a-, making the boys county teacher ihxh) roads...

^ ^ ^rrS-'* •fcl.-'i— ;,-*t:t^ --- ESTABLISHED MAY, 1895 jibL ''^#7 M » ilF'^Fniiid 1917 A-, $1.00 A Year in Ac* =r lb. ••^r.. MAKING THE BOYS HAPPY IN CAJff RED CftUSS MBETING Private Merrill, of Camp Lee, Writes InterestinKly of Army Y. M- ^-A* ^nii, Lei', \»^ Nov,, 1^, 1917. Dear Folks »t Home: Ttiroujfh me medium of The Jour- nal 1 am sending you a mesaage to say how much we appreciate your oft ex- pressed concern ovej pur welfare and in particular to tdi yoa biieSir of the wonderful work of Vm Young MenV Regular Meeting BeM Mondajr Night in Town HdL The regular »emi-mont.hly mfating COUNTY TEACHERS Christma* (iftaf I Pqsaibilities and OpportonitlM of HABEAS.CORPUS GRANTED iHXH) ROADS TOUR E N I S A T CAPITOL TV/\vT\ rtKvmnwTmr* *** KuitrscBoiii. w*a (SMOM^ by judge Wtddin lauer Wrttr in HllLn InCVriTljIEi * ^ '**^ **»^' ***** «* *«» Cise of Svffrage Piduts. -.l»d«« *f e4u«tiaa M foUowsi ..U) A petition fot a writ of hafaeaa eatr of the Manatiaa Chapter of the Amer- jj^rg. Attendance at the Open-! ^*«^wnK, (fc) Voeatiwial. (c) puj for the release of the tWrty-o»e BaBkh«fd _ Pathflttden Return ican Red Croea was held in tha Towa H^l MondST^rl^ Rev. Aiford K«l. Uv «ffai«d the invocAQon, after i ^ k h . _ the committee reports were reoeired, HB fuUow* ChrisUaa AMOciatUm here in can^j, and of the many spl«9tid!4 tiunKsli of- fera us. There are but few of you w h o h x e - M * least friends ia tbe.Miny or navy, aad Uncle Sanuni* is (oing to call many others from timong you to do their part. Wherevwr they are or may be the y. M. a A is going to reaea them and be largely instrumental hi deter- mining iriMther your boys shAll come back W a « r and better man for thoir morally bankrupt. So 1 fadj&atjroa will take to know aomeCii&iir mora iff thiK ageaey tor ^eodr •The wari gaaisod and curried on by tt« War Work GotfoeQ of the Y. K. C. A. As many pf you know, 16,000,000' was raised in a mU^-iride eaaspa^ Iwt April t* get the work andv way. No aadstaoee iriiatevar Is gi*«a fagr the gt>T<MiBigt IB* ft fai only tlirough rnwrtnty s# 1^ rftTrntfy^^g that the w«k goea oa in tlM ymzioiM camps and battle firenta. Tbey, <d course rttegnisa'how indiapeBsabtt this wocfc is t!> u w fmcnkig of aa ef- ficient army sad wtf O^ Wea Wogrk CoBBcH eivery enieDOrMreinfat Bat it ii the wetkfa^^iany Lo»that intewaU yau, eo I-awji* giU fewa te the puiietdan eC thf fa«re. Tiwre is a big ccatral . »»teh eeate mef tiian 3,000 m«>, Hghte. fud aid attUamty. Xadi «t hpHiHjife have two luge ronaa , ilBSiihig qnerters for The largest room wis -aqjBte aad ie BSTIII a» an eaditarfaua. w.«faiir deaki aoaplied wift ^•K aad Uk are nagmi aromd aa tiM walla and tbroegfa tte ceiitar of tb» room aad esetpt daring mess aad thaae axe alwaya fiilL ijin tables wtth current and ahdves i ^ ^ books, tte men aaay taike to Ibar bar' racks to nad. The supplir «i theae is tnnes. nan aO- Pfettoea are around tite walla and a big fiire- piaee k^ britt hrta ana and a( tha hmjmrkttn t<dA sea net readiag aeom. So i t l a l a varitaSle - elUL) huase, aJUi jKimathtag uf the-a^ moaphere'isf iuHne and fta privileces are fz«e to every liuui In uBiforatr Mrs. C. B. C. Johnson leiwwted the orKsmzation «f « j«Bier anTfllsTy among the High School giria. The net proceeds from the Toney Miller entertainment Ig reported by Jlr. G. Baywond Catcltts, chairman, waa $3.86. MIS. (!l«orge T. LycS reported the •hipmtnt or~tpee~Sarrets, MO pounds 6f paam, soldiers in Prance, and also 172 Christ- Miss E. H. Osboorn was placed in charge of the Bed Cross <%ristmas The by-laws govendng the chapter were read aw^ adopted. Mr. George T. Liea waa elected del- egate to the first aanaal eoofoeaee ef tiim AMIH-U-I. BiJ fVoss at falti- wnnna Mawaiher <ty aiwUlK. A vote ef thaaka was wctended to Mayw "Wrd^W^i^mi fta hla etfurta in a^mriBg an eMgrgtiacy wt fig_a>e. PAIUf FOB EACH SdlDIEH Sia ft Phut 8iigg«sM:>y'Scn- oppoartuBity to beeoaie the owner of a farm, according to legislative jriana BOW being whipped into shape by Sen- ator Wartea G. HanSag, of (HiSa.< the plan la*i^es tl9 guvetuateBtfli aedng as a real eatate agent to get term da- velopmenit'eanQianiar~and~ Biaxinrami pivfita. By tUb. Sardins inya, adl- llqns of acres of idte land fa tMa eean ing Seonion ^ the County - - -. A—ocigtion. The eighth .annual Trarhrrs' insti. tute for Prince William County con- vened in the Bennett buitdinj, M«m- assas Wednesday morning for a tbre« day a' ses8i<m, with President Charles R. McDonald preaidiag. The morn- ing aeaaion',Wednesday waa largely -given -t» weleoming the tcacherr «KH ../^y,»»»iUfi»i«. nn th» «pl«ndtd *t- ^Bcient work of the teachers in the county, and replies to the_addrei^ni ef wtWttf JSsgy ieaeber ih iiie county wttli only tM«e' exeeptiMia were present, aad mach ^thnsiasm prevailed. Tha pvoeeed- ings aad outline ef the tatta «n the various suhjeeta fiA>w: . Proeeediagt. InvocatioB by Bev. J. F. Burks. \ gxhibition of aUrht r e a t o g m mu- I"'" *"^ •"•~r*T **'^ ^^Hrff'tThiiT Discussion of At impOitanea of teaduag uiuaiC' ia sfjhoeia, by intaadent Chariea R. McDonald ^mtt—Loyalty la the WawdlodMf— l^eyatty to the U. S. AJ—By faqaaet of Stats Board. BeoHrica hy Preaidcnt MeOoaald an the asriaasoaaii of haviag eehsel work dkn^ted by the rengaation eg ieadera. Bev. AKoi4 JMIey delivered a very impoetanee of diaeevering a chSd'a talent'aad than do all ia oar pewar to devdap that iastsad of faacfaig evfry ddid te take tJM regute pre- aeribed achoel aehedale, aad Oa fan- pwtaaee it keeping jq^ JWtth Urn,! nrfad the iamcetaace of all taaehers haviag a'vfetofrr-aa i4aal —aad than tha tioB o(( what that visioB meaaa. waillirt wnrt be dtfly aiweW fiirniB wbitli a^^poiC atindy ^^-rf"— la tiie Vf^ HM of Vknaee whea the sa- dae largiQr to the standy Mk «n harfiuna. The weakacaa a| Englaad, tiM faabillty ef that iiaUuu to toed heeadi. the ahuna T.»A,, li«- h-n MAmiUfM, xauaed by the owacrriiip <rf land by thefisw. "b the XJnited Statea the drift «t the people to the cities, the drift of faraw hrto opeiataea bf tcanrt'^arai- era, St^ ownenddp hi UBge aereai by abeent badfarS. hadDbeen Heaj nised aaa dangerona tandney «(1%a "In the United Statea there are vaat quaatiiies «f farmiag ^ad aaar tha viAadf^ aH, 600,000,000 lyhig Idle, to iay uMuie<pnit«|y Au^aed.' of Und w U e g H Five seeretarica are aaaigi«4"^to ] PREPAmfC Ufa aad ajdriC ef a aeheel lie ia thewdi andpped a^eel so bete it is these self-aaerificiBg gtvi^ thevaalver for tha vital cantata «( all that goae i ttat makes f«r the devdopnMBt tt tigs CaMt things ia atanhood, jlifltfrr— of hoaae, omr spiritaal FOR COWTECT atill f^Ily eared Isr. la _eadt Vnq^g there are two or three aervicea od Saaday, conducted by fe- bfioQs leedert froat nearby citiaa «r M by some ^leadid fellow fa the regiment, ti»d eadtTfanaffiif night ra ^>ie "^ the evaniag peogram there is a weekly KTBle thf company !h*re •rn^he ^'Aday night sinirers, Miaa sacred ceoest. Due fa pert to \ha big tonled men, who are in aharga ef this work. It reaAea out andjrnpa the fellows and finds tha*—beaeata- herfrt Theae depeaitions wmbei^Bead ba^ COM 11 matlcr wftt~t>e Meetas is aOowed » be •a a member af that Flta Thejegular fire TeWnHifl e'elQdc It is earaaatty reqaeated that member laaka it a psiit te be tr—Maitais ef IwpwUinii iiill saeeCing of the wffl be bdd irt the rHS^~*fssb^ sr~g from tho South Passing Through ManaaMM. Aesthetic. luffrage piekets arresUtd m fW>nt ef "The arademic side of education has the White House, was iHascntod to always been gives, due consideration,. Judge Edmund WaddUl, jr., fa the but It is the vocatioaal traintag in United SUtes DUtrict Court at Rich- Oae of the greatest good road ta«trs tha aouatry sehaeli thst; hti hssn mnnrl fistunlayjfeg. Matthew O^riau, f g , Hie punnwa uf inspecting rnit la^ w^lected. The manual training aad a Washington Uwyer, and at 3 o'clock eating the most feasible route from domestic seieoce classes aza most es- m the afternoon Judge WaddiU or- Washington to AUanta, for the Bank- sential. Manual training, domestic dered the writ issued, and cited Su- ^y^^ National Hi^way AssociatioM K:ieBee and agriculture must be given perintendent WhiUker, of Oeeoquan, y^^ach trav^aes from Washington to if we do eur duty. Tha boys' and to present the petitioners before him L ^ Angdea, Cal started from the girfs- clttba, county school fairs and on November 27 at 10:30 o'clock at ,tep, of the Capitol «D October SO hn^f Jenwtnitraf aaiils haM liaeii M dHa, tad--to showzgan-fcafTi^ canii fe a doia at ^heCxptCBi- mosthripful. I Oteir d e t w t i o n . ' . Istep. in Washington November 8. Z^^*'*!^!^J!L^ ' ,J"!? '"'•'"!!V!!! t"««"'«J ^ ^*^ ' Before the party started, trnprero^ «iM brought abeet^ through tha about the releaae ^ the Woman's eeremom'es WM« held in the rotunda |eaching of mwaic, nature study and Party miUUnta on the ground that it of the Capitol. Representatives froaa n 1 nil Mimi 111 m i l l i i l j mm Urn H urnmitV U> Ue te Imca DlsUhJ. <if UM> State, »»ei^ur^T^,Nav7. Fo^ beautiful fa character, through his- ^ Columbfa prisoners to serve terms fa pOet, Interior, Boad Department, w«e tory, literature, etc. i Virginia. The women, according to'p,^„nt j ^ j ^ dignity and to gfed Diaeussieas then followed by Miss the allegations fa tiie petition, were th^ir iafluenc* and approval to tta Siaanor Smith, Miss Myrtle HarriH, aeeordod fahuman treatment, were ds- Paef. Beahm, and Miss Fhirsnee Uen. nied medical attention, have been as- • i a a MSdrad HarraU told ef work saulted and their clothing removed, te ^smiitie science that ahe ia dofag have been denied communication With fa her ons-Toym school at Bacon Saee. their friends or connael, and subjected juay o>lMr Tnegid aiaeatea joined fa that old time aong, S'waaaa Mr. O'Brian eabnly read the peti- tion tethe Shonkt gach Diatriet Have a Sdioel fonndeat itmaation among the liaten- V**" ~Fsa«rsrSai«rvis Board,~John gak"? was dismsssd by Pref. J. t . era, and wt the Jodge Dawson, sf Betliel High SdwoL Ho decided to read the petition bafoce ren- said that the school fair is aa faatt-^derfag any derision. Mr. CBtim tu^ien that is gaining HM e»>^peratiea statedthirBe ia prepared to place tiie «i parents aa aethfag elae cna do, weaMn en the stand Hid have thnn.' and tha diatriet fairs, t h o o ^ en a|aBder oatii, tdl of tiie cuiiditlena and saudl seal«..bring the home aad achaol the treataient iriiich are set forth la more elosely together thaa tiie eonatg A !• faeraased fatmat aad propeas fa thtf district fikir. DienMie&t ibUowed hy Mr. ElU- eett, Pnt Besfan, Miaa SaUik. Mr. nendng, Mr. Snyder. IQss Oobonf; Jfa. BedgB. tbipeCttioa. DEATH OF AGED CTIG^BK Mr. duuto Fuvihar Dku After Short ~ tha vice the loetitate, ttgettier witii th* hnfinr.tha" to i^tort aftar a sheet iUnesa, aged 19 yearo. Mr. Axveliar wu a aattre fti ^ lead^^he^ canw ie^hJaceeatsy at abeot fag that toBnT that t i a r aad not fovdng the vrtwie lehedule _He ahu urged the iarpart' aaetef atrtvtag religieuriy as w*3i as mentally and physically.. He cloned bfa nd^aea by saying: ^'The greatest tMsg that one' can he is a Chnotian man or woeuHk Bev. H. Q. Borrftdtoirad]b. pdley vrHh zeeHBta of vratoome fa the laatf- tuta, aad apiAa ef the impertaitt pfaee •held by the v^cnx the weadeiTBu fbaage takeu place iu the »*0» rmreintiatm ttat Mt* talpag plaee la the world, aad hin—address— by singing The Star ner 'and Loyalty b tha Vetd Tsdiv— Loyalty to the II. B. A... a aasr ing oearioa by Board of Edocation. - The amanisation of tha StaU "jQatonatfan was aipaaed'W^T; tm tha tepertaaee of tUa lad hy MnL'a'M. Xair- kin, who told of the bandfta ef ef one taashar with. Uplift of the coRuity is tor Oe^ feOowa djaratsed. December is spprosrhiag, {a wfaidi of Tf'^—« have oeeorrad,! Vice pujilJaisls appofated by Sopt. at tha head «t the depart- MeOaneld Mr. John T. wWi ta know eaactiywhan tiMytewiaan: Mr. H. X. Flemadag, Brenta- g dspand on fa eoe-of eiasnaney. | vBIe; ICbe Katia N. WnicoTon. Maa ALBERT SPEIDEN, aasas; Miss Ode M. Green*. Dam- _ . _ cWef. I fries^ Mr. W. Y. EUicott. Odea; I Mary K. Scott, OalaesviDe. Misses EtU Wells. Ruth Comwell Mina Grace B. Moran m*d« a talk perilg aa a aatiea, aad for the edded the yeara we have bew aeTtad. KMT fonaT we are given tha ej^poetenlty and priv- aege, indiviiaaBy and eoDaetieidy. of serving ethen. Qet of ti» iloem of a wortd.«imlUet aad ahova ear tioaal j^erO. "a aew li^it," .fteeident aaya. "sUaea ahoat aa." K di^ela the darfcTwas fa wUeh we hafe been gmpii« in the searea zee nnta. faea ihe miad and hearts ef aaJriag plain thei puiiiiaia aaif- me- . ' - .• ivnEim^a MT Now. thssatoaj, I. acting under the faws ef Tlstills, ill proclaim thora- Day aad do aaraeatly hope that-* OMy be a day of gannHie gratftade te God for His maraaa fad Usssi^i, a diQr fa which ahaD honor B t a aa I Loid ef Heeto aad the Civar ef Vk- torice; a day af nsrasat pelitisu ta wieh, of irideh church tha had beea a G(e-fang aMmbar, Tasaday by ths paator. Rev. J. Bay^ OOOIMW< and fatenasat toolk ^ e e s i a a w famBy Him tor a Oa part da- to wUch we aava beea cidad, faumbly * "" p.iAm'm^^ im **^ AM f I • • ! ••.»!<. nt Chsrlsa Hsrsuhar, one ef ilwr cuuBty^ uhlaat dtl«M.-ttvh« ^ viefaity irf BndthaO, died hJt'Mg Banfchead National Highway, wUdk reaches fran Washington te Los An- geles, CaL Speeehee were mada by Senatma^J. H. Baakhaad, H<d» S ^ t h , 0>ngressman E. Y. Wehb, af Ne Carolina, W. P. G. Harding, Geverntr ury end otnera^ . Altar ^ earenianiea clads4'the pathfinders fa spedal atHfr- moMes^ aceeBapaaiad by fii^ antaihs Mies, started down Feanaylvanfa ava- aaa from tha WhR^ Hooae on their Journey South ander Ow leedsreUp ef Mr. J. A Benatree. aeerstaar Banfc- haad Nattoaal Highway AaaodatJon, who had dmrge of the party aad ean' ^aeted the eerenonies of the tear. The oOdal party that made Oe tov eoosiated af tiw thnw^ p«Hiiad«k, Messrs. Jbha OMvar La Ggoba. aredftge.Na^awLJiaogiapihifal MNT jWaahfaigtcn, D. C ; JLlSatdid t- CMamittee 4 . A A ; Maitlee O. ridge, U . & wwapenied by maa for Virgiua of tiie prise oiganlhed W NVUbli BdDtf the Uaitsd Statea is at War," hi notified hi a Irttor from W. G.Teiaadi tiie eeeretary, titat fa order that all eiiiiilislHiB s fa the pr&e resir rmtritt fa A e vwbna otataa may eater tha eonteat oh equal teftna, ft haa been decided to extend tiw tiaM of the Gemgia. doafag of the eempdUiMB a TWmjfc the priae oger waa gi tela fa a leeaat iasoe'ef the.Jeazn^ ~ ^Rtta^Wui give teeeaora a timn far preparation, aad will alao en- sabdoed party fading, farriwial - dif. | able many JthaJmaa n e t t ^ " * ^ «^' to do aa- Prtoea are Miss Amde E. yeara, died at Waahington fai garfagiUatair fa The TaUifiadara WaaBngttm to F^adsridbborg, Bkh- mond. Petarahorg, South HQl, Hayd- - ten. OariEavfilefi Va.. ta Bakd;^ Dnr^ ham, HiDahsea, Mabaae, Graham, Bor- iington, CSrewabora, Sgfa Peiit»- Thomasidae, Leziagton, ^»eneer, Stf-^ idmry; Ooneord. Chariotti^ Gaatoafa, Kings Meontaln. aiielby. N. C, ta • Ch^Boy, Spartdaborg, GresaviDe, IftTtWrtn TTiiJiBl. Athias, Wfaiie, Le en to rtllsnis." siiiflng there Saturday night,^-N«vambar g i , traveliag a distance of* g»4 adeofe MWmbcr 4th. and ifF- T— lebaee-waie fa wailing lo tha party avor the Piadasent aonte ha Waahiagtan vfa n ^ i ^ Y rf I r PT with Alta inata. I^OdAarg;, laMssviQa, GardsvrfBa, Calpeper, Pairtbi^ Va., an fata Wadh- a ilslsaii «f ttt maae. at an tha pcineipid and dtiea. Tha tiuree pattdtedera, MIMII La Groce, W«»/-KJA- —^ THrHgi data, aad i- every jacket of khaki there w a that instinctively religious, no mat-' ter rtow TOuirh the eitcrior might be. ^^ Pearle Speaks, and Messrs. Elmer on primary work. Many denies m Ac,'...- »-"Ti a man is in tlwuWe, has Metz. Martin Lynch and darenee hand work irere c^v.- to Rnppiement .^V - -c •-,•,;. eir><. or ha." a kmging Meetze motored to Washington San- the teachirir of UniriRv-" r,nthmetic, , ^ , ^^ etc.. an<] r.fferc: . = .cc?.«'. ' about to be af' tte gfleaatii|i3iHCB;.Tlk day ef W iiailir. fa the ysar ef oar Lord ooa 1 h sim s nd-.Ma->huad» ad and fatibaene the imNBT C 8TUAST, By the Governor, / B. O. JAMES. Se<:'\ of the L<v^.:-".onwei.i.n CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the loving frieada aad kind nciahbors of our dear Fath- 0 te tha neighboriMod of Mmaieville I are ^af the two PMbneat routaa, thir^aB aiady the aaan aad wMhia tha next sixty days er more thag wOl asaka a r^ert NO- emmwaifag fta mart feasiUe roiAa. T trr Mrs. Wime Aan Kactar Dood- Mrs. Willie Ann Bector. ag«d 67 yema^a ttnttr ieaWtut of Manassas, died at ^ e home of her daoghter, Mrs, FVed Edwards, in Waahfagtoa. laat Saturday night. Dec«ased waa the wife of Mr. Henry W. Rector, and besidea the husband five ehildrer, and other rdatrves rorriTe. The chiMren Mrs. Prod Edwards, MT» Kf^nf* who have shown ns t^h sympathy aadkiadnesa in our great sorrow. HATTTE M. DEMORY, KATTE D P' :K..ET, ANNIE E M.> . r.N Sampsell. Mrs. Fletcfier 1,0 .- Messrs. Harry and Carrol: Rector of Waahinglor. Mra KP. -.•-- - •.>-<> .--r Mr.s Msn- J. WA.,;.-..,

