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  • 7/30/2019 A importncia clnica de testes de exerccios cardiopulmonares e treinamento aerbico em pacientes com ICC



    Rev Bras Fisioter, So Carlos, v. 12, n. 2, p. 75-87, mar./abr. 2008

    Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia

    The clinical importance of cardiopulmonary

    exercise testing and aerobic training in patientswith heart failureA importncia clnica de testes de exerccios cardiopulmonares e treinamento

    aerbico em pacientes com insuficincia cardaca

    Arena R1, Myers J2, Guazzi M3


    Introduction: The appropriate physiological response to an acute bout of progressive aerobic exercise requires proper functioning of the

    pulmonary, cardiovascular and skeletal muscle systems. Unfortunately, these systems are all negatively impacted in patients with heart failure

    (HF), resulting in significantly diminished aerobic capacity compared with apparently healthy individuals. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing

    (CPX) is a noninvasive assessment technique that provides valuable insight into the health and functioning of the physiological systems that

    dictate an individuals aerobic capacity. The values of several key variables obtained from CPX, such as peak oxygen consumption and

    ventilatory efficiency, are often found to be abnormal in patients with HF. In addition to the ability of CPX variables to acutely reflect varying

    degrees of pathophysiology, they also possess strong prognostic significance, further bolstering their clinical value. Once thought to be

    contraindicated in patients with HF, participation in a chronic aerobic exercise program is now an accepted lifestyle intervention. Following

    several weeks/months of aerobic exercise training, an abundance of evidence now demonstrates an improvement in several pathophysiological

    phenomena contributing to the abnormalities frequently observed during CPX in the HF population. These exercise-induced adaptations to

    physiological function result in a significant improvement in aerobic capacity and quality of life. Conclusions: Furthermore, there is initial

    evidence to suggest that aerobic exercise training improves morbidity and mortality in patients with HF. This paper provides a review of the

    literature highlighting the clinical significance of aerobic exercise testing and training in this unique cardiac population.

    Key words: ventilatory expired gas; cardiac output; skeletal muscle; survival.


    Introduo: A resposta fisiolgica aguda ao exerccio aerbio progressivo demanda funcionamento adequado dos sistemas pulmonares,

    cardiovasculares e msculo-esqueltico. Infelizmente, todos estes sistemas esto negativamente afetados em pacientes com insuficincia

    cardaca (IC), resultando numa reduo significativa da capacidade aerbia comparada com indivduos aparentemente saudveis. O teste

    de exerccio cardiopulmonar (TCP) representa uma tcnica no-invasiva de avaliao que fornece compreenso valiosa sobre a sade e

    funcionamento dos sistemas fisiolgicos que ditam a capacidade aerbia de um indivduo. Os valores de vrias variveis-chave obtidas atravs

    do TCP, como consumo pico de oxignio e eficincia ventilatria so encontrados frequentemente como anormais em pacientes com IC.

    Alm da capacidade das variveis do TCP refletir de maneira aguda os graus variveis da fisiopatologia, tambm possuem forte significncia

    prognstica, aumentando ainda mais o seu valor clnico. A participao num programa de exerccios aerbios crnicos, anteriormente era contra-

    indicada em pacientes com IC. Agora uma interveno aceitvel de estilo de vida. Aps um perodo de treinamento com exerccios aerbios,

    durante vrias semanas/meses, tem sido evidenciada uma melhora em vrios fenmenos fisiopatolgicos que contribuem s anormalidades

    constatadas frequentemente durante TCP na populao com IC. Concluses:As adaptaes fisiolgicas induzidas por exerccios aerbios

    resultam em uma melhora significativa de capacidade aerbia e de qualidade de vida. Alm disso, h evidncias sugerindo que treinamento

    com exerccios aerbios melhora a morbidade e a mortalidade em pacientes com IC. Este artigo fornece uma reviso da literatura que destaca

    a significncia clnica dos testes de exerccios aerbios e treinamento nesta populao cardaca nica.

    Palavras-chave: gs expirado ventilatrio; rendimento cardaco; msculo esqueleto; sobrevivncia.

