a critique of recent quantitative and deep-structure modeling in

Critical Finance Review, 2012, 2: 131–172 A Critique of Recent Quantitative and Deep-Structure Modeling in Capital Structure Research and Beyond Ivo Welch ABSTRACT This paper highlights four shortcomings of recent quantitative and deep- structure models in corporate finance: (1) These models have omitted too many plausible forces not based on evidence but based on authors’ priors. (2) The link between their unobserved structures and their reduced-form empirical evidence has been too weak (even orthogonal forces could have affected their inference), (3) The existing tests have largely ignored many important econometric issues, such as selection and survivorship biases. (4) The models have never been held to reasonable test standards, such as performance in quasi-experimental settings. Constructively, my paper offers two primary suggestions: The first is to search for more direct empirical proxies instead of relying on “assumed” first-order conditions. The second is to design quasi-experimental tests of structural models. It illustrates these points in the context of Hennessy and Whited (2005) and Strebulaev (2007). I thank seminar participants at Duke, Washington, USC, UCLA, MIT, and the AEA meetings. I also especially thank Josh Angrist, Patrick Bolton, Alon Brav, Michael Brennan, Chris Hennessy, David Hirshleifer, Thad Jackson, Ross Levine, Michael Weisbach, Toni Whited, Adriano Rampini, Steve Ross, Yonah Rubinstein, and Lu Zhang for arguing with me over various (even more) flawed drafts of this critique. They helped substantially in improving this paper. I owe special thanks to Chris, Ilya, and Toni, who helped me with various aspects of the paper, and who took my critique in the right spirit. They are scholars and gentle(wo)men. In accordance with their wishes, this draft has not changed to address their own response to avoid a “moving target.” I may write a followup on the web in the future to respond to some of their responses — as may they. ISSN 2164-5744; DOI 10.1561/104.00000006 c 2013 I. Welch

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Critical Finance Review, 2012, 2: 131–172

A Critique of Recent Quantitative andDeep-Structure Modeling in CapitalStructure Research and Beyond∗

Ivo Welch


This paper highlights four shortcomings of recent quantitative and deep-structure models in corporate finance: (1) These models have omitted toomany plausible forces not based on evidence but based on authors’ priors.(2) The link between their unobserved structures and their reduced-formempirical evidence has been too weak (even orthogonal forces could haveaffected their inference), (3) The existing tests have largely ignored manyimportant econometric issues, such as selection and survivorship biases.(4) The models have never been held to reasonable test standards, such asperformance in quasi-experimental settings. Constructively, my paper offerstwo primary suggestions: The first is to search for more direct empiricalproxies instead of relying on “assumed” first-order conditions. The secondis to design quasi-experimental tests of structural models. It illustrates thesepoints in the context of Hennessy and Whited (2005) and Strebulaev (2007).

∗ I thank seminar participants at Duke, Washington, USC, UCLA, MIT, and the AEA meetings. I alsoespecially thank Josh Angrist, Patrick Bolton, Alon Brav, Michael Brennan, Chris Hennessy, DavidHirshleifer, Thad Jackson, Ross Levine, Michael Weisbach, Toni Whited, Adriano Rampini, Steve Ross,Yonah Rubinstein, and Lu Zhang for arguing with me over various (even more) flawed drafts of thiscritique. They helped substantially in improving this paper. I owe special thanks to Chris, Ilya, andToni, who helped me with various aspects of the paper, and who took my critique in the right spirit.They are scholars and gentle(wo)men. In accordance with their wishes, this draft has not changedto address their own response to avoid a “moving target.” I may write a followup on the web in thefuture to respond to some of their responses — as may they.

ISSN 2164-5744; DOI 10.1561/104.00000006c© 2013 I. Welch

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Two macroeconomic papers have had great influence on moderneconomics. Lucas (1976) critiqued that reduced-form models can be use-less for macroeconomic policy evaluation. He pointed out that such inter-ventions, a type of counterfactuals, may require analysis of the model inits deeper micro-foundations (the structure) and not in its reduced form.(Of course, incorrect deep-structure models are as susceptible to instabilityas reduced-form models.) Mehra and Prescott (1985) showed that simplemodels could fit the equity premium only qualitatively but not quantita-tively. It pointed out that research should conduct at least basic calibrationsto appraise whether a model can explain a phenomenon. Although deep-structure and quantitative modeling need not be linked, in practice, theyfrequently are.

Econometrics has also progressed over the last decades. In particular, ithas become clear that identification problems — the confusion in empir-ical work about what variables are endogenous and what variables areexogenous (Leamer, 1983) — can be reduced by focusing on what isnow called quasi-experimental methods (Angrist and Pischke, 2008). Thesemethods investigate the evidence in situations in which researchers canidentify shocks as “exogenously caused” based on economics. For example,instead of the overall correlation between taxes and capital structure, quasi-experimental research may investigate how a sudden change in federal taxrates influences changes in the capital structures of firms of which the netincome is either just above vs just below the border where they are taxed.Quasi-experiments can be viewed as examples of realized counterfactualsin Lucas’ sense.

Deep-structure and quantitative models have been commanding anincreasing market share of theoretical corporate finance. Examples ofstructural quantitative models in corporate finance are Leland (1994),Leland (1998), Leland and Toft (1996), Goldstein et al. (2001), Hennessyand Whited (2005), Ju et al. (2005), Hennessy and Whited (2007),Strebulaev (2007), Titman and Tsyplakov (2007), and DeAngeloet al. (2010b). My paper offers a critical perspective on this quantitativeand structural modeling trend in corporate finance. One can disagree aboutmodel esthetics, such as the tradeoffs between complexity, realism, andsimplicity, especially when it comes to merely highlighting comparativestatics and intuition. But there should be little disagreement that existingquantitative and deep-structure models in corporate finance have the

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following shortcomings:

1. Although built on plausible forces, they have ignored many other plausi-ble forces not based on the data but based on their authors’ priors.

2. The reduced form of structural models that is put to the data often mapsinto a vast number of plausible alternative explanations that are con-sistent with the same reduced-form findings. This is particularly prob-lematic in structural models, because even forces orthogonal with theunderlying hypothesized structural forces can distort their inference(Section The gap between the theory and the evidence is sounusually large because the model tests lean heavily on inversions ofstructural first-order conditions, often linking entirely different kinds ofvariables together. My paper argues that, in the corporate finance con-text, direct empirical proxies for structural variables can often be found,and direct variables are likely to yield better tests.

3. Their tests have largely ignored other econometric issues of importancein the corporate finance context, such as selection biases, survivorshipbiases, controls, and so on.

4. The models have not been held to appropriately high test stan-dards (in-difference estimation, quasi-experimental identification, out-of-sample prediction), and few tests have allowed for good alternativeexplanations.

My paper elaborates on these points in great detail. To illustrate the argu-ments, I critique two prominent models: Hennessy and Whited (2005) andStrebulaev (2007). I argue that they convey a confidence that is not justifiedby an objective evaluation of the evidence. However, my points are not spe-cific but broad. I argue that it is unlikely that any models in their vein arelikely to succeed anytime soon. To be clear, many papers built on simplerapproaches suffer from many of these weaknesses as well. However, I arguethat the shortcomings are less likely to be overcome in state-of-the-art mod-els in the Hennessy and Whited (2005) and Strebulaev (2007) approachthan they are likely to be overcome in state-of-the-art models using simplerapproaches.

Some of my points echo similar ones made independently in recentcritiques by Angrist and Pischke (2010) and Caballero (2010). Angristand Pischke argue that structural models have failed badly in industrialorganizations and labor economics, and propose that the alternative of

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“design-based” empirical studies (including quasi-experimental designs)has offered real tests of economic forces and causality even for the mostsimple of models. My paper shares some of their perspectives. However,besides the domain and application differences, I argue (1) that the modelscan be better tested by searching for direct proxies (in lieu of the relianceon inverted first-order conditions in many current tests), and (2) thatstructural models and quasi-experimental approaches are not substitutesbut complements — the predictions of quantitative and structural modelscan and should be tested in quasi-experimental settings against reasonablealternatives. This means that one approach does not preclude the other.Caballero (2010) also laments similar issues and the general state of affairsin macroeconomics, writing “We are too far from absolute truth to be sospecialized and to make the kind of confident quantitative claims that oftenemerge from the core.”

My paper now proceeds as follows. In Section 1, I describe the basicresearch challenges in corporate finance in general and capital structure inspecific. In Section 2, I describe a premier deep-structure model in corporatefinance, Hennessy and Whited (2005), and critically reevaluate the empir-ical evidence in its favor. In Section 3, I do the same for a premier quanti-tative model, Strebulaev (2007). In Section 4, I contrast their assessmentsagainst my own. In Section 5, I explain why some areas of asset-pricing, inwhich there are strong arbitrage conditions (especially derivatives pricingrelative to the underlying equity pricing), are better suited to the approach,while other areas (especially equity pricing) share many of the problemsof corporate finance. Section 6 concludes and speculates how research incorporate finance could progress.

1 Corporate Finance

Corporate finance is the study of the behavior of corporations. It faces bothcommon and unique research challenges. This section gives an overview.

