a critical history of electric propulsion: the first fifty ... · with electric propulsion[2]....

A Critical History of Electric Propulsion: The First Fifty Years (1906-1956) Edgar Y. Choueiri Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey 08544 AIAA-2004-3334 Nomenclature a = Vehicle acceleration A = Beam cross-sectional area i p/V = Current per unit vehicle mass j = Current density M v = Vehicle mass ˙ m = Propellant mass flow rate P = Input electric power p P /M v = Input electric power per unit vehicle mass T = Thrust u ex = Rocket exhaust velocity V = Voltage η = Thrust efficiency Chair of AIAA’s Electric Propulsion Technical Committee, 2002-2004. Associate Fellow AIAA. Chief Scientist at Prince- ton University’s Electric Propulsion and Plasma Dynamics Laboratory (EPPDyL). Associate Professor, Applied Physics Group, MAE Department. e-mail: [email protected]. Presented at the 40 th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Copy- right c 2004 by the author. Published by the AIAA with permission. Also published in the Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 193–203, MarchApril 2004. When writing history, it is tempting to identify the- matic periods in the often continuous stream of events under review and label them as “eras”, or to point to certain achievements and call them “milestones”. Keeping in mind that such demarcations and desig- nations inevitably entail some arbitrariness, we shall not resist this temptation. Indeed, the history of elec- tric propulsion (EP), which now spans almost a full century, particularly lends itself to a subdivision that epitomizes the progress of the field from its start as the dream realm of a few visionaries, to its transfor- mation into the concern of large corporations. We shall therefore idealize the continuous history of the field as a series of five essentially consecutive eras: 1. The Era of Visionaries: 1906-1945 2. The Era of Pioneers: 1946-1956 3. The Era of Diversification and Development: 1957-1979 4. The Era of Acceptance: 1980-1992 5. The Era of Application: 1993-present This is not to say that the latter eras were lack- ing in visionaries or pioneers, nor that EP was not used on spacecraft until 1993 or that important con- ceptual developments did not occur at all until the sixties, but rather that there is a discernible char- acter to the nature of EP-related exploration during 1

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Page 1: A Critical History of Electric Propulsion: The First Fifty ... · with electric propulsion[2]. CHOUEIRI: CRITICAL HISTORY OF EP (1906-1956) 3 say that when that history is documented,

A Critical History of Electric Propulsion:

The First Fifty Years (1906-1956)

Edgar Y. Choueiri∗

Princeton UniversityPrinceton, New Jersey 08544


Nomenclaturea = Vehicle accelerationA = Beam cross-sectional areai ≡ p/V = Current per unit vehicle massj = Current densityMv = Vehicle massm = Propellant mass flow rateP = Input electric powerp ≡ P/Mv = Input electric power per unit vehiclemassT = Thrustuex = Rocket exhaust velocityV = Voltageη = Thrust efficiency

∗Chair of AIAA’s Electric Propulsion Technical Committee,2002-2004. Associate Fellow AIAA. Chief Scientist at Prince-ton University’s Electric Propulsion and Plasma DynamicsLaboratory (EPPDyL). Associate Professor, Applied PhysicsGroup, MAE Department. e-mail: [email protected].

†Presented at the 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE JointPropulsion Conference and Exhibit, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Copy-right c© 2004 by the author. Published by the AIAA withpermission. Also published in the Journal of Propulsion andPower, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 193–203, MarchApril 2004.

When writing history, it is tempting to identify the-matic periods in the often continuous stream of eventsunder review and label them as “eras”, or to pointto certain achievements and call them “milestones”.Keeping in mind that such demarcations and desig-nations inevitably entail some arbitrariness, we shallnot resist this temptation. Indeed, the history of elec-tric propulsion (EP), which now spans almost a fullcentury, particularly lends itself to a subdivision thatepitomizes the progress of the field from its start asthe dream realm of a few visionaries, to its transfor-mation into the concern of large corporations. Weshall therefore idealize the continuous history of thefield as a series of five essentially consecutive eras:

1. The Era of Visionaries: 1906-1945

2. The Era of Pioneers: 1946-1956

3. The Era of Diversification and Development:1957-1979

4. The Era of Acceptance: 1980-1992

5. The Era of Application: 1993-present

This is not to say that the latter eras were lack-ing in visionaries or pioneers, nor that EP was notused on spacecraft until 1993 or that important con-ceptual developments did not occur at all until thesixties, but rather that there is a discernible char-acter to the nature of EP-related exploration during


Page 2: A Critical History of Electric Propulsion: The First Fifty ... · with electric propulsion[2]. CHOUEIRI: CRITICAL HISTORY OF EP (1906-1956) 3 say that when that history is documented,


these consecutive periods of EP’s relatively long his-tory. The preceding classification is intended to givea framework to our discussion, which will be usefulfor comprehending EP’s peculiar and often checkeredevolution1. The present paper, which represents thefirst installment of our historical review, deals withthe first two eras, which correspond to the first fiftyyears of the history of the field.

What makes the history of EP a bit unlike thatof most aerospace technologies, is that despite EP’srecent, albeit belated, acceptance by the spacecraftcommunity, it still has not been used for the appli-cation originally foreseen in the dreams of its ear-liest forefathers namely, the systematic human ex-ploration of the planets. The irony of still fallingshort of that exalted goal while much ingenuity hasbeen expended on inventing, evolving and diversify-ing EP concepts, can be attributed to two problemsthat were likely unforeseeable to even the most pre-scient of the early originators.

The first problem is EP’s decades-long role asthe technological “prince in waiting” of spacecraftpropulsion. Despite the relatively early maturity ofsome EP concepts, their systematic use on commer-cial spacecraft was delayed until the last two decadesof the twentieth century. A measure of this forceddetainment can be gleaned from a hypothetical con-trast to the history of atmospheric flight, in whichthe demonstration of powered flight at Kitty Hawkin 1903 would not have led to acceptance of the air-plane until 1940. This retardation is doubtless due,partially, to the technological conservatism that is en-demic in the spacecraft industry, where more tradi-tional and well-proven propulsion systems have been,perhaps understandably given the immense financialstakes, difficult to supplant. Breaching this psycho-logical barrier did not fully occur in the West untilaround 1991. It was not only the result of an over-due realization on the part of aerospace planners ofthe cost-savings benefits of EP and a demonstration

1The reader will soon note a measure of the vagaries of thatevolution: while the earliest thoughts and experiments relatedto EP are almost all about electrostatic propulsion, the firstlaboratory electric thruster was electrothermal and the firstelectric thruster to ever fly in space was of the pulsed (mostlyelectromagnetic) plasma type.

that the associated risks were well worth taking, butalso to the the acceptance and success EP has had inthe Soviet Union. That the first electrically-propelledspacecraft to go into deep space did not do so untilalmost a century after the first EP conceptions is afact that would have disheartened their visionary au-thors.

The second and far more hindering problem thatstood, and remains, in the way of EP-enabled hu-man exploration of the planets, is the frustrating lackof high levels of electric power in space. US effortsto develop nuclear power sources for spacecraft havebeen fraught with repeating cycles of budgetary, po-litical and programmatic setbacks over the past fivedecades, despite considerable technical achievementsin programs that were either discontinued or did notcome to fruition in a space flight2. Lyndon B. John-son was US president when the last and, to dateonly US fission3 nuclear power source was launchedin space (SNAP-10A; 650 We output; launched April3, 1965). The record of the most powerful nuclearpower source in space is still held at about 5 kWeby the 1987 flight of the Soviet Topaz 1 fission re-actor onboard the Cosmos 1818 and 1867 spacecraft.This 5 kWe record makes the present prospects of a10 MWe electrically-propelled piloted spaceship seemas dim as six 100-watt lightbulbs compared to a fully-lit Yankee Stadium.

As much as the realization of viable nuclear powergeneration on spacecraft is critical to the fulfilmentof EP’s ultimate role, we shall not discuss it furtherhere. Although its current chapter is unfolding now,and not without the usual optimism4, the history ofplacing powerful nuclear power sources in space hasnot been on the whole a success story. Suffice it to

2The SP-100 program aimed for 100 kWe output, consumedhalf billion dollars and was terminated in 1993. The NuclearElectric Propulsion Spaceflight Test Program centered aroundthe Russian Topaz II reactor (40 kWe) met the same fatearound the same year.

3While radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) havebeen used reliably on 24 US spacecraft, their electric poweroutput and specific power make them wholly inadequate for EPon piloted or heavy cargo missions. Even the most advancedradioisotope power systems today have specific powers below10 We/kg[1].

4NASA’s Prometheus program promises to be synergisticwith electric propulsion[2].

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say that when that history is documented, it wouldmake that of EP, in comparison, one of steady andlinear progress.

