a brief outline: the economist columbia electronic encyclopedia toh ow siaw poh (tops)

A Model of Democracy Sarah, Michelle, Li Bin, Wei Yi

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Page 1: A Brief Outline: The Economist Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia Toh Ow Siaw Poh (TOPS)

A Model of DemocracySarah, Michelle, Li Bin, Wei Yi

Page 2: A Brief Outline: The Economist Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia Toh Ow Siaw Poh (TOPS)

Definition of Democracy

TOPS Index


A Brief Outline:

The EconomistColumbia Electronic EncyclopediaToh Ow Siaw Poh (TOPS)

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TO DO LIST1) Definitions2) TOPS Index

3) Switzerland

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Democracy can

be seen as a set

of practices and

principles that


and thus

ultimately protect


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Features of a Democracy (The Economist)

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Democracy describes

a philosophy that

insists on the right

and the capacity of

a people, acting

either directly or


representatives, to

control their

institutions for their

own purposes

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Features of a Democracy (Encyclopedia)

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Democracy is a system

of government which

vests power in the

public with regards to

decision-making at a

national level and on

the basis of the

majority rule, and in

which civil liberties are

accorded equally to all

citizens and are

protected by the


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TO DO LIST1) Definitions

2) TOPS Index3) Switzerland

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System of Evaluation (TOPS)

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TO DO LIST1) Definitions

2) TOPS Index3) Switzerland

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• According to Economist Intelligence Unit democracy index 2006:– Switzerland is considered a Full Democracy– Ranked 10th in the index (overall score: 9.02)

• Commonly seen as the closest state in the world to a direct democracy

• Politics has the framework of a multi-party federal parliamentary democratic republic

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Advantages of TOPS

• Scoring system shows category scores, facilitating analysis of individual aspects of the country

• 5 bands instead of just 3, better accounting for differences between countries

• Less dependence on public opinion, which is subjective and may not really reflect the political climate of the country

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TOPS Index: Evaluating…

Electoral Process

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Electoral Process – Profile of voters

Band 2 Band 5

Inequality is extremely evident with only privileged groups in society (i.e men, property owners, those of high social standing) being granted the right to vote.

Universal suffrage is granted with exceptions

Exceptions to the case include those who do not qualify under citizenship, legal age, mental capacity or criminal convictions

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Switzerland’s profile:• All Swiss citizens aged 18+

can vote• There is no discrimination of

gender, race, religion etc. (Universal suffrage)

• Even foreigners who have lived for a certain no. of years are eligible to vote

Electoral Process – Profile of voters



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Band 2 Band 5Electoral fraud is extremely prevalent

1) Electorate manipulation2) Intimidation3) Buying of votes4) Misinformation5) Misrecording of votes

Electoral fraud not committed

Electoral process is fully transparent, reasonable, justified and well accepted

Checks and balances

Citizens are free to vote based on their own free will

Electoral Process – Presence of electoral fraud

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Switzerland’s profile:• Multi-party voting system• No known instance of

electoral fraud• Checks and balances in place• Votes sorted manually and

tallied by hand



Electoral Process – Presence of electoral fraud

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Band 1 Band 5Opposition parties are marginalised and disadvantaged

Dominant ruling party that practices tactics of manipulation

All parties treated fairly in electoral process

Opposition parties have a realistic prospect of achieving government

Laws provide equal campaigning opportunities

Electoral Process – Opposition

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Switzerland’s profile:

• Multi-party system• All citizens above 18 have the

right to run for office• Any citizen may challenge any

law at any time (no right to draft laws, only challenge laws passed by legislature)

• Only marginal changes in party representation

Electoral Process – Opposition

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“Magic Formula”Coalition of 4 major parties:

Swiss People's Party (SVP)Social Democratic Party (SP)Free Democratic Party (FDP)Christian Democratic Party (CVP)



Electoral Process – Opposition

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TOPS Index: Evaluating…

Government Structure

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Band 1 Band 5Political power is alienated and vested in the hands of a single individual

