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Homographs: Homographs in English Defined and Explained Carrala Ficklin McClain Carrala Ficklin-McClain

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Post on 05-May-2018




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Simply put, homophones are two words that are spelt

differently but are pronounced exactly the same. It should

also be noted that they do not

have the same meaning.*

* not included in this list are words which are spelt differently, pronounced

the same and have the same meaning because of the sometime difference in spelling between American and British English i.e. tire/tyre, theater/theatre,


Simply put, homophones are

two words that are spelt differently but are pronounced

exactly the same. It should also be noted that they do not

have the same meaning.*

* not included in this list are words which are spelt differently,

pronounced the same and have the same meaning because of the

sometime difference in spelling between American and British English

i.e. tire/tyre, theater/theatre, color/colour

the color code of the following parts

of speech:





A homograph, also known as a heteronyms, is a word of

the same written form as another but not necessarily pronounced the same*. The

Homographs in

English Defined

and Explained

Carrala Ficklin McClain

Carrala Ficklin-McClain

Homographs, also known as heteronyms, are words which

are written the same but which are not necessarily

pronounced the same*. The

definition and, at times, the parts of speech are also


* the following words are those homographs which are spelt the same but

pronounced differently

Simply put, homophones are two words that are spelt

differently but are pronounced exactly the same. It should

also be noted that they do not

have the same meaning.*

* not included in this list are words which are spelt differently, pronounced

the same and have the same meaning because of the sometime difference in spelling between American and British English i.e. tire/tyre, theater/theatre,


Simply put, homophones are

two words that are spelt differently but are pronounced

exactly the same. It should also be noted that they do not

have the same meaning.*

* not included in this list are words which are spelt differently,

pronounced the same and have the same meaning because of the

sometime difference in spelling between American and British English

i.e. tire/tyre, theater/theatre, color/colour

the color code of the following parts

of speech:





A homograph, also known as a heteronyms, is a word of

the same written form as another but not necessarily pronounced the same*. The

the color code of the following parts of speech:





the color code of the following parts of speech:





the color code of the following parts of





color code of type of word:




pronunciation guide

long a = ã

short a1 = a

short a2 = ä

long e = i or ee

pronunciation guide (continued)

short e = e

long i = aI

short i = I

long o = õ

pronunciation guide


short o = o

long oo= oo

short oo= u or U

short u= U or u

pronunciation guide (continued)

long u = oo

short u = u

short o (ow/ou) = aʊ

short o (oi/ oy) = oI

pronunciation guide


‘th’ as in ‘this’ = Ɵ

‘th’ as in ‘ to mouth’ = ð

ng = ŋ

the schwa = ə

color-coded homograph (phonetic pronunciation of homograph)

part of speech/ homograph/ phonetic pronunciation/ definition and synonyms


Simply put, homophones are two words that are spelt

differently but are pronounced exactly the same. It should

also be noted that they do not

have the same meaning.*

* not included in this list are words which are spelt differently, pronounced

the same and have the same meaning because of the sometime difference in spelling between American and British English i.e. tire/tyre, theater/theatre,


Simply put, homophones are

two words that are spelt differently but are pronounced

exactly the same. It should also be noted that they do not

have the same meaning.*

* not included in this list are words which are spelt differently,

pronounced the same and have the same meaning because of the

sometime difference in spelling between American and British English

i.e. tire/tyre, theater/theatre, color/colour

the color code of the following parts

of speech:





A homograph, also known as a heteronyms, is a word of

the same written form as another but not necessarily pronounced the same*. The

Homographs in

English Defined

and Explained

Carrala Ficklin McClain


( rõ män´ / rõ´ mən / rõ´ mən )

noun/ roman/ rõ män´/ type of metrical narrative developed in medieval France/

any romantic novel/ (roman à clef) a novel in which characters and historical events

appear under guise of fiction


( rõ män´ / rõ´ mən / rõ´ mən )

noun/ roman/ rõ´ mən/ inhabitant and citizen of Rome/ dialect of Italian spoken in