It is not uncommon that dozens of economic hypotheses are tryingto explain the same phenomenon. The hypotheses are rarely exclusive.Researchers rarely start from the same priors and rarely agree on thefirst-order effects. The publication process often favors advocacy for aparticular economic force rather than an evaluation of relative strengths and

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weaknesses. There are few papers that attempt to reconcile the evidencefrom multiple earlier papers.

The empirical evidence itself is often “murky.” Sometimes, the evidenceis sensitive with respect to the sample, the controls, or the specification.Frequently, the research explains only a small fraction of the variance of thedependent variable of interest.

In contrast to some areas of asset pricing, there are few real-world arbi-trage constraints that would allow third parties to force rational behav-ior onto non-value optimizing corporations. Staggered boards, poison pills,and other mechanisms can allow managers to isolate themselves effectivelyfrom any hostile external forces. Even when not in place, the takeover pre-mium required to unseat management is often greater than the value con-sequences of poor corporate policies. This suggests that Darwinian selectionprocesses are weak. Nevertheless, some corporate finance theories attributean unconflicted hyper-rationality to managers that contrasts starkly withmanagers’ generally more heuristic and conflicted decision-making process.

Although there is a large number of firms in the cross-section, the datafrequency in corporate finance is also usually fairly low, with annual databeing most common. Depending on the topic of the study, data availabil-ity can be spotty and induce selection biases. When firms disappear mid-year (and they do so on average after 10 years), financial statement datafrom their final fiscal year is rarely available. This can lead to survivorshipbiases. Other common problems that plague empirical research in corporatefinance are strong firm-size effects that are not fully understood, residualheterogeneity across firms and industries, multicollinearity, and errors invariables due to proxy measurement problems.

On the positive side, corporations are subject to many observable “naturalexperiments” that can be viewed as exogenous from firms’ perspectives. Forexample, U.S. firms have frequently been subject to tax changes, regulatorychanges, aggregate or idiosyncratic technology shocks, changes in externalfinancing availability (for example, in 2008), personnel deaths, and so on,all of which have been ingredients in some corporate finance models.

To animate these points, my paper now focuses on one concrete subfield,capital structure. However, the reader should remain cognizant that theissues covered readily carry over into other areas of corporate finance (andbeyond).

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1.1 Capital Structure Theories

Perhaps the most important question in the capital structure literature ishow leverage ratios come about.1,2 Modigliani and Miller (1958) showedthat capital structure is not an important choice under fairly strong perfectmarket conditions. However, these conditions do not hold in the real world.Therefore, many papers have argued that capital structure choice can bevalue-relevant. Under the additional assumption that corporations or man-agers optimize, they should choose specific capital structures.

A sampling of forces includes:

Deadweight distress costs favor equity because equity holders cannotforce the firm into financial distress. Sometimes, this is made specific.For instance, Roberts and Sufi (2009) identify the propensity of firmsto enter financial distress by the distance from bond covenants.

Corporate taxes favor debt because the interest is tax-deductible (forexample, Graham, 1996).

First put forth by Robichek and Myers (1966), a “tax vs. distress costs”tradeoff has been the workhorse capital-structure theory. If managers areunconflicted and maximize firm value, the tax-distress cost tradeoff can leadto an optimal leverage ratio. Other proposed explanations include:

Adverse selection favors debt because the negative signal when firms issuelower-priority securities renders them more expensive. (Adverse selec-tion is also the main ingredient in the pecking-order theory in Myersand Majluf, 1984.)

Risk shifting favors equity because creditors may demand too manyrestrictions on corporate flexibility (Parrino and Weisbach, 1999).

Unmitigated agency concerns favor equity, especially when corporategovernance is weak because managers prefer less pressure and theopportunity to build empires.

1 There are more nuanced views of this question. For example, Rauh and Sufi (2010) argue that thisis too narrow a question, because firms also have substantial variation in the types of debt theycarry. Others, such as DeAngelo et al. (2010a) or DeAngelo et al. (2010b), have argued that capitalstructure should be viewed together with project choice. This perspective is also adopted in Welch(2008, Chapter 21), which considers firm-scale and capital structure jointly.

2 Explaining capital structure is different from explaining corporate issuing behavior and/or payoutpolicy. For example, Welch (2011) shows that the correlation between equity issuing activity andleverage ratio changes is close to zero.

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ESOPs favor equity because they can be used as efficient motivators foremployees (Fama and French, 2002).

Credit ratings clientele effects favor equity especially for firms barely orjust ranked investment-grade because an investment-grade ratingis required to attract some institutional investor clienteles (Kisgen,2006).

Tangibility favors debt (Rampini and Vishwanathan, 2010) because itreduces the cost of creditors to recover their collateral.

Some of these are forces that can be derived from other forces. Many othereconomic forces can have situation-specific capital-structure implications.For example:

Frictions (transaction costs to issuing or retiring debt or equity) can inducecorporations to be inert most of the time (Fischer et al., 1989).

Stock returns can induce higher or lower market leverage ratios (Welch,2004). Analogously, operating performance and depreciation rulescan induce higher or lower book leverage ratios.

Timing considerations can induce managers to issue debt or equity whenthey believe that one is cheaper than the other (Baker and Wurgler,2002).

Consensus concerns can induce managers to issue equity when they arein agreement with their investors and debt otherwise (Dittmar andThakor, 2007).

M&A capital needs can induce firms to issue securities as needed to facili-tate acquisitions (Fama and French, 2002).

Peer effects can influence firms to imitate their industry peers when theircapital structures have diverged too much (Welch, 2004; Leary andRoberts, 2009).

Project considerations, as described in DeAngelo et al. (2010a) (cashneeds), DeAngelo et al. (2010b) (lumpy investment), Hennessy andWhited (2005) (productivity), or Shivdasani and Stefanescu (2009)(pension liabilities), can make it relatively more advantageous to issueshort-term securities or long-term securities (of which equity is one).

Crowding out of limited bond buyer demand when government issuesdebt can reduce corporate borrowing (Greenwood et al., 2010).

Precommitments (sinking funds) can favor equity if external financingconditions make it difficult to find equity funding at the time whendebt comes due.

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Hubris may induce firms to take on too much leverage (Roll, 1986;Malmendier and Tate 2005).

Managerial preferences, measurable as the identity of the manager, maycreate an idiosyncratic preference for either debt or equity (Bertrandand Schoar, 2003).

Investment bankers may convince CFOs to shift around their capitalstructures in order to generate fees (and allow the CFOs to lookactive).

Non-optimal behavior could lead firms to follow arbitrary rules, in whichthey may not pay attention to bankruptcy costs, tax benefits, transac-tion costs, and project funding needs, but to something else that mayor may not be reasonable and/or observable. For example, they maytarget a bogie, such as book leverage ratios, even if or when theseare not meaningful for measuring tangible assets or assessing futuredistress costs. Managers could be “asleep at the switch” and readjustwhenever they wake up (or when a heuristic band is violated). If theobjective function is flat, optimal behavior is difficult to distinguishfrom non-optimal behavior.

Many of these economic hypotheses have been published with accompa-nying favorable empirical evidence. This list of influences is of course notexhaustive, nor are the forces mutually exclusive. They may operate simul-taneously. They may influence different firms differently at different times.The influences may be complementary or substitutive. They may be non-linear.

Tests of any of these research theories can be against specific alterna-tive hypotheses or against unspecific null hypotheses. One reasonable nullhypothesis is that firms behave as they did in the past. Another reasonablenull hypothesis is that firms behave randomly, that is, without regard totheir own characteristics. Both null hypotheses are necessary, but not suffi-cient. Beating them are weak tests that any specific theory should be ableto pass.

The next obvious question is how research can choose among forces.Ideally, empirical evidence would allow us to assess the relative impor-tance of all these economic hypotheses, and how they correlate. Subsequentresearch could then make informed choices about which economicforces a useful model of capital structure should include and which it

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can (more or less) ignore. Unfortunately, embedding more than a fewhypotheses within the same modeling framework has proven to be difficult.It is rare.3

The more common research approach is to rely on priors to identify thesubset of forces that are assumed to matter. The choice can be based on eco-nomic intuition, informed by surveys of the individuals that actually decideon the capital structures (Graham and Harvey, 2001), or justified by resultsfrom earlier studies.The maintained assumption in tests with ex-ante vari-able selection is that omitted economic forces are orthogonal to includedmeasured variables. Therefore, ceteris paribus, when a variable is omittedthat has only a weak influence on capital structure, this variable is also lesslikely to affect inference with respect to the force that research is exploring.In the extreme, if a variable is uncorrelated with capital structure and itschanges, and if it is uncorrelated with the independent measured variables,then it has no distortive influence on inference about other forces.

1.2 Other Specification Issues

Empirical capital structure tests also have to struggle with other commonproblems in this domain, such as:

• Empirical proxies are rarely exact theoretical constructs. For example,empiricists can often measure only average values, even though the the-ory calls for marginal values. (Tobin’s Q is a good example.)

• Firm size, for reasons not fully understood, can be an importantdeterminant.

• Industry, for reasons not fully understood, can be an importantdeterminant.

• Time, for reasons not fully understood, can modulate the strengths ofdifferent relations.

