a m js d.‘ f tomes - twin falls public...

: l^ W l , Becwtarjr- of' Btote Hijgbw Dc- aounoM Treatmeat of-Amcri- [aa Oooivh st Neweaatle; " Oonnli AMiued of Oo«rcion iB'-.OosnectloQ w itb Sabjects Ciominf to America. - •WASHISOTON, D. C.. l'*ob. 10.— » Tht United 8Ul«« I lift* prepared a note to Oreac' »rtta(n tJo- . nouDclDB the aUltudo o( the lAticr KOTortimeU to um lU as (wo Amnrl- can' eaniuls from Kawcnutlo. £ng- land, ll WM Jearapd today. The note, ilpieil by Sccrolary ot 'State Hunhea.. iftkei no trouble 'to conceal, tbo dlapleMUro of thn Amer- ican'nvemm enl at the etan<I Inkon by Oreal Britain In connection wllh her setlon lome monlhn anu In can- eelUDK the exaqualor*. or recoBBl- tlon of the Unlied Btatca conauln at NewcuUe. - It'ii uniierstooO that Secretary of <6(»u :l!uihet ihortly will publUU tbo American pole, maklns plAln the ' exiremo apiiojranee oiiU' diapleasure ot Uiti itovtrnninL The Newctille, l&cldenl han cauieil in oBuauil amount tricilon be- iwcM 'Uie tw toremmeot*. Agabiiit Con»l!i Fol^e. : Tbe it>rmtit .ibarp oole tchuIIs from ft reply recently received from Oreat ^ritala flatly refualDc n re- QUott by the United Btatet Uial tho Brm»h iwrerwnenl withdraw the chsrtM asmlnit the American cnn- tula. .%AailnvMtlcaUou by thia | ot- em nent had .found these charicen bMelMo. ,• T ta^rsM 'w tre lhat tbe Ameri- can reprM «it|Uru Ja queatlon, Con- • ••urTfW 'Cr'trtUr'W d'.'Vlce Consnl ■abiecu.comtnc.to the United Siatei. to mOJ . ob'American .ahlppU^s board Yeiteli, • ^ V. fU WllV^et'Open Ur. Haiheajtauouactt la Itls pw - •n t ’ nota .'Whltti will probably end the .tnoldeni lo far ae Waahlngton » coneernvd, Ihst In view of the . tttliude aMumed by Uio Brltiab.tov- '•rnment.-the American coniulale at ___________ ycwcagtle. • now, already cloenl. will Bute*. Bo abarp haa Brown tho oxchanicos between the two Rovornmenta re- KardlnR the lacldani that &«creUry Huchet. wbo drafted the prenent American note lome time uso. with- held the dtapalch o( the "loat word" or tho United Suiee, (or fear that pabUcatlon of the strone dliavree- ment between the two countrlea would endanger tbe Brtllah debt eel- tlement, It U understood. Schooner Friendship Sights by 2nd Ship NORTOUC, Va.; nh. 1 6 -m r that , tbe^ four-matted achooner Frlendihlp ' ' had eunk wltli nil on board woa dli- ------------------polled -toda)r..wb«a. coaal-ffuard- bead- <iuartera hero'received, .u metaaito (rom the cutUr Manning eaylns ihe vn»<(l htd alfbted. U. S. Attorney. May . Ihvestiffate K. K. K. CINCINNATI. Oh Fob. 10-Tliomai. H. Morrow^ United Biales dlitrlci at- torney, afcalted authorlxatlon fron« Wathlnfion today before lakinc ofdc- tat action fn the probo o( alloged Ku Klux K its adlTIMet In Sprlnetleld. W. i t CorUer, ^ n d kleakle & .i\V l»niur, ta tn }all charged with riotout conaplracy.. Morrow wat rtQuesl^ by Spring- field authortliet; b» announced, to have a-fodm].department of luntlce ^ *agent . i(*nt- t0;8prin«ffeld M.lnveeiU . A ^ate ccrtoJa-ltieraturo aelted-In a Arid oo a»^aj)et«d >Ias m««tlog. Mor- h)w aald lu;bad referred ihe rwjuesl w'WaaWMlpn'. Amoimt'pip Whiskey Impbrted Is A sk ^ WABHlNQtWf,. reb, l«-^1ntoraa- ’ Uon-r«cardl;)« the aroountof whtakey imported V-fmlga^eabaKwie* iltre i tince QtUonU prohibition becaraevet- fectlra.wtt ohlered.brtbe-houie to- day.-, . ., , By a voit'ot itl t« l|a the hoote adopted B i^lMliinoa by RepreaeoU- W ive CramptoB «f: Mlcblgan to force Serretarr o^'lh• Treaaury Mellon to give iaformoUos reiiBrd}nfttaesmount o t lnlox!<tui(a imported' by'/orelgh e«baal««vaiM.prehlbUloa- becamt effective. . ‘Pfivrontly Mellon, raplyink In part to tbe Inquiry or the Jndlctary ' commluee, italej he couhl not "prop- Brlr'‘.g>ve the- Infomtatloa. BOULDER, Colo.»U waa a. profit- — able MOW tor George Jobntoti; urm er noar here, njchnaon mado «!I10 In , ^ Uirough MOW Arifu ol 2G ccnta a car. I N F Borah M on Than W iis . WABmSQTON. D. C,. Feb. 16._ Bonulor Borah will tnke tu Ihn |ii<n. plo otMho Unlled Htiitex und |<sr- ' hupo to tlioHfl ot Kuropo, hit plan ” TUr Ihu UUlliinliii. Ill mil mid llir I aettlcmeni of Intcrniitlnnil dlHpiiitii upon a Imnln'tir Ii\w liy ii wnrhl Borali'n lulcol plnn for nctllluK world_problwna.isi-lsy ,Jac_llie _mo»L imihiiliiun and Idcnllntlc ho hna :yet liropcuod, Ita InlrcHlui'llon In Ihe aennte this, week caUR^d name ot hlM colleaKUOfi in avcuap llnriih of N. becnmlng "more of uu Internallnnal IdoallAt than Wuodrow Wllsnn." i> In mi czrliialve Inlorvlew with the IlnltiHl Prcnn today Borah anhl N til* plnn muy nomid Jdonllntlc bm - t^Dt 11 U tho only prnctlcnl way to “ world iienco. ts Borah Moy Y hit Enropf. Thn aenator Ih cuiiBlderliiR a trip to Buropo Ihla summnr. . If.ho makvH It hu Will placo hiM propOHal nnuarc ly iKloro the pcopica of Ihe old _ world. a "AU the.leasuen for pcaco, and all tho worJd'B eWorla lo j>rct-e«l war," nold Dorah. vimto rocognlied |. Uie legitimacy of -wat. For Ihnt J. reaaou they have alL failed. It la E IDAHOLEG ISLMURE ^ILEOOEiCRATIC ?PROGRESSIVE BILLS >d 0- B013K, Idnho,. reb. IC.-Thu aen- aM (hla mornlnff ctenred Ita dcsk'i of all direct p.rlmary*n)eaaurea. by kllllQC houao bill S3, the wide open proxrcaalve meaaiire, and Indoflnltoly poatponlnR aennte bill 110. .tho dem- . bcratlc meaaurc the body- ot which had been taken out and ihd pro- greialve meoaure'a provlalona aub* ' Blltuled therefor. The progrcaalve ■ meaauro waa killed when n number ot democnta,. bavtUK already voted .. for one primary bill thia seaalop, - and probably b«ta| incepaed at the acUoti.Ukaa.by:ftsUfprlmax]L:repub!. llcana and progreoaUea eeveral daya ,‘,V «iw- ln' 'etnaamilittt* ittlV fflM iUMS, ,, changed tbelr roUa and caat,them ^ amtnat It. . Jbo roll call ahowed 18 ” for,Ihe houae bill ond 2S a«alntt. Tlie heuee iraa not yet aure whai It wunted in do witb Seiuior. Dla- ”r ney'a tax relief meaauro when It- cane np for paaaaite thia morulng, ''' and mndeji n apoclal order tn com- miuee ot the whole at 2 o'clock. ][r The bill had been on gencrnl or* „j dera fdr ametidmenl twice bofore In M. Ihe hoUBB. and wa« ri»nnrl«,l oUt each tlmo wllhoul amendment. . It waa paaaed Tueadoy. morning but to* ... eonaldercd and recalled trom tho tenate that aflemoan. Dt By Ita pruTlalon tho bill would re- h> duce the penalty on delinquent taxea ,]'■ fron> 0 to 3 por cent, und the tntcr- at eat from 18 to 10. Some membera e. believe thit reduction la needed lo M Rlve rellet to overtaxed ond over- ,1- burdened famtera. while othera think ao great a reduction will Impover- lah counUea throuBh non.collecllon of Uutea. ^ Japanese Caanot Lease Land P An antl-allen land leaao act waa paaaed by the Idaho boote ot repre- ifll aeniBlivea yeaterday afternoon by a dp vote ot M lo 0. which vrlll prohibit la- the leaaing of land In tho atate to id- Japan*ett/__i_:..i__ _______________ KO Declaring I t .'WUM time to atop Uie he leaalug^ ot Idnbo land 'to thoae>bb could uot becomi clUieuf and who could not be atalmllatedHn our.popu- laticin and whOBe. UvlQif icbndttloDa would n'oi.pjinillel that of'‘A m i^an W> labpr. Ileproa^ntaiSre Olllli ,0f- m n Foils; author, of tho blll. aupporied ll lay tn a apeech to tho houte.' Jio predict- at- ed an inriiTx of Japaneae Utronijh the )n« refuaal ot,tho federal covemment to Ic- releaao land now omupled In Waah- FCu iRf.aad b«catu« ct other atates jw««- li). Inf anll-leulns iawa. . lie Indetlnlie poatponement groeled.tbe Ith Whitehead houao bill, bad check bill. which would havo made the Utulac'ot ig- a check wlthont tunda, of..more than to |JO,.a felony. ; . Ice -------------. III. (♦■■■I. . .^^ 1 lATE WIRE TABS fd irABIlUOTOX, », C, Vrtl li. ,—The tiooao ' t 0407' adopted a »- proTllM Id. mor MTiO: onnllui* ' («r bm aUkerM ttr-n «>propHatloii 5-- • iK'■ to- ; I ^ l e i a • Uardfar. ‘ ue • COLOXBU'. rgl- 'Tib.- U- • Ir» blank.- rce waa carried treat the desUi cell to aad exMBted la tbo atate prUen tint b«re t»br- lUa llap'bo4|,w«ji Igh ttrapp^io tbe elKtrlc'cbaTr. vattSs&a:®-'- JeaklBa bad iv o u M & Ito fit- lewla. iWar- wff«; A M J TWIN-FAL-LS, IE re Idealistic \ l^n, Charge, | iw Juai PA ihough wo were lo eW t * I i;n. lnw layiiii; umriler ia leRltlmaie, I or- hut,It mURl, become connocfed only I hin wllli rmnln. wi;upona of n preclaely^ in> War lo Be a Crlm'e. r rhl "The proptwinl I hnv» iiiuda t« oul- . Jfliv war br niJkljiK It h itIjjjo Iur »Kaln«t nnllonii, In Juat an practically oai pomlblo-.aa, wua Uia_abnUUan_,ot . yet duolint;, nr the enillnit nf pirncy.. It Ihe took a long time to ilo hoth thono nt IhiiiRa, Public opinion (iniilly nc- of rompllihed It-" mil Will Appeal to I’eople. Btaieanien nnd dlploniula, Boroh 'Uh nald. vrlll acoft at hla plan .'and find :ohl niniiy tlawa In il. but.If ho can gel but the ear of the people.whn have to . to dlo In war oml pay tor war hn be- „ llcvca he will nllr up n groat public ncnilineot' In favor ot Iho lileo.. . rip "We muat ohollah Ihe Idea ot ' kvH force oa a mbnna of peace," he aold. irc "Then would follow Uio codltlca- • old tlon, Ihe wriilnif dpwu in order and • with preclalon the;T»»l aum of la- •> mil ternallonal luw. ao thst It would ■ eni be clwr ami iJe/Jned. The third atep- ^ aod would be catnbllahmoQl of a court ° hnt to drclde dlaiintea under tliat now la tnlcrnalloiinl law code.” * If Chicago Firemen i> \L Must Perk Up .or * C Leave Department ^ CinCAUO, Foh. IG—Eight hundred | ^ of ihe'ZZOO memhera ot the Chlcogo ^ n tire ilepariment wore •ordered todoy j \ in ■•get lit or auH” by Fire Comtnla- ^ .U aluiicr Juhn F. CuMerlon. Cullenun recunUy launched n re- ( . orgaDiuUon of lhu dcpiirtmcnl. u Thoiie threatened with dlamlaanl In- ^ cUidrd: . t jTy Niooty men uvur 00 yunr» old. p Beveniy-fivo unslneern nnd niiBiat- t ^]y anta who nro loo old to ailjual them- j aelvn In Iho molurltatlon of Iho de- llu,, parunent. . ^ , iro- Tliree hundred men over KO ycnra ^ lib- *'■'» “f" eligible for ponulona. i ,lv. Three hundred men nm ellglblo for itigf penaiona but who have grown over. | >tad *®'*ht. iniy or uro-otherwise Inco- i Iqp, pacitated. t tb# ; , I ------------------------ . I iyjlWRopi ilW lliS It - log, Dm- UTTLE ROCK. Ark.. Feb. 18—Vig- llauu who have controlled northern or.- Arkalsau for a month, continuo tn In- I In llmldite realdenta,'according tu lea- out UmoDy lant night at a apeclal aenalnn It bf,m5vmrg5miihommnreo-«r^mr to'. Btatf tw|.a|aturo.. tho Vilnt-Bomnr Porch, wlf© of a drug- glat, tMW(£j}'abo and her ftttabaRd re, had baen~atd«red to leovo Eureka ,xea SPrtAka wtU)in tbe loat woek. ter. Tb}-Wgilaniea charged they wero }era "und^ilrabln cItUena- becauae I'urch 10 had Itttlfled-b'e dld-not-*^oliavo Olilo ,er- I’rttchell couW get a fatr'triul In Car- link '■oil county.” PrllcheU -waa under In-, ver- dlatmkBt charged wlib burning a lion bridle of ih« Mlaaourl and North Ar- luatat nllrotd. Tba vlgliantea • aelxed conlrol of ^ ^ northkro Arkanaaa to preront a atrlke, patilytln* Iho railroad. . & W. OfltriUi t^UIUd before the 'pmoiltlM.tbBt he waa lolj by three VlWlMUilp TUrrtton that union men ' urim pttlU era would’not bn allowed' —f- I b. lh« thyti-i.Wrt~lh«f At. Jtinut l««¥n ; b.io« w. iv; Fbo ther iBd mother alto woro forced to who leavt'; /?< > M I f T , JP“- ..M rt; J .W 8l«wji,H, wifo of a atrlk- tr. told-f^eehJgr-tt'-W ; OWeal. a JK*' wealthy JtWol proprietor. Uken from; hU\i|oitH^ln. bU',night rcloi^M.aad « ll flegM-wiftrnied m«n tho nlght.fi, C. tict- QregbrKU'Iyobhed by the vigllanica.' tbe • I'.: _________ Nb^ Loud Speaking Telephone. Caii Be the lCk)0 Miles bill. . 'Vyi;;— I « ot NBW VORK. leb , IC -A nevjly In- hy lM9:memb«n of Uio^Aiberlcan In.> . tlltsu bf SlM lrical. Engineering Iti wiw.York and tlve bundred:membera lo Ohicoco at a iolnl .meetlns heict 1 Ittl BifbL k "Tbt experiment''Vtf'^a-~eooplnta ] - auectei aml.tha two'ialb(irlolt>.4early 1 ,^ mller apkrt.' fataiod In «air«iy ^ dliieWlon’.b r to'tlia' tdeHtaKtt tbe iBveniloB. Tbe-mieUiik'i^M i ‘ab aoiicUily aa It ,all .tb f m eaban bad beta la Uie tto e knid.'; W o«»St tba i ' l o i i ' D O N , - . ol ell commoBt todty‘ «aT«.:T>;^iir'Boniii OB U y.a'volt of confldesct oo hla Ruhr fllft ^ 't t n ° ^ * ” ll fltoed^'bi .-i tb & S -i^^ fjt^M ^ront at I «t trt^ariC^fnplrlUnttt defeati le*. ^ ..vwatit: Quattltd. ^robbbly asow,. »h ftfirUt portlonj. not ao cold north * ;■ _ ' -■■ ■ ') S D.‘ IDAHO,:.FRIDAY, FEBR RADliD SAVED 'MAliWSON WRECkEDllPS . ^ss Koimta to $C; 000,000 in Storms os Scti When Five t .QrofttJJ«##«l9_Ar(}_Lo$t;,qrow8 [ Saved by Radio Messosca; Fivo D isastm in Twonty-four Houcs la Rocord for Pacific. 1 “■— ^ 8A.N KJU.NCI8C0. >'d-. JC-Kvtr>- ' I fe ot thoae ImperliK'd wlian tlvu ablpn were lo«t In' tbt^Uiriii thnt nwupl the “ north t'aclfie. .tv a i ycnttTiliiy wim | t aaved.-' I Heroic dmla.ulbii will i;<> duwn In . tea hlatory inatkid lhi> r«a>:un at nrr- a eral pertona. afiet.’Uiu mdlo had cull- . od aid tfl-tl»o alnklBK <ir airiindcd vca- a aeU. i' • ' p- Feara ihat-loaa: of Ufo uilsht Imvo I been heavy ;w:aroi,alliiycd when tlio V “voice In the elorni." lhu crni-klliii; wlmltfa wiivan that pluyvd aiuh un - Importani part In- rcacnca. nn- • nounced ihat tho< cuiier Algonquin hod aavcd the llve» of iho <-r<-w nt Ihe Tuscan Prince, lunl dlstrcMivd alilp to he heard from. Il wns, believed here thnl no'llvun t buve been loal In any ot tlio .llriHBivn*, although It wim runiiirrd lhat ii rndlD- gram had nont word aahoro ihul Iho ‘‘ crew or the Tuacan Prince waa aufo ° aboard ibo cuiter AlgonnuIn wna un- >' true and due lo mlnlnterpreintlon nt ■■ mcaaaKet. Tho tivu dlHAHtem wlihln U liniirH- '' Iho RreaKuit hnrvcul ihe acn hua made on the Pacific in recent hlatnry—rc-> nulled In dratructlon nf carsm-a val. u<vl Ht tO.HOO.000 whllo undprwrlteM entlmated Ihe loaa nf hiillfl amoiinicd > to unolher tU.COO.QOO, m'nklng a totul >- loan ot IC.000.000. Ilndlo waa given credit f<ir, hnvlnR aaved the llvea ot tho ncorra ot anii- mrn who etcaped. In mont innluncea. uixliarmod. 'f Perbapa tho Rreotcat alnRle feat ot aeninanahip pertbrtned (n Iho umny *• Ihrlliing rtacuca raA«ln durliig tho five dlaanton, 'Waa.that of remuvinR frum Ihe' burning ateamer NIkn. IU crew by > meona pf n brrm^ea buoy. Dooe In 1 ifie open Vea, It'w ai a ■loak'requlrinK A avtry-onaoa of * Mllo*:#-rtaTlmr and m tklil aod waa carried out without thu S ' loaa of A Ilte. - RepOrta thit morning ahowed Ihe altuoUon waa:- Sloomer Tuacan Prince—breakloK up and-perhapa burning at Eatevan Point. DrlUah Columbia, I. Steamtr Saoia Rlla—aahore near -n Tatooab laland. Waah. ]. . Steamer .'MkA—burned lo thu wa* ter'a edgd. TuES 'wlll. prohably dyn- m amlte Ui« hull at a menace to navi. nr gation.----------- ------------------- --- Molorahlp Coolcha—aahore. proh- ably a luUl loaa nt Albert Hcud. B. .C. id UntdeatifJed threo master flchooonr :a —ashore neifr Canoanah Light. Van* couver laland, B. C. rc UnldenUfled frelgbUr-.reporled lo ;h be burning... May ro tho wreck ot Iho io BrltltU freighter Tuacan Prlpce. r- . " W M iiiiilliW iw m iD it S' ' ,n -AtlAMI,* >na., KeO: ia.urfoalnknt iKmocralia leadera from tnany aec-l re lloDa^mtt bere.todajc.itHb. Jamea M. ^ Cox:'pfdatd<Btifti n5SlBB«rtjriM0.— : io' . Altbongb .'inataUng I' lh en , wat- nu political it(gnfflduacr «<Ue<ied.(o (h« bJ KBlherlng. tho dvmocratto ietdart, freely diacutted poatlblt Itauea. In Ute coming campalgit and hinted tliat Oovernor 'K. U Sr^lih’.of New. Ydrk P might bo the atandard bearer In m . 1 "The tenilment In favor of Oov- emor Sm«)i tot* Uit democraUc can- I dfdtcy for prcildeot in the next'cam- . paign ta atronx throbgboul Uio coun- try." J. C. Nugent..'party leader of New Jertey. declared. • ;, t Edward .V. , Ifurljr','Ot Chicago, ^[former Preaident WlUont, cigbl- band man on Ute alllpplBi board. wa4 ™ among the party leadera hare. Ctth- era were Norman Bl kbck ot S‘ow Yorltr -Wm. J. Connprt ot Buitalo. 'Z and.Jamet B. MarUne.' torm<r'iena< 'I< tor, tron^ >'ow- jTrady.*;-^ .: tbe Rtxt eaojpaJifb. Co* tfeciartd. •to will, be /waged on Utt .foralgn Aollcy }y and UMff'letttlaUoi»tot-Ui*.UIi^B« W adminltlrnlion; ,T*toblbiUon alto. WiU ^ ba an ’USue, oihtr-'.^Mieamu jtaldJ Mw^er ‘bf 'Uakndwnl'A -j '>;::\-;^Maii ! ;ii5 r 7 k--Xfrsiitt ’fn’ 9iiui«oUoa; with .Ut«, mu/dpi ot -jn twl^ntlfiadi.-.nan v.whote,..iB«tllaad body/iw<tf rottnd..i»ear;btrt, .w trt’ .boi i«e . ; - ^ t v.wlth,., (l^m.^ocd^- W t»...w :»*a'bx.n,doua.pertona ali ................ ; .X*U«rI.ln ih*.rta , jW rw ,';jt«l4 ,.pgWi»b*t.riwo-. « . .'j todar.-; ' .-. J, . - V’V ^ I L Y jRUARY 16, 1923,_______ 11 TURKISH RULER ' t l 1 Uhmcl l’ii>hii, ruler of Turkey, nho bnf hrpii Ihc ».uh)cft of »llt*r iil. n iiickx rrrcnlly lipciiuie ho left ihc f f. iM'iice imrlcy ut l4iu»niino nithtiul 1 i. niiticc. ^ '■ _________ t i What’s Doing ' ii In Near East ' p - -------- l/tNDON, Fi'b. IC-AIHcilhlKh coiiiitilnHUinvrn aru aondlnK » |, ' jin!<t Ik AiiKvra «£»Iji>- rc/ii»JnK i» rctnKnIlo thn Turkish ulUma- .. tuui dpmnnillnR nvnriliitlon ot Smyrna harbor by fon-lKn wur ,- It 1. llrltlah nnd Ficnuh crulaera _ and dPiHroyi'rn havi: riimnliipd , I. (ui tho forhlddcn wntcra over , 'ih p tlmi! Umll hy Iho lulpi.1 Oi). ' ]. toman iililmaium. Trouble In nnt exjicclpit. hnwuver. lhu ,,, Krnudi liclluvliiK 11 nmy yet ho | ul poii«1hlp 111 roiiump thc inncn " parley lhat coUapnod at Uiu- Hutirnv PrfHpui'o nf Sir Hnrnco li IlumboUI. nrltlah tnvoy ul i’on- r atnntlnnple. Rave rltm lo rumnrii In French clrclca thnt thc irenty 1 nilxht ho airiipd there. ’y I ve ' _____ tOSTl Bllfflffi HK (By United Prena.) nr TUIriy-flve pepiona loal Ihelr liven In thc C(t1d wave which awopt the .g. country during Iho wook, occordlnK .Q. lo reportn campllvd todny. vl. Temperaturen hORon to advance In tbO-JiorlliWc8l,..n:Uo.y.ln5 ."'>"’e of tho )h. nutferlHR from tho atorm oiid Itiienno .C. cold. However, toro weather atlll inr gripped Ihe, E;iat. i .n- Practically oil Uvea Imperilled by galea ianhlni; nhlpplHR on tho Atlantic to and Pacific coiinta were reporied ho eaved. Tho fato ot tho crew -of the Tuacan Trln'ce. acroiind near Enlevan Point waa aUil in doubt. , |i/ Thirteen doaUia allrlbuloliI» lu iho fK cold worn reported in Ihe norlhwcat, kll alx- la-Chicago. elRht In Beatlle, and -*' eight acatterlnff throHffboul ths ceo- IT Iral west, |.{ , Raliroada were able to reaume prac- ' (Icaliy norjnal sobeduics throughout the,op.rihwc^t today. , ; ' tot • .Coal.tupllca :Tfo,re 'reported hnnlng !C-I ahort. In Inland-towns. Ml —iL.r ____ no Mayoir7ie%ral“A8ks In v estig atio n of to ' V S h o 6 tin ig ,o f H i> Son In WAStllNdTON; D, ,t. Feb, IC.— Foriiier army . otsoi-'lntea of -Major Qeneral Adalbert Cronkhlle. recenl- in- ly placed on tlie retired llit agalnal hit wlah'by Prealdent Harding to- day jblhk' In thn dtmasd lhai a „( tomplete fnvetllgatfon be made by congroaa ot tho-order and tho mya- -o' urlooa aUooUog of the KentraVt aon. gr: Major Altxandtr P. Cronkhllo at Ctnjp U w lt. Waah.. In 1918. N ex t P ope May Come sa. I^bih W ^ t of Rockies fi ROMa Feb. lljrht-next Amnrt- oan. cardinal probAly;. will . tM from Hll wtat ot tltt Itooky .noanialni, ottl- clahi of tbp^ taUcaB tntlmoiM to- :.j* - .po^.PiuaJuu.racenUy.given coii- '*-1 alderablt Uiougbl,to crtaUon. ot.'aaw ^ itaecicut ,Vred halt:', and apiMrtBlty , hat oom« (o tha concluaion that tbt aplehmd prOgreta' of tbt RomtB (n. Catholic church, in •California and JB oUier Vftltetrr araWe' nhohid' be“ rec- M ^ is e d .br .'tbli .manner; they aald- “•I* ^ . obTBiucoit BEsioKS. ^ ' WASHIKOTOMr-D. C., Feb. !«,— S : Tba. rtalffuUon «f Oovemor B. ^ Monl R«lly of Porto Rico will b« ^ a b l^ t o UlU coDDU-y vttbin a vtrr •r* ,'?W )pjiii',i'ia*i!i>:i!t. s t i r o ? litM Bormal' &^tBO!tiL,a^',^btr bitalBott Ijgj aarioU' '?Daliir4i''<‘o( TrMafbv^iMotra aituaUon. < . f TO 1 1 WORSE m Strike Has CMccl Onl 100,000 Fraiico-Britiiih Confcrciicc En Qcnniin NatioiiuUHt;; Prepare Agree 'to Mccl Striker.'' in -Ct DUSSELDOJiF; Feb. 1G,-An itt tlie RtiJjr «iii!tij)licd today wuti scarcoly distlnsuisl'ablc from thnt Conditions were woruc at Esse l. were sent out to occupy the toM IP fixed bnyonots joyluUy helped llio: ul Tho tension lncrc;uied throughout wore reporting preparing :i demon _ the Fronch too oxtraordinnry prcc Plumbers Strike as Cold Wave Reaches t ..Chicago; Shut SchooU CIlirAOO, Krl), l<;-Munk-iiial pluiutiiTR ulniiK icidiiy im ihp <citd wuvu r(iniliiili'i|. dpprlvliiK th<- clly ul Illl wiitiir main rcjKilr f.irn', Ai th.> Knitir flcii.t Ihp «r .-<!■ ui-ntlnn rgporiMi] riftv ni hiiol-i lu ...... 1 •If poal anil liiilmiilpcl ihpy wcuhl-iip (:l(WP<l unip^'i fiipl iDulil ....... .. Iniinrdlalply. Tpuipprnlurr.1 wrrp HllKhlly hiKhrr today and lhu wpuihiT liiiri';iii jiri-- .!icl.'.l till- ppaU nf thr rfllil xv;ivp Was I paal. BIX dpathn nml i> ur'irp nt lu-rluun Injurli'K rcniillL<( frniil llip i i>M. Im- Ucp niporlti nhowed, Tlie Uro hnriinl brcainp thrpiiipii. ln»: ulth the ulrlko nt phimhi-ra aud nmny hoiiipa reportpd lurk nf water. New Gasoline Will Run Car 160 Miles KANSAS CITY. hjn.. Feb, 111—The inKtorlntA mlllenlum lii duwnluR, nc. cordlnc tu Icudcru In the aulomnliiip nduytry. herr attending the , nnnual ' motor car alifiw.' |\ "Oaacllne that will opvraiv u hio. II tor rnr IGO mllen nn n Rallon la n ccrlalnty," C, F. Kolterlng, prpaldcnt of the Oeiiorai Molorn corporation, declnred today, “It may coiiip In five yeara und It may nnt come tor auven' „ or elRht yeara." hn "What muai be done la to build a nK car that will keup out of thc repair BhopB," C, N. Nnah. veteran automi)- In bile conatructor, anid, ’ mo Hobo Banquet to --------: Cost Ten Cents by . --------- U'l DE.VVKK. Colo.. Feb..lC—Invltntiona ed wrro oul l(Klay for a hohn banquet lo ho bo Riven al the Hobo U bor coIIcro! on iipre, Tho roal of vho dinner will he 10 .ho cenia a plnte nnd tho menu conaiala rat, of cotfee, hnm aundwlchea, pickles; nd cabbage.-ple nnd doughnnta. to~ The larllatlnna were m nl lo all churchra in Denver wlUi liie explan- ,c. atlon thal the coliego had voted' lo ac- )Ut Utumluru . from ali denomino- tlnna ‘‘that wtH.huip ua iu aceklng (be ''»!“■■■• _______________ . . -CHIWftSEr" ■"HEAROl JUDGE ' I DUVALL IN COURI by y*’ UerKcr .Man Tlilnka lie Followed Aotii on. from ilN llcn Houae to Yard oi ot Man in HouUi.Park AddlUon. The prolinilDBry hearin'ic In'tho case , cf tbe atato agalnal Fre<i Qrcni ; charged wlUi ateallng 20 Ithode It- ;eS land Red und eight t^Rboro chlckeni from W, B, Biarr ot Bergor came or . before Probate Judgt O.,P. I^vatl fbli ,1; iB^tie Tdpmlrtr and had followed Uit auW'traUu; Ut aaWicar;tT»cka,aUnr .' la^.tO-Uiot; wfalcb h rb ad dUboveret on* B tv ' hla '^ e .tU ^ it inlo-tha Oreni yard in South Ptirk. Q ra u .waa Uiere eamoito.iown and ^got. out atarcl wirrakt; Hif .waa'not,»ori.abouTufi >?■“ WroUiy Lt*b»rat. but jvaj potlUve frtm^tUS.rtda, hoitald.. alleged cvrr^tiiMaed. wtUi^lboab «i .Ib a cbloktna tU tte b r. tHe oftlcaii 8 ^ wiui U ftW rcb -^rrw t - •' • ». ' A 'yaM nt'w aa'tw ern' ottt for lb' Hrra^t'dt Q^Bs ltut-wbba ttw'otnc;«r rtrr cot to bla p l a c e h a d cona'-irlt] ": hit'car. Ut«r ba «nu AiTHtad «aa „. urt'KiwanihiT'^: - ......y'fr---" :■-- C < ..JVillowlBi tb t l«h>daetlo&^r,<tM Mtt, onr to appear In th^-dliloeli^ ffi ^ot^*“ '-'/.-.■'..•-'A. MES OLU vou xm— NO. H i n r lilR T Ii 10 MJncrs, Accordjnff to Boporls; Ended Abruptly in Disaffrcetncnt; \re for Demonstration; EmploycTB Conference Is Only Hopeful Sipi. •Arrests, rejtricliono aud resistance nitll miny districts were in a stato lilt of war. :sBcu, where two infantry companies o-A-n hnll, nnd French soldiers witli thomaolvea in shojH and restaurants, icut the day. Qcrman nationalists nonatnition against the invaders and< irccautiona, fcating a coup. •“ ' <:.-iicTal K.mriil.T rniinht H> break llic nhoiikpi'prni liDVi'dlt nRalnal lhu rri'iu h tr>in|i.. l>y in-rmllllTiK hla nol- in lirciik In an<1 lakp what U llM-y iilpi.nnl, i'l.Uui. had a rUiloUH Ihlll- In i-at'.n, •IrliikliiR treo hver iiiitl )li|iKirii, OlrU'<-ni rpi|Ulalti(itiQd ,„1 by tdri'ii Mhali'UT ihpy rpiiulrcd. Ill I.dS’iKiN', l-Vh, lli._Tlio lalPMt Kriiii.cillrlllKh c'cmrrrpiiPO endwl ..}• iitmnitly K..b}-. rpii..r(p<llj- In dla- <-il ............ »l(h llui llrlllnh rcUiflng •-d iiianiiij>l iralnn ihroiiRli iho Cologne irr 0|itliiihm piprpiiiiril earlier In Iho ri.. il:i>- lhat -M-'t.cTriH-ii»pr. French mln- .„K lnl> r cif iiiibllr w.irkn, wnnhl bo auc. .fill 111 hlx mlnxlnn. wna damped ,,,,, wlu'ik llu- imriny lipparently cui- I«|«id. Th.' fJiicBir »unrlve» Ibe liri'iik'hmn. hciwpvrr, ll waa aulhorl- latlvply'liiillruinl. Tho French will return to I'arl* iooIrIiI. I’rpnilrr I jiw, Maruula Curxon and ' Lord IhTby met with l.«Trocquer m d Uun«rnl Yayoi at 10 Downing atreet today and tho French conewait Ihrlr rc'iueat for permlaalon lo run coal trnina ffom Ibn Ruhr, with rrench guarda, through the nrea bald ■he by the llrltlah oil' the Ilhlne. It „u. wan aald Ihe Briiiah regard IhU at ,llP tn InfrlnKement uu their aoverelgoiy ' ual 'n Ihn'McupIed area. iiKWWO Mlnfrt'Strniei. a I'AJliS; Feb. M i-Htadanarttrt oi 'f pn, ‘.he Uniinry FederalioB- of Mioert 01, innounced today that 10^,000 m lntn hnve anawered the general atrlke rail and walked ouL Bmployen de- clare thnt hut a tmall per e«Bt ot French mine, workers. art onV and ^ ° thal theao are mainly comnanltlt. The general atrlkt order waa COa-' v. firmed al a meeting of the UnlUry Fvderatinn whieh.repreaentt aStretn- lata;-last nlR bt^tertom ftnea'll- •••- rcady-hnd-tjult work and deltctltt . . left early today for varlqna eenltrt Its of 11)6 Loire ianla lo orgaaJte rulllea. j one The employera gave In to'thn tx* to tent of agreeing to diacuaa tha qum- cro: Uon ot wagea. which precipitated • '■ Ihe genrfml strike, with tho men't ^ 10 leadera, .i; late . Meanwhile, the mlnert‘ tlrlk t in les, Belgium hna beon aucoaaatnl lo a corlaln . extent, tbo mine ownen ' aJI ImvJjjff n/ferrd tbe atrikert a C per nn- cent iBcreaae. ac- llelgUn IndustrlallaU galbertd. tl na- nruaaela-for a conference wltWPrc- tbe mler Theimia. at wblch 'thar .out-. ', lined the dlffiCQUItt. rat'utttBK'k^m ; leasenlilg coal, ahlpmttata tn m Otr^ * uble .'^xchange condtUona, tbey-ihld. . - i The.telnlalry of .;puWJo,works ,*Br nounced that of lio.ooo mlnera. only' 50.000 ^ atruck. J .- President Aklci for i)t $21,0001000 to Scrap Kl Many Big Batdeshipt IVAfllllNaTOK. D . a. nb. IS.- Preaident Harding today atktd coi^ r " , greta fnr a deficiency approprlaUoB i of ISl.000,000 to acrap tbe battle- ^ abipa doomed by Uit Wasbington . arms conferenco trtaUtt. ; Hla acllon ihdicatu -^at ba tx- pccta ratitlcatlon o t.^^n l >b#U ^ {ation fretiy by rraHI5i,iw|UMn.'tba • J I on "“ r' future. n>,., liar* ;

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: l ^ W l

, B ecw ta rjr- o f ' B to te H ijg b w D c- a o u n o M T re a tm e a t o f -A m c r i -

[ a a O o o iv h s t N ew e aa tle ;

" O o n n l i A M iu e d o f O o«rcion iB '-.O osnectloQ w i tb S a b je c ts

C iom in f to A m e ric a .