    Recebido: 15/01/2008 Revisado: 17/01/2008 Aceito: 04/02/2008

    1 Departments of Internal Medicine, Physiology and Physical Therapy, Virginia Commonwealth University, Health Sciences Campus, Richmond, Virginia, United States

    2 VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Cardiology Division, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, United States


    Cardiopulmonary Laboratory, Cardiology Division, University of Milan, San Paolo Hospital, Milan, ItalyCorrespondence to: Ross Arena, PT, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Box 980224, Virginia Commonwealth University, Health Sciences Campus, Richmond, VA, USA

    23298-0224, e-mail: [email protected]


    Rev Bras Fisioter. 2008;12(2):75-87.

  • 7/30/2019 A importncia clnica de testes de exerccios cardiopulmonares e treinamento aerbico em pacientes com ICC


    Arena R, Myers J, Guazzi M


    Rev Bras Fisioter. 2008;12(2):75-87.


    Systems influencing the physiological response to

    normal exerciseAn individuals capacity to perorm aerobic exercise is de-

    pendent upon pulmonary, cardiovascular and skeletal muscle

    unction. While proper physiological unctioning o these three

    systems is important, cardiac output (Q), i.e. the product o heart

    rate and stroke volume, is the primary determinant o peak or

    maximal oxygen consumption (VO2). Cardiac output is ap-

    proximately fve liters/minute at rest and increases to approxi-

    mately 20-25 and 30-35 liters/minute at maximal exercise in

    apparently healthy sedentary subjects and elite athletes, respec-

    tively. Te ability o skeletal muscle to increase oxygen extractionduring aerobic exercise plays a lesser but still important role in

    determining aerobic capacity. In apparently healthy subjects,

    the dierence in oxygen (O2) concentration between arterial

    and venous blood (a-vO2

    di) increases rom approximately

    5 mlO2/100 ml at rest to 16 mlO

    2/100 ml at maximal exercise.

    Te Fick equation, defned as the product o Q and a-vO2

    di, is

    used to describe VO2. While pulmonary unction is not included

    in the Fick equation, the ability to increase gas exchange (oxygen

    intake and carbon dioxide removal) is o paramount importance

    to aerobic exercise capacity. Minute ventilation (VE), the product

    o respiratory rate and tidal volume, normally increases 10-20old at maximal aerobic exercise compared with resting values.

    It should be noted that pulmonary unction is not typically the

    primary limiter o aerobic capacity, either in apparently healthy

    individuals or among patients diagnosed with cardiovascular

    disease. Even when the pulmonary, cardiovascular and skeletal

    muscle systems are all unctioning properly, maximal aerobic

    capacity remains a rather heterogeneous phenomenon, since it

    is also inuenced by age, sex, genetic predisposition and exer-

    cise habits. Considering these actors, the approximate range or

    maximal VO2

    in the apparently healthy population is between

    20-55 mlO2kg-1



    Pathophysiological abnormalities associatedwith diminished aerobic capacity in patientswith heart failure

    Severely compromised cardiac unction is a primary

    pathophysiological component in heart ailure (HF), and pre-

    vious investigations have demonstrated a signifcant relation-

    ship between cardiac output during exercise and peak VO2


    this population2-5. It has urthermore been well established that

    patients with HF requently present reduced capillary density6and intrinsic skeletal muscle abnormalities, primarily in the

    orm o diminished aerobic (mitochondrial) unction6-13. Given

    that aerobic capacity is reliant primarily on Q and secondarily

    on the a-vO2

    di, as defned by the Fick equation, the signifcant

    reduction in peak VO2 requently observed in patients with HFshould be o no surprise. On average, peak VO

    2is approximately

    50% lower in this patient population, compared with values

    observed in apparently healthy individuals matched according

    to age and sex. Moreover, peak VO2

    is approximately 25% lower

    in patients with HF, compared with patients diagnosed with

    coronary artery disease14.

    A relationship between pulmonary abnormalities and

    peak VO2

    has also been demonstrated in patients with HF15-17.

    Both resting15 and maximal16 measures o pulmonary unction

    (i.e. inspiratory capacity), as well as diusion capacity17, have

    all demonstrated signifcant correlations with peak VO2. Tedegree to which these pulmonary abnormalities contribute

    towards the diminished aerobic capacity observed in HF, ater

    accounting or the contributions o cardiovascular and skeletal

    muscle dysunction, is unknown.

    Figure 1 illustrates the systems involved in the physiologi-

    cal response to aerobic exercise and how HF aects these


    The clinical applications of cardiopulmonaryexercise testing in patients with heart failure

    Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPX) is a highly reliable18,

    well-accepted assessment technique in the HF population.

