a brief on (c-dap) for purnea district

A Brief on (C-DAP) for Purnea District Prepared By Bihar Institute of Economic Studies 103A/1, Nageshwar Colony, Boring Road, Patna-800001

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A Brief on (C-DAP) for Purnea District. Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan. Prepared By Bihar Institute of Economic Studies 103A/1, Nageshwar Colony, Boring Road, Patna-800001. Map of Purnea. Purnea General Statistics. District Income/Intra-district growth. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: A Brief  on (C-DAP) for Purnea District

A Brief on

(C-DAP)for Purnea District

Prepared ByBihar Institute of Economic Studies

103A/1, Nageshwar Colony, Boring Road, Patna-800001

Page 2: A Brief  on (C-DAP) for Purnea District


Map of Purnea

Page 3: A Brief  on (C-DAP) for Purnea District


PurneaGeneral Statistics

No. of Subdivision 4

No. of Blocks 14

No. G. Panchayats 251

Revenue Village: 1281

Inhabited 1077

Uninhabited 174

Total Population (Rural) 2321544

Population/G.P. 9249.18

Average Rev. Village/G.P 5.10

Sex-Ratio 915 Females/1000Males

Percentage of SC Population 12.27%

ST Population 4.40%

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District Income/Intra-district growth

District GDDP

(in Rs. Cr.)

Per Capita GDDP (in Rs.)

Purnea 1549.90 5600.00

Patna (Highest) 15923.90 31441.00

Seohar (Lowest) 204.70 3636.00

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Credit/Deposit Ratio (C.D. Ratio)

Particulars Bihar (All Banks)


Commercial Bank

Regional Rural Bank

Total Deposit (Rs in cr) 56342 1820 189

Total Credit (Rs in cr) 19372 952 107

Credit/Deposit Ratios 34.38 52.3 56.6

Source - Economic survey year 2007-08.

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Land Use

Land Use (in %age)0.04







Forest area

Land put to non-agricultureuseCulturable waste land

ParmanentPastures/Grazing LandLand under Misc Tree &GrovesOther Fallow

Current fallow

Net Area Sown

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Class I Land – 21.66

Class II Land – 40.76

Class III Land – 21.74

Class IV Land – 15.87

In percent

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Land Holding


7.484.15 0.78

Marginal Farmers

Small Farmers

Semi MediumFarmers

Medium Big Farmers

In percent

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Area, Production and Productivity Trend of Main Crops in the District (Area-000’ha, Production-000’qn, productivity-qn/ha)

Name of Crop

2005-06 to 2007-08 2008-09 (Projected) 2009-10(Projected) 2010-11(Projected) 2011-12 (Projected)


Paddy 123.8 118.2 9.6 125.0 181.2 14.5 135.0 270 20.00 138.0 345.0 25.0 140.0

406 29.0

Jite 29.3 63.0 21.5 30.0 66.0 22.0 32.0 72.0 22.5 35.0 87.0 25.0 38.0 98.8 26.0

Maize (Rabi)

42.9 150.7 35.0 44.0 158.4 36.0 46.0 184.0 40.0 46.5 188.3 40.5 50.0 210.0 42.0

Wheat 46.3 62.2 13.4 46.5 72.0 15.5 50.0 100.0 20.0 552.0 127.0 24.5 55.0 165.0 30.0

Masoor 5.0 0.4 0.8 5.5 0.55 1.0 6.0 0.9 1.5 6.5 1.3 2.0 6.5 1.95 3.0


17.1 12.14 7.1 18.0 13.5 7.5 18.5 15.7 8.5 19.0 17.1 9.0 20.0 19.0 9.5

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52 48 Irriagated area

Unirrigated area

In percent

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Irrigation By Source








Tube Wells



Others sources

In percent

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PH Value 6.6-7.3

Organic carbon 0

Available Nitrogen 260-310 kg/ha

Available Phosphorus 10to 25 kg/ha

Available Potash 150 to 325 kg/ha

Saline/Alkaline affected soil area


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Requirement of Fertilizer (In tones)

Fertilizer  2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Urea 52194 56613 59374 64898

