a latent semantic indexing-based approach to multilingual document...

A Latent Semantic Indexing-based approach to multilingual document clustering Chih-Ping Wei a, , Christopher C. Yang b , Chia-Min Lin c a Institute of Technology Management, College of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC b Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong c Openfind Information Technology Inc., 4F, No. 222, Sec. 2, Nan-Chang Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, ROC Available online 1 August 2007 Abstract The creation and deployment of knowledge repositories for managing, sharing, and reusing tacit knowledge within an organization has emerged as a prevalent approach in current knowledge management practices. A knowledge repository typically contains vast amounts of formal knowledge elements, which generally are available as documents. To facilitate users' navigation of documents within a knowledge repository, knowledge maps, often created by document clustering techniques, represent an appealing and promising approach. Various document clustering techniques have been proposed in the literature, but most deal with monolingual documents (i.e., written in the same language). However, as a result of increased globalization and advances in Internet technology, an organization often maintains documents in different languages in its knowledge repositories, which necessitates multilingual document clustering (MLDC) to create organizational knowledge maps. Motivated by the significance of this demand, this study designs a Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)-based MLDC technique capable of generating knowledge maps (i.e., document clusters) from multilingual documents. The empirical evaluation results show that the proposed LSI-based MLDC technique achieves satisfactory clustering effectiveness, measured by both cluster recall and cluster precision, and is capable of maintaining a good balance between monolingual and cross-lingual clustering effectiveness when clustering a multilingual document corpus. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Document management; Text mining; Document clustering; Multilingual document clustering; Multilingual knowledge management; Latent Semantic Indexing 1. Introduction Among various knowledge management initiatives, the creation of knowledge repositories has emerged as a prevalent approach in current knowledge management practices [8,14,36,38]. Many knowledge repository- building endeavors have focused on managing tacit knowledge, which includes lessons learned and/or best practices. For example, Ford Motor Company maintains a TGRWrepository for capturing events that facilitate (i.e., things gone right, TGR) or impede (i.e., things gone wrong, TGW) task accomplishment. Its TGRW repos- itory enables Ford to establish records of events that must be addressed and monitored during future projects [23,31]. Similarly, several leading consulting firms, including Arthur Andersen, Ernst & Young, and Price Waterhouse, have developed best practices knowledge repositories to capture information and knowledge about the best way to do things [24]. Ernst & Young, for example, retains a knowledge repository of more than 5000 leading practices that cover categories such as Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 606 620 www.elsevier.com/locate/dss Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 3 574 2219; fax: +886 3 574 5310. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C.-P. Wei), [email protected] (C.C. Yang), [email protected] (C.-M. Lin). 0167-9236/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.dss.2007.07.008

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45 (2008) 606–620www.elsevier.com/locate/dss

Decision Support Systems

A Latent Semantic Indexing-based approach to multilingualdocument clustering

Chih-Ping Wei a,⁎, Christopher C. Yang b, Chia-Min Lin c

a Institute of Technology Management, College of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROCb Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

c Openfind Information Technology Inc., 4F, No. 222, Sec. 2, Nan-Chang Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

Available online 1 August 2007


The creation and deployment of knowledge repositories formanaging, sharing, and reusing tacit knowledgewithin an organizationhas emerged as a prevalent approach in current knowledge management practices. A knowledge repository typically contains vastamounts of formal knowledge elements, which generally are available as documents. To facilitate users' navigation of documentswithin a knowledge repository, knowledge maps, often created by document clustering techniques, represent an appealing andpromising approach. Various document clustering techniques have been proposed in the literature, but most deal with monolingualdocuments (i.e., written in the same language). However, as a result of increased globalization and advances in Internet technology, anorganization often maintains documents in different languages in its knowledge repositories, which necessitates multilingualdocument clustering (MLDC) to create organizational knowledge maps. Motivated by the significance of this demand, this studydesigns a Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)-based MLDC technique capable of generating knowledge maps (i.e., document clusters)from multilingual documents. The empirical evaluation results show that the proposed LSI-based MLDC technique achievessatisfactory clustering effectiveness, measured by both cluster recall and cluster precision, and is capable of maintaining a goodbalance between monolingual and cross-lingual clustering effectiveness when clustering a multilingual document corpus.© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Document management; Text mining; Document clustering; Multilingual document clustering; Multilingual knowledge management;Latent Semantic Indexing

1. Introduction

Among various knowledge management initiatives,the creation of knowledge repositories has emerged as aprevalent approach in current knowledge managementpractices [8,14,36,38]. Many knowledge repository-building endeavors have focused on managing tacitknowledge, which includes lessons learned and/or best

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 3 574 2219; fax: +886 3 574 5310.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C.-P. Wei),

[email protected] (C.C. Yang), [email protected](C.-M. Lin).

0167-9236/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.dss.2007.07.008

practices. For example, Ford Motor Company maintainsa “TGRW” repository for capturing events that facilitate(i.e., things gone right, TGR) or impede (i.e., things gonewrong, TGW) task accomplishment. Its TGRW repos-itory enables Ford to establish records of events that mustbe addressed and monitored during future projects[23,31]. Similarly, several leading consulting firms,including Arthur Andersen, Ernst & Young, and PriceWaterhouse, have developed best practices knowledgerepositories to capture information and knowledge aboutthe best way to do things [24]. Ernst & Young, forexample, retains a knowledge repository of more than5000 leading practices that cover categories such as

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finance, new business development, order management,supply chain management, and so forth.

Conceivably, a knowledge repositorymay contain vastamounts of formal knowledge elements, which generallyare available as documents. Thus, effective managementof this ever-increasing volume of documents within aknowledge repository is essential to knowledge sharing,reuse, and assimilation. To facilitate users' navigation ofdocuments within a knowledge repository, knowledgemaps, typically created by document clustering techni-ques, offer an appealing and promising approach [25].