- •WASHISOTON, D. C.. l'*ob. 10.—» T h t United 8Ul«« I lift* p repared a

■ note to O reac' »rtta (n tJo-. nouDclDB the aUltudo o( the lAticr KOTortimeU to u m lU a s (wo Amnrl- c a n ' ean iu ls from Kawcnutlo. £ng - land, l l WM Jearapd today.

■ The note, ilp ie il by Sccrolary ot 'S tate H unhea.. iftkei no trouble ' t o conceal, tbo dlapleMUro of thn Amer­ic a n 'n v e m m e n l a t the etan<I Inkon by O real Britain In connection wllh h e r se tlon lome monlhn anu In can- eelUDK the exaqualor*. o r recoBBl- tlon o f the Unlied Btatca conauln a t N ew cuU e.- I t ' i i uniierstooO th a t Secre tary of

<6(»u : l ! u ih e t iho rtly will publUU tb o American pole, m aklns plAln the

' exirem o apiiojranee oiiU' diapleasure o t Uiti itov trnn inL

T he N ew ctille, l&cldenl han cauieil i n oBuauil amount tricilon be-

■ iw cM 'Uie t w torem m eot*.Agabiiit C on»l!i Fol^e.

: Tbe it> rm tit .ib a rp oole tchuIIs from ft reply recently received from O reat ^ r i t a la flatly refualDc n re- QUott by the United B tatet Uial tho B rm »h iw rerw nenl w ithdraw the c h s rtM asmlnit the American cnn- tu la . .%AailnvMtlcaUou by thia | ot- e m n e n t had .found these charicen bMelMo. ,•

T t a ^ r s M 'w t r e lh a t tbe Ameri­c an r e p rM « it |U ru Ja queatlon, Con-

• • • u r T fW 'C r 't r tU r 'W d '. 'V lc e Consnl

■ abiecu .com tnc.to the United Siatei. to mOJ . ob 'A m erican .ahlppU^s board Y eite li , • ^

V . fU W llV ^e t'O pen U r. H aih e a jta u o u a ctt la Itls p w -

• n t ’ n o ta .'Whltti w ill probably end th e .tnoldeni lo far ae W aahlngton » coneernvd, Ih st In view of the

. t t t l iu d e aMumed by Uio B rltiab .tov - '• rn m e n t.- th e American coniulale a t

___________ ycw cagtle. • now, already cloenl. will

B ute* .Bo abarp haa Brown tho oxchanicos

betw een the two Rovornmenta re- KardlnR the lacldani th a t &«creUry H uche t. wbo drafted the prenent A m erican note lom e time uso. w ith­held the dtapalch o( the "loat word" or tho United S u iee , (o r fear tha t pabUcatlon of the s tro n e d liavree- m ent between the two countrlea w ould endanger tbe Brtllah debt eel- tlem ent, It U understood.

Schooner Friendship S igh ts by 2nd Ship

NORTOUC, Va.; n h . 1 6 - m r th a t , tbe^ four-matted achooner Frlendihlp' ' had eunk wltli nil on board woa d li-

------------------polled -toda)r..wb«a. coaal-ffuard- bead-<iuartera he ro 'rece ived , .u metaaito (rom th e cutU r Manning eay lns ihe

‘ vn»<(l h td alfbted.

U. S. Attorney. May . Ihvestiffate K. K. K.

CINCINNATI. Oh Fob. 10-T liom ai. H. Morrow^ United Biales d litrlc i a t­torney, afcalted authorlxatlon fron« W ath lnfion today before lak inc ofdc- ta t action fn the probo o( alloged Ku K lux K its adlTIMet In Sprlnetleld.

W. i t CorU er, ^ n d kleakle & .i \V l» n iu r , ta tn }all charged with rio to u t conaplracy..

Morrow w at r tQ u es l^ by Spring­field authortliet; b» announced, to have a -fo d m ].d e p a rtm e n t of luntlce

^ * agen t . i(*nt- t 0 ; 8 prin«ffeld M .lnveeiU. A ^ a te ccrto Ja -ltie ra tu ro a e lte d -In a

Arid oo a»^aj)et«d > Ias m««tlog. Mor- h)w aald lu ;b a d referred ihe rwjuesl w 'W aaWMlpn'.

Amoimt'pip Whiskey Impbrted Is A sk ^

W ABHlNQtWf,. r e b , l« -^1n to raa- ’ U on-r«cardl;)« th e aroountof whtakey

im ported V -fm lg a ^e a b a K w ie * iltre i tin ce QtUonU prohibition becaraevet-

f e c tlr a .w tt o h le re d .b r tb e -h o u ie to-day.-, . ., , ■

By a v o i t 'o t i t l t« l | a th e hoote adopted B i^lMliinoa by RepreaeoU-

W iv e CramptoB « f: Mlcblgan to force S e rre ta rr o ^ 'lh • T reaaury Mellon to give iaformoUos reiiB rd}nfttaesm ount o t lnlox!<tui(a im ported ' b y '/o re lg h e « b aa l« « v a iM .p re h lb U lo a - becam t effective. . ‘Pfiv ron tly Mellon, raplyink In p a rt to tbe Inquiry or the Jndlctary

' commluee, i ta le j he couhl not "prop- B rlr'‘ .g>ve the- Infom tatloa. ■ •

BOULDER, C olo.»U waa a . profit- — able MOW tor George Jobntoti; u r m e r

noar here, n jc h n a o n mado «!I10 In , ^ Uirough MOW A rifu o l 2G ccnta a car.

I N FB o r a h M o n

T h a n W i i s. WABmSQTON. D. C,. Feb. 16._

Bonulor Borah will tnke tu Ihn |ii<n. plo otM ho Unlled Htiitex und |<sr-

' hupo to tlioHfl o t Kuropo, h it plan ” TUr Ihu UUlliin liii. Ill mil mid l lir

I aettlcmeni of Intcrn iitlnn il dlHpiiitii upon a Im nln'tir Ii\w liy ii wnrhl

Borali'n lulcol plnn for nctllluK world_problwna.isi-lsy ,Jac_llie _mo»L imihiiliiun and Idcnllntlc ho hna :yet liropcuod, Ita InlrcHlui'llon In Ihe aennte this, week caUR^d name ot hlM colleaKUOfi in avcuap llnriih of

N. becnmlng "more of uu Internallnnal IdoallAt than Wuodrow Wllsnn."

i> In mi czrliialve Inlorvlew with the IlnltiHl Prcnn today Borah anhl

N til* plnn muy nomid Jdonllntlc bm- t^Dt 11 U tho only prnctlcnl way to “ world iienco.ts Borah Moy Y h it Enropf.

Thn aenator Ih cuiiBlderliiR a trip to Buropo Ihla sum m nr. . If.ho makvH It hu Will placo hiM propOHal n nuarc ly iKloro the pcopica of Ihe old

_ world.a "AU th e .lea su e n for pcaco, and

a ll tho worJd'B eWorla lo j>rct-e«l war," nold Dorah. vimto rocognlied

| . Uie legitimacy of -wat. For Ihnt J . reaaou they have alL failed. I t la


?PROGRESSIVE BILLS>d •0- B013K, Idnho ,. r e b . IC .-T hu aen-

aM (hla mornlnff ctenred Ita dcsk'i o f all direct p .rlm ary*n)eaaurea. by kllllQC houao bill S3, the wide open proxrcaalve m eaaiire, and Indoflnltoly poatponlnR aennte b ill 110. .tho dem-

. bcratlc meaaurc the body- ot which had been taken o u t and ihd pro- greialve meoaure'a provlalona aub*

' Blltuled therefor. The progrcaalve ■ meaauro waa killed when n number

o t d em o cn ta ,. bavtUK already voted .. fo r one prim ary bill thia seaalop,- and probably b « ta | incepaed a t the

acU oti.U kaa.by:ftsU fprlm ax]L:repub!. llcana and progreoaUea eeveral daya,‘,V «iw- ln' 'etnaamilittt* ittlV fflMiUMS,

, , changed tb e lr ro U a and c aa t,th em ^ am tnat It. . J b o ro ll call ahowed 18 ” fo r,Ih e houae bill ond 2S a«alntt.

Tlie heuee iraa no t yet aure w hai It wunted in do witb S e iu io r. Dla-

”r ney'a tax relief meaauro when It- c a n e np for paaaaite thia morulng,

' ' ' and m n d e ji n apoclal order tn com- m iuee o t the w hole a t 2 o'clock.

][r The bill had been on gencrnl or* „ j dera fdr ametidmenl twice bofore In M. Ihe hoUBB. and wa« ri»nnrl«,l oUt

each tlmo w llhoul amendment. . It waa paaaed Tueadoy. m orning bu t to*

. . . eonaldercd and recalled trom tho tenate th a t a flem oan .

Dt By Ita pruTlalon tho bill would re- h> duce the penalty on delinquent taxea ,]'■ fron> 0 to 3 por cent, und the tntcr- a t eat from 18 to 10. Some membera e . believe th it reduction la needed lo M Rlve rellet to overtaxed ond over- ,1- burdened fam tera. while othera think

ao great a reduction will Impover- lah counUea throuBh non.collecllon of Uutea.^ Japanese C aanot Lease Land

P An antl-allen land leaao act waa paaaed by the Idaho boote o t repre-

ifll aeniBlivea yeaterday afternoon by a dp vote o t M lo 0. which vrlll prohibit la- the leaaing of land In tho atate toid- Japan*ett/__i_:..i__ _______________KO Declaring I t .'WUM time to atop Uie he leaalug^ ot Idnbo land 'to th o a e > b b

could uot becom i c lU ieuf and who could not be a talm llatedH n our.popu- laticin and whOBe. UvlQif icbndttloDa would n 'oi.pjinillel th a t o f '‘A m i^ a n

W> labpr. Ileproa^ntaiSre O lllli ,0f- m n Foils; author, o f th o blll. aupporied ll

lay tn a apeech to tho houte.' J io predict- at- ed an inriiTx of Japaneae Utronijh the )n« refuaal o t,th o federa l covem m ent to Ic- releaao land now omupled In Waah- FCu iR f.aad b«catu« c t o ther atates jw««- li). In f a n ll- leu ln s iawa. . lie Indetlnlie poatponement groeled.tbe Ith Whitehead houao bill, bad check bill.

which would havo made the U tu lac 'o t ig- a check w lthont tunda, of..more than to |JO ,.a felony. ; .

Ice -------------.III. (♦ ■ ■ ■ I. . — .^ ^ 1

lATE WIRE TABSf d irA BIlU OTO X , » , C , V rtl l i .

,—The tiooao ' t0407' adopted a » - p ro T llM Id. m o r MTiO: onnllui* ' («r b m a U k e r M t t r - n «>propHatloii

5-- • iK'■to- ■ ; I ^ l e i a • U ardfar. ‘

u e • COLOXBU'. rgl- 'Tib.- •U- • Ir» blank.-rce waa carried treat the desUi cell to aad exMBted la tbo atate prUen

tint b«re t» b r- lU a llap 'bo4|,w «ji Igh t t r a p p ^ io tbe elKtrlc'cbaTr.

vattSs&a:®-'-JeaklBa bad iv o u M & Ito fit- lewla. iWar- wff«;


re Idealistic \ l^n, Charge, |iw Juai PA ihough wo were lo e W t * Ii;n. lnw layiiii; umriler ia leRltlmaie, Ior- h u t,I t mURl, become connocfed only I hin wllli rm nln . wi;upona of n preclaely^

in> War lo Be a Crlm'e. rrhl "The proptwinl I hnv» iiiuda t« ou l- .

Jfliv war b r niJkljiK It h itIjjjo Iur »Kaln«t nnllonii, In Juat an practically oai pom lblo-.aa, w ua U ia_abnU U an_,ot . yet duolint;, nr the enillnit nf pirncy.. It Ihe took a long time to ilo hoth thono nt IhiiiRa, Public opinion (iniilly nc- of rompllihed It-"

mil Will Appeal to I’eople. •Btaieanien nnd dlploniula, Boroh

'Uh nald. vrlll acoft a t hla plan .'and find :ohl niniiy tlawa In il. bu t.If ho can gel but the ear of the people.w hn have to .

to dlo In war oml pay tor w ar hn be- „ llcvca he will nllr up n g roat public ncnilineot' In favor o t Iho lileo.. .

rip "We muat ohollah Ihe Idea ot ' kvH force oa a mbnna of peace," he aold. i r c "Then would follow Uio codltlca- • old tlon, Ihe w riilnif dpwu in order and •

with preclalon the;T »»l aum of la- •> m il ternallonal luw. ao th s t It would ■ en i be c lw r ami iJe/Jned. The third atep- aod would be catnbllahmoQl of a court ° hnt to drclde dlaiintea under tliat now

la tnlcrnalloiinl law code.” *

I f Chicago Firem en i>\L Must Perk U p .or *

C Leave D epartm ent ^

CinCAUO, Foh. IG—E ight hundred |^ of ihe'ZZOO memhera ot the Chlcogo ^n tire ilepariment wore •ordered todoy j\ in ■•get lit o r auH” by Fire Comtnla-

. U aluiicr Juhn F. CuMerlon.Cullenun recunUy launched n re- (

. orgaDiuUon of lhu dcpiirtmcnl. uThoiie threatened with dlamlaanl In- ^

cUidrd: . tjTy Niooty men uvur 00 yunr» old. p

Beveniy-fivo unslneern nnd niiBiat- t^]y anta who nro loo old to ailjual them- j

ae lvn In Iho molurltatlon of Iho de-llu,, parunent. . ^ ,iro- Tliree hundred men over KO ycnra ^lib- *'■'» “ f" eligible for ponulona. i ,lv . Three hundred men nm ellglblo foritigf penaiona but who have grown over. |>tad *®'*ht. iniy or uro-otherw ise Inco- iIqp, pacitated. ttb# ; , I ------------------------ . ■ I

i y j l W R o p ii l W l l i S

It -log, ■Dm- UTTLE ROCK. Ark.. Feb. 18—Vig-

l l a u u who have controlled northern or.- Arkalsau for a month, continuo tn In-

I In llm ldite rea ldenta,'according tu lea- ou t UmoDy lant n igh t a t a apeclal aenalnn

It b f ,m 5 v m rg 5 m iih o m m n re o -« r^ m r to'. Btatf tw |.a|aturo.. tho V ilnt-B om nr Porch, wlf© of a drug-

glat, tMW(£j}'abo and h e r ftttabaRd re , had baen~atd«red to leovo Eureka

,xea SPrtAka wtU)in tbe loat woek. te r . Tb}-Wgilaniea charged they wero }era "und^ilrabln cItUena- becauae I'urch

10 had Itttlfled-b'e dld-not-*^oliavo Olilo ,e r- I’rttchell couW get a fa tr 'triu l In Car- link '■oil county.” PrllcheU -waa under In-, ver- dlatmkBt charged wlib burning a lion bridle of ih« Mlaaourl and North Ar-

lu a ta t n l l r o td .Tba vlgliantea • aelxed conlrol of

^ northkro Arkanaaa to preron t a atrlke, patily tln* Iho railroad.. & W. OfltriUi t^ U IU d before the 'pm oiltlM .tbBt he waa lo l j by three VlW lM U ilp T U rrtton th a t union men

' u r im p t t lU e r a would’ no t bn allowed'— f- Ib . lh« thyti-i.Wrt~lh«f At. Jtinut l««¥n

; b .io « w . iv ;Fbo ther iBd m o the r a lto woro forced to who le av t'; /?< > M I f T ,JP“ - ..M rt; J . W 8l«wji,H, wifo of a atrlk -

tr . to ld -f^ e e h Jg r- tt '-W ; OWeal. a JK*' wealthy JtW ol proprietor. U ken from;

hU \i|oitH ^ln. bU ',n igh t rc lo i^M .aad « ll f legM -w iftrn ied m«n tho nlght.fi, C. tic t- Q regbrK U 'Iyobhed by the vigllanica.' tbe • I '. : _________

N b^ Loud Speaking Telephone. Caii Be

the lCk)0 Milesbill. . 'Vyi;;— I« o t NBW VORK. l e b , IC -A nevjly In-

hy lM 9:m em b«n of Uio^Aiberlcan In.>. t l l t s u bf S lM lr ic a l. Engineering Iti

wiw.York and tlve bundred:m em bera lo Ohicoco a t a io ln l .m eetlns heict

1 Ittl BifbLk "T b t ex p erim en t''V tf'^a -~ eoop ln ta ] - auectei am l.tha tw o 'ialb(irlolt> .4early

1 , ^ m ller apkrt.' f a ta io d In « a ir« iy ^ dliieW lon’. b r to 't l ia ' tdeH taK tt tbe

iBveniloB. T b e -m ie U iik 'i^ M i ‘ab aoiicUily aa It ,a ll . t b f m e a b a n bad beta la Uie t t o e knid .'; W o « » S t tba

i ‘ ' l o i i ' D O N , - . ol e ll commoBt tod ty ‘ «aT « .:T > ;^iir'B on iii OB U y .a 'v o lt of confldesct oo h la Ruhr

fllft ^ ' t t n ° ^ * ” ll fltoed^'bi . - i t b & S - i ^ ^ f j t ^ M ^ r o n t a t I « t t r t ^ a r i C ^ f n p l r l U n t t t defeati

le*. ..vw atit: Q u a t tltd . ^robbbly asow,.» h ftfirUt portlonj. not ao cold north *

;■ _ ' -■■ ■')



. ^ s s K o im ta to $C;000,000 in

’ S to rm s o s Scti W hen F iv e t .Q rofttJJ«##«l9_A r(}_L o$t;,qrow 8

[ S a v ed b y R a d io M essosca;

F iv o D i s a s t m in T w onty -four

H oucs la R o c o rd f o r Pac ific .

1 “ ■—^ 8A.N KJU.NCI8C0. >'d-. JC-Kvtr>- ' I fe ot thoae ImperliK'd wlian tlvu ablpn

were lo«t In' tb t^U iriii thnt nwupl the “ north t'aclfie. . t v a i ycnttTiliiy wim | t aaved.-'I Heroic dm la .u lb ii will i;<> duwn In . tea hlatory in a tk id lhi> r«a>:un at nrr- a eral pertona. afie t.’Uiu mdlo had cull- . od aid tfl-tl»o alnklBK <ir airiindcd vca- a aeU. i ' • 'p- Feara ihat-loaa: of Ufo uilsht Imvo I been heavy ;w:aroi,alliiycd when tlio V “voice In the elorni." lhu crni-klliii;

w lm ltfa wiivan tha t pluyvd aiuh un - Importani p a rt In- rcacnca. nn- • nounced ih a t tho< cuiier Algonquin

hod aavcd the llve» of iho <-r<-w nt Ihe Tuscan Prince, lunl dlstrcMivd alilp to he heard from.

Il wns, believed here thnl no'llvun t buve been loal In any ot tlio .llriHBivn*,

although It wim runiiirrd lhat ii rndlD- gram had nont word aahoro ihul Iho

‘‘ crew or the Tuacan Prince waa aufo ° aboard ibo cu iter AlgonnuIn wna un- >' true and due lo mlnlnterpreintlon nt ■■ mcaaaKet.

Tho tivu dlHAHtem wlihln U liniirH- ' ' Iho RreaKuit hnrvcul ihe acn hua made

on the Pacific in recent hlatnry—rc-> nulled In dratructlon nf carsm-a val. u<vl Ht tO.HOO.000 whllo undprwrlteM entlmated Ihe loaa nf hiillfl amoiinicd

> to unolher tU.COO.QOO, m'nklng a totul >- loan ot IC.000.000.

Ilndlo waa given credit f<ir, hnvlnR aaved the llvea o t tho ncorra ot anii- mrn who etcaped. In mont innluncea. uixliarmod.

'f Perbapa tho Rreotcat alnRle feat ot aeninanahip pertbrtned (n Iho umny

*• Ihrlliing rtacuca raA«ln durliig tho five dlaanton, 'W aa.that of remuvinR frum Ihe' burning ateam er NIkn. IU crew by

> meona pf n b rrm ^ea buoy. Dooe In 1 ifie open Vea, I t 'w a i a ■loak'requlrinK A avtry -onaoa of * Mllo*:#-rtaTlmr and m tk lil aod waa carried ou t without thu

S' loaa of A Ilte.

- RepOrta th i t morning ahowed Ihe altuoUon waa:-

Sloomer Tuacan Prince—breakloK up a nd-perhapa burning a t Eatevan Point. DrlUah Columbia,

I. S team tr Saoia Rlla—aahore near -n Tatooab laland. Waah.]. . Steamer .'MkA—burned lo thu wa*

ter'a edgd. TuES 'w lll. prohably dyn- m amlte Ui« hull a t a menace to navi.nr gation.-----------— ------------------- ---

Molorahlp Coolcha—aahore. proh- ably a luU l loaa n t A lbert Hcud. B. .C.

id UntdeatifJed threo m aster flchooonr :a —ashore neifr C anoanah Light. Van*

couver laland, B. C. rc UnldenUfled fre lgbU r-.reporled lo ;h be burning... May ro tho wreck ot Iho io BrltltU fre igh ter Tuacan Prlpce. r- ■ ■ ■. ■ "

W M iiiiilliWi w m i D i tS ' ',n -AtlAMI,* >na., KeO: ia .u rfo a ln k n t

iKmocralia leadera from tnany aec-l re lloD a^m tt be re .todajc.itH b. Jamea M. ^ Cox:'pfdatd<Btifti n5SlBB«rtjriM 0.— : io' . Altbongb .'inataUng I' lh e n , w at- nu

political it(gnfflduacr «<Ue<ied.(o (h« bJ KBlherlng. tho dvmocratto ie tdart,

freely d iacu tted poatlb lt Itauea. In Ute coming campalgit and h inted tliat Oovernor 'K. U S r^ lih ’.o f New. Ydrk

P m ight bo the a tandard bearer In m . 1

"The ten ilm ent In favor o f Oov- em or Sm«)i tot* Uit democraUc can-

I dfdtcy for p rc ild eo t in the next'cam - . paign ta a tronx throbgboul Uio coun-

try." J . C. N ugent..'party leader of New Je rtey . declared. • ;,

t Edward .V. , I fu r ljr ', 'O t Chicago, ^ [fo rm e r Preaident W lU ont, cigbl-

band m an on Ute alllpplBi board. wa4 ™ among the party leadera hare. Ctth-

era w ere N orm an Bl k b c k o t S‘ow Y orltr -Wm. J . Connprt ot Buitalo.

' Z a n d .Jam e t B. MarUne.' torm <r'iena< 'I< to r, tron^ >'ow- jTrady.*;-^. : t b e R tx t ‘ eaojpaJifb. Co* tfeciartd. •to will, be /waged on U tt .foralgn Aollcy } y and U M ff'letttlaU o i» to t-U i* .U Ii^B « W adm inltlrnlion; ,T*toblbiUon a lto . WiU ^ ba an ’USue, o ih tr- '.^ M ieam u jta ldJ

M w ^ er ‘b f 'Uakndwnl'A-j '>;::\-; Maii

! ;ii5 r 7 k - - X f r s i i t t ’fn’9iiui«oUoa; with .Ut«, m u/dpi o t - jn tw l^ n tlf ia d i.-.n a n v.whote,..iB«tllaad body/iw<tf rottnd..i»ear;btrt, .w t r t ’.bo i

i«e . ; - ^ t v.wlth,., (l^m .^ocd^-W t » . . . w : » * a 'b x . n , d o u a . pertona

a li ................; .X*U«rI.ln ih * . r t a, jW r w , ' ; j t « l4 , .p g W i» b * t.r iw o -. «

. .'j todar.-; ' .-. ‘ J , . -

■ V ’ V ■

^ I L YjRUARY 16, 1923,_______




1 Uhmcl l’ii>hii, ru ler of Turkey, nho bnf hrpii Ihc ».uh)cft of » llt* r iil.

n iiickx rrrcn lly lipciiuie ho left ihc f f. iM'iice imrlcy ut l4iu»niino nithtiul 1 i . niiticc. ^ '■ _________ t

i W h a t’s D o in g '

ii In N e a r E a s t 'p - --------

l/tNDON, Fi'b. IC-AIHcilhlKh coiiiitilnHUinvrn aru aondlnK » |,

' jin!<t Ik AiiKvra «£»Iji>- rc/ii»JnK i»rctnKnIlo thn Turkish ulUma- „

.. tuui dpmnnillnR nvnriliitlon ot „ Sm yrna harbor by fon-lKn wur ,-

It 1.llrltlah nnd Ficnuh crulaera

_ and dPiHroyi'rn havi: riimnliipd , I . ( u i tho forhlddcn wntcra over ,

'ih p tlmi! Umll hy Iho lulpi.1 Oi). ' ]. toman iililmaium. Trouble In ‘

nnt exjicclpit. hnwuver. lhu ,,, Krnudi liclluvliiK 11 nmy yet ho | ul poii«1hlp 111 roiiump thc inncn "

■ parley lha t coUapnod a t Uiu- Hutirnv PrfHpui'o nf Sir Hnrnco li IlumboUI. nrltlah tnvoy u l i’on- r atnntlnnple. Rave rltm lo rumnrii In French clrclca thnt thc irenty 1 nilxht ho airiipd there.

’y Ive • ' _____ ■

tOSTl BllfflffiHK

• ■ (By United Prena.) n r TUIriy-flve pepiona loal Ihelr liven

In thc C(t1d wave which awopt the .g. country during Iho wook, occordlnK .Q. lo reportn campllvd todny. vl. Temperaturen hORon to advance In

tbO-JiorlliWc8l,..n:Uo.y.ln5 ."'>"’e of tho )h. nutferlHR from tho atorm oiid Itiienno .C. cold. However, toro weather atlll inr gripped Ihe, E;iat. i.n- Practically oil Uvea Imperilled by

galea ianhlni; nhlpplHR on tho Atlantic to and Pacific coiinta were reporied ho eaved. Tho fato o t tho crew -of the

Tuacan Trln'ce. acroiind near Enlevan Point waa aUil in doubt. ,

| i / Thirteen doaUia allrlbuloliI» lu iho fK cold worn reported in Ihe norlhwcat, k ll alx- la-Chicago. elRht In Beatlle, and -*' eight acatterlnff throHffboul ths ceo- I T Ira l west,|.{ , Raliroada were able to reaume prac-

' (Icaliy norjnal sobeduics throughout ■ the,op.rihwc^t today. , ; '

tot • .Coal.tupllca :Tfo,re 'reported h n n ln g !C-I ahort. In Inland-towns. •Ml —i L . r ____no M ayoir7ie% ral“A8ks

• I n v e s t i g a t i o n o f

to ' V S h o 6 t i n i g , o f H i > S o n

In WAStllNdTON; D, , t . Feb, IC.— Foriiier arm y . otsoi-'lntea of -Major Qeneral Adalbert Cronkhlle. recenl-

in- ly placed on tlie retired ll i t agalnal h it w la h 'b y Prealdent H arding to- day jb lh k ' In thn d tm asd lha i a

„( tom plete fnvetllgatfon be made by congroaa o t tho -o rder and tho mya-

-o ' u r lo o a aUooUog of the KentraVt aon. g r : M ajor A ltx a n d tr P. Cronkhllo a t

C tnjp U w lt. W aah.. In 1918.

N e x t P o p e M ay C o m e s a . I ^ b i h W ^ t o f R o c k i e s

f i R O M a Feb. l l j r h t - n e x t Amnrt- oan. cardinal probAly;. will . tM from

H ll w ta t o t t lt t Itooky .n o a n ia ln i, ottl- clahi of tbp^ taUcaB tntlm oiM to-

:.j* - .p o ^ .P iu a Ju u .ra c e n U y .g iv e n coii- '*-1 alderab lt U iougbl,to crtaUon. ot.'aaw ^ i ta e c ic u t ,Vred h a lt:', and apiMrtBlty

, h a t oom« (o th a concluaion th a t t b t aplehmd prO gre ta ' of tb t RomtB

(n. Catholic church , in •California and J B oUier V ftltetrr araWe' nhohid' be“ rec- M ^ i s e d .br .'tb li .manner; they aald-

“•I* . obT B iu c o it B E sioK S.^ ' WASHIKOTOMr-D. C., Feb. !«,— S : T b a. r talffuU on « f O ovem or B. ^ Monl R«lly of Porto Rico will b« ^ a b l ^ t o UlU coDDU-y v ttb in a v t r r

• r * , '? W ) p ji i i ', i 'ia * i! i> : i! t . s t i r o ?

litM Bormal' & ^ tB O !tiL ,a^ ',^b tr bitalBott

I jg j aarioU ' '?Daliir4i''<‘o ( TrMafbv^iMotra aituaUon. < .

f TO■ 1 1

WORSE mS tr ik e H as CM ccl O n l 100,000

F ra iic o-Britiiih C on fc rc iicc E n Q cnniin NatioiiuUHt;; P re p a re

A gree 'to M ccl S trik e r . '' in -Ct

D U SS EL D O JiF ; F eb . 1 G ,-A n itt tl ie R tiJjr «iii!tij)licd to d a y wuti scarco ly d is t ln su is l 'a b lc f ro m th n t

C ond itions w ere w oruc a t Esse l. w ere se n t o u t to oc cu p y th e to M IP f ix ed bnyonots jo y lu U y h e lp e d llio: ul T h o ten sion lncrc ;u ied th ro u g h o u t

w ore re p o r tin g p r e p a r in g :i dem on _ th e F ro n c h to o o x tr a o r d in n r y p rcc

Plumbers Strike as Cold Wave Reaches

t ..Chicago; Shut SchooUCIlirAOO, Krl), l<;-Munk-iiial

pluiutiiTR ulniiK icidiiy im ihp <citd wuvu r(iniliiili'i|. dpprlvliiK th<- clly ul Illl wiitiir main rcjKilr f.irn ',

Ai th.> Knitir flcii.t Ihp «r .-<!■ui-ntlnn rgporiMi] riftv ni hiiol-i lu ...... 1•If poal anil liiilmiilpcl ihpy wcuhl-iip(:l(WP<l unip^'i fiipl iDulil ....... ..Iniinrdlalply.

Tpuipprnlurr.1 wrrp HllKhlly hiKhrr today and lhu wpuihiT liiiri';iii jiri-- .!icl.'.l till- ppaU nf th r rfllil xv;ivp Was

I paal.BIX dpathn nml i> ur'irp n t lu-rluun

Injurli'K rcniillL<( frniil llip i i>M. Im- Ucp niporlti nhowed,

Tlie Uro hnriinl brcainp thrpiiipii. ln»: u lth the ulrlko nt phimhi-ra aud nmny hoiiipa reportpd lurk nf water.

New Gasoline W ill Run C ar 160 Miles

KANSAS CITY. hjn.. Feb, 111—The inKtorlntA mlllenlum lii duwnluR, nc. cordlnc tu Icudcru In the aulomnliiip nduytry. herr attending the , nnnual

' m otor car alifiw.'| \ "Oaacllne tha t will opvraiv u hio. I I to r rn r IGO mllen nn n Rallon la n

ccrlalnty," C, F. K olterlng, prpaldcnt of the Oeiiorai Molorn corporation, declnred today, “It may coiiip In five yeara und It may nnt come tor auven'

„ o r elRht yeara."hn "W hat muai be done la to build a nK car that will keup out of thc repair

BhopB," C, N. Nnah. veteran automi)- In bile conatructor, anid, ’

mo Hobo Banquet t o --------:Cost T en Cents

by . ---------U'l DE.VVKK. Colo.. Feb..lC—Invltntiona ed w rro oul l(Klay for a hohn banquet lo ho bo Riven a l the Hobo U b o r coIIcro! on iipre,

Tho roal of vho dinner will he 10 .ho cenia a plnte nnd tho menu conaiala rat, of cotfee, hnm aundwlchea, pickles; nd cabbage.-ple nnd doughnnta. to~ The larllatlnna were m n l lo all

churchra in Denver wlUi liie explan- ,c . atlon tha l the coliego had voted' lo ac- )Ut Utumluru . from ali denomino-

tlnna ‘‘that wtH.huip ua iu aceklng (be ''»!“■■■ • _______________ . .


y*’ UerKcr .Man Tlilnka lie Followed Aotii on. from ilN llcn Houae to Yard oi o t Man in HouUi.Park AddlUon.

The prolinilDBry hearin'ic In 'tho case , c f tbe atato agalnal Fre<i Q rcni ; charged wlUi ateallng 20 Ithode It- ;e S land Red und eight t^R boro chlckeni

from W, B, B iarr ot B ergo r came or . before Probate Ju d g t O.,P. I^ v a t l fbli

,1 ; iB ^tie Tdpmlrtr and had followed Uit auW 'traU u; U t aaW icar;tT»cka,aU nr

. ' la^.tO-Uiot; wfalcb h r b a d dUboveret on* B t v ' hla ' ^ e . t U ^ i t in lo - th a Oreni

yard in South Ptirk. Q r a u .waa Uiere eam oito.iow n and got. ou t atarcl

w i r ra k t ; Hif .w aa 'no t,»o ri.abouT ufi >?■“ WroUiy L t* b » ra t. b u t jvaj

potlUve frtm ^tU S.rtda, h o i ta ld ..

alleged cvrr^tiiM aed . wtUi^lboab «i . I b a cbloktna tU tte b r . tHe oftlcaii

8 ^ w iui U f t W r c b - ^ r r w t - • ' • » . ' A 'y a M n t 'w a a ' tw e r n ' o ttt fo r lb'

H rra^t'd t Q ^B s ltut-w bba ttw 'otnc;«r r t r r co t to bla p l a c e h a d cona'-irlt]

": h i t 'c a r . U t« r b a «nu AiTHtad «aa„ . u r t 'K iw a n ih iT '^ : - ......y ' f r - - - " :■--C < ..JVillowlBi t b t l«h>daetlo& ^r,< tM

M tt, o n r to appear In t h ^ - d l i l o e l i ^

f f i ^ot^*“


MESO LU vou xm—N O . H

i n rl i l R T I i10 M Jncrs, A ccord jnff to B o p o r ls ;

E n d e d A b ru p tly in D isa ff rce tn cn t;

\ r e fo r D e m o n s tra tio n ; EmploycTB • C on ference Is O nly H o p e fu l S i p i .

•A rrests, r e jt ric lio n o a u d re s is ta n c e n itl l m in y d is tr ic ts w ere in a s ta to lil t o f w ar.:sBcu, w here tw o in fa n t ry co m pan ies o-A-n hn ll, nnd F re n ch so ld ie rs w itli thom aolvea in shojH a n d re s ta u r a n ts , ic u t th e day . Q crm an n a tio n a l is ts nona tn ition a g a in s t th e in v a d e rs and< irccau tiona, f c a tin g a coup.•“ ' <:.-iicTal K.mriil.T rniinht H> break

llic nhoiikpi'prni liDVi'dlt nRalnal lhu r ri 'iu h tr>in|i.. l>y in-rmllllTiK hla nol-

in lirciik In an<1 lakp what

UllM-y iilpi.nnl, i'l.Uui. had a rUiloUH Ihlll- In i-at'.n, •IrliikliiR treo hver iiiitl )li|iKirii, OlrU'<-ni rpi|Ulalti(itiQd

,„1 by tdri'ii Mhali'UT ihpy rpiiulrcd.

Ill I.dS’iKiN', l-Vh, lli._Tlio lalPMt Kriiii.cillrlllKh c'cmrrrpiiPO endwl

..}• iitmnitly K..b}-. rpii..r(p<llj- In dla- <-il ............ » l(h llui llrlllnh rcUiflng

•-d iiianiiij>l iralnn ihroiiRli iho Cologne

irr 0|itliiihm piprpiiiiril earlie r In Iho ri.. il:i>- lhat -M-'t.cTriH-ii»pr. French mln- .„K lnl> r cif iiiibllr w.irkn, wnnhl bo auc.