( rõ män´ / rõ´ mən / rõ´ mən )

adjective/ roman/ rõ´ mən/ pertaining to modern and ancient city of Rome/

pertaining to the people, tradition and custom of the persons of Rome/ type of

print/ pertaining to the type of Christian Church (Roman Catholic Church)/ type of

numerals (Roman numerals)


( rõz / rõz / rõz / rõ zã )

verb/ to rose/ rõz/ to make or paint rose colored/ to flush/ to blush/ to become red or



( rõz / rõz / rõ zã/ rõz)

verb/ to rose/ rõz/ past tense of the verb ‘to rise’/ to get up/ to ascend/ to bolt, jump,

spring or leap up/ to move or lift upward/ to increase/ to widen/ to progress/ to improve/ prosper/ to climb the ladder of success/ to

succeed/ to arrive/ to rebel/ to take up arms/ to originate/ to begin/ to flow from/ to

grow out of/ to emerge/ to appear on the scene/ to show on one’s face/ to return from the dead or from the grave/ to come back/

to reincarnate


( rõz / rõz / rõ zã/ rõz)

noun/ rose/ rõz/ any number of plants of the genus Rosa, prickly-stemmed and pinnate leaved/ perfume made from rose or having the fragrance of roses/ a diamond cut in the form of a rose/ rose color (pinkish or purplish red)/ (under the rose/sub rosa)

secretly, privately, covertly, on the sly or on the Q.T


( rõz / rõz / rõ zã/ rõz)

noun/ rose/ rõ zã/ (usually with an accent ‘rosé’)/ pink colored table wine


( rõz / rõz / rõ zã/ rõz)

adjective/ rose/ rõz/ of the color of rose/ for, containing or growing roses (rose garden)/

scented like a rose

row (rõ / raʊ/ rõ / raʊ)

verb/ to row/ rõ/ to kayak/ to propel a vessel by the leverage of oars/ to convey or

propel/ to canoe/ to use oarsmen for rowing/ to paddle

row (rõ / raʊ/ rõ / raʊ)

verb/ row/ raʊ/ to spar/ to cross sword/ to argue/ to quarrel/ to have or bandy words/

to disagree/ to fall out/ to be at

loggerheads/ to scuffle/ to scrap/ to fight/ to go at it

row (rõ / raʊ/ rõ / raʊ))

noun/ row/ rõ/ queur/ line/ a number of persons or things arranged in a straight

line/ column/ chain/ sequence/ range/ procession

row (rõ / rõ / raʊ/ raʊ)

noun/ row/ raʊ/ a noisy dispute or quarrel/ contention/ disagreement/

wrangle/ scuffle/ altercation/ conflict/ brawl/ skirmish

sake (sãk / sä´ kee )

noun/ sake/ sãk/ cause/ behalf/ welfare/ object/ purpose/ aim/ end

sake (sãk / sä´ kee )

noun/ sake/ sä´ kee/ a mildly alcoholic Japanese beverage made from fermented



( sär´ dIn / sär dIn´ )

noun/ sardine/ sär´ dIn/ sard/ type of precious stone brownish-red in color

which is used as jewlery


( sär´ dIn / sär dIn´ )

noun/ sardine/ sär dIn´/ any small fish of

the herring family/ small fish canned in oil, spices or mustard used as food


( seg´ ment or seg ment´ / seg´ mənt )

verb/ to segment/ seg´ ment or seg ment´/ to divide or separate into smaller parts or

segments/ to split/ to cut in halves/ to sectionalize/ to fragment/ to take or break