Despite these major obstacles to its development,the history of EP turned out to be a success story:Almost two hundred solar-powered satellites in EarthOrbit and a handful of spacecraft beyond Earth’sgrvitational influence have benefited to date from themass savings engendered by EP.

Before starting our review of that history, we wishto state some assumptions and define a few self-imposed limitations. These may limit the scopeof our coverage, but will hopefully render the re-view easier to assimilate and bound its expansive-ness. Specifically, we shall assume that the reader isacquainted with the major classifications of EP sys-tems (electrothermal, electrostatic, electromagnetic)and somewhat familiar with the basic features of themain EP concepts. The uninitiated reader might ben-efit from reading our recent article[3] or referring tothe earlier textbook[4]. In order to keep the flowof the main discussion unimpeded by mathematicalderivations, ancillary information, or technical andhistorical details, we shall relegate these to footnoteswhich will be frequent and often extensive.

Furthermore, we shall admittedly favor for inclu-sion work performed predominantly in the UnitedStates. We will however mention, without any pre-tension to be all-inclusive or exhaustive, a numberof seminal works and important advancements thatoccurred outside the United States and provide refer-ences, whenever possible, to publications where thesedevelopments have been described. We hope thisU.S.-centric history will not lessen the essential ap-preciation that without the contributions of workersin the Former Soviet Union (both in its present andformer incarnations), Europe and Japan, EP would,at best, still be in its adolescence. We will also un-doubtedly be forced, for practical reasons, to omitthe names of some individuals whose contributionsmay well outweigh those of some of the people we domention. Such omissions will be more frequent whendiscussing the latter eras in which the sheer num-ber of outstanding contributions makes any obses-sive attempts to fairness or inclusiveness futile. Ex-cept in a few instances, we shall not be concerned

with the achievements made on EP subsystems (e.g.power conditioning, mass feeding, propellant storage,etc.) nor can we attempt any fair accounting of themilestones in ancillary, albeit critical, fields (e.g. low-thrust trajectories, mission planning, etc.). Instead,we will concentrate on the evolution of the EP con-cepts themselves. Also, we shall focus more on tech-nical milestones and less on programmatic develop-ments (e.g. histories of various NASA and Air ForceEP programs) even though the attainment of the for-mer often depends on the success of the latter.

Finally we should mention that our intent is notmerely to compile a factual and dry chronicle ofevents and accomplishments, but rather to presenta critical history that does not shy away from beinganalytical and reflective when appropriate5.

1 The Era of Visionaries: 1906-1945

It is difficult to think who in aerospace history,perhaps even in the history of modern science andtechnology, embodies the quintessential qualities ofthe archetypical visionary more than Konstantin Ed-uardovitch Tsiolkovsky6 (1857-1935). It is also dif-ficult to find a more vivid encapsulation of the essenceof visionary work than his own words:

This work of mine is far from considering allof the aspects of the problem and does notsolve any of the practical problems associ-ated with its realization; however, in the dis-tant future, looking through the fog, I cansee prospects which are so intriguing andimportant it is doubtful that anyone dreamsof them today[8, p. 28].

5Throughout the text of this article we use bold font tohighlight consecutive year numbers in order to provide a vi-sual trail of the chronology. Also, the names of some of thevisionaries, pioneers and key individuals in the history of EP,as well as the first occurrence of the names of various EP con-cepts, are highlighted in bold font for easy reference.

6The alternate transliterations “Tsiolkovskii” and ”Tsi-olkovskiy” also appear in the latin-scripted literature. For bi-ographies of Tsiolkovsky and discussions of his numerous orig-inal ideas on spaceflight and propulsion, see Refs. [5, 6, 7].

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The “official”7 history of modern rocketry and as-tronautics starts in 1903 with Tsiolkovsky’s (even-tually) celebrated article “Investigation of UniversalSpace by Means of Reactive Devices”8 from whichthe above quote is taken. That article contains thederivation of the Tsiolkovsky Rocket Equation, whichis the most fundamental mathematical expression inthe field of space propulsion and the encapsulation ofthe raison d’etre of EP (see our EP review article[3]for an introduction). Eight years later, in 1911, we

7Tsiolkovsky in fact had written about the use of rocketsfor space flight and interplanetary travel in a manuscript titledSvobodnoye prostranstvo (Free Space) dated 1883, which wasfound posthumously [8, p. 3] and which remains unpublished,and in a story titled “Outside the Earth” started in 1896 andpublished in 1920 [8, page 4, footnote]. Going much furtherback, the idea of rocket space propulsion appears in the fan-tasy literature as early as the 17th century with Cyrano DeBeregerac’s 1656 L’histoire Comique des Etats et Empires dela Lune (A Comic History of the States and Empires of theMoon). While Jules Verne’s classic De La Terre a la Lune(From Earth to the Moon) mentions the use of rockets onlyin the context of steering a cannon-launched spaceship, it hadincalculable impact on the young minds of all three of theearly Fathers of Rocketry, Tsiolkovski, Goddard and Oberth,by their own admission. It is perhaps worth mentioning that anumber of 19th century authors, engineers and tinkerers, espe-cially in Russia, had seriously considered and evaluated the useof rockets (or more generally “reaction propulsion”) for atmo-spheric flight. Sokol’skiy[9, pp. 125-155] discusses these earlyideas in his fascinating history of Russian work on rocketry.A history of liquid chemical rockets written most recently byG.P. Sutton has been published in two articles covering sepa-rately activities in the USSR and the USA[10, 11].

8This title (Issledovaniye mirovykh prostranstv reak-tivnymi) was that of the article as it first appeared in theJournal Nauchnoye obzorniye (Scientific Review), No. 5, 1903.Later, in 1924, Tsiolkovsky republished the same article atKaluga as an independent brochure but with the title “ARocket in Cosmic Space”. That this latter title almost liter-ally echoes that of Oberth’s famous 1923 book Die Rakete zuDen Palentenenraumen[12] is no doubt an expression of Tsi-olkovsky’s frustration with the impression, at that time, thatthe original ideas on the use of rockets in space are Oberth’s.Tsiolkovsky also used his 1903 article title “Investigation ofUniversal Space by Means of Reactive Devices” for two sub-sequent articles in 1911[8, pp. 60-95] and 1926[8, pp. 111-215]which contained vastly different material, as well as for a sup-plement to the 1911 article published in 1914[8, pp. 99-110].We point this out because Tsiolkovsky’s use of the same ti-tle for 4 different articles has caused some confusion in theliterature.

come across Tsiolkovsky’s first published9 mention,albeit germinal, of the idea of electric propulsion:

It is possible that in time we may use elec-tricity to produce a large velocity for the par-ticles ejected from a rocket device[8, p. 95].

The italic is ours and is meant to underscore the suit-ability of that quote as any modern dictionary’s def-inition of electric propulsion. The subsequent sen-tence in the same text,

It is known at the present time that thecathode rays in Crookes’ tube, just like therays of radium, are accompanied by a fluxof electrons whose individual mass is 4,000times less than the mass of the helium atom,while the velocities obtained are 30,000-100,000 km/s i.e. 6,000 to 20,000 timesgreater than that of the ordinary productsof combustion flying from our reactive tube.

is quite revealing. It points to cathode rays –one ofthe most intriguing problems in physics in the fewyears preceding that writing10– as the source of in-spiration for the idea of electric propulsion. It isnot difficult, in retrospect, to appreciate how some-one concerned with increasing rocket exhaust velocitywould be inspired by the findings, well-known at thattime, of physicists working on cathode rays, such asJ.J. Thomson’s pronouncement in 1906:

. . . in all cases when the cathode rays areproduced in tubes their velocity is muchgreater than the velocity of any other mov-ing body with which we are acquainted. Itis, for example, many thousand times the

9While Goddard’s thoughts on EP, which we shall discussshortly, appear in his personal notebooks as early as 1906,and thus predate this quote by Tsiolkovsky, the latter seemsto be the first published mention of the use of electricity forspacecraft propulsion.

10In 1895 Jean-Baptiste Perrin had demonstrated conclu-sively that cathode rays consist of particles and in 1897J.J. Thomson concluded that these are electrons (which hecalled “corpuscles”) and inferred the electron’s charge-to-massratio. His findings and especially his hypothesis that electronsare “the substance from which the chemical elements are builtup” was not generally accepted until 1899.

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average velocity with which the moleculesof hydrogen are moving at ordinary tem-peratures, or indeed at any temperature yetrealized[13].

This clearly stated disparity between the velocityof electrostatically accelerated particles and that ofthermally energized atoms was bound to capture theimagination of someone considering the problem ofrocket propulsion.