    American19-21 and European22-24 associations have endorsed

    its use. CPX is most oten perormed on a treadmill or lower-

    limb ergometer using highly conservative ramping protocols,

    which are appropriate given the severely diminished exercise

    tolerance oten observed in this population25,26. Te addition

    o ventilatory expired gas analysis to the standard exercise

    test enables measurement o VO2, carbon dioxide production

    (VCO2) and minute ventilation (VE) over time. In addition to

    aerobic capacity, several other variables generated rom CPXdata have demonstrated clinical value with regard to exercise

    prescription, prognosis and response to a given intervention.

    able 1 highlights key considerations or several CPX variables

    in patients with HF, which are described in greater detail in the

    ollowing sections. It should be noted that the overwhelming

    majority o the literature cited in subsequent sections consists

    o studies perormed on systolic HF cohorts. While the initial

    evidence indicates that CPX is also prognostic in patients with

    diastolic HF27, much more work is required in this area. Tere-

    ore, with regard to the prognostic applications o CPX, the ol-

    lowing inormation and recommendations primarily apply topatients diagnosed with systolic HF at this time.

  • 7/30/2019 A importncia clnica de testes de exerccios cardiopulmonares e treinamento aerbico em pacientes com ICC


    Aerobic exercise and heart failure


    Rev Bras Fisioter. 2008;12(2):75-87.

    Resting stateVO 2 3.5 mlO 2kg

    -1min -1

    Aerobic exercise progression to maximum tolerance


    t Increasedrespiratory rateand tidal volume

    t Increased minuteventilation

    t Increased oxygenintake and carbondioxide removal


    t Increased heartrate

    t Increased strokevolume

    t Increased cardiacoutput


    t Increased oxygenextraction forenergy productionwithin mitochondria

    t Widening of a-vO2diff



    t Peak aerobic exercise tolerance diminished: ~50% of predicted on average

    t Peak VO 2 6-25 mlO2kg-1min -1 in the HF population

    t Value achieved dependent upon HF etiology, sex, disease severity and activity pattern

    t Negative correlation between age and peak VO 2 diminished in patients with HF


    capacity anddiffusioncapacity

    Decreased strokevolume and

    cardiac output

    Decreasedcapillary density

    and aerobiccharacteristics ofskeletal muscle



    Figure 1. Illustration of central and peripheral physiological adaptations from rest to maximal aerobic exercise and the impact of heart failure.

    Table 1. Key considerations for cardiopulmonary exercise testing variables in patients with heart failure.

    Variable Prognostic value Prognostic thresholds Response to interventions


    Slope* Well established;

    >20 papers

    Single best prognostic marker

    20 papers

  • 7/30/2019 A importncia clnica de testes de exerccios cardiopulmonares e treinamento aerbico em pacientes com ICC


    Arena R, Myers J, Guazzi M


    Rev Bras Fisioter. 2008;12(2):75-87.

    Peak oxygen consumption

    Oxygen consumption at peak exercise remains the most re-

    quently assessed variable obtained rom CPX in the HF populationand is oten signifcantly reduced, compared with normal pre-

    dicted values or a given age. It is usually reerred to as peak VO2 in

    patients with HF, since a plateau in oxygen uptake is uncommon.

    Although ventilatory expired gas systems provide absolute peak

    VO2data (ml/min or l/min), it is most oten reported clinically as

    a relative value (mlO2kg-1min-1). Figure 2 illustrates a comparison

    o VO2

    responses during symptom-limited CPX between an ap-

    parently healthy individual and a patient diagnosed with HF. Both

    subjects were 55-year-old males. A plateau in VO2

    is observed in

    the apparently healthy individual (VO2max

    ) but is absent in the pa-

    tient with HF (peak VO2). Values o 37.8 and 11.2 mlO


    place the apparently healthy individual and patient with HF in the

    50th and below the 10th percentile or their age, respectively1.

