a high-gain user terminal antenna for land-mobile bi ... · a high-gain user terminal antenna for...

A HIGH-GAIN USER TERMINAL ANTENNA FOR LAND-MOBILE BI-DIRECTIONAL SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS IN KA-BAND H. Bayer, A. Krauss, R. Stephan, and M. A. Hein RF and Microwaves Research Laboratory, Ilmenau University of Technology, P.O. Box 10 05 65, 98684 Ilmenau, Germany, Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT The growing interest in bi-directional mobile satellite communications in Ka-band necessitates the develop- ment of dedicated antenna systems and feeds. In this paper we describe a mobile satellite communications ter- minal with a cassegrain reflector antenna fed from a mul- timode monopulse tracking system for circular polarisa- tion at the satellite downlink frequency of 20 GHz. The structure is operational at 30 GHz as well, to cover the uplink frequency range. The antenna system is mounted on a high-performance mechanical positioner to facilitate a fast compensation of the movements of the carrier vehi- cle. This work contributes to the development of a satel- lite terminal for mobile communications in disaster sce- narios [1]. Key words: Satellite Terminal Antenna; Multimode Monopulse Tracking; Cassegrain Reflector Antenna. 1. INTRODUCTION Land-mobile satellite antennas such as introduced in [1– 5] need to track the satellite direction during the move- ment of the carrier vehicle. One possibility to monitor the movement is to use highly precise inertial systems based, e.g., on optical gyro systems. These devices are mostly large, heavy, and expensive, thus not optimal for a mobile system. In our case, the antenna terminal will be equipped with a very lightweight and compact MEMS inertial measurement unit which is supported by a TM 01 multimode monopulse tracking system [6, 7]. This feed system provides left- and right-handed circular polari- sation, for the downlink frequency range from 19.7 to 20.2 GHz as well as for the uplink range from 29.5 to 30.0 GHz. Figure 1 is a photograph of the mobile satellite antenna terminal comprising a Ka-Band satellite reflector antenna mounted on a high performance mechanical po- sitioner. Figure 1. Photograph of the high-gain antenna terminal outdoor unit for mobile satellite communications in Ka- band. 2. SETUP OF THE ANTENNA TERMINAL OUT- DOOR UNIT 2.1. Antenna Positioner The mechanical positioner employed in the mobile satel- lite terminal is capable of moving the antenna in two axes respectively azimuth and elevation. Since the antenna fa- cilitates circular polarisation the polarisation tracking be- comes obsolete. The two axes of the positioner are moved by direct drive motors, which facilitate a large torque and highly precise positioning simultaneously. The positioner can move a payload of 12 kg with an angular accelera- tion of more than 300 /s 2 and an angular speed of more than 300 /s in both axes. Due to a backlash-free opera- tion and by employing precise angle sensors the position- ing accuracy reaches about 1 arcsec which corresponds to 0.3 × 10 3 degrees. Another benefit of these special mo-

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Page 1: A HIGH-GAIN USER TERMINAL ANTENNA FOR LAND-MOBILE BI ... · a high-gain user terminal antenna for land-mobile bi-directional satellite communications in ka-band h. bayer, a. krauss,


H. Bayer, A. Krauss, R. Stephan, and M. A. Hein

RF and Microwaves Research Laboratory,Ilmenau University of Technology,

P.O. Box 10 05 65,98684 Ilmenau, Germany,Email: [email protected]


The growing interest in bi-directional mobile satellitecommunications in Ka-band necessitates the develop-ment of dedicated antenna systems and feeds. In thispaper we describe a mobile satellite communications ter-minal with a cassegrain reflector antenna fed from a mul-timode monopulse tracking system for circular polarisa-tion at the satellite downlink frequency of 20 GHz. Thestructure is operational at 30 GHz as well, to cover theuplink frequency range. The antenna system is mountedon a high-performance mechanical positioner to facilitatea fast compensation of the movements of the carrier vehi-cle. This work contributes to the development of a satel-lite terminal for mobile communications in disaster sce-narios [1].

Key words: Satellite Terminal Antenna; MultimodeMonopulse Tracking; Cassegrain Reflector Antenna.