Document clustering automatically organizes a largedocument collection into distinct groups of similardocuments and discerns general themes hidden withinthe corpus [15,16,26,39]. Understandably, applicationsof document clustering go beyond organizing documentcollections into knowledge maps that facilitate subse-quent knowledge retrievals and accesses. Documentclustering, for example, has been applied to improve theefficiency of text categorization [1] and discover eventepisodes in temporally ordered documents (e.g., newsstories) [35]. In addition, instead of presenting searchresults as one long list, some prior studies [29,40] andemerging search engines (e.g., Teoma,1 vivisimoclustering engine,2 MetaCrawler,3 WebCrawler4) em-ploy a document clustering approach to automaticallyorganize search results into meaningful categories andthereby support cluster-based browsing.

Various document clustering techniques have beenproposed [5,7,11,19,21,28,33,39], but most deal withmonolingual documents (i.e., all target documents arewritten in the same language). However, the globaliza-tion of business environments and advances in Internettechnology often cause an organization to maintaindocuments in different languages in its knowledgerepositories. Evidently, organizations face the challengeof multilingual document clustering (MLDC). SuchMLDC requirement is also prominent in other scenarios.For example, with advances in cross-lingual informationretrieval (CLIR) technology, many search engines nowoffer a functionality that retrieves, for a user queryexpressed in one language, relevant documents indifferent languages. In this case, to facilitate cluster-based browsing, it would be preferable if the searchengine were capable of clustering search results indifferent languages into distinct categories, each of

1 http://www.teoma.com.2 http://vivisimo.com.3 http://www.metacrawler.com.4 http://www.webcrawler.com.

which contains documents similar in their contents.Thus, effective MLDC support is also essential to searchengines' cluster-based browsing capability in multilin-gual environments.

The major challenge facing MLDC is achievingcross-lingual semantic interoperability, which builds abridge among representations of target documentswritten in different languages. Interoperability, to someextent, relates to CLIR, which processes a user query inone language and retrieves relevant documents in otherlanguages. Several prior studies have applied LatentSemantic Indexing (LSI) [9] to address the cross-lingualsemantic interoperability facing CLIR [2,20]. Specifi-cally, LSI is a statistical method that analyzes andrepresents important associative patterns among terms.Previously proposed approaches first employ LSI to“train” a multilingual indexing system on the basis of aparallel corpus that contains a set of parallel documentsprepared in two (or more) languages. Accordingly, thedocuments in any language can be represented in thelanguage-independent LSI space. Similarly, a user querycan be treated as a pseudo-document and represented asa vector in the same LSI space. Its similarity with otherdocuments (in the same or a different language as that ofthe target query) thus can be derived, and the relevantdocuments in any languages can be retrieved. Empiricalevaluation results show satisfactory cross-lingual re-trieval effectiveness [2,20].

Despite substantial research studies into CLIR,MLDC has not been duly examined by prior research.Among the proposed MLDC techniques, most rely on across-lingual dictionary [6,12] or a multilingual ontol-ogy [27] for language translations. On the basis of across-lingual dictionary, the dictionary-based MLDCapproach performs translations of documents from onelanguage to another and then applies an existing,monolingual document clustering technique. However,the dictionary-based MLDC approach incurs severalshortcomings. First, terms may be ambiguous or havemultiple meanings that may be difficult to disambiguatewith a dictionary. Second, the dictionary used may belimited in its vocabulary and phrases. For example,abbreviations, technical terms, and names of persons,corporations, or events may not appear in a particularcross-lingual dictionary, nor might new or slang terms.

The multilingual ontology-based MLDC approachrequires the use of a classification scheme, whichcontains multilingual documents as a training set foreach class. To facilitate MLDC, each document to beclustered is mapped onto the multilingual classificationscheme. Specifically, using the training documentswritten in the same language as the target document,

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this approach measures the relevance between the targetdocument and each class, then uses this measure torepresent the target document. Accordingly, the docu-ments to be clustered are mapped in a language-independent space, which addresses the cross-lingualsemantic interoperability challenge of MLDC. In addi-tion, because the multilingual ontology-based MLDCapproach does not involve the use of a cross-lingualdictionary for language translation, it does not share thesame problems as the dictionary-based MLDC approach.However, its shortcomings include the limited availabilityof a multilingual ontology and potential domain incom-patibility between the multilingual ontology employedand the set of multilingual documents to be clustered.

Because of these limitations of existing MLDCapproaches and the demonstrated feasibility of LSI forCLIR, we propose an LSI-based MLDC technique. Ourproposed MLDC technique employs the LSI analysis of aparallel corpus to construct a multilingual indexing system.Subsequently, the target multilingual documents to beclustered are indexed in the language-independent LSIspace, and a monolingual document clustering technique isthen employed to cluster the target multilingual documents.

The remainder of this article is organized as follows:In Section 2, we review the literature relevant to thisstudy, including a brief review of LSI and existingmonolingual and multilingual document clusteringtechniques. In Section 3, we depict the detailed devel-opment of our proposed LSI-based MLDC technique,including its overall process and specific designs. Next,we describe our empirical evaluation design andsummarize important evaluation results in Section 4.Finally, we conclude with a summary, discussion of ourresearch contributions, and some further researchdirections in Section 5.

2. Literature review

In this section, we review the literature relevant tothis research, including a brief review of LSI andexisting monolingual and multilingual document clus-tering techniques.

2.1. A brief review of LSI

In essence, LSI [9] analyzes term correlations bydiscerning the usage patterns of terms in documents.The particular statistical technique that LSI employs isthe Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Specifically,LSI applies SVD to a term-document matrix to constructa new semantic space formed by orthogonal vectors(referred to as LSI dimensions) and represents both

terms and documents in this space in such a way thatthose terms and documents that are closely associatedare placed close to one another.

Assume a term-document t× s matrix X=[x1, x2,…,xs] that represents a collection of s documents describedwith a vocabulary of t terms (i.e., xi=[x1i, x2i,…, xti] isthe vector for document i, and xji is the weight of term jin document i). Suppose that the rank of the term-document matrix X is r. In this case, LSI decomposes X,using SVD, into the product of three matrices:

X ¼ URVT; ð1Þwhere U=[u1,…, ur] is a t×r matrix, and uj is called theleft singular vector;Σ=diag(σ1,…, σr) is a r×rmatrix thatforms a r-dimensional LSI space, and σ1≥σ2≥…≥σr

are the singular values of X; and V=[v1, v2,…, vr] is a s×rmatrix, VT is the transpose of V, and vj is called the rightsingular vector.