    Numerous investigations have reported relationships be-

    tween peak VO2

    and the pathophysiological abnormalities

    associated with HF. Lower cardiac output during exercise2-5,

    decreased alveolar-capillary membrane conductance28, de-

    creased heart rate variability29, increased pulmonary vascular

    pressures30,31 and increased brain natriuretic peptide32-34 have

    all been signifcantly correlated with lower peak VO2

    in patients

    with HF. Furthermore, several interventions have been shown

    to signifcantly improve peak VO2

    , including aerobic exercise

    training35, inspiratory muscle training36, let ventricular assistance

    device implantation37, cardiac resynchronization therapy38, ACE

    inhibition39 and sildenafl40. Beta-blockade, however, has consis-

    tently been shown to have no eect on peak VO2


    Given the ability o peak VO2

    to reect varying degrees o

    disease severity, the consistently demonstrated prognostic value

    o this CPX variable should be o no surprise43-45. In act, peak VO2

    remains the most requently analyzed variable in clinical prac-

    tice with regard to prognostic assessment. A peak VO2



  • 7/30/2019 A importncia clnica de testes de exerccios cardiopulmonares e treinamento aerbico em pacientes com ICC


    Aerobic exercise and heart failure


    Rev Bras Fisioter. 2008;12(2):75-87.








    Time (seconds)

    Ventilatory Threshold

































































    Time (seconds)


    Ventilatory Threshold













    0 15 30 45 60 75 90105




















    Time (seconds)


    Ventilatory Threshold

    exercise, thus negating the validity o age-predicted maximal heart

    rate. Te RER, defned as the ratio between VCO2

    and VO2, is the

    most accurate way to assess subject eort during CPX. As exercise

    progresses to higher intensities, lactic acid buering contributestowards VCO2, thereby increasing the numerator o this expression

    at a aster rate than the denominator. Tis physiological response

    to exercise is consistent across all individuals, making peak RER

    a reliable method or determining subject eort. Peak RER 1.10

    is an indication o excellent subject eort during CPX. As a mini-

    mal threshold, peak RER < 1.00 during CPX that is terminated at

    the subjects request, with the absence o electrocardiographic

    and/or hemodynamic abnormalities (S segment changes, ven-

    tricular arrhythmias, drop in systolic blood pressure, etc.), may be

    indicative o poor subject eort. Caution should thereore be ap-

    plied in using peak VO2

    or prognostic purposes when coinciding

    with a low peak RER. Assessment o peak RER is also important

    during interventional trials, to ensure comparable subject eort

    rom one test to the next. A signifcant increase in aerobic ca-

    pacity ollowing a given intervention, with similar peak RER values,

    strongly supports the assertion that observed improvements are

    secondary to physiological adaptation.

    Oxygen consumption at ventilatory threshold

    Minute ventilation, VO2

    and VCO2

    all increase in a similar

    linear ashion during the initial stages o progressive exercise

    tests, because o increased aerobic metabolism. At a given sub-

    maximal level o exercise unique to each individual, anaerobic

    metabolism begins to increase. From this point to maximal

    exercise, there are two signifcant sources o CO2, consisting

    o byproducts rom metabolism and lactic acid buering. Tis

    causes a nonlinear rise in VCO2

    in relation to VO2

    48. Ventila-

    tion is driven by VCO2, thus causing a simultaneous nonlinear

    break in VE. Te ability to detect this break point through ven-

    tilatory expired gas (ventilatory threshold) enables noninvasive

    estimation o the anaerobic threshold. Te VO2, VCO

    2and VE

    responses to progressive CPX are illustrated in Figure 3.

    Te v-slope, ventilatory equivalents and end-tidal O2/CO2

    methods have all been used to determine the ventilatory

    threshold. echniques or these calculations are described

    elsewhere49,50. Because o the signifcantly reduced aerobic

    capacity and/or oscillations in exercise ventilation among

    patients with HF, accurate determination o the ventilatory

    threshold is not always possible. When detectable, VO2


    ventilatory threshold, like peak VO2, is oten signifcantly re-

    duced in patients with HF. Although there is some evidence to

    indicate that VO2

    at the ventilatory threshold is prognostically

    signifcant51, its analysis is at present more important as a core

    component o exercise prescription, with regard to the over-load principle (discussed in a subsequent section).

    The minute ventilation carbon dioxideproduction relationship

    Minute ventilation and VCO2

    are tightly coupled during

    exercise, since the ormer is driven by the metabolic and anaer-

    obic production o the latter. Te VE-VCO2 relationship is mostoten expressed as a slope value, calculated by linear regression

    Figure 3. Detecting ventilatory threshold using oxygen consumption,

    carbon dioxide production and the minute ventilation response to exercise.

    3A. Oxygen consumption

    3B. Carbon dioxide production

    3C. Minute ventilation

  • 7/30/2019 A importncia clnica de testes de exerccios cardiopulmonares e treinamento aerbico em pacientes com ICC


    Arena R, Myers J, Guazzi M


    Rev Bras Fisioter. 2008;12(2):75-87.

