a growth hacking methodology by blooswell

GROWTH HACKING A step by step approach, one question at a time

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GROWTH HACKINGA step by step approach, one question at a time

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Growth hacking is a process rather than an action. Growth doesn’t stop so should

growth hacking.

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A 4 steps process

“Make stuff that people want” – Paul Graham, Founder @ YC

Through data, experimentations, and users’ feedback you need to develop a product that is being validated by your targeted audience.

Product Market Fit

User Acquisition Activation

Retention & Optimizatio


Find your hacks to quickly grow your user base among your core target.

Use pull, push, and product strategy to attract users.

“The job of a growth hacker is to try a lot of ideas, ruthlessly optimizing successes and quickly discarding dead ends.” – Paul Rosania, Product @ Slack

Define (and track) which actions lead to the activation of a user. Each action needs to be translated into actionable goals.

Goals need to be breakdown until they correspond to a set of single actions that are easier to implement.

The growth hacker job is to make the activation path as clear and easy as possible for the users.

Optimizing your retention rate is the single most efficient way to increase your revenue and number of users.

Optimizing for retention imply: - Listening to users

(both active and quitting)

- Add improvements to your products

- Focusing on key features

- Engaging with your users

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This is our methodology, but it might as well be your Growth Hacking checklist.If you have issue answering one or more of these questions, we are here and happy to help.

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Everything start with a product

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Your why, the keystone of your strategy, is it strong enough to support your whole strategy for years, did it change from time 0?

#1 | What are you trying to solve?


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Identify who your key users will be, be very specific.

Uber 30 something working for tech companiesAirbnb people going to conferences and wanting to meet new people

#2 | Who is this product for?


How to find out:Blog, join related communities, ask people…

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Does it really solve their issue?Is there any switching cost?Is it worth it to use it?

#3 | Why would they use it?


How to find out:Interview potential users, market research…

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Start your product with the most basic features you need to deliver value.

#4 | Your MVP


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Refine your MVP as you go, collecting data, doing user interviews, adding new features, improving the UX…

#5 | Feedbacks, analytics, and optimization


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Acquire your users

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Identify the places where your potential users are, both on line and off line

– cities– events– social media– blog

#6 | Where is your audience?


How to find out:Market research

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• SEO• Social media• Word of mouth• Subway ads• …

#7 | How do they find your product?


How to find out:Blog, join related communities, ask people…

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Be creative, and rely on testing and data!

#8 | How do you reach them? Show your hacks


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Leads are good, Users are way better…

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That’s pretty much the moment where your users find out how cool your product is, or if it’s just meh…

#9 | When is your wow moment?


How to find out:Analytics, user interviews…

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#10 | When do they become users?


Define activation goals to find out.

How to find out:Analytics, user interviews…

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#11 | Is there any blockage point?


How smooth is the process? Is there anything that might refrain or stop a potential user?

How to find out:Analytics, user interviews…

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“Retention trumps acquisition”

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#12 | Are your users staying? Why?


How often are your users coming back? Are these results consistent for your kind of product?What make them come back? What make them leave?

How to find out:Analytics, user interviews…

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#13 | Do they spread the word?


How good is your referral system, word of mouth, social share… ?Why are they spreading the word? Why aren’t they?

How to find out:Analytics, user interviews…

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[email protected] | : Blooswell | : @WeAreBlooswell


Growth hacking is a mindset.

Do you have it?