To capture the major associative patterns in documentswhile ignoring smaller variations that may be due toidiosyncrasies in the term usage of individual documents,a dimension reduction procedure that reduces the numberof LSI dimensions generally is applied. Specifically, LSIreduces the original LSI space into a k-dimensional spaceby retaining only the first k columns of U and V and the klargest singular values in Σ. That is, LSI approximates Xwith a rank-k matrix as:

Xk ¼ UkRkVTk ; ð2Þ

where Uk=[u1, u2,…, uk], Σk=diag(σ1, σ2,…, σk), andVk=[v1, v2,…, vk].

Semantically, the rows of the matrices UkΣk and VkΣk

are representations of the original terms and documents,respectively, in the reduced k-dimensional semanticspace. In addition, the document vector di for a newdocument i originally represented in the term space (i.e.,described with the vocabulary of the t terms) can bemapped easily onto the k-dimensional semantic space bya “folding-in” procedure using Eq. (3) or (4) [32]. Thedifference between the two equations is whether to scalethe vector by the inverse of the singular values.

d̂i ¼ UTk di; or ð3Þ

d̂i ¼ R�1k UT

k di; ð4Þ

where d̂i is the vector of document i in the k-dimensionalsemantic space.

Depending on the context of an intended application,an appropriate manipulation of the documents representedin the k-dimensional semantic space can then be

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developed. For example, to support information retrieval,we would consider a user query a pseudo-document andrepresent it in the k-dimensional semantic space using thedescribed folding-in procedure. Accordingly, we canestimate the relevancy of documents to the user query onthe basis of the documents and the user query in the samesemantic space. Because the constructed semantic spacecaptures the major associative patterns in the documents,the word mismatch problem [9] that commonly impedesthe effectiveness of information retrieval can be alleviated.

2.2. Monolingual document clustering techniques

Document clustering groups similar documents intoclusters on the basis of their contents. The documents inthe resultant clusters exhibit maximal similarity to thosein the same cluster and, at the same time, share minimalsimilarity with documents from other clusters [39]. Areview of extant literature suggests that most existingdocument clustering techniques deal with monolingualdocuments and are anchored in document contentanalysis. In addition, existing monolingual documentclustering techniques can be classified broadly into non-LSI-based and LSI-based approaches.

Given a collection of monolingual documents, thegeneral process of non-LSI-based document clusteringtechniques generally comprises three main phases:feature extraction and selection, document representa-tion, and clustering [37,39]. Feature extraction beginswith the parsing of each source document to produce aset of features (typically nouns and noun phrases) andexclude a list of prespecified stop words that are non-semantic-bearing words. Subsequently, representativefeatures are selected from the set of extracted features.Feature selection is important for clustering efficiencyand effectiveness because it not only condenses the sizeof the extracted feature set but also reduces any potentialbiases embedded in the original (i.e., non-trimmed)feature set [10,28]. Previous research commonly hasemployed feature selection metrics such as TF (termfrequency), TF×IDF (term frequency× inverse docu-ment frequency), and their hybrids [5,21].

According to the top-k selection method, the k featureswith the highest selection metric scores are selected torepresent each target document in the document repre-sentation phase. Thus, each document is represented as afeature vector jointly defined by the previously selected kfeatures. A review of prior research suggests theprevalence of several representation methods, includingbinary (presence or absence of a feature in a document),TF (i.e., within-document term frequency), and TF×IDF[5,21,28].

In the final phase of non-LSI-based documentclustering, the target documents are grouped into distinctclusters on the basis of the selected features and theirrespective values in each document. Common clusteringapproaches include partitioning-based [5,7,21], hierarchi-cal [11,28,33], and Kohonen neural network[13,19,22,28]. A partitioning-based approach (e.g., k-means) partitions a set of documents into multiple non-overlapping clusters, whereas a hierarchical approachbuilds a binary clustering hierarchy whose leaf nodesrepresent the documents to be clustered. A representativehierarchical clustering algorithm is the hierarchicalagglomerative clustering (HAC) method, which startswith as many clusters as there are documents; that is, eachcluster contains only one document [33]. On the basis of aspecific intercluster similarity measure of choice (e.g.,single link, complete link, group-average link, Ward'smethod), the two most similar clusters are merged to forma new cluster. Thismerging process continues until either ahierarchy emerges with a single cluster at the top or atermination condition (e.g., intercluster similarity is lessthan a prespecified threshold) holds. The Kohonen neuralnetwork approach, also known as a self-organizing map,uses an unsupervised two-layer neural network [17,18]. Ina Kohonen neural network, an input node corresponds to afeature in the selected feature vector space, whereas anoutput node represents a cluster in a two-dimensional grid.The network is fully connected, such that each output nodeconnects to every input node with a particular connectionweight. During the training phase, the source documentsare fed into the networkmultiple times to train or adjust theconnection weights so the distribution of the output nodeswould accurately represent that of the input documents.

Unlike the non-LSI-based document clustering ap-proach, which typically involves a feature selection phase,the LSI-based approach to clustering monolingual docu-ments employs LSI to reduce the dimensions and therebyimprove both clustering effectiveness and efficiency [30].Its process generally commences with feature extraction,followed by document representation. Accordingly, thetarget documents to be clustered are represented as a term-document matrix. Subsequently, when applied to theterm-document matrix, LSI produces a reduced k-dimen-sional semantic space in which the target documents arerepresented. According to a chosen clustering algorithm,the target documents are segmented into distinct clusters onthe basis of their positions in the k-dimensional semanticspace. The empirical evaluation results reported bySchuetze and Silverstein [30] suggest that compared withthe non-LSI-based approach, the efficiency of LSI-basedclustering improves dramatically without sacrificing clus-tering effectiveness.