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;,-*t:t^ ---


jibL ' '^#7 M » ilF'^Fniiid

1917 A-,

$ 1 . 0 0 A Year in Ac*

=r l b .




Private Merrill, of Camp Lee, Writes InterestinKly of

Army Y. M- ^ - A *

• ^nii, Lei', \»^ Nov,, 1^, 1917. Dear Folks »t Home:

Ttiroujfh me medium of The Jour­nal 1 am sending you a mesaage to say how much we appreciate your oft ex­pressed concern ovej pur welfare and in particular to t d i yoa biieSir of the wonderful work of Vm Young MenV

Regular Meeting BeM Mondajr Night in Town HdL

The regular »emi-mont.hly mfating

COUNTY TEACHERS Christma* ( i f t a f I Pqsaibilities and OpportonitlM of

HABEAS.CORPUS GRANTED iHXH) ROADS TOUR ENISAT CAPITOL TV/\vT\ rtKvmnwTmr* *** KuitrscBoiii. w*a (SMOM^ by judge Wtddin l a u e r Wrttr i n

HllLn InCVriTljIEi * ^ '**^ **» ' ***** «* *«» Cise of Svffrage Piduts. -.—— l»d«« *f e 4 u « t i a a M foUowsi . . U ) A petition fo t a writ of hafaeaa eatr

of the Manatiaa Chapter of the Amer- j j ^ r g . A t t e n d a n c e a t t h e O p e n - ! ^*«^wnK, (fc) Voeatiwial. (c) puj for the release of the tWrty-o»e B a B k h « f d _ P a t h f l t t d e n R e t u r n ican Red Croea was held in tha Towa H^l M o n d S T ^ r l ^ Rev. Aiford K«l. Uv «ffai«d the invocAQon, after i ^ k h . _ the committee reports were reoeired, HB fuUow*

ChrisUaa AMOciatUm here in can^j, and of the many spl«9tid!4 tiunKsli of-fera us. There are but few of you who h x e - M * least friends i a tbe.Miny or navy, aad Uncle Sanuni* is (o ing to call many others from timong you to do their part. Wherevwr they are or may be the y . M. a A is going to reaea them and be largely instrumental hi deter­mining iriMther your boys shAll come back W a « r and better man for thoir

morally bankrupt. So 1 fadj&atjroa will take to know aomeCii&iir mora iff thiK ageaey tor ^eodr

•The w a r i gaaisod and curried on by tt« War Work GotfoeQ of the Y. K. C. A. A s many pf you know, 16,000,000' was raised in a m U ^ - i r i d e e a a s p a ^ I w t April t* get the work a n d v way. No aadstaoee iriiatevar Is gi*«a fagr the gt>T<MiBigt IB* ft fai only tlirough rnwrtnty s# 1^ rftTrntfy^^g that the w « k goea oa in tlM ymzioiM camps and battle firenta. Tbey, <d course r t t e g n i s a ' h o w indiapeBsabtt this wocfc is t!> u w fmcnkig of a a ef­ficient army s a d wtf O^ Wea Wogrk CoBBcH eivery enieDOrMreinfat

Bat it i i the wetkfa^^iany Lo»that intewaU yau, eo I-awji* giU fewa te the p u i i e t d a n eC thf fa«re. Tiwre i s a big ccatral

. »»teh eeate m e f tiian 3,000 m«>,

Hghte. fud a id attUamty. Xadi «t hpHiHjife have two l u g e ronaa

, ilBSiihig qnerters for The largest room wis

-aqjBte aad ie BSTIII a» an eaditarfaua.

w.«faiir deaki aoaplied wift ^•K aad Uk are nagmi aromd aa tiM walla and tbroegfa tte ceiitar of tb» room aad esetpt daring mess aad

thaae axe alwaya fiilL ijin tables wtth current

and ahdves i ^ ^ books, t te men aaay taike to Ibar bar'

racks to nad. The supplir «i theae is tnnes.


aO- Pfettoea are around tite walla and a big fiire-piaee k britt hrta ana and a( tha hmjmrkttn t<dA sea net readiag aeom. So i t l a l a varitaSle

- elUL) huase, aJUi jKimathtag uf the-a^ moaphere'isf iuHne and fta privileces are fz«e to every liuui In uBiforatr

Mrs. C. B. C. Johnson leiwwted the orKsmzation «f « j«Bier anTfllsTy among the High School giria.

The net proceeds from the Toney Miller entertainment Ig reported by Jlr. G. Baywond Catcltts, chairman, waa $3.86.

M I S . (!l«orge T. LycS reported the •hipmtnt or~tpee~Sarrets, MO pounds 6f paam, soldiers in Prance, and also 172 Christ-

Miss E. H. Osboorn was placed in charge of the Bed Cross <%ristmas

The by-laws govendng the chapter were read aw^ adopted.

Mr. George T. Liea waa elected del­egate to the first aanaal eoofoeaee ef tiim AMIH-U-I. BiJ fVoss at fa l t i -wnnna Mawaiher <ty aiwUlK.

A vote ef thaaka was wctended to Mayw "Wrd^W^i^mi fta hla etfurta in a^mriBg an eMgrgtiacy wt fig_a>e.


S i a ft Phut 8iigg«sM:>y'Scn-

oppoartuBity to beeoaie the owner of a farm, according to legislative jriana BOW being whipped into shape by Sen­ator Wartea G. HanSag, of (HiSa.< the plan la*i^es t l9 guvetuateBtfli aedng as a real eatate agent to get term da-velopmenit'eanQianiar~and~

Biaxinrami pivfita. By tUb. Sardins inya, adl-

llqns of acres of idte land fa tMa eean

ing Seonion ^ the County

- - -. A—ocigtion.

The eighth .annual Trarhrrs' i n s t i . tute for Prince William County con­vened in the Bennett buitdinj, M«m-assas Wednesday morning for a tbre« day a' ses8i<m, with President Charles R. McDonald preaidiag. The morn­ing aeaaion',Wednesday waa largely -given -t» weleoming the tcacherr « K H ../^y,»»»iUfi»i«. nn th» «pl«ndtd *t-

^Bcient work of the teachers in the county, and replies to the_addrei^ni ef w t W t t f J S s g y ieaeber ih iiie county wttli only tM«e' exeeptiMia were present, aad mach ^thnsiasm prevailed. Tha pvoeeed-ings aad outline ef the tatta «n the various suhjeeta fiA>w:

. Proeeediagt. InvocatioB by Bev. J. F. Burks. \ gxhibition of aUrht r e a t o g m mu-

I"'" *"^ •"•~r*T ** '^ ^^Hrff'tThiiT Discussion of At impOitanea of

teaduag uiuaiC' ia sfjhoeia, by intaadent Chariea R. McDonald

^mtt—Loyalty la the WawdlodMf— l^eyatty to the U. S. AJ—By faqaaet of Stats Board.

BeoHrica hy Preaidcnt MeOoaald an the asriaasoaaii of haviag eehsel work d k n ^ t e d by the rengaation eg ieadera.

Bev. AKoi4 JMIey delivered a very

impoetanee of diaeevering a chSd'a talent'aad than do all ia oar pewar to devdap that iastsad of faacfaig evfry ddid t e take tJM r e g u t e pre-aeribed achoel aehedale, aad O a fan-pwtaaee it keeping j q ^ JWtth

Urn,! nrfad the iamcetaace of all taaehers haviag a'vfetofrr-aa i4aal —aad than tha tioB o(( what that visioB meaaa. waillirt wnrt be dtfly

aiweW fiirniB wbitli a^^poiC atindy ^ -rf"— la tiie Vf^ H M

of Vknaee whea the sa-dae largiQr

to the standy Mk «n harfiuna. The weakacaa a | Englaad, tiM faabillty ef that iiaUuu to toed heeadi. the ahuna

T . » A , , l i « - h - n MAmiUfM, xauaed by the owacrriiip <rf land by thef isw.

" b the XJnited Statea the drift «t the people to the cities, the drift of faraw hrto opeiataea b f tcanrt'^arai-era, St^ ownenddp hi UBge aereai by abeent b a d f a r S . hadDbeen Heaj nised a a a dangerona tandney «(1%a

"In the United Statea there are vaat quaatiiies «f farmiag ^ a d aaar tha

viAadf^ aH, 600,000,000 lyhig Idle, to iay uMuie<pnit«|y Au^aed.'

of Und w U e g H

Five seeretarica are aaaigi«4"^to ] P R E P A m f C

Ufa aad ajdriC ef a aeheel lie ia thewdi andpped a^eel so bete it is these self-aaerificiBg g t v i ^ thevaalver for

• tha vital cantata «( all that goae i ttat makes f«r the devdopnMBt tt

tigs CaMt things ia atanhood,

jlifltfrr— of hoaae, omr spiritaal


atill f^Ily eared Isr. l a _eadt V n q ^ g there are two or three

aervicea od Saaday, conducted by f e -bfioQs leedert froat nearby citiaa «r M by some ^ leadid fellow fa the regiment, ti»d eadtTfanaffiif night ra ^>ie "^ the evaniag peogram there is a weekly KTBle thf company !h*re

•rn^he ^'Aday night sinirers, Miaa sacred c e o e s t . Due fa pert to \ h a big tonled men, who are in aharga ef this work. It reaAea out andjrnpa the fellows and finds tha*—beaeata-


Theae depeaitions w m b e i ^ B e a d ba^ COM 11 matlcr wftt~t>e

Meetas is aOowed » be •a a member af that


Thejegular fire T e W n H i f l e'elQdc It is earaaatty reqaeated that

member laaka it a p s i i t t e be tr—Maitais ef IwpwUinii iiill

saeeCing of the wffl be bdd irt the

rHS^~*fssb^ sr~g

from tho South Passing Through ManaaMM.

Aesthetic. luffrage piekets arresUtd m fW>nt ef "The arademic side of education has the White House, was iHascntod to

always been gives, due consideration,. Judge Edmund WaddUl, jr., fa the but It is the vocatioaal traintag in United SUtes DUtrict Court at Rich- Oae of the greatest good road ta«trs tha aouatry sehaeli t h s t ; h t i hssn mnnrl fistunlayjfeg. Matthew O^riau, f g , Hie punnwa uf inspecting rnit la^ w^lected. The manual training aad a Washington Uwyer, and at 3 o'clock eating the most feasible route from domestic seieoce classes aza most es- m the afternoon Judge WaddiU or- Washington to AUanta, for the Bank-sential. Manual training, domestic dered the writ issued, and cited Su- ^y^^ National H i ^ w a y AssociatioM K:ieBee and agriculture must be given perintendent WhiUker, of Oeeoquan, y^^ach trav^aes from Washington to if we do eur duty. Tha boys' and to present the petitioners before him L ^ Angdea, Cal started from the girfs- clttba, county school fairs and on November 27 at 10:30 o'clock at , t e p , of the Capitol « D October SO hn^f Jenwtnitraf aaiils haM liaeii M dHa, tad--to s h o w z g a n - f c a f T i ^ canii fe a d o i a at ^heCxptCBi-mosthripful. I Oteir d e t w t i o n . ' . I s tep. in Washington <» November 8.