Seat distribution is extremely disproportionate

Seats allocated do not reflect population size of each district

Equal amount of political power is given to all citizens

Direct and clear correlation between percentage of votes received & percentage of seats given

Seats allocated to each district reflect population size accurately

Government Structure– Representation

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• Switzerland’s profile:– Seats awarded based on canton size:

• National Council: 200 seats• Council of States: 46 seats

– Political power given to all Swiss citizens above 18 years

– Representatives are elected– Seat distribution relative to votes mostly accurate



Government Structure–


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Government structure– Diversity of Input into Decision Making

Band 1 Band 5In all issues, the state is governed by few or by a single individual.

One individual does most of the decision making. All decisions are final and incontestable

In all issues the state is governed by the majority of the people

Any individual or elected representative can contribute.

Government Structure– Diversity of Input into Decision-making

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• Switzerland’s profile:– State issues addressed by government, but

citizens able to influence decision making– Bicameralism is practiced– Any individual can challenge decisions




Government Structure– Diversity of Input into Decision-making

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Band 1 Band 5Any national constitution in place is a façade. Its documents may be ignored when the government feels threatened or never put into practice.

One individual holds absolute power over state & government

National constitution in place and abided by.

Separation of powers exists as 3 branches (executive, legislative & judiciary) working independent of one another

Government Structure– Distribution of Power

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• Switzerland’s profile:– Federal Council (Executive) appointed by,

but not dependent on, parliament (legislative), with an independent judiciary

– Executive has limited legislative influence– Judiciary has no power of review– Federal constitution in place



Government Structure– Distribution of Power

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TOPS Index: Evaluating…

Government Functioning & Process

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Government functioning & processes –

Market System

Band 1 Band 5Centrally planned economy system (markets controlled by state)

No legal free markets & no private ownership

Single central authority decides allocation of resources, good & services and income

Entirely private enterprise system (markets free from state intervention)

Economy based on a totally free market & there is a high degree of private ownership

Free price system decides allocation

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Switzerland’s profile:– 2010 Index of Economic

Freedom: ranked 6th in the world with an overall score of 81.1

– Business freedom– Trade freedom–Monetary freedom



Government functioning & processes –

Market System

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Band 1 Band 5Corruption is rampant and cases appear frequently

Large majority of the government officials abuse their legislated power by using it for illegitimate private gains

Cases of corruption are severe

Virtually no evidence of corruption

Government functioning & processes –

Freedom from Corruption

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Switzerland’s profile:• Ranks 5th out of 179 countries

(Corruption Perceptions Index 2008)

• Strict laws regarding corruption• Cases of Swiss

individuals/companies bribing foreign officials

• No cases of Swiss officials being bribed :



Government functioning & processes –

Freedom from Corruption

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Band 1 Band 5Information entirely classified

Access restricted to only certain people

Ordinary citizens entirely unaware of happenings

All of the information is unclassified

Government takes active role in ensuring citizens are aware of happenings

Press faces no restrictions in accessing and releasing information

Government functioning & processes –


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Switzerland’s profile:• Cantons – large amount of

information held by cantons, not federal government

• Law introduced to increase transparency

• Media has free access to information

• Hearings in parliament open to public



Government functioning & processes –


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Band 1 Band 5Decisions made based on authority of a single person or party

No debating or voting procedures

Only individual in power/members of ruling party have the power to make amendments

Decisions made based on results of voting

Votes made without any form of external influence

All representatives allowed to initiate amendments

Majority consensus is required in all decisions

Government functioning & processes –


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Switzerland’s profile:• Creation of laws:

1. Draft by administration2. Consultation3. Parliamentary debate and final

version passed4. Possibility of a referendum

– Federal council cannot stop or influence motions, postulates or initiatives



Government functioning & processes –


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TOPS Index: Evaluating…

Civil Liberties

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Civil Liberties–

Quality of Life

Band 1 Band 5Crime endangers large segments of society

No national crime prevention organization, or a weak and ineffective one

Severely corrupt judicial system under political and financial manipulation Basic needs (water, food, sanitation, shelter) unfulfilled for large segments of the society

Security and safety of all citizens protected by an uncorrupt national crime prevention organization (e.g. a Defence Corps or police)

All citizens are equal before the law and have the right to a fair trial Basic needs of all citizens met as far as possible given country’s economic status

The elderly, underprivileged and disabled are given basic care (e.g. health care).

