
··r-·, Â. . . , r Notes on New Church History - p. 34.5 ?,® -> A CHRONOLOGICAL ACCOUNT OF THE If DE Iill·1EI..SCHE LEER 1 ' CONTROVERSY Based primarily on ew Church Life with additions from the minutes of the Bishop' s Consistonr, 12.30-12Th., denoted IfC!'!." - - 1799-1800: See notes above, for original discussion in The Aurora concern- ing the question of the divinity of the Writings. During the controversy, n letter from "Abdiel " states, /lIt i8 an acknowledged truth that the Hard of the Lord has an internal sense in its several degreesj can it be said that the of E. S. have any other sense than what i5 expressed in the letter7 18.2.2: Rev. E. S. Hyatt, Toronto, published his New Church Tidings, in which hefrequently speaks of a literal sense to the Writings; but notes carefully that in the Writings the literal sense is very close ta the spiritual sense. - p. 55: Letter from L. H. Staden, answering R. H. Teed's article concernin3 the relationship between the Writings and the Word; says that the Writings are not the Word "in the fulness of the letter. rI p. 179: (Membership of Hague Society now 48) p. 713: Bjork's article, "The Visible God of Heaven." Speaks of "the li teral sense of the Wri tings. " 1 Life 1928 p. 309: Criticism of Bjork's paper by Fred Frazee. 563: Pfeiffer article on the New Church in Holland. Says that the Writings are the Word in fulness, and that New Chur ch men cannot say otherwiGc and still. be New Church. f. Bjork, d.iscussing Pfeiffer's paper. He says, Accept the Wri as the rlord, and i t follows that "no revelat10n of spirl tual truth can be gi ven ta men without an ultimate·sense." p. 580: F. E. agrees with Bjork's statement. p. 584: Bjork's assembly address, "Progress." He_stz:.esses t e Ifp..z:ogress'· il'.!. the church' B of the .phrase, "The Wri ti.ngs ar. :the \(ord. If Lire 1929 Knudsen, Kansas, wr1 tes that the \tiri tings are not a complete Ward, for theyare net a "letter" capable of interpretat1on, out of which the doctrine may be dra;m. Bjork, long article: "The Word of God with Men. If The Wr1tines l'part..9..f the WOI!Cil in the He notes that this position, held by of the weIL known ministers in the church, 1s now rousing opposition. p. 113: Waelchli: "The Writ1ngs are the Heavenly Word clothed in a Ietter." .J)é L.-t:.'Ef\ j",.ftA-, ; Il 1 k t!JI [) [';"'[:;.4 VlV'-J 7 [p "Ce...nAk Po L ] C-o--t::", .;;2A. J J.

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Notes on New Church History - p. 34.5

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Based primarily on ew Church Life with additions from the minutes of the Bishop' s Consistonr, 12.30-12Th., denoted IfC!'!." - ­

1799-1800: See notes above, for original discussion in The Aurora concern­ing the question of the divinity of the Writings. During the controversy, n letter from "Abdiel" states, /lIt i8 an acknowledged truth that the Hard of the Lord has an internal sense in its several degreesj can it be said that the Writir~s of E. S. have any other sense than what i5 expressed in the letter7

18.2.2: Rev. E. S. Hyatt, Toronto, published his New Church Tidings, in which hefrequently speaks of a literal sense to the Writings; but notes carefully that in the Writings the literal sense is very close ta the spiritual sense.

-p. 55: Letter from L. H. Staden, answering R. H. Teed's article concernin3

the relationship between the Writings and the Word; says that the Writings are not the Word "in the fulness of the letter. rI

p. 179: (Membership of Hague Society now 48)

p. 713: Bjork's article, "The Visible God of Heaven." Speaks of "the literal sense of the Writings. "

1Life 1928

p. 309: Criticism of Bjork's paper by Fred Frazee.