Z ^ ^ * ' * ! ^ ! ^ J ! L ^ ' , J " ! ? '" ' • '" ! !V! ! ! t"««"'«J ^ ^*^ ' Before the party started, trnprero^ « iM brought abeet^ through tha about the releaae ^ the Woman's eeremom'es W M « held in the rotunda |eaching of mwaic, nature study and Party miUUnta on the ground that it of the Capitol. Representatives froaa n 1 nil Mimi 111 m i l l i i l j mm Urn H urnmitV U> Ue te Imca DlsUhJ. <if UM> State, »»e i^ur^T^,Nav7. F o ^ beautiful fa character, through his- ^ Columbfa prisoners to serve terms fa pOet, Interior, Boad Department, w « e tory, literature, etc. i Virginia. The women, according t o ' p , ^ „ n t j ^ j ^ dignity and to gfed

Diaeussieas then followed by Miss the allegations fa tiie petition, were th^ir iafluenc* and approval to tta Siaanor Smith, Miss Myrtle HarriH, aeeordod fahuman treatment, were ds-Paef. Beahm, and Miss Fhirsnee U e n . nied medical attention, have been as-

• i a a MSdrad HarraU told ef work saulted and their clothing removed, te ^smiitie science that ahe ia dofag have been denied communication With fa her ons-Toym school at Bacon Saee. their friends or connael, and subjected

j u a y o>lMr Tnegid aiaeatea joined fa that old time aong, S'waaaa Mr. O'Brian eabnly read the peti-

tion tethe Shonkt gach Diatriet Have a Sdioel fonndeat itmaation among the liaten-

V**" ~Fsa«rsrSai«rvis Board,~John

gak"? was dismsssd by Pref. J. t . era, and wt the Jodge Dawson, sf Betliel High SdwoL Ho decided to read the petition bafoce ren-said that the school fair is aa faatt-^derfag any derision. Mr. CBtim tu^ien that is gaining HM e»>^peratiea statedthirBe ia prepared to place tiie «i parents aa aethfag elae cna do, weaMn en the stand Hid have thnn.' and tha diatriet fairs, t h o o ^ en a|aBder oatii, tdl of tiie cuiiditlena and saudl seal«..bring the home aad achaol the treataient iriiich are set forth la more elosely together thaa tiie eonatg

A ! • faeraased fatmat aad

propeas fa thtf district fikir. DienMie&t ibUowed hy Mr. ElU-

eett, Pnt Besfan, Miaa SaUik. Mr. nendng, Mr. Snyder. IQss Oobonf;

J f a . BedgB.



Mr. duuto Fuvihar Dku After Short ~

tha vice the loetitate, ttgettier witii th*

hnfinr.tha" to i^tort aftar a sheet iUnesa, aged 19 yearo.

Mr. Axveliar w u a aattre fti ^ lead he canw ie^hJaceeatsy at abeot

fag that toBnT that t i a r aad not fovdng the vrtwie lehedule _He ahu urged the iarpart' aaetef atrtvtag religieuriy as w*3i as mentally and physically.. He cloned bfa nd^aea by saying: 'The greatest tMsg that one' can he is a Chnotian man or woeuHk

Bev. H. Q. Borr ftdtoirad ] b . pdley vrHh zeeHBta of vratoome fa the laatf-tuta, aad apiAa ef the impertaitt pfaee •held by the

v^cnx the weadeiTBu fbaage takeu place iu the

»*0» rmreintiatm ttat Mt* talpag plaee la the world, aad hin—address—

by singing The Star ner 'and Loyalty b tha V e t d Tsd iv— Loyalty to the II. B . A... a aasr

ing oearioa by Board of Edocation. - The amanisation of tha StaU

"jQatonatfan was a i p a a e d ' W ^ T ; tm tha tepertaaee of tUa

lad h y M n L ' a ' M . Xair-kin, who told of the bandfta ef

ef one taashar with. Uplift of the coRuity i s

tor Oe^ feOowa

djaratsed. December is spprosrhiag, {a wfaidi

of T f ' ^ — « have oeeorrad,! Vice pujilJaisls appofated by Sopt. a t tha head «t the depart- MeOaneld Mr. John T.

wWi ta know eaac t iywhan tiMytewiaan: Mr. H. X. Flemadag, Brenta-g dspand on fa e o e - o f e iasnaney. | vBIe; ICbe Katia N. WnicoTon. Maa

ALBERT SPEIDEN, aasas; Miss Ode M. Green*. Dam-_ . _ cWef. I fries^ Mr. W. Y. EUicott. Odea;

I Mary K. Scott, OalaesviDe. Misses EtU Wells. Ruth Comwell Mina Grace B. Moran m*d« a talk

perilg aa a aatiea, aad for the edded

the yeara we have bew aeTtad. KMT fonaT we are given tha ej^poetenlty and priv-aege, indiviiaaBy and eoDaetieidy. of serving ethen. Qet of ti» iloem of a wortd.«imlUet aad ahova ear tioaal j^erO. "a aew li^it," .fteeident aaya. "sUaea ahoat aa." K di^ela the darfcTwas fa wUeh we hafe been gmpii« in the searea zee nnta.

faea ihe miad and hearts ef aaJriag plain thei puiiiiaia aaif- me-

— • . ' - . • ivnEim^a MT

Now. thssatoaj, I . acting under the faws ef T l s t i l l s , ill proclaim thora-

Day aad do aaraeatly hope that -* OMy be a day of gannHie gratftade te God for His maraaa fad U s s s i ^ i , a diQr fa which w« ahaD honor B t a aa I Loid ef Heeto aad the Civar e f Vk-torice; a day af nsrasat pelitisu ta

wieh, of irideh church tha had beea a G(e-fang aMmbar, Tasaday by ths paator. Rev. J. B a y ^ OOOIMW< and fatenasat toolk ^ e e s ia a w famBy

Him tor a O a p a r t da-

to wUch we aava beea cidad, faumbly * "" p.iAm'm^^ im **^ AM f I • • ! • • . » ! < . nt

Chsrlsa Hsrsuhar, one ef ilwr cuuBty^ uhlaat dtl«M.-ttvh« ^ viefaity irf BndthaO, died hJt'Mg

Banfchead National Highway, wUdk reaches fran Washington te Los An­geles, CaL Speeehee were mada by Senatma^J. H. Baakhaad, H<d» S^th ,

0>ngressman E. Y. Wehb, af Ne Carolina, W. P. G. Harding, Geverntr

ury end otnera^ . Altar ^ earenianiea clads4'the pathfinders fa spedal atHfr-moMes^ aceeBapaaiad by fii^ antaihs Mies, started down Feanaylvanfa ava-aaa from tha WhR^ Hooae on their Journey South ander Ow leedsreUp ef Mr. J. A Benatree. aeerstaar Banfc-haad Nattoaal Highway AaaodatJon, who had dmrge of the party aad ean' ^aeted the eerenonies of the tear.

The oOdal party that made Oe tov eoosiated af tiw thnw^ p«Hiiad«k, Messrs. Jbha OMvar La Ggoba. aredftge.Na^awLJiaogiapihifal M N T

jWaahfaigtcn, D. C ; JLlSatdid

t-CMamittee 4 . A A ; Maitlee O. ridge, U . & wwapenied by

maa for Virgiua of tiie prise oiganlhed W NVUbli BdDtf

the Uaitsd Statea is at War," hi notified hi a Irttor from W. G.Teiaadi tiie eeeretary, titat fa order that all eiiiiilislHiB s fa the pr&e resir rmtritt fa A e vwbna otataa may eater tha eonteat oh equal teftna, ft haa been decided to extend tiw tiaM of the


doafag of the eempdUiMB a TWmjfc the priae oger waa gi tela fa a leeaat iasoe'ef the.Jeazn^ ~

^Rtta^Wui give teeeaora a timn far preparation, aad will alao en-

sabdoed party fading, farriwial - dif. | able many JthaJmaa net t ^ " * ^ «^' to do aa- Prtoea are

Miss Amde E. yeara, died a t Waahington fai g a r f a g i U a t a i r


The TaUifiadara WaaBngttm to F^adsridbborg, Bkh-mond. Petarahorg, South HQl, Hayd- -ten. OariEavfilefi Va.. ta Bakd;^ Dnr^ ham, HiDahsea, Mabaae, Graham, Bor-iington, CSrewabora, Sgfa Peiit»-Thomasidae, Leziagton, ^»eneer, Stf-^ idmry; Ooneord. Chariotti^ Gaatoafa, Kings Meontaln. aiielby. N. C , ta • Ch^Boy, Spartdaborg, GresaviDe,

IftTtWrtn TTiiJiBl. Athias, Wfaiie, Le

en to rtllsnis." siiiflng there Saturday night,^-N«vambar g i , traveliag a distance of* g»4 adeofe

MWmbcr 4th. and ifF-T—

lebaee-waie fa wailing lo tha party avor the Piadasent aonte ha

Waahiagtan vfa n ^ i ^ Y rf I r P T


Alta inata. I^OdAarg;, laMssviQa, GardsvrfBa, Calpeper,

Pairtbi^ Va., an fata Wadh-a i l s l s a i i «f t t t maae.

at an tha pcineipid and dtiea.

Tha tiuree pattdtedera, M I M I I La Groce, W « » / - K J A - —^ THrHgi

data, aad


every jacket of khaki there w a that i» instinctively religious, no mat-' ter rtow TOuirh the eitcrior might be. ^^ Pearle Speaks, and Messrs. Elmer on primary work. Many denies m Ac,'...- »-"Ti a man is in tlwuWe, has Metz. Martin Lynch and darenee hand work irere c^v.- to Rnppiement .^V - -c •-,•,;. eir><. or ha." a kmging Meetze motored to Washington San- the teachirir of UniriRv-" r,nthmetic,

, , ^^ etc.. an<] r.fferc: .= .cc?.«'. ' n« about

to be af' tte g f l eaat i i | i 3 iHCB; .Tlk

day ef W i i a i l i r . fa the ysar ef oar Lord ooa 1 h sim s nd-.Ma->huad» ad and

fatibaene the

i m N B T C 8TUAST,

By the Governor, / B. O. JAMES.

Se<:'\ of the L<v^.:-".onwei.i.n

CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the loving frieada

aad kind nciahbors of our dear Fath-0 te tha neighboriMod of Mmaieville I are

^af the two PMbneat routaa, thir^aB aiady the aaan aad wMhia tha next sixty days er more thag wOl asaka a r^ert NO-emmwaifag fta mart feasiUe roiAa.

T trr

Mrs. Wime Aan Kactar Dood-

Mrs. Willie Ann Bector. ag«d 67 yema^a ttnttr ieaWtut of Manassas, died at ^ e home of her daoghter, Mrs, FVed Edwards, in Waahfagtoa. laat Saturday night. Dec«ased waa the wife of Mr. Henry W. Rector, and besidea the husband five ehildrer, and other rdatrves rorriTe. The chiMren

Mrs. Prod Edwards, MT» Kf nf* who have shown ns t^h sympathy aadkiadnesa in our great sorrow.


Sampsell. Mrs. Fletcfier 1,0 .-Messrs. Harry and Carrol: Rector of Waahinglor. Mra KP. -.•--- •.>-<> .--r Mr.s Msn- J. W A . , ; . - . . ,

Page 2: A-, MAKING THE BOYS COUNTY TEACHER iHXH) ROADS ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...aiweW fiirniB wbitli a^^poiC atindy ^^-rf" la— tiieVf^ H M of Vknaee whea



« • - ^: ' T . J^^G^LJWO ' ^ '' ^^ THE MANASSAS JOURNAL ' !«. ^--i^:,.r :

p^Mi mm -'• '^' y idWi'^'k ^.1

- -». , ^.-. 1 -- -». , ^.-.

^« _ — — . . ^ 4

1 ^ V • ; . - ' '•• " \" ^

- -». , ^.-.

y l • 1

1 1

discontinue dairying aiid having nsnted f MANASSAS, VA^ on the Genteryille U at dke aBbve felma, at mibUc auction^

^lOCKy j personal propeny

12 head of veryt^lngh grauler Hdribaro 1^ fe^ *~ "~ aH yomig, to be i r ^ m the near fc^^^


being a h n ^ ^ i t i r ^ h i s ^ grade HoUtein^ and Jerseys, and twa buBs, one 4 years old» the pthw 3 m<mdi| old —

• ^ : ^

1 heavy HLVUVCIi wmrrri

irf^snfer^ffid1 yeaj^lljBpl^^^^cjtr^

vmi*2^ WttX OFFER ABQUXDJ i l l J k l f j H i ^ i


V Fr<»i my grade Holstein h d ^ : s I have selected fTCflTir ^ ^ O T ^ ^ ^ t f wff give Ip the perscm w ^ hokU i *^J-l*-» number; WiA eacSrpffircha« niade^at thesale,4 a:t:fahi^:e <>rrtBsl»tf^ &e pei^ra holding ^ »tffi£erdniwn wiQ be entitled to the heifer.

TERMS:—Sums of $10X)0 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of nine months wiff be given, die pisrdiaser executing ioter^t-beaiTng, note, with aiqiroved sjPiciirity,/ l l Z J .

JNO. J. % «

Page 3: A-, MAKING THE BOYS COUNTY TEACHER iHXH) ROADS ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...aiweW fiirniB wbitli a^^poiC atindy ^^-rf" la— tiieVf^ H M of Vknaee whea

w "---^ - -T H E M A N A S S A S J O t n C f S t y A i r g TflitJtK.

The Manassas Journal i cnrUHLLl £(LK1 I UUrr kTT^UIOOM IT


T>lered at the Poet Ofifce »t Manassju Virginia. • • Second Oaas H u t Matta

SibsavlMi! $l00 A Year • Ainice


The people of tbe U o i W ^ u ; ^ ^

I the state of Virg-uu*. »od eapeeiaHy

i tKe peoJ>Te in iMs-ftHilWlIitl HCtitnr


timw Ytirk Tilmiw.) ArlBI

Friday, .November 23, 1917.

hav« nwny things to b r l & a n k M i w ^ „ | ^ ^^^^ aad • C i n - — ~ S o r m r .

«*$« o iv WaMW»»> we »houkl p*u«f, I _ ^^ ^ ^^^^ fotrnvm b n M t ;

UJa time to think of wh»t mi*** o ^ ^ j j , , ^ j^y <j ,„ j e ^ aofa. bave bean o v lat had not Prondeoec itonored. belovatf. at raat uailed upon ua. Compare the oondi- j ' '

tion of our r^-r'^ ti> t - t rrt thr IWM .| ^ ° * ^ >**" '^"'^P*^. ^ ^ _ : ^ starving. Belgians, who hare "b««i U°«*" J^^* * ^ ' ^ i ! ! . " driYM fTMi their nWBtiT^ th«irt***» *• f ^ « » " « « * ' > ' » ^ homes destroyed, their wonten oot-raged, their chiUreQ iqurderad hy tike iBvadmg aimiss «f the sMct eroal despot in tfas history of modam dri-Uzation.

Cootpare our condition with that of eves the least alfectedof avraUiaa. They have lost thousands of the b«st of their manhood in battle and on sea, in the pursuit of tbteir oecwpation. Their people are hardened with taxa­tion to keep op th»h- armies. Th«y are almost wboUy dependent for food, and othar suf iUM n f i a o , ! ^ United. States. Stvpose oar cropm had been « fMiliin» this TMr- imnnnsf we had


Onr Town fiall^naads a new ilagi

It's aboot time that ViUa w u e«p-tarad or kdM agate-

HAWM ran like to be a wocUtoase

gBardatOMoquaaf ^ * * *

Who first refsred to the United Statea — "Vnele Sam"^

• ' — ' — -t * . . . . « / , Leya^se- hgiJ^manytaaeaBM VM»

t f U t e d . woBBded orkf lMf _; _ * _ • . • • . / ,

Tie edttar is away tUa ipse! caif be eUtflmtwi

been visited by floods or droo^ts, or peatSj-that wonld have dama«»»d ths

Bory any iaddlea, toel

France, there are tears in our baaztST Bra^aly we biU back oar pain,

PrewUy we try to s«Be Over aor chUdrsn alain.

31 zcai




Over th» soldiers we bore. Over oar bravest and best.