A casual and modern reader may wonder why Tsi-olkovsky was considering a flux of electrons (as op-posed to ions) to be useful for propulsion when heknew of their exceedingly small mass (and thus smallmomentum flux). The answer is simply that onlyelectrons were known to attain such high velocities(as per Thomson’s quote above) and that the conceptof the ion, as an atomic-sized particle possessing a netpositive charge, had not yet been fully established al-though much work and debate was ongoing at thattime on the nature of the positively charged “rays”observed in cathode ray tubes11. In that sense, Tsi-olkovsky came as close as he could have, given thestate of physical knowledge in 1911, to envisioningthe ionic rocket. In sum, it was his discovery of thecentral importance of rocket exhaust velocity to spacepropulsion combined with his awareness of the exis-tence of extremely fast particles (albeit electrons) incathode ray tubes, that led to his almost propheticanticipation of EP.

Tsiolkovsky was a self-taught schoolteacher wholacked the clout of the graduate scientists who dom-

11 Eugen Goldstein observed in 1886 that in addition tocathode rays, there exists in cathode ray tubes radiation thattravels away from the anode. These were called “canal rays”because they emanated from holes (canals) bored in the cath-ode. The realization that these are atoms that have had elec-trons stripped away did not occur until after the discoveryof the photoelectric effect and the demonstration by the Ger-man physicist Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard (1862-1947) in1902 that the effect is due to the emission of electrons frommetal, thus pointing to the conclusion that atoms containedelectrons. Subsequently, Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) sug-gested in 1914 that the positive rays are positively chargedatom-sized particles. His later experiments, which led to thediscovery of the proton in 1920, confirmed this and led to a fi-nal acceptance of Thomson’s earlier speculation that the atomconsists of positively charged material surrounded by nega-tively charged electrons.

inated the scientific world of his day. His works,almost exclusively theoretical, were originally pub-lished at his own expense and many of his earlier writ-ings remained in the form of unpublished manuscriptsdecades after they were penned. His intellectual out-put was prodigious until his death and he was vin-dicated by the fact that numerous accomplishmentsin modern astronautics can be traced to his ideas12.However, despite his detailed calculations and quan-titative analysis in the field of chemical rockets andastronautics, he did not attempt any analytical studyof the application of electricity to rocket propulsion.He acknowledged that EP was at present a dreamand his attention was to be dedicated to more pro-saic problems. This is illustrated vividly in the fol-lowing quote from 1924 (by which time the nature ofpositively charged atoms had been known, the pro-ton had been discovered, and he had recognized thebetter suitability of ions to propulsion)[8, p. 222]:

It is quite probable that electrons and ionscan be used, i.e. cathode and especially an-ode rays. The force of electricity is unlim-ited and can, therefore, produce a powerfulflux of ionized helium to serve a spaceship.However, we shall leave these dreams for awhile and return to our prosaic explosives13.

There is no evidence that Tsiolkovsky was suffi-ciently versed in electricity and magnetism, let alonethe newly burgeoning field of gaseous electronics, totackle the problem of EP. That problem was firstaddressed, and at an even earlier date than Tsi-olkovsky’s first qualitative speculations, by a youngAmerican visionary who was trained precisely inthese nascent branches of physics and who shareda passion for space travel with the “dreamer fromKaluga”, despite never having heard of him or his

12One example is the little recognized fact that he hadclearly anticipated laser propulsion (another EP concept ofsorts) in this quote from 1926[8, p. 134]:“We may have a casewhen, in addition to the energy of ejected material, we alsohave an influx of energy from the outside. This influx may besupplied from Earth during motion of the craft in the form ofradiant energy of some wavelength; . . . ”.

13The word “explosives” in Tsiolkovsky’s parlance refers toliquid chemical propellants.

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ideas14.Robert Hutchings Goddard15’s (1882-1945) early

career as a young academic physicist was divided be-tween his official research work on electricity and hispersonal passion for propulsion16. That this wouldlead him to think of electric propulsion was naturalif not inevitable.

Aside from an amusing anecdote17 about his “ear-liest recollection of a scientific experiment” at theage of five[17] –and which, incidentally, involved theuse of “electricity” for “propulsion”– the first doc-

14There seems to be no evidence to doubt the claims madeby each of Tsiolkovsky, Oberth and Goddard of having arrivedat many of their early findings regarding chemical rockets in-dependently. Oberth stated in a letter addressed to Goddardand dated May 3, 1922[14], that he had just learned of God-dard’s work as he was preparing the manuscript of his book DieRakete zu den Planetenraumen for publication. In responseGoddard sent him a copy of his famous 1919 monograph “AMethod of Reaching Extreme Altitudes” which Oberth subse-quently cited in an appendix of his book. This letter thereforefixes 1922-1923 as the date when both men became aware ofeach other’s work. It is most likely that Tsiolkovsky learnedof his Western counterparts’ works not long after the publica-tion of Oberth’s well-disseminated book in 1923, well after the(limited) publication of the first two versions (1903 and 1911)of his own “Investigation of Universal Space by Means of Re-active Devices”, but before his extensive work of 1926 carryingthe same title. Goddard and Oberth seem to have remainedunaware of the work of the Russian visionary until around1927, the year of the Moscow exhibition on “InterplanetaryApparatus and Devices” where Tsiolkovsky was hailed as theRussian “father of rocketry” . (Goddard’s wife Esther wroteon a souvenir scrapbook of that exhibition notes that decriedthe insufficient recognition given to her husband’s work[15].)We had already mentionned in Footnote 8 Tsiolkovsky’s reac-tion, as early as 1924, to Oberth’s popularity. Later, Oberthwrote to Tsiolkovsky “I would certainly be much further inmy own work today. . . had I taken into account your superiorwork.”[14].

15Refs. [14, 16, 15] are three of the biographical books onGoddard.

16This duality of interest is epitomized by Goddard’s workhabits during his memorable stay at Princeton University asa research fellow in electricity and magnetism during the aca-demic year of 1912-1913. During the day he worked on dis-placement current experiments, his official research project (aby-product of which led to a patent that was instrumental inthe development of the radio tube), and he spent his eveningsworking on the theory of rocket propulsion[14, 16].

17The story involves a five-year old Goddard attempting topropel himself upwards after rubbing zinc from a battery on hisshoes and scuffing them vigorously on a gravel walk to causeelectric sparks[14, 17].

Figure 1: Robert H. Goddard.

umented instance in which Goddard considered thepossibility of electric propulsion dates to September6, 1906. On that day the twenty-four-year old God-dard set out to address the problem of producing“reaction with electrons moving with the velocity oflight” and wrote down his thoughts on this problemin his notebook. In particular he posed the question:

At enormous potentials can electrons be lib-erated at the speed of light, and if the po-tential is still further increased will the reac-tion increase (to what extent) or will radio-activity be produced?[18, p. 84]

Goddard quickly demonstrated in these handwrit-ten pages[18, pp. 82-88] (dated September 6 and 9,1906) that he was quite aware of the most recent de-velopments in physics concerning the nature of cath-ode rays18. However the incomplete state of that

18This was not the first time the young Goddard consideredthe application of cathode rays to propulsion. A few monthsearlier, in another entry in the same notebook[18, pp. 38-41],dated February 18, 1906, he conceived a device (which he alsoillustrated schematically) in which two parallel tubes, one pro-ducing (negative) cathode rays and the other (positive) canalrays, were thought to yield a net reactive force. This wouldseem to be the earliest documentation of an electric rocket con-cept. However, a close examination of his notes reveals thathe did not discuss the device in terms of the rocket effect, i.e.

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knowledge hindered him from answering his ques-tions. Despite highly educated attempts he was notable to calculate the levels of required energy orpower nor resolve the issue of what happens whenthe electrons reach the speed of light and the accel-erating potential is raised further. His notes and cal-culations on September 9 demonstrate that he waswell aware of Walter Kaufmann’s careful measure-ments, published in 1901, which indicated that theinferred mass of the electron increased as its speedneared that of light. While he was, apparently, notyet aware of Einstein’s special relativity theory, whichwas published only a few months before and had notyet gained much acceptance19, Goddard found him-self contending with the conjecture that the electron’sinertia at the speed of light might be infinite. He didremain hopeful, however, that experiments might de-termine “the voltage necessary to give a speed equalto the velocity of light”.

It is interesting to consider why, at that early stage,Goddard was more concerned with the electrostaticacceleration of electrons rather than ions despite hisknowledge of canal rays, and why these early ideas,not surprisingly, still fell short of a workable thrusterconcept. We can suggest five reasons:

1. As we already mentioned in Footnote 11, the na-ture of these rays was still debated at that timeand the ionization physics underlying the pro-duction of electron-ion pairs was not clear.

reaction due to mass expulsion, but rather in terms of cre-ating a momentum imbalance. Specifically, Goddard statedthat the cathode and anode rays would “simply serve as waysto increase an effect which is unbalanced”. These ideas ofpropulsion through unbalanced internal forces were constanton his mind since his first thoughts on the subject while ina cherry tree[15] in 1899. He did not totally give up such aconcept, it seems, until March 4, 1907 when, after conceivinganother device where charged particle acceleration in opposingdirections was to produce a momentum imbalance, he wrotein his notebook[18, p. 150]: “The device . . . cannot be used,as the two opposite accelerations on each end of the condenserbattery would neutralize each other”, and concluded with theinsight: “A simpler plan would be to expel the electrons afterthey had acquired a significantly great velocity.”.