DAP 9665 11046 11874 13808

MOP 3590 3896 4170 4501

SSP 1795 1933 2098 2264

NPK 6213 6904 7456 8008

Source: District Agriculture Officer, Purnea

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Overhead/Transportation cost for fertilizer

YearOverheads/transportation etc. (Rs in


2008-09 41.42

2009-10 27.62

2010-11 27.62

2011-12 27.62

Total 124.28

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Vermi/NADEP Compost(Physical & Financial Requirement)

Items/year Physical(No.) Financial requirement (Rs. Lakh)

2008-09331 99.42

2009-10497 149.13

2010-11663 198.84

2011-12663 198.84

Total 2154 646.23

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Integrated Nutrient Management (Physical & Financial Requirement)

Items/year Physical (Area in. Ha.)

Financial requirement (Rs. Lakh)

2008-09 276213.81

2009-10 5523 27.62

2010-11 8285 41.42

2011-12 11046 55.23

Total 27616 138.08

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Distribution of Micro nutrients

Year Physical (Area in. Ha.) Financial requirement @ Rs. 500/ha (Rs.


2008-09 5524 27.62

2009-10 8285 41.42

2010-11 11046 55.23

2011-12 13808 69.04

Total 38663 193.31

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Total fund requirement for Soil health Management is as follows:

Name of programme

Financial requirement (Rs. in Lakh)

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12Total

Overhead cost for imported fertilizers

41.42 27.62 27.62 27.62 124.28

Vermi/NADEP Compost

99.42 149.13 198.84 198.84 646.23

Integrated Nutrient Management

13.81 27.62 41.42 55.23 138.08

Distribution of Micro-nutrient

27.62 41.42 55.23 69.04 193.31

Application of Gypsum/pyrites

27.62 41.42 48.33 55.23 172.6

Grand Total 209.89 287.21 371.44 405.96 1274.5

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Total financial assistance for Drip Irrigation & Sprinkler irrigation

Financial year Area Total Financial Assistance

(Rs. In Lakh)Drip Irrigation Sprinkler

irrigation (Ha.)

Area (Ha.)


2008-09 488.96 122.12 1365.3 611.08

2009-10 977.94 203.53 2508.6 1181.47

2010-11 1711.37 223.88 3668.55 1935.25

2011-12 1711.37 264.57 3890.55 1975.94

 Total 488.64 814.1 11433 5703.74

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Crop Protection Centre

Type of Centre Exists Proposed

Plant Protection Centre

6 8

Soil Testing Laboratories

1 13

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Fund requirement for proposed crop protection Centre

Name of Programme

Financial Requirements. (Rs. in Lakh)

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total

Operationalisation of P.P. Centre

4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 16.00

Soil testing laboratory

47.73 47.73 47.73 62.73 205.92

Grand Total 51.73 51.73 51.73 66.73 221.92

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Financial requirements for farm mechanization

Items/year Subsidy on implements. (Rs. In Lakh)





Total 983.12

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Storage Capacity

Source: District Agriculture Officer, Purnea


(No.)Capacity Felt requirements

Cold Storage2 2250 5

Rural godown5 400 11

Onion storage- - 2


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Annual Seeds Requirement

Crop Quantity of seeds to be distributed per

farmer (Kg)

Annual seed requirement (qn)

Wheat 20 502.44

Rice 6 150.73

Maize 4 50.24

Arhar 2 50.24

Gram 8 149.24

Moong 3 32.05

Rai/Sarson/Tori 1 12.56

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Proposed coverage of seed villages and its Financial Requirement


No. of seed village

Total area put under seed

production (ha)

Financial Requirement (Rs.

In Lakh)

2008-09 12 120 3.68

2009-10 14 140 3.98

2010-11 16 160 5.09

2011-12 18 180 6.47

Total 60 600 19.22

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Total Financial requirement of the Seed Plan

Name of programme

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total

Crash Programme 21.51 21.78 22.014 22.32 87.65

Production of foundation seed on S.M.F.

19.05 19.05 19.05 19.05 76.2

Seed Village Programme

3.68 3.98 5.09 6.47 19.22

Distribution of quality seed

102.17 110.46 118.74 127.03 458.4

Infrastructure Development

14.72 15.94 17.17 18.40 66.23

Total 161.13 171.21 182.09 193.09 707.7

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Physical Programme for transfer of technology

Components Year Total

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Farmers Field School 125 135 135 135 530

Farmers training on Crop production.