    (y = mx + b, b = slope). A VE/VCO2

    slope < 30 is considered

    normal, while the range observed in HF is < 30 to > 70. Figure 4

    illustrates normal and elevated VE/VCO2

    slope responses to

    progressive exercise tests on two patients diagnosed with HF.

    Te pathophysiological mechanism behind an abnormally

    elevated VE/VCO2

    slope in HF patients appears to be multi-

    actorial. Centrally, an elevated VE/VCO2

    slope has been linked

    to ventilation-perusion abnormalities (adequate ventilation

    and poor perusion)52,53. Additionally, elevated VE/VCO2


    have demonstrated signifcant correlations with abnormally

    increased chemo and ergoreceptor sensitivity54-56, both con-

    tributing towards exaggerated ventilatory response to exer-

    cise. Like peak VO2, the VE/VCO

    2slope has been signifcantly

    correlated with decreased cardiac output30,31,57, increased

    pulmonary pressures30, decreased alveolar-capillary mem-

    brane conductance58 and decreased heart rate variability32,33.

    Also consistent with peak VO2, several interventions have

    been shown to signifcantly improve the VE-VCO2


    ship, including aerobic exercise training35, inspiratory muscle

    training36, let ventricular assistance device implantation37, car-

    diac resynchronization therapy38, ACE inhibition39 and Sildena-

    fl40. In contrast to peak VO2, beta-blockade has also been shown

    to signifcantly improve the VE-VCO2


    Given the link between the VE-VCO2

    relationship and

    pathophysiology, considerable attention has been given to

    the prognostic value o this CPX variable. Te VE-VCO2


    tionship, again most oten expressed as a slope, has consis-tently been shown to have high prognostic value in patients

    with HF21,45,59-61. For prognostic purposes, the most requently

    used dichotomous VE/VCO2

    slope threshold is

  • 7/30/2019 A importncia clnica de testes de exerccios cardiopulmonares e treinamento aerbico em pacientes com ICC


    Aerobic exercise and heart failure


    Rev Bras Fisioter. 2008;12(2):75-87.

    reason, we recommend the analysis o both the VE/VCO2

    slope and peak VO2in clinical practice.

    Exercise oscillatory ventilation

    Minute ventilation generally increases linearly during pro-

    gressive exercise tests. In HF populations, however, a number

    o patients present a waxing/waning VE pattern than has been

    defned as exercise oscillatory ventilation (EOV). Te body o

    research investigating this phenomenon in patients with HFis not as robust as the work done in the areas o peak VO


    the VE-VCO2

    relationship. Te analysis o EOV in HF does,

    however, rather convincingly indicate that disease severity is

    signifcantly increased when this ventilatory abnormality is

    present64,65. Although there is at present no universal defnition

    o EOV, an oscillatory VE pattern at rest that persists or 60%

    o the exercise test at an amplitude 15% o the average resting

    value has been proposed66,67. Figure 5 illustrates the VE pattern

    at rest and during a progressive exercise test in two patients

    diagnosed with HF: one with a normal pattern and the other

    with EOV.Like elevated VE/VCO

    2slopes, EOV has been linked to

    increased chemosensitivity in patients with HF68. In addition,

    oscillations in cardiac unction have been reported in patients

    with EOV69. Using quantitative algebraic analysis o dynamic

    cardiorespiratory physiology, Francis et al.70 concluded that

    the primary pathophysiological actors resulting in EOV are

    circulatory delay and an increased chemoreex gain. While the

    impact o interventions on EOV are limited, both milrinone 64

    and respiratory muscle training36 have been shown to reduce

    the occurrence o EOV.

    Like peak VO2 and the VE/VCO2 slope, the presence o EOVappears to be a signifcant predictor o adverse events66,67,71,72.

    Furthermore, combined assessment o EOV and both peak


    67 and the VE/VCO2

    slope72 appears to enhance prognostic

    signifcance, thus warranting their inclusion when using CPX

    data to assess prognosis. Te combination o the independence

    o EOV rom subject eort and its ability to reect cardiac

    pathophysiology may help to account or the strong prognostic

    value observed in previous investigations.