19It was not until Planck and Minkowski published theirideas on special relativity in 1908 that Einstein’s famous 1905publications on the subject were taken seriously. In 1905 Ein-stein was only a “technical expert third class” at the Bernpatent office.

Figure 2: An excerpt of the the entry dated Septem-ber 6, 1906 in Goddard’s handwritten notebookshowing some of the questions he attempted to an-swer quantitatively in order to assess the feasibilityof electric propulsion using electrostatic potentials toaccelerate electrons to the speed of light (representedby the symbol Λ).

2. There was the implicit belief in these early writ-ings that high accelerating voltages (and nothigh beam currents) were the main technical dif-ficulty. This, consequently, favored electrons asthe propellant needed to reach extremely highvelocities.

3. There was still a lack of appreciation of the im-mense difficulty, stipulated by the laws of spe-cial relativity, in accelerating a particle havinga finite rest mass to a speed very near that oflight20.

4. It is doubtful that Goddard, at this early time,had fully appreciated the practical (i.e. system-related) penalty incurred by an electric rocket

20While even late-nineteenth century cathode ray tubes ac-celerated electrons to speeds that are a fraction of that of light,the technology of powerful radio-frequency sources capable ofaccelerating electrons through linear resonance accelerators tospeeds very close to that of light was not developed until after1940.

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with an exceedingly high exhaust velocity21.

5. There is another system-related penalty thatmust have been far from Goddard’s mind. Elec-trostatic acceleration of lighter atoms, let aloneelectrons, while less demanding on the voltage,results in beam currents which, because of spacecharge limitation, incur adverse demands on therequired area (and therefore size and mass) ofthe accelerator22.

These five problems which confounded Goddard’sfirst thoughts on EP, were eventually dealt with one

21 This penalty can be seen by expressing the thrust-to-power ratio, T/P , of an EP system as a function of its exhaustvelocity. Using the definition of thrust efficiency

η ≡ (1/2)mu2ex


andT = muex (2)

we can writeT



which shows how raising the exhaust velocity, even at a max-imum thrust efficiency of 1, will incur a power supply masspenalty through the decrease of the amount of thrust perunit power. This mass penalty could easily overwhelm themass savings, due to high exhaust velocity, indicated by Tsi-olkovksy’s rocket equation. Thrust with relativistic electronvelocities is therefore most expensive from a power supplypoint of view.

22 This may not be directly evident but can easily be seenby using the definitions of thrust, mass flow rate and currentdensity to write

T = muex =j

qmiAuex, (4)

and invoking the Child’s law for space-charged limited currentdensity (for an idealized 1-D electrostatic accelerator),

j ∝(



)1/2 V 3/2

d2, (5)

then solving for the exit area, A, of the accelerator in termsof thrust and exhaust velocity (and not in terms of appliedpotential as more commonly done):

A ∝ Td2





. (6)

In practice d is limited by design constraints and the thrustand exhaust velocity are mission requirements. This leavesthe area to scale with the square of the ion’s charge-to-massratio and emphasizes the benefits of heavier propellants.

by one by him and other pioneers, but only over atime period extending over the next four decades.

Goddard’s notebooks show that EP was a constant,if not a consuming, idea in his mind. Between 1906and 1912 the evolution of his thoughts on that subjectled him to appreciate the advantages of relying on thereaction of ions in an electrostatic accelerator, andthe need for neutralizing the charged exhaust with astream of oppositely charged particles. He explicitlystated the latter realization in the following quotefrom the March 9, 1907 notebook entry:

If [negative] particles are shot off, the carwill have an increasing [positive] charge un-til the potential is so great that [negative]particles cannot be shot off. Hence [posi-tive] particles must be emitted in a quantityequal to that of the [negative] particles.

As in many instances23 in the career of this ingeniousand practical scientist, his ideas culminated, by 1917,in two inventions whose importance to the history ofEP has been largely unrecognized.

The first invention, whose patent application wasfiled in 1913 (granted in 1915), is a method for pro-ducing “electrically charged particles”[19] which re-lies on an applied magnetic field to confine electronsin a gas and thus greatly enhance the probability oftheir ionizing collisions with neutral molecules –muchlike it is done in the ionization chamber of modernelectron bombardment ion thrusters and magnetronplasma sources. In 1917 Goddard, who by then hadbecome an assistant professor of physics at Clark Uni-versity, filed another U.S. patent application titled“Method of and Means for Producing Electrified Jetsof Gas”[20]. In that patent24, granted in 1920, God-dard presented three variants of apparatus, the firsttwo of which are means of charging a stream of gaswithout having the stream affect the charging pro-cess. The third variant, however, is of direct rele-vance to our history as it is the world’s first docu-mented electrostatic ion accelerator intended for

23There are 214 patents in Goddard’s name.24In an autobiographical article written in 1927 and pub-

lished in 1959[17], Goddard stated that the experimental workwhich checked the conclusions set forth in that patent was car-ried out at Clark University by two students during 1916-1917.

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propulsion. Goddard, in his patent description of thisparticular variant of the invention, in fact mentionedpropulsion as the main application25 and stated, re-ferring first to the exhaust velocities of a chemicalrocket from an earlier patent26:

These velocities are the greatest that haveyet been produced in any way with massesof gas of appreciably large magnitude, butare much less than are possible by themethod herein described, for the reason thatthe potential of the container M , which pro-duces the high velocity, may be as high asdesired.

The schematic of that accelerator is shown in Fig. (3)whose caption describes the concept27.

With the entry of the United States into WorldWar I on April 6, 1917, Goddard offered his servicesto the Smithsonian for developing rockets for mili-tary applications. By this time his intermittent butvisionary explorations of EP seem to have ceded to

25Although the word “space” was not mentioned in thepatent (instead RHG stated that the intended application was“jet propulsion”) there is little doubt that Goddard, who waswell aware of the smallness of the reactive forces inherent inelectrostatic acceleration, was thinking of spacecraft propul-sion as the ultimate application. (This assumption would bestbe ascertained by experimental measurements or more detaileddescription Goddard and his students may have made with anactual device, however we did not find any such documen-tation in the Goddard’s Archives at Clark University.) It isrelevant to mention in this context that while Goddard of-ten wrote in his notebooks about the technical problems ofspace travel he rarely mentioned this ultimate application inofficial communications and confined his stated goals to the“reaching of high altitudes” for scientific studies. Later in hiscareer he stated[21]: “I regard it as most unfortunate thatthe interplanetary aspect of rocket theory was seized uponand sensationalized. This has discouraged public confidenceand in some cases has turned away serious support from theresearches that need to be carried on into the fundamentalproblems of rocket and jet propulsion”. It is often said thatGoddard never fully recovered from the humiliation of a 1920New york Times editorial[22] in which his ideas on the use ofrockets in the vacuum of space were severely ridiculed.

26US Patent No. 1,102,653: “Rocket Apparatus”; Applica-tion filed October 9, 1912; Patent granted July 7, 1914.

27A possible reason why this early electrostatic acceleratorwas overlooked as such is that the patent description dealswith a number of aspects of “electrified jets of gas” only oneof which is electrostatic acceleration.

Figure 3: The the world’s first documented electro-static thruster. Schematic of Goddard’s third vari-ant of his 1917 invention as it appears in US patent#1,363,037 (granted in December 1920)[20]. Thepropellant is injected through the tube labeled T 3;charge is added to the flow from the cathode filamentF 1 which is placed in the wake of the stream andwhose anode is a metallic plate at location P . Thefilament is powered by the power supply B2. Thewhole is enclosed in a metallic sphere M , which is“kept at a very high potential” using the power sup-ply B1. “The sign of the charge on M is the same asthat of the ions in the jet thus causing their repulsionaway from the device at high velocities proportionalto the applied potential[20].”

his almost exclusive intellectual dedication to chemi-cal rocket launch vehicles.

