a guide on layout types in web design

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  • 7/30/2019 A Guide on Layout Types in Web Design



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    A Guide on

    Layout Types in Web Design

    Jul 22 2010 by Alexander Dawson | 35 Comments | StumbleBookmark

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    One of the most variable aspects of web design is the way in which we approach width and height in terms of

    measurements and flexibility.

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    4 12/16/2012

  • 7/30/2019 A Guide on Layout Types in Web Design


    For many years, we have rotated between the benefits and pitfalls of using fixed, elastic, and liquid

    measurements in a quest to give optimal viewing experiences in highly varied situations, while balancing our

    need to control things in our web pages.

    But, as Bob Dylan proclaimed a long time ago, "The times, they are a-changin," and with these changes

    come a variety of new ways for laying out your websites pages and an even more variable landscape of

    methods for viewing websites.

    In this article, we will examine web layout types old, new, and the future. We will explore the subject inthe context that websites are being viewed in a diverse amount of ways, such as through mobile phones,

    netbooks, and touchscreen personal devices like the iPad.

    About Your Options

    Lets set our objectives for this exploration of layout types:

    We shall examine the variety of options that exist

    For each layout type, Ill try to suggest some situations they are best used in

    The pros and cons of a layout type compared to others

    We will discuss 10 types of web layouts.

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    While pixel perfection isa pipe dream, theres more to layouts than fixed, liquid or elastic!

    The main lesson to take away from these choices is to think carefully about why an option is suitable for a

    particular situation and how your choice will affect your audience.

    Lets dig in, starting with absolute layouts.

    Absolute Layouts

    One of the least commonly used methods of measurement employed in web design is absolute measurement

    (i.e. inches, cm, mm and picas). Absolute units and positioning is traditionally found in print media, whichnatively use these units of measurement.

    The conversion of print to web format can be seen in word processing software such as Microsoft Word,

    which still uses these conventions when formatting text and sizing the dimensions of a document in order to

    make it appear as close as possible to printing on paper.

    Absolute layouts have limited use in web designs.

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    A use for absolute

    layouts on the web is for PDF documents where content remains static.

    Of course, just because it isnt popular doesnt mean it doesnt have its place on the web designers bevy of


    If you are someone who utilizes printer-friendly stylesheets yes, people do still print web pages the

    absolute measurements of cm, mm, inches, and pt can help you prepare a page layout for printers more


    Relative Layout

    Relative positioning and layouts adjust in size depending on the size of the users browser viewport.

    The area inside the red

    border is the browsers viewport. You can change the size of the viewport by resizing the window. Different

    monitor sizes have various maximum sizes for the view port.

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    Typically, this type of layout relies on everything working at 100% width, whether its a small screen (like a

    netbook) or a 24-inch widescreen desktop monitor. This means that the layout will scale according to the

    viewers situation.

    Very few sites make useof 100% widths, but it does work.

    Fixed Layout

    Commonly regarded as one of the least flexible methods of laying out a web design, the use of pixel-based

    measurements has almost a digital resonance associated with it that transfers across from the print industry, in

    that the medium relies on fixed/static measurements.

    This unit of measurement is accurate and leaves little guessing as to how a web design will appear across

    different web browsers and has become exceptionally popular among sites that favour control and

    predictability over optimizing the layout for the audiences particular viewing situation.

    Absolute Layouts

    A fixed width layout is

    used on Six Revisions.

    We all know that problems can arise from having to scroll in all sorts of directions, and the fixed measurement

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    of a px-based layout has this general issue in spades.

    While many people seek out some sort of ideal width to ensure maximum compatibility, its worth mentioning

    that if you use a lot of elements that require fixed layout rules like non-repeating background images or

    borders with other non-relative elements, fixed measurement layouts can do the job well and act as the best

    all-around solution.

    Elastic Layout

    One of the most used methods of laying out a designs content is using the relative em unit of measurement.

    Commonly referred to as an elastic layout design (due to the way it flexes by growing and shrinking to meet

    the contents needs), it has shown a great deal of appreciation within the web design community due to its

    ability to scale content, text sizes, and such.

    Unlike with fixed units of measurements where absolute-unit elements like images are best suited (due to

    maintaining without distorting), elastic layouts work best when flexible content (such as text blocks) takes the

    front seat (though there are ways to have images scale elastically as well).

    Absolute Layouts

    Popular for its elastic

    nature, em measurements are recommended for font sizes.

    Of all the methods listed, the elastic layout type is the most subservient to your content as it gives the content

    itself the deciding position as to how the layout should scale.

    Making the text smaller in such a design will reduce the width or height, and enlarging the text will have the

    opposite effect.

    This unique attribute allows the layout to resize based on the content rather than the needs of the layout.

    Using an elastic solution is perfect if you want the layout to be determined by the content, but it can have

    issues if the text scales beyond the viewport (causing unwanted horizontal scrolling).

