a comedy by larry shue - dynamo youth theatre · a comedy by larry shue 7:30pm wed 3rd ... stage...

This amateur production of “The Foreigner” is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH LTD. A comedy by Larry Shue 7:30pm Wed 3rd – Sat 6th Sept 2014

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Page 1: A comedy by Larry Shue - Dynamo Youth Theatre · A comedy by Larry Shue 7:30pm Wed 3rd ... stage management Callum Cairns, ... Caterpillar’ with a dodgy lisp for my audition

This amateur production of “The Foreigner” is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH LTD.

A comedy by Larry Shue

7:30pm Wed 3rd – Sat 6th Sept 2014

Page 2: A comedy by Larry Shue - Dynamo Youth Theatre · A comedy by Larry Shue 7:30pm Wed 3rd ... stage management Callum Cairns, ... Caterpillar’ with a dodgy lisp for my audition

From the ChairA warm welcome to DYT’s annual Sixth Form

leavers play. This year we are performing

Larry Shue’s play “The Foreigner” a comedy

set in the deep south of America.

The Six Form Show is the pinnacle of DYT

membership, the last show a member will

perform with us so the shows are chosen for

their ability to stretch the cast, bringing

all of their hard earned acting skills to the

fore. A reward for staying the course and

a reminder of their time with us, we wish

them all the best with their chosen paths

as they launch into the big wide world.

Can I also take this opportunity to thank

all of the back stage crew listed in this

programme, whose hard work has made the

show possible, working round the difficult

availability constraints at holiday time.

riChard Watts

Chairman, Dynamo youth theatre

If you would like to know more about Havant

Dynamo Youth Theatre or receive advance

details of our shows, please sign up to our

friends mailing list by sending an email marked

“Subscribe” to [email protected]. We will not use

or sell your email address for any other purpose.

From the direCtorWelcome to Dynamo’s annual Sixth Form

production, which as always, aims to

celebrate the many years of membership

of the Senior members of the Company

who are about to “retire” and embark

on the next stage of their lives.

For those of us who have known these young

people for many years, this production

causes us mixed feelings. While we’re

obviously very proud and aware of their

commitment and personal development

during their combined service of almost

50 years, saying farewell to such a talented

section of the Company, will leave a large

hole that will be naturally hard to fill.

Once again this year, a comedy is the

favoured performance option by the cast,

so hopefully tonight’s performance of “The

Foreigner” will meet their aspirations.

Working intensively for a period of two weeks,

a production of this type offers our members a

different learning experience, especially in the

sense of adopting a “method” approach towards

the development of personal characterisation.

Indeed, as I write these notes, the cast have

just experienced a visit to the Spinnaker Tower,

where they have had to convince the innocent

general public of their American personalities!

I would like to thank the whole cast, for

both their enthusiasm and professionalism

during the rehearsal period, as well as our

long suffering backstage crew, who have given

up so much of their spare time, to try and

ensure that our Senior members are given

the most positive experience possible.

Thank you for your support tonight.

andreW BoWker

artistiC DireCtor, Dynamo youth theatre

Page 3: A comedy by Larry Shue - Dynamo Youth Theatre · A comedy by Larry Shue 7:30pm Wed 3rd ... stage management Callum Cairns, ... Caterpillar’ with a dodgy lisp for my audition

aCt i

Scene 1Evening

Scene 2The following morning

aCt ii

Scene 1Afternoon, two days later

Scene 2That evening

The scene is Betty Meeks’ Fishing Lodge Resort,

Tilghman County, Georgia, USA, often visited

by “Froggy” LeSeuer, a British demolition

expert who occasionally runs training sessions

at a nearby army base. This time “Froggy” has

brought along a friend, a pathologically shy

young man named Charlie who is overcome

with fear at the thought of making conversation

with strangers. So before leaving, “Froggy”

tells all assembled that Charlie is from an

exotic country and speaks no English…….

The time is the recent past.