~ 563: Pfeiffer article on the New Church in Holland. Says that the Writings are the Word in fulness, and that New Church men cannot say otherwiGc and still. be New Church.

f. ~79: Bjork, d.iscussing Pfeiffer's paper. He says, Accept the Writing~)

as the rlord, and i t follows that "no revelat10n of spirltual truth can be given ta men without an ultimate·sense."

p. 580: F. E. ~aelchli agrees with Bjork's statement.

p. 584: Bjork's assembly address, "Progress." He_stz:.esses t e Ifp..z:ogress'· il'.!. the church' B ~derstandi of the .phrase, "The Writi.ngs ar. :the \(ord. If

Lire 1929

~: Knudsen, Kansas, wr1tes that the \tiri tings are not a complete Ward, for theyare net a "letter" capable of interpretat1on, out of which the churchl~

doctrine may be dra;m.

~: Bjork, long article: "The Word of God with Men. If The Wr1tines c.r~ l'part..9..f the WOI!Cil in the ~etter." He notes that this position, held by som~

of the weIL known ministers in the church, 1s now rousing opposition.

p. 113: Waelchli: "The Writ1ngs are the Heavenly Word clothed in a Ietter." ~

.J)é }Jé~1t:L.5C./--it: L.-t:.'Ef\ ~ j",.ftA-, ; Il 1k C~ t!JI [) dc.~\~ [';"'[:;.4 VlV'-J 7 [p "Ce...nAk (~ Po L t::-'~ ]

C-o--t::", .;;2A. JJ.

Notes on New Church History - p. 349



p. 119= Conrad Howard: Approves of Bjork's positionj it shows progress in thought concerning the Viritings as the Ward.

F..:...lgO: W. B. Caldwell invites further discussion on this subject of "yital and continuing interest.·'

p. 167: Letter from Frazee on the Letter of the Writings.

p. 170: Caldwell agrees that "in a sense" the Writings have a letter - that is, natural language. Quotes Hyatt, 1892.

p. 236: Oyler, England: Writings have a letter.

p. 243: Knudsen: Writings are not the letter of the Ward.

p. 344: Article, Theo Pitcairn, IfThe Nature of the Writinge. 11 States that the Writings have bath an internaI sense and an external. But the letter of the Hritings i6 "correspondentiaJ., Il rat~:r:. than r~resentative. That 16 the laVIS

of conj~ial love apply co~pondential~~o the conj~nction of good and truth, whereas, many lav6 of marriage in the Old Testament merely "represented" such conjunction.

p. 36~: Long letter, Archibald Bowie, Scotland, opposing idea of a letter ta the Writings.

p. 532: Article by Chas. von Os, Delft, on InternaI Sense of the Writings. Concerning betrothal signifYing the state that precedes the full c~nJunct1on

of good and trt!,th in. the ~eg~n.e.rating man.

p. 553: CaldweJ.l: "The.Writings are the Ward (and) the doctrine of the New Church may be drawn from them and confirmed by them. Il

Life 1930' . ;

p. 119: . D1scus6ionof Bjork's addres6 ta British Assembly, "Perception of the Divine Human 1s accordiM to Regeneration." He emphasizes that the Writir:.gs m-e-i part of the letter •

/'1, . p. 140: Mr. B,1ork's address.

*** CM: Note concerning Pfeiffer's belief in an internal sense ta the Writings.

*** CM: T. Pitcairn writes of his "conversion" ta Pfeiffer's views.

*** CM: T. Pitcairn wri tes of arriving at lnternal 5,ense. of the Writings by the law.§.. or exposition gj.ven in the Writings. "This method 16 a discret.e degree above what the church has hitherto had."

*** 0-1: Pfeiffer: uThe Ibctrine of the Church 18 Divine. " The laws of exposi­tio!: !U"e.-:to be aRP-lied e uall ~ th$L,Wri tings.

~~ CM: April, Pfeiffer 15 in freedom ta send his article ta all ,ministers and lëüding~aymen.(..,....