( seg´ ment or seg ment´ / seg´ mənt )

noun/ segment/ portion/ section/ parcel/ division/ factor/ part/ department/ branch/

subgroup/ group/ clause/ excerpt/ extract

separate (sep´ ə rãt / sep´ ər it)

verb/ to separate/ sep´ ə rãt/ to uncouple/ to keep, to bring, to force apart/ to divide/

to space/ to remove/ to disconnect/

disentangle/ disengage/ to withdraw/ to become parted from a mass or compound/ to come between/ to estrange/ to break up/ to split/ to divide into parts/ to apportion/

to parcel out/ to abstract/ to pick or take out/ to break down/ to glean/ to cull/ to eliminate/ to weed, cut or throw out/ to

isolate/ to shut or cut off/ to stand apart/

split up/ to fence, wall, seal or cordon off/ to diverge/ branch off or out

separate (sép ə rãt / sép ər it)

adjective/ separate/ sép ər it/ divorced/ not connected or joined/detached/

unattached/ distinct/ unbound/ existing independently/ sole/ different/ unrelated/ alone/ apart/ secluded/ in twos/ halved/

split/ asunder

sewer (soo´ ər / sõ´ ər)

noun/ sewer/ soo´ ər/ an artificial underwater conduit for taking away or

removing waste water and refuse

sewer (soo´ ər / sõ´ ər)

noun/ sewer/ sõ´ ər/ a person or machine that sews or alters


(Sha rón/ Shár en)

noun/ Sha rón/ Hebrew last name


(Sha rón/ Shár en)

noun/ Shár en/ common female name


( shou´ ər / shou´ ər / sho´ ər)

verb/ to shower/ shou´ ər/ to bathe/ to clean/ to wet/ to snow/ to spray/ to deluge/ to

inundate/ to overwhelm/ to indulge/ to sprinkle/ to mist/ to flurry/ to trickle/ to



( shou´ ər / shou´ ər / sho´ ər)

noun/ shower/ shou´ ər/ douse/ bath/ wash/ sprinkler/ party for a forthcoming wedding

or child/ abundance/ flood/ overflow/ surplus/ copiousness/ extravagrance/

opulence/ torrent/ barrage/ bombardment/ profusion/ spray/ downpour/ cloudburst/

drizzling/ flurry/ rainfall/ rainshower/ wet/ sprinkle/ misting


( shou´ ər / shou´ ər / sho´ ər)

noun/ shower/ sho´ ər/ person or thing that shows or exhibits


( sIŋg ər / sIŋg ər)

noun/ singer/ sIŋg ər/ one who sings/ trained vocalist/ professional vocalist


( sIŋg ər / sIŋg ər)

noun/ singer/ sIŋg ər/ a machine, or person, that singes, sorches or burns


( skid / skaId)

verb/ skied/ skid/ past tense of the ‘to ski’


( skid / skaId)

verb/ skied/ skaId / past tense of the ‘to sky’/ to raise/ to throw/ to hit into the air/

to hang high above the line of vision


( sluf / sluf / slou / sloo)

verb/ to slough/ to be the slough as in the skin shed by a snake/ to shed skin or other

type of cover/ to get rid of or throw off (normally followed by ‘off’ to slough off/

(cards) to discard a card or cards/ to stop or get rid of a bad habit (normally followed by ‘off’ to slough off)/ to treat as nothing, trivial or something to be taken lightly

(normally followed by ‘over’ to slough over)


( sluf / sluf / slou / sloo)

noun/ slough/ sluf/ the outlayer of a snake that is shed periodically/ cast off layer or

covering/ mass of dead skin which has been separated from the surrounding tissue


( sluf / sluf / slou / sloo)

noun/ slough/ slou/ swamp like region/

place of deep mud or mire/ to feel despondency/ despair, hopelessness or



( sluf / sluf / slou / sloo)

noun/ slough/ sloo/ bog/ marsh/ swamp/

wash/ morass/ mire

sow (sõ / saʊ)

verb/ to sow/ sõ/ to scatter over land for

growth/ to plant/ to disseminate/ to propagate/ to make known/ to ignite/ to touch off/ to provoke/ to provoke/ to stir