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2.3. Multilingual document clustering techniques

Chen and Lin [6] propose a multilingual newssummarization system that is capable of summarizingnews documents from multiple sources in differentlanguages (in their study, English and Chinese). In theirmultilingual news summarization system, they proposea MLDC technique and use it to group multilingualnews documents into clusters (events), each of whichbecomes the input to a news summarizer. Specifically,they adopt a two-phase approach to cluster themultilingual news documents, in which the first phase(i.e., monolingual clustering) segments news documentsin the same language into several clusters. In the secondphase, the resultant clusters in different languages arematched to form multilingual clusters. To address thecross-lingual semantic interoperability, these authorsperform a unidirectional translation that translatesChinese news documents (verbs, nouns, and namedentities only) to English on the basis of a cross-lingualdictionary. If a Chinese phrase has more than onetranslation, the one with the highest frequency isselected. In addition, they develop a name transliterationmechanism to translate Chinese named entities intoEnglish. The clusters initially in different languagestherefore are in the same language (i.e., English), andsimilar clusters can be merged to form larger clusters,each of which pertains to a single event [6].

An alternative multilingual news summarizer, Co-lumbia Newsblaster [12], relies on cross-lingual dictio-naries and a machine-translation system for document(or feature) translations. Similar to the aforementionedMLDC technique [6], non-English documents are firsttranslated into English, and then both the translateddocuments and the documents originally written inEnglish are clustered using an existing monolingualdocument clustering algorithm. Several cross-lingualdictionaries (e.g., Japanese, Russian) have been devel-oped to translate non-English documents to English. If aparticular cross-lingual dictionary is not available, themachine-translation system (specifically, Altavistababelfish, http://babelfish.altavista.com) is employedto perform the translation.

Pouliquen et al. [27] propose a multilingual andcross-lingual news topic tracking system that employsEurovoc, a multilingual ontology, to address themultilingual or cross-lingual challenges. Eurovoc offersa wide coverage classification scheme with approxi-mately 6000 hierarchically organized classes, each ofwhich contains multilingual documents as a training set.To facilitate MLDC, each document to be clustered ismapped onto the multilingual classification scheme.

Using the training documents written in the samelanguage as the target document, this method measuresthe relevance between the target document and eachclass, then uses the measure to represent the targetdocument. Thus, the target documents are mapped in alanguage-independent space, in which the Eurovocclasses serve as the dimensions. Subsequently, a specificclustering algorithm (i.e., HAC) is adopted to cluster thetarget documents.

As we mentioned, the dictionary-based MLDCapproach [6,12] has difficulty translating terms that areambiguous or have multiple meanings, as well as thosethat do not appear in the cross-lingual dictionary (e.g.,abbreviations, technical terms, named entities, slang). Forexample, existing dictionary-basedMLDC techniques failto address [12] or just adopt a simple heuristic rule [6] todeal with word sense disambiguation. More sophisticateddisambiguation methods need to be developed to enhancetranslation quality and, in turn, improve the multilingualdocument clustering effectiveness attained by the dictio-nary-based MLDC approach. Although the multilingualontology-based MLDC approach [27] seems promising,the limited availability of a multilingual ontology andpotential domain incompatibility between themultilingualontology employed and the set of multilingual documentsto be clustered constrain its applicability.

3. Design of LSI-based multilingual documentclustering (MLDC) technique

In this section, we detail our proposed LSI-basedMLDC technique. As Fig. 1 illustrates, the overall processof our proposed technique comprises three main phases:multilingual semantic space analysis, document folding-in, and clustering. In the multilingual semantic spaceanalysis phase, we rely on a parallel corpus and use LSI toconstruct a multilingual semantic space onto which termsand documents in either language can be mapped. For thedocument folding-in phase, we exploit the multilingualsemantic space to fold in the target multilingual docu-ments (in this study, Chinese and English) to be clusteredin this semantic space. Finally, we choose a specificclustering algorithm to determine the appropriate clustersfor the folded-in multilingual documents. In the followingsubsections, we depict each phase involved in ourproposed LSI-based MLDC technique.

3.1. Multilingual semantic space analysis

Given a parallel corpus, the multilingual semanticspace analysis employs LSI to construct automatically amultilingual semantic space that captures the major

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Fig. 1. Overall process of LSI-based multilingual document clustering (MLDC) technique.

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associative patterns of monolingual and cross-lingualterms exhibited in the parallel documents. As Fig. 2shows, the multilingual semantic space analysis starts byextracting terms (particularly, nouns and noun phrases)from each parallel document in the corpus. Because thisstudy deals with English and Chinese documents, weadopt the rule-based part-of-speech tagger developed byBrill [3,4] to syntactically tag each word in the Englishdocuments in the parallel corpus. Subsequently, weemploy the approach proposed by Voutilainen [34] toimplement a noun phrase parser to extract noun phrasesfrom each syntactically tagged English document. Forthe Chinese documents in the parallel corpus, weemploy a hybrid approach that combines dictionary-based and statistical approaches (i.e., the mutualinformation measure) to extract the Chinese terms [41].

Following term extraction, we conduct the documentrepresentation process, in which the parallel documentsin the corpus are represented as a term-document matrix.

Fig. 2. Process of multilingual

Assume that the parallel corpus contains s paralleldocuments and that the number of English and Chineseterms appearing in the parallel corpus is t. The documentrepresentation step generates a t× s term-documentmatrix, in which each parallel document is describedby the t terms using a representation scheme of choice.Specifically, we adopt the TF× IDF representationscheme, mainly due to its popularity in documentclustering and cross-lingual information retrieval re-search. Subsequently, we apply LSI to the term-document matrix to construct a multilingual semanticspace and reduce the number of LSI dimensions. Theresultant multilingual semantic space therefore com-prises only the most important k LSI dimensions.

3.2. Document folding-in

The document folding-in phase (whose process isillustrated in Fig. 3) folds the target multilingual

semantic space analysis.