Land-mobile satellite antennas such as introduced in [1–5] need to track the satellite direction during the move-ment of the carrier vehicle. One possibility to monitorthe movement is to use highly precise inertial systemsbased, e.g., on optical gyro systems. These devices aremostly large, heavy, and expensive, thus not optimal fora mobile system. In our case, the antenna terminal willbe equipped with a very lightweight and compact MEMSinertial measurement unit which is supported by a TM01

multimode monopulse tracking system [6, 7]. This feedsystem provides left- and right-handed circular polari-sation, for the downlink frequency range from 19.7 to20.2 GHz as well as for the uplink range from 29.5 to30.0 GHz. Figure 1 is a photograph of the mobile satelliteantenna terminal comprising a Ka-Band satellite reflectorantenna mounted on a high performance mechanical po-sitioner.

Figure 1. Photograph of the high-gain antenna terminaloutdoor unit for mobile satellite communications in Ka-band.


2.1. Antenna Positioner

The mechanical positioner employed in the mobile satel-lite terminal is capable of moving the antenna in two axesrespectively azimuth and elevation. Since the antenna fa-cilitates circular polarisation the polarisation tracking be-comes obsolete. The two axes of the positioner are movedby direct drive motors, which facilitate a large torque andhighly precise positioning simultaneously. The positionercan move a payload of 12 kg with an angular accelera-tion of more than 300◦/s2 and an angular speed of morethan 300◦/s in both axes. Due to a backlash-free opera-tion and by employing precise angle sensors the position-ing accuracy reaches about 1 arcsec which corresponds to0.3× 10

−3 degrees. Another benefit of these special mo-

Page 2: A HIGH-GAIN USER TERMINAL ANTENNA FOR LAND-MOBILE BI ... · a high-gain user terminal antenna for land-mobile bi-directional satellite communications in ka-band h. bayer, a. krauss,

Figure 2. Photograph of the measurement setup for an-tenna pattern measurements with the high-gain antennain the anechoic chamber.

tors is a low level of abrasion which leads to low main-tenance efforts. The peak power consumption is about250 Watts per axis if the maximum payload is acceler-ated with 300◦/s2. During a controlled movement of theantenna compensating the movements of the carrier vehi-cle the power consumption is significantly lower.

2.2. Cassegrain Reflector Antenna

The antenna we are using for our mobile satellite termi-nal is a weight-optimised graphite antenna fabricated byQuinStar Technology, Inc. [8]. The cassegrain type re-flector antenna is suitable for the use at Ka-band frequen-cies and is equipped with a self-made dual-band multi-mode monopulse tracking feed to generate satellite track-ing information. Figure 2 shows a photograph of the60 cm antenna in the anechoic chamber at Ilmenau Uni-versity of Technology. Here we can measure complexantenna patterns employing frequency converting tech-niques for frequencies up to 75 GHz. The antenna patternmeasurements for the electrically large Ka-Band antennawere performed by means of spherical near-field scansusing the far-field transformation algorithm of the mea-surement software provided by the supplier [9].

Figure 3. Schematic E-field patterns of the TE11 modefor signal transmission in circular polarisation (left-handpart) and the TM01 mode for tracking signal generation(right-hand part) in a circular waveguide.

Figure 4. Dual-band multimode monopulse tracking cou-pler for Ka-band up- and downlink frequencies.

2.3. Dual-Band Multimode Monopulse Feed System

The tracking concept implemented is based on the mul-timode monopulse technique which uses higher-orderwaveguide modes to identify the satellite direction [7].According to [1, 4], the tracking feed excites the TM01

mode in a circular waveguide for the tracking informa-tion, and the TE11 mode in dual polarisation at two fre-quencies for bi-directional communications. Figure 3 in-dicates the E-field patterns of the two modes used forthe tracking system. The TE11 mode generates a nar-row pencil-shaped beam for the communications channelwhile the TM01 mode results in a conical pattern with adeep notch in boresight direction, which leads to the ab-sence of received power if the antenna points precisely tothe satellite.

To generate tracking signals when the antenna pointsaside from the satellite, the signals from the two receiverbranches exciting the TE11 and TM01 modes are com-pared in phase and amplitude using a phase discriminator.The amplitude difference is a measure for the absoluteamount of depointing, and the phase difference containsinformation on the direction of the misalignment. Dueto the fact that the tracking signals are generated in theintermediate frequency range, a high tracking bandwidthcan be achieved.