the embers/ to foster/ to advance/ to promote

sow (sõ / saʊ)

noun/ sow/ saʊ/ an adult female pig


( staffs or stäfs/ stãvz)

noun/ staffs/ staffs or stäfs/ (plural of the noun of staff)/ personel/ assistants to

middle management and executives/ body of officers whose job is to assist the

commanding officers/ those who have been appointed or employed to help,

support or advise/ hired help/ the help/ crew


( staffs or stäfs/ stãvz)

noun/ staffs/ stãvz / (plural of the noun staff)/ sticks/ canes/ walking sticks/

crutches/ batons/ wands/ poles on which to hang or display a flag

subject (səb jékt / súb jikt / súb jikt)

verb/ to subject/ səb jekt´/ to subjugate/ to dominate/ to rule/ to place beneath/ to

expose / to put through/ to make

vulnerable/ to conquer/ to bring to one’s knees/ to rule/ to dominate/ to humble/ to

keep down

subject (səb jékt / súb jikt / súb jikt)

noun/ subject/ súb jikt/ topic/ that which

forms a basic matter of thought, discussion, investigation/ subject matter/

that which is represented in a literary composition/ text/ proposition/ theme/

story/ plot/ motif/ motive/ basis/ rationale/ dependent/ retainer/ subordinate/

underling/ case/ guinea pig/ testee/ patient/ citizen/ taxpayer/ national

subject (səb jékt / súb jikt / súb jikt)

adjective/subject/ súb jikt/ ruled/ crush/ subordinate/ dependent/ controlled/

vassal/ powerless/ unable to stand on one’s two feet/ manipulated/ subservient/

naked /vulnerable/ susceptive/ exposed/ conditional/ provisional/ susceptive/ likely

or apt to


( sub kən trakt´ / sub´ kon trakt or sub kon´ trakt)

verb/ to subcontract/ sub kən trakt´/ to agree to give services or provide material to

a contractor/ to contract to do part of another’s work


( sub kən trakt´ / sub´ kon trakt or sub kon´ trakt)

noun/ subcontract/ sub´ kon trakt or sub kon´ trakt/ a contract in which a

subcontractor agrees to give services or provide material to a contractor/ agreement

to do part of another’s work


( sub lis´ / sub´ lis)

verb/ to sublease/ sub lis´ / to lease or rent from someone who is already holding a

lease/ to sublet/ to be a renter who grants or gives a lease to property that one’s

already rents/ to be a sublet


( sub lis´ / sub´ lis)

noun/ sublease/ sub´ lis/ a lease granted by

one who already lease or rents


( sub let´ / sub´ let)

verb/ to sublet/ sub let´/ to lease or rent from someone who is already holding a lease/ to sublease/ to be a renter who

grants or gives a lease to property that one’s already rents/ to be a sublease


( sub let´ / sub´ let)

noun/ sublet/ sub´ let/ sublease/ property obtain through subleasing


( sub´ lə mãt / sub´ lə mãt or sub´ lə mIt / sub´ lə mãt or sub´ lə mIt )

verb/ to sublimate/ sub´ lə mãt/ to convert/

to transmute/ to alter/ to change/ to shift/ to transfer/ to redirect/ to channel/ to make

nobler/ to ennoble/ to lift/ to elevate/ to aggrandize/ to magnify/ to purge/ to clear/

to cleanse/ to clean/ to purify


( sub´ lə mãt / sub´ lə mãt or sub´ lə mIt / sub´ lə mãt or sub´ lə mIt )

noun/ sublimate/ sub´ lə mãt or sub´ lə mIt/

crystals or deposit obtain when a substance is sublimated


( sub´ lə mãt / sub´ lə mãt or sub´ lə mIt / sub´ lə mãt or sub´ lə mIt )

adjective/ sublimate/ sub´ lə mãt or sub´ lə

mIt/ distilled/ purified/ purged/ sieved/ sifted/ refined/ clarified/ rectified


( sə bôr´ dn ãt´ / sə bôr´ dn It / sə bôr´ dn It)