3 An early piece that explicitly tested multiple theories together was Titman and Wessels (1988).Shyam-Sunder and Myers (1999) have entertained the pecking order theory as an embedded com-petitor — and promptly found it to perform as well as the tax-distres-friction model. Fama andFrench (2002) test the tradeoff model against the pecking order model; and Huang and Ritter (2009)test the static tradeoff model, a pecking-order model, and the market timing model competitively.Other papers have handled competing explanations implicitly (for example, with fixed effects), usu-ally in order to control for the omission of variables that the researchers are not interested in.

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• Many firms lack the data that is necessary to investigate the target hypoth-esis. The missing data may not be random.

• Public firms last only ten years on average, and final fiscal year data israrely available. Stock-return data and/or a code that describes the reasonfor disappearance between the last reported financial statement and theday of disappearance is available but unfortunately rarely used. Attribut-ing a 100% leverage ratio to firm-years in which stock returns were dismalduring the year but the firm never reported a final financial statementwould be a reasonable check.

• Many “independent” corporate finance variables seem themselvesendogenous.

• Variables may require scaling, though it is not clear whether this shouldbe done by dividing variables by book or market assets, tangible assets,sales, or even net income.

• Many independent variables, especially financial statement metrics, areoften highly correlated, even after firm-size normalization.

• Because leverage ratios are bounded variables with unusual dynamics,a resampling approach (as in Chang and Dasgupta, 2009 and Iliev andWelch, 2010) is necessary to establish the properties of common linearestimators whose properties are often familiar only in the context of nor-mally distributed residuals.

Empirical papers can employ tests to assess whether these issues are impor-tant, and, if they are, attempt to correct for them. For example, they canperform residual diagnostics. This can lead to the inclusion of further con-trol variables, such as firm-size, time measures, industry controls, or fixedeffects. Related to fixed-effect econometric models, some research strategiesfocus principally on estimating differences, not levels.

1.2.1 Isolating managerial capital structure changes

Capital structure theories typically focus on the actions of firms, but lever-age ratio changes (dct, “debt-to-capital, total”) are also influenced by cor-porate performance. A good approach is therefore to take out the part ofleverage changes that is due to corporate performance (which is named dcp,“debt-to-capital passive”), and focus on predicting the remainder (which isnamed dca, “debt-to-capital active”).

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dctt−1,t = Dt

Dt + Et− Dt−1

Dt−1 + Et−1,

dcpt−1,t = Dt−1

Dt−1 + Et−1 · (1 + xt−1,t )− Dt−1

Dt−1 + Et−1, (1)

dcat−1,t = Dt

Dt + Et− Dt−1

Dt−1 + Et−1 · (1 + xt−1,t),

where D is debt, E is equity, and x is the capital gain of equity over the year.dca is the net effect of all managerial debt and equity issuing and repur-chasing activity, including dividends and coupon payments, during the year.A theory of corporate behavior should primarily explain dca, not dct. (Man-agerial actions [dca] can of course respond to performance, too.) More-over, empirical tests with dca instead of dct eliminate not only stock-marketinduced noise but also biases arising from stock-market return regularities(such as the book-to-market effect).4,5

1.3 Empirical Test Approaches

1.3.1 Levels, differences, and quasi-experimental tests

In-Sample Evidence: Early tests in the capital structure literature, such asTitman and Wessels (1988), focused on empirical moments in levels. Theyestablished such regularities as the negative correlation between profitabil-ity and leverage. If the model is correct, an in-sample test uses the datamost efficiently. Moreover, in cases in which the dependent variable is con-ditionally normally distributed (although this is unfortunately not the casefor leverage ratios), there is a well-established econometric toolbox for in-sample tests under linearity assumptions. Of course, if the model does notcontain the correct variables and/or if the specification assumptions are vio-lated, then the inference can be incorrect.

In-Difference Evidence: Level correlations can easily lead to misidentifica-tion — in the Titman and Wessels example, profitability and leverage may

4 Note that a theory could seek to explain on even smaller set of changes, such as equity created byESOPs or equity not created by ESOPs. This would argue for taking out additional components fromdca. However, the procedure of taking out the stock-return induced capital structure change whenevaluating managerial actions is conservative and thus should be uncontroversial.

5 The evidence of poor predictability of dca (reported below) is the same if the rate of return (insteadof the capital gain) is used as the performance measure, and/or if debt-due-within-one-year isremoved. Not surprisingly, the noise is usually even stronger if dct instead of dca is predicted.

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be codetermined by another variable. In particular, simultaneous trendingof variables can suggest spurious correlations that do not exist. To improvelevel tests of capital structure theories, and to reject the null hypothesisthat firms behave like they have always behaved, formulating the model inchanges is more robust. This means that if a stable panel model holds inlevels, it should also hold in differences (y = a + b · x ⇔ �y = b · �x).Suitably adjusted, a test in differences does not present a higher hurdlethan a test in levels for a stable model. Of course, estimation in differencesignores some information that estimation in levels retains, and, with a dif-ferent dependent variable, one cannot expect as high an R2 for a model indifferences as one can expect for a model in levels.

Quasi-Experimental Evidence: However, even regular changes in thedependent and independent variables may be codetermined by an omit-ted variable, and/or the direction of causality may still be the reverse ofwhat was hypothesized. Thus, many recent tests have shifted to quasi-experimental (QE) methods.6 These methods focus on explaining empiri-cal moments in specific difference situations only — unusual circumstancesin which the economics of the situation makes it clear that some inputvariable has experienced a quasi-exogenous shock. Good candidates forquasi-experimental studies are sudden discrete changes in an input variableof interest, especially if it affects different firms differently.7

Before the advent of such quasi-experimental focus, it was oftenconsidered impossible to obtain causality inference empirically, leavingresearchers with only one method to establish causality: strong faith inthe conjectured theory. However, if a quasi-experiment can come close tothe ideal of a randomized double-blind real experiment, it can be almosta direct causality test with respect to the intervention and even without astrong deep underlying model. Of course, the credibility of the empiricaltest depends on the quality of the experiment — and, of course, if the ideal

6 Angrist and Pischke (2010) list the main econometric tools as instrumental variables techniques,regression discontinuities, and diff-in-diff. (Out-of-sample prediction, tests of models in differences,and a focus on natural experiments can be viewed as earlier attempts to deal with the same prob-lems.) Their paper appears in the Journal of Economic Perspectives with comments by Leamer, Sims,Stock, Nevo, and Keane and with a de-facto response by Einav and Levin (2009).

7 Event-studies (Fama et al., 1969) were an early form of quasi-exogenous identification, in whichresearch exploited sharp, unique events. It is usually reasonable to assume that the stock price on agiven day is endogenous to an (exogenous) news release, and not the other way around.

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is not met, then the research still needs to adjust for the influences of othersimultaneous events and other misspecification concerns.

Although the quasi-experimental approach has made empirical analyseswith even verbal theoretical underpinnings more believable, it has alsomade empirical work more difficult and constrained. Quasi-experimentaltests are feasible only when realized counterfactuals can be found. Someauthors, notably Deaton and Heckman, have accused quasi-experimentaleconomics to be driven more by the search for good experiments rather thanby the search for answers to good questions, or the search for first-ordereconomic forces.

Fortunately, a shortage of good theory-relevant available quasi-experiments is not (yet) a problem in corporate finance. There have beenmany identifiable exogenous shocks to the inputs of many corporate financemodels over the last fifty years. For example8:

Taxes changed repeatedly. These changes also affected different firms dif-ferently.9

Transaction costs changed repeatedly.10

Financial distress costs fell in 1986, when prepackaged bankruptciesbegan to appear. In 1994, the bankruptcy code was overhauled.

Productivity changed dramatically in different industries at differenttimes.11

8 Slower changes in many of these variables can allow for in-differences estimations, even thoughthese are more prone to misidentification. For example, the costs of issuing have slowly decreasedover the decades and are higher in bear markets than in bull markets. Productivity shocks mayhave diffused slowly through some industries, and research can exploit different diffusion speeds indifferent industries in different years.

9 For example, Hennessy and Whited (2005) mention one possible experiment: they begin their sam-ple in 1993 because Graham (2000) showed that different tax parameters applied earlier. Thus,the Hennessy-Whited model can be tested based on how its inference changed between pre- andpost-1993 data. Givoly et al. (1992) looked at the 1986 TRA, which is another natural laboratory.

10 For example, on December 1, 2005, the SEC made it easier to do shelf-registrations for firms withmore than $700 million in equity, or firms that have issued more than $1 billion in registered non-convertibles. (This practically invites a discontinuity test approach.) In 2008, the disappearance ofmany investment banks and the differential capital constraints on the surviving investment banksraised the costs of issuing, especially for firms that did not have precommitted credit lines.

11 For example, in the transportation sector, costs fell with the wider introduction of GPS, pagers,mobile email, satellite navigation, and containers. (Again, geographic, firm-specific, and industry-specific heterogeneity further strengthen such tests.) SOX imposed new record-keeping costs onmany firms, reducing productivity for firms just above the threshold (Iliev, 2010). DNA tests andcures (such as antibiotics) appeared at specific times and lowered the costs in particular sectors ofthe healthcare sector. Note also that even when the variables of interest (here productivity) are noteasily measurable, exogenous shocks to them may be much easier.

