a letter addressed to a people disciplined by god

A letter addressed to a people in discipline, He.12:5- Jer. 26:29 God’s discipline is just for his children, He. 12:5-13 Israel was chastised by God because of his sins for seventy years in captivity in Babylon, Jer. 25:3-13, 30:11, 14. Jeremiah was at Judah (626-586 B.C. it means for about 50 years) when God commanded him to write a letter to his chastised people in Babylon, (DESTINATION) Jer.29:1, 4. The letter was addressed to solve a problem among them, (False prophets were telling them to go back to Jerusalem) Jer.29:8-9 God reminded them the time of the discipline, Jer.29:10 God also reminded them THE EXPEECTED END after the discipline, Jer. 29:11-14 God exposed the false prophet who was enticing rebellion, Jer. 29:21 God exposed the hidden sins of those false prophets, Jer.29: 23. The letter was also addressed to remind them the commandment, “remain in discipline” Jer.29:5-6 God warned them that the ones who rejected the correction or discipline were going to punish in a more painful way. Jer. 29:16-19. 1. Christians who reject God’s discipline by fleeing to other churches, 2. Some want to enjoy God’s blessings without being born again.

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Post on 28-Jan-2016




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Page 1: A Letter Addressed to a People Disciplined by God

A letter addressed to a people in discipline, He.12:5- Jer. 26:29

God’s discipline is just for his children, He. 12:5-13

Israel was chastised by God because of his sins for seventy years in captivity in Babylon, Jer. 25:3-13, 30:11, 14.

Jeremiah was at Judah (626-586 B.C. it means for about 50 years) when God commanded him to write a letter to his chastised people in Babylon, (DESTINATION) Jer.29:1, 4.

The letter was addressed to solve a problem among them, (False prophets were telling them to go back to Jerusalem) Jer.29:8-9

God reminded them the time of the discipline, Jer.29:10

God also reminded them THE EXPEECTED END after the discipline, Jer. 29:11-14

God exposed the false prophet who was enticing rebellion, Jer. 29:21

God exposed the hidden sins of those false prophets, Jer.29: 23.

The letter was also addressed to remind them the commandment, “remain in discipline” Jer.29:5-6

God warned them that the ones who rejected the correction or discipline were going to punish in a more painful way. Jer. 29:16-19.

1. Christians who reject God’s discipline by fleeing to other churches,

2. Some want to enjoy God’s blessings without being born again.