.fill 111 hlx mlnxlnn. wna damped ,,,,, wlu'ik llu- imriny lipparently cui-

I« |«id. Th.' fJiicBir »unrlve» Ibe liri'iik'hmn. hciwpvrr, ll waa aulhorl- la tlvply 'liiillruinl. Tho French will return to I'arl* iooIrIiI.I’rpnilrr Ijiw , Maruula Curxon and

' Lord IhTby met w ith l.«Trocquer m d Uun«rnl Yayoi at 10 Downing atreet today and tho French conewait Ihrlr rc'iueat for permlaalon lo run coal trnina ffom Ibn R uhr, with rrench guarda, through the n rea bald

■he by the llrltlah oil' the Ilhlne. It „u. wan aald Ihe Briiiah regard IhU a t ,llP tn InfrlnKement uu the ir aoverelgoiy 'ual 'n Ihn'M cupIed area. •

iiKWWO M lnfrt'S trniei. a I'A JliS; Feb. M i-H ta d a n a r t t r t oi 'f

pn, ‘.he Uniinry FederalioB- of M ioert 01, innounced today th a t 10^,000 m ln tn

hnve anawered the general atrlke ra il and walked ouL B m ployen de­clare thnt hut a tm a ll pe r e«Bt ot French mine, w orke rs . a r t onV and

° thal theao are m ainly c o m n an ltlt.The general a trlk t o rder waa COa-' v.

firmed al a meeting of the U nlUry Fvderatinn w hieh.repreaentt aStretn- la ta;-last n l R b t ^ t e r t o m f t n e a ' l l - •••-

• rcady-hnd-tju lt w ork and d e l tc t l t t . . left early today for varlqna e e n ltr t

I t s of 11)6 Loire ia n la lo orgaaJte rulllea. j

one The employera gave In to 'th n tx* to tent of agreeing to diacuaa tha qum-

cro: Uon ot wagea. which precipitated • '■ Ihe genrfml strike, w ith tho m en't ^

10 leadera, .i;late . Meanwhile, the m lnert‘ t l r lk t in les, Belgium hna beon aucoaaatnl lo a

corlaln . extent, tbo mine ow nen 'aJI ImvJjjff n/ferrd tbe a trik e r t a C per nn- cent iBcreaae. • ac- llelgUn IndustrlallaU ga lbertd . t l na- nruaaela-for a conference w ltW Prc- tbe mler Theimia. a t wblch 't h a r .o u t - . • ',

lined the dlffiCQUItt. rat'u tttB K 'k^m ; leasenlilg coal, ahlpmttata t n m O tr^ *

uble .'^xchange condtUona, tbey -ih ld . . - i T he.teln lalry of .;puW Jo,works ,*Br nounced that of lio.ooo mlnera. only'50.000 ^ atruck. J .-

President A k l c i f o r

i ) t $ 2 1 , 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 t o S c r a p

Kl M any Big B a t d e s h i p t

IVAfllllNaTOK. D. a. nb. IS.- Preaident H arding today a tk td coi^

r " , g reta fnr a deficiency approprlaUoB i‘ of ISl.000,000 to acrap tbe battle-

abipa doomed by U it W asbington . arm s conferenco tr ta U t t. ;

Hla acllon ih d ic a tu - ^ a t ba tx - pccta ratitlcatlon o t . ^ ^ n l >b#U ^

“ {ation f re tiy by rraHI5i,iw|U Mn.'tba • J I on " “ r ' future. ■ n>,.,

liar* ;

SOCiETY.AMr*. J . ' W . W b M lln g - S o c lo

'' Upllndot »( Ui<- <)|>-iNllmlHl <liiU mci Ul tlL 'lm ino «r M rx .'I ' Krtiiik 3l.rl1>lllv Wcilupnchiy iitu riioon .: % TMo liuiinn Wlin hixtrfliHy cl.^rDniial N wllll ii.-.irui -iiiciiau'ni. Kvii-. v«un-H Ilf il>« uii«Tialniiu-iiiI«cr<- i-'in-'; ic«t.i an.I a Viil.i.ilii- box iriim 'v h lrl i . ' lacli nienU>iT ilrvw ;iii!ir.i|irl.n>- !c.»iiv- 1 .•nJr», I jiivr ih.' Hcrv,.,i

Mm. K, A;.ih'llvHl.i Ullll .Mh'i llruUl.-y, ;i

. Smi'lM-'ii’m llf il' tlip tliiptliil rfuiri ti vriin I'lifiTttiliii'il ii( <i

------------- Ihiitwimi. t'f Mr nmt :i,r- li-i Wviiii .iiHlUD U k r» liiiulilMlil, Tli>ir-il;.>- *'

. iilnK. Tlirr.- \VH« :« rli.irl lni.icir«;<' inwtinK Ullll 11 imiHliiU |iriii;r:un w uiiRlrcil ( iillHlnlliii; ii( PIIIIKI Mulciii liylllluby WiirlirrK ;iiiil Mllllx'iil i;nlu<.:r

■■■ irtiitimiim~nim '\-tnl’n-jm nw -t»j— Mr-?i Wynn, uccotiipanlnl. I'y liln ilm iclii.T ,, i .■»rnnWl«. .Vm. Wynn k .ty i;! 'Wlniy 11 lunili nt lliK t'loxo of thv uruKrain. 11

lirroi'iil nmto Minx i-Muu ( ira - . I 'Iiuni. IcnrliiT >|( llio CIUHII. M:iri'i-lln:l Wynn. Itiil.y \VnrlirrK. Klalli.- Wli.o-ll niuu. lli.rolliv Sinllli. Mlllli<-nl K..l-«,n nml MlUlrnl Ki'iirn*. t-u V.tik - C a rl-: I Hoii nml I tr ln i I'crrliu- u r ri ' Riti'vh. i.ri? Ihc clunB. j

Yttlrutllic .Sorliil - Tin; lili;liUiul IVU'W cllll. tfiivr II ............... tui. lal nn fWcllll;lrtlH' ('rnilnK ul tlir 1...... c.f ;

•* ■ .Mr*; K-l SliiUi-r. ■•tli-il TnMHn uiiil vitl- ri'tiUno pliittlniui .(I'lciriilcd Kn- limrHr Ic h illi wn» v..ry nllruitU .i Jor thn i«-- ' viiqloii. Uami-n mid < i>iil.'Mii rtii hli'liv<l 11 iitaiiMi-uii-tit unlll i< Idti! Iiniir w hi'iill infiuliiTH Ilf Ihu < Itll) .ui.'rvol Intii’li in til t <.H.:liiUlril Knr-M*. Tl|i'»<M-ri'i.rMl wnr,. Mr. mill .Ml>.A-|Miuny uml 'iiinlly.Mt. nnit .Mrn. X \V Itlrtif.m. Mr. ;in.| IMrs. Mill Sdliniill. Mr. iiiiil Mr», Clir- Ifi.r<l IJiiy Bfirf iinti, .Ilf. .(Ml -Hr... FMyiJ. '»i»il.ly Ullll liiinlty. Mr. iiml ,Mis ,H. K. >ni.iiti.llo. Mr. mill Mr*. It.'A . I liitk rr imill tlnUKliirr. .Mr. nn-l Mt". I>a!i- U ''-" ixiilln nnJ (iiiiilly. Mr.-ami Mm. j'-. 1>: iKlTiKolniry unil t;.iiillv. Mr. uiiil-Mr!<. i<1. Oflirrloh mill f.n 'illj, Mr. mi.i Mrn. i OcorKo K. t>i1lcr i.nil vou. Mr. Vum i i ' i

Dye Faded Sweater,- Skirt, Draperies

in Diamond Dyes I:■ Every ••Dlnnioml l)yi'ii" i>arU:i(;o tolln •I liovf to Uyu or llril unj- worn, fuilpcl ,

Kiirmenl o r drain'ry u new rirft crolnr : lUal will iKit mK'ali. niml. fa.lr. o r ' Twn. I 'crfcci liomn clyplnn l» Kimrnii- icod w ith Olniiiiinil uvon ir ynn b a w n src r dynl l.i-fi.r.-, Jii«t il -n ';

, 5-our tlriiKRliH wlipih'fr tlio tnnicrlitl .I ' you wIbIi to dvf 1» 'vnol nr i'llk. or[• whciher ll I* Uncn. cntiini or mixed iL ____ . Kootli. . Kor fldy-nni.. y ram mtlllniinj of womVu Iiavc'tii’Cii mini; "(llamom! ,I Dye*” lo ndd ycnm (if wcur to tlioirI old. *hiihl>y wtili.U. Hklrti. drcnm-a.

<MnlB. KWoHlpii*. tiKicIilni-it. druii.-rlcn.' hADsIn;:*. ov^■^ ' ll^llc:-••Adv. t --------------------------- ----------- ... —

i ' lc(n( a Prr/trt Iclncj . w iih R O O P G A R D E N

; !* A• W J.C .M ,OenM U >^«Cnnor

I. A s i

i . S A Y “ B A Y E R ” w h

T ' ■ ■ Unfciia you see tfi« niitnr ''n iiy rr '’ iJ OB 'packaK.i or on inblcit* you nro ii no t Iieiunj} ^ m . tcau lno Ihiycr i>ro- I

Ouct proBcrlbod Oy pli.v.ili:i;inn (.vnr 23 f t a n n)i<I pn>vcil >uf« hv juIN j

.:ioDS for coMk. hcndnchc. t(H>ihacU<-,. ^oaraclio. neurulKla, InnihuRo, rhiMimu- I

U»m ncurUU, nud to r pain In n<'ii-.

■f JOHN.G. LZ lflo tron lo D iagD otia a n d 7

• D r . A lb c r415 8£C0ND ATK X. -

, ■ ■

AND CLUBS {'ic lo ty B 4 J to r - P h o n o 133fl , ,

-iM r. I’i-i.Tiion. Mr, und Mr«, ■Ui-orRr .'IV^i.’nii.n. Mr, nnd Mti., IC.lK:ir Vniiiiny.I.: Mr and .Mi". .Mhrit KulliT, Mr. and ,1 Mr-. Wni, Wortllic und .-oa, Mr. nml •■ Mr-;. Kd Hniii. r nnd Krnr«( UVU'dki'.

II: Viiniie J'«n>|ilr’.. J'lirj) .r-Thr 11. V. I’.• r . nt dll' ll..|ilM clitirrh iiiijDyed It- nnclul in III.' Iluanuliin Thrnnduy t-vo- .• Hint, ,\lxnil »lxiy-riv.- w.-ru urrm'iil •, uml lonl. IMii In :i iir,.Kraiii nt cani.-i.

un<l 11 iji'nur.ii koo>1 ilin.', Thv liimxii- Ut>i.-vui'uJiiroliy wltli ilcinraikin-

i „ l tlir Y:'lnilUic' rrimm. h v ,-rr»m ■ ..a i'il . i.iiWlrM w rrc hiTYcd lit III.''•• «'•( lh.- JlMllVjllfi.

i | linlld .M rfK -Thi. i:|>iKio|ul UiiPd y ln i.'l Tliiirudiiv iiflrrminn In Iht- Swiiil ..:rniii ot Illl- 1-urli.h Hull. Tlio i.rcnl- r-?ilfiil. .Ml«• d - X —UlKKlun-KttVt^iuJlu. r. .tvri'Ktlni: ntul dcUillnl a ii iinnt ot th>-> j I>r»o'rillnK» ul Dll' i iiovocutlun nl 1,1 IlDi .j xvhii.’li iiliu nttcnd.'d i.H u dol.-K;il.!I. .Ifi.ni IhlH r.lllld. Th.' Invllallon ot llio nihnii..™ of till' Clirimliin i-liuruli tor un l- 1 liitrr-i lilirrli iiii'ctlnK wun ai'ci.|itril, rt,T lu 'n- wan nn i.ruKrnni. tJii' ufl..rnnunl- :l .. 'h it .......... .. in ;>iiiv|nK tur ,Alu«linu.r iMliiidnlir.

llujillst S o rli'lj--T lir UidU-r.' nlil ut d till- Kniidrit iii;linruli liu-t a t lUii lioino ot n Mrii, I-:, f . Hiiurl.li Tlinmday utlornoon. | >( Atlor il iiliort Imnlni'M ini-ullnK. pri'- I- «!il.-d'iivpr hy th r PrmldcnfM ri*. Kf-

rll' IVntkllcH, ftii‘ nffertinirti ««« nyoHt '• wllh iii-wlni;, Ai lhl- <‘li>iu' Illl- hoH* diti.'-.i »ns 'untdftioO In iicrrlnR l.y Mr». n llt l i l in rd Mnnry. Mt», J. I-*. DeWllt und n ,Mr». Jolin l-nimnr.

,\dil|sui> K.>rliil' ('liil>-Mr>i, VM. WII­.I II,UIIK (imJ .\ln .r \'lr /:ll lVllli;rori .m lrr- r- lalMv.l llio Ailillnon Av.-nilr SnrUil clubij. urivrmx-l,. M.wlM'r« Tf-

>liniiili'<l lo rnll lu ll wllll nn iiii|>ro-■r iirlali- v.-rri.. on ................ I.lnroln An.- ywi-r.-:.llnn lutk cm ih<! iirlBlit of llio >: iil.nrr\;inc.r nt Vul.'nlliii'-« Day' wiiM I V nlwii.Uy Mr-. W. (). Hnilih. A iiroKruin! n. ut 1 liuvlUhU' work Cnr llic- rUlb uuni 11 iirninKDil for. Tin- rent ot Hm nflcr-!

ncwin «uM .li'volnl In i>|i-clnR iiulltn.. ~ /oilnwiBH wHili ri'tr.-,diinrj)i.i w i'rel

'u-rvi-d.On TiN-iidiiy < Y<-n1nK tin- t lnli i'.u%v

a Viil.'ntliii' |inrty Cor ilnli nii-mlx-rH und ttirir r..mli;.-i at thi- lioini- of Mr.

S aiid Mm. . ff. (•1ili.-r. .lln>. J-'iill.-r wa.i iiM.Ii.li.I Iiy r.Ini. W. 0 Hnifib. Mrn

I- Arln WllllantH ;iml . lrH. II. I'lirnnnx In ,, IhiM »rry MU.ii-.:sfiil i.ffnir. Tlir n i'it I inri-ltnK will lu' IVIiruury nl llir

“ lii'.nii- of Mn*. M, A. Hironl;. !

'* I.nnrhi-iiii (nr ,llr>. Carinnn- Mn.. II.Ua« Iic.:i|.-.IH cl l.ouiillfnlly

‘ iiiii.ol(i«-il Uw<li< iu Klvntc <i( »(.. i'nr- " rln<- h .'irl nl liHil lii>niirlt>|; h.-r nlMtc'r,

Mm. II. i:. Carman of Vaiicnnvor. Tin- “ lalil.-n wrr.. ili'corulnl « llli n |irotn«lnn

i>r duffiHllhi anil »uriln: Ilowvrn nnd \'l covrrii wrr.. hiid for twrnt)'-"l*. Afl.-r" Ihl' ................ iho ;:tii-..ti< moiori'd in

lh.- lioni.' nf Mrn. W. J. All-'n w hrrr n ird i w. r>. m oynt diirlne ilir iifiiT-,

Th.' ruK|,.r«' ,\lil nf th .' M.'liio.ll»t' iliiiK h inrt In tlir ,linr<-li i.arlom on! Thnrmli.y aflrrnonn, Ii »vn» a Jnlm ■nrrllni; of all Ihi- .llvlnlnnx, Tlip tlliic; wri" |ili-a»nnlly llahnnl wllh t.«‘wlnKi ntul falic v wnrk. ami pluni' wiTi- inailc for an Ki.Rli.r bait.iir, Tlii.r- w cro'

T lir R lrh nf Ihr Wrnlwiirtli Hinrr in n 1.1 th r hcimr nf Ml»> lililr l IVIrrn ^Vi•dm''lllay rvinlnx iinil orsnnlxi'd n fumv wnik ,'lnli, Th.' t-vrn'nc wan upcnt with Krwlnr anil mn^llr n flrr

• WhUli rrtrriihm rnts wi-rr R.-rvnl hy llir luMli'n». Th.' ni'Xl nicc'ilnc willIir llrld III Iht' linliir of MUk llrMtiv (•.irhmi, J

r.U lD IIK TII.VNKSWr wlnh 111 Ilianl; <mr nianv frlnidn

und Ihl' .ViiirrliMii l.i-Klnii for tht-lr nialiy kind ilrrdn followlnn thi< dvalli nf i.iir lii-lnvnl soil anil bm lhiT; abo lur Ih r l)i-aiillfnl llimcrn.

■Mr. mul Mrn. Wm, filui k.

I (■iiic’Ki;> DiN.Nfiit— ritf \VoniunW-*‘miiirll-» 'f-lhr ChrU-

> linn rln ir .h « lirr ..T v r a .hl<:l.i'll illn- , 1,'T ,}<uinrday uv.-nhiK, fi lo K oVIiH-k.

. K. liriMM 17. In tb.- bulldlnt vuculpil I l.y WrlKht'-' Hlorr. I 'r lir . 50 .rn t" I i'lT i>)uli'.

PIRIN/ h e n y o u b u y A s p i r i n

r '’ irrn f. AccfpC only 'l l . iy t r ‘' p a c k a « ro |Wlili h ronialtm propBr tllreclloiu. o-|M iindy boii'S of twolro Ublel* co»l nr frw irn li.. DruKRlnli nluo aell bot* H 'M I r i of ^1 and 100. ..A«iilrln Is (liei,'. undo murk nf IJayur Munnfnciuro u- I of Moiio.ircHcncIdMter of Salicylic.ii.,.i i 'ld . __ _____________

L E N Z , M . D .. T rc a tm o o t a s A u th o r ize d h j b e rt A bram *

- T in :* m i . 8 , id a u o

- - - T W D ^ nmCO.Y ^ USFOUI^DniHATVmAL

, SjiifeySehool E r Lesson V

Illy (lEv. e. a nTZ^v.«K K . D. n.. ix r t i i r «r lcti(ll«fi lllDIa (a (ft* Uoed/

IntllDU* c>{ Chlcuo.l 1>. U^jiHkl. IISJ. 'Wmioii N »'ti4jiir umaa.It --------- . ■'■ ' ' — (Tl


im I.K«.?O.V■sol -i!L>l.l.K.N Tf3CT-C..r lh . Son of M.o “

v,«a luil-L.ikp J»;tU. PU,1 IIICl'lJKl.'NL'i: MATKUIAI^l’rov. 1;IJ-r J>. U.K, u :|.is . y

1-lll.MAUV TOl'iU-lUvlnr J«.u. far »

~Jl>MUI«''TOI>l<>-i««u».lu.UM4Iama.ut ZMCi-luni*. I

llo —JIuw J fiiii an Ktturiluliir,Iio yo l'.s il I'KOJ’MJ AN» At'Ul.T TOJ’lc '

n l, ------on t. J«*U( P a u ln s ThreuQh J«rlclio

(V .I).Jorlclin I5 niiti'<l a> lh» i.tn<n;:li<ild ^

, . uf tlm Cniiannlli’S, wlili-li wok lulruon s of loinlly iJrllTcrcif Into lir« finncU c.rjT

un I Inrni'l In ri'UKiiiSo to their fallh (Ju'.li. Ii ro- i>). nnil'u lin for llio fnlllj of Itnhnh, H Kt* which ^ tated .'tacr:. from. (Ii'Mrticiiun jn t ii«Ji iJm cH /(llp fr. 31.-.W, •'ox- II. Z icchaaut Siaklng J«»u» (vv. '

J.1. HI-1 Ol.Joet (T. 3). U f souBlii tn t(

net' ti}i» J « i « tran, TIiiMish J'crbal’i • 11. jimniplril |iy, lurloslty ho .w gi'rly r r - 8' 1'iKl't J«(iuii.'nu «loiil)lk'<i' hnil hoard lnl> .of Jomiii'kfuil iri-nlmijit of imlillvnnii. r<'- >»> WDH jiMinijiliil lo ftcu »hiit klotl nf ro- „ num lie wns.Au -J. iiIh IJIIlli-nltltH (vv. -2. :t). (U

H h Intuninnn huslm-!i8 (r.-J) . l lo « a < ^ . ‘ '‘"I a tnx ndloctor of the Itmnan snu 'ni-

itirnt. Tho very fact thal n Jn v lu'hl n '..'r.l ''" 'I ' "I’ lliel‘alc'1 ll'inmii«id

' would niiikii film rxtrfini'ly iini''i|iulnr, p i-rJI T hrn i-liuts bo wun rich ll wnn cvhloni

thill hi! had pm tllcfil ciioriti.n hi r.il- (%v li-rtlni: Iho laxca. <;:) Illn i.horlni'Ni orK I.r -iniur.' (r. :i). ’H e wan lm> i.mall in Mr. .-n iw ilhii wny thruucb In Ji-Ml>, nndinn l'i (na haln l hy (luti)i'oi>Jn tlmy (liruHt

him a’ddc', nn ilulibt with liiunu nnd c !" Jr.'ix. lit) n i l iiomlmonou (V. -I). Ur

riin brfnro Iho inullllndn nml cllniUril " '[ n i l Inl" n 'Jrc'c . M'Imt Jn* In «

>.lnluir ho unn ilrlrnnlnitl nbnahl hr,[ ..... Ir iipliy th r holsliL or th r trr.-. Ob- |i

lily '-Iliclr-' phioo.l liofiin- him 1io hrnnb.-il IT- flJiiJ jlin*n Jji* i-ould nut hrnWi *:or. ii-lilr In- i-llndiod ovi-r, bl'cnnno h r hud n ir ..-I h ll honrt upon llip fioal. TIioukIi ^ Inn Znrclinrni.- lri{» wi'ro tm. hliorl t.. vn- " »«1 abl.' hliii i.> >.00 Ji'unii (hi-y Wrro Imii:

I'ni.iiiih lu rnn pant iho rruwil nnd cn- . nblr Iillll t(i climb (ho irci-. U wriK , ..imi'ivhnt imdlsoincd for tlila n

j mun 1.' I'llinb (lip trrr. bnt Ms n.uil j wii> M. <h"<lrons In nro Jo«ni (but Im .

i im ' oiKt hlH nrldi! ti> tlie winiln. nni 111. Jc iua Finding Zacchacua (vr.

)lm ; II),‘““•i Whli" Zuccburn* waa inliiK to.n'-o

' .Ic-Mi-. Jo»a« w«« louklui: for him, Tbln , ^'"^1 I- iil'vny, ihc! .-ii«r. -Whou Ji-.iu. naw

I him 1....... .. bim (u cniuo ib.wn jffc.iii Iho t r r - nml dcrtar.-d h1i> Inli-n-

,„ r I '"" I" >i'.mo wilb him. Zni-rharn- I lorn -"I ni'ir.. llulil ho rxpoc'li'*). J.■ U■• did ll n ir'l ii'li-r u wnrd whlrh woilbl bunilll- ■ wan ato Zn.vliai'iiii. .fc«c(« fenr«‘ lit* Iifarf'* flor i|.-..lr.-nml .Inilt nct-urdlDiily wllh him. |

will i.1„ill hr r'.iinil o t Him. .llotv wondrr- , |j{ , i-r:,,;-, Ihut r»fwriJIi'.ii i>f imr'i

ini-l nr.'. Hint Jomk win n-colTr him a- n frl.-ml nnd m tr r Into f< 1hlK•l)l1ll iviih bim, /iic.li»rii» iinli'lly ri'.ponil- -''I. >''• <•'»"<“ ''"w n and wltli Joy ris i'.'K.-d ,l.hil-. , '

,1, 1, IV. 2»eeha*ua* Cenvanlon- ( r r . I 7-1II)..

Ml. rni.^rr.li'n wa« aiidri.rn unl llr>rmi:li. Mr ><i.< .-nnxrrto.t bofnrr h r ha.r roii. liHl <lio srniind. II iloca

I U"l mv-' •''•"I" '""C “ » n xi.iil. i r u . .^ i._ \v im i.-ih a -C ru w rt. aalil_Cr__7J.

iH-k. ,n (•iirlm, ThrJ.allril II. uilnil tlir ninn’* fnrm rr nlni. Th.'V III." rrpromhoil Clirlnt. snvlni; lliiif lu- Jiiiit r<rmr f.; hr n CUP«t ti f tlilt

- n'ltnrliiiu •-Ttoritonrr, tbo inx rnlhf- inr. HI- .npri'iim inlolnn w.in lo unvo -hiiuT. (V. III). H t-w oamr i.ni lo

hut 10 j.nvr Ji.; iioI I.................ml ilrMroy u«. bni in •ino,fr'iii. -in aiuj r«-<'onrtlii tin to C - l ,„ J

! " Whiil Znci-linrmi Sniil (t. S). HU- I ...iiM'r-lcn wnt thc.riuiKh. Ii ln .> ^ i.h l

I i.pnii h i. brnrl. H < an ew .lir .^ ’ni< bri ;;iiu wllh rp'cdmion nnd roMlHitlnti. j l l r di-.||rnli-d thr half n( 1(11 eooiU to I ll..- pn'T. III., ronvrrni.m eot h.iWI .'f I 1,1. i'.M-krilu'nV. Hl< .Irlcrnilmitlnii l'..

timlu' rr'.llinll.m whoroln hn hnd

.......................... lil« .-..nvoral.in. iVhtIri Ip'.I fnruol'. Ihr ]Mi>i of n alnnrr whrn,

I hr ..IIIU-. |i. ChrI.l. Ibu ahinrr who U i-..n»rrlcd will ncj'W lo tnaki' r lsh t nil I'-ri'n-'", ti<- ilify iiiilln<l •roriJn or hii-

W llnl'jr.iii. Siild (vr. 1). ](» . -T...

■J l;.-I-»)d)i'M>i wnn no.,- n rhll'd of (Ind,I n ".'n ..f .Miriiliam. ^nlvallnii l< n

|iri -m l rrullly whrn .mu rm 'lv iii ChriM,

tafi* ' y"ouco a i' A- Ilnh.-r»ul n pnictlro nn Ivlni: In. bb t.i nml .1- ou-cy n ..nr nn It Kr.-,nn, I i|..(lie nni ri'iuriidn'r In luivo h ran l threo

luro) K.,.nt lira III nil my cnnvomatlon.— '•lie. I J<,,ift.

-----! Wlll]drawlno FiHtndthlp.Thry rri-ni In rnko nwny (lio nnn

frnm tbo world wh<- withdraw frlond ,hl|> fr.iui llfr.-rii'.'r.>. .

H i W/ii» Rultg, l i r Who rnli-n munt Iinmor fnll ai

_ much an h r iMnimaiidi..-H;cor(;e Klloti

‘ -i-- -' ■ ....


St. Kdnard’a Culltellc «Hov. lU'Tiil 8. Kcy*«ir. r« « o r .

MaiincH S u n ilm B nnd iO.'.SO a. m.. Muiin wi-rk daya .8 o 'c lock 'n m. i ' EvcnhiK nerTlees Sniuluy>r

i (Tuy* nnd Prlilay# OurlnR r c n in l . 7:30. t, Hermonn ul a ll Sundny anil,, avo- j,

nfnK «prvJi'i'». -

Klrni l’r^nl>J(»rlan Cbarch i .A. 0 . I’oumon, M litla tcr.' . y

'Siiniluy nijiool a t C4ujuicb auil- , nblo io r nK'aKC*' i)

Mnrnlng wurnhip nt 11:00 B.^\t, The. , punior will pm iu i, _

Chrlndnn ICadeiiVDr Soclcllcn fur nil ^ youns pfoplr. ^

‘ KvcnlnR womhlp ut 7:30 ii. m. Tbe , pnntor w ||| prrach. ' .

^ —OfHvI-lniilrumm»iol-aJuL-Vfl(uil_jaiii.... . lilc. HininK<r* welcomo. „.

T«1u -J^U h .wJnlon *:30 3rd Aro. Rnnl. „

J . M. Clou. I’unior.Smulny achool' 10 a. m CInaaoa far

ull. Mrn. Ida M, I'urUirflcld. Supl. I'rruchInK 11 n. m. Kvnnlni; lesll-

■ niony imd pralne prenchlns »tI S; MId-wcck niPOtlni!» Tuonilay and flTfiunnlay T:30; lju)len jiroycr wcot-I, Ing Wcdni-niliiy nfirrnoon 3 p. ni, n l « ,. the MlKatun. *>

Wo loach asd. |(e|luva.)n.Solri\U on . from ull Mill. tt 'i 'lA tU rttiil tjoltoTO fl In jh o prlvllflRo o t cvury Clirtatlnn to

• be hcnicd lUronKli fnlllt in J«aua,now h Jvnun Chrim In H«l anmo ycblBWlayanO

I’ todny. yen. ami forever. • ' ' ; «1 ■ - lly H r .1 < hu rc)fiit ClirUl'Hclciili-il. '■,l ico'Nhilli AVO. K,- . ., =>. Sunilny ncrrlei^.at II a.- ra, tw im n ,( nrrmun I'ob, is; ••Boui." ^

Kunilny noliool n i 10 a. m. fo r jiu- pllii tiiiilPr 20 yearn nt iiro >1

' Tiniiinnnlnl nieoUnR on Wcdncuilny «" I'vcnInK nt S o'clftclf. “'• A ri'adlnjs'rtjmn id in<'^ Muin (ivo- n 'I nuo north ;l<i upenjilaily oxucpl Sun- ^|duy» and holliln>’ti frnm I;3o

.1 'tIi 'o pnl.llr In invltrd lo n tiend thcHo ^ . ncrrictnt nmJ to r l/li the r<»o<Hnc room. C

Flrol Chrlillan (.'liureh ., Wllllnni Wlllln Buikn. D. D,. I'untor. , , 9Mf> n. m. I)Il1r;nchool anilcmhly [

tvUh rlnnnca followlni:. C, K. Alton, Supt. '• . . ,

' 10:CO u, in.. .Commnnloit and ner- ' '> nmn. Uev. T. W. Ilcmk w ||l preach.'» KhWltC, •■riiis Open Dtntr."'■ 4:00 p in.. Juylur Flndravor tnse l. 1

Im;. w ill «»li6ro7 i'rrn.II 7;no p. ni. Prulce nnd prc.tchlnBll ncrvlce. ' <I Urv. lionk will ..peak on "Wlml i I, S rrk Y o r ' Tliorc will l)0 npccial mu- I

nlc nt a ll Hip. tierrlccn.The pantor of fhin (JtiircU will be

* out at til t elty fererai dayn Tlnlllu* J '* Ronio of the cliurclirn In ihu w raierii 1

part ot tbe aiiilu Ihc In lrroal o f tlit

>1 (.oniler—Ixrn T.iiyd. ie . Topic—IlumemWr.God.__

Scripture I.ennoi—i-i-cl. 12:1. t, Hum:—".My ^'aIllv Uookn up tu Thee." '

rrayo r. ' t.Momnry v rrn r-Jo lin 3:1C, t«rnilll)K-fiml'" ' Sorvlco Fine— t

' Clinrlr* Allen.How W* Kcmcmber Ood—Wenley

» 1‘ulton.I- U cailiiiK-Tln n’ IJi'atllfftll World— . - IJIlly Hrrrlman. ! ; ‘d iilille I'rinc^-•n W alU ^Spftlillng— ' 1. MnrKorci Anderson. ‘

How a am m ltin Endenvur Olrl ot , , India nned her llmo for Ood—l.oro ' l.luyil.

lleudlnR—Thu T ral of u Mun—I.ui' f- lltirnv' .SonK-<;oil wlH Take <'«rn of You.II -------- . ----------

l! NMura'a Part In trafled y of Man. ,,s Naliire. In h rr most dnir.lln* o*pccis

o r nluprniloun paris^ la hut the back- r trmincl and Ih ra trr o f (hb tres«d7 ol' •tian—lnhn Morlov ,) ---- :---------------------------------- ' ■ —

: I I B ! M iI mmm/'TSiliominIg Syrup" is

j Child's Best Laxative

j i

. Kvcn a .a lck child love* flic." ••fruity.......... . of •'C iilltornla KIk<•" Syrup.'- ,lf th«-llllIo nloniach in up-

nel. lonsno coiled, o r It your cblld I t cronn. fertrlnb. full ol coia. or h la coUv. It. t«n«iioonful will never

I«. fnll to open Ihif ,bowoln. In a tow il„ lioura you can see for, yournelf how

ihoroUBhly It workn nil the conaii- _ paJJon poKoii. nour hilo ami >rtule

from the trnder, lit tle bowela ami Klvcn yon a writ, playful child ox«ln.

.Mllllnna ot mnthera keep “ Call* forola HK Syrup" handy. They knuw

un n teanpounfnl twlay auvoa it nick Id cblld tomurrow. Aak your (Iru jttu t

for K»nulno “Callfornln FlR Syrup" whlcb ban dirccllona fo r babiea and L'hlltlrrii ot a ll sffcs printed on bol-

, , He. Molberl You munt aay ••Call- fornta” o r ytrt-imiy KCt nn Imiiailon

“* flr. nyrup.

lE S '


« y ire t napli>A Church >uW. H. Tolliver, funior.

Sunilay achool. 9;'i6 nml pronchlm: i r a . r o . '

' -• Special mualc by tbe Lmllen'- fjunr- tn '■ teU nccnmpanliHl hy Mn.- C..U . ilviif \-

■ ‘T ^a £hrw fiHliig Veopio'u S m lo jiii a ll m«flt Al 6:15. The. Senior Kotiiuiy .

' bcgina a.cunim i with the rv<mlnB'i>ari -■ vicfl. ' {.ei eiich mcmlicr bo present:

INenlnK prenchlnn Kcrvicb 7:J0 aod IhiH will bo followed by iho bupUamal

7 "TlUaliilldUU-ll llJi UHlU nl].iiiu 1 - ' Qucatrd lo meol tbn ri'* ''''r-*‘" 'l l1ri“ .

conn in tbe lower p a rt ot ihe church * a l 0:30 no m lo hnvo council lo-

KoUier boforo ihu bupllsniki torvlcca.-- —Friday—•van lnn -U r tiu t- lilg -c ltttick —.

social, with n lino oulortalDinR pro- nraoi, anil n roi-opitoa (o (tio non- mombrra. All mcnibern aod frlcpUn uf the cburi*li nro uriicd lo come.

.VclhyJM I Kdltnr li. Wliilc, I’untor.t Sunday nchoul lo n. m. K. I.. Anli- il lon. Superlnlcndoni.

Mornhijt womhlp 11. wlili a nrrnion by Iho pantor, Folluwlm; the nunnon new momhom wilt bu rccolvod. • ^

n Epworth Icacuu noclitl huur C:.'0.X •«xam ;i'iJevotlannH :BntvItfli'8 !lt> . ,i D CJaM moatiiit; C;50. A. C. Woml, ,I lender.J Erenlns wornlxhi 7:30 with nn ovnn- ;

Relinllc aerm ui' liV' Uin Pnnlor. Thin l» ," 0 o (n C huhS . HuttUay" uml nit in«mbon( and fr!o»id«‘>»ro rc(iucniod tu alienil nt UiuCmiii'tiorW c«,'

n Miil-weolc'prayer iikf.'(l^n "Wodnnii- dny ffvanltu aiSD

CoMrejfilloonl moollnf.'nnd-rtK iip- lion lu now ,inembfirn., Kriday cvo-

y nInR 7:30,. All incmbuni uml frlenda nro urRp<] lo ailoiid. Tho followlni; mnalcnl propnim haff Im!pu prcp'nred:

MorninK!0 OrRaa prelmle— .Socturn ...... .......

; .............. ...... ......... ....... Medni'liiiiolmQ Anlhem—LnrKhetto ........... Ilflelhnven, Offerlory—Counolailoii . ..Momlcliinobti ' Poaltuilo-Poalluilo In C ........... Hors

GrcnlnR:Special inunlu by (be occhoHtrii. An-

y thrm . '■Iloneatlt the rronn** by llio , large clKinin rliolr. S«|ir«nn kuIo—’ "Tbo Man of Galileo.- by Mnt, J. A,


*' I.ulhernn Ciiun'liI- Third Avenue Went nml Mfih Street,

John GlhrluK. I’aator B The Nonnon of l.uiii will b r ob«erv-

e«l In this church by n ncrln* of np- il proprfato nermonn on Sunitay morn- I- inaa.