    Scaled Layout

    One of the latest methods in CSS3 allows the manipulation of the available viewport around certain device

    orientations (i.e. portrait and landscape).

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    Depending on the way in which the device is held, the design has the potential to alter its visual layout

    (altering the amount of space given to the content itself).

    Unlike the others, this type of layout does not rely on measurement units, but rather a specific layout type.

    However, this notion shouldnt be underestimated as a way of dealing with complex columns on small


    10 years ago, we

    wouldnt have considered a screens orientation. How the times have changed!

    Scaled layouts truly shine in the smartphone market where the display can be rotated or moved frequently

    (such as the iPhone, for example).

    Scaled Layout

    The iPhone adjusts

    orientation of your websites on-the-fly.

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    With such limited space being available on handheld mobile devices, you cannot only maximize the way your

    pixels are allocated, but you can also allow people the option to choose whichever method they prefer to

    visualise the information.

    Each person will use his or her web-enabled mobile device in a different way, and by allowing your design to

    relate your content in a transformative way depending on the orientation, you can maximize the usability of

    your content.

    Liquid (or Fluid) Layout

    The most relaxed method of providing a dynamically expanding or contracting design makes use of the

    ever-popular percentage (%) unit measurement.

    This layout type has gained mass popularity because it is the ultimate way of allowing the total opposite of a

    fixed layout where the content will simply take whatever space is available to it.

    Absolute Layouts

    Percentages require

    careful calculation as you cant give more than 100% without issues!

    The limited guarantees you hold on the viewport being used goes beyond screen resolutions (imagine your site

    on a 6-inch screen versus a 100-inch screen, even just at 80% width).

    Though it goes without saying that a liquid layout is useful in almost every web-based situation because it

    adjusts its width depending on how big or small the users viewport is so its definitely worth looking into.

    Equated Layout

    The next method of laying out content we shall look at is the equated layout, which makes use of a new CSS

    function called calc (see W3C calc spec).

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    When this

    measurement capability reaches browsers, a new level of control will exist.

    While the previous layouts weve covered rely on specific widths or heights being provided, an equated

    layout allows you to mix a fixed and relative value by using a calculation like width: calc(50% - 200px).

    Have you ever had a situation where you wished that you could make up the full 100% but also account for

    things like divs with borders and elements that have fixed widths (such as an image)? If youre anything like

    me, its certainly something that has crossed your mind.

    The calc CSS3 function, which has not been widely adopted yet (but is part of the CSS3 spec) may just be

    the thing you are looking for. While the function still isnt widely supported by existing web browsers, this

    can be a future-forward option for building layouts with an added layer of pliancy.

    Fluid-Min/Max Layout

    A common problem that we have as designers is that whenever the amount of space we have becomes either

    too wide or too narrow (or too tall or too short), the relatively-measured and flexible content we have gets too

    diluted or too compressed (which is bad news).

    Using minimum and maximum widths (or heights), you can set limits on how much the design can scale so

    that you can still have flexibility but only to a certain extent. Rather than spanning the viewport like a

    liquid layout, this layout type flows only up to where its told (atta boy).

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    A fluid/"jello" layout

    will scale only to a certain fixed width or height.

    If theres one thing that causes problems with layouts, its us making assumptions as to the amount of space

    that we will have available for our design elements.

    The benefits of the CSS min-width, max-width, min-height and max-height properties are most widely

    noticed when you want your layout to be confined within certain dimensions (like within a fixed-width

    design) but dont want to suffer the wrath of horizontal scrolling.

    For example, if you wanted to have your width scale to 100% for small screens but only up to, say, 1,500px

    so that your layout doesnt get too wide for larger screens, then you can use a max-width:1500px.

    As this method of laying out a web page provides a safety net that browsers can rely on (based on the min and

    max values you supply), you can give your fixed work a bit of added flexibility.

    Conditional Layout

    With the rise in devices like the iPhone, a need has appeared for a way of altering web designs beyond

    conventional layouts to ensure that mobile device users can have an optimized experience.

    The ability to serve a unique stylesheet based on the device or viewport width and height (through CSS3s

    media queries) gives rise to an even more flexible and friendly way to represent your sites content. This

    layout type is something Id like to call "conditional layout."

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    The above design uses

    CSS3 media queries to scale the design down as required.

    Of all the methods of laying out information that have appeared recently, this is by far the one with the most

    promise (once the browser compatibility issues are ironed out).

    Most website designs rely on a single stylesheet. Using CSS3 media queries (especially with mobile and

    desktop experiences) can bring conditional layouts to best meet the user agent.

    The downside of this is that it means you will need to develop and maintain stylesheets for particular devices

    much like how you, in the past, maintained IE-specific stylesheets.