It is at this point in our story of EP that we mustdeal with the historically problematic role of YuriV. Kondratyuk28 (1897-1941). There is no doubt

28There is presently no extensive biography, in English, ofthis most obscure of early thinkers on astronautics. The fol-lowing events of his life have become known through a recentbiographical sketch[23]. His original name, Alexander Shargei,was changed to evade the authorities in the course of a woefullife. He landed in prison in Kiev while still in his mother’swomb. After demonstrating his intellectual brilliance at thegymnasium of his birthplace town of Poltava in the Ukraine hewas forced to abort his engineering education in Kiev to com-mand a machine-gun platoon on the Transcaucasian Front dur-ing WWI. He then had a stint with the White Guard army, was

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that this relatively little known thinker deserves aplace in the pantheon of astronautical visionaries forhis bold, far-reaching and original ideas29, and thathis name also deserves to be featured in EP’s earlyhistory. In a section under the heading “Concern-ing other Possible Reactive Devices” in a manuscriptquaintly titled “To whomsoever will read in order tobuild”30, dated 1918-191931, Kondratyuk, like Tsi-olkovsky and Goddard before him, wrote about EPin the context of cathode rays. Speaking of the high-velocity charged particles, however, he noted

Their drawback is the tremendous energyrequired, and their velocity is greater thanneed be; the larger the velocity, the greaterthe amount of energy that we must expendto obtain the same reaction, . . . [9, p. 23].

The last sentence demonstrates that Kondratyuk wasfully aware of Equation 3 and its practical implica-tions. That he fully appreciated the advantage ofaccelerating more massive particles is evidenced by

almost killed by the Cheka while trying to escape to Poland,escaped to Siberia where he worked as a mechanic in Novosi-birsk then was caught and served three years in a labor campbefore being released to work on wind turbines in Kharkov. Hedisappeared in late 1941 while on assignment in the region ofKaluga, where, coincidentally, Tsiolkovksy had lived and died.Between 1916 and 1927 Kondratyuk managed to write downhis numerous space-related ideas in four extant manuscripts[9,p. 145], only one of which (Ref. [24]) was published during hislifetime.

29He seemed to have arrived at Tsiolkovsky’s rocket equationindependently, predicted the central role of rockets in spaceexploration, and speculated often qualitatively, but sometimesanalytically and quantitatively, on such topics as multi-staging,launch aerodynamics, spacecraft guidance and stability, aero-braking, the use of solar energy for propulsion and the creationof interplanetary bases. The extent to which these ideas werecompletely original remains debatable although Kondratyukmaintained that he did not become familiar with the works ofTsiolkovsky and others until 1925.

30Tem kto budet chitat’, chtoby stroit’. An English transla-tion of that manuscript is available on pages 15-56 of Ref. [9].

31 It was not until 1938 that Kondratyuk wrote the date“1918-1919” on his “To whomsoever will read . . . ” manuscriptbefore he sent it to B.N. Vorob’ev[9, p. 49]. It was obvious fromthe manuscript that there were a number of additions and cor-rections that Kondratyuk had made at different times. Conse-quently, even Soviet historians of astronautics, who were oftentoo eager to attribute exclusive originality to their comrades,have questioned the definitiveness of Kondratyuk’s dates.

a schematic that he added, apparently at a laterdate (see footnote 31), to the same section of themanuscript and which may well be the first concep-tualization of a colloid thruster. Accompanyingthe simple schematic, Kondratyuk had written (mostlikely at a later date than 1919 but definitely before1938):

Reaction [force can be produced] from therepulsion by electrical discharges of mate-rial particles of nonmolecular dimensions,for example, graphite powder or a finely pul-verized conducting fluid. It is readily cal-culated that the velocity of such particleswith a large (but fully practicable) poten-tial could be made exceedingly high– greaterthan the molecular velocity of an intenselyheated gas.”

Elsewhere in the same manuscript ([9, p. 43]) healso recognized the affinity between electric propul-sion and solar-electric power generation.

Because the dissemination of Kondratyuk’s writ-ings was quite limited until the mid-1960s, his spec-ulations on EP, as visionary as they may now seemconsidering their early date, had little if any influ-ence on the evolution of the field. They do serve toillustrate, however, to what extent the imaginationof these early spaceflight pioneers was fueled by theirrecognition of the importance of high exhaust veloc-ities and their awareness of the concomitant resultsfrom the field of cathode ray physics.

Much like Goddard and Tsiolkovsky, Kondratyukfelt that chemical rockets deserved a higher devel-opment priority than their electric counterparts andwhen, in 1927, he edited his manuscript “Conquest ofInterplanetary Space”[24] for publication he decidedto omit references to “speculative” concepts such asEP in favor of those he felt were realizable in the nearfuture.

Just as no overview of astronautics and modernrocketry could be complete without a discussion ofthe work of Hermann Julius Oberth (1894-1989),any descriptions of the dawn of EP would be glaringlywanting without an account of his role in bringing theconcept of EP into the limelight. To exaggerate only

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a little the procreational similes often used to de-scribe the “fathers” of rocketry32, we could say thatif Oberth is now recognized as a father for rocketryand astronautics, he should be lauded as a midwifefor electric propulsion. We say so because Oberth’smajor contribution, as far as EP is concerned, wasnot in having developed specific inventions, or havingundertaken technically rich conceptualizations, butrather in having defined, for the first time publiclyand unambiguously, EP as a serious and worthy pur-suit in astronautics. If the field of electric propulsionis not indebted to Oberth for a lasting technical con-tribution, it can trace its conceptual origin as a dis-cipline to the last chapter of his all-time astronauticsclassic Wege zur Raumschiffahrt[25] (Ways to Space-flight) published in 1929. Oberth devoted that wholechapter, titled Das elektrische Raumschiff (The Elec-tric Spaceship), to spacecraft power and EP. In thatchapter he extolled the mass-savings capabilities ofEP, predicted its future role in propulsion and atti-tude control outside the atmosphere, and advocatedelectrostatic acceleration of electrically charged gaseswhich can be created from refuse on the orbitingspace station that is a major theme of the book.

His electric thruster concepts are essentially quali-tative sketches, based on the experimentally observedeffect of “electric wind”, which have more kinshipwith Goddard’s earlier electrostatic accelerator thanwith the modern ion thruster championed by laterpioneers such as Stuhlinger. In the former concept,charged particles are injected into a stream of gasand the action of the electrostatic field on the wholestream is effected through momentum coupling be-tween the charged and neutral particles. In the lat-ter concept a low density gas is fully ionized first,then ions are extracted electrostatically. As late as1957, Oberth still believed that the former methodhad promise as he argued in his book33 “Man intoSpace”[26] by contrasting his method to what hecalled “Stuhlinger’s method”.

32These are often taken to include Tsiolkovsky, Goddard andOberth and, sometimes, Esnault-Pelterie.

33This book also contained a chapter called “Electric Space-ships” which is very similar to that appearing in the 1929 bookbut with some additional remarks.

Tsiolkovky’s proclamations on EP may have beenread by a handful of contemporaries, Kondratyuk’sby even less, and Goddard’s by practically no oneexcept those who, decades later, read his personalnotebooks and re-examined his patents. In contrast,Oberth’s 1929 book was a bible for an entire gen-eration of serious and amateur space enthusiasts34.It brought EP simultaneously into the minds of sci-ence fiction writers and scientists. While it imme-diately took roots in the writings of the former, ittook decades for the minds of the latter to digest andevolve it. Indeed, the next milestone on the road ofEP’s scientific development does not occur until morethan 15 years after the publication of Oberth’s book.(This statement is strictly correct only if we limit our-selves, to EP’s predominant variant throughout allits early years: electrostatic acceleration.) However,there was a notable parenthesis in this early historyand one that was to be a harbinger of the successionof ingenious concepts in which electric power is har-nessed for spacecraft propulsion, that mark the laterchapters of EP’s history.

This parenthesis was opened by another pioneerof space propulsion, Valentin Petrovich Glushko(1908-1989), who aside from his early work on EP,went on to play a major role in the developmentof the Soviet space program35. Shortly after join-ing Leningrad’s Gas-Dynamics Laboratory in 1929,Glushko embarked on an activity with his co-workersthat led, in the period 1929-1933 to the develop-ment of an electric thruster prototype in which thrustwas produced by the nozzled thermal expansion (justas in a standard chemical rocket) of the products ofelectrically exploded wires of metal[28]. Not only wasthis the first electrothermal thruster of any kind,

34A measure of the book’s success is its winning the REP-Hirsch prize co-established by another pioneer of astronautics,the French aeronautical engineer and inventor Robert Esnault-Pelterie (1881-1957).

35On May 15, 1929 Glushko joined Leningrad’s Gas-Dynamics Laboratory (GDL) and organized a subdivision todevelop electric and liquid rockets and engines[27]. This sub-division grew into a powerful organization (GDL-OKB) whichhe led from 1946 to 1974 and which was a primary devel-oper of rocket engines in the Soviet Union. From 1974 to1989, Glushko led NPO Energia whose role in establishing thesupremacy of Soviet launchers is paramount.

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but quite likely the first electric thruster to be built,albeit for laboratory use, with spacecraft propulsionin mind as the sole application. It is also likely thefirst electric thruster ever to be tested on a thruststand[29]. That this exploding wire thruster left noprogenies in the modern arsenal of EP devices andthat no other electrothermal thruster was developedfor decades after, should not diminish the historicalsignificance of this early development.