Over oar loved and loot— Lo! we 1 ^ stand the tes t .

- • Sister aad comrade aad tiiuad, _

Lift up your heart and i S 9 r J b i s 4 -Metfaars of BMO are we.

Mothers of noble deed!

Liberty, jnstiee and right; These are tfas priee e^ t M r Mood.

Shed on yoar a e o e d eBO^ ;~-I Gkniow. gafiant flood!

lands so that we ooold not m«ke prepr aretion for the coming year, and for even the winter of tbt present oncTl

^ IIHien one l o e b upon 'a« safferi]«s „ , . ^ , ^ . .

of o t h e « . we «an lor the moment, a t j ^"^f^J T ^ ^ ' I T ' ^ least forget t h , Uttle inconveeiencs. ( ^ ^ ^ » ^ , f ^ J ^ ' aad tbe petty trouMea of oar own. ™ « * " * ? ! _ ! " ^ ! ! ! » ~ L . ^ Thea it i .%*en we can safe how vary I t e e where ear g « . t « * s died.

gntefi^ w g e X t e t y b e f<H * H M l y aad indulgent heartily Father, w h e e e , ^ * ^ , , . . „ . , - „ i_|-_t.

iqMa oar people. J Hs


First k -Warf ,- ^^ First in Peace, And First in the Hearts^ or iiis Onm-



Fake them, tfaco, beeotxfal Frapee,

AID FOte SOLDIKyS FAMILMS. . It is pretty generally eeneeded that the United Staitee govenuneat

Jlewrtlyfc VUaiiifc iiiieisliiliif. Iif tta faape'Omt'w* will. W aUe te get m s i v i l r dt eeoL.

' • • • •


har went p t» a t e ^

^ti» <A a » lehger hoye. Ibe C|llMr-| i^aertsowiUc right ot every tSUpm. «• is the |^»a hr Vrtack^thie »iv)B,heeaaM * feadMalie for any eOde la

ihd it ip His t l tehiMelt^aB ttemp»ittfhe«caqr>,'P^craC8tiTe ' td a eaast^oaaer tie

It i i MW in order <ar the q.«^«(t.Oeee«iaa te »le

.wm^ftm jji—ftp y ^»»*»a

Oae thiineeurt aliea encmiee were t»^lee«» Weahaagtoa Wete

J a , , t t e FfendeatheTE^

other aatiea; that Uade Bern has the beet fhd SMI beet etatted army ia.ta-

le, bot-yoar Uaele Samoel ia mot eelrt—t-^ reetiTOT his - ja i i i^- ^tte goee stm farther i i a C a n k c to cane

^ e difcadKB ^

throwing eat «f feelers^wiaeh I D A -eate the erffllngiwii of eoiBcibo^r to eoateet tbe eeato dF one er m a r e ^

, and I Vir^aia^ pieeeat the ismia-ji^oagwea. ft is, e<

Oeesp \M^

sore the

rve «» a e^page its poWe the wjedea <rf

to l»-[<«aed"tt


«C tfatlaaal A l n y aad fiddity, beiag iarwaat dncmg the | be fig^^ir eet aside, iiinnpB gf thir MMy

^ ' U T e c t this maoA. aad tbe-BMa at | The totesMe ef Qw Soitt i s the the divfaioa hesejteaa'aetified tteeoi^' natiostsl .legielatMie ia of a -we i i^ die-thefeaeaiyem iifi—iMiar* ltaP>iiii IpgftpaWJwit* to ;em iBtdlAcr"-«C^.M«^<$s^--ptOiory'aUotocnte for their -^ei^le^ iiieieiiilslivM •rhjetefar the lee^ w o ^ be dedaeted fima tbe pey they' wiO receive at the cad of the month. Uader^to ptwmieas of the war^xiak

law e a S quired to allet. a Muwthlyi depeerdiag faauly, bat m ao, case aheB it be than l lS. ^ .._; _

"TUs has l>een done to make R ini'

ana.that, as a e^aole, BepieseatotJyes from the Soothnp st«tee are rn uleQed for" a

Fiip«riirStraigtfiir First to Supply Your Wants and First for ttie Inttt^ts bf Its Patrons

If yo^ Juw II y o a jut OpCB M M today. Dae tUs Budc as yapr

The National Bank of Manassas * "A Baok When AO Yom NeiclibMB Baak."

ryuiii' Bgwit anil Baaker, Lawrer or Dootor, ence mmf dcpcMl 9* diM «ad Iha beat

• / :

\ Eslal^«4|ii ISra • • «

FBIE TESTED USSTTRffilSF p F P R F J y N T l N n M t t l jniMS ^.y

of terms >nd.so eeqane aoc e a ^ a. eeuhjsity entitling theat to

eC hie ^pot i knowledge ef use-

I fa the GapitalGtv-• « • — • — - . —

TIM tkreeteaed stzikf fA emfltaif«tm ^ the New Yeric. New Haven aOld

Haztfted xaOroad has faeea averted; to pat ifr "Bg-"to ^H» ^wiBee ea

Wilsaa, aad abide by <»«he^fceie*ieae<aie

• *

peeeflde that want and di^eas shall essee to the vrivee, etul^'CB or ed mothse of the tnope. Not only wfll the reletivee-^e-the^eok^srs re^

the anotmeato aiade by theas, I weeid be

H a i i a e e f the pmlaat poeitisaa'iB tae of tbe Senate jmd t te _»er

bat a foad baa beat art aside by tbe

are - ai'fstdidiiy eeeeataal to the welfare af ^ eeaa-

r w U f L e a p ^

govemmeat frem wliteh it wiB pay to il to that

whk^ is aSoted to tfaeau TWe w S hnng theia a moathly daioiM* e< net kae tima $30, and it c a a ^ aa high

of perCormiag. ' ftu'tieuhttiy in- a jtmetoe

Mw een£ent« Jhe federal giwmi-iSeBt eherid Viigieia dsmsmite be slow to dinpease with tiw awicse of

Hf^ne people ftew't^iis^^ h wiD pay t<r t^fb it iv^^^md get oiiTi'aiei • * - •»:

Lp^il^ ¥m imm^

s i the University ef j did yea kasck down the aceMflMre?'* > X « d n t kaow

s t i a m . ^ i i « . iiMi^ III l a a m m i • • « — m i ^ • — Hgta rf^ s* $ ! • , « • as the mmimoa to be • I ' i to tbe left e ( i t 8e to pley eefc I

Appreodmatoly 578 pereeaelfaa^ever ft.'

have an average eewtrikvtian of over four tp«i 6oOMTt per msn. The total an- Tbe G i U t a Bala.

vamcot of the Univernty is 12S, re-; "What do y«J mean by si lultmfr m aa l»rs per man for So. - «;r far this

of over tan dol-: your little brothw?" . entire Kttuient 'WeU, ps just spanked me, snd ms.| it ahorfd be

r.«» «ei « Mrs I must atwmys Amrt everythiiyf i <T-»tic p a p s in t»<* state »-»d raad , -«:..t-.-.;.an5 ' .-ct with my brother."—Philsdelpbia' "iref . - by each niemVer o: the OT-

Page 4: A-, MAKING THE BOYS COUNTY TEACHER iHXH) ROADS ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...aiweW fiirniB wbitli a^^poiC atindy ^^-rf" la— tiieVf^ H M of Vknaee whea


lAJLAL pmWu •" —P»y yoT»- pilgB fidc^ yb4 w ^ to vote next sprinc and cnaiteerT

-The i«siilar meetinc of the tows eawio) wiU be bdd Momter. Aiffat.

t.. C. Ueaskk u hoUinic a mfiflinin -at -Midland Ihis,

—Elder Eid>anks will preach at

A bax9<i' will be Kivcn by the la- —Preston H. Edwards, Ph. U , Tjce dies oX ifctfcJiME^.'^f'™^ •t-£aa.- fnxitii^tkUi. the Ewioc . C h 4 | t ^ ^ jQift-

W Sege -at-AHahKbad, Indi*, dativered a

ja_ Tbia^ work ia India at the I>«abytt.fiau

order to church h^rt Soiiday to a large comtra-ohtain funds to make some needed re- \ nation '^ pairs to th»«hiuch, aad it is hoped the putitk win Vu>] <fc» 1aii-> patz«nag«. • Oyster*, turkey and all

vMlvve ^m miisiop crossed oats wlut the boys fiHJVi ssaa \ <3ifte» «»•«- -by * and the boys were

thJno.good to eat will be served, and IQ aadit>mi~a'~eo&th for ^ sale of fancy articles and x^andy will be one

gethlehem the 28th and 2»th of No . o^ < ^ attractions. at JLl o'clock. _

—Mr. A. A. Rooff b having a house e« Canter stxaet remodalad, and i t wiU ha WKBpM by Mr. N. H. Koltfaiaoe and faaiiljr.

^o^ id l l YA. pnadMd at BockhftU MathodM Ckaich on Thursday mominc 10;M, kr B*v. H. Lawaon.

—It is said the junior bMwball t M m of Manassas High School par-t i e ^ t a d in a "merry go "roand" at GUftoa last Satorday, .

improvement is local peatoOee. guwl tin tte-wt^

'^ —Mr. Ira C. Eeid, who is employed at Quantico, and OOMMS hoiae each week end, decided to bring along a sapply of sugar from Alexandria last Satur­day, and says that al thooi^ be had mopey enough to buy several barrels of sugar, he couldn't get two pounds at any price in reason, except at one store, and in order to bay i t at this store it was nacessary to boy one do l ly ' s wMth vA other greeeriea. Mr. Bfid say* ttwt d n m g t h r civil war Ukwa w*s plenty vt sogar, bvt BO money with wiueh to buy it, and now there i a

rat w.oek . to stop the widely prevalent practice of ' making' "eombinatian sales" requiring cos tomen to make other purchases in order to obtain a

made—on all salsa of sugar the dealer may require the cnstomer to buy twice the weight of com OKML The prac­tice of "combination saka," the adatin-istration holds, is likely to lead to wastafnl buying, l i t e exception in regard wheat conservation meaanre, to

dnsiva sale of stamps.

—Mrs. Augusta Hynson, formerly of MswssMSj but now a reaideirt of Ofwrwinan, *T —•'**—"y -7' *- wt^i—Y"^ where alia kas been visltiBg.

—All voters who expect to partad-pato ia the qir iac elactioiia, or ggi-•mariNa next suauMr, m w t pay tiiur' p«B'tax «B or bsfora Darawilwir Mfa.

-T-Mr. Muskal l B a y t e t k f t Sat . i m i i y t» viaif hi* hriiHiiK,Jwcyr.iriw. i s i«pe*t«d in w i A styripelaa a t Fort

- 4 ^ . F . A. C o d z ^ wlM 1i9s > « m

era! wMka with is aUa-ta ba o«t wgfia^


aotae timoi itnalCy tamed oa Vm a c ^ • » i & lae^ a a d f " « * * « « k .

ttie ottwr rat then eaaglit tibe one with

**"**"• *** * — ^ f t t aloBg. the rat actfau; a« a sled ItMf the &uBapartatiaa of the c n c

-W. M. r i fr^&'HynwH

prspvtiy Ml fJni i \ atfMt to the reoMtly watalaj hy lb, 3.' K . esi Osnter atnat .

—FrMKto i BBteldaoi^ M « C Mr.

faatzy a t caavtlastl

^ha- PsBtgr.

. ba ^ v m

wted to .

—W« that the Idurti win viest Sadd o'deek-itt-Gnea. IL K. Gk member* are aagad tb ba it is the taaaefsr the cwr*.

T n n i ^ J^iadopal Swidaj BMrnii

—SerVicea Chncfa. at U o'dadc, ahd giviv dar atM o'dedt ia tib* iac. amteafe' el, Otftaa. o»i!loeiL.

—Mr. I>avtl t r l e;<railed at* a i 3l3th ^ £ a a t ^ ^ twrnorabiy iliai baigad

I It aiaidila <daAaaM»

iivY at Alnvadrfa . !

waa Kaeautly '

ce ivwlk^hiaj

—Mr. m. H. t W a n d ^ wha-beea aa«lay«d by the I W t a i

Yoaic. laft hto

B» urn mim^Jt^smsUtt ^

—'nsera wiB be a p«klie BMath* on Friday aigbt, H i i ' — ^ g MOi «a G T M * M . K. Onreh , wmim tha a pioee of tha Wewaa'!* ClMJaHaa Uidaa. The Mfrnkmrn wiD ha JBaa MmmM,^ U i a a a v i . a aatioBai a r s M i n r . X « B I -l « « i e « « r « batakaa ta ha «aad ! • * a state waric

—Under the new reguistions, no^ effective, Virginia take* another s t ^ toward a dryer atmosphere and aibea^

Jnte prahibitiaB. By a provisibo of. the federal "bone dry" law it was per-' misstbie to receive liqoar in prohibi­tion territories for medicinal purposes and this provisioB, eoiqpled tAth the state "ooe qoafi" meaaure, awabled many to become side for tiie enjoy­ment ot Uttt care, it is said. Bat with the new regaUtioDs now vOactJye. the, consignee of a Uqoor atdprnent most prsaeat ^ physidaa's eettiAeate or piaacription, property iaauad aftrf ex-aminatioa, before tlie niws win HflTBiTthr Ajpwiiit ,

r a t s . , 0 n 7 Ml-. Thaows C Moore, who

a t Sauudu4 V l t Btackat,' wit­nessed .the. efforta of two ra^B to e a n T

to their MndesVoaa {• Ida bam the ether day. Ooe o€ the rata •TW JWHtHitc with HtefiggAr

falliil * - - ~ ~ I T « ttm "•Icil l i t " ta aae i f i t s Mefc ^ a a by it» aatamaj gwiwth W'far.

i -^'ne . 'fcttwiaiwi Divisiao «f TirglBH rWjTVBCBBIC.JMtHSBDe SMI CMS

nf th» Nnrfoik and Waatam wflLeoi^ApeTate i n a. itr^

~ * ItadT

a t - C U e a t o , 1 to 8. n a t y n t a a for ten or more p a a e n s will he^fiv— fi«m »» ^ «*•«««« « •


—^XhaJBKiaaia of thai Joplia saetiaa have hee« haviar a friendly contest

raising piga. S a n e very fine pocketa ba*« bMa IdDad ia that l i ^ t ^acfa-nvalnr has *r. Mr. M.HBrir. Ba kOed a pic Oe ftrpt «r this

courage greater use of com prodocts, but dealers are not required to make thf»-cxception mileas they so desire. Its -orders to rstsilaia ia poasaaaed by the food administratioa throogh its BCCM-ing of wholesalers. -

—The twelfth anntial meeting and show of the Virginia Poultry Asso-mt^an wiU hg haW hi tha I«>MM J chaosa building, :Biehmond, Doc. 4 to 8. The tetter has for it* object, aot only the holding of a first class show. but the advimcMnent of e w ( 7 l ine of thft pBultfy iadiistiy. V i n l u i a tr p» caQariy ad«|>tad to the raising of pool trj and the members of the aaaocia' tion desire to improve tlie stock .al­ready here, and to interest others in tho opportanitMs this state offers to preaent and proapeetive poiritry n d s -ers. In ooonaetiKi with tha. pooUr^ •how this



The baseball team of lb« high school » - ^ l & 4 ' ^ i^Jf-

score of 35 . to 7, very"mucB eIated,~espeeIaBy as ihey' said the Manassas boys were in tfa;

4ha» tha 4 3 « . ton boys.

Rev, Alford KeUey preached in the Presbyterian Church ^ondi^ lltfa, 11 a. m. Young people's meeting 7:M p. m.

Sunday, Nov. 18th, Preston H. Ed­wards, Ph.D., of Christian College, Al-hdiabad. India, spoke ia the Preaby-tertaa chnreh a t 11 a. m., on the sub­ject of mission*. His talk waa con-finad to «oaditioBs in India, aa that is the eooatry l»e knew most of. He gave W a v«ry intdrsating aad in-stnictive tolk on . the manners and customs of tha people of India, their religiou*, social aad industrial oon-ditioBsl and gave us a vary clear idea of conditioDS in general in that eoon-t iy, iritieh was ia many way* very diffaiMil I M n the (uiiiui IdaiB of many of q* brid df tiiat part.ef tlie world. . .Ssa^^LJE^. Kaff prrnrhi i in R*i>-

• •2«&*^M»* : : . - T ^


of tile V. P. L WiU have an adoeatianal exiittit to deuimmiato Mw iMiwuaM <rf iaowaaiag the i ia^ttry i^tednetiaa in Vadtikia. l U s triD he l a the na-t « « «r aa-appeal to to iocreaae instead of d e m a w i a c t h c i r

• I i~—~»» a s a ^ ana a g s s .

tioo ^ beOer stock and '


Mim. 1%g^B» Flacfc ^ t a n .*4saar Mjagiay.