Sunilny nchool 10 n. lu.>0 Morjilnjc aervlcc 11 n. m. Topic nt X Iho Orst Lenten scrvicc: Jc»ua Utiil It His Traitor Juilan.It 0:45. nibU cliuin.'

7:30. Ovenlni: womhlp. Subject. The Seveaili retltlon o l llm l» rd 'n I'm yer.'

Thone who have fio citurch liomn- ure cspci-UilIy fiivlted to our ncrvlcc*.

." The Diornlns norvlccii on flm t nnil third Suntlay In ihu month uml nil ot the evonln* nervlcrn are u-onducti'd In

— Ibc KnKllnh InnKunKO >

■y Man W oilh While.TliO iiinii ^vbo aiioukn bin |u>nlilTr

” mnrlctloiin Ik worih a rrslm ent of _ m«n wbn aro nlwayn proclnlnilng tbelr

do'ihla and tuaplclmu.01 ;_______________^ ^ ■

V • S S E t e j i S S Ss "

' i i ' the W l

■''' mouth"/;*p ^ -Vvife s lal:

iI A lbersP"; . ' . A L B E R S 'B

’>• . * M A X S B 3 O F A L B E B B B


When Fama Corner ^*f| miin con be jwlil fo ha re made a

connplcuoua wiecva* In lil i choaen field of endeavor until they beela to elect Iillll niilioDorory ue iuber ot'ortonU a- , O’jn* Iio doesn’t Want (o brlone lo any more than t rab b it—Olilo State Jo.U^

, naL .

C , Problem Cepfrenta S a tan .'. ." If all de rerwJrta 'bout alnnet* ta

' true." nald Ci.ele Khets. " It looks like ' el' .Sninn waa eltteler have hi* troublra . wlf ill* bntinins proljlam."—W aihlnrtoa * Kvaiiloc Star.

^There are so many wa]- — B ran^jhe^o iiB g re tLi , • 'h ■iou r l l l ta jn j- , caLln:: ilclluB s’u 1 I- Uran bccniuin Itn nul-llkr iluvur nppcaU II. to till' lante. And, think wlml (ach III. moHthful ir. doing to drive cmnll[»;i- Iy linit oli— ry iw -y jT lirin -n a -T ^ ^^ i

«tablW i braJthl T lujf* bcfau»o It j , ; « ALL BIIA.N.' KellosB 'a llran U aclen- i

tid c n lly uiadn Jo Tolii<Te nufferiuR liumanlt\— IT W ILI. DO TUAT AH i NO O THEliyOOI) CANI 1

I’6}'«!ctan» rwommruii tlic rreular i line of KoUdck'd llran for mild ur .

'■ rhronlfl canca nnd na a j.n^vmtivr. < llran, eaten'each cluy nnil.hi i-mpcr :

u ciiuinliiy, awecpn. elcanifa aad i>i:rlC«i < n tbo allmcntnr^' trncl. I■ u Oct nwny from pills nnd ralliarllcs— ‘

KelloBK’fl Brnn will kIvo you prtmn- ' , nent relief fronv.connlipatlo^. i>• ' Th not eotttuao n fllogg’A S n n nlih i

; commoa tiraa. K c llo n ’a is cookci], J


J MientionSugar Ady

: Dollar an d ' Cents ftr Hi

A c c o r d s to s ta t is t ic s tboi M IL L IO N T 0 K 8 . A t th o pro

^ w o rth E I Q E T C O liC A B S A l P E E T C H , w h ic h w o n ld mako

pl . la r# a n d e ig h ty ccn ta p o r a c re : ;i. a raB y o f o ^ g r o m r s p ro d n c#

w h ich w b n id b r in g T e tu n u of nt la r s o n d f o r t y c cn U p e r acrc . “i j c o s tra c U a £ ' b e e t o c rc o g e , a n d '

s e r io iu ly tb e p n t t i o g o f a p a r >e, , .8 D 0 A B B E E T S , A E E - THIS

Q B O W ,'a n d . w ill £fivo y o u bot [ - Im ow c f . T H E L A R O B R TB

;{ P R IO E W E C A B P A T P O R 1

I 1 0 , 0 0 0 A c r e s I

; i n T 'w i n F a'1 THE AMALGAM/



*^ flc^ ackis i z 'z U t t ^

Sunday morning breakfaal week!

apjacks, the kind "that m i”. are not due ncwadays tc Jabcrrious effort, but to h e r . ; Albers Flapjack Flour to

sFlapjacls 'B R O S . M I L L I N G C O .. P a cific Cc

B O I L E D O A T ft- U !.B E B 8 P E A O O O M U O K W H E A T


F i tW A Y , F K n n i ^ n Y w . lo sn .

■ a - A ^ l r t « a . i » . H siib iito W . ■:

ii’ll ktnmWil'fliiil rt-ody lb Mti-m' i^ eaB • lU hr u>ed In Iho niMUilellalitful tiafcln;; ch iiroJurii without In any way ttduclsff •a- !ta n-sulfliory Tttlot'. a'ry, piUte btaad .

cniiiinnm ifBHaawTOiwTiiadoTrith---------------—jl Kctioj;s’a Uran, Ikclpt* aro printed n- on caih iwckajie. iR Kellrh-R':i Hran li vallonally eaten IS for liralih’ii r tk e n in eerml—la winter

tlinr «ltli h.it m!l&. OUiow prefer It ar ctirlnklcJ ort-r ii'il o r eoltl cereal*. a or .\ii»lli.;r .\.'uy In to mix It with lint “:r. rrr'-alji Junl bffflTr nefvlni*. l l eao .cr abu liu eooki'd wllh ecreol. In caeh .0:1 <'a:ie ndd two tnblcfl|ioon{ul* of

rCellftcc'n nrnii for caeh iw o n j tn _ clirnnlc-cuMTi n.n mufli «U!i cacUatal.:n- KellucK’fl Bnrn is cold by nil poeera

and la nni'plicd In indirldunl paekaBca lh n t J1r»t-cb.'« hnt.'la nnd elota, Aak :i], lo r It lit yaur tn ia u n n U

n Farmersyanced One Twenty-five

lundred Pounds!Iboro is a s u g a r sb o r to g o o f T W O p re se n t p r ic o o f BQg&r, b e e t i a re

A N D T H m r y ^ V E N . C E N T S ako ono h u n d r e d a n d th i r ty dol>TO f o r a f if te e n - to n p e r a c re c ro p .3C« T W E N T Y T O N S P E B A O BE, o f ono h u n d r e d so v o n ty .fo u r dol*

7 0 . W o a re a t tb o p r e s e n t tim o ] d w e a s k a l l X o m e rs t o c onsider p a r t o f y o u r f a rm s iu to b e e ts as IE S A F E S T - O B O P .y p T r ., OA;». . b e t te r r c tu m s th im a n y ' c ro p w e T f iE -A O B E A O E T H E .-B E T T E B 'B B E E T S . H e lp u j g e t

s of Sugar Beets 'alls County !<1ATED SUGAR CO.

-** ■- -VT* --— _

's a n d '• 'b a a m iast every;day J

melt in your to thfl hduse-

iT judgment in to her grocer. „ ' -

'.k FlourC o a s t M i l h r s

V I P L o r a ,3 O A E ^ T I O N M U S n . ■ '»

FllL U A Y ,' F K ^ M .'A llY in . i:i2:

l i l s i rN i i i i s

' i i | f t m !I - .. ' I Him■:'i. • ------T • • j a r r

H o ld b u Q H av e C re a te d .O b n jte r - ■‘"i'

— — — nfttlo n —A m o n ^ B a w ib s l l - M a n J —

o g e rs ’ a n d th e O lo n ts ' M an-

a g o r f la « D ec ided o a S trc n u -

< ous M e asu re to F o rc e P la y e rs Joai

to P lac e T b e ir N am o on D o tte d '

L in e B efo re A ppearinff a t f

C am p. , • io iIllK

-----(By HKN-RY I,. FARIIKU, )

NfnV VOiIk. Kcl), lfi.-ll.)liloiit» hav« crealml with ii npr:oim hUiiii- _

O io-wnrld'* l\l»nipton f , (H p tn ttm t Julin McOraw l>nH iH-nn

' toK ed to do iiomcililttc Iib lis'in'i

' S & ’SX :,,. LID; nil. OJams .wlio liiiva noi-nlRiHKl . . ftttifracrt (tise (tiey w ill not b« a/- lowpJ la ri'pori ul Slurlln Hprlnit* or ut San Antonin umll tlioy imvo '.V,' lllll Iholr name" at Ihe Ijottom uf Uip ysponi.

Till* U eoBniai'rccI it nunl ilrnntlc movo trom » olub of Um lllwrnl i»>l- , Icy of (ho Ulnliln, in tlm paHt Me- Oruw han olwuyn altnwnl thu iilay- r r« who woro Uln»atl«flr.l' wlili tlic I'llll)’* olfor lo report to Ihft irnlninK <amp antl 'ta lk ll over.

Tlie-lhrp>il, howevnr. tnay fall In liji I'urpoBft. -Thn only rvpty tlic r lu h rfcfilvccl from ilie ulilmnimn ,, won from Jnck Ucniliy, thi* |65.onu , ‘

\ nultlmoro boaniy. The Olanlo tolil V'’' \ lilm-lifl coultln 'l.roporl nnill hn had ''"3

• \ »l«ni'd and heard tha t h r hndii'i In- V euO fst «o roporl unit thanked (lumi f""

lllolr iroublP.X ^efe nrc th rro <frc?fic/nfi;t In tho '

id lX lO M rBB K«lty, Irlnti • Mciincl HI' onilj Casey Sienm.i. ‘who worn wiih ihp/barniitortni'rii on iho trip to iho Orll'H t.' ' They will l>o oUllncil ti> f>''' w alk for two «»ri.k» nl tli« t'lirop iiiut iihoV lltat llii> trip didn’t hurl ihvin < h«ri>h) (hoy will Ij.] offrri'il n ion- Im

__irac l._ . cll•Whllo Kr:«ph.-Oroh nml YminR nro ‘l»

ikti ohunroBJIiir‘oiauf.roii jiairer. th.i oi’i nlluaiion U alm o.t li* had with Ihe ito Ytinka. •lUbe-. Iluih'-imrt CarJ MuyH - a rc workliin umlcr hohlovnr con- 1

• trae tn #n*l'KTcmi-acotV lJ>-thi' only -ji- tilayer 'wiin hou niKnoil a now con- plr irac t. Wullle Behans "cnmo Id lul lorm*," but ho tlid 'n o t »I«n. . Jo.

Acllon of lh(! 0 :anln an.l n provl- iili oiM announcoment of lh« Drooklyn ohih to Ihn name cffeM In.llentrii ! Ihut Jn .Ihe Satlitnal league s i leaat, bai iJin. club ow iieri mny hnrn itnclitrd cu' on thlH poller of brinsins their a th - 13; Iflim itn (Ime. , .

airry 'S hn Bpakt;' trlWhile KOlnc to vli.it,my Klrl frlenil'i foi

hoine. so which I had never been. I •>»had n itronitB rxpcrlcnce. She cniiie "y to the cur 10 inw i nio and the flr*t

- iKitue ire catnc (11 I »oM: T o r iiravm 'i vake. vriii> Itvn In tliln llrtliil i a m r . Slie icd me inln Iho hiuiae. It “waa hor home.—l^xrliuncr. ^5

GmiSWUK 5, : ’« ^ t e

T r y T h li! ,A O le iin y ofS o f t, L w n r i a a t H a ir .

: . in


' a n a . r tU ^ f r l i f l .iiult o -o f “DaudflrlB#" ou-apyJJrun-. .. atorft. f|>ta,Jiaoi«ten- a aofu cloiU ;

_ w fU l'(Ii« ri»B <ltrtae" and ,draw tM$ liirou th ronr-.tiiur. u k ln s onn amall n tnnft'A t'lB 'tlm c. Iiu tsn ily . ye t. Im> medUlelr.'. yoti; tUTe" douBlad th r b itt lly o t;yo ll^ Hnlf. ' U *HT hn ► n iu i , ao ' lo f l, 'lilkrrout and' ao enns- t» ao up. 'A U dtial awl nxc«aal»#oU 'l».,r«nov«tl. ...........

‘L 4 l‘- ’“DatiderlnB’* put new ,»fo. • vlirar{as4:.M Kb(DetR la ro u r hair Thi# nllmulatlnjr ion ic .w itl frc.ihun rb o r iCAlp, c b edM andru ff and fall in i 'h a l r w d h tip yotir huir (0 icmo

thick, t f r o n s Biiil-lwKatirul.



UO»TON--Ballor i''rlBdmuu.'.Chicago f i IlfiilwolRht, won cv JO rounil dechilon Irom Wlillo Harmon, Hvtt York.'wbo hail-won ihlrty m h ilih t’ vIciiirlM. iU I

'rMlOVIpKNWr-Tcri-j. ,MftrUn.,Tj’^f>-' l l Hilcneo'boiiiiin'i. Won n 12 riAinil'.lr- :;lnlon .from Uumi}- l-:.lw.')r.1ii of Cal-:' Ifornlal _ | j , ^

■TU CM ib'tim :-.. u — liivnii'.' iu .i.r : - f iftlinoHi arvoii. (loiimlH. I’ntn I j i z o , ' , Srm nton llKhtwclniu. ouipointpd' * Johnny Knrr. <Mvvuluud, lu IJ roumln luHi nlKhi. • I

LON.nON — Tc.| l.owl'i, fornior ivorMw ivcKcrwelBhr clin))i()!(;ii.Uio inlddlowclr.lii I'huniploii'ihlii o f . KnKhind lum nlRht v/ium ho wim .lu- lealcd un poinu of Itoluiiil Tadil In n ■{■{, ZU rinind tHiiit, un-

-------- — iiriOAKI^NU. Cn-'if.—Yoiinr llmlloy. T r

Sew Orlcinm noKro. und Jliuiiiy Dutfy ’ loxo.l a .four rounit iiruw hprn 'luiit liu iilKhl. l l "Ull ihii bout whli'h hail byi'O rrjiorti;.! an "frampil” tor u ilniw hut/niunl fnnn UioiiKhi ihu pair iuirh-| td ihulr moni'y. I -----------:------- ^ . I


- ST. MOitlTi'.— lla.t hanilB will pro- veitt’ OporccM (litriinnilor iiirvihiK llitt- n in e Hlkl fnr innnlhii. (he former Kuropvan shnmpinn nuld hero. Jkjuhi thnl hfl'L'vor wiii nifot hU l onuui-'rcr WIIH fxprciiActl In bin uiniCRiniit (hat "lli.T .' Itiii’l niui'li luiuroni In anoihui' boul wllli him.”

ST, IX)L'ft»—Juninen Kournlor. for­m er (‘aril flrni tiunomun, ira.lcil lo tb.i Urooklyn }<cit|iiiM ym irrday,. nnl.l hn n'ouhl i]ull iho*Kanie brforc hu wouhl conitBni 10 the tran»fi-r,

0 I!I( 'A (30-G renda and Koehler an.l ttroccn and.^KK hUII led ihc tl.-hl Id- day In lh i plx-duy Inipninllnnal bike raro. . The IWO leninB, I'OTurcd 1.71« mllcn and Ihrcp liipn In U9 himm,

C inrA fJO —TllP I'Mr'k mjhaihi i>t lJl»' illlnoin A, c. I)nil ih.. (nilimno A, A. left lipre I04ltty for lluffHlo fnr lhu Vutloiial A. A, It. Iti.loor lj-a>'k nn.l flpld ihninploiinliipii.

C’UK’AaO -M .iw nrd Carr, iiyimmu- Him propri.-ior. wnn nrrcnii'.l, for c1iuri;t)K- nilmlnxUm lo hli. hoxlnK •bow.. Tho lioutK vrorn'nKipp.id uml

.Di’n-cM-imuAt to - tw ic o oTOcvrn-irf Ito p nil boxlUK matcho*,

K A \8A S (M T V -til sirnnslc r U w -,' -A-nacr<mifully .lefoiido.l' hU-oluiin*- Iilon«blp hy tnkinK. two oul of threu lulln In •> WreNtllnx mnlclvhero wlih Joo Monilt; Colorndo t-nwhoy', Inat iilitbt. .Mondl wun only ihp (lri.( fall.

PASSAK;, .V. J . - l ’iiH.ilac high achool bankeftall d a m won loi iflCi/i connp- cullvn victnry dcfeatlnj: Knulowooii,135 tri IR, •

NRW llAVKN-Ynt,* went Inlo n trip le (In wlih Cnrnull und Prlncnton for firnt placc tn Ihc InlercolloRlntc iiiiHkeltinll leuKUii by OofcailnR Penn-1 nylvnnia 33 lo id In u two exim per­iod Rumi'.

WEST PO IN T -A rm y wnri lla IDlh cunnocuilve tuiakalball name of iho I floasnn .IcfentlnR MnnhaRnn cnlloRO 4S 10 23. •

ANN' . A n o o a —Wiacoimln knocked MlchtRao fhim aecond place In tbe i-onferanco b u k c ib a ll .race la il nlsht. w lnnluc 18 to IC. ; ••• .

•• ^ Fn»'» K t»o '»«B t.‘ :X'.fus cau'Scent'rtaikB a qunrtrr of

■ .la U e /vray ,.

, Sacll ^“Elghtoen yoar|i » ro .|,.had.Uhf,no

rlbti broken, year* 'ifRo reyr ish l leR; .«Io»cttw ent over w ith irpbold fiV tr iindl ilucn lh«Q bafo ' bad awful ■ ston^ach , and iUor troubls. Waa filled w:ih qua moot a ll the (Imo. I would nava colic a u a c k t co bad a a .lo b<f. come unconaclou*.. No medlclno hoip«d ,wio and docl'ori aUvJacd an o |i«ratlon. ' Ono day laUiInc with a a irasgnr. h® recom nendtd Mayr’.a Wondortiil Itwnedjr! whlch hnlp«l mo a l oac9.” l l I t « ilmifta. liarmleat proparatloB tha t -ramnvea Ihe ca- a rrh al -mucui. from the- io it itlb a l r a c t 'a n d .ollaya 'd ie loflammaUon’

which 'c a u a n pracllcdlly' Dir B(otn> ach. Slrer aod iDtaalloal alloianti. inolDdln'c apptndlciQa. One deat v l l l con»inc* or mooay rafuoded. _ • !

; S i S iI w iiU d n o t- ’df^^ iin '.o r " :« A d o f a j y ltl^ 'o fe t' i u » ' Ijeae-

R l e h ' i n ^ i a .'• •' S « o « i y ' t e i ' *I, J»c^‘ eI ed ihatitanii

oeU eiM B tr tn g U i.u f lM iu .

-----------T W IN r

SPORTMtRoiuiuiiiy.wsi;BOllNGCONTESlt IKi™ SHOE i l l l 5

,Tro:; — :— I t«aHill ie h Kccord for n Single flame'!?^'}' ■ H ro k en I .n 'l M cht by Ijtunilry- Ct',,' ; mrn When 'I li r r 'lOlHlliia lln' Miu ; pies for II t-core nf WHi. '

T------- T(Ily niL I- llAKKIl.) ;Sho

— l ’hp-lhlrtl'raino-of-Uio-<.v.inhiR-4i«»t4if’j” iiiRht nhowed msrkod Improvemenl; , , ,

.111 UiB bowHnK fralrriilcy of Twin . •h'ullii whon tha Troy Loiunilry top- ,, , Pled llie-muplCH for u-ioiiil of OOO.Thin Is Ihc hIshDNl acoro mudo hy ~ uiiy lonm thun fnr Uila Heanon aiul iirenka tho uld hlfth rocord for' (ho | Troy l..aundry team of fiSB.

T hree uf lhu flix sam en.thp niRhl K hundred m nrk xvna croaacd lunl Mo I

Knicker SiT o C h im e w i th ;

No\V i-omc's Jilt' tlircc-itiooV ..li'i-'i

S u i t ill n il Hll' jininiliii' SjH'inu’

llu-«i' ill o n r ilisl'lny , $1B.OO.

1 ' . .f . . ' • • • ’ ■ ..

i Crepe Dre; ; I n L ig h t "Spring i

J K tiw f 'r c p c DrcsscK w ilh Hul

1’ulHlt‘y t r im m in tp i, ' th o v e ry

1 - S |iriiiK C repe DroMrH, $10.00I ' .

1. • • '


> : ■ la

1" New Bloili >■ - - -

I t ^ ^ i e i ^ E ) e

J rtlnuM-H o r C a jitp li-C j-O ^ ill ‘

,i.' (If^sixnii iitkl 'r>ri'p^Wr' S p riiiR '

; ( lic m 'o ii d iiiplujf/'^ > T 'V




VORLD ^ilBht, n io ~ ? ir it VaiHii waa not ui>l 0 atandard us .'nolllii.'r tvam reachcil; he elRhi hundred mark. Tho c ti'un : loJjiM . c n r fd ^ 'HH nurnn, w«)»' s i cry lltlln effort and .tofeaied ihnjeiiai ho« fltior# hy jih o ni-iirp'of *n« tn li ii . 'i 2a.‘ Tho nV.;ond'KJinii. weni in ihuiio;;,-] IhOB'Murkel by tbn luore of Kno 10 1 00. The Ihlrd Kamc wua Uio • f;im me oa fa r an the lauiulu- hunch w n"'),,,,, «nccrnnd nTid• Iho niuod '.inri'” '"0 .HOC for •tho'HhOtiii-'n.

Th.* bos iicorc: '1‘roy Ij»nndry— 1 2 ,T Polnis jju!'!':iaHoy .... ........ jns f74 irtii ^ I jfn o 1illllor .................... ir.t lUii 16H 4is.ihDlfCnK. ..................... lf'4 m :i.'. .tnoldlniir r i ii ^ ann .n o '^02 [ ' i ; ' ■>'

...........-........Tolntii ............... 104 'On (lOO 23U4 is.rv.

>hno M arket-- I 'i a Pulnii< liiuii;»wlH .................... n :l liiS 182 .(i.ll (■minlmiiiiil— I 'ii—H5--^rr!Tf)-„r,liuiihuii ...............■ ir.7 ii;o IIM it>i)'j,)i)Mnhi ................... ir.u ITU lli'J r.:in <Tlianimoii .................m ; laa u s 417

Tolnln ............... 5:^ SOU 230.-. ijluv----------------------- • • I V

• On tha Bcrd<r Lhie. }, |inll In ivondprfnl turn- ii.-iir itinccli I* j.Shii

to l^ u iilly l—Jerr<ild.'

S i p :T r i p s

V ' ONE a:5 U l tS ( J the ni

V — intei't 2 . designei-s hav

1 O p r i n g siatible chaj^here is th

.■iTii'v Kniciu’i- - ihg fashions ( world. Youi


esses . SS h a d e s

lUilRariiii] m ill

cry U tc s t ill • ' ' ''• j '

10 and up. ' ; ,


' ^ r i n g C

i ' , 1 !\VQ:;otr v e ry p roH ' , nnd DrpKst*«. O in

' ' 1iiiyi»i(r th e viT.v li

Nnw SpnuK P e tt i

'n -illi 'i lif ji ntisortm i

A it^ jw o rlm P iit n

^ U S 6 S . I ’ritP il n t $11.08.

— r, ' I

/ e s i g n s Ktjlpp, p r i c c d : ! ! ! ,

«i th e O ricn tJ il >>..

-• '■ ■ -Tlfe.r

• / . . . ■ l:- ; S '

a M i p M

S ____________

S S f TITLES 1 MiCHWHiOS-SEW . VOflK. Frll. . i^ fV r ttr .f jR h t!

'bainplnnn ur.< In >1ani;cr of Inuiniil lli.'ir l l i le . hi'iViii- iliP |iiii»ilni;. nj { {

On Ihrro of :lhc foui- Ullo hiiUli^n. [ h.- I'hiwn In v.'-UnR vrry uiiPHnity, 1 )n.' RiKi.l M'ullop (nun nom.r amMthiiin < . k’nnninipr .inil (hi'ii luifi miinlc. I

Jnhiiny Wllnon, fliili- li.ihli-r nf ihv JtuUl-ll.-WPlnhl. Ullr, han ■inn.- llltic ly , no f(Kht(ni; for n year. Thdu- »r.‘ ;■ liDlf do.:L'ii iiil.ldli-w,-iKhlH >',iiiiihli- nf; :llr.li<»llir. of Wllnon. ' I

Jill' l.yiirli, It lui WIT .'.inwiilii lo 11,1

mont ccrluliily he on th r Umlni; cml.i S.rv.Tal, .itlii.r liuni.iniii n r..........clullK'TOllii.

Crliiul, Ihl' Kuniin'aii .'Iiaiiiplnn. lii] liiilhK pri'iiriTH’,;i'iili-il*Tm'“ T'Iif;lir^WUll • — Johnny Klllwij,,-. Ji i» rimibrfii) I f Crlnul ulM b.' ahl.' lo .U-ri-iit Ui.‘Ihcr i hnmplon, hm Ilu'i«- urc u linll^ iioion (Ixhii'm In ilili .'nunlry ivluij imvc hell.T iliaii ;i:i .-vcn chiiii. i'.

Will Ml.'k.iy Wulk.-r, tho wclK-r' I'linmiiloM. bi-’nhli- to hohl o(( ll^ivrl .ShadP? I

Alno Ihrrc in a rum or Uial Rpony ^

R l !into the S

arc the modes of VVinter— modes of Spring! Each ‘or

jrpretation of the modes a ave coneeivcd it—each one ^ n g e for every woman eve the NEW,-the best and mos s ever to emerge into an e >ur early and leisurely insr

C o a t s , C a p e s a r id

‘ Arriving, Dailyp ro u d o f -o u r ip.tiorlmi’ntH n t SpriiiR

O iir fmyoM Jmvr sp e n t iiin iiy '« ce I(K - 1

,v InlfK i in SpriiiK cm itio iiH fo r T w in

pttieontH , ill I’lUNley il '‘WKii»- Y nu wi ■tmi'iit.

n f w^’Ol r 'repp I’n ia lcy to p


i " : :M ijs’., Po lo (?onlH m n l <’i ip e s 'i i i S p rin

H i.0 5 — $ 13 .86 ..

,' e Exclusive Agency.HSi ( f ^ Wom Tailor Mai

■Vi'iunl In I.... llini; on w .-liitirio tnNt |Ual he will I.C IU1 have <ru«rown lliP|__ ^ iKiilwcIdU Ilmil. |«o«,

FOR SA TP r i m e B e e f R o !

B o i l i n g B e e f . .

XEMRALHome of E c 'L.t Mei

------ PHONES :

Store1;—hero iiro I I _ ^ 'one a vital F l d I 11 B as expertDne an ij,xe- \ A /jverywhere. ' ’nost chai-m- ’n expectant .......... . 'nspection is iii.' .lov I'.i.r i

1(11(1.1 iissortiiK 'iit

] .............. ........

1 ^ - L inei' ' s

i l lf ' l i V - > tliiiiK

1 D re sse s i

iiiR Coiitii, CajH'K I'IfK-tti NVw Yoric ■ .n'in KfllU wom.'ji.

1 will In' ploiisc.l

'Mii'ji for SpririR. SprintprinK Hlindrt ntul b P o

Wc liHvt a"'l

■■ ■ . . Sw onlnn» o f Sh

^ U 4 " ^ a | ’

P A U H T l lK i : i i '

............................. ■■■ ■ 16u]<p«ttd ta Do W itheut Slaas.

. at)lm.Mi, pUc BII.I u.'ldlNb Dn> •»(>• -

B Mo a s ts . . 1 0 c l b .

. . . . 6 c l b .

MARKET [Ile a t and Groceries


id -M a d e : W aists .

( iniul'ffiilrirc.l U’ni.sfH havi!

r I’llll m ill tux i'il.i I'lilliirH; n

. 'lit III i-li.iofi' fro iu . •,

S p o r t s - S h ir ts" o r S p r in g s ' I

i« to W enr w ith th o t K n ic k e r ‘

iiuon S p o r l S l iir t. • *

: • t

i' V i B i p V

■ ■■ '■i', • ii ------------------- --------------i . • V

Ig Sweaters i* o p u la* iS h a< Ja is »

S h o tlo n d flos(i!id lk i o d w ool.''.• ;‘V-' [/dhl coiiie ill l i i x r t lo ^ h f l p .v

Wiir dUptn);; - iv ;

r a n

T H E I W I N F A L L IC iM d b v . nn rap ftpC T o f t h s Oi

VobUiIwd S n r r -S T « a iA i E x u p t S tu p«nT, T w in :

t I L m S T g f f l . ---------- ;;------

i k i a t r f u U n T r t i JW U P i r to m c .V . ’ . , pnb iim ioflu A

i___________■! - '■ ' H U B SC R IPT ]

::.........----------------------------------:---- “ T—D kU }c,'8iz m oo tlis — — ...........■■■■.■—D i ^ , p a e a o a t h .....................- —

• • r A fe w pcopli' Im vc imlti'd wl Im t tli(> m a jo r ity kn o w tli rm lyo

•g ro U m iln woiiW , b f HovprnI hu i •Woritl'H Rooiiii in T w in K hIIh lim l

I f S o n n to r Heed Aviintril to i H o n rtb in t; li '' hnd n (']mnc<' <1 ifttP ,in th e ( lay lo bc n in to liow l i

n i’v r r hnve lic i'n r c tu r n o d P onlloR io o tir w ity o f th iiiU in i; I

i - ‘'Blaelcir.”

t t I t b e g in s to .lo o k nx if Homcp r t y d o f h*vlriff beeu n w n n ii f p ^ u e ** tlic . o fflelftl r c p n w n t / i

l l ' v e c iui (fllcA tb « tm r d o f t [■ s h ^ l lo io w tlio tn i t l i f lbout tlu n iI b e b e l te r ftble to jndRO tlic nffnI m o y b e n llow ed o iir ow ii o p in io ni ^ ------------------------ c‘ T h e fo rm ers o f tliin M o tion s)• t i y nnd Hoo if i t w ill n o t p u y th e m

th id j ’oo r. W « nn> n o t n n c in n th e• to p ln n t n il th e ir In n d l» bcctH

p la n t n t leatit n p a r t o f tl ip ir ni j f a m i u g a m i don'< forR ct tlio i-o%< tUfc fa rm pny.

•• • O w o f Hh’ vory hPriouH thinH d e v f lo p n i ro t o f T w in F u lls

{ ia '-pnjU ing from m o n th to m o n th:• >vi)l n o v c r K ot'o ii oh w p wliovilil iV fl^d beR in to booiit n o t o n ly o n r :• hoV’d p in p e n a s w oll. S om e poojV

'! llo . - B o m t p eop le d o n ’t lik e o u r h• ^ ’t J lk < ^ o w Unily now H pnpom, t£ |« v it ra lH ’fro m m iirninK til l ii!k )i

, i ................. d jpcction to F iv e Pointw j i n d -wo\ i f i u iioo« tid tM m ild fno lorio tt n rI thc*o Kftinc peoplo nvould d e v o te i

s4lfnptliihg c o n n tn ip |iv p wo w on lil ; montliH.

• ThlH w eok in th e t in i c \o . r iiimi a n d if y o u nro n l)oU<'Vor in “ KOf

J \ e x t r o o r ^ n n r y fo r tho«o Iiovk. ** n iiu jy o th e r eitioH in thiH c ro i i t n

' to eom u u p to th e m a rk . W o k1;• iicou t w o rk nnd wo h tiv o n ’t In r^ i

back in R to finnnce onoiiRli t ro o p L o y a l f ’itizfH , to h e lp tliin wni-ld

1 A u o ld ruiyiiiR Rops “ A n onnoe olc iire'*..RO I i 'I ’h do th e s n y in c rn

I Ja to r. I I y o u u i l l d o y.oao h a v e tw ioo, nn ran n y tro o p n

• tim e* o» m n n y hoyH io hooiu w orli i , ciu lm biiVL* N ln rtn l liiu hu ll tv ith i} eno u n h b y a n y moonii. T h e quoKl

' -------=------- --— t h e w o m JS 'o le ss ftU a m h o ri ty th a n Al

V • t h f N a tio n n l A ntom oh ilo Chninboi'm a y o n m th o fam ily incom e, hn t

; v e ry in f ln o n tin l p u r t in sny inR b o "y ita l a purcha»o (ik n onr, h 'T w

V p w tn n t bou rin tr <ni tlio u ltim u to J ,• .A n 'c e i i t Hiirvi'y o f th o N ow• p f p c c n t o f thfi cnr>< hold tlio fiiu i' A 'ta h i i ln t in n o f th e re R is lrn tio n o ! o f t h e c o u n try show ed llm l fi pi

'v'wmen, o r (1,000 mrK.T b iis , w om an nolJ on ly lin s n

f o r tht*. fam iJy , h u t kJio j« pitr<'fi nu m b er* . T he v o n in n ’H in.sios nni ro co g n itio n .

U u t Ibi.i in fliirneo on th o p a r e a tio u o f lio r porsoim l iu to ri's t. i s ta n d p o in t . I t is jiro o f th n f nIio m o to r c a r in tlui lifo o f th e riiniil.\

' f tw in l iM u t>-po n f n o ro j i t io nn io th o r a n d c h ild n 'ii oun n il I 'lijoy

: m a k e r . '

Flw lda H m L eng ttt C o i i t , . Hf>rWa Iim lh»IutiBWt r.)a»t liin* of)■ •# » « a t* —alniMi iw olio lium lm l

mll«»~>iil(MM> llinn Imlf. Ilie dli>lntip«- It**- > tw ten Cblc*(D and San Kraiii-li«t>.' CaUfortili la ■ocmiiI la tlils rf«|)ecc.;> ■ Wllh o * tf uue (litnitniKl lallox ofi , eoait line. Kooio ■odiorltlM a rc In*} cUaed IP f lr« iJie-prefrronpf to Call-i danM . t h m belax m llcilu illfrm-noa^ ' U tW M a ibe c o u t IIom af Ilie two

I . Mtk*.e«mp*nl«n of F law ir, If A 'J a ^ B S M 'la flfciwiomod i« i>lflcoI ’ I flower Ul lilt* room ni>t'aii nn urna-B . a m i, t)ui > t ■ conii'itiirin.

fi''- ■

LS DAILY TIM ES....................- I ,O ify a n d O o tm ^ o f T wI b F aBs

b'Vnday b r tb a TlmM S ab lU h ln t Com* B PalU , Idabo •_________

■ -------g.mnT.PBhll«h«r

m > ■le a a t b'Mond Clasa U atU r aa a BaUy

Aprlt Xl, io n .


_________________________________ _ .60

w h o a n - Ilio “ n o ld llim l Tw irl's,” ly o w ell. Ill fno l, a vory fin e olil h un ilrod d o lln rs boU cr o ff in llfw ^il Iio iioviT irml o ithor o f ihon i.

t) f ijjh l KO hiid w hy d irkJii" ii“ l do0 dnriiiR Iho W orlilw tir. It is jiro tly »'l n rm im l lilto u w liipjiod im p. Hood od lo til l ' l.’iiilod StiiloH M-nnto, ne- ; bi-ciuiNo he is ll t l lo hol'liT ih n ii a

m e pco])b? in Idu lio m ny n o t h e no1 f rio n d o f llie m nn w ho lin s heen n t/i tiv c o f th r K ii Klii.v K ln n . A t i f tiu- licficl JflonffJc iu V hiciifto . 'Wo H ill u finv wooli-s and t l i n i w o w ill if fn lr j iw tly . In llio n ii'an lin io w e ion o f h im .- 0 -------------------

fihoiild K tiidy th v siiRnr hoe l in ilu s- om to jila n i i» InrR or Jieronce to bcolH till! fnnniT Jt o f th e T w in KjiIIs tnuM ctH hu t lo t’H' Rot moi'o f iirm o rs t o

noronRO to th in o rop . D ivon iif iod oow«.'i-liiokoiiH, liotjH, i-lo., to m ako

in«H w hioli IH hindi'p iuR tlie R row tli Is is th o KnrL-iistio c riiii-isn i w liieli h nhou t tlii.s ono u r lh n l ono. W o I U ntil w e overroiiic-tJiiH Iiud h n h lt lUr ow n pro])OKition b u t o n r iioiRli- '(iplo d o n ’t lik e o n r tdoroK u n d \nany. • }«i U‘}h in u l iiinay <h. H om e jK u p ic n i b u t m oro do . }Ve eou ld fo llo w IrI iI n ijii from .Mniii' Mtroi't in o itl ic r ivo w ou ld hon r vo ry lit i lo olBC, h u t n r liiOp m nko bnH iiioit-i''boitor.' 1C e u l i t t l e o f th in w nstod c iicrR y to lid - v'oi f a r llio r in Iho iio.vl iw o lvo

p n n fo r tho lioy S i'm its o f A nioricn K onutiiiR” ynu slionld do KOinoiliiiiR

-T ^d h J-allH is ....... b e h in d. m nvoinoiit m id now is w r e liniioe ' Khnuld liuvo «J li'iist t'(K) hoys in rR oly liooniiKo ^vo linvo n o t hn«l llio )opH. 'W ill y o n <li> «nm «tliinR . .Mr. Id w ide m ovo fo r lii 'llo r e itizo iish ip ,

o f |» rovontion iH w o rth ii po iiiid o f ru tlit 'r eniiso (ho linyK to d o tlio ycm r p « r f in ii fim tiu 'ia l w a y v.-c

pH in T w ill I'nllH find Tivo o r « ix n rk . T h o T^viii K o tn ry nnd K iw nn is h u Rood rm u id Kiim b u t thiH is n o l OKl'iou in w h u l n ro y n u RoiuR to d o .