With the closing of this parenthesis in the early1930’s, EP entered a hiatus of more than 15 yearsduring which it appeared only in the science fictionliterature as a scientifically thin but enthralling sim-ulacrum of advanced propulsion for interplanetarytravel. It is not difficult to speculate on the reasonsfor this hiatus. First and foremost, the vigorous de-velopment of EP concepts would have been prema-ture before the chemical rockets needed to launchspacecraft from earth had become a reality. Sec-ond, the prospect, then the reality, of WWII madeEP with its minute thrust levels of no relevance tomilitary applications. Third, unlike chemical rocketswhich can be tested in the atmosphere, the realm ofelectric thrusters is the vacuum of space, and simula-tion of that vacuum, to say nothing of the complex-ities of the required auxiliary subsystems, were notwithin the reach of most laboratories. Thus, chemicalrocketry almost exclusively dominated the interest ofpropulsion scientists and engineers in the thirties andforties.

The next time we encounter a mention of EP inthe international scientific literature is at the closeof the war in a short and qualitative article in theDecember 1945 issue of the Journal of the Ameri-can Rocket Society[30]. There, a young engineeringstudent, Herbert Radd, looked aspiringly to a futureof space conquest with solar power, ion propulsion,space suits and other dreams that only shortly be-fore would have seemed frivolous to a planet steppingout of a nightmare. If the article is thin on techni-cal substance36, it is full of the exuberance and hope

36The relevant passage is only a brief paragraph but, in fair-ness, we should give Radd the credit of thinking of an ionrocket in which a highly ionized gas is first formed then ionsare extracted and accelerated as a beam; an accelerator that re-sembles more the modern ion thruster than the “electric wind”

of a new generation determined to make spacefaringa reality37. In it, the name “ion rocket” was firstcoined. A new era for electric propulsion was dawn-ing –that of the pioneers.

2 The Era of Pioneers: 1946-1956

The first forty years of the history of EP definedan era of bold and broad brushstrokes by visionarymen who may seem to us now too quixotic with theirstream of ideas to worry about the fine points of theirimplementation. It was time, during the followingdecade, to flesh out these originative ideas with care-ful analysis and quantitative conceptualization. Thishad become possible with the relative maturity ofthe relevant scientific fields (physics of gas discharges,atomic physics, quantum mechanics, special relativ-ity, materials science, electrical engineering, etc. . . . ).It was, however, still not the era of EP experimenta-tion and dedicated groups of investigators, but rathera period when a few individual scientists took it uponthemselves to champion a field whose time on centerstage was yet to come. One must not forget thatat the outset of that era the orbiting spacecraft wasstill a speculation, and by its close, still not a reality.Therefore, to some extent, the foresight of these pio-neers can be hypothetically likened to the precogni-tion of those working on the problems of jet-poweredsupersonic flight before the first powered airplane hadflown.

If there was a single individual that personified thecharacteristics needed to link the earlier era of vi-sionaries to the later age of developers, it was un-doubtedly Ernst Stuhlinger38 (1913-). He possessed

devices conceived by Goddard and Oberth.37The article ends with the almost oracular pronouncement:

“Other walls of difficulties shall place themselves in the pathof progress, but with the inevitability comparable to life anddeath, science will hurdle these impedances until we finallyreach the greatest of all man’s goals: The Conquest of Space”.

38Born in Niederrimbach Germany in 1913, Stuhlinger re-ceived a doctorate in physics at age 23 from the Universityof Tuebingen. He became an assistant professor at the BerlinInstitute of Technology and continued research on cosmic raysand nuclear physics until 1941 when he served with the Ger-

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the prerequisite connection to the forbearers of EPto take their ideas seriously, the education, intellectand ingenuity to develop and expound these ideaswith the highest scientific standards, and the acu-men, discipline and scholarship needed to documentthese findings in classic publications that would bestudied by practically all contemporary and futureEP workers.

The mantle was passed on from visionary (Oberth)to pioneer (Stuhlinger) in 1947 at the Army CampFort Bliss in Texas with non-other than Wernher vonBraun as the catalytic instigator. After feeling re-luctance on the part of his colleague to look intoOberth’s ideas on “electric spacechip propulsion”,von Braun goaded Stuhlinger by saying[31, p. vii]

Professor Oberth has been right with somany of his early proposals; I wouldn’t be abit surprised if one day we flew to to Marselectrically!

But before Stuhlinger published his first article onEP in 1954 there were a few developments that wereto inspire him and set the path for his work. The firstamong these was a paper, Zur Theorie der Raketen(On the Theory of Rockets)[32], authored by JakobAckeret39 (1898-1981) and published in 1946, whichalthough it never mentioned electric propulsion nordealt with it explicitly, it had a great influence on themind of the 33-year old pioneer. Ackeret’s paper pre-sented a long-overdue generalization of Tsiolkovky’s

man army on the Russian front. He was then transferred tothe Peenemunde rocket research center where he became aleading member of the German rocket development team. Af-ter the war he came to the United States in 1946 with Wh-erner von Braun and other German rocket specialists, as partof Project Paperclip, to work, first at the U.S. Army at FortBliss, Texas, where he test-fired captured German V-2 missilesfor the Army, then starting in 1950, at the Army’s RedstoneArsenal in Huntsville Alabama. He received the ExceptionalCivilian Service Award for his part in the launch of Explorer1 and after the Marshall Space Center was formed in 1960,became its Associate Director of Science. He retired in 1976and continues being a champion for space exploration and astrong advocate for a human mission to Mars.

39Jakob Ackeret, a Swiss pioneer of aerodynamics, was oneof the leaders of the theoretical and experimental study of su-personic flows about airfoils and channels. He made majorand fundamental contributions to the fluid mechanics of gasturbines and supersonic flight.

Figure 4: Hermann Oberth (foreground) flankedby Ernst Stuhlinger (left) and Wernher von Braun(right). In the back standing are General HolgerToftoy (left) who commanded the operation of bring-ing German propulsion scientist to the US, and Eber-hard Rees (right) Deputy Director of the Develop-ment Operations Division at the Army Ballistic Mis-sile Agency in Huntsville Alabama. Picture taken inHuntsville in 1956.

rocket equation by including relativistic effects to ex-plore the ultimate limits of rocket propulsion. Therelevance of this derivation to EP was that it consid-ered the case of a vehicle propelled by a rocket whosepower supply is carried on the vehicle. The resultis therefore doubly general as Tsiolkovsky’s rocketequation is recovered when the exhaust velocity uex

is small compared to the speed of light c and whenthe power supply mass is made to vanish (this casewould then correspond to that of a standard chemi-cal rocket). While the paper focused on the reduction(from the classically predicted value) of the terminalvelocity of the vehicle when uex is a significant frac-tion of c, what caught Stuhlinger’s attention was abrief calculation of the exhaust velocity that leads tothe maximum vehicle terminal velocity and, in par-

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ticular the demonstration that the corresponding ra-tio of the propellant mass to the total initial massapproaches a constant (which Ackeret calculates tobe approximately 4). This result indicated to Stuh-linger that EP-propelled vehicles lend themselves towell-defined optimizations –a topic to which he wouldlater devote a whole chapter in his 1964 classic “IonPropulsion”[31] (and in which he showed that theaforementioned ratio is 3.92 and, more importantly,that it is independent of the energy conversion factorand any other parameter of the propulsion system).

While chemical rocket research was flourishingthrough the vigorous post-war R&D programs thatsprung up in the United States and the Soviet Union,EP was still in the same cocoon where Oberth hadplaced it in 1929, waiting quietly for the pioneers tohatch it. A measure of this disparity can be gleanedfrom a review[33] of the state of the art of rocketpropulsion, published in 1947, in which, after morethan a dozen and a half pages extolling the progressin chemical propulsion, EP is dismissed in a mereparagraph on the grounds that

. . . the energy required to separate the raw“fuel” into ions suitable for accelerationaway from the rocket would be rather large,and this energy would be wasted. At thepresent time the intensity of the beams ofcharged particles from existing acceleratorsis far too small to furnish any appreciablethrust.

While both of these statements were true, andin fact remain so even today, they ironically markthe eve of the great dawning of electric propul-sion, which we can confidently mark the date ofthat dawn as March 1949 when the Journal of theBritish Interplanetary Society published the fourthinstallment[34] of a series of articles titled “TheAtomic Rocket” by the British physicists L.R. Shep-herd and A.V. Cleaver40.

In the previous three installments of that work[35,36, 37] (published in September, November 1948 and

40Shepherd was a nuclear physicist at the Cavendish Lab-oratory and Cleaver became the head of Rolls Royce RocketDivision.

