a final paper · final paper a final paper in fulfillment of master of religious studies degree...

Final Paper A final paper in fulfillment of MASTER OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES Degree Program MOVING TO A HIGHER ZIP-CODE My Spiritual Path in Raising My Christ Consciousness PREPARED BY DEBRA ANNE BROWN FOR EMERSON THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE ©February 2019

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Final Paper

A final paper in fulfillment



Degree Program


My Spiritual Path in Raising My Christ Consciousness





©February 2019

Moving to A Higher Zip Code 2

Author’s Bio

My name is Debra Anne Brown. I’m retired, living with my husband Brian and our

dog Pete in Gulfport, Mississippi. During the past five years I have been on an amazing

journey of Spiritual development and growth. Finding a church, I resonate with and

taking Unity’s Spiritual Enrichment (SEE) classes transformed my life.

This paper is a blueprint describing how I live as my authentic spiritual self, and how

I express the truth of who I am. How I put into daily practice spiritual concepts I’ve

learned and how I’ve moved into a “higher zip-code” spiritually, by raising my Christ

Consciousness and developing my relationship to God, through prayer and meditation.

I begin and end each day with affirmative prayer, meditation and self-care; three

foundational components to my spiritual practice, that keep me balanced, and consciously

Debra Anne Brown

My Prayer Garden at Riverbend, Norridgewock, Maine

My Guys, Brian & Pete

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connected with God, the source and my higher power. In prayer I ask for guidance and

wisdom. During meditation I go into the silence within me by moving out from my head

space and into my heart space where I receive all that I am ready to hear and learn, in that

moment. Practicing self-care with a nutritional meal plan and exercise regimen, my body,

heart and mind remain grounded and in alignment with the Divine.

There are multiple benefits in having a daily prayer practice. I feel nourished mentally

and spiritually as I receive guidance, healing and abundance in every area of my life.

Because prayer aligns my mind with the flow of a cosmic process, I am conscious of how

I think, speak and act as I live in harmony with the Kingdom within. When I access the

Divine Mind through prayer and meditation the energy in my mind and body is liberated

and free flowing. Having a prayer practice creates a spiritual aura around me freeing me

from all fear. My faith, beliefs and my openness to receive increases when I am in the

presence of God and open to the “in-flow” of Divine Love, healing love and the power of

Spirit. I am awake and able to stand in the face of conflict. Being in alignment with Spirit

resolves all conflict in my life and reveals answers to all my questions, regardless how I

think the outcome should be.

Prayer increases my spiritual awareness by fine tuning my ability to use the twelve-

powers of Divine ideas, my access to the Christ within me, the Universal laws and how I

put them into practice to attract peace, and prosperity, making me more aware of God’s


When I am conscious that my mind is one with the mind of God, I have order. When I

think good thoughts and share them with the world around me, I live in abundance

because I receive more than that which I have given. I bless each meal to remind me that

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God is the source of all that is good and that I am grateful and conscious of how the food

and all the other goodness in my life blesses me. I use the “I AM” in the positive with

every statement I think or speak because I know I AM what I THINK I AM. I speak and

live as though I am already everything I want to be, by eliminating all thoughts, words

and deeds that I would never commit to God. “I AM perfect in all ways.”

I read somewhere that when we apply the BE-attitudes to our life we express a

positive attitude with prayer, making prayer effectual because our attitude is releasing,

surrendering, trusting and giving thanks as we are living in wonder and awe of the power

existing in the Spiritual realm.

Having a regular prayer partner and keeping a prayer journal also helps me establish a

rewarding and beneficial prayer practice. Affirmative Meditative Prayer is at the heart of

the Unity spiritual path and is aimed at helping me experience the Divine and realize my

Divine potential as I reap the benefits of guidance, healing and abundance.

From the Christian Bible, in Mathew 7, we read, “to ignore the speck in your

brother’s eye.” For me this means I should clean up my own house by changing my

erroneous ways and not criticizing or judging others.

The more time I spend with positive activities such as creating affirmations and

spending time in prayer and meditation, claiming in the name and through the power of

the Christ that I am perfect and whole just the way I am, I lack and want for nothing. This

is how I am transformed, by renewing my mind with the positive energy that comes from

positive activity.

Unity’s foundation and movement is based on healing prayer. In 2015 I was new to

Unity and enrolled in a prayer class and attended the Prayer Chaplain training program at

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my church. For the first time I was learning to pray from my heart center rather than from

my head. In the past I have never felt comfortable with any religious institute, God, or

prayer. Learning about practical spiritual principles I could resonate with and use in my

life turned my world around and it was through prayer and meditation I became more

mindful and peaceful.

While in the Unity, SEE program, I took both the Prayer and Meditation classes

together because I felt they complemented each other. I practice prayer and meditation in

the morning at my home and then attend a virtual online daily prayer and meditation

group through the web interface Zoom, with other women who have also taken some of

the Unity, SEE classes. During the first year I was practicing affirmative prayer and

mindful meditation I felt myself transform from an angry resentful adult into a more

spiritually minded, peaceful and loving spiritual being. I was learning how to control my

emotions so that they could no longer control me. This practice keeps me open to

receiving and expressing more love, peace and joy for myself and the world around me. I

began seeing other people as more loving and more authentic expressions of God,

because I was shifting my attitudes and beliefs to a more loving authentic self.

I’ve learned to pray within a group, for others who are in need. I know without doubt

prayer works. I know this because I believe this. For three years my prayer group prayed

daily for my husband’s good health as he faced daily challenges with 4th stage lung

cancer. Today he is beyond two years cancer free.

I established a foundation for prayer by invoking the “I AM Statement”. God replied

to Moses, “I am that/who I am”. Moses was told this was the name of God. Jesus

understood the power underlying this statement, using it throughout his time on earth. “I

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AM” is a statement of being, connectiveness, and truth. It is written in the book of

Psalms, “Be still and know, I AM God.” A God that dwells with you. Jesus used the “I

AM” statement to raise or to build his spiritual consciousness and experience his oneness,

his unity, with God. He encouraged the people he encountered to do the same. Unity’s

spiritual belief, as well as my affirmations and prayer are based on the I AM statement of


According to history, Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi and taught positive affirmative prayer

practiced by the Jewish community to affirm with God there is ample supply. A positive

prayer practice affirming a spiritual belief that God knows, even before we ask, and that

our needs have already been met. God is the source, the supplier and the supply providing

all that we need whenever we ask. As humans we need to be reminded to ask.

Today I give thanks, accepting God’s gifts before they become apparent. In prayer I

release all my concerns about my life, because I know God is benevolent, generous,

divine mind, eternal, ever-present, all-wise, and an all-powerful principle of “absolute

good” governing, creating and sustaining the universe and human beings who were

created to express and to be the “face of God”.

The book of Psalms is filled with statements affirming the presence and activity of

God in every situation. Psalms 23 is a series of affirmations declaring that God supplies

everything we need. It affirms that the presence and power of God transforms tragedy

into triumph. God is the eternally active principle of absolute good. In the Gospels, Jesus

assures that God supplies whatever need we recognize.

Taking a closer look at the Lord’s Prayer we find it is a framework for affirmative

prayer; affirming our relationship with God; that God is within us as well as all around

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us. It affirms that we can develop a special relationship with God by creating a sacred

space within us.

It is in my heart space where I feel my connection and nurture my relationship with

God. This is where I receive affirmation that the Presence of the Kingdom is here, on

earth, now and forever. It affirms my desire to know that God is real and that I can feel

this desire being fulfilled when I align myself with the Divine in prayer and meditation.

The field of infinite possibilities that surrounds me is affirmed and the substance of the

universe from God the supplier, is always available, here for my immediate use. This

substance is open and receptive to my mind and to my thoughts, so I can shape it and

manifest it into my world.

The Lord’s Prayer continues to affirm that we are able to release all attachments,

judgments and resentments no longer serving us, so the good of the universe can flow in

and around us, allowing our inner beauty to shine. It affirms that we can ask God to open

our eyes and our awareness so we can overcome our shortcomings and challenges.

The Lord’s Prayer is a series of requests, implying that if we ask, we shall receive. By

making the request we are expressing our confidence in knowing that God provides the

good we seek. To believe in Jesus means that we base our behavior upon our acceptance

of his teachings. Jesus had confidence in the abiding presence of God, enabling him to let

God work through him, providing whatever he needed, so he could do whatever he

needed to do to assist his fellow man, and shine as the highest possible expression of the

Christ presence.

I affirm and have faith that the proclamations in “The Lord’s Prayer” are Spiritual

Truths and are a Spiritual guide standing beside me as I travel my journey along a

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Spiritual path, guiding me in what I say, and do as I grow into the Spiritual truth of who I

AM, assisting me as I “move up into my higher zip-code”, my higher spiritual Christ

consciousness. I feel the substance of God rising in me, surrounding and unfolding

through me. In God I live and move, in Spirit I breathe and unfold.

If Jesus spoke to us today, the Lord’s Prayer might sound something like this. God is

the breath, life and heartbeat of the universe. My senses awaken when I breath God.

When I inhale God, and I exhale the I AM, my heart and soul are illumined to the Heaven

I discover within. Because of this illumination, at all times, I can look within to my own

secret space I have hallowed out in my heart and in my home where I feel the Divine


The guidance I get from God helps me create a spiritual pathway where I embrace all

of creation. I feel the love that is God within me. I see the vision and feel the passion of

my purpose, that I might take action manifesting the desire of God through me for all


I know without doubt God provides all the nourishment I need, both mentally and

physically for my spiritual, physical and emotional growth. My burden of the cross is null

and void as I am forgiven by learning to forgive.

I deny that false evidence appearing real, (fear) deludes me, and I affirm that I am

free from my bondage of things that keep me from my spiritual path and growth. Positive

prayer transforms my mind and I AM transformed by renewing my mind.

I give thanks to God today as I am full of gratitude for the faith and harmonious

relationship that already exists in my life. I rejoice, pray and give thanks in all

circumstances. This is the will of God in Christ Jesus for me. I hold fast to what is good. I

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abstain from that which is not good; hopelessness, fear, anxiety, and negative thoughts. I

release them, “I let go and let God” move in me and through me as I feel my oneness and

wholeness with the Divine universe.

My prayer is constant when I am in alignment with the mind of God that dwells

within me. I hold fast to what is good allowing God to work through me and for me.

Positive prayer keeps me in deliberate conscious communication with God. It is a way for

me to form a permanent attitude that reflects the eternal benevolent activity of God, so

that I may truly express my nature as a child of God, created in God’s image to express

God’s likeness while I am are here on earth.

As I pray, I discover that I live by grace, God’s love and mercy is always there for me

to accept (or refuse). Positive prayer opens me to seeing and receiving the ever-present

Grace of God. Grace is knowing that I have been protected from something potentially

dangerous. I become more aware of Grace by practicing affirmative prayer. Prayer is a

process of repentance, but it is more than just being sorry for erroneous behavior, it is

shifting the way I think about negative behavior, eliminating it and replacing it with

behavior that is positive and in alignment with my relationship to God. God is Grace,

omnipresent, manifesting only the highest and best conditions. Through positive prayer I

align my mind with the flow of God and live in harmony as I travel my path, arriving at

my perfect destination at the perfect time. Grace gently steers me back onto my path

when I stray because God supplies everything I need.

The Law of Grace is love in action. Always active and always present, a perfect life

full of wisdom and love. God expresses perfectly though all human beings giving us

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more goodness that we can sow. When we commit to putting God first it opens our

awareness of God’s love and mercy that we can choose to either accept or refuse.

Making prayer and meditation a habit keeps me in the presence of God. I was able to

create a prayer and meditation ritual by setting aside a specific time each day for silent

communion with God. I practiced this for twenty-one days until it felt natural to me.

Because of the Law of Mind Action, we are what we think we are, and our life is

based on our thoughts, it is paramount that if we want to live in peace, harmony, love and

abundance that we remain mindful of our thoughts, words, feelings and actions. Prayer

and meditation help us stay in control and the call for prayer increases in intensity when

we are committed to being in the presence of God. My day is not complete unless I begin

and end each day in prayer, asking for what I need, and listening in the silence knowing

the answers will come.