verb/ to subordinate/ sə bôr´ dn ãt´/ to place in a lower order/ to put in an inferior or disadvantageous position/ to subjugate/

to make subservient or dependent


( sə bôr´ dn ãt´ / sə bôr´ dn It / sə bôr´ dn It)

noun/ subordinate/ sə bôr´ dn It/ underling/ junior/ subsidiary/ employee/ hired hand/

dependent/ servant/ slave


( sə bôr´ dn ãt´ / sə bôr´ dn It / sə bôr´ dn It)

adjective/ subordinate/ sə bôr´ dn It/ junior/ lower/ subject/ inferior/ second or third class/ dependent/ secondary/ auxiliary/



( sup´ lə ment / sup´ lə mənt)

verb/ to supplement/ sup´ lə ment/to

complete/ to complement/ accompany/ to add on/ to increase/ to augment/ to supply

a deficiency/ to fortify/ to subsidize/ to

strengthen/ to make up for/ to bring up to par/ to raise/ to lift/ to upgrade


( sup´ lə ment / sup´ lə mənt)

noun/ supplement/ sup´ lə mənt/ appendage/

attachment/ addition/ extension/ accessory/ concurrent/ counterpart/ additive/

fortification/ buttress/ prop/ increase/ increment/ augmentation/ appendix/

postscript/ suffix/ subjunction/ end or tail piece/ tag/ correction/ change/

modification/ (newspaper) extra, added or special feature (eg. magazine or comic

section/ funny papers/ advertising supplement/ insert)


( sə paI´/ sə paI´ /sup´ li)

verb/ to supply/ sə paI´/ to provide/ to

furnish/ to accommodate/ to purvey/ provision/ to stock/ to fill or store up/ to

render/ to contribute/ to present/ to yield/ to administer/ to mete, shell, fork, dish or give or dole out/ to make up or compensate for/ to fill the place of/ to fill a vacany or space


( sə paI´/ sə paI´ /sup´ li)

noun/ supply/ sə paI´/stock/ quantity/ reservoir/ stockpile/ inventory/ resources/ nest egg/ abundant/ plenty/ well/ heap/

mass/ stack/ load/ provision/ furnishment/ equipment/ outfitting/

replenishment/ replenishing


( sə paI´/ sə paI´ /sup´ li)

adverb/ supply/ sup´ li/ supplely/ pliant/ flexible/ spring/ limber/ willowy/ double- or loose-limbed/ compliant/ docile/ adjustable/

movable/ resilient/ accepting/ receptive/ amendable/ willing/ well-disposed


( sər maIz´ / sûr´maIz or sər maIz´ )

verb/ to surmise/ sər maIz´/ to infer/ to imagine/ to conjecture/ to guess/ to

understand/ to deduce/ to deem/ to be of the opinion/ to conclude/ to reckon


(sər maIz´ / sûr´maIz or sər maIz´ )

noun/ surmise/ sûr´maIz or sər maIz´/ conjecture/ guess/ postulate/ stab/ shot in

the dark/ postulate/ supposition/ inference/ idea/ thought/ matter of conjecture/

assumption/ presumption


( sər vã´ / sûr´ vã or sər vã´ )

verb/ to survey/ sər vã´ / to keep an eye on/ to stake out/ to be watchful/ to overlook/ to

inspect/ to take a view of/ to observe/ to scrutinize/ to examine carefully/ to

appraise/ to take stock of/ to estimate/ to calculate/ to map out/ to map/ to make a

survey of


( sər vã´ / sûr´ vã or sər vã´ )

noun/ to survey/ sûr´ vã or sər vã´ sûr´ vã or sər vã´ / inspection / general study/ the act of surveying the boundaries and/ or area of land/ to examine/ investigation/ inquiry/ going through/ shifting/ audit/