IAN ENTERS— -------A lFrod llocvoH, Ronnral m n iin i'o r of

ib e r o f t 'om m oroo , uuyn tliu l “ m nn b u l Iho w nm nn in tho hom o hns n lOW th o budRol slinll bu spo ilt. In bo

wiBhoH ai'o oorr.-iin to hnvo n n im - :e piii-oiiaKo.”'w Y o r l^ d is tr i i 't sh o x m l th n l of_7.'> 'inn l oIkuoo wnit m ndo liy n w om nn. 1 o f 1(K)|(K)0 ourH iu v a rio u s HoctioiiR

po r ooiit o f those w pro ow n ed Iv''

I n voioe in iho tioloclimi o f th o f i i r rofiHKiHfr h e r ow n on r in iiiororiKitiR n n d idons nro, tlion-furo , w oll w o rth

p a rt o f w oniun i.s no t a loiio n n iu d i- it' iu tlio m o to r oa r fru in a Kclfisli ho roooKiiiri's (ho in ipo rtunoo n f llu- lil.v, n m l rou lia rs tJin l thn ;in tom ob ili ' ^n a n d oonvonioiioy w hioh f iitl ic r . joy toR othor.— T h o O ldsn iob ilo IVni-o-

L«t Csnvletlani B* Firm.0* Ti> bo Innuliis f<ir tli!" Ililnff im!ny

and that tJiJnp. f^'i'wrruw; lo c)ja#jfc IlklnifH for lonth'iiB*. atr.l I n ‘ «lunil

'*• -lnhlng nml Iiniikurini: al a von lu r*^ how la ll p.>Mllitr tn r nu.v innn l.» bc a t real In iM* Huctuaut humor und

IJ" pplnlon?—t.'I>iraii:ip.

Jtffaraon and H am lllon.' .. Thojjjfl* Jrffor»rt> on \V/i»Mnilon'»

»orro|ar.v of nlnlo. uixl Aroiiiinl'T' lIuDilKuii. nn lili »rt rclnrv nf llio iroua- ury. Iin<I n|>lnlon» on nf na-

, lluaal lnii>»riniii'i' Hurt v r ru tllanicl- rlrallv o|pi)u»li.'^ Alniiit ciiic IV till- nn.l nhoiil Jlf»

i S B o Y a“ s c a n s

FATHER AND S0« ARE SCOUTSTill' >i.ii> .if u riilli.'r " I.c In lil-

lUy l)lK-iaiiil.'.| »;iy fiiniii'il u inirniiTMilii wllll liU xMiii M>u, "ii> urirk i"i:'’lU''>' In Mi.iiilii/," iiii'l wli.i iMiih if<i'iiiii_ r.T.-luMl ia.> jiwurd nt m a t.It,-.. 1-....I., .............. . „ „f ...... hiSuit l.iik.- I'lly, Iy ri n'ltini'kiiMo Ir'll-

1.00 'iionv •>( H.r* ni.trli ...................prt lliat the \y..rk ami [iliiy uf i-nuillii;:

.'Htl lirlw.Tu 11. Im.j-. ami 111-

. ••tine .liiv," lliln /iilliiT, "III)- Ifiywill ll. .... in ;| JiiUlMk- «»J. 'DiiiJ, wliy

olll <l»n'i .Mill try aim cvc m.uk- iiutIi | l,i^ If Il.iy liiiik so Oii.y I.. ymiV

I tuld llldi I llllllll i;t'( n< uaiii}' 111 !“'■ S» »'!■ hUirliil unt. Ill- nuiilil c" >'■ Olll' I'Muallirr iinil I |i> uiiiitliiT for lln*

1- raliii- luiTll Iimlue. nnil fur 11 wMle ll «!i» lil]i Mill liii li l,..m.M’ti 11-. I.m Iho

■tiy iiexr Krh11.1l I.f li-Hfiilni; w.i« tffllhi:;,.p,l th r l.i’tliT ..f lh.......1 uiiy .vlih ujih h I

wiiK fiiiallliir. Uni' ilay wi- iiimii’ u|.■ I'nr aihi.li III M'lirk Ii.ju'i Iut. Wr tihi

1 a aiit ulxviivi ai;ri-.- ........... M.au- MihJ.11(wi* »imiIJ lilll huv.* Iii-.'ii (iilh.T iinil »<>ii If we hiiil}, hilt In thu i-iiil >to K»I uur liuilp-1.

SO “In fliliililnn I tiiivo fuuml n miu lluil llki-9 10 let mu linutv lii> thlnUi hli ili.il l<i tho only iiiiui Iu vcuuiliii:. ami I (hluk tuy (i.iy wtll Knit.' U)) (■> (>•■ <1 ri’.il

\\*fi m-iilil—ijlji; ffciil run Itr ui.uji...jii 1 Imvo fimnil lhi> f.juntuln of yimiii

nIuco liminilnc II nDUt. heoiiixi-u iiinn' n-vi'r (.aim'll olil if hn nilxe* "lUi yonnL’i>r Imyr. 1 U'llevo tlirrv U nn irreiitcr rclli;li'n iliun li> hi- of H'Tvln' ti> tlli‘ h«)H. (ioil hli'U tlu- iiiiin

.us- who ihouKlil u t Woullai:. mul li...l

.,i|H bk-is (tie men wh.i ki'i-i> It iil>.''


io«l ■ ■



iio f b u t -

1Ct o


Many t>oy KOi/ta in u rc t ttd In radio a rc ttrv lng tit tir eommunlUet by le-

'icn tranMnlHIng the v tlu tb la m tt-. ta g et t tn t eut by varlout departmtnta ' ” ef th t United SU tei oe.vtrnmant, and in il by onceuraglno eihar *ptoplt to r«- li,.e celve tMa helpful Information. Tht

Radio Amateur burtau, «roanlzed 'tty- t ra l ytar* ago by the U niltd S ta tt i

Vlio riavy, to e en ttrv t th t in tt r t tte d of th t ceming g tn trallon In radle activity, r tte rve t. en Ita m im btrthlp Hit «h»

“ I’ ' num btrt e n t to en« hundred fer tceu^i o f who have Itarnsd te ttn d and roeelvi

j j , , . code at the rate ef 20 w erd i ptr mlnutt. I

« ix 6C0UT9 AND TH E •TIQEFl" IKrtiiicv’a " I 'l iw r In for Hit boj

n o l icflulu, Up lii-loncs. d o . Al one tiiiii- whi-u O omcucrou

l>u>>las thriiuuh .Muin; t>e tam o nori»i a t:r»i>l> of iici.utii ua a hike. T lir prrniU'r' »TC>iij.oU Ibo *n)rtiy~lii(ls’'ntiii

o f nfk'P n frw wiirdu of iirulm* «t' Iho uerU tli.-y wrro Ouiiie fo r "la I’utrlo” nml fiiliire clllxcnuhlii. Imiulrcil. "Iiii

s n yun ku.AV \rhu it in th a t Ix lulklns tnI BO J'u ii"

Dne li.t *iei>jiod fornnrO nnil wlih n •nlntc Mill, "yi-M »lr, You’ro tlio TL 'or' nnd we're tlio TiBi-r I 'airul.-

-J_r, .•'•nfil CioiiK'HCoou. “iVi- ulwnyn H-nof- ' i-il lo lie B l.oy HC011L I'fi'hap.i IhiTi!

nn- jm m Diti-iiUic'Jiorer’ .OIIA will'll Iho llin'r |>alml« Ihrouelioni

. Kmiicc hcnrd of thU ihey I'Ininoreil fur ^ tho lllu-ilrlouii tiiriiibrr. nlxo. nml nuw

lhl' vi'ioiaii i>Inl.'<niiin Ih I'urolh'.I tn ,.,iP c rrry pBtnil li-iirlne ilils nniui'. ]


One wuy In wl.l. h Truoii 0 o f Tu):l-1 .. mn. Wnsh.. luli-rrri-H Ihn t-n.iit niultrv.

Itll- iir,.|inrc<I" I« ii> nhovol ilurluK llii-f ish winter itii> »now fnun nronnil clly llr*<' ijj ,, liy ihanlt nuij nhli-.valkH noarby. '

b ill ' AUT0f3TS 8C0UT8- FRIENDSlic r. - -■»-

In Huiillnslon J'nrk, r« l.. Troi.i. 1 lin< iiiB.li* wiirui fripmlt o f uuinliK hi"- laiiw ' uf tlit-.im ln.rof ono aniut ouvh '

— liny In .Mnln Mrecl tu 'n itr ji f«r liniKirj uliiM mill olhor |iunflun-i>Tuv.iUlinc

i!ny nril'.'li-v _________________NEW SCOUT FIELD’S CALLuml _

The [llnil li> i_iluljll«!i B HiH'i'lal , fli'hl rrliiUnn wltli n-inoto |.*rrltury ■

«lil<'h In 1. iiart «.f u r unih'r thP |.ru. ■ I f 'I . .rail' Ilf tho Vlilloil Slali-i. ’ hui

^ not ili-lUilii'ly n [uir« " t Hn’ l- .ro :;1iin'iof tli.‘ l;i.y .'Soiui.H Ilf .Miii'rli-:i. wi»

r>n'» jiiujiii>ri| III n ri'w ni im-i'iloB •li’ llit>iliT iiiiih'iuil lli'iil il''|iari:iii'ni. Tin- ni-'vi>ua- lld-l. U1IJ1-.I I'MhKiii Ull liiillyliiir.I’ii’'nfl. -I—.loll-. .'.Ill Imhiili- .\l;i-;l.a. lliO'iiH.Iicl- I'lirtii Itirii, iTiiniii, .\iti-'rlr:iii Kniiu.n.

IV I'liiiuuui ('.mill . XuTir-. I*hlll|i|ilnn la-t\W Itiiili mill Itl.- Vli^ia W iin 'K


, T H E A T R E STOM MIX S nU lK S IlltJ !


_ SiralKhi III u biJlli't ou t uf n Kun » Iho ndw Tom Mix K..\ i.luiurc ncoroil

u nil a l lhl- Orrhi'uin 'thcn lro IftiU I- clKlii. Kr-.iin llin inari to flnlab tho l|i jiliDioiilny "Kor Dli; Hinkc*" onrrlcd IT tliC nuilh;iiiu ulonK. without u mo- 1 m<-iil'i> hii'M) lu 'l l i r Intumie IniurcAt 1; I'iftu.onil oltlt^ iilciiiii- eanie a lt too lli hiHin tor llio luim ctiy iinw it i>rtiicot. f p TliP- tni iiuiiir m^fni'.'i ii' i'li i i it iu- .t r - 1 Iiiiiililii ri- Ilf Arfioiin Wc-IJghtfil/Jy. Of

t lii Hvoly iictlou ........... ■ In MUI.h'imr!! ihcrii Is iili'iil.. wllli iiilvun- m il' iMluro aiiil mmli roniuncii. ■~Tril-'i>irniri"Wtlt'T..'‘7ir-inn'OnitiC[inr

'V (Iii'^irn uutll and im lii'llitf; iialunluy IV IllKllI.•II I 'I'tii' (lirl, hy ihi> .\.ny. Ill jilnyocl by iV r:iv 'y< lu ih Miller.

L v .r s t;» . .H .ws (jk iu ic k •'I.i i j; i:n." 'Villi till- niii.10 micil tii'n-

,, ion. r riiii>loyi'il by Dlri-iitir-l'roihii'cr i:<nri',r U. .S’liU*. Ilurlnc llio prnrliii llnti ’ f>l llu- 11.'W I’tiMii'U-rl.il. "Mpi'ril." • Hhlcli lUll I.how thv Ihv.I rplrio'li' a t '

' itll- l-'iv.'rlni! ihouti-- loOiiy nml Sul-:‘1- urihiy,hi Chnrlrr. ilutolitnon, llio niur. I.uny, I I Koj, hill lonilliiB woman, nml oiliorj 111 in.'mliorii of lUit.cniii were oa 'tlm IM; III fnun tho fli'x^ nhoi lii llm ti-.'

luil failonnt. ;A o :< woro taken In ,1, ami a ro u n il,N i r Vork City "Ucl'a- ,1- KO." crlcil ^ I t i . nn.l tho eumimny

I wrrn off tur A unablu-Chatm to. M m . thrlll’i. •'I.ol'a Ro” ’woH hvurd acaln ami ilip eonipnny vci-ro off lor Tlnr-

”• lilu. filmlni; lu'onfru (11 Horfiln. In (Jio vli'lnliy of Hi. A«nu:itlii<* amt Jni-kRDn- vlllo. Ai:aln "L ofn no” wna lii-anl uml llin uiinpaiiy ho:iril<-il a iiblp to

1" tolurn lu Now York, llu l illil tjiey I-.' ri'iitr Thry •iliil rim. Hcomta wcro in lakm nlioiiril thn vi'iiinl ull llm wny „[ up tho rourt. ■‘Ilnti'h" ilnclaroa Hint

Illl' tiiTlul iilinuUI 111' oalli-d ''l<Ct’>i

• .\T THK l»,MU*-I T od'i iiilnn Ibo thrilling plctnrr.

"Ono Weok of J»or*," now frtiowins ,ni Ihc Iiluhn Tboatrc. A lltllo bIrOlo

I wblnporvil tomelhlnr. nhout llitii pic*I turo bi'Ini; n “b ln l" uml tho lltllo i blrillo wun rli:lu. Uialnr HQiunientcIa I iiiiU Coaivay T carlo do some Kfcnl ncl-

liiK Iml Ibai’fl Dot nil. Tho background lirre uro ilioHo coiiMruotoil hy aitturn; tuuuninlnii nf 'lRcninp»r.ibln mnsnlfl'- t i'm:o. riiKlnu lorroiiH , In fuel wllhnul lln iilory U I* n ruri;i-iiuluii nf vory hoaniirnl pk'lnrcn. Thon itirn i In a Kuoil cnmt'ily am] nlHo 11 Muir nml Jnlf cnrloon und llie ’£Iiii .from tho I'rcM ou Iho ilamo pruRriuii.

. Sam t C h a rac ttr litk t.1 A atnry will ln-ii| n rhllil l.y ih(> rar H fnr llouin luKOflii-r, iiinl ■tm-a urc but I H- grouu 4;bililrcu.->l:.ll.!t>cll.__________ 1

I D R O N C H illS if l . Alt>ti3t[ii,. .u b th tth M .ltm i '

Ilo eh«ii tbftrousbly wliK—

- V ^ sIt. - ^ p !o <r u bnd O xr / 7 A T tf^ / tn Y w lu

ht • t a m M m m m m a m m m m m m m m m


Tlio Slory of a 'fiflod Mnn—X RnVIItr SEE TOM .VIX llA flN fl >nT II A


0? <■

ml • / — Tiir' —

■'.--r1)1. 1-:----- — y ■ \

" j

J ] = For Big, „ m y s t e r y r p m a r


in., A >n TOPICS OK TJIK •na On<bouni Ort-hesln>-^.\ Uroat Khi

S P E C IA L T K O O R A M Si 11 A tI ..V l)l\ AM), i n s111. m i.U A 3 l IirM 'A N'■a. ItrSTKH- Kf.VTO>■• ‘ C inLPH EN, S c -S .\T r i

,Y T I M E S


Yc«tcriliiy..ovi'nlfiK ui u mpoilnR of lhl- UlK "T" I'ocluly il wua ikoklrd lu

•« sivc n ball nn o r about Miircli 33. Tbla If) to hn-workrtl out'tm un-nnnual u tb . . Ii.'llf‘l.ik1l nurl 111 Klv<in 10 raSi" money tor llm UlB - T uoilciy, WitUur Stick, proitltlonl. liaa uppolnted varlout cnm- m lllntn’to w ork nn tho nlfalr which

un i, |ja 'f n |r (» rival iho Junior Prnni IQ '''■ pronilnuni'o uf nodal ovcnia of iho

fccbonl yc.ir. ______

Tho Dluo T rlanclo club bold i| im-ol- In r In ih c ilomo of tba lilKh nchool u'hlcli WIUI (ollo'.vcd by.a infty pull.

Dt- ThB tili'iuro. ‘•JulluM Caoiiar.- wnn ^ nivun yc'I"r< ln» 'ln tlio niullloiiiiiu 011

llic hti\h nrliool. Tdo play wan n nil- jinri proilucihm ri-vlcwln»r ITacmr'ii.

:n- iifi> from KO 11. f . unlll hln iloul^fTho M'l'iiuH wiiro lak'in lu Unly uml iiii

nn- io:onn-jTc-7;T.i” .iVin-7ri‘-in-r:r,m«T-Tirtnn- ■ ny piirii' of thl' play. Thin v n l wjii prc-

coilcil hy IWO ro'olN on Iho unlurul uy iiorm-ry of C.iumiu uml Olil Ni'W KnR-

bnil. . -TWn ovpnln« Ibo Ji IkIi niu-

" l ' —XMV W HOW IM!-f‘l. I '

LSm 8'J.6E12N iaC- pr««enb«

S, H ^ ' E l a b e . ' ' . _ f l a m m z r a t ^ i ' ;

■° I n

■ ■ " O n e W e e b ’

?: B H O fL o>?e '’

W o n d e r f u l

i ; ; ■ P h o t o p l ^

^ ■ O n n b u m d o nk O p

« ■ E l e & £ t i c e

2 ■ H s and V l ^ m a n c e

III - ........- .

m i ' M e r i n a i l d C o m e d y

• M u tt \ J e f f C a r to o n >

j . n i v PROsi TUB T j iE s s , I


r.nod l l o n t —Am) a Upmleriul OlrL


‘r--- ■

C.lJ 'olrtcUtli/

J A ^^nnTieynokb

, I

W illiam F o x ^r - p r m t e n t tTomm i x -gStakesa n c e o f t h e r a t i j ^ e


Khn«—O noru l AdtnU^ion I0> SO, Ht : S A T 17R D A F A F T E R N O O N ;n s W OM lKIIFIX I,AMI*A N -“»'HJllTlS(J K,\TK",VTO>- CO.MEIIY m » T .T n ilJA Y MATINKK d.NLT

“•— t

________________________ . ■ . F U I

't tloiita will alvo Knothor dance In tbe HElka hull tor tho mombeni of ibo bigb l|Holionl. .Thu Ulue nnd While orclien*-J irtl -comported -of- flv*-tludonl»-of -Uiu

" ~ r ± > ■ ’ ■ ^llab. ■___ .. ..........

I . Fr, 6 to 4


"L-r . ' \ g .:ul . \ WIR- \ ,

lu. • \

i , 'Originally Swift <

Boojc.warf published^ Jiufiotr rnnon^ shareh' W hen incorppratei

there are more thur Now Swift &Comi

! to everyone who waIt treats in a brooi

general interest and o promoting.an unders ing business and its.re fare of the public, w:

Do you know thai is not a "close cbq may purchase a sh Swift & Company wc user of Swift’s produ and Bacon, Brookfii leaf' Brand Pure Lai Chickens, etc.—a shi the company as^well products.

Send for a copy of i ' ' ' ‘ dTcoiiKK V f*!

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^ S w i f t & c

A MiUaB>wUe erstD lutl 45,000 ah

T O N I G H T !. ChaiTHntcLIsoa, tiie '

“ S P E-_________ rite 31]lf.a.Minnle

I ? n i 7 P . The firal hnndrpd

y ^ ^ ^ ^ M i V E R l N G

I L A V E R I N l

i Next Monday arid TuI E. J. OABfZH

The Cartoon Mu»ica


n ig , Well Behaved Fl! f f i ' S T . x 5 1 -6 5 ;

' SeaU Kon SeUIas.Ki

TimAY, rEBRL’AIlT TC/.lflSS.be biRh K cboorw lII furnlih muigo farBb tho occanlou, Mflmbi>m of the iwo w . teamn fro li'T (lo r> \H ll bd KU«»»ta ofJiu ,111. - .d u .u i.. ......................... ..... . ............. -

r o m1 5 ,0 0 0 !

p — -

S> \ ;

fl & Company’* Yeared for exclusive distri- reholders. ' 'ited there w ere.6; today;; l a n 4 5 ,0 0 0 . ; : . V ' - .V! i

)mpany sends this book-- wants it. , •x>ad way of subjects. oC; d of the first Itnportance, _ erstanding of the pack- ’ j.relationship to the wel»' which is helpful td

hat .Swift & C o m p ly ":brporation’? Anyone share in the business, would like to see every*;,5ducts—Premium Ham ' kfiold Sausage, “SilTOr'i •'Lard, Premiutn Milkfed- sharer in the profits of ^ell as a consumer of its

of the Ym t Book, Free,

ianyl023YearBootc,S«!fi ft Comptny,/RtUiient Dept.

- Chletgo

: C o m p an y ,J. & A .

______________________ 1■ V I

T O N I G H T !iie T hr(|l S tnn t Ktnjr 1a

E E P ”inie H frlal .BeBmHon . __________.

f r e e

<G THEATRE " ' K a j T

I G T H E A T R Erueaday, Feb. l 9 t h - 2 0 t h ■arnsE oPTBEa' ,:', . -i. cal C om edy,v^tttation

:,Jii ^

T la p p e l^ e a S S ^ C h o S 5; $1.10; 85c; 55c J


, . L ' t'-

.W=r .'': ,::-v — *. . ; /■ •. ,':i ,.c:. i. ''

. P H m a Y , FE B R IT A R Y ]C,- l a g .? .'

Tremendous Growtl


T!ic jllk worm jJai' apparcttily bo l liearil ( lu t tlic war ii over. A t k a u . 'h h ii fac l'thai ilic pricci>

I Wliicli qAih«riM(i> -are : still com­pelled to pay (or th li protliici,

. lour year* a ftr r ilie cloae of ilic war, a re nearly two aud ouc-liaU time* as imicli per poimcl a t tin.'

: aiin iiil average prior to llie w ar. •,* riie la to t full ninntli ffiriifri nf

----------- the— Utflsnnierir-T jr-toiriTtTCrcc^tlioie of A uetitt, '.922, sliuw .llie

.............. I aT trase im port-prke o f ilie- r a wi lilk cnierinic the country in tliat ; moiiih al $7.U per pound, a sa iiiit

-------— '— - ■ a i l - iimtnt~-avcT«te* of ~$3Hg-per-pouna ill 1913.

CurJoufly. t6o. the quaniiiy of lilk beiMS b(ouslil.inio. llir coun­try even a t theje tpeciacular

, price* of over $7 per pound isapproximately twjee i s g reat as in 1913, when tlie price was lets' than

• li»lf lh a t of today. • Silk expert* tonfflale th a t the qaantity o i raw illk entering the uniteA Stales in Ihe full year 192 exceed* by 2S% that, of th e former high record year','1921; if so ihis would brinir

• the. 1922 to ta l 10 56,000.000 pound* afafnst 28,000.000 in 1913, and 45,- Ow OOO in 1919, when the silk (ac- tone* o f t h e country turticd out

Armed Germ:

: I 'l ir& fU a rf itm lc ii and othisr ta r i t a o b la m ito a .; H « « oro a sroup W orM -V «g.. •

: ”'MwT h e fa'toty o f P u tting H um Has t r e a te d

n r a E K Tharni* More• ' " U topia, de»erlhlnir a 1

' unity., abundance, ami CI fharlty , he hed nere r he N orth Carolina. Morcov*

. th« valiant pM t and rum been a* well Informed con tb* heart of Dixie a> (he i

■ , .Awwlean, he ,probably wo . haT> aMOclated i t w itb his

eal counlry of happinc**.• likely ha. would harfl »ha •v era fo N ortherner’* mli

. . Uon of the.S-iuth, plctu'rlr. , , ft. land-riven over entirely

' ninl e tu tcii wllh a backgr j ■ . cclton field* and nesrro

earcliflB DIsie molodlcj.- r • ' .- So th* '«l|Bde', o f -Slr

■ . J^or»->a*sumiDK-for him .. -• ' an ‘acquaitiUneo with Nort

- llna a* tha t of

, - 'j ta r l of'‘**urpri»e were,. • ‘i • ' • f o m fd -th a t e t all th#

■ i-happy-’ sMtWn* .o t . . t b * .State*, til* "land 9b eolt<uin< a community which I010*1 closely rCMimble* lb<

' ; ' Utopia..................< >W ork»B t(l'*^f Happli

. The bad* of.liBpplnesV human u|>eri«ne« ha* pr*

,k . . • cluijvely *hown, and the It\ of thu' community .embrai

- ■ ' tw o'lU tle citic* of no**ia___ ; .Uoanoka Itapld*. N orlh.,(

. . bear* this out. U I* no t c. eohvtntlonal Hollywood

• . n«*»" *«ltinK of gol< couirearbl* pool* lolald ,wltK

i' ■' J ’,? '• w srtd w u to to d e d 10 >

- • rilie t.tfl « w : la t u t b»-1r ; hi* own ndirtiberhded tbai

I d Bo*e»aiy.*!>d :R «tn l U i r i i k i n u p abrnt

U r . P«tt«rMS wu>t«d -thU f t n t r

' '•Mllli6ll^'»4MflOOTciwan.rv-; •..'• lH l8h ;eehw i

: M r . , . ? i t t ^ a ' i* ,.no t.» ' . n i a n ^ t

•• ri»o*f'*a

vth of Silk Manufacture in0. r A ,u f . Sl4lUtkl4m

r i io -N a tio n a l C iTt Dawk oh N ew Y o rk

:L Y 'n iA D B n e c o R D t , r * . .v«77

lly WW,OOO WO Worth of tiik sood* Tcr. aK.iiim SiS4MQW) in 1914. an.l o f .re* S107.000.COO in 1«K1. ' The total ' ‘"il III- value cf »ilk jri.oils nnniifacturrd Cl, ill the United Slates in 191'.) washe six times a« Rtcai aV tlisi of ISai. ^ r ‘ ilf These values of t/ie tiik Komlih t ' turned ci:t liy ine faclaricn of llie ,i,jii f . counlry ffom year to year arc. it .n cu{ niii'it Iiff,t f infmltr r r i!..lJui-.r_ a t ilir in,.3T:tnr7 !T(ni>Tiiu-iRi.;ini-ici.fi-«nl'Tr.e•le the sums iiaiil l>y- the ron 'uinint; ]<iwlWiiiij<lr.*.- -in fact, tlir tif a u i ^ l <,flat tiik maiiufa;iiiriiiK ejlal>li\!imrnt thei»t of the U niitd Siaici is rerioncd a* ia;ii ei“cjrimaTinirttrar'o\T!r-?r,30O,t]D0ff)Cr3rM

w orth of jllk maniifaclurc* were kou of told in the Uniled S u tcs i<i 1922. , 1,^

and lha t ihe total for 192J wilt be ^^xl , r »>‘ll larKcr.is The Untied States, ha* liecome »eni m by far llie larResi silk .contnmiiiB an and inanufaciuriiijf country o f the Jan 't* world, despilc ihe fact that a ll of Tiw the raw uiaterial which we use in ir<afin th ii line Ii brouHht«haIf way Uni% around the-slobe, and expert* ure cvii:rd quoted as sayinic th a t'w e are In- a>ra 7R day importing 80% of the:raw *i1kd* of the world and usiiia practically i.n5,- alt of it.in our own factories, for »9ISc- Ihe qnanllty re-exporied iu the CW.iu t natural *taie i* netfllgtble. ' 1900

n a n s Deiiio;jiis^a^g Ag:

• tarBoOonnao clUe*; huge d*raon#tnitloiiB oup or to rm tt eolOlcn ivho need only unUor

MDIHGIHh Can,if an InSustriarC om m v m an Values A head o f 1 a W onder Village

ore wrote.way* of training IntelUgeia land c f There are thrco common'school;Christian tho community, nil housed' Inheard of brick buililiii'g*. Some men con

•over, had er lhat a common ychool educai•umantlcbt It enough for mill hand*. Mr. Iconcvrnlnc tcraon th6ught dlffcrenily.,lie nveraee lhou;;ht a high *ehool «lucalwould nol wuuhl Ih> botter, so encourag^hi* mythl* *ulimi:sl<in of a bnnd iv u c 'fu»*. More hlgb-schiwl building to pupi

e happlnew D f i t t d h t e M o F E l ttracing the » .leiaary and *h..Carol|na........................................... ......ot ca*t. in « rata, the *chool^O. cost ISOi>d "hBppI- and the mllU to pay a ll b u t Irourse* and oOO of it* cost. Tha peopio 'ItX bathing quick to mcognlto tho munlfkrW T O ton* trf • tb * -cflc r-» tj,-p w ed ; th» IIV U J.rea c . U n e . SchooU coitlng a h a ltk r tho up- lion dollar* aro nol eommoi ■•pap. a le r t ummunltlo* cir .7,600 peopto;it RotcmaEy *r« l u ofltjUawht ot.2.WO p«.fou'tiflod on >iid lU lacu lty o tW rteachar*m ir tr ,: ruitt^ ' . v ' - V ' . . " • ''..,1ufamn UaU saieolFltaSMvntt'o'-H'

..rt Koam d,; iotesuriiy toj.,." .bMl"I . l e r « t in a tl Initlttttlon w b««lot 1 , eoUefo two thonaand yonng p««p:« oahd ra p o e t laanilng to got th# th taIng—aa on* Ufo. and a p p w U t# tbem,"aatlalseterf U r. Pa\t«r*on'* Meal* tha


— ;------ ,TWIK

~ r -

in the United States ^

ORK "■ .

v«77 .'i7 ?c7 f» 'B 7 ri'' ' TO

Tliil big inerea«fi in the outiiirn T ? of ..ur (aclorici. ii.r.’.iu that wc arc —hiiildiiiK i.|> a cc.iiM<ter.i(.|t market Bfl abroad lMriliriiiaiin(jcliirrs jircxliirrd ' ir.ini this iinportcd nulcrial, Tlie vaUie 01 silk m ;.nuuclure\ cxi.art- °®' -d irom the Uiiitvd Stalei in tfic lalejiilar Vtar 17AJ wan ai.iirnx l- ' - liiJtcly 3-'7,l*10,ll00 agaiiut a little o».T S.’,000,OUO ill th r vcar iirtced- T

*;rt£:*,i-::wiiir3mitavbitK.£ilL£tiart»------- -n ,Jlie iv i: liBiirei are materially lie- 1..W tliujc of ly.M, lUr toCil value <■1 Jill; m airtfacturci exported in 'the Taletjd.:r year 192J ij apr>ro,\t-j j i;'icly_ux l in if . tj ia .m u d i^ ,ja , j „ ____year 'ptciciIiiiK ilid « a r. Silk buKouds piuduccd in the fai-iories o f hoithe 'J iiiled State* ^low no to ovcr bit' sixiy to titilrifj and col.niirj, in-chidiiiB coii.iderahle .luauvities ' ,sent to the cou iiln rj from which ,Jai.an” '^ our raw silk, China and J“‘

Thc cajiiial invested in thc silk '“ Iinanufariuring induitry of the cl»United Stales was rcnorte.! by tiic tie c o n u s of 19^0 a t $iU,U)O.OOU. a.i ' uliB)ra-:nil. 5210,000,001) in 19N: and 'WI,0«lW U.iiJ,lM0. ;T lie jiim paid " j.n wages in the «ilk indiu try in ■1919 wa* $10auOO,OUO. a^ainM $47.- Onn.OOO iu 1914, and Sio,UoO,U10 in1900. wl

iiga in s t : F r e n c h


■ ......... . ........................ •“lotiB haro tal:en p lu e og aJu t tbo ilfonna to appear' m ibfly did Id tbo ^

olina tn u n ily^T iere sf Production | | s ^

A "o

.Ugenc#.'hoots in B iH ^-lB B ffiU M ISuiE B llA B SsSB In fin#conalJ- I n r w lm G ^ a W B i B t t W l l l I

lucalion I r . P n f

ucatlon ; j ^ 5 8 ^ ^ S ! 9 ^ 9 l p g ^ 9 9

E m p i o y e e " a i d . I x e c i i t i v ® ’ ■ a-aaita.team.;'>S00.))00"oeaUon' abonld b i ' a p i«n tra tioD . >ut $80,< to r Ufo.-and th# live* o t m ott peo-. 7I0 wara plo havo. moro to do w llb n m le * , nlfkence cooking. bouaekeolTing. carpentry. ,h» bond ta ria ln g ran d 'tH ffrH S ilm o iJB rd r la l t mtJ. bu*(nc** tban w ith^ L aU ii'um tax amoo Ip and aolid geometry. .'.ToBOg'tata plo; DOT or woraen'in.'thU'eopiBUoItv-’b lfb C».popQi. K t t ^ u a p r ^ ^ t ^ a ' d a ^ l tMr*. : c o u n f l l a e o l le g i if tb « d a 2 * .b t t t ' . i b ^ ean 'b lio aquip

r 'U ia meat .tb o 'i^ Ie t i ia of' u t i uaUoo tem f thC}srsli-CEliMl.^>Sb^

tb# 'm oit T«“ f« •» Hpmr.f o r row - . 9 . ^ ’-

U t I t f y e a a did not havo4 ^ idv a n tac ta ■:-«U t ^ tb*(r ebndrea b a v T W .: Sod# of tliuton thttii.jrcre.mldd]t::ii|id.:«Bd:i9n«

>IdfngjD- B lcb fac liec lf-haT i i l i m i t f t n t ^ b a ro o m tb a t you csB -tM eb^o 'o ld do filM r «pl« aro tr id u ..T b * M people BOW tb ln g t jn and I t t » a l » d t .wboK world'

j : . i£ ^ 'ln le ra * t* 'o p e n o d np-to th a i i - ^ B t« a .- '--sbysair'umi£ ‘'e6t»»i^, f , i • 11 ' I ■' III f



M i e l i n ^ t t e l p s # ■

ROCK MAPLE F IR S T CHOICEQeod Roaion* for Us Delpg tb* Fa-

vorlt* .Tree (or Street# cf th# Small'Tovm.

Tlouslily Bpcakhif, tree* aro ti*cd for __

street Dlnnllng. Is tlm t wJilch 1* mom npc to conio wiililn our kvn. I'rv- •lucnlly, espcclnlly In uow towiia and^"dvY^lupmcuHi." rcrtuln tree* urn to____bu iilaiiird alons o-rtulti Btrcutn; nud hoiisvliolden ui<r nukcil to "do ihHr b it" liy purchni;liia nnd KOlllng out irit;* lo aland ln-roru the ir h'nmua. ''i'h« sclocllon 1* Rcni.riilly mndo by n com- lulttec, ofien'Uii.m n sllclic knowlodc.i <>C tlrtf iiubjcct, based, jiWhaP". »l>on other plnntlng!! which havo liton mndo j cl*.ntli.To uudi-r thc lr uhsorvnllot., perhniis not Miriiculocly aucct.Ki-ful _ pluotliiuii. 'I'bu (ir;;tinicut Is th a t one must huvo soiui-thlng. nnd a* (licru sro nut 80 very muny kinds o( trwH ouu muKt itlck to,tlii>^:u uno hna Kei-n, lilnco n iothlng uut tlio comtnun pnitmhly will not gro\f. Aud no tho .Icclsluii I* nin.ti*.