Over the last few years my concept of God and Heaven has changed. No longer do I

vision God as an entity somewhere up in the clouds in a city or place called Heaven but

rather a God within and a heaven right here, on earth.

Looking back on my life I believe I’ve always craved a relationship with a higher

power that I now choose to call God but had no idea who or what God was or how to

express my desire to successfully communicate with this entity. I had trouble

communicating with people so how could I possibly communicate with a God I neither

understood or knew where to find. There was also the conscious knowing that I was still

holding onto some deep feelings, attitudes and beliefs that were so deeply embedded into

my psyche, that I wasn’t quite ready to let them go. I know that how I communicate is a

direct reflection of how I am feeling and by learning to pray and communicate with my

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new concept of God, a God within, I soon was able to understand what I was feeling and

shift my feelings, thoughts and actions into alignment with God. As my prayer practice

advanced, my concept of God developed to where I can now effectively pray and

communicate my thoughts and feelings directly to God with ease and grace every day,

knowing I am heard, I am healed and whole and have all that I need at any given


I visualize God as a powerful force in the Universe that is part of everything including me. I

am a part of God and God is a part of me, not apart or separate. My past concept was that there

was no God. Now I believe in a powerful universal force that is good, that is love and light and

is healing power. Knowing what my concept of God is allows me to pray, reflecting my true

beliefs, and making me conscious to releasing any unconscious negative tendencies. I am

willing to make a commitment to change all that no longer serves me, and I do this by

establishing and practicing affirmative prayer and meditation daily.

I remember not long ago I heard a joke that went something like this. A little boy at

church one day said to his mother, “I really like this New Testament God. He is so much

nicer than that grumpy and mean, Old Testament Guy.” I have to admit that this

sentiment rang true for me when I was studying the Bible’s Old and New Testaments. I

could see the transformation and shift in consciousness in the people’s attitudes and

beliefs from the Old to the New and how their concept of God drastically changed. God

who was once portrayed as being an angry and jealous God over the years transformed

into a loving, merciful and benevolent God, based on the times in history in which the

books were written and based on the transformation and shift in the consciousness of the


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Jesus perceived God as Spirit, a Force dwelling within us and surrounding us. God is

spirit and we worship in spirit and truth. To worship, pray and connect with God we need

to know what and where this Spirit is and how to access it.

Jesus spoke Aramaic and the word spirit means breath. (the breath that God breathed into

Adam and breathes into us with every breath we take). Spirit is the life principle, the Divine

Breath. God breathing out as Man and the Universe. God breathing into me and you. Now at this

moment. When we know it and feel it, it has the power to lift us up into the awareness of Eternal

life. Prayer aligns us with the breath of life flowing through us. In the book of Acts, we read that

Jesus said, “I am in the Father. The Father is in me, just as the Father is in You”. God is

everything. God is in everything. God is the energy of all life and prayer and meditation aligns us

with this energy, the Breath of Life.

The teachings of Jesus instruct us to forgive. I could never understand why it was,

that I should have to forgive someone for hurting me. Then I learned that forgiveness

isn’t for the other person, it is for me. Forgiving others as well as forgiving ourselves

opens us to receive healing on many levels, without it, real healing can’t take place. We

begin by forgiving all the negative beliefs and attitudes we’ve had throughout our lives

and exchange them for beliefs and attitudes that are loving, understanding and lead us

back to expressing our wholeness.

Unforgiveness blocks the natural flow of health flowing into our minds and body.

Negative thoughts such as hatred, resentment, fear, and self-pity, when given power,

builds up in our bodies, resulting in pain, sickness and sometimes death.

In Unity I’ve learned to forgive others and then to release them. To forgive myself

and then to embrace and love my damaged inner child that has suffered for lack of

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forgiveness over the years. There is absolutely nothing that cannot be forgiven.


I have to remind myself that just because I have forgiven someone for their true or

perceived crimes against me doesn’t mean I need to make them my NEW BEST

FRIEND. No! I may not like or condone what they said or did, but I can still forgive them

by seeing them as an expression, and child of God. I send them love and light during

prayer and meditation, wish them joy and happiness and then release them.

The hardest thing for me to remember sometimes is that forgiveness isn’t for them, it

is for me. I am releasing them from the emotional bond they had over me and I am

evicting them from my thoughts. No longer are they allowed to live “rent-free” inside my

head. Forgiveness is freedom. Forgiveness is liberating. Forgiveness is taking my power

back from the person I am forgiving. Forgiveness allows me to move on with my life,

joyfully, lovingly and most of all, free to express the love and light I was born to be.

Through prayer and meditation, I feel the calm leading to my peace. I know that God

is love and peace. I see how to shine as that instrument of love and peace I was created to

be, revealing whatever it is I need to see so any and all situations are resolved, NOW,

right now, at this moment, and for this I give thanks and I am grateful as I thank God and

express, “So it is, Amen.”

Using visualization with forgiveness helps us heal by reinforcing our intention to

claim our good and is used in many meditations. I create the mental picture I want to see

in my life. I visualize the person I need to forgive. Even though I may not want to, and I

might resist this, I am aware of the need I have to forgive. I visualize them surrounded

with the white light of love and protection, surrounded with God and I say out loud,

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“Namaste”, which means, The Christ in me, sees and beholds, the Christ in you as I look

beyond our mortal appearances and our mortal limited beliefs so I can see into your heart

and you into mine.”

Once I have forgiven everyone for every wrong, they ever committed against me, I

stop, pause, take a deep breath and begin to forgive myself. I use denials to release the

power that unforgiveness has had over me. I use affirmations to embrace every part of my

body with love and attention. I reacquaint myself with my hurt and damaged inner child.

I begin to love myself, with all the kindness, compassion and affection I would a new

friend. I have become my own, NEW BEST FRIEND.

I invite you to read, if you haven’t already, Julia Cameron’s book the Artist Way, and

write morning pages and to take yourself on weekly or monthly Artist dates. This was a

great book that gave me tools for healing my inner child by teaching me to reacquaint

myself with me and to begin liking and loving me. The experience was transformational.

As I began liking and loving me, I found that others, began showing me the same and I

began to genuinely like and love others around me.

I invite the substance of God to rise up in me through prayer and meditation where I

hold sacred space in my heart and my mind, receptive to feeling the presence of God.

Hildegard of Bingen defined prayer as “breathing in and out the one breath of the

universe. God.”

In meditation I sit in the quiet listening to the voice of God. During prayer and

meditation, I feel the presence of God flowing in and through me and I feel my

consciousness elevating to where I see and feel my surroundings clearer and at this

moment, I know I am one with God. I can feel myself “moving into a higher zip code”. I

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uncover my soul revealing my inner beauty by forgiving others. This, cause and effect,

action returns me to a state of non-judgment. Releasing old grievances through the

process of forgiveness is like cleaning the attic of cob webs. No one shines beneath the

grime of old worn out grudges. We need to spring clean and make new to see the real

“us” shining through. By doing this we begin to genuinely like and love ourselves and

other people in our world.

It hasn’t been my nature to hold onto grudges toward others, I am a forgiver by

nature. I get over things easily. I live by the creed, live and let live. We are all human. We

all make mistakes, and most are not intentional. However, I do remember one time that I

did hold onto a grudge and I held onto it with a death grip, refusing to let it go.

My younger brother said something to me that was very hurtful when my dad died.

What he said was a lie and he and I both knew it was a lie. He told me that he had found

my dad’s journal and that my dad had written pages about how much he had hated me. I

asked by brother to show the journal to me and he refused. Even though I knew he was

lying to me, I allowed his cruel actions to devastate me beyond words.

I was grief stricken. Not just by my dad’s death but by the cruel words my brother

had spoken to me. Words that later I realized had come from my brother’s own anger and


My heart was shredded, as though it had gone through a meat grinder and it was years

before I was able to forgive him. During those years the anger and hurt I felt toward that

event, became a deep cancerous wound that festered, becoming my obsession, to the

point where I couldn’t breathe. At times, I would cry unconsolably to anyone and

everyone who would listen to my story. I allowed myself to be the victim and my

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victimhood soon became my identity. I became the torch bearer of my grief and every

day I would find something that would trigger me; only adding more salt into an already

gangrenous infected wound.

I allowed this anger and grief to fester and take root in my heart for years. My brother

and I weren’t speaking, and we had no physical contact even though we lived less than a

mile from each other. He hadn’t asked me to forgive him and I felt he didn’t deserve to

be forgiven. Although, I didn’t know it at the time it would be years before we would see

one another. Holding on to this grief for those many years nearly ruined both my physical

and my emotional health.

I wanted to forgive him and move on, but it just wasn't happening for me. After a few

years went by, I began by writing him letters asking him if we could talk about what

happened and I told him I loved him and that I wanted to forgive him, and I wanted him

to forgive me for whatever part I had played in that situation, but he refused to see me.

Eventually, after another two years of grieving the loss of my parents, and the loss of a

relationship with my brother, I knew without doubt I wanted to forgive him and move

past the hurt, so I wrote him one more letter telling him that I forgave him, and regardless

if he would or ever does forgive me, I have forgiven ME for my part in our conflict.

Once again, I got no response. I finally came to believe that I could forgive him

without having to have him in my life, but I still couldn't completely forgive him until

one day I read something by either Wayne Dyer or Mike Dooley about forgiveness. I had

not yet found Unity Church, although without knowing it I was just a few short years

away from finding my true home and my real family in Unity.

Learning about the necessity for forgiveness and the benefits that come with forgiving

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my brother as well as myself. I was determined to let this long overdue grudge go. The

total forgiveness process has taken about six years, but once I began to learn about the

necessity for forgiveness, not for his benefit, but for mine, I was able to begin to heal

emotionally. Once the emotional healing began, it wasn’t long before the physical healing


By learning the art of forgiveness, unconditional love and using the principles I was

learning as a Unity Truth student, I am able to confidently state, that I am completely

healed. I have completely and unconditionally forgiven my brother for his part, and me

for my part in this painful situation that drove a wedge into our relationship as siblings.

Today, I see my brother as a child of God. Knowing his words, even though they

were words of anger, were words asking for the love and understanding he needed, even

though he had no idea this was, and still may be his need. For this need of his to be filled,

I give him my unconditional love. I forgive him for what he said. I pray that he somehow

finds a way to feel and express his wholeness and to someday reconnect with me, so we

can have a loving brother-sister relationship.

Because I believe that in all things there is only love or a call for love, I am able to

release it all to God. I let go and let God. By denying that his words and actions have any

power over me and affirming he is a child of God, affirming he is whole and that I love

him unconditionally has healed me. It has released me from being bonded to my anger. I

feel lighter without carrying that heavy load. I am happier for releasing it and with my

grief and stress released, my body looks and feels younger than it has in many years.

Being able to forgive my brother released me from all the emotional baggage I was

carrying and no longer does “what he said” have any power to disable me emotionally

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and that is probably the thing that I am most grateful for today.

The Unity movement is based on its co-founder, Myrtle Fillmore’s healing story. She

discovered that it was intelligence behind the creation of forms. She believed that life is a

form of energy and if she talked to her body, she could teach it or coax it to heal by

affirming her body’s energy and vigor and by denying its weakness and inefficiency. She

affirmed that her organs were alive with the pure, wholesome energy of God. She is

quoted here, “My eyes express the sight of God, the unlimited source and supply”. She

spoke words of truth, strength and power to each and every life center in her body. She

asked their forgiveness for all she had done to mistreat her body. She was patient with the

slowness of her body’s response and continued to declare words of truth, releasing them

from bondage to a past carnal mind, reminding them they were omnipresent life and

energy centers. She gave thanks as she vowed to stay open to the free flow of life and to

bless and encourage it with positive true thoughts and words that were kind and loving.

Her proof that God was with her was the peaceful happy feeling that came over her and a

healing that cured her from tuberculosis while she was in her forties, extending her life up

into her late eighties.

Her words of truth were affirmations similar to these. “I am a child of God. I am

perfect, holy, and live in harmony because God is perfect and holy. There is nothing that

can harm me in any way for I and God are one and God is all that is good, and I am all

that is good too.

