a listing of chemistry functions

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A listing of Chemistry functions


A Listing of Chemistry FunctionsChemistry is a very definite science that is woven by its concepts and their applications. Proper understanding of the concepts is required in cracking the solution to a given problem. The complexity of Chemistry lies on how each quantity is related to another, directly affecting it. It is by analysis that one may achieve the result that one wishes.

It is imperative to keep in mind that without the aid of materials that contain information, problems may seem to be more difficult than they seem. How else would one find the mass of 10 moles of Copper if he doesnt know how many grams of Copper there are in one mole? Adequate reference must be provided so that he may relate the quantities.Chemistry is a science of relation, and one must understand the relationship between the concept and the problem in order to solve it. Chemistry functions like periodic tables and unit conversions are the catalysts that allow this to be made clear because these help in understanding and eventually solving the problem. Also, conceptual information is needed in understanding the nature of the problem. Some references of chemistry functions are given below which will help in gathering the required data:Periodic Tables

Periodic Table (http://chemicool.com): The periodic table is an ideal reference for elements and other data regarding them. Periodic Table Applet (http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/applets/a2.html): Visualizations of the electronic configuration are found that may help in understanding the movement of electrons.Mole Conversion

Mass and Moles (http://chemistry2.csudh.edu/newlechelp/massmolescs.html): This converter gives emphasis to the mass and mole relation that may help in some problems Details on Mole and Molar Mass (http://www.chem.memphis.edu/bridson/FundChem/T11a1100.htm): Concepts on Mole and Molar Mass are explained in this excerpt that may give a better understanding of the topic.Unit Conversion

Unit Conversion (http://unitconversion.org): To avoid misinterpretation of data, this converter can help in the exact and precise conversion from one unit to another. Energy Conversion (http://www.colby.edu/chemistry/PChem/Hartree.html): In better understanding the relation between energy quantities, this converter can aid in the conversion.Equation Balancing Online Chemical Equation Balancer (http://www.webqc.org/balance.php): To be able to balance equations effectively, this equation balancer will aid in the process. How to Balance a Chemical Equation (http://newtraditions.chem.wisc.edu/FPTS/fbeqns/chemeqnf.htm): In order to manually balance equations and for reference on the concepts, this guide shall provide the necessary information. More Information Regarding Chemical Equations (http://www.chem.ufl.edu/~itl/2045/lectures/lec_3.html): More information regarding chemical equations are presented in this lecture that will help in further understanding.Functional Groups (Organic Chemistry)

List of Functional Groups (http://umbbd.msi.umn.edu/search/FG_image_map.html): In naming compounds, knowing the functional groups is necessary. Here are the common functional groups that may aid in the naming of organic compounds. Organic Chemistry Guide (http://faculty.clintoncc.suny.edu/faculty/michael.gregory/files/bio%20101/bio%20101%20lectures/biochemistry/biochemi.htm): The fundamentals and concepts of Organic Chemistry are given in this guide that will help in understanding and solving Organic Chemistry problems. Some Organic Chemistry Problems (http://www.chem.ucla.edu/harding/orgpractice.html): Practice problems regarding the concepts of Organic Chemistry will aid in being more familiar with the problems.Aqueous Solutions

Information on Solutions (http://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/analytical/Aqueous/): Solutions are some problems that may be faced in Chemistry, so here is some background information that may give sense to some problems regarding these. Glossary of Terms Regarding Solutions (http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/solutions/glossary.shtml): Terms that are used in Solution problems are found in this glossary that may aid in relating the quantities mentioned in a given problem.Gas Law Concepts Ideal Gas Laws (http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/HBASE/kinetic/idegas.html): Ideal gas equations are based from ideal gas laws, which are discussed to develop a proper understanding of the topic. Illustration of Gas Laws (http://intro.chem.okstate.edu/1314F00/Laboratory/GLP.htm): Illustrating the movement of gas molecules can help give insight to how the quantities are related; this interactive software helps in achieving such insight. Advanced Ideal Gas Equation (http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/teaching/sm1/lectures/node50.html): For advanced students who have taken Calculus, this is a means of representing the ideal gas equation in terms of Calculus.Other Concept References

Examples of Chemistry Problems and How to Solve Them (http://hawaii.edu/suremath/chemistryProblems.html): Chemistry problems require analytical thinking and a step-by-step approach. This link presents an example problem with the technique in solving it in order to grasp the idea of solving a chemistry problem. Overview of Understanding the Periodic Table of Elements (http://www.ncsu.edu/scivis/chemistry.html): In Chemistry, atoms should be understood but more importantly, the relations with other atoms should be given significance. This gives an overview of the relations. Basic naming of Compounds (http://www.woodrow.org/teachers/chemistry/links/chem1/namingcomp.html): Basic knowledge of naming is necessary in order to evaluate the compound in question to delve deeper into its other properties. This reference gives a guide on how to name compounds in order to determine what properties they may have.