a day in a teacher’s life

A day in a teacher’s life C.R.A. Río Aragón (Spain)

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Post on 26-May-2015




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Page 1: A day in a teacher’s life

A day in a teacher’s life

C.R.A. Río Aragón


Page 2: A day in a teacher’s life

Hi, I’m Fernando. I work as a Primary teacher in Berdun’s School

I live in Jaca, a tiny city placed

32km from Berdún. I think it’s

interesting to show you my life routines during a

school day…

So let’s start!!!

Page 3: A day in a teacher’s life

Time to have breakfast and get ready for a teaching day


Page 4: A day in a teacher’s life

I wait until Ibon picks me up. We try to practice “car sharing” when there is a coincidence of

routes. Ibon is going to Salvatierra, and he passes through Berdun.


Most of the times we spend the travel talking about Comenius!

Page 5: A day in a teacher’s life


It’s when children arrive at school. They are

always very happy and they start the class talking about

their experiences

from previous day or future


Good mornin

g teacher


Uh!, this bag

is getting heavier

Page 6: A day in a teacher’s life

12:00 Now it’s time to have a rest in the playground until 12:30They have a snack and play while I can talk with the rest of the teachers and coordinate all the school’s issues.

It uses to be a good time to have a sunbath

but today it isn’t the day!

Page 7: A day in a teacher’s life

12:30 Religion specialist enters in my class. It’s when I can

go downstairs to teach English for 3, 4 and 5

years. Time for playing!!!

Ugh!, that muppet really scares me!!

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13:30Children finish their morning lessons and its time for having lunch. Some of them go to their houses and the rest go to a private house where two women from the village cook the

food everyday. Government only pays the menu for children who come from another village where there’s no school. They

also have free time until 15:00.

I always eat what I cooked the day before. After lunch, I have time to prepare classes or


Hey!, don’t think naughtily!, no

siesta after lunch….

Page 9: A day in a teacher’s life

From 15:00 to 16:00

From 16:00 to 17:00

It’s time for science.

They love it because

they first listen the

lessons and they use

to work in any project

related to science

On Tuesdays and Thursdays I

send my pupils with Luis for

arts class and I bring his

pupils to my class for English


Page 10: A day in a teacher’s life

See you tomorrow!


Too much homework

17:00 And that’s all!. Pupils come back to their

houses or stay at school for post-school activities

I wait until Ibon picks me up and we come back to Jaca.

I hope you get an idea about how a normal teaching day is. There are

people who think teaching is always the

same, but it isn’t!, Each day is a different adventure!