a history of western society chapter 16 absolutism and constitutionalism in western europe (ca...

A History of Western Society Chapter 16 Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe (ca 1589-1715) Yeah History!!! Cover Slide Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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Page 1: A History of Western Society Chapter 16 Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe (ca 1589-1715) Yeah History!!! Cover Slide Copyright © Houghton

A History of Western Society

Chapter 16

Absolutism and Constitutionalism in

Western Europe

(ca 1589-1715)

Yeah History!!!

Cover Slide

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• The centralization of monarchical power and the dissolution of feudalism characterized this period.– Louis XIV created the model absolutist state

in France.– Parliament restrained the absolutist

tendencies of the Stuarts.

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Louis XIV and absolutism in France

• Louis XIV built on the work of his predecessors.– He completed the construction of Versailles (begun

under Louis XIII).– Versailles became a pleasure prison for the French


• Cardinal Richelieu had begun the process that would weaken the French nobility.– Richelieu made French governmental organization

more efficient.– He wanted to destroy Habsburg states.

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The most spectacular manifestation of Louis XIV's absolute monarchy is his complex of palaces and gardens at Versailles, located twelve miles southwest of Paris. In 1669, Louis commissioned the architect Louis Le Vau (1612-1670) to transform an existing royal hunting lodge into an elaborate and extensive palace, the Palais de Versailles. Beginning in 1678, Jules Hardoin-Mansart (1646-1708) took over the project. He supervised the construction of the Hall of Mirrors. The hall is more than 200 feet long and is framed by seventeen windows and seventeen arched mirrors. The ceiling is lined with six cameos, twelve medallions, and nine monumental paintings executed by Charles Le Brun (1619-1690). (Michael Holford)

Hall of Mirrors, Versailles

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• Mazarin succeeded Richelieu.– Mazarin continued the work of his predecessor.

• Colbert was Louis XIV’s greatest finance minister.– He promoted the economic philosophy of

mercantilism.– His goal was self-sufficiency for France.

Louis XIV and absolutism in France

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Louis XIV by Rigaud

The best-known portrait of Louis XIV was painted by Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-1743) in 1701. Louis, adorned in his coronation garment lined with ermine, stares directly at the viewer as he flaunts his legs bedecked with high-heeled shoes. Rigaud's ceremonial portrait succeeded in capturing the essence of the divine right absolutism of the king who had proclaimed, "l'etat, c'est moi"  (I am the state). (Louvre/R.M.N./Art Resource, NY)

Louis XIV by Rigaud

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Louis XIV and absolutism in France

• Louis XIV’s extravagant wars were a tremendous drain on the French economy.– The Peace of Utrecht brought an end to his

expansionist policies.

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Map: Europe in 1715

Europe in 1715The series of treaties commonly called the Peace of Utrecht (April 1713-November 1715) ended the War of the Spanish Succession and redrew the map of Europe. A French Bourbon king succeeded to the Spanish throne on the understanding that the French would not attempt to unite the French and Spanish crowns. France surrendered to Austria the Spanish Netherlands (later Belgium), then in French hands, and France recognized the Hohenzollern rulers of Prussia. Spain ceded Gibraltar to Great Britain, for which it has been a strategic naval station ever since. Spain also granted to Britain the asiento, the contract for supplying African slaves to America. (Copyright (c) Houghton Mifflin. All rights reserved.)

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Spain declined during this period

• Spanish absolutism preceded that of the French. In the 1500s the kingdom of Castile developed the characteristics of an absolute monarchy.

• The lack of a middle class (due in part to the expulsion of Moors and Jews), agricultural crisis, population decline, and failure to invest in productive enterprises meant that by 1715 Spain was a second-rate power.

• Several factors led to decline.– Fiscal disorder, political incompetence, and the lack of a strong

middle class contributed to Spain’s decline.– The defeat of the Armada was a serious blow to Spain.– The Decline of Absolutist Spain in the Seventeenth Century– Gold and silver from the Americas were the basis for Spanish

power.– Spain extended itself in wars it could not afford in the 1600s.

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England charted a different course in the Age of Absolutism

• The Stuarts lacked the political astuteness of Elizabeth I.– Although they exhibited absolutist tendencies, these

were restrained by the growth of parliament.

• The growth of Puritanism influenced English development.– The Stuarts appeared sympathetic to Catholicism.

– Charles I’s volatile relationship with Parliament added to the tension of the period.

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• The English Civil War between king and parliament brought matters to a head.– King Charles initiated conflict with the

parliamentary forces.– Parliament won the contest for sovereignty.– Charles I was beheaded and Oliver

Cromwell was made Lord Protector.– The Glorious Revolution of 1688—89 was

the final act in the struggle for sovereignty.

England charted a different course in the Age of Absolutism

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"Spider and Fly"This seventeenth-century satirical print, entitled The Spider and the Fly, summarizes peasant grievances. In reference to the insect symbolism (upper left), the caption on the lower left side of this illustration states, "The noble is the spider, the peasant the fly." The other caption (upper right) notes, "The more people have, the more they want. The poor man brings everything--wheat, fruit, money, vegetables. The greedy lord sitting there ready to take everything will not even give him the favor of a glance." (New York Public Library)

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Constitutionalism• The Constitutional State

– Constitutionalism is the limitation of government by law.– A nation’s constitution can be written or unwritten.– Constitutional government can take a monarchical or

republican form.– A constitutional government is not the same as a democratic


• The Decline of Royal Absolutism in England (1603–1649)– In spite of a disordered and bloody seventeenth century,

England emerged a constitutional monarchy. – Elizabeth I’s successor James I asserted his divine right to

absolute power, antagonizing Parliament.– The House of Commons, the members of which were largely

members of a new wealthy and powerful capitalist class in England, objected.