Today I claim the same power Mrs. Fillmore expressed. “I declare that I am a

wonder, I am Spirit, I am one with God and I have perfect health, I am whole, and I

manifest my real being in this perfect, healthy, and whole body now”.

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Mrs. Myrtle Fillmore cured her illness with affirmative prayer, and I believe in the

power of affirmative prayer because as I shared earlier my husband, Brian, was

diagnosed with 4th stage lung cancer. After one year of chemo and radiation the doctors

told us his cancer wasn't curable and he probably would only gain another six months of

life by using a maintenance drug called Optdivo.

When Brian was sent home with nothing but a prescription for a treatment plan

designed to do nothing more than prolong his life for a few months I began to use

affirmative prayer and meditation that I studied in Unity’s prayer and meditation class to

claim Brian’s perfect health. Using the words of Myrtle Fillmore, I claimed “he is a child

of God and does not inherit sickness”. Words she used to stake her claim to God’s

goodness. I placed Brian’s name on Silent Unity's prayer list, the Tuesday morning Unity

Women’s prayer group's list, my friend Becky’s Catholic Church groups prayer list,

Jane’s Methodist Women’s Prayer list, and many others. Within three months Brian’s

PET scan indicated two of his tumors had disappeared completely and the remaining one

had shrunk more than half its size. Brian’s medical records can support and prove that

these claims I make here are factual and true.

This was my proof that affirmative prayer works. That we can heal our bodies with

the power of prayer, positive affirmations, positive thinking and God's spirit flowing

within us. I am so full of gratitude and thank God every day for Brian’s good health, the

many blessings I receive every day, and the ones I know are on their way. And to this I

say, thank you, thank you, thank you God and So it is, Amen.

Moving to A Higher Zip Code 20

I use affirmations in my prayer and meditation practice to claim my good health and

wholeness and many “post-it” notes with hand written affirmations are strategically

placed where I can’t help but see them around my home and office every day.

I was first introduced to affirmations when I read Emily Cady's book “Lessons in

Truth” and since I have been using affirmations, I recognize daily, the many blessings

coming from Spirit.

Such as finding the money Brian and I needed to buy a newer vehicle; my husband's

cancer transforming from incurable to a complete cure. At the time I write this he is well

beyond two years cancer free with absolutely no indication that he ever had cancer and

the doctors are baffled beyond words. Affirmative prayer and the Spirit of God within us

has made this possible. I am a firm believer in giving thanks to the Source God, and

being grateful for all that I am, all that I have, and all that I receive.

Prayer aligns me with and keeps me mindful of the power of my feelings, thoughts,

words and actions in creating my reality and how they have the power of raising or

lowering my Spiritual consciousness and my success of fulfilling Divine Law.

Faith is a power within us that opens us to feeling the Divine Presence healing us

through prayer. As we develop awareness and faith, we also develop insight that leads us

to expressing our spiritual wellbeing. Spirit lays dormant, unrecognized until we invite

Spirit into our hearts. Prayer affirms my confidence that God provides all the good I seek.

Health is a natural state, a divine idea that releases conflicting states of consciousness

and when I am immersed in the presence of the Divine; life, health, goodness surrounds

and enfolds me, flowing through me with every breath I take.

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Wholeness is our ability to affirm our thoughts and become centered upon Spirit. I

see myself one with this healing life force by visualizing this life energy, glowing,

moving and filling every cell in my body, and seeing and feeling that I am immersed in

the white light and love of the Divine, and my life energy is renewed.

Today I affirm that you and I are whole and complete and together we come into our

true life, in and through Spirit. We restore our body to health, by renewing our activities

with the substance we receive from source/God. We align our consciousness with the

natural flow of life flowing through us. We affirm in prayer our health in the absolute

realm. This is the truth of our being. Healthy, whole, radiantly alive in every moment as

we visualize healing taking place within your bodies, mind, and heart.

I use affirmations to declare my health, wholeness and goodness. I am at work with

the indwelling power of God. I reap the perfect expression of God’s gifts in my life.

NOW. I am living in the glory of the Christ Consciousness that is now awake in my soul,

illuminating and healing me. I am trusting God to establish what is good and right and

orderly. I know God is present in all persons, things and situations. I believe in the power

of prayer to heal. I am of Spirit, perfect, holy, harmonious. Nothing can hurt me or make

me sick or afraid, for God cannot be sick, hurt or afraid. I manifest my real, whole, self,


Another example why I believe in the power of prayer to heal is this. I had a tumor in

my left parotid glad and during the weeks between the time I was diagnosed, and the day

the surgeon removed it, I practiced affirmations, denials, and affirmative prayer, several

times a day. My name was on Silent Unity’s prayer list, as well as my church’s and

friends outside of my Unity circle. When the surgeon removed the parotid gland, he

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reported that there was no tumor to be found, even though it had shown up previously on

both an x-ray and a CT scan. He gave no explanation and was obviously puzzled when he

gave me his post-op report. I have kept the medical reports to remind me of God’s

healing grace. I am grateful and give thanks every day to the source of my healing, God.

And so, it is, Amen.

From the magazine “The Daily Word” the word for the day was “World Peace”. It is

written in the affirmative prayer style. “Peace in the world begins with love in my heart.”

Just by reading that I affirm the love in my heart is where Peace in the world begins by

expressing “I am the love where peace for the world begins.” I tried rewriting it as an

affirmation to see if I could feel any difference when reading it.

On Friday March 3, 2017 the word for the day was “Inner Peace”. “Peace and

serenity are present at this moment. I am present to this moment of peace and serenity”.

Reading the daily word’s affirmations and using affirmative prayer is uplifting and

beautiful. A wonderful addition to my morning prayer and meditation ritual and how I set

my intention for the day. Together they state a positive claim that raises my Spiritual

vibration invoking me to feeling more empowered and moves me into a place where I can

express the truth of who I am. Expressing the truth, I know.

Sharing affirmations with others, such as a friend or a prayer partner can be

empowering for everyone concerned. Even if the person the group is praying for is not

present, they receive healing through the group’s intention, affirmations and affirmative

prayer. Today I belong to a women’s prayer group, The Power of Eight, that meets online

daily, through the web interface ZOOM. Our goal is to set our intention for a healing that

encompasses our group and flows outward into the world we live in. We know and

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believe that “when two or more come together, there is God”, and our affirmations and

prayers become powerful declarations of our Spiritual heritage.

Any time in prayer, whether we are in a group or praying in solitude in our private

room we can use affirmations as declarations of forgiveness to release us from emotional

bondage to past hurts by transforming our thoughts. Some affirmations I have used to

help me release old baggage that no longer serves me are:

• As a child of God, I deny that anything that happened in the past to cause me pain

has any hold over me and no longer has any power to negatively affect my

emotional or physical wellbeing in any way.

• I am now immersed in the presence of the Divine. And as I am a child of God, I

am able to forgive myself for holding ill feelings toward my brother and I am in

perfect health now because of this forgiveness and I can express this perfect

health because Life, Health and Goodness surrounds, enfolds and flows through


• As a child of God, I know that I can forgive myself for any harm I may have

caused another individual.

• I know that I am forgiven now for any and all my transgressions toward another

and that guilt and blame no longer have any power over me because I am living as

and with the Spiritual Truth that is God. In this truth, forgiveness is not for

someone else, it is for me that I may shed my burden of hurt and pain and move

forward expressing the light and wonder I was born to express.

• I am in alignment with the natural flow of the Living Life Force, and through God

I practice life-renewing activities that include forgiving myself as well as others

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for any and all perceived wrongs. I affirm wholeness and healing for both me and

the one who has wronged me or whom I may have wronged.

• I affirm that my brother’s and my health is absolute because this is the Truth of

who we are. Healthy, whole, radiant beings of light and wonder. I see my brother

surrounded in my love, as a perfect manifestation of love that is God.

From the Handbook of Positive Prayer (pages 18-20) Denials & Affirmations,

Hasbrouck takes us on an exploration in understanding and creating, denials and

affirmations, that we can use every day, as we witness firsthand, the power of affirmative

prayer, that provides us with an opportunity for Spiritual growth. Denials are words that

take away the power of the negative appearance. They declare the unreality and the

powerlessness of appearances by focusing on the Truth, the presence of God and Good,

rather than the Negative. We focus our attention on a solution rather than the problem.

They are used to eliminate, remove, and forgive, opening us to receive Divine Ideas.

In the study of Metaphysics, we learn there are three phases of mind working within

us, conscious, sub-conscious and super-conscious, and we are reminded that we are NOT

our ego or what it tries to convince us we are. For Spiritual growth to take place we need

to let all egotistical thinking go.

Once upon a time, long ago, our ego served as an alert system signaling us of real and

apparent danger. Over time as dangers were eliminated the ego took on the role of ruling

the things we say and do. By using Denials, we are not denying the circumstance, we are

denying the circumstance has any power over us to cripple us into being less than the

truth of who we are, which is, “that we are children of God, perfect, healthy, and whole,

radiating light into the world.”

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When I pause daily to declare this truth, believing it more deeply each time I recite it,

it becomes engrained into my belief system and I begin living this truth and expressing it

from every fiber of my being.

Denials are the steps we take to eliminate, erase, confront and forgive all negative

appearances that in the past we allowed to have power over us. Denials help us to

permanently change the way we think about something because we are claiming our

unwillingness to give it the power to threaten or take away the good in our lives. The

Truth of me, the perfect individual takes a stand against the restricting and limiting

beliefs of my past.

Once we deny something, we are open to receiving the Divine Idea that leads us to

deal positively with all negative appearances in our physical world and prepares us to

allow the flow of God to work with us. Emilie Cady (from Lessons in Truth) created this,

“my go-to denial”.

I claim that (fill in the blank) is powerless to take my good from me.

Affirmations are declarations, “I AM” statements, we create to affirm the presence of

God the Good. Our YES statements of Truth. A HEAVY MENTAL MOVEMENT that

asserts the confidence and persistence of truth even in the darkest moments and

conditions our sub-consciousness to accept these new truths. It is bringing our awareness

into focus where we accept and align with absolute good, God. This is our conscious

mind making visible our reality as we claim our connection with substance/God, as we

shift from our old attitudes and beliefs and accept the truth.

In Luke 11:24-26 we read. The unclean spirit when he is gone out of the man, passeth

through waterless places, seeking rest, and finding none, he saith, I will turn back unto

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my house whence I came out. 11:25And when he is come, he findeth it swept and

garnished. 11:26Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more evil than

himself; and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man becometh worse

than the first.

The powerful point of this scripture is to inform us that when we deny something, we

need to replace it with an affirmation of something we want to see in its place, so that

what we deny, doesn’t come back with a vengeance. It is the negative beliefs that have

turned into habit that block the flow of our goodness, our health and happiness, prosperity

and peace.

In Acts 17:28 we read. “for in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain

even of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring”.

The “I AM” presence connects us with the Divine, the infinite field of living energy.

That is why we begin affirmations with I am, such as I am strong, I am good, I am love

and light.

When we set our intentions, clear a space in our homes, yard and our hearts for sacred

space and live mindfully, in the moment aware of our entire world, we are open to

transforming and shifting, changing into the beings we were meant to be. We become

acutely aware of our heart beats, our breathing and the presence of a living energy force

that we call God the Divine. This is why we pray and meditate, why we align ourselves

with what we call the “breath or the heart beat” of God. God works through us. We are

the manifestations of God. We are the face of God as we move into and sit in the quiet as

the living force, the consciousness of the Divine, surrounds and enfolds us.

Denials and affirmations open us to truth as we build a more positive attitude and

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consciousness, by removing the negative energy blocking the flow of Spirit into our lives

and aligning our consciousness with Divine Mind.

An example from the Handbook of Positive Prayer states on pages 47-56 to begin

affirmative prayer by declaring, I know, or I give thanks followed by I AM, and ending

with NOW. For example: I know, and I give thanks that I AM a child of God, perfect in

every way. Living the abundant life, I choose to live, NOW.

Examples of Denials:

• I deny the virus in my computer has power to take my good or to keep my good

from me.

• I deny this situation has the power to take or keep my good from me.