    Hybrid Layout

    Of course, while mentioning all of these layout types, we cant forget to mention the most popular layout

    method of all the hybrid layout pretty much stands by its name in that the design ends up using a mixture

    of various layout types. This includes mixing and matching various units and concepts to ensure that the

    design adapts to the browsers viewport only when it needs to and still be able to retains a certain level of

    control over parts of a website that need more fixed structures.

    While it requires you to be more thoughtful over your work, its possibly the smartest way to design and


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    Most sites dont stick to

    one measurement type, they hybridise based on needs.

    Most websites make use of a hybrid layout because certain measurement units are useful for certain

    situations. While many people still cling to the idea that there is one perfect layout method waiting to befound, I think that the hybrid will overcome situational issues by blending together the best of all worlds.

    Perhaps you might end up with an absolute layout in your print stylesheet, and maybe you might have fixed

    widths using a liquid body with elastic content and a fluid control for the outside edges with scaled and

    flexible support for certain devices the combinations are bountiful!

    The Bigger Picture

    Clearly, there are many options to consider when laying out your web pages, and thus it makes sense both

    pragmatically and theoretically to pay close attention to the details and scope of any design project you


    Which layout type you utilize to produce your website is something that deserves as much attention as the

    fonts you use or the color theme you put together.

    Its also worth highlighting that theres no perfect way to deal with every situation and therefore theres no

    one type that is universally the best for all situations.

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    Theres no right or

    wrong way to design, but careful thought can improve some situations.

    Design is one of the most fundamental skills that any web professional must get to grips with. The way the

    Internet is being consumed is rapidly evolving, with wide disparities in both the devices we employ and thetools we take advantage of.

    Theres more to contend with than good usability, accessibility, web copy, color contrast, and so forth. A good

    website must meet an ever increasing number of needs and thus the search for the perfect layout has become

    a Holy Grail quest of sorts for web designers.

    While times are changing (as do situations), picking the right layout right now should be done methodically.

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    About the Author

    Alexander Dawson is a freelance web designer, author and recreational software developerspecializing in web standards, accessibility and UX design. As well as running a business called HiTechy and

    writing, he spends time on Twitter, SitePoints forums and other places, helping those in need.


    Tom Black

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    July 22nd, 2010

    A really useful piece and a good reminder of all the various options


    July 22nd, 2010

    wow great article alex, thanks :)

    Paulo Frana Lacerda

    July 22nd, 2010

    I didnt realize there was so many layout types.

    Very informative article. It helps us decide better.

    Jordan Walker

    July 22nd, 2010

    Great article, differentiating between layouts is important to clear up projects.

    Zlatan Halilovic

    July 22nd, 2010

    Excellent article Alexander. I have just one question for you. If I wanted to move away from the fixed layout,which Ive been using for a while now, which one of these would you suggest to me? And are there any good

    resources, like online tutorials and books to learn that layout from?

    Thanks in advance! :)

    P.S. I hope Im not asking for too much

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    July 22nd, 2010

    i havent been able to check SR in the past couple days cuz of a project finishing up, but man, great article! i

    definitely didnt know about a couple of these, and its more important a topic than ever with the

    smartphonesas much as i still abhor surfing on my iphone.

    as always, though, alex, it would be much more engaging an article if you had some concrete examples onwhich each method would fail. it mightve made the article too long but its kinda hard to relate to

    generalizations. for example, i personally hate to work with ems cuz i hate doing the math in decimalsand

    im a math minor!

    Enor Anidi

    July 22nd, 2010

    Great article to tweet!

    Jacob Gube

    July 22nd, 2010

    @Young: Glad youre back Young!

    I think a solid follow-up to this would be actual examples of these layout types (or at least the major ones like

    fluid, elastic, min/max, fixed) so that you can do the comparing and contrasting. What I envision is having a

    basic HTML document and then using different types such as fluid, elastic, fixed to highlight the differences

    and downsides/benefits of using each. Thanks for the feedback. I realize that its sort of hard to grasp if you

    dont have something to play around with and test (or at least code that you can copy/paste and test yourself).

    But I think Alexanders intention here was simply to highlight your options and to sort of show that theres

    more to laying out a page than fixed width.

    Trey Brister

    July 22nd, 2010

    Hey you dont have to wait for browsers to catch up with the css3 for the calculated layout. Just check out


    If you dont want to mess with less. Then I combined the WordPress Thematic Framework child theme CSS

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    with WP-Less into the Less Thematic WordPress theme. Download at


    Trey Brister

    July 22nd, 2010

    This Hybrid Layout is a new enlightening idea that you just taught me, And I am on popurls everyday.


    I hope one of these days I can get a good tutorial on the Hybrid Layout.