110 165 221 234 730

Farmers training on Farm mechanization.

55 55 55 55 220

Demonstration of seed Production technology.

165 221 276 176 938

Demonstration on Crop Production

468 702 936 1170 3276

Demonstration of SRI 83 83 83 83 332

Demonstration on Hybrid Rice

276 276 276 276 1104

Exposure Visit 28 33 39 44 144

Officers training 6 6 8 8 28

Training of Facilitators 22 27 33 33 115

Kishan Samman Yojana 15 15 15 15 60

Total  3553 1718 2077 2229 7477

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Financial requirements for transfer of technology

Components Year Total

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Farmers Field School 72.52 52.21 39.16 31.33 195.22

Farmers training on Crop production.

5.5 8.25 11.05 11.7 36.5

Farmers training on Farm mechanization.

2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 11.00

Demonstration of seed Production technology.

6.87 6.90 6.90 6.90 27.57

Demonstration on Crop Production

9.36 14.04 18.72 23.04 65.52

Demonstration on SRI 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 6.64

Demonstration on Hybrid Rice 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 27.6

Exposure Visit 14.00 16.5 19.5 22.00 72.00

Officers training 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.28

Training of Facilitators 0.22 0.27 0.33 0.33 1.15

Kishan Samman Yojana 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 64.00

Total 135.84 125.54 123.05 122.69 507.48

Rs. In Lakh

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Sector wise Financial Requirement Estimated

Sector 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total

Soil Health Management 209.89 287.21 371.44 405.96 1274.5

Water Conservation 31.754 31.754 30.865 25.865 120.238

Water Resource Management (Drip & Sprinkler Irrigation)

611.08 1181.47 1935.25 1975.94 5703.74

Various activities under crop protection

51.73 51.73 51.73 66.73 221.92

Farm Mechanization 215.40 243.02 248.54 276.16 283.12

Enhancement of crop productivity & intensity

20.03 19.91 21.23 20.45 81.62

Financial requirement for the seeds plan

161.13 171.21 182.09 193.27 707.7

Transfer of technology 135.84 125.54 123.54 123.05 507.48

Total 1436.584 2111.844 2964.685 3087.425 8900.318

Rs. In Lakh

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Cow Crossbreed 48561

Indigenous 356102

Buffalow Improved 14682

Indigenous 168835

Goats Improved 2603

Indigenous 431254

Poultry Broiler 1114890

Layer 538316

Sheeps Improved

Indigenous 146111

Note:- 144 GP does not have any veterinary Institution out of 181.

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Available infrastructural facilities

Facilities Available Required

No. of Veterinary Hospitals 1 3

No. of Veterinary ispensary 23 4

Mobile Veterinary Centre 1 0

Diagnostic 4 0

Artificial Insemination Centre 20 0

Cold room for Storage of Vaccines 0 0

Training Centre for Cattle Farmers 0 0

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Dispensary / hospital to be equipped with estimated cost

Year No. of dispensary/hospital To be equipped

Cost (In Lakh)

2008-09 0 0

2009-10 0 0

2010-11 0 0

Total 0 0

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Expenditure of different programmes

under Animal husbandry Component 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total

Door step Vetn. services

96.344 104.144 111.944 57.004 369.436

Door to door Vaccination

272.6 289.64 306.68 323.72 1192.64

Disposal of Carcass 124.00 124.00 126.00 128.00 502.00

Poultry farm 190.00 285.00 190.00 267.00 932.00

Strengthening of A.H. office

117.00 53.00 16.00 64.00 250.00

Total 799.944 855.784 750.624 839.724 3246.076

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• Total Fish Production – Tonnes

• Hatchery – 10Ha cr fingerlings

@ lakh fingerlings/ha• Consumption requirement –

Tonnes (approx)


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Industries Scenario

Types of Industry Unit of Cottage industry

Persons Engaged

Annual Produce (Rs. In Lakh)