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documents (in L1 or L2) to be clustered into themultilingual semantic space on the basis of theirconstituent terms. In the term extraction step, we firstextract nouns and noun phrases from each targetdocument using the same techniques employed for theparallel corpus (described in Section 3.1), then employbinary, TF, and TF×IDF as alternative representationschemes to represent each target document as a term-document vector, and empirically evaluate their effec-tiveness. In the vector projection step, we fold in eachtarget vector using Eq. (3) to project the correspondingdocument onto the multilingual semantic space. Wechoose Eq. (3) primarily because it is more efficientcomputationally than Eq. (4) and can achieve compa-rable effectiveness to that of Eq. (4) in an informationretrieval context [32]. As a result, each target documenti is represented as a vector d̂i=bw1i, w2i,…, wkiN, wherewji is the weight of document i on the jth LSI dimension.

In LSI-based monolingual document clustering, the kLSI dimensions selected by the dimension reductionprocedure essentially are the most representativedimensions for the target monolingual document corpus,because the semantic space has been constructed fromthe same set of documents. Thus, as we discuss inSection 2.2, the use of LSI for clustering monolingualdocuments does not require a dimension selection step.For clustering multilingual documents, the k LSIdimensions are selected on the basis of their importancein the parallel corpus. However, their importance with

Fig. 3. Process of docu

regard to the target multilingual documents to beclustered may not be the same as that to the parallelcorpus, especially when the domain covered by thetarget multilingual corpus is only a subset of the parallelcorpus. Hence, it is desirable to re-rank, with respect tothe target multilingual documents, the k LSI dimensionsand retain only the top h LSI dimensions (where h≤k)to represent the target multilingual documents. In thisstudy, we adopt the sum of absolute dimension loadingsacross all target multilingual documents as our measureto re-rank the importance of the LSI dimensions:



jwjij; ð5Þ

where Dj denotes the LSI dimension j, and wji is theweight of document i in Dj.

Accordingly, we select the top h LSI dimensionswith the highest DL scores to represent the folded-indocuments.

3.3. Clustering

In this phase, we employ a clustering algorithm tocluster the target multilingual documents represented inthe multilingual semantic space. As we mention inSection 2.2, common document clustering approachesinclude partitioning-based, hierarchical, and Kohonenneural network. The hierarchical clustering approach

ment folding-in.

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Table 1Summary of document corpora for evaluation

Data set Number of documents Average numberof words perdocument

Parallel corpus 2949 English 213Chinese 347

English corpus 490 162Chinese corpus 459 384

613C.-P. Wei et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 606–620

has an advantage over the partitioning-based approachbecause the number of clusters need not be prespecifiedand can be decreased (increased) by simply moving up(down) the resultant clustering hierarchy. Furthermore,the hierarchical approach can achieve comparableclustering effectiveness to that of the Kohonen neuralnetwork [28]. Accordingly, we adopt the hierarchicalapproach, specifically, the HAC algorithm.

We estimate the similarity of two documents accord-ing to their cosine similarity measure. In each step of theHAC, the two most similar clusters are merged to formthe next larger cluster. In this study, we employ thegroup-average link method to measure the similaritybetween two clusters. That is, the two clusters whoseaverage similarity among all intercluster pairs ofdocuments is the highest are joined first. The mergingprocess continues until a hierarchy of clusters emerges(with a single cluster that contains all target documents atthe top of the hierarchy) or a termination condition (e.g., adesired number of clusters is obtained or the interclustersimilarity is less than a prespecified threshold) holds.

4. Empirical evaluation

In this section, we report on our empirical evaluationof our proposed LSI-based MLDC technique. In thefollowing subsections, we detail the design of ourempirical experiments, including data collection, evalu-ation procedure, and evaluation criteria. Subsequently,we discuss several important empirical evaluation results.

4.1. Data collection

To construct a multilingual semantic space, which isessential to our proposed LSI-based MLDC technique,we collected a parallel corpus in both English andChinese. Our experimental parallel document corpus,collected from a dissertation and thesis digital library inTaiwan (accessible at http://datas.ncl.edu.tw/), contains2949 Chinese- and English-language abstracts of thesesand dissertations from the management informationsystems (MIS) departments of major universities inTaiwan between 1992 and 2003.

To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed LSI-based MLDC technique, we also collected two addi-tional monolingual document corpora with the samecategorization scheme. The English document set(referred to as the English corpus) includes abstractscollected from a science Web site (http://sdos.ejournal.ascc.net/) and consists of 490 research articles from1994–2004. Two doctoral students majoring in MISreviewed the 490 English articles and collaboratively

developed six categories (i.e., data mining, electroniccommerce, e-learning, information retrieval, knowledgemanagement, and wireless network) for the Englishcorpus. The Chinese document set (referred to as theChinese corpus) consists of two subsets: one collectedfrom a science and technology information center Website in Taiwan (http://sticnet.stic.gov.tw/) that includes350 research reports from 1996–2003, and another fromthe proceedings of an international conference oninformation management that contains 109 researcharticles from 2000–2003. The two doctoral students alsoreviewed the 459 articles in the Chinese corpus andcategorized them into the same six categories as those ofthe English corpus. The six categories therefore areconsidered the “true categories” for both the English andthe Chinese corpus. For each research article in thesecorpora, we use only the title, abstract, and keywords forour evaluation purpose. Table 1 provides a summary ofthese document corpora.

4.2. Evaluation procedure and criteria

We use all documents in the parallel corpus toconstruct a multilingual semantic space. To expand thenumber of trials when evaluating the effectiveness of theproposed LSI-based MLDC technique, we randomlyselect 80% of the documents in the English and Chinesecorpora to be clustered. Subsequently, we use thisdocument subset to estimate clustering effectiveness. Tominimize the potential biases that may result from oursampling process and obtain a reliable performanceestimate, we perform the described sampling-and-clustering process 30 times and estimate the overalleffectiveness of the proposed MLDC technique byaveraging the performance estimates obtained from the30 individual sampling-and-clustering processes.

We employ cluster recall and cluster precision[28,39], defined according to the concept of associa-tions, to measure the effectiveness of a documentclustering technique. An association refers to a pair ofdocuments that belong to the same cluster. Accordingly,

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cluster recall (CR) and cluster precision (CP) are definedas:

CR ¼ jCAjjTAj ; and ð6Þ

CP ¼ jCAjjGAj ; ð7Þ

where TA is the set of associations in the true categories,GA is the set of associations in the clusters generated bythe document clustering technique, and CA is the set ofcorrect associations that exists in both the clusters andthe true categories.