Examples of Affirmations:

• I am acknowledging the presence of good. Focusing on the solution rather than

the problem. There is a perfect outcome for my computer issue awaiting me right

now. Thank you, thank you, thank you. God

• I am acknowledging what God has done for others, God can do for me and more.


• I am affirming now and giving thanks that God is healing me now and ask God to

use me as an instrument of peace, love, and light and where there is hatred may I

sow love. Now

• I am consciously working to form NEW HEAVY MENTAL habits that are in

harmony and alignment with good will and God. Now

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• I am immersed in the freeing love of God that liberates me from all my past

erroneous words and behavior. Now.

• I am a child of God and what God has done for others, God can do for you and

for me. Now

• A denial is repeated once and then released. Affirmations are repeated until all

forms of fear are gone.

Bible scripture confirms God supplies the good we desire. When we copy scripture,

it impresses our subconscious mind with truths we want to remember.

Exodus 15:2: the lord is my strength and my song

Psalms 27:1: the lord is the stronghold of my life

2 Timothy 4:17: the lord stood by me and gave me strength

The following is a prayer I wrote for one Sunday when I was asked to lead our

congregation in prayer.

My Prayer for You and Me

Let us come together and give thanks for answered prayer. I invite you to take a

moment to visualize something good you need in your life, and then say this prayer with


We thank God for our ability to believe the truth of these passages. We can visualize

ourselves receiving God’s blessings. We declare by this date: (add in a date that works

for you); (My date was Christmas 2018); My good will come to me. (and it did with the

completion of the core requirements for the SEE program). As we move forward toward

this date, we give special thanks at the first outward sign of us receiving our good. I have

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placed this matter in the hands of God and release it as I vision the good results are

already here.

The light of God illuminates, revealing answers, that I might know what is mine to

do. Divine Love brings forward into our hearts, understanding, joy and peace.

The healing life force that is God, flows through me now, restoring me to perfect

wholeness and health.

God is joy and fills my heart and mind NOW. As an heir of God happiness is my


Good judgment comes from God and I know what I need to do, and I joyfully do it

because nothing is worth doing if you can’t do it with love.

Divine love and order are established in me and in every situation, dissolving and

releasing all anxiety, confusion and fearful thoughts. I am peaceful in my mind and my

heart. I am poised and grounded in the peace of the Christ.

Through the power of God, I can speak and do what is right, at the right moment,

without fail. God is the light, life, and love within me and within you and is the law

working to bring all that is good into our lives.

Affirmative Positive Prayer is complimented by using positive visualization. The

formation of what I call “Heavy Mental Images” of good conditions we don’t yet see in

the material world. Visualization can be accompanied by kinesthesia a form of sensing

the body’s activity. Example: Visualize this statement with color and light, sitting or

lying in a relaxed position. “God, I give thanks and affirm my wings are free to function

without restrictions.” Or. “I know when I need to know.”

You can train your mind to visualize what you want to manifest.

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• Select a colored object

• Study it carefully until you have it memorized

• Close your eyes and describe it in detail

• Declare that it is forming on a vision board in your mind, like on a movie


• Turn your attention inward and meditate on the object until you can

clearly see it with your mind’s eye.

• Within a minute or so, if you can’t visualize it, open your eyes, look at the

object again, and start the process over. Describing out loud what you

wish to see.

• Repeat this exercise daily until your image can be produced without

difficulty. Soon your sub-conscious mind will engage your power of

imagination and it will become second nature to visualize whatever it is

you want. Practice not only makes perfect it creates perfectly in your

material world. Remember the Law of Mind Action. We have the power to

create the world we want to live in but first we must be able to visualize

exactly what that world will look and feel like.

• Begin with affirmations and affirmative prayer and then visualize and give

thanks that your prayer is answered before you actually see proof.

• Learn to relax. Practice any number of relaxation techniques available on

YouTube of other social media. Meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi, and other

forms of relaxation are generally good practices not only for relaxing but

aligning our bodies with good health as well. It is as simple as lying back,

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closing your eyes and breathing. And just “be” in the silence and

concentrate on your breathing. Every time a stray thought pops into your

head, release it and just continue concentrating on your breathing.

Using the symbolism of color (I use blues and purples because they are royal and

Godly colors) in our visualization is what Carl Jung called “imprinting” on the universal

unconsciousness. Metaphysicians call it the “race mind”.

• Red: life, vitality, force, body, the underworld, suffering, death, divine

love and blood.

• Dark Red: warfare, human suffering

• Muddy Red: rage

• Orange: enthusiasm, intuition, energy

• Yellow: good judgment, wisdom, intelligence, the mind, and mother earth

• Gold: understanding, glory, fruitfulness, divine wisdom

• Green: order, health, healing, fertility, prosperity

• Spring Green: strength, youthfulness

• Blue: faith, spirit of man, heaven, godliness, divine love in man

• Light blue: imagination

• Violet: humility, deep affection, sorrow, spiritual gifts

• Purple: power, royalty

• Pink: love, human affection

• Russet: purification

• Gray: will

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• White: purity, spirit, innocence, light, joy, the Christ, God

• Black: death, destruction, ungodly, without light

We forgive all negative thoughts and feelings associated with all states of

unforgiveness because we heal by restoring our consciousness to its original purity and

integrity that makes us whole.

I love the phrase “childlike wonder” I love being curious and mindful and seeing

things for the first time with new eyes. I believe that we need to stay positive and affirm

our good health daily. It does make a difference and it reminds us to be gentle with

ourselves and to go with the flow. Since I have been practicing affirmative prayer and

meditation, I feel healthier now at 63 years than I did in my 30's.

Myrtle Fillmore's words about praying to God for forgiveness for negative thoughts

resonated with me. How can we ever expect to genuinely forgive others if we don't start

by forgiving ourselves?

We have nothing if we lose our hope and our faith. I refuse to entertain negativity and

even though it sounds so easy when I write it, it is a daily challenge, albeit one that is

getting easier to practice. But that is just it. We all have to practice our faith daily and

constantly remind ourselves to be good and gentle not only to ourselves, but those around


We can always find a place to go into the silence and feel the presence of God all

around us. For me this is so emotionally comforting and relaxing. Sometimes this is

difficult but once we achieve a relaxed state the benefits are so rewarding.

Being mindful of the presence of God is important to me and sometimes I have a hard

time sitting still. I read in the book, Meditation for Dummies, that you can meditate and

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be in prayer when you are walking, which is something I love to do.

When I’m walking, I feel the presence of God all around me as I’m enjoying the

sunset or sunrise. Giving thanks along with the affirmations is what brings everything

together for me, so I am open to receiving all the blessings God sends out into the world

each day.

Using visualization and affirmations found in Bible scripture for prayer have helped

me form new “Heavy Mental Habits” for releasing old habits that no longer serve me.

(resource is Handbook of Positive Prayer chapters 4, 8, 9). The following are some of the

steps I’ve used in developing my prayer practice.

• Bible verses assure us that God supplies the good we desire. For example: Words

that support our Strength: Exodus 15:2; Psalms 18:1, 27:1 or 28:7; Philippians

4:13; 2Timothy 4:17.

• Google key phrases or use Unity’s Online Study Bible


• Give thanks for answered prayer even before you realize it.

• Believe the Truth you find in the passages or words you choose.

• Visualize the outcome you want and need. Visualize writing that check you need

to pay your mortgage or doctor bills and state, “by this date (insert date) my good

will arrive.

• When you first see a sign that there is a resolution in the works, give another

special thanks claiming it is on its way.

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• If the date you selected doesn’t bring with it the results you were expecting,

release it to God, and before long you may see results you didn’t expect, results

that are better than what you expected.

As I wrote earlier, I’ve used visualization, prayer and meditation for healing. Light

Work is visualizing light penetrating your body where healing is needed. During a typical

meditation I visualize bringing in the white light with each breath and exhaling toxins

that are blocking the expression of good health. Affirmations are helpful. Examples are: I

am grateful for the healing power of God flowing through now as a white light, restoring

and renewing every cell of my being. Or, if it is for an emotional healing, I use this

affirmation. The expression of my enthusiasm, and joy increases with every breath and I

am grateful and thank God.

I remember to forgive others as well as myself because the root cause of many

illnesses is harboring an unforgiving attitude towards ourselves and others. I forgive

regardless the circumstance. I release the pain related to the situation and let the white

light and love of God to flow in and through me. I affirm that God is life, and I am one

with God, therefore I am one with life, the God within, and I release NOW every

recognized or unrecognized negative feeling, including fear, resentment, envy or hate or

anything else that results in my feeling pain. When I visualize, I am praying in faith,

because I am grateful for results I have yet to see.

When I use prayer and meditation to heal, there is a ritual I go through in an effort to

still my mind. I create an environment that promotes peace and silence. It is like setting a

stage that invites me to enter into the silence, a state of Spiritual consciousness where I

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can go to remove myself from the relative realm of sense consciousness. A place where I

commune with God. (Reference: 1 Kings 19:12).

In the Silence we just “be” in the presence, a state of no thought, a state of oneness.

When we receive our answers from “God”, we have actually moved out from the silence

for a moment. Once we receive our answers it is then time to take action and bring the

answers into our physical and mental realm.

The silence is a state of consciousness we enter for the purpose of putting us in touch

with the divine mind so that the soul may listen to the small still voice. (reference:

Charles Fillmore) When man goes into the silence, he enters the secret place of God. The

closet for prayer, where he closes the door and, in the stillness, prays and communes with

God and meditates on the truth. And then listens to what God has to say.

To prepare myself for prayer and meditation and going into the silence I go into my

room, in my home, that I have created specifically for this purpose. I’ve dedicated this

space for my spiritual growth. In this room there are spiritual books, posters, affirmations

posted on my walls, a comfortable chair where I sit and pray or meditate, an area carpet

and yoga mat for yoga or meditation, meditation tapes, a writing desk for writing prayers,

affirmations and doing research and course work. There is a dimmer switch to control the

room’s lighting. This is the physical setting where I go to, to pray and meditate.

When I get ready to pray, I dim the lights, and get comfortable in my chair. I close

my eyes, center myself, clear my thoughts, breathe deeply for a few minutes and invite

God's presence to fill me. As I sit still, I know I am in the presence of God and this

presence is within me. I am open to be the expression of goodness, grace and wonder and

to receiving the living Spirit. God’s breath of life fills me, moving in and through me and

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as I feel the presence within me, I am inspired and guided by wisdom, love and peace. At

this moment I am able to see and feel God’s presence in the world around me. I give

thanks for all the blessings I have received and give thanks for those I am about to

receive. I offer my prayers for others, and my family and then for myself. Once I have

spoken my prayers, I sit silently for five or ten minutes. This is where I often feel or sense

the warm presence of God within me and I know without doubt I am not alone. I am one

with God. I give thanks because I am grateful for this time in the silence and when I step

out from the silence I am refreshed and renewed.

It is in prayer and meditation that I align my presence with the presence of God, and I

feel the oneness as I express my needs. It is during meditation when I sit in the silence, a

state of consciousness that stills the activity of my mind, as I become part of the stillness,

I am aware of the Divine. When I experience this deeper state of awareness, I am open to

sitting and being part of the stillness that opens me to receiving inspiration, answers

coming from the still small voice of Spirit, the essence of purity and love where belief

turns into a profound knowing. Sometimes the answers come moments or days later, but

without fail they come, and I am inspired to take the correct action needed in all


Most of the time I feel I have more insight into the questions I’ve brought with me

into my prayer session. I usually pray using words similar to these. “Whatever my

challenge was (fill in the blank here) or my frustration may have been, has no power over

me and cannot change my mood or my attitude today." and then I affirm, "I am a child of

God and petty daily annoyances are released and I let go." (or I give whatever it was up

to God).

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Usually after I state a denial and follow it with an affirmation, whatever it was that

felt like a thorn in my side, not only seems very petty and insignificant, but my frustration

is gone to the point where I often take a moment and actually laugh at whatever it was

that frustrated me.