    Other noteworthy cardiopulmonary exercise

    testing variables

    Several other CPX variables have been assessed or their

    prognostic value in patients with HF. Te oxygen uptake

    e ciency slope (OUES), defned as the l inear relationship

    between VO2

    and the logarithmic transormation o VE73,74,

    the partial pressure o end-tidal carbon-dioxide produc-

    tion at rest75 and during exercise76, and heart rate recovery

    (HRR)77-79 have all demonstrated prognostic value among

    patients with HF. Furthermore, both the OUES80 and

    HRR81 have been shown to signifcantly increase (improve)

    ollowing an aerobic exercise training program among pa-tients with HF. Te additive prognostic value o these variables

    to peak VO2, the VE/VCO

    2slope and EOV is unclear at this

    time. Future investigations are needed in order to determine

    whether one or more o the variables mentioned should be

    added to multivariate modeling. Lastly, although not central

    to the prognostic assessment o patients with HF, monitoring

    o the hemodynamic and electrocardiographic response to

    CPX should be perormed, particularly to identiy potentially

    lie-threatening situations that warrant test termination. A

    all in systolic blood pressure during exercise compared with

    baseline measurements is a test termination criterion20,26 thatpotentially reects worsening let ventricular perormance








    0 40035030025020015010050

    Time (seconds)




    No EOV








    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

    Time (seconds)





    5A. No EOV 5B. EOV

    Figure 5. Example of exercise ventilatory patterns in two subjects with heart failure.

  • 7/30/2019 A importncia clnica de testes de exerccios cardiopulmonares e treinamento aerbico em pacientes com ICC


    Arena R, Myers J, Guazzi M


    Rev Bras Fisioter. 2008;12(2):75-87.

    and may be a particularly ominous prognostic marker 82-85.

    Likewise, electrocardiographic evidence o ischemia and/or

    ventricular arrhythmia is a potentially serious indicator o

    worsening cardiac unction during exercise and may alsowarrant termination o the CPX26.

    Aerobic exercise training considerationsin patients with heart failure

    General principles of aerobic exercise training

    Te overload, specifcity and reversibility principles are

    key considerations in developing an eective aerobic exercise

    program. Te overload principle relates to the act that thetraining stimulus must be greater than what the physiologi-

    cal systems (i.e. cardiovascular and skeletal muscle) are ac-

    customed to, or a positive adaptation to occur. Te mode,

    intensity, duration and requency o aerobic exercise are con-

    sidered in combination, in order to saely use the overload

    principle or a given training program. Among patients with

    HF, overload can typically be achieved at a lower training level,

    particularly during the initial phases o the exercise program,

    compared with apparently healthy subjects. Te specifcity

    principle states that physiological improvements are unique

    to the mode o exercise perormed. For example, walkingperormance will be optimized with a training program

    primarily ocusing on treadmill training as opposed to

    lower-limb ergometry or swimming. However, the positive

    health-related adaptations observed in patients with HF who

    participate in aerobic exercise training (discussed in a subse-

    quent section) are achieved with any type o exercise using

    large muscle groups on a continuous basis (walking/running,

    lower-limb ergometry, elliptical devices, etc). For the over-

    whelming majority o patients with HF, the specifcity prin-

    ciple is less important than the act that moderate aerobic

    activity o any type has numerous health benefts. Te type oexercise should thereore be driven by individual preerence

    and the availability o necessary equipment. Lastly, the re-

    versibility principle states that positive training adaptations

    are not maintained i an individual returns to a sedentary

    behavior pattern. Lie-long participation in the prescribed

    aerobic exercise program should thereore be a primary goal.

    Specific recommendationsfor aerobic exercise prescription

    Once contraindicated, aerobic exercise training is nowa well-accepted liestyle intervention or patients with

    compensated HF. Te general requency, duration and intensity

    recommendations or aerobic exercise in this population are

    3-5 days/weeks, 30-60 minutes and 50-80% o maximal aerobic

    capacity, respectively


    . Walking (treadmill, track or other mea-sured course), lower-limb cycle ergometry (mobile or station-

    ary) or elliptical units enable physical stressing o larger muscle

    groups and are thereore acceptable types o exercise. Patients

    with HF should be guided to progress in requency, duration

    and intensity towards the upper end o these aerobic exercise

    recommendations (i.e. 5 days per week, ~60 minutes per ses-

    sion, 70-80% o maximal aerobic capacity) over several weeks/

    months. While all patients should strive to ultimately achieve

    these recommendations, it should be recognized that some level

    o physical activity is always preerable to a sedentary liestyle.