As Fig. 4 illustrates, we assume that Englishdocuments e1 and e2 and Chinese documents c1 and c2belong to the true category T1, and the Englishdocuments e3 and e4 and Chinese documents c3, c4,and c5 belong to the true category T2. In this case, the setof associations in the true categories is TA={(e1−e2),(c1−c2), (e1−c1), (e1−c2), (e2−c1), (e2−c2), (e3−e4),(c3−c4), (c3−c5), (c4−c5), (e3−c3), (e3−c4), (e3−c5),(e4−c3), (e4−c4), (e4−c5)}, such that six associationspertain to T1 and ten to T2. Let the clusters produced bythe proposed MLDC technique for the same set ofdocuments be G1, G2, and G3, where G1={e1, e2, c1,c3}, G2={e3, e4, c2}, and G3={c4, c5}. Thus, the set ofassociations in the clusters generated by the MLDCtechnique isGA={(e1−e2), (c1−c3), (e1−c1), (e1−c3), (e2−c1), (e2−c3), (e3−e4), (e3−c2), (e4−c2), (c4−c5)}, such thatthe first six associations {(e1−e2), (c1−c3), (e1−c1), (e1−c3),(e2−c1), (e2−c3)} refer to cluster G1, the following threeassociations {(e3−e4), (e3−c2), (e4−c2)} are for clusterG2,and the last association {(c4−c5)} is for cluster G3.Consequently, the set of correct associations is CA={(e1−e2), (e1−c1), (e2−c1), (e3−e4), (c4−c5)}. Hence,

CR ¼ jCAjjTAj ¼


¼ 0:3125; and CP ¼ jCAjjGAj ¼


¼ 0:5:

4.3. Tuning experiments and results

As we depicted previously, the proposed LSI-basedMLDC technique involves two parameters and a design

Fig. 4. Examples of true categories and clust

choice: k (i.e., number of LSI dimensions determined inthe multilingual semantic space analysis phase) and h(i.e., number of re-selected LSI dimensions determinedin the document folding-in phase), as well as thedocument representation scheme (i.e., binary, TF, orTF×IDF) to represent the target multilingual documentsto be clustered (in the document folding-in phase). Weset k to 200 and investigate the number of re-selecteddimensions h, ranging from 5 to 25 in increments of 5and from 50 to 200 in increments of 25. We examine thenumber of clusters produced by the proposed LSI-basedMLDC technique, ranging from 1 to 50 in increments of1. To address the inevitable trade-offs between clusterrecall and cluster precision, we employ precision/recalltrade-off (PRT) curves, which represent the effective-ness of a document clustering technique across differentnumbers of clusters [39]. Evidently, a larger number ofclusters tends to result in an increase of cluster precisionat the cost of cluster recall. Overall, a documentclustering technique whose PRT curve is closer to theupper-right corner is more desirable.

As we show in Fig. 5 (to reduce the complexity of thefigure, we show only a subset of values for h), the PRTcurve of the proposed LSI-based MLDC techniqueusing the binary representation scheme moves toward tothe upper-right corner as h increases from 5 to 50, butremains comparable or becomes inferior when h isbeyond this range. Accordingly, the most upper-rightPRTcurve is attained when h is set to 50. In addition, thebreakeven point measure, defined as the value at whichcluster recall equals cluster precision, also suggests thath as 50 achieves the best clustering effectiveness for thebinary representation scheme. Specifically, the break-even points attained by h=5, 10, 50, 100, and 200 are0.4699, 0.5426, 0.7095, 0.6751, and 0.6038, respec-tively. Likewise, when using an alternative representa-tion scheme (i.e., TF or TF× IDF), the proposedtechnique exhibits similar behavior across the range ofh investigated; the best clustering effectiveness of theproposed technique occurs when h is set to 20 for boththe TF and TF×IDF representation schemes.

Using the parameter value determined previously, weevaluate the effectiveness of the proposed LSI-based

ers generated by an MLDC technique.

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Fig. 5. PRT curves of the LSI-based MLDC technique (with binary representation scheme).

615C.-P. Wei et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 606–620

MLDC technique across different representationschemes. As we show in Fig. 6, across the range ofnumber of clusters examined, the proposed techniquewith the binary representation scheme generally resultsin better clustering effectiveness than that achieved withTF or TF×IDF, and the use of the TF representationscheme results in the worst clustering effectiveness.Thus, in subsequent experiments, we use the binaryrepresentation scheme for our proposed LSI-basedMLDC technique.

The inferior performance resulting from the use of TFand TF×IDF representation schemes may be because ourmultilingual documents are short in length. As Table 1depicts, the average number of words per document in ourEnglish corpus is 162, and the average number of Chinesecharacters per document in our Chinese corpus is 384. Asa result, the within-document term frequencymay not be areliable metric for estimating the representativeness of atermwithin a document. In otherwords, given a documentthat is short in length, a term with a higher occurrencefrequency may not be more representative than anotherterm with a lower frequency. Accordingly, the use of the

Fig. 6. Comparisons of differen

binary representation scheme that considers only thepresence or absence of a term within a target documentachieves a better clustering effectiveness than its counter-parts (i.e., TF and TF×IDF).

4.4. Effects of dimension selection

Recall that in our previous tuning experiments, weset the number of LSI dimensions k to 200 in themultilingual semantic space analysis phase and then re-selected h dimensions among those 200 in thedimension selection step of the document folding-inphase. To investigate the effects of our proposeddimension selection mechanism, we empirically com-pare the clustering effectiveness of the proposed LSI-based MLDC technique with and without the use of ourdimension selection mechanism. Specifically, for theproposed LSI-based MLDC technique without dimen-sion selection, we do not perform the dimensionselection step in the document folding-in phase; i.e.,the number of LSI dimensions (k) determined in theLatent Semantic Indexing step of the multilingual

t representation schemes.

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Fig. 7. Effect of dimension selection (h=5 for MLDC with dimension selection; k=5 for MLDC without dimension selection).