Tills nicihod o t splcctlon, pcrlinp*. nmy actounc for ihn wldcaprcad plunt- llic of ttio rotk inniiio lu Aincrl.'mi »i)iall-toivn lIr - •I 'i'hi> cholco of Uil* tioo Ih uno ainiln\t wlilrU lhu tro ; lov- IT xlioiild. and tho tnro liiiow.T will, pru iw u. .'niu.ri.'tU nmitiu.H .iK it ii“ f . tluuliirly fnol cr.>Wlug. I t Is nwUivnrd ' III It* hublr, und In brllLl.> nnd frull.It. bl no t a* dcfurutlvo un muny o t Its ' Ninrdlcr bri'lliren. nn<l when *u nmny Iji-ttur trees mny hu huil n t no grvftter ti'uuUIo oud es|ii-n».-, IU populuf-lty I* dim'cult 10 undcrstund.

Fnr Btrcei* tliero I* no treo impprlor to llie Nunviiy iiluplc. Wllli It* i>)'m- .

-invtriml form und luxnrliiiit fuUiiiie. whldi tuni* *0 hcaullful Iu Um full, no Olhcr maple Hun>n"«<'!' It- Jl with fnlr r*pldlty uml It In slnrily lUnl • rci,li>tnut—Aniollu Ulll In A rt ond Dwomilon.

iw W W W BW W Broft'a” S H H B H n H n n / 1 -

r » . - ' 3 g « f e J g i w H a i t t i i r ,, i

g k o s o d o o a ' W x MScIi6ol

w S (i____

in' ^ ■eo- - . 'J y Vt* . ■ . ,•.■ •' »

^ 0 d l d - i u t : ! i n £ q £ w crt tibt

icM J i V m ^ m d iU U r ia t t e r .w r i t t e n .> ^ to blm 19 b u .'t l ia U c la ^ .k im to*^ a B B ^ lih g V ti^ u h f -b a r tboaghtt . *ot to-K w bejr w b w b * ro « a# d . tb n i .

vprbea^ ;b ( tiur U m l d , 'A ^ b i ^ p l i ^ t o . which, tai

E? M

[ES ' .

, AfUT heavy Hircot flKlitlnir. Krcmh ot c:nrmiin-I.1lhu;inlun IrnT.uliirn, Mcmrl I.lthuiiuln and Kasl I’ru'inlii. U li;i i ln i'ii Krm.'li lri).i|i'i. ■ - 9

Detours Mean

I t roa.U nro too roUTh or muJilj Thia nuioalrplano which ho hna Invc



S v r i n e l t ■ Pattersoa v

V t l i e “ M a 5 t e rBuilder- ^

p: \ - B m I

- w 5 6 S 3 ? y ". o . tnostiuf. , Public

^ e 8 # B H | E S y using

w ith a

j ^ e K l - m S S ^ ^ I S O tlbtpBouwki

■ V - . . , di«idtutr r ........ a nw «i

: - r ; . . . , - . , . . ' - , , ,. ( h i U s m n « * o .D r ;,T .v W ^ H .te n » .« D - , , t9 ;A p ‘ploywl-br 'tb i aO lj, r«uiaiD(d\tha iJatkH twoplaetth«cbiiuBoJAn7 tU '< a m < co t oa'

i r e a BiaUrla. 1 Iw r n - t

\ ' '

P-m ■ . ■ '

i f K 1?

K h irui.pii !il:itlf>iir.l In ^r. in-l dcnirl 1:; a luiriou- i^t.ii. i.r i..iilt.wv .........iK.'-ii uiicl.'r 111.' . ........... I ..r 111.- l,..;i«

-r -------- _i n N o t h i n g , t o T h i s A i

lUJiljv W Hlam tv . n radfort, J r .. of Ilalilm. invented iravcia 2S tnllca nn hour on tho roai

B ut pei^ <5HS6!KVr^ y copo with

» » built w ilh Dr. I doctor*. t<

(3^ I fe ik ic tiuden^ *. ore^ pital. £

. 4 ^ ® ^ ® a jB S ^ ^ 5 8 i wero adm ' deat h rale

A p S P ifW lllaRaM Pa por cent.


..■-•J paratu*.f f * * « f o r th o * (ll themselvc

* ' n iK empiW‘«k. 1

' ^ / / i f w S m £ £ S i tu r e d b y t

W ■ >. SLTK7 / / / - T g . ja a y the uoctoiY / y B S f x T htr* ll

... ■ ' . r :p : ES.-SsT v • J b . ' . - . - ' . -. i . .. • nnolia' II J - . . , j h a . pnblli

V s iW - . :s3£S‘i G t ' W - by tb# m


A• t o i d w ’ i

ASB®.'. - P™company.mlil.towo

the o m . D r. Long foogbt dividual iquftse* w ilh tb# u*UrtAiKo of law ni am >lle H ealth Sorvles experu , iir# olTer ag P anaaia Zoo# -B m ^ o ^ . Tcgctablti loing t t a j ^ n i wmUr and oU> U | U 0 *

w hat co9ld no t ;b« d ta load . xu top ti Ih fheir breedioK pooU .dotsor- 'wriba t b tb e r t a r» ao n a n .m o a q s i M .; im pnutic r thd U l f ao rrcT ahowed t£ a t. BaM aary I tb « i OTO-tenth ,®f on# per c « t Monda athe popnlaUoo-oZ lloaam uT aBdi V o ra ^ di iaoka B apid* bad B u l a |^ ; U i r o y tb

•.Wip#^OBt:'»VprioM.|'lw«'-j %

idtuila, e o ^ M : . ^ t h tha ' Uck ^ « w ag«-«n t«m .;« iU 'ioa i^ to 'bo m m ; T t

ft£& ■

— F X Q B B T V l.


• x ' ---------

1 ^ 1 — '

.Ic.tc'iitnl hy tho "Irnn.W olf Corp#'’ iiiiiiiiu; l>:..U Cruiii tin- Ilnltln Iwtwex" . ,|.;iuiiii «( .Vatlnnii und occupied by

Auto-Plane ^

■tlmcro can leave them very otuDy.' road and TS miles an botir tn tb# air;

peopla will ge t alek. T# vlth thi* a rS.OOO lio ip lu l lullt by tho mill* In IfllS, ir. I/)ng a t tho heod. and llv#*. two graduntc toume*. 'a nd ident nurse* lo aasis t hlitf. are flfiy beds' In Uio ho*-

Eight hundrvd pa tien u admitted la st year, with • - role o( unly three and a h a lt - - ■. nt. U r*. PatioM on furni*h- ’! flncm operating cfiulpnient able, and thero ha* recently nsulU d complete X-Kay ap* i*. fledium ll tu come .next..10 irrv irc of this hospital fo r elves and their tomillM. r a c b ’ rmployeo pay*--ten ccnt* a

Thu hoapital I* admlnia* by the county comttiisaloner*. ' iyor-o{ Itoanoke ftapld*. thu tl Managvi’ of th r ini'.li and . - ■ctor* employed by the mill*.

ll a . .deficit every year -tho ^ U * m>k<^ op- ,,aereaUenTfor'egtfyboSy "~~T ' " '

high acbool'h8* . ’» . t f ty * '' orchttstrn, and th«r# are miU ■ i-.t

bolh a t Rosemary aod.Ro* . ;' lUipfd*. -TKc ' comntunity Dblle.iwimmUiis poob,.parks. dayground*. 7be r# are Boy Ilrl Scoot Trioop*, un ltom #d i-• milU. Eacb o t tbe aavca : ' be* ,w b k b . b i d ; r o e a . ter, • . -, irgaa wa* provided with: on*Ir. Patter*on.' 'A conpl«l« , ' .ry U lu lu u t s e d . wilh < tbe ' , equlpmeot. to w hleb.botuo*

n may )>rioB ihe ir prodtwo . .preacrve i t a ie re lr^ fo e th o -., ............Jf jh ? e ana ., Tha h o u m ;« f l ,.• lUl em plo je tt. e.wned.by.'tbo,- . iny. a re not the c o a t e n U o n a l , , . . . own type. Moat oro.a l 4 n ig a , O B ew S M u .^ ..

-iblM j'aod flowin.< ; l b e teiab,

?!*?*=* '•«H-r.;I‘ './f:’.-T S ,r .y > 3 v J5--I «pU a" la a w ard t i t M te I tha t;w blcb,l*tpl«w m W ‘1iB i> v r s V* f t ic a t . . . T b * r d « e g r l ^ t '0«.^i<<'l; ia ry ,,aB d £ M a 6k « ,^ :& i^ : t : »• a UtUa b it U ka'Slc ,7i)6mU• dreia 6 t« ;h W > y r * « i i t& ,7 1 t

r V : ■ \; P A Q B S IX . ......... '

s t i S R h d s ^ I

:,: iaiitXtllCISE--------- ------- t-i}— — ---- --------- ----- Q—1;■ i C lM e J J i t i f in e m m t .L o n f l-B e e n "

G Iv ih a « C flusff fo r. S h o r f >•-

• ’ . CrojK&f Y oung A nim als.■ .■ i . * • - ■■ 'N o,

i : ' KEff JNIMAL IN CONDITIONf - j . : ............ .. Viirk'

• F r a ^ « « '« f W«rVlno H c n i Ouring A--1* F«v«r»<l If T»ik n.t^<

!• N eT T eT H M vyend Koure - w , ' '' ! . . . A rt n*ll«n*bU .’ .

lYiitiality JIO afhf'r snlm«J "" »"• fi;i(>y:—------ firTtt-l»-taU*n-«^»-i<r-iuure-Lari:tulb-]__ \

tln n tlie itaMloii. ^inil y fl. »)i<'n ilir|ifii>i - i - br»*illnK-Ma»<>n «*p»n», he h not ]ju«i i■ Ill cntiillllon. _

. Caul** of Shert Colt Crop*. '! , The iirtirllce »>f t^rp lne

|I<IQ In clono rijnrUiMiii'lll Imn l.mt- I i m c lvcn 'ua imp «r lUf -f n,,•liort coll cropa. Tin* ailtlnabllliy .if |l»U g tbe iialllon jiim ir of r x m l i r

■j. . i-*lin*t bn •«iviT«^lliii«t«l. n i e Vrao- _!—

I titlan , bwiMd^ V C. W . Van WInkli U i ( ef Y., H u 'W o r' Ribbon* riiun* In H liC iaw a t Many H er»t t h o w ^ i’

tll lon Waloha M M Pound*.

; | lie* o f fo lflf f r o n / a m to f a n s wlUi with : i . . . . t b t lU IU on.durinc iI ie .b n M lo c a«a-

f, lo iv -a i p r t d t c ^ n aoint localltln i and couotrlcf, .Jim proroil »rry »»«mI i t>Un « tU a * na blgli a i W) in-r itd i b c o irc fo p t, wbllo s »ri*al many turii . •

j« , tb iak th*r t rn dolos woi) IC tlipy b«-i ea ^ to 70 p c f cent colt cn iif. by YKt p m r a t meilioil oC cIo*« cun- Tliun flnr&Knt. • MiM

ij r W*rfc far Stalllen. . for \] i Tlie practice of w ofklor llie tu l- VS Ilon U one of tlie'm oal/fconotnlcal

way* of Indocin* lilm to ltake plMiy of exercise. Of coDr«»(>dt>rlns tlif btMdlDK •M ton , llie work abould nut

• Im loo beavjr. or (lie tioun loo tuo;, ^poti* \ n t 1l<hf wnrV t»-»*ry->>*<i*ncl»>- thn <

. A fler Ibe breeding arifoB la over, ih r [n-la^ •Ijm ott f f l t j be worked aloiif wltl> ti#«" tlie other horse* abd aliown'uo favor>.•t)d tn tbja TTuy hrlp to pay fo r III* Mn keep, a* often whi>re noly a fen lotloy in a m are kepi, llm atnlllun I t ratlirr

^»a ■expw alte-pfopiwlHitn, -'i'ht»-uiu»i ' h _ c-ommoo reamiQ elten for aot working {K ' the atalllon I t tha t tliey are ioo niiRl. .. I* ' trooble, bu t If the alalllmi l« work.-.l pf„ ' ! i a ll the Iiree, mo«t o f .Iheiit WKiti >><- {. rome qu itt and ea»lty haiiillfil. nn.l Jur I; l l tS T c r r little Iroiible.—II. I*. Ki-lfT.-r, on h £ AMt. ProttM or Depl. of .^nlIual liun ) bandry, Colorado AftDmUiiml (.'olipsr. 'V', t , _________________ tliln ,

f ' U SE PR O TEC TOR S FO R TR E E S k .- —— — from

MIm and RabblU Do Conddtrablt Damaff* Uni*** K*pt Away Dur.

Ina Cold &*a*on.

Watch th* mlee and mliblln. l-er- ------bapa tid t »*ni]* like old tatk to y>.ii, but I t I* no irrtbeie ta tn te (hat t«lk or

' no talk, year a fie r y rar. Iliouunil* * upon ibouaanda of tree< am Iiijiirr.1 |i> tb* ralro atul rabblla. I t take* i.nly n

rf»i» n lo o te t ' t t a e for ruch tr r r t.iJ’fEZy.UborSPti-PCClCCUozLfijaltiaLlJji: __

rabbit*. A frn- «int»talk.i Ixmnd uhoiii the trunk, or nrwRpa|irr of nevnnl thIckiiPMe* wr»|.pr<l nbout It ulll aerro In Ur«t-d*«i almpr aa irre j.ra tartora. I f the mliT are llLi-Iy id I., bad. c lear away any w m lt, trasli, nib- M (h Of «(ml(ar innt<vtnl irhfrti wHr

' be in tbe o rrhanl, and tiirii ii plN-n n(^ ordinary ^^Ire clniu n r km -rn ln t ui t <7ll»dlcal ahapo aUmit tbe trr<-. Co.,.; j tre* protectom can be |iuri'hai<e<) ir y.m

‘V w lib to buy. 'i lic re la nn unr rannlni ^ to y rlak .o f Injury te blch p rlrn l vat f Oabl* younc ( r m , cKprclatly kfiire >n t jury n ts l i t cau<« thn Iom’ »f « n r ra 1

■ J ytara* tlnia a« well a t thn rtpon te oi j> pQrebailDC a u d ’ earln i for Ibo irr<'».

"An otisce of p w cn tlo n .’’ and to on la t n adac* p r o w by tlie eiprrl- - , eoe* e f m any .a 'fa riner aud orchBfiliit J i

' wbo fell fouud tliat on onnrr or aurr , , pr«T*nUoo la th r form of tr re prcilrc-

tloo 'aavea a cowj many ■•pounciv ol ’ w oriv and loia la tr r on. '

; i “ D ^Y " C O W A E m & X O O b CARE ;• if

T * * • In Condition t* Produce Thrifty ‘ Calf A nlinili'M iM t 8* r«d

I Quit# Liberally.

E ttr a c w d care throucb lb-* »tn- i tey iDODtlia m n it be c<*4t) tb r "ilry"

cow* If abe i s . t r i b« In cuadliinn to prpdtiM 'm sooijl M tC '

. Many fa rm e n iuii> tbe»e .Jry cow» oQt bad make t b ^ ffTt wTTai they CDii froift com It^ k v . > li« it they Hiouli! .

. 'b« i* tt ln x ■ nitloii tbut I* bulidiot: , op Ib tlr b o d tu . '.

O ptB cowt '^ T O bad a lone larin- tIOCM period to d llieir bodle* nre Iran • a d flb e y ahM ild 'b« 'fed p)eoty or al.< f t l f t hay and d la ce .' A .lliie ration l l i t t d * «p oe>t|ir«« parla of cr<uk.t ';

V- c itK two p a rts ,ef bran, one pa rt p f i' '' « n j iM aod a s iB bcb 'cro iw J cots u ■' U s E d i t i o n s t tti« CQw demaftdt.

QUESTION AND A'^ •(O oaducled by’Aun

1—n e ar Auntle Hue; UcIdk Hi/" >'«“ ,Q— :< no kind IU the Isnornni to trntwer

thnir iiuenllon*. 1 would llko (n Vui k you Jlifl MIowlrtK »iuo*tloii‘which ih» lOpo you will kindly unnwrr for u*. rn»y Wl- nro Homnwhal dUtrpxufd. ' In.

S'o, 1—Whn WRH C'ftln'n wltaT • - j ,\- l i.-frr yuu tl* your lliblu. l f | ’ . tl havi-ii'i .mu. bcirinw your iii-li:b-|'"

.Vo! ::--Ilow m»ii>- fl»h III Ibr irk miuuiJuiiir ,A--(ll<i youmi'lr Mnrtlii. nn.l-nu ll,'V '’’'’! «ini<-lhliiK hunl.) Thiit xvu* .';i»>', ' ifr I roml. yuur Icltn r: .UllS—lr^ r j ,_ y - uu the ir nbdulil h.-. ' ■"> "<.Vii. ;i—Wbul rru. lldii ibioi* ii'ii ciiii'li Mvi- li-lv Illll I<rnilu.-r In a |>iin( tu r r . r UKiliI (>y:- ■ , i ‘'un,A lf..iiiiiJialji:_hu0.5tn..iiJiu<il.,li, J'/..!;,!'*--,! llu llic Wiirbl. If lllll llfr Kocii iin >uu 1 «1 lli« puiii.- tijr bUii. WIuii'k x in r '- ( !u ti't)' pill iilOrr flf I.-"" tu II biiby. I A-- iniinrrcl oe «11icr»l«t-’ ;lumilNu. -AVIiut I ' t il- hi)r«c-iiuu-.T[wrllfiiiiii-(l i>y jicrKoiio rhnwhiR Kuiii l|i:l"pi' I-. .-minli y .•v.-ry ym i N V. W, .Mnr-. '‘ UU I

------------- --------------------------------------jhnu l

P E R S O N A L S p l l------"T " jliint I

Mrti. 11. II, Klill-r of Jt-rnmr w*i 'l«y nillni: b 't r t ycBti-r.liiy

AVMli>« U-nu W ehlor- <it llu llu ty rd '

BH ahupplne In thin city Tburailiiy w„rr- lornoon. . n

Mm. A. A.. Davln of Mler wa-i In Ih clly ahupplntt Thuritdiiy. -

M rt.' r . “ 'W ,"M caowBn-Df -Jeromr — lopiied In town yenlerday. Thoy rr- rar<f hnme Mf( «renl»x.

i/inn A. llndxley vlnHcd hrro <ui; iiurmluy ult.'rnoon ahn jo tu rn r.1 i.*>r hnm» In Jrrom o Iho iinmr .luy.K, H. UiBiin of l,i» Orund". Urc-Ron. iM rrlu rtird in bla hotno nftor ii yIkU 1th .Mm. William Blok, hln uunt.

Mr«, I., K D arla wn«-wrtT—frt.m Imh.-rly Tliurndny. ^

Mm. B, M. Tnte of Klmherly won thli) city Tliur*d;iy.

.Mm. Oellrtfy of Klmherly i»r«''* liurnday In thi* city.MNR Sun .SiiriiRUo loft tblN momlni: r Walliin-, liluho, lo ri'Hume lu-r ork there, after ii yhort vlnlt a t Hir i f to .o f her brother. Oenrno !■' .irniiuc, '

Mrv. Alinee Ilronnrau will Iravn tliU ealnic fur MlnRouln, Mantnna. In rr- ion*e to a trlc itn im cidrljtln« bor of in drath-.la it,|> lR ht ■ci(..ticr liroilMT-- .. , •law. Cnah llrunnello. n tlr r an III- UN of nhout a werk. *

Mrn. rp.irann wuh Iu from rtoKcn'nn

• IMr. und Mm. Thurnton IVnrr wore •IT from Klmhrrly Iiii'l cvrnltiK.

H, C, May waa In th1» city frnm Jlti- ., >rJ ih}« m ornlns on bujJ;ir»ii.,

Juntri. H, I'uyne wa* b r rr from fnul j 1 hualMrmt (otlny, j

W, A. Johnson of Jerom e wuk In t .1« i-lty bull evenlni;. • | diu

-- —- .j v.llK,- 8. l 'nlk waa ovor ihln mnrninc i [.ctom )C<len im bualneiiA. , c.m

Jobu (.'omrr, W. I), Shaw.' A, W. | ...i iiwiniiti lind L. A. RolapI* uf t b r ' ,1 mulB«tnm»d BuRar oonjpnny nrrlvrd 3'-*'

YOUR SUNDAY E'proiilr o Ibe YoKU i-Vi'UlliK*«PPk Otfcvrr to I you will yonr pat

D inner from 6 to B— . Friedoum O re

T h e P E R R I ls s a a a - s a o s ^


"U’a u ra th e r lonn trip to .Coney Is "an I lursii «fo' had hrttel- tdkejA ntr pill'd Juok./ " I ’ll follow ymi !oi5 foot

, , 'In to .thu trolley, Jn .k <ullrd Kllp.anil liin)aod.


ANSWER BOX l -A u n ii . 8 » . . )

~ q - l refer yo\i to Mon.fer Wrlsle>% le> ibe num man. not me. ’

You accuse me of bdnit > 1111! to „ X . ' , h» Jjfi.i.ront »aJi.l IniujW lllyB-li I". ‘ n»y to trll whleb rhrni you hrlouK ,,

• Al 1U—linw v.uu « r hr mirr ol*suci-c««’ r.snturil

-Wiiyni'. • . s. S,A .r tc - lllbl.-, I'hlllllililiiH 4;S. Stoiic'i H--Tbunkn to niy klmi iinkmnvn 'lb.,- ;i

rti'tid ftir (fie ••iiidnlliif'. Vhu Hi«y he Urr 1 'iiiiprcilintc ll "vrry murh nml *ii ibi '11 wu!t «nxlou»ly for llic nceret. Sou.

g - l ) r u r Auiitli' SuJ>: ' IncloHi-d flilil n i;^«^?Fnminrirt'TrtiirniiVcT..’> ir in Ivr illtfrrrn t piipern In ibe Innt IH "unior nobtbii: ' If you wlah u wcnltliy nuns n-iU-. wrlli- jijiil mrlom' riivrl- la- 10 VInlci lliiy. Drnnlnon, ()," Will n'rtmi 'uu U iu IiF u n " ir.'-w im ri.--n .-r '(!n rrr••('urIuuK;

A-- v io lrt Huy Ih mur.. than likely " ’'V' iimd'.if 11 mutrlmunlnl hiin-uu. If you Vrltfi anil Kriid a Molt jilumiiril rn rr- dpi. •nho will BciKl you n muKftxIno In ‘ bull pr.ipln uf .-Itlu-r ni'X. >vl«hlii« i> w.-.l, iiilv.-rll«« for n "bettfr-hiitf." " r

rbitril-----... -------------------- [,r.

md Iliirry Mooro urrlvcil luir lunl ll' " ll •VctiliiK i.Trrlnnd frnm llolnr mul t , . .•urly t!il" uiurnlnK. i|.riui

iiiiKpliunt i-wnliii; from Ok.Ii' ii nud »i'i-n( tho Tbfrliiy ul Hu’ factory. tbe i:

• --------- tilpbt,■\V, a, AnderaoD, C'rnwfor.l .MnornH. » . Johnaon undil-. U. ll.-dford '

».>rt- down from Jluporl lh(» mornInK ^ *•!'...........”’j . ________ ___ " C

• K/mhi

Daily pMhion Hint^ '>“™

^ MeiV \ u th r

I’lln'- of p r rasJ'’!

■ I |(a1 I )~'/ u[iun

^ ' jJ/7

ArtDllN'OON l-IKH’K o r Vr.l.VKT’llu i .Iclijjbifiil nnv vlu'lr Cll rr<l

,r.iif.ilcofnrli.in n (i^iiturrtl in efii%-iftrf- nmiil (ludi ol ibiffriil »rl\Tl. 'llir 0\-jl nwU nnd ll<Jrt, liim.mo s!r.-\r» un- , • pi|>r.l wiib «lf-injirr!.i1. (or tbc oilor •ind l.ibfir .irr no rirb in lbrniM;lvf« llut iKitblni! rIv: muld .uM in Ihrir cliuirirlivTnr*', 'lb i« ‘ mi»li-l rom.'t v.llbin tbp io>f>r ol tbr uici-it [iirx- [.ctipnrnl .IftniuiufcrfV uln'b'iy, fur it c.m Ih- rini<br<l In b'o i tban tbri-c buiiri, linni I'llll inc 10 1inii<hini;. Mnliinii ->i/ct.riiiiiv. ,1' i \’nnl» -lli.in.'li itntrrLil.

I-i,tn1i.1l l l p v i c v N o . HI6.,n I-I Su im lir* Ini.i. I'ricc, ,15c.

EVENING DINNER I~iTF«“ iilii/un'iT H T T itP r- ip “ the---- | --------

Ir ot Twin F'nltx. It la nulte . roKUe tn dinc with mi Sunday iiKx nnd It norl ot atarla Uie otf rlsht.-loo. I t lit br«t how­

to (ilionc un I'lirly Just the llmc will cumr nnd Ihc number In 'party, riiono a3S,

B— $1.00 P er C overOrchestra '

[ J V E C A F E


■ * ' l l i l f l '

y Island." unld o'ne o[ the mlilgetn. f)t . ntreel car." “Oo ritihl a litid .“ re- ' ‘ I'llfoot. . AaU aa' ihc little men piled hu'nml n la rttd o ^ thV ru n .to r tbe Uny Ih



KIMBERLY ^ MR!jiNt Sntur.lny .nflernoim Mm. J. S’. \ rln entertiiliivd ‘In -h o n o r ' of h e r ( J .Rblrr, Miy-Boret. ll belni; h rr flflh ihday. About twolv* lltllo folksru.proaaai....................... .. .............;................Ir. und Mra. Kreil Carlton ut Twin III nnd Mrn. Albnrt Nelaou of Nani- wrro Sunday dinner su rals n( theI I’olti-r horn.-. I'n rllaII th r I'hrbitlnn church bnnrment n „ j unliiy ntiprnooii M rs.X IV Hfrqua’# p,,]] S, rliiKii 0! Rlrl> und Mvn, Chna.iiic‘i« .•bUH of boyn hml n pftrty,

atl.-rnii..i> wiia spent plnylllB "I'o JIM nnd r'r/ri-Jtbmrul* w m - nerved *lbi th.r rlnno ot 111# party., inudiiy- niHin ili.i ntMiibcm of ihe jjiosl r islliiti''rhu rrh Imd a biiskrl illn- “ ln-ll>r-*bufo|i'lMi><«in»iil'-.V-lar«* ^ 1 ^ - iibi-r «.-re present und an imjoynble u- ua>\ hn<l by all. .•'(■b. 12th boUm I’liul Bcoti. J r . 'a * tbilay bir* nuiiber'Invited in niim - JL'"'’” •-ot-llula-folU 4-lu..ltaU i .h im . tisIC:.Ito It. .Thosi- p rriun t w rro Ja n e tte 7 ?“” Ison. (Nirmcii Hnr.llii'. Mnx nud Joan ‘ ry \Vbltu.-y. Hobrrl Null, Hobert iidrr. Miblrnl nnd Uoy •l-ntter nttil ' r th mill noy d Mooro. D rlU hlful 'rrilinirnl3 rriirn nryroi) nl l)u> clone Ibr iitiurnoon by Mrs, Scott, us-

tn i by* .Mrs, <;iiircuco .Muom. ‘ ,:»r- J- N’. DuvU U movlnR bis offlcc „ till) bulblliii: lormorly oci;uidcd by jr,,,,.,

« l-'Ir-it Xutlunnl buiill nf KltuberlV,Mih. Jcibn .(iruli.Hii undoiWeUt un •>„ c-iutii'ii Aitiiribiy at Il o Twin FtilH ,Kplt:.I. Irhe IClmhi'rly bunhutlmll tuam Im t ( i ,,,; i:iimc wllb Twin V'MIIh Tueiiduy TuhIo Olt, Tbu HCoro wus as to 17. Kim- lin,^ rly pluyi-d u nood cam* In the. firs t If hut lout uul in the arcon.l litilf. » '0M Kr<-n> many fouls wuro cullftd wlilcb iwcil tifi thc KBtne.(oy Woo<l nnd Qlenn Whilnoy of ih r rnherly nr)ini>l boanl atti-Ddnl th r inty nf achool dlreclora ot Ihe coun- ro / supi'rlnii'nilrnt'ii .offlcw WWnesday n»“ 'b

............. .......................... — J ; , ? ;

p . i n ,M m tirm uf thc faculty of one of our • d » ritlt lfs tvll a ttory uf the d a j l h r lln irii u (.trinlii dUtlnguUhcd educator th4l I* 11 l'«lor III cbarie of *iuii>n( dlaol- Suits Inr ut u Ninv Kn^laud college—a aort^ otinn

protiTtor. n iipurenilj.. pn one oc* trlmn »J<’n hv u^u» failed out hi* room « foi'

sniiio laldmebi escapailr. Uo was Hard n i a m nttvf of'duty i'o iiuniiie I' diainriiem. und with hit lone l « » ' n : noun fiiiind hliii'n-U valuliii! rapidly , ; i«i> Ibom. Then b l. aolomn voice ’ uc mil Hiiddrnly Into tbc iilch t: »„i Urillfiiii-ii. crndrtiieo., ( / you II u llttlr fuKtcr. shall l e oblleed "nej ..v c riak cy o u ;- *

Do My Eyes NeeiY e s , i f d o s e w o i r k

I f y.iit t;o liom e n l n'lRhl ti

close w o rlt— if it is nn o f fo d to

tin n —-if i-losc Work miilf«ji you nt-

E y e s tra in is m ost li

R e m o v e t h e ' C A U S E a

H nvc y o n r rycK .-xam im -d III-

ilisi-.uiiforl, in rnnv .n iii’in^o nr Iokm

IK'cilcd Ml-, D iivis w ill f it ym i nc ft

D o iml I'x jic-rinifiit 'V llh you

S.-rvic-c’ ynn ni-i-il. tin- IichI— “ 1)

I'llll n r r« n l lo liiivt*' itl

Davis Optical Co;co

for Good Glasses mi

o t Courne, Jack, with his lonR atepu, 1 Mldselvlll* ntrcct ru r. Mo disliked lo 1 huck tu help Iho Car uloajt. Klip rscoi the trolley, i le put liis p.nw to thc bi'


IBS — '

irs^wagenaaF ^ ^t o THAT SHE i s

OWESilfETOITl--------- third

rtland L adj Kell Off 40 I'oniids, purt-billu t Jlfflnres Tanlac Itev lom l Iler \Vi«Klillj. The s

_____ you I"Kor nine ycum." dr'clarrd Mm. b> Wnuonuar. 'JCS t i r a h a n i ' &t.. irtlaiid. .Ore., recently. "I wua ul-isl u nervous w reck und never 'J low whnt It w as to feel woll. . 1"I wns__suffmti5-fr.om a_SBne_ra]_ 1____eftlTiJiiw n aiid. oh. Il'ii iuat fitVpos- M > ■- jle lo dencrlbo the pnln und mis-y I nmlureil, .My ntonincb wus no . . . . . y »ordereiJ I could scarcely re ta in n orsel of solid fomb .1 loai fortyitniaH"an(r'WBB-BO'TrrnK“ l" io n i'n > d --------JO un latant when I wulked. .Many DU:ffhtn 1 never alepi n wlnlt. nnd 1 meetliid weak apelln when I fulnlod dead tendn*ay. nlghl‘‘After NiitudlnR over a thousand hnr.lbillnrs irylnR to ;;rt well.rUiy hus. wishmd finally persuaded me to tako of w « Tanliio ireatlnent. Well, thatUK Iho lurnlnR polni, for n il iny -------oubles nro Rono nnw. I Itnvc ul- ost rcBulned my lost w clnbl. and VO never enjoyed finer heiiltb. I111 always bellovo ThoJuc anvud »iy / ■v. und rm Sl) happy nnd Kratefula t I Just cun't help prulslni; it,” iiiubi inlac Ik for sa le by uti xood druR- stK.\ Over 3r).mlIlloa botlles nohl.

——------------------- tho fOMKN’H llK .inV .TU .W EA ll TO 1


. uboutKor tbla sprlns anaaon wo a ro very ' CUi-b oluKd With our s ra n d auccoss t Sh(

olitulnlnR tho best selected atock when Wn'ntrn’a-and-M lsses '-re .idyto-w ear r a l .- '

liter tlurmunin of the bnttcr kind for nbovfleast i'S per com less thun laa t year, montlTho styles and nualliy are njso of u blank-Ilrr kind. We nro now uhuwlne Rlvlni d l hcuuilfni uaaortiuonl nf Sprlneills fur woinun uud inlsiii-s In trio- *=“'*'1 inn und pon-t . Iu-JIIh. -KlcKantlyImincd, hloiiainl or tmmo backii wllh 2 put full sliieve, norol'trluijunl w ith jnll- Duro iry braid to malch, a real linndnnmc 3 dm lit—now on sa le ni'llO .60. »2«,7c nml:9.7S, nt?w; Our new coaln nrfTUio moat ,wnndrr- cullli ll values ever seen In Tw in Falln. beet bo materials und colom a re woniler- foot : ll. They are solllni; fnr $l2.7(i to 120 1:2 M. mail neBnriljjiB our line of drcsnes. they barm iroly spruk for themselvcn. Canton bees:

- raniH tonsil


ed Attptlon^ ::r e t i r e s y o u ! ' / 1—

liiMluly l l f . 'd nfti-i- d o iiic (

to r ra il fo r a n y , Icn u lli <if

n e rv o u s— , >t

likely the cause. ;3

a n d Get RELIEF!1

III.- " D i iv is W u y ” w ith o u t

iiKM of tim r. I f Klasxes a n -

K 'cura tc ly a m i s ji tis fa r to p ily .

\'o u r oyt-s if yoii n rc il K ''« j

“ DaviH .'-'I'l-vifo” — a n d y o n " ^

! ]■ ' i I

' 'mNNER!} IN HLOOAH , |

COHTEHT\Vlnners In Ihe 'aloRaii I

contest: I , Mrs. Alice l.arson. 1st „.C5CMiss Alice Sparks, 2nd..,.GOO j

■ Et: . : ;

ITviUA TtOLLbr CO. ' .W

u, Kol Ihero fnr iihead of the A lit10 loae nny 'U m e. ao son l Klip Con*;Bcod a short distanco uad met mIdK■ bnck of 11 an<l aoon had It nml------------------------------------------------------- dowa

___ r n m

up«.::c:mio k n ll'u n d luhetun, bc.iu- cliarf ully Ortlstf«I~i»lil»_i»alslcy 'n n d meall :yptlnii*-irftnmlnRs. for only (O.Tfi. Koi 2.76, JM.Wiflp to I24.M. Tboso urc nrvelous f4c Ihe Bipney. l»rcslTills itoo'<t'HBwa should be^ rctnom- cliurt r rd by the neoeral public so (hat of ta ten ynn are shopplnR for your sprlnc hlith ears yo ii'm ay take iidvantaRe of la ex e ie wonderful bargatnn. ure Bat­tled tha t we ciiii coitvlhco you tliat e cafl save ynu not lesa thnn one- P ~ “ Ird nr real money on you r aprloe irt-bpses. pWi« hnvo nuw Roods arrlvhiK dally, lie styles aru boauUful. I t will pay lu to nee us before buylnK.-r-TIin nnblon Shop, lAilv,)

B U H iT^ 1____________l j i —

•-------- • InVAMJflJ.IHTK^ MEKTJNdS tievo


DUH1>. cKeU. 1C—Tho cvaniiclln'.lc 'T “lloellnKs In thin city 'havn bern at- rcnc jndrd by vnat crowdn from nlRlil lo fw u 1«hl nnd tho MrthOiITut chUfCU Is tatlfl nnlly lurse onouKlt to hold nil who tjua« ■Isb to altend. Itev. Elm er P. /-oone d lw f Wisconsin and bin wlfo nre ln |u th

“ ^ X U C T I O NM I um KoInK to rnllfornlB . I wll

.ddlnon nvrnuc, thrco inllCB ennl of the dubo. coinnicncltii: a t 11 o’clocK

TUESDAY, FEIho foiinwlnR described p roperty : •

ItOIWES—1 black Porcheron mare, C 0 Iloy Wood's r«»cheron stnlllon. iicrv mare, C yrs. old. w(. obotit KSft 1 da boul iir.o.