2.4. Transceiver Frontend

The multimode monopulse tracking system requires twofrequency synchronous downconverters for the two sig-nal paths - one for the TE11 mode for communicationsand one for the TM01 mode for tracking. In our ter-minal we employ two low-cost 3 W transceiver fromViaSat, originally used for fixed Ka-Band satellite termi-nals. These converters use free running local oscillators,hence they are not working synchronous. For a frequencysynchronous operation we coupled both local oscillatorsdirectly at 5.3 GHz via a coaxial cable. This techniqueadditionally facilitates the use of an external local oscil-lator to provide a highly frequency-stable conversion.

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Figure 5. Block diagram of the multimode monopulsetracking principle including the feed network for themode coupler (left-hand part) and a phase discriminator(right-hand part) to generate the tracking signals.

2.5. Phase Discriminator

The tracking signals for the control cycle are derived fromthe amplitude and phase difference of the two signals re-ceived from the TE11 and TM01 mode. This comparisonis achieved using a phase discriminator at the intermedi-ate frequency band from 0.95 to 1.95 GHz. The func-tional principle of this device is depicted in Figure 5.Two copies of the received signals are mixed. To ob-tain an error signal for one plane, the received signalsfrom the TE11 and the TM01 modes are mixed directly,whereas the error signal in the orthogonal plane is gen-erated by mixing the signal from the TE11 mode witha 90◦ phase shifted version of the TM01 mode signal.After low-pass filtering, the phase discriminator providesDC voltages proportional to the misalignment of the an-tenna over a certain angular range of deviations, depend-ing on the beamwidth of the antenna used. The coordi-nate system orientation of the tracking signals dependson the phase difference between the feed branch for com-munication in circular polarisation and the TM01 track-ing branch and can be corrected using phase shifters or acoordinate transformation after digitalisation. These twovoltages can be fed into a control cycle for the mechanicalpositioner, to keep the direction of the antenna towardsthe satellite constant during the movements of a carriervehicle.

Figure 6. Phase discriminator for tracking signal gener-ation in L-band, comprising power splitter (1), filter (2),amplifier (3), I/Q mixer (4), differential amplifier (5), andpower supply (6).

−4 −2 0 2 4−10






angle (deg)




Figure 7. Measured radiation pattern of the high-gainantenna for the TE11 mode (blue solid) and the TM01mode (orange dashed) for LHCP at 20.1 GHz.

Figure 6 shows a photograph of the phase discriminatorfor L-Band intermediate frequency. It employs a powersplitter with an amplifier at its input ports, to compensatefor dissipation losses. The copies of the two input sig-nals are filtered and amplified before the I/Q mixer mod-ule. The output signal amplitude can be set via a differen-tial amplifier to adjust it to the adjacent signal processingunit.


3.1. Antenna Pattern

Figure 7 depicts the measured radiation pattern for thehigh-gain antenna fed by the TE11 communications modeand the TM01 tracking mode considering left-handed cir-cular polarisation (LHCP) at 20.1 GHz. The antenna hasa measured gain of 38 dBi and a half-power beamwidthof 1.6◦ at 20 GHz. The radiation pattern generated bythe TM01 mode has a deep notch in boresight directionwhereas the TE11 mode results in a pattern that has itsmaximum gain in this direction.

−4 −2 0 2 40





angle (deg)




Figure 8. Measured radiation pattern of the high-gainantenna for RHCP at 29.8 GHz.

Page 4: A HIGH-GAIN USER TERMINAL ANTENNA FOR LAND-MOBILE BI ... · a high-gain user terminal antenna for land-mobile bi-directional satellite communications in ka-band h. bayer, a. krauss,

∆ azimuth (deg)

∆ el





−2 −1 0 1 2











Figure 9. Measured error voltage pattern generated fromthe phase discriminator at its output port 1 for deviationsin azimuth and elevation relatively to the satellite direc-tion.

The transmit radiation pattern for RHCP is shown inFigure 8. The measured gain in the transmit band at29.8 GHz is about 40 dBi with a half-power beamwidthof 1.2◦. At this frequency we achieved a sidelobe sup-pression of more than 18.5 dB.