    While continuous aerobic exercise is the ultimate goal,

    some debilitated patients with HF will not be able to sustain an

    exercise session or the entire time period at a given intensity,

    particularly during the initial stages o the training program.

    In these instances, interval training, i.e. periods consisting o

    1-2 minutes o exercise at the desired intensity ollowed by

    a lower intensity recovery period, should be used. Progres-

    sion or patients perorming interval training entails a gradual

    increase in the training duration at a given exercise intensity

    (1-2 to 2-4 to 4-6 minutes, etc.) beore it becomes necessary to

    start the lower intensity recovery period. Te goal is to guide

    these patients to progress to continuous bouts o aerobic activity

    (i.e. 30-60 minutes) over several weeks/months o training.

    itration o exercise intensity is the exercise prescrip-

    tion component most requently used to optimize the

    overload principle. Irrespective o the method used to set

    exercise intensity, it should be established by an exercise test,

    preerably in conjunction with ventilatory expired gas analysis,

    perormed at the start o the training program. Because peak


    is signifcantly improved as a result o certain pharmaco-

    logic interventions39,40 and cardiac resynchronization therapy38,

    the ideal is to perorm the baseline exercise test ater these

    treatment options have been implemented. Identifcation o

    the ventilatory threshold via CPX is the preerred method or

    setting exercise intensity, since it enables identifcation o a

    specifc heart rate and workload at which anaerobic metabo-

    lism begins to increase during exercise. Setting the training

    intensity at the heart rate or workload corresponding to the

    ventilatory threshold ensures the overload principle is cor-

    rectly used, since the typical patient with HF is not accustomed

    to exercising at levels that correspond to an initial increase

    in anaerobic metabolism. When the ventilatory threshold is

    undetectable, prescribing an exercise intensity o between

    50% and 80% o peak VO2

    is appropriate. I the peak VO2


    method is used to prescribe exercise intensity, it is recom-mended that HF patients begin the training program at the

  • 7/30/2019 A importncia clnica de testes de exerccios cardiopulmonares e treinamento aerbico em pacientes com ICC


    Aerobic exercise and heart failure


    Rev Bras Fisioter. 2008;12(2):75-87.

    lower end o this range (50%) and gradually progress to ~80% o

    the baseline peak VO2

    over several weeks or months o aerobic

    exercise training. Te heart rate associated with this peak VO2

    range can be used to monitor compliance with the prescribedexercise intensity during individual training sessions. Because

    o the potential day-to-day variability associated with heart

    ailure medical management and/or stability, setting an indi-

    vidual exercise session at 5% o the specifc target intensity is

    recommended14. For example, or a patient with a target exer-

    cise heart rate o 120 beats per minute, a 5% range would be

    114-126 beats per minute. Alternatively, a perceived exertion

    level o 12-14 (on the Borg scale rom 6 to 20) may be used to

    set the exercise intensity or patients who rate their exertion

    appropriately during the baseline exercise test.

    Te level o supervision, particularly at the initial stages o

    the exercise program, is an important consideration or this

    high-risk patient population. It is no longer considered neces-

    sary to recommend that all patients with HF undergo super-

    vised exercise training with continuous electrocardiographic

    monitoring. Tis advanced level o supervision should, how-

    ever, be strongly considered or patients with a history o car-

    diac arrhythmias, documented coronary artery disease that

    has not been surgically addressed or a low ejection raction

    ( 25%), or whose characteristics resemble those o patients

    who suered sudden cardiac death14. Furthermore, irrespec-

    tive o past medical history, patients who demonstrate an

    abnormal hemodynamic (hypertensive/hypotensive) response

    and/or electrocardiographic (ischemia/ventricular arrhyth-

    mias) abnormalities during the baseline exercise test should

    undergo supervised exercise training or some period o time.

    Te duration and number o supervised exercise sessions

    is at the discretion o the health proessional responsible or

    the training program. As a general guideline, patients should

    demonstrate an ability to appropriately sel-monitor the exer-

    cise session and not have any abnormal physiological responses

    or several weeks beore progressing to unmonitored exercise.

    Documented benefits of aerobic exercise training

    Tere is now a rather impressive body o research

    demonstrating numerous health-related benefts associated

    with aerobic exercise training among patients with HF7,35,62,81,86,87.

    Te benefts that have been documented are listed in able

    2. Furthermore, the adverse event rate with exercise training

    appears to be low7.