January 1949), which constitute a ground-breakingtreatise in the field of nuclear thermal propulsion,Shepherd and Cleaver expounded authoritatively onthe requirements and prospects of rockets which usenuclear fission energy to heat their propellants. Theyconcluded that, until the advent of nuclear fuels withmore favorable properties, materials with exception-ally high mechanical strength and melting point, andreactor designs with advanced heat transfer meth-ods, the prospects of nuclear thermal rockets wouldremain dim. This impasse proved felicitous for theevolution of EP, as the authors then turned their at-tention, in the fourth and last installment, from whatthey called the “thermodynamic” scheme (which theyreckoned could a best produce an exhaust velocity of10 km/s) to the electric one. If using the nuclear coreto directly heat the propellant was fraught with manydifficulties, what about using it to generate electricpower to accelerate the propellant electrostatically?

Shepherd and Cleaver’s study did not deal withaspects of ion rocket41 design, although it did envi-sion an electrostatic accelerator that would producean exhaust ion beam (as in the modern version), asopposed to an exhaust with a stream in which chargehas been injected (as imagined by the early visionar-ies). Instead it presented the first quantitative anal-ysis of the feasibility of electrostatic propulsion forinterplanetary missions42, and marked a number ofnotable accomplishments:

1. It articulated the antagonism, inherent to EP,between the power supply (and power rejec-tion) mass penalty that must be paid to producethrust at high exhaust velocities and the propel-lant mass penalty that would be incurred by a(high-thrust) vehicle with low exhaust velocity(as we discussed in Footnote 21). It then pointedout that for missions in field-free space or stableorbits, the required acceleration would be lowenough to render, in principle, the high exhaust

41In the same paper the authors also coined the term “ionrocket” and seemed unaware of the recent appearance of thatterm in Radd’s paper[30].

42It presented the first, albeit general, published scenariosfor EP-based interplanetary travel whereby chemical propul-sion is used for high-gravity portions of the trajectory and EPfor the rest.

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velocity (10-100 km/s) of the ion rocket admis-sible, even desirable. After establishing that ionpropulsion was admissible the authors proceededto evaluate if it was possible.

2. It unambiguously established the desirability ofa propellant with high atomic weight by recog-nizing that high current is far more burdensomethan high voltage (cf. Footnote 22).

3. It recognized the essential role of beam neutral-ization and anticipated correctly that it could beeffectively accomplished with electrons ejectedfrom an auxiliary heated cathode or a similarsource.

With the above accomplishments the obstacles (enu-merated on page 7) that had obstructed the concep-tualizations of the early visionaries were removed,once and for all.

Where the study fell short, however, was in its finalverdict on the feasibility of ion propulsion. Althoughobviously enchanted by its possibilities, Shepherd andCleaver concluded, albeit reluctantly43, that the ionrocket was too impractical in view of the massivepower requirements it demanded. It is worthwhile,in the spirit of our critical historical review, to exam-ine how such a dismissal was arrived at.

The key to understanding this conclusion lies inthe authors’ calculation of the power per unit vehi-cle mass, p, required to effect an acceleration, a, of0.01 gravity to a space vehicle using an ion rocketwith an exhaust velocity, uex, of 100 km/s. This issimply given by the formula44 p = auex/2η, which,

43Faced with the exorbitant calculated mass of the mechan-ical machinery needed to convert the heat of the nuclear coreinto the electricity required to power the ion engine, the au-thors, in a last effort to salvage the promise of ion propulsion,looked into a far-fetched alternative of using the particle ki-netic energy of the nuclear reaction to directly generate theaccelerating electrostatic field.

44 Since the required power is P = mu2ex/2η = Tuex/2η =

Mvauex/2η (where Mv is the vehicle mass and we have usedT = muex = Mva) we have, for the power per unit accel-erated vehicle mass, p ≡ P/Mv = auex/2η. Furthermore,the voltage for electrostatic acceleration can be calculated,once the propellant (atomic mas mi) is chosen, by solving

uex =√

2eV/mi for V and the corresponding current per

unit vehicle mass, i, from i = p/V = auex/2ηV . Finally,

even for a thrust efficiency of unity, yields the ex-orbitant estimate of 5 kW/kg. Not surprisingly, amulti-ton interplanetary vehicle with such a propul-sion system could not be deemed feasible. However,had Shepherd and Cleaver set their ambitions muchlower, say, on a 500 kg robotic spacecraft requiringonly an acceleration of 10−5 gravity, they would havefound (using the same relations in their paper orequivalently those in Footnote 44) that even a 70%-efficient ion engine, using xenon with uex = 30 km/scould accomplish a quite useful interplanetary, albeitrobotic, mission (increment its velocity by 3 km/sover a year) while consuming a mere 50 kg of pro-pellant and about 1 kW of power (at a beam currentof 1.75 A). In other words, they could have antici-pated a mission very much like Deep Space 1 thatwas launched half a century later, flew by two as-teroids and a comet, and was a resounding success.Therefore, their negative verdict was due to their as-sumption of an unfavorably high required vehicle ac-celeration of 0.01 gravity.

Luckily for the evolution of EP, a verdict oppo-site to that of Shepherd and Cleaver was arrived atby another pioneer, the American astrophysicist Ly-man Spitzer45 (1914-1997) who, two years later, in apaper read before the Second International Congresson Astronautics in September of 1951, found thation propulsion was perfectly feasible. As he ex-plained in a footnote to the journal version of thatpaper[38], published in 1952, his opposite verdictstemmed from his assumption of a required vehicle

the propellant mass flow rate per unit vehicle mass, m′, issimply m′ ≡ m/Mv = T/Mvuex = a/uex. For the ex-ample in Shepherd and Cleaver’s paper (a = 0.01 gravity,uex = 100 km/s, and mercury propellant), the above rela-tions yield, p ≈ 5 kw/kg, V = 10.4 kV, i = .47 A/kg andm′ ≈ 1 mg/s/kg.

45A pioneer on many fronts and a leading astrophysicist,Spitzer championed fusion research in the US, authored theplasma physics classic “Physics of Fully Ionized Gases”, madesubstantial contributions to the understanding of stellar dy-namics and, a decade before the launch of the first satel-lite, proposed the development of a space-based telescope thatwould not be hindered by Earth’s atmosphere. He is also rec-ognized as the father of the Hubble Space Telescope to whoseadvocacy, design and development, he contributed immensely.In December of 2003 NASA’s Space Infrared Telescope Facilitywas renamed the Spitzer Space Telescope in his honor.

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acceleration (a ≈ 3×10−4g) that was “some 30 times”less than that assumed by Shepherd and Cleaver46.

Spitzer, at the time of his 1951 presentation, wasan outsider to astronautics and was not aware ofOberth’s influential book, the fourth paper of Shep-herd and Cleaver, nor of any previous thoughts on ionpropulsion. It was, in fact, L.R. Shepherd himselfwho later attracted his attention to these works47.Despite Spitzer’s lack of concern for the priority ofhis ideas48, he should be credited for at least twocontributions to EP’s history. First, his contrastingevaluation of the feasibility of ion propulsion openeda door to ion propulsion that could have been closedfor a long time by Shepherd and Cleaver’s less propi-tious evaluation. Second, although the space-chargelimited current law had been known from the workof C.D. Child[40] and I. Langmuir[41] for about fortyyears, it was Spitzer who first applied it to calcu-late the general design parameters of an ion rocket49.He also proposed the thruster’s ion accelerating po-tential to be set up by “two fine-mesh wire screens”placed a small distance apart, and he emphasized thenecessity of beam neutralization, which he suggestedcould be effected through thermionic electron emis-sion from the outer screen.

Although Spitzer’s may well be the earliest quan-titative description of a “gridded” ion thruster in theliterature, it is worthwhile to mention that EP’s pio-neers were, by that date, benefitting from significantadvances during the 1940s in the development of ion

46 Although Spitzer assumed this value, like Shepherd andCleaver did theirs, without a priori rationalization, he wasjustified a posteriori a year later by Tsien[39] whose work onlow-thrust trajectories showed that even lower accelerations(10−5g) could be used in effecting useful orbital maneuvers inacceptable time.

47See Footnote 3 of ref. [38].48He stated[38]:“The chief purpose of this paper is not to

claim priority for any ideas but to focus attention on whatpromises to be the most practical means for interplanetaryflight in the near future”.

49Spitzer chose nitrogen for propellant for its then supposedabundance in planetary atmospheres. For an interplanetaryspaceship with an acceleration of 3×10−4g he calculated, usingthe same relations presented in Footnotes 22 and 44, the follow-ing design parameters for an ion rocket with uex = 100 km/s:a power level of 1.5 MW, a voltage of 730 V across a gap of1 mm and a current of 2 kA from a beam area of 7.2 squaremeters.

sources for atomic and molecular beam work. Theseincluded the development of efficient sources such asthe so-called Finkelstein ion source[42] in 1940, otherhigh-current steady-state sources[43, 44, 45] and evenelectrodeless high-frequency sources[46] in the late1940s. When introducing his ideas on ion propul-sion, Spitzer acknowledged[38] that “the productionof intense ion currents ha[d] been extensively studiedin the past decade”.

