  )he teacher lets the st udents identif# the v erbs in song. B. Lesson Proper o  )he students are gr ouped according to %hat presentation the# %ant to do. )he# 'a4e a variety show. o  )he# can choose fro': 0 ole Pla# 0 (#'boli5ing1 2ra%ing 0 (ong /o'posing 0 (logan Ma4ing 0 6raph Ma4ing +dealing %ith probabilitie s and esti'ation" 0 6roup 2iscussion e&ection 0 6lobal Issues reporting based fro' the song 0 2ance Presentation

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Post on 02-Mar-2018




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7/26/2019 A Brief Lesson Plan - Integrating Multiple Intelligences

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/a-brief-lesson-plan-integrating-multiple-intelligences 1/2

7/26/2019 A Brief Lesson Plan - Integrating Multiple Intelligences

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/a-brief-lesson-plan-integrating-multiple-intelligences 2/2

o  )he# practice for a fe% 'inutes and perfor'.

/. -valuation )he students %rite a re&ection paper about the 'essage of the

song using verbs. )he# can base their re&ections on %hat the#

have presented.

I*. Agree'ent

 )he students 'a4e a love stor# basing fro' the song. )he# are

to use as 'an# verbs in the present tense as possible.