Mr. CeciHi) W. ffiaaaa has ratamad

M r B - C B .

srhoonwnse T^a^iiay afternoon, oiwiag to Mrs. Hofica i a v i i « har! riaaaei ia

lala"?!*! ^V ^"^ ^ aMatiar wa»h*U la Misa ek«w*B xaaat. Thasa wore «Bfto a ^ s n t e r af tha ladiea pcaaant *M(fc-i i « at the IcattttBC *aA aswmg. A

• i n ha hald TVaMihiir, NavaariiSrJWhi M. M.PiVBe.

Mr*. Q o i c c attended the lastitate haid in N«w \wik Avaame. K^artfagtea.!). CL, HOT. U t h aad X « h .

Weteesdaiy far Aifcaassa for a stajr e f w n a a l wwfea ivhan ha wffl c * to TIerUa fig thai xast «« that irtliiar.


Morid «arniB Lnfela te AM i «f yik WOKX, M O ^ X & Baa«hH»

K a . base the

. M r s . C M. Larida n . 'Kaans, of

M i w l i H e

; » T t e

-Mr J. M. Knight, a -'—rr the Pacifte eoaat, apant last waaic .•^t- "^vf msier, Mrs. Ira Layton, «f ^^^'^cro Mr. Kaigul has Jaat oen* pto<i«j s n-^mOeaot r u i i s a r i oa Vbm aid hoen<' f«mi where he was bora aad rearer. \\ 1« said to be the most Tianijumr MtACr hi western Pennsyl-raaia. T-'nrtjtt motor s hundred r r*** -'. the-.: '"-a'r to visit ft. Mr. >-c "• '• * ststw- Mns ;.«rton. wiB

)brMr. «»>

Charek. tor af tha •aihamaiiiia waa |be f i v h « of the BiU* to the peepla, a a i ^ M Col­lege B o a H i a aandiar oat lactaraa for the piapiwa of J iv i l ipiaa tid* apaetol work, and sai i l i i in fv id* to have to. •rtmctioB in the Bible ia all thdr b(-»iitutjoi>* of learning A libsral of-fertiij wa* mad« for the pnrpoo* of paring the eTp»TiM«« of the lertore' anri to aid the (V <»c(> Bf-arr ir, th..i

atf T3inrg 'Wuwmiai Igth iS~7:in p. m. Hia sidijaet h d a g "The heal­ing of the Iieper." Hi* Baptist con­gregation will hold a special meet­ing ThaalHgiTiBg day at 7!J0 p. m. , at which time a eoQectiaa will be taken to fini^ payiag oC the debt on the ehozdi, aad K ia to ha iK^ad tliat tl|ey may be •nceeeafo] in tU* p v -pone, s4dch i s a vacy ereditaUa a o e , and if tliey are farttnuts' snwitfL to

lies needed.


is thai a Buun shaU bejadyed by his eflldency, by

what he accompUahes, and not by what he daiau

he oMi da>. Not almjr* bttt iMially his ability to

aujujipliah is ia4r*d by the care he QMS in eon-

scrriBir his ineeaie, his aecnmalation. This bank

cordJally wffatwMW afftmnta of lamtHi mxa, men

who realize t h ^ eiidi aeeonpHsh more if they

aoib had a start.

The f eejdes Ki^dnai Baidt OF MANASSAS; VA.

Oar l^ogan: "It i»li pleaoire to serve you." .

" X

thewk. Miss Baydan aad-Fristoe.

Ifrs. i ra ton .BoGfcky 0|JftillfD#M to tUDt ^HMM her n

to of a adiaal,


The patrena «f the Cliftoa a l am-an very a o n y to haar • (

Sntii Aaitii's n s i g a s t t o a a s aad assfataat ^ j a d y a l i n tte whkk is to tidBe s l b e t to t t e near ( s -

far thias woaM hsv*

aad this . ftwiiUi, aad a s


winter. Quite a anaibar of tiie bantars af

the aai^iberhaod had"h day's haa t aft "Ivaksto"^ (tha FlMsnea Crittandea IGasitoi Bspn} Thandsy, fTtfrMdMr ISth, AhMit thiztr jabttt vera

XHaasf , day fa V ahfaigton ahovptog.

Qaite aaomhaesC' to tids


m G H SCHCMH. NCTTES Ihs boys' Twsksthin toaat s< Man-

asaasJaSgh Sebsol ffayad GcMBariefc Ftid^r ai i^ at/>aaar1* Han. Tha

4BM" •

Mr. S . B. Dotssy W

farMaaaasas^ths, *-*-rftlT. Nmr M, I


-Bi lk fldwat a t WaaCawr'

Hii i i^y

1 h e HQWI

Try tt--y<m ¥411 want IIKH« -— ~ -— '—-^ \ : LJ \ — - ^ '

We have a nice stock of the foUoving madmiery • r vre are in a pootkm to offer 70a at a good price:

Com King Manure Spreaders, Booster Complanters, "Itooiig'thlBsand Lime Sowers, Wdier Wagotfs ~

i t fa l^ (lft:trirtt: agd


Par Sale at PobSe AaeH

& f a U



r, two o U sale h v a

AaetloiMer. j


in L Case Ptows, btemationaL Vrnk W l t ^ CuMfitoBb.DwgmgRiilrfW| ^

Iffewers and Binders

HAYDOCK BUGGIES =""=|%iBX)«e and Siaiples Sqparat

' j Manassas Feed, Supply aoibpIeiDeBt Co. I


Page 5: A-, MAKING THE BOYS COUNTY TEACHER iHXH) ROADS ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...aiweW fiirniB wbitli a^^poiC atindy ^^-rf" la— tiieVf^ H M of Vknaee whea

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1917 THKJ JOV&SAL l>AGfr H V & . 3 a r

Cnt NTY cvx Tnu o Are>Iot Re.Uy B«d b« Graded"? -^^^ l A V O I H G

' •SJHmM WS, M Te«lM«. Allow l i P l j y i J j t l f c

BKmEK ^ TContrini*a ftott fmg€ Oat

^ Aft«r iiniiauncemeata and singing of ^ Pa{>iU to 'Do Fancy Work in Study ^<tm^pta«,- urijoarnmeiut dHjnH^esnioii vraa takeiL | Prepared"?

Second D«y'* f r«cc«dii^(«. <. "Should a ^eac^j^Permit C ^ ^ Tl.e second day's session ot the)!*»•'«• ^ S R S g l ^ ' i t i o d t in CJais^"'

Teachers' Institute vas opened by the singing of the hymn, "The Lord la



Sbeo y^[r*Mw yow sobacrtptioii - F©r Sate - JIy re^jfflC*. Qn] For Saie-^Dweiiiiig house and Ita The J(nuiud)i7-ftatt,iSoiKit«x]Met Grant Avenue, IfllllinKfi^ »(ll)]1"lTTTlT~i1i i TFlTTii'iriii'i i. ^ith btw a roceii>t maiied in return, hut wiutch cheap. Address MiL F. S.|»cre of land at Bristow. Va.;

-P6M» «ie addreei slip oa^ftenext copy Brand, 1887 Califonifit Street,'Itcmse in good condition, 8 rooms. ! of your Journal and see that the dol- Washington, D. C. 22-tf Neily new 6-rooni house with 2 htar- iirly miitfii. U the

My Shepherd," followed by the in-\ucation by Bev. H. Q. Burr. After wrucb the new patriotic song intro­duced the day before at the reqoest of tKe Slate School Board, "Loyalty is the Word Today—Loyalty to tiie U. S," was sung, and then the In­stitute t/w»fc tip t ^ Tfffulir preg^"

Explanation vt the Catawlia Pro­ject—Miss Lulu D. Hetz.

Miss Metx qioke of the great work before (Air teachers this' year in the erection of a''paviUion for tuberci^ar teachers at Catawba on the same plan as that erected by the naraea in 1912. i feroMce' The teachers of the state enconragedj by the wonderftal cures brought about by means of the nursM lK>me, arc waging a $2&fiOO campaign to eieet a c»ttage where the nnfortnnate ones of treatment.

5. "Shobkl There Be Uniform Ex-amiaatietia. tar Those Leaving tha

(Moti<Mi|referring this questi<w ta a committee to report upoa this xjues-tiOB.)


Mr. McDoaald appointed the princi­pals of the various schoob.

6. "In a One-room School Havioj^ Sevan Grades, Is it Necessary te Have Every Subject Every Day"? |

7. Should There Be Any E i | ^ School Work Done Eucpt at KtfwUt Accredited High Scbot^"? |

8. "Ought TeaebMs to be Paid Sal­ary When Attwdii^ tlM Staia Con-

with the 8aM>kcr'a beat gift—a box 9f good d g a n Hi» favorite kind tlikr jcar. We shafl be mmfy

. too glad t« M p thcladiM actect '*wtaMy •» hoar's pkanare* f » tkt auuL

HAYMARKET PHARMACY G. M. Coloum, Proprietor.

HajMaiiiet, Va.

t daU has hot been advanced tKe first | j „ j ^ ffriday fe^wtwi do sot cMont^i,


as when there are few changes -tine mailing List Is BOV eorreetad weekly. | jrou don't lilf** the increasing^old if tfas tUnl mek eomca aad'thwe is still no ehang* it is tiiaa ta iaveati-gate.

T M C Ttiiwa-s THAT tpygtr^ MAN OU6-HT TO B * CI--^


"Prlnee WflMsm respwuled k>y>lly U» tills an>eal and I1&9&.60 w«s pieced tor this eaaaa. _____

DiatiibaaMt of i^adc* e^da—Mr, Dawson and Mr. Fleming.

Beg ecta ei district committeamen on aobjaet of fair wan raeaivsd aa

.fttllMTs: Coha AH pnMat fsTov^d diiMet

fair. ,


So say we aO of ua—every-iMdy^wanta a foiuitaiii Pen. Itra tlk« •edcni wrttliig im> plefimit of Uie day. Here's wkcre yoa boy them. We ilt yoa op with good p«w at low prieca, and In pfadb M- noTcl effects.

, torgn halln. ? larjiB porrh«M, Z Fire Insuranc*—If you- are acres good land, located Vt raSe'

aJbri^cd,,Jilk^Ui»i Asnmy^ Manassas C. H*. on Manas^ try our old line conopanies. If sas and Bristow road. ~

lighted with electricity. Weff^ Both

properties will be sold cheap and on easy term?. 150 acres cut-over timber land located about 2 miles south of BrentsviUe, Va.,

good make; MI the coanty road leading froqa Mrs. J. F. Buries.: Brentavllle to ladepemfent HilL

: E. L. HondtMker, ManawiiiB, V ^ Do you get The Joomal? { 19-Uk

line rates, try our MutuaT. Ta^e your cholee. We represent both kinds. Aijftiit-Gorporatioa. 53

Pia»o for good condition.


stamps hy Miaa OriMam, who paintwd all gire •''^^'^ !%«« are a a a y out tint the teaebcn first and cieatMit folks la t U s town who are thaak-. duty was to gaani the imUhMUbm falbeeMWethflf fanrestigated the ae}>o«d child. coartaqTt vaaMty aad senrlee ef

Mist Oabootti then spoke an the e v atow wtfta thaakfal alia. . , „ subject of the taarhing «i Uaton 4a

T>vimfrMa A», WWWit tnssLMi:.^ gradta. 8ha >waiitsd-«aer-aa-trfct fair. Iseatials to the saecaiaftil taaduag

tiict fiaiT. . OeeeqoBS—AH p>>aeat favataA dis-

trietfao;. _!! _

He lefsMed totfae cdaeatora

of tiiavsadiBg

O e art a«

(a) The enUivatiaa Jafatt

(b) Hie enltivatiaa of •tavy-teUing. « . (c) The:£MgTaehical.settiBg. , (d) Tfaa skfflfBl dMosii^ mf the •».



w M g h w br




tdA; Mr. Sanders, GaiaetvIUa Dia-tiictf Mr. TfaompaoB, Oeeeqnaa Dia-

•eveial distzieta. Many psohioas cf tta trasteea were and val-

Ameriea. AdjoBnunent:

FrMay Meraiag> P)roeeedawa.

~ Prayer, by Prol Beahm. Song—Loyalty •!• tin WwHl Tom^. The sessioa opened with a taiik on

the importance of an effort to help ia Most of the joys o f ^ T h a a k a i ^

HATMAKiUgr PHAKMAC G. H. Coleauui, Propdctor.

H i y a r k e i , Va, ' -

Uie fishl against fabetcoloals tiiroac^ iag are aided oat tlw state by the sale of Bad Croia time honored

ahet tedWlSc dinner where « a

t ; iCa Riisi J i t ' Ta.


Five CMts a l ias Three Ceatta

Through the winter my office win be ai my residaice on ZA6-dee street, but if you want fira^ Buaraaee, either old Une or. ma-

- taal. drop luejr-cawHaid-j-afitt J. Aastln.—2Z

Wantad-M,eO0 a ^ t e oak cross ties. See tn and get prices.

tiia Bwinan, itmiA, etc j , TWa was f«aowed to Plwf. L » . H.'

^eahm on IMa^Si&e iii Baral: SAooiB.^ Bs gave aa hia datattiaai j^^Bseipltea: ' ^ tiM Mgauiaatim a d adM«l enditkBa and taeea to tiitead. «<kaat Metiaa and g r s a t ^ eflktewy.' aa waD aa to-liwi wiaa ^-*»*'^g a<; lattvi

• • ' i ^ .

Xapaet of eoaaadtttaa OB I nWaMaetoded that ptliw U gLwrni la ^Miieti aitftf paBrtWi tttTfUim < g * hftatbe.hroB^tt to Mamsaaa, tiie «x-;

ae--'le riTTAirfie-^^r;!


>Mr. McDaaald tJiea milfa a few <•-atarks upon the fact that Oa poUie aehool ayatom IMS oulfwwn ita'aaa'

«C a to iMlp &e bii e l the

that fdza Aoold aair ha IMM owuf twtt or tfaea years.

VW* recommend that distziet U x s fce bUd aad that at thaae aad tta e o o t y fiir actual marit ahdold be crwaiit-ered had that aa bfaa^^bha— ha gifaa vBbBpt oa~aiW'if iif y, the rating t» ba;

cent bh|s ribbons.

PiaC ttw achoallevy.

era vofca « i acneattara in oar adbaols and tha ^^senitetal invk o n M • • by fateal aad state annmriatkm. Ha said.'^w atiai-aid a^t-ty the laJtor were djfaic^ to

l i m w i i » to; flatt awte Oa* be gtvaa to agiiuiUma Iv *!•• aebools>|

iMva 70 per eeat white rihhrwa 'lUa npart anv earned

ly by 0M B w b e w «f tk$ ' S ^ lfft|il|BiiH acpsd tta

aaea of laaatii « ( & ia tha

aidi show*d >6W I t t Waterfidl.



high aefaeel agrindtanl tralMac does net pcepaia far eoOega, aad « d » on , the huparteaee of project w«kr. that,the t f c ^ h i . , a day fisr air —ntha' Prfaea ^MoU tojavatedtoagtieate*. Ha w ^

-- Si:::::^":ii:

. I




ijring en tida doaad by <nv

Mr. the

^igriealtatai walk »«t

teOH ^i

MrJicDonaU added a tow tebkalfts to tfs m^t^ azperiaiaatel stage e< ta^a aad high eaat U Hriag.

^ •'

tocLhto Ciwials ^eka ea Eogliah ia: » < • iftawa,

•or nsa l Khaala. She aaid tha watfti" ' ' _ was excaodfaigly haaad aad varied, aad .iattetB. deah priacipaSy with teagnaa* hi AaMciea. a v mtel a^hitih "Laagnaga wocfc God Ba WiA Tea m We

woric" the spaakar said. BnadiettoB—B«v. Mr. ftwr. ~

>«<tha atoriaa are nat aeitabla t t tUa Fairy atariaa aad tobie* at« the B M ^ aatisfactary. H W bai^aar ef s lioal is the cDHioaitiaa. ThUt is " ehildrea are terial.' She __ „_ _ be givoB ni^tf*t ia which Uwy are vitally tetii Ili I i. aad itt iVii i ^ *

I tteit tha wariE AaeM be d^lalte.