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Switzerland’s profile:– Effective law enforcement• Cantonal police agencies• Border Guard Corps

– All citizens equal before the law and have the right to a fair trial

– Fairly equal income distribution– Emphasis on social security

(Swiss social security)



Civil Liberties–

Quality of Life

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Civil Liberties–

Freedom of the Press

Band 1 Band 5

No independent media organisations are permitted to exist

Media is fully manipulated by the government or authorities

Media content is biased, restricted and generally one-sided, with no conflicting or minority viewpoints

Internet access is nationally restricted to a large degree

Media pluralism evidenced by a variety of independent media organisations, which express diverse and different viewpoints via various mediums (e.g. newspapers, radio broadcasts, television news channels)

Media coverage is extensive and subject to minimum censorship

No political restrictions on the Internet

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Switzerland’s profile• Media freedom guaranteed in the

Constitution • Media presents diverse

viewpoints• Media are politically neutral but

financially dependent on government

• Some media is privately owned butthere is limited pluralism

• Occasional internet restrictions (government criticism)



Civil Liberties–

Freedom of the Press

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Civil Liberties–

Freedom of Expression

Band 1 Band 5Little or religious diversity is permitted (only one religion may be practiced) - failure to conform is met with severe punishment Minority groups are intensely discriminated against No officially permitted platforms for citizens to express concerns with and/or protest government policies

Diverse political opinions and criticism of the government risk official persecution

All religions may be exercised with no official intervention, save in the case of threatening the wellbeing of other citizens

Both public and private worship are permitted Citizens are given equal rights and opportunities regardless of religion, gender and/or race Citizens enjoy freedom of assembly, and may freely express concerns with and/or protest government policies

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Switzerland’s profile:• Equality of all citizens and full

religious liberty guaranteed in Constitution

• 4 official languages recognised• Penal code prohibits racist or anti-

Semitic speech• Relative religious liberty in schools• Federal Service for Combating


Civil Liberties –

Freedom of Expression

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Switzerland’s profile:• Lack of religious neutrality at canton


• Some religious minority groups face challenges

• Support for Swiss People’s Party (and other right-wing groups) despite its xenophobic and anti-Semitic tendencies

– Esp. the minaret ban



Civil Liberties –

Freedom of Expression

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Civil Liberties–

Equal Access of Power

Band 1 Band 5

The law prevents certain citizens from obtaining an education or holding certain career or governmental positions

Citizens can be allocated professions on the basis of race/ religion/ gender Formation of trade unions, political parties and independent, non-governmental organisations is banned or very selectively permitted, and they hold minimal power

There are no racial, financial, religious or gender prerequisites pertaining to education, employment or parliamentary positions

Citizens may choose their profession, and employment is decided based on meritocracy Citizens are free to form professional, non-governmental organisations with financial and political independence

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Switzerland’s profile:• Elementary education is free and

compulsory • Women still under-represented in

politics and some sectors• Presence of major unions– Swiss Federation of Trade Unions– Swiss White-Collar Federation– Confederation of Christian Trade




Civil Liberties –

Equal Access to Power

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Switzerland’s Score:

Category scores (% score)

• Electoral process: 86.667%• Government structure:

73.333%• Government functioning:

80%• Civil liberties: 90%

Average: 82.5 (maximum 100)

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Switzerland’s Score:

• 76 < score < 100: full democracy

• Strongest in civil liberties, followed by electoral process, then government functioning and finally government structure

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End (:

Swiss Constitution: http://www.servat.unibe.ch/icl/sz00000.html