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Financial constraints during the 2008 financial crisis affected firms differ-ently based on their contractual background (Almeida et al., 2009)and/or based on their existing banking relationships.

There have also been many idiosyncratic exogenous shocks, such as casesin which key personnel suddenly died or became incapacitated.

Quasi-experimental tests also provide an appealing unconditional nullconjecture: Any theory should predict variables better if the known quasi-exogenous shock to the presumed-exogenous variable is not ignored. Thistest is powerful because the model can now be rejected even if “firms behaveas they always have.” A quasi-experimental test is also stronger than asimple in-differences test, because the research should detect changes onlyin a subset of clearly identified cases (years and firms), and not in others.

1.3.2 In-sample and out-of-sample tests

In-sample prediction is often more susceptible to overfitting than out-of-sample prediction. This makes an out-of-sample test a good complement toan in-sample test. Out-of-sample tests lean less on the assumption that themodel is correct, and make it easier to assess how stable and predictivelyuseful a model is. Suitably adjusted for sampling variation and estimationuncertainty, an out-of-sample test does not present a higher hurdle than anin-sample test for a stable model.

Like in-sample tests, out-of-sample tests also make it easy to contrastcompeting models, whether they are nested or competitive. Models can becompared based on a neutral criterion, such as mean-squared-error predic-tion or the proportion of the variance that a set of independent variablescan explain. (The latter also allows ascertaining which variables are moreimportant and first-order and which are not.)

Note that level, differences, and quasi-experimental tests can all be per-formed either in-sample or out-sample. For the latter, the model parameterswould be fit up to the point of the change, and the model would then beused to predict subsequent changes.

2 Structural Modeling

Most of the rest of this paper evaluates two specific models in light of theformidable research challenges in corporate finance that were described in

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the previous section. Hennessy and Whited (2005) is principally a structuralmodel. It leans strongly on its first-order conditions to identify the influ-ence of an unobservable “structural” variable (productivity) on observablevariables (liquidity and capital structure). Hennessy and Whited highlightmostly qualitative implications of the model. Strebulaev (2007), discussedin the next section, is somewhat less structurally and more quantitativelyoriented. Both papers may well be the most prominent ones in their respec-tive genres. Both won Brattle prizes for the best paper in corporate financein the Journal of Finance in their respective years. This makes them excel-lent targets for this critique.

This section discusses structural modeling.12 The main critique hererevolves around the gap between the unobservable theoretical variables andthe observable tested relationships (variables). When variation in an under-lying unobservable variable is used to infer the variation in empirical vari-ables which are very different and potentially subject to other forces — tiedtogether by hypothetical assumed-correct model first-order conditions —the gap can be huge.13

2.1 Unobservable Variables and Test Inference

The main problem when the gap is wide is that multiple underlying modelscan map into the same empirical reduced-form model. The wider the gapbetween the structure and reduced-form, the more the research must leannot only on the structural model itself when interpreting the reduced-formmodel findings but also on the belief that there are no or few plausiblealternative explanations for the same evidence.

2.1.1 Orthogonality and inference

It is worth explain why the well-known irrelevance of orthogonal forcesholds only in the empirical reduced form. For example, consider a scenarioin which there are two possible variables, r (right) and w (wrong), and onedependent variable y. Assume that r and w are orthogonal, r ⊥ w and thatthe true model is

True Model y = r.

w has no influence on y (w ⊥ y).

12 There are a number of possible definitions of structure (see the appendix), but for the purposes here,my paper does not need to take a stance.

13 Of course, large gaps could also be caused by excessive noise in simple empirical proxies.

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Now assume that the researcher incorrectly believes that w could deter-mine y and wants to put this hypothesis to the test. If w is observable, thenthe model is its own empirical reduced-form. The test regression

Estimated Model y = a + b · w

is well known to yield an expected value for b of 0 because w ⊥ r . Theresearcher would correctly reject the wrong model.

Now, assume that there is another observable measure M = f (+r ,


specifically M = w + r , but the researcher’s variable w is not observable(and, of course, the researcher has not thought of r so it is an omitted vari-able). With w unobservable, the researcher’s model is structural in the sensethat it relies on an assumed model relation. (The same inference applies ifM is tied to w and r through a first-order condition.) To favor the researcher,assume that she knows for sure (and does not merely hypothesize) thatM = w + ε, where ε is uncorrelated with w. This is of course correct in theexample (because M = w + r and r ⊥ w). It is easy to verify that the testregression

Estimated Model y = a + b · M

is expected to yield a positive b. The researcher would incorrectly concludethat w influences y and thus accept her model.14 This is the case eventhough w ⊥ r and w ⊥ y. Orthogonality between the true force r andthe incorrect force w is not enough to guarantee the correct inference thatw ⊥ y. Instead, for the inference to be correct, that is to yield the inferencethat w ⊥ y, it must be the case that w ⊥ M. Consequently, “holding otherforces constant” (the boiler-plate ceteris paribus qualifier) means somethingquite different in the structural model than it does in the reduced-formmodel. It means that there is uncorrelatedness of other forces with the mea-sured M, not with the conjectured force of interest r .

This problem is more significant when the gap between the measuredvariable M and the unobserved structural variable coming out of the modelis wide. Call x the variable that the researcher conjectures influences y. Inthe extreme, where the gap is zero, M = x and we are back to the casewhere the researcher observes the model variable. Hence, if the model is

14 This is a Type-1 error. It is easy to construct other examples in which other unobservable uncorrelatedvariables induce Type-2 error instead.

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wrong and y ⊥ M, then E(b) = 0, and the inference is correct. But if thegap is wide, M = x + z, where z is a large wedge between the model proxyand the researcher’s variable x , even with r ⊥ z, any non-zero correlationbetween z and y distorts the inference.

2.1.2 Remedies

By definition, if the research does not measure the underlying structuralvariables, then it is difficult to test empirically (establish based on data ex-post) whether the model was based on the correct but unobserved structure.In the M = r + w example, no econometrics can distinguish whether it wasr or w that determined y. Instead, models that hypothesize about the unob-servable variable (r) must lean hard on the assumptions of the model andon the assumption that there are no other influences on the reduced formspecifications. A test of a structural model is more likely to provide correctinference if it is a priori all but certain that the structure is correct, and thatthere are few alternative forces that could drive a wedge between M and r .In some areas of finance, such as in the pricing of derivative securities, thisis a fairly credible conjecture.

Unfortunately, the correct structure is rarely a priori certain in corporatefinance. In this literature, the structure is often derived from a behavioraltheory’s first-order condition (and often over a fairly flat surface), and cor-porate behavior is not subject to third-party arbitrage. If the strength ofthe relations between observed variables in corporate finance provide anyguidance to the strength of relations between unobservable and observablevariables, these correlations may well often be in the single digits. (Lowexplanatory power of variables will also be apparent in the figures below.)If variables are uncorrelated, and the correlation between r and M is 10%and the correlation between r and y is 10%, then the expected correla-tion between observables M and y would be only 1% if the theory is cor-rect. An optimistic way of interpreting such empirical evidence is that the1% implies much stronger effects between the unobserved variable and theproxies. This will be the inference from inverting conditions — the modelforces would seem quite powerful because of the model’s expected low fit.A pessimistic way to interpret the same evidence is that the same 1% corre-lation has left a 99% gap for other variables (w) to slide in and distort theevidence.

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Cautious corporate finance researchers can consider the following:

Narrowing the gap:15 Ideally, the research would identify as close areduced-form proxy as possible for the structural variable. In manycases, even a bad direct-measure proxy is not only better than nonebut better than an inverted first-order-condition proxy from a behav-ioral hypothesis. In the example, this would suggest searching for adirect measure w + ε, in which the error epsilon is not correlatedwith r .16 In some cases, it may not be possible to find a good proxy fora structural variable, but it may be possible to identify a good proxyfor measurable changes in structural variables.For the specific example of Hennessy and Whited (2005), while cor-porate productivity is difficult (but not impossible) to measure, theintroduction of new technologies as positive shocks to productivityin particular industries is almost surely measurable. If a researcherbelieves the theory to be true, the additional data work should beworth the effort. My paper argues that a test of a productivity-basedtheory with productivity data is more credible than a test of the theorybased on a correlation between liquidity and capital structure.

Increasing test stringency: Research can view evidence in favor of deep-structure models with wide gaps more skeptically. Sometimes, morestringent empirical tests or a higher bar can help. Although no empir-ical test could help distinguish between w and r in my example, inother situations there may well be further functional relationships ormore empirical moments that can reduce the set of alternative theo-ries that can explain the same reduced-form findings.17

Enumerating alternative interpretations: Papers can enumerate plausi-ble alternative explanations for the observed reduced-form relation-ships. If there are too many plausible influences to enumerate, the

15 In econometrics, instrument misspecification is an analogous problem. In a deep-structure models —and especially in models without closed-form solutions, in which the economic intuition is complexand fit is low — such misspecification can be severe. The question of finding a better instrument isanalogous to narrowing the gap between the observed and structural formulation.