*'*** ** ea tike baard. fiapaate af i jwaiitliii ea tiie aah-

}ect af tha Csir waa raoaivwL Motiaa made aad carried that the diairaiaa appoint aeoDUBittee ef six to settle sllj gn^tiimi of the fair sad report be­fore th* iBstJtot* «<J)oum». The VK« preaideats were appoLntMi oo tMs eMB-j nittM. altar which the s o c ^ America, thr Beawtifol, and The Wad

ma- Ts tha Ma

lUa Wrn^

I tor ye«r af myaitf aad tkari^

LJiiiiaaibaf 1<


* &

waist line* axkf Its! q M gn^yying hotttaQ -

codkf asiiioor'' jMjyp^ liar^ggrt iiijaL4pe^^

• ^ ^

i r ^

tion . . . .IK) linings'orcept in die sleeves, a bit at Ae yoke aMjcaapiiwngs . . . . tailored in a wi ^ange-of fl-weol iahdcs, indiiding the odebta^ed

^ r ^5r$3Q-ahd^

••3ho t.-f E JTrr; t* O -en tir Per

b aO a v taa years af 1 te tea tsat tiaM that sty givea ai a eompiate

Thaae reraemfaraztcas carry wtth Uiem maeh more than their tr«e vaiaa (while this br'ps very moefa to the Irnnir and sur>>rt of j'oar paster aad 'tomilv^ thfv -rr. with theai a aaait profound »pprec;ji....%o.

Voa are icv-.iec tc oiu ho«e at aO

': r-s-T -n rizs !isrrtc«,




Page 6: A-, MAKING THE BOYS COUNTY TEACHER iHXH) ROADS ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...aiweW fiirniB wbitli a^^poiC atindy ^^-rf" la— tiieVf^ H M of Vknaee whea




Elthrr A. Conner will preach at 'JttJttflftft teanefc Cfaacli ^ Tfaanto-vriving Day at 11 tt. m. • Subject:

The Picture of a Happy PeopU." .Text, Psalm 144:12: "That our sins may be as BUwte S 3 " > M ^ ° P '^^ ^J

youlRT that our daui^tart' rtUiy as comer stones sculptured after tbe similitude of a palace." AH *f« ia-vttied, especially the young people

PRESBYTERIAN Manassas Presbyterian Church. Rev.

AixOdrd jLeUey, yAstev. S u a d a r School at 10. SoMMt: "A-

P s a l a of TbaaksgiTiar." Otriatian Endeavor meeting s t 7.

Su))iect: "ForWhat Am I Gratified"! Preachinc at 7:M. Si^bijeet: "The

Golden RoleA ^ ^ lH—T . Wednesday, prayer meeting at 7:30.

Subject: "God's Wonderful Works." Thursday, Thaakagiving service at

10:30 to the Unifod Brethren Church. Sermon by Rev<>H. Q. Bivr.


(Oont.mtmd fzam^ j^age^Qaa.) for spiritual solace, be finds a sym­pathetic secretary ready to talk of

Clifton Prssbjrterian Church. Afford Kelley, pastor.


Friday, Nov. 23 at 8 o'clock. Aid So-cieyt at the home of Mrs. D. W. Burk-ley

Sundayl^hool at 10. .Subject; "A Pislai ef ThsnVigivIng "

Preaching at 11. Subject: "The Golden Rule."

The dHBeh visitmrs will ««U on the faaiiliea of the cimgregation ih the aAemoon. All are requested to be at home.

Christian Endeavor meeting at 7:30. Subject: "For What Am I Thiak-ful".I _ - , . L ..•.

BethMwm SehooL &mday. School 2:30. Sobjectr "A Paaim of Thanks-feeam£

Bethel Lotiijsna Clhareh, Edgar ZT Pence, paatar. ";

Missionary tneetihg Wedn^day evening

SiinHsy Birhaal Smirtay at . 11 a. Hii.

Servicea at the Wofcaavflle Churah Sunday at 11 cM. J

BAPTIST Manassas Baptiit CfaorcK Btai.lL

D. D^^lirir, Wiilwr : Sunday—Saiday S e h e ^ 9>46 a. m.;

morning service, U V d e d i ; B. T. P. U.. 8:4&; eveniiig aaprica a t I'Ml

Wednesday—Arayw imaUttg. a t 7:30 p, m.

Belle Havea,J»at Sanday'H a. Woodbine; ftratind aetioad "

8 p - K

Ui MffAcr things of lue uia send hlni ^ c k t o t h e drill field with peace In his Wtrtf^H^SIgKarWraMgwaaly te^ dined finds here in the religious activi­ties aader the auspices o^ the "Y" a wonderful opportunity for service that for him will prove a valuable training for his future work.

Congenial surroundings and its home like atmosphere make the "Y" the natnral social center of the 318th. Here the men from over the whole regiment meet and jningle, playing games, singing together and talking of their experience. Most ^of the fine tBltows get tte babtt ot^^pending their spare hours at the "Y," so here one may make acfiuaintances that count— conies t«j know fel|ows who are worth knowing.

We do not have a lot of time off duty^ but the way in which'we spend jth«se. hftil"* '^"tfmiinvt '«rh^»i.m. the mnrula «TMi ipftntln nf the srmv are to be preserved- or destroyed. Through the "Y" wholesotne recreation a . jaf i -vided to keep the "little blue devils" away and lc»<>p n« in a rh>frfn\ hm). thy fiaiue vt miud. Vaiiuus fi Vk I l ls Ul outdoor athletics are provided for and encouraged. ' Drill does not u 4 v e the feiiowa so tired that, they are not ready to indulge in physical contests or in exhibitions of skill and strength, both oh, tiie field in th«; shape of or-g i ^ i e d athletics and on the platform in boxing, wrestling and "buck" danc^ 4ag . -Bat- i t - ia the nightat when so»aa diversions are aot WP>>'?'^- that

l l iere is, however, n e v ^ any ^ a t a n b u ^ M Hope

w«& for entertainment, baildim: there is a i lrst-dass show or l ' concert <»• movies, t h r a e j u g b t s Jn . .&._-week.' Ten centa admission Is chargedir ai»l .many of these n i i^ t s woold «aat a—doQar anywhere rise. Beaides

1 faatnres wr p«ar»mg^ia»^^<wF ^ them tiie other 'fonr nights. At each regimwitjJ "Y" _ ^here^ is^JbtM enter-tainnwait eadi al^gltt te tba « e ^ I t magr be a set of atonts put up by local dramatic tident; muaieal ptttgram by~'lwail 6r ontsiaa milfciciana or siagcra—a visit by ladiea from Petersbnrgi RiehaMmd or New Yort is alwaya welcome; mo vies are

Hatcher Memorial, 11 a. m. and 1M pl^

iweaOd Hti'ffay

Oak Dale, third Sonday 11 a. m.

C A T H O U C All Saints' Cathotte CbtKch, Jtfani

asata, Father Wiuiwn GiU, p«ator. Mass at 8 a. m., firat and third %m-

days. Second and'fwBSBnnAiTa-at ' 16:30 a. m., t^-"*^ »»r lyi w i Hrttnii nt the Blessed Sacrament.

METHODIST Oraro Math~K-«r g r h » « r f t nhr,w*i,

South, ManassM, Ber. H . Q. B a r , pastor. • ;—^

shown s e v v a l niglita a week; puid net infreqaentty We get an address on

topic of vital In tere i t ; Then

piano for any who wish to .use them-Tbs. writing facaiitiea.qiSTided^t|tai n u j » it easy for p» to write tii> m<^-

tha "Y." I>Mks witlf pens, peneib, inii and p « p » ara free to

7?W ff. 1*1 stamiw and_poBte^ds ere sold a t

however, is jnnta l l thut thi

Sunday SchooTat tU.4&«.i8. Prgnrhing at

p. m. . , . Senior EpworA Leacne at

p. m. S:M

C. K. MTIHMin*« afyoin^wanfai

MM (Mirta

Rev. foDow

Sodley—Firtt,-' Sundays, 11 a..|a: '

Fairview—Seeiia aaJ ^gmttt ^tey , -^ p. Bt

WoodUrea ^ TlffiRr and flftb Jaya, 8 p.

Woolsey - -F im faadgm UNITBO

Rev. L. C. f«Uewi

•Y.,'M. C A. is s o ' Bfco^sfolly un-deiWdng^ hire in camp. It shall have a jnurm place in lite heart of miuty a f eBow bMause 9f the educational Work

- ' - - - - j ^ g g .

imetiia Where there are many |^feign' er4» tiw men are being tanjeht to spealr fad w>itw KngBrii, ami Aiuet i

~tais a^ii Stripes fiiLjhe tMnffs yoti Smid dear, you viil uiakt a contribu-wiV'w.'sHJI-Tnakmir it posaible that thfe present plans of the Y. M. C. A! wiH M> eartled ou€^

With all good wishes, I am, - - Sinrprnly yfnir»,


JBffXii t ^ B YOUTH'S 'COBlPXrnON'' FOR 1918.

The brightest mek of this country and.those with the h i ^ e a t ideals w ll write for The-Youth's Companion in 1918. Ideals in reading matter count \n these days, and it is worth every­thing to keep in the mental company of Ex-ft^sident Taft, Alexander Ota-ham Bell, Franklin K. L ^ e , Secretary of the Interior, John Burroughs, Mau­rice F. Esan, United States Miniet«r-|-to Denmark, Agnes Repplier. D r . B u -pert Blue, Walter Camp, Gen. Charles King and other great contributors for lO'lsT^Xbe Companion will have it^ great run^f serials dnd short stories. It will give the clearest and most re­liable summary of the progress of the g y ^ t war. At.^r^" """ ' -tJTne thp regular depsirtments will be main-

•4- M »»

U i n M Ih i l l IMlr pMftUlAH ftrtd V«-riety.

"SaHiple copies of the paper announc­ing the important features of next vtoi^s V6mrte wtll be stnt J^mrvs^ (jueatv— For the Compamoa ahme -the-subscription price is #2.0CF. But the -publishers also make an ExtrawrdL-J nary Double Offei^—The Youth's Com-1 panion and McCall's Magazine t o - | gether for^ $2.25. MeCall's is the best fashion authority for women and girls, -just as The Companion is HM nation's favorite family Ijterahr weekly.

Our two-at-one-price offer includes TtU 'YftiKh'k Companion—62 isanesj

of 1918. , , ,^ i-i 4 . Alt tt*e remaking issues o^ 1^17. At the. big. - • •

The' $!pm.pani^ for 1918.

VeCairs U a g a ^ » = - 1 7 numbers of 1918.

AH f6r only 9126 . - THE YD

Home Calendar


daly t a l k . "Getting:. 19 betisMB and eejoying

coaqgt or I the tmrtr~tfr'<i-t *» *'*%^'**^ d a y « y — - ^ - ^

V ^ e a . I often talk abmit ft.^ aas <St3r/oaraaL *?

eaS tdatory. In our n s i m e n t a <)a8s in c^nveitionitl F r e a ^ ia taught BO

inay-bcr to :ta& t<^ tlte pollpa with i r imn w« wiQ noOB t « flghtins ^KRdd« .toahooL der. The cls—w ttf. i^ i&ir of the

and TeUgioua questions are quit* pqanlar Bnt tha ftnaat piara of wortt..along-tUa Une ia - tbe-p laB w« are Igetting t n i e r way t s t H c h tiM pow> fdlows harth wlw hfy* Bever Md^pied. the ad«sBta|ca 7«f ^ pnUie •ehool adaeati<«r ^ e wUk to teach Om-m i» T—^ »^ yfynm mn. that I TML

uiMa .fui iumte wa aa a e meir reaomg and n i ^

JBig and in that thfy wHI Trfimi-faMn.

N. B.-Sefaeclale figtn^ffObtMied ealy as inf«nip#oa. N ^ goaiiHitead.


sovrnadbvD No. » - « i # •• m-, dailri

WaaUi «lK % JChaAWgifflleliia DasnOa; ^

'"" ""-" "^ « m CXariotfesvine and limit 4ttoni«i—Ceathi i uiil.v.'

S. Fast

4lki war b e g g equipped terVtm^ MJ t o BTlVe •^'^^ >i^^^ ^ ^ W ^ ^ M ^ ^ r ^i^MlV^P^ •

I ootUae of the work-^apaee ia laddng of the l>~~-Tlji»trrHat l i i i i l

Jio. a6^.m a. m. daUy M4»l to Charlotte. Atlani haih, K i w Orleans DMng ear.

IIMMK Branch -aowtfc;

IC X •j^^T^Hii



^ The Ford Motor Company, of Detroit, appointed us authorized agent for Ford cars in this territory, to properly represent Ford interests, to Ford ownCTS, The Company,, in i«tuHi demands that we equip and maintain an adequate service station, employing competent yoni me-chanigs, using only genuine Ford-made materials and charging regulju: Ford prices. . \ ^

9 This is the service we are giving to Ford owners. Material—work­manship , prices, the s t a ^ d ^ of each guaranteed.

4 When your Ford ear needs attention, bring it tp us, and get;the ben-,ftfit of expert Ford mechanics. W P ynVa yr,n th^ aswiirance »f

y Ford service, with genuine Ford-made parts. assurance or geniiinp

fl Ford cars -Runabout $345; Touring Car $360: Coupelet $506; Town ^Carl&lS; Sodan 1696; O>e.to^il^iief$60(^ gpf. 6.i>. Det io i t - - -

W. E. McCOY, Proprietor MaoMMta* Virginia,

• * * • 3C JL


:/' -1-'-^ »...A- —

< 1

.naut'sm fine Job,"

jhf wdBr has l eca UM hr UM Jmna^ iofai dcpartaicnt. See

i j i a ^ CBTiiopfs, flak VBftB,V-walma, catfdaca, •!«. >.. BWk

'4 r

yocr ..i—•*— —— .-.-. apparel and everything you buy is „ --.-„ up. We are told that fire uisuraaea companies are advancing their rates in tremmdoos proportioss-B*n- REM^I-!BER—the oM reliable Fanqnler Motoal gSre Inwiimm* Cbmfs advaaeedtbeitratM. .

iVknd90t V ^ ' ^ We wiU be glad t » ')^£en0wim| every year

or two. JWO. M. B U ^ _

Rich'« New Style bmA

- F i n t a ^ 743© f-mr lieoMd awi i « a t i i 8 a a > days, 11 a. m. — c Q c f c i i a i F ^ and four la Snn-days, 3 p. m. "'' , ^

Aden SecwMl J M J l o a r t t l ^ m S ^ , 7:30 p. m<

Mtaaad—Fim UJ Ui&d {fanwlayt. u

to Eat

My line embraces StjQiji$i and Fancy txTOcenes


CMS NMD B£COimiia»


may m a meaanre_agEra^ ^^y- i~~r te-Warrenton. -'mtntr a w l

Ipiow someUung of what is being deaa" ton and ChaUsnnogiTjmttod- l f t^ «si y . « i boj he mmp anva m U m tk* , , , ^ jj^^g ^ g t o ? fine ideals that label him a asaa aad wiO j e n d fatai back battar than w fa n he left-yon. 'T'~

TiM eoBt af fldrwnrk Iter* and ia aB~^ia tknu^ Army, Natienal Gnard, Begn-

i tbeaavy^iB tha Franca, aad iiT tiK t i no

smaB iteoL There U the coat of th^ BSSfi^ '^^•^ , .»_ boQdinga^-tonta and aiiaipBent; tba* aaeretaries, who muat ta^«iT«. ttring aziMMea, and ats t twmy. The last, wtth^tibe papesent Udt-priee « f p« |

tmall itam. AH' this moat ba - |pt<rvWed by voluntary eootribotieaa.

~ A xaiupalgu Is now under way to raiae $36,000,000 within the next few weeks that the iavalnrt)e,w«rk wt tba W a r W a r k Council may go on. Ap­peals wiU probably be made *n_fS«T.

1 5 - 6 i i 2 p. m. daOy; kcal to ChartottMvtne. Par tor a£rt»"Warreo-ton «>aily *V*y* Snniiay.

ton and C*'«*^«"~y> ^^-at^A

1« _ . ^ pesaengers fpr p<nnts beyond CfaariOTlfl ^ viU« a^irtdch s c h e ^ l e d to stap.