review/ assessment/ once-over

suspect (sə spékt / sús pekt / sús pekt)

verb/ to suspect/ sə spékt/ to believe to be guilty with little or no proof/ to be

skeptical/ distrust/ to harbor suspicious/ to surmise/ to infer/ to conjecture/ to

hazare a guess/ to presume/ to have a clue

suspect (sə spékt / sús pekt / sús pekt)

verb/ to suspect/ sə spékt/ to believe to be guilty with little or no proof/ to be

skeptical/ distrust/ to harbor suspicious/ to surmise/ to infer/ to conjecture/ to

hazare a guess/ to presume/ to have a clue

suspect (sə spékt / sús pekt / sús pekt)

noun/ suspect/ sús pekt/ a person who is suspected or known to have committed an

unlawful act

suspect (sə spékt / sús pekt / sús pekt)

adjective/ suspect/ sús pekt / shady/ suspected or open to suspicion/ not

trusted/ distrusted


( sIn´ dI kãt / sIn´ dI kIt)

verb/ to syndicate / sIn´ dI kãt/ to combine or form in a syndicate/ to join forces/ to federate/ to amalgamate/ to consolidate/

coordinate/ to put together / to associate/ to

ally/ to bind/ to tie/ to mate/ to match/ to pair up/ to sell through a syndicate for simultaneous publication in a variety of



( sIn´ dI kãt / sIn´ dI kIt)

noun/ syndicate / sIn´ dI kIt/ trust/

monopoly/ consolidating/ holding company/ joint concern/ chain of stores/ firm/

organized crime family/ collaboration/ confederation/ society


( târ/ târ/ teer )


verb/ to tear/ târ / to come or fall apart/ to

spill, break or bust open/ to rip/ to pull apart/ to pull or tear to shreds/ to

divide/ to split/ to upset/ to cause an upheaval/ to distress/ to injure/ to

cut/ to gouge/ to gash/ to gore/ to cut to piece/ to tear from limb to limb


( târ/ teer / târ/ teer )


verb/ to tear/ târ / to be rage/ to rave/ to rampage/ to rant/ to storm/ to carry on/ to roar/ to vent one’s anger/ to lose control/ to run or race about/ to go like lightning

or the wind/ to whiz/ to zoom/ to zip


( târ/ teer / târ/ teer )


verb/ to tear/ teer / (usually to tear up)/ to cry/ to secrete shed or cry tears/ to

become moist or dewy eyed/ to fill up with tears


( târ/ teer / târ/ teer )


noun/ tear/ târ/ split/ rip/ breach/ rift/ slash/ cut/ stab/ laceration/ hurt/


( târ/ teer / târ/ teer )


noun/ tear/ târ/ fury/ rage/ frenzy/ violent or uncontrollable temper or behavior/

running amuck


( târ/ teer / târ/ teer )


noun/ tear/ târ/ spree/ binge/ wing-ding/ antic/ bout/ bender/ romp/ orgy/ revel/

booze/ bar-hop or pub-crawl


( târ/ teer / târ/ teer )


noun/ tear/ teer/ a drop of saline fluid flowing from eyes/ drop/ bead/ teardrop


( tir / tI´ ər)

noun/ tier/ tir/ row/ rank/ range of two or more row with one placed above the other/ series of row arranged one above or behind

another/ story/ floor/ layer/ stratification/ belt/ zone


( tir / tI´ ər)

noun/ tier/ tI´ ər/ one who or that ties,

connect, fasten, attach or join/ one who makes a bow or knot / (nautical) short band

for securing a furled sail


( tôr ment´ or tôr´ ment / tôr´ ment )

verb/ to torment/ tôr ment´ or tôr´ ment/ to torture/ to crucify/ to scathe/ to put one

through the wringer/ to persecute/ to worry/ to anguish/ to badger/ to hound/ to chafe/ to rub the wrong way/ to perturb/ to rattle/