General Machinery - - -

Timber - - -

Food Processing Units - - -

Cement - - -

Electric & Electronics - - -

Leather - - -

Ready made garments - - -

Chemical Industry - - -

Others - - -

Total - - -

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Product wise no. of SSI Units in the District

Category of Industry Nos.Investment (Rs. In lakh)


Agriculture Based 7 554.00 176

Core/Iron/Engg 3 180.00 95.00

Total 10 734.00 271.00

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Action Plans for K.V.I Programmes during XI Plan

(Rs. In lakh)

Programme Unit cost


2008-09 2009-010 2010-011 2011-012 Total

Phy Fin Phy. Fin Phy. Fin Phy. Fin Phy. Fin

Bamboo based Industries

1.5 14 21.00 14 21.00 14 21.00 14 21.00 56 84.00

Furniture 0.5 14 7.00 14 7.00 14 7.00 14 7.00 56 28.00

Soap/Detergent 5.00 4 20.00 4 20.00 3 15.00 3 15.00 14 70.00

Steel based 1.00 6 6.00 6 6.00 8 8.00 8 8.00 28 28.00

Gate/Grill 1.00 8 8.00 8 8.00 6 6.00 6 6.00 28 28.00

Agriculture Implements

2.00 3 6.00 3 6.00 4 8.00 4 8.00 14 28.00

Gee/Paneer 1.00 4 4.00 4 4.00 3 3.00 3 3.00 14 14.00

Total 12 53 72.00 53 72.00 52 68.00 52 68.00 210 280.00

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Action Plans for K.V.I Programmes during XI Plan

Item 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total (Rs in Lakh)

Phy Fin Phy Fin Phy Fin Phy Fin Phy Fin

Handloom Textiles

20 60.00 25 75.00 25 75.00 25 75.00 95 285.00

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Financial requirement for the development of Food Processing Units

Scheme 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total

Phy Fin Phy Fin Phy Fin Phy Fin Phy Fin

Rice Mill 3 30.00 3 30.00 4 40.00 4 40.00 14 140.00

Flour Mill 4 8.00 4 8.00 4 8.00 2 4.00 14 28.00

Oil Mill 1 5.00 1 5.00 1 5.00 1 5.00 4 20.00

Milk processing unit

4 8.00 4 8.00 1 8.00 2 4.00 14 28.00

Pickles & Murabba

20 10.00 20 10.00 20 10.00 20 10.00 80 40.00

vegetable processing unit

8 8.00 6 6.00 8 8.00 8 8.00 28 28.00

Total 101.00 99.00 111.00 85.00 396.00

(phy. in No . & fin. Rs. In Lakh)

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Physical & Financial requirement for the Agricultural Marketing


Marketing Infrastructure

Rural Hats OFPPC

Phy Fin Phy Fin

2008-09 7 245.00 42 50.4

2009-10 7 245.00 42 50.4

2010-11 7 245.00 42 50.4

2011-12 7 245.00 42 50.4

Total 28 980.00 168 201.6

Grand Total 56 1960.00 336 1081.6

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Total Financial requirement for Horticulture development

Name of Programme13.488

Financial requirement (Rs. in Lakh)

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total

Planting material for Fruit crop

0.673 0.673 0.673 0.673 2.692

Quality Seed of Vegetable crops

2.15 5.54 8.90 12.62 30.11

Potato 9.665 10.597 11.577 12.653 44.492

Grand Total 13.488 16.81 21.15 25.846 77.294

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Financial Requirement for Allied Agricultural Sector (Rs. In Lakh)

Sector 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total

Horticulture 13.488 16.81 21.15 25.846 77.294

Sericulture Development 14.775 117.975 60.00 31.90 225.25

Animal Husbandry 799.944 855.784 750.624 31.90 3246.076

Fisheries 1078.704 972.044 1009.025 1022.825 4082.598

Social Forestry 79.83 88.15 98.01 109.15 317.14

Food Processing Unit 101.00 99.00 111.00 85.00 396.00

Development of Rural Industries 145.4 160.4 157.6 157.6 621.00

Agriculture Marketing 295.4 295.4 295.4 295.4 295.4

Total 2528.541 2605.563 2502.809 1759.621 9260.758

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