616 C.-P. Wei et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 606–620

semantic space analysis phase is used to represent thefolded-in documents to be clustered. We investigatedifferent values for k, ranging from 5 to 25 in incrementsof 5 and from 50 to 200 in increments of 25. For the LSI-based MLDC technique with the dimension selectionmechanism, we set k to 200 and examine various valuesfor the number of re-selected dimensions h, rangingbetween 5 and 200.

As Fig. 7 shows, when the number of LSI dimensionsis 5, the clustering effectiveness achieved with dimensionselection is notably superior to that attained withoutdimension selection. However, the superiority of dimen-sion selection over its counterpart decreases as the numberof LSI dimensions increases. As Fig. 8 illustrates, whenthe number of LSI dimensions equals 20, the proposedLSI-based MLDC technique with dimension selectiononly slightly outperforms that without dimension selec-tion. As the number of LSI dimensions increases further,both methods reach comparable clustering effectiveness.The analysis suggests that the proposed dimensionselection mechanism is effective (i.e., resulting in betteror comparable clustering effectiveness).

Fig. 8. Effect of dimension selection (h=20 for MLDC with dimens

Next, we conduct a “best scenario versus bestscenario” analysis of the two methods (i.e., with andwithout dimension selection). As we mentioned previ-ously, with dimension selection, we attain the bestclustering effectiveness of the proposed LSI-basedMLDC technique when h is set to 50. On the contrary,when we do not employ the dimension selectionmechanism, the PRT curve of the LSI-based MLDCtechnique moves toward to the upper-right corner as kexpands from 5 to 75, remains comparable when kranges between 75 and 125, and then degrades when k isgreater than 125. Therefore, setting k to 125 results inthe best clustering effectiveness for the LSI-basedMLDC technique without dimension selection. As weillustrate in Fig. 9, the best scenarios attained by bothmethods are largely comparable, but the number of LSIdimensions involved is notably different (50 versus125). That is, the LSI-based MLDC technique with ourproposed dimension selection mechanism achieves itsbest scenario with fewer LSI dimensions and thus can beconsidered more efficient than the technique withoutdimension selection.

ion selection; k=20 for MLDC without dimension selection).

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Fig. 9. Best scenario versus best scenario comparison.

617C.-P. Wei et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 606–620

4.5. Analysis of monolingual and cross-lingualcapability of LSI-based MLDC technique

Given a collection of multilingual documents, anMLDC technique that satisfactorily clusters monolingualdocuments but inadequately clusters cross-lingual ones inthe collection is not desirable, because crossing thelanguage barrier between documents in different languagesis amain goal ofMLDC.Thus,when performing documentclustering on a multilingual corpus, in addition tomeasuring overall clustering effectiveness by cluster recalland cluster precision (defined in Eqs. (6) and (7)), we mustevaluate the capability of the proposed LSI-based MLDCtechnique to cluster documents in the same language anddocuments across different languages separately. There-fore, we decompose the cluster recall and cluster precisionmeasures into monolingual and cross-lingual components.Accordingly, we define the monolingual cluster recall(CRMN) and the monolingual cluster precision (CPMN) as:

CRMN ¼ jCAMNjjTAMNj ; and ð8Þ


where TAMN is the set of monolingual associations in thetrue categories, GAMN is the set of monolingual associa-tions in the clusters generated by anMLDC technique, andCAMN is the set of correct monolingual associations thatexists in both the clusters and the true categories.

Similarly, the cross-lingual cluster recall (CRCL) andcluster precision (CPCL) are defined as follows:

CRCL ¼ jCACLjjTACLj ; and ð10Þ


where TACL is the set of cross-lingual associations in thetrue categories, GACL is the set of cross-lingualassociations in the clusters generated by an MLDCtechnique, and CACL is the set of correct cross-lingualassociations that exists in both the clusters and the truecategories.

From the example in Fig. 4, the set of monolingualassociations in the true categories is TAMN={(e1−e2),(c1−c2), (e3−e4), (c3−c4), (c3−c5), (c4−c5)}, whereasthe set of cross-lingual associations in the true categoriesis TACL={(e1−c1), (e1−c2), (e2−c1), (e2−c2), (e3−c3),(e3− c4), (e3− c5), (e4− c3), (e4− c4), (e4− c5)}. Incontrast, the set of monolingual associations in thethree clusters generated by the proposed MLDCtechnique is GAMN={(e1−e2), (c1−c3), (e3−e4), (c4−c5)}, and the set of cross-lingual associations is GACL={(e1−c1), (e1−c3), (e2−c1), (e2−c3), (e3−c2), (e4−c2)}.Consequently, the set of correct monolingual associa-tions in this case is CAMN={(e1−e2), (e3−e4), (c4−c5)}, and the set of correct cross-lingual associations isCACL={(e1−c1), (e2−c1)}. Hence, the resultant mono-lingual cluster recall (CRMN) and cluster precision(CPMN) are as follows:


36¼ 0:5; and CPMN ¼ jCAMNj

jGAMNj¼ 3

4¼ 0:75:

The corresponding cross-lingual cluster recall(CRCL) and cluster precision (CPCL) are



¼ 0:2; and CPCL ¼ jCACLjjGACLj

¼ 26¼ 0:33:

Evidently, for clustering a multilingual documentcorpus, an MLDC technique with monolingual and cross-

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Fig. 10. PRT curves of overall, monolingual, and cross-lingual performance (with binary representation scheme and h=50).

618 C.-P. Wei et al. / Decision Support Systems 45 (2008) 606–620

lingual PRT curves close to the PRT curve for the overallperformance is more desirable. As we show in Fig. 10, theoverall clustering effectiveness attained by our proposedMLDC technique does not deviate substantially from itsmonolingual clustering effectiveness. As can be derivedfrom Fig. 10, the breakeven point of the overall PRT curveis 0.7095, which is 5.57% lower than that of themonolingual PRT curve (i.e., 0.7652). According to itscross-lingual clustering capability, the proposed techniqueis also acceptable. Specifically, the breakeven point of theoverall PRT curve is 7.38% higher than that of the cross-lingual PRTcurve (i.e., 0.6357). Overall, the proposed LSI-based MLDC technique achieves a satisfactory balancebetween monolingual and cross-lingual clusteringeffectiveness.