Froggy Lesuer Chris Thomas

CharLie Baker Harry Stroud

Betty meeks Lucy Wickham

rev david marshaLL Lee Rufus Cameron

Catherine simms Rachel Hogarth

oWen musser Barney Walsh

eLLand simms Josh Bennett


Front oF house Tricia Roberts, Jayne Green

heaLth and saFety Tony Goodbody, Mo Whiting

PhotograPhs Paul Burrows

hair and make-uP Linda Stimpson and cast

set design Graham Frost

set ConstruCtion Nigel Wade, Wayne Thomas, Kevin West, Nick Haward,

Richard Watts, Dan Stroud, Hugh Cairns, Ivor Copeland, Callum Cairns, Mal Sturgess

set Painting Bev Wade, Jennie Wade, Mark Remnant, Beth Howard, Sally Stroud,

Sarah Sweatman, The Cast

Costumes Kate Walsh

Lights Barry Fletcher

sound Ben Fletcher

Programme design Alex Booth

ProPerties Lynne Rough, Mary Fletcher

PuBLiCity Lucy Flannery, Richard Watts, Tricia Roberts, Alex Booth

stage management Callum Cairns, Tony Goodbody

ProduCtion manager Mo Whiting

direCtor Andrew Bowker

Page 4: A comedy by Larry Shue - Dynamo Youth Theatre · A comedy by Larry Shue 7:30pm Wed 3rd ... stage management Callum Cairns, ... Caterpillar’ with a dodgy lisp for my audition

Chris thomas

From my very first show ‘Bizarre’ to my last, ‘The Foreigner’, I have enjoyed every performance I have undertaken in the 8 years of my Dynamo life. I don’t know what is going to fill the DYT size hole that will be left in my life when I leave. My memories from DYT are wonderful, diverse and endless and I wouldn’t change any of it. In truth there have been slightly stressful times but all the stress is worth it when a performance comes together! In September I will be taking the next step of my life at Reading University studying chemistry. I can really say I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it was not for Dynamo. Thanks to all the DYT community from backstage crew to performers.

Barney WaLsh

Since my audition in 2007 in which Andrew (not Andy) merely commented on the length of my hair, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Dynamo despite that heartbreaking experience at the very beginning of my campaign (a moment that affects my self esteem to this day). In all seriousness, the time I have spent here over the past seven years has been extremely fulfilling and I will look back on my time here with great happiness and pride. This company has given me a wealth of opportunities, and for that I am truly grateful.

Josh Bennett

Dynamo has really helped me over the years. I joined Dynamo when I was in year 9 and I was extremely shy and had no confidence either. Dynamo has really helped with my shyness and helped me build up my confidence. I still remember my audition and how shy I was and the difference between then and now is quite amazing, considering I found it impossible to talk in front of people back then and now I have a main part in this play. I always felt comfortable in Dynamo and never felt out place like I do in places like school. I am going to miss Dynamo when I leave and go on to university as it has been a huge part of my life.

raCheL hogarth

I joined Dynamo at the age of eleven. Being at Dynamo has helped me realise that my true passion is for Musical Theatre, and has given me the confidence to decide to study it more at Southdowns college, which I have now completed with a D*DD, and hopefully one day I will become one of those stars on stage I have always admired! I found it a great benefit joining the company, and making new friends has helped me through a difficult time with my dad being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s when I was 13. I feel like I have made friends for life and I would like to thank everyone for the support you have given me!

Page 5: A comedy by Larry Shue - Dynamo Youth Theatre · A comedy by Larry Shue 7:30pm Wed 3rd ... stage management Callum Cairns, ... Caterpillar’ with a dodgy lisp for my audition

LuCy WiCkham

It’s been an interesting 5 years at Dynamo. I’ve had a great time, learnt a lot and made some brilliant friends. Cheers to everyone! I’m off to the University of Manchester next week to study History and Politics.