Notes on New Church HistoY'Y - p. 35J

~~(- Cl~: July: Pi teai rn- l~T.ri'tes of :fe~lin distUl:bed et E. '. lunge" ich 1 s sta~ment that the Bishop may remove Pfeiffer from the pastore~ at the H~ue.

The BishoR~ resses desir t et Pitcairn e.tlll"n to_Eryn Ath and the Academy, t~gh~ act1vel~ propagatin De Hemelsche Leer. • •• ,Bishop denies making any threat concernlng Pfeiffer.

E.~ ,613: Assembly address, Iungerich: "Protective Veils. ft No veil is needed in the rational revelation of the Writings.

E..:-l§7: Bjork article: "Genuine Truths end Truths not Genuine." The Writings are dï-y"ine from first ta last,_1Ii origin and in ult1mate form. "The :lj.te1"f!Lsense of: the Wr..itigg§" contains all the t1"uths of heayen. Men can see genuine truth in the Writ1ngs acco1"ding ta the degree of their intelligence and regeneration. (In discussion, Pitcairn og1"ees.)

Life 1931 1 11. L.. 0

~.: H. L. Odhner ..reviews "De Hemelsche Leer,1/ (which ia now appearing in "fascicle" forro). Rejects idea that "the hidden Bense of the Writings is unfolded (by the regenerating church) by the use of correspondences." Says this produces a "decided d1sturbance of mind." The Academy position, set forth by E. S. Hyatt: -f1 Tne Url tinglS are the new literal form of' the Hord." This has been constantly repeated by C. T'n. Odhner, A. I\cton, N. D. Pendleton. But, Uthe doc­trine derived f'rom"the Writings" 1s not an internal sense. The essentiel ques­tion ia: ls tbe "Doctrine of the Church" divine1 Notes that Pfeiffer caUs the "imperiSii8ble" parts of the Prlnciples of the Academy of divine origin, essence, and authority. Speaks of Pfeiffer's !igruàging admission" of fallibility, while yet judglng of the merely natural stete of tne church. Spenks of "dangers" in the new position. /-l, L. orJ..J,,,,er


*** CM: 3/20: Letter from Pfeiffer calls H.L.O,ls article in Life "personal and abusire. " ---­

E. 221: Pitcairn:' H.L:O. totally misrepresents De Hemelsche Leer. AH truth ie divine. -- ­

p. 2?5: Oyler: Attack on~0, possiblJt' even on the degree of his regeneration.

.- ­*** CM: Letter from Pfeiffer 8sks, H.L Q. for public apology in ~.

*** CM: H.L.O. refuses to apologize.

*** CM: Pitcairn asks if_he ie f ee to address B Athm's "Younge Generation" club; Bishop re lies innffirmative.

E. 229: Note that the recent meetings of the Coul'1cil of the Clergy were involved..in J.ong ..discussions ef De llemelsche Leer.

~ 401: Bishop Actants paper on De Hemelsche Leer of the Couneil. A Dutch translation ia printed in De Hemelsche Leer.

p. 455: Bishop' Tilson's address to the New Church Club, London, "The Three Words;'which yet are one. If The \olritings have no spiritual sense.

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Notes on New Church History - p. 351

p. 614: Note of arrivaI in America of second fascicle of De Hemelsche Lcer.

~** Q~: Minute that Elmo Acton writes that he is beginning classes in Duyban on "The Holland Theory.1l

E. 631: Iungerich, short pepere Writings do not communicate with spiritual 'World through "the wizardry of the1r cryptic letter," but are di ine ruths pleinly stated.

p. 641: George de Charms, British Assembly, "The Interior Understanding of the Writings." This i5 arrived at by collecting and arranging passages, but not by correspondences. Stresses danger in setting up derived doctrine as authoritative.

p. 67~: Discussion of above address. Bjork insists correspondences must be used. De Charms agrees, "in a sense" ta Itletter of the Writings," for we da draw_our doctrine :f!'OOl them and confi:r!ILi t th~reby; a150, sorne words in the ­Writings are of course correspondential, but there is no ward-far-ward corres­pondence, as in Old and New Testa~ents.