Throughout my life I have often felt the presence of God within me. Several years

ago, my friend’s husband died, and I went to her house to sit and spend some quiet time

with her. During the drive over, I had no idea what I would say to her. When I arrived at

her house, she greeted me tearfully at the door. God’s presence within me guided me on

what to say, how to respond to her, and speak the right comforting words and take the

appropriate actions. Everything I needed to say or do was inspired by Spirit and came

flowing from me.

Recently this same friend approached me while I was at church and told me how

much that visit meant to her. Even though I could not remember the details of what I said,

I remembered the feeling of the visit, and not the words verbatim as she remembered

them. I had become the instrument for God, a vehicle speaking words she needed to hear.

This was probably the deepest and most profound sense of God's presence I can

remember having. Even though there have been many other times that I’ve felt God's


However, now I feel the daily presence of God because I am more open to feeling

that presence more so than I ever have been in the past.

According to Charles Fillmore, meditation is a continuous and contemplative thought.

In meditation we dwell mentally, realizing the reality of the absolute. It is a steady effort

of the mind to know God. It is mankind’s spiritual approach to God and the Universe.

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The purpose of meditation is to expand the consciousness Christ-ward; to bring into

realization divine truth; to be transformed in spirit, soul, and body by renewing the mind.

When I sit quietly, relaxing into a meditation, I listen to the music, watching from my

Mind's I (eye), from the essence of me or the divine spirit within, or from the Observer

deep within me. No longer am I the Ego that demands to control my thoughts, I am the

essence of Consciousness recognizing the thought, acknowledging the thought, and then

gently releasing the thought. Then I sit quietly until the next thought enters into my mind

and I repeat the releasing process again.

The more I meditate and go into the silence the better I am at just BEING in the

Silence. I have fewer thoughts to release and have a richer experience. I am more deeply

connected to Divine Spirit/God. I release and let go of my thoughts without much mental

effort and I stay connected for longer periods every time I meditate.

With prayer and meditation, we open ourselves to receiving guidance on reaching our

highest and best potential. Understanding the three phases of our mind and developing

our ability to create a harmonious relationship with these three separate minds, enables us

to unleash endless hidden possibilities. The three phases of the mind are the conscious,

subconscious and superconscious mind I call God. The superconscious mind transcends

both the conscious and subconscious phases. From the first phase, our conscious mind, is

how we see and interpret the outer world we live in. This is the part of us that can think,

reason, make decisions, formulate our belief system and create judgments about our

outside world and the world with us, which is where we store our judgments of others,

ourselves and the world we live in. The conscious mind is our sense mind, the mind that

senses the world around us and is only operational when we are awake and aware.

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The second phase, our subconscious mind controls our feelings and our emotions, and

works even though we may be and usually are unaware of this intricate thought process.

This is where our lifetime memories are stored. Our subconscious remembers every tiny

detail of every thought and action that we have experienced since our conception or our

birth (depending upon which school of thought you subscribe to). Once our memory is

set, both positively or negatively, these memories are responsible for our emotions, our

feelings and ultimately our actions. (again, either negatively or positively) That is why it

is so important for us to discover our true subconscious thoughts and nature. We learn to

take control of our actions and learn to respond in a more positive, constructive way,

rather than to allow those negative, “knee-jerk reactions” to stressful events, take control

of us. We learn to control our actions rather than allow them to control us.

In addition, our subconscious mind is part of the human collective mind (Jungian-

Collective Consciousness or Unity's- race mind or race consciousness) and this is where

we sense our intuitions and feel our deeper connection to other human minds, as well as

where we make the connection to our super-consciousness.

The third phase, our super-conscious is where our inspiration comes from, and where

we hear God’s voice speaking to us, guiding and comforting us. This is the God-Mind

within us and can only be reached through our sub-conscious by way of prayer and

meditation. We open our ability to communicate with our super-conscious by ridding

ourselves of all negativity, (beliefs and actions no longer serving us). Once we rid

ourselves of all these negative beliefs and attitudes that have accumulated over our

lifetime that have limited our ability to connect and receive the word of God, as well as

restricting our vision of the world around us, we can then move past our previously

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blocked and limited view, and see clearly and know the Truth that resides in our

subconscious mind. This is how and when we know the Truth of God.

Pain and hurt are not easy to overcome when we have faith and worse when we are

unsure of our belief system, as I was before I found something to believe in, before I felt

the Truth of God within me.

I was devastated by the loss of my parents. Their deaths were eight months apart. My

dad died on December 7th and on August 3rd, my dad’s birthday, my mother died. It has

been over seven years since they passed.

I was hurt because my younger brother would not speak to me or include me in his or

his family’s life. We lived in the same small rural Maine town with a population of about

3,000 and our homes were within a mile of each other. Over the death of my parents I

have tried to get him to talk to me to tell me why he is so angry, but he refuses to tell me

why. The only thing he has said is that he just isn't ready to discuss it.

I’ve sent him Christmas cards, birthday and anniversary cards, and I even invited him

and his wife to my home when my husband Brian and I renewed our wedding vows

shortly after Brian’s two-year battle with cancer. At that time, we thought it might not

only be a wedding vow renewal but could possibly end up being a “living celebration of

life” for Brian, and I wanted my brother and his wife there.

I hand delivered the invitation to make sure he received it. He met me at the door and

refused to let me into his home. He stated very clearly, he wouldn’t be attending.

This sounds so childish as I write this. For my own sanity I have had to let this issue

go and deny it has any power to hurt me. It continued to be a work in progress until I

could finally release it for good and let it go.

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Over time I’ve had to give it up to God several times and learn to be okay with the

fact that my brother doesn't want to be a part of my life or let me be a part of his life. This

was more painful for me than my parent’s death, and it has taken longer for me to come

to terms with.

The Denial I wrote was, I deny that my brother's actions or lack of actions have any

power over me, and these actions cannot hurt me emotionally anymore. And then I

immediately Affirmed, I am a child of God and God is Love and I and my brother are

love and I affirm that this unconditional love will lead us both to the perfect place where

we both are meant to be. I affirm that I forgive him, and he forgives me. (even when I

have no idea whether he has or hasn’t) I affirm that I love him, and he loves me. We are

children of God and all is good.

I have repeated this affirmation so much that as I write this, it actually feels like

everything is okay and I can move past this hurtful time and move on to where I am okay

with whatever this is. I know I can't do anything other than pray to facilitate any changes.

I have given this up to God and now I have to release it. Whatever happens or doesn't

happen is for my brother’s and my highest and best good.

I have not been willing to leave Mississippi and go back to Maine where my brother

lives and where Brian’s and my summer home is, because I feel deep pain every time we

drive into town. Feeling hurt keeps me from spending time at Brian’s and my summer

home that I love. I use denials to deny this pain and hurt feelings have any power over


I deny that I have any fear or pain associated with spending the summer in Maine. I

deny that my brother’s actions and inactions have any power to take my good from me.

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Early on during my Spiritual education I was advised by my spiritual mentor to

develop a Spiritual Growth Action Plan for the two years I would be taking the Unity

SEE classes and to record an action plan that would guide me along in my spiritual

evolution. The following is an excerpt from the journal I kept during that time.

I am a Unity SEE student, retired and in my early 60’s. I developed this step-by-step

breakdown of measurable, realistic, and obtainable goals for 2017 through 2018. My goal

is to create a process that will guide me in successfully managing, accomplishing and

supporting my spiritual growth, deepen my prayer life and help me develop the discipline

I want and need to make a commitment to continuing my spiritual growth through

spiritually oriented classes, workshops and literature.

My long-term goal was to complete the twenty-five Unity SEE classes, get a master’s

degree in religious studies, and to become a Spiritual author, speaker and teacher. To

work with displaced women in a women’s detention center or prison and establish a

teaching ministry. As of December 2018, I have completed the core requirements for the

SEE program and I am currently working on fulfilling the requirements for a master’s

degree in Religious Studies.

My short-term goals that will assist me in reaching my long-term goals are: to

become a Prayer Chaplain and Spiritual teacher at a women’s detention center, and to be

of service to others in my community both here in Gulfport, MS, where I live in the

winter and in Norridgewock, Maine where I live during the summer. This remains the

same today in 2019 which leads me to confirm that I am still on my path to reaching my

spiritual goals. I broke down my goals into daily and weekly practical steps of action that

will lead to the successful completion of my goals.

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• Daily Morning Prayer. When I wake, I give thanks to God for all the blessings in

my life; I affirm that I am open to receiving the many blessings I will receive

throughout the day.

• Daily Morning Walk. In the morning before I get caught up in the day’s activities

I go for a quiet walk, alone, for about forty-five minutes. This is when I clear my

mind and “be” as one with my environment. If it is raining, I go over to the

college and walk on their inside walking track. I prefer the outside walk. I feel

connected to nature and more present in the moment.

• Morning Women’s Prayer Group. After my walk I log onto my daily ZOOM call

with my women’s prayer group. We hold sacred space for those in need of prayer.

I finished the Unity Prayer Chaplain training in 2017 and I use those skills to pray

with my team for others.

• Weekly Women’s Book Group. Over the past two years I’ve been in several

weekly groups. We choose a book and discuss one chapter a week until it is

finished and then we begin a new book. We have read “7 Paths to God” by Joan

Z. Borysenko, Ph.D; “The Unmistakable Touch of Grace”, by Cheryl Richardson,

and “Ethics 101” by Maxwell, along with many others.

• Daily Evening Meditation at my home. Sometimes I choose a guided meditation

from a CD such as Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer, or Bonnie Gibson (a

medium who lives near me in Maine). Sometimes I choose to sit in a dimly lit

room, enjoying the quiet moments and “just be”. Regardless the method I choose,

meditation invokes in me a feeling of calm relaxation, promoting a peaceful and

restful night’s sleep.

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• Weekly Meditation Group. Meets on Wednesday night for one hour. I find a

weekly group meditation exposes me to new techniques of meditation and

provides a forum for valuable feedback from others who are engaged in a

meditation regime. It is interesting to hear the varying degree of experiences the

members have. No two are alike, although they may be similar in some respects.

• I have completed two full years; twenty-five Unity SEE classes since January

2017. My very first class was Foundations of Unity. It met Thursday nights using

an online interface “Blackboard”. It was that class that introduced me to “practical

Christianity” and where I fell in love with the principles of Unity. These

principles have been invaluable to me. I’ve learned how to use them in practical

ways, and they are available to me every day. I’ve learned how to rid myself of

old thoughts and behaviors that limited me and how to shift my thoughts and

behaviors to discover the God within me. This promotes positive outcomes where

I experience spiritual freedom. I learned to use the tools of prayer and meditation

to help me stay present in the moment, without worrying about the past or the

future. I can just “be” in the now, at this moment, because this is all there is. Right

here. Right now. I am working on seeing the best, both in myself, and in others. I

am learning how to free myself from the bondage of my past by practicing

unconditional love. Forgiving both myself and others for past events that have

stayed buried deep in my psyche. I believe the more I read and study the better

insight I have into what God is and what God means in my life. I love the concept

that I, and Source are one and not separate.

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• Sunday, I attend church where I function as a greeter, prayer chaplain or give a

Sunday message from the podium. I am committed to being available to hold

sacred space with those who are in need of prayer.

To summarize my current daily & weekly goals, I pray and ask God for what I need, I

exercise and eat healthy to keep my mind and my body in good working condition, I

meditate to be open to receiving the blessings and answers God sends me. I attend classes

and workshops, go to prayer and book groups to increase my spiritual knowledge and to

be in the company of likeminded individuals who are open to stimulating spiritual

discussions that add to all of our spiritual growth. I attend Church regularly. I love

hearing the weekly messages. It is always uplifting and keeps me spiritually focused. For

me, the Unity community is more than my church it has become my family.

I assess my spiritual awareness every day. When I find I am moving off from the path

I’ve chosen, I gently remind myself to be open, inviting God and love to come into my

heart. If I am open to this and make this an ongoing lifestyle change it becomes as

automatic as breathing. I know my soul is waking up to God. I have a new awareness

where I perceive the world around me in a way, I’ve never known possible. For me this is

my spiritual awakening.

Practical goals help me expand my consciousness and my self-awareness as I address

what my beliefs and values are, how they affect the choices I make.