to confuse/ to ruffle/ to disquiet/ to faze


( tôr ment´ or tôr´ ment / tôr´ ment )

noun/ torment/ tôr´ ment/ suffering/ misery/ martyrdom/ pain/ pang/ torture/ atrocity/ outrage/ affliction/ scourge/ pain in the neck/ annoyance/ thorn in one’s flesh

tower (taʊ´ ər / taʊ´ ər / tõ ər)

verb/ tower/ taʊ´ ər/ to reach or stand high/ rise or extend far upward/ to rise

above or surpass others/ to soar/ to loom/ to loom or stand above

tower (taʊ´ ər / taʊ´ ər / tõ ər)

verb/ tower/ taʊ´ ər/ (to tower above)/ to excel/ to transcend/ to do better than/ to

be head and shoulders above/ to be above/ to over pass/ to go beyond/ to outdistant/ to be superior or better than/ to beat/ to

outshine/ to outrivial/ to outdo

tower (taʊ´ ər / taʊ´ ər / tõ ər)

noun/ tower/ taʊ´ ər / a building or structure higher than it is wide i.e. a

pyramid, bell tower or skyscraper/ fortification/ refuge/ castle/

tower (taʊ´ ər / taʊ´ ər / tõ ər)

noun/ tower/ tõ ər/ one who tows, pulls or hauls a car, barge, trailer by a rope,

chain or other device


( trans fûr´ or trans´ fər / trans´ fər)

verb/ to transfer/ trans fûr´ or trans´ fər/ to convery/ take/ to carry/ to transport/ to forward/ to send/ to ship/ to transmit/ to delegate/ to shift responsibility/ to turn

over/ to hand or give over/ to lease/ to rent out/ to sell/ to give away/ to leave (material possession after one is decease) / to will/ to

move/ to shift/ to change location/ to

transplant/ to send from one place to another


( trans fûr´ or trans´ fər / trans´ fər)

noun/ transfer/ trans´ fər/ removal/ move/ transplantation/ transmission/ transit/ shipment/ conveyance/ grant/ gift/ sale/

will/ bequest/ bequeathal/ devise


( trans plant´ or trans´ plänt / trans´ plant)

verb/ to transplant/ trans plant´ or trans´

plant/ to replant/ to remove a plant from one place to another/ to repot/ (surgery)

graft/ to move/ to shift/ to change location/ to transplant/ to send from one place to



( trans plant´ or trans´ plänt / trans´ plant)

noun/ transplant/ trans´ plant/ process of transplanting/ that or who that has

received a transplant

transport (trans põrt´/ trans´ põrt)

verb/ to transport/ trans põrt´/ to carry/to transfer/ to move/ to convey/ to enchant/ to overwhelm/ to spellbind/ to deport/ to

expatriate/ to exile

transport (trans põrt´/ trans´ põrt)

noun/ transport/ trans´ põrt/ a means of transporting or conveying, such as a truck or bus/ system of public travel/

transit/ rapture/ pleasure/ bliss/ elation


( trIp´ lI kãt / trIp´ lI kãt or trIp´ lI kIt trIp´ lI / trIp´ lI kãt or trIp´ lI kIt trIp´ lI)

verb/ to triplicate/ trIp´ lI kãt/ to make

three copies or threefold/ to do or make in triplicate


( trIp´ lI kãt / trIp´ lI kãt or trIp´ lI kIt trIp´ lI / trIp´ lI kãt or trIp´ lI kIt trIp´ lI)

noun/ to triplicate/ trIp´ lI kãt or trIp´ lI kIt trIp´ lI / three identical copies/ threefold


( trIp´ lI kãt / trIp´ lI kãt or trIp´ lI kIt trIp´ lI / trIp´ lI kãt or trIp´ lI kIt trIp´ lI)

adjective/ to triplicate/ trIp´ lI kãt or trIp´ lI

kIt trIp´ lI/ consisting of three copies or parts/ threefold