Lif'e 1932

'*** CM: Note concern1ng the sepnration of certain dissenters from Pfeiffer 1'1 the Hague.

*** 9:!: Pfeiffer writes: Dy acknowledging the internal sense of the Writ1nes one ~ judge the states of the church.

p. 70: Pitcairn articles, "The La~in Word. (I:", The InternaI Sense of tr'''' Word and the Doctrine of the Church. li \11: "The ots and Tittles in the Latin \'lard. Il Based on ViE II: 1654, Ill:, 3764:, teaching that "all was from the wrd."- -- .

. ~. 80: Oyler: There is correspondence even in the numbers referred to in such phrases a5 usee AC·1877.)

E' 160: ~L.O article. Not even from the spiritual sense can '\le make final juàgment of the states of the church. Speaks of doctrine of an internaI sense ~o the Writ1ngs as possib1~ being useful in confirming curious forms of mind." Says that claim of illustration will lead to (a Catholic type of') authoritarian1sm. " ­

*** CM: Bishop asks if discussion of controversy should be continued in Life; says there is hard1y enough general interest to justifY it. 1

p. 277: Letter from Geo. F. Poole states t at the General Church' s "pro- ((III testant heritage" L6 that which cau~es objection to the phrase 'the Latin IIV Scriptures." C .-if... ûr4 I\n e--L / ?


p. 316: Long letter, T. Pitcairn. From il1um1na~ion!man can judge the general spiritual states of the church. Notes that <Ç:" T. § saio. the Conventi~:' denial of the divin1ty of the Writings was a denial of"the Divine Human.

p. 494: Discussion of addresses at British Assembly. Much 6aid by Pitcairn, Pfeiffer, and Bjork.

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notes on New Church Histc::-y - p. 352

c Lire 1933

*** C?o1: Report of papers 'to be given at eoming Couneil meetings, all on the Du.tchPosition.

-lH!* CH: Report that ~1I1 Athyn is ltmuch disturbed" by the controversy.

*,~H'~ ;:11: Bishop Pendleton reports on an intervie'~l with T. Pitcairn, ",ho hed questioned ldm concerning bis status as assistant poster in Brs~ Ath~~. The Bishop hsd repl.1ed that the doctrines of the General Chureh have the r1ght of 1oiD.;y; that he gave-Pitcairn no authority to hold private classes inculcat1ng his viens; that thë quëàtlon or~tcairnls resignation from bis work as assistant pestor w~ ta h1m.

*** CM: 1'1aelehl1 critic1zes Pfeiffer for continual barping this on.e octrine. Bishopways that Pfeifier's insistence that \Te accept hie VielT6 makes for com­plete separation.

May issue of Life carries s~papera on th~~tch Posi~on, read nt the Couneil meetings. Those six papere are of utmost importance.

1!~4: Pfeiffer: "The Internal Degrees of Truth in the Latin Word.'1E·

p'o 167: Bishop Aeton: "T'ne Crucial Point of the DutehPosition. Il

E..:..2-9l : George de Channs: "Nature and Derivation of Ibetrine."

p. 216: Theo Pitcairn; "The Proprium."

E· 238:

p. 264: . .

*** CM: Letter from T. Pitcairn. The Bishop has personally stated that the attitude of Pfeiffer and the Hague group 'Would inevitably lend te separation. He bronches the idee. of' establishing a s~arate diocese for tho6e who hold the Dutc_h Position. ~!lt1ons Pfeiffer 1 S ori iQa.l statement as eing_tho.t the chureh wez external, and that the Lord has BO far remained unthroned in it.

gfe 1934 \-l.l. Cl.

p. 17: Ii•....!'. Q9llner~evie'Ws Bjork's "Defense of the Hague Position." Very much opposed. Speaks of I!'hereay."