5. Conclusion and future research directions

With increasing globalization and Internet technolo-gy advances, many organizations maintain documents indifferent languages in their knowledge repositories,which necessitates MLDC to support their knowledgemanagement. Multilingual document clustering orga-nizes documents in different languages into distinctcategories of similar documents on the basis of theircontents. Various document clustering techniques havebeen proposed in the literature; however, most deal withonly monolingual documents. In response, we proposean LSI-based MLDC technique that employs LSIanalysis to a parallel corpus and constructs a multilin-gual semantic space. Accordingly, the target multilin-gual documents to be clustered are mapped in thislanguage-independent space, and a monolingual docu-ment clustering technique (particularly, HAC) clustersthe target multilingual documents. Our empiricalevaluation results show that the proposed LSI-basedMLDC technique achieves satisfactory clustering effec-

tiveness and is capable of maintaining a good balancebetween monolingual and cross-lingual clusteringeffectiveness when clustering a multilingual documentcorpus.

Some research extensions to this study might includethe following: First, this study intends to demonstrate thefeasibility of applying LSI to MLDC, and thus, we focusonly on the clustering effectiveness of our proposed LSI-based MLDC technique in our empirical evaluations.Developing and evaluating a thesaurus-based MLDCtechnique that relies on a statistical thesaurus, constructedfrom a parallel corpus, for feature translation or a machine-translation-based MLDC technique represents an interest-ing research direction. Second, the proposed LSI-basedMLDC technique does not explore the characteristics ofthe multilingual documents to be clustered to improveclustering effectiveness. For example, for our target corpus,it seems reasonable to assume that terms appearing in titlesor as keywords of research abstracts are more importantthan those occurring only in abstracts. Therefore, adesirable future research direction would take suchdocument characteristics into account during the documentclustering process. Third, our current evaluation studyemploys only one set of document corpora (parallel,English, and Chinese corpora) in a specific domain (i.e.,research articles). Evaluations of the proposed LSI-basedMLDC technique using other document corpora thatpertain to more diversified application domains (e.g.,multilingual news or patent clustering) would improve thegeneralizability of the evaluation results we report. Fourth,we design a dimension selection mechanism (included inthe document folding-in phase of our proposed technique)whose utility has been empirically demonstrated. Weemploy the sum of the absolute dimension loadings acrossthe target multilingual documents to be clustered as themeasure for re-ranking LSI dimensions. However, othermeasures of dimension selection may improve the

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clustering effectiveness of the proposed LSI-based MLDCtechnique further. Fifth and finally, in addition to MLDC,other multilingual or cross-lingual document managementissues, such as multilingual event detection and summa-rization, cross-lingual text categorization, and cross-lingualquestion and answer, demand additional research attention.


This work was supported by the National ScienceCouncil of the Republic of China under the grants NSC93-2416-H-110-021 and NSC 94-2416-H-110-002.


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Chih-Ping Wei received a BS in ManagementScience from the National Chiao-Tung Uni-versity in Taiwan, ROC in 1987 and anMS anda Ph.D. in Management Information Systemsfrom the University of Arizona in 1991 and1996. He is currently a professor of Institute ofTechnology Management at National TsingHua University in Taiwan, ROC. Prior tojoining the National Tsing Hua University in2005, he was a faculty member at Departmentof Information Management at National Sun

Yat-sen University in Taiwan since 1996 and a visiting scholar at theUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Fall 2001 and the ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong in Summer 2006 and 2007. His papers haveappeared in Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), De-cision Support Systems (DSS), IEEE Transactions on EngineeringManagement, IEEE Software, IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Transac-tions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on InformationTechnology in Biomedicine, European Journal of Information Systems,Journal of DatabaseManagement, InformationProcessing andManage-ment, and Journal of Organizational Computing and ElectronicCommerce, etc. His current research interests include knowledgediscovery and data mining, information retrieval and text mining,knowledge management, multidatabase management and integration,and data warehouse design. He has edited special issues of DecisionSupport Systems, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, andElectronic Commerce Research and Applications. He can be reached atInstitute of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University,Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC; [email protected].

Christopher C. Yang is an associate pro-

fessor in the Department of Systems En-gineering and Engineering Management atthe Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hereceived his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. inElectrical and Computer Engineering from

Systems 45 (2008) 606–620

the University of Arizona. He has also beenan assistant professor in the Department ofComputer Science and Information Systems atthe University of Hong Kong and a research

scientist in the Department of Management Information Systems at theUniversity of Arizona. His recent research interests include cross-lingualinformation retrieval and knowledge management, Web search andmining, security informatics, text summarization, multimedia retrieval,information visualization, digital library, and electronic commerce. Hehas published over 130 referred journal and conference papers inJournal of the American Society for Information Science andTechnology (JASIST), Decision Support Systems (DSS), IEEE Transac-tions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Robotics andAutomation, IEEE Computer, Information Processing andManagement,Journal of Information Science, Graphical Models and ImageProcessing, Optical Engineering, Pattern Recognition, InternationalJournal of Electronic Commerce, Applied Artificial Intelligence,IWWWC, SIGIR, ICIS, CIKM, and more. He has edited several specialissues on multilingual information systems, knowledge management,and Web mining in JASIST and DSS. He chaired and served in manyinternational conferences and workshops. He has also frequently servedas an invited panelist in the NSF Review Panel in US. He was thechairman of the Association for Computing Machinery Hong KongChapter. Starting from 2008, he is an associate professor in the Collegeof Information Science & Technology at Drexel University.

Chia-Min Lin received a BS and an MBA inManagement Information Systems from theNational Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan,ROC in 2003 and 2006. He is currently asoftware engineer in the Openfind Informa-tion Technology, Inc. His current researchinterests include information retrieval, textmining, and software architecture and design.He can be reached at the Openfind Informa-tion Technology Inc., 4F, No. 222, Sec. 2,

Nan-Chang Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, ROC; [email protected].