ruFus Cameron

My time at DYT has been one of unholy amounts of McDonald’s, questionable singing dancing and acting, and fantastic memories. Like directing my own show or performing at the Kings Theatre and scarring /scaring children and adults alike as Captain Hook or Thénardier. The memories I’ve gained are going to stay with me forever. The thing I think I have gained most however, apart from scaring children, has been confidence. People don’t generally think that I’m an insecure person but I believe that it was DYT that has given me that self-reassurance and self-belief to get though anything, even surviving Mr Andrew Bowker. I’m going to miss the 10 till 10’s and scrubbing myself in the shower at one in the morning. Thank you DYT for a great 7 years! What’s next for me is that I hope to audition and go to drama school and if I don’t get in I’ll take an “extended” gap year, but who knows what the future holds for there may be a starring role just around the corner.

harry stroud

I joined Dynamo aged 12, not really sure what to expect from this youth theatre that a friend had recommended. I knew a couple of people (one of them being Andrew Bowker, my Year 5 teacher at Bosmere!) but that didn’t help to prevent the nerves I felt as I stood in front of the company and performed a rendition of ‘Cecil is a Caterpillar’ with a dodgy lisp for my audition. But there’s no doubt that that minute of terror was worth the years of enjoyment that I’ve had from Dynamo. It’s like being part of a family. My time here has given me confidence, friendship and most importantly a whole host of memories - here I’ve been lucky enough to share some great times with some great people. I’m off to read Chemistry at the University of Bristol, and whether I will continue to pursue amateur dramatics is something I am unsure of. But Dynamo, without a shadow of a doubt, has played a massive role throughout my childhood, shaping me to become who I am today, and this company is one which I’ll hold close to my heart forever.

Page 6: A comedy by Larry Shue - Dynamo Youth Theatre · A comedy by Larry Shue 7:30pm Wed 3rd ... stage management Callum Cairns, ... Caterpillar’ with a dodgy lisp for my audition

organisations that have heLPed With this dynamo ProduCtion

St Faith’s Church

Many thanks to St Faith’s Church for their

cooperation in our use of St Faith’s Hall for our

rehearsals, set construction and performance.

Rob Paul Studios

Many thanks for supplying the photography.

Rob Paul Studios are a family studio that

offers its clients a quality service that

is professional yet friendly and relaxed.

RobPaulStudios.com 02392 455255

Stone & Fire

Unit 3 Station Approach, Emsworth, Hampshire

for the loan of some props.

MG Imaging

Many thanks for the production of the large

promotional canvas banner, displayed at the

church. MG Imaging offer a full range of print,

copy and signage services from 15b South

Street (opposite the Old House at Home)

[email protected] (023) 9247 4727

The Spring Arts & Heritage Centre

Thanks to the staff of The Spring who have been

so helpful to the backstage crew of this show.

Soles of Emsworth

46 High Street , Emsworth 02143 376747

for the loan of some props.

Page 7: A comedy by Larry Shue - Dynamo Youth Theatre · A comedy by Larry Shue 7:30pm Wed 3rd ... stage management Callum Cairns, ... Caterpillar’ with a dodgy lisp for my audition

�e Snow Queen

�e Spring Arts & Heritage Centre, Havant, 8th, 9th, 10th and 15th, 16th, 17th January 2015 at 7:30pm

with matinees on Saturdays 10th and 17th at 2.30pm

�e Snow Queen is an amateur youth production presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, LTD.

by Ron Nicol, based on the story by Hans Christian Anderson

Page 8: A comedy by Larry Shue - Dynamo Youth Theatre · A comedy by Larry Shue 7:30pm Wed 3rd ... stage management Callum Cairns, ... Caterpillar’ with a dodgy lisp for my audition

Havant Dynamo Youth Theatre

Charity registration No: 1132045

Company registration No: 6757807 registered in England

Registered address: 29 Mill Close, Fishbourne, Chichester PO19 3JW

If You Are Interested In Finding Out More About Joining Dynamo Youth Theatre

And Are Aged Between 11 - 18,

Please Get In Touch With:

Steve Weaver, Membership Secretary

02392 498117

mailinglist: [email protected]



Twitter @HavantDYT