(M TTLK -K lafn occrfdH^d h e r i- J l tg i Shorthorn cow, fi ym. old. wl. 1700, fras

fhen fceah; 1 Shorthorn cow flyrs. old. W aJ.-tn iik -w hen fre sh ;- l_ a h o rt lio rn .caw., bovo cows a ll bred to UeRliitored Short lonths olJ; 4 cowlnjr yearlln* Shorthorn ■lankft furnished with abovo .Sboribotn c ;lvlnR 3 '^u l. per dny; I Jersey cow. 4 j ernny cow 3 ym. (ild.frmli 2 tnouths. kI' ow, n yr», old. kIvHir .1 i:allniiii milk.

HO(i»—2 rcKli.lered Duroo ■Jurxuy ni : pun- bred Durou Jersey kIUii- brad lo fni )urou Jersey boar: 4 puro bred fall rIIIs dm . Ilhodo Island Jled rhlckons.

iifw-. Kmnrson 2-way plow: nenrlnR raoi :UlUvntor; wooden corruRator: Oliver wa lect puller: 10-font bicdI barrow : nu-1nc oot hay rack; 1 John Doeru woRon box. .20 rods barb w ire. 10 rodu clilckan wiri nail box. step laitdrr, hay allpfl. 2 cliafn e larncus with hull clmlnK; Vi se l work har lees: some hlai-k lifcunt poiilH: hay feeder. anRo; 1 3-hurner oil Move; I lloosier kl onsion tahlo: 2 d rensers; 3 Iron bedn ant •rram srparn tor; 60 Ihs. corned beef: a 1 ind other n rtlrles (on numerouH to meni

TKJI.MS—/\I1 HiiiJiM miitor $20 cash; 1 923, nt 10 per cont liiterimt: 8 por cent dl

. E. E. CORY,H. D. LirK, Anfljoiieer.

Luncli Served a i Nubn Iif I

CIRCULATICI t is easy to ‘forgbt an d ' the

. wise to rem ind tb e advcrU sen < th a t th is paper has by fa r the lo: to s e t a t Bomo {Igures w hich can: fo r our s tandard th e au d it o t a of Circulation vrhioh has exan is i F alls newspapers and tabulated of a no tary public.

This aud it bu reau gives the ft tho Twin Palls tjaily nowspopers:

Tho Sveninff P ap e r (Tl Tho M orning P ap e r.- .....

D ifference ......... ............The claim has also been made

a larger c irculation in th e immec ^ t^ ] U - o i iy - b u ta g a in '4 h is - a u d i t - u

the figures as ^ v c n under oath b Falls city an d suburban distriett as tbe city of Tw in F alls, ru ra l city, H aw en,, lOm berly, F iler, Bn the ru ra l rou tes from these plac

Here are these figures:The S re n in g P aper..........The M orning Paper........

Tbe Times has a grow ing cii

W e aro n o t asham ed to publi

/fJm % W la lllllM ffijLIH M iiP I*I. llttlo chnros of "hurrah*” Krccted Jack :onvy Island., "Now we will mak* the ro nldRels. KIrsI of a ll, the little fellows p mil n waa very InlortmllnR to J a e k 'lo w losnuiiiearncka—(Conilntiad. i .~

j i n , i T , F E B W A t i r IC, i m '

liarits uf iheso tntictints aifd ><f>" '' leallnn’ with r*m«rkahl*-succ«*s.Kour cburcbiT* aru co-oporutlnB In

tese tneetinR*, Tliese a re Uapllst. resbyterlan. Melhodlsl and Chrlailan iiurcbes. Moro than HO confcastoiui t tallh-hBT« been-nuuU. TonlBhl Is iBh school n lghl and a capacliy houso ■ expected.



■■P.7pc’5 D Jap c p sIn " for Gas, IfiaigCsUon or

___ S our’Siomach \ ■

Instantly! Eitomach corr*«iedt 'You levur feol th« #ll«Utosl d istre ss froit» ndl*r«cloo o r a sour, acid, ^assy ilOiHBQh. a fte r you ent ft U blo t of•papo's U iapVp*lDV.'~TbinB6ment-tt:------- ----------reaches' tbo *ton)acb a ll ' soumesfl.'latuleqce, bearlburn, goaea. palpi* atlon and pain disappear. D rutSlsta juaranleo each paeka*o to correct JlKMihMj a i once. End you r sloni- ,I th troublo for few csn is.

• ^ ^ A L i E !will sell a t Ibu Dunlap place, on

the ■WiishlaKtoir school, Twin Kalla.

E B . 2 0 , 1 9 2 3

e, 0 yrn. old, wt. about 1700i brod icrvloo feo paid. I black I’flrchnron

dapple fTMy jnare, 7 y ra. old, w t. ^

flffflslrrfd Shorllw ros and Jet*«7K— frash April la l. Rlvcfl 6 « a |,,p e r day 1. wt. 1400, trosh M arch 1, fllvos 4Hi :aw...fJfX8..0W. fresh In >loy,' The lortbom bull. 1 Bborthoru bull 15 lorn bulla. I’edlgrecs and appllcstloo n cattlo. 1 Jcnioy cow, 7 ym. old. ,4 y n , old Rlvlns 3 ital. per day: I

, Klvlne .3 Ballons m ilk; 1 Guernsey , • • I ■ *' anwn, bred to farrow In March:> farrnw In March, bred to re«lit«rcd ?1lls : 20 tons hay : red clover chaff:

|-<HMH>»—6*tt.-Acmo b in d e r,'W rl> '. .- mower: McCormick hay rake; corn walklnB plow, 14-Inch: John Dcoro

-Inch John Deere heavy w afon;, 14- ^ox. wlilo tread ; 1 BOod stee l ba rre l: wlro, 4 ft. hlRh: 10 roda hoc w ire: ta BlIfiRs nnd trip . I »et h e n r wor* harness; lOo bushela c o rn : '3 atanda

der. 20 fvet Ions; 1 Aound Oak.^Cbl*f. r kitchen cabinet: 1 safe: S-fool «x- aiid sp rin ss; 1 san itary c o t; chairs, a lot of fru ll Jnm, cream separator

lenllon.ii; B»cr « 0, tlmn u n til flctobar 1st.,,t discount for rash un sum s over |M

Y, OwnerII. R. (UUNT, C l ir t . ,

liy Ihe M. S. t 8 . Club,

ON FACTStherefore T he' Times ‘deems i t •s of Twin Polls t^nd -Wirfnlty 1 largest cironlatlOflL. ' X& : order cannot be d isputed !et 'os tak» t a O hicsgo-A uditing 'Sutfeau Dined tb e books o f bo th Twin id the resu lts u n d e r th a oath

e following ciroulatioa d a ta on era:(Tlmos).............. 8787

.....- ......................... 2W0

..................... 827tde th a t the m ofn lsg paper bai_ mediate neighborhood of Twin' t-settle«~this -point.—H w » -sre h. by both publishers lo r Twin *1014 whioh misans such p i s tw ' ra l rou tes lead ing o u t o f th is Buhl, Hollister, R ogerson and '


..................... ...... 2803'................................. 2446


iblish our circulation. ^


i S i i i n K ^ ^

lack oa tho (rollay arrlTOd a t » rounds,” sboutsd one of the s piled on tb s scenic railway 0 watch UiQ, cars ta il up and

t i m e ;—^ W b U R claBsifie

. I more, persons era Idaho. !

prpximately ,20,00 place yoiir “W ant’

i < lied coliimn.

T f i e l p ’o o a n t e d

W UiTBD —Maternity eases iiy nur -------------------- BPOCtaUflEffn-OBr-PJitnw-atte;-------

S i t u a t i o n W a n t e d

WA^TiBDx-BlenoRrntilier. SliKo e porlcnco nii'l quullflcalluiiii. Aclclrc V. -Q. Box U2S.

. W a n t e d - A O s c e H a n e u i

W oasa w snts w ork by Uio hoi P h o a t 820Vf.__________________ __

Wa n t e d t o u u v -H ncom i imfum ltnrn . Coll ISU t!ocoa<l uw iia o y ii. Phono IISIW. ____

’ ■WANTED—A carliw a of oala. T h Kttlli Civnal Co.

* 'W ASTED^lUlcWlifi tKCH. IJnrrnoc ld , -RhO(]Q Islnncl HoiU. Wh LoKh«ro«w Twlu 1.-VIU llulchcry N. W»»lilncton SU It. y. 11. No. 3.

WANTED t o "U U y -ac co n a lliv furn liu ra ana ugod •artlclw. -P lin

-- 40G..l((imQ. £xcbituK<'- 207 'StipplioS t . Bo,_______________ ' ' '

■WANTED—Ixical nnil lonft o inun ImullDi by tmclc. I’riMS roaoomtlj BoKoa £ Kunkle. Pbn&e IQSO o r CS)

■WANTBD-Clean cotloa r a ss . 'rrmotflM. ____________

WASTED—10,000 lbs.‘ frclRlil h a u l br tru ck to Uotsu or rodirn. Di

“ to n ftT C onkla 'T hono iO 'O Tir~ssir

. BARER nOOMS—Uatbs 26c. 4 goBth M ain. _____________

F o r ' S a l e M l s c e n a n e o t

POR'SALE>—ChuDp.->t inktn iit on< umstl'boutio to bo moved otr or loc i a » Eighth svtfme c^nt. '

PIANO . j m SALE Rt rcJiHon.llp rlte . • Phona 9MM. • '__________

KOn SALK-Ooocl tixccl pliino. }li H ; TiaBuary. Uulil. m . 4. .

TOESH EUO.l ilc lU frtd every &vrtStf. Phoay im .

FOR SA L S—rrenU Cider ju s t u a ig j Vmcc. .PbIiUc aiarkm.................-

POn Smnll <)uanttty hcoa ts; b\bo booI wheat, puru Uickti from heavy yield. otranK stock. A-

‘ OoodrlcU._ Pboae ClSJt._________

AiiO. 1 FORTV FOR SALE or tra- Pboae S42J1._______ ,

FOR SA L B -K lnailnsi 3 sacks I »1.0^ PiDO IOH« nikwcU (0 rirepin s n d ito*« lenftlb, 200 pouodi Cor $1. delivered. .Phooe 133( or.tSOJL

r o n 8 A IX > r a m t oad kalsoinJ l o r pilniloK aod kkUomlnlag. Pbo t . M eon'f Bbcp. ._________

h ' ot ' i S a l e — A u t o m o b i l

AUTOMOBILE FOR SA L E -K t coup«, so o d condition; nliock ubou on*, beater, other U«rtK. 34< 7 th a n u e north, fhona ISOO. . .

.FOR S A L E -K c n l towlnK car.-J t m odel' Kutf 3.000 mlles.,403 3n l u'n u e tM t.________________________

' FOU SALB—Roo truak nearly n< l a U nt c law coadlUoB, cheap. Jo

----------- ^ - P . BeltOT. "_PhODB B81.

Por Ul* CyllniO rliiiltr.' » 7 Stcbaa M Moe north.

POW> FOR S A tE -P o rd ruuab. In |ood (sndlUon with uimosi b top. Ilchtp, ctc. .Call a t Uenila W rlilit A ulo Oaraeo aod see It. Tht IS tor partlou lara o r call and ask • a e o ltru a . )

WANTED-rFord*. opon and cl« nodeli. I can uso uo 'utillmliod nti*«r. Central, Oarogo.____________

FOR «ALB u u TRADE!—M u « t o o ^ - ca r In sood eoodltlon. gi

, ^ f a w . A ddress V . J . W.. care Tlmei

0 » to the Shodsir Rooma to r elM Si.qiilot rooms and eood bed*.' Prices COc. 7ec, and |L dpeclal rates by (he week or r ionth. Pbone C3, Mrs. J D. & g « rs . m A oa«r. Over Pa rro tt

. C^UcaJ Co.. T V ta ra ils , Idftho.

frlenii,"'l?> -l»vr:. I< nn ndi othcf Umn Wiri»lnH;’»«f*''‘ 'W r< '»eIn •« nctlimwlBUterpM sOplnot l«jJy MmnMcnt'C^ iM lnUla a ,su it tii •ownibehali. \

I N E ir■(City 6 r-M ounW o 'T to« .) \

EutbOBBd ■- No. IW _— : — - — Depart 7:60 n.N a M --------------- JJepart -0:10 p.

WeslhsBBd -N a * 3 ---------------- D «*rt, 1:20 p.No, IM* ______:„.-..Depftrt «:S0 p.


«. No. 8 3 9 ------- •------ ^Depart 1:30 p.Korthboflod

. Nn, « 0 ___ ______ :ArrUa 4:G5 p.Phouo7fi. 1 '

FRIDAY, rT-lDni'AHY Ifi, 10:

I W A hBed advertisement-in-TH 3is itian through any other

Sworn citcplation 372i 100 teaders every issue.it” and “For Sale" ads in


POfi .RENTnurso FOU SAUJ Olt llKNT—Sirlc

;------ --first cliiuB rcpiilr. I’tiotii- 731U nfI 0 2>^ 111 v r II.V IJ-McIi nncl WDJlai

r r r . r o u r e n t —I’luyor Iilauo, ciii'olarm ____________________________:____ KOU HAIJJ Oil IIKNT—:r. IIITP:1

lOUS----- TOIi HUNT—;; furnliilipil liMlii'tiouhour. Ift'tiln i; rmiiuif. OuiMde outruiico..,

Scelim r avniiuo ncirtli. I’liuiiu-^SIJ

"ITiiml KOH IIKNT-DO iicron V ‘j ml vvnuc soiiili Twlu Fulln. II. ii. Uculo. l’li<


Twin KOU UK.NT—3 i.cr'u (Mi l wltli i:i (lirro room tiouiiu, ono iicro of

" cloTor. Vhh^kcnn. pnrk. Iiulldlii « .7 ,. H mllo cuut fniimlryWhile Klnibcrly rond. ry on — .. — ,.. 3. ^’OIl llliN T—l-JO ncros on Salin

7 iiilkn from town, iiw 11. J . Ultl ITinno foundry. _phqtio. Jto ji.liK X T .T -S lcop lnc ' roonifl...!____ nsco hcnU 222 Fltih avenuo oustUnca , FOR U K N T -^F ro o ^n o d o rn npa nablo. mvnt. nIcoplnR purch, hnrdwuml (loc CSl. kl(i:bca rnnite attnclioil. elcciric hi

• i l3 fitli avonuo cam. l’hone,-7"5J. riDios ---FOU n E .N T -80 a trc s , 3 inllM w

------- of K<l0!i. II. C. Uctterl. llO MiiIiit 1“ Ph. :23. ,. B o l - -----------------------------------------:--------n , ' ' y o u ItK N T -'M crly furiilnliod ro

■' wllh board, iwo Ronlloinun prufort Phuuo 12a«. Cull 121 ScvmUh noi

lOUfi Furnished bouoekocpluR np^tr menlA. lilectrlc heal. Ilonaonab

onco, ratos. Oasla Homo, lot Ul I_____ PO ll RKNT—Tbreo • room furnIm.iblo apartm cul. I U per moiiUi. Uuu

luw Apts., 2nd avenue. ^Ih atreel

jjQQ . FOR RCNT—llouau ketplOR apf « o n u , complelely turnlshod lo r 11

------- aousakeeplQt:. ouo, two an-.l tb' S a t' rooms, cliMB In, and low ratcig,

Booth. TJjo^gjfprd, 423 MN.

made. • •.. .............

HceO -------------------------------------— --------cklo^ W ILL TIUUK—TourlnB cnr or in A. L fur 6 ronm umilorii hmmu. I’. 0. I

£6a. , -

rr’adc ' wTu ir'ado South Hcnd Mnllea runsR. cood na nnw, far cow o r hoi

' Soil cheap for cuiili. Cnll 152 Scci is for .ivonuo south. Phnno OBIW. jplnce •

S1.2C TO TUADE—Ooml m oilrjn ho (or Oklahoma land. Call nt 2BS

—~ arimuo <Tlgt^___________________

Phone WANTKD TO BXCHANGli. a he ilful m odem bungalow and cash

' will assum e mortesRo on gootl 20 r i l e i « acres noar Twin K'nlls. C. BickTi___ Room 3-4. Orpheum Bldg.-Ford --------------------inotb- Uvestoc6 a n d Poulttl nvo- ■ ■ - ■_____ FOIl SALE—ThorouRhhrcd R.

<<)■>'' h en i sod roosioni: se t l I wV rtniHis; lainned peas and bonna.

flulro /o r H offm an 's ,'H . mllo nc clly llnilts on Harrison,__________

’ ?«iT« 8ALB-PIV0 year old r«,JObn OBurnsoy bull. Morris Oyr>

■ JIL .No..a.._ChQnB_(iUia________■llndsr jroR SA LB-D aby cblcks. Iic.oo"

__ hundred. -303R3,

FoT T sA L B -pT ro bred No, 1 CI 1 s r e r W lilio Rilto. Farrow In April

mjaoi- f,* . BOWS, and ontf roKlsti herd boar. H. J . Malono. phono 67

rOR BAX.B—r « a a ie u n s n o s I - — 7 d a l prlo* OB good birds, m d j

B taf. Phoa» 8MR.______________

axwell WJUITBDgood TBrkejra, OeesB» S a c lif ani

J L C U ekeat. boy aH th e Um< 8M 81 before roo t e l l T«i pricM . 40C ShoshBDe'WefL Op IMiJt* W trbe r? S tonge.

ood . ' ' i ’ l l . I .— — IL ' “ ' -----------


-nrtolt, . / / v f f W a'cseniB , , A ^ v ! !legni- l j i / 7 / / V . Vtn h i. V

— ‘ | i r I f e *

> m B B ra iaM S S S) P . m- / . fill IB C T T iiffi»B

ip - 'm : . I i / | ^ ^

I) (i) p. m. h l i f f i r 'i IiB E ° i ^


A D SH E T IM E S is read -by ler publication in South-; '26, and this means ap- e. Think this over and in T H E T IM E S rlassi-

5'or Sale Real Estateilrlc tly "~F01t SAl.K-lfiO-45Tur. on iiorl

t nflcr II. Tniii;ii;iry. Iluhl. Ut. 4.

TOU HAlTl^-Cno of tlio bent C-roo ^lu'Dbro iiiodvrn homi'^ lu tUo clly, Nlcoly I

ciitcd: lit a barciiln. IiKiuIro n t Tl____________

I yr,nw. . K ymi want (•> hiMl ~c! UlcUtorrtm.i.:;. ‘'fl" '® "'” iJi'iit.■co..r>io - - ' -1^*^- ,v u : \ \ *;•.■ < ii:r i i ,\ r( j ,\ i .n s

Iiil|c:i IlKAL KST.Vn:I’llOllUj ,,„y

_ _ _ [irlif'ti urn ul Ihf liiwrtii,h rood nillon tnmi towno f 'r i 'i i " " “f roiirt; llilii ittiDil hiuiHc IldtliKs:Lilrv Ull II'-,» Dur lirro.

Ctiulcr CO Hcro;.. ccHid r. ronn _ _ _ ] houn" nnil fair'oiithulUlliiifri. nuoi jaliiion.; fnmlly iirtliiirO. l “rIi'o J200 pf: U llUr. 1 ntr"-'.

j 40 n<'.rcn, i-liiju <n, r<>oil 4 ruOn — liun>:nli)W, liiitn und uuilijilldliiR.’i

0,..lur* r.i'uil laiid; J20U pur unr.-..... C|>U<oust. tcnnii,

Jitrivi. (jilr Jjii|)rf)rrHic?ilM. tuw Ily nn'iinrd. i-rU'i- |130 nor nurc> ,l,,,00 c-i,.h.

Cholco lu-ri-', i:i.<nl luuderi liouni', ivull ImiirnM'd. lo trndo (oi

>* wont IToperiv.lulii N. . i!L\\r(:iiAMi*-*::-Ai).\M:?

Iti'n l' Kntulc mill liinunilii'u. iTToom" ' ‘I"’"" -iO' j f o r r c d .________________________________

MisceUaneouc-~ ^•■AUMI■;KS-Hav. ynur mcni cur

inabiii p " ' ’'•"•'‘‘' ‘i: 1''“ '

— ■ If your lnili'Iilr-dlirn:i Ih worryj: urnlah- >’*”■ lUi'kford. Itomna Orphui Uuuna* UlilK- __ ______________— ^ SKI-: u s FOU s ro R A ai '> -w o sto

apnr% inytlilnc. AUio. koiiiI No. 2 oppl >r llgh :hem>., Harmoii F ru it Company. t:r

tb re . llullillng.______________,

S ’Mai'i .VOW I.S THL TIME •«“ ■ ’• l e tn l yiilir ilinL- ulmniiMiod. JVu c

.barui'n them wlllmut Inldnc tin__ _ BpaiT a l 2flc pnr biailu: nlno cut. yu

plowH mill othur inuchlnory ruudy.-------- O. II. SKI.F,r iriicli 2r.0 .Soinnil iiv.niin.- nmitl., O nii'l 0 , Ilox Dlai:lih!ulthlnK. Aulo tiiirlns Woi

Ai-uiylono WcldUiK und Wotxlwork.

illeahlc •lILKHOlix CUKAjTk r Y CO. ho rs- PocaiPlIo. •

StfCoiKl co'ncern. Why ilnt ri.■ Uieili your crunni. Statinn a t 2

houiiB Pl'ono 1548, Crca.rc pouliry nnd OKsn, Chaa. L'ndurwoi


r ^ . c tniTA iK S ;„1 , or Washed or siretchod. Phono 225J

} *0 DAM'S. PLACE ickiord. jjaflr snd sccond onnil clolhl

booshl and sold. SOS South Shosho StrtuU____ . » . ______----- ■ Lost and Bound

R. I . ....................................................... .........et iraji “ BTRAYBD OR BTOLEN-Dlnck t ja. In- yoar old heltor. dohorned. had wh I north m arkings and «’ds a sprloRer. Nol

Clonn N. WHllnoy, Kimberly. Idaho,

n s in - ; 6wlft en Early Rlims. Ojvi>»., I noTcr knew a man com# to grei

____ aessit«r-«tnlM nee'^wlto lay aboil laB ^oT er !“’ *'*• - ;

_ ! ___ S n U N K H U P T cF ^X y T iw w '~1 Ches- In tbo BIslrict Conrt of tho Unl W'rll. A HtalM, (or (ho lllo trict o( Ida Kistored Hoiilhera HlTjiion.0 C75«. In i^o' M atter o fA usuaV

botKor. Hankrnpt'. • • •' ■■» SH you aro hereby notified, • th a t :

first meollnR of croilllont of saUl bai ru p t win bll hold o t tho offlcu of nndemlsncil Hiifori'o in Twin Fa County nf Twin Falls, Blolo of Ida a t 3:00 o'clock I*. M.^^nn iho 20tli i n t Fobrm ry, A. D. 11123: auch m< lHB will ho bold for ibo allowance

• claim s, appolnlmenl of trustee aiid» • M ilnallon of Uaiikmpl.

' , . OUY L. KINNEV.— It cfereo In lU nkruplcj


H I Pr f ''J^sSS S B S ^ B I Jjgl -- fl

_____ _ v ______ ■ T^r[T

■ i B ^ '■)< HOM

j 0^ '^' ( O IICRIIUS

t;C > UlKH A


.te . ___

ZL3s i; TIio

itord. — ----- ------

f'v^xy’r Jvfff/ iin.1 / // jwii, I • 0 : \


:ood ( ^ ^ ^ 9p fr .

STA TIOM A G E A i rortni

____ ..M A T T E R MUCH A S TlV ___________'am- •

I jrn - ...... . 111


------- IlH lH K K TIlll.lY F0I.I.0\V1N(;ciirid - AN KAULY lli;ci.l>plant. _____

fim^ACiO/.. I'Vli. K .-i'oIlow liiit ■■■;— ill r l l t drclln r. ttr.iiii prlrM i.iri'hr'

..iK-d inward llin rin:;,. nf III.. Clrn ro lionnl o t TraiU- K.ili.y u" a r

___ iiull Ilf niCMlnvaU', fxport biiylistore "b lch nppo.irpn nu l!ii‘ drop,

iiinkal A tirr onrly Hiiiililnllon had driv. t;jirl ‘ whnat to a nuw lnw t

Jllio nri'Bont ,inflv(>niPiit| cnm! Iniyli------- inpi»’nnMl ItretnMIni'uI tradrr«, Sor

j wh<'Hl-w.n».4i»l|'i»» fnn. ■xpiirl. Miu u fiin t r n liitori-utu A .ru niHI .llKin.iud them tbe-iii'IllnR Bide of llir lanrkM. Tl your fclo.io WHS fractloTiiilly aUnvi- npcuii

ly. . JiuoinUouR. . . >. » t lm a t« i tba i:51 iht r<mi of ll

■iii'ral ( <' ' TM crnp iviin ili’iirn )' VVorU,.by Ihc lonK drnuiihl, mid iluii ii

raliiK bavo cniiio too lali-, ntron»!>. . m i’ll thl) oom ninrkvl. Conidilrral: ). corn waa-alno buiiRhl for uxiiorl

Ihl’ low flRuro for ihe iby. t ic ll Moilnrniii Kiilllns.of iiikb prpv^nl

231 nny subsinntlal ruIds In Hint nrn! ream. Thuro wnn n fairly sood ulilpiili wood, domnnil. Prices woru unchunRrd

lowor a t tho l-Ioic.------ Provisions allvanccd In synipni

u llh corn. Thoro wns soiuu buyl S8J. of lanl by exporters.

Wheat— Oprn, HiRh, Low. Clm Mny ....... 120>4 • I20si lin 120

3lbln, .luij. , ....... iir .% 1H 4 llR«bon» s„p ,. .......l u i n i n_____ Horn— Open. Hlttli. Lnw. CIoi------- Uny ....... 7C. 7fi-'!» 7t!Ki 7.’1

Ju ly ___ 7R',i 7fiU 7(1------ Sept. ....... 77 77% 7Sli 77k two Ouli— ' Opun. Hich. Low. CIniwhlto Maf ....... tr.V, 4 :,^ 4<iNolIfy Ju ly ....... 4C>i 4f.^i 44Hi 4Cho. Sept........... 4 j ( i iV ^ 43

p o t a t o e s T ”S«at- CHICAOO, ,Fob. 1 8 .- P o ( n ln c -I I late oMpts. 80 c ars: WlBconsIii.and.Mi

; nesota, uo salvs'.

1 OJtAHAi XnXRTOCIf.Unlled t50UTH O.MAHA. Nobr., Feb. J6 Idaho, SOUTH 0,'lAHA. Feb. Ifl.-CuUle

Rflcelpls, 2900; m arket stuady: ye: Ctlen- ItnKn. ICJiSaO-GO; sloers. |7«;9,t

' cowa und hid(ors,'t2.(IOU8.2S: utoi I tbo ers and (ocdo'ra', 8&1C008.3S; calv bank- 13011X0; bulls/aud^sUiRs. I3.G0( of the Hogs—Hecolpls. 1300; market Falla. 0 1 ^ lower; bulk of ualos. |7.90G Idaho, top- ^8-Ul day ■ fiheop_Rccelpl«. 13^00: marl m e e t - l o 2C<! Inwnr; yearllags, f l l

n „ •ofi'^ '2.7B: wethers. irEOOB; lam iid”ox-1«3.23®14.26; owe»..,|607.CO.

EV *• ^I'ORTLANO L1VEHTU(;K. Mcy. PORTLAND. Oro.. Feb. 10.—Cal

• ■

Vi:'! - . ’ t

' 71:1 ' ■ \

• V v •

T N F A L L S D A I L Y T I M Eg s ^ -

I E O L D H O M E T (

T F iiftN / ' P } / ’/ 4 C Z 7 T C 3 J ’

- w i B i g i g'I^VfTtSwfl.BRr-CHIMIv'AfW y ' <jj V AnDAFuLui-iiit: o r

((■ lOil DW'ic^.Tic Rou-iNti nj

.. nELLB£r ‘'''I ' . i L 6 < J I ki-AiD UP I ___ HTr

S f e t-Si

O A D K i r V u S O V J r P - C L t - P T ■D^^ /M "THIFiTY V C A R T . - I T D.'i

; t h e . e a k l ' c .'T r / 'ow

1 —lircirliitn. mnrkrt ati-.iily; tliolc

S iilccrit. fa ir to rouil lUccnr..7r5iS.7r.:rfann.-rii, ll.S O fn ; bull J:i4r4.r,u; ralvr-.. jsjn ii.nn .

, ' III.CK - U rrclpls, ly i l ; innrki iil’Mdy; jiriiMii iiii:rd . $u.r.u(i'in rniiKh liravlni, lC(i)S.7f.; IiIkh, JU'I

Hli.-i'ii —.Marlirl i.trady: iirlinr tanili . . . $i:i.r.nrnH; fair In mrdlnni, $l2..’;ii(i , ,M . l^.r.in vravllntii. Jl'.r.dCi 11; v.’Hhrri

IT-JflMO; rw r’i, J'J<ii7.

n AUMNci T iM 'riirv in is'(•111. All lli.iH., M-lui drlvi. iivrr l t f til

r i- In'K- will tu- i.roiiiTUlrd, riiiT r li;iiiyiiii; li<'''n iiv) iiuich Iifxlty In llilti niaiii'

I n 'th . ' |iaiit anil thv iira illi 'r muiIriv.'ii !><• Miiinx'il.' Wlioa you h ra r l!ic iilrr»• fur drivf ynur ta r to th” rnrlilnit nn,iiy|ii« wait imtll tiK' ili’iinrtmriii iioiti hKoiil’* and tJi.Mi >ln not drivi' nvi-r Ihi’ hnnMi.Kl- K. M. OOLDIi.V'. I'lrit Chlrf,

IriZ’i" Twin Fails Local ,f Product Marketrnyril | ---------’n*!il'r SKLLI.NG PR iC fSoral'll.’ c b e e s o ---------------------------- 30irl nt Cbsoss ----- ------------- «S

ro io r y _____________________m ® 1 0Leiluco, bunch .......................... l2XiO>l

-rain -----------------------“' i ' ““'« - ----------------------- ;

.‘ll III ‘ l®n» .......................r,........... .............. .28prlnBor.i .......... 2:

ipnihy “ ““ ' ‘O ----------------------------S s ; , i , i i i - ; r i z ; i r : 3 = = . c

. H;im .............................................- .....2(Ham. sliced ............................. ;„3n«'4<

l i n t Poflt c b o p a _________________ 16t2lV n J Pork r o a s t _________________1K02(rV o J U n f t chops ...............................20031

7:.Mi' o n u sa g e --------------------------- J l-r. T-hono s t e a d __________________ .2:77 fllrlolu Btcad ---------- ---- --------------2(

cioie. n m s o rn ic K S15,, Wheal, No. 1. per cwt..............- _ . |U

HoffS _______ _______________ 6©7H

f-otas '.......... .......... ................. 2403>,<„ Celres - *(

iHirK* .•• ____________________ - i ;Hrnn ........,....— ................. ............ ...l:B d rlngers---- -------------------- ------ ...i:

«6’“ Mntloa -------------------------------------- ■lU lo - U m b s --------------1-------------------------'

I 'l i o p u i- ;Utock- K ^B ............... ...... ■-....._______ — 2calves, Itanch bullor. por pound -----------3•M06. D uUM fal____ ............... - ..... — 360S:ot 10 - r r . ■ —9008: ■.

narkut; FARMEBS«-Brlag your hartieai fll,80 la before-tho rush. Only sbop oil lambs, In s fo r f l por Bot w ith Geouloi

'‘“ “ ' “ Vffilb ,0 8 8 CO. O prealla F i n Station

•Calllo r I .........................

Teanilan4 Movies. .

v l * ; : ,


r o w N

T )^ ls .> -,V

x pL 'n-iA N .PO O Fl HCURS U A TE_________________ • ___________ J

'S : ' l e c i i t & ' J °E ga3b-ir e g aif,-III; LT,.................

* '1'’ wt)., r . J . ('.iMlI ll ux III II. j'n i , ■ . (sr.nn !i II ii;.

WI).. T, 01,.irn - I ux ll. N, Hall lir.liOl) l;i-i .\\V, K\V NK H l» 111.

WI).. \ , .r. Cb^.M. I.. .’I. ,\I, l.:ian 11 I. 1-: in k 1 N orlh Vlrw Add.

Dli^THK'T f O n iT 1 J, S. lliiK«*ill v;t. S. V. UUWI..

I- tin: K. J , l l r r k v<. N. l). WII:ion r l al• him ---------la llr r VThf Idtvl vvhnm I'll Uhr in film: muHl Viiry iIimiII)' rockiilrni In tho hlnl ulni dnrnii't <ln a lhl

r nml llu l iitaml aiuiiml m ij kuorH"

hnnr lIllM tY K(>HII*S PAPLUilrf , 1 The n i'arliom ' \ii(1i'pi'iiilrut. n_____ [i.iCi*'lr«««Hly 'r it ln n H ’MdrortiHllH.

papiir lhnl (Uin> in tell Iho tru Jl.Ci) for r.” hiuoa, ■ .

L ' I . ncarborn Indrppailont.-nnc-ynarrSIS e i 8 WooVly.ouu yonr ........... II

I.iiKollrtl<''H Miinllily, <1110 year ....}l■ o r n il ihrcrt. oiw y r a r .....................12

I'riiu Idaho l'ro,ii;oti!ilvo. nno y«ur..|l — i . ! I " '•cardl the nRcncy for i - • * ' luhovr piihll.jalUmn ninl will bc g

' / ^ , r to Bond III yo'jr sulincrlpilnna.KH VANCB. I’ubllc MlirkoL

"•22c XOTICE..... 2-e Call .Phone K o. 48 boforo 8 J

M, nnd n fu r 'C P. M. In caso (— 30c burnted wutct PlpM If sorvlco ca — not bo Hltui o t f In basom eut....28c j o v T . Krivanek.i«'JOc . W wltr ^ o r k s Snnt.

lO 'I 'r ■■!- I I Ii S T i i e F iL u m p .................................. $ n . f

........ ........................ $11.0N u t ......... .......................... $10.B

M ine . Btm ......................% 7.70>3>,ic Rest by Qo^cmm ent Test

I ' I k S h a n l e l C o a l C o .-1 2 c I'hone 43<U— 12c Aerosd f n n O. 8. U Tracks

* j FARM LOANS20ol LOW rnw o f Iniorest. A t«i

......a^r yoar-lonn with easy p r e - p a ^ rC038C prlvlloges>-Do. bonus or prerloi

ootlce roQnlt«4.

1 No wftlllDB f o r . InapecK rtiees I Monoy la ready when title» o«* 1 c lear. A 'mloo

U S T S O H :^ W P J J A H Sj . i . ' . . ' , r i r i f i ' r « i k : •

' .'1 PAP

I Business Directory -I-----------------------------------------------------

AttomeysPORTKR & WITHAM. LawyBm,

Suita 1. Sm ith & itlco P ldf. - . . —

SHAD L, ^ODOI.S’—Altomey-a^-L«v. itooin 6, Twin Fulls Bank & TroatB ulld'nr. Phone 083.___________

IX J. noilN Iim O O lv, Attorney at U w .Kuoiu «. Tw in J'lxlU Bank A T rust Bulldlni;. Phono 1183. . ,

; Jamea It. Bolhwell • - Orr C bapaaa •I BOTHWKLL & CHAPMAN Woods llldg. Rooms 6. 0. 7. 8. I . H

------- SW Rt-l.gy flWRFXEY- Homn;._______Flrsl Nailonnl Dank BUlg.

ASIli:U }l- WILSON—om oe: First National Hunk Bldg.

. 1--- tv-li. D.vviK.-L.x'WV&i;. NSW Urphsum----------ll1d« __________ _______

TailoringIIAIIUEI.. Till-: TAILOR, ditslsnor.cut­

le r and iiinkor of Indies' and mon's ,' high clana sulis. wlr, See mo 'Over

lUioth'ii." Phono lt2SW.