*** C1<1: 2/9= In rev1ev of recent Counei1 meetings, a member Bays "There is apparëi:îtly no hope of reconciliation. If




Notes on New Church Histo~r - p. 3)3

r {('la -C21: 3/16: Pfeiffer n01; says the r~81 issue cpncerns the op'-erntion of the: \ Ibly S:.Qirit.

Cci1'l~"'115 CH: Morel Leonard, Bryn Athyn, wr±tes that Life ls now closed to diseussio~.

'X-;""-j( CN: Rev. Hendrick Boef announces his "conversion" to the Dutch Position. 4/20/31:

p. 1~: Bjork'a address at Jonuary Couneil Meetings, "The Divine Human."� -- In fi sense, angels and regenerating men ~ be called Divine.�

,~ p. 163: N. D. Pendl~ton: "The Divine Within Angels and Nen." In the long,t·

vociferous discussion wh1eh follows, T. Pitcairn saY-6 that the Divine, in man M i~ never continuous with man, but contiguous.

~i', *** CH: Certain members of Consistory express lack of agreement wi. th Bishop ;:, Actonrs� Cro'?n of Revelations.

.' ~. J!.. 241: George de Charms: "What is'the Esse of Man?" He states that 1t 15 1.~ the ability to receive the Divine Proceeding of the Lord. i ~i

Lire 1935,~

,~::.~* C!"1: It 1B noted that Morel Leonard has been chosen to deliver the addreEs

f" et tll~elosing exercises of the Bryn Athyn Elementary School.~I

~ 'P. 52: Caldwell reviews Acton's Crown of Revelations rather unfavorably.�\ (.

ri ~~ ,. . E.:.-289: T. Pitcairn' s long Assembly address on "The Neighbor." In i t he

giyç..:L th~nterna1 sense" of the events connected with the 19th of June, 1770. t-' ',~ Life 1936

" \1 " ,,' , This year:the ~ cont~1ns absolutely nothing dea1ing with the controversy.. l f.;� ;** ~~: l/~O: .. Joint meeting of Consistory and Executive Committee to consider

the controversy.

-r.** CH: Bishop .Pendleton aeks both Theo Pitcairn and Elmo Acton to return to Bryn Athyn.

~** CM: Bjork' s absolute1y virulent attacks on the General Church are reviewed in Consistory. Bishop Pendleton notes tnat these h~been sent broad~ast

, throughout the Church, and writes Bjork, calling this a "~turbancell 'W~ch can 'be solvcd 1nonly one or two ways - apqlogy and recall of his letters, or sePeara­tion. Bjork replies, asking to be retained in the Church, sinee he is ver,y'old and iB nO\1 dy1~1 and promi.!3es to say no more. Bishop Pendjetonzeplies that r this will not be aufficient. Bjork must apologize and recall his letters.

*** Q~: Joint meeting or Consistory and Executive Committee, June 4th. The Cetl_qeH atrongly advises the Bishop to separate Bjork.

((, ....j,.>far{

*.» 64: June 21: Bisho Pendleton announces his resignatlon as executive bishop.

-Notes on Nen Church E':'Stc2~.:' - p. 35~'

) Lif'e 1937

p'. 181: FUll reportai' Annual Council Meetings, April.

p. 183: George de Cherms nominated as executive bishop. He receives 26 votes; AL-:Çed Acton, 2 votes; 4 refrain from voting, B.jo k on the g~nd that both~e Cb~s and Acton_r.!l:ve :p,..7'Q.ved themselves unworth:Lof 6uch an office.

p. 188: Bishop de Charma accuses B~ork of dislo~<üty ta the General Churchj this in regard to Ms insultlng letters. He says that Theo Pi!.,Ç.airn is pur­po:.::cly teaching these doctrines that disturb the Church, even in serm'Ons. Speaks of PfeIffer '"6 requestfor an indep~t diocese, de Charma to ordain him 8.iïC;!or Pi tcairn into_the third de :cee. Notes the constant re;!.t_er.atio~ of he answer give y ed:~!"ents of Dlltch !ositian; "You do t:1ot unfler,;st.and," wi.th the plain implication that the reason for misunderstanding la a cloaure of the interior mind. 8ays that the ~en~~l theme...E! the Dutch 1?l:Witien i.s that l spiIit~al

end celestial things with man are Divine.