NORTHBOUND No. 18—7.06 a. m. daily except Saw-

j - ^ , 1 1 *-- m — L ! — — A . ^ ^ . ' * tjWtWf IOCS* s o WW W I B i y V D B *

No. I«-Jlfl6 Ji. m. jdj i«r«rO''k*'s[J>vM;'i^_<V«lp "•» «ii[ Wi^»<fa»- -gtth»-^*grAby~a«eep»f -ia made fronTbeat materials. No. 30-%.40 /a. ^ daily; liw^ted to

WashBi(Hsa and pefcws B a t . Stiopa « •

dgfi limitMl, to

No. 1 0 — 2 : » DW»inato

exeep* Safr-^>af«i>r

p. m.,>air;_ kwrii

Washinften. Np. zB—a.OS'p.

m i ^ S BREAD

WsahinatoB. Pairior ear. Ne. ! » - * . «

IB. liwly, toes} to


.ao p. OL o t ^ ; aad pstots eaat.

Smited t« Stopa oa

- •omniuiilly In America tin arouse the people at home to their personal and individual responsibility ia the mat­ter of supporting this wonderful mis-•iomkry work urdsr the Red Triangle.

I If you pt^-r^^e fPfl s-'^'Ttmcflm ever Ithe rr.^Til acd s^ir.t.in'. welfare of t y<«if o*.;.*, *».;. fcr* Rx^-^n^ .«4Vl«r tr.«

rUNU 'No . 49—8:SS a. m. daily; local to

Harrisoabarr. Parlor ear. N a . > l 4^5 p. m. daily except Sun­

day; tonal to Harrisanborf. Parlor i « r _ •

R. H. DtBUTT.-r.tviuoc i'iA." ..." -, t •

i>aked in an ap-to-date oten, bandied by neat, elean, eare-ixxi workmen. Ask for ft— •eeept no other. We also have a nice QUICiC LUNCH COUNTER w«tf« you can sMisfy your appetite. 9aii Jtste of cobfact^ety .

J: M. BELli

iot. Coiinfiy Product a luid Liv^^Sto^

imer^ Market -- - • ' ^


ToM^Kxtra^tloD of Tatrth.


M. I. C. Buildinc Maimssai:, Va

••v-two times

Scktt—-- Dre$3 Goods Dresses Shoes

Your Inspection Invited


The Ladtea' Store Manasfto*, V'a.

Page 7: A-, MAKING THE BOYS COUNTY TEACHER iHXH) ROADS ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...aiweW fiirniB wbitli a^^poiC atindy ^^-rf" la— tiieVf^ H M of Vknaee whea

r,-NOVEMBES 2S, 1?17


lot Uecay EUTFiYMCL








PrinceWlamPhaimac; _^il<uukMu, Vnrgiiua

TME NffFieE The way to make two blades

of grass grow whei% one does now: Buy the celebrated Mag­nesium Lime from Leesburg Lime Co., the lime that has been sold in Loudoun and Fairfax for the past twenty-five years, and out produced them all, and the reason for it is because it con­tains Aragnesium and Oxide of Iron in right proportion to Cal­cium Carbonate, and the United "States Agricultural Depaitment in Year Book 1901, page 161, states that Magnesium is abso­lutely necessary to plant growth and ^nothinfik^se will take its place.> Send orders to Comwell Supply €o., Manassas, Va^ A. S Robcrtsont Wollingtwt^ V&T^M^


Kuu uironcrfa atet-

j-With tiiB« -f»r s n «ee«n, our BOUU for « boat.

Umrer^ bi Virgm Head of Pnblic ScluMd Sjnrtem of


College, Gradnate, Law, Me^-cine. Engineering

to deaerving rtndento. 110.80 MflTcoBS^to Vinania rtndentt In tl» Aea(l«mie Departments. S«n4 for catalogue.


• Univenity, Va.

dale fi^rtiiS iitvo. ^ Om wirht mi iwUhaiiiLfa tm B appwnd If He Burt (T

/ lUowribn. AiijNan'tktft

Rolling, BriatjQw, Va,, ot dirert tn US and same will hav« jjrpaai^at?. =,.=^ tention.

We will look back with i>{^ on

,jws and -troaktM, ita* moi] and strife,

-For-it » b«t «itton»ent compared-to • the voyage that's ahead,

Such a short time we live, auch a long time we're dead.

So why shonld we hesitate to enter the war,

To fight for one's country, home, free­dom and lawT

Shall the cries of dead women and chiidren be in vain

When there's little to lose and so maeh to gain? —

For when the wai^s over and the roll call is read,

Youll be -feonored if Jiving and glori­fied if dead. T. L. B.




Haw W l r W r t k e * Have Oungii^

"^ello. Uncle Dan. Jlmmle bar* been waiting tor yov."

"Sorry If I baVe kept yon loog," aald Uucie Pan. Ta i6 ' mother telling me how ba»htul I oaed to be, Sbc aald it a girl spcdie to me I woold bluah t« aty hair roota. WcU, I re­minded her of the time yonr tatbei flx»t came to lea a w ami U H yifct w« p U y ^ oo them, so I gneaa that will hold her tor a wbUe."

Continuing. Un^le Dan aald: "To« want to talk more about the war, dc youT WeU, war methods bare under gone many changes and they are atUI rhsnslnr Wn rWh W T « T « fnnyht


^oriiweftSupply^ Go. MAl'JASSAS-

Vifginin University Has Repr» alike. In early times, the weapons were-

• atuuea, clubi. Bt i«m tiuiM ami aruwa

INE separator usofs out of ten turn the handles of their machines too slowly, and v?lScn this i s done, not wily will the nuchine not slum as clean as it should, but the thickness

of t;ie cream ^-ill varj'.

Whi'.e it js pos7,ible to adapt the capacity of the machine to t:-e st< ed, it is not desirable to do this, becavae even if fairfy ctEian skinuning is aceoraplialMd at vary-iiig Bpeeds, the oream will not be nm-Jorm :n UlltkhfiSJl.

•'There is only one satisfactory solo-tioh, and thaV'* ^ nmke it practically impossible for the operator £t n u hia maohiue at aay but the proper ageed.


B. V. WHITE. Maoagek-


~ .-. ? - ill'V 'J' •*'" • -'

Ibrble, &amtir ^ y lA ^&ids of t^ioaef;

Lewis p. Qrenfthfw« s$difii&l aJamni-vocpcuirjr ox tsuo u iuT6Pu*y' '-c* v IE* giaia, M t laat Saturday to t*]te up his dutiea aa director of tha Amaricaa University Union and as head of the University of Vvrgiaia Bureau in Paris. Virlrinia. is the only southern institution to be represented directly in £arope or on the boahl of directors (^ tjie Union. __Mr. Stokea, of Yale and chairman of the board of direcunrs, received rahlesefae time ago faotii Mr,

aweiJa, et«!. la this kind uf welfare Ttctory was with the strong right arm. Men of enormons aUL.aAd «<T»''t<'*»

"• sae-tae—^peet 'WernevBi "TeeTave^" doB of gunpowder, however, b u dunged all thia. It &ais enabled mei ^ to kill 9Be another at a eonalderabls ^iatancst and do it wholisalef The war, as we know It now. Is a cmnblna-tloa of chemltikia, machinery, mathe-•atteal calcnlatlMis and hli^ly trained 1MB. Just think of Itl Alrplanea, MhssaiiBaa, anaeeed tdlnkst er^ater--pBIara, poiso*- gaaea, and esrtaina of

- fl>e a > e ^ eaed fer ^ e fcsHtaa»-to-

Every NEW D « Laval i» c<iuipped with • ' bell speed - indicator

-ther when "warning - signal" tha^ rings the separator handle is being turned too slowly, preventing loss of butter^fat

jeaaaed by-too_ slow opeyt ieB aBd in^ miring the delivery o f ^ creim ^ uni-

Tk*'Vsralac^l^MP'that *p«nti«B at the

,tQrsa„|;ysteie?i,. This simple device is patented by the De Laval Company aad

is found only -on De Laval machinea. It is aaif one of the taaMf impertant improvements in the NEW De LavaL If TOO are eon-sidering the purchase of a~aep«rator, eoua in and let na riMv yon a machine that has more good fiataiM than aay aaparatsg yon have ever seen, '

tleton, foreign ehaiimau, sUtUMg tlatt-on October 20 the Rojral PalAe hotel. Paris, had been opened as headqoar-ters with' all the rooms taken by men 'S'''8ervice, representing ^ A u ^ c u ' colleges and universities. Nogotia^i tions are already under way for a 'secjmd hotel. " " •

^^e—llnigerarty of Yirgtiytsr-TSirn-

"nie BMthods foHowed'by the kaK Ser and his allies are stmiriy dertUsh. &« mast answer Ut' hMory to the kill­ing of thonsanda of tnaocent women a'ha dtIiar«rL Be haa b« <n InteniatloBal law and evory rale oi wctti6e; he has bombarded ho^ttala "aad mdefendetf dtle^ simk Bed Ooaa iMpa OB atHBBaa 9t uMK3i be hsn***^


peah Bnrean of which Mr. Orenshaw is the director iidU k e ^ in intimate touch witii aQ Virginia, men is France, and is the bnzeaa frohi l^Uch news i»\ 'a^an; hla wwglssarlea have Mown op -sent io aoldier'a frieSda and rela&yes in America, and to which lettesv of inqgiri. aiy s«it.—_—'-— ^-^


^^sa. s s a

AlWtgi Xi9»,M0 W MM"^ ^ bones and {mdeti of iff deserii^ona-for sale at my Bta&les in York. P«. 14-3S*



WOOD'S Seed Wheat.

The Seed "Wheats wWch we offer are from the. be* and most pro­ductive crops grown in tEis State. In a<kiitiaB to our care in seieoring h i ^ quality Wheat, we carefuUr

all Ihe wlieala whidr -WB-rjcliaui r:ceiver-a»-«« *» riim&iate impun-t:^ . ^ •>•• Mnmn^r rrahia; t tea_ f nr^idiing onr eustnmers with p>^np, wen-^K»t1WJeJ seed. ] g « * « OTiTd Tn«'fg TOwr»\ >%n'»'^^^'^^ i 'an whnatf arOiXt: ''" asr seeding purpeaee. • Write far "W^H-Hl-ii CKrr

gfcWJggt.BOOTHS. I V)Jk»


fMlMlHUia BA1B7

nm-ntn SfPAXagj,

m > piBiriDBP UMiOoa

-PIKSCTOS8- woo,oo> _B.I,;800rH^. >l.]t.RAa£OWr o.H.WAxnxsB, > r ; j i 0 i x , WS^TinKOBSKTB. B.aaBK.TB. -ooooaas avoAar

tnomyi aUttaUvB-etvO-i* all Mi^acm*,ia taidlBHP0H«cth>a«tkrai>efe««V(kr l»hedaia«r aedKwtma. . - _ • • •


our Having determined to devote Whnlo H m a t/> thft Tt^sJ R«tafa»


BtroTeg cathedrals and: pctcaleas treM> •res «r.ait that can never be rapUesi; he has mate dj vca o< hia'pttaenan; ha haa trlea ta get na tatto war with

bonied oor factoclM and flpatf OQt fisresta.' B e knows BO mercy

t*. tift* of thU Moa^4&lrst)r tyrant la that ha la e tay .— - -

•Y>Be thing la etftMh." «<">t>*vad VB-«$• Dan. with great eBnOMwl ^Om HKiirtT, Hie mmltf n f anr

mmtim^^ wnt t demand die i^eeilr i M fiioK Ivfe oye«thicK» cf ,

est JMMe BBA ioMMT (lie

Feopks Prodoce CQ. myK—t r isii Mnritet Prite Paid for

jPiwiltiy^^gs, Butter

Fifty CMita Wotlh of /fcrM huu Miuenlr

Ckeavest ud'Balt.


'Anaemie, ran down, m«i and #omep. tiast

nervous tw«mty;-

riaUon_about_S -4^45?;^

• , ' • :: I I I r ^t I * ' • i

IT.W. V'D 15 O SON-.

and Ihsorance bamnesa, we here­by soUdt all property for Mte and reqoest <£o8e havins Prop­erty to list tibe same wiUi/as promptly.

We ptoadse to^eal fafarlr wttb aB


Any druggist has Acid Iron

ISttie i»f Add Lion 4£a.

^ H y - P w ^ * WaJiTYciF

old price. i t i saUaokU


APMINISTRATOK'8 W m O B aa adiinify* ***a°*'

Shoe-Having (loali^ed

of the estate of tfaa lata B. A. that aU

wiil eoTBB and settle a t once. All etetfiton Wl&t pleaaa psBsent their claims dntT < thsBtieated for payment


22_jt* Administrators

1' vou ant thf N'EWS -,a'. win

^ \ '

oif laxatives j«,mi«iet awl stimu-|[>lrti> tlin tHiwiiTii sii w iiisni yi

araticns do.

tonic and naedlcine for the blood to be just ordhmry meduiinal iron, h i ^ y jeaneentrated. It is not only most economieal but strong^ If half teaspboafiotl^ a fi^aas.of water bem^ the oaoal ^>se- r _ _

go from two t^ ten tiaaea as fsy asjther weiUeer pjeparationifc: , In boying Aciid In»i Mineral

• -eunanitralwi, the uaei ahutild le-tnemberithat it ia-jaat-> hl^My cwicentratad moductLBiid tlwwifara "contains no ctthattica

Xhs7«ava beaa triced liqlB war JtaA aada t» sBfffF 'Qie liMlukea "tt the -tbtrbaTebfea erseBy «nA aSydeeetnO: GMd « t a t ( ^ tka i*Bl tactsmay get to^them. aadtf tba^ Lard hsifeOa krtaarr'

-Qf coarse tteaniea wM wte." i

' aaldJBtle Paa^ "PiU If we are'to wla.-we must gs the BdUt We BBM^edt the awftt daatraettaite t»«rp»tn by the Oeqaaaa snhmaflnii


We alt needTmore or l^iTiron

blood. Ano MT adraatace ci this natural prodndt is that it hdps digestion and appetite and


» rfSn i a ^ ^ y , s a U o w , ^ J « ^ ^

\/^.i.^. . ^ . ^ .^wi^.^ CMH cause so mach pain, rheumatiiin. " ^

85 cents o p

Send for catalofru* and partic aUrs. Meul Carriers will last

4 i o r - yonra—"ft >>f***Kfpr^. N o ] wtsppingorlabe!li«gn«?efsary I \ i n III tf 11 i DTIM Cl\ WUflenAKriH KM' m s F St. and 12l44rG Str.

t WA8HINCTON, D. c . t

paffid, and Uood.is fuU'ef uric acki azid oflier poisons whidi

'et», the reader dioukl nuz a tea-spoMif til d Add troB Ifineral in s glass of water after each nMd for a short wfafls. iiv aad H-le

sauiaui aad

Manassas Transfer Co.,' W S. . \Tl iEY, Proprietor.

iJndertaker And Licensed Embalmer

U CMr te an an theae - S s ^ - I B C saa_Si(is9

aadlet: get heiy wtta

• « 1 a l t M « s r at Bvlag lb a feels'

• torsfstheci that we bare tHIRW d v 7

it BBlmpalred aad

r JewelrVf S p a When you think of purchasing a watch, a ring, a scarf

orbroodi pin, or other jewelry, remember we can . ff^p|^iy_ yfiur wants. M<wt anyttang in the

apCffBpJg gQo< br |P6 ^ ^ be found Irt an attractive pfScC

B ^ A and Buikiiny Material *?;•- ' •

E S T I M A T E S ' Offiee: No. U& N. Union Street. rectory: No. Itt N. Lee Street.

n m H t S H E D .