Shoe RepairingI KOVAL bllO E RKPAIR BIIOp H f .1 Meyrrn. Prop, 130 Second 8L B,

Twin Falls, I d n h o . ______

WeldingW, N. SKINNKll—Oxyncotyleno weld-

Inii; lllllo npr'.nRs made lo order; blncksmllhlm;. Ph. 42S. 230 2nd. N.

MONV:y t o l o a n cn modem dwell- lac, „ A rthur U Swim.

Bicycle Repair ShopSCnADK IlEPA lIt SllOP-UIcyclo. "

lock nnd kny works: phouograph re- palrlnK nptclaliy. 3QG Main Ato. Ba

; f HemstitchingM jr . MISa l)lf.SONNETTE-322 Main ATa.'''!'^ I Ho, Phonn 9iiJ.__________ , _ ' . . . . . . .

iia ih . Insurance-'lan.ii P. W, McUODKllTB—O o n eral 'y e n t'^ .;.,1 Ceiitr.ll AiiKuraueo Socloiy. o r tbe

Unlu-d Siaicn. Room (I, F lrs l Na* llonal Bank Building. .


^ihiiii a<g____________ , ■-

M'NICHOLS TRANSFER * BTOR- . i AGE CO.—Oarbugo baulsd dally. '

n Ifi Phono 200,IWf, 4 . ,n i ...... ■" .................... .......... « I

Miscellaneous ^'^ ll'oo OKFICH lX)CAT10.V-0r. B. H.

«m<) Rnuse iinnounccs tha t on and a fte r ■■" Feh. 1. bis offlcn wtll bo locaud lbr i K S *''® WoodM llldr.. across 2nd street •or Ibe pnslofflue. Phuno C87W.

DIL iW LA a BAWYBR ’, Osleopathlc Physician^ • flulUs 1 and 2. Qem D ulldla£ - *•^ Phone Ig40-W. flee. IMO-J. •

8 A. ncrnuE .*10 of OBSTETRICAL NURSE . speelallttDgI can In maiornlty, malnutrition and Ped* • t la trlc cases. Joan \Valker, 71? Qb<K

shoao north . Pbono 300.' *

Vulcanizing___ . 'r iJ l l V,EM STATE VULCANWINQ CO.—IH I l> Work of a ll kinds f^iarsnteed. Phone

“ • CM or 128 Boeond Avu. w*.

11 m ~ ~ ^ iiAm oonns 'rniiA HAVE VOUR CONU)INOM rinde Up.LU.W j^H alr Knol:! uny styl- lo r siilu. Mra.7.78 Frnnk WnvenK. )2<5 Cih Kast.

■J j ! 7 Pet; Kanh liOaiU ;-* j ABTH tJB , L. SWIM i CQi» • • -

tks :

---------:---- T w i n . F a l U - B o i w l i .

) , ,] Stage.; •tea- ' L eatek Hogsrsoa and' Parrtne]

m v a t Hotola a t 8:80 to r FlUc, BoUt. iTlosa .H agem an , BUaa,'Ooodlog, O W bu;

»« m r, . UonntalB Home. n a U a i .'OdAseetlona a t ' t(oant«la R o a a w ltb No- 19 ror,PortUBd-8W tU*.^ T

“ I TraAiBro*. Stage i ES .rtnV,- K c f m tt e B a ' , >t

W e H a B d l# ,7 * a » » '- ' '/v i •

BEg'A R 0 O N ,M 1 5 s M ^ ^ B | . . W ,

' rA C K REVEN. . ■- i

l i l W f l N ' i l : t l i 1 0 1

I L L l M i■ ' !“

r^ ro N C U tln ; A tto rn e y D eclaTcS’lJ]; ,

' r ^ m p h f t t i o U y T E Sl O hargcajJJJ||j'

i Ac»ia>t'Mbr , lOn. WUUam-|th<‘n ‘ l o s u d M n n e s A re A bso lu te ly |tT.in' W liE o u rP o u H H atlo n .'

. . ■ ■ ■- llCR<ProBKUitnB Atiornoy J . AV. Tny- *'“‘1

Ior l u t evsnliiK d lam littd llii- lufii'-i filed aitalDM Dr. J . U. Morcan, .Mn>. T . .T , WlUIttmion snd tlircn mimf"Io ; ibe county im o n il t t f i t s K whom conipluint linil lx-i<ii .tiled to before Ju tllc r Kcrmnly .l*Bek*ril; chorjilus ihem wtib 'com- . pUolt7 Id an IIIckbI o|>«rntlon; ai th e u m « time camplftteiy rxnnprat*Injr a ll th'oiin nam cl In tho chnrRm i

.The ^roMCUlInu nilornoy ilorliircU I------ B«cl(lctlly ilial lie liail no ovlilenrc-1

0 BUataWaQy one fat (he clinrRvH, h a t tboee wtw a t t im prelrnilol in i

' h « * e 'i u c b Inforhistlon repinliairil^ iH elr alAiemeiila. adiI ihm the

cit»rg/»% w e n atwolu(el>' tvKtioiK, tottbdatJon:wluitev«r. !

{ r . la hU lU lem tD i Mr. Taylor stild: I.f i*‘A fl« r iu k J a c .A . ino<( ((inrouiih ' e iam tn iU oa Inlo the ch arittl . tnlM -| )

T trtdu i phjrilcfnna and «nth------------- e rji if «]> the tac ii Conoectetl wlilil

th ta , ct»e. I found that iliore w*k 1 ■iMelitt41r ao foundation upoik .whirli

; to beae the eh iritej. and, becnmInK;U tla n id u ia t tbare wna abnalutnly.

1 tta ;'k ro lU ds for the pronccuOon on ;. A ia lo it u r of Iheae ilcremlsoti. 11 f f l t - l l a i dtiir, a* proeeeutlBK at- (oni«7 to r tbe ro u n lr . lo make ii

' m o tlo o -b ^ o re .Ja itic e packartl furI tb e d tabbV al'o f Ihe cbaritcn, wiiicIii - ------ was .acM rd ln ily ifmntwl. _ _f ' ' " I . re«r«rexceedingly tba t premn- • .- lu f# MWWty.w** siren lo eW/r m'at- > le r . Btafetnenli which were orlRlnul'I , Jy made to a e conceriilns ihls mat-

,-ler- ware aflerwerda nbnoluiely r<>- ! psd la ted by tba p e n e n i wUo madeI i .fq a a . I hope, tharorore. that por* 1

. <Jon«.w lll h« .cartfu l Ot tholr xroiniil" «uj .. M for* B tlem p ilu .to make charfra ncx ,,k l« lne l othera. do

■ “ I m lfh t aay ‘ihal Dr. .Mnnnn prr- fan ^ • < ^ I l r called upon me and offcrod aa

I to furalah, and did farnU h lo me. aeo ap le te aUleraent and laid nil tli« t>n'

; fK to before me go th a l 1 couUl*- fontplMe and iliorousb ex- ^7

^ to a U o n . wblch I did do, and wiih- •Jrt.- MT. ootopromlaa or adjuitmeui, •!;"

, . “ M there .been any Rrmindu for flc- o '' .ft, would U r e boott pfOHecuii.1

■i-----------to - i i» ..f lB » j. MBoUiaJon. « s j ),ajth ere been any doubt aa to ibe Inco- ”

.. . .

! ■' / I B I HI


„ _ - biankh «February 12th to

i ! ; 6 n ]e C E N'i !‘ ; One Wool B lanket..j I Two Wool Blankets

■' One Cotton Blanke20 CeriU

' Two Cotton Blanket21 CenU

' ■ ' One Q u ilt................f ; Two Q uilts...........

i One Feathei- Pillowj ■ . -Two Feather. Pillow

I 1 : , You la\inder.youi; i , . least once a week. 'j i ‘ plltows ileanaecl?i ■ We wash them witlJ J soap and'Refinite S I •

I Troy laundry & Drp! i ‘ PhonepV', • ______

pnru of- ttio pnrilfH inVolVcd, T i hould havr uubniltiiMl tlio (,-u«q t o : lie iiuRlxlraic. |

" If everyone ooiinncloil wllh lliu, imttcr, Rt tho heiilnninK, had b c « n ''■ frank nnd c.indlil toward mn nu | van Dr. .MurRun M'hrii |io appeared ,’ h«ro. nuvar wuuld havu>. been . any icHiin filed." ■

Mr. Tnylur xuld tlial no parllciilar >orRon hnd imilftvd on tiic iirtwecii- li>il nf (he r«nr. ■ Kollowln* pull- Wil'd «tnlo|ilo;itr> nf alleRud iOinrKe''I tiumlier of jieopti^nnid aiked him I) Tiiahn the InrentlRiitlon. llnvlnK •btiilni'd ri'rtnlii ntai<'nicnta wlilc:h le brlli-vi'd a t Ihti tltiip, be nuliiiK- cd ilieiti to whul lia congidered to >•' tnm prli'nl nuthurlty nnd thouRlK le had rrnnnd lo t.ik«i iitrpii thnt 10 did; und Iiii hclloven would liavi- * linl~W Prp~tti(*^ctintl|-mTb«tantlaird md had Iho roncliiiiiomi drawn from * hi-m liy the f lra l miiliorltlM to l l vhUh they were nubnilttcd been RU'i-i Lined. TI.N ronrtltlnii did iii.l | i n - ‘ |

uidnii c n iiip l^ ly Jm/icached ttio ei"i-1 lenco iinij (-onclUHloiiu un which he lad acted. V

D a i l y F a s h i o n H i n t I ' f

I.^ 9 ^ Uiv


llllilllii. ' _____


IN VEI.VF.T AND CLOTHItfimn « l\T t , .m nofi ,inii I’re

•ilpple ill (•hifliiii,.tn ron>rtie<l-l>y ime- 'o»f| nwed I’jr i j clMrtjnrr inn, ili'u .urplire- | Prli cuhIhk omlitniiK-. It ii iiinimed n-itli uiisl fanc)' biitloni an'l the ilcriT* a i u-cll aa tne clo»it^ arc ndipteU to w ie il I V trtalm rnl, Tlie nkirt U of rreiy-hack 'f r o bfoadeloih. laid in »ma1I Hide jilaitj, . \ , j . j , truly diitinnlvTtoilette fornnnl-fnrmil , ,<Ua wr.ir. Thr Idome refit,ifp« ?!( viH* .16-inch.and thcukirt 3,'f yard* Sl-inch ' i j , "’■‘V'l*'' -'I 'i r to till Review' HIphiw N,i. l“ ,*'.Sjfw, 4«’|ik IiI'> Price, 15r I *'*Ski;.t N...,?!;*., n to H mclKi „ : F '’ *-aut. I'n.-e, JOc.

--------------------- ------------------

troi• (0 I

' i olli' I - . l o t

^ I ' l' ''ll^lt ‘1-

S | I"®*

_______ [ ■ ixi

In*Vy loe.

Rl'’V Vv \V \ \\ Vk Vl \ \ \ \ J r mo

\V JW alP '"fi i

RIUMEEK— I, ' !hln

0 1 7 t h I n c l u s i v e^ ---- . - - - Ut)

• J T S A L E ||1nv• _ for

• ■ “ ---------------- ibtJi

.................25 Centst s .............26 CenU . ffl

< e t — • i . ;..,1

1 t ' " ' c t l lelle t & - I--------- >,»


t'U................-30 Cent*................31 Cents ,

»h(tv .............30 Cents)WB ........31 Cents


ur pillow slips a t ‘„*jj When were your • i«»

I 'r f tT h i n k i t o v e r . 'we

' i t h t h e p u r e s t of S o f t W a t e r . | J

----------------- ----------------------- ,iJnUhl

9ry Cleaning Co. |e 6 6 o f 'll <

I ITl'




(T 'v iii 1’uIIm KoiiiHOil. KInilMIIUTI D oilfrW ]

AIm>iu v o u r V nli’ii• F n .m III.- (In l.i Dim t T r

A m i Ki'ijticH - " rV r i

O h, Iviiinsiiiiiii Ui'iii', V in H|>i1c of v .itir ►

A ri' 111.' Illllil O tisl Twi O n tiic Ill-Ill u f VIIII

Oil, Klaii>-iMnii i) .’iir, j i . . . U ll M-liiaiH'i- .H-Iinl,.

F(tr n iv cnilv fn iiit , so- • • ■ ... U 't l i i i l I Hliin lUi

' LOCAL’'B IU E FaI______ _________ 11. J

------- -------- ' j jV enllrt fur I 'la ln tlff-T h o Jury In; Nc'

Iho t-uue ot .MnKcl hrotlicrn aKuln^ip . Heiiry Thoinoy tiroiiKhi In .1 v en lltl ■ 1 tor I17S.8U TIuiMdny evenlnr-

I.airrln (t Jlake-. I tn i.ro T m rn l-T h o ;8p«i UivurlnK ihenlro hax t-recloil ii iiiodeni - S< fH«rn«cn Jlcket o/Htu a t Otc door ; whUh mnke# for convenience iindl! tieauty. j

I - II. 8 . lluo Uruitlon-TlM- Kir;.!Wiird Ii U. H. held n'rciinlon lunl oVe* x uin*' nl tho IMflnh hull. -«,-hlch' wa.i .nnti attended by iievirral hundreil, Pollow- hiK thn opening «oWfe.;"Amer1cu,"-nn ij,,,,, excelleni pr.^BrBni «Hi» plfon. A fe i- f turo of tho oTenlnit'WBH B lilatori.-al ' r.-nrtlnR by Mrs. I). K. RisRa. amlatert liy Mlun Unmmnnd and Mr. K ioter..Mr«, lUiun to ld 'o f 'th a Stti'red f<un ' l)nm;o o t tho Wyoming Indlun. in her .n w teadlnn and Mr. rx e ie r Interpreted 'I>iiL Iho duDcc tu aiiprnprlntc n iuaic l.y •MIrr ilnmmund: Tlio Inlllnn coiduinen t<>:r 'were worn. mnj

-------------------- — , - . doll.rriT jr Men Bend Nonie'.-.Mnny In* clde

to rriied In tho culture of horrlex nro ai aeodlns In namon nnd pronililnK (o i.i bo a t th s naxt meotlns lo be hold aoon.

t»llL i on roullry—Cnuiity Agent II.B. Ilronaard In Id Iluhl ihla nflernot.n , "

» e i» k ltlS - p o 'tn o •wmnnTi‘«--cttJb - mi'poultry. Tho jiimUhm alarJcd ur ‘ "''i 2 :ao o'cliwk.

______________ UmiO rn n Krclial .Vnnounecd*-I’rnf. rr.-ii

t'au l a . llanfl, ornnnlat ,of the Klr^l "ih< r re ab n o rU n rhurch w i|| rIvo hi* Me.;. ] tn 1 oud urcun recltnl a t tho church . on 1 u.e

iPrlrtuy eveiilOR. March 2, 'J lo will he i n^d juaslaied hy Mr*. Hanri. eopraiio. | . ^

! M'anilDK <0 D rheni—B. M. (loldcn. 1 !" '' fire cblof la oi\ tho war palh for a u to ! ”•*

idrWera who run ihelr machine* ovcri (the flr» hoeo. and who fall to mnko P*r [for the parklttc when, they bear Ihol tli.' fire eoflDe idren until Uio depurl-i bi)«l mcDi ROM 6y. He aays he will have hav

la l l w ho '.do DiSubay the ordluancu - n n iproaeculed. The flno la frotn IS6 _uji. r ,„ .

Appointed lo Annapoli»—W. Coul-ndMaiel ha# received an nppolnloient | , ^from CoBKreaeman Addlkon T. Hmlih ,(0 m le r the obvbI ucadeuiy a t Annnp- oil* a t the cloee of the preeenl (enn of the Twin Kail* hlRh nchool In 7 ” vvWch be lu a aenlor. ncxoromir (o n "'cl

ilflltcram received by hia.w otber. Mm. *ii« 'n . W, MiireJ. ef-.1U T hird «vc»)iie 'dm north, laat eveolns.--------------------------------n.t

----------------------- • In IChamhrr of C onm rrrf Mo»e«~Thp an.l

Tw in fVlla Chamber nf _Conimerco ny*,moved lie beadquarierH this aflor* „ ,i,Inooo from tbe Uoyd Imtldlnp tu tho .rooma In tha rear a t the W'jHidn build- ^ „In*on Becond street wesr. Iihim berT ""located In tho llo.vd hulldlni: for man; “ yours. The new l<x-aiion In onn roonRlvw joinowhat more floor npnco th(ij ** '

jth.- ohl one did In 'th ree and 1* m ud insmore httllHfaclory for holdlriR meni He*1ne». It waa mated hy 8«crelnry Nowell mri'H. WlRhl today. l>i

' clcrSuit for Alleffcd Ilalan rr—Kull fit |„

'recovery uf |R4u,alleged to he ilue i>i [a contraci for nnm.' year*. (« <111 trUtoday In thn dl«trlia court. Tlie uctlin *

■WBH briiuRhl by O.tptnln H; KrcBS*'

!hlm tlml-liuui for ri'm und m'nierlnl thn K ren iio r’f1iiliai< tha t he lefl liU ma- woi rhino vhnp in iiiiru of Vfv<l WUklnaor dep Wben ho w rni .lo w ar in 19H. WllUlu pr> aon then. It In nlli'Ki-il, iiiude a dea" fnr Wllh Johnnoiu who twjk oV.ir cnrtnln

| 1nvnli-ed prniierty iind'ARreed to pay for It In Innialrticnt* afid to pay rent

|bdth H cnthfy. Krennv'l'naj-n tho imni named abova Is due. llo In represont-

• ed by Attorney K. I. Anhton. whih lA ltorncy Homer I'. .Mlll« rcrjic»enti tJnhnson, y,„y

I Kile Jlem urrer.—Deninrrem and n.u- 'tlonn tu illanil** w err flltvl In«l evo {nlni; by Altivrnry iloinor C. Mill*, rep- 'react.tlnit the Olmervi-r. and Clly Al- •*' .lornoy H. D. D.ivl*. reprosenilnR ihi "'ll I city, In Ihu Injunction cuso tlUal h} 'ne. lA itornoy Hurry J. ll.-nott in behalf Wh of Alnn IV Honlor In an offort to nlop Hci

!tb« paynietit lr> the Ohnervor, nt tin- 'O” ,|hitr.i:n asked ly (he Oh^'crver for the iho {'«W/catJon ot tim Audit. ' The cam "III liome up for licannB » week from todny. _ / , . 7

K ranre (iet* It^'buff—Thiil Krnnnr J” ahould not h»vo entered ibe lluh r dl«*

'i r le t waa ihe .•ourliiiMon of Uie board “f* ot Judiirii Bl htRh ni'lionl dehate thI* mornInK between the iJnvoln club, Brt which opp^AOil Ihn movemi'nl on the n»rl.fiL.Qiia_JUid_Uiii_iychi<'.et_riiil»,ihal lavored ihe'lavualon, Tho wlu* ninn team conil»lnd of Jame* Dolh* 1

I.W0II, ItohRrt De1*i and Thoman I(ot>* p,,, jcMmm. while ihfi dlnmmflled trio 'w ero lU iidolph Crotij-, Bldney IlouRh*,lOn und B /r.in llendi.hl, ,. ,

R oller Tl’On JtcM anp-'-T hc J I rw liixhlbtt of tho wlnilo* of Kie CInude .Drown Miialc company houau la a “ Uhlojt of lat*«re*l. if nol of beamy, and “1* B Joy for tbe preieni. Iteplle* bave Ilk. been roeelre<l frnm pi.iutH aa far eaiil (it a* O lden. All the coalestania woreaood aod aomo of ibem ho fine thut __tt I* suspected Ihnt tho detennlnatJo:! . nf MeManua to reaurrect th r JlR(n ot shn n <t*aida a«o. aan>lfttf<t Jurlag Ihc I>r.-)ent 'ieeR «-n'i hccniive he Bptiiut-^ 'h.-

V L L S D A I L Y T M ^ _

t , K L A N S M A N ! .

iiirinvo, of. (.'oiirHc.)-w lin t K tills 1 iii'iir n il*-iiliii.i - ■ ' \T^vinH, n il iI 'nii- in i. 'd I*

. . . lnw, tv lin l'h lliis r licur , \ ) \ }r Kt.Tii I’l'tiowii I'w itis try in j; lo t-oiisi I'lnir Jliiilnwc'i'i* Rl'Vinf - *,•*

Ib ,, jiisI iii'iKl .votir ciir. ' to 'ivn1,.it tiu'iiiw, • . .. so i ’vo bcoii loliV,

■ ■__________ ~ ■ tjiIJ i


-------- :-------' crow

N ew W ay o t H a n d lin j C e r ta in

Bio A jr ic i illu ra l i<roblenns.----- Ihelr

Spaclallits In 'c u ltu f s of Cropa, In Sells, Peita, Cradln# and Markat- og^f,

Ing BteH Cantflbuit te FJnal Ihe : RteomMandailgni. Th

an I

...........“ S:;"■ The Comiiiodliy cuunell plan In the nnriip slvcn to a new way of h'nndlliiB Uilni ::t-rtn|u of the his nsrk-ultuml i>r»h- acntl k'ms hy the l^nlled.Sliiltfn P .liartiiionl Idk. :>t Jn'thi*' pa»l dlfTeri'iil by Iidiiis.-i' of n rnip aliiintlmi. 'for III- ed n itance. hnve h.-eii hnn.llnl *epomtel>' Rr** >y Ihl" vnrinuii'hurcBiis nnd otlKe*. The n w plan which recrntly Hns be.-n' ' « nil Inlo i.pernilim hrlnsK nil the tnrl-’.tl* pervin* Interested In (he prnbli-ni tojether Inlo n coiinrll where eui-h uny iireecnt hi* view* and where » llRhl loilnKe Inrluslve i>nf(cy may be dc- -rfi ;li|ed npon, * a rra

Already touuclla .hnvr heen cnl1e.| The o d lsa n s the cotton nnd potato bIiu* and jnilons and rocflhiinendatlonif have mte» leen made for aetion that wnuld he leneflclnl In vjew ,of prm rnt c-nndl- Ilona.—UcDnrtmenL-tnen.who e n ape- •hillsi* In the. culture of tbn crop*, li.'<'11*. dl*ea*♦^ pest*; cradlns nnd mar- U iln i each c<^^ldbUto 10 the f)il:il -r<-iinin>endnllnris. Km.u lime 10 tl'nc , .ilii-r commndlty'connclls will be eiillrd :ii inke up prnhiema, that aro toubllns Illp iin.iluceni of w in u * o lhrr c n 'p ' ago md live *t.«:k.

As n 'reanll of Ih^.'PotBlo counrll H • j_|| '« e.vpwtprt Jjijit tliif u»Hnl wfl»le Ji'i'J cjty o»* reauIllUB when 'ni'vory larRO <rop p. ( ■n ral"e.l loay hi* itreb^ly reduced,/fliv [i»r rnplU C'm"bmptl»n o t potaiivee In m 111.' United U lileerltiw nally.hboul 3.2 fron b^)»hel^ hut thfn jeflV raftueh iMtntne* Dav have bufn pnfduce^ io ,tluppl.v . each »on perana-TWlih Bbout nui^'biulMla. .Ue- miiiK of thi* altuallm . Vhlcli w «i din- ^ couru’jlo c ll> -potnir/To 'lier»rtho 'rie. purimem. Ihrouch ima councl^ inndfl, . recommi-ndatlnn*, which wero *ent<Kii ,, to Ihe I'riuclp'iil ijoiatn pmduelns ■I'nlt*,.Till' couiu-ll i^ointri^i'Ietl.tlm l •, farmera I.e ndv^ed I'n-pirefBlly (tr#d» - .j their ci'ops r 'ld shI|>'.-.OD|y pm Ui-nt. aiiBSeNiine Hint If a lt o f ih f crop, Jn- j,j eludlnf c>dl«„U'rreal)lppciL.i:o«t].woulii n | mt or nM ' In ih'- irentml market o r a re In ti-nn*lt. miirket* tvouhl be jln t trd J rn i and th'< priiv rorced'diiwh to n ruin- jnee ou* level, }<u''h.mnrkall(>s .woilld re- nult In much wanie a'll aloiiff tho, |lnt* M fr.mi ihe ileid in iho,.market. ,T he *>' ' eciiinirll als.' mail.' reeonimendBtlonn " *' on llm utllliMtlmi nf the poorer potn*'(oe* nnd krti'. oti the fnrm, mrU Rl stnrlne for fiilure markrllntc.. M ‘d* I' Ins lu live stock jud. In crrtnln lonill- a irl He*, eelllne lu *i»ri-li'and ilour fne* cqll (i.rlea. It u'lia nlso tlie advice of tlio Poa- l'..iniM coiin.ll that fleld* be idcVM J al clenn nf cull* and dl«e>iiied tul>eniio n* “ ®'’' 10 prolect *ucce,-ding crop* from dl»* - -

.Another crpiip of department ihen r i w»* rnlted to se th 'r by thft aaalatant U ,,<T efnrr-<<^<ak»-u^.tha.probletu-ol JZ thn colinn farmpr*. ■ ^Tliese men an* wprklOB on the proMeni of, what (he departmrnf* iw>l'''V •‘hall he for tho V preaent In innklntf reconiinpndailnna <*« for tlRhtlns Ihe I.nil w ^ l l . Ihn .lelTl- opnienf »>f on^rarh'fj'- m ltun fonwiiuDt- ties, the co.wlnc of,, ■ dlveralt'y nt cfiii.*. etc.

NKW IIUUSBWICK. N. J-—I 'u Vru- tiTlllty a t IlulRer* hils adopted u baby 1 boy who han l.cen I n 'a planter cast for iwcniy week* a fte r bolnB nlrui-U by un auiomohll.^ . .

.SKW yOHK—"Seo w hafn wriioi; with by hack. I (liJok a beo ndmK me. n woman uppcniad lo I’atrolraaii White, liul (he niodoat chief n t po- Iko callcd on amhulani;© aurBCon who found n allKbl bucknhol wound w here, tho woman complained ll slunR. |

. P te b W o « fo r< i;W t',.; I Tlie common, prul.lem. juura. ln1^^

dverybo-Jy-B. I i not to fancy what wnro fair In Ufe. provlrt.'d It couid bo—h'lt | tlrat flnd what tnoj be. thnv, find hnw ; lo make It fsir up to our oieaa*.— * Drownlnc. j

Rlvsr CirrlsVMueh B'»3imen1. ' "Th.- Itlver Po In Italy roakea land so

rspldlT by reason'of the aedlment car­ried. (hst n town woich waa onre n Seaport ll now oeiriy twenty mllea In land. I

Po.'rulei-.-W bni I'd IlKe." said Cneu Kben. ’

“In -one o' d.-ie Jobi where It V a r a f like n tnan don' have miirb lo du 'cep' tit hi* pictnn- Inol!."—W aihlnston «rrr.

sh o n in * u J l r ta .producer In Twin FVill)). Tlift fMl ihtox wHl app j'a r a t th.- U.-..'tliit; on IVI. jiu.

i G H I S e l i rMSlOSiOS ?,ii N W l W I i

_____ tt.•. d<

N'early 3000 peuplo visltud whnl p< 1. probubly Uie iiiusC bundaome. dl oiivenlent nml m odern!. inorcunlllo pi ftubllKlirafnt In thc ito te laat ovo- Inu. whcn.ihc'opcnlnR of lhu W. II., ni V'riRhi & Hon*, more In the KIka' to nlldlne WB* held between 7 nnd U jk ’clock. One ihounnnii carnation*. ro nr IndloH only, woro Rono by 8 I.l •clock. Pracllc.illy all the wonicn , |.r nd Rlrl* were ncconi|ianlcd l.y men. ' .fi u«ld«»-ublldr«s.-wUo_ciim».-li>.-.T4»» —m rowd cnn«nue<I (o pasn throunh Fn

Hteoily nlream unlll the tim e <if lonlnR. ^ .(.ood will wa* manlfeHlod on ovor.v

Idu. Muny other inorchanlH nnd heir fiiinlllen vlnlted the storo nnd onKralulalod Manajter C. B. WriRht _ ' nd hla brother, •!>. M. WriRhl. man- Rer of the -l.lahn I-'nlln alore. on be aueceM of Ihe opaninj,* ' oroui Tho entire force of cmployen nctnd after

n .BBaletant* In eniortalnlnR llio rn»o iienta and ahowlns Ihom the InrRu to D ml varied niock.. 'o’.-iT h e window.'diapluy wnn thn flrs l ACo-1 hint; d ia l c a u th t Ihc oye of tho I'Nthellc 00 npproachhiR the build- ni:. Arraoited In ^ho -boat of u a ro ty Rmdry .BenolU lhl« feolure pleas- d no t-on ir the (ante ctsw d thnt w.-tn ■ ir*aen t-«e~ tha -openlnK,-'buwihoMi •ho piw«d..b>- on,thp ,a i.n ]|i« i.„O ny h « w ild dainty floirera V efi becunilngly T r w n e d )« w l.a o t, iy t . iU p 4ieauilfi»l txtaret-.hsdU lanlted^U fetu-U itib till- ^ am In the center o r (Iiq floor. The U R liilah ia fn French'Bray. aet off w llh n t i iRht blue. I I

Tfia various .lopartmenla were n il' rraniied In the mo»i modern atyle.' .”he whola atoro. bakcay. flrat floor -nd basement la occupied with the nteat deelcna of the lln«a of mor* ihandlao carried and nolhlnR la Towded, ao the effect In pleaalns.


L. J. lloRers ol'Color-ido S p rin t":ame lu today to m sk e liln home..llIn nother uml brothern came *emo time

' Mrii. Joseph W. Doe nrrlvod In th is | ^ty fo<laor to ntiend a inoellnR of the . fl ’ . 0 . E . commillee. ■

Mra. Ij. 0.' Urosby arrived imlny V rom Denver to vlalt her alstor. M ra/ -I ■ David Brown a t (lie Ueed opnrt- . | L monta. , . H E

& E. A iidonon re tu rn x l’ from inEiaserioan F^JJh . where - bo. Ja ..d o la e t | |Fvork for. tha-pow er connmny lo re- ^unln a couple of weeks with hla fnm- Elb-. > Hi.

J . H. Hanaeu cnmu In from I.lutio | I 'a iu today (0 vlalt. , li

Mrs. D. JennlnK* and fam ily-nrrlv- j Ml tod))y-lrom.JJolB4_al.irE_sp_«pdlng t month vlaldnR friend* there. Mr. InnnlnR* came In from C'julleford lo H meet (botu and lake them home. H

Mra. Ray WbeelwrlRbl of thn codn- I I ty commlaalonar'R office 1* spendloit - r a few daya In Dolso vlaltlnit frienda. I F

nnAKKS FAILi tVRECK nK Sl’I.TS | |T't;i:KI..O. Colo.. Feb. l « - r n l lu r e of .U l

Blrbrakca lo wurk r4uaod n hend*on R Kcolllidon bfliwoen N;'a*ourl Tuclflc FpaanenRer train No. 12 aud a frelRbt ft tra in nl OIney BprlOR*. Kanaaa, noa r ‘» f t h e r ; Inht nlRbl. No 'one wn* Injured. 1 1

CUCTB) tOVffiTISHijjl I--- lUaJrUlwtMUyths^ -Wl

^A N T K D -K ly ‘Kfiitiilo loom: Ad* pK dross Uox'lD :,'Jeri)ine. tdabo.

p - - - -

i V o i

I " . ‘ ^I InOu


■ _ ' rsiPiW,

C om m on. S e n se C o u n ts - i-------- ,----- 'Eh*l

Huccen* In tho dnlry bunlnn** elTn or In k.-cplnc even a'sniall herd c««i nf dnlry ciw n depends'(like ino*t _llilnB* do) In n Brrat .......win*u|H>n -tho . UM.of-cuod.comniutt__ ^*en»»'. t'owa pro<luco th|* nio*i milk ii"unlly In Ihp la iier imrt ]

- of- Mny nnd June, Tlien-fon-. I - ] whnt ill'.-* Ihn wlwj dnlry fnniii'r j ‘ ■lo? Ill* mnlntninn na ncnrly n* t IM.Hxllde Ihc year round, <'lie •-••tt- { dltlonn •ir-'ili.fi- month" when - Ni prodiiethxi In Ihc hlRheKt. ■ (broi

}'u)nliihlf . f<x<a. n nitl'iii. und n hnlanreil tTitlon. ** top.ihi'r with n iiuideiiiio Inn- I’loe IH’rniurt- mid coniffirtnblo mir* ^roun.lhlK'f, wlii hrliig IIH ni-ui’ tin* ' ld.'«V prDdncliiB cmidlllufi* nn la

, poKKlhlc. n'lid *n 'i'(ri.rt to 'k cc o °V .•ondllloiia ►» will pny hlR r.^ * j ^

----------------------^-----------------yoiiJ ------------------------------------------------. 1* n«y

------------------------ you

8avelrB-Fa[r«. ' —"In *nmo renpfc'ts." r.'mnrked Mr. ! r ,

irum pann.,"women are amnrter Ibna r l nett. Ic inkca a aeir-nmilc mnn n Ioiib iTivp^tn set used to linvlna n boiler, troutiil, but In less ihon s is monlhn 1 ifte r they hecoiue rich his wife, who ‘ •o»o from poverty wlih him. can refor0 Dnwkin* fn offlmnd manner na nn ^ o’. r fajniiy r :tnlner.’"*-i;inulnghon» ^Co-Ucrald.. fu

Brothe.* Seidom'tn* Keeper.T h it doctrine ubout helns ou r hroth*

ir'« . keeper, la. aJI -nch t e.xccvt thnt ve olwaya je em i* I'w tho bnitiier njid. F l i n e r t l^ te 9P * '> --^o su ite J e n ^ U .

I II 4*V li!'1"^^/ •

I V Do not allow any a1 \ that the7 can Bell yo \ os goo " 09-KING 00 poiaiblo. ,

1 There li.no othor coa' I pare .favorably with ' I Tbotu&n of people I I name, pref«rrinff sot ti t — I - - on. BQEifi .nnlmown, do -|I p I In every* cue tbcir Wlj /j__ ha«od pn tost* that teli u I OOAL”~'liiiti111 pbtmdi l l moro ecanomicol ibanI J mined in the West.,| I •■KINd OOAL" is th(

I ’’ honored hy the bi

I \I I \ oliovo you do—order

m t t R - M D B i f i :l l y ' ,C .C . 'L /a ^ r s c

f t - P^oneo f K i


:>w open R Business ur New H

In the iks Builain

i\V , F E im U A ItY 1C „1 92 3 . .

Thci-a's'a LIm'h.' **1 love luy nHshbor." sold '(^l<'leEheb, "but i)flt w oiijb to take ge 'h .ik>(Tn my chicken coop.”-;Wa»hlnBtuo 'ICvealngBiai. . • ' ,

Q U IT T O B A W OSo Kaay (0 Prop C'iitnreltr, ClKxr ur

ChenluR llnblt-

' No-Tu-liab - helped thouauuda (o broak the ‘ ceally. norve.ohntiurluB lolwt'co 'b s H t • W lienerer you have'» limglnR fo r-a Bmok*-or--chew Juat 'place n bBrmleas No*To-Bbc (ablut In your mouth Instead. AU dealiesttjpa:— B hortiy -the—hebll—le—«on»-^— ----- -------pletely broken, and you aro belter - < off m enuily . pbyalcnlly, financially.It'a ao oaay. ao aimple. Oet a box of Nu-To-Bac and It It doean't roleascr

any form, your d ru c s l it .'will refiind your money y ltliout ^qheiUoii,—odv.'

1913 H i l i l i K IB lIPrices l i | M [ l | H

BrcrythlnR ■ ■ • 1 f * | | | | WIn h o u s efurnlahiuBB UBSS^^BSSSS

etr u d Uaed Pnnittire .T.ow Kent Blrans lo.ff'l*r{eMA. H: Vincent Co.rhone- U. ,- ai& ShoAone.lBb 8.

one to tell yot) .IIU D COAL—that is notcoal that can com* 'h "Xma OOAL." --iiiilll}le ask for it b; .UH)t to tako. a i:hance ;,B«dombtful.kind.__ _ ,jMHicir preference' ia '. ,;MMtell defldtely thnt ,iiita longer,"gives |||H||imd, and i> nacb ' RH||lan any other ooal flliB|the only coal that H_8ub8tltutlons. If , m COAL"—and woler tiirect from tu. j 'M

T A I N C B i ^s o n M q r .

‘ 2 8 6 '


1 ' ' ' ^