I’ve learned to identify certain emotions and what their triggers might be, so I can

learn to express them in a healthy constructive way rather than reacting to a situation

before I think it through. If I allow myself to feel what it is, I am feeling, I can easily

identify what the feeling truly is and where I might need to shift my belief system in

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order to make the changes I need to make. This allows the God spark to shine through

me. For example, I was afraid and concerned regarding my husband’s cancer, my health,

our hopes and dreams for our future. Expanding my consciousness helps me to give up to

God, all these old beliefs and fears that no longer serve me. I let it go while believing

God has already answered my prayers for the best and highest outcome in all situations.

It is important for me to spend every day with a positive attitude knowing that God is

within me, providing all that I need.

I’ve created a check list that reminds me of what I need to do every day to stay on my

Spiritual path. I printed this out and keep it posted on my bulletin board in my office.

• With God all things are possible, and I have God’s gift to create my world

within me. Everything is possible without limits.

• If I want something, I need to give (that) something away with an open and

happy heart.

• When I make a choice, I change my future. I am learning to make good

choices and to follow my heart.

• Creating peace within myself. Learning to accept what is outside my control,

knowing that all good things come from God and are for my highest and best


• I am open to exploration and I am enjoying the journey as I see new ways and

ideas of looking at the world, leading me to abundance, prosperity and


• I know that I am here for a purpose and if I pray and ask God to guide me, my

purpose will be revealed and when I sit in quiet meditation listening for that

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“still small voice” I know exactly what is mine to do and share with the world.

I continue to learn and experience the God within me. I claim and accept my

inheritance as I become the God spark, the light that I have always been meant

to be. Deepak Chopra said, “Your sense of purpose in the universe speaks far

louder than any words.”

• My daily self-improvement goals are to spend time in silence, to commune

with nature, to practice non-judgmental behavior toward others and myself, to

keep my thoughts positive, to be open to receiving God’s blessings, to love

myself and others unconditionally and to find joy in everything I do every day

for the remaining time I have in this earthly realm.

I use Unity’s five step prayer process to enter into my sacred prayer space, my heart

space. The following is how this prayer process reflects in my daily prayer practice.

(resource: The Five Step Prayer Process. (Martella-Whitset: chapter 4, 5, pp 109-115;

116-125; ch. 6 & 7; Hasbrouck ch. 2, 3).

1) Relaxation is a necessary preparation for my journey into the silence

through prayer and meditation. I prepare my environment, a special room I created in

my home for this purpose. To avoid distraction, I sit in my comfortable overstuffed

easy chair with the lights dimmed and soft flute music playing. Surrounded by the

quiet, I go into my “inner room”, my heart where I quiet my body and my mind. I

relax my physical body and then the mental and emotional bodies follow. I do this by

inviting my mind to expand, focusing on the wonder around me and I begin to feel

and know the all-inclusiveness of God.

2) Concentration is going from the outer world of sense mind, to the inner

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world of spirit by contemplative thought. I focus on a Divine Idea such as love, life,

peace, health or substance (seed words). I focus on these words and balance my

breath, in and out. Sometimes I use a mantra to focus on words of truth using an

affirmation such as; Breath in “God is” and breath out “I am” or any other truth or

affirmation I resonate with. This coaxes my mind inward into a deep sense of


3) In Meditation I pray to God in secret and in secret my prayers are

answered. This is where I “know” the stillness in the upper, inner room. I align my

breath with the “Breath of the Divine”. In tune with the energy and nature of the

Divine in whom I live and that lives in me. This opens the door to another Spiritual

dimension. The door opens, and I am invited by the unseen Spiritual force to enter.

4) Realization is “the Silence”. As the door opens, I enter into the presence of

the Divine. I am in a state of NO-thought. NO-thinking only aware of “What is”. The

“I AM” being in the moment, the secret place of God. In the silence, I am inspired by

the breath of God and all is revealed when I return from this sacred place. It is the

silence, the inner place of being, the stillness where I know my oneness with God the

living Spiritual force of the Universe.

5) I am in a present state of Thanksgiving. A state of consciousness because I

KNOW, and it is this knowing that comes from this five step process of prayer. It

opens my mind and my heart energy. I am filled with gratitude and wonder, centered

in peace, surrounded by joy.

This is my practice for affirmative prayer. Hallowed space is where I hold the

name of God, the I AM sacred. Pausing to sit quietly, relaxing into the moment

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concentrating on my breath. I pray to lift my consciousness up to a level where I am

one with God, to reestablish a knowing connection with the Divine Power, God. I

worship in Spirit and in Truth because God is Spirit. I invite the Divine Spirit God to

shine through me, as I affirm, I am one with God and affirming my gratitude for all

that I am.

I have no fear because fear is “false evidence appearing real”. I need not worry or try

to solve my problems because I “Release and Let God”, knowing my needs are being met

even before I ask. Letting go of my ego, opens me to moving beyond my human

limitations to receive abundantly blessings that are already here.

I don't need to go anywhere or do anything because I am positioned in the perfect

place at the perfect time doing the perfect actions I am meant to do. I am right where I

need to be because this is where I was directed by Spirit to be.

I am relaxed and free because I know everything is in Divine Order, no longer do I

have to be in charge, I can release my ego driven behaviors now and always.

As long as I am open to receive and listen to the voice of God within me, I am open

to be moved by Spirit. To explore the unlimited possibilities and opportunities for Spirit

to move in me and through me to do great things. I am the channel of Divine love and

grace for all of mankind.

I know the presence of God is in the Hallowed space within my heart, because I can

feel the presence of God within me every moment of every day. I keep my secret space

hallowed by denying the negative things in life and then follow with affirmations and

affirmative prayer.

Having a prayer partner that I could practice affirmative prayer with, made me aware

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that as spiritual beings here on earth, we are always in the perfect place at the perfect time

to do the perfect work we are called to do. In Mathew 18:20 we read, that Jesus said,

“Where two or more gather in my name God is in the midst of them.”

Over the course of my life I’ve felt uncomfortable with prayer. Silently in the privacy

of my home or publicly in a class or at church, I felt awkward. I didn’t know how to

begin because I was unsure of the right words to use? I was nervous because I knew

others could choose better words and pray better than I could. I found myself not praying

because I didn’t even know how I should begin. Do I open the prayer with “Loving

Father”, “Dear God”, or “Hello…I’m here and I want to talk”? If God isn’t an entity

somewhere far off in the universe then who am I praying to? Who is listening?

It wasn’t until I took the Unity Prayer class and had a prayer partner that prayer began

to make sense to me. At first, I thought it was a waste of my time. The partner assigned to

me in class, Beth, lived in another country and because of the time difference, we had a

difficult time connecting. She was also a high-power estate lawyer, with a chauffeur, a

nanny for her kids and a housekeeper. Needless to say, I felt a bit intimidated by her. I

was a middle-class woman from Maine. Not that there is anything wrong with that, we

just didn’t seem to have much in common because of the differences in our cultural and

economic backgrounds. She also had a long-time relationship with Unity and I admired

her ability to share her prayer practice with me. Together we set goals for our Prayer

Partner Relationship. Soon I began to see more of what we did have in common, rather

than focusing on our differences. The following is an outline of our agreement.

• Schedule regular meeting times.

• Agree on an agenda and format.

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• Pray for each other’s concerns.

• Schedule a specific time when we were not together to pause and pray for the


• Contact each other for additional prayer support.

• Keep prayers and discussions in confidence. Create a safe place for each other to

speak their concerns without JUDGEMENT.

• Be flexible and ready to lovingly release the partnership when it no longer works

for either of us.

• Keep a prayer and gratitude journal. Identifying what we are grateful for. This

keeps us affirming our life rather than empowering the negativity that we may

periodically feel.

I kept a prayer journal for this class. The following are excerpts from this journal. “I

never gave prayer much thought considering I didn’t give God much thought over the

past few decades. Although, I did take the prayer chaplain class at my Unity church and

we have had a few practice sessions, but I still feel I have no idea what I am supposed to

do or say. My prayer partner from the chaplaincy class is Andrea. Her husband Ralph

died last year. He was the first person I met when I moved to Mississippi.

Andrea appears to be a rock. Always smiling. She’s that person who brings light into

the darkest corners of a room and knows exactly what to say in any situation. She is one

of those real-life angels you hear about, who has shown up in my life to teach me the true

meaning of appreciation. She has such a sense of dignity and grace about her. She calls

me every Friday morning, asks about my husband Brian who was challenged with 4th

stage lung cancer and is joyful for me when I report he is fine, doing well, and his latest

CT or PT scan has shown no sign of cancer, even though it’s been less than a year since

her beloved Ralph past. I want to be just like her, loving, kind, graceful, coping serenely

and smiling even in the face of unbearable circumstances, triumphantly responding with

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poise and courage.

Together we practice “praying with and for others” and have built a trusting

relationship. We are comfortable bringing real life issues into our prayer meeting. The

sacred space we create together feels genuine, it feels like there really is some mystical

connection to an unseen spiritual force that for the lack of a better word, I’ll call God.

Sprit, Divine Mind are great labels too, but for me, I want a God, I want the feeling of

comfort I seem to get by using that word. Maybe because the word God is what my

Grandmother used to identify the entity that she worshiped and loved. Maybe it’s what

makes me feel close to my Grandmother after so many years since she passed. Maybe

Grandmother is my God, watching over me from some distant heavenly resort. I have no

idea where this comfort comes from other than it does and I’m okay not knowing, not

having proof. I believe this is what is called taking a leap of faith.

Andrea and I seem to have some common interests although we don’t actually

socialize outside of church, we somehow, at various times over the past few years have

shown up at the same venues. Olli classes at USM, the Blues Festival on the beach and

we are both members of the same Tuesday morning Women’s Prayer and Book Group

where we gather to hold sacred space to pray for the needs and concerns of anyone who

has asked for prayer and then we discuss the latest book the group is reading. What we

hold in prayer is always confidential and never discussed outside the group other than to

post the prayers on the Silent Unity web page where they are held in prayer for thirty

days. If you haven’t had the experience of calling Silent Unity’s prayer line, give yourself

a gift filled with love and hope and call today. 1-816-969-2000 or go to unity.org/prayer.

Every time I call it brings tears to my eyes and I feel God’s presence standing beside me.

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It reminds me that I am thankful for all the many blessings I receive daily and it inspires

me to look forward to the next steps of my journey wherever those steps take me.

Aside from practicing prayer with a partner I have set up a prayer schedule that works

for me. Although I find myself praying throughout the day, I have two set times where I

practice my prayer ritual, first thing in the morning upon waking and then again, at night

just before I close my eyes to sleep. I have allocated a room off from my kitchen for my

personal space for prayer and meditation. With the lights dimmed I sit in the quiet

inviting God to join me. During my morning prayer I give thanks for a restful night and a

glorious new day that brings new opportunities for unlimited possibilities. I set my

intentions for the day, give thanks for all the blessings I am about to receive and the

privilege of having another day to live. I pray for people on my prayer list, my friends,

my family, people I don’t know who are in the news or the world in general. I give thanks

for my life and pray for my own personal requests. I often find myself praying for

patience, tolerance and a loving caring heart, or for clarity over a circumstance.

I stop and pause as I review my life, asking for guidance on clearing my mind of any

and all my negative thoughts. I forgive myself for any harsh words I may have spoken,

and I commit to be more kind and loving to whomever I encounter. I release all issues

that surface to God and then I release and let go.

Even though my prayer process is the same, there is always something new I glean

from every prayer, every denial and affirmation. At night I give thanks for all the

blessings I noticed and for the ones that slipped by me unnoticed. I quiet my mind as I

prepare for a restful sleep, once again setting my intentions for a peaceful night, giving

thanks and feeling gratitude for my friends, family and the world I live in. I also take the

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time to think where I might have said something sharp to someone, or I might have

shown my impatience in a situation. I ask that I have the opportunity to make it right

should I be blessed to wake and experience another day. I make a commitment to myself

to think before I speak or act. I want to treat others as I want to be treated and to see them

as the “Face of God”. How would I feel if I were rude to someone and it turned out to be

Buddha, Jesus or God?