16 An even better approach may be to extract one proxy from the first-order conditions and anotherfrom direct measurement. The researcher could then report their correlations.

17 This conflicts with the popular view that not all implications of a theory need to hold. Note that thisis also a stricter view than that in Friedman (1966, p. 8) that a theory need perform only in the arenafor which it was designed. I interpret Friedman’s view to mean that a model does not have to offerimplications on every economic phenomenon, not that a model’s strong basic implications need nothold.

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empirical evidence in favor of the deep-structure model is weak (andshould move one’s prior very little), even if the estimated moments allhave the correct sign.

2.2 The In-Sample Performance of the Hennessy and Whited (2005)Model Revisited

The Hennessy-Whited project funding hypothesis is principally a deep struc-ture model. It is not principally a quantitative model in the sense that itsauthors highlighted the qualitative implications more than the quantita-tive implications. The theory is based on (unobserved) productivity shocks,which have to be backed out through the model first-order conditions fromvariables that are economically quite different. Both capital structure andobservable liquidity invert back into the unobservable productivity that themodel is built on. Although the model’s forces are intuitive and althoughthe model provides a wealth of moment predictions, it is not easy to under-stand. Important tax assumptions (Lewellen and Lewellen 2006) work inconcert with productivity shocks. The model is not solved in closed-form.

The model is too elaborate to allow a brief characterization here. Toreassess its empirical meaningfulness, my paper follows Hennessy andWhited (2005) itself. On page 1131, they state

We highlight the main empirical implications. First, absent anyinvocation of market timing or adverse selection premia, themodel generates a negative relationship between leverage andlagged measures of liquidity, consistent with the evidence inTitman and Wessels (1988), Rajan and Zingales (1995), andFama and French (2002).

(The model’s broader conceptual point was to help the profession under-stand that a negative relation between liquidity and capital structure canarise even in the absence of transaction costs and asymmetric information.)In my earlier notation, the unobserved structural productivity variable (r)drives the empirically observable reduced-form on two observable variables:liquidity (M), and capital structure (y).

This section will now present empirical evidence that the empiricallink between liquidity and capital structure changes is weak. This isnot so much a direct test of the model, as it is evidence to assesswhether liquidity or changes therein are a first-order influence explaining

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managerial capital-structure activity, dca (Equation 1). This is the empiricalregularity which Hennessy and Whited (2005) suggest should help shift thereader’s posterior in favor of their model.

The first question is whether managers actively delever when their oper-ating cash flows are high. Of course, an empirical “cash-flow vs. activeleverage changes” relation would hardly qualify as strong evidence in favorof an optimal-behavior-to-productivity-shocks theory of capital structure.Any theory in which firms use operating cash flows partly to pay back (orassume less) debt could predict this. Such evidence would be in line withtheir productivity theory prediction. The left panel in Figure 1 shows thatthe cross-sectional relation between active managerial changes (dca) andoperating cash flows is strongly negative (with a T of −35), as predicted,but with an R2 of only 1.2%. 98.8% of the variation in managerial capitalstructure activity remains unexplained.

Although Hennessy and Whited (2005) use cash flows in their own tests(presumably more related to exogenous productivity shocks experienced byfirms than the more endogenous cash holdings), Bolton et al. (2010) sug-gest that cash balances are more suitable. A firm that already has a lot ofcash on hand can reduce its leverage ratio, even if it has no particularlypositive cash flow. Thus, the second question is whether managers activelydelever when their cash holdings are high. Of course, an empirical “cash-holdings vs. active leverage changes” relation would again hardly qualify asstrong evidence in favor of an optimal-behavior productivity shock theoryof capital structure. Any theory in which firms pay more interest on loansthan what they can earn on cash would suggest that managers should payoff some of their own debt — they would lend money to themselves insteadof to others. Similarly, any theory in which well-performing firms both paydown some debt and accumulate some cash can predict this. The middlepanel in Figure 1 shows that there is no relation between active managerialchanges (dca) and cash holdings normalized by capital — the R2 is practi-cally zero.18

The third question is whether managers actively delever when their cashholdings increase. Omitting the obvious alternative explanations, the right

18 In other specifications in earlier Compustat samples, I obtained a T statistic of –11 and an R2 of0.0008. The point of my test is simply to show that the relation is very weak and noisy, not that it isnot negative.

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Contemp Operating Net Cash Flow Lag Cash Holdingsb = −0.060 (−34.22), R2 = 1.1457% b = −0.003 (−1.60), R2 = 0.0016%

Contemp Cash Changesb = 0.012 (4.21), R2 = 0.0114%

Figure 1. Managerial changes of debt-to-capital ratios (dca, in %) vs. liq-uidity.Description: Sample and variables are described in Table 1. In brief, the independent vari-ables are measures of liquidity. The dependent variable (dca) is the active managerial capitalstructure change. T-statistics are in parentheses following the coefficient.

Interpretation: The plots suggest that knowledge of how “cash rich” firms are does notexplain much of managerial capital structure actions. Even the best of the three variables,contemporaneous operating net cash flow, leaves 99% of managerial capital-structure activityunexplained.

panel shows that there is no relation here either, with an R2 that is practi-cally zero, too.19

19 When the dependent variable is dct instead of dca, the R2 increase to 0.42%, mostly explained bythe fact that firms that have a good year experience increases in both their cash holdings and theirstock prices.

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It is important for the reader to realize that, even if the explanatory powerhad been superior, for such empirical evidence to move beliefs greatly infavor of Hennessy and Whited (2005), would also have required a beliefby the reader that other variables — orthogonal to productivity or not —would not have influenced liquidity (M). This is simply not plausible.

Therefore, as already mentioned, my constructive suggestion for futuretests is to search proxies for empirical productivity shocks. For example, theintroduction of GPS in the shipping industry (Hubbard, 2000) is less likelyto be correlated with other forces listed in Section 1.1.1 than liquidity is (theindirect “first-order-condition inversion approach”). Such tests would seemto speak more to whether productivity influences capital structure than teststhat relate liquidity and capital structure. Note also that a productivity proxycould be used to test not only the hypothesized influence of productivity oncapital structure, but also the influence of productivity on liquidity.

Hennessy-Whited continue

Second, even though the model features single-period debt,leverage exhibits hysteresis, in that firms with high lagged debtuse more debt than otherwise identical firms. This is becausefirms with high lagged debt are more likely to find themselvesat the debt versus external equity margin.

In its most stringent interpretation, this is the hypothesis that capital struc-ture has a persistent component — that leverage ratios are not independentdraws. It is difficult to think of any theory in which this would not be thecase, and such tests would be uninformative.

A more relaxed and thus more interesting interpretation is the ques-tion of how levels of capital structure correlate with changes of capi-tal structure. The prediction then is the exact opposite of readjustment,although it may apply only to high-debt firms. The left panel in Figure 2shows that the empirical relationship is negative.20 Still, it leaves 96% ofmanagerial capital structure actions unexplained. Another interesting ques-tion is whether there is much hysteresis in dca itself. The right panel shows

20 The reader should not draw a strong inference from the negative sign. Iliev and Welch (2010) doc-ument that the relation between lagged leverage and current leverage is very weak. The negativepattern in the right panel here may well have come about only [a] because firms with zero laggedleverage can only increase leverage, while firms with 100% lagged leverage can only decrease lever-age; and [b] because the stock-induced change, dcp, is also a function of the past leverage ratio.

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Lagged Debt Ratio Lagged Changes in Debt Ratiob = −0.050 (−82.99), R2 = 3.7% b = 0.002 (0.71), R2 = 0.0003%

Figure 2. Hysteresis and managerial changes of debt-to-capital ratios (dca,in %).Description: Sample and variables are described in Table 1. In brief, the independent vari-ables are lagged measures of capital structure (left) and managerial capital structure changes(right). The dependent variable (dca) is the active managerial capital structure change.T-statistics are in parentheses following the coefficient.

Interpretation: The left plot suggest that knowledge of firm’s lagged capital ratios hasmarginal explanatory power for managerial capital-structure activity, but it leaves 96% unex-plained. Note that this is optimistic, because firms that failed to reduce their leverage somay have gone to a 100% debt-ratio (bankruptcy) and dropped out. The right plot showsthat there is no hysteresis in managerial capital-structure activities — to predict managerialleverage-related actions, past managerial leverage-related actions are not very informative.

that this is not the case. Managers’ actions from the previous year are largelyuninformative about their current actions.

2.3 Assessment and Further Challenges

The empirical evidence suggests that even if liquidity has a marginal influ-ence and even if there is some hysteresis, simple measures of either leavealmost all capital-structure relevant managerial activities unexplained. Thisdoes not mean that Hennessy and Whited (2005) can be rejected. If the pro-ductivity link to liquidity and lagged leverage is noisy, the theory may evenpredict weak relationships among reduced-form observables. My point istherefore not that the data reject the model. Instead, my points are (1) thatthe correlations between the empirical variables are not so strong as togive the reader great confidence that the model has captured the first-orderdeterminants of managerial capital-structure decisions; and (2) that, even ifthe correlations had been strong, they could have easily been driven by very

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different forces that are orthogonal to the productivity forces assumed to beimportant. To the extent that the burden is on a theory — in this case thatunmeasurable productivity differences systematically drive the observedcorrelations — the existing empirical evidence in favor of Hennessy andWhited (2005) seems almost non-existent. In the absence of better empir-ical support, the Hennessy and Whited (2005) model should not be aprimary lens through which capital structure should be viewed.