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• Religious Issues– James and his successor, Charles I (r. 16251649) appeared to

be sympathetic to Catholicism; Puritans in the House of Commons were suspicious.

– In 1640 Charles had to summon Parliament to request funding to suppress a rebellion in Scotland (against the imposition of Anglican liturgy).

– As Parliament passed laws limiting Charles’s powers, an Irish uprising precipitated civil war.

– In spite of the execution of Charles I in 1649 by Parliament, the civil war did not resolve the problem of sovereignty. England was a military dictatorship run by Parliament’s most successful general, Oliver Cromwell, from 16491660.

• Puritanical Absolutism in England: Cromwell and the Protectorate– Oliver Cromwell attempted to create a community of

puritanical saints. – When he died in 1658, most English had had enough of this.


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"The Royall Oake of Brittayne"Chopping down this tree--"The Royall Oake of Brittayne"--signifies the end of royal authority, stability, the Magna Carta, and the rule of law. As pigs graze (representing the unconcerned common people), being fattened for slaughter, Oliver Cromwell, the lord protector who also controlled the army, quotes Scripture while his feet are in hell. This cartoon of 1649 is a royalist view of the collapse of Charles I's government and the rule of Cromwell.

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The Restoration of the English Monarchy

• Charles II (r. 16601685), invited back to England from exile in France, attempted to conciliate Parliament by creating an advisory council of five men who were also members of Parliament.

• When Charles was caught in 1670 in secret negotiations with Louis XIV for subsidies in exchange for a gradual Catholicization of England and an alliance against the Netherlands, panic swept England.

• When James II (r. 16851688), an open Catholic, succeeded Charles II, there was trouble.

• James placed many Catholics in high administrative positions and declared universal religious tolerance. Seven Anglican bishops responded by refusing to read James’s proclamation. They were arrested but subsequently acquitted.

• When James’s wife produced a son, there was fear that a Catholic dynasty was now assured. Parliament offered the throne to James’s Protestant daughter Mary and her Dutch husband, Prince William of Orange. In December 1688 James fled to France and William and Mary were crowned king and queen of England.

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The Triumph of England’s Parliament: Constitutional Monarchy and Cabinet Government

• The “Glorious Revolution” - Parliament’s expulsion of James - was guaranteed by a Bill of Rights passed by Parliament. The Bill guaranteed the independence of the judiciary, the sole power of Parliament to make laws, and freedom of debate in Parliament. All Protestants were granted religious toleration.

• The Glorious Revolution was not a democratic revolution, because few English subjects could vote in the election of Parliament.

• The cabinet system of government evolved in the eighteenth century. In this system a cabinet of ministers responsible primarily to Parliament governed. The power of the monarch grew weaker and weaker.

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Locke’s ideas reflect the changing tenor of the times

• He defended ideas of the Glorious Revolution in his Two Treatises on Government.

• He argued that a government that oversteps its bounds was subject to dissolution.

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The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century

• The Dutch system of government rested on assemblies of wealthy merchants in each of the seven provinces called “Estates.”

• A federal assembly, or “States General,” ran foreign policy, but was responsible to the provincial “Estates.”

• The States General appointed a representative or stadtholder in each province. Some men held the post of stadtholder in all seven provinces.

• The cohesion and power of the Dutch Republic ultimately rested on its immense commercial power and prosperity.

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Judith Leyster, Self-Portrait

Judith Leyster (ca. 1609-1660), one of the most important Dutch portrait painters, created portraits that capture both the individuality and spontaneity of her subjects. She painted her Self-Portrait in 1635, representing herself as a successful artist, in a fashionable dress and sitting in an elegant chair. The subject of the "painting within the painting" is a man playing a violin, but Leyster varied her technique to illustrate the difference between her own self-portrait and this painting. (National Gallery of Art, Washington. Gift of Mr. and Mrs Robert Woods Bliss, Photograph (c) 2002, Board of Trustees.)

Judith Leyster, Self-Portrait

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• The Netherlands was the only realm in early modern Europe with almost complete religious toleration.

• In 1650 the Dutch owned half of the ships in Europe and controlled much of European trade.

• In the seventeenth century the Dutch probably had the highest standard of living in the world.

• Dutch power began to decline around the time of the War of the Spanish Succession.

The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century

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Map: Seventeenth-century Dutch Commerce

Seventeenth-century Dutch CommerceDutch wealth rested on commerce, and commerce depended on the huge Dutch merchant marine, manned by perhaps forty-eight thousand sailors. The fleet carried goods from all parts of the globe to the port of Amsterdam. (Copyright (c) Houghton Mifflin. All rights reserved.)

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The high point of Rembrandt's portrait-painting career in Amsterdam came in 1642, when he painted the group portrait The Company of Captain Franz Banning Cocq (who had commissioned this painting)--also known as The Night Watch. Due to the excessive layers of grit and varnish that accumulated on the painting over the years, the scene was generally thought to have occurred at night. However, a post-World War II restoration revealed that Rembrandt (1606-1669) used a full palette of rich, golden colors. (Rijksmuseum)

Rembrandt, The Nightwatch

Rembrandt, The Nightwatch

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Vermeer, Art of Painting

In a typically Dutch interior--black and white marble floor, brass chandelier, map of Holland on the wall--an artist paints an allegory of Clio, the Muse of History (often shown holding a book and a trumpet). The Muses, nine goddesses of Greek mythology, were thought to inspire the arts. Considered the second-greatest Dutch painter (after Rembrandt), Jan Vermeer (1632-1675) was a master of scenes of everyday life, but he probably meant his work to be understood on more than one level. (Kunsthistorisches Museum/Art Resource, NY)

Vermeer, Art of Painting