I say Goodnight to God and my world, ending my prayers with “Through the Christ

Jesus I pray, Amen”. I notice the difference in my sleep on nights where I fall asleep

without prayer. The difference shows up in my dreams or in my restlessness, feeling

uncomfortable and having to reposition myself, my pillow and my covers throughout the

night. These are the nights where I usually kick Brian, push the dog off the bed, and by

morning all the covers are on the floor and neither my husband nor the dog is speaking to


Days that begin without prayer seem to take on that similar unrestful tone. I’m

anxious and tired. I get irritated easily and find that by the time I am actually out of the

house and driving in my car I have this profound desire to scream. Its times like this that I

need to pause, breathe, and ask, “what can I learn from this”? and then forgive myself for

feeling out of control. To truly practice the Unity principles, I want to see others in the

love and light of Spirit, wish them well, bless them and release the anger I associate with

them. I am human. I am a work in progress and when I begin to feel out of alignment

with the Divine, I pause, catch my breath and say a prayer to handle the situation with

ease and grace. And then I express gratitude by ending my prayer with Thank-you, thank-

you, thank-you, realizing that some blessings come with annoying situations.

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In my spare time or when I am waiting at a doctor’s office or waiting on a friend for

lunch, I enjoy writing prayers. By writing them out I can reflect on them and then style

them in a format that resonates with my authentic feelings. The following is a prayer I


“I invite you to join me here, holding sacred space, as we breathe into the moment,

surrounding ourselves with God's white light of love and protection. Deep cleansing

breaths. In and out, releasing all negativity as we move out from our heads and down,

down into our heart space, where we lovingly listen to one another, without judgement,

without advice.

Dear God, Divine Spirit, our supplier and our supply. As we come together in prayer,

we know we have all that we need even before we ask. May we be mindful and

remember this as we move about our day, knowing that if we are feeling a lack for

anything, we are not using our mind to connect with spirit. We know that positive prayer

aligns our mind with the Divine Mind that is God and we affirm today, we are open to

accept God’s good supply. We affirm we are conscious of God's abiding presence within

us as we develop our Christ consciousness...our God spark. May we always be mindful of

this. Through the Christ Jesus we pray. Amen.

In addition to our personal and private prayer practice, I believe there is a need for us

to both pray with others and for others. God provides all that we need, and we will

develop the perfect prayer partnership that is for both our highest and best if that is what

we seek.

During the time I was in the prayer class, Brian and I were at our summer home in

Maine. I was missing having a weekly prayer partner, so I called my uncle Earle. He is a

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Baptist minister who lives in Maine near me. Earle was raised catholic, became an

Adventist Minister when he left the Marines, was an Adventist Minister up until about 10

years ago and then became a Baptist Minister. I find that to be an interesting mix.

Personally, I think Earle is searching for something, and just hasn’t found it yet. I

think he would make a great Unity minister because he has a good sense of humor and

some pretty interesting stories to share. Although, he nearly has a seizure every time I

mention the word metaphysics. I wonder why that is. I’ll have to ask him sometime.

Anyway, I got the idea that just maybe he would like to be my prayer partner, so I

called him, told him about my classes and how I would love for him to practice praying

with me. He was delighted that I had asked for his assistance and at 9 a.m. that morning

as planned he called me on the phone. He told me about his week and then I asked him if

I could pray with him the way I had been learning in my classes; this class and the prayer

chaplain classes at church. He has had eye surgery and is healing slowly, and I asked him

if I could prayer with him for his full recovery from his eye surgery. He was thrilled. I

opened with a centering meditation asking God to surround us with the white light of

love and then I said, “Loving God, let Earle and I remember we are children of God. That

we DO NOT inherit eye dis-ease.” Let us also remember that through Spirit we are

provided everything we need, and our bodies are healthy and whole." Thank you, God for

all the blessings we have already received and all the blessings that are coming our way.

For these blessings we are truly grateful. Through the Christ Jesus we pray Amen.

When I finished my prayer for him, he prayed for me and then we talked about

journaling and our daily prayer practices. I told him about Myrtle Fillmore and how

Unity is a prayer-based ministry. How she healed herself by using denials, affirmations

Moving to A Higher Zip Code 57

and affirmative prayer.

He was very interested. We enjoyed our hour together so much we made plans for

another phone chat the following Saturday morning. This may not be your typical prayer

partner relationship, but it gave me some quality time with an Uncle whom in the past I

thought I had little or nothing in common with to only find out that we were more similar

than either of us could have imagined. From that day forward I began to try and see what

I had in common with others rather than pick out our differences. It has expanded my

pool of friends and people I choose to call family. Praying with others opens up a

communication with another fellow being that feels profoundly real.

Today when I pray with others in my prayer group we usually pray for an individual

in our group as well as generally for our world and the challenges others are faced with

on a more global level. Our prayers might sound something like this.

Let us come together and see all others as perfect and whole. Bless, those traveling.

We see them having safe travels as they journey metaphorically, spiritually, and/or

physically. Let us hold all spiritual beings in the loving light of the Christ Jesus and see

them reconnecting with the oneness, the unity that connects all of God’s creations. With

this we ask that we receive new and fresh ideas for prayer and reflection as well as

praying for everyone’s safety and highest and best. We also affirm everyone’s needs are

already met with a divine outcome for them all.

The purpose of prayer is to align ourselves with the breath and heartbeat of God. I

apply the Unity prayer practice in my life by setting my intention and creating a sacred

space within my being and my home. I live in the present moment. Through prayer and

meditation, I become aware of my breath and the presence of a Divine living energy. This

Moving to A Higher Zip Code 58

is where I find the “kingdom of heaven” within. This is the place where I feel my

salvation. I feel safe in this sacred space of prayer.

I have found that meditation is the key to settling into the sacred space, freeing me

from worry or pain. It takes strength and courage to share our deepest thoughts with

others. It is through sharing that we become vulnerable and as Brene Brown says, “We

don’t show our authentic selves until we let ourselves become vulnerable.” It’s hard

sharing with people you know and more difficult with perfect strangers, and it just

dawned on me that this is what I am doing, writing this. I am sharing some of my most

painful experiences, hopping that someone finds at least some small nugget of inspiration

or hope from hearing they are not alone in their pain.

I hope that everyone who reads these words find strength to stand up to any situation

despite the outward appearances, and that they find the blessings they seek, and the light

needed to move out from the negativity and darkness regardless the circumstances.

It is powerful to claim that we feel renewed and healed, energized by a higher

consciousness that is the Life Force flowing through all of us. No longer are we burdened

or lamenting over the past and we can boldly deny there is anything that has any power

over us. We claim, affirm and declare we are whole, knowing that this is the Truth of our


This statement empowers me and knowing the difference in denying the event is

happening and this event has no power over me. I couldn’t deny that Brian had cancer,

but I was able to deny that Brian’s cancer had any power over us in any negative way. It

is also liberating to know I don't have to choose suffering. I can deny suffering has any

power to affect me in any way. I affirm I am one with God and whole. So it is, Amen

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Denials empower and liberate us, so we can reclaim the truth of who we are. The

truth of our being. Taking away something’s power by denying it, is like a star trek scene

where Captain Kirk has just neutralized something. Once something is neutralized it no

longer has any power. By using denials, it also keeps us from giving our power to others

to use against us.

When I pray for prosperity and abundance I am inspired with Divine Ideas. I define

prosperity as spiritual wellbeing; a healing, love, peace, harmony and every good thing

my heart desires. It is a state of consciousness, a place called the Kingdom of God, where

there is harmony and balance.

I apply this concept in my life by remembering “God is source and supply” and we

are heirs to this “Field of Infinite Possibilities”. We awaken to this opportunity by

changing our awareness and holding a peaceful mind, maintaining order and giving

gratitude. And with our faith we focus only on the good. The goodness that is God.

When we receive Divine ideas, we must take action so that these ideas have the

ability to manifest in our life. For example, I have been thinking about a book I want to

write for almost a decade now. I haven't been able to figure out the format that I think it

should be written in. Last night after I read about “prayer for illumination and guidance”

and “prayer for prosperity” I went to bed and prayed on this very topic. This morning I

had an “amazing grace moment” when I woke, I knew exactly what and how to write this

book. Everything became crystal clear.

Now for the action part. I couldn't let it go at that point. I had to physically sit down

with pen and put my words to paper. By taking action, responding to Divine Ideas, in this

case, the action of writing, I have now put what I want manifested, a finished book, into

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I can't publish if I don't write and I can't have Divine Order, a published book, unless

I do my part and take action. This is how I allowed the Divine idea to unfold within me. I

sat at the table and began to write my book. I have done my part the rest will play out

according to Divine order.

What is Substance? What does it look like, what does it feel like, and how does

understanding these concepts effect the way I pray? Substance is an awareness, an idea,

like I had about writing my book, but not the actual book yet, just the idea and there are

infinite possibilities I have at my disposal for actually turning my idea of writing a book

into a published book.

I have taken this Divine Idea and by using any number of infinite possibilities have

set the spiritual forces into motion to bring about the manifestation of my published book.

When we pray, we hold in our mind a loving and peace-filled consciousness and tonight I

hold a published book in my consciousness and remain open and receptive to the flow of

more ideas that flow into me from divine mind.

Rather than asking and begging God to answer our prayers, we pray from a place

where we know our prayers have already been answered and our blessings are already

here or on their way. This week I took a half an hour “Moving Prayer Walk”.

This moving prayer came from my heart when I was walking with my mind dis-

engaged but had my heart and my inner eye open to my surroundings. I was aware of the

traffic on Main St., but I wasn't engaged with it. I had a much deeper awareness of the

wind moving through the trees, the various birds singing in those trees, the leaves

rustling, and the clouds moving in the sky. It all seemed like a walking dream. A dream

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where I was walking with God.

My body felt full of life and love. As I walked up through town and down around by

the river and over the bridge, I remember reading about the labyrinth being the wholeness

and how it is a representation of our life’s journey.

For me this “Moving Prayer Walk” became symbolic of my current spiritual journey

and how much I've grown and yet how much growth I still have ahead of me. Prayer

class, along with all the other Spiritual Enrichment classes, has opened my heart and my

eyes to all the possibilities life has to offer. Prayer has opened my heart to all the

gratitude I have for all the blessings I receive daily and all the blessings that are on their


We can claim the feeling of freedom and unlimited joy when we are able to choose

the ideas we want to create. This is very liberating, this feeling of freedom and unlimited

joy, the true essence of what it means to be “blissful”. I am blessed to be on this spiritual


I need to remain mindful, to be aware and understand the activities taking place

around me and remain open and receptive to receiving the Grace of God. It is such a

beautiful experience to see everything fresh as if it was the first time, I am seeing it. The

fresh clean new moments that prayer and meditation allow me to experience.

Over the past few years I have come to appreciate the value of praying for others in a

group and having people of like minds coming together as prayer partners. There are

several women that I have had as prayer partners for several years now and their

contribution to my prayer practice has been invaluable. Someday I hope to write a book

on contemporary 21st century non-denominational prayer language.

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I know without doubt that I have been blessed in so many indescribable ways and I

try living my life expressing that gratitude with ease and grace, and because I am human I

know there will be times when I will stumble but I know tomorrow is an opportunity for

me have a second chance to live and be the light I want to see in the world.

For you, gentle reader I offer my closing prayer for this paper. I AM…We are now in

the presence of pure BE-ing immersed in the Holy Spirit of light, love and wisdom. Let

us together acknowledge the presence and power of God who is divine wisdom and

recognize all our mortal limitations are now erased. From the pure substance of love, we

bring into manifestation a world according to Divine perfect law. And so, it is, Amen

Moving to A Higher Zip Code 63

Affirmations I wrote to Use in Affirmative Prayer (resource Emily

Cady’s Lessons in Truth)

• God is life, love intelligence, substance, omnipotence, omniscience,


• I am a child of God, a manifestation of God and every moment I am in this life,

love, wisdom, power, and goodness flow into and through me. I am one with God

and am governed by divine law.

• I am of spirit, perfect, holy, harmonious. Nothing can hurt me or make me sick or

afraid for God is Spirit and cannot be hurt, sick or afraid. I manifest my truth

through this body now.