Citations to laboratory ion source work from thatera abound in a 1952 paper[47] by the British sci-entist H. Preston-Thomas in which an EP systemconsisting of a large array of ion “guns” was cho-sen as the enabling technology for a fission-poweredplanetary “tug-boat” that would bring to Earth orbitrare metals from extra-terrestrial sources. Althoughthis work, like its antecedents, did not yet describein any detail the design of ion engines, it is of his-torical relevance because of a number of enlightened,even if qualitative, projections: It foresaw the im-portance of grid erosion by impinging ions, the roleof charge-to-mass ratio distribution in performance,and the benefits of using radio-frequency (RF) elec-trodeless discharges as ionization sources50. The lat-ter idea anticipated the presently well-established EPvariant: RF ion thrusters.

Before we follow these germinal ideas to their bur-geoning in the work of Stuhlinger we should mentiontwo contemporary advancements that were made inthe new field of low-thrust trajectory analysis. Al-though a review of this ancillary field will remainoutside our main focus, these early milestones de-serve a place in our story as they were instrumentalin establishing the veracity of EP’s claims of feasibil-ity and superiority. In 1950, G.F. Forbes publishedan abridged version[49] of his MIT Masters’ thesisin the Journal of the British Interplanetary Societyand started in earnest the field of low-thrust trajec-tory analysis. Forbes’ paper showed, for the firsttime, how low-thrust space vehicles can accomplishcertain space maneuvers more efficiently than their

50Another equally ambitious conceptual designer of super-spaceships, D.C. Romick, published a design for a 1000-tonion-beam propelled spaceship in a 1954 paper[48] whose mainrelevance to our historical review is that it contained the firstreference to the problem of beam divergence.

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high-thrust counterparts. This was followed, in 1953,by H.S. Tsien[39] whose low-thrust orbital mechanicswork (cf. Footnote 46) vindicated Spitzer’s adoptionof the low (10−4 gravity) vehicle acceleration that hadled him to reclaim the feasibility of ion propulsion.

By 1954 the stage was set for Stuhlinger to launchthe field of EP on a trajectory of continuous de-velopment and sophistication. His first paper[50],published that year, differed starkly from all pre-vious publications on the subject in its depth, de-tail, and the extent of the lasting contributions itmade. The paper presented a holistic design of anelectrically-propelled spaceship including details ofthe ion thruster and the power supply (turbo-electricgenerators driven by a solar concentrator), and rulesfor performance optimization. In it we see for the firsttime a number of new ideas, rules of thumb, and de-sign guidelines that would become central in the field.In particular, he introduced and showed the impor-tance of the specific power as an essential parameterfor EP analysis; he demonstrated that for given spe-cific power and mission requirements there is an opti-mum exhaust velocity; he showed that the charge-to-mass ratio of the particles should be as low as possibleto minimize the beam size (see Footnote 22); he advo-cated the suitability of the contact ionization processto produce ions and pointed out the advantages of al-kali atoms, in particular cesium; and calculated thation propulsion, even with the contemporary state oftechnologies, could lead to vehicle acceleration levels(10−4g) that recent low-thrust trajectory studies haddeemed useful.

That paper, and two following[51, 52] publishedin 1955 and 1956 in which Stuhlinger described asimilar vehicle but with a more advantageous nuclearreactor, mark the culmination of an era in which themain goal was to evaluate the feasibility of EP51. Thisconceptually demonstrated feasibility would now takeion propulsion from an intellectual pastime of a few

51Belonging to the same era is the work of D.B. Langmuirand J.H. Irving of the Ramo-Wooldridge Corporation (which isthe “RW” of the TRW corporation formed later in 1958 whenRamo-Wooldridge merged with Thompson Products Companyof Cleveland, Ohio), published only in limited-release technicalreports[53, 54]. In that work we encounter for the first timethe idea of using a variable exhaust velocity to optimize theperformance of en electrically propelled vehicle[31].

prescient scientists, almost all of whom, incidentally,never ventured again into the field of EP52, to a seri-ous and vibrant technological and scientific disciplinewith its own dedicated practitioners. It must be said,in that context, that Stuhlinger was the first and, formore than a decade, the leading figure among theseprofessional EP specialists. He thus played both therole of a pioneer at the conclusion of an era of concep-tual exploration, and that of a leading investigator inthe following era of development.

3 Some Concluding Commentson the First Fifty Years

There are a few aspects of the history of EP up to1956 that are worth emphasizing:

First, even the more analytical contributions weremainly concerned with the feasibility of EP ratherthan with detailed aspects of the devices. This is ofcourse to be expected given the infancy of astronau-tics and related technologies at that time.

Second, with the exception of Glushko and his ex-ploding wire electrothermal thruster, the focus of theearly EP practitioners was almost exclusively on theelectrostatic branch of electric propulsion. This canbe traced to EP’s roots in cathode ray physics whosesteady-state gaseous discharges, with their enigmaticmonochromatic glow, captivated many of the bestminds of the late nineteenth century, and cast theirspell, with reports of electrostatically produced highparticle velocities, on the imagination of EP’s progen-itors. Experimental magnetohydrodynamics (and itscorollary, electromagnetic acceleration of plasmas),on the other hand, did not fully emerge until the sec-ond half of the last century.

Third, the primary concern of the early EP vision-aries and pioneers was with the prospect of human-piloted interplanetary travel, which remained the rai-son d’etre of EP. Perhaps the restless imagination ofthese men could not foresee the value of the relativelymore sedentary near-Earth commercial satellites androbotic missions or, more likely, were not so much

52This statement applies to Goddard, Oberth, Shepherd,Cleaver, Spitzer and Preston-Thomas.

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inspired by them53. Perhaps some of this bias canbe traced to the science fiction and fantasy literature(especially of Jules Verne) that sparked much of theearly thought on modern rocketry. It seems unlikelythat the minds of these men in their youth couldhave been equally captured by stories of space explo-ration with no human explorers. This predilection forhuman-centered exploration, along with the post-warpromise of nuclear fission, colored the conceptualiza-tion of EP as the domain of massive nuclear-powered,human-piloted spaceships with initial masses of hun-dreds of tons and power levels of many megawatts.It was only with the advent of solar cells and therelatively mundane interests in commercial telecom-munications and military surveillance brought aboutby the prosperity and paranoia of the cold-war erathat the sights were lowered and EP ushered into itslater eras of acceptance and application.

Fourth, over the first half-century of the history ofEP, there was a virtual absence of dominant institu-tions54 vis-a-vis individuals. This can be attributedto the same reasons as the bias for human-pilotedspaceships. While the development and maturity ofEP would later result from the collective efforts ofworkers in various institutions, the first more leisurelyfive decades will always be recalled as the dominionof far-sighted individuals such as Goddard, Oberth,Shepherd, Cleaver, Spitzer and Stuhlinger.

Acknowledgments I am grateful to a numberof individuals for their invaluable help: ProfessorRobert G. Jahn of Princeton University, for carefullyreading the manuscript and suggesting a number ofcorrections and changes that greatly improved its ac-curacy and readability. Mr. Mott Linn, Librarian atthe Clark University Archives, where many of God-dard’s original manuscripts are kept, for supplyingme with copies of the relevant pages of Goddard’s

53An evidence that tends to support the second half of thisargument is the case of Stuhlinger who got to be a witnessto, and a leading participant in, the age of robotic space ex-ploration but remains a vociferous champion for human inter-planetary travel.

54With the possible exception of the USSR’s Gas DynamicsLaboratory.

handwritten notebooks. Professor John Blandino ofthe Worcester Polytechnic Institute, for his help incarrying out on-site searches of those archives, forcontributing a number of corrections and for engag-ing me in insightful and fruitful discussions about thematerial. Mr. Rostislav Spektor for translating pas-sages from Russian sources. Mr. Edward Wladas ofthe Engineering Library at Princeton University, andthe indefatigable staff of the interlibrary loan officethere, for their continuous supply of reference ma-terial. Mrs. Deborah Brown for her cross-Atlanticassistance. Dr. Neal Graneau anf Dr. Paul Smith ofOxford University, for accommodating my sabbaticalstay. The staff of Oxford’s Radcliffe Science Libraryfor their professional help. Professor Ron Daniel andthe Fellows of Brasenose College in Oxford, for theirgracious hospitality. Last but not least I wish tothank Professor Vigor Yang, Chief Editor of the Jour-nal of Propulsion and Power, for his support and pa-tience throughout this project.


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