    While one large trial examining the impact o aerobic

    exercise training on survival and hospitalization among patients

    with HF is ongoing88, no fndings have been published to date. A

    meta-analysis on this topic, pooling together a number o smallerexercise trials (combined n= 801), demonstrated a signifcant

    increase in survival and signifcant reduction in hospitalization

    in the exercise training group, compared with controls. Tese re-

    sults need to be confrmed by uture prospective investigations.

    Lastly, the work cited in this section was exclusively perormedon patients diagnosed with systolic HF. Te initial evidence indi-

    cates that the improvements in peak VO2

    and quality o lie ol-

    lowing exercise training are similar in patients with systolic and

    diastolic HF89. Despite these initial fndings, caution should be

    applied in extrapolating the documented benefts o exercising

    training listed in able 2 to the diastolic HF population.

    Complementary interventions also shown toimprove aerobic capacity

    Several other interventions within allied health proession-als scope o practice have been shown to improve peak VO2


    should be considered as potential complements to the aerobic

    exercise training program on an individual basis. Unlike in ap-

    parently healthy populations, resistance training programs have

    been shown to signifcantly improve peak VO2

    among patients

    with HF90. In addition, resistance training improves bone mineral

    density, muscle mass and muscle orce production to a greater

    extent than aerobic exercise programs do. In general, resistance

    training programs or patients with HF should ocus on higher

    numbers o repetitions (1-3 sets o 10-12 repetitions) at a lower

    load (50% o one-repetition maximum). Additional general

    recommendations include a training requency o 1-3 days per

    week, targeting large muscle groups with 4-9 training stations.

    Cable or hydraulic resistance systems may be preerable to ree

    weights, rom a patient-saety perspective. Subjects with a greater

    level o HF severity (New York Heart Class I-II vs. Class II-III) should

    be set tasks at the lower range o these recommendations90. As pre-

    viously mentioned, subjects with HF may present varying levels o

    inspiratory capacity impairment that seems to be correlated with

    peak VO2

    15,16. Inspiratory muscle training may improve respiratory

    muscle unction and peak VO2

    36. Tis treatment alternative should

    Table 2. Benefits of aerobic exercise training in patients with heart failure.

    Improvement in quality of life

    Increase in peak VO2

    Increase in VO2

    at ventilatory threshold

    Reduction in the VE/VCO2


    Increase in heart rate recovery

    Improvement in endothelial function

    Improvement in aerobic characteristics of skeletal muscle

    Improvement in autonomic tone

    Improvement in pulmonary diffusion capacity

    Improvement in resting indices of cardiac functionImprovement in cardiac output at maximal exercise

  • 7/30/2019 A importncia clnica de testes de exerccios cardiopulmonares e treinamento aerbico em pacientes com ICC


    Arena R, Myers J, Guazzi M


    Rev Bras Fisioter. 2008;12(2):75-87.

    be considered when an HF patient presents an inspiratory capacity

    that is below the normative values predicted or the age and sex.

    Lastly, chronic electrical myostimulation has been shown to sig-

    nifcantly improve muscle orce production


    , VO2 at ventilatorythreshold92 and peak VO2

    92,93 in patients with HF. Tese programs

    typically consist o myostimulation to lower extremity muscle

    groups (bilateral quadriceps plus hamstring or cal muscles),

    or one to several hours most days o the week or several weeks.

    Implementation o a myostimulation program may be particularly

    advantageous or severely debilitated patients who initially are un-

    able to perorm continuous aerobic exercise sessions.


    here is now a robust body o evidence demonstrating

    the clinical value o both CPX and aerobic exercise training

    or systolic HF populations. Cardiopulmonary exercise

    testing provides valuable prognostic inormation, is valu-

    able in assessing the response to numerous interventions

    and is important in developing indivi dualized exercise pre-scriptions. Participation in an aerobic exercise program is

    a sae means or improving unctional capacity, quality o

    lie and numerous physiological measurements. here is

    also promising evidence to indicate that aerobic exercise

    training improves morbidity and mortality in systolic HF

    populations. hese indings need to be reproduced in pa-

    tients with diastolic HF beore concrete CPX and aerobic

    exercise training recommendations are made or this sub-

    group. Allied health proessionals who are responsible or

    assessing and treating patients with HF should be aware

    o the importance o CPX, aerobic exercise training and

    complementary interventions and, when appropriate, ad-

    vocate their impl ementation.


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