~GlMt6K B. CABUK' Tlea

DATID v. HDtnSH See^aB


-.-"WHOLESALE HARDWARE airi GaitrWgea.

postarlty. ne ir


Hi lo>v tn ffovl vr" . »n- ir.iWrnl "ill jee-

FurriiLurp an.i n" k.nda STO k. ;,--(•• :-7 -:ri.'r ;• ••r.r.-.odities'

e a s e fneai aU paru at the te aatke this eonstry a boaa

B B 4 eajey fta Ueaslaga and opportB* BRtes: hcBcak <a the crtals bafors aa, tt la A s taty nf FTeryooe to stand gfBereiy beck of oar eooatry end be y i s p a n l ta defMd the Sag. Brery-aoa Is this CTlats Is either pro-Amerl-earn or pr»OenMa. Great U thi e««B-try la there la act room woiifh far two atga." '


If you value accuracy in the-execution of your Job Work you will not be disappointed with The JournaFs service

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FRIDAY, NOYEBIBER 23, 1 9 i r il _ _ _ ! . . J _ , LI, I | i | ^

l-ttrmeri «re bosy getting: cuiM," There Mems to W ' yi«l(i',

mjf. Paul OUrke md* M i n Ocie ^reeiM hAatcned hone Sundajr on

- twirfan of Ml aieeMcnt wliiuli I m ^

i i i ss Myrtle Johnson, <^>>«M*f4(u- i ounty, was the g'dn»l of Miues ArvU f aMKr, wlw h.-'awnifeiKk »<.<iu<7i u » a v , 5 ^ « h anJ ArziSiHila Bunn Sunday.

hold services Sundby at 3

p«n«d to their two brothers, John uid.

G'raenc, whoM c«r had tnnMd over memr DamfHc* Sunday on their way to Minnteyjlle Tha boys eacaped injury, but Mrs. Greene anffered sliflit injuries. Mr. Paul Clarte ma/i Miaa Locile aecompanied them honte. Miaa Ocie Greene remained witli her mother for a few days.

Mr. J. S . Bolton, trarelinc salesman fur King and Son, was in MimieTille

-MMday. . " Mn Thomas J. Davis, salesman for H. I^rk, spent Wednesday nitrht at MwciC. E. T3arTceT ~~:—

Mr. ]. C. Alexander, of Washincton, spent a few days laat week with his

mdini^ttiis week^at her home. Kev. Mr. Beard mi l • ~ ' ^ ' v-iine andTttr. C F . Bailey'at t^orest h i l l chiirch

spent Mdbday in Msnassas. [ o 'c^k. Mr -and Mrs. flriHp Catrert and Mr. Allen Limin«r and Mr. Benja-

Mrs. Mayme Setd were callers at mit^.I-iminy »TI/< H-..^.„yj^^,,,_ Mmeee Wn. h^ ii. ^./hne's on Sunday evening.. Katie and Gertrude Liming and Miss

>. Ernest Reid and W. N. VSOgblBe l l e Sullivan, of Joplin, Mr.

neaday. - ^ j Mr. Richard Anderson was a JopUn Mr. G'. Raymond Ratcliife, of Ma^-, ^is^tor Sunday.

asaaa, was in Domfriea Satarday. Mrs. £ . B. Anderson ami daagiU«r, Mrs. Roth Kincheloe and children Francis, were visitors at the home of

and Mrs. Annie Rainey were c t f ers Mrs. Janie Anderson Mowiay. t Mrs. M. J. Reid's Tofsday. Mias LilUe Abell, of JspUn, viaKed

READ AM& G 9 9 8 S . herniMer, Mrm. James AadarKm, test * • * - SWEETHEART.

- - - . r «-'..•»>



mother. Mrs. E. J. Alexander Mr. E. E. La Hayne and family, of

WaaUhgton, spent Sunday in Minnie-ville.

- M i x a n d M a ; ; ^ : e . g ; « a g t a , M f . m d ^ ^ Carney Mrs. S . Ourtis, James Alexa&der, Dan Alsxander, Arthor Boatwright, Clar­ence BaUer, BiMmie Said and Hisses LneOe riarlfs, glaie Wiadsor aad

An epidemic of grip is yet preva­lent there this sect ion^ -Mr~Brlt ."Cote, flf-WixMagton, re­

turned to his home here Wednesday, on an extended visit. - -

Mr. and MrC Treneli Gallahan and daughter, Miss Dorothy, of Waahing-ton, were guests last week at the home of Mrs. <}allahap's mother, Mrs. E

i«7iiUe p y s t ^ S a t o d a y oiglit.

Mr. Dmn Foaey aad family and Mr. and Mrs.. A s a k MilstMd bf H<Mdl«(y, tame(l«r«r fai a ear going up Oalrert's iUU toaday. No one was hart, bat tlte ear waa aomew&U; duaaged.

Ifr. G M T C * Whit*, of L o r ^ was bare ea baaiaeas last wefK. He por-chaaed soaM"S£ac~E«i«.

Mr, aad Mrs Faal Ctarira sad Mist

Messrs. .Lawrence Mountjoy and Carlton Davis, of Belifair MUIa, wera Kopp visitors Sunday.

Messrs. Karl Woolfenden aad Elmer . , wer« visitors in the aeighboriiood

•nppg^ at ThmifriiKt o< the Hill Sunday

Om fircene tidtai Vn TAfth Hara-

Mr. Thomas Woolfenden and daugh­ter, Miss Bertha^ are oa an extended visit to relatives aad frieiids ia Bal­timore and Washington.

Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Lowe and. sonn, Cniford aad Joseph, accompanied by Mrs. Payne motored to the hoaw «f Mr. Lowe's sisteir. M^t. a H. Ho^nea, Sunday. — — — —

My. Had Un. Frfwh GallahsTi and

HAYMARKET Miss Ethel Moffat, of Waahingtoa,

recent guest of her aunt, Mrs. O. C. Hutchison. i

Mr. Jofin Carter and Mr. Ferguaen,' of the naval training camp at Qnao-tawwere Eajonarket visitsKs Sunday.

Miss Annie MeCormick left Ti»s»-day to spend tbe winter in Greenwich.

)<rs. C. O. S. Claricsea .«nd the Misaes Clarkson will spend next W « M ^ in WMhlmrCog '•

Mr. Harry Lee. of The Haina, a Raynuu'ket visitor MondafL

Miss Courtney Meade, ^ The PlaiBf fa t}>4. g y ^ f ^v^^gj^ D ^


W A S H I N G T O N , D. C.


The Ghristmas Victrola BUY IT AT KANN'S—THE STORE WITH A

daughter- Mi«« TVi»«tliy ^nA M^j, n, ford Saaday. S. Cjuraey, viaitad at the homea aC Mr

Mr.aadMrs, WiH Dana apent Son- i^ X ^ T. W. I raa aad Ifm. J.-M. day at Hoadlsj.' j Cole Thursday eveaing.

Mr. aad Ifira. finest Betd Mra in] Misses Aanah Watrifteden aad Hat' Minaieville San^aic 11>« Cole, and Mr. Walter WooUcndcn

Miss S t ^ Aleaaader hitorstarped "«>*«>»«> to Canora Smtday, and wars — - - Wl»«»« nt Ur »»J1 I f . - P——II

laney. ^ Miaa Sarah l iaehmaa , ot

is visiting Mias Lilliaa BabeUmm. "Unde Neal" Harris is " ^ i n ^ h b

bit" by making the fires ia tjie Sad Cross work room, while "Uaele Daa-iel" Brad a i^a ha is wiUiBc toxiva vp his tea aad aagyr aad Ihre an n o s h lations if i t will help i a « the Gar-maas away. - IB. W, m:7»irdM > ia agHmcTrc, — Mr, Joha


BUY NOW—BECAUSE —At thia season the output of Victrolas does not besrin to supply the demand

af thi> Marww rorp. , gnmrntj^

Jf feMn:Wa»*'*''if*"'C~^ lied Uy < f a Mr. D. Dkyau Nonaan atada a baa-

^M. TsUm haa ineaa trip, t e BrcatavUla Thonday kC fiR 1 ^ roads. We l U w Battia Cole caBed at O a hoiae

hope titey win esatiaae tiie good v ^ L of Mr. .J. & StaHn Moiaday evea^ Mr. Wffl Sauth, «rf €aaeva, « M &i ^•

MmaiefOle t U s «aek. • -^ ^ ^ ^ Vkiak Cole waa a g n ^ <rf Mi4s Baila"|£ai«. oif I ) u £ i M 1 ^ ^

a fev d ig rswi thMlaaSt^f tA kt ia^da^: ) < « • « » . ' • Catoa Nocawn and Attsa last week. j P. Hohneraptt-gataadaar«—»*-i

Mrs. Sarah Peadaltou, wha tM» baen Holaies achod ideaad Taeaday for very sick ia T«nr araeh iaqmvad. {thrta days^ dnriag whieh tbaa tiia

Haymaricct visitors Sunday. U a a Etltel Moffat haa t e t n d e d ta

her home in Waahingtim aftar a viait to her aant, Mra. 0 . C. H a t c ^ o n .

Mrs. OiaiBBaa, direetw o f the W«-noa ' t Work af the Potaaaao fHviaJuM aUim^ ngtaa. gave a halpfal and ..,, „ taft at tiw Pari^ HfcO <m TMMay M laat wecL She emphas^ed Ike tai-PottaapB of haviag tt» wedt raoaw

daajr. aad ef ^«aqr. aaa ia tha tahtec «Bw «art Tiajlta

—^There is very likely to be a scarcity of the picq;mlar num-bers at Chiistmas time.

—You surely do not want to be disiq>pointed, as you may be if you wait untO !at«.

— And if you w4it much kmgw our stock of Victralas at the OM Low Prkcs win be 80Qe> and you will have to boy

.New^Vktroiaa at New Prices (See Notice Betow.)

—Our stocks qf Victrolas from $16 to $100 are saOkienl;^ "T^tgaupriy.your w«ntg, BO"we TirggToirto:


KANira SEALED RECORD SERVICE CMFers you clean, fresji. new, unplayed reeorda. The SEAIy is your guarantee that you set FX7LL VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. —. — — —

earYi JJearlrietralaa at Mew P^ptm Here is a List that WIS laterast Tan WetraJa U * Je_,j_,^. . ^ ^ ^ f 2$M VktoalaVI^ta

Wiaali. T YljMU BliM) WOT RO^ CAM i N » T < ^ yJd^sHt.XYlMi

BETHEL A vary iatereatiag

Ki3r«) by the BeOal High Bi^aai l i t -


YOUR OWN TERMS—IN REA9(»r - - Smtfy. NotUnrCMrid be fUrCr - -

T ^ OB what yoa wosld like to pay; i^nember, we fiive yqo acfaanee to name ypul* oym.termtf—fa

mmrt^Btl^y-^^ur -fhw awl. EnJor Y«tt VkiMh :, 'MiCkriatna


Vietn ia DC*a Is Y k t n ^ X-a i« Vietiate X l - a k VietNiaXrria

.1 i7M



H^ftnfe-XyH ia


&ALB OP WAWJABUt pdjfic aoetion te ttM 1 REAL BSTATB. , t \ ' ' Tit?.

iTate- aad try virtae of a ccrtaia at 12 oldadc Bi.,iD fkeotof tite eonrt-4ead of tmat aseestedon the 15th day hea«e, ih the tova of **niitt tfBs. atea-

T Je tuwry , 1*17^^ «iiH f-g«irrfaMt i» *i^ m.iA r«m»*y^ all tfaoaa t w o e e t t a j a - « r jMwmrw ran «Tin Twwwmn m mm M M I ~ ' " « i r , t i l »BOea tWO Certaja daric'a cffioe «r Princa inUiam Cooa- tracts dr Mieds of land. IzitlcnuS

• ty in deed baak ».-par»« »rTKW t^ang aitniSwaf WriltN^^

TUe oyster sapper gfarea by the la diwisr«e^^—^^-^ "" " <&y «dght mn TW' Mr. aad Mrs. Wat Gamtt aad

f-mfh*~^Sb. ia.. MitoMid *m HWipfa. n. i . j . . i . jr > beaatiAd u d w o e gaestiraf Mr. Gartatfa pa-^' dottya above , _

sofa piDow m a wen V a aalficr hey ' n n t a ftr ^ wadc^evl front Quaatkn. aad^praaotod^to M m Miaaes Maiy Lattiae Beeter aad El-

Mrs. Bettie J M M , -rtip is viaitmg. n»!Pat*BrVwfaidi waa h d d k her daughter, M n . R a ^ Xiadidoa, in )4ashingtoB. is eipected hoaM aooa and. win bee aeeampaaied by her daaghtar, PaiuUij , a l ia haa bmu lu WajtingtMi tiae for twatwent.

this w ^ Misslfaggie C eel. dans^ter at Mr.

Chariea Creei; of "


M n . J. C McDonaU waa tbe gaest -flf-har aoM, Mr. Joha MeDeaald. af

^ n» ueeu uaua wj, pages aj-a-o, uy ugaig .H F. and Irene Miebola, to. aaeore ti>e assiis ^.^ aayaiaut of. two eectaiB aotes thoa in state, and

. iflasertbed, ia tite payateat of which otbua, and

lot SSS& aad aad aaitaj of daaAlba^dS


afwaaaid eoonty aad «<i«4. , i i a i a » Bladcw«Sl aad ' ^ ^

, . . , b^ag part of tbe late has basa made, the under- Jgmes B l a e k w ^ estate, eoataiaing

f m I. tmataa fterda named, having hiore or less baea requested so to do by the holders 22JC acres aad 10.75 acres, "" •"• ^ rTSiB effier fmr sale at the fonaar b«Bg known aa the home

The Journal—one year—and worth it.

dollar ar

garililiuu-Vssal DiMt <ny»ir l»au aad WaK

tM-Bcdgas. ' Bw^Uag — .•tSattoc

aart," Ifir. Da Bedtatioa—Bandog Sbepf&td. Qnartatts -Ctery Me Bae^ta CMd

Yirgthia," Lacy Davis, Lsb I ^ i ^ George Taeej

itoeitation—Steih ISsaar.

Mr. aad Mw. Bayaaud"eBrti^rMS»r"'"T^^~"t5^ Leagae.~ef i*-11i~fllrTih[kT Ml *i(to.I>ual anhnnl. a ill hiilil In uixi

wiiljht. Miss Elsie Wlmhar. MaM'*>»*t^tuil»ulMlHg,T»wtd^^N«

Mr Kddif. pendant, spent week with Mr. aad Mia. Kictqr Raiaey. chiidrea aad^Mft. W e ^ WUta

Mr. Daanie Aleaander, e< Tnaiii tared i r m J E Tille, oOKt an U i i i d h ^ l i n k J L ^ W ^ i p i e a t s e f Mr*. J. a McDcaakL Reid, Monday evcaiag. TIM. w ^ f , , - ^ Mttsira^-rr Wwlatf <il

Mrs. Wnson T i n t ^ l i i spent Msn- Aatiedi Chareli wfll held a day with her sister, Mrs. Aaaia CHae.!hasaar a t the aehool bni^tiag en the

Mas Vhda XM/M^ visithig £ r i e n ^ aad ington. raEamai ia^ week.

Mrs. a a da.


»»«»tl»«".' Miss A. C. Duna, «< Waahiagton. D

Mr- and Mrs. € . M Bltrlit^* i s i» nr. — j ^ fllnUiii JUUI nbimmi

EddM Besd, eC Haadfcy, ipea* a Csw; of Oak BiO. days of this week w i t t U s KmtK^ I Ernest Reid. t .

^ f r : t e o n W a i m , <rtBT« goiag" t o ' ^ , i K Js^bffl'ftir^ higll school • •" " " . the wmik with his pareata. Mr. aaaj Mr. aad fcfcT^Syacax Jtij^-R.^ Ar Watssa*- "•' _ • " "

MtM Bala Keys spent fkant Satar^ •".ny Lintil Monday wit t M a s

UttJe E.ina Calvert, who k '"' ^hf h<i«pital at rrederidcAarg for

"u- ' ~f haa rptnrned te her heoic P-. Kdna's ir-.frtdi were all ^ a d to •• -. : • i.ur:- .mproved. .V.r ar •. Mr? Kr^est Reid aad three

r'fiu'irp''. F-nrnf-'. Murian i»r^it Sjn.:^'' '.' .''•a...ev.


•****"-^^wr WIII uO^Q "ABO' cilfi-' dren. Mr. and Mrs. Fanat Beaa. of Washington, D. C , have mowed ia the Antidoa house on the fJeaiHitu and pnmfriea road. Mr. Bean • eagaged ia the nercantile "

Mr. and Mrs. Blozton. Mr. R. W Aheil aad Miaa A M. Dunn, aratorad to Dumfries Friday rrening.

Miss Peart V. Baber, of Stafford

The BetUaham Cicb will be entertained by Mrm.1 Westwood Hutddsoo oa the aftaraoon of Satarday the 24th at 2 o'clock. The monbMB arc urged to be proecat a a d ' be ready with aa impropriate quo*- ' tioa at the refl call.

C E. LAY HOr>t,E. S*cre;.arv