    Michael Tuck

    July 22nd, 2010

    Whoosh. Alex, youre really contributing a huge amount of very useful articles for Six Revisions. This is

    terrific. If its okay, Ill quote some of this in the section of my tutorial site concerning layouts. :)

    Alexander Dawson

    July 22nd, 2010

    Thanks for the comments everyone!

    @Zlatan Halilovic: It honestly depends upon what youre trying to achieve and the type of content you are

    offering as to what will work best. The thing is that theres no one layout type which is perfect for every

    situation, the key is to experiment with the options listed until you find something that suits your needs best!

    @Young: As Jacob mentioned, I simply intended to list the various different layout types that are available so

    people realise that theres more to life than fixed, fluid and elastic. Though as every web situation is different,

    I wouldnt like to say that any specific implementation is wrong or worth discouraging (or encouraging overanother).

    @Trey Brister: Excellent resource, I guess that makes it a usable solution of sorts already!

    @Michael Tuck: Sure! I dont think Jacob would mind.

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    July 22nd, 2010

    Very interesting and informative post. A must read for every web designer out there.


    Carp Vlad

    July 23rd, 2010

    good article to keep in mind


    July 23rd, 2010

    This is a nice and comprehensive article. I have used a variety of these layouts depending on a particular

    project or more importantly the content of a particular project. Thanks for posting


    July 23rd, 2010

    Thanks for this informative article. There is no single lay out which is perfect and absolute. It all depends on

    your requirements that which lay out you opt for!!!

    Great info. have bookmarked it.


    July 23rd, 2010

    Thanks for this informative article.It all depends on your requirements that which lay out you opt for!!!

    Great info. have bookmarked it.

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    Gerben van Ouwendorp

    July 23rd, 2010

    Great article. Thanksits top of mind again!

    Jon Brink

    July 23rd, 2010

    I love Wilson Audio. I actually own the very first production pair of Wilson Audio Tiny Tots (WATTs).


    July 23rd, 2010

    Wow! Great article you have there! Doing a fixed layout is kinda boring. Experimenting is good and what

    your article stated is just great! Thanks for posting!


    July 23rd, 2010

    I dont see the big deal in designing for mobile devices. In fact, I think its a lot easier with regards to both

    style and content to develop mobile sites for clients or make their existing site mobile-friendly.

    Great article.


    July 24th, 2010

    It seems that with the continued evolution of devices and resolution everyone has their mind on horizontal,

    single style navigation. It seems we never build vertical left side navigation anymore. It used to be the choice

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    of a large percentage. Its just gone.


    July 29th, 2010

    @CahabaWeb I think the main reason is simplicity and more efficient use of width and height.

    Sidebars usually end up taking up large chunks of a page, and they usually just contain nothing besides that

    menu. (other cases, people have reviews, vertical banner ads, tweet panels and the like)

    Personally, im a fan of compact fixed top-left menus.

    As for the article, very nice. I never realized they added Calc to CSS3, hopefully that could get around stupid

    issues CSS has with positioning some things. (perhaps even bring it close to the simplicity of XUL which is

    fantastic for interfacing, shame nobody wants to adopt it)

    Hybrid all the way. Fixed positions (PX or EM) inside child containers for thumbnails & descriptions, parent

    container flexible, child elements floated left or right, takes advantage width and height equally. Best way toachieve flexible, collapsible columns outside of grid systems.


    August 12th, 2010

    Before now I thought there only two layout types fixed & fluid. Thanks for sharing Alex!


    September 18th, 2010

    Wow, Great comprehensive guide on layout types for web design. I thought the conclusion was really relevant

    because one size does not fit all, and a hybrid method is definitely great advice because it importantly is

    decided by the content of a particular project. Thanks!


    September 20th, 2010

    Its very good to read about layouts. Because our teacher has ordered us to find information on ths theme

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    individually. Yeah!


    November 4th, 2010

    Truely great artcle.It has helped me in the resolution of an issue with a client over the layout of their website.



    February 17th, 2011


    Amit Rudra

    March 24th, 2011

    really goodthanks!!!


    March 30th, 2011

    by fixed layout, do you mean fixed width layout?

    Saeed Neamati

    June 4th, 2011

    I always thought that I know what the web layout is. Alas, that was a mistake. I never imagines that we have

    almost 10 methods to layout our web pages. This is one of the best articles I ever read on the web. Thank you.

    Lets support CSS3. Read CSS3 Multi-Column Layout Module and CSS3 Animations and have a look at css

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    animations at My heart beats using latest version of Google Chrome.

    Chris Villestas

    August 18th, 2011

    very informative.


    September 24th, 2011

    Wow its amazing bombastic tutorial.It gives me new dimension and clear my vision for Css layout.GreatTutorial thanks & thanks .

    Mehul Thakkar

    September 30th, 2011

    Very informative. I never thought on distinguishing layout to so many types. Thanks a lot :)

    Raja Aamir

    October 19th, 2011

    thanks brother

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