a marketers crash course to reddit

a crash course to the front page of the internet

Upload: felix-morgan

Post on 22-Jan-2018




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a crash course to the front page of the internet

reddit is a content aggregator - real people post links, everyone up and down votes them, and the best stuff rises to the top

542m monthly visitors, 8.2bn monthly page views, 26th on Alexa

every interest area you can think of has a ‘subreddit’

/r/screenwriting - 50k readers/r/knitting - 45k readers/r/lego - 130k readers

/r/skateboarding - 78k readers/r/graffiti - 69k readers

and every subreddit is full of influencers, thought leaders,

content creators, early adopters and subject experts




reddit is a microcosm of life - all the good, all the bad, and everything in between

world’s largest secret santa200,000 participants188 countries

In early October 2010, a story was posted on Reddit about a seven-year-old

girl, Kathleen Edward, who was in the advanced stages of Huntington's

disease. The girl's neighbors were taunting her and her family. Redditors

banded together and gave the girl a shopping spree at Tree Town Toys, a toy

store local to the story owned by a Reddit user.

Three-year-old Lucas González suffered from a rare blood disease. His family was ready to sacrifice everything they

had to pay for his treatment. But Lucas’ uncle had an idea: Why not ask for a

little hope from Reddit’s r/assistance? Reddit didn’t disappoint. The community

raised $50,000 in less than 24 hours.

Reddit users donated over $70,000 to the Faraja Orphanage in the first 24 hours to help secure the orphanage

after intruders robbed and attacked one of the volunteers, who survived a strike

to the head from a machete


reddit is not inherently good or bad, but it’s undeniably important right now

so how can we get involved?

1. keeping up with the kids

reddit is always leading on internet culture and humour

everything starts on reddit and amplifies out

the lad bible, unilad, buzzfeed, fuckjerry, etc are all just highlights from

what was on reddit two days ago

2. strategic insight

2. creative stim


3. hosting AMAs

4. building a community

5. recruiting

what to do when you leave this presentation:

1. register for an account (takes < 1 min)2. unsubscribe from all the subreddits you don’t want3. subscribe to the ones you do4. use it