3.2. Tracking Signals

Figs. 9 and 10 depict the measured error voltage pat-terns for an angular misalignment of the antenna in theazimuth-elevation plane relatively to the satellite direc-tion. The error voltages are crossing zero when the an-tenna points exactly to the signal source or too far awayfrom it. Between -1◦ and +1◦, the voltages vary nearlylinear, and can be used for a feedback control loop withdifferential part to drive the mechanical positioner. Thelock-in range covers approximately 4 degrees. Outsidethe lock-in range the movements of the carrier vehi-cle will be compensated using an inertial measurementunit. The measurements were performed at the Fraun-hofer satellite communications test facilities in Ilmenau.The testbed facilitates the simulation of mobile scenar-ios with the satcom terminal on a motion emulator anda dummy satellite payload on a 50 m antenna mast in adistance of 100 m.


A mobile satellite communications terminal outdoor unitfor recovering communications infrastructure in disasterscenarios has been described. The 60 cm high-gain re-flector antenna is mounted on a high-precision two-axesmechanical positioner to track the satellite direction dur-ing the movements of the carrier vehicle. A compactTM01 multimode monopulse tracking feed has been suc-cessfully developed, designed, manufactured, and tested.

∆ azimuth (deg)

∆ el





−2 −1 0 1 2











Figure 10. Measured error voltage pattern generatedfrom the phase discriminator at its output port 2 for devi-ations in azimuth and elevation relatively to the satellitedirection.

The system enables electronic tracking for antennas withcircular polarisation, as employed for mobile satellitecommunications. The antenna system provides both cir-cular polarisations for the downlink as well as for the up-link frequency ranges in Ka-Band which enables polar-isation diversity and polarisation switching between dif-ferent spot beams provided by the satellite.


We gratefully acknowledge M. Huhn and M. Zocher fortechnical assistance as well as Dr. Christian Volmer forscientific support and Mario Lorenz for performing track-ing measurements. This work has been funded by theDLR on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Eco-nomics and Technology (grant no. 50YB0913). Thisresearch has been conducted within the framework ofthe project MoSaKa (Mobile Satellite Communicationsin Ka-band).


1. H. Bayer, A. Krauss, R. Stephan, and M. Hein,“A Dual-Band Multimode Monopulse Tracking An-tenna for Land-Mobile Satellite Communications inKa-Band,” in EuCAP’2012: The 6th European Con-ference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, CzechRepublic, 2012.

2. M. Hein, H. Bayer, A. Krauss, R. Stephan, C. Volmer,A. Heuberger, E. Eberlein, C. Keip, M. Mehnert,A. Mitschele-Thiel, P. Drieß, and T. Volkert, “Per-spectives for Mobile Satellite Communications in Ka-Band (MoSaKa),” inEuCAP’2010: The 4th EuropeanConference on Antennas and Propagation, Barcelona,Spain, 2010.

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3. H. Bayer, C. Volmer, A. Krauss, R. Stephan, andM. A. Hein, “Tracking Antenna for Mobile Bi-directional Satellite Communications in Ka-Band,”in 2010 IEEE International Conference on Wire-less Information Technology and Systems, Honolulu,Hawai’i, USA, 2010.

4. H. Bayer, A. Krauss, R. Stephan, and M. Hein, “Mul-timode Monopulse Tracking Feed with Dual-Band Po-tential for Land-Mobile Satellite Communications inKa-Band,” inEuCAP’2011: The 5th European Confer-ence on Antennas and Propagation, Rome, Italy, 2011.

5. I. Davis, J. Kot, C. Granet, G. Pope, and K. Verran,“Compact Shaped Dual-Reflector System for MilitaryKa-Band SATCOM on the Move,” inEuCAP’2011:The 5th European Conference on Antennas and Prop-agation, Rome, Italy, 2011.

6. G. Hawkins, D. Edwards, and J. McGeehan, “Track-ing systems for satellite communications,”Radar andSignal Processing, IEE Proceedings, vol. 135, pp.393–407, oct. 1988.

7. J. S. Cook and R. Lowell, “The Autotrack System,”Bell Syst. Tech. J., pp. 1283–1307, 1963.

8. (2012) The QuinStar Technology, Inc. website.[Online]. Available: http://www.quinstar.com

9. (2012) The Nearfield Systems Inc. website. [Online].Available: http://www.nearfield.com/