Hennessy and Whited (2005) also did not consider other challenges enu-merated in the previous section. Their paper focused on specific forces(productivity, funding needs, and taxes) a priori, and thus ignored manyother potentially important forces. Liquidity and leverage may well berelated to other economic forces that were described in Section 1.1.1.Hennessy and Whited (2005) offered few controls or residual diagnostics. Itdid not also consider the effects of selection and survivorship biases. It omit-ted firms with low assets, capital stocks, or sales, leaving only about 20%of the total Compustat population in its tests. It did not offer an estimationin differences. It did not attempt to reduce the depth of its structure. Asexplained, although it is true that productivity is difficult to measure, evena bad direct measure could have helped pin down productivity as the mostlikely influence (compared to what is, in effect, no direct empirical mea-sure). It offered no in-differences evidence — when changes in leverageratios would be expected. It offered no quasi-experimental tests. As men-tioned in footnote 11, many sudden, researchers could work with largechanges in productivity — varied across different firms and industries indifferent years — and changes in tax rates. Such evidence could greatlyaid the reader in assessing the empirical validity of the theory. It offeredno out-of-sample evidence. It has not offered convincing specific evidencein the model’s favor to distinguish it from other models and there are nopapers on the horizon that are likely to provide such specific empiricalevidence.

3 Quantitative Modeling

Strebulaev (2007) is a quantitative model that puts forth a dynamic ver-sion of the tax-distress-friction tradeoff theory in Fischer et al. (1989) inwhich corporate taxes favor debt, distress costs favor equity, and frictionsfavor inaction. In addition to its quantitative aspects, Strebulaev (2007)

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points out that the tax-distress-friction framework predicts that when firmsexperience positive profitability shocks, more profitable firms can have rel-atively more equity in their capital structures because it is optimal that theydo not adjust their capital structure (due to transaction costs). This correla-tion was widely and incorrectly viewed as inconsistent with the tradeoff the-ory. Although this is an important insight in itself, because this intuition canalso be obtained in a one-page sketch model (or using Fischer et al., 1989),it is usually the quantitative aspect of Strebulaev (2007) that is viewed asits hallmark.

3.1 A Brief Sketch of the Strebulaev (2007) Model

In Strebulaev (2007), firms can optimize their capital structures dynami-cally. The complexity of the model is an order of magnitude higher thanthat of its predecessor (Fischer et al., 1989). It has 23 parameters and9 (non-linear) equations, many with unreducible integrals and embeddedoptimizations. The economic intuition of the model is easy to follow. How-ever, its algebraic intuition is not, because the model has no closed-formsolutions or comparative statics. Although the Strebulaev model conveyssome intuition through numerical solutions of reduced-form variable, interms of economic intuition, it is a step backwards from its predecessors.Yet, in exchange, its quantitative formulation also offers great advantagesin allow a more efficient use of the data. The model can be tested notonly more precisely on specific magnitudes, but even in cases in which thecomparative statics are not unambiguous. Qualitative models often simplyignore ambiguous comparative statics in empirical tests.21 Of course, rela-tive to qualitative directional testing, quantitative tests must lean harder onthe model and its empirical proxies in order to identify an exact location inthe parameter space.

In sum, in this and in many other quantitative models, it is often the casethat at the cost of loss of reader’s intuition, a quantitative approach can takethe model more seriously, be more ambitious, and if successful, be moreempirically useful than a qualitative model.22

21 On occasion, qualitative tests do multi-moment testing — for example, predicting that one momenthas a certain direction only if another moment has a certain direction.

22 Calibration can serve two purposes: it can help assess whether a model’s effects are of the right orderof magnitude, and it can help assess whether the model alone can explain the empirical evidence.The latter is more objectionable than the former.

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3.2 The In-Sample Performance of the Tax-Distress-FrictionModel Revisited

This section shows that the basked into which the Strebulaev (2007) theoryhas put all its eggs (the tax-distress-friction model) has a hole at the bot-tom. The data suggest that the tax-distress-friction model cannot possiblyexplain the empirical non-adjustment evidence in corporate leverage ratiosthat motivated it. My evidence speaks to my first point — that papers inthis genre are not built on forces that are known to be the main first-ordermechanisms determining capital structures. Although such a critique mustbe specific to one model being critiqued, it is not difficult to find similarproblems in other papers, too.

The principal mechanism through which the tax-distress-friction modelexplains non-adjustment is inertia. Firms that experience shocks are reluc-tant to adjust their capital structures, because the costs of doing so exceedthe benefits. In the theory, firms’ inertia causes non-adjustment. Althoughinertia implies non-adjustment, non-adjustment does not imply inertia. Ifmanagers randomly increase or decrease their leverage ratios followingshocks, they do not adjust — but they are also not inert. The empiricalevidence that Strebulaev (2007) claims in support of the model are aboutnon-adjustment, although the prediction of the theory and thus his inter-pretation is that there is inertia. Inertia is not a “nuisance moment.” On thecontrary, it is the primary cause of all the other quantitative implications inthe Strebulaev (2007) model. This section will now provide evidence thatfirms are not inert but that they are very active — the variance of manage-rial leverage changes is very high — and, moreover, their managerial capitalstructure activity does not push them towards readjusting.

The tax-distress-friction inertia hypothesis predicts the following:

1. dca, which are all changes caused by managerial issuing and repurchas-ing activity, should be low most of the time. Strebulaev quantifies itsmagnitude: active capital structure changes (dca) should be 0% approx-imately 85% of the time, and large (10–50%) the rest of the time.

Figure 3 shows a histogram of dca. There is indeed a small spike at0% leverage. (Because leverage is defined on the unit domain and 20%of all firms have zero leverage, with many firms remaining at 0 for a longtime, dca can of course not be normally distributed.) However, the spikeis nowhere near the 85% predicted by the Strebulaev model. There islots of managerial activity at about −3% and +3%.

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Base Zoomed

Figure 3. Histogram of managerial changes to debt-to-capital ratios (dca),in %.Description: Sample and variables are described in Table 1. dca are active managerialchanges to capital structure.

Interpretation: Inertia (lack of activity) is not a first-order characteristic of managerialbehavior. There is plenty of activity off the zero-center.

Table 2 provides replicated model and actual empirical statistics. Themodel is a variant of Goldstein et al. (2001) and Strebulaev (2007), andgenerously made available to me by Ilya Strebulaev. His original model useda 5% friction parameter,23 the second data column in the table. A number ofmoments in this Goldstein-version are different from the original Strebulaevpaper and the current data, because this version of the model has strongerstationarity requirements. For our purposes, the important moments arethose on dca. More than 90% of firm-year observations should be exactlyzero (without managerial adjustment), with the remaining firm-years see-ing very large changes.24 In contrast, in the data, more than 90% of firm-years have dca’s that are not zero. The distribution of changes seem quitesmooth — nothing like the rare sudden changes prescribed by frictions. Thismay not be surprising. After all, credit lines and debt and equity repurchasesmay well make adjustments fairly cheap. However, this is precisely contraryto the friction assumption in the model.

At this point, the friction aspect of the specific model in Strebulaev (2007)can be viewed as inconsistent with the data. dca contains a lot of activity,

23 As the Strebulaev and Whited response (Strebulaev and Whited, 2013) will point out, I misinter-preted the number in my eagerness to match the IDR coefficient.

24 10% of non-zero firm-years are large enough to produce an unconditional standard deviation ofabout 10%!

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which rejects the (tax-distress-) friction perspective. (Welch, 2004, Table 5)further shows that managerial activity occurs in many different claims,too: about half is long-term debt related, about a third is short-term debtrelated, and about ten percent is equity related.) And the evidence providedhere is conservative. Managers could also be very active within the cate-gories themselves. For example, if managers exchanged one form of debtfor another (Rauh and Sufi, 2010), or if managers repurchased and reissuedequity, or if managers changed debt and equity proportionally, such activitywould not even show up in dca as it was defined here.

Again, at this point, one can object that other factors, such as precommit-ted ESOPs or sinking funds could help explain these year-to-year changes.This is correct, but it is also precisely not in the Strebulaev (2007) model.The omission of other forces leave most of the variation in managerial lever-age structure activities unexplained.

Although the central friction aspect is already rejected, we can examinethe readjustment aspect under the additional assumption that the optimaltax-distress-induced leverage ratio target is moving slowly. This assumptionis reasonable for most publicly-traded corporations. Many theories and testshave even assumed this to be perfectly static from year-to-year. Unfortu-nately, the data also strongly reject the readjustment aspect:

2. The variability of total capital structure changes (dct) should be lowerthan the variability of capital structure changes in the absence of man-agerial intervention (dcp). That is, managers should use their capitalstructure activity to dampen swings in leverage, not worsen them. InTable 2, the calibrated model estimates suggest around −30% as a rea-sonable correlation between dca and dcp.

Table 1 shows that sd(dct) � sd(dcp). In fact, dca and dcp are approx-imately orthogonal. Thus, the variance of dct is about

√2 times the vari-

ance of either.When stock returns reduce the leverage ratio (dcp � 0), managers

should work, on average, to increase it again (dca > 0). Conversely,when stock returns increase the leverage ratio (dcp � 0), managersshould work to decrease it again (dca < 0). These are “on average”predictions, not “in all cases” predictions.

Table 2 and Figure 4 show that there is no systematic response ofmanagers to stock price movements.

In sum, the empirical evidence strongly suggests not only that managersare very active, but also that they do not use their activity to dampen

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Tax-Distress-Friction Model γCurrent

1% 5% 10% 30% ∞ Data

Current Debt QMLCMean 59.9% 55.6% 50.5% 38.1% 28.5%Sd 5.9% 9.9% 12.4% 15.3% 26.4%

Frac = 0 None None None None 0.120

Welch Regression Predicting QMLC (with unreported constant)QMLL −0.36 −0.38 −0.45 −0.50 0 –0.042IDR 0.56 0.93 1.147 1.343 1 0.945

dca ≡ QMLC–IDRMean 0.034 0.030 0.026 0.020 0.00 0.010Sd 0.074 0.095 0.101 0.099 0.00 0.108

Frac = 0 83% 91% 94% 96% 100% 8%Frac ≤ 1% 31%Frac ≤ 2% 45%Frac ≤ 3% 55%

Correlationscorr(dca,dcp) −40.5% −30.9% −27.7% −26.3% ≥ 0corr(dca,dcp−1) −39.3% −25.4% −18.6% −10.0% ≥ 0

Table 2. Model Moments and Data Moments.Description: The simulations are based on a model similar to that in Strebulaev (2007)(based on Goldstein et al., 2001), and kindly made available to me by Ilya Strebulaev.The friction parameter γ closest to the original model is 5%. Simulations are based on3,000 firms and 140 quarters. The Welch regression is run as a simple pooled regression,which delivers practically the same results as the Fama-Macbeth regressions in the origi-nal paper.

Interpretation: dca adjustments are too large (and too smooth) to warrant the friction-induced discrete characterization of capital structure changes. Moreover, the correlationsbetween dca and dcp suggest that managers do not change their capital structures pri-marily to stabilize their capital structures.

fluctuations in their capital structures. Instead, managers add to capitalstructure volatility. What is important is that for any future theory that isbased on a moving target to explain the evidence, this target must not

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A. Capital Structure Change (dct) B. Stock-Return Induced (dcp)b = −0.123 (−301.44), R2 = 33.6% b = −0.112 (−613.31), R2 = 67.6%

C. Managerial Net Response (dca) D. Managerial vs. Stock-Return Inducedb = −0.006 (−17.97), R2 = 0.2% b = 0.029 (12.67), R2 = 0.1%

Figure 4. Changes of debt-to-capital ratios, in %, and stock returns.Description: Sample and variables are described in Table 1. In brief, the independent vari-able in Panels A through C are contemporaneous stock returns. In Panel D, it is the changein capital structure caused by these stock returns. The dependent variable (dca) are activemanagerial capital structure changes. (Horizontal bands at zero in Panels A, B, and C occurbecause about 10% of all firms had zero debt, so their leverage ratios cannot be affected bystock returns.) T-statistics are in parentheses.

Interpretation: Panel A illustrates that stock returns explain at least one-third of the year-to-year variation in capital structure. Stock returns are a first-order determinant of capital struc-ture changes. Panel B illustrates stock returns do not explain 100% of stock-return inducedleverage variation, because firms’ own lagged capital structures modulate the effect of thesame stock return differently for different firms. Panels C and D illustrate that, althoughthere is significant managerial capital structure activity (wide spreads in dca), there is noclear directional managerial counteracting response to stock returns.

only show tremendous variability, but the target’s movements must also beorthogonal to what stock returns do to firms’ leverage structures. This sim-ply does not seem in line with a wide range of existing theories. A different

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way to state the issue is that average outcome leverage is quantitatively tooeerily close to what stock returns do in the absence of managerial interven-tion. It is highly unlikely that these revised capital structures also happento be on the numerically exact target. The evidence suggests that managersare actively maximizing something that we have not yet identified.

In sum, even if managers are less capital-structure active than they wouldbe in the absence of capital-structure transaction costs, inertia is simply nota first-order determinant of capital structure. Managers are active. What-ever their motives, managers show no interest in dampening the volatilityof their leverage ratios.

3.3 Assessment and Further Challenges

Like all tax-distress-friction models, the Strebulaev model is fundamentallyincapable of explaining high levels of non-adjusting managerial activity.Nevertheless, Strebulaev (2007) declared victory based on two moments —a negative correlation between stock returns and leverage, and a negativecorrelation between productivity and leverage — even though the theory’scausal link from inertia to non-adjustment is absent. Thus, the model failseven the weakest test, in-sample scrutiny.

Strebulaev (2007) also did not consider the other challenges enumeratedin Section 1. It focused on the three tax-distress-friction forces a priori, andthus ignored a host of other potentially important forces. The forces it choseseem weak. It is not clear that the other forces mentioned in Section 1 areorthogonal to those in the model, nor is it clear how they would affect theinference. Strebulaev (2007) offered few controls or residual diagnostics. Itdid not consider the effects of selection and survivorship biases. Its reduced-form inference was based on 75 years of simulated quarterly data, whichis a marked contrast to the average 10-year life span of publicly tradedfirms. It did not use mid-year stock returns to predict impending disappear-ance. It offered no estimation in differences, which in this context wouldhave meant using the model’s prediction to test exactly when large changesin capital structure were expected vs when they occurred. It offered noquasi-experimental tests. Good quasi-experimental tests of the tax-distress-friction theory are readily available — all three ingredients (taxes, distresscosts, frictions) experienced regulatory changes in recent decades that canbe viewed as exogenous from the perspective of individual corporations.If anything, quantitative models are better suited than qualitative models

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to tests using such natural experiments. For example, specific changes incorporate income tax rates should have led to specific quantitative changesin leverage ratio. (Givoly et al., 1992) investigated the 1986 Tax ReformAct.) The question then is whether the Strebulaev model can predictthe quantitative response better than a more naıve capital-structure DTFmodel.

4 Contrasts in Perspectives

The following three simple empirical regularities about managerial capitalstructure activities have been defying explanation:

1. Managers are active in issuing and retiring debt and equity.2. This managerial (net) capital structure activity is orthogonal to the (non-

linear) influence of stock returns on leverage ratios.

Combined with the facts that stock returns have significant volatility andthat there is variation in lagged leverage ratios, the first two regularitiesimply that stock returns can explain about 45% of the variation in year-to-year market-leverage changes. (Long-term debt net issuing can explainabout 30%, other debt changes can explain about 20%, and equity netissuing can explain about 5%.)

3. Although there are many statistically significant variables, some withlarge economic coefficients, no known variables can explain much of thevariation (R2) in managerial capital structure activities.

In my opinion, managerial capital-structure behavior either largely remainsa mystery and/or is inconsequential most of the time (similar enough to theextreme form or Modigliani and Miller (1958)).

In contrast, the two models that were described above conclude withmuch more optimistic perspectives. Hennessy and whited (2005) write

Our theoretical and empirical results underline the importanceof understanding corporate financial decisions in dynamic set-tings, as well as the importance of having a tight connectionbetween theory and empirical work. Given the power of our the-oretical and empirical framework to explain observed leveragephenomena, it appears likely that similar success is possible inother areas of corporate finance.

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Strebulaev (2007) writes that

Research that combines these two strands [real cash flow modelsand capital structure models] is likely to be a fruitful avenue forfuture research in capital structure, and more generally, corpo-rate finance.

Similar confident sentiment can be found in many other structural corpo-rate finance papers. For example, Li et al. (2009), the lead article in theNovember 2009 issue of the Review of Financial Studies, begins both itsabstract and introduction with the statement

We take a simple q-model and ask how well it can explain exter-nal financing anomalies both qualitatively and quantitatively.Our central insight is that optimal investment is an importantdriving force of these anomalies.25

My assessment is more pessimistic. In practice, deep-structure theories incorporate finance, with their wide gaps between structure and reducedform, have only passed empirical tests that would be analogous to judgingqualitative reduced-form theories by the t-statistic of a selected variable inan in-sample regression, without controls for competitive explanations andconfounding variables, and without diagnostics and corrections for a wholerange of possible misspecification errors. Moreover, some of these theorieswere designed to explain a particular correlation observed in earlier papers.In such cases, viewed from a global perspective, the research approach wasanalogous to searching for a good t-statistic first, followed by finding sup-port for a specific model constructed to deliver this statistic. The modelsdid not consider alternatives more powerful than the simplest of straw-men. In sum, all existing tests of deep-structure quantitative theories that

25 LLZ reach this conclusion based on the fact that their model can be calibrated in-sample to someof the moments in the data, although it fails on others. The conclusion is a logical error. If theory Amakes two predictions, B and C, it is wrong to credit it as a success when we observe “B” and “not C.”The correct conclusion is “not A.” In a deep-structure theory, such a skeptical approach is all the moreimportant. Note that this logical inference issue is different from the fact that if a model suffers noise,it may fit all the empirical moments only moderately well. Moreover, LLZ conduct no out-of-sampletests and do not consider the hypotheses put forth in earlier literature (i.e., non-rational behavior)as the null hypothesis that their own model needs to reject with 95% confidence. Instead the burdenof proof is pushed onto alternatives to their model, which have not been considered. Their modelhas in effect usurped the null hypothesis.

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I am aware of have been perfunctory. And none of these models have everbeen tested quantitatively or structurally (rather than in reduced-form) bya paper following up. Abusing the common acronym WYSIWYG, what yousee may well be all what you will ever get.

In my opinion, it is no surprise that there have been no quantitative andno deep-structure models that have performed well in explaining empiricalcorporate finance data. Given the challenges, it would have been a miracleif they had. For now, much managerial capital-structure activity and manyother corporate actions largely remain mysteries. We still need to learn whatthe first-order effects are — because the noise is deafening. The problemsdiscussed in my paper suggest to me that instead of building quantitativeand/or deep structure models now, greater rewards can be reaped by mak-ing progress on two more basic issues first:

1. Empirically, we need to learn what the first-order associations are. This ismostly an exploratory and descriptive exercise, though it should be the-oretically informed. The initial goal can be to learn which variables havea (possibly linearized) strong association with the dependent variable.This is a question of the economic magnitude (and the statistical stan-dard error) of the coefficient. The more ambitious goal is to learn whichvariables can explain much of the variation. This is a question about theR2 in explaining the dependent variable.

2. Empirically, we need to learn whether there is good evidence thatchanges in such variables associate with changes in the dependent vari-ables (usually a managerial action). This applies both to variables thatseem economically significant in levels, and to variables that seem toexplain much of the variation (R2) in changes.

3. Empirically, we need to determine which of the first-order variables exertsome influence in simple quasi-experimental tests.

In the capital structure arena, the appropriate dependent variable to under-stand managerial behavior is the managerially-induced change in capitalstructure, not the stock-market (or accounting) induced total change incapital structure. Surveys of the actual decision-makers, such as those inGraham and Harvey (2001), can help inform this research.26 Once we have

26 Unfortunately, Graham and Harvey neither correlate survey answers with the actual capital structureactions of these firms, nor do they debrief their CFOs when their actions have obviously deviatedfrom their stated motives.

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a better idea, it will be more productive than it is today to build more elab-orate theories, including quantitative and deep-structure theories, and toput them to the test, taking advantage of the many quasi-experimental teststhat the corporate finance context offers.

5 Beyond Corporate Finance

Quantitative and structural modeling has also been popular outsideof corporate finance. As mentioned in the introduction, Angrist andPischke (2010) and Caballero (2010) point out related issues in industrialorganization and macroeconomics (though with different perspectives andconclusions). It is a natural question to ask whether asset pricing is bettersuited to quantitative and deep-structure modeling than corporate finance.There are some differences:

• The data frequency in asset-pricing is often much higher. This can make iteasier to uncover the correct mechanism.

• Testing approaches have been different. It has not been uncommonin asset pricing to conduct out-of-sample testing. However, there havebeen few or no attempts at conducting good and more stringentquasi-experimental tests. On the one hand, this may be because, incontrast to corporate finance, there are few natural experiments in assetpricing that come to mind. For example, it is difficult to think of a clearlyidentifiable exogenous shock to factor exposures. On the other hand, itseems ironic that micro foundations are as popular in structural theorymodeling, as they are unpopular in the empirical tests of these models.For example, habit formation has been a popular modeling primitive, butusing individual trading data to measure these habit preferences withinthe same data set that is used to test the expected return predictions ofhabit formation has not been equally popular. Of course, the proper con-clusion from the lack of a tight link between unobservables and observ-ables (the large gap) and from the lack of quasi-experimental tests is notthat we can adopt such models even in the absence of such evidence, butthat we should view the empirical evidence as very weak. We need toremain even more skeptical of them.

• Market forces in asset pricing are stronger than they are in corporatefinance. When agents make mistakes, unusually good investment oppor-tunities can push prices back toward their correct values. Arbitrage can

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in effect convert deep mechanisms into shallow ones. If the mechanismis known, the first point of my critique is no longer applicable. Not sur-prisingly, structural models in asset pricing have generally performed wellwhere arbitrage bounds are fairly strong, such as in derivatives pric-ing and possibly fixed-income pricing with a strictly timed final conver-gence condition. (In the extreme, this is the domain that Summers (1985)termed “ketchup economics.”)

Near-arbitrage bounds are much weaker in equities. Quantitative struc-tural models (usually based on risk and market imperfections) have thusalso had a poor track-record explaining even first-order empirical regular-ities, such as the superior performance of value and momentum stocks.Without strong arbitrage-bounds, further structural “enhancements” tothe equity pricing models run the risk of overfitting the data — creat-ing more flexible reduced forms that can be attributed to many mod-els beyond the original structural model itself. At some point, we, as aprofession, need to ask the question more strongly, more pointedly, andmore insistently, whether our consumption-asset pricing paradigm hasbecome too much like the Ptolemaic geocentric paradigm — a theory thatis based on our strong priors of how agents should behave and that sur-vives only because of our efforts to make the theory more realistic throughthe addition of ever-more complex epicycles. The alternative may well besimple: agents may just not choose which stocks they purchase based ontheir covariances with their own future wealth shock contingencies, evenif they should.

6 Conclusion

It is tempting to infer from the increasing number of award-winning quan-titative and deep-structure corporate finance papers that we have largelysettled on theories and modern modeling approaches, that there is goodsupporting empirical evidence, and that we only need to develop thesemodels further if we want to understand corporate behavior better. Even-tually, with more bells and whistles and enough degrees of freedom, themodels should fit.

My paper has disputed this. It has argued that no quantitative and (deep)structural model has been subjected to as much empirical scrutiny as thebest alternatives. None have succeeded in empirical tests that were more

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than perfunctory. Few if any were tested on their own more sophisticatedlevels by follow-up papers. Follow-up empirical tests have only been eithermore generic and reduced-form or absent altogether. In the future, quan-titative and deep-structure models deserve at least as much scrutiny assimpler models. The modern standard for testing economic theories is quasi-experimental, and quasi-experimental tests are often just as feasible instructural and quantitative contexts as they are in alternative approaches.Moreover, direct empirical proxies for underlying constructs can make testsmore credible than correlations among variables that are very different fromthe hypothesized force and tied to them only by assumed behavioral first-order conditions. In effect, theories which do not provide tests based onbetter proxies and based on quasi-experiments will remain forever in therealm of conjecture. They remain empirically meaningless.

To be clear, my paper has not argued in favor of theory-free empiricism.Models help inform empiricists where to look and where interpretationpitfalls loom. However, my paper has argued that compared to the moreambitious “comprehensive” models, given our current stage of knowledge incorporate finance, comparative statics from simple “marginal” sketch mod-els with quasi-experimental tests seem better suited to learning what themost important forces. My paper has also not argued against the presenceof first-order conditions in models, but it has argued against relying ontheir inverted forms to infer (identify) causal effects without more directempirical proxies — when it is likely that these first-order conditions leavea wide gap between an unobserved variable and the reduced-form vari-able. Finally, my paper has not argued that quantitative and deep-structuremodels are intrinsically inferior. On the contrary, if such models can explainthe data better than their simpler counterparts (and my paper has madesome specific suggestions on how to improve on this aspect), then thesemodels can be more useful despite the additional cost to the reader tounderstand their economic intuition. My paper has however argued thatquantitative and deep-structure models are more likely to succeed in sim-pler settings, in which the first-order mechanisms are well understood. Infinancial economics, this is really only the case in situations in which thereis strong arbitrage. Therefore, I have little hope that structural and quan-titative approaches can succeed in corporate finance. However, reasonablepeople can disagree with my pessimistic assessment. I would be thrilled tobe proven wrong.

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A.1 Defining Structure

From the perspective of my critique, it is not essential how structureis defined. My arguments are about the lack of a strong link betweenunobservable constructs and the tested measured constructs. To clarifysome ambiguity in different authors’ interpretations, this appendix brieflydescribes three definitions of “structure.”

One common definition of a structural model is that it is one whoseestimated equations are the result of a first-order condition. The standardexample of a reduced-form model to contrast with a structural model isFama and French (1992). This is not a useful definition for my paper. Itis not impossible that some as-yet-unknown model exists whose first-orderconditions imply exactly the Fama-French specification. Thus, the modelcould be reduced-form in the minds of some researchers, but structural inthe minds of others. The same published model with the same specificationsand data could be reduced-form today and structural tomorrow. There isnot even a guarantee that any reduced-form models exist in this definition.

Another definition of structure, due to Lucas himself, is a self-fulfillingrational-expectations model. Here the Fama-French model is not structuralif it is the case that the relation would change if investors used the modelitself. In the strict Lucas sense, a model is structural if only preferences andtechnology are specified. And in this very strict sense, there are no structuralmodels in corporate finance.

Yet, another definition of structure might emphasize the functional formof the relationship. However, functional identification leans so strongly onthe model functional input assumptions that it has fallen out of favor.


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