E' 125: Pfeiffer says that he never asked for ordin~~1o'p by Bishop de ChEg'PlS; or~nation f:rom-h1m :would be "impo6sibl~." 'I asked for ordination from the church. Il ­

~:.. ..l97: Bishop Acton: We repud18,te the idee that there i8 an internal cor­respondentiel sense to the WrItings. We r udiate the idea that the_doctrine of the Church 1B divine.

--.- ­E. 199: Bjork's letter to Whitehead read, in which he asks for an independeL"L

diocese i,n Europe and the_ or.d1nat1o~1n.t.o be third degr.eLof Pitceirn and Pfeiffer.. Says that he has prcof that de Charms and Acton are unfi t for post of exeEutive bishop.

p. 200: Pitcairn says he had no knovledge that such a letter had been "Titten•. J~~ads short pa?er, "Good and Truth with Man ~ Reception."

p_.~202:· Bishop de Chams se.ys that he sees nQ.... u~~ :ln furth?r discussion of dpctriné.l~ issues. K. R~ Alden e.sks the adherents of the Dutch Position why the;» remain in the Church. Pfeiffer says that until this moment th~:y" had-E0!......con­sidered the ides. of s~aration, but that before they separate he desired ta consult hia society.in Holland.

p. 20~: Bishop de Charma replies to Pfeiffer: You, not l, are forcing the idea of' separation.

p. 204: Bo~f says that et his ordination inta the ministry he pledged no a.llegiance te the General Church, ~ut only ta the !cre.' s New Church.

~. 205: Bishop Acten BayS that there already exists a fundamental separa­tion, because the D-..1tch Pas! tien hold.s that the doctrine of the Church, spart from. the Urit1ngs, 16 divine.

~5: Vincent Odhner: Ir any bel1eved their vie-w vas irrefutable Divine 'rruth, "the time of discussion had paased."

. P.. 216: !C. R. Alden: Wlty not resign"l Bishop Acton: Doctrinal diffcr­ences do separate, if they ~oncern the ides of God or the \lord. Pfeiffer: He 1e Mt clear concerning "the 'Hay or the Ume" ta resign. He fenrs for the ~,7§:lt'é.;;'c ~f 'ttHô: r€mnan:t in the Genercl Chursh.

"",,-,........, ..., -~-----------_._._----

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Hote's on r~E:V Chure:'1 Hi:::: 1. ory -r. 3Y;

r0.. hl.. '1'

( . '

p. 218: El shop de Chal'1r'~:: (To pfeif~eY) "Beceuse l beli~ve this r.C'(-l àCié:­

trine ,,!ill drat>1 our people away from the light, l feel it rny: dutY te clcfend the Chure)l and he.r people from th~t dO,.Qtrine. It i8 impossible for us togethcr to t.each the same people." You said "The leaders of the Church ha.ve eut thernselves

1 off frorr. the Lord - a a iritual ,judgment you have noright to make." At Inst i<Je understand eaeh ot.her.

p. 219: Pfeiffer: " ••• 1 am deeply convineed that you have not sepa::-ated yourself t'rorr.. the Church."

p. 225: Bishop de Charma (to Executive Committee): In M.r. Pfeiffer t s viev) , the General Chureh has separated itself from the Lord.

p. 228: Pfeiffer:' To--=-only the_oz:ganization and administration_of the General Churçh has sa se arated itself.

p. 228: Randolph Childs: 'The laym~n are shocked that Pfeiffer has said that there is a greater differencé Detween the Dutch Position and the Academy, than between the Academy and the Convention. They are shocked that Pfeiffer has said that the e . s lL:young-Elan i.n- Holland who wlshed to study--!o~e_:Rrie~thood,

but could not be educated in our theological school.

P. 229: Pfeiffer: They had never claimed authority for the least word or state~ent-:rormulatedby them and put before the church.

p. 229: K. C. Acton: "Do you admit the theoretical possibility that the Dutch Position might be incorrect?"

p. 229: Pfeiffer: "1nsofar as we see the ~ss_entials of the osition plainly taught in the letter of the Latin Word, these principles will be Divinely true to a l eternity. fi

p. 230: Bishop de Charms: "On bath sides we have B./ireed that i<Je could go on for years without getting anywhere. We should l'est satisfied with that a.greement."

P. 230: Adjourrili10nt.

**** April 7th, 1937

-Bishop de Charms writes to MT. Pfeiffer as follows: "Your refusal to

resign, in accord with my request of April 5th, leaves me no alternative except to inform you that your name has been removed from the roll of member­ship in the Council of the Clergy, and in the General Church of the Ne"l Jerusalem."

(The above letter i8 found on p. 15 of the publication, "Documents con­cerning the Separation of the Rev. Ernst Pfeiffer from the General Church of the New Jerusalem," April 7, 1937, Bryn Athyn. Many copies of this pamphlet are still available et the Bishop's Office.)

r'r ;,>~-'~.'r"><'.:""" """""" •.­

"... .

THO pemphlets are sent _te all members of the General Church, cn"t-.itlec.~

"T11e Crisis in ~lie Genëral Church," edited by the Rev. Messrs. Theodore� p,L~-:;,;""-n""\~<';: '" "no' P'P .... dl·i,-,l,......... ~ __ c.;w.""nd ",,;.. M",,,,e-r'"'"'10,;.. .... Fe~el' J.. _ L'''''''''''''''''O- , j""---l O·1O-l1..L. .l.n "'·r ,�_..!. C4.~~ ... .: .... _. E'"'E'~ , ~'hpf..,... ... ..:. •• .. ....:.~ ...... .I.e.-_ .;A,).",}.yc_ ic..�

r.ric ?j.dS-way, émel 'l'horst€ü 8iGstedt. The first pamphlet conta.:i.l:s 8. dei"ensE:� of the Dutcl1 Posi.tion and several attacks on Bishop..2~Çhar~l's published� c.:.CCO":..L'Tts of the ve'lts leû.ding to -che separation. The sec0!1d con~a:ins

lE-tters armouncil1g the resigna.tion from the General Chruch of the Rev. 'l'neo­�dore Pitcairn, and wife; ~tr. and Mrs. Morel Leonard, Ml'. and Mrs. I~y~l Odhncr~ ThorEtEn Sigstedt: Ml'. and 1,~rs. Charles Kintner, Imlab, Ja11e, and fJjary Dawsor~,

the Rev. Albert Bjork, Marianne Bjork, Elsa and Soldanella Oyler, Sigrid� ~igstedt, and the Rey. fu~d Urs. Hendrick Boef.�

( These-.1?amphlets are already extreme rare, but may be seen in the AcaàemYLibrâry. )-- - - -­

**** iutogether, during .1937, there were one hundred and seveteen resigm::tions

fro~ the Géneral Church, not quite all of them copnng as a result oÎ ~ne Eeparation of VJ. pfeiffer. The vast majority of those who resigne~ lived i~

Halland, Bryn Athyn, California, and Sweden.

The controversy now quieted down for a while, but was revived around tne persan of the Rev. Philip N. Odhner, pastor of the soci~ty_ ~rban,

in lcn.9~nd _121P. Mr. and [,.1:rs. Od.hner 1 s l'es igl1at ion from the General Ch'J.rch is recorded in Life, 1940, p. 446. There fo11o~led the resignations of nine members of the Durban Society. (Life, 1941:269)