• God works in and through me. I am a manifestation of God. I am the face of God

and therefore cannot fail.

• I am prosperous, and I am ready and able to travel to Unity Village and the Agape

Spiritual Center.

• I am a child of god and I don't inherit poverty or any financial lack.

• I have all the money I need to travel to Unity Village and to Agape Spiritual


• I have all the money and the time I need to travel to Unity Village and to Agape

Spiritual Center.

• I am a child or manifestation of god and every moment life, love, wisdom, power

flow into and through me I am one with god and am governed by this spiritual


• I am spirit; perfect, holy, and harmonious; nothing can hurt me or make me sick

Moving to A Higher Zip Code 64

or afraid for spirit is God and God cannot be sick or hurt or afraid. I manifest my

real self through this body now.

Affirmations I wrote for Declaring Health, Wholeness, Wonder

and Goodness. (resource Emily Cady’s Lessons in Truth)

• I am now immersed in the presence of the Divine. I am a child of God and I am in

perfect health now as Life, Health and Goodness surrounds, enfolds and flows

through me.

• I am a child of God and my body is whole, full of wonder and goodness now.

• I am a spiritual being and I claim my spiritual inheritance and I live in a perfectly

healthy, whole body that is overflowing with wonder and goodness that I can

share with my fellow man now.

• I am a spiritual body. I see myself one with the healing renewing energy of life,

God. I affirm that I see myself immersed in the light of the Divine and that I am

whole and complete. I have arrived. My true life in Spirit is unfolding.

• I am in alignment with the natural flow of the Living Life Force God and I

practice life-renewing activities, speaking and thinking affirmatively, praying for

wholeness and healing. I affirm my health is absolute because this is the Truth of

who I am, a healthy, whole, radiant being of light and wonder.

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s aunt, Mary Moody Emerson, once wrote to her nephew

(RWE), “What most excites my solicitude is your moral improvement and your progress

in virtue…Let your whole life reflect honor on the name you bear.” I, Deb Brown, would

consider myself abundantly successful were this ever said about me. These are the

Moving to A Higher Zip Code 65

standards I strive to live by, throughout the days of my life.

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Prayers I Resonate With

I Do by Anonymous

“They’re about to say I do. Three little

letters, two little words. It’s the simplest

part of the day, but there’s nothing

simple about the things that will remain

unsaid. I do means I do know I could be

hurt, but I’m ready to be healed with

you. It means I do want to try even

when the fear of failure holds me back,

and I do not know the future, but I’m

ready to be surprised along the way.

And I do means I do want your love and

I do give you mine and nothing we do

will ever be the same because you and I

will be doing it all together.”

Charles Fillmore’s Invocation

I AM Now in the presence of pure

Being Immersed in the Holy Spirit of

life, love, and wisdom. I acknowledge

Divine Presence and power, O Blessed

Spirit with Divine wisdom now erase

my mortal limitations and with pure

substance of love bring into

manifestation my world, according to

Divine perfect law.

The Prayer of Faith

by Hannah More Kohaus

Spirit is my help in every need;

Spirit does my every hunger feed;

Spirit walks beside me,

guides my way

Through every moment of this day.

I now am wise, I now am true,

Patient and kind, and loving, too;

All things I am, can do, and be,

Through Spirit's Truth, that is in me

Spirit is my health, I can't be sick;

Spirit is my strength,

unfailing, quick;

Spirit is my all, I know no fear,

Moving to A Higher Zip Code 67

Since Spirit and Love and

Truth are here.

The Prayer of Protection

by James Dillet Freeman

The light of Spirit surrounds us;

The love of Spirit enfolds us;

The power of Spirit protects us;

The presence of Spirit watches over


Wherever we are, Spirit is!

I affirm: The Light of God surrounds

you. The Love of God enfolds you.

The power of God protects you. The

presence of God watches over you

Wherever on the road you are, God is


Everyone is sacred

…Denise Rosia

Everything is Sacred

Filled with the Divine

Alive with Spirit

A wonder unfolding

Right before our eyes.

A blessing bursting from the earth and


“One Heart” Musings of a Mystic

Affirmation taking us into the silence

Touching the stillness

Holding the silence

Transforming consciousness

Fully generating the Christ

That I AM

The Christ Consciousness

The Christ Nature

Provident God,

grant me the confidence

in your love and care that Saint

Mother Theodore had,

so I too ‘may not give way to

uneasiness about the future’

but ‘place myself gently into the hands

of Providence,’ as

I embrace present and future as

evolving mystery.

Grant me that confidence

as I read headlines of chaos and

Moving to A Higher Zip Code 68

conflict around the world,

as I respond to uncertainties about cash

flow and good health in my life and


Strengthen my belief in Providence,

as I strive daily to care for planet,

to minister among the poor,

to educate, and to advocate for justice.

Give me a compassionate heart

as I companion all who rely on me

in illness or infirmity.

Grant me patience as I grope along the

path traced out for me daily. Keep me

firmly on the way drawing me ever

deeper toward reunions

awaiting me in eternal love. Amen.

Prayer of Saint Patrick

I take for my sureties:

The power of God to guide me,

The might of God to uphold me,

The wisdom of God to teach me,

The eye of God to watch over me,

The ear of God to hear me,

The word of God to give me speech,

The hand of God to protect me,

The way of God to go before me,

The shield of God to shelter me.

Christ be with me,

Christ before me,

Christ behind me,

Christ within me

Christ beneath me,

Christ above me,

Christ at my right,

Christ at my left,

Christ in the heart of every man who

thinks of me,

Christ in the mouth of every man who

speaks to me,

Christ in every eye that sees me,

Christ in every ear that hears me.

Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord make me an instrument of your

peace. Where there is hatred let me

sow love. Where there is injury,

pardon. Where there is doubt, faith

Moving to A Higher Zip Code 69

Where there is despair, hope

Where there is darkness, light

And where there is sadness, joy

O divine master grant that I may

not so much seek to be consoled as to

console to be understood as to


To be loved as to love

For it is in giving that we receive

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned

And it's in dying that we are born to

eternal life. Amen

Opening Prayer I wrote for Sunday


Welcome to Unity Church of Gulfport.

It is my pleasure to be here with all of

you today as we come together, go into

the silence, and hold sacred space for

all who are in need today, and affirm

Divine Order is at work in every

moment of this service. We come

together by Divine appointment as a

praying community to pray for anyone

with a prayer intention on their heart,

for either themselves or someone else.

Our prayers or meditation do make a

difference as our thoughts ripple out

into our community and further out

into our world as we give thanks and

hold in appreciation all who makes this

gathering possible. We allow the

movement of free-flowing Spirit to

work in us and through us in a Divine

way as we travel this path of memory

through, prayer, and meditation

leading us to our majestic call. In the

name and through the power of the

Christ which is holy and divine within

us we pray. And so, it is. Amen

Let us affirm three times before

going into the silence, once for body,

once for mind, and once for expressing

the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirt.

Welcome Friends, I invite you to join

me in a moment of prayer as we affirm

Divine order is at work in every

moment of every day. We come

together here today to focus and take

into prayer and meditation Divine

Ideas, affirming their manifestation

now. I invite you to hold all those

affected by Hurricanes everywhere in

prayer. We acknowledge the presence

and power of Spirit in the midst of this

situation and know that all are loved,

guided, and protected. We extend our

Moving to A Higher Zip Code 70

loving support and healing energy to


Christmas Eve Service Dec. 24, 2017

Good Morning and Merry Christmas,

let us come together in prayer and as

we Breathe deeply into this moment,

and from our heightened awareness,

we are renewed as we recognize and

Give thanks to our inner presence, our

consciousness that is the ONE-ness of

God, the giver of all that is good. And

in this Oneness of “All that is” we

know we ARE the power that releases

all that is not serving our highest and

our best. And that we are Divine Love

in harmony with everyone and

everything around us. This was Jesus'

message to us. Knowing our prayers

are heard and they are answered now

as we move out from the darkness of

our doubts and our fears and into the

light of our faith and our trust. The

glory of the Christ Consciousness is

now awakened in our souls as it

quickens, illumines and heals us. This

is the true magic of Christmas.

Knowing and believing that all good

things are possible and the desire for

infinite wisdom and love is fulfilled in

us now. Thank-you God we pray,


Moving to A Higher Zip Code 71


Prayer is the communion between man and God, taking place in the deepest part of

man’s being. Prayer cleanses and perfects the consciousness, permanently healing the

body. It is the most highly accelerated mind action; man’s consciousness synchronizes

with the Christ Mind. It is the way we manifest our creative ideas. Prayer affirms the

truth. We pray believing we have already received. God is all we desire and good always

exists in Divine Mind as ideas that we manifest with prayer, faith, affirmation, praise,

acknowledgment and gratitude.

There are seven necessary conditions for true prayer: - God should be recognized

as Father.- Oneness with God should be acknowledged.- Prayer must be made within, in

"the secret place" (Psalms 91).

The door must be closed on all thoughts and interests of the outer-world. The one

who prays must believe that he has received.- The kingdom of God must be desired

above all things, and sought first.- The mind must let go of every unforgiving thought.

Spirit --God as the moving force in the universe; Principle as

the breath of life in all creation; the principle of life; creative intelligence and life.

Logos The Word of God; the divine archetype idea that contains all ideas:

the Christ, the Son of God, spiritual man in manifestation. Divine Mind in action.

This supreme idea is the creative power, the Christ consciousness formulated

by universal Principle

Moving to A Higher Zip Code 72


The following verses assisted me in developing my personal prayer and meditation


Matthew 6:5-15 About Prayer: 6:5And when ye pray, ye shall not be as the

hypocrites: for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the

streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, they have received their

reward. 6:6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut

thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret

shall recompense thee. 6:7And in praying use not vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do: for

they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. 6:8Be not therefore like unto

them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. 6:9After

this manner therefore pray ye. Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be

thy name. 6:10Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth. 6:11Give us

this day our daily bread. 6:12And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our

debtors. 6:13And bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.6:14For if ye

forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 6:15But if ye

forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

John 4:24: God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth.

Acts 17:27-28: 17:27that they should seek God, if haply they might feel after him and

find him, though he is not far from each one of us: 17:28for in him we live, and move, and

have our being as certain even of your own poets have said, for we are also his offspring.

Moving to A Higher Zip Code 73

Suggested Reading List for Developing A Prayer and Meditation Practice

A Course in Miracles

Bible Book of Acts, Revelations

Borysenko, Joan Z: Seven Paths to God

Butterworth, Eric: “The Universe is Calling” New York: Harper Collins, 1994;

Discover the Power within

Cady, Emilie: Lesson’s in Truth; How I Used Truth

Chiastic Structure

Drucker, Karen: I Am So Blessed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SHaEjFtP2g

Falco, Howard: I AM

Fillmore, Charles: “Teach Us To Pray”; The Revealing Word; Unity Village: Unity

House, 2006; http://www.truthunity.net/books/charles-cora-fillmore-teach-us-to-

pray; http://limitlesslvx.com/teach-us-to-pray-charles-fillmore-pdf/;



Fillmore, Myrtle: Healing Letters, http://www.truthunity.net/pubs/books

The Myrtle Fillmore collection: http://www.unity.org/resources/myrtle-collection;

MF’s Healing Story (video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-az2qWtRnE;


Fox, Emmet: Sermon on the Mount

Good News Unlimited

Hasbrouck, Hypatia: “Handbook of Positive Prayer” Unity Village: Unity, 1984

Hasselbeck, Paul: “Heart-Centered Metaphysics” Unity Village: Unity House, 2010

Klotz, Neil Douglas: “Prayers of the Cosmos” 1993

Martella-Whitsett, Linda: “How to Pray Without Talking to God”

Moving to A Higher Zip Code 74

McAndrew, Rev. Patrick: Welcome to Unity Prayer:


Murphy, Joseph: Pray Your Way Through It

Tolle, Eckhart: A New Earth

Trine, Ralph Waldo: In Tune with the Infinite

Unity’s Online Study Bible https://www.truthunity.net/asv; and dictionary of

spiritual terms https://www.truthunity.net/rw